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Welcome to Lesson 1 in our 3 part e-course...

The $100 A Day Income System

First of all I'd like to say Congratulations for making a wise decision and taking specific actions toward
your goals. I'm confident you're going to find this course a refreshing change of pace.

But before we get started, I just want to take this opportunity to let you know right off the bat that the
information contained in this e-course gets straight to the point and will finally give you the systematic
plan you need to start earning some lucrative profits online in the shortest time possible.

No Fluff... No Filler!

Having said that, you need to realize that you'll have to do your share of homework and most
importantly WORK THE PLAN I give you in order to see the type of results you're looking for.

Deal? Cool ;-)

The truth is... so many folks set out to start a profitable online business but the reason they fall short is
usually because they spend all their time researching and reading as much information as humanly
possible and they fail to do what's most important - set a proven plan into motion.

The goal with this course is just the opposite... I plan to have you set a plan into motion as soon as
possible and start making money. What an interesting concept... heh?

After all, you can't make any money online just reading and studying... You need to take action. So
make sure you not only read this valuable information but more importantly you put the information to
good use... and you do it as quickly as possible!

So, let's talk for a moment about the $100 A Day System.... shall we?
I'm sure your curiosity is over boiling right now wondering just how easy it's gonna be to make $100 a
day. After all, I'm sure plenty of so called "Gurus" have already promised you instant riches... right? So
what exactly makes this course any different from the rest?

Well, that's a fair question and one I'm eager to answer right off the top!

 * This system is different because I personally use it each and everyday and I'm living proof that if you
work the plan - the plan works!

  * You don't need a fancy website to be able to make a profit with my system.

  * You don't need a product of your own to sell with my system.

  * You don't need to offer any particular services with my system.

  * And you definitely don't need a basement full of junk to sell on eBay with my system.

Understand this however... Rome wasn't built in a day and it's going to take a little time, effort and
dedication on your part to see substantial results.

Time and effort are definite requirements.

The good news, if you put in ample time and effort... once you start seeing the results... that's when the
fun starts.

Ya see... once you start making money online (even if it's just $10 a day to start) you quickly realize that
it really is possible to make money online - that this plan really does work - and that's when you'll start
to really implement more and more of the information and strategies you're about to discover...

  ... and that's when you'll begin to see your profits steadily increasing every single day.

Really! It's that simple. Those folks who never make any money online don't succeed because they
never get to a point where they see any real, measurable results. So what do they do? They usually
just give up.
And that's why this course is different. I want you to see results quickly and understand exactly why
you're getting those results!

And you will see results... I guarantee it!

Enough said about that for now! Let's move on to some real meat and potatoes and talk about some
steps you need to take if you're going to make your first $100 with my system.

As they say, actions speak louder than words... so action is what we shall do ;-)

Okay... here's the deal...and why I got started with this system.

I'm kinda shy. And that's one of the reasons I LOVE the Internet so much! My strength is
communication - and communicating through my writing abilities is what I enjoy most. No face to face
selling or anything like that ;-)

Now don't get me wrong... I'm no Shakespeare either! But you don't need to be a poet or renowned
author to be able to write effectively online and make a nice daily profit in the process.

And there are so many ways in which developing your writing skills can make you boatloads of money
online and that's what we're going to focus on.

But more specifically... we're going to focus on just ONE of the many ways you can start earning $100 A
DAY and more in just a few weeks time by communication through writing.

Exciting... isn't it? And as you're about to discover, once you get started and put some momentum
behind you... your profits will quickly begin to snowball.

With my $100 A Day System, all you're really gonna need to be able to do is...

  * think on your own two feet
* Use your brain a little

  * and type at your keyboard semi-intelligently!

Yup... and if you think you can't write semi-intelligently... guess

what - you're probably selling yourself way short.

Remember this... the Internet is the information highway and everyone browsing the net is looking for
information. You need to be able to provide some informative information to fellow "surfers" in order
to be successful (and stay successful) online.

And the good news is, a lot of folks have already created a wealth of information for you and they're
willing to let you share in their profits simply by recommending their products and services to others.

And that's exactly what we're gonna do... provide informative information while RECOMMENDING
products and services to others through effective writing and communication (and it's gonna be simple
and fun!)

And we'll talk much more about that in our next lesson ;-) You're gonna be amazed at just how simple
and profitable a little writing and communicating can be ;-)

So before we jump ahead of ourselves let review...

Step 1 in the $100 A Day Income System is this...

You don't need a product or service, you don't need a fancy website... you really don't need much of


I know... I know... you're probably jumpin' way ahead here and thinking about so many other obstacles...
Well don't! One step at a time! We're going to go over a lot of things in the next few lessons for sure.
All I want you to do for now is relax and trust in the fact that we're gonna go over everything you'll need
to know to be successful with my system.

