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Hot Flashes, Flushes and/or Cold Flashes

                                    About 75 to 85% of American women
                                    are estimated to get hot flashes when
                                    they're in menopause. Hot flashes,
                                    which can be felt like a sudden,
                                    transient sensation of warmth or heat
                                    that spreads over the body creating a
                                    flushing (redness) particularly
                                    noticeable on the face and upper body.
Whether your own hot flashes are experienced as delicate flushes or the
engulfing flames, rest assured they're normal.

Hot flashes are the body's reaction to a decreased supply of the hormone
estrogen, which occurs naturally as women approach menopause. Not all
women experience hot flashes, but more than half do. In some, estrogen
production decreases gradually, producing few hot flashes. But for others,
the ovaries stop estrogen production abruptly (same case as surgical
menopause). For these women, hot flashes can be a real roller-coaster ride.

Night Sweats
Night sweats is the evening cousin of hot flashes, but typically more
intense. Night sweats, which is also known as "nocturnal hyperhydrosis",
isn't actually a sleep disorder, but it is a common perspiration disorder that
occurs during sleep.

Irregular Periods, Menstrual Irregularities
Most women experience absent, short, irregular periods at some point in
their lives. A wide range of conditions can cause these symptoms, while the
most common cause is hormone imbalance. Your periods may come more
frequently, every 24 days instead of every 28, or they may come later than
they used to. You may have a light period that lasts only a few days, then
the next month have very heavy bleeding. Your period may last a shorter
amount of time, or go on and on for what feels like an eternity. You may
skip a month, then go back to normal for several months, then skip two
periods in a row.

Menstrual irregularity is most common in the mid-forties as you approach
menopause. A lack of hormonal balance or a decrease in estrogen
production is the main cause of it. There can be medical causes for irregular
periods as well, they aren't as common though.

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Loss of Libido
Sex therapists say that low libido becomes a problem that should be
addressed only when it is perceived as a problem. "It's usually only in
the framework of a relationship that it becomes an issue" Dr. Zussman
says. "It's when there is a discrepancy in desire between the person and
partner, or when people feel there's something wrong with them because
they have a low level of desire."

Everyone experiences peaks and valleys in sexual desire, an ebb and flow
in libido that could be caused by any of a variety of factors. Occasionally, a
hormonal imbalance or prescription drug will sap sex drive. And, of course,
there's a difference between sexual drive and sexual function.

Vaginal Dryness
It's basically a loss of the usual moist and soft feel of the lining of vaginal
area which may be associated with itching and irritation. When your
estrogen levels drop, your vaginal tissues start drying and become less
elastic. Sex becomes uncomfortable, you may be more prone to infections,
your vagina is frequently itchy and easily irritated, and, on the emotional
side, you may feel older.

As we said, vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy occur when your estrogen
levels drop. Your vagina is usually very elastic, able to easily stretch for
sex and childbirth. But as estrogen levels go down, your vaginal walls get
thinner and lose some of their elasticity. Your vagina becomes dryer and
takes longer to become lubricated.
Finally, it may atrophy -- becoming somewhat smaller in
width and length. This symptom may appear due to a sudden drop
in estrogen (such as you do with surgical menopause), also, it can be
experienced when going through a natural premature menopause. Either
way, though, it's a very unpleasant menopause symptom; it can be very
emotionally upsetting when you're in your 20s or 30s.

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Mood Swings, Sudden Tears
A person with a mood problem is like a human roller coaster. One minute
he's up, the next minute he's down. He never seems to be able to get off the
ride. His mood swings are intense, sudden and out of control. Chronic and
severe mood swings are a psychological disorder, a health problem every
bit as real as a physical ailment. In fact, sometimes they're the result of a
physical problem, like a premenstrual syndrome. And just like a physical
problem, they can be treated. You should contact your doctor to get more

"Fatigue is second only to pain as the most common symptom
doctors see in patients," says David S. Bell, M.D., a chronic fatigue
researcher at Harvard Medical School and the Cambridge Hospital in
Massachusetts. "One-fourth of all Americans will have long episodes of
lethargy and tiredness." Particularly common in women undergoing the
menopausal transition, chronic fatigue can have a drastic impact on daily
life, putting a strain on relationships, work productivity, and quality of life.

Fatigue, one of the most common menopause symptoms, is defined as an
ongoing and persistent feeling of weakness, tiredness, and lowered energy
level. This should be distinguished from drowsiness, which implies an
actual urge to sleep. Fatigue involves lack of energy rather than sleepiness.
If the fatigue comes on suddenly, it could be a sign of crashing fatigue.
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Hair Loss or Thinning, Head, Pubic, or Whole Body;
Increase in Facial Hair
Connected to estrogen deficiency, since the hair follicles need estrogen;
some women notice this before any other sign because it is obvious. Hair
loss can be sudden or gradual loss or thinning of hair on your head or on
other parts of your body. You'll notice hair in your brush, your hair may
also get drier and more brittle or notice a thinning or loss of pubic hair.
A gradual loss or thinning of hair without any accompanying symptoms
is common. However, hair loss that is accompanied by general ill health
requires your doctor's attention.

