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Historic State Prison home
  to Law Dnforeement Museum
By Mike R. Bondarenko                       cational and historical incorporation,        city of Deer Lodge and the Powell
                                            opened in the historic old prison, which      County Museum and Arts Foundation,
                                            is located near I-90. about 55 miles          who lease the prison from the state.
   Montana is best known as Big Sky         southwest    of   Helena   in the Rocky         It opens to the public every May 15
Country. But tbr most of this century, at   Mountains.                                    with ceremonies recognizing Montana
least tbr hundreds of convicted crimi-        The museum, located inside the              Peace Officers' Memorial Day. Tours
nals, its skies were limited to what        wal ls of the old Montana State Prison, is    are given from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every
could be seen through the black iron        open   to the public and features      law    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
bars that crisscrossed the windtlws of      enforcement artifacts, memorabilia and        and Saturday until late fall.      It
the old Montana State Prison in Deer        historical displays about the prison. It      open by appointment during other
Lodge.                                      houses the only memorial dedicated to         times of the year, Tyler said.
  The historic old prison, which was        the memory of state law enforcement              Police insignia collectors are partic-
closed when the state opened a modern       officers slain in the line o[ duty. It also   ularly welcome. Donations of Montana
new correctional facility a t'ew years      serves as a public education center.          law enforcement memorabilia and old
ago, housed the most famous criminals          Tyler said the museum was organized        police equipment are actively solicited
in the state's history, a collection of     in 1987 as a nonprofit corporation, gov-      and gratefully appreciated.
miscreants that included murderers,         erned and operated by Montana's law              Montana law enforcement has been
rapists, kidnappers, burglars, drug         enforcement professional associations'        traced to April l 863, when outlaw gang
dealers and, yes, even a f'ew cops g()ne    'fhe lacility is actively supported by the    leader Henry Plummer became the
bad.                                        state attorney general, law enforcement       state's first elected sheriff. He presided
  The old prison, which was depicted        services division, law enforcement            over all the gold camps southeast of the
on the colorful Montana Department of       academy, sheriffs' and peace otficers'        Bitterroot Mountains, where gold had
Corrections shoulder patch, resembles a     association, chiefs of police associa-        been discovered tive years earlier.
medieval stone castle with guard tttwers    tion, the Association of Montana High-           Only two months later, on June 29,
overlooking each corner and an impos-       way Patrolmen, fish and game warden           1863, D.H. Dillingham became the
ing iron gate that served as the main       association. the Police Protective Asso-      first Montana lawman killed in the line
entrance.                                   ciation, corrections association and          of duty, when he was assassinated bY
   After the state closed the prison,       c()unty attorneys' association.               Plummer's gang.
Terry Tyler, a former law enforcement          "The museum is supported through               (Incidentally, Plummer was among
officer, thought the structure should be    donations and yearly memberships of           2l outlaws   hanged that December when
preserved as a historical site.              law enforcement personnel, criminal          a   vigilante committee was formed in the
   He also thought it would be an appro-    justice associates and private citizens,"     territory after outlaws killed   102 people
priate location for a memorial to Mon-      Tyler said. Sponsorship is welcomed           and stole more than $250,000 in gold in
tana law enforcenrent of'ficers who gave    ftorn any law enforcement officer or          raids on the mining camps during his
their lives in the line ol duty.            civilian friend of law enforcement.           first year as "sheriff." Outraged citi-
   His dreanr came true recentlY when          He explained that the facility, which      zens had had enough violence and law-
the newly refurbished Montana Law           was extensively remodeled before it was       lessness and, like in many other
Enforcernent Museum, a nonprofit edu-       reopcned as a museum, is hosted by the        territories, took matters into their own
Law Enforcement
hands and meted out swift, decisive
                                                  Museum oflicefs named
   The first U.S. Marshal's office in
Montana opened in Helena in 1865,            Dan L. Hollis has been elected the new chairman of the Montana Law
only a year after President Abraham        Enforcement Museum Boardof Directors. Hollis, a l9-yearveteran lawman,
 Lincoln created the Montana Territory.    is a sergeant of the Patrol Division of Butte-Silver Bow County Law
   The U.S. Territorial Prison for Mon-    Enforcement Agency.
tana Territory opened in l87l in Deer         Elected to the post of vice-chairman is Gail E. Keith, a Z2-year veteran
l,odge under the marshal's direction. It   patrolman of the Montana Highway Patrol stationed at Deer Lodge.
was the predecessor of the same state         Hollis and Keith were elected by the rnuseum's board during their annual
prison that is now the museuml             meeting and will serve in their executive positions for two years. The
   The museum has come a long way          museum's Board of Directors consists of appointed representatives from
since it was totally reorganized three     each of Montana state criminal justice professional associations. The state
years ago. At first, there was only a
                                           associations equally own and operate the museum and the state's officially
small museum and memorial. The             recognized Montana Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial. Both are located
memorial had been Tyler's dream since      within leased space in the historic Old Montana State Prison.
 1980, when the former deputy sheriff         The Montana Law Enforcement Museum is gearing up for its third season,
began researching line-of-duty deaths      which will last through October. May l5 marked the third annual Montana
that had occurred in the state.            Peace Officers' Memorial Day cerenrony conducted at the museunVrnemo-
   Two years later, Tyler moved to Deer    rial site. State and local officials, Iaw enforcement personnel, slain officers'
Lodge and met James Blodgett, the          families and citizens from across Montana were in attendance.
former deputy warden at the Montana           New museum exhibits for 199 I will include the opening of a new wing that
State Prison, whose dream it was to        features displays of agency uniforrns and weapons once used in crime. Als<;
Troopers attended the Police Me-           scheduled are exhibits on Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), K-9,
morial Day ceremony at the                 Crime Stoppers, a research station on officers slain in the line of duty, along
museum.                                    with new and expanded agency history exhibits.
                                              Major contributors making the l99l season possible include the Ana-
                                           conda Federal Job Corps, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, Burlington North-
                                           ern Foundation, Verne E. Stull Memorial, Montana Sheriffs and Peace
                                           Officers' Association, J.C. Penney Conrpany, Montana Police Protective
                                           Association, Missoula County Deputy Sheriffs' Association and Association
                                           of Montana Highway Patrolmen.