And don't go gettin all scared on me and thinkin you can't do this! If i can do it... ANYBODY CAN!

You certainly can do this and I'm going to help you, guide you, and walk you through the entire process
so you can do it successfully too! You have my word ;-)

So... for today's lesson... here's what I want you to do.

Make sure you have a PayPal Account, Clickbank account and a PayDotCom account setup for yourself.
That's most important! That's how we're gonna get paid ;-)

And all are quick and easy to setup.

Go to for your Clickbank Account.

Go to for your Paypal account.

Go to for your PayDotCom account.

See how easy this is gonna be ;-)

If you already have any of these accounts setup... GREAT! You're already two steps ahead of the rest of
the class.
Welcome to Lesson 2 in our 3 part e-course...

The $100 A Day Income System

Thanks for joining me once again ;-)

Since you're here... that tells me you're serious about changing your financial future and truthfully...
that's half the battle online ;-) Remember... actions speak 1000 times louder than words! Pick a target
and shoot!

So let's begin lesson 2 right now!

Did you do your homework? Did you make sure you have all your accounts setup? Remember?
Clickbank, PayPal, and PayDotCom.

I'll be walking around the classroom checking assignments so you better not lie to me ;-)

Okay... the first step we've taken is we've ensured that we have our accounts setup so we'll be sure we
receive proper credit (and our profits) on product referrals.

After all... think about this. There are so many folks online who've spent months... if not years...
developing amazing, top-shelf products and services.

  * They've spent countless hours creating and designing their products

  * They've spent thousands of dollars in their sales copy and web design.

 * They've spent endless energy tweaking and perfecting their offer to bring in maximum sales for each
website visitor.

  * They dedicate most of their time to providing good customer service after a sale

  * The list goes on and on...
These folks have already dedicated their lives to their products and yet they're eager and willing to give
you a HUGE commission for anyone you refer to them that buys their product!

WOW! What a great opportunity... huh? There's literally tens of thousands of top quality products
and/or services available online that are worth 100 times their price tag... yet so many folks browsing
the internet don't even know these products exist!

What a shame! And we're here to change all that (and in an ULTRA- CLEVER way)!

Obviously... if certain folks browsing the Internet knew about a particular product or service that was
going to help them in their trying situation in life or business... chances are they'd probably buy... right?

Why wouldn't they? After all, if I could spend a mere $50 for a piece of software that was going to save
me 6 hours a day from writing emails... you could bet your bootie I'd buy it! And if I purchased from a
link that you referred me from... that would be $25 in your pocket!

Seriously though... if I could buy an e-book that would explain to me how to settle my IRS Tax Debt for
pennies on the dollar and I happened to owe the IRS $60,000... do you think I'd be just a little bit
interested in finding out more about the book?

Or... what if my Golden Retriever was doing his "dirty work" all over my house at night? Do you think I
might have some interest in an information-packed

e-book called "5 Quick And Easy Steps To Housebreaking Your Golden Retriever"?

Of course I would! And that's where our $100 A Day System takes control!

It's simply gonna be our job to let folks out there know about all the terrific products and services
available online and why they'd have to be a fool not to take advantage of them.

So... Are your brain muscles starting to flex a little now? Are you starting to think of the possibilities?
I certainly hope so because by the time we've finished these lessons... you're gonna be a world class
product endorser making $100 A Day... GUARANTEED!

Now... I'm sure by now you're familiar with "Affiliate Programs".

If not, I'll briefly explain:

An affiliate program is a program where a merchant will pay you a commission to refer folks to their
website. If your referral buys... you make a substantial cut of the profit. You receive a "special" link that
has your affiliate ID in it and that's how the merchant knows you're the person who referred the sale to

AndiIt seems nowadays everywhere you turn webmasters are enticing their website visitors into clicking
on a banner or a link and then you're instantly

re-directed to an affiliate's website to buy - - CHING!

And that's a great thing!

The problem is... most of us are becoming more and more "blinded" by all the flashy banners and links
we see on every web page we visit... and that means less and less profits for those websites who spend
a significant amount of time, money, and effort into promoting these programs.

Do these webmasters make money from their referrals? Yup! Do they make a lot of money? Well...
that would depend on the amount of traffic they get to their website and the clever strategies they use
to send folks off to their affiliate partners.

But you really need to consider these factors as well:

   * How much time do they spend out of their day updating, adding and editing their affiliate links
(remember... time is money).

  * How many costs are involved in hosting and maintaining their website.

  * And most importantly... How much money do they spending getting all the traffic to their website.
These three big factors (amongst other things) can make or break the success of any website.

Think about it...

If Joe Webmaster makes $1000 a week from affiliate referrals but he spends 15 hours a day at his
computer, spends $300 a week hosting and maintaining his website, and spends $700 a week on
marketing, search engine optimization, and internet advertising... Do you think Joe Webmaster is
making a nice living online?

