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The game began with both
teams looking nervous
and cautious. A number of
the players looked as if they
would be happy with just a
moderate tempo, especially
the Czechs who had put out
too much in their earlier
matches and were clearly
tired; they only had a spo-
radic influence on the game.
The best Czech player until
then, Smicer, looked listless
and seemed to hide away in
midfield . The Czech team
used clever counter-attacking
tactics while Uruguay relied
too much on individual ef-
forts. On the whole the
Czechs were more danger-
ous and they created some
good chances . The differ-
ence was simple: team play
versus individual efforts .
There were lots of fouls (25 to
the Czechs' account, 12 to
Uruguay). When the goal did
come it was the result of a
deceptive shot that the Uru-
guayan goalkeeper allowed
to bounce back into play
where it was gratefully ac-
cepted by no. 15 Lasota who
pushed it into the net without
much trouble. This was one of
theveryfew goalkeeping errors
in the whole tournament.
Le match commença de-
vant 27 000 spectateurs,
avec beaucoup de
nervosité et de retenue. Les
Tchèques, qui s'étaient trop
dépensés au cours des matchs
précédents et étaient mani-
festement fatigués, adoptèrent
un rythme plutôt lent et ne
prirent le cours du match
en main que par brèves
périodes. Le Tchèque
Smicer, qui s'était distingué
jusqu'ici, resta insipide : il se
cachait au milieu de terrain.
La Tchéquie opérait habile-
ment par des contre-atta-
ques, tandis que l'Uruguay
cherchait trop souvent le
succès à travers des actions
individuelles .
Play-off for third place
Czech Republic vs Uruguay: Result: 1-0 (0-0) Attendance: 27,000
Les Tchèques se créèrent
de bonnes occasions de but,
et sur l'ensemble du match, ils
se montrèrent plus dangereux
que l'adversaire . L'Uruguay se
distingua principalement par
ses individualités, tandis que
les Tchèques opéraient collec-
tivement. Trop de fautes côté
tchèque (25 contre 12).
L'unique but fut marqué à la
suite d'un tir vicieux d'un
Tchèque que le gardien ne
put que repousser devant
lui. .. dans les pieds du N° 15
Lasota, qui n'eut aucun mal à
conclure. Ce fut l'une des rares
fautes commises parun gardien
de but pendantce tournoi.
Although Uruguay's youngsters made a good impression, the experience of the older Czech
players proved to be the deciding factor. Here Kuka (no. 9) goes by Montero and seems likely to
get past Lopez as well.
Bien que les jeunes talents de l'Uruguay se fussent honorablement tirés d'affaire, l'expérience
tchèque due à l'ancienneté des joueurs pesa plus lourd. Ici, Kuka (N° 9) déborde le capitaine
Montero, et s'apprête à déborder également Lopez.
Apesar de que losjóvenes uruguayos dieran muestras de gran habilidad, al final triunfó la
experiencia de losjugadores checos más maduros. En la imagen vemos a Kuka (n° 9) eludiendo al
capitán Montero y luego a López.
Obwohl Uruguays Youngsters sich gut aus der Affäre zogen, überwog schliesslich die Erfahrung
der älteren tschechischen Spieler. Hier zieht Kuka (Nr. 9) an Captain Montero vorbei und wird
bestimmt auch gleich Lopez überlaufen .
nos 27'000 espectadores
vieron un desenlace ner-
vioso, cauteloso; una lucha
Ilena de desprolijidades y
fricciones, de donde jamás
salió una pelota administrada
correctamente. Faltó frescura
a ambas escuadras, los juga-
dores estaban aparentemen-
te fatigados y desganados.
Los checos se limitaron a
contraatacar, mientras que
los uruguayos buscaron el
triunfo mediante acciones in-
dividuales . El encuentro estu-
The award ceremony after the play-off match, with FIFA General Secretary, Joseph S. Blatter,
and Organising Committee Chairman and FIFA Executive Committee member, Abdullah Al-Dabal
(Saudi Arabia).
Remise des médailles, au terme de la « petite finale », effectuée par le Secrétaire Général
Joseph S. Blatter et le Président du Comité Organisateur, Abdullah AI-Dabal (Arabie Saoudite),
également membre du Comité Exécutif de la FIFA.
