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Exercise and nutrition directly affects muscle growth and is important
for every human being. Understanding how nutrition and exercise
affects the body will help one gain knowledge of how muscles work,
build strength, and help improve outer and inner appearance.

- My physical education and health teacher really made me think twice about
my health. They really pushed the students to follow good habits. I instantly
became a “health nut”.
- Ever since I watched “Super Size Me” my life changed. I want to change the
world one step at a time. I believe others would care for health reasons
especially the younger generation because each year the statistics for children
obesity rises.
- - eating healthier and exercising daily will impact my future so much and
decrease any problems

Understanding the body

Being aware of what you put in your body

Why become part of the growing epidemic– obesity?

Take it all in!
You are what you eat!
Don’t be part of the epidemic.


extensive network of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughout
the body
It is controlled by the central nervous system (sends messages throughout the
650 muscles active in the human body
40% of someone's weight
Without the muscular system, people cannot move and perform any type of
bodily processes which are essential to keep the body in working order
Most abundant tissue in the body

1.Skeletal: attached to bones by tendons – during muscle contraction, skeletal
muscles shorten, which causes tension on bones – requires nervous
stimulation to contract; main function is movement (voluntary- decide when to
move them)
2. cardiac: can contract spontaneously – heart muscle cells (located in the
3. Smooth : contain actin (structural protein of muscle that, along with myosin,
is responsible for muscle contraction) & myosin – involuntary contraction
(happens by itself) – located in blood vessel walls & in the small air passages
in the lungs (bronchioles) in the digestive tract, ureters & the intestine –
example: peristalsis- the movement of muscle cells in the intestine after the
consumption of food

1 and 2.SPINDLE AND STRIATED SHAPED: Each type of muscle consists of
different types of cells (for instance, smooth muscle consists of spindle shaped
cells whereas skeletal and cardiac muscles consist of striated cells)
3.  NUCLEI: all three types of cells contain nuclei –controls the cells
4.  Weightlifting and other methods of building muscles do not increase the
    number of cells but simply enlarge those already present

( Campbell – Reece 838)
(Fox 83)
(Campbell-Reece 1084-1086)


1.  Studies show being active lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke,
    diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and certain cancers.
    Exercising boosts one’s mood, helps stress control, and helps maintain a
    good weight
       1.  time needed for a good workout: 5 days in a week of a 30 minute
           light workout such as walking or 20 minutes of a harder workout
           such as running or sports for 3 days a week.
       1.  Anything that gets you moving around counts as physical activity!
           Activities like basketball, gardening, jogging, walking, dancing will
       1.  Working out with a friend helps tremendously; motivating each other
           to stay healthy!
       1.  Think the F.I.T.T. Principle: F= frequency (how often you exercise);
           I= intensity (how hard you exercise); T=time (how long you
           exercise); T= type (what type of exercise are you doing) –
           remembering this will help to keep the body challenged and
           complete the workout—you’ll see results cardio endurance, body fat,
           weight, and strength
       1.  Once the body adapts to the workouts then add on to the F.I.T.T.
           principal. F= adding one more day; I=adding on to the workout (if
           walking then add a sprint); T= add 10- 15 minutes; T= change the        10
           type of exercise (cycling)
1. YOGA = means unite the mind, body, and soul.
2. Originated in India over 3,000 years ago
3. Not just stretching; yoga is about creating balance in the body by
developing strength and flexibility

Bikram yoga: known as "hot yoga.” practiced in rooms heated to more than
100° F and focuses on stamina and purification.
Gentle yoga: Gentle yoga focuses on slow stretches, flexibility, and deep
Restorative yoga: allows the body to fully relax by holding simple postures
passively for extended periods of time.
Vinyasa/power yoga: improve strength, flexibility, and stamina. *most popular
in the USA

       improves flexibility
       reduces anxiety/stress
       improves mental clarity
       even helps them sleep better

(                    11
Upward Facing Dog opens the chest and strengthens the whole body. Up dog
aligns the spine and energize the kidneys and nervous system.

1. From Table pose, slowly drop the hips forward toward the floor.
2. drop the shoulders down and back, press the chest forward and reach the
crown of the head up towards the ceiling.
3. Inhale and lift thighs and legs off of the floor by pressing the tops of the feet
4. Breathe and hold for 1-3 breaths.

Stretches and strengthens the whole body

1. wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips.
2. push back raising the hips and straightening the legs.
3. broadening the collarbones (Outwardly rotate the upper arms )
4. Let the head hang, move the shoulder blades away from the ears towards
the hips.
5. Engage the quadriceps strongly to take the weight off the arms, making this
a resting pose.


pose lengthens and realigns the spine and gently stretches the upper back,
arms, and shoulders.

1. From table pose, inhale and reach the tailbone up towards the ceiling.
2. Exhale and slide the hands forward to lower the forehead straight down to
the floor keeping the hips lifted over the knees. Let the chest sink down
towards the floor, feeling an arch and stretch in the middle of the back.
3. To deepen the stretch in the arms, shoulders and spine, straighten the
arms, lift the elbows off the floor, super glue the palms down and reach back
through the hips.
4. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.