Hell No!

This poor sap is spending his entire life on his business and coming out at a break even point at best.
Yes... he could brag to all of his friends about how he gets a "hefty" check every month for X amount of
dollars from his affiliate partners... but he's only kidding himself and practically wasting his life away in
the process!

Plus... many of us aren't web designers so we'd need to pay to have a site designed and maintained and
that could end up being a huge expense in itself - cutting into our profits from our affiliate commissions.

I don't want to spend my life in front of my computer! And... I want to be able to see a real profit from
my efforts online! And I certainly don't want to have to rely on someone else to update my website for
me... NO WAY!

Wouldn't you agree? And that's why my system doesn't require a fancy website, 15 hour days in front
of the computer, or a big advertising budget to see any real profit!

As I mentioned previously.... all you need is a computer, an affiliate account or two... and a keyboard...
that's it!

So here's Step 2 in our $100 A Day Income System....
For now, forget the fancy website or big advertising budget!

We don't need it!

We're going to capitalize on an ingenious method where we simply write one article a day
(approximately 700-1000 words) and in that article we offer a detailed, unbiased review of someone
else's product. That's it!

Then, we're simply going to submit our article (product review) to some of the most popular article
directories online - directories where folks browsing the web frequently visit to read on specific
information they're searching for.

The good news... many of these article directories get tens of thousands of hits per day. They're all well
ranked in the search engines already so they've done the marketing for us ;-).

Talk about exposure for our articles!


No big fancy website... No big advertising budget... Just an hour or so of our time each day to write a
quality product review (in the form of an article) about someone else's terrific product or service!

What an ingenious concept... no?

So... let me ask you... "DEAL OR NO DEAL?" (hehe... I love that show)!

Alright... sorry I got off track there ;-)

Anyway... rest assured, I'm also going to provide you with a system to submit your articles to hundreds
(even thousands) of these directories with just a click of your mouse.
Plus, I'm going to share with you some of the most popular directories out there so that you can check
them out for yourself (Hey! I told you you'd have to do some homework on your own!)

So.. just to recap a bit....

  * We've setup a few affiliate accounts with Clickbank, etc

  * We're going to find some products we're interested in reviewing and write a short product review
about that product.

  * We'll then submit these article to some popular article directories.

And here's the kicker...

Once we've written our article, we are afforded the opportunity to place a small "About The Author"
byline at the bottom of each of our articles. Many article publishers use this "ad space" to tell folks a
little about themselves and then also place a link back to their website.

Well.. guess what! We don't have a website. We don't want a website!

So... we're going to use this small ad space to place a brief note about our affiliates website and also use
our special "affiliate link" in the process.

This way, when someone reads our rave review about a particular product, they just might want to learn
a little more about it. So, they simply click on the link at the bottom of our article and VIOLA!

We get credit for the referral and more importantly a commission if this person decides to buy the

Dang! I love the Internet!
And think about this... Once you start writing these articles on a daily basis and submitting them to the
various article directories... they remain on that directory's website indefinitely! So, the more articles
you have written, the more money you'll begin to see coming in from all those affiliate referrals.

Cool huh?

And, by using affiliate accounts through Clickbank and PayDotCom, they handle all the tracking and also
issue your commissions on a set schedule so you don't have to worry about whether or not you're
accurately getting credit for your referrals or getting paid on time. They handle EVERYTHING and they
do a great job in the process!

Well... that about sums things up for today's lesson...

But in tomorrow's lesson we're going to go over some of the most popular article directories and I'm
going to show you a few tools you could use to submit your articles to these directories with ease!

It's gonna be a real eye-opener for sure! Just you wait and see....

So, for your homework tonight... why not jump on over to Google and do some searches for "article
directories". Then, take a look at some of the articles you see there and also check out the various
topics that you can browse. There's a plethora of information awaiting you ;-)

Also, pay special attention to the "about the author" sections and also the style and formatting most
article publishers use for their articles. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the wealth of information
available that you probably didn't even know existed.

It's a golden opportunity ;-)

Welcome to Lesson 3 in our 3 part e-course...

The $100 A Day Income System
Let's jump right in... shall we?

In our first two lessons we talked about setting up our affiliate accounts and also the methods we're
going to use to refer folks to our affiliates websites to earn commissions on referrals...

How?... By writing informative articles and product reviews!

So, right now I'd like to offer you some resources you could check out and use for your article

This is only a small list in comparison to the many directories out there but these are some of my
favorites ;-)

And here's the GRAND DADDY of them all. A service that will submit your articles all across the Internet
for FREE:

In my opinion, they are one of the best article submission services available on the web. Check them
out and see for yourself...

Now, let's talk briefly about the actual construction of your article.

RULE #1 - Your title is the most important part of your article!

Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your article. This is extremely important. If your title isn't
full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

The above point is EXTREMELY important! The title of your article will decide it's success or failure --
plain and simple!

Here are two of my favorite ways to insure you create a killer title for your article:

Ask a question in the title. For example:

   -- Do You Make These 4 Stupid Mistakes When Asking Someone Out On A First Date? This May Be
The Reason You're Sitting Home Every Weekend!

    This title could then evolve into an article about an ebook you discovered on Clickbank titled "How
To Get Your Perfect Mate To Say Yes!" that you'd like to write a review for. You could begin your article
with some informative information about the subject and then subtly slide into a review about this
ebook your discovered and how you thought it was filled with great strategies for reconciling a broken

   Or here's another...

   -- Are You Embarrassed To Smile? Try These "Secret" Home Whitening Remedies And Never Be
Ashamed To Show Those "Pearly Whites" Again!

    Now, write an article about some home remedies you've found work well for your smile and then
talk about the fantastic ebook you also found called "101 Natural Health Remedies".

   And here's another...

   -- Is Your Spouse Having An Affair? Discover These Three "Dead Giveaways" And You'll Immediately
Know For Sure...

   Write an article about the subject and also mention the fantastic ebook you discovered in your
"about the author" tag that points to your affiliate's website.

Again, these are just random examples but I think you get the idea. Your topics are endless and I
confident that you'll be able to find a perfect compliment to any article you want to write in the
Clickbank or PayDotCom marketplace.

Is this going to take some practice.... Absolutely! Is it easy... Absolutely! Is it lucrative? You bet it is!
Here are a few additional pointers when it comes to writing titles for your articles:

Be very specific:

-- Three Keys To A Successful....

-- Four "Ultra-Resourceful" Ways You Can....

-- Seven Crucial Steps To Take To...


... In Only 3 Days Or Less!

... In Just One Weekend!

... For Under $10

... Just Listening To Your CD Player While Driving Home From Work!

Be very specific in your title and clearly state the benefits of reading the article in the title. Benefits...
Benefits... Benefits...!

Be specific! Don't say several ways you can learn how to do something:

= say 5 ways

= or 10 ways

= or 3 ways.

Don't just say quickly and easily:

= say in less than two hours

= in only a weekend

= no tools required!
Use the word "YOU" as often as possible in your title. People want to know "what's in it for me if I read
this? By using the word "YOU", it's a psychological trigger that tells them that there is something in it for

Be unique, entertaining -- and show off your personality!

In my opinion, this one element of writing to a targeted audience is critical. Think back for a moment to
when you were in school. I'll bet you remember a favorite teacher or professor who you just absolutely
loved learning from.


Usually, it's because of their personality -- one that seemed to shine through in their teaching. In it's
simplest terms, learning is boring! Most folks hate the thought of learning something new or reading.
It's a painful experience. So it's your job to ease the pain and make the learning process fun and
entertaining while still providing quality content and a great (yet subtle) product endorsement.

Once you master this skill, you'll have a dedicated following of readers who will look forward to each
and every article you write.

So let's sum up what we've learned so far...

  * We need to use Clickbank and PayDotCom for our affiliate programs.

  * We need to start writing articles about interesting subjects and then use our affiliate links in the
"resource box" to entice folks to click through to our affiliates website.

  * When our reader purchases a product from one of our affiliates, we make a hefty commission on
the sale.

Sounds simple doesn't it? Well guess what... it is! Yes, it's going to take some practice and a little
researching on your part but the benefits will sure be worth it.
And once you have 50 to 100 articles out there with your affiliate links making you a commission on
each sale, that's when you'll see at least $100 A DAY in your account on a consistent basis.

And the best news... that' s only the beginning. There's no stopping you from there. You could continue
to use this system to increase your profits each and everyday.

Plus, now you could start considering other avenues for your articles. Perhaps a website wouldn't be
such a bad idea anymore. You could start building an email list and sending your product endorsements
to your email list too.

Again... there's no stopping you!

I certainly hope this crash course on how to immediately get started making a profit online has opened
your mind and your thoughts about the endless opportunities that await you.

  * do some homework

  * do some research on Google about how to write a great article

  * browse the Clickbank and PayDotCom marketplaces for products you'd like to endorse

  * Study how others are writing their articles and take notes about why you like some more than
others and use those techniques.

  * Find little known directories that you can submit your articles to

  * Contact vendors and merchants and let them know you want to sample their product so you can
write a review and send customers their way

  * Never stop learning ;-)

The faster you start writing product reviews and endorsements for affiliate products... the faster you're
going to see your efforts begin to pay off!

So go to Clickbank, decide on a product you'd like to write about, whip open your notepad and just start
writing. Practice makes perfect and the more you write... the easier it will become.
Good luck and go tackle the Internet like a firestorm!

