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• 365 天英语口语大全(日常口语篇)完整版
第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居
  1 起床
  该起床了。It’s time to get up。
  快起床。Get up soon。
  我星期六通常晚起。I usually sleep late on Saturdays。
  快点儿!Hurry up!
  时间还早呢。It’s still early。
  闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm go off?
  我一夜没睡着。I stayed up the whole night。
  我还很困。I’m still sleepy。
  你昨天晚上打呼噜了。You were snoring last night。
  我整晚都在做梦。I’ve been dreaming all the night。
  把衣服穿上。Put your clothes on。
  把被褥叠好。Fold up your bedding。
把头发梳一下。Comb your hair。
  Waking Someone Up
  Ann:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed。
  Jim:Do I have to get up now?
  Ann:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late。
  Jim:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off
  Ann:Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right
through it. You’re like a dead person while you sleep。
  Jim:I must have slept right through it。
  Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead!
  Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes。
  Ann:The early bird gets the worm。
  Jim:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms。
Ann:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now,later on it’ll be a
lot tougher for you。
  第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居 2 睡觉
  很晚了。It’s late。
  我还想看电视。I want to watch more TV。
  明天的事情都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?
  我卸完妆了。I finished taking off my make-up。
  该睡觉了。It’s time to go to bed。
  把床铺好。Make your bed。
  我一点儿也不困。I’m wide awake。
  我困了。I’m sleepy。
  我要去睡觉了。I’m going to bed。
  你定闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock?
  做个好梦。Sweet dreams。
  Mother:It’s time for bed。
  Frank:But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more
  Mother:It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll
be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’t sleep well tonight。
  Frank:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work
really hard。
  Mother:Don’t you have exams coming up soon? I’m sure you
could spend more time preparing for those。
  Frank:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams。
  Mother:You do well in the math, but your history is not good
enough, am I right?
  Frank:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could go to sleep now and get
up early to review the lessons tomorrow。
  Mother:An excellent idea. Work now and play later。
  Frank:I know you’re right. School is more important than TV,
but can I watch one more show then go to bed?
  Mother:No, now is bedtime。
  第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居 3 居家住房
  你觉得这个公寓怎么样?What do you think of this apartment?
  I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine。
  请到客厅来。Please come into the living room。
  收拾一下你的房间。Clean your room。
  请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。Please vacuum the whole
  这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty。
  打开窗户,给房间通通风。Open the window and air the
  厨房的水池子堵了。The sink is clogged。
  抽水马桶漏水了。The toilet is running。
  这个水龙头在不停地漏水。This faucet leaks day and night。
  没有电。The electricity isn’t working。
  没有暖气。There’s no heat。
  把空调打开/关上。Turn on/off the air conditioner。
  你打算怎样布置这个房间?How are you going to decorate this
  也许我们应该买些新家具。Maybe we could get some new
Talking about Apartment
  Jason:What do you think of this flat?
  Alice:It’s not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small
for us。
  Jason:Small but it should be enough for our needs, I think。
  Alice:But there’s no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like
to have a hot shower before bed, especially in the winter. It feels
  Jason:That’s true. But I love the living room; it’s huge and filled
with sunshine。
  Alice:True, and I like the kitchen. It’s new and well equipped。
  Jason:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the
  Alice:You’re right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is
so small. We’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there。
  Jason:Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff。
  Alice:I hadn’t thought of that。
第一章 家庭生活 第二节 出入家门 4 离家前
  我要上厕所。I’m going to the bathroom。
  你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?
  我看上去怎么样?How do I look?
  If only I had got up thirty minutes earlier。
  把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。Take out the garbage. It stinks。
  快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。
  不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry. It’s still early。
  我得赶紧走了。I have to rush。
  记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag。
  别忘了锁门。Don’t forget to lock the door。
Damn, I have locked the key in the house。
  Before Leaving Home
  Carter:Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up?
  Susan:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I
look? Is my make-up OK?
  Carter:You look great. Your make-up is perfect。
  Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?
  Carter:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with
your hair like that。
  Susan:Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace
I should wear?
  Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace
would look perfect。
  Susan:Thanks for helping out. Now that I’m ready, what are you
doing tonight?
  Carter:Not much, just a house party with some friends。
  Susan:Sounds fun. Anyone I know is going?
  Carter:Yeah, most of the people are from our office。
  Susan:Sounds Like I'm missing out on a good time. Oh, well,
there is always next year。
  Carter:I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go.
Remember to take your bag。
  第一章 家庭生活 第二节 出入家门 5 回家后
  开门!Open the door!
  我找不到钥匙了。I can’t find the key。
  亲爱的,我回来了。Honey, I’m home。
  今天怎么样?How did it go today?
  累死了!I’m exhausted!
  倒霉透了。It’s just not my day。
  和平常一样。Just as usual。
  我现在情绪很低落。I’m feeling down。
  我饿死了,咱们出去吃吧。I’m starving, so let’s dine out。
  我太累,不想做饭了。I’m too tired, so I don’t want to cook。
  跟家人见面的感觉真好。I feel so good to see my family。
我想先冲个澡。I want to take a shower first。
  After Getting Home
  Jane:Home at last. Tonight we have a lot of homework though。
  Tom:Are you saying we don’t have time to watch our favorite
show tonight? Jane, you know I really don’t like our teacher all that
much. He gives far too much homework. He criticizes me in front of
everyone all the time。
  Jane:To tell the truth, I don’t really like him either. He’s kind of
boring and not very active. He always looks unhappy too。
  Tom:Yes, and he also…
  Jane:Do you think we should be talking about him like this
behind his back?
  Tom:Probably not. After all he is our teacher. We should try to
find something nice to say. If you can’t say something nice you
shouldn’t say anything at all。
  Jane:I absolutely agree. It’s getting dark. We should finish our
homework now。
  Tom:All right. I want to take a shower first, I’m exhausted。
第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 6 做饭
  你需要多少肉?How much meat do you need?
  够新鲜吗?Are they fresh enough?
  把鱼内脏掏洗干净。Dress the fish。
  你在做什么饭?What are you cooking?
  肉要烧焦了。The meat will scorch。
  把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant。
  煤气灶坏了。The gas cooker doesn’t work。
  在橱柜里。It’s in the cabinet。
  递给我一个盘子。Hand me a plate。
  这里为什么这么多蟑螂啊?Why are there so many cockroaches
  我想把炖肉煨 5 分钟。I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5
  烧点水吧。Boil some water。
  我闻到煤气味了。把煤气关了。I smell gas. Turn it off。
  还没有完全搅拌好。It’s still not mixed well enough。
  打两个鸡蛋。Whisk two eggs。
  你能在每个杯子里放些冰吗?Could you put some ice in each
glass, please?
  这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull。
  Adam:I’d like to help pitch in with dinner。
  Sophie:Really? You’re joking。
  Adam:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your
  Sophie:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first。
  Adam:OK…Now how can I help, hon?
  Sophie:Hmm, let me see…Boil some water and then whisk two
  Adam:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed。(after a
  Sophie:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from
the fridge。
 Adam:How many potatoes do you need?
  Sophie:Three. And bring four bell peppers。
  Adam:Gotcha…OK. Here they are。
  Sophie:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers.
Then slice the meat。
  Adam:Where’s the peeler?
  Sophie:It’s in the cabinet…Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t
  Adam:What? Oh shit! I cut my finger。
  Sophie:Let me take a look at that…I can’t stop the bleeding. We
need to go to the hospital。
  Adam:I guess cooking’s not as easy as I thought。
  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 7 吃饭
  我饿了。I’m hungry。
  我们什么时候吃饭?When shall we eat?
  请帮忙递一下胡椒。Please pass the pepper。
  来帮忙摆碗筷。Help me set the table。
  It would be more delicious if you put some salt in it。
  该吃饭了。It’s time to eat。
  什么气味?What’s the smell?
  叫大家来吃饭。Call everyone to the table。
  别说话,吃你的饭。Be quiet and eat your food。
  把你盘子里的东西都吃完。Clean up your plate。
  再来一点吗?Would you like some more?
  很好吃!It's delicious!
  要想身体苗条, 你就不能再吃了。To keep slim, you can’t eat
any more。
  Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven’t seen you in ages. Come in. Let me
take your coat. How are you getting along?
  Henry:Very well, thank you。
  Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute。
  Henry: Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am
quite thirsty。
  Linda:Here you are。
  (at the table)
  Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there’s salad,
fried chicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the
chicken while it’s hot. It tastes better。
  Henry:Wow! You’re right. Everything is absolutely delicious.
Please pass the pepper。
  Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries。
  Henry:They’re soft。
  Linda:Would you like some more?
  Henry:No more. Thank you。
  Linda:Here’s to our friendship and health!
  Henry:Bottoms up!
  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 8 饮料
  专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处。Experts say that a glass
of red wine occasionally will do one’s health a world of good。
  Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it’s good for your
  要加冰吗?Do you want some ice in your drink?
  Nothing’s as refreshing as ice cold drinks on a hot day。
  Without a coffee, I could never get up in the morning。
  I’m not letting you get behind the wheel until you’ve sobered up。
  我已经喝了两三瓶啤酒了。I have had a couple of beers。
  你想喝冰茶吗?Do you want some iced tea?
  请加一点点糖。Please add a little sugar。
  我的胃受不了冷饮。Cold drinks don’t agree with my stomach。
  越凉越好。The cooler, the better。
  又开胃又可口。It’s appetizing and tasty。
  John:Tonight is a party night! What drinks do you think we
  Lily:Well, not everyone wants to drink beer. Make sure there are
some soft drinks and juice. Nothing’s as refreshing as ice drinks on a
hot day。
  John:I don’t think we need too much in the way of soft drinks.
Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone. What about wine?
  Lily:Just buy a cask of wine. Have you bought ice yet?
  John:No, once I fill the tub with beer, I’ll get the ice. The beer
will be cool if you put the tub under the ice. The cooler, the better。
  Lily:I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. It’s
appetizing and tasty。
  John:Well, if you say so. Personally speaking, I’d rather die of
thirst than drink champagne。
  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 9 肉类
  我通常吃鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。I usually eat chicken, pork and
  我们就着酱汁吃。We eat it with sauce。
  牛排你要几分熟?How would you like your steak?
  我想要熟透的牛排。I’d like my steak well-done。
  这肉太肥了。This meat is too fatty。
  这肉太老了。This meat is too tough。
  I’ll buy some meat from the butcher’s and cook it for you。
  我是吃素的。I am a vegetarian。
  What spices are you going to add to the meat?
  羊排非常好吃。Mutton chops taste so good。
  The Meat
  Frank:What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?
  June:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats
a lot in your country too, don’t you?
  Frank:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton。
  Jane:I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops。
  Frank:That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them
with sauce. Have you ever tried?
  Jane:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last
year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?
  Frank:Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s and cook
for you next Sunday。
  Jane:That sounds great. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then。
  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 10 一日三餐
  晚餐吃什么?What’s for supper?
  你早餐想吃什么?What would you like to have for breakfast?
  差不多做好了。It’s almost ready。
  你想喝咖啡、果汁还是牛奶?Would you like some coffee, juice
or milk?
  早餐准备好了。Breakfast is ready。
  你要不要来些甜点?Do you care for some dessert?
  我一口也吃不下了。I couldn’t eat another bite。
  你要喝汤吗?Do you want some soup?
  我不想吃了。I don’t feel like eating anything。
  我在附近一家快餐店吃过午饭了。I’ve had my lunch in a snack
bar nearby。
  I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg。
  Mom:John, come and get it; breakfast is ready。
  John:I’m still getting ready for school. I can’t find my
  Mom:I told you to pack it last night. What did you do with it?
  John:I did. But I used something in the bag later。
  Mom:Anyway, hurry up! Here is your carrot juice。
  John:Can I have apple juice, Mom?
  Mom:Don’t be so fussy about stuff。
  John:Oh, Mom.。。
  Mom:Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up?
  John:Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I’ll make it myself。
  Mom:Good. I’ll butter your toast then。
  John:I wish I could have breakfast steak today。
  Mom:I’ll make it for you tomorrow。
第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 11 收拾餐桌碗碟
  轮到谁来洗碗了?Whose turn is it to do the dishes?
  轮到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。
  吃完饭你洗碗吗?Will you do the dishes after the meal?
  把你的餐具放到水槽里。Put your dishes in the sink。
  我来洗碗,你来擦/烘干。I’ll wash and you dry。
  把椅子放回去。Put the chairs back。
  这些污渍怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains just won’t come out。
  我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware
  餐桌布脏了。The tablecloth is dirty。
  Use a little muscle when you clean the stove。
  在我看来,洗碗很无聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is
  你洗碗时要小心。Be careful when you wash the dishes。
  Clearing the Table and Doing the Dishes
  Frank:Do you like cooking?
  Jane:Yes, I do a lot. But I don’t like doing dishes. What about
you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards?
  Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one. I can’t
cook and I hate cleaning。
  Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you
  Frank:I would rather do the dishes than cook。
  Jane:I prefer the opposite. The way I see it, to do the dishes is
  Frank:Let’s make a deal。
  Frank:I’m going to buy some vegetables and you cook。
  Jane:Will you do the dishes after the meal?
  Frank:Fair enough。
  第一章 家庭生活 第四节 理财规划 12 花销
  I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。
  Give me your credit cards. You’re living beyond your means。
  我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending
  你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control。
  你花钱太多了,而且大多数花费都是不太有必要的。You did
spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。
  我现在花钱太多了。I have been spending too much money。
  我超出我的底限了。I am living above my limit。
  这要一大笔开销的。That’ll cost you an arm and a leg。
  You know, money doesn’t grow on trees。
  人生苦短,所以不要光存钱不花钱。Life is too short to him
who’s been always saving money and not using it。
  我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱。I have to control
myself because I always go out and spend like crazy。
  Harry:Damn it, I’m running out of money again. I really need to
balance my budget and handle my money better。
  Lily:You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind
of unnecessary。
  Harry:But I make it。
  Lily:Though, you don’t have to spend every penny you make.
You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do。
  Harry:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money。
  Lily:You should save in case of an emergency. You need to have
more self-control. What things did you spend your money on?
  Harry:The problem is that I have no idea. I didn’t pay
  Lily:Let bygones be bygones. Start saving right now。
第一章 家庭生活
  第四节 理财规划
  13 储蓄
  I want to deposit this money in the bank。
  现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱。The interest is rather
high, so we should save some money in the bank。
  We have no money to save.
  我们可以把我们收入的 20%存入银行。
  We can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank。
  我们应该做个存款计划。We should make a plan for saving
  We need to start saving money for a rainy day。
  我们得省吃俭用勒紧裤腰带。We’ve got to tighten our belt。
  我攒够钱了。I’ve got enough saved up。
  我们得留意收支情况。We need to watch our money。
这次我要动用储蓄了。I’ll dip into my savings this time。
  Saving Money and Depositing It
  Abby:We need to start saving money for a rainy day。
  Rick:Yeah, I know, but we still need to live too. I don’t want to
work just to save。
  Abby:Well, we can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the
  Rick:20% sounds too high. How about 10%?
  Abby:If we start saving and keeping it in the bank now, we’ll
have enough money to retire comfortably。
  Rick:I don’t think about retirement too often. It seems so far off
in the future。
  Abby:If we don’t put money in the bank now, we’ll have to
work right up until the day we die. I don’t want to be working when
I’m in my 70s。
  Rick:I don’t guess so. I never thought about it that way。
  第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 14 接电话
  喂!我是汤姆。Hello! This is Tom。
  我就是。This is him。
  哪位?Who’s speaking?
  请稍等,我看他在不在。Hang on a moment, please. I’ll see if
he’s in。
  莉莉,有你的电话。Lily, there’s a phone call for you。
  抱歉,他不在。Sorry, he’s out。
  他现在正忙着呢。He is tied up right now。
  对不起,让你久等了。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting。
  我把电话给你转过去。Let me transfer your call。
  你要跟谁通话?Who do you want to talk to?
Answering the Telephone
  Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?
  John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。
  Linda:This is her。
  John:Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party
tomorrow evening。
  Linda:Really? What time and where?
  John:7:30 pm, at Longding Chinese restaurant. I’ll be at your
place at 7:00 to pick you up if you need a ride。
  Linda:Yes, please. I’ll need a ride. I’ll be waiting for you then。
  John:See you tomorrow at 7:00. Make sure you dress a little
formally. I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale。
  Linda:Thank you. See you then。
  John:See you。
  第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 15 打电话
  简在家吗?Is Jane at home?
  我想和托马斯先生通话。I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas。
  接线员,我的电话断了。Operator, I was cut off。
  我需要打一个急救电话。I need to make an emergency call。
  我会再打的。I’ll call back。
  他什么时候回来?When will he come back?
  请给我接分机 605 好吗?Can you put me through to extension
  If he’s not in, please ask his secretary to talk to me。
  Making a Telephone Call
  Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association。
  Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. I’d like to speak to Mr.
  Clerk:I’m sorry, but Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes
  Brown:I’ve been trying to call him for the last ten minutes, but
your line was busy. Will he be back soon?
  Clerk:I’m afraid not. He is away for the rest of the day。
  Brown:Is there other way I can reach him?
  Clerk:I’m afraid not. He has gone out of this town on business.
May I take a message?
  Brown:I have a business appointment with him at 10 o’clock
tomorrow morning, but I’m afraid I can’t make it。
  Clerk:Would you like to make another appointment?
  Brown:Unfortunately, I’m leaving here unexpectedly, and I may
be away for several days。
  Clerk:I see. I’ll tell Mr. Thomas that you’ve called。
  Brown:Thank you。
第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 16 电话留言
  我能替您捎个口信吗?May I take a message?
  我会把口信转达给他的。I’ll give him the message。
  我会告诉他你来过电话。I’ll tell him that you called。
  我会尽力和他取得联系的。I’ll do my utmost to make contact
with him。
  你可以给他留个口信,他一有空就给你打回去。You can leave
him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。
  请让他给我回个电话。Please have him return my call。
  我能留个口信吗?Can I leave a message?
  都是些不重要的事,不用留言了。It’s all about something
unimportant, so there’s no need to leave a message。
  Leaving a Message
  Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?
  Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。
  Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the
International Business Center。
  Jane:When do you expect him back?
  Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d
like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the
moment he’s free。
  Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know
that Jane called and I need him to call me back。
  Frank:Does he have your number?
  Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.
  Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?
  Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。
  Frank:You’re welcome。
  第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 17 打错电话
  我准是拨错号了。l must have dialed the wrong number。
  这儿没有这个人。Nobody here by that name。
  对不起,你打错了。Sorry, I think you have the wrong
  我肯定你打错电话了。I’m sure that you have the wrong
  He probably changed to a new number. I’m sorry I bothered
  You have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct
number in the telephone directory。
  对不起,打扰了。I’m sorry that I have disturbed you。
  没关系。That’s all right。
  Dialing a Wrong Number
  Jane:Is Patti there?
  Frank:I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number.
There is no Patti here。
  Jane:Wrong number? Are you sure? I called yesterday and she
was there。
  Frank:I’m sure you have the wrong number. This one has been
my number for more than 20 years。
  Jane:That’s impossible. I remember the number clearly. Isn’t
this 763-4565?
  Frank:No, it isn’t. It’s 736-4565. It seems you’ve misdialed。
  Jane:Really? I’m so sorry I bothered you. I’ll try again。
  Frank:That’s all right. This sort of thing happens all the time to
  Jane:Yeah, I guess it does. Sorry again for bothering you。
  Frank:No worries。
  第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 18 挂断电话
  我现在有点急事。Something urgent has come up。
  都讲完了吗?Is that all?
  Can I call you back? There is an emergency。
  谢谢你打电话过来。Thank you for calling。
  很高兴跟你通话。It’s been nice talking to you。
  请代我向大家问好。Please say hello to everyone for me。
  我的另一部电话响了。My other line is ringing。
  Give me your number, and I’ll call you back。
  我不再占用你的时间了。I won’t keep you any longer。
  抱歉,我要挂电话了。Sorry, I’d better go now。
  I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。
  Hanging up
  Ann:Hello, three-five.。。
  Sam:Is that Ann?
  Ann:I’m sorry. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed early. I didn’t
have a good time and I don’t really want to see you again。
  Sam:What are you talking about? We had a great time. We
laughed and talked all night last time。
  Ann:It was hardly all night. And I recall it was you doing all the
laughing at your own jokes。
  Sam:That’s not fair. We had fun. Give me a second chance. Can
we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub?
  Ann:No, I’m sorry. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow
evening. And I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。
  Sam:But Ann.。。
  第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 19 手机座机通话障碍
  我的手机电池没电了。The battery of my mobile phone is
  我的电话快没电了。My phone is running out of battery。
  我忘了给电池充电了。I forgot to recharge the battery。
  我忘记带手机充电器了。I forgot to take the mobile charger。
  我把手机给关了。I had my cell phone power off。
  没有信号。There is no signal。
  我不会发短信。I don’t know how to send messages。
  我的电话余额不足了。My balance is not enough。
  我忘记买充值卡了。I forgot to buy the recharge card。
  你的手机无法接通。Your cellphone could not be reached。
  你的手机停机了。Your number is out of service。
  我忘记你的号码了。I forgot your number。
  我打不通。I couldn’t get through。
  我不会用电话卡。I don’t know how to use a calling card。
  电话占线。The line is busy。
  她正在通话。Her line is busy at the moment。
  你过一会儿再打来好吗? Could you call back later?
  我听不清你说话。I can’t hear you clearly。
  你能大点儿声吗?Could you please speak up a little?
  我的电话坏了。My phone is out of order。
  有好多杂音。There is a lot of noise。
  听上去我们的线路有问题。Sounds like a problem with our
  你真应该换一部电话机。You really should change to a new
  他换电话号码了。He has changed his number。
  Telephone Connection Difficulties
  Doris:You’re late。
  Leo:I’m sorry. It was too cold and my car couldn’t start. I had to
warm it up in the garage with a heater. I tried to call you, but couldn’t
get a connection。
  Doris:Couldn’t get a connection?
  Leo:Yes. Your number is out of service。
  Doris:Really? I didn’t know. Let me check. You’re right。
  Leo:So I couldn’t get through。
  Doris:It’s a serious problem. I’m expecting an important call.
The theater guild is supposed to call me this evening and discuss my
play. What will happen if they can’t reach me?
  Leo:Well, the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover
your service。
  第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 20 看电视
  把电视打开。Turn on the TV。
  把遥控器给我。Give me the remote control。
  电视上有什么节目?What’s on TV?
  我喜欢这个节目。I like this program。
  There’s too much violence on TV nowadays。
  电视报在哪儿?Where is the TV Guide?
  你看什么节目了?What did you watch?
  I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie。
  有什么好节目吗?Is there anything good on?
  换个频道。Change the channel。
  不要把频道换来换去。Stop flipping channels。
  离电视机远点。Move back from the TV.
  你真是个电视迷。You are really a couch potato。
  把音量调小些。Turn it down。
  这是现场直播节目。It’s live TV。
  Watching TV
  Blair:How are you feeling, Flora?
  Flora:Much better. Thanks. I’ve been resting all day, only with
the television as my companion. In fact, in the whole week, the only
thing I felt like doing was watching TV。
  Blair:What did you watch today?
  Flora:I started with some game shows this morning. I really
enjoy them and even answered most of the questions correctly。
  Blair:And next?
  Flora:At 2 o’clock, I switched to Channel 6, and watched a
terrific movie without commercials。
  Blair:I know what you mean. There was an old action movie
next. I think you won’t like it。
  Flora:I wanted to watch it, but I was already tired by the time it
came on. I had a rest instead. Then I watched the news on Channel 11.
  Blair:Anything important happened?
  Flora:A bank was robbed this afternoon. A reporter on the scene
covered the event. The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the
  第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 21 看电影
  今晚去看电影怎么样?How about going to a movie tonight?
  这是一部热门电影。The movie is a big hit。
  我是个电影迷。I’m a big movie fan。
  你喜欢看什么电影?What kind of films do you like?
  这部电影的女主角是谁??Who is the heroine in this film?
  是什么剧情?What’s the plot?
  我已经?很长时间没看电影了。It’s been a long time since I last
saw a film。
  我有两张电影票。I have two movie tickets。
  我有两张首都电影院的赠券。I have two coupons for the
Capital Cinema。
  我们去哪家电影院?Which cinema shall we go to?
  你想看哪部片子?Which movie do you want to see?
  我们要看哪一场?Which showtime shall we choose?
  我们可以从网上订票。We can book the tickets online。
  我们应该早点动身去电影院。We should head for the cinema
  Or else we would definitely have problems getting good seats。
  电影院里污浊的空气让我讨厌。The foul air in the cinema
disgusts me。
  这么多票贩子!So many scalpers!
  《朱诺》这部电影下午 10 点那场还有票吗?
  Do you still have the tickets for the performance of Juno at 10 am?
  我要两张 15 排的票。I’d like two tickets in the fifteenth row。
  我要 7 号座位。I’d like seat 7.
  咱们进去吧。Let’s get in。
  The conditions and facilities of this cinema are pretty good。
  我出去一下。Excuse me for a while。
  你小声点讲话。Keep your voice down。
  我看不下去了,我走了。I can’t watch it any longer. I’m
  这部影片很感人。This film is very moving。
  这部电影真没劲。This film is boring。
  Going to the Movies
  Andrew:Wow, so many students are crowding in —more than I
expected. We’re lucky to arrive an hour earlier. Or else we would
definitely have problems getting good seats。
  Heather:I learned my lesson from the last experience. I didn’t
arrive early enough, so I ended up with a terrible seat —all the way up
in the front row! It was one of my worst movie experiences ever。
  Andrew:Yeah. I hate sitting in the front row。
  Heather:By the way, it was really thoughtful of you to get me the
ticket. I really appreciate it. I’ll buy some popcorn and a drink for us。
  Andrew:That would be great!
  Heather:You hold my place, and I’ll be back as soon as possible.
Oh, I almost forgot. I’d better hold on to my ticket stub in case they
won’t let me in。
  第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 22 听音乐
  放点音乐吧。Put on some music。
  我想听音乐。I want to listen to music。
  咱们放这张 CD 吧。Let’s play this CD。
  你想听谁的歌?Whose songs do you want to listen to?
  哪支曲子?Which piece of music?
  这个音量可以吗?Is this volume OK?
  把音乐声音调小一点。Turn that music down。
  多难听的噪音啊!What a racket!
  我的耳朵都嗡嗡地响了。My ears are ringing。
  这噪音能把人听聋了。That noise is deafening。
  你知道这首歌是谁唱的吗?Do you know who does this song?
  这首歌真让我受不了。This song drives me crazy。
  他很有音乐天赋。He has a great talent for music。
  我对音乐没有鉴赏力。I have no ear for music。
  我是流行音乐迷。I’m a pop music fan。
  Music to him is something that he can’t go without。
  你喜欢京剧吗?Do you like Beijing opera?
  音乐可以激发我们的想象力。Music can stir up our
  你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?
  你觉得那个歌手怎么样?What do you think of that singer?
  Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music?
Listening to Music
  Bobby:Do you like music?
  Rachel:Well, it depends。
  Bobby:Do you think this music is well-matched?
  Rachel:Of couse yes!
  Bobby:How about the lyrics?
  Rachel:Very touching。
  Bobby:They bring back some of my childhood memories。
  Rachel:Yeah! It’s so nostalgic. I love songs that take me to some
places I haven’t been, or haven’t been for a long time. It’s fun and
  Bobby:Of course, the rhythm is fantastic too. It makes me eager
to dance。
  Rachel:It’s full of energy。
  Bobby:This song is really worth listening to and enjoying。
  Rachel:It certainly is. It’s worth the Grammy Award it won。
第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 23 读书看报
  请给我晨版的。Morning edition, please。
  这是最好的杂志。This is the best magazine。
  我喜欢读短篇小说。I really like short stories。
  比起诗歌,我更喜欢散文。I prefer essays to poems。
  I advise you to read A Dream in Red Mansions。
  我想订一份《昂秀英语》。I’d like a subscription to Onshow
  我想续订。I’d like to renew my subscription。
  Do you know the circulation of this newspaper?
  你对此报的评价如何?How would you comment on this paper?
  Nicholas:What are you reading, Linda?
  Linda:I’m reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the
famous novelist, George Eliot。
  Nicholas:What’s it about?
  Linda:It is mainly about the relationship about a brother and a
sister, who live in a mill on river Floss. It describes their childhood and
a dispute that causes them to separate. The book ends with them
happily together again, but they were both killed in the flood。
  Nicholas:Is it difficult to understand?
  Linda:Not really, I would consider it easy。
  Nicholas:Besides novels, are there any other types of literary
works that you indulge in?
  Linda:I really like short stories。
  Nicholas:Have you read anything else besides literature?
  Linda:Certainly I have. I like to read books on various subjects,
and I read everything I can get my hands on in my spare time. I don’t
want to idle away and waste my time。
  Nicholas:I agree. People who don’t read are no better off than
people who can’t read. I also agree that “Books are like food for the
  第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 24 在 KTV
  我能看下歌曲单吗?Can I have a look at the song list?
  这个目录里有英文歌曲的部分。This catalogue has an English
  从点歌单里选首歌吧。Choose a song from the catalogue。
  这里的歌曲选择很多。This place has a large selection of
  我喜欢这首歌。I like this song。
  这首歌有优美的旋律。This song has a pleasant melody。
  你应该听这首歌的歌词。You should pay attention to the
  你们有英语歌曲吗?Do you want to sing an English song?
  我们唱二重唱吧。Let’s sing a duet。
  我们唱歌吧。Let’s sing together。
  有些歌曲有英文字幕。Some songs have English subtitles。
  把声调大点。Turn up the volume。
  你唱得很好。You’re a good singer。
  你的歌声很好听。你的高音的音调唱得很完美。You’ve got a
beautiful voice, and you hit the high notes perfectly。
  请大点儿声。Please sing out。
  来吧,给我们唱首歌!Come on, sing a song!
  请大家一起唱。Everybody, please join in with the singing。
  用这个麦克风。Use this microphone。
  一起唱。Sing along。
  这个设备有很强的回声。This equipment has a strong echo。
  At the KTV
  Julius:You’ve got a beautiful singing voice。
  Samantha:It’s this high-tech equipment that doctors up my voice
a little. Actually I’m tone-deaf。
  Julius:Come on. You hit the high notes perfectly。
  Samantha:Well, the echo and the stereo system helped a lot. And
I know that song very well, so I didn’t need to pay attention to the
subtitles, which helped as well。
  Julius:You’re too modest. Pass me the catalogue. I’d like to see
which song to choose… Wow, this place has a large selection of songs.
I don’t know which to choose。
  Samantha:Pick the one that you always sing in the shower。
  Julius:Funny. Oh, I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite
  Samantha:Read me the index number。
  Julius:1021. It’s a duet. Come on. Pick up the mic and sing
  Samantha:No, I need a rest。
  第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 25 在舞厅
  This ballroom looks magnificent and the music is wonderful。
  我很愿意(和你跳舞)。I’d love to。
  Let’s wait this one out, while I catch my breath。
  你经常来这儿跳舞吗?Do you often come here to dance?
  你的探戈舞跳得棒极了。You performed the tango
  你跳得不错。You’re a good dancer。
  你的脚步很轻盈。You’re light on your feet。
  你想跳一支伦巴吗?Would you like to dance a rumba?
  我从来没学过跳舞。I’ve never learned to dance。
  去跳舞吧,我来看着包。Go dance. I’ll watch the bags。
  咱们休息一会儿吧。Let’s take a break。
  我不想再跳了。I don’t feel like dancing any more。
  At the Ballroom
  Jack:You must like to dance, right?
  Lily:I’d love to. Do you often come here to dance?
  Jack:Yes, I like the old styles of dance, such as the waltz, rumba
and so on. They are quite graceful。
  Lily:You’re waltzing quite wonderfully. It’s great to dance with
an experienced and talented partner。
  Jack:Thank you for saying. I think you’re light on your toes too.
Oh, the music starts again. Would you like to have another dance,
  Lily:OK, that would be great. Do you like morden dance? I don’t
care for it。
  Jack:Neither do I. I don’t like any kind of morden dance at all。
第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 26 在酒吧
  这个座位有人吗?Is this seat taken?
  我能请你喝一杯吗?Can I buy you a drink?
  你们这里有什么啤酒?What kinds of beer do you have?
  我想来瓶啤酒。I’ll have a beer。
  我想来点香槟。I’ll take some champagne。
  我想要杯葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of wine。
  我要冰的。Make it a cold one。
  请来两个橄榄。Two olives, please。
  再给我来一杯。Give me another。
  我来给你倒。Let me pour this for you。
  我想敬杯酒。I’d like to propose a toast。
  再喝一点儿吗?Would you like more?
  想再喝一圈吗?Would you like another round?
  我现在酒喝得少了。I’m a light drinker now。
  你喝醉了。You’re drunk。
  我要借酒消愁。I’m going to drown my sorrows。
  喝干喽。Drink up。
  为你的健康干杯!Here’s to your health!
  该打烊了。It’s closing time。
  我想你已经喝得差不多了。I think you’ve had enough。
  我们再喝一杯就回家吧。Let’s have one more for the road。
  At the Bar
  Jack:This is a great bar. It’s really hopping。
  Alice:Yes, this was a great idea to come here. I’m glad we came
out tonight。
  Jack:Where would you like to sit?
  Alice:By the window。
  Jack:Ah, great minds think alike。
  Bartender:How are you tonight? What can I get you to drink?
  Jack:Please give me a few minutes。
  Bartender:Certainly, I’ll be right back to take your order。
  Jack:Alice, what do you want?
  Alice:Just a glass of juice, please。
  Bartender:Have you decided?
  Jack:Yes, I’ll have a beer and my friend will have an orange
  Bartender:I’ll be right back with those。
  第二章 日常生活 ???第二节 休闲娱乐 27 在咖啡馆
  这家咖啡馆的环境还不错。The environment of this caféis
  你想喝点什么?What would you like to drink?
  今天我请客。It’s my treat today。
 喂,服务生!Oh, waiter!
  请来两杯咖啡。Two coffees, please。
  我想要一小杯卡布奇诺咖啡。I’ll have a small cappuccino。
  请给我杯无咖啡因的咖啡。Give me a decaf, please。
  我要一杯不加奶的咖啡,她要一杯加奶的。A black coffee for
me and a white one for her。
  不要奶油。No cream。
  要加奶油和糖。Cream and sugar。
  味道要浓烈一些。Make it strong。
  我要大杯的。I’d like a large one。
  暂时只要咖啡。Just coffee for the moment。
  这里的咖啡很棒。The coffee here is perfect。
  这咖啡还行吗?Is the coffee all right?
  In a Café
  Eric:Do you know why I chose this café?
  Lucy:You like the music here。
  Eric:No, it’s because it's a good place to talk。
  Lucy:Actually, I don’t think it really matters which caféwe go
  Eric:Oh, it does. A good cafémakes a huge difference2. A quiet
and comfortable environment is more suitable for conversation. At
least3 I think so。
  Lucy:Hmm, maybe。
  Eric:Well, anyway4, let's get something to drink. The coffee
here is good. What would you like5?
  Lucy:I’ll have a medium white coffee。
  Eric:(to the waitress)Excuse me, miss!
  Waitress:Yes. What can I get for you6?
  Eric:Two coffees, please. A large black coffee for me and a
medium white one for her. Thank you。
  Waitress:Anything else?
  Eric:Not at the moment7.
  Lucy:You like black coffee?
  Eric:Yes. And I like it strong。
  第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 时间 28 数字
  学校里有 150 名教师。There are a hundred and fifty teachers in
the school。
  这个数是 1.2。This figure is one point two。
  房价上涨了 10%。There is a ten percent (10%) increase in house
  我是班里的第一名。I’m the first in our class。
  一个数能被 2 整除,像 2,4,6,8 等等,就是偶数。A
number that can be divided by two, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, etc, is an even
  2 加 3 等于 5。Two plus three equals five。
  我要一打啤酒。I’d like a dozen beers。
  有数百人去听音乐会了。Hundreds of people went to the
  Teacher:Today we’ll study numbers. What’s this number?
  Student:It’s one hundred and forty。
  Teacher:Yes. Is it an even number or an odd number?
  Student:Well, a number that can be divided by two is an even
number, so it’s an even number。
  Teacher:OK. Let’s look at the next one。
  Student:This figure is zero point five. It’s a decimal number。
  Teacher:Do you know how to change the decimal into a
  Student:Yes. The number is one half。
  Teacher:Now pick two numbers between one and ten, including
decimal numbers and fractions, then add, subtract, multiply or divide
them as you like. If there are decimals in your answer, round them up
to the nearest whole number。
  Student:Nine minus six is three. Four multiplied by two equals
eight. Zero point three six plus one point seven five equals…
  Teacher:Two point one one. Rounding it off to the nearest whole
number gives you two. It’s easier to add it all up if you use whole
  Student:I get it. Thank you。
第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 29 时间
  几点了?What time is it?