Transition slide: what muscles are affected while walking, jogging, and running

Muscles Used While Walking
Calf muscles: (walking develops calf muscles) provides the upward and forward momentum
for the "pushoff" phase of walking (lifts the heel off the ground)
Tibialis anterior and ankle extensor muscles: run along the anterior side of each shin, raise
the toes and foot during the leg's forward motion (or "swing") phase. The muscles then lower
the toes and foot as the heel hits the ground.
Hamstring muscles: Walking's pushoff phase (hip extension) works the hamstring muscles in
the back of the thighs.
Quadriceps muscles: These muscles at the front of the thighs are used as each leg is
Hip flexor muscles: The hip flexor muscles lift the thigh forward in the "swing" phase of the
Buttock muscles: Rocking the hips during brisk walking works the gluteal (butt) muscles.
Abdominal muscles: walking with natural, upright posture can strengthen the abdominal
Arm and shoulder muscles: These muscles are used when you pump your arms vigorously,
up to chest or shoulder level, while walking (the left arm swings forward naturally as the right
leg strides ahead, and vice versa).


1. Jogging helps build lean tissue, burn body fat and develop a flat stomach..
Also raises metabolism rate.
2. Jogging workouts are useful for bodybuilding and muscle-building, as they
strengthen and develop the bottom, hip, thigh and calf muscles. They work the
gluteal muscles in the bottom, the major muscles in the hips, the biceps,
muscles in the hamstrings; the quads and anterior calf muscles.
3. Primary muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings and calves Assistance muscles:
hip flexors, lower back (erector spinae), abdominals, obliques, shoulders and
upper back (the latter two groups are used as stabilizers while jogging)


3 stages:
The initial stage of running involves one foot lifted from the ground and the
other remaining on the ground as support.
       Ilio Tibial Band of the supporting leg
       The lower back muscles
       The abdominal muscles are all used to support the pelvis and keep
The opposing leg is lifted by the
       The Quadriceps
       The Hip Flexors
The supporting leg becomes extended until the big toe remains on the ground.
To achieve this movement
       The calf muscles
       The quadriceps come into action
Here the toe looses contact with the ground and
       Hip Flexors
       Gluteal muscles

***notice sprinters have the greatest upper body mass of all the runners
This is because it is important in maintaining balance when running with the
upper body
       here’s some physics for you; the more force exerted by the lower body,
the stronger the upper body needs to be (react)

1. For example, when a soccer player runs toward the goal, the hamstring
muscles are stretched each time a leg swings forward. This pre-stretch gives
the hamstrings a boost when they contract, rocketing the leg backward, and
thrusting the player toward the ball or the goal. Pre-stretching a muscle is a
great way to boost muscle power output, and save energy
2. reducing one's training for one to three weeks prior to competition - can
produce dramatic improvements in performance – tapering boosts competitive
efforts by increasing the elasticity of muscles (enhances the way in which
muscles use stored elastic energy)
3.  Let your muscle adapt and gain muscle memory
4.  Eat right; enough carbs and nutrients (for example the before track meets,
    runners have a carbo load) you need all the energy you got so you don’t
    break down
5.  Sleep allows the muscles relax and strengthen

Recommended to stretch AT least 3 days in a week.
1. Warming up:
        increases your heart and respiratory rate
        boosts the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to your muscles
        prepares the body for a demanding workout
        makes it easier to burn calories
        extends your workout
2. Stretching
        an increase in flexibility and joint range of motion
        doing it right; correct exercise posture
        relaxed muscles
Stop if it hurts. Stretching should never hurt. If you have reached a point in your
stretch where it hurts, relax to where it feels comfortable and hold the stretch.
Maintain each stretch for 10–30 seconds. Holding a stretch for any less 10
seconds won’t do anything; you have to hold it to allow the muscle to lengthen. Avoid
bobbing. Bobbing or bouncing while stretching may damage the muscle you are
stretching. This damage may even cause scar tissue to form. Scar tissue tightens
muscles and can get in the way of flexibility.
Remember to breathe. Breathing is a necessary part of any workout, including
3. Cooling down:
       slow your heart rate to a normal speed
       return your breathing to its regular pace
       avoid stiffness and soreness of the muscles
       reduce any risk of dizziness and lightheadedness
       relax the muscles

1. Isotonic contraction: muscle contraction in which the muscle (shortening or
lengthening) changes against a counterforce, as in free opening and closing of
the jaws
2. Eccentric contraction: therapeutic technique involving the lengthening of a
muscle against pressure
3. Concentric contraction: movement accompanied by a shortening of the
muscle as in the lifting phase of a biceps curl


Lifting = looking like the incredible hulk?
Don’t go crazy
Combine exercises
1. Toning = the restoration of muscle and the simultaneous decrease of fat.
             combination of weight training, aerobic exercise and good eating habits are most effective for fat loss and toning
2. Many people think toning is lifting light weights with high repetitions, but to tone the body, one must have to lift heavy to let the
muscles grow. Once satisfied with the size of the muscles then one needs to cut body fats for muscles to show up.
3. Technique And Form
             Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the
muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your
weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press
4, tips:
             a. Train Intensively But Do Not Over train
You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your
muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt),
it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many
small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at
least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was
vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.
Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less
cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in
order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.
             b. Train With Compound Exercises
Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint
movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier
weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.
Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell


1. Enlargement is produced only by frequent periods of high intensity
exercises in which the muscles work against a high resistance
       both increasing the amount of repetitions increases the muscle strength
and the more weight the more muscle grows
4. Tougher through the ages
       Reason it is difficult for older people to increase their physical strength
is because of reduced muscle mass, which is due to a loss of muscle fibers
and to the decrease in the size of fast-twitch muscle fibers.