Now you will need more guide on how to go to the next level, so I highly recommend you signup for our
newsletter by Clicking Here Now! If you signup now you will get 7 Free Internet Marketing Ebooks
Valued $189.

Go Here Now=>

George K.

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Your $100 a day method

  • 1. Welcome to Lesson 1 in our 3 part e-course... The $100 A Day Income System First of all I'd like to say Congratulations for making a wise decision and taking specific actions toward your goals. I'm confident you're going to find this course a refreshing change of pace. But before we get started, I just want to take this opportunity to let you know right off the bat that the information contained in this e-course gets straight to the point and will finally give you the systematic plan you need to start earning some lucrative profits online in the shortest time possible. No Fluff... No Filler! Having said that, you need to realize that you'll have to do your share of homework and most importantly WORK THE PLAN I give you in order to see the type of results you're looking for. Deal? Cool ;-) The truth is... so many folks set out to start a profitable online business but the reason they fall short is usually because they spend all their time researching and reading as much information as humanly possible and they fail to do what's most important - set a proven plan into motion. The goal with this course is just the opposite... I plan to have you set a plan into motion as soon as possible and start making money. What an interesting concept... heh? After all, you can't make any money online just reading and studying... You need to take action. So make sure you not only read this valuable information but more importantly you put the information to good use... and you do it as quickly as possible! So, let's talk for a moment about the $100 A Day System.... shall we?
  • 2. I'm sure your curiosity is over boiling right now wondering just how easy it's gonna be to make $100 a day. After all, I'm sure plenty of so called "Gurus" have already promised you instant riches... right? So what exactly makes this course any different from the rest? Well, that's a fair question and one I'm eager to answer right off the top! * This system is different because I personally use it each and everyday and I'm living proof that if you work the plan - the plan works! * You don't need a fancy website to be able to make a profit with my system. * You don't need a product of your own to sell with my system. * You don't need to offer any particular services with my system. * And you definitely don't need a basement full of junk to sell on eBay with my system. Understand this however... Rome wasn't built in a day and it's going to take a little time, effort and dedication on your part to see substantial results. Time and effort are definite requirements. The good news, if you put in ample time and effort... once you start seeing the results... that's when the fun starts. Ya see... once you start making money online (even if it's just $10 a day to start) you quickly realize that it really is possible to make money online - that this plan really does work - and that's when you'll start to really implement more and more of the information and strategies you're about to discover... ... and that's when you'll begin to see your profits steadily increasing every single day. Really! It's that simple. Those folks who never make any money online don't succeed because they never get to a point where they see any real, measurable results. So what do they do? They usually just give up.
  • 3. And that's why this course is different. I want you to see results quickly and understand exactly why you're getting those results! And you will see results... I guarantee it! Enough said about that for now! Let's move on to some real meat and potatoes and talk about some steps you need to take if you're going to make your first $100 with my system. As they say, actions speak louder than words... so action is what we shall do ;-) Okay... here's the deal...and why I got started with this system. I'm kinda shy. And that's one of the reasons I LOVE the Internet so much! My strength is communication - and communicating through my writing abilities is what I enjoy most. No face to face selling or anything like that ;-) Now don't get me wrong... I'm no Shakespeare either! But you don't need to be a poet or renowned author to be able to write effectively online and make a nice daily profit in the process. And there are so many ways in which developing your writing skills can make you boatloads of money online and that's what we're going to focus on. But more specifically... we're going to focus on just ONE of the many ways you can start earning $100 A DAY and more in just a few weeks time by communication through writing. Exciting... isn't it? And as you're about to discover, once you get started and put some momentum behind you... your profits will quickly begin to snowball. With my $100 A Day System, all you're really gonna need to be able to do is... * think on your own two feet
  • 4. * Use your brain a little * and type at your keyboard semi-intelligently! Yup... and if you think you can't write semi-intelligently... guess what - you're probably selling yourself way short. Remember this... the Internet is the information highway and everyone browsing the net is looking for information. You need to be able to provide some informative information to fellow "surfers" in order to be successful (and stay successful) online. And the good news is, a lot of folks have already created a wealth of information for you and they're willing to let you share in their profits simply by recommending their products and services to others. And that's exactly what we're gonna do... provide informative information while RECOMMENDING products and services to others through effective writing and communication (and it's gonna be simple and fun!) And we'll talk much more about that in our next lesson ;-) You're gonna be amazed at just how simple and profitable a little writing and communicating can be ;-) So before we jump ahead of ourselves let review... Step 1 in the $100 A Day Income System is this... You don't need a product or service, you don't need a fancy website... you really don't need much of anything. JUST THE ABILITY TO WRITE A GOOD RECOMMENDATION for someone else's product! I know... I know... you're probably jumpin' way ahead here and thinking about so many other obstacles... right?