Menopause Sleep Disorders (With or Without Night
If you're waking up a lot at night, tossing and turning, and generally
suffering with insomnia, it might be connected with menopause. When you
begin going through menopause, you may find that your sleep is less and
less restful, when you sleep at all.

In the past, doctors believed that interrupted sleep was a consequence of
night sweats, but recent studies indicate that you can also have problems
with sleep that aren't connected to hot flashes. Typically, the frequency of
insomnia doubles from the amount you may have had before you entered
premature menopause. And research also indicates that women begin to
experience restless sleep as many as five to seven years before entering
menopause. Again, though, the problem is recognizing that the insomnia
you're suffering from has its roots in changes in your hormone levels.

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Difficulty Concentrating, Disorientation, Mental Confusion
During early menopause, many women are troubled to find they have
difficulty remembering things, experience mental blocks or have trouble
concentrating. Not getting enough sleep or having sleep disrupted can
contribute to memory and concentration problems.

If your doctor determines that your disorientation isn't caused by a serious
medical condition, then you might consider these possibilities: -Investigate
your drugs. -Disorientation is a side effect of some drugs. -Learn to relax. -
Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga
and meditation and try to be physically active on a regular basis.

Disturbing Memory Lapses
Memory loss affects most people in one way or another. More often than
not, it is a momentary memory lapse; nothing to worry about - it happens
to the best of us. However, when memory lapses begin to become a regular
occurrence, it is wise to dig a little deeper and seek medical advice.

Women approaching menopause often complain of memory loss and an
inability to concentrate. Misplaced car keys, skipped appointments, and
forgotten birthdays, but these memory lapses are a normal symptom of
menopause. It is mostly associated with low levels of estrogen and with
high stress levels.

Dizziness, Light Headedness, Episodes of Loss of Balance
Dizziness is a transient spinning sensation and/or a feeling of
lightheadedness or unsteadiness; also, the inability to maintain balance
upon standing or walking. Dizziness is a symptom of many medical
conditions. There are things that people can do to cope with their dizziness.
But if you experience an unexplained dizzy spell, see your doctor, because
you can't be sure if it's a trivial problem or a symptom of a serious illness.

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Weight Gain during Menopause
Weight gain, specifically a thickening in your middle, is another sign of
changing hormones. While a number of books and doctors claim that
menopause has nothing to do with weight gain, that weight gain occurs in
menopausal women because they're older and their metabolism is slowing
down, other studies indicate that hormone levels are tied to weight gain and
redistribution of fat.

Changes in diet and exercise can help rev up your body's metabolic rate.
Also trying natural alternative supplements may help.

Incontinence, especially upon Sneezing, Laughing, Urge
Incontinence falls into three main categories, although people can
leak through because of a combination of causes. First, there's stress
incontinence, in which you urinate accidentally when you laugh, cough,
sneeze or exert yourself. This happens either when the bladder neck shifts
position out of reach of the internal muscles that put pressure on it or
when those muscles themselves fail to work effectively, because of age,
surgery or childbirth. The second one is urge incontinence, in which the
bladder develops a "mind of its own," contracting and emptying whenever
full despite an individual's conscious efforts to resist. And last, overflow
incontinence, in which you completely lose the sensation that you have to
go. You should see your doctor if you urinate when you shouldn't, because
you have no sensation that your bladder is full.

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Sudden Bouts of Bloat
A puffy bloated feeling that seems to come out of nowhere; usually
you'll notice bouts which are a periodic increases in fluid retention and
abdominal distension.

Doctors call the gassiness, bloating and discomfort that occur after eating
dairy foods lactose intolerance. It means your stomach is unable to digest
the lactose -or milk sugar- in dairy foods. Unfortunately, most adults have
this problem to some degree, according to Jay A. Perman, M.D., as people
age, they produce less lactase -the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Without
lactase, the undigested milk sugar ferments and gases form. The trapped
gas makes your stomach bloat. If you have persistent, unexplained bloating
or stomach pain for more than three days, then you should contact you

Increase in Allergies
Many types of allergy have their basis in hormone reactions. This is
particularly true of ladies who experience increasing symptoms as they
undergo hormone changes, usually in their late twenties or after the babies
are born. Hormone imbalance is a type of allergic reaction experienced by
women from before puberty to old age. It is a heightened reaction to the
normal function of hormones.