Entrega de las medallas después de la pequeña final por el Secretario General Joseph S. Blattery el
Presidente de la Comisión Organizadora y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la FIFA, Abdullah Al-Daba¡
(Arabia Saudita).
Medaillenübergabe nach dem kleinen Final, vorgenommen durch Generalsekretär Joseph S. Blatter
und dem Vorsitzenden der Organisationskommission und FIFA-Exekutivkomitee-Mitglied Abdullah
AI-Daba¡ (Saudiarabien) .
vo plagado de infracciones y
acciones antideportivas y el
único gol del partido fue
producto de un potente re-
mate que rebotó del guarda-
meta y que fue cómodamen-
te introducido en las redes
uruguayas por Lasota. Fue
uno de los pocos errores de
portero en todo el torneo .
or 27'000 Zuschauern
begann dieses Spiel ner-
vös und vorsichtig. Gemächli-
ches Tempo von einigen
Spielern, v.a . Tschechen, die
sich in den vorangegangenen
Spielen zu sehr verausgabt
hatten und offensichtlich
müde waren; sie konnten nur
noch phasenweise in das Ge-
schehen eingreifen. Der bis-
her beste Tscheche, Smicer
blieb blass und versteckte
sich im Mittelfeld. Die Tsche-
chen operierten geschickt mit
Konterattacken, Uruguayver-
suchte alllzu oft mit Einzelak-
tionen zum Erfolg zu kommen.
Gute Torchancen der
Tschechen, die im ganzen
Spiel eindeutig gefährlicher
waren. Unterschied: Uruguay
vor allem Einzelspieler, die
Tschechen eine Mannschaft.
Zu viele Fouls seitens der
Tschechen (25 gegen 12).
Das einzigeTor entstand nach
einem perfiden Schuss eines
Tschechen, der Torhüter liess
den Ball nach vorne abprallen
und die Nr.15 Lasota konnte
ohne Mühe einschieben. Es
war einer der wenigen Torhü-
ter-Fehlerwährend dieses
Brazil vs Czech Republic: Result: 2-0 (0-0) Attendance: 28,000
Uruguay vs Australia: Result: 0-1 (a.e.t. - golden goal) Attendance: 22,000
In the match between Brazil and the Czech Republic, the ball
skills of the South Americans won the day against the more
workmanlike efforts of the European team. This is Leonardo
elegantly passing Bejbl.
Le match Brésil-République Tchèque fut remporté par les artis-
tes du ballon d'Amérique du Sud sur les représentants « rusti-
ques » de l'Europe de l'Est. Ici, Leonardo sur le point de débor-
der élégamment Bejbl.
En el partido entre Brasil y la Rep. Checa predominó la habilidad
técnica sudamericana frente al estilo artesanal de los euro-
peos orientales. En la imagen, Leonardo elude elegantemente a
Im Spiel Brasilien gegen die Tschechische Republik gewannen
die Ballkünstler aus Brasilien gegen die handwerklich
agierenden Vertreter Osteuropas. Hier wird Leonardo gleich
elegant an Bejbl vorbeiziehen.
Brazil vs
Czech Republic
T his was a meeting of two
attacking sides, and based on
their earlier performances it
would have been a worthy fi-
nal . Playing quite different
styles of football, both teams
began at a moderate pace,
and Brazil missed some early
chances, several of them in a
verywasteful manner. The
second half started with Bra-
zil putting more effort into
their game and the introduc-
tion of Denislon speeded up
their rhythm, especially in at-
tack. A decisive factor in Bra-
zil's getting the upper hand
was the Czech decision to al-
ter their formation so that it
became the same as the Bra-
ziIisns - 4-4-2. This gave the
South American ball artists
the space they needed.
Once they got an attack
started they were now very
hard to stop, using their ball
skills, their quick passing and
their sudden changes of pace
to full advantage.
The game became very
lively towards the end . The
Brazilians were now combin-
ing well from the back, using
long and short passes and it
was no surprise that they got
the two goals that settled the
outcome of the match .