                                                                                                        SUMMER 199'I /2.I

create a law enforcement museum on             enforcement agencies and private indi-         and thankS to law officers still living.
the site.                                      viduals around the state donated arti-        The museum opens during this week.
  Their ideas were combined and, with          fac(s, memorabilia and historical                 Governor Stephens, upon presenting
help from a group of local law enforce-        material.                                      the document, expressed his honor at
ment officers, corrections personnel               The Job Corps in Anaconda was en-          being the first Montana governor to
and private citizens, a small museum           listed to construct the new facilities and     proclaim and recognize Peace Officer
with a few artifacts was opened in a           exhibits. Impressive displays were de-         Memorial Day, which was declared na-
cramped room at the prison         in   July   signed and brought to the new facility         tionally by President John E Kennedy
1985. There as also a small memorial to        by their respective associations and de-      just months before he was assassinated.
slain law enforcement officers.                partments. All law enforcement and                Finally, Montana peace officers who
   Blodgett left the state to take a job in    corrections officers volunteered their        died serving the slate received the
the Washington State Corrections sys-          time and talents.                             honor and recognition they deserve.
tem. Without his leadership and exper-             Funding came from many individ-           The names of 78 slain officers since
tise, the museum and the organization          uals, organizations and corporate spon-       I   863 were echoed across the old prison
he bqilt it around slowly began to decay.      sors. Among them were the Burlington          yard as the museunr and memorial
By 1987, it was totally disbanded.             Northern Foundation, Louisiana Pa-            opened on May 15 as the U.S. flag
   However, in the spring of that year,        cific Corporation, Second Chance Body         waved at half-mast after being pre-
Montana's law enforcenrent professio-          Armor, Calibre Press, Dennis R. Wash-         sented by the Montana Army National
nal associations joined forces and cre-        ington Foundation, Bank of Montana            Cuard. They were rernernbered by 200
ated what is now the law enforcement           System, Yellowstone County Sherifl"s          people at the official dedication cere-
museum. Bylaws and organizational              Deputies Association, Montana Sher-           mony for the new museurn and the first
structure were established, and the nru-       ifts and Peace Ofiicers Association,          annual Montana Peace Officers' Menro-
seunl was incornorated in 1988.                Association of Montana Highway Pa-            rial   Day.
  Under the leadership of Powell               trolmen, Missoula County Deputy                  Fellow officers and civilians stood at
County Dcputy Shcritt' Bernard Bar-            Shcril'fs Association and thc Motttana        altention in a light ruin. Sonrc waitcd to
ton, a retired Montana Highway patrol-         Policc Protective Association.                hear the nanrc ol'a tiiend or loved one.
nran, the museurn got permission fiom            "Support extends around the state           Law ofTicers fiom more than 20 agen-
the Powcll County Museum and Arts              said Tyler.                                   cies, from as f-ar north as Havre and east
Foundation to use part of the north end          On May 5, 1989, another milestone           to Billings, saluted their conrrades as
of the old prison adnrinistration build-       in Montana law enforcement history            the last roll call of Montana's finest was
ing for expansion. Last year, the mu-          occurred when, at the request ofthe law       read. Also in attendance were the fanri-
scurn boartl hegan cxtensivc                   enfrlrcement museum, Governor Stan            lies of 29 slain o['l'icers.
renrodeling of the old library and class-      Stephens signed an official pnrclama-            Unfortunately, Governor Stephens
rooms. They expanded the display area          tion calling on citizens to recognize         and Attorney General Marc Racicot
fronr 700 square feet to nearly 3,000          May 15 as Montana Peace Officers'             were on the way to the ceremony as
square feet. New carpeting, ceiling            Memorial Day "to especially honor and         keynote speakers, but were turned back
tiles, lighting fixtures and a central         remember all of the Montana officers          by adverse weatherover the mountains.
heating system were installed.                 who have lost their lives to serve, pro-         Afterward, many members of the
   M()ntana Highway Patrolman Cail             tect and assist this state and its people."   fallen officers' families left the mu-
Keith became chairman and launched a             The proclamation also asks Mon-             seum's menroria[ room with tears in
vigorous program to upgrade the arti-          tanans to observe the week in which           their eyes. Yet, as they departed, most
facts and exhibits progranr. Many law          May l5 falls by expressing appreciation       expressed satisfaction that their loved

                    * ;i
                    a  f:"

      At left, the museum's main exhibit area, and at right, a memorial dedicated to the memory of slain
       Montana law enforcement officers. One of only 14 such memorials in the United States, it shows
                                    a oolice officer holdino a small child.
                                                                                                                    SUMMER 1991t23

ones; sacrifice will not be forgotten        straints, radios, photos, missing chil-      lessness created by the infamous
again and that their rightful place in the   dren photos fiom across the nation,          "Whoop-Up Trail," upon which illegal
history of Montana is tinally secure.        drug abuse myths and facts, the actual       whiskey was run in Montana between
  Collectors   will enjoy the museum.        handcuffs and leg irons used on Lee          Fort Benton and the Northwest Terri-
There are displays by Butte-Silver Bow       Harvey Oswald, and a display about           tory in the late 1860s and early 1870s.
County law enforcement, Creat Falls          Montana's first female sheriff, Ruth           Tyler said many projects have been
Police Department, Montana Highway           Garfield, who took over in Golden Val-       undertaken since the museum opened.
Patrol, Montana Sheriffs and Peace Of-       ley County afier her husband, Jesse,         Last summer, volunteers worked on ex-
ficers Association, Montana Depart-          was shot to death while on duty in 192 I .   panding the uniforms exhibit, creating
nrent of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the      There's even an exhibit about the          an old sheriff's office exhibit conrplcte
Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Police.           Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The           with a cell from the old Butte City Jail,
   Other displays contain unifbrrns, re-     RCMP was verv active in curbine law-         and establishing a collection of weapons



                                                                   The Montana Peace Officers Memorial Day ceremony
                                                                            at the Law Enforcement Museum

   Photographs or drawings of all 94 Montana law
enforcement officers who have given their lives in the
                     line of dutv
                                                                                                                 SUMMER 1991/25

