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Category: Self-help, Part 2.
We bring to you a list of books that
have helped change lives of people
across the world.
Career to family, friendship to love,
motivation to confidence… there is a
book for every human desire.
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Reading Notes To Myself is one of those rare
experiences that comes only once in a great while.
The editor who discovered the book said, "When I first
read Prather's manuscript it was late at night and I
was tired, but by the time I finished it, I felt rested and
alive. Since then I've reread it many times and it says
even more to me now." The book serves as a
beginning for the reader's exploration of his or her
own life and as a treasury of thoughtful and insightful
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Huntsman's generous about sharing the credit, but in
the 21st century, he's the nearest thing to a self-made
multi-billionaire. Now, he presents the lessons of a
lifetime: a passionate, inspirational manifesto for
returning to the days when your word was your bond,
a handshake was sacred, and swarms of lawyers
weren't needed to back it up. This is a practical
business book about how to listen to your moral
compass, even as others ignore theirs. It's about how
you build teams with the highest values, share
success, take responsibility, and earn the rewards that
only come with giving back. Huntsman's built his
career and fortune on these principles.
When you are down, think like a boxer: if you are
knocked down, you need to get up in ten seconds or
less. One extra second, and it's all over.
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The Aladdin Factor helps us by pinpointing the major
stumbling blocks to asking--and teaching simple
techniques to overcome them. With inspirational
stories about people who have succeeded by asking
for what they want, this book shows us how to turn our
lives around--no matter what kind of obstacles we
face. And with this knowledge, we can reap the riches
of a truly well-lived life--a treasure that comes not from
an enchanted lamp, but from the heart.
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Guides the individual in developing self-awareness
and approaching life with confidence
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Susan Jeffers has helped millions of people to
overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives
with her simple but profound advice. Such fears may
include: public speaking; asserting yourself; making
decisions; intimacy; changing jobs; being alone;
ageing; driving; losing a loved one; ending a
relationship. But whatever your anxieties, Feel The
Fear And Do It Anyway will give you the insight and
tools to vastly improve your ability to handle any given
situation. You will learn to live your life the way you
want - so you can move from a place of pain,
paralysis, depression and indecision to one of power,
energy, enthusiasm and action.
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The teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham will
help you learn how to manifest your desires so that
you're living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve.
50,000 first printing. Original.
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Who Moved My Cheese? is an amusing and
enlightening story of four characters who live in a
maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make
them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want
to have in life
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Based on the 4-day course pioneered by José Silva,
this book shows how people have learned to
overcome tension, bad habits, emotional insecurity,
and even illness with the techniques of Mind Control,
and how, with 'creative visualization', they have
mastered the ability to 'see' what they desire - then
make it happen.
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Dr Murphy's revolutionary mind-focusing techniques
are based upon a proven and entirely practical
principle: if you believe in something without
reservation and picture it in your mind, you remove
the subconscious obstacles that prevent you from
achieving that end result, and your belief becomes a
reality. Packed with case studies of actual success
stories, this guide to unleashing your mental powers
gives you practical guidelines for gaining promotions
and prestige, amassing wealth, creating harmonious
friendships, strengthening the bonds of a loving
marriage, conquering phobias, banishing bad habits,
enjoying refreshing sleep, and even healing minor
health ailments.
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Explains the science of non-verbal
communication and the meaning of
body gestures.
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Explores Jung's psychological concepts
regarding the nature, function and
importance of man's symbols as they
appear on both the conscious and
subconscious level.
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Discover the difference between Whale Done!
(catching people doing things right) and GOTcha
(catching people doing things wrong). Whales -
and people! - perform better when you
accentuate the positive and redirect the
negative. Instead of focusing your energy, as
most of us do, on what goes wrong - redirect
that energy towards a positive outcome in both
work and family relationships.
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Written in an easy to read, practical, common-
sense approach that will take you from ancient
wisdom to contemporary thinking, You Can Win
helps you dispel confusion in daily life and clarify
values. The book helps you to evaluate if you are
going through life out of inspiration or desperation.It
translates positive thinking into attitude, ambition
and action that brings in the winning edge.