Changes in Fingernails-Softer, Crack or Break Easier
A black or blue nail tells the world that you and your hammer had a
problem. Reddish yellow nails demonstrate that you change your nail
polish often. Nails that split and break can be a sign that you're spending
too much time with your hands in the sink. Nails that take on a convex,
spoon like appearance may mean respiratory deficiency or simply that
you're not getting enough iron. Nibbled nails and hangnails can betray
your anxiety level. Fingernail and toenail problems are usually caused by
inflammation of the skin around the nail or by an infection. A persistently
painful and inflammed fingernail or toenail requires your doctor's

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Changes in Body Odor
Have you ever heard the saying: "body odor is the smell of sweat"? Well,
it may be partly true. In fact, our bodies make two types of sweat: eccrine
sweat, which is odorless, is present all over the body, and is used to
control the temperature of the whole organism. The other type of sweat
is aprocrine, a stronger substance produced by the glands under the arm.
Apocrine sweat is odorless too, until bacteria on the skin surface acts upon

The smell of this sweat may be more intense in people with inadequate
hygiene, or merely have bad genes. How to reduce the body odor? Use a
deodorant soap whenever you take a shower. Antibacterial soaps will solve
the problem because it's the bacteria that are producing the odor. The
antibacterial soap will do all the work; making scrub unnecessary.

Bouts of Rapid Heart Beat
A pounding, racing heart is the second most common complaint associated
with perimenopause. These bouts of rapid heart beat scare a lot of women
because of their sudden onset, unexpected arrivals, and seemingly
no way to stop them. This partially accounts for the sleeping troubles
during perimenopause. This pounding can mean something other than
perimenopause, so it's very important for a woman who is experiencing this
symptom to report it to her doctor.

There are a couple of things you can do when the pounding begins. First
relax and take deep breaths. Try to reassure yourself that this only a
symptom of perimenopause and it will pass. If you are in bed when this
occurs, change your position and do some deep breathing.

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Feelings of sadness can be normal, appropriate and even necessary during
life's setbacks or losses. Or you may feel blue or unhappy for short periods
of time without reason or warning, which also is normal and ordinary. But
if such feelings persist or impair your daily life, you may have a depressive
disorder. Severity, duration and the presence of other symptoms are the
factors that distinguish ordinary sadness from a depressive disorder. This
is called: Depression, or irritability, which is a significant change in mood
for an extended period of time associated with loss of interest in usual
activities, sleep and eating disorders, and withdrawal from family and

Depression can happen to anyone of any age. It afflicts almost 19 million
Americans each year, and up to one in five American women will suffer
from clinical depression at some point in her life. Women are two to three
times more likely than men to suffer from depression. Many women first
experience symptoms of depression during their 20s and 30s.

Anxiety, Feeling Ill at Ease
Anxiety can be a vague or intense feeling caused by physical or
psychological conditions. A feeling of agitation and loss of emotional
control that may be associated with panic attacks and physical symptoms
such as rapid heart beat, shortness of breath and palpitations. The
frequency of anxiety can range from a one-time event to recurring episodes.
Early diagnosis may aid early recovery, prevent the disorder from becoming
worse and possibly prevent the disorder from developing into depression.

A significant change in mood for an extended period of time associated
with loss of interest in usual activities, sleep and eating disorders, and
withdrawal from family and friends. "Occasional irritability is a normal
part of being human," says Paul Horton, M.D., a psychiatrist in Meriden,
Connecticut. "But irritability also can go hand in hand with almost any
illness. Very often, people who are falling ill will become irritable but don't
know why."

If your irritability persists more than a week and is adversely affecting
your job performance and relationships with your family, friends and co-
workers, better see your doctor.

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Panic Disorder, Feelings of Dread, Apprehension, Doom
A significant and debilitating emotional state characterized by
overwhelming fear and anxiety. These feelings can be vague or intense
caused by physical or psychological conditions. The frequency can range
from a one-time event to recurring episodes. If your life is totally disrupted
by this symptom, better contact your doctor.
Breast Pain
Pain, soreness, or tenderness in one or both breasts often precedes or
accompanies menstrual periods but can also occur during pregnancy,
breast-feeding, and menopause. It can be resumed in a generalized
discomfort and pain associated with touching or application of pressure to
breast. Consult your doctor if the pain is severe or persists for two months
or more, also if the breast pain that is accompanied by a breast lump or
nipple discharge.

Headaches during Menopause
Though headaches can be caused by a variety of factors such as muscle
tension, drinking too much alcohol or can occur with common illnesses
such as the flu.

During the early stages of menopause, you may find that you're getting
more and worse headaches. This is often caused by your dropping
estrogen levels. Many women with regular menstrual cycles get headaches
just before their periods or at ovulation. These headaches, sometimes
called "menstrual migraines" occur when estrogen levels plunge during the
menstrual cycle. So, when your body begins slowing down its production
of estrogen due to premature menopause, you may wind up getting
one of these hormonally-induced headaches. Severe headaches that are
accompanied by confusion or high fever can indicate a serious health
condition and require your doctor's immediate attention.

