professor lili saghafi lili saghafi big data quantum computers future quantum internet diamond crystals decoherence big data from social networking graphene fault-tolerant correction quantum networkers quantum error correction nuclear magnetic resonance niobium interference qubits windsor university bi scanning tunneling microscope viu college silicon semiconductors scholars augmented reality analytic prof. lili saghafi concordia university university python machine learning ai analytical skills computer scientist it computer cyber security higher education data doubles education cyber forensic cyber crime cyber war naive bayes classifier neural networks k-nearest neighbor classifier cloud computing business intelligence quantum computing vancouver island university real time enterprise management erp predictive forecasting hyper connected people from process to people faculty mis it security platform engineer cloud architect nosql database spark hadoop scala sql data engineering data mining database management natural language processing data visualization domain expertise computer science stanford university flip-flop qubits analytics sap information technology hana etherium blockchain satoshi nakamoto bitcoin cryptography data deep learning entanglement uml stanford high school programming java spin chip iot parallel universes quasiparticle nuclei hyperfine interaction research mcgill university conference on education media design and technolog conference on communication and network security network it challenge predication future agile software development social media it threats security threats information assurance in memory processing digital marketing data-centric ai mlops cloud-enabled ai capabilities artificial intelligence development software watson ibm communication technology qubit technologies quantum circuits houston university software maintenance agile project management feature driven development lean software development extreme programming (xp) dynamic systems development (dsdm) scrumban adaptive software development scrum disciplined agile delivery (dad) kanban software testing software engineering software development professer lili saghafi quantum internet teleportation superposition qubit programming paradigm syntax semantics declarative form imperative form encapsulates private keys pki identity management peer networks protocols internet intranet blockchain is a network ethereum the ledger digital decentralized ledgers blockchain notebook smart contracts immutability blockchain technology crypto anchor verifier ibm’s blockchain platform blockchain ledger private blockchain network private key predictive analytic rsa entanglements optimization guirr nsf national science foundation quantum computers-readiness plan confusion matrix research tool metadata ssh research data science digital humanities efficient algorithm recursion-solvable tail-recursive algorithm basic algorithm leonardo of pisa recursive functions algorithm recursive fibonacci numbers. xoic worms windows server and windows 10 servers running inte viruses stacheldracht dos/ddos weaknesses category of os loic hacking github dyn dos / ddos introduction how easy it is to get info cyber attacks a.k.a. mafiaboy point of entrance / osi model ( if international congress on science and education computer adaptive assessments vpa assessment bubble sort  insertion sort  selection sort quick sort methods loops sorting is a classic subject in computer science. presentation time computing quantum physics quantum models nasa / gsfc. cause and effect causal asymmetry arrow of time reference variable dereferencing nullptr swap function memory allocation arrays pointers entanglement quantum error correction essay writing apache’s hadoop data warehouses quantum computing readiness plan tcp/ip packet switching prof. 3 d chips parallel processing chips molecular computers transistors html5 iquary javascript cascading style sheets (css) browsers uwindsor web programming short-term memory brain conference learning & the brain neuron attention deficit hyperactivity disorder attention focused mode diffuse mode thinking chunking metaphor procrastination learning ircb education technology research methods in education visual intelligence predictive analytics coaching leadership women's speed mentoring philanthropy mentoring character business women schneider electric agile professor project management how to choose a topic research plan write dissertation project apply for founding thesis
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