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Using the myths of Gilgamesh, Siddhartha, Don
Quixote, the works of buber, Ginsberg, Shakespeare,
Kafka, Nin, Dante and Jung, the psychotherapist, guru
and pilgrim shares the epic talse and intimate
revelations that help to shape everyman's journey
through life.
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An updated edition of a beloved classic, the original
book on happiness, with new material from His
Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C. Cutler.
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A master of the art of conversation shares ideas on
effective communication skills, explaining how to get
one's message across, interest listeners, recover from
mistakes, and develop self-confidence in situations
ranging from business meetings and job interviews to
giving a speech. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.
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Combining exercises, real-life examples, and personal
accounts, a noted consultant explains how to draw on
one's hidden intuitive powers--or "sixth sense"--to
improve every aspect of one's life, from picking
investments to enhancing one's love life. 85,000 first
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Gathers quotations and brief selections about
happiness, faith, courage, confidence, self-discipline,
love, hope, family life and contentment
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Unleash the hidden power of your mind through Harry
Lorayne and Jerry Lucas's simple, fail-safe memory
system, and you can become more effective, more
imaginative, and more powerful, at work, at school, in
sports and play. Discover how easy it is to: file phone
numbers, data, figures, and appointments right in your
head; learn foreign words and phrases with ease;
read with speed--and greater understanding; shine in
the classroom--and shorten study hours; dominate
social situations, and more.
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The truth is, people who love what they are doing
have a deep commitment to do it the best way they
can. So managers who really want to provide an
incentive will find wonderful suggestions inside of this
book. Your results will vary, since they depend upon
you, your employees, and the corporate environment
in which you work. But increasing morale is critical to
all corporations who want to become the best that
they can be.
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For the first time, bestselling authors of the business
phenomenon FISH! apply the winning formula to life
issues outside of the workplace.
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Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to
bring energy, passion and a positive attitude to the job
every day. In this engrossing parable, a fictional
manager has the responsibility of turning a chronically
unenthusiastic and unhelpful department into an
effective team.
Addressing today's most pressing work issues with an
engaging metaphor and an appealing message, FISH!
offers wisdom that is easy to grasp, instantly
applicable, and profound.
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Now, with a new Introduction by the author, written
especially for this twenty-fifth anniversary deluxe trade
paperback edition of the all-time national bestseller in
its field, M. Scott Peck explains the ideas that shaped
this book and that continue to influence an ever-
growing audience of readers.
Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of
understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to
help us explore the very nature of loving relationships
and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of
life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency
from love; how to become a more sensitive parent;
and ultimately how to become one's own true self.
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This book contains easy but sure tips to strenghten
and develop your will power with which you can
sustain happiness for longer periods each day.
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Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of love
and understanding, "The Road Less Traveled" continues to
help readers explore the very nature of loving
relationships. Wise and profoundly spiritual, this is a
proven classic, a book to turn to again and again for
understanding and inspiration.
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In this book, the author covers answers about a
question - How do people make decisions - good and
bad - and why are some people better at it than
others? Utilizing case studies, Gladwell aims to reveal
that what people think of as decisions made in the
blink of an eye can be complicated. Drawing on
cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology, he shows
how the difference between good decision-making
and bad may has nothing to do with how much
information people can process quickly, but on the few
particular details on which they focus.
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Identifies the qualities of successful people,
maintaining that culture, family, and idiosyncratic
factors can have a decisive impact on shaping high
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Previously published Wiltshire, 1967. Guide to
personal health and success.
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According to esteemed psychologist and bestselling
author Martin Seligman, happiness is not the result of
good genes or luck. Real, lasting happiness comes
from focusing on one’s personal strengths rather than
weaknesses—and working with them to improve all
aspects of one’s life. Using practical exercises, brief
tests, and a dynamic website program, Seligman
shows readers how to identify their highest virtues
and use them in ways they haven’t yet considered.
Accessible and proven, Authentic Happiness is the
most powerful work of popular psychology in years.
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Tells how to analyze one's life, identify barriers to
success, and take practical steps to make life more
rewarding and meaningful.
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Whether it's a bad relationship, a dead-end career, or
a harmful habit, "Dr. Phil" shows readers how to
confront their problems, identify the causes, and start
working toward permanent solutions.