  我的表快了。My watch is fast。
  你能把闹钟定在六点吗?Could you set the alarm for six?
  现在是 9 点整。It’s exactly nine o’clock。
  马上到 9 点了。It’s almost nine。
  现在是 9 点十分。It’s ten past nine。
  现在是 9 点一刻。It’s nine fifteen。
  现在是 9 点 30 分。It’s nine thirty。
  现在是 9 点 45 分。It’s nine forty-five。
  现在是 9 点 50 分。It’s ten to ten。
  现在是中午 12 点。It’s noon。
  现在是上午 8 点。It’s 8 am。
  About the Time
  Fred:What time is it?
  Dina:8:50 (ten to nine)。
  Fred:Your watch is 10 minutes slow, so it should be 9:00 (nine
sharp). I’m gonna be late again. What will my excuse be this time? We
should’ve set the alarm for 7:30.
  Dina:Don’t cry over spilt milk. Fred, could you stay with me a
few more minutes?
  Fred:What, why? What’s wrong with you?
  Dina:I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do but listen
to the clock ticking. It’s so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it
worse. When will I recover?
  Fred:You’ll be fine in a couple of months. Just be patient. I’ve
got to go to work now or I’ll be late。
  Dina:You only care about your work。
  Fred:Sorry, baby. You’re everything to me. All I do is for this
  Dina:Stay just a few minutes longer, okay?
  Fred:OK. I’ll leave at 9:15. Is that all right?
  Fred:I’ll spend more time with you in the future, Dina。
  Dina:Thank you。
  第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 30 日期
  今天几号?What’s the date?
  今天是 10 号。It’s the tenth。
  今天是 8 月 1 日。It’s August first。
  今天是星期几?What day is it today?
  I don’t have a calendar, so I don’t know the date。
  今天是 2009 年 10 月 5 日星期一。It’s Monday, October 5th,
  我们打算六月二十号离开这里。We plan to leave this place on
June 20th。
  你的出生日期是什么时候?What’s your date of birth?
  你的生日是哪天?When is your birthday?
  About the Date
  Paul:I need to go to the bank。
  Jenny:But they’re all closed today。
  Paul:Closed? Are you kidding? What is it, some kind of holiday
  Jenny:Have you already forgotten? What’s the date today?
  Paul:It’s... Oh, it’s the first of April. April Fool’s Day!
  Jenny:You forgot all about it, didn’t you?
  Paul:Sort of, but it has reminded me of at least one thing I need
to remember。
  Jenny:What’s that?
  Paul:Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday。
  Jenny:Better not forget that, she’ll kill you if you don’t get her
something. It’s pretty strange that your wife’s birthday changes every
year. Why is that?
  Paul:My wife is a Chinese. She celebrates her birthday
according to the lunar calendar。
  Jenny:Ah, I got it。
  Paul:It’s quite exotic for me to celebrate a birthday according to
the lunar calendar. It’s so different than our culture. I guess that makes
life interesting to have different cultures come together and coexist。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前 31 商定餐馆
  你想到哪里吃晚餐?Where would you like to go for dinner?
  你想好去哪家餐馆了吗?Do you have any particular restaurant
in mind?
  Could you recommend some good restaurants around here?
  I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant。
  这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant serves real Sichuan
  It’s considered the best restaurant in town。
  This French restaurant is famous for its desserts。
  The restaurant over there has a better wine selection。
  This restaurant is more expensive than that one。
Deciding on a Restaurant
  Samantha:Hi, Julius. I’m treating Mr. Lee and his team members
from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening. Where do you think I should
take them?
  Julius:Well, Mr. Lee has a very good taste in wine, and Gallup is
one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a decent French
restaurant. Make sure you make a really good impression。
  Samantha:That’s a good idea. Which one do you recommend?
Les Parisians?
  Julius:Or La Place. They’re both listed in this year’s Gourmet
Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in town. But I
heard La Place has a better wine selection。
  Samantha:We’ll go to La Place. Could you book a table for four
at 7 p.m.?
第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前 32 预订餐位
  Can we make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?
  我想预订餐位。I’d like to make a reservation。
  I’d like to reserve a table for six
  I’d like to book a private room for tomorrow evening。
  我想订张靠窗户的桌子。I want to book a table by the
  请以沃森的名义订下。Please book it under the name of
  我在你们餐厅预订了餐位。I’ve made a reservation at your
  我打算六点到。I’d like to come at 6.
  你们餐馆在什么地方?Where is your restaurant?
  Reserving a Table over the Phone
  Receptionist:Good afternoon. Peace Restaurant. May I help you?
  Julius:I’d like to reserve a table for two. My wife and I。
  Receptionist:Yes, sir. What time would you like, sir?
  Julius:I’m not sure…perhaps around 8 p.m。
  Receptionist:Fine. I’ll reserve a table for two at 8 p.m., sir. May
I have your name, please?
  Julius:Julius. Julius Berman。
  Receptionist:Thank you, Mr. Berman. And do you prefer
smoking or non-smoking?
  Julius:Non-smoking will be fine, please. But it is more important
that you get us a table by the window. It’s our anniversary and I’d like
it to be very special。
  Receptionist:I’ll try my best. We look forward to having you
with us tonight, Mr. Berman。
  Julius:Thank you. Good-bye。
  Receptionist:Good-bye, and have a good day!
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 33 准备点菜
  请把菜单拿给我看看。Show me the menu, please。
  我的朋友一会儿就到。My friend will be along shortly。
  我真的需要再考虑几分钟。I really need a few more minutes to
  I wish the waiter would hurry up and take our order。
  你喜欢吃哪种饭菜?What kind of food do you like?
  我特别喜欢吃辣的饭菜?I’m partial to hot food。
  你想吃什么?What would you like?
  你更喜欢吃肉,还是海鲜?Do you prefer meat or seafood?
  我不挑食。I’m not particular about food。
  除了猪肉以外我什么都吃。I eat anything except pork。
  Arriving at a Restaurant
  Waitress:How are you doing today? How many in your group
  Customer:Fine, thank you. There will be five of us. The rest will
be along shortly。
  Waitress:Smoking or non?
  Customer:Non-smoking is fine. Thank you。
  Waitress:Right this way, please。
  (At the table)
  Waitress:Something to drink first?
  Customer:Just water, please。
  Waitress:Would you like to see a menu first or wait for your
  Customer:I’ll wait. But please bring me some bread. Maybe I
would like an appetizer before they get here. Please bring me the menu
and let me have a look。
  Waitress:Certainly, sir. If you need anything else, please let me
know, and I’ll be happy to get it for you right away。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 34 点菜
  我可以看看酒单吗?May I see the wine list?
  我对大蒜过敏。I’m allergic to garlic。
  这道菜不要放大葱。I’d like that without spring onion。
  你推荐什么?What would you recommend?
  今天的特色菜是什么?What’s today’s special?
  我也要同样的。The same for me, please。
  我比较喜欢清淡一点儿的。I prefer something a little lighter。
  你们有鸡汤吗?Do you have chicken soup?
  我不想要甜点。I don’t want dessert。
  Ordering Food
  Waiter:Can I take your order now, madam?
  May:Yes. What would you recommend?
  Waiter:I am happy to recommend the fish. It tastes delicious and
it’s today’s special. Our chef is from the coast and loves seafood.
Today’s special is actually his favorite dish. So I’m sure it is absolutely
  May:It does sound wonderful. Maybe I’ll try it。
  Waiter:Is there anything else? Maybe I could interest you in one
of our fine appetizers, such as the escargot。
  May:Not today, thanks. But I’d like to know if you have any
vegetarian dishes。
  Waiter:Yes. Here’s the menu. And what do you think you’d like
to order?
  May:Maybe I don’t want the fish. I think I’ll have the green
bean dish instead。
  Waiter:What kind of soup would you like?
  May:I’d like the egg drop soup。
  Waiter:OK. Is that all?
  Waiter:Would you like anything to drink while you wait?
  May:Just an ice water. Thanks!
第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 35 等待上菜
  洗手间在哪儿?Where is the rest room?
  请给我一些餐巾纸。Please give me some napkins。
  我们的菜怎么还没来啊?Where are our dishes?
  我们都要饿死了,能快点儿吗? We are starving. Would you
please hurry up?
  你们忘了我点的菜了吧?Have you forgotten my order?
  Excuse me, I ordered a tuna salad half an hour ago. Is it ready?
  我已经等得不耐烦了。I’m impatient with being kept waiting。
  十分钟之后能做好吗?Will it be ready in ten minutes?
  我还要等多久?How much longer will I have to wait?
  My order still hasn’t come. Why does it take so long?
  Complaining about Having to Wait Too Long for Your
  Linda:Excuse me。
  Waiter:Yes, Miss. What can I do for you?
  Linda:I ordered my dish about half an hour ago, but it hasn’t
arrived yet。
  Waiter:I’m sorry for that. I’m going to check with the chef right
  (The waiter comes back from the kitchen。)
  Waiter:Miss, I just checked with the kitchen and they said your
order will be coming right up next. Oh, here it comes。
  Linda:Thank you。
  Waiter:Miss, I’m very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy this free
glass of wine for the inconvenience. Again, I’m terribly sorry to make
you wait so long。
  Linda:It dosen’t matter。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 12  第三节 用餐
  36 用餐中劝酒夹菜
  我来给你倒啤酒。Let me pour the beer for you。
  为你的升职干一杯。Here’s to your promotion。
  让我们为前途干杯!Let’s drink to our future。
  请随便吃。Help yourself to whatever you like, please。
  It’s said the spaghetti here is very good。
  你想来点这个吗?Would you like some of this?
  要不要再来一杯?啤酒?Would you like another beer?
  尝尝这个。Try this。
  我吃饱了。I’m full。
  During Dinner
  Paul:Please help yourself to whatever you like. Don’t be shy。
  Linda:Yes, thank you. I’ve already been helping myself。
  Paul: This dish tastes terrific! Would you like to try a little? It is
a little hot, but very good。
  Linda:I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine。
  Paul:Would you like another beer?
  Linda: I’ll have another cup if you insist. I know I don’t like to
drink alone, especially if there’s someone sitting next to me。
  Paul: Come on, it’s the weekend. Let’s toast to an enjoyable
meal. Cheers!
Linda: Bottoms up! And you’re right. This meal is incredible. I wish I
had known about this restaurant before. Thanks for bringing me here. I
know I’ll be back again soon。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 37 谈论饭菜
  这真是一顿非常不错的午餐!This is a very nice lunch!
  这里的饭菜果然名不虚传。The food here deserves its name。
  这道菜合你的口味吗?Is this dish to your taste?
  你觉得这里的饭菜怎么样?How do you like the food here?
  味道很好。It’s delicious。
  饭菜太难吃了!The food is terrible!
  肉太肥了。The meat has too much fat。
  真辣!It’s hot!
  这种食物太难消化了。This food is too heavy on my stomach。
  这道菜很鲜美。It has a very delicate taste。
  Discussing Dishes
  Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes?
  Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible!
  Brad:I like it too. I like the fish, especially. It’s so fresh and the
flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。
  Jane:Yes. The food here deserves its reputation. Chinese food is
one of my favorites。
  Brad:If you’d like, I’ll take you to a new restaurant next time. I
just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it. It
serves great Sichuan cuisine. Would you like to try that?
  Jane:Sure, I’d love to. I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot. I think
I’ll definitely love it。
  Brad:Great! I love hot food too。
  Jane:Well, let’s finish this great dinner first。
  Brad:You said it!
第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 38 抱怨饭菜
  我的沙拉里有只虫子!There’s a bug in my salad!
  我能见一下经理吗?Could I see the manager, please?
  我的鱼不熟。My fish is raw。
  这个不是现榨的橙汁。This is not freshly squeezed orange
  这鱼尝起来有点儿变质了。The fish tastes a bit off。
  I’m not very happy with the quality of the food here。
  我要取消我点的菜。I’d like to cancel my order。
  这道菜尝起来味道很怪。This food tastes very strange。
  这菜已经差得不能再差了。The dish can’t be ang worse。
  Complaining about the Food
  Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss?
  Linda:Sorry to trouble you, but I don’t think this fish is fresh. It
actually tastes a bit off 。
  Waiter:Sorry, Miss. I’ll replace it immediately. Can I get you
another drink while you wait?
  Linda:No, please don’t do that. I’d just like to return it。
  Waiter:I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m afraid we can’t do that. But you
may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak.
It’s the house specialty and quite tasty。
  Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank
  Waiter:OK, Miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 39 买单
  请给我账单,好吗?Could I have the check, please?
  请结账。Bill, please。
  我来付钱。It’s on me。
  我请客。Be my guest。
  请把账单分开。Separate bills, please。
  我们各付各的怎么样?How about going Dutch?
  我该付多少钱?How much shall I pay?
  请过会儿开账单给我。Please bill me later。
  恐怕账单上有个错误。I’m afraid there is a mistake on the bill。
  我觉得这个账单不对。I don’t think the bill is correct。
  能开一张收据吗?May I have a receipt, please?
  Paying the Check
  Brad:Let me take care of the check today。
  Lucy:Why? It’s unfair. How about going Dutch?
  Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money,
  Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Don’t worry about it. I
didn’t mind picking up the tab last time。
  Brad:But you really should let me treat one time. I’d feel like I
owe you one if I didn’t。
  Lucy:OK. But it’s only for this time。
  Brad:What’s the damage?
  Lucy:It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether. But don’t forget the
tip. It’s usually 15%。
  Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 40 在西餐店
  I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。
  我要一杯香槟。I’d like a glass of champagne。
  这个高脚杯有裂痕。This goblet is cracked。
  我的牛排要全熟的。I’d like my steak well-done。
  我不要开胃菜。I want to skip the starter。
  我要熏肉和煎鸡蛋。I’d like the smoked bacon and fried eggs。
  I want two sandwiches, one plain, the other with all trimmings。
  你们有什么调料?What kinds of dressing do you have?
  Dining at a Western Restaurant
  Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am?
  May:Yes, please. I’d like the steak and mushrooms。
  Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-
  May:I’d like it well-done, please。
  Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that?
Mashed, boiled or baked?
  May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes. And I’ll have an iced tea
with a lemon on the side please。
  Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start
  May:I’d like a cream and onion soup, please。
  Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am?
  May:I want to skip dessert. That’s all. Thank you。
  Waiter:OK. I’ll be with you in a moment。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 41 在比萨店
  我要一个比萨。I’d like a pizza。
  我想要一个比萨,在这里吃。I want a pizza for here 。
  我喜欢很多种比萨配料。I like a lot of different pizza
  我要皮薄的。I’d like thin crust, please。
  Pan pizza is not my cup of tea. I always order thin crust。
  Please put some extra bell pepper on my pizza。
  一个中号的比萨就可以了。A medium pizza would be perfect。
  我可以使用这些优惠券吗?Can I use these coupons?
  Ordering a Pizza to Go
  Waitress:Welcome. How may I help you today?
  Martin:I’m after a pizza, please。
  Waitress:Then you’ll be happy to hear that today all our pizzas
are on sale, 2-for-1.
  Martin:You’re right. That is great!
  Waitress:What size would you like?
  Martin:A medium one would be perfect. Thank you。
  Waitress:Which kind do you want?
  Martin:I like seafood on my pizza。
  Waitress:We have two seafood pizzas —tuna and crab。
  Martin:Tuna sounds good today。
  Waitress:Will that be for here or takeaway?
  Martin:That will be to go。
  Waitress:That should only be about 10 minutes, please sit over
there and I will call you over as soon as it’s ready。
  Martin:No problem。
  第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 42 在快餐店
  I’d like a hamburger, an order of French fries and a Coke。
  我要四号套餐,在这儿吃。I’d like the Combo Number 4 for
  薯条不脆了。The fries are not crisp。
  我可以把薯条换成玉米吗?Can I change the fries for corn?
  Does Combo Number 3 come with fries and a large drink?
  我想来一杯雪碧,就不要可乐了。  I’d like a sprite instead
of a coke。
  我要一小杯可乐。I’d like a small Coke。
  我想要两个蓝莓派。I want two blueberry pies。
  请问吸管在哪儿?Where are the straws?
  At McDonald’s
  Clerk:Can I help you?
  Susan:I’d like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。
  Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?
  Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。
  Clerk:Would you like to supersize your meal? For only 2 RMB
more, you’ll get a large Coke and fries instead of the medium. And
today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes。
  Susan:That sounds good. Thanks. I’d like that. Actually I’d like
a Sprite instead of a Coke. Thanks。
  Clerk:That’s not a problem, Miss. Will that be it?
  Susan:Yes, that’s all。
  Clerk:That’ll be twenty-five RMB, please。
  Susan:You got it。
  第四章 美容美发 第一节 理发 43 准备理发
  我要理发。I need a haircut。
  我与理发师的预约是在 10 点。I have an appointment with the
barber at 10.
  我需要排队等候吗?Do I need to take a place in line?
  要很长时间吗?Will it take very long?
  May I read the magazines on the table while waiting?
  该我了吗?Is it my turn?
  理个平头多少钱?How much is a crew cut?
  洗头要多少钱?How much do you charge for a shampoo?
  我不能再等了。I can’t wait any more。
  Waiting at the Hairdresser’s
  Receptionist:Hello, Miss. What can I do for you this afternoon?
  Customer:I need a haircut. But you seem so busy today。
  Receptionist:Yes, it is busy today. We usually have a lot more
clients on the weekend. Would you like to take a seat and wait for a
while, please?
  Customer:OK. But how long will I have to wait? Is it going to be
more than 30 minutes?
  Receptionist:It should be around that. If you’d like, please feel
free to read the magazines while you wait。
  Customer:Thank you。
  (20 minutes later)
  Receptionist:Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss. Our hairdresser,
Mr. Lee, is just finishing with a client in a moment or two. Will you
have a shampoo first? I’ll get a gown for you。
  Customer:OK. Thanks。
第四章 美容美发 第一节 理发 44 开始理发
  您想把头发剪成什么样的?How would you like your hair cut?
  我想把头发分一下。I want my hair parted。
  您想把头发剪掉多少?How much do you want me to take off?
  请把头顶的头发再剪掉一点。Please take a little more off the
  要(者)哩还是营养水?Hair gel or hair tonic?