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Aching, Sore Joints, Muscles and Tendons
Aching Joints and muscle problems is one of the most common symptoms
of menopause. It is thought that more than half of all postmenopausal
women experience varying degrees of joint pain. Joint pain is basically
an unexplained soreness in muscles and joints, which are unrelated to
trauma or exercise, but may be related to immune system effects mostly
caused by fluctuating hormone levels. It is not wise to ignore these aches
and pains. Early treatment can often bring about a cure and prevent
further development of arthritis. Getting plenty of rest, using herbal aids,
eating nutritious foods, preferably organic food, fruits and vegetables-and
avoiding known toxins and stimulants, are healthy strategies for fighting
joint pains.

Burning Tongue, Burning Roof of Mouth, Bad Taste in
Mouth, Change in Breath Odor
Burning mouth syndrome is a complex, vexing condition in which a
burning pain occurs on your tongue or lips, or over widespread areas
involving your whole mouth without visible signs of irritation.

The disorder has long been associated with a variety of other conditions,
including menopause. It affects up to 5 percent of U.S. adults, women seven
times more often than men. It generally occurs after age 60. But it may
occur in younger people as well. If you have persistent pain or soreness in
your tongue, lips, gums or other areas of your mouth, see your doctor.

Electric Shock Sensation Under the Skin And In The Head
A peculiar "electric" sensation, or the feeling of a rubber band snapping
in the layer of tissue between skin and muscle, that may be related to
the effect of fluctuating estrogen levels on nerve tissue. It can also be the
precursor to a hot flash. If the symptom gets intense, contact you doctor for
further assistance.

Digestive Problems, Gastrointestinal Distress,
Indigestion, Flatulence, Gas Pain, Nausea
Changes in gastrointestinal function with excessive gas production,
gastrointestinal cramping and nausea.

A certain amount of flatulence is perfectly natural, but people who switch
to a healthy diet sometimes worry unnecessarily that they're producing too
much. So if you're eating lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, which
means a healthy diet, it's likely that your digestive system is churning out a
healthy amount of gas. If you have gas and stomach or abdominal pain for
more than three days, or if the pain is more severe than before, you should
see your doctor immediately.

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Gum Problems, Increased Bleeding
The most common gum problem is bleeding, and it's a sign of inflamed
gums, or what dentists call gingivitis. But gingivitis is just the overture for
more serious problems.

Bleeding and sore gums are the same as most health problems: If you
catch them before they get too bad, they're easy to reverse. "Gingivitis is
absolutely reversible in the earlier stages," says Dr. Allen.To put bleeding
gums in reverse, put your hands on floss and a toothbrush. But make sure
to hold that toothbrush the right way. You have to worry if sores develop
under your dentures or if there is swelling, puffiness, soreness in your
bleeding gums. Take advice from your doctor in these cases.

Increased Tension in Muscles
An increase of aches and pains throughout the body muscles associated
with soreness and stiffness in muscles. Women whose general health and
resistance are good are apt to have less premenstrual tension than those
women suffering from poor nutrition and lack of physical exercise.

There are some things you can do to try to keep symptoms to a minimum:
Exercise helps boost endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, so it may
help improve moods and has been found to significantly reduce many
physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Next time you have a build-up
of tension or anxiety, try to run it off.

Itchy, Crawly Skin
When your estrogen levels drop, your collagen production usually slows
down as well. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin toned, fresh-
looking, resilient. So when you start running low on collagen, it shows in
your skin. It gets thinner, drier, flakier, less youthful-looking.
This is another of those symptoms of menopause that makes you feel older
before your time and, in this case, it's clear why. You may look a little older
than you used to. Worst, this sign often shows up early in menopause.
Collagen loss is most rapid at the beginning of menopause. It is possible
that premature menopause also leads to more rapid collagen loss.

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Tingling Extremities
This may feel like the "creepy-crawlies" as if bugs were walking all over you,
a burning sensation like an insect sting, or just super-sensitivity. In most
cases, tingling is harmless. It usually occurs after you pinch a nerve or press
on an artery and reduce blood flow in your arm or leg causing it to "fall

When you change body position and relieve the compression, the tingling
quickly goes away. But tingling can also be a symptom of any number of
problems, including anxiety, a herniated spinal disk, poor blood circulation,
diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel
syndrome or a tumor. Any unexplained tingling that affects an entire side
of your body or is accompanied by muscle weakness, warrants immediate
medical attention.

Osteoporosis (After Several Years)
Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disorder where there is thinning
and weakening of the bone, and a general decrease in the bone mass and
density. This means that they are much more susceptible to breaks and

Menopause does affect your bones. Normally your bones will go through a
process where old bone is replaced by new bone cells. When you are young
your body makes more new bone than it takes away in old bone. Your
body's ability to handle this process changes with age, so that by the time
you are about 35 there is less bone building than there is bone removal.
During the menopause your estrogen levels drop. Estrogen is involved in
the process of calcium absorption into the bones. All women will experience
acceleration in bone density reduction as their estrogen levels drop.