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Over our lifetimes, one in five of us will at some point
suffer from depressionDepression is a very common
syndrome indeed. But the great news is that Paul
McKenna's techniques will help you fight off what
Winston Churchill called his Black Dog. Reprogramme
your mind to help overcome destructive thought
patterns, get back on your feet and get on with your
life. Follow the simple techniques outlined in I Can
Make You Happy.
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you will learn to... * Increase your intelligence * Have
exam confidence * Supercharge your memory *
Improve concentration * Access your creative genius *
Make smarter decisions * Stay sharp at any age ...and
much, much more! Within the pages of this book is a
groundbreaking new system that will teach you how to
apply the strategies of some of history's greatest
geniuses and the latest research into the science of
the brain, to help you live an extraordinarily effective
and creative life. Wherever you're at in your life right
now, simply read the book, enjoy the hypnotic CDs,
and become smarter!
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A perfect buy for the business market as well as those
wishing to explore their power of their brain, this book
shows you how to imitate Leonardo Da Vinci's thought
processes and so enhance your aptitude in every
area of your life. Learn how to fulfill your true potential
by developing the thought processes used by
Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci. Simply by
imitating his insatiable quest for information and
experience, we can all enhance our own aptitude in all
facets of our lives. Michael Gelb discusses the seven
fundamental elements of Da Vinci's thought process
and offers practical ways to incorporate them into our
own lives
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The author's objective is to offer an understanding of
what leads to these moments, be it the excitement of
the artist at the easel or the scientist in the lab, so that
knowledge can be used to enrich people's lives.
Drawing on 100 interviews with exceptional people,
from biologists and physicists to politicians and
business leaders, poets and artists, as well as his 30
years of research on the subject, he discusses such
ideas as why creative individuals are often seen as
selfish and arrogant, and why the tortured genius is
largely a myth. Most important, he clearly explains why
creativity needs to be cultivated and is necessary for
the future of our country, if not the world.
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Peoplewatching is the culmination of a career of
watching people - their behavior and habits, their
personalities and their quirks. Desmond Morris shows
us how people, consciously and unconsciously, signal
their attitudes, desires and innermost feelings with
their bodies and actions, often more powerfully than
with their words. Consisting of his timeless classic
"Manwatching," completely revised and updated, with
much new material gathered since the book's original
publication, and for the first time incorporating the text
of Bodywatching, this new edition is set to become the
definitive "body language bible." Lavishly illustrated
throughout with line drawings and two 16pp colour
plate sections.
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Nan's journey that started alone has now been joined
by countless others whose pain and sadness have
been washed away, and their lives turned around, by
the healing love of Meher Baba .Her son Karl's loving
and caring messages of hope from the spirit world
inspire and stir the hearts, and strengthen the resolve
of those who come forward to listen to the silence
within and find their own answers - through the grace
of the Master. Through these answers, Nan's own life
begins to take on a deeper spiritual meaning. Her
story now moves compellingly forward, interwoven
with a collection of personal, heart-touching narrations
of the wondrous experiences people have had - when
they have opened their hearts to the Master.
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Think and Grow Rich is the number one Inspirational
classic for individuals who are interested in learning
from important figures in history. The text in this book
is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill,
which has often been reproduced, but no updated
version has ever been able to compete with the
original text. Think and Grow Rich is a timeless
classic and should be read by students of business,
people with entrepreneurial spirit, and anybody who is
interested in furthering their lives and reaching their
goals. This book will guided many to success, and
has sold millions of copies for nearly three quarters of a
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For three decades Napoleon Hill collaborated with
America s most creative and successful
entrepreneurs, learning firsthand why they succeeded
while others failed. Some of the most famous self-
made multimillionaires personally revealed to Hill the
secrets they had used to pull themselves out of
poverty and create their own success.More than a
self-improvement book, Think & Grow Rich ! offers
you a complete philosophy of personal achievement.
It will teach you methods to create a success-
consciousness within yourself, and it will provide you
with a detailed blueprint for achieving that success.
Think & Grow Rich ! is a book that will not just change
what you think it will change the way you think.
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The Success Philosophy that Napoleon Hill pre-sents
in this course and in his other works has with-stood
the test of time. His principles of success have
changed the lives of countless women and men from
all walks of life on every continent. They can change
your life, too, if you will apply them and get into
action.This power to change your life is the legacy of
Napoleon Hill; that is the standard by which all works
of motivational literature and programs are measured.