Environ 28'000 spectateurs
ont assisté au match de
deux équipes portées vers
l'offensive, un affrontement
que l'on aurait pu aussi imagi-
ner en finale en raison des
performances qu'elles
avaient accomplies jusque là .
Les deux formations ont
abordé le match sur un
rythme tranquille et sur la
base de deux systèmes tota-
lement différents . Le Brésil se
créa au début plusieurs occa-
sions de but, mais qui furent
lamentablement gâchées. La
seconde période fut abor-
dée avec plus d'engagement,
côté brésilien, où l'arrivée de
Denilson permit d'accélérer
lejeu offensif. Mais la supé-
riorité des Brésiliens qui s'en-
suivit découla de façon plus
décisive du changement du
système dejeu opéré par les
Tchèques : ils adoptèrent le
4-4-2 des Brésiliens . Ce chan-
gement ouvrit aux joueurs très
techniques du Brésil les espa-
ces leur permettant de tirer
parti de leurs atouts. Une fois
lancés, ils ne pouvaient plus
être arrêtés par les Tchèques
tant leur qualités techniques
était evidentes . Le football
joué par le Brésil s'appuyait
justement sur la technique,
les passes rapides et les
changements de rythme.
Les deux buts inscrits dans
cette rencontre, qui fut très
vive et pleine de revirements
vers la fin, furent le fruit de
combinaisons venues de l'ar-
rière, de passes en profon-
deur et des une-deux.
Este cotejo ante 28'000
espectadores -y que era
más bien el emparejamiento
que se esperaba para la final-
presentó a dos equipos total-
mente ofensivos con dos
concepciones de juego dia-
metralmente opuestas. El
partido arrancó con la cautela
propia de los primeros minu-
tos y de conjuntos que con-
fían en sus respectivos siste-
mas. Poco antes de la pausa,
Brasil resolvió apretar el pie
sobre el acelerador tras la en-
trada de Den¡ ¡son y el
incompresible cambio de
sistema dejuego de los
checos. Los jugadores brasi-
leños pudieron sacar mayor
ventaja de su brillante habili-
dad técnica después de que
los checos aflojaran la
marcación y les ofrecieran
más espacio para desenvol-
verse. La escuadra sudameri-
cana comenzó a lanzar un
ataque desequilibrante tras
otro con inagotables desplie-
gues de escurridiza movili-
dad y toques a los vacíos, y
las magníficas combinacio-
nes se rubricaron finalmente
en dos espléndidos golazos.
Vor 28'000 Zuschauern sah
man zwei offensiv einge-
stellte Mannschaften, eine
Paarung, die man aufgrund
der vorher gebotenen Lei-
stungen sich auch im End-
spiel hätte vorstellen können.
Mit zwei grundverschiede-
nen Systemen begannen bei-
de Mannschaften in gemäch-
lichem Tempo. Brasilien hatte
zu Beginn einige Torchancen,
die aber z.T. kläglich verge-
ben wurden. Die zweite
Halbzeit begannen die Brasi-
lianer mit mehr Einsatz, mit
dem Einwechseln von
Denilson wurde ihr Spiel vor
allem im Angriff beschleu-
nigt. Entscheidend aber zur
nun folgenden Überlegenheit
der Brasilianer hat der Wech-
sel im Spielsystem der Tsche-
chen beigetragen; sie wech-
selten zum selben 4-4-2 wie
die Brasilianer. Nun hatten die
brasilianischen Super-
techniker den Spielraum, um
gross aufzutrumpfen. Einmal
lanciert konnten sie, dank ih-
rer ausgefeilten Technik, von
den Tschechen nicht mehr
gebremst werden . Brasilien
spielte einen Fussball basiert
auf Technik, raschem Zuspiel
und vielen Rhythmus-
Die beiden Tore in dieser
zum Schluss lebhaften und
abwechslungsreichen Partie
fielen nach Kombinationen
aus der Tiefe, Stei I- sowie
nach Dopppelpässen.
-T- ,-qk111, 13-
Aduel between Muscat and Garcia. The Australian demonstrates the solid defensive play that
paid off for his team in this tournament.
Duel entre Muscat et Garcia. L'Australien illustre l'intransigeance de la défense de son équipe.