used   in the commission of     crimes.      state!                                         more who were touched and influenced
There are also plans to obtain a 1930s          Also, Tller said any collector inter-       by Montana's finest. In remembering
Montana Highway Patrol motorcycle.           ested in contributing items about Mon-         these individuals, we are paying respect
  An audio-video theater is planned for      tana law enforcement or funds for the          to the thousands of peace officers now
the future. It will feature law enforce-     operation of the museum is encouraged          serving Montana. The highway patrol-
ment and public safety toPics.               to write to him at the Montana Law             men and women, the sheriff's deputy or
   "Most people have long held a fas-        Enforcement Museum, PO. Box 107,               city officer, the game warden and live-
cination with   law enforcement," said       Deer Lodge, MT 59122.                          stock inspectoq the correctional offi-
Tyler. "ln fact, if we were to judge                                                        cers and the state and local
simply by the popularity of movies'            Comments bY Governor Stan Ste-               investigators, these and others involved
television and books with this theme, it     phens at the Montana Peace Officers            in maintaining peace in Montana         are
can easily be concluded that the general     Memorial DaY ceremonY:                         remembered and given a public salute
public holds the subject in high esteem         This is the third annual Montana            by those of us here today.
and attractiveness. However, the unfor-      Peace Officers Memorial DaY Cere-                There are many responsible for to-
tunate problem with most depictions of       mony, but it is the first ceremony to be       day's ceremony. As in every human en-
law enfbrcement is they are too often        held at what is now Montana's official         deavor, there is always an initiatot a
fictitious and misleading.                   law enforcement memorial-the Mon-              catalyst, a reason why things turn out
   "The Montana Law Enforcement              tana Law Enforcement Museum here in            the way they do. As I close my remarks
Museum not only provides this popular        Deer Lodge at the Old State Prison.            today, I want to recognize the efforts of
subject, but presents      it from    its       We worked with legislators to create        a Montanan who has played a large part
s6u1ss-ls'w enforcement professionals        the memorial this year. I was honored to       in making this memorial and this mu-
themselves attempting to dispel the          sign the legislation, just as I am hon-        seum such a fitting tribute to those we
myths and assumptions, and therebY           ored to be here todaY'                         call Montana's finest.
bringing law enforcement and the pub-           We call them Montana's finest-the              Terry Tller has been the initiator and
lic closer in understanding."                men and women who enforce our laws,            catalyst for the Montana Law Enforce-
   The coordinator believes that while       protect our lives and property and who         ment Museum. Since this project's be-
Montana is among 14 states that have          are always there when we need them'           ginning back in 1983, Terry has been a
created law enforcement memorials, his       These are men and women who Put                tireless volunteer dedicated to making
is the only one that shows photographs        their lives on the line every day. They       what you see before you happen. He's
of each of the slain officers. 'Across the    are a dedicated group of public servants      helped bring the various Montana law
nation. states have established memo-         and an important Part of what makes           enforcement agencies together in sup-
rials that range from a stone, statue or      Montana communities such good                 port of this facility and its historical and
plaque listing no names. Ours features        places for our children to grow up and        memorial services. For his efforts, I
ihe photographic or sketched likeness of      all of us to live, work and PlaY.             want to present Terry TVler, the volun-
each officer, allowing him to be remem-          We lost two officers last Year. In         teer coordinator/executive director of
bered not only for his act of a sacrifice     March 1990, the resPected and well-            operations for the Montana Law En-
but also allowing visitors to see and         liked Fairview Police Chief Orville            forcement Museum, with this gover-
 remember them personally by looking          Sharbono was shot and killed while             nor's citation recognizing his past and
 into their faces."                           serving court papers in his community.         continuing services to the Montana Law
   Tyler said Montana's accomPlish-           Later in June, Big Horn County Deputy          Enforcement CommunitY and all the
 ment has not gone unrecognized. "In its      Sheriff Janet Rogers was shot and killed       people of our great state of Montana.
 brief history, the Montana Law En-           in an exchange ofgunfire with an armed
 forcement Museum has inspired other          robbery suspect. Both tragedies and           The State of Montana Governor's
 organizations wishing to do the same.        both officers are remembered here to-         Citation
 Among these have been agencies from          day. They join 9l other Montana Peace
 New Mexico, New York and North Da-           Oificers whs we are honoring in our
                                              hearts and in our minds.                      WHEREAS, the State of Montana has
 kota," he explained.
                                                 Establishing this memorial is our          been blessed with a select grouP of
   Tyler cordially invites anyone inter-
                                               way of remembering; remembering              caring and professional people who put
 ested in law enforcement history to stop
                                               thole who are dear to us, those who          the service and needs of others above
 by the museum during its summer and
                                               served us well and those who should not      any beyond themselves,
 fall season. Special appointments for
 tours at other times may be arranged by       be forgotten because what they worked
                                               for and what they believed in is essential   WHEREAS, such peoPle deserve rec-
                                               for the success of our society today and     ognition for the service they provide to
    The museum maintains a bulletin
                                                                                             assist others and make Montana a better
 board where collectors can leave their        in the future.
                                                  There are 93 individuals remem-            place in which to live; and
 business cards or information about
  their collections. This is an excellent      bered here, 93 stories of Montanans
                                               who worked to make a difference for           WHEREAS, Terry L. TYler of Ana-
  way lbr Montana collectors to reach
                                               this state, 93 families and hundreds          conda. Montana, has worked as a dedi-
  potential contacts from throughout the
                                                                                                                     SUMMER 1991127

cated, selfless and tireless volunteer to   enforcement history of Montana; gives
bring about the establishment (in 1983)     public recognition to those who are a           TRENDSETTER
of the Montana Law Enforcement Mu-          part of law enforcement and criminal            BEAUTY SALON
seum in the historic old Montana State      justice professions; brings law officers
Prison at Deer Lodge, Montana; and          and civilians closer; informs about
                                            crime and public safety through educa-
WHEREAS, through Terry L. Tyler's           tional displays; and maintains Mon-                      328-4726
outstanding leadership as the Museum's      tana's official nremorial dedicated to its
                                                                                                Montana Avenue
volunteer coordinator/executive direc-      local, county, state and federal officers
tor of operations, the Museum has con-      who have been killed or died in the line
tinued to grow and develop into today's     of duty.
magnificent nonprofit educational and
historical facility formed and operated       NOW THEREFORE,               I,   STAN
by members of Montana's law enforce-        STEPHENS, Governor of the State of
ment community and supporters of            Montana, do hereby issue this Gover-
criminal justice; and                       nor's Citation in recognition of Terry L.
                                            Tyler's past and continuing dedicated               HINNALAND
WHEREAS, through Terry L. Tyler's           services to the Montana law enforce-
untiring efforts, the Montana Law En-       ment community and to all the people              TRUCKING INC.
forcement Museum preserves and pre-         of this great state.
sents artifacts, memorabilia and              Dated this I 5rh day of May 199 I .
historical accounts depicting the law       Governor Stan Stephens
                                                                                                    Hishway   g@

     ELDON D. COOK                                  ASSOCIATED
     CONSTRUCTION                                  FOOD STORES
                                                                                              SCHOOL BUS
            466-2454                                       442-3140                           SERVICE INC.
      312 Fifth Avenue N.E.                              Airport Road
           CHOTEAU                                         HELENA                             Ward SchoolBuses

                                                                                         Congratulations to lhe Association of
                                                                                          Montana Highway Patrolmen fof its
                                                                                         outstanding eftorls on highway satety.

                                                                                           246-s7oo W)-.
    SIX ROBBLEES'                                   NEW WEST
               lNc.                                OUTFITTERS                            HARRIT AUTO
                                                                                            Buyo$gll 11.3.