  稍微修剪一下就好。Just trim it a little。
  顶上要打薄一点。Thin out the top, please。
  留长一点。Leave it long。
  我的头发靠左边分。I wear my part to the left。
  我想留披肩发。I want to wear shoulder-length hair。
  Getting a Haircut
  Barber:How would you like your hair cut?
  George:Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim
it a little。
  Barber:How about on top?
  George:You can thin the top out a little, just a little。
  Barber:You got it。
  George:Say, my hair is kind of oily. Dandruff bothers me a lot.
I’ve tried several shampoos, but to no avail. Could you recommend
something effective?
  Barber:Well, have you tried Head and Shoulders? I recommend
it to all of my clients with your problem and they think it’s great。
  George:Thanks. I’ll try it。
  Barber:And you can try Vidal Sassoon’s hair tonic. It’s used
after you wash your hair. It’ll keep your hair clean-looking and oil-
  George:I’ll try that, too. Thank you。
  Barber:It’s done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents。
  第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发 45 烫发
  我要烫头发。I’d like a perm。
  你需要冷烫还是热烫?Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary
  我只需轻烫一下。I just want a light perm。
  Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?
  我想把卷发拉直。I’d like to have my curly hair straightened。
  您烫了头发会更有魅力。You’ll look more attractive with curly
  烫这个头发需要多长时间?How long will this perm take?
  Do you have pictures of hairdos to show me?
  A Haircut and Perm
  Hairdresser:Very sorry to have kept you waiting so long. What
do you want, madam?
  Mrs. Smith:I want a haircut and a perm。
  Hairdresser:How long would you like your hair cut today?
  Mrs. Smith:Just cut a little off。
  Hairdresser:Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly
  Mrs. Smith:I’d like to have it medium。
  Hairdresser:How about your hairstyle?
  Mrs. Smith:Can you tell me my choices?
  Hairdresser:Well, with a perm we can do various kinds of
patterns, such as a bob, chaplet hairstyle, or a bun. Which do you
  Mrs. Smith:I want a chaplet one. I like to have it in big waves。
  (two hours later)
  Hairdresser:It looks wonderful。
  Mrs. Smith:Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the
  Hairdresser:What do you think of it?
  Mrs. Smith:Beautifully done. Many thanks。
  第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发 46 染发
  我想染头发。I want to dye my hair。
  我想把头发染成棕色。I’d like my hair dyed brown。
  您想染什么颜色?Which color would you dye it?
  做个染发怎么样?How about doing hair coloring?
  这会褪色吗?Will it fade?
  我的头发需要焗油吗?Do I need hair treatment?
  有好牌子的染发剂吗?Have you got a good brand of hair dye?
  金黄色太怪异了。Blonde is too erratic。
  我一直喜欢黑色。Black is always my favorite。
  Having the Hair Dyed
  Mary:Could I have my hair dyed?
  Hairdresser:Certainly. Which color do you want to dye it?
  Mary:I want the latest fashion. Can you make some suggestions?
  Hairdresser:Right now, many girls are dying their hair blonde。
  Mary:I don’t think that would suit me very well. Blonde is kind
of erratic。
  Hairdresser:Then what do you think about pink?
  Mary:Oh, no. I think it better to be a natural Chinese with
natural Chinese hair? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?
  Hairdresser:Yes. We have several brands. Which one do you
  Mary:I want the best one。
  Hairdresser:First, you need a shampoo. It makes it easier for
your hair to be dyed…Well, let’s dunk your hair in the water.Your hair
will be thoroughly cleaned that way。
  (one hour later)
  Mary:After this dye job, it feels like I look younger。
Hairdresser:Your hair is definitely fresh and shinier-looking。
第四章 美容美发 第三节 美容 47 皮肤护理
  你们有面部护理的服务吗?Do you offer facials?
  我要做一下面部按摩。I want a face massage。
  Most facials start with a thorough cleansing。
  Please keep in mind that my skin is very sensitive。
  你要给我的皮肤去角质吗?Will you exfoliate my skin?
  My skin looks so dull. What kind of facial treatment will improve
  Is facial steam good for the acne-prone skin?
  I’ll try a deep-cleansing facial to get rid of the filth and grease。
  我常使用这种活肤面膜。I use this reviving facial mask often。
  Getting a Facial
  Customer:I’d like a facial。
  Beautician:Which kind would you like? We have five different
varieties of facials。
  Customer:Which would you recommend?
  Beautician:Well, since it’s summer and it looks like you’ve had
quite a bit of sun, I’d recommend our summer special. It’s especially
suited for individuals with sensitive skin。
  Customer:What does it include?
  Beautician:The facial will start with a thorough cleansing。
  Customer:Does it include a facial mask and a massage?
  Beautician:Yes. The reviving mask will promote blood
circulation and tighten the skin. You can also choose to get a hand or
back massage as well。
  Customer:Will you exfoliate the skin as well?
  Beautician:Yes. We’ll also apply a special Day Cream that will
protect the skin from the sun and Night Cream that will moisturize the
  Customer:That sounds great.
  第四章 美容美发 第三节 美容 48 美甲服务
  我想修指甲。I’d like a manicure。
  我想修脚趾甲。I’d like a pedicure。
  I’m planning on getting a manicure and pedicure later。
  我想做法式的指甲修护。I’d like to have a French manicure。
  Do you think my nails would look better pared square or round?
  请把我的指甲表面锉光。Please file the surface of my nails
  What color would you prefer your nail polish?
  Do you offer a special treatment for dry and cracked nails?
  请给我修剪一下指甲周围的表皮。I want my cuticles cut,
  Getting a Manicure
  Customer:Hello. I want to know how much it costs to have a
manicure and a pedicure?
  Manicurist:Usually, it’s 60 dollars for a manicure and 80 dollars
for a pedicure, but with this special discount, the total for both is only
120 dollars. And you can get them painted as well for free。
  Customer:That’s nice. I’d like to give it a try. I think I’d like
Passion Red please。
  Manicurist:All right. Do you want your cuticles cut, too?
  Manicurist:Would you like the shape square or round?
  Customer:Square, but w ith rounded edges, please。
  (after a while)
  Manicurist:All right, it’s done. Please follow me to the drying
  Customer:How long will it take to get them dry?
  Manicurist:In about five minutes, you’ll be all set。
  Customer:I see. Thank you。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 49 萌生好感
  她很迷人。She is attractive。
  我想追求她。I’m trying to make a pass at her。
  大卫令女人一见倾心。David is a lady-killer。
  我想我爱上他了。I think I have a crush on her。
  她是个美女。She’s a beauty。
  我爱上他了。I’ve fallen in love with her。
  美丽的女子像一首歌。A pretty girl is like a melody。
  我喜欢她好几年了。I’ve been sweet on her for years。
  我爱上了一位美丽的姑娘。I fell for a pretty girl。
  Falling into Love
  John:I saw Lily for the first time and felt like I’d been struck by
lightning. I’m trying to make a pass at her. I have a date with her on
Friday, but I really can’t decide what to do。
  Mary:What about taking her for a dinner or a movie?
  John:Not bad. Any other ideas?
  Mary:Well, there’s a play on campus this weekend。
  John:Good idea. That way she’ll think that I have culture. Do
you have any other suggestions?
  Mary:What’s the matter with these ideas?
  John:They are good, but I still need a few more。
  Mary:What about going on a picnic?
  John:Cool, but what if the weather isn’t ideal?
  Mary:You could take her to the art museum or a café. Certainly I
must have come up with something you can use. How do you like the
ideas I’ve given you?
  John:They’re all good。
第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 50 表白爱意
  你现在有男朋友吗?Do you have a boyfriend now?
  You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen。
  你是我梦寐以求的女孩。You’re the girl of my dreams。
  我时时刻刻都想着你。I’m thinking of you every minute。
  我对你一见钟情。I fell in love with you at first sight。
  你是我的一切。You mean everything to me。
  我发现我爱上你了。I find I’ve lost my heart to you。
  我全心全意地爱着你。I love you with all my heart。
  我爱你胜过爱其他任何人。I love you more than anybody
  A day without you is like a day without sunshine。
  Expressing Love
  Tom:I know it’s only been the weekend, but it seems a long time
to me. I miss you when we’re not together。
  Mary:Me, too。
  Tom:Did you have a good time at home this weekend?
  Mary:No, just the usual. I watched TV, listened to music, and
helped my mother with the housework。
  Tom:Sounds like a real ball. I was thinking about it this
weekend. Do you know how long we’ve been going together?
  Mary:About three months。
  Tom:Yeah, three months or so. I want to ask you a question and
I hope you’ll answer it as honestly as you can, OK?
  Mary:Go ahead。
  Tom:What do you think of me?
  Mary:I think you’re sincere, enthusiastic, brave…
  Tom:You know I really care about you, don’t you? You’re the
kindest girl I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful, active and considerate.
There are times when I feel that a day without you is like a day without
sunshine. I love you…
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 51 请求约会
  我能约你出去吗?Can I ask you out?
  出去吃个饭好吗?Would you like to go to dinner?
  你愿意今晚跳舞去吗?Would you like to go dancing tonight?
  今天上午你有安排吗?Do you have plans for this morning?
  周六晚上你有空吗?Are you free Saturday evening?
  这个周末你有什么事吗?What are you up to this weekend?
  二十四号你忙吗?Are you busy on the 24th?
  你什么时候有空?When do you have time?
  七点怎么样?Is 7 o’clock OK?
  告诉我你想去哪儿。Tell me where you’d like to go。
  你来吗?Would you like to come?
  我非常高兴你终于约我了。I’m very happy you’re dating me at
  和你约会一定很棒。It’ll be fantastic to date you。
  我有时间。I have time。
  到时我会去的。I’ll be there then。
  我一整天都会很忙。I will be busy all day long。
  我很乐意去,但是我去不了。I’d love to, but I can’t。
  推迟到七点半方便吗?Is it convenient to postpone it to 7:30?
  咱们换个时间吧。Let’s make it another time。
  咱们能多见几次面吗?Can we date more often?
  我们能不再偷偷地约会了吗?Can’t we stop dating
  You’ll never see me again if you can’t date me punctually!
  I’m a little nervous about this kind of blind date。
  Asking for a Date??
  Michael:I had a great time on our last date。
 Fiona:Me too。
  Michael:What are you up to this weekend?
  Michael:Would you like to go skating? I was thinking of going
out to the lake on Saturday. It's great out there. Would you like to go
with me?
  Fiona:I’d love to, but I don’t care for skating very much。
  Michael:OK. There're a bunch of us going bowling on Sunday.
Would you like to go?
  Fiona:I like bowling, but I prefer to be alone with you。
  Michael:Would you like to go dancing tonight?
  Fiona:I don’t feel like going out tonight; I’m way too tired. I
miss you, sweetheart。
  Michael:I miss you too. Then tell me where you’d like to go on
our next date。
  Fiona:How about the seaside?
  Michael:Anything you say, honey。
  Fiona:Are you busy on the 24th?
  Michael:The 24th…I have time, but I can’t wait that long. I’m
dying to see you。
  Let’s make it another time。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 52 抱怨
  男人是白痴,而我嫁给了白痴之最。Men are idiots, and I
married to their king。
  你真是个挥霍无度的人。You're such a spendthrift。
  你太以自我为中心了。You are too self-centered。
  我受够了你的唠叨。I’ve had enough of your nagging。
  我男朋友把我气坏了。My boyfriend is driving me up the wall。
  我和女朋友之间不沟通。My girlfriend and I do not
  女朋友现在对我不理不睬。My girlfriend is giving me the cold
  It feels like you’re not that dedicated to our relationship。
  你不能置我于不顾。You just can’t turn your back on me。
  你像扔垃圾似的把我扔到一边去。You tossed me aside like a
piece of trash。
  Tina:Can you be serious for a moment? We’ve been dating for
six months now and I really like you. I’d like to take our relationship to
the next level。
  Sean:So what are you trying to say to me?
  Tina:It feels like you’re not that dedicated to our relationship. It
seems like you treat it as just casual dating。
  Sean:How should I see it?
  Tina:I don’t want to be like this. I think we should take a step
further 。
  Sean:It has only been six months. Our relationship hasn’t had a
chance to mature yet. There are still some hurdles we have to jump
  Tina:Like what?
  Sean:Last week, I saw Brian kissing you on the cheek。
  Tina:It was only the cheek。
  Sean:So that is okay then? It starts on the cheek, and pretty soon
you’re French kissing in the back of his car。
  Tina:Oh, that’s ridiculous!
  Sean:So is it okay if I kiss other woman on the cheek?
  Tina:Definitely not!
  Sean:You see. We still have a hurdle。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 53 争吵
  我受够了。I’ve had it。
  你故意伤我的心。You broke my heart on purpose。
  你用情不专,一直在外面胡来。You’ve been fooling around。
  我不想听!I don’t want to hear it!
  你一定是有意失约的。You must stand me up on purpose。
  我真后悔认识了你。I regret meeting you。
  你就是一个粗鲁的泼妇!You’re nothing but a vulgar shrew!
  我快要气疯了。I’m almost driven mad。
  你疯了吗?Are you insane?
  你真让我恶心!You make me sick!
  A Dispute
  Jenny:I can’t stand being with you anymore. I’m sick of your
  Michael:I swear never to drink again. Just give me another
chance, please!
  Jenny:How many chances have I given you? I’ve given up on
  Michael:You know how hard I’ve tried to quit. I’d be lost
without you. I’ll not let you go。
  Jenny:It’s not just for your drinking, but your lacking of sense of
  Michael:I have to make money to support the family, so I have
little time left to share with you。
  Jenny:Even if I was seriously ill, you couldn’t spare a moment。
  Michael:I’ve told you I happened to be on a more important
meeting at that time。
  Jenny:I just don’t trust you any more。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 54 用情不专
  那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻新欢。The man shamelessly
abandoned his wife and child for another woman。
  我女朋友在和另一个男人约会。My girlfriend is seeing another
  你是否有别人了?Is there someone else?
  你真是个花花公子。You are such a playboy。
  她对男朋友不忠。She’s disloyal to her boyfriend。
 你不能背叛我。You can’t betray me。
  我女朋友有外遇了。My girlfriend is cheating on me。
  她真是个荡妇。She is a real slut。
  他喜欢沾花惹草。He really likes to play the field。
  他用情不专。He’s not faithful in love。
  她的男友换了一个又一个。She likes to go from man to man。
  John:Wait up, Jim。
  Jim:What’s up, buddy?
  John:That was a great party you had last Saturday. And I have to
tell you that your girlfriend is a real knockout。
  Jim:I’m glad you had fun and yes, she is very beautiful。
  John:You’ve had a string of pretty ladies, haven’t you? You
really like to play the field。
  Jim:Well, I’m not interested in settling down yet。
  John:Have you always been a bit of a playboy?
  Jim:I’ve always been interested in women, if that’s what you
  John:And I think they know you are a womanizer。
  Jim:It doesn’t matter. I don’t pretend. They always know right
from the start that I’m not planning to stick around for the long haul。
  John:So do they just like to play around?
  Jim:Some of them. I think the others hope they can be the one
that settles me down。
第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 55 分手
  我们完了。We’re through。
  只有分手才能停止我们之间的争吵。Only breakup can stop us
from quarrelling。
  你对我太苛求了,我感觉很累。You impose too much on me,
and I’m so tired。
  事实证明我们合不来。Facts show we are not a good match。
  你再也不要给我打电话了。Don’t call me any more。
  你为什么赶我走?Why are you driving me away?
  咱们分手吧。Let’s part.
  我早就想和你分手了。I wanted to part from you long ago。
  我不想和你分手。I don’t want to part with you。
  Breaking Up
  Linda:We’re through。
  Linda:Why? Isn’t it obvious? First, you impose way too much
on me, and I’m tired of it. Second, you stood me up on Valentine’s
  Andy:I’m really sorry for that, but I’ve sent you several
messages to explain. My mum was seriously ill on that day and I had to
look after her。
  Linda:But I ended up finding out later that night that you were
with another girl at a cafénear your home。
  Andy:That girl was my cousin。
  Linda:You’ve got so many cousins! I called you later that night,
but you didn’t have the guts to answer the phone。
  Andy:I didn’t take my cell phone with me at that time。
  Linda:I don’t buy your story。
  Andy:I know you can’t hear me right now. Please calm down.
Anyway, I don’t want to part. I’ll drop by tomorrow。
  Linda:No, don’t. I don’t want to see you anymore. Don’t ever
call me again。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 56 婚姻状况
  我还是单身。I’m still single。
  我无“家”一身轻。 I have no family to tie me down。
  她很年轻时就结婚了。She (was/got) married young。
  我喜欢单身而不是结婚。I prefer being single to being
  他们将在 8 月喜结连理。They will tie the knot in August。
  她与一个法国人结婚了。She’s married to a Frenchman。
  他们结婚一年后就离异了。They split up after one year of
  她再婚了,嫁给了一位有钱人。She is married again to a
wealthy man。
  Preferring to Stay Single
  Tess:Hi, Jack. We’re having a party tonight. Wanna come and
join us? You can bring your girlfriend Tina。
  Jack:I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m single。
  Tess:Oh, that’s right. Well, there are going to be many beautiful
girls at the party tonight anyway。
  Jack:No. I like being single. I’ve never felt lonely. I’m focusing
on my career. Maybe I’ll start to look for my girl when I achieve
  Tess:Why is that?
  Jack:Because I live in the real world. A man needs to have a
good career and make a lot of money.Frankly speaking, the girls I’ve
met wouldn’t marry a man who didn’t make enough money。
  Tess:I agree. A man needs a good career but that doesn’t mean
he shouldn’t have a little fun, too。
  Jack:I just don’t want to get distracted。
  第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 57 求婚
  我们的未来是很美好的。We have a great future。
  让我永远照顾你吧。Let me take care of you forever。
  你愿意和我结婚吗?Will you marry me?