Duelo entre Muscat y García. El australiano demuestra la forma consecuente de marcar de la se-
lección de Oceanía.
Zweikampf Muscat gegen Garcia. Der Australier demonstriert die konsequente Art der Verteidi-
gung der Australier.
Uruguay vs
This game brought together
the two surprise teams of the
tournament. Australia had
shown strong defensive per-
formances in their group
matches and they stuck with
this concept for the semi-fi-
nal. The effect was that there
was not much flowing play in
the first half. The Australians
made space so tight at their
end of the pitch that even the
individually strong Uruguay-
ans could not make any
Both teams used the ball
carefully coming out of de-
fence, and attacks were usu-
ally down the middle or on
the left flank; very little hap-
pened on the right and there
were no changes of pace.
There was a lot of nervous-
ness among the players and a
number of fouls were com-
mitted, some of them hidden
and quite nasty. Both sets of
forwards had adjusted their
sights poorly for this game
and both used mainly coun-
ter-attacking tactics, Uruguay
largely through individual ac-
tions, Australia mainlyvia
team efforts. It was not an in-
tensive game and extra time
looked very likely. Yet when it
came, the game was over
within two minutes as Kewell
finished off a surprise attack
with a superb golden goal
from 17 meters.
Les deux équipes surprises
du tournoi s'affrontèrent
devant les 22 000 spectateurs
de cette demi-finale.
L'Australie, qui avait brillé
avec de bonnes prestations
en défense au cours des
matchs précédents, tenta
d'appliquer la même recette
dans cette rencontre. C'est
ainsi qu'en première mi-
temps, le cours du jeu resta
décousu . La défense austra-
lienne verrouillait si bien les
espaces que même les
Uruguayens, qui étaient de
fortes individualités, ne par-
venaient pas à passer.
De part et d'autre, le
ballon remontait de l'arrière.
Les attaques s'effectuaient la
plupart du temps dans l'axe
ou sur le côté gauche,
rarement sur la droite. Pas de
changements de rythme. Le
ballon circulait sans progres-
ser, Beaucoup de nervosité,
d'où de nombreuses fautes,
plus ou moins graves, plus ou
moins cachées et malveillan-
tes. Des deux côtés, les
attaquants cadraient mal leurs
tirs. Un jeu plutôt axé sur la
contre-attaque . Un match
peu intense, où on attendait
la prolongation. Apeine eut-
elle commencé que l'Austra-
lien Kewell ajusta un tir au
but, à la deuxième minute de
la prolongation, et marqua,
au terme d'une action
surprise, à 17 mètres du but,
un magnifique « but en or » .
a segunda semifinal fue
disputada por los dos
equipos sorpresa ante la pre-
sencia de 22,000 espectado-
res . El inicio fue lento, pausa-
do, mostrando Australia un
juego más colectivo, achi-
cando espacios y neutrali-
zando las escasas acciones
individuales de los urugua-
yos. Ambos conjuntos ope-
raban desde la defensa, ar-
mando su juego generalmen-
te por el medio o por el flan-
co izquierdo. Faltaron com-
pletamente los cambios de
ritmo de juego y las acciones
sorpresivas. Reinó mucha ten-
sión, se cometieron numero-
sas infracciones -algunas in-
cluso alevosas- y la mira de
los delanteros estuvo exenta
de precisión. Fue un partido
de contraataques, con un
Uruguay técnicamente supe-
rior y una Australia más ma-
dura y con mayor sentido co-
lectivo . Ambas escuadras
buscaban el gol fortuito,
oportunidad que llegó ins-
tantes después de comenza-
do el tiempo suplementario.
En el primer minuto de este
período, Kewell, n° 11 de
Australia, se fue solo con la
pelota y marcó el gol de oro
decisivo con un remate des-
de 17 metros.
Vor 22'000 Zuschauern
trafen die beiden
des Turniers in diesem Halb-
final aufeinander. Australien,
das in den vorangegangenen
Partien mit einer starken Ver-
teidigung geglänzt hatte, ver-
suchte es auch in diesem
Spiel mit dem bewährtem
Adinolfi versus Kewell; it was
the young Australian who
scored the Golden Goal that
earned the Oceania team their
surprise place in the final.