To attain your goals and know fulfillment in life, study,
think, plan, and apply the principles this book has to
offer. To merely read and agree with Dr. Hill is to miss
the crucial point of his philosophy: Success comes
only when you act on what you know and believe.
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Though most us come from dysfunctional families,
this world-famous psychologist stresses that it is still
possible to develop positive self-esteem.
Self-esteem plays a powerful role in the key choices
and decisions that shape our lives. But how can we
tell whether the power of self-esteem is working for
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According to the author, we are what we think. We
feel what we want. Whatever the mind expects, it
finds. We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or
dull, active or passive. The key lies in making a start.
A start with positive speaking. The start is like all
beginnings: first a child, then an adult, first
kindergarten, then ultimately the university, first a
duffer, then an accomplished golfer. So the person
who deeply desires to be rid of negative thought
habits and become a positive thinker must humble
himself to the staus of a beginner, as a music student
starts with finger exercises. Speak in Positives.
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This title offers tips on everything from sitting down for
a job review with your boss, to speaking before a
courtroom. A comprehensive guide to improved
communication skills, "Speak with Power and
Confidence" offers tips on everything from preparing
for a speaking engagement, to sitting down for a job
review with your boss, to speaking before a
courtroom, with the media or in a job interview. It will
teach readers how to grab the attention of an
audience with their first few words, how to deliver
presentations that help close a sale, how to gain the
upper hand in any negotiation and how to convey a
positive, professional image in job interviews.
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Faith in yourself makes good things happen to you.
This classic guide to self-esteem and success will
help you learn how to: break the worry habit; get other
people to like you; avoid the jitters in your daily work;
believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the
power to reach your goals, and so much more.
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This book is produced out of an enthusiastic belief in
people and a desire to encourage them to take charge
of their lives. If difficulties and problems are ganging
up on you and your confidence is shaky, it is hoped
that this book may make you realize that you can
indeed handle whatever comes and handle it well. '
Norman Vincent Peale from his Letter to the reader.
problems at some point in their lives. They occur
every day in business, family and personal life.
Sometimes they seem insurmountable, or there are
just too many of them for us to feel able to cope. This
book will give you hope -and practical strategies to
face the future with confidence.
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The author of The Power of Positive Thinking sets out
to show how, with deep and honest belief - in yourself,
in your work, and in God - miracles can occur in your
daily life. Dr Peale believes also that positive thinking
alone cannot provide fulfillment, and that positive
action is necessary.
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Just books clc self help collection (part 4)

  • 3. Category: Self-help, Part 2. We bring to you a list of books that have helped change lives of people across the world. Career to family, friendship to love, motivation to confidence… there is a book for every human desire.
  • 4. NOTES TO MYSELF HUGH PRATHER Rent it from JustBooks Reading Notes To Myself is one of those rare experiences that comes only once in a great while. The editor who discovered the book said, "When I first read Prather's manuscript it was late at night and I was tired, but by the time I finished it, I felt rested and alive. Since then I've reread it many times and it says even more to me now." The book serves as a beginning for the reader's exploration of his or her own life and as a treasury of thoughtful and insightful reminders.
  • 5. WINNERS NEVER CHEAT HUNTSMAN Rent it from JustBooks Huntsman's generous about sharing the credit, but in the 21st century, he's the nearest thing to a self-made multi-billionaire. Now, he presents the lessons of a lifetime: a passionate, inspirational manifesto for returning to the days when your word was your bond, a handshake was sacred, and swarms of lawyers weren't needed to back it up. This is a practical business book about how to listen to your moral compass, even as others ignore theirs. It's about how you build teams with the highest values, share success, take responsibility, and earn the rewards that only come with giving back. Huntsman's built his career and fortune on these principles.