  他向我求婚时,我吓了一跳。I was shocked when he popped
the question。
  咱们一起白头到老吧。Let’s be together till the end of our
  你愿意做我的人生伴侣吗?Would you like to be my partner in

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  • 1. • 365 天英语口语大全(日常口语篇)完整版 第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居   1 起床   该起床了。It’s time to get up。   快起床。Get up soon。   我星期六通常晚起。I usually sleep late on Saturdays。   快点儿!Hurry up!   时间还早呢。It’s still early。   闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm go off?   我一夜没睡着。I stayed up the whole night。   我还很困。I’m still sleepy。   你昨天晚上打呼噜了。You were snoring last night。   我整晚都在做梦。I’ve been dreaming all the night。   把衣服穿上。Put your clothes on。   把被褥叠好。Fold up your bedding。
  • 2. 把头发梳一下。Comb your hair。   Waking Someone Up   Ann:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed。   Jim:Do I have to get up now?   Ann:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late。   Jim:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.   Ann:Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. You’re like a dead person while you sleep。   Jim:I must have slept right through it。   Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead!   Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes。   Ann:The early bird gets the worm。   Jim:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms。 Ann:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now,later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you。
  • 3.   第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居 2 睡觉   很晚了。It’s late。   我还想看电视。I want to watch more TV。   明天的事情都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?   我卸完妆了。I finished taking off my make-up。   该睡觉了。It’s time to go to bed。   把床铺好。Make your bed。   我一点儿也不困。I’m wide awake。   我困了。I’m sleepy。   我要去睡觉了。I’m going to bed。   你定闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock?   做个好梦。Sweet dreams。   Bedtime   Mother:It’s time for bed。   Frank:But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV?
  • 4.   Mother:It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’t sleep well tonight。   Frank:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard。   Mother:Don’t you have exams coming up soon? I’m sure you could spend more time preparing for those。   Frank:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams。   Mother:You do well in the math, but your history is not good enough, am I right?   Frank:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow。   Mother:An excellent idea. Work now and play later。   Frank:I know you’re right. School is more important than TV, but can I watch one more show then go to bed?   Mother:No, now is bedtime。   第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居 3 居家住房   你觉得这个公寓怎么样?What do you think of this apartment?   我喜欢客厅,比较大,而且阳光充足。
  • 5.   I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine。   请到客厅来。Please come into the living room。   收拾一下你的房间。Clean your room。   请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。Please vacuum the whole house。   这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty。   打开窗户,给房间通通风。Open the window and air the room。   厨房的水池子堵了。The sink is clogged。   抽水马桶漏水了。The toilet is running。   这个水龙头在不停地漏水。This faucet leaks day and night。   没有电。The electricity isn’t working。   没有暖气。There’s no heat。   把空调打开/关上。Turn on/off the air conditioner。   你打算怎样布置这个房间?How are you going to decorate this room?   也许我们应该买些新家具。Maybe we could get some new furniture。
  • 6.    Talking about Apartment   Jason:What do you think of this flat?   Alice:It’s not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small for us。   Jason:Small but it should be enough for our needs, I think。   Alice:But there’s no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good。   Jason:That’s true. But I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine。   Alice:True, and I like the kitchen. It’s new and well equipped。   Jason:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park。   Alice:You’re right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is so small. We’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there。   Jason:Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff。   Alice:I hadn’t thought of that。
  • 7. 第一章 家庭生活 第二节 出入家门 4 离家前   我要上厕所。I’m going to the bathroom。   你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?   我看上去怎么样?How do I look?   我要是早半小时起床就好了。   If only I had got up thirty minutes earlier。   把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。Take out the garbage. It stinks。   快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。   不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry. It’s still early。   我得赶紧走了。I have to rush。   记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag。   别忘了锁门。Don’t forget to lock the door。   糟糕,我把钥匙锁在房子里了。 Damn, I have locked the key in the house。   Before Leaving Home
  • 8.   Carter:Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up?   Susan:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I look? Is my make-up OK?   Carter:You look great. Your make-up is perfect。   Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?   Carter:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that。   Susan:Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?   Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。   Susan:Thanks for helping out. Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight?   Carter:Not much, just a house party with some friends。   Susan:Sounds fun. Anyone I know is going?   Carter:Yeah, most of the people are from our office。   Susan:Sounds Like I'm missing out on a good time. Oh, well, there is always next year。
  • 9.   Carter:I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go. Remember to take your bag。   第一章 家庭生活 第二节 出入家门 5 回家后   开门!Open the door!   我找不到钥匙了。I can’t find the key。   亲爱的,我回来了。Honey, I’m home。   今天怎么样?How did it go today?   累死了!I’m exhausted!   倒霉透了。It’s just not my day。   和平常一样。Just as usual。   我现在情绪很低落。I’m feeling down。   我饿死了,咱们出去吃吧。I’m starving, so let’s dine out。   我太累,不想做饭了。I’m too tired, so I don’t want to cook。   跟家人见面的感觉真好。I feel so good to see my family。 我想先冲个澡。I want to take a shower first。
  • 10.   After Getting Home   Jane:Home at last. Tonight we have a lot of homework though。   Tom:Are you saying we don’t have time to watch our favorite show tonight? Jane, you know I really don’t like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework. He criticizes me in front of everyone all the time。   Jane:To tell the truth, I don’t really like him either. He’s kind of boring and not very active. He always looks unhappy too。   Tom:Yes, and he also…   Jane:Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back?   Tom:Probably not. After all he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say. If you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all。   Jane:I absolutely agree. It’s getting dark. We should finish our homework now。   Tom:All right. I want to take a shower first, I’m exhausted。 第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 6 做饭   你需要多少肉?How much meat do you need?
  • 11.   够新鲜吗?Are they fresh enough?   把鱼内脏掏洗干净。Dress the fish。   你在做什么饭?What are you cooking?   肉要烧焦了。The meat will scorch。   把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant。   煤气灶坏了。The gas cooker doesn’t work。   在橱柜里。It’s in the cabinet。   递给我一个盘子。Hand me a plate。   这里为什么这么多蟑螂啊?Why are there so many cockroaches here?   我想把炖肉煨 5 分钟。I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes。   烧点水吧。Boil some water。   我闻到煤气味了。把煤气关了。I smell gas. Turn it off。   还没有完全搅拌好。It’s still not mixed well enough。   打两个鸡蛋。Whisk two eggs。
  • 12.   你能在每个杯子里放些冰吗?Could you put some ice in each glass, please?   这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull。   Cooking   Adam:I’d like to help pitch in with dinner。   Sophie:Really? You’re joking。   Adam:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday。   Sophie:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first。   Adam:OK…Now how can I help, hon?   Sophie:Hmm, let me see…Boil some water and then whisk two eggs。   Adam:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed。(after a while)Done.   Sophie:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge。  Adam:How many potatoes do you need?   Sophie:Three. And bring four bell peppers。
  • 13.   Adam:Gotcha…OK. Here they are。   Sophie:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat。   Adam:Where’s the peeler?   Sophie:It’s in the cabinet…Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work。   Adam:What? Oh shit! I cut my finger。   Sophie:Let me take a look at that…I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital。   Adam:I guess cooking’s not as easy as I thought。   第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 7 吃饭   我饿了。I’m hungry。   我们什么时候吃饭?When shall we eat?   请帮忙递一下胡椒。Please pass the pepper。   来帮忙摆碗筷。Help me set the table。   要是放点儿盐就更好吃了。
  • 14.   It would be more delicious if you put some salt in it。   该吃饭了。It’s time to eat。   什么气味?What’s the smell?   叫大家来吃饭。Call everyone to the table。   别说话,吃你的饭。Be quiet and eat your food。   把你盘子里的东西都吃完。Clean up your plate。   再来一点吗?Would you like some more?   很好吃!It's delicious!   要想身体苗条, 你就不能再吃了。To keep slim, you can’t eat any more。   Dining   Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven’t seen you in ages. Come in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?   Henry:Very well, thank you。   Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute。   Henry: Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty。
  • 15.   Linda:Here you are。   (at the table)   Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there’s salad, fried chicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it’s hot. It tastes better。   Henry:Wow! You’re right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper。   Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries。   Henry:They’re soft。   Linda:Would you like some more?   Henry:No more. Thank you。   Linda:Here’s to our friendship and health!   Henry:Bottoms up!   第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 8 饮料   专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处。Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one’s health a world of good。   多喝茶会让你的牙齿变黄,但是对你的身体有好处。
  • 16.   Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it’s good for your health。   要加冰吗?Do you want some ice in your drink?   在大热天没有什么能够像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽。   Nothing’s as refreshing as ice cold drinks on a hot day。  没有咖啡,我早上就起不了床。   Without a coffee, I could never get up in the morning。   除非你完全清醒了,我才会让你开车。   I’m not letting you get behind the wheel until you’ve sobered up。   我已经喝了两三瓶啤酒了。I have had a couple of beers。   你想喝冰茶吗?Do you want some iced tea?   请加一点点糖。Please add a little sugar。   我的胃受不了冷饮。Cold drinks don’t agree with my stomach。   越凉越好。The cooler, the better。   又开胃又可口。It’s appetizing and tasty。   Drinks
  • 17.   John:Tonight is a party night! What drinks do you think we need?   Lily:Well, not everyone wants to drink beer. Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice. Nothing’s as refreshing as ice drinks on a hot day。   John:I don’t think we need too much in the way of soft drinks. Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone. What about wine?   Lily:Just buy a cask of wine. Have you bought ice yet?   John:No, once I fill the tub with beer, I’ll get the ice. The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice. The cooler, the better。   Lily:I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. It’s appetizing and tasty。   John:Well, if you say so. Personally speaking, I’d rather die of thirst than drink champagne。   第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 9 肉类   我通常吃鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。I usually eat chicken, pork and beef。   我们就着酱汁吃。We eat it with sauce。   牛排你要几分熟?How would you like your steak?
  • 18.   我想要熟透的牛排。I’d like my steak well-done。   这肉太肥了。This meat is too fatty。   这肉太老了。This meat is too tough。   我到肉店里买些肉,就给你做。   I’ll buy some meat from the butcher’s and cook it for you。   我是吃素的。I am a vegetarian。   你准备要给肉里加什么佐料?   What spices are you going to add to the meat?   羊排非常好吃。Mutton chops taste so good。   The Meat   Frank:What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?   June:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats a lot in your country too, don’t you?   Frank:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton。   Jane:I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops。   Frank:That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?
  • 19.   Jane:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?   Frank:Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s and cook for you next Sunday。   Jane:That sounds great. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then。   第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 10 一日三餐   晚餐吃什么?What’s for supper?   你早餐想吃什么?What would you like to have for breakfast?   差不多做好了。It’s almost ready。   你想喝咖啡、果汁还是牛奶?Would you like some coffee, juice or milk?   早餐准备好了。Breakfast is ready。   你要不要来些甜点?Do you care for some dessert?   我一口也吃不下了。I couldn’t eat another bite。   你要喝汤吗?Do you want some soup?   我不想吃了。I don’t feel like eating anything。
  • 20.   我在附近一家快餐店吃过午饭了。I’ve had my lunch in a snack bar nearby。   我吃了一个汉堡,一个炸鸡腿。   I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg。   Breakfast   Mom:John, come and get it; breakfast is ready。   John:I’m still getting ready for school. I can’t find my schoolbag。   Mom:I told you to pack it last night. What did you do with it?   John:I did. But I used something in the bag later。   Mom:Anyway, hurry up! Here is your carrot juice。   John:Can I have apple juice, Mom?   Mom:Don’t be so fussy about stuff。   John:Oh, Mom.。。   Mom:Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up?   John:Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I’ll make it myself。
  • 21.   Mom:Good. I’ll butter your toast then。   John:I wish I could have breakfast steak today。   Mom:I’ll make it for you tomorrow。   John:Thanks。 第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 11 收拾餐桌碗碟   轮到谁来洗碗了?Whose turn is it to do the dishes?   轮到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。   吃完饭你洗碗吗?Will you do the dishes after the meal?   把你的餐具放到水槽里。Put your dishes in the sink。   我来洗碗,你来擦/烘干。I’ll wash and you dry。   把椅子放回去。Put the chairs back。   这些污渍怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains just won’t come out。   我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware organized。   餐桌布脏了。The tablecloth is dirty。
  • 22.   你清理炉灶时用点力。   Use a little muscle when you clean the stove。   在我看来,洗碗很无聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。   你洗碗时要小心。Be careful when you wash the dishes。   Clearing the Table and Doing the Dishes   Frank:Do you like cooking?   Jane:Yes, I do a lot. But I don’t like doing dishes. What about you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards?   Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one. I can’t cook and I hate cleaning。   Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?   Frank:I would rather do the dishes than cook。   Jane:I prefer the opposite. The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。   Frank:Let’s make a deal。   Jane:What?
  • 23.   Frank:I’m going to buy some vegetables and you cook。   Jane:Will you do the dishes after the meal?   Frank:Fair enough。   第一章 家庭生活 第四节 理财规划 12 花销   我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。   I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。   把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮的。   Give me your credit cards. You’re living beyond your means。   我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending better。   你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control。   你花钱太多了,而且大多数花费都是不太有必要的。You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。   我现在花钱太多了。I have been spending too much money。   我超出我的底限了。I am living above my limit。   这要一大笔开销的。That’ll cost you an arm and a leg。
  • 24.   你知道,钱不是从天上掉下来的。   You know, money doesn’t grow on trees。   人生苦短,所以不要光存钱不花钱。Life is too short to him who’s been always saving money and not using it。   我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱。I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy。   Expenses   Harry:Damn it, I’m running out of money again. I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。   Lily:You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。   Harry:But I make it。   Lily:Though, you don’t have to spend every penny you make. You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do。   Harry:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money。   Lily:You should save in case of an emergency. You need to have more self-control. What things did you spend your money on?
  • 25.   Harry:The problem is that I have no idea. I didn’t pay attention。   Lily:Let bygones be bygones. Start saving right now。 第一章 家庭生活   第四节 理财规划   13 储蓄   我想把这笔钱存到银行里。   I want to deposit this money in the bank。   现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱。The interest is rather high, so we should save some money in the bank。   我们没有钱可以攒起来。   We have no money to save.   我们可以把我们收入的 20%存入银行。   We can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank。   我们应该做个存款计划。We should make a plan for saving money。
  • 26.   我们得开始存些钱以备不时之需了。   We need to start saving money for a rainy day。   我们得省吃俭用勒紧裤腰带。We’ve got to tighten our belt。   我攒够钱了。I’ve got enough saved up。   我们得留意收支情况。We need to watch our money。 这次我要动用储蓄了。I’ll dip into my savings this time。   Saving Money and Depositing It   Abby:We need to start saving money for a rainy day。   Rick:Yeah, I know, but we still need to live too. I don’t want to work just to save。   Abby:Well, we can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank。   Rick:20% sounds too high. How about 10%?   Abby:If we start saving and keeping it in the bank now, we’ll have enough money to retire comfortably。   Rick:I don’t think about retirement too often. It seems so far off in the future。
  • 27.   Abby:If we don’t put money in the bank now, we’ll have to work right up until the day we die. I don’t want to be working when I’m in my 70s。   Rick:I don’t guess so. I never thought about it that way。   第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 14 接电话   喂!我是汤姆。Hello! This is Tom。   我就是。This is him。   哪位?Who’s speaking?   请稍等,我看他在不在。Hang on a moment, please. I’ll see if he’s in。   莉莉,有你的电话。Lily, there’s a phone call for you。   抱歉,他不在。Sorry, he’s out。   他现在正忙着呢。He is tied up right now。   对不起,让你久等了。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting。   我把电话给你转过去。Let me transfer your call。   你要跟谁通话?Who do you want to talk to?
  • 28.    Answering the Telephone   Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?   John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。   Linda:This is her。   John:Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening。   Linda:Really? What time and where?   John:7:30 pm, at Longding Chinese restaurant. I’ll be at your place at 7:00 to pick you up if you need a ride。   Linda:Yes, please. I’ll need a ride. I’ll be waiting for you then。   John:See you tomorrow at 7:00. Make sure you dress a little formally. I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale。   Linda:Thank you. See you then。   John:See you。   第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 15 打电话
  • 29.   简在家吗?Is Jane at home?   我想和托马斯先生通话。I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas。   接线员,我的电话断了。Operator, I was cut off。   我需要打一个急救电话。I need to make an emergency call。   我会再打的。I’ll call back。   他什么时候回来?When will he come back?   请给我接分机 605 好吗?Can you put me through to extension 605?   如果他不在,请叫他的秘书来接电话。   If he’s not in, please ask his secretary to talk to me。   Making a Telephone Call   Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association。   Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas。   Clerk:I’m sorry, but Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago。
  • 30.   Brown:I’ve been trying to call him for the last ten minutes, but your line was busy. Will he be back soon?   Clerk:I’m afraid not. He is away for the rest of the day。   Brown:Is there other way I can reach him?   Clerk:I’m afraid not. He has gone out of this town on business. May I take a message?   Brown:I have a business appointment with him at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, but I’m afraid I can’t make it。   Clerk:Would you like to make another appointment?   Brown:Unfortunately, I’m leaving here unexpectedly, and I may be away for several days。   Clerk:I see. I’ll tell Mr. Thomas that you’ve called。   Brown:Thank you。 第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 16 电话留言   我能替您捎个口信吗?May I take a message?   我会把口信转达给他的。I’ll give him the message。   我会告诉他你来过电话。I’ll tell him that you called。
  • 31.   我会尽力和他取得联系的。I’ll do my utmost to make contact with him。   你可以给他留个口信,他一有空就给你打回去。You can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。   请让他给我回个电话。Please have him return my call。   我能留个口信吗?Can I leave a message?   都是些不重要的事,不用留言了。It’s all about something unimportant, so there’s no need to leave a message。   Leaving a Message   Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?   Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。   Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。   Jane:When do you expect him back?   Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。
  • 32.   Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know that Jane called and I need him to call me back。   Frank:Does he have your number?   Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.   Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?   Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。   Frank:You’re welcome。   第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 17 打错电话   我准是拨错号了。l must have dialed the wrong number。   这儿没有这个人。Nobody here by that name。   对不起,你打错了。Sorry, I think you have the wrong number。   我肯定你打错电话了。I’m sure that you have the wrong number。   他也许是换新号码了。对不起打扰了。   He probably changed to a new number. I’m sorry I bothered you。
  • 33.   你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧。   You have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory。   对不起,打扰了。I’m sorry that I have disturbed you。   没关系。That’s all right。   Dialing a Wrong Number   Frank:Hello!   Jane:Is Patti there?   Frank:I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number. There is no Patti here。   Jane:Wrong number? Are you sure? I called yesterday and she was there。   Frank:I’m sure you have the wrong number. This one has been my number for more than 20 years。   Jane:That’s impossible. I remember the number clearly. Isn’t this 763-4565?   Frank:No, it isn’t. It’s 736-4565. It seems you’ve misdialed。   Jane:Really? I’m so sorry I bothered you. I’ll try again。
  • 34.   Frank:That’s all right. This sort of thing happens all the time to everyone。   Jane:Yeah, I guess it does. Sorry again for bothering you。   Frank:No worries。   第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 18 挂断电话   我现在有点急事。Something urgent has come up。   都讲完了吗?Is that all?   回头我给你打回去好吗?这儿有点急事。   Can I call you back? There is an emergency。   谢谢你打电话过来。Thank you for calling。   很高兴跟你通话。It’s been nice talking to you。   请代我向大家问好。Please say hello to everyone for me。   我的另一部电话响了。My other line is ringing。   给我你的号码,我过会儿给你打过去。   Give me your number, and I’ll call you back。   我不再占用你的时间了。I won’t keep you any longer。
  • 35.   抱歉,我要挂电话了。Sorry, I’d better go now。   现在我太累了,我得去睡觉了。再见。   I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。   Hanging up   Ann:Hello, three-five.。。   Sam:Is that Ann?   Ann:I’m sorry. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed early. I didn’t have a good time and I don’t really want to see you again。   Sam:What are you talking about? We had a great time. We laughed and talked all night last time。   Ann:It was hardly all night. And I recall it was you doing all the laughing at your own jokes。   Sam:That’s not fair. We had fun. Give me a second chance. Can we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub?   Ann:No, I’m sorry. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。   Sam:But Ann.。。
  • 36.   第二章 日常生活 第一节 电话往来 19 手机座机通话障碍   我的手机电池没电了。The battery of my mobile phone is dead。   我的电话快没电了。My phone is running out of battery。   我忘了给电池充电了。I forgot to recharge the battery。   我忘记带手机充电器了。I forgot to take the mobile charger。   我把手机给关了。I had my cell phone power off。   没有信号。There is no signal。   我不会发短信。I don’t know how to send messages。   我的电话余额不足了。My balance is not enough。   我忘记买充值卡了。I forgot to buy the recharge card。   你的手机无法接通。Your cellphone could not be reached。   你的手机停机了。Your number is out of service。   我忘记你的号码了。I forgot your number。   我打不通。I couldn’t get through。   我不会用电话卡。I don’t know how to use a calling card。
  • 37.   电话占线。The line is busy。   她正在通话。Her line is busy at the moment。   你过一会儿再打来好吗? Could you call back later?   我听不清你说话。I can’t hear you clearly。   你能大点儿声吗?Could you please speak up a little?   我的电话坏了。My phone is out of order。   有好多杂音。There is a lot of noise。   听上去我们的线路有问题。Sounds like a problem with our lines。   你真应该换一部电话机。You really should change to a new telephone。   他换电话号码了。He has changed his number。   Telephone Connection Difficulties   Doris:You’re late。   Leo:I’m sorry. It was too cold and my car couldn’t start. I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. I tried to call you, but couldn’t get a connection。
  • 38.   Doris:Couldn’t get a connection?   Leo:Yes. Your number is out of service。   Doris:Really? I didn’t know. Let me check. You’re right。   Leo:So I couldn’t get through。   Doris:It’s a serious problem. I’m expecting an important call. The theater guild is supposed to call me this evening and discuss my play. What will happen if they can’t reach me?   Leo:Well, the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover your service。   第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 20 看电视   把电视打开。Turn on the TV。   把遥控器给我。Give me the remote control。   电视上有什么节目?What’s on TV?   我喜欢这个节目。I like this program。   现在电视里的暴力内容太多了。   There’s too much violence on TV nowadays。   电视报在哪儿?Where is the TV Guide?