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                                                       5680 Spokan Road
            BILLINGS                                     EAST HELENA                                  '255-97n
                                                                                                 2491 Fkst Avenue N

                                                                                                              SUMMER 1991 /2S
limited schedule. In any case, the        plays, drug abuse education and
                                        serious situation facing them wiil        historical exhi-bits, and features
                                        not detour conducting their annual        the State of Montana Law En-
                                        Montana Peace Officers' Memo-             forcement Officers' Memorial.
                                        rial Day celebration on May 15th.         Prior to its creation, law enforce-
{ IVIontana Lnw Enforcement
fu{us e umlMemorial C losing
                                                                                  ment's vast and vital part in lvion-
                               -        According to its Board of Direc-          taRa's rich history was negieeted
After I6 years in Deer Lodge. the       tors, the Montana Law Enforce-            and iost. The ultimate saerifices
lvlontana Law Enforcement Mu-           ment Museum and State ]vlemoriai          and memories of Montana's 114
seum and State Memorial has de-         has long needed faciiities of its         law enforcernent pro fessi onais
cideci to relocate eisewhere in the     own with more viable accessibil-          who have died in the Line of Duty
state if possibie"                      ity and pubiic exposue. Although          were iong before forgotten.
                                        visitation in its current location
Museum officials recently an-           inside Old Montana State Prison           Future plans, in addition to ex-
nounced their decision was made         continues to drop annualiy, ex-           panding its current 4,000 square
due to continuing decrease in local     pressed interest both nationally          feet ofjam-packed displays and
income, tourism, and the long-          and intemationaily has steadiiy           exhibits, include proper storage
standing need of the museum to          increased. Montana's law en-              and research space for increasing
expand and grow.                        forcement museum-memorial has             historical archives, a police vetri-
                                        serveci as a springboard and con-         cle collection, interactive exhibits,
At a recent meeting of the Mu-          sultant inspiring at least eight          interpretive theater, regional train-
seum-memorial's board of direc-         other iike projects in the United         ing auditorium, a chapel for the
tors, a vote was taken to ciose the
                                        States. Most recently an off,rcial        State iaw officers' memorial, and
2001 public season early, and be-
                                        request was received from the St.         project work rooms.
gin looking for a better and more
                                        Petersburg Russia Police Museum
suitable location. Tire vote was        for consultative partnership. The         To accomplish all this, the Mon-
unanimous for the early season
                                        museum wiil aiso be participating         tana criminal justice cornmunit,v
closure and relocation. Represen-
                                        in a major law enforcement his-           needs the partnership of a more
tatives of only rwo active board        tory college text book project with       viable and resourceful commu-
positions were absenr from the
                                        Prentice-Hall Publishins.                 nity, inchiding private and corpo-
                                                                                  rate donors, sponsors, benefactors
                                        Montana's law enforcement mu-             and a wide voiunteer base. Seri-
The last day of the museum's sea-
                                        seum is one ofabout 20 across the         ous proposals and offers for relo-
son was Septernber 3Oth rather
                                        nation. and one of only a handful         cation are being sought. Contact:
tlian the museum's regular date of
                                        that are'open to the general public.      Coordinator. Montana Law En-
October 3Otir of each year. In ad-      It is or,r,ned and operated jointly       forcement Museum, P.O. Box
dition to closing down the public
                                        by the professional criminal jr-rs-       107, Deer Lodge, MT 59722-
season early this year, the Mu-
                                         tice associations of Montana. and        0107; or call: (406) 454-6827.
seum has also been forced to re-
                                         is not supportecl by state or t'ederal
duce its lr.ours from five days a
                                         ta.r dollars" It exists solely on pri-
n'eek to Friday-Sundays, i0 a.m.         r,.'ate and corporate donations as a
to 5 p.rn. Although now in the           federai tax exempt 50i c 3 non-
process of seekin_q reiocation and
                                         profit incorporation. The firuseltm
the funding sr-rpport to do it, the
                                         features a growing and vast array
mllseum-memorial hopes to re-            of lar.v enforcement memorabiiia,
open fbr next year's season, if still   'artifac ts. uniforms, weapons.
in Deer Lodge" even if only on a         eqriipment, crime prevention dis-
                                                                                    Autumn 2001, Volume 32, No. 3
Cash-strappe tributdofi
                      law Enforceme
                                                   ;its iblocaticin.   .
                                                                                                         ffi move
                                                                                                    ratebenefaetors: ,,       :.

                                                         "We've basically run out of locai             In a July t3 letter from the
                                              ' ..'funds;": Tller said during an inter-             Powell County Museum and Aits .
       uisitri                                  ,,rr:vigw this week,                                Foundation; director,Andv Towe
                                                i, :1.;i'. i-,
                                                       ,'1hs'.ttraction is:owned bv vari- .         blamed a aismU 2001 touiist season
                                                i::rdii3'l ciiininal justice usso"iuliong .;r,':.   at the old prison'slmuseum complex
                                                ' abioss thd stete, aiid relies.ori,,dona:,         for.the funding cutback. The foun-
                                                                                          '-        dation leases the bld prison and
           DEER LODGE       -   A,Tnuseum andi tions to raiSe the $10,000 a'year. ' : ' ''
        a memorial dedicated to Montana's              needed to operate.                           operates oi.her attractions including
        police officers are out of.icalh, out:            Tlrler, who serves as the Cascade         a frontier museum, toy'museum
        of room and on the movel acbording             County sheriff's chaplain, said              and antique car display.
       members of its board of.diidctbrsr              trustees voted to close the doors of          , Towe said the foundation's
          TerrY Trler,.coordinator for the            the museum and memoiiill'cirr                monthiy commitment to the law
       Montana Law Enfoccement                         Sept, 30, a month ahead of schedule.         bnforcement museum of $880 dur-
       Museum; Incj, said that nonprofit               That's because bf a decline in               ing the tourist season would proba-
       organization, housed in the oldj '              tourist traffic.and a need to expand,        bly halt after the Juiy payment.
                                                                                                       '"We will not be'able to contribute
       Montana State Prison in Deer            ,
                                                       coupled with a loss of financial, is accepting proposals for              backing from private and corpo;                            See TRIBUTE, Back Page

                                    renting the obscure, seeond- Deer Lodge, said the loss of                     memoriai irave been opera-
Tribute ...                         floor location proved to be,a the museum and memorial
                                    handicap, Tller said.
                                                                                                                  tional for 16 years, Tller said.
 Cqntiruedfi"om Page AJ                                                        wiil affect tourist trade. but         Expansion plans for the
                                       "We thought it was a nice '             added that the out-of-the-wav      museurn and memorial's his-
 any further funds to r,^r,*        idea, because prison is basi- attraction was often over-                      torieal archives include
 operation this year, uili?uv       ::1Y:1:*d road of law
                                    enforcement," he said.
                                                                               looked.                            development of a poliee vehi
not be abie to cont"iU,,i". rrl'*t                                                "The first,time I went to       cle collection, interactive   ,