  • 6. HABIT OF WINNING IYER PRAKASH When you are down, think like a boxer: if you are knocked down, you need to get up in ten seconds or less. One extra second, and it's all over. Rent it from JustBooks
  • 7. THE ALADDIN FACTOR JACK CANFIELD The Aladdin Factor helps us by pinpointing the major stumbling blocks to asking--and teaching simple techniques to overcome them. With inspirational stories about people who have succeeded by asking for what they want, this book shows us how to turn our lives around--no matter what kind of obstacles we face. And with this knowledge, we can reap the riches of a truly well-lived life--a treasure that comes not from an enchanted lamp, but from the heart. Rent it from JustBooks
  • 8. BORN TO WIN JAMES, MURIEL Guides the individual in developing self-awareness and approaching life with confidence Rent it from JustBooks
  • 9. FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY JEFFERS, SUSAN Rent it from JustBooks Susan Jeffers has helped millions of people to overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives with her simple but profound advice. Such fears may include: public speaking; asserting yourself; making decisions; intimacy; changing jobs; being alone; ageing; driving; losing a loved one; ending a relationship. But whatever your anxieties, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway will give you the insight and tools to vastly improve your ability to handle any given situation. You will learn to live your life the way you want - so you can move from a place of pain, paralysis, depression and indecision to one of power, energy, enthusiasm and action.
  • 10. ASK AND IT IS GIVEN: LEARNING TO MANIFEST YOUR DESIRES ESTER & JERRY HICKS Rent it from JustBooks The teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you're living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. 50,000 first printing. Original.
  • 11. WHO MOVED MY CHEESE JOHNSON, SPENCER Rent it from JustBooks Who Moved My Cheese? is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life
  • 12. SILVA MIND CONTROL METHOD JOSE SOLVA Rent it from JustBooks Based on the 4-day course pioneered by José Silva, this book shows how people have learned to overcome tension, bad habits, emotional insecurity, and even illness with the techniques of Mind Control, and how, with 'creative visualization', they have mastered the ability to 'see' what they desire - then make it happen.
  • 13. THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND JOSEPH MURPHY Rent it from JustBooks Dr Murphy's revolutionary mind-focusing techniques are based upon a proven and entirely practical principle: if you believe in something without reservation and picture it in your mind, you remove the subconscious obstacles that prevent you from achieving that end result, and your belief becomes a reality. Packed with case studies of actual success stories, this guide to unleashing your mental powers gives you practical guidelines for gaining promotions and prestige, amassing wealth, creating harmonious friendships, strengthening the bonds of a loving marriage, conquering phobias, banishing bad habits, enjoying refreshing sleep, and even healing minor health ailments.
  • 14. BODY LANGUAGE JULIUS FAST Rent it from JustBooks Explains the science of non-verbal communication and the meaning of body gestures.
  • 15. MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS JUNG, CARL GUSTAV Rent it from JustBooks Explores Jung's psychological concepts regarding the nature, function and importance of man's symbols as they appear on both the conscious and subconscious level.
  • 16. WHALE DONE! KEN BLANCHARD BLANCHARD Rent it from JustBooks Discover the difference between Whale Done! (catching people doing things right) and GOTcha (catching people doing things wrong). Whales - and people! - perform better when you accentuate the positive and redirect the negative. Instead of focusing your energy, as most of us do, on what goes wrong - redirect that energy towards a positive outcome in both work and family relationships.
  • 17. YOU CAN WIN (WITH VCD) KHERA SHIVA Rent it from JustBooks Written in an easy to read, practical, common- sense approach that will take you from ancient wisdom to contemporary thinking, You Can Win helps you dispel confusion in daily life and clarify values. The book helps you to evaluate if you are going through life out of inspiration or desperation.It translates positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action that brings in the winning edge.
  • 18. IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, KILL HIM! KOPP SHELDON Rent it from JustBooks Using the myths of Gilgamesh, Siddhartha, Don Quixote, the works of buber, Ginsberg, Shakespeare, Kafka, Nin, Dante and Jung, the psychotherapist, guru and pilgrim shares the epic talse and intimate revelations that help to shape everyman's journey through life.
  • 19. THE ART OF HAPPINESS 10 ANNIVERSARY EDITION LAMA, DALAI Rent it from JustBooks An updated edition of a beloved classic, the original book on happiness, with new material from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard C. Cutler.
  • 20. HOW TO TALK TO ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE LARRY KING Rent it from JustBooks A master of the art of conversation shares ideas on effective communication skills, explaining how to get one's message across, interest listeners, recover from mistakes, and develop self-confidence in situations ranging from business meetings and job interviews to giving a speech. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.