  • 39.   你看什么节目了?What did you watch?   我调到了六频道,看了一部很好的电影。   I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie。   有什么好节目吗?Is there anything good on?   换个频道。Change the channel。   不要把频道换来换去。Stop flipping channels。   离电视机远点。Move back from the TV.   你真是个电视迷。You are really a couch potato。   把音量调小些。Turn it down。   这是现场直播节目。It’s live TV。   Watching TV   Blair:How are you feeling, Flora?   Flora:Much better. Thanks. I’ve been resting all day, only with the television as my companion. In fact, in the whole week, the only thing I felt like doing was watching TV。   Blair:What did you watch today?
  • 40.   Flora:I started with some game shows this morning. I really enjoy them and even answered most of the questions correctly。   Blair:And next?   Flora:At 2 o’clock, I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie without commercials。   Blair:I know what you mean. There was an old action movie next. I think you won’t like it。   Flora:I wanted to watch it, but I was already tired by the time it came on. I had a rest instead. Then I watched the news on Channel 11.   Blair:Anything important happened?   Flora:A bank was robbed this afternoon. A reporter on the scene covered the event. The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life。   第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 21 看电影   今晚去看电影怎么样?How about going to a movie tonight?   这是一部热门电影。The movie is a big hit。   我是个电影迷。I’m a big movie fan。   你喜欢看什么电影?What kind of films do you like?
  • 41.   这部电影的女主角是谁??Who is the heroine in this film?   是什么剧情?What’s the plot?   我已经?很长时间没看电影了。It’s been a long time since I last saw a film。   我有两张电影票。I have two movie tickets。   我有两张首都电影院的赠券。I have two coupons for the Capital Cinema。   我们去哪家电影院?Which cinema shall we go to?   你想看哪部片子?Which movie do you want to see?   我们要看哪一场?Which showtime shall we choose?   我们可以从网上订票。We can book the tickets online。   我们应该早点动身去电影院。We should head for the cinema early。   否则我们肯定就找不到好位子了。   Or else we would definitely have problems getting good seats。   电影院里污浊的空气让我讨厌。The foul air in the cinema disgusts me。
  • 42.   这么多票贩子!So many scalpers!   《朱诺》这部电影下午 10 点那场还有票吗?   Do you still have the tickets for the performance of Juno at 10 am?   我要两张 15 排的票。I’d like two tickets in the fifteenth row。   我要 7 号座位。I’d like seat 7.   咱们进去吧。Let’s get in。   这个电影院的环境和设施还可以。   The conditions and facilities of this cinema are pretty good。   我出去一下。Excuse me for a while。   你小声点讲话。Keep your voice down。   我看不下去了,我走了。I can’t watch it any longer. I’m leaving。   这部影片很感人。This film is very moving。   这部电影真没劲。This film is boring。   Going to the Movies
  • 43.   Andrew:Wow, so many students are crowding in —more than I expected. We’re lucky to arrive an hour earlier. Or else we would definitely have problems getting good seats。   Heather:I learned my lesson from the last experience. I didn’t arrive early enough, so I ended up with a terrible seat —all the way up in the front row! It was one of my worst movie experiences ever。   Andrew:Yeah. I hate sitting in the front row。   Heather:By the way, it was really thoughtful of you to get me the ticket. I really appreciate it. I’ll buy some popcorn and a drink for us。   Andrew:That would be great!   Heather:You hold my place, and I’ll be back as soon as possible. Oh, I almost forgot. I’d better hold on to my ticket stub in case they won’t let me in。  Andrew:OK.   第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 22 听音乐   放点音乐吧。Put on some music。   我想听音乐。I want to listen to music。   咱们放这张 CD 吧。Let’s play this CD。
  • 44.   你想听谁的歌?Whose songs do you want to listen to?   哪支曲子?Which piece of music?   这个音量可以吗?Is this volume OK?   把音乐声音调小一点。Turn that music down。   多难听的噪音啊!What a racket!   我的耳朵都嗡嗡地响了。My ears are ringing。   这噪音能把人听聋了。That noise is deafening。   你知道这首歌是谁唱的吗?Do you know who does this song?   这首歌真让我受不了。This song drives me crazy。   他很有音乐天赋。He has a great talent for music。   我对音乐没有鉴赏力。I have no ear for music。   我是流行音乐迷。I’m a pop music fan。   音乐是他不可或缺的一部分。   Music to him is something that he can’t go without。   你喜欢京剧吗?Do you like Beijing opera?
  • 45.   音乐可以激发我们的想象力。Music can stir up our imagination。   你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?   你觉得那个歌手怎么样?What do you think of that singer?   你更喜欢古典音乐还是流行音乐?   Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music?    Listening to Music   Bobby:Do you like music?   Rachel:Well, it depends。   Bobby:Do you think this music is well-matched?   Rachel:Of couse yes!   Bobby:How about the lyrics?   Rachel:Very touching。   Bobby:They bring back some of my childhood memories。   Rachel:Yeah! It’s so nostalgic. I love songs that take me to some places I haven’t been, or haven’t been for a long time. It’s fun and exciting。
  • 46.   Bobby:Of course, the rhythm is fantastic too. It makes me eager to dance。   Rachel:It’s full of energy。   Bobby:This song is really worth listening to and enjoying。   Rachel:It certainly is. It’s worth the Grammy Award it won。 第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 23 读书看报   请给我晨版的。Morning edition, please。   这是最好的杂志。This is the best magazine。   我喜欢读短篇小说。I really like short stories。   比起诗歌,我更喜欢散文。I prefer essays to poems。   我建议你读《红楼梦》。   I advise you to read A Dream in Red Mansions。   我想订一份《昂秀英语》。I’d like a subscription to Onshow English。   我想续订。I’d like to renew my subscription。   你知道这份报纸的发行量吗?
  • 47.   Do you know the circulation of this newspaper?   你对此报的评价如何?How would you comment on this paper?    Reading   Nicholas:What are you reading, Linda?   Linda:I’m reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the famous novelist, George Eliot。   Nicholas:What’s it about?   Linda:It is mainly about the relationship about a brother and a sister, who live in a mill on river Floss. It describes their childhood and a dispute that causes them to separate. The book ends with them happily together again, but they were both killed in the flood。   Nicholas:Is it difficult to understand?   Linda:Not really, I would consider it easy。   Nicholas:Besides novels, are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in?   Linda:I really like short stories。   Nicholas:Have you read anything else besides literature?
  • 48.   Linda:Certainly I have. I like to read books on various subjects, and I read everything I can get my hands on in my spare time. I don’t want to idle away and waste my time。   Nicholas:I agree. People who don’t read are no better off than people who can’t read. I also agree that “Books are like food for the mind。”   第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 24 在 KTV   我能看下歌曲单吗?Can I have a look at the song list?   这个目录里有英文歌曲的部分。This catalogue has an English section。   从点歌单里选首歌吧。Choose a song from the catalogue。   这里的歌曲选择很多。This place has a large selection of songs。   我喜欢这首歌。I like this song。   这首歌有优美的旋律。This song has a pleasant melody。   你应该听这首歌的歌词。You should pay attention to the lyrics。   你们有英语歌曲吗?Do you want to sing an English song?
  • 49.   我们唱二重唱吧。Let’s sing a duet。   我们唱歌吧。Let’s sing together。   有些歌曲有英文字幕。Some songs have English subtitles。   把声调大点。Turn up the volume。   你唱得很好。You’re a good singer。   你的歌声很好听。你的高音的音调唱得很完美。You’ve got a beautiful voice, and you hit the high notes perfectly。   请大点儿声。Please sing out。   来吧,给我们唱首歌!Come on, sing a song!   请大家一起唱。Everybody, please join in with the singing。   用这个麦克风。Use this microphone。   一起唱。Sing along。   这个设备有很强的回声。This equipment has a strong echo。   At the KTV   Julius:You’ve got a beautiful singing voice。
  • 50.   Samantha:It’s this high-tech equipment that doctors up my voice a little. Actually I’m tone-deaf。   Julius:Come on. You hit the high notes perfectly。   Samantha:Well, the echo and the stereo system helped a lot. And I know that song very well, so I didn’t need to pay attention to the subtitles, which helped as well。   Julius:You’re too modest. Pass me the catalogue. I’d like to see which song to choose… Wow, this place has a large selection of songs. I don’t know which to choose。   Samantha:Pick the one that you always sing in the shower。   Julius:Funny. Oh, I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite singers.   Samantha:Read me the index number。   Julius:1021. It’s a duet. Come on. Pick up the mic and sing along.   Samantha:No, I need a rest。   第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 25 在舞厅   这舞厅看上去很豪华,音乐也不错。
  • 51.   This ballroom looks magnificent and the music is wonderful。   我很愿意(和你跳舞)。I’d love to。   咱们别跳这支舞了,让我喘口气。   Let’s wait this one out, while I catch my breath。   你经常来这儿跳舞吗?Do you often come here to dance?   你的探戈舞跳得棒极了。You performed the tango wonderfully。   你跳得不错。You’re a good dancer。   你的脚步很轻盈。You’re light on your feet。   你想跳一支伦巴吗?Would you like to dance a rumba?   我从来没学过跳舞。I’ve never learned to dance。   去跳舞吧,我来看着包。Go dance. I’ll watch the bags。   咱们休息一会儿吧。Let’s take a break。   我不想再跳了。I don’t feel like dancing any more。   At the Ballroom   Jack:You must like to dance, right?
  • 52.   Lily:I’d love to. Do you often come here to dance?   Jack:Yes, I like the old styles of dance, such as the waltz, rumba and so on. They are quite graceful。   Lily:You’re waltzing quite wonderfully. It’s great to dance with an experienced and talented partner。   Jack:Thank you for saying. I think you’re light on your toes too. Oh, the music starts again. Would you like to have another dance, Miss?   Lily:OK, that would be great. Do you like morden dance? I don’t care for it。   Jack:Neither do I. I don’t like any kind of morden dance at all。 第二章 日常生活 第二节 休闲娱乐 26 在酒吧   这个座位有人吗?Is this seat taken?   我能请你喝一杯吗?Can I buy you a drink?   你们这里有什么啤酒?What kinds of beer do you have?   我想来瓶啤酒。I’ll have a beer。   我想来点香槟。I’ll take some champagne。
  • 53.   我想要杯葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of wine。   我要冰的。Make it a cold one。   请来两个橄榄。Two olives, please。   再给我来一杯。Give me another。   我来给你倒。Let me pour this for you。   我想敬杯酒。I’d like to propose a toast。   再喝一点儿吗?Would you like more?   想再喝一圈吗?Would you like another round?   我现在酒喝得少了。I’m a light drinker now。   你喝醉了。You’re drunk。   我要借酒消愁。I’m going to drown my sorrows。   干杯!Cheers!   喝干喽。Drink up。   为你的健康干杯!Here’s to your health!   该打烊了。It’s closing time。   我想你已经喝得差不多了。I think you’ve had enough。
  • 54.   我们再喝一杯就回家吧。Let’s have one more for the road。   At the Bar   Jack:This is a great bar. It’s really hopping。   Alice:Yes, this was a great idea to come here. I’m glad we came out tonight。   Jack:Where would you like to sit?   Alice:By the window。   Jack:Ah, great minds think alike。   Bartender:How are you tonight? What can I get you to drink?   Jack:Please give me a few minutes。   Bartender:Certainly, I’ll be right back to take your order。   Jack:Alice, what do you want?   Alice:Just a glass of juice, please。   Bartender:Have you decided?   Jack:Yes, I’ll have a beer and my friend will have an orange juice。
  • 55.   Bartender:I’ll be right back with those。   第二章 日常生活 ???第二节 休闲娱乐 27 在咖啡馆   这家咖啡馆的环境还不错。The environment of this caféis nice。   你想喝点什么?What would you like to drink?   今天我请客。It’s my treat today。  喂,服务生!Oh, waiter!   请来两杯咖啡。Two coffees, please。   我想要一小杯卡布奇诺咖啡。I’ll have a small cappuccino。   请给我杯无咖啡因的咖啡。Give me a decaf, please。   我要一杯不加奶的咖啡,她要一杯加奶的。A black coffee for me and a white one for her。   不要奶油。No cream。   要加奶油和糖。Cream and sugar。   味道要浓烈一些。Make it strong。   我要大杯的。I’d like a large one。
  • 56.   暂时只要咖啡。Just coffee for the moment。   这里的咖啡很棒。The coffee here is perfect。   这咖啡还行吗?Is the coffee all right?   In a Café   Eric:Do you know why I chose this café?   Lucy:You like the music here。   Eric:No, it’s because it's a good place to talk。   Lucy:Actually, I don’t think it really matters which caféwe go to。   Eric:Oh, it does. A good cafémakes a huge difference2. A quiet and comfortable environment is more suitable for conversation. At least3 I think so。   Lucy:Hmm, maybe。   Eric:Well, anyway4, let's get something to drink. The coffee here is good. What would you like5?   Lucy:I’ll have a medium white coffee。   Eric:(to the waitress)Excuse me, miss!
  • 57.   Waitress:Yes. What can I get for you6?   Eric:Two coffees, please. A large black coffee for me and a medium white one for her. Thank you。   Waitress:Anything else?   Eric:Not at the moment7.   Lucy:You like black coffee?   Eric:Yes. And I like it strong。   第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 时间 28 数字   学校里有 150 名教师。There are a hundred and fifty teachers in the school。   这个数是 1.2。This figure is one point two。   房价上涨了 10%。There is a ten percent (10%) increase in house prices。   我是班里的第一名。I’m the first in our class。   一个数能被 2 整除,像 2,4,6,8 等等,就是偶数。A number that can be divided by two, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, etc, is an even number。
  • 58.   2 加 3 等于 5。Two plus three equals five。   我要一打啤酒。I’d like a dozen beers。   有数百人去听音乐会了。Hundreds of people went to the concert。   Numbers   Teacher:Today we’ll study numbers. What’s this number?   Student:It’s one hundred and forty。   Teacher:Yes. Is it an even number or an odd number?   Student:Well, a number that can be divided by two is an even number, so it’s an even number。   Teacher:OK. Let’s look at the next one。   Student:This figure is zero point five. It’s a decimal number。   Teacher:Do you know how to change the decimal into a fraction?   Student:Yes. The number is one half。   Teacher:Now pick two numbers between one and ten, including decimal numbers and fractions, then add, subtract, multiply or divide
  • 59. them as you like. If there are decimals in your answer, round them up to the nearest whole number。   Student:Nine minus six is three. Four multiplied by two equals eight. Zero point three six plus one point seven five equals…   Teacher:Two point one one. Rounding it off to the nearest whole number gives you two. It’s easier to add it all up if you use whole numbers。   Student:I get it. Thank you。 第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 29 时间   几点了?What time is it?   我的表快了。My watch is fast。   你能把闹钟定在六点吗?Could you set the alarm for six?   现在是 9 点整。It’s exactly nine o’clock。   马上到 9 点了。It’s almost nine。   现在是 9 点十分。It’s ten past nine。   现在是 9 点一刻。It’s nine fifteen。   现在是 9 点 30 分。It’s nine thirty。
  • 60.   现在是 9 点 45 分。It’s nine forty-five。   现在是 9 点 50 分。It’s ten to ten。   现在是中午 12 点。It’s noon。   现在是上午 8 点。It’s 8 am。   About the Time   Fred:What time is it?   Dina:8:50 (ten to nine)。   Fred:Your watch is 10 minutes slow, so it should be 9:00 (nine sharp). I’m gonna be late again. What will my excuse be this time? We should’ve set the alarm for 7:30.   Dina:Don’t cry over spilt milk. Fred, could you stay with me a few more minutes?   Fred:What, why? What’s wrong with you?   Dina:I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do but listen to the clock ticking. It’s so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it worse. When will I recover?   Fred:You’ll be fine in a couple of months. Just be patient. I’ve got to go to work now or I’ll be late。   Dina:You only care about your work。
  • 61.   Fred:Sorry, baby. You’re everything to me. All I do is for this family。   Dina:Stay just a few minutes longer, okay?   Fred:OK. I’ll leave at 9:15. Is that all right?   Dina:Yes。   Fred:I’ll spend more time with you in the future, Dina。   Dina:Thank you。   第二章 日常生活 第三节 数字、时间与日期 30 日期   今天几号?What’s the date?   今天是 10 号。It’s the tenth。   今天是 8 月 1 日。It’s August first。   今天是星期几?What day is it today?   我没有日历,所以不知道日期。   I don’t have a calendar, so I don’t know the date。   今天是 2009 年 10 月 5 日星期一。It’s Monday, October 5th, 2009.