                                                   cramped quarters the old prison,I missed it,"                  exhibits, an interpretive the-
 ' Towe exptained tirui
       "iiir-",;;C;;;;;"d^'         .*J:Y,,ln. of potentiSl                    Cowan said. "The exposure           ater, a regional training audi-
                          "it""- .- invenrory as Alrler refuses . rhere is really bad, Those that
 dance ar ffi ;;is;, ;;se;                                                                                        tolium, project workrooms ...-
              -p"r?e";.#fi.*J"rn '1:1llt-t-tlgnt",from"sheriff:s:'.{;ii..',,',can find.r':g.s.fhr,ougtr,i' but
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visitors per year rro-'ti!'""" we could 991u1" our. size - Enforcement officers'                                  modate growth, public acees-
mid_19g0s to the                    tomorl'ow," Trler said. "We've Memorial and sponsors an                      sibiiity and community sup-
Towe said.          "rid:ifi;r. had to turn down a lot of                      annual event in memory of           Dort.
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ideal at firit, but
                         til;,      -, chamber of commerce in slain in the line of duty since
                                    the                                        1863. The museum and

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Historic State Prison Home to Law Enforcement Museum

  • 1. Historic State Prison home to Law Dnforeement Museum By Mike R. Bondarenko cational and historical incorporation, city of Deer Lodge and the Powell opened in the historic old prison, which County Museum and Arts Foundation, is located near I-90. about 55 miles who lease the prison from the state. Montana is best known as Big Sky southwest of Helena in the Rocky It opens to the public every May 15 Country. But tbr most of this century, at Mountains. with ceremonies recognizing Montana least tbr hundreds of convicted crimi- The museum, located inside the Peace Officers' Memorial Day. Tours nals, its skies were limited to what wal ls of the old Montana State Prison, is are given from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every could be seen through the black iron open to the public and features law Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday bars that crisscrossed the windtlws of enforcement artifacts, memorabilia and and Saturday until late fall. It also the old Montana State Prison in Deer historical displays about the prison. It open by appointment during other Lodge. houses the only memorial dedicated to times of the year, Tyler said. The historic old prison, which was the memory of state law enforcement Police insignia collectors are partic- closed when the state opened a modern officers slain in the line o[ duty. It also ularly welcome. Donations of Montana new correctional facility a t'ew years serves as a public education center. law enforcement memorabilia and old ago, housed the most famous criminals Tyler said the museum was organized police equipment are actively solicited in the state's history, a collection of in 1987 as a nonprofit corporation, gov- and gratefully appreciated. miscreants that included murderers, erned and operated by Montana's law Montana law enforcement has been rapists, kidnappers, burglars, drug enforcement professional associations' traced to April l 863, when outlaw gang dealers and, yes, even a f'ew cops g()ne 'fhe lacility is actively supported by the leader Henry Plummer became the bad. state attorney general, law enforcement state's first elected sheriff. He presided The old prison, which was depicted services division, law enforcement over all the gold camps southeast of the on the colorful Montana Department of academy, sheriffs' and peace otficers' Bitterroot Mountains, where gold had Corrections shoulder patch, resembles a association, chiefs of police associa- been discovered tive years earlier. medieval stone castle with guard tttwers tion, the Association of Montana High- Only two months later, on June 29, overlooking each corner and an impos- way Patrolmen, fish and game warden 1863, D.H. Dillingham became the ing iron gate that served as the main association. the Police Protective Asso- first Montana lawman killed in the line entrance. ciation, corrections association and of duty, when he was assassinated bY After the state closed the prison, c()unty attorneys' association. Plummer's gang. Terry Tyler, a former law enforcement "The museum is supported through (Incidentally, Plummer was among officer, thought the structure should be donations and yearly memberships of 2l outlaws hanged that December when preserved as a historical site. law enforcement personnel, criminal a vigilante committee was formed in the He also thought it would be an appro- justice associates and private citizens," territory after outlaws killed 102 people priate location for a memorial to Mon- Tyler said. Sponsorship is welcomed and stole more than $250,000 in gold in tana law enforcenrent of'ficers who gave ftorn any law enforcement officer or raids on the mining camps during his their lives in the line ol duty. civilian friend of law enforcement. first year as "sheriff." Outraged citi- His dreanr came true recentlY when He explained that the facility, which zens had had enough violence and law- the newly refurbished Montana Law was extensively remodeled before it was lessness and, like in many other Enforcernent Museum, a nonprofit edu- reopcned as a museum, is hosted by the territories, took matters into their own 2OlMONTANA HIGHWAY PATROLMAN
  • 2. Law Enforcement hands and meted out swift, decisive justice!) Museum oflicefs named The first U.S. Marshal's office in Montana opened in Helena in 1865, Dan L. Hollis has been elected the new chairman of the Montana Law only a year after President Abraham Enforcement Museum Boardof Directors. Hollis, a l9-yearveteran lawman, Lincoln created the Montana Territory. is a sergeant of the Patrol Division of Butte-Silver Bow County Law The U.S. Territorial Prison for Mon- Enforcement Agency. tana Territory opened in l87l in Deer Elected to the post of vice-chairman is Gail E. Keith, a Z2-year veteran l,odge under the marshal's direction. It patrolman of the Montana Highway Patrol stationed at Deer Lodge. was the predecessor of the same state Hollis and Keith were elected by the rnuseum's board during their annual prison that is now the museuml meeting and will serve in their executive positions for two years. The The museum has come a long way museum's Board of Directors consists of appointed representatives from since it was totally reorganized three each of Montana state criminal justice professional associations. The state years ago. At first, there was only a associations equally own and operate the museum and the state's officially small museum and memorial. The recognized Montana Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial. Both are located memorial had been Tyler's dream since within leased space in the historic Old Montana State Prison. 1980, when the former deputy sheriff The Montana Law Enforcement Museum is gearing up for its third season, began researching line-of-duty deaths which will last through October. May l5 marked the third annual Montana that had occurred in the state. Peace Officers' Memorial Day cerenrony conducted at the museunVrnemo- Two years later, Tyler moved to Deer rial site. State and local officials, Iaw enforcement personnel, slain officers' Lodge and met James Blodgett, the families and citizens from across Montana were in attendance. former deputy warden at the Montana New museum exhibits for 199 I will include the opening of a new wing that State Prison, whose dream it was to features displays of agency uniforrns and weapons once used in crime. Als<; Troopers attended the Police Me- scheduled are exhibits on Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), K-9, morial Day ceremony at the Crime Stoppers, a research station on officers slain in the line of duty, along museum. with new and expanded agency history exhibits. Major contributors making the l99l season possible include the Ana- conda Federal Job Corps, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, Burlington North- ern Foundation, Verne E. Stull Memorial, Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers' Association, J.C. Penney Conrpany, Montana Police Protective Association, Missoula County Deputy Sheriffs' Association and Association of Montana Highway Patrolmen. SUMMER 199'I /2.I