  • 21. PRACTICAL INTUITION: HOW TO HARNESS THE POWER OF YOUR INSTINCT AND MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU LAURA DAY Rent it from JustBooks Combining exercises, real-life examples, and personal accounts, a noted consultant explains how to draw on one's hidden intuitive powers--or "sixth sense"--to improve every aspect of one's life, from picking investments to enhancing one's love life. 85,000 first printing.
  • 22. LIGHT FROM MANY LAMPS LILLIAN WATSON Rent it from JustBooks Gathers quotations and brief selections about happiness, faith, courage, confidence, self-discipline, love, hope, family life and contentment
  • 23. THE MEMORY BOOK LORAYNE, HARRY Rent it from JustBooks Unleash the hidden power of your mind through Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas's simple, fail-safe memory system, and you can become more effective, more imaginative, and more powerful, at work, at school, in sports and play. Discover how easy it is to: file phone numbers, data, figures, and appointments right in your head; learn foreign words and phrases with ease; read with speed--and greater understanding; shine in the classroom--and shorten study hours; dominate social situations, and more.
  • 24. FISH! LUNDIN Rent it from JustBooks The truth is, people who love what they are doing have a deep commitment to do it the best way they can. So managers who really want to provide an incentive will find wonderful suggestions inside of this book. Your results will vary, since they depend upon you, your employees, and the corporate environment in which you work. But increasing morale is critical to all corporations who want to become the best that they can be.
  • 25. FISH FOR LIFE LUNDIN, STEPHEN Rent it from JustBooks For the first time, bestselling authors of the business phenomenon FISH! apply the winning formula to life issues outside of the workplace.
  • 26. FISH OMNIBUS LUNDIN, STEPHEN C , PAUL, HARRY & CHRIS Rent it from JustBooks Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion and a positive attitude to the job every day. In this engrossing parable, a fictional manager has the responsibility of turning a chronically unenthusiastic and unhelpful department into an effective team. Addressing today's most pressing work issues with an engaging metaphor and an appealing message, FISH! offers wisdom that is easy to grasp, instantly applicable, and profound.
  • 27. ROAD LESS TRAVELED M SCOTT PECK Rent it from JustBooks Now, with a new Introduction by the author, written especially for this twenty-fifth anniversary deluxe trade paperback edition of the all-time national bestseller in its field, M. Scott Peck explains the ideas that shaped this book and that continue to influence an ever- growing audience of readers. Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to help us explore the very nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one's own true self.
  • 28. HOW TO REMAIN EVER HAPPY M. K. GUPTA Rent it from JustBooks This book contains easy but sure tips to strenghten and develop your will power with which you can sustain happiness for longer periods each day.
  • 29. THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED: A NEW PSYCHOLOGY OF LOVE, TRADITIONAL VALUES AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH M. SCOTT PECK Rent it from JustBooks Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of love and understanding, "The Road Less Traveled" continues to help readers explore the very nature of loving relationships. Wise and profoundly spiritual, this is a proven classic, a book to turn to again and again for understanding and inspiration.
  • 30. BLINK: THE POWER OF THINKING WITHOUT THINKING MALCOLM GLADWELL Rent it from JustBooks In this book, the author covers answers about a question - How do people make decisions - good and bad - and why are some people better at it than others? Utilizing case studies, Gladwell aims to reveal that what people think of as decisions made in the blink of an eye can be complicated. Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology, he shows how the difference between good decision-making and bad may has nothing to do with how much information people can process quickly, but on the few particular details on which they focus.
  • 31. OUTLIERS - THE STORY OF SUCCESS GLADWELL MALCO Rent it from JustBooks Identifies the qualities of successful people, maintaining that culture, family, and idiosyncratic factors can have a decisive impact on shaping high achievers.
  • 32. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS MALTZ MAXWELL Rent it from JustBooks Previously published Wiltshire, 1967. Guide to personal health and success.
  • 33. AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS MARTIN SELIGMAN Rent it from JustBooks According to esteemed psychologist and bestselling author Martin Seligman, happiness is not the result of good genes or luck. Real, lasting happiness comes from focusing on one’s personal strengths rather than weaknesses—and working with them to improve all aspects of one’s life. Using practical exercises, brief tests, and a dynamic website program, Seligman shows readers how to identify their highest virtues and use them in ways they haven’t yet considered. Accessible and proven, Authentic Happiness is the most powerful work of popular psychology in years.