  • 5. Well don't! One step at a time! We're going to go over a lot of things in the next few lessons for sure. All I want you to do for now is relax and trust in the fact that we're gonna go over everything you'll need to know to be successful with my system. And don't go gettin all scared on me and thinkin you can't do this! If i can do it... ANYBODY CAN! You certainly can do this and I'm going to help you, guide you, and walk you through the entire process so you can do it successfully too! You have my word ;-) So... for today's lesson... here's what I want you to do. Make sure you have a PayPal Account, Clickbank account and a PayDotCom account setup for yourself. That's most important! That's how we're gonna get paid ;-) And all are quick and easy to setup. Go to for your Clickbank Account. Go to for your Paypal account. Go to for your PayDotCom account. See how easy this is gonna be ;-) If you already have any of these accounts setup... GREAT! You're already two steps ahead of the rest of the class.
  • 6. Welcome to Lesson 2 in our 3 part e-course... The $100 A Day Income System Thanks for joining me once again ;-) Since you're here... that tells me you're serious about changing your financial future and truthfully... that's half the battle online ;-) Remember... actions speak 1000 times louder than words! Pick a target and shoot! So let's begin lesson 2 right now! Did you do your homework? Did you make sure you have all your accounts setup? Remember? Clickbank, PayPal, and PayDotCom. I'll be walking around the classroom checking assignments so you better not lie to me ;-) Okay... the first step we've taken is we've ensured that we have our accounts setup so we'll be sure we receive proper credit (and our profits) on product referrals. After all... think about this. There are so many folks online who've spent months... if not years... developing amazing, top-shelf products and services. * They've spent countless hours creating and designing their products * They've spent thousands of dollars in their sales copy and web design. * They've spent endless energy tweaking and perfecting their offer to bring in maximum sales for each website visitor. * They dedicate most of their time to providing good customer service after a sale * The list goes on and on...
  • 7. These folks have already dedicated their lives to their products and yet they're eager and willing to give you a HUGE commission for anyone you refer to them that buys their product! WOW! What a great opportunity... huh? There's literally tens of thousands of top quality products and/or services available online that are worth 100 times their price tag... yet so many folks browsing the internet don't even know these products exist! What a shame! And we're here to change all that (and in an ULTRA- CLEVER way)! Obviously... if certain folks browsing the Internet knew about a particular product or service that was going to help them in their trying situation in life or business... chances are they'd probably buy... right? Why wouldn't they? After all, if I could spend a mere $50 for a piece of software that was going to save me 6 hours a day from writing emails... you could bet your bootie I'd buy it! And if I purchased from a link that you referred me from... that would be $25 in your pocket! Seriously though... if I could buy an e-book that would explain to me how to settle my IRS Tax Debt for pennies on the dollar and I happened to owe the IRS $60,000... do you think I'd be just a little bit interested in finding out more about the book? Or... what if my Golden Retriever was doing his "dirty work" all over my house at night? Do you think I might have some interest in an information-packed e-book called "5 Quick And Easy Steps To Housebreaking Your Golden Retriever"? Of course I would! And that's where our $100 A Day System takes control! It's simply gonna be our job to let folks out there know about all the terrific products and services available online and why they'd have to be a fool not to take advantage of them. So... Are your brain muscles starting to flex a little now? Are you starting to think of the possibilities?
  • 8. I certainly hope so because by the time we've finished these lessons... you're gonna be a world class product endorser making $100 A Day... GUARANTEED! Now... I'm sure by now you're familiar with "Affiliate Programs". If not, I'll briefly explain: An affiliate program is a program where a merchant will pay you a commission to refer folks to their website. If your referral buys... you make a substantial cut of the profit. You receive a "special" link that has your affiliate ID in it and that's how the merchant knows you're the person who referred the sale to them. AndiIt seems nowadays everywhere you turn webmasters are enticing their website visitors into clicking on a banner or a link and then you're instantly re-directed to an affiliate's website to buy - - CHING! And that's a great thing! The problem is... most of us are becoming more and more "blinded" by all the flashy banners and links we see on every web page we visit... and that means less and less profits for those websites who spend a significant amount of time, money, and effort into promoting these programs. Do these webmasters make money from their referrals? Yup! Do they make a lot of money? Well... that would depend on the amount of traffic they get to their website and the clever strategies they use to send folks off to their affiliate partners. But you really need to consider these factors as well: * How much time do they spend out of their day updating, adding and editing their affiliate links (remember... time is money). * How many costs are involved in hosting and maintaining their website. * And most importantly... How much money do they spending getting all the traffic to their website.