Adinolfi contre Kewell. Ce
dernier inscrivit le « but en
or » de l'Australie, au bout
d'une minute et demie en pro-
longation, qui scella, à la sur-
prise générale, l'accession en
finale de l'équipe de
Adinolfi contra Kewell, quien
marcó el gol de oro para Aus-
tralia en el primer minuto del
alargue, clasificando así
sorprendentemente a su cua-
dro para la final.
Adinolfi gegen Kewell, der
nach eineinhalb Minuten Ver-
längerung das Golden Goal
für Australien erzielte und da-
mit überraschend die Mann-
schaft aus Ozeanien ins End-
spiel brachte.
Rezept; so konnte in der er-
sten Halbzeit kein richtiger
Spielfluss aufkommen. Zu
klein wurden die Räume in
der australischen Abwehr ge-
macht, so dass auch die indi-
viduell starken Uruguayer kein
Durchkommen kannten .
Beidseitig liess man den
Ball von hinten führen und
spielen . Die Angriffe wurden
meist durch die Mitte oder
über die linke Seite ausgelöst,
sehr wenig von rechts . Kein
Rhythmuswechsel; Ball eher
hin und her schiebend . Viel
Nervosität, daher beiderseits
viele kleine und grobe Fouls,
z.T. versteckt und bösartig .
Beidseitig hatten die Stürmer
ihr Visier schlecht eingestellt.
Ein Spiel eher auf Konter auf-
gebaut, Uruguayvermehrt in-
dividuell, Australien vermehrt
als Mannschaft. Kein intensi-
ves Spiel, man wartete auf
die Verlängerung. Kaum hatte
diese begonnen, schoss in
der 2.Minute der Verlänge-
rung der Australier Kewell,
nach einer Überraschungs-
Aktion aus 17 Metern ein herr-
liches Golden-Goal .
12-21 DECEMBER 1997
Table of contents
The facts and figures contained
in this booklet are the official
statistical data of the FIFA/Con-
federations Cup for the King Fahd
Trophy - Saudi Arabia '97
© 1998 by FIFA
I Basic match data 91
Detailed information 1 st
on the 16 matches based on the
ofFicial match and referees' reports; DATE MATCH VENUE TIME GAMES
Attendances at the 16 matches FRI 12.12.97 Riyadh 15.45 OPENING CEREMONY
1 Riyadh 16.15 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A2 Brazil
II Goals and scorers 97 2 Riyadh 19.00 A3 Mexico v. A4 Australia
Information on the 52 goals SAT 13.12.97 3 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B2 Uruguay
scored during the tournament; 4 Riyadh 20.00 83 South Africa v. B4 Czech Rep.
List of scorers and assisting scorers;
SUN 14.12.97 5 Riyadh 17.50 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A3 Mexico
6 Riyadh 20.00 A4 Australia v. A2 Brazil
Penalties / Goalkeepers' records MON 15.12.97 7 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B3 South Africa
8 Riyadh 20.00 B4 Czech Rep. v. B2 Uruguay
III Team data 101 TUE 16.12.97 9 Riyadh 17.50 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A4 Australia
Facts and data on teams' basic 10 Riyadh 20.00 A2 Brazil v. A3 Mexico
formations, players' appearances,
WED 17.12.97 11 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B4 Czech Rep.