  • 34. LIFE STRATEGIES: DOING WHAT WORKS, DOING WHAT MATTERS MCGRAW PH. D. PHILLIP C. Rent it from JustBooks Tells how to analyze one's life, identify barriers to success, and take practical steps to make life more rewarding and meaningful.
  • 35. LIFE STRATEGIES MCGRAW, PHILIP Rent it from JustBooks Whether it's a bad relationship, a dead-end career, or a harmful habit, "Dr. Phil" shows readers how to confront their problems, identify the causes, and start working toward permanent solutions.
  • 36. I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY MCKENNA, PAUL Rent it from JustBooks Over our lifetimes, one in five of us will at some point suffer from depressionDepression is a very common syndrome indeed. But the great news is that Paul McKenna's techniques will help you fight off what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog. Reprogramme your mind to help overcome destructive thought patterns, get back on your feet and get on with your life. Follow the simple techniques outlined in I Can Make You Happy.
  • 37. I CAN MAKE YOU SMARTER MCKENNA, PAUL Rent it from JustBooks YOU'RE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK! As you read, you will learn to... * Increase your intelligence * Have exam confidence * Supercharge your memory * Improve concentration * Access your creative genius * Make smarter decisions * Stay sharp at any age ...and much, much more! Within the pages of this book is a groundbreaking new system that will teach you how to apply the strategies of some of history's greatest geniuses and the latest research into the science of the brain, to help you live an extraordinarily effective and creative life. Wherever you're at in your life right now, simply read the book, enjoy the hypnotic CDs, and become smarter!
  • 38. THINK LIKE DA VINCI MICHAEL GELB Rent it from JustBooks A perfect buy for the business market as well as those wishing to explore their power of their brain, this book shows you how to imitate Leonardo Da Vinci's thought processes and so enhance your aptitude in every area of your life. Learn how to fulfill your true potential by developing the thought processes used by Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci. Simply by imitating his insatiable quest for information and experience, we can all enhance our own aptitude in all facets of our lives. Michael Gelb discusses the seven fundamental elements of Da Vinci's thought process and offers practical ways to incorporate them into our own lives
  • 39. CREATIVITY: FLOW AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DISCOVERY AND INVENTION MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI Rent it from JustBooks The author's objective is to offer an understanding of what leads to these moments, be it the excitement of the artist at the easel or the scientist in the lab, so that knowledge can be used to enrich people's lives. Drawing on 100 interviews with exceptional people, from biologists and physicists to politicians and business leaders, poets and artists, as well as his 30 years of research on the subject, he discusses such ideas as why creative individuals are often seen as selfish and arrogant, and why the tortured genius is largely a myth. Most important, he clearly explains why creativity needs to be cultivated and is necessary for the future of our country, if not the world.
  • 40. PEOPLEWATCHING MORRIS, DESMOND Rent it from JustBooks Peoplewatching is the culmination of a career of watching people - their behavior and habits, their personalities and their quirks. Desmond Morris shows us how people, consciously and unconsciously, signal their attitudes, desires and innermost feelings with their bodies and actions, often more powerfully than with their words. Consisting of his timeless classic "Manwatching," completely revised and updated, with much new material gathered since the book's original publication, and for the first time incorporating the text of Bodywatching, this new edition is set to become the definitive "body language bible." Lavishly illustrated throughout with line drawings and two 16pp colour plate sections.
  • 41. LISTENING TO THE SILENCE NAN UMRIGAR Rent it from JustBooks Nan's journey that started alone has now been joined by countless others whose pain and sadness have been washed away, and their lives turned around, by the healing love of Meher Baba .Her son Karl's loving and caring messages of hope from the spirit world inspire and stir the hearts, and strengthen the resolve of those who come forward to listen to the silence within and find their own answers - through the grace of the Master. Through these answers, Nan's own life begins to take on a deeper spiritual meaning. Her story now moves compellingly forward, interwoven with a collection of personal, heart-touching narrations of the wondrous experiences people have had - when they have opened their hearts to the Master.