  • 3. MUSEUM create a law enforcement museum on enforcement agencies and private indi- and thankS to law officers still living. the site. viduals around the state donated arti- The museum opens during this week. Their ideas were combined and, with fac(s, memorabilia and historical Governor Stephens, upon presenting help from a group of local law enforce- material. the document, expressed his honor at ment officers, corrections personnel The Job Corps in Anaconda was en- being the first Montana governor to and private citizens, a small museum listed to construct the new facilities and proclaim and recognize Peace Officer with a few artifacts was opened in a exhibits. Impressive displays were de- Memorial Day, which was declared na- cramped room at the prison in July signed and brought to the new facility tionally by President John E Kennedy 1985. There as also a small memorial to by their respective associations and de- just months before he was assassinated. slain law enforcement officers. partments. All law enforcement and Finally, Montana peace officers who Blodgett left the state to take a job in corrections officers volunteered their died serving the slate received the the Washington State Corrections sys- time and talents. honor and recognition they deserve. tem. Without his leadership and exper- Funding came from many individ- The names of 78 slain officers since tise, the museum and the organization uals, organizations and corporate spon- I 863 were echoed across the old prison he bqilt it around slowly began to decay. sors. Among them were the Burlington yard as the museunr and memorial By 1987, it was totally disbanded. Northern Foundation, Louisiana Pa- opened on May 15 as the U.S. flag However, in the spring of that year, cific Corporation, Second Chance Body waved at half-mast after being pre- Montana's law enforcenrent professio- Armor, Calibre Press, Dennis R. Wash- sented by the Montana Army National nal associations joined forces and cre- ington Foundation, Bank of Montana Cuard. They were rernernbered by 200 ated what is now the law enforcement System, Yellowstone County Sherifl"s people at the official dedication cere- museum. Bylaws and organizational Deputies Association, Montana Sher- mony for the new museurn and the first structure were established, and the nru- ifts and Peace Ofiicers Association, annual Montana Peace Officers' Menro- seunl was incornorated in 1988. Association of Montana Highway Pa- rial Day. Under the leadership of Powell trolmen, Missoula County Deputy Fellow officers and civilians stood at County Dcputy Shcritt' Bernard Bar- Shcril'fs Association and thc Motttana altention in a light ruin. Sonrc waitcd to ton, a retired Montana Highway patrol- Policc Protective Association. hear the nanrc ol'a tiiend or loved one. nran, the museurn got permission fiom "Support extends around the state Law ofTicers fiom more than 20 agen- the Powcll County Museum and Arts said Tyler. cies, from as f-ar north as Havre and east Foundation to use part of the north end On May 5, 1989, another milestone to Billings, saluted their conrrades as of the old prison adnrinistration build- in Montana law enforcement history the last roll call of Montana's finest was ing for expansion. Last year, the mu- occurred when, at the request ofthe law read. Also in attendance were the fanri- scurn boartl hegan cxtensivc enfrlrcement museum, Governor Stan lies of 29 slain o['l'icers. renrodeling of the old library and class- Stephens signed an official pnrclama- Unfortunately, Governor Stephens rooms. They expanded the display area tion calling on citizens to recognize and Attorney General Marc Racicot fronr 700 square feet to nearly 3,000 May 15 as Montana Peace Officers' were on the way to the ceremony as square feet. New carpeting, ceiling Memorial Day "to especially honor and keynote speakers, but were turned back tiles, lighting fixtures and a central remember all of the Montana officers by adverse weatherover the mountains. heating system were installed. who have lost their lives to serve, pro- Afterward, many members of the M()ntana Highway Patrolman Cail tect and assist this state and its people." fallen officers' families left the mu- Keith became chairman and launched a The proclamation also asks Mon- seum's menroria[ room with tears in vigorous program to upgrade the arti- tanans to observe the week in which their eyes. Yet, as they departed, most facts and exhibits progranr. Many law May l5 falls by expressing appreciation expressed satisfaction that their loved * ;i "-:+' a f:" At left, the museum's main exhibit area, and at right, a memorial dedicated to the memory of slain Montana law enforcement officers. One of only 14 such memorials in the United States, it shows a oolice officer holdino a small child. SUMMER 1991t23
  • 4. MUSEUM ones; sacrifice will not be forgotten straints, radios, photos, missing chil- lessness created by the infamous again and that their rightful place in the dren photos fiom across the nation, "Whoop-Up Trail," upon which illegal history of Montana is tinally secure. drug abuse myths and facts, the actual whiskey was run in Montana between Collectors will enjoy the museum. handcuffs and leg irons used on Lee Fort Benton and the Northwest Terri- There are displays by Butte-Silver Bow Harvey Oswald, and a display about tory in the late 1860s and early 1870s. County law enforcement, Creat Falls Montana's first female sheriff, Ruth Tyler said many projects have been Police Department, Montana Highway Garfield, who took over in Golden Val- undertaken since the museum opened. Patrol, Montana Sheriffs and Peace Of- ley County afier her husband, Jesse, Last summer, volunteers worked on ex- ficers Association, Montana Depart- was shot to death while on duty in 192 I . panding the uniforms exhibit, creating nrent of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the There's even an exhibit about the an old sheriff's office exhibit conrplcte Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Police. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The with a cell from the old Butte City Jail, Other displays contain unifbrrns, re- RCMP was verv active in curbine law- and establishing a collection of weapons ,W 7 I The Montana Peace Officers Memorial Day ceremony at the Law Enforcement Museum Photographs or drawings of all 94 Montana law enforcement officers who have given their lives in the line of dutv SUMMER 1991/25