  Don't despair, these early menopause signs are all treatable,
                 just click HERE to find out how.

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Menopause Signs Review

  • 1. Hot Flashes, Flushes and/or Cold Flashes About 75 to 85% of American women are estimated to get hot flashes when they're in menopause. Hot flashes, which can be felt like a sudden, transient sensation of warmth or heat that spreads over the body creating a flushing (redness) particularly noticeable on the face and upper body. Whether your own hot flashes are experienced as delicate flushes or the engulfing flames, rest assured they're normal. Hot flashes are the body's reaction to a decreased supply of the hormone estrogen, which occurs naturally as women approach menopause. Not all women experience hot flashes, but more than half do. In some, estrogen production decreases gradually, producing few hot flashes. But for others, the ovaries stop estrogen production abruptly (same case as surgical menopause). For these women, hot flashes can be a real roller-coaster ride. Night Sweats Night sweats is the evening cousin of hot flashes, but typically more intense. Night sweats, which is also known as "nocturnal hyperhydrosis", isn't actually a sleep disorder, but it is a common perspiration disorder that occurs during sleep. Irregular Periods, Menstrual Irregularities Most women experience absent, short, irregular periods at some point in their lives. A wide range of conditions can cause these symptoms, while the most common cause is hormone imbalance. Your periods may come more frequently, every 24 days instead of every 28, or they may come later than they used to. You may have a light period that lasts only a few days, then the next month have very heavy bleeding. Your period may last a shorter amount of time, or go on and on for what feels like an eternity. You may skip a month, then go back to normal for several months, then skip two
  • 2. periods in a row. Menstrual irregularity is most common in the mid-forties as you approach menopause. A lack of hormonal balance or a decrease in estrogen production is the main cause of it. There can be medical causes for irregular periods as well, they aren't as common though. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Loss of Libido Sex therapists say that low libido becomes a problem that should be addressed only when it is perceived as a problem. "It's usually only in the framework of a relationship that it becomes an issue" Dr. Zussman says. "It's when there is a discrepancy in desire between the person and partner, or when people feel there's something wrong with them because they have a low level of desire." Everyone experiences peaks and valleys in sexual desire, an ebb and flow in libido that could be caused by any of a variety of factors. Occasionally, a hormonal imbalance or prescription drug will sap sex drive. And, of course, there's a difference between sexual drive and sexual function. Vaginal Dryness It's basically a loss of the usual moist and soft feel of the lining of vaginal area which may be associated with itching and irritation. When your estrogen levels drop, your vaginal tissues start drying and become less elastic. Sex becomes uncomfortable, you may be more prone to infections, your vagina is frequently itchy and easily irritated, and, on the emotional side, you may feel older. As we said, vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy occur when your estrogen levels drop. Your vagina is usually very elastic, able to easily stretch for sex and childbirth. But as estrogen levels go down, your vaginal walls get thinner and lose some of their elasticity. Your vagina becomes dryer and takes longer to become lubricated.
  • 3. Finally, it may atrophy -- becoming somewhat smaller in width and length. This symptom may appear due to a sudden drop in estrogen (such as you do with surgical menopause), also, it can be experienced when going through a natural premature menopause. Either way, though, it's a very unpleasant menopause symptom; it can be very emotionally upsetting when you're in your 20s or 30s. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Mood Swings, Sudden Tears A person with a mood problem is like a human roller coaster. One minute he's up, the next minute he's down. He never seems to be able to get off the ride. His mood swings are intense, sudden and out of control. Chronic and severe mood swings are a psychological disorder, a health problem every bit as real as a physical ailment. In fact, sometimes they're the result of a physical problem, like a premenstrual syndrome. And just like a physical problem, they can be treated. You should contact your doctor to get more advice. Fatigue "Fatigue is second only to pain as the most common symptom doctors see in patients," says David S. Bell, M.D., a chronic fatigue researcher at Harvard Medical School and the Cambridge Hospital in Massachusetts. "One-fourth of all Americans will have long episodes of lethargy and tiredness." Particularly common in women undergoing the menopausal transition, chronic fatigue can have a drastic impact on daily life, putting a strain on relationships, work productivity, and quality of life. Fatigue, one of the most common menopause symptoms, is defined as an ongoing and persistent feeling of weakness, tiredness, and lowered energy level. This should be distinguished from drowsiness, which implies an actual urge to sleep. Fatigue involves lack of energy rather than sleepiness. If the fatigue comes on suddenly, it could be a sign of crashing fatigue.