  • 42. THINK AND GROW RICH NAPOLEAN HILL Rent it from JustBooks Think and Grow Rich is the number one Inspirational classic for individuals who are interested in learning from important figures in history. The text in this book is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill, which has often been reproduced, but no updated version has ever been able to compete with the original text. Think and Grow Rich is a timeless classic and should be read by students of business, people with entrepreneurial spirit, and anybody who is interested in furthering their lives and reaching their goals. This book will guided many to success, and has sold millions of copies for nearly three quarters of a century.
  • 43. THINK & GROW RICH! NAPOLEON HILL Rent it from JustBooks For three decades Napoleon Hill collaborated with America s most creative and successful entrepreneurs, learning firsthand why they succeeded while others failed. Some of the most famous self- made multimillionaires personally revealed to Hill the secrets they had used to pull themselves out of poverty and create their own success.More than a self-improvement book, Think & Grow Rich ! offers you a complete philosophy of personal achievement. It will teach you methods to create a success- consciousness within yourself, and it will provide you with a detailed blueprint for achieving that success. Think & Grow Rich ! is a book that will not just change what you think it will change the way you think.
  • 44. LAW OF SUCCESS NAPOLEON HILL Rent it from JustBooks The Success Philosophy that Napoleon Hill pre-sents in this course and in his other works has with-stood the test of time. His principles of success have changed the lives of countless women and men from all walks of life on every continent. They can change your life, too, if you will apply them and get into action.This power to change your life is the legacy of Napoleon Hill; that is the standard by which all works of motivational literature and programs are measured. To attain your goals and know fulfillment in life, study, think, plan, and apply the principles this book has to offer. To merely read and agree with Dr. Hill is to miss the crucial point of his philosophy: Success comes only when you act on what you know and believe.
  • 45. POWER OF SELF ESTEEM NATHANIEL BRANDEN Rent it from JustBooks Though most us come from dysfunctional families, this world-famous psychologist stresses that it is still possible to develop positive self-esteem. Self-esteem plays a powerful role in the key choices and decisions that shape our lives. But how can we tell whether the power of self-esteem is working for us?
  • 46. DISCOVERING THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Rent it from JustBooks According to the author, we are what we think. We feel what we want. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive. The key lies in making a start. A start with positive speaking. The start is like all beginnings: first a child, then an adult, first kindergarten, then ultimately the university, first a duffer, then an accomplished golfer. So the person who deeply desires to be rid of negative thought habits and become a positive thinker must humble himself to the staus of a beginner, as a music student starts with finger exercises. Speak in Positives.
  • 47. SPEAK WITH POWER AND CONFIDENCE PATRICK COLLINS Rent it from JustBooks This title offers tips on everything from sitting down for a job review with your boss, to speaking before a courtroom. A comprehensive guide to improved communication skills, "Speak with Power and Confidence" offers tips on everything from preparing for a speaking engagement, to sitting down for a job review with your boss, to speaking before a courtroom, with the media or in a job interview. It will teach readers how to grab the attention of an audience with their first few words, how to deliver presentations that help close a sale, how to gain the upper hand in any negotiation and how to convey a positive, professional image in job interviews.
  • 48. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT Rent it from JustBooks Faith in yourself makes good things happen to you. This classic guide to self-esteem and success will help you learn how to: break the worry habit; get other people to like you; avoid the jitters in your daily work; believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the power to reach your goals, and so much more.
  • 49. YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT Rent it from JustBooks This book is produced out of an enthusiastic belief in people and a desire to encourage them to take charge of their lives. If difficulties and problems are ganging up on you and your confidence is shaky, it is hoped that this book may make you realize that you can indeed handle whatever comes and handle it well. ' Norman Vincent Peale from his Letter to the reader. ITS ALWAYS TOO SOON TO QUIT Everyone has problems at some point in their lives. They occur every day in business, family and personal life. Sometimes they seem insurmountable, or there are just too many of them for us to feel able to cope. This book will give you hope -and practical strategies to face the future with confidence.
  • 50. STAY ALIVE ALL YOUR LIFE PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT Rent it from JustBooks The author of The Power of Positive Thinking sets out to show how, with deep and honest belief - in yourself, in your work, and in God - miracles can occur in your daily life. Dr Peale believes also that positive thinking alone cannot provide fulfillment, and that positive action is necessary.
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