  • 5. MUSEUM used in the commission of crimes. state! more who were touched and influenced There are also plans to obtain a 1930s Also, Tller said any collector inter- by Montana's finest. In remembering Montana Highway Patrol motorcycle. ested in contributing items about Mon- these individuals, we are paying respect An audio-video theater is planned for tana law enforcement or funds for the to the thousands of peace officers now the future. It will feature law enforce- operation of the museum is encouraged serving Montana. The highway patrol- ment and public safety toPics. to write to him at the Montana Law men and women, the sheriff's deputy or "Most people have long held a fas- Enforcement Museum, PO. Box 107, city officer, the game warden and live- cination with law enforcement," said Deer Lodge, MT 59122. stock inspectoq the correctional offi- Tyler. "ln fact, if we were to judge cers and the state and local simply by the popularity of movies' Comments bY Governor Stan Ste- investigators, these and others involved television and books with this theme, it phens at the Montana Peace Officers in maintaining peace in Montana are can easily be concluded that the general Memorial DaY ceremonY: remembered and given a public salute public holds the subject in high esteem This is the third annual Montana by those of us here today. and attractiveness. However, the unfor- Peace Officers Memorial DaY Cere- There are many responsible for to- tunate problem with most depictions of mony, but it is the first ceremony to be day's ceremony. As in every human en- law enfbrcement is they are too often held at what is now Montana's official deavor, there is always an initiatot a fictitious and misleading. law enforcement memorial-the Mon- catalyst, a reason why things turn out "The Montana Law Enforcement tana Law Enforcement Museum here in the way they do. As I close my remarks Museum not only provides this popular Deer Lodge at the Old State Prison. today, I want to recognize the efforts of subject, but presents it from its We worked with legislators to create a Montanan who has played a large part s6u1ss-ls'w enforcement professionals the memorial this year. I was honored to in making this memorial and this mu- themselves attempting to dispel the sign the legislation, just as I am hon- seum such a fitting tribute to those we myths and assumptions, and therebY ored to be here todaY' call Montana's finest. bringing law enforcement and the pub- We call them Montana's finest-the Terry Tller has been the initiator and lic closer in understanding." men and women who enforce our laws, catalyst for the Montana Law Enforce- The coordinator believes that while protect our lives and property and who ment Museum. Since this project's be- Montana is among 14 states that have are always there when we need them' ginning back in 1983, Terry has been a created law enforcement memorials, his These are men and women who Put tireless volunteer dedicated to making is the only one that shows photographs their lives on the line every day. They what you see before you happen. He's of each of the slain officers. 'Across the are a dedicated group of public servants helped bring the various Montana law nation. states have established memo- and an important Part of what makes enforcement agencies together in sup- rials that range from a stone, statue or Montana communities such good port of this facility and its historical and plaque listing no names. Ours features places for our children to grow up and memorial services. For his efforts, I ihe photographic or sketched likeness of all of us to live, work and PlaY. want to present Terry TVler, the volun- each officer, allowing him to be remem- We lost two officers last Year. In teer coordinator/executive director of bered not only for his act of a sacrifice March 1990, the resPected and well- operations for the Montana Law En- but also allowing visitors to see and liked Fairview Police Chief Orville forcement Museum, with this gover- remember them personally by looking Sharbono was shot and killed while nor's citation recognizing his past and into their faces." serving court papers in his community. continuing services to the Montana Law Tyler said Montana's accomPlish- Later in June, Big Horn County Deputy Enforcement CommunitY and all the ment has not gone unrecognized. "In its Sheriff Janet Rogers was shot and killed people of our great state of Montana. brief history, the Montana Law En- in an exchange ofgunfire with an armed forcement Museum has inspired other robbery suspect. Both tragedies and The State of Montana Governor's organizations wishing to do the same. both officers are remembered here to- Citation Among these have been agencies from day. They join 9l other Montana Peace New Mexico, New York and North Da- Oificers whs we are honoring in our hearts and in our minds. WHEREAS, the State of Montana has kota," he explained. Establishing this memorial is our been blessed with a select grouP of Tyler cordially invites anyone inter- way of remembering; remembering caring and professional people who put ested in law enforcement history to stop thole who are dear to us, those who the service and needs of others above by the museum during its summer and served us well and those who should not any beyond themselves, fall season. Special appointments for tours at other times may be arranged by be forgotten because what they worked for and what they believed in is essential WHEREAS, such peoPle deserve rec- writing. for the success of our society today and ognition for the service they provide to The museum maintains a bulletin assist others and make Montana a better board where collectors can leave their in the future. There are 93 individuals remem- place in which to live; and business cards or information about their collections. This is an excellent bered here, 93 stories of Montanans who worked to make a difference for WHEREAS, Terry L. TYler of Ana- way lbr Montana collectors to reach this state, 93 families and hundreds conda. Montana, has worked as a dedi- potential contacts from throughout the SUMMER 1991127
  • 6. MUSEUM cated, selfless and tireless volunteer to enforcement history of Montana; gives bring about the establishment (in 1983) public recognition to those who are a TRENDSETTER of the Montana Law Enforcement Mu- part of law enforcement and criminal BEAUTY SALON seum in the historic old Montana State justice professions; brings law officers Prison at Deer Lodge, Montana; and and civilians closer; informs about crime and public safety through educa- WHEREAS, through Terry L. Tyler's tional displays; and maintains Mon- 328-4726 outstanding leadership as the Museum's tana's official nremorial dedicated to its Montana Avenue volunteer coordinator/executive direc- local, county, state and federal officers ABSAROKEE tor of operations, the Museum has con- who have been killed or died in the line tinued to grow and develop into today's of duty. magnificent nonprofit educational and historical facility formed and operated NOW THEREFORE, I, STAN by members of Montana's law enforce- STEPHENS, Governor of the State of ment community and supporters of Montana, do hereby issue this Gover- criminal justice; and nor's Citation in recognition of Terry L. Tyler's past and continuing dedicated HINNALAND WHEREAS, through Terry L. Tyler's services to the Montana law enforce- untiring efforts, the Montana Law En- ment community and to all the people TRUCKING INC. forcement Museum preserves and pre- of this great state. sents artifacts, memorabilia and Dated this I 5rh day of May 199 I . historical accounts depicting the law Governor Stan Stephens 485-3690 Hishway g@ CIRCLE ELDON D. COOK ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION FOOD STORES HARLOW'S SCHOOL BUS 466-2454 442-3140 SERVICE INC. 312 Fifth Avenue N.E. Airport Road CHOTEAU HELENA Ward SchoolBuses Congratulations to lhe Association of Montana Highway Patrolmen fof its outstanding eftorls on highway satety. 246-s7oo W)-. *n#r?*?* Hm SIX ROBBLEES' NEW WEST lNc. OUTFITTERS HARRIT AUTO 'ALE' Buyo$gll 11.3. 248-1658 201 N. 15th Street 475-3218 5680 Spokan Road @ BILLINGS EAST HELENA '255-97n 2491 Fkst Avenue N BILLINGS SUMMER 1991 /2S
