veterinary medicine physiology molecular biology animal science veterinary physiology dna animal health veterinary anatomy and physiology philippines veterinary endocrinology gene expression genetics environmental animal health biochemistry swine management swine production epigenetics chromosome rna information management information technology artificial intelligence computer science veterinary histology chemistry reproductive physiology biology stem cells epigenetic marks epigenome genes protein synthesis medical science computer engineering data analytics software gene genome animal husbandry domestic animals swine health university of the philippines swine diseases human health heat stress prostaglandin hypothalamus endocrine glands suckling reflex medicine chromatin cell differentiation activating marks inactivating marks mitochondria dna replication central dogma twins epigenetics and diseases genotype phenotype proteomics genomics devices and software machine intelligence computers data and analytics comelec profile senatorial candidates may elections national elections alveoli respiratory epithelium goblet cells veterinary microscopic anatomy pseudostratified ciliated epithelium respiratory system domestic animals microscopic anatomy comparative histology of animals hypodermis dermis epidermis the skin integumentary system lymph immunology lymphatic system mitochondrial genome point mutation gene mutation chromosomal mutation types of mutations codon proteome genomic alterations mutations medical applications proteomes genomes plasmid dna steps in dna cloning recombinant dna technology dna cloning nucleic acids small animal health and diseases acid base imbalance acid base disorder management practices in pig raising quezon philippine native pigs veterinary quarantine china pork industry warthogs asfivirus african swine fever impacts of asf pig industry viral diseases of swine asf outbreak swine production performance swine production and management puberty in animals sperm spermatogenesis pituitary gland gonadal steroids hormones nervous system veterinary anatomy comparative male anatomy bull reproductive tract male reproductive tract anatomy female reproductive tract anatomy commercial swine water supply in swine farms waste management in swine swine housing biosecurity protocols all-in-all-out location nutrition biosecurity protection of the environment degradation of environment biodiversity flora fauna conservation of ecosystem threats in ecosystem ecosystem health mindanao ligawasan marsh effects of climatic factors on livestock performan precipitation relative humidity ecology microenvironment macroenvironment animal survival animal well-being animal physiology swine vaccination protocol swine swine manure management case study on swine farm swine protocols swine farm biosecurity swine farm cold stress metabolic adaptations habituation accommodation acclimation acclimatization hypothermia hyperthermia human adaptations to thermal stress environmental stressors environmental stress adaptation key morphological adaptations of livestock nutrition stress environmental stresses structural adaptations climate change environment veterinary medicine accessory glands somatic motor autonomic sympathetic parasympathetic afferent efferent peripheral nervous system central nervous system neurotransmitters spinal nerves spinal cord brain neurones anatomy of the nervous system relaxation of skeletal muscle cross-bridge formation mechanism of muscle contraction troponin myosin actin myofibrils sarcoplasm sarcolemma intercalated disc striated muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum transverse tubules striations cardiac muscle smooth muscle skeletal muscle muscular system dihydrotestosterone cortsol testosterone progesterone estradiol steroid hormones camp placental hormones anterior pituitary hormones protein kinase activation adenylate cyclase activation g-protein activation hormone-receptor binding steps in protein hormone action hormone receptors hormone action luteolytic hormones oxytocin gnrh protein hormones classification of hormones properties of hormones kidney adrenal cortex testis ovary pineal pituitary exocrine hormone molecular mechanism of salivary secretion functions of saliva composition of saliva mechanism of salivary secretion salivary flow rate conditioned reflex unconditioned reflex salivary reflex regulation regulation of salivary secretion intercalated duct sublingual gland mandibular gland parotid gland mammalian physiology minor salivary glands major salivary glands amylase salivary gland carboxypeptidase chymotrypsin trypsin pancreatic enzymes gallstones fat micelles portal triad bile insulin hepatocytes fat emulsification cirrhosis liver lobule gallbladder pancreas liver digestive system accessory organs satellite cells myoblast. endothelial tip cells angiogenesis renewal of airways and gut renewal of photoreceptors sensory epithelia mammary stem cells notch signaling pathways wnt hedgehog integrin transit amplifying cells divisional asymmetry environmental asymmetry tissue renewal specialized tissues pluripotent oligopotent multipotent totipotent hematopoietic stem cell hemopoiesis self-renewal differentiation types of stem cells myeloma lymphoma carcinoma leukemia sarcoma types of tumors tumor supressor genes dna repair genes oncogenes cancer pluripotency markers yamanaka factors cellular reprogramming induced pluripotent stem cells digoxin digitoxin myocardial infarction chf ouabain catecholamines law of laplace calcium ions action potential potassium excitation-contraction coupling inotropes cardiac glycosides sodium pump vasodilator drugs digitalis cardiovascular solutions isosmotic osmotic hypotonic hypertonic equilibrium tonicity salt polar ionic compounds osmosis moles osmoles osmotic concencentration solvent solute osmolality osmolarity euchromatin nucleosome histone modifications histone tail gene promoter histone remodelling methyl groups chromosome 15 deletion prader willi syndrome epigenetic changes mitochondrial eve dna polymerase nuclear dna dna translation lead generation ribosomes duplication translation transcription
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