When you're using your muscles to work against the extra pounds (this
concept is called resistance). This strengthens and increases the amount of
muscle mass in your body by making your muscles work harder than they're
used to.

(Fox 369)

1.  You body moves by muscles contracting and relaxing (like a rubber band)
2.  Short definition of a strain = stretching out your muscle too far
3.  Mostly happens if someone does not stretch before a workout which allows
    the blood to circulate to muscles.. STRETCH
4.  Strain is different than a sprain- sprain is where there is a pain in the
    muscle (muscle bruise) and the ligaments have been overstretched or torn
    feels like it’s broken
5.  Treatment: reduce swelling by icing and elevating and lots of rest is

1.  Memorization is Key!
        1.  Memorization of motor skills– once the body does the same motion
            over and over again then the muscle adapts
2. In sleep quote
        2.  Muscle memory thus becomes an unconscious process. The
            muscles grow accustomed to certain types of movement. This is
            extremely important in different types of training for sports. The more
            often you do a certain activity, the more likely you are to do it as
            needed, when needed. If you’ve kicked thousands of field goals,
            exercise physiologists assume that the likelihood of being able to
            kick one during an American football game is pretty good through
            muscle memory. You don’t have to think, “I need to make this kick.”
            Your body already knows how to do it.
3. Practice make perfect
     Most top level athletes and performers in a variety of fields believe that
    muscle memory is best developed when the same activities are practiced
    over and over again, with any corrections of form that are needed.
    Continual practice may mean you can make that perfect golf swing every
    single time (or almost), or hit a high note every time if you’re a singer.
4.  Prove it!
        4.  Athletes (speed skating: bending down and basketball: shooting a
            jump shot); babies learning how to walk

       (                                26
1.  Plateauing- means if you do the same routine everyday and every week,
    your body adapts to it and doesn’t become a workout anymore and there
    will be no results
2.  By changing your workout out it causes “muscle confusion” which is
    allowing your muscles to think and work out different muscles that your
    memory has not recognized. Muscle confusion isn’t just changing your
    routine, it can also be adding more weights
3.  Tips:
        Change the type of equipment used - You can the one workout use
resistance bands in the next workout changed to dumbbells. One workout you
can do pull ups the next workout you can use resistance bands to do the same
        Change the exercises you perform - While this is not possible if
you're doing the P90X workout, but once you have moved on to doing your
own workouts you can change the type of exercises. For example, if you're
doing incline dumbbell presses... you can also perform incline bench presses
or use a hammer strength incline machine if you have one at your gym.
        Change the amount of rest between exercises - This is an old trick to
getting more intensity of your workout. If you normally rest for two minutes
between exercises, reduce it to one minute.
(                         27
1.  right kind of exercise does many great things for your body and soul: It can
    strengthen your heart and muscles, lower your body fat, and reduce your
    risk of many diseases.
2.  People take advantage of exercising and instead of doing it to feel good
    and healthier they think about losing weight obsessively
3.  Athletes tend to over exercise because they think that to over work
    everyday then they’ll get better, but the body needs rest and overdoing will
    cause injuries like muscle strains or fractures
4. Signs
        force yourself to exercise, even if you don't feel well?
        prefer to exercise rather than being with friends?
        become very upset if you miss a workout?
        base the amount you exercise on how much you eat?
        have trouble sitting still because you think you're not burning calories?
        worry that you'll gain weight if you skip exercising for a day?
5. Seek help from a doctor if exercising has become an addiction

1. QUOTE: The human body needs a balanced intake of foods which include
    nutrients to secure a healthy living
2.  3 main types of foods: Protein (beans, meats, fish), lipids (healthy fats;
    avoid trans fat), and carbohydrates (good carbs like whole grains)
3.  Explore the pyramid: The food pyramid is a tool to help one eat healthier
4.  Maintaining a good diet allows one to decrease their chances in heart
    attack, stroke, cancer, and other health problems


1. Molecules made up of long chains of amino acid subunits
2. Made up of primary structures: secondary structure, tertiary structure, and
quaternary structure
3. Serve many functions in the body
        Structural proteins (contribute to different structure tissues (two different
types of structural proteins are colognes and keratin)
        - Protein that provides strength to connective tissues like tendons and
        - Outer layer of dead cells where it prevents water loss through the skin

(Fox 40- 43)

Organic molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
       Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, and Polysaccharides
Structural isomers

2. Include sugars and polymers; sugars like Monosaccharides (serves as the
fuel and carbon sources for cells) and Disaccharides (two monosaccharides–
it’s table suger) and polysaccharides (serve as storage material-provides
sugar to cells)
3. Chains build off each other mono- (one) di- (two) poly- (many)
4. Intake is of great importance and those athletes who neglect this specific
intake in their diet will eventually lead to glycogen depletion, which will
definitely effect their training causing 'staleness' that will hinder the ability to
train and compete.