  • 7. limited schedule. In any case, the plays, drug abuse education and serious situation facing them wiil historical exhi-bits, and features not detour conducting their annual the State of Montana Law En- MUSEUTVI NEWS Montana Peace Officers' Memo- forcement Officers' Memorial. rial Day celebration on May 15th. Prior to its creation, law enforce- { IVIontana Lnw Enforcement fu{us e umlMemorial C losing ment's vast and vital part in lvion- tf. - According to its Board of Direc- taRa's rich history was negieeted After I6 years in Deer Lodge. the tors, the Montana Law Enforce- and iost. The ultimate saerifices lvlontana Law Enforcement Mu- ment Museum and State ]vlemoriai and memories of Montana's 114 seum and State Memorial has de- has long needed faciiities of its law enforcernent pro fessi onais cideci to relocate eisewhere in the own with more viable accessibil- who have died in the Line of Duty state if possibie" ity and pubiic exposue. Although were iong before forgotten. visitation in its current location Museum officials recently an- inside Old Montana State Prison Future plans, in addition to ex- nounced their decision was made continues to drop annualiy, ex- panding its current 4,000 square due to continuing decrease in local pressed interest both nationally feet ofjam-packed displays and income, tourism, and the long- and intemationaily has steadiiy exhibits, include proper storage standing need of the museum to increased. Montana's law en- and research space for increasing expand and grow. forcement museum-memorial has historical archives, a police vetri- serveci as a springboard and con- cle collection, interactive exhibits, At a recent meeting of the Mu- sultant inspiring at least eight interpretive theater, regional train- seum-memorial's board of direc- other iike projects in the United ing auditorium, a chapel for the tors, a vote was taken to ciose the States. Most recently an off,rcial State iaw officers' memorial, and 2001 public season early, and be- request was received from the St. project work rooms. gin looking for a better and more Petersburg Russia Police Museum suitable location. Tire vote was for consultative partnership. The To accomplish all this, the Mon- unanimous for the early season museum wiil aiso be participating tana criminal justice cornmunit,v closure and relocation. Represen- in a major law enforcement his- needs the partnership of a more tatives of only rwo active board tory college text book project with viable and resourceful commu- positions were absenr from the Prentice-Hall Publishins. nity, inchiding private and corpo- meeting. rate donors, sponsors, benefactors Montana's law enforcement mu- and a wide voiunteer base. Seri- The last day of the museum's sea- seum is one ofabout 20 across the ous proposals and offers for relo- son was Septernber 3Oth rather nation. and one of only a handful cation are being sought. Contact: tlian the museum's regular date of that are'open to the general public. Coordinator. Montana Law En- October 3Otir of each year. In ad- It is or,r,ned and operated jointly forcement Museum, P.O. Box dition to closing down the public by the professional criminal jr-rs- 107, Deer Lodge, MT 59722- season early this year, the Mu- tice associations of Montana. and 0107; or call: (406) 454-6827. seum has also been forced to re- is not supportecl by state or t'ederal duce its lr.ours from five days a ta.r dollars" It exists solely on pri- n'eek to Friday-Sundays, i0 a.m. r,.'ate and corporate donations as a to 5 p.rn. Although now in the federai tax exempt 50i c 3 non- process of seekin_q reiocation and profit incorporation. The firuseltm the funding sr-rpport to do it, the features a growing and vast array mllseum-memorial hopes to re- of lar.v enforcement memorabiiia, open fbr next year's season, if still 'artifac ts. uniforms, weapons. in Deer Lodge" even if only on a eqriipment, crime prevention dis- Autumn 2001, Volume 32, No. 3
  • 8. Cash-strappe tributdofi Montana. ,1.^,)-, law Enforceme : ;its iblocaticin. . ffi move ratebenefaetors: ,, :. "We've basically run out of locai In a July t3 letter from the ' ..'funds;": Tller said during an inter- Powell County Museum and Aits . uisitri ,,rr:vigw this week, Foundation; director,Andv Towe i, :1.;i'. i-, t,r ,'1hs'.ttraction is:owned bv vari- . blamed a aismU 2001 touiist season i::rdii3'l ciiininal justice usso"iuliong .;r,':. at the old prison'slmuseum complex ' abioss thd stete, aiid relies.ori,,dona:, for.the funding cutback. The foun- '- dation leases the bld prison and DEER LODGE - A,Tnuseum andi tions to raiSe the $10,000 a'year. ' : ' '' a memorial dedicated to Montana's needed to operate. operates oi.her attractions including police officers are out of.icalh, out: Tlrler, who serves as the Cascade a frontier museum, toy'museum of room and on the movel acbording County sheriff's chaplain, said and antique car display. members of its board of.diidctbrsr trustees voted to close the doors of , Towe said the foundation's TerrY Trler,.coordinator for the the museum and memoiiill'cirr monthiy commitment to the law Montana Law Enfoccement Sept, 30, a month ahead of schedule. bnforcement museum of $880 dur- Museum; Incj, said that nonprofit That's because bf a decline in ing the tourist season would proba- organization, housed in the oldj ' tourist traffic.and a need to expand, bly halt after the Juiy payment. '"We will not be'able to contribute Montana State Prison in Deer , coupled with a loss of financial, is accepting proposals for backing from private and corpo; See TRIBUTE, Back Page renting the obscure, seeond- Deer Lodge, said the loss of memoriai irave been opera- Tribute ... floor location proved to be,a the museum and memorial handicap, Tller said. tional for 16 years, Tller said. Cqntiruedfi"om Page AJ wiil affect tourist trade. but Expansion plans for the "We thought it was a nice ' added that the out-of-the-wav museurn and memorial's his- any further funds to r,^r,* idea, because prison is basi- attraction was often over- torieal archives include operation this year, uili?uv ::1Y:1:*d road of law enforcement," he said. looked. development of a poliee vehi not be abie to cont"iU,,i". rrl'*t "The first,time I went to cle collection, interactive , cramped quarters the old prison,I missed it," exhibits, an interpretive the- ' Towe exptained tirui v""r, "iiir-",;;C;;;;;"d^' .*J:Y,,ln. of potentiSl Cowan said. "The exposure ater, a regional training audi- I_:i::]9_tt "it""- .- invenrory as Alrler refuses . rhere is really bad, Those that dance ar ffi ;;is;, ;;se; tolium, project workrooms ...- ', -p"r?e";.#fi.*J"rn '1:1llt-t-tlgnt",from"sheriff:s:'.{;ii..',,',can find.r':g.s.fhr,ougtr,i' but "[ffii"; &;il;rt00i,ffi|;iil -t;ffii,!#iT,t:*'*1#:":"t:!"*.t.$", "o'*ruoill"r,l:ff#,rlrn;,:J-]i"." and a chapel for the law offi- :arop'peozo cers' memorial, Tylbr-saiO.' year's count of 35,00C,. nuu Critelia for the new loca- ihat number shows ,'ri*rll" "If we,were given -,-, ' .---.--- _,_--_ the dispiays, the museum fea_ tion inciude a minimum of cant decrease from tfr"".io rinn ^ funds and the gpace to do it, tures the Montana Law 1.0,000 squar:e feet to accom- visitors per year rro-'ti!'""" we could 991u1" our. size - Enforcement officers' modate growth, public acees- mid_19g0s to the tomorl'ow," Trler said. "We've Memorial and sponsors an sibiiity and community sup- Towe said. "rid:ifi;r. had to turn down a lot of annual event in memory of Dort. The old prison site seemed thilgs'" Montana's L14 peace officers - ^ P:Jl{-go*an, secretarv of ideal at firit, but "";; til;, -, chamber of commerce in slain in the line of duty since the 1863. The museum and