  • 9. These three big factors (amongst other things) can make or break the success of any website. Think about it... If Joe Webmaster makes $1000 a week from affiliate referrals but he spends 15 hours a day at his computer, spends $300 a week hosting and maintaining his website, and spends $700 a week on marketing, search engine optimization, and internet advertising... Do you think Joe Webmaster is making a nice living online? Hell No! This poor sap is spending his entire life on his business and coming out at a break even point at best. Yes... he could brag to all of his friends about how he gets a "hefty" check every month for X amount of dollars from his affiliate partners... but he's only kidding himself and practically wasting his life away in the process! Plus... many of us aren't web designers so we'd need to pay to have a site designed and maintained and that could end up being a huge expense in itself - cutting into our profits from our affiliate commissions. I don't want to spend my life in front of my computer! And... I want to be able to see a real profit from my efforts online! And I certainly don't want to have to rely on someone else to update my website for me... NO WAY! Wouldn't you agree? And that's why my system doesn't require a fancy website, 15 hour days in front of the computer, or a big advertising budget to see any real profit! As I mentioned previously.... all you need is a computer, an affiliate account or two... and a keyboard... that's it! So here's Step 2 in our $100 A Day Income System....
  • 10. For now, forget the fancy website or big advertising budget! We don't need it! We're going to capitalize on an ingenious method where we simply write one article a day (approximately 700-1000 words) and in that article we offer a detailed, unbiased review of someone else's product. That's it! Then, we're simply going to submit our article (product review) to some of the most popular article directories online - directories where folks browsing the web frequently visit to read on specific information they're searching for. The good news... many of these article directories get tens of thousands of hits per day. They're all well ranked in the search engines already so they've done the marketing for us ;-). Talk about exposure for our articles! YEEE HAWW! No big fancy website... No big advertising budget... Just an hour or so of our time each day to write a quality product review (in the form of an article) about someone else's terrific product or service! What an ingenious concept... no? So... let me ask you... "DEAL OR NO DEAL?" (hehe... I love that show)! Alright... sorry I got off track there ;-) Anyway... rest assured, I'm also going to provide you with a system to submit your articles to hundreds (even thousands) of these directories with just a click of your mouse.
  • 11. Plus, I'm going to share with you some of the most popular directories out there so that you can check them out for yourself (Hey! I told you you'd have to do some homework on your own!) So.. just to recap a bit.... * We've setup a few affiliate accounts with Clickbank, etc * We're going to find some products we're interested in reviewing and write a short product review about that product. * We'll then submit these article to some popular article directories. And here's the kicker... Once we've written our article, we are afforded the opportunity to place a small "About The Author" byline at the bottom of each of our articles. Many article publishers use this "ad space" to tell folks a little about themselves and then also place a link back to their website. Well.. guess what! We don't have a website. We don't want a website! So... we're going to use this small ad space to place a brief note about our affiliates website and also use our special "affiliate link" in the process. This way, when someone reads our rave review about a particular product, they just might want to learn a little more about it. So, they simply click on the link at the bottom of our article and VIOLA! We get credit for the referral and more importantly a commission if this person decides to buy the product. Dang! I love the Internet!
  • 12. And think about this... Once you start writing these articles on a daily basis and submitting them to the various article directories... they remain on that directory's website indefinitely! So, the more articles you have written, the more money you'll begin to see coming in from all those affiliate referrals. Cool huh? And, by using affiliate accounts through Clickbank and PayDotCom, they handle all the tracking and also issue your commissions on a set schedule so you don't have to worry about whether or not you're accurately getting credit for your referrals or getting paid on time. They handle EVERYTHING and they do a great job in the process! Well... that about sums things up for today's lesson... But in tomorrow's lesson we're going to go over some of the most popular article directories and I'm going to show you a few tools you could use to submit your articles to these directories with ease! It's gonna be a real eye-opener for sure! Just you wait and see.... So, for your homework tonight... why not jump on over to Google and do some searches for "article directories". Then, take a look at some of the articles you see there and also check out the various topics that you can browse. There's a plethora of information awaiting you ;-) Also, pay special attention to the "about the author" sections and also the style and formatting most article publishers use for their articles. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the wealth of information available that you probably didn't even know existed. It's a golden opportunity ;-) Welcome to Lesson 3 in our 3 part e-course... The $100 A Day Income System
  • 13. Let's jump right in... shall we? In our first two lessons we talked about setting up our affiliate accounts and also the methods we're going to use to refer folks to our affiliates websites to earn commissions on referrals... How?... By writing informative articles and product reviews! So, right now I'd like to offer you some resources you could check out and use for your article submissions.