  • 62.   我们打算六月二十号离开这里。We plan to leave this place on June 20th。   你的出生日期是什么时候?What’s your date of birth?   你的生日是哪天?When is your birthday?   About the Date   Paul:I need to go to the bank。   Jenny:But they’re all closed today。   Paul:Closed? Are you kidding? What is it, some kind of holiday today?   Jenny:Have you already forgotten? What’s the date today?   Paul:It’s... Oh, it’s the first of April. April Fool’s Day!   Jenny:You forgot all about it, didn’t you?   Paul:Sort of, but it has reminded me of at least one thing I need to remember。   Jenny:What’s that?   Paul:Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday。
  • 63.   Jenny:Better not forget that, she’ll kill you if you don’t get her something. It’s pretty strange that your wife’s birthday changes every year. Why is that?   Paul:My wife is a Chinese. She celebrates her birthday according to the lunar calendar。   Jenny:Ah, I got it。   Paul:It’s quite exotic for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar. It’s so different than our culture. I guess that makes life interesting to have different cultures come together and coexist。   第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前 31 商定餐馆   你想到哪里吃晚餐?Where would you like to go for dinner?   你想好去哪家餐馆了吗?Do you have any particular restaurant in mind?   你能介绍几家附近的好餐馆吗?   Could you recommend some good restaurants around here?   我建议你带他们去一家像样的法国餐厅。   I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant。   这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant serves real Sichuan cuisine。
  • 64.   这家餐厅是城里最好的餐厅。   It’s considered the best restaurant in town。   这家法国餐厅以甜点闻名。   This French restaurant is famous for its desserts。   那边餐厅里可供选择的葡萄酒较多。   The restaurant over there has a better wine selection。   这家餐馆的菜价比那家贵得多。   This restaurant is more expensive than that one。    Deciding on a Restaurant   Samantha:Hi, Julius. I’m treating Mr. Lee and his team members from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening. Where do you think I should take them?   Julius:Well, Mr. Lee has a very good taste in wine, and Gallup is one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant. Make sure you make a really good impression。   Samantha:That’s a good idea. Which one do you recommend? Les Parisians?
  • 65.   Julius:Or La Place. They’re both listed in this year’s Gourmet Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in town. But I heard La Place has a better wine selection。   Samantha:We’ll go to La Place. Could you book a table for four at 7 p.m.?   Julius:Sure。 第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前 32 预订餐位   我们可以在你们餐馆提前预订餐位吗?   Can we make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?   我想预订餐位。I’d like to make a reservation。   我想预订一张供六人用餐的桌子。   I’d like to reserve a table for six   我想订一个明天晚上的包间。   I’d like to book a private room for tomorrow evening。   我想订张靠窗户的桌子。I want to book a table by the window。   请以沃森的名义订下。Please book it under the name of Watson。
  • 66.   我在你们餐厅预订了餐位。I’ve made a reservation at your restaurant。   我打算六点到。I’d like to come at 6.   你们餐馆在什么地方?Where is your restaurant?   Reserving a Table over the Phone   Receptionist:Good afternoon. Peace Restaurant. May I help you?   Julius:I’d like to reserve a table for two. My wife and I。   Receptionist:Yes, sir. What time would you like, sir?   Julius:I’m not sure…perhaps around 8 p.m。   Receptionist:Fine. I’ll reserve a table for two at 8 p.m., sir. May I have your name, please?   Julius:Julius. Julius Berman。   Receptionist:Thank you, Mr. Berman. And do you prefer smoking or non-smoking?   Julius:Non-smoking will be fine, please. But it is more important that you get us a table by the window. It’s our anniversary and I’d like it to be very special。
  • 67.   Receptionist:I’ll try my best. We look forward to having you with us tonight, Mr. Berman。   Julius:Thank you. Good-bye。   Receptionist:Good-bye, and have a good day!   第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 33 准备点菜   请把菜单拿给我看看。Show me the menu, please。   我的朋友一会儿就到。My friend will be along shortly。   我真的需要再考虑几分钟。I really need a few more minutes to decide。   我希望服务员快点来让我们点菜。   I wish the waiter would hurry up and take our order。   你喜欢吃哪种饭菜?What kind of food do you like?   我特别喜欢吃辣的饭菜?I’m partial to hot food。   你想吃什么?What would you like?   你更喜欢吃肉,还是海鲜?Do you prefer meat or seafood?   我不挑食。I’m not particular about food。
  • 68.   除了猪肉以外我什么都吃。I eat anything except pork。   Arriving at a Restaurant   Waitress:How are you doing today? How many in your group today?   Customer:Fine, thank you. There will be five of us. The rest will be along shortly。   Waitress:Smoking or non?   Customer:Non-smoking is fine. Thank you。   Waitress:Right this way, please。   (At the table)   Waitress:Something to drink first?   Customer:Just water, please。   Waitress:Would you like to see a menu first or wait for your friends?   Customer:I’ll wait. But please bring me some bread. Maybe I would like an appetizer before they get here. Please bring me the menu and let me have a look。
  • 69.   Waitress:Certainly, sir. If you need anything else, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to get it for you right away。   第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 34 点菜   我可以看看酒单吗?May I see the wine list?   我对大蒜过敏。I’m allergic to garlic。   这道菜不要放大葱。I’d like that without spring onion。   你推荐什么?What would you recommend?   今天的特色菜是什么?What’s today’s special?   我也要同样的。The same for me, please。   我比较喜欢清淡一点儿的。I prefer something a little lighter。   你们有鸡汤吗?Do you have chicken soup?   我不想要甜点。I don’t want dessert。   Ordering Food   Waiter:Can I take your order now, madam?   May:Yes. What would you recommend?
  • 70.   Waiter:I am happy to recommend the fish. It tastes delicious and it’s today’s special. Our chef is from the coast and loves seafood. Today’s special is actually his favorite dish. So I’m sure it is absolutely fabulous。   May:It does sound wonderful. Maybe I’ll try it。   Waiter:Is there anything else? Maybe I could interest you in one of our fine appetizers, such as the escargot。   May:Not today, thanks. But I’d like to know if you have any vegetarian dishes。   Waiter:Yes. Here’s the menu. And what do you think you’d like to order?   May:Maybe I don’t want the fish. I think I’ll have the green bean dish instead。   Waiter:What kind of soup would you like?   May:I’d like the egg drop soup。   Waiter:OK. Is that all?   May:Yes。   Waiter:Would you like anything to drink while you wait?   May:Just an ice water. Thanks!
  • 71. 第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 35 等待上菜   洗手间在哪儿?Where is the rest room?   请给我一些餐巾纸。Please give me some napkins。   我们的菜怎么还没来啊?Where are our dishes?   我们都要饿死了,能快点儿吗? We are starving. Would you please hurry up?   你们忘了我点的菜了吧?Have you forgotten my order?   打扰一下,我半小时前点了金枪鱼沙拉,请问好了吗?   Excuse me, I ordered a tuna salad half an hour ago. Is it ready?   我已经等得不耐烦了。I’m impatient with being kept waiting。   十分钟之后能做好吗?Will it be ready in ten minutes?   我还要等多久?How much longer will I have to wait?   我的菜还没上。怎么这么长时间啊?   My order still hasn’t come. Why does it take so long?   Complaining about Having to Wait Too Long for Your   Linda:Excuse me。
  • 72.   Waiter:Yes, Miss. What can I do for you?   Linda:I ordered my dish about half an hour ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet。   Waiter:I’m sorry for that. I’m going to check with the chef right now。   (The waiter comes back from the kitchen。)   Waiter:Miss, I just checked with the kitchen and they said your order will be coming right up next. Oh, here it comes。   Linda:Thank you。   Waiter:Miss, I’m very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy this free glass of wine for the inconvenience. Again, I’m terribly sorry to make you wait so long。   Linda:It dosen’t matter。   第三章 餐厅用餐 12  第三节 用餐   36 用餐中劝酒夹菜   我来给你倒啤酒。Let me pour the beer for you。   干杯?!Cheers!
  • 73.   为你的升职干一杯。Here’s to your promotion。   让我们为前途干杯!Let’s drink to our future。   请随便吃。Help yourself to whatever you like, please。   听说这里的意大利面条不错。   It’s said the spaghetti here is very good。   你想来点这个吗?Would you like some of this?   要不要再来一杯?啤酒?Would you like another beer?   尝尝这个。Try this。   我吃饱了。I’m full。   During Dinner   Paul:Please help yourself to whatever you like. Don’t be shy。   Linda:Yes, thank you. I’ve already been helping myself。   Paul: This dish tastes terrific! Would you like to try a little? It is a little hot, but very good。   Linda:I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine。   Paul:Would you like another beer?
  • 74.   Linda: I’ll have another cup if you insist. I know I don’t like to drink alone, especially if there’s someone sitting next to me。   Paul: Come on, it’s the weekend. Let’s toast to an enjoyable meal. Cheers! Linda: Bottoms up! And you’re right. This meal is incredible. I wish I had known about this restaurant before. Thanks for bringing me here. I know I’ll be back again soon。   第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 37 谈论饭菜   这真是一顿非常不错的午餐!This is a very nice lunch!   这里的饭菜果然名不虚传。The food here deserves its name。   这道菜合你的口味吗?Is this dish to your taste?   你觉得这里的饭菜怎么样?How do you like the food here?   味道很好。It’s delicious。   饭菜太难吃了!The food is terrible!   肉太肥了。The meat has too much fat。   真辣!It’s hot!   这种食物太难消化了。This food is too heavy on my stomach。
  • 75.   这道菜很鲜美。It has a very delicate taste。   Discussing Dishes   Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes?   Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible!   Brad:I like it too. I like the fish, especially. It’s so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。   Jane:Yes. The food here deserves its reputation. Chinese food is one of my favorites。   Brad:If you’d like, I’ll take you to a new restaurant next time. I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it. It serves great Sichuan cuisine. Would you like to try that?   Jane:Sure, I’d love to. I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot. I think I’ll definitely love it。   Brad:Great! I love hot food too。   Jane:Well, let’s finish this great dinner first。   Brad:You said it! 第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 38 抱怨饭菜
  • 76.   我的沙拉里有只虫子!There’s a bug in my salad!   我能见一下经理吗?Could I see the manager, please?   我的鱼不熟。My fish is raw。   这个不是现榨的橙汁。This is not freshly squeezed orange juice。   这鱼尝起来有点儿变质了。The fish tastes a bit off。   我对这里的饭菜质量不满意。   I’m not very happy with the quality of the food here。   我要取消我点的菜。I’d like to cancel my order。   这道菜尝起来味道很怪。This food tastes very strange。   这菜已经差得不能再差了。The dish can’t be ang worse。   Complaining about the Food   Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss?   Linda:Sorry to trouble you, but I don’t think this fish is fresh. It actually tastes a bit off 。   Waiter:Sorry, Miss. I’ll replace it immediately. Can I get you another drink while you wait?
  • 77.   Linda:No, please don’t do that. I’d just like to return it。   Waiter:I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m afraid we can’t do that. But you may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak. It’s the house specialty and quite tasty。   Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank you。   Waiter:OK, Miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner。   第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 39 买单   请给我账单,好吗?Could I have the check, please?   请结账。Bill, please。   我来付钱。It’s on me。   我请客。Be my guest。   请把账单分开。Separate bills, please。   我们各付各的怎么样?How about going Dutch?   我该付多少钱?How much shall I pay?   请过会儿开账单给我。Please bill me later。
  • 78.   恐怕账单上有个错误。I’m afraid there is a mistake on the bill。   我觉得这个账单不对。I don’t think the bill is correct。   能开一张收据吗?May I have a receipt, please?   Paying the Check   Brad:Let me take care of the check today。   Lucy:Why? It’s unfair. How about going Dutch?   Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money, remember?   Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind picking up the tab last time。   Brad:But you really should let me treat one time. I’d feel like I owe you one if I didn’t。   Lucy:OK. But it’s only for this time。   Brad:What’s the damage?   Lucy:It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether. But don’t forget the tip. It’s usually 15%。   Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please。
  • 79.   第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 40 在西餐店   我要一杯?冰茶,加一片柠檬。   I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。   我要一杯香槟。I’d like a glass of champagne。   这个高脚杯有裂痕。This goblet is cracked。   我的牛排要全熟的。I’d like my steak well-done。   我不要开胃菜。I want to skip the starter。   我要熏肉和煎鸡蛋。I’d like the smoked bacon and fried eggs。   我要两个三明治,一个什么都不加,另一个什么佐料都加。   I want two sandwiches, one plain, the other with all trimmings。   你们有什么调料?What kinds of dressing do you have?   Dining at a Western Restaurant   Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am?   May:Yes, please. I’d like the steak and mushrooms。
  • 80.   Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well- done?   May:I’d like it well-done, please。   Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked?   May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes. And I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。   Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?   May:I’d like a cream and onion soup, please。   Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am?   May:I want to skip dessert. That’s all. Thank you。   Waiter:OK. I’ll be with you in a moment。 第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 41 在比萨店   我要一个比萨。I’d like a pizza。   我想要一个比萨,在这里吃。I want a pizza for here 。   我喜欢很多种比萨配料。I like a lot of different pizza toppings。
  • 81.   我要皮薄的。I’d like thin crust, please。   我不喜欢平底比萨,我经常点薄皮比萨。   Pan pizza is not my cup of tea. I always order thin crust。   在我的比萨上多加点柿子椒。   Please put some extra bell pepper on my pizza。   一个中号的比萨就可以了。A medium pizza would be perfect。   我可以使用这些优惠券吗?Can I use these coupons?   Ordering a Pizza to Go   Waitress:Welcome. How may I help you today?   Martin:I’m after a pizza, please。   Waitress:Then you’ll be happy to hear that today all our pizzas are on sale, 2-for-1.   Martin:You’re right. That is great!   Waitress:What size would you like?   Martin:A medium one would be perfect. Thank you。   Waitress:Which kind do you want?
  • 82.   Martin:I like seafood on my pizza。   Waitress:We have two seafood pizzas —tuna and crab。   Martin:Tuna sounds good today。   Waitress:Will that be for here or takeaway?   Martin:That will be to go。   Waitress:That should only be about 10 minutes, please sit over there and I will call you over as soon as it’s ready。   Martin:No problem。   第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 42 在快餐店   我要一个汉堡、一份薯条和一杯可乐。   I’d like a hamburger, an order of French fries and a Coke。   我要四号套餐,在这儿吃。I’d like the Combo Number 4 for here.   薯条不脆了。The fries are not crisp。   我可以把薯条换成玉米吗?Can I change the fries for corn?   三号套餐带薯条和大杯饮料吗?
  • 83.   Does Combo Number 3 come with fries and a large drink?   我想来一杯雪碧,就不要可乐了。  I’d like a sprite instead of a coke。   我要一小杯可乐。I’d like a small Coke。   我想要两个蓝莓派。I want two blueberry pies。   请问吸管在哪儿?Where are the straws?   At McDonald’s   Clerk:Can I help you?   Susan:I’d like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。   Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?   Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。   Clerk:Would you like to supersize your meal? For only 2 RMB more, you’ll get a large Coke and fries instead of the medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes。   Susan:That sounds good. Thanks. I’d like that. Actually I’d like a Sprite instead of a Coke. Thanks。   Clerk:That’s not a problem, Miss. Will that be it?
  • 84.   Susan:Yes, that’s all。   Clerk:That’ll be twenty-five RMB, please。   Susan:You got it。   第四章 美容美发 第一节 理发 43 准备理发   我要理发。I need a haircut。   我与理发师的预约是在 10 点。I have an appointment with the barber at 10.   我需要排队等候吗?Do I need to take a place in line?   要很长时间吗?Will it take very long?   在等的时候,我可以看看桌上的杂志吗?   May I read the magazines on the table while waiting?   该我了吗?Is it my turn?   理个平头多少钱?How much is a crew cut?   洗头要多少钱?How much do you charge for a shampoo?   我不能再等了。I can’t wait any more。
  • 85.   Waiting at the Hairdresser’s   Receptionist:Hello, Miss. What can I do for you this afternoon?   Customer:I need a haircut. But you seem so busy today。   Receptionist:Yes, it is busy today. We usually have a lot more clients on the weekend. Would you like to take a seat and wait for a while, please?   Customer:OK. But how long will I have to wait? Is it going to be more than 30 minutes?   Receptionist:It should be around that. If you’d like, please feel free to read the magazines while you wait。   Customer:Thank you。   (20 minutes later)   Receptionist:Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss. Our hairdresser, Mr. Lee, is just finishing with a client in a moment or two. Will you have a shampoo first? I’ll get a gown for you。   Customer:OK. Thanks。 第四章 美容美发 第一节 理发 44 开始理发   您想把头发剪成什么样的?How would you like your hair cut?   我想把头发分一下。I want my hair parted。
  • 86.   您想把头发剪掉多少?How much do you want me to take off?   请把头顶的头发再剪掉一点。Please take a little more off the top。   要(者)哩还是营养水?Hair gel or hair tonic?   稍微修剪一下就好。Just trim it a little。   顶上要打薄一点。Thin out the top, please。   留长一点。Leave it long。   我的头发靠左边分。I wear my part to the left。   我想留披肩发。I want to wear shoulder-length hair。   Getting a Haircut   Barber:How would you like your hair cut?   George:Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little。   Barber:How about on top?   George:You can thin the top out a little, just a little。   Barber:You got it。
  • 87.   George:Say, my hair is kind of oily. Dandruff bothers me a lot. I’ve tried several shampoos, but to no avail. Could you recommend something effective?   Barber:Well, have you tried Head and Shoulders? I recommend it to all of my clients with your problem and they think it’s great。   George:Thanks. I’ll try it。   Barber:And you can try Vidal Sassoon’s hair tonic. It’s used after you wash your hair. It’ll keep your hair clean-looking and oil- free。   George:I’ll try that, too. Thank you。   Barber:It’s done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents。   第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发 45 烫发   我要烫头发。I’d like a perm。   你需要冷烫还是热烫?Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary perm?   我只需轻烫一下。I just want a light perm。   要大卷儿、中卷儿、还是自然卷儿?   Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?