  • 4. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Hair Loss or Thinning, Head, Pubic, or Whole Body; Increase in Facial Hair Connected to estrogen deficiency, since the hair follicles need estrogen; some women notice this before any other sign because it is obvious. Hair loss can be sudden or gradual loss or thinning of hair on your head or on other parts of your body. You'll notice hair in your brush, your hair may also get drier and more brittle or notice a thinning or loss of pubic hair. A gradual loss or thinning of hair without any accompanying symptoms is common. However, hair loss that is accompanied by general ill health requires your doctor's attention. Menopause Sleep Disorders (With or Without Night Sweats) If you're waking up a lot at night, tossing and turning, and generally suffering with insomnia, it might be connected with menopause. When you begin going through menopause, you may find that your sleep is less and less restful, when you sleep at all. In the past, doctors believed that interrupted sleep was a consequence of night sweats, but recent studies indicate that you can also have problems with sleep that aren't connected to hot flashes. Typically, the frequency of insomnia doubles from the amount you may have had before you entered premature menopause. And research also indicates that women begin to experience restless sleep as many as five to seven years before entering menopause. Again, though, the problem is recognizing that the insomnia you're suffering from has its roots in changes in your hormone levels. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Difficulty Concentrating, Disorientation, Mental Confusion During early menopause, many women are troubled to find they have difficulty remembering things, experience mental blocks or have trouble concentrating. Not getting enough sleep or having sleep disrupted can
  • 5. contribute to memory and concentration problems. If your doctor determines that your disorientation isn't caused by a serious medical condition, then you might consider these possibilities: -Investigate your drugs. -Disorientation is a side effect of some drugs. -Learn to relax. - Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga and meditation and try to be physically active on a regular basis. Disturbing Memory Lapses Memory loss affects most people in one way or another. More often than not, it is a momentary memory lapse; nothing to worry about - it happens to the best of us. However, when memory lapses begin to become a regular occurrence, it is wise to dig a little deeper and seek medical advice. Women approaching menopause often complain of memory loss and an inability to concentrate. Misplaced car keys, skipped appointments, and forgotten birthdays, but these memory lapses are a normal symptom of menopause. It is mostly associated with low levels of estrogen and with high stress levels. Dizziness, Light Headedness, Episodes of Loss of Balance Dizziness is a transient spinning sensation and/or a feeling of lightheadedness or unsteadiness; also, the inability to maintain balance upon standing or walking. Dizziness is a symptom of many medical conditions. There are things that people can do to cope with their dizziness. But if you experience an unexplained dizzy spell, see your doctor, because you can't be sure if it's a trivial problem or a symptom of a serious illness. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Weight Gain during Menopause Weight gain, specifically a thickening in your middle, is another sign of changing hormones. While a number of books and doctors claim that menopause has nothing to do with weight gain, that weight gain occurs in menopausal women because they're older and their metabolism is slowing
  • 6. down, other studies indicate that hormone levels are tied to weight gain and redistribution of fat. Changes in diet and exercise can help rev up your body's metabolic rate. Also trying natural alternative supplements may help. Incontinence, especially upon Sneezing, Laughing, Urge Incontinence Incontinence falls into three main categories, although people can leak through because of a combination of causes. First, there's stress incontinence, in which you urinate accidentally when you laugh, cough, sneeze or exert yourself. This happens either when the bladder neck shifts position out of reach of the internal muscles that put pressure on it or when those muscles themselves fail to work effectively, because of age, surgery or childbirth. The second one is urge incontinence, in which the bladder develops a "mind of its own," contracting and emptying whenever full despite an individual's conscious efforts to resist. And last, overflow incontinence, in which you completely lose the sensation that you have to go. You should see your doctor if you urinate when you shouldn't, because you have no sensation that your bladder is full. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Sudden Bouts of Bloat A puffy bloated feeling that seems to come out of nowhere; usually you'll notice bouts which are a periodic increases in fluid retention and abdominal distension. Doctors call the gassiness, bloating and discomfort that occur after eating dairy foods lactose intolerance. It means your stomach is unable to digest the lactose -or milk sugar- in dairy foods. Unfortunately, most adults have this problem to some degree, according to Jay A. Perman, M.D., as people age, they produce less lactase -the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Without lactase, the undigested milk sugar ferments and gases form. The trapped gas makes your stomach bloat. If you have persistent, unexplained bloating
  • 7. or stomach pain for more than three days, then you should contact you doctor. Increase in Allergies Many types of allergy have their basis in hormone reactions. This is particularly true of ladies who experience increasing symptoms as they undergo hormone changes, usually in their late twenties or after the babies are born. Hormone imbalance is a type of allergic reaction experienced by women from before puberty to old age. It is a heightened reaction to the normal function of hormones. Changes in Fingernails-Softer, Crack or Break Easier A black or blue nail tells the world that you and your hammer had a problem. Reddish yellow nails demonstrate that you change your nail polish often. Nails that split and break can be a sign that you're spending too much time with your hands in the sink. Nails that take on a convex, spoon like appearance may mean respiratory deficiency or simply that you're not getting enough iron. Nibbled nails and hangnails can betray your anxiety level. Fingernail and toenail problems are usually caused by inflammation of the skin around the nail or by an infection. A persistently painful and inflammed fingernail or toenail requires your doctor's attention. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Changes in Body Odor Have you ever heard the saying: "body odor is the smell of sweat"? Well, it may be partly true. In fact, our bodies make two types of sweat: eccrine sweat, which is odorless, is present all over the body, and is used to control the temperature of the whole organism. The other type of sweat is aprocrine, a stronger substance produced by the glands under the arm. Apocrine sweat is odorless too, until bacteria on the skin surface acts upon it. The smell of this sweat may be more intense in people with inadequate