  • 14. This is only a small list in comparison to the many directories out there but these are some of my favorites ;-) And here's the GRAND DADDY of them all. A service that will submit your articles all across the Internet for FREE: In my opinion, they are one of the best article submission services available on the web. Check them out and see for yourself... Now, let's talk briefly about the actual construction of your article. RULE #1 - Your title is the most important part of your article! Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your article. This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it! The above point is EXTREMELY important! The title of your article will decide it's success or failure -- plain and simple! Here are two of my favorite ways to insure you create a killer title for your article: *
  • 15. Ask a question in the title. For example: -- Do You Make These 4 Stupid Mistakes When Asking Someone Out On A First Date? This May Be The Reason You're Sitting Home Every Weekend! This title could then evolve into an article about an ebook you discovered on Clickbank titled "How To Get Your Perfect Mate To Say Yes!" that you'd like to write a review for. You could begin your article with some informative information about the subject and then subtly slide into a review about this ebook your discovered and how you thought it was filled with great strategies for reconciling a broken relationship. Or here's another... -- Are You Embarrassed To Smile? Try These "Secret" Home Whitening Remedies And Never Be Ashamed To Show Those "Pearly Whites" Again! Now, write an article about some home remedies you've found work well for your smile and then talk about the fantastic ebook you also found called "101 Natural Health Remedies". And here's another... -- Is Your Spouse Having An Affair? Discover These Three "Dead Giveaways" And You'll Immediately Know For Sure... Write an article about the subject and also mention the fantastic ebook you discovered in your "about the author" tag that points to your affiliate's website. Again, these are just random examples but I think you get the idea. Your topics are endless and I confident that you'll be able to find a perfect compliment to any article you want to write in the Clickbank or PayDotCom marketplace. Is this going to take some practice.... Absolutely! Is it easy... Absolutely! Is it lucrative? You bet it is!
  • 16. Here are a few additional pointers when it comes to writing titles for your articles: Be very specific: -- Three Keys To A Successful.... -- Four "Ultra-Resourceful" Ways You Can.... -- Seven Crucial Steps To Take To... Or... ... In Only 3 Days Or Less! ... In Just One Weekend! ... For Under $10 ... Just Listening To Your CD Player While Driving Home From Work! Be very specific in your title and clearly state the benefits of reading the article in the title. Benefits... Benefits... Benefits...! Be specific! Don't say several ways you can learn how to do something: = say 5 ways = or 10 ways = or 3 ways. Don't just say quickly and easily: = say in less than two hours = in only a weekend = no tools required!
  • 17. Use the word "YOU" as often as possible in your title. People want to know "what's in it for me if I read this? By using the word "YOU", it's a psychological trigger that tells them that there is something in it for them. Be unique, entertaining -- and show off your personality! In my opinion, this one element of writing to a targeted audience is critical. Think back for a moment to when you were in school. I'll bet you remember a favorite teacher or professor who you just absolutely loved learning from. Why? Usually, it's because of their personality -- one that seemed to shine through in their teaching. In it's simplest terms, learning is boring! Most folks hate the thought of learning something new or reading. It's a painful experience. So it's your job to ease the pain and make the learning process fun and entertaining while still providing quality content and a great (yet subtle) product endorsement. Once you master this skill, you'll have a dedicated following of readers who will look forward to each and every article you write. So let's sum up what we've learned so far... * We need to use Clickbank and PayDotCom for our affiliate programs. * We need to start writing articles about interesting subjects and then use our affiliate links in the "resource box" to entice folks to click through to our affiliates website. * When our reader purchases a product from one of our affiliates, we make a hefty commission on the sale. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well guess what... it is! Yes, it's going to take some practice and a little researching on your part but the benefits will sure be worth it.
  • 18. And once you have 50 to 100 articles out there with your affiliate links making you a commission on each sale, that's when you'll see at least $100 A DAY in your account on a consistent basis. And the best news... that' s only the beginning. There's no stopping you from there. You could continue to use this system to increase your profits each and everyday. Plus, now you could start considering other avenues for your articles. Perhaps a website wouldn't be such a bad idea anymore. You could start building an email list and sending your product endorsements to your email list too. Again... there's no stopping you! I certainly hope this crash course on how to immediately get started making a profit online has opened your mind and your thoughts about the endless opportunities that await you. * do some homework * do some research on Google about how to write a great article * browse the Clickbank and PayDotCom marketplaces for products you'd like to endorse * Study how others are writing their articles and take notes about why you like some more than others and use those techniques. * Find little known directories that you can submit your articles to * Contact vendors and merchants and let them know you want to sample their product so you can write a review and send customers their way * Never stop learning ;-) The faster you start writing product reviews and endorsements for affiliate products... the faster you're going to see your efforts begin to pay off! So go to Clickbank, decide on a product you'd like to write about, whip open your notepad and just start writing. Practice makes perfect and the more you write... the easier it will become.
  • 19. Good luck and go tackle the Internet like a firestorm! Now you will need more guide on how to go to the next level, so I highly recommend you signup for our newsletter by Clicking Here Now! If you signup now you will get 7 Free Internet Marketing Ebooks Valued $189. Go Here Now=> George K.