(Fox 33-36)
(Campbell-Reece 64-67)

Hydrocarbon chains
Two Types of Fats

1. Bands consists of hydrogen and carbon this makes it… insoluble…
2. does not dissociate in water; stays in tact (doesn’t melt)
3. Major form of energy storage
4. Saturated fats: stay in heart (longer; harder to break down ; increased
cholesterol) Unsaturated: shorter chains; not bad for anybody
5. It supplies energy to muscles during activity. How much fat a person needs
depends upon his or her activity level. As a general guideline, fat should make
up 20 percent to 35 percent of your total calories with less than 10 percent
coming from unhealthy, saturated fats.
(Fox 36-40)
(Campbell-Reece 68-69)

1.  Water can never hurt you- no calories, fats, oils, sugar.. Just a drink that
    replenishes you.
2.  Our body is 2/3 water= when becoming dehydrated means that the amount
    of water in a body need to function has dropped below the level; causes
    the person to feel sick
3.  As an athlete sweat and lose water like crazy; by drinking water every 20
    mins, this allows the body to restore and replenish and doesn’t allow weak
4.  Symptoms of dehydration include feeling dizzy and lightheaded, having dry
    mouth, and producing less urine or darker urine


1.  BMR: The amount of calories one burns if not moving (staying in bed all
2.  Calculating: Finding out your BMR can be easily found, going to a website:
    type in the gender, your age, your weight, your height (I lose 1438 calories)
3.  Getting older- active early as a child: As you get older, it is harder for the
    body to burn calories; if you were active as a child then it builds muscle
    memory which increases your chance of having a high BMR as you get
4.  Exercising: Regular routine of exercising increases your BMR; cardio
    allows the heart rate to speed up
5. quote: People think that not eating will help the process of losing weight;
but actually it decreases the your BMR


1.  Stimulates the uptake of blood glucose (sugar aka energy aka atp) into
2. Chemicals that naturally relieve pain and lift mood. These chemicals are
    released in your body during and after a workout and they go a long way in
    helping to control stress.
3. Aids bone construction (produced in the thyroid glands)
4. Produced within the adrenal glands (small glands located at the top of each
    kidney), adrenaline works with noradrenaline to produce the "fight or flight"
    response by increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles,
    dilating the pupils, and suppressing bodily functions not useful in an
    emergency situation (such as digestion)
5.  stimulates growth during childhood and also stimulates cell reproduction,
    which helps adults maintain muscle and bone mass.

A lack of these vitamins and minerals causes problems in the muscular

Vitamin B6: important for normal brain and nerve function. It also helps the
body break down proteins and make red blood cells--potatoes, bananas,
beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, spinach, and fortified cereals.

Calcium: vital for building strong bones and teeth. The time to build strong
bones is during childhood and the teen years, so it's very important to get
enough calcium now to fight against bone loss later in life. Weak bones are
susceptible to a condition called osteoporosis, which causes bones to break
easily.--Milk and other dairy products — such as yogurt, cheese, and cottage

Potassium: helps with muscle and nervous system function. It also helps the
body maintain the balance of water in the blood and body tissues.--found in
broccoli, potatoes (with skins), green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, bananas,
dried fruits, and legumes such as peas and lima beans


Iron: helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.-- rich foods
include red meat, pork, fish and shellfish, poultry, lentils, beans and soy foods,
green leafy vegetables, and raisins.

Selenium:                                                                            36

       1.  x-linked recessive trait (defective genes) dystrophin is defected- it’s
           the plasma membrane of the muscle fiber –provides the support for
           muscle fibers—muscle weakens
2. The most severe muscular dystrophies that affects 1 out of 3.500 boys each
       Patients are in wheelchairs by the age of 12 and die in their 20s

Weakening and loss of muscle tissue

(Fox 448)

Daily physical activity is necessary for building strong bones and muscles as
well as strengthening hearts and lungs. Exercise also helps young children to
improve their gross motor skills, including running, kicking, throwing, and
swinging. Regular physical activity can greatly decrease children's risk of
becoming obese and developing associated health problems, as well as
promoting better sleep.


Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is
calculated from a person's weight and height and provides a reasonable
indicator of body fatness and weight categories that may lead to health
problems. Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain
types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the
United States.

Jobs that pertain to understanding the human body

Physical therapist: examine individuals and develop a plan using treatment
techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and
prevent disability. (
Athletic Trainer: help prevent and treat injuries


1.  What I’ve learned: I learned that the best thing that you can do for your
    body is to have a good balance of everything- school, work, exercise,
    nutrition- if you mesh everything well then your future is set.
2.  If people in America are not careful about their bodies, we can be the
    biggest nation ever.. Setting records that we should not be proud of.
3.  Future goals: I want to study the human body; it fascinates me how each
    muscle works and how the proper exercise and nutrition can improve the
    body in so many ways.

(McDonalds' slogan)

Show my magazine to the class

-Pick a station
-Notice the fruit being blended
-Find out what each fruit does for the body

Fruits are generally high in fiber, water and vitamin C. Fruits also contain
various phytochemicals that do not yet have an RDA/RDI listing under most
nutritional factsheets, and which research indicates are required for proper
long-term cellular health and disease prevention. Regular consumption of fruit
is associated with reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke,
Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of the functional declines associated
with aging.