  • 8. hygiene, or merely have bad genes. How to reduce the body odor? Use a deodorant soap whenever you take a shower. Antibacterial soaps will solve the problem because it's the bacteria that are producing the odor. The antibacterial soap will do all the work; making scrub unnecessary. Bouts of Rapid Heart Beat A pounding, racing heart is the second most common complaint associated with perimenopause. These bouts of rapid heart beat scare a lot of women because of their sudden onset, unexpected arrivals, and seemingly no way to stop them. This partially accounts for the sleeping troubles during perimenopause. This pounding can mean something other than perimenopause, so it's very important for a woman who is experiencing this symptom to report it to her doctor. There are a couple of things you can do when the pounding begins. First relax and take deep breaths. Try to reassure yourself that this only a symptom of perimenopause and it will pass. If you are in bed when this occurs, change your position and do some deep breathing. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Depression Feelings of sadness can be normal, appropriate and even necessary during life's setbacks or losses. Or you may feel blue or unhappy for short periods of time without reason or warning, which also is normal and ordinary. But if such feelings persist or impair your daily life, you may have a depressive disorder. Severity, duration and the presence of other symptoms are the factors that distinguish ordinary sadness from a depressive disorder. This is called: Depression, or irritability, which is a significant change in mood for an extended period of time associated with loss of interest in usual activities, sleep and eating disorders, and withdrawal from family and friends. Depression can happen to anyone of any age. It afflicts almost 19 million Americans each year, and up to one in five American women will suffer
  • 9. from clinical depression at some point in her life. Women are two to three times more likely than men to suffer from depression. Many women first experience symptoms of depression during their 20s and 30s. Anxiety, Feeling Ill at Ease Anxiety can be a vague or intense feeling caused by physical or psychological conditions. A feeling of agitation and loss of emotional control that may be associated with panic attacks and physical symptoms such as rapid heart beat, shortness of breath and palpitations. The frequency of anxiety can range from a one-time event to recurring episodes. Early diagnosis may aid early recovery, prevent the disorder from becoming worse and possibly prevent the disorder from developing into depression. Irritability A significant change in mood for an extended period of time associated with loss of interest in usual activities, sleep and eating disorders, and withdrawal from family and friends. "Occasional irritability is a normal part of being human," says Paul Horton, M.D., a psychiatrist in Meriden, Connecticut. "But irritability also can go hand in hand with almost any illness. Very often, people who are falling ill will become irritable but don't know why." If your irritability persists more than a week and is adversely affecting your job performance and relationships with your family, friends and co- workers, better see your doctor. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Panic Disorder, Feelings of Dread, Apprehension, Doom A significant and debilitating emotional state characterized by overwhelming fear and anxiety. These feelings can be vague or intense caused by physical or psychological conditions. The frequency can range from a one-time event to recurring episodes. If your life is totally disrupted by this symptom, better contact your doctor.
  • 10. Breast Pain Pain, soreness, or tenderness in one or both breasts often precedes or accompanies menstrual periods but can also occur during pregnancy, breast-feeding, and menopause. It can be resumed in a generalized discomfort and pain associated with touching or application of pressure to breast. Consult your doctor if the pain is severe or persists for two months or more, also if the breast pain that is accompanied by a breast lump or nipple discharge. Headaches during Menopause Though headaches can be caused by a variety of factors such as muscle tension, drinking too much alcohol or can occur with common illnesses such as the flu. During the early stages of menopause, you may find that you're getting more and worse headaches. This is often caused by your dropping estrogen levels. Many women with regular menstrual cycles get headaches just before their periods or at ovulation. These headaches, sometimes called "menstrual migraines" occur when estrogen levels plunge during the menstrual cycle. So, when your body begins slowing down its production of estrogen due to premature menopause, you may wind up getting one of these hormonally-induced headaches. Severe headaches that are accompanied by confusion or high fever can indicate a serious health condition and require your doctor's immediate attention. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Aching, Sore Joints, Muscles and Tendons Aching Joints and muscle problems is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. It is thought that more than half of all postmenopausal women experience varying degrees of joint pain. Joint pain is basically an unexplained soreness in muscles and joints, which are unrelated to trauma or exercise, but may be related to immune system effects mostly caused by fluctuating hormone levels. It is not wise to ignore these aches and pains. Early treatment can often bring about a cure and prevent