  • 88.   我想把卷发拉直。I’d like to have my curly hair straightened。   您烫了头发会更有魅力。You’ll look more attractive with curly hair。   烫这个头发需要多长时间?How long will this perm take?   你们有没有发型图片让我看一下?   Do you have pictures of hairdos to show me?   A Haircut and Perm   Hairdresser:Very sorry to have kept you waiting so long. What do you want, madam?   Mrs. Smith:I want a haircut and a perm。   Hairdresser:How long would you like your hair cut today?   Mrs. Smith:Just cut a little off。   Hairdresser:Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?   Mrs. Smith:I’d like to have it medium。   Hairdresser:How about your hairstyle?   Mrs. Smith:Can you tell me my choices?
  • 89.   Hairdresser:Well, with a perm we can do various kinds of patterns, such as a bob, chaplet hairstyle, or a bun. Which do you prefer?   Mrs. Smith:I want a chaplet one. I like to have it in big waves。   (two hours later)   Hairdresser:It looks wonderful。   Mrs. Smith:Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the mirror。   Hairdresser:What do you think of it?   Mrs. Smith:Beautifully done. Many thanks。   第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发 46 染发   我想染头发。I want to dye my hair。   我想把头发染成棕色。I’d like my hair dyed brown。   您想染什么颜色?Which color would you dye it?   做个染发怎么样?How about doing hair coloring?   这会褪色吗?Will it fade?   我的头发需要焗油吗?Do I need hair treatment?
  • 90.   有好牌子的染发剂吗?Have you got a good brand of hair dye?   金黄色太怪异了。Blonde is too erratic。   我一直喜欢黑色。Black is always my favorite。   Having the Hair Dyed   Mary:Could I have my hair dyed?   Hairdresser:Certainly. Which color do you want to dye it?   Mary:I want the latest fashion. Can you make some suggestions?   Hairdresser:Right now, many girls are dying their hair blonde。   Mary:I don’t think that would suit me very well. Blonde is kind of erratic。   Hairdresser:Then what do you think about pink?   Mary:Oh, no. I think it better to be a natural Chinese with natural Chinese hair? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?   Hairdresser:Yes. We have several brands. Which one do you prefer.   Mary:I want the best one。
  • 91.   Hairdresser:First, you need a shampoo. It makes it easier for your hair to be dyed…Well, let’s dunk your hair in the water.Your hair will be thoroughly cleaned that way。   (one hour later)   Mary:After this dye job, it feels like I look younger。 Hairdresser:Your hair is definitely fresh and shinier-looking。 第四章 美容美发 第三节 美容 47 皮肤护理   你们有面部护理的服务吗?Do you offer facials?   我要做一下面部按摩。I want a face massage。   大多数面部护理都是从彻底清洁皮肤开始的。   Most facials start with a thorough cleansing。   请注意我的皮肤比较敏感。   Please keep in mind that my skin is very sensitive。   你要给我的皮肤去角质吗?Will you exfoliate my skin?   我的肤色看起来好黯淡。哪一种面部护理可以改善?   My skin looks so dull. What kind of facial treatment will improve it?
  • 92.   蒸脸对长痘痘的肌肤有好处吗?   Is facial steam good for the acne-prone skin?   我想尝试一下深层清洁护理来祛除皮肤中的油污。   I’ll try a deep-cleansing facial to get rid of the filth and grease。   我常使用这种活肤面膜。I use this reviving facial mask often。   Getting a Facial   Customer:I’d like a facial。   Beautician:Which kind would you like? We have five different varieties of facials。   Customer:Which would you recommend?   Beautician:Well, since it’s summer and it looks like you’ve had quite a bit of sun, I’d recommend our summer special. It’s especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin。   Customer:What does it include?   Beautician:The facial will start with a thorough cleansing。   Customer:Does it include a facial mask and a massage?
  • 93.   Beautician:Yes. The reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten the skin. You can also choose to get a hand or back massage as well。   Customer:Will you exfoliate the skin as well?   Beautician:Yes. We’ll also apply a special Day Cream that will protect the skin from the sun and Night Cream that will moisturize the skin。   Customer:That sounds great.   第四章 美容美发 第三节 美容 48 美甲服务   我想修指甲。I’d like a manicure。   我想修脚趾甲。I’d like a pedicure。   我打算待会儿修一下手部和脚部的指甲。   I’m planning on getting a manicure and pedicure later。   我想做法式的指甲修护。I’d like to have a French manicure。   你觉得我的指甲是修成方形好还是修成圆形好?   Do you think my nails would look better pared square or round?   请把我的指甲表面锉光。Please file the surface of my nails smooth。
  • 94.   您喜欢什么颜色的指甲油?   What color would you prefer your nail polish?   你们有针对干裂指甲的特别治疗吗?   Do you offer a special treatment for dry and cracked nails?   请给我修剪一下指甲周围的表皮。I want my cuticles cut, please。   Getting a Manicure   Customer:Hello. I want to know how much it costs to have a manicure and a pedicure?   Manicurist:Usually, it’s 60 dollars for a manicure and 80 dollars for a pedicure, but with this special discount, the total for both is only 120 dollars. And you can get them painted as well for free。   Customer:That’s nice. I’d like to give it a try. I think I’d like Passion Red please。   Manicurist:All right. Do you want your cuticles cut, too?   Customer:No。   Manicurist:Would you like the shape square or round?   Customer:Square, but w ith rounded edges, please。
  • 95.   (after a while)   Manicurist:All right, it’s done. Please follow me to the drying section。   Customer:How long will it take to get them dry?   Manicurist:In about five minutes, you’ll be all set。   Customer:I see. Thank you。   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 49 萌生好感   她很迷人。She is attractive。   我想追求她。I’m trying to make a pass at her。   大卫令女人一见倾心。David is a lady-killer。   我想我爱上他了。I think I have a crush on her。   她是个美女。She’s a beauty。   我爱上他了。I’ve fallen in love with her。   美丽的女子像一首歌。A pretty girl is like a melody。   我喜欢她好几年了。I’ve been sweet on her for years。   我爱上了一位美丽的姑娘。I fell for a pretty girl。
  • 96.   Falling into Love   John:I saw Lily for the first time and felt like I’d been struck by lightning. I’m trying to make a pass at her. I have a date with her on Friday, but I really can’t decide what to do。   Mary:What about taking her for a dinner or a movie?   John:Not bad. Any other ideas?   Mary:Well, there’s a play on campus this weekend。   John:Good idea. That way she’ll think that I have culture. Do you have any other suggestions?   Mary:What’s the matter with these ideas?   John:They are good, but I still need a few more。   Mary:What about going on a picnic?   John:Cool, but what if the weather isn’t ideal?   Mary:You could take her to the art museum or a café. Certainly I must have come up with something you can use. How do you like the ideas I’ve given you?   John:They’re all good。
  • 97. 第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 50 表白爱意   你现在有男朋友吗?Do you have a boyfriend now?   你是我所见过的最漂亮的女孩。   You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen。   你是我梦寐以求的女孩。You’re the girl of my dreams。   我时时刻刻都想着你。I’m thinking of you every minute。   我对你一见钟情。I fell in love with you at first sight。   你是我的一切。You mean everything to me。   我发现我爱上你了。I find I’ve lost my heart to you。   我全心全意地爱着你。I love you with all my heart。   我爱你胜过爱其他任何人。I love you more than anybody else。   没有你的日子就如同没有阳光一样。   A day without you is like a day without sunshine。   Expressing Love
  • 98.   Tom:I know it’s only been the weekend, but it seems a long time to me. I miss you when we’re not together。   Mary:Me, too。   Tom:Did you have a good time at home this weekend?   Mary:No, just the usual. I watched TV, listened to music, and helped my mother with the housework。   Tom:Sounds like a real ball. I was thinking about it this weekend. Do you know how long we’ve been going together?   Mary:About three months。   Tom:Yeah, three months or so. I want to ask you a question and I hope you’ll answer it as honestly as you can, OK?   Mary:Go ahead。   Tom:What do you think of me?   Mary:I think you’re sincere, enthusiastic, brave…   Tom:You know I really care about you, don’t you? You’re the kindest girl I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful, active and considerate. There are times when I feel that a day without you is like a day without sunshine. I love you…   Mary:I…
  • 99.   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 51 请求约会   我能约你出去吗?Can I ask you out?   出去吃个饭好吗?Would you like to go to dinner?   你愿意今晚跳舞去吗?Would you like to go dancing tonight?   今天上午你有安排吗?Do you have plans for this morning?   周六晚上你有空吗?Are you free Saturday evening?   这个周末你有什么事吗?What are you up to this weekend?   二十四号你忙吗?Are you busy on the 24th?   你什么时候有空?When do you have time?   七点怎么样?Is 7 o’clock OK?   告诉我你想去哪儿。Tell me where you’d like to go。   你来吗?Would you like to come?   我非常高兴你终于约我了。I’m very happy you’re dating me at last。   和你约会一定很棒。It’ll be fantastic to date you。   我有时间。I have time。
  • 100.   到时我会去的。I’ll be there then。   我一整天都会很忙。I will be busy all day long。   我很乐意去,但是我去不了。I’d love to, but I can’t。   推迟到七点半方便吗?Is it convenient to postpone it to 7:30?   咱们换个时间吧。Let’s make it another time。   咱们能多见几次面吗?Can we date more often?   我们能不再偷偷地约会了吗?Can’t we stop dating underground?   如果你下次还不按时赴约就休想再见到我!   You’ll never see me again if you can’t date me punctually!   我对这种相亲感到有些紧张。   I’m a little nervous about this kind of blind date。   Asking for a Date??   Michael:I had a great time on our last date。  Fiona:Me too。   Michael:What are you up to this weekend?
  • 101.   Fiona:Nothing。   Michael:Would you like to go skating? I was thinking of going out to the lake on Saturday. It's great out there. Would you like to go with me?   Fiona:I’d love to, but I don’t care for skating very much。   Michael:OK. There're a bunch of us going bowling on Sunday. Would you like to go?   Fiona:I like bowling, but I prefer to be alone with you。   Michael:Would you like to go dancing tonight?   Fiona:I don’t feel like going out tonight; I’m way too tired. I miss you, sweetheart。   Michael:I miss you too. Then tell me where you’d like to go on our next date。   Fiona:How about the seaside?   Michael:Anything you say, honey。   Fiona:Are you busy on the 24th?   Michael:The 24th…I have time, but I can’t wait that long. I’m dying to see you。   Let’s make it another time。
  • 102.   Fiona:OK。   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 52 抱怨   男人是白痴,而我嫁给了白痴之最。Men are idiots, and I married to their king。   你真是个挥霍无度的人。You're such a spendthrift。   你太以自我为中心了。You are too self-centered。   我受够了你的唠叨。I’ve had enough of your nagging。   我男朋友把我气坏了。My boyfriend is driving me up the wall。   我和女朋友之间不沟通。My girlfriend and I do not communicate。   女朋友现在对我不理不睬。My girlfriend is giving me the cold shoulder。   感觉你对我们的关系并不那么上心。   It feels like you’re not that dedicated to our relationship。   你不能置我于不顾。You just can’t turn your back on me。   你像扔垃圾似的把我扔到一边去。You tossed me aside like a piece of trash。
  • 103.   Complaining   Tina:Can you be serious for a moment? We’ve been dating for six months now and I really like you. I’d like to take our relationship to the next level。   Sean:So what are you trying to say to me?   Tina:It feels like you’re not that dedicated to our relationship. It seems like you treat it as just casual dating。   Sean:How should I see it?   Tina:I don’t want to be like this. I think we should take a step further 。   Sean:It has only been six months. Our relationship hasn’t had a chance to mature yet. There are still some hurdles we have to jump over。   Tina:Like what?   Sean:Last week, I saw Brian kissing you on the cheek。   Tina:It was only the cheek。   Sean:So that is okay then? It starts on the cheek, and pretty soon you’re French kissing in the back of his car。
  • 104.   Tina:Oh, that’s ridiculous!   Sean:So is it okay if I kiss other woman on the cheek?   Tina:Definitely not!   Sean:You see. We still have a hurdle。   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 53 争吵   我受够了。I’ve had it。   你故意伤我的心。You broke my heart on purpose。   你用情不专,一直在外面胡来。You’ve been fooling around。   我不想听!I don’t want to hear it!   你一定是有意失约的。You must stand me up on purpose。   我真后悔认识了你。I regret meeting you。   你就是一个粗鲁的泼妇!You’re nothing but a vulgar shrew!   我快要气疯了。I’m almost driven mad。   你疯了吗?Are you insane?   你真让我恶心!You make me sick!
  • 105.   A Dispute   Jenny:I can’t stand being with you anymore. I’m sick of your drinking。   Michael:I swear never to drink again. Just give me another chance, please!   Jenny:How many chances have I given you? I’ve given up on you!   Michael:You know how hard I’ve tried to quit. I’d be lost without you. I’ll not let you go。   Jenny:It’s not just for your drinking, but your lacking of sense of responsibility。   Michael:I have to make money to support the family, so I have little time left to share with you。   Jenny:Even if I was seriously ill, you couldn’t spare a moment。   Michael:I’ve told you I happened to be on a more important meeting at that time。   Jenny:I just don’t trust you any more。
  • 106.   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第一节 恋爱生活 54 用情不专   那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻新欢。The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman。   我女朋友在和另一个男人约会。My girlfriend is seeing another man。   你是否有别人了?Is there someone else?   你真是个花花公子。You are such a playboy。   她对男朋友不忠。She’s disloyal to her boyfriend。  你不能背叛我。You can’t betray me。   我女朋友有外遇了。My girlfriend is cheating on me。   她真是个荡妇。She is a real slut。   他喜欢沾花惹草。He really likes to play the field。   他用情不专。He’s not faithful in love。   她的男友换了一个又一个。She likes to go from man to man。   Playboy   John:Wait up, Jim。
  • 107.   Jim:What’s up, buddy?   John:That was a great party you had last Saturday. And I have to tell you that your girlfriend is a real knockout。   Jim:I’m glad you had fun and yes, she is very beautiful。   John:You’ve had a string of pretty ladies, haven’t you? You really like to play the field。   Jim:Well, I’m not interested in settling down yet。   John:Have you always been a bit of a playboy?   Jim:I’ve always been interested in women, if that’s what you mean。   John:And I think they know you are a womanizer。   Jim:It doesn’t matter. I don’t pretend. They always know right from the start that I’m not planning to stick around for the long haul。   John:So do they just like to play around?   Jim:Some of them. I think the others hope they can be the one that settles me down。 第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 55 分手
  • 108.   我们完了。We’re through。   只有分手才能停止我们之间的争吵。Only breakup can stop us from quarrelling。   你对我太苛求了,我感觉很累。You impose too much on me, and I’m so tired。   事实证明我们合不来。Facts show we are not a good match。   你再也不要给我打电话了。Don’t call me any more。   你为什么赶我走?Why are you driving me away?   咱们分手吧。Let’s part.   我早就想和你分手了。I wanted to part from you long ago。   我不想和你分手。I don’t want to part with you。   Breaking Up   Linda:We’re through。   Andy:Why?   Linda:Why? Isn’t it obvious? First, you impose way too much on me, and I’m tired of it. Second, you stood me up on Valentine’s Day。
  • 109.   Andy:I’m really sorry for that, but I’ve sent you several messages to explain. My mum was seriously ill on that day and I had to look after her。   Linda:But I ended up finding out later that night that you were with another girl at a cafénear your home。   Andy:That girl was my cousin。   Linda:You’ve got so many cousins! I called you later that night, but you didn’t have the guts to answer the phone。   Andy:I didn’t take my cell phone with me at that time。   Linda:I don’t buy your story。   Andy:I know you can’t hear me right now. Please calm down. Anyway, I don’t want to part. I’ll drop by tomorrow。   Linda:No, don’t. I don’t want to see you anymore. Don’t ever call me again。   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 56 婚姻状况   我还是单身。I’m still single。   我无“家”一身轻。 I have no family to tie me down。
  • 110.   她很年轻时就结婚了。She (was/got) married young。   我喜欢单身而不是结婚。I prefer being single to being married。   他们将在 8 月喜结连理。They will tie the knot in August。   她与一个法国人结婚了。She’s married to a Frenchman。   他们结婚一年后就离异了。They split up after one year of marriage。   她再婚了,嫁给了一位有钱人。She is married again to a wealthy man。   Preferring to Stay Single   Tess:Hi, Jack. We’re having a party tonight. Wanna come and join us? You can bring your girlfriend Tina。   Jack:I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m single。   Tess:Oh, that’s right. Well, there are going to be many beautiful girls at the party tonight anyway。   Jack:No. I like being single. I’ve never felt lonely. I’m focusing on my career. Maybe I’ll start to look for my girl when I achieve success。
  • 111.   Tess:Why is that?   Jack:Because I live in the real world. A man needs to have a good career and make a lot of money.Frankly speaking, the girls I’ve met wouldn’t marry a man who didn’t make enough money。   Tess:I agree. A man needs a good career but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have a little fun, too。   Jack:I just don’t want to get distracted。   第五章 恋爱婚姻 第二节 婚姻生活 57 求婚   我们的未来是很美好的。We have a great future。   让我永远照顾你吧。Let me take care of you forever。   你愿意和我结婚吗?Will you marry me?   他向我求婚时,我吓了一跳。I was shocked when he popped the question。   咱们一起白头到老吧。Let’s be together till the end of our lives。   你愿意做我的人生伴侣吗?Would you like to be my partner in life?