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Step test, pull ups, and push-ups
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Tirur Presentation.pptx

10 paola tinari sgp final

  • 2. 2
  • 3. Exercise and nutrition directly affects muscle growth and is important for every human being. Understanding how nutrition and exercise affects the body will help one gain knowledge of how muscles work, build strength, and help improve outer and inner appearance. 3
  • 4. - My physical education and health teacher really made me think twice about my health. They really pushed the students to follow good habits. I instantly became a “health nut”. - Ever since I watched “Super Size Me” my life changed. I want to change the world one step at a time. I believe others would care for health reasons especially the younger generation because each year the statistics for children obesity rises. - - eating healthier and exercising daily will impact my future so much and decrease any problems 4
  • 5. Understanding the body Being aware of what you put in your body Why become part of the growing epidemic– obesity? Take it all in! You are what you eat! Don’t be part of the epidemic. 5
  • 7. extensive network of muscle and nervous tissue which is spread throughout the body It is controlled by the central nervous system (sends messages throughout the body) 650 muscles active in the human body 40% of someone's weight Without the muscular system, people cannot move and perform any type of bodily processes which are essential to keep the body in working order Most abundant tissue in the body 1.Skeletal: attached to bones by tendons – during muscle contraction, skeletal muscles shorten, which causes tension on bones – requires nervous stimulation to contract; main function is movement (voluntary- decide when to move them) 2. cardiac: can contract spontaneously – heart muscle cells (located in the heart) 3. Smooth : contain actin (structural protein of muscle that, along with myosin, is responsible for muscle contraction) & myosin – involuntary contraction (happens by itself) – located in blood vessel walls & in the small air passages in the lungs (bronchioles) in the digestive tract, ureters & the intestine – example: peristalsis- the movement of muscle cells in the intestine after the consumption of food 7
  • 8. 1 and 2.SPINDLE AND STRIATED SHAPED: Each type of muscle consists of different types of cells (for instance, smooth muscle consists of spindle shaped cells whereas skeletal and cardiac muscles consist of striated cells) 3.  NUCLEI: all three types of cells contain nuclei –controls the cells 4.  Weightlifting and other methods of building muscles do not increase the number of cells but simply enlarge those already present ( Campbell – Reece 838) (Fox 83) (Campbell-Reece 1084-1086) 8
  • 10. 1.  Studies show being active lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. Exercising boosts one’s mood, helps stress control, and helps maintain a good weight 2.  DON’T THINK YOU HAVE ENOUGH TIME 1.  time needed for a good workout: 5 days in a week of a 30 minute light workout such as walking or 20 minutes of a harder workout such as running or sports for 3 days a week. 3.  DO WHATEVER IT TAKES 1.  Anything that gets you moving around counts as physical activity! Activities like basketball, gardening, jogging, walking, dancing will do! 4.  WORKOUT BUDDY 1.  Working out with a friend helps tremendously; motivating each other to stay healthy! 5.  PRINCIPLE 1.  Think the F.I.T.T. Principle: F= frequency (how often you exercise); I= intensity (how hard you exercise); T=time (how long you exercise); T= type (what type of exercise are you doing) – remembering this will help to keep the body challenged and complete the workout—you’ll see results cardio endurance, body fat, weight, and strength 6.  CHANGE IT EVR 4-6 WEEKS 1.  Once the body adapts to the workouts then add on to the F.I.T.T. principal. F= adding one more day; I=adding on to the workout (if walking then add a sprint); T= add 10- 15 minutes; T= change the 10 type of exercise (cycling)
  • 11. 1. YOGA = means unite the mind, body, and soul. 2. Originated in India over 3,000 years ago 3. Not just stretching; yoga is about creating balance in the body by developing strength and flexibility Types: Bikram yoga: known as "hot yoga.” practiced in rooms heated to more than 100° F and focuses on stamina and purification. Gentle yoga: Gentle yoga focuses on slow stretches, flexibility, and deep breathing. Restorative yoga: allows the body to fully relax by holding simple postures passively for extended periods of time. Vinyasa/power yoga: improve strength, flexibility, and stamina. *most popular in the USA Benefits: improves flexibility strength balance stamina reduces anxiety/stress improves mental clarity even helps them sleep better ( 11 tracking=T_RelatedArticle) (
  • 12. Upward Facing Dog opens the chest and strengthens the whole body. Up dog aligns the spine and energize the kidneys and nervous system. 1. From Table pose, slowly drop the hips forward toward the floor. 2. drop the shoulders down and back, press the chest forward and reach the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. 3. Inhale and lift thighs and legs off of the floor by pressing the tops of the feet down 4. Breathe and hold for 1-3 breaths. 12
  • 13. Stretches and strengthens the whole body 1. wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips. 2. push back raising the hips and straightening the legs. 3. broadening the collarbones (Outwardly rotate the upper arms ) 4. Let the head hang, move the shoulder blades away from the ears towards the hips. 5. Engage the quadriceps strongly to take the weight off the arms, making this a resting pose. ( 13
  • 14. pose lengthens and realigns the spine and gently stretches the upper back, arms, and shoulders. 1. From table pose, inhale and reach the tailbone up towards the ceiling. 2. Exhale and slide the hands forward to lower the forehead straight down to the floor keeping the hips lifted over the knees. Let the chest sink down towards the floor, feeling an arch and stretch in the middle of the back. 3. To deepen the stretch in the arms, shoulders and spine, straighten the arms, lift the elbows off the floor, super glue the palms down and reach back through the hips. 4. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths. ( 14
  • 15. Transition slide: what muscles are affected while walking, jogging, and running 15