  • 11. further development of arthritis. Getting plenty of rest, using herbal aids, eating nutritious foods, preferably organic food, fruits and vegetables-and avoiding known toxins and stimulants, are healthy strategies for fighting joint pains. Burning Tongue, Burning Roof of Mouth, Bad Taste in Mouth, Change in Breath Odor Burning mouth syndrome is a complex, vexing condition in which a burning pain occurs on your tongue or lips, or over widespread areas involving your whole mouth without visible signs of irritation. The disorder has long been associated with a variety of other conditions, including menopause. It affects up to 5 percent of U.S. adults, women seven times more often than men. It generally occurs after age 60. But it may occur in younger people as well. If you have persistent pain or soreness in your tongue, lips, gums or other areas of your mouth, see your doctor. Electric Shock Sensation Under the Skin And In The Head A peculiar "electric" sensation, or the feeling of a rubber band snapping in the layer of tissue between skin and muscle, that may be related to the effect of fluctuating estrogen levels on nerve tissue. It can also be the precursor to a hot flash. If the symptom gets intense, contact you doctor for further assistance. Digestive Problems, Gastrointestinal Distress, Indigestion, Flatulence, Gas Pain, Nausea Changes in gastrointestinal function with excessive gas production, gastrointestinal cramping and nausea. A certain amount of flatulence is perfectly natural, but people who switch to a healthy diet sometimes worry unnecessarily that they're producing too much. So if you're eating lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, which means a healthy diet, it's likely that your digestive system is churning out a healthy amount of gas. If you have gas and stomach or abdominal pain for
  • 12. more than three days, or if the pain is more severe than before, you should see your doctor immediately. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Gum Problems, Increased Bleeding The most common gum problem is bleeding, and it's a sign of inflamed gums, or what dentists call gingivitis. But gingivitis is just the overture for more serious problems. Bleeding and sore gums are the same as most health problems: If you catch them before they get too bad, they're easy to reverse. "Gingivitis is absolutely reversible in the earlier stages," says Dr. Allen.To put bleeding gums in reverse, put your hands on floss and a toothbrush. But make sure to hold that toothbrush the right way. You have to worry if sores develop under your dentures or if there is swelling, puffiness, soreness in your bleeding gums. Take advice from your doctor in these cases. Increased Tension in Muscles An increase of aches and pains throughout the body muscles associated with soreness and stiffness in muscles. Women whose general health and resistance are good are apt to have less premenstrual tension than those women suffering from poor nutrition and lack of physical exercise. There are some things you can do to try to keep symptoms to a minimum: Exercise helps boost endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, so it may help improve moods and has been found to significantly reduce many physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Next time you have a build-up of tension or anxiety, try to run it off. Itchy, Crawly Skin When your estrogen levels drop, your collagen production usually slows down as well. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin toned, fresh- looking, resilient. So when you start running low on collagen, it shows in your skin. It gets thinner, drier, flakier, less youthful-looking.
  • 13. This is another of those symptoms of menopause that makes you feel older before your time and, in this case, it's clear why. You may look a little older than you used to. Worst, this sign often shows up early in menopause. Collagen loss is most rapid at the beginning of menopause. It is possible that premature menopause also leads to more rapid collagen loss. Skip This Menopause Signs Article Content? Please Click Here. Tingling Extremities This may feel like the "creepy-crawlies" as if bugs were walking all over you, a burning sensation like an insect sting, or just super-sensitivity. In most cases, tingling is harmless. It usually occurs after you pinch a nerve or press on an artery and reduce blood flow in your arm or leg causing it to "fall asleep." When you change body position and relieve the compression, the tingling quickly goes away. But tingling can also be a symptom of any number of problems, including anxiety, a herniated spinal disk, poor blood circulation, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome or a tumor. Any unexplained tingling that affects an entire side of your body or is accompanied by muscle weakness, warrants immediate medical attention. Osteoporosis (After Several Years) Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disorder where there is thinning and weakening of the bone, and a general decrease in the bone mass and density. This means that they are much more susceptible to breaks and fractures. Menopause does affect your bones. Normally your bones will go through a process where old bone is replaced by new bone cells. When you are young your body makes more new bone than it takes away in old bone. Your body's ability to handle this process changes with age, so that by the time you are about 35 there is less bone building than there is bone removal.
  • 14. During the menopause your estrogen levels drop. Estrogen is involved in the process of calcium absorption into the bones. All women will experience acceleration in bone density reduction as their estrogen levels drop. Don't despair, these early menopause signs are all treatable, just click HERE to find out how.