  • 16. Muscles Used While Walking Calf muscles: (walking develops calf muscles) provides the upward and forward momentum for the "pushoff" phase of walking (lifts the heel off the ground) Tibialis anterior and ankle extensor muscles: run along the anterior side of each shin, raise the toes and foot during the leg's forward motion (or "swing") phase. The muscles then lower the toes and foot as the heel hits the ground. Hamstring muscles: Walking's pushoff phase (hip extension) works the hamstring muscles in the back of the thighs. Quadriceps muscles: These muscles at the front of the thighs are used as each leg is extended. Hip flexor muscles: The hip flexor muscles lift the thigh forward in the "swing" phase of the stride. Buttock muscles: Rocking the hips during brisk walking works the gluteal (butt) muscles. Abdominal muscles: walking with natural, upright posture can strengthen the abdominal muscles. Arm and shoulder muscles: These muscles are used when you pump your arms vigorously, up to chest or shoulder level, while walking (the left arm swings forward naturally as the right leg strides ahead, and vice versa). ( tf_type=walking_calculator&channel=weight.loss&walkingType_value=9&walkingType_text=&t ime=30&weight=128&w_unit_walking_value=0&w_unit_walking_text=0&x=9&y=4) ( 16
  • 17. 1. Jogging helps build lean tissue, burn body fat and develop a flat stomach.. Also raises metabolism rate. 2. Jogging workouts are useful for bodybuilding and muscle-building, as they strengthen and develop the bottom, hip, thigh and calf muscles. They work the gluteal muscles in the bottom, the major muscles in the hips, the biceps, muscles in the hamstrings; the quads and anterior calf muscles. 3. Primary muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings and calves Assistance muscles: hip flexors, lower back (erector spinae), abdominals, obliques, shoulders and upper back (the latter two groups are used as stabilizers while jogging) ( ( ( 17
  • 18. 3 stages: Support: The initial stage of running involves one foot lifted from the ground and the other remaining on the ground as support. Ilio Tibial Band of the supporting leg The lower back muscles The abdominal muscles are all used to support the pelvis and keep balance The opposing leg is lifted by the The Quadriceps The Hip Flexors Drive The supporting leg becomes extended until the big toe remains on the ground. To achieve this movement The calf muscles The quadriceps come into action Recovery Here the toe looses contact with the ground and Hip Flexors Hamstrings Gluteal muscles ***notice sprinters have the greatest upper body mass of all the runners This is because it is important in maintaining balance when running with the upper body here’s some physics for you; the more force exerted by the lower body, the stronger the upper body needs to be (react) 18 (
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  • 20. 1. For example, when a soccer player runs toward the goal, the hamstring muscles are stretched each time a leg swings forward. This pre-stretch gives the hamstrings a boost when they contract, rocketing the leg backward, and thrusting the player toward the ball or the goal. Pre-stretching a muscle is a great way to boost muscle power output, and save energy 2. reducing one's training for one to three weeks prior to competition - can produce dramatic improvements in performance – tapering boosts competitive efforts by increasing the elasticity of muscles (enhances the way in which muscles use stored elastic energy) 3.  Let your muscle adapt and gain muscle memory 4.  Eat right; enough carbs and nutrients (for example the before track meets, runners have a carbo load) you need all the energy you got so you don’t break down 5.  Sleep allows the muscles relax and strengthen ( 20
  • 21. Recommended to stretch AT least 3 days in a week. 1. Warming up: increases your heart and respiratory rate boosts the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to your muscles prepares the body for a demanding workout makes it easier to burn calories extends your workout 2. Stretching an increase in flexibility and joint range of motion doing it right; correct exercise posture relaxed muscles Stop if it hurts. Stretching should never hurt. If you have reached a point in your stretch where it hurts, relax to where it feels comfortable and hold the stretch. Maintain each stretch for 10–30 seconds. Holding a stretch for any less 10 seconds won’t do anything; you have to hold it to allow the muscle to lengthen. Avoid bobbing. Bobbing or bouncing while stretching may damage the muscle you are stretching. This damage may even cause scar tissue to form. Scar tissue tightens muscles and can get in the way of flexibility. Remember to breathe. Breathing is a necessary part of any workout, including stretching. 3. Cooling down: slow your heart rate to a normal speed return your breathing to its regular pace avoid stiffness and soreness of the muscles reduce any risk of dizziness and lightheadedness relax the muscles ( ( 21
  • 22. 1. Isotonic contraction: muscle contraction in which the muscle (shortening or lengthening) changes against a counterforce, as in free opening and closing of the jaws 2. Eccentric contraction: therapeutic technique involving the lengthening of a muscle against pressure 3. Concentric contraction: movement accompanied by a shortening of the muscle as in the lifting phase of a biceps curl ( 0198631472.muscle-contraction.1.jpg) 22
  • 23. Lifting = looking like the incredible hulk? Technique Don’t go crazy Combine exercises 1. Toning = the restoration of muscle and the simultaneous decrease of fat. combination of weight training, aerobic exercise and good eating habits are most effective for fat loss and toning 2. Many people think toning is lifting light weights with high repetitions, but to tone the body, one must have to lift heavy to let the muscles grow. Once satisfied with the size of the muscles then one needs to cut body fats for muscles to show up. 3. Technique And Form Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press 4, tips: a. Train Intensively But Do Not Over train You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt), it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session. Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely. b. Train With Compound Exercises Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles. Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc. ( ( 23
  • 24. BUILDING MUSCLE 1. Enlargement is produced only by frequent periods of high intensity exercises in which the muscles work against a high resistance 2 and 3: MORE REPS MORE WEIGHTS both increasing the amount of repetitions increases the muscle strength and the more weight the more muscle grows 4. Tougher through the ages Reason it is difficult for older people to increase their physical strength is because of reduced muscle mass, which is due to a loss of muscle fibers and to the decrease in the size of fast-twitch muscle fibers. When you're using your muscles to work against the extra pounds (this concept is called resistance). This strengthens and increases the amount of muscle mass in your body by making your muscles work harder than they're used to. (Fox 369) ( 24
  • 25. 1.  You body moves by muscles contracting and relaxing (like a rubber band) 2.  Short definition of a strain = stretching out your muscle too far 3.  Mostly happens if someone does not stretch before a workout which allows the blood to circulate to muscles.. STRETCH 4.  Strain is different than a sprain- sprain is where there is a pain in the muscle (muscle bruise) and the ligaments have been overstretched or torn feels like it’s broken 5.  Treatment: reduce swelling by icing and elevating and lots of rest is recommended ( ( ( tracking=K_RelatedArticle) 25
  • 26. 1.  Memorization is Key! 1.  Memorization of motor skills– once the body does the same motion over and over again then the muscle adapts 2. In sleep quote 2.  Muscle memory thus becomes an unconscious process. The muscles grow accustomed to certain types of movement. This is extremely important in different types of training for sports. The more often you do a certain activity, the more likely you are to do it as needed, when needed. If you’ve kicked thousands of field goals, exercise physiologists assume that the likelihood of being able to kick one during an American football game is pretty good through muscle memory. You don’t have to think, “I need to make this kick.” Your body already knows how to do it. 3. Practice make perfect Most top level athletes and performers in a variety of fields believe that muscle memory is best developed when the same activities are practiced over and over again, with any corrections of form that are needed. Continual practice may mean you can make that perfect golf swing every single time (or almost), or hit a high note every time if you’re a singer. 4.  Prove it! 4.  Athletes (speed skating: bending down and basketball: shooting a jump shot); babies learning how to walk ( 26
  • 27. 1.  Plateauing- means if you do the same routine everyday and every week, your body adapts to it and doesn’t become a workout anymore and there will be no results 2.  By changing your workout out it causes “muscle confusion” which is allowing your muscles to think and work out different muscles that your memory has not recognized. Muscle confusion isn’t just changing your routine, it can also be adding more weights 3.  Tips: Change the type of equipment used - You can the one workout use resistance bands in the next workout changed to dumbbells. One workout you can do pull ups the next workout you can use resistance bands to do the same exercise. Change the exercises you perform - While this is not possible if you're doing the P90X workout, but once you have moved on to doing your own workouts you can change the type of exercises. For example, if you're doing incline dumbbell presses... you can also perform incline bench presses or use a hammer strength incline machine if you have one at your gym. Change the amount of rest between exercises - This is an old trick to getting more intensity of your workout. If you normally rest for two minutes between exercises, reduce it to one minute. ( ( 27 ( Regiment-t44323.html)
  • 28. 1.  right kind of exercise does many great things for your body and soul: It can strengthen your heart and muscles, lower your body fat, and reduce your risk of many diseases. 2.  People take advantage of exercising and instead of doing it to feel good and healthier they think about losing weight obsessively 3.  Athletes tend to over exercise because they think that to over work everyday then they’ll get better, but the body needs rest and overdoing will cause injuries like muscle strains or fractures 4. Signs force yourself to exercise, even if you don't feel well? prefer to exercise rather than being with friends? become very upset if you miss a workout? base the amount you exercise on how much you eat? have trouble sitting still because you think you're not burning calories? worry that you'll gain weight if you skip exercising for a day? 5. Seek help from a doctor if exercising has become an addiction 28
  • 29. 1. QUOTE: The human body needs a balanced intake of foods which include nutrients to secure a healthy living 2.  3 main types of foods: Protein (beans, meats, fish), lipids (healthy fats; avoid trans fat), and carbohydrates (good carbs like whole grains) 3.  Explore the pyramid: The food pyramid is a tool to help one eat healthier 4.  Maintaining a good diet allows one to decrease their chances in heart attack, stroke, cancer, and other health problems ( ( 29
  • 30. 1. Molecules made up of long chains of amino acid subunits 2. Made up of primary structures: secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure 3. Serve many functions in the body Structural proteins (contribute to different structure tissues (two different types of structural proteins are colognes and keratin) - Protein that provides strength to connective tissues like tendons and ligaments - Outer layer of dead cells where it prevents water loss through the skin (Fox 40- 43) ( 30
  • 31. Organic molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Sugar Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, and Polysaccharides Structural isomers 1. FUEL AND BUILD MATERIAL 2. Include sugars and polymers; sugars like Monosaccharides (serves as the fuel and carbon sources for cells) and Disaccharides (two monosaccharides– it’s table suger) and polysaccharides (serve as storage material-provides sugar to cells) 3. Chains build off each other mono- (one) di- (two) poly- (many) 4. Intake is of great importance and those athletes who neglect this specific intake in their diet will eventually lead to glycogen depletion, which will definitely effect their training causing 'staleness' that will hinder the ability to train and compete. (Fox 33-36) ( (Campbell-Reece 64-67) grain-carbs.jpg 31
  • 32. Hydrocarbon chains Insoluble Triglyceride Two Types of Fats QUOTE 1. Bands consists of hydrogen and carbon this makes it… insoluble… 2. does not dissociate in water; stays in tact (doesn’t melt) 3. Major form of energy storage 4. Saturated fats: stay in heart (longer; harder to break down ; increased cholesterol) Unsaturated: shorter chains; not bad for anybody 5. It supplies energy to muscles during activity. How much fat a person needs depends upon his or her activity level. As a general guideline, fat should make up 20 percent to 35 percent of your total calories with less than 10 percent coming from unhealthy, saturated fats. ( (Fox 36-40) ( (Campbell-Reece 68-69) 32
  • 33. 1.  Water can never hurt you- no calories, fats, oils, sugar.. Just a drink that replenishes you. 2.  Our body is 2/3 water= when becoming dehydrated means that the amount of water in a body need to function has dropped below the level; causes the person to feel sick 3.  As an athlete sweat and lose water like crazy; by drinking water every 20 mins, this allows the body to restore and replenish and doesn’t allow weak performance 4.  Symptoms of dehydration include feeling dizzy and lightheaded, having dry mouth, and producing less urine or darker urine ( ( tracking=T_RelatedArticle) 33
  • 34. 1.  BMR: The amount of calories one burns if not moving (staying in bed all day) 2.  Calculating: Finding out your BMR can be easily found, going to a website: type in the gender, your age, your weight, your height (I lose 1438 calories) 3.  Getting older- active early as a child: As you get older, it is harder for the body to burn calories; if you were active as a child then it builds muscle memory which increases your chance of having a high BMR as you get older 4.  Exercising: Regular routine of exercising increases your BMR; cardio allows the heart rate to speed up 5. quote: People think that not eating will help the process of losing weight; but actually it decreases the your BMR ( cravings_sleeping_less.JPG 34
  • 35. 1.  Stimulates the uptake of blood glucose (sugar aka energy aka atp) into muscles 2. Chemicals that naturally relieve pain and lift mood. These chemicals are released in your body during and after a workout and they go a long way in helping to control stress. 3. Aids bone construction (produced in the thyroid glands) 4. Produced within the adrenal glands (small glands located at the top of each kidney), adrenaline works with noradrenaline to produce the "fight or flight" response by increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles, dilating the pupils, and suppressing bodily functions not useful in an emergency situation (such as digestion) 5.  stimulates growth during childhood and also stimulates cell reproduction, which helps adults maintain muscle and bone mass. ac-1CE00B67F72E573C=1A655E7A00000005wUYLhOP49C2bh3qE4tyOJXK d+GJHAAAABQAAAFACQgCAcAAACAAAAAKlAQA 35
  • 36. A lack of these vitamins and minerals causes problems in the muscular system. Vitamin B6: important for normal brain and nerve function. It also helps the body break down proteins and make red blood cells--potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, spinach, and fortified cereals. Calcium: vital for building strong bones and teeth. The time to build strong bones is during childhood and the teen years, so it's very important to get enough calcium now to fight against bone loss later in life. Weak bones are susceptible to a condition called osteoporosis, which causes bones to break easily.--Milk and other dairy products — such as yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese Potassium: helps with muscle and nervous system function. It also helps the body maintain the balance of water in the blood and body tissues.--found in broccoli, potatoes (with skins), green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, bananas, dried fruits, and legumes such as peas and lima beans Chlorine/Sodium: Iron: helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.-- rich foods include red meat, pork, fish and shellfish, poultry, lentils, beans and soy foods, green leafy vegetables, and raisins. Selenium: 36 (
  • 37. 1.  MUSCLE WASTING 1.  x-linked recessive trait (defective genes) dystrophin is defected- it’s the plasma membrane of the muscle fiber –provides the support for muscle fibers—muscle weakens 2. The most severe muscular dystrophies that affects 1 out of 3.500 boys each year 3. NO CURE Patients are in wheelchairs by the age of 12 and die in their 20s Weakening and loss of muscle tissue (Fox 448) ( dwe00212g01.gif) 37
  • 38. Daily physical activity is necessary for building strong bones and muscles as well as strengthening hearts and lungs. Exercise also helps young children to improve their gross motor skills, including running, kicking, throwing, and swinging. Regular physical activity can greatly decrease children's risk of becoming obese and developing associated health problems, as well as promoting better sleep. ( ( 38
  • 39. Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is calculated from a person's weight and height and provides a reasonable indicator of body fatness and weight categories that may lead to health problems. Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States. 39
  • 40. Jobs that pertain to understanding the human body Physical therapist: examine individuals and develop a plan using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. ( Athletic Trainer: help prevent and treat injuries (,Chris %28NEW05%291.jpg) ( 40
  • 41. 1.  What I’ve learned: I learned that the best thing that you can do for your body is to have a good balance of everything- school, work, exercise, nutrition- if you mesh everything well then your future is set. 2.  If people in America are not careful about their bodies, we can be the biggest nation ever.. Setting records that we should not be proud of. 3.  Future goals: I want to study the human body; it fascinates me how each muscle works and how the proper exercise and nutrition can improve the body in so many ways. (McDonalds' slogan) 41
  • 42. Show my magazine to the class 42
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  • 47. -Pick a station -Notice the fruit being blended -Find out what each fruit does for the body Fruits are generally high in fiber, water and vitamin C. Fruits also contain various phytochemicals that do not yet have an RDA/RDI listing under most nutritional factsheets, and which research indicates are required for proper long-term cellular health and disease prevention. Regular consumption of fruit is associated with reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of the functional declines associated with aging. 47
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