and other information
12 Riyadh 20.00 B2 Uruguayv. B3 SouthAfrica
THU 18.12.97 REST DAY (Departure of 3'd and 4th placed teams
IV Officials, Awards 119 from both Aand B groups)
The referees and assistant referees
Special trophies:
FIFA Fair Play competition 2nd STAGE
FIFA/adidas awards
V All-time rankings 123 SEMI FINALS
FRI 19.12.97 13 Riyadh 15.15 1stA v. 2nd B
14 Riyadh 19.00 1stB v. 2nd A
SAT20.12.97 REST DAY
SUN 21.12.97 15 Riyadh 17.50 L13 v. L 14
SUN 21 .12.97 16 Riyadh 21 .00 W13 v. W 14
Group A KSA, BRA, MEX, AUS 92
Group B UAE, URU, RSA, CZE 93
Standings after Group Matches Semifinals, 94
Match for 3rd Place, Final 95
Cautions and Expulsions, Actual Time Played,
Attendances 96
Total number of spectators: 293,500
Average per match day: 18,344
Average of actual time played: 64'20
Yellow cards : 66
Two yellow cards in one match : 2
Red cards: 2
Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 0-3(0-0)
Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 0-5(0-1)
5 14.12.9717:50 Riyadh 15,000
KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 2 AI-Jahani, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 17 AI-Sahafi, 13 Sulimani;
10 Owaran, 6 AI-Harbi, 16 AI-Dossary, 14 AI-Muwallid; 11 Mehalel, 9 AI-Jaber
MEX: 1 Sánchez; 2 Suárez, 5 Davino, 13 Pardo, 18 Carmona; 4 Villa, 6 Lara, 8 Luna ;
11 Blanco, 17 Palencia, 9 Chavez
Scorers: 0-1 20' Palencia (17), 0-2 62' Palencia (17), 0-3 68' Blanco (11),
0-4 75' Luna (8), 0-5 76' Blanco (11)
Referee: Ian McLeod (RSA)
Assistant Refs : Fred Lencie (VAN), Paul Smith (NZL)
Substitutions: KSA: 65' out Owairan (10), in AI-Temawi (8)
MEX. 46' out Luna (9), in Hernandez (15)
56' out Lara (6), in Lopez (16)
Cautions: KSA: 48' AI-Dossary K., 51' AI-Mowalad
MEX: 79' Villa, 88' Davino
Expulsions :
Saudi Arabia vs Australia
9 16.12.9717:50 Riyadh
Substitutions: KSA: 67' out Mehalel (11), in AI-Dossary O. (19)
77' out AI-Mowalad (14), in AI-Temawi (8)
AUS: 66' out Mori (17), in Kewell (11)
66' out Aloisi (18), in Viduka (9)
74' out Skoko (15), in Vidmar A. (10)
Cautions: KSA: 50' AI-Khilaiwi
AUS: 42' Horvat, 85' Ivanovic
Mexico vs Australia 1-3(0-1)
Australia vs Brazil 0-0
6 14.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 15,000
AUS: 1 Bosnich; 2 Horvat, 4 Ivanovic, 5 Tobin, 3 Lazaridis; 14 Vidmar T., 6 Zelic, 8
Foster; 10 Vidmar A., 18 Aloisi, 9 Viduka .
BRA : 1 Dida; 3 Aldair; 4 Junior Baiano, 16 CesarSampaio, 6 Roberto Carlos; 8 Flavio
Conceiçáo, 13 Zé Maria, 20 Rivaldo, 10 Leonardo ; 7 Bebeto, 9 Ronaldo.
Assistant Refs: Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV), Jacques Poudevigne (FRA)
Substitutions: AUS: 60' out VidmarA. (10), in Tapai (19)
70' out Aloisi (18), in Mori (17)
90' out Viduka (9), in Bingley(12)
64' out Rivaldo (20), in Denilson (18)
88' out César Sampaio (16), in Doriva (17)
Cautions :
Lucien Bouchardeau(NIG)
AUS: 45' Horvat, 77' Mori
BRA : 27 Bebeto, 38' Rivaldo
Brazil vs Mexico
10 16.12.97 20:00 Riyadh
Assistant Refs:
Substitutions :
Cautions :
Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Mohamed AI-Musawi (OMN)
Ref : 46' out McLeod (RSA), in Un Prasert (THA) (4th official)
BRA : 46' out Ronaldo (9), in Bebeto (7)
82' out Dida (1), in Rogerio (12)
MEX: 46' out Luna (8), in Ramirez (7)
61' out Gabriel (3), in Garcia (10)
BRA : 45' Dunga
MEX . 41' Blanco
1 12.12.97 16:15 Riyadh 50,000
KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 2 AI-Jahani, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 4 Zubromawi, 13 Sulimani;
10 Owairan, 16 AI-Dossary, 6 AI-Harbi, 14 AI-Muwallid; 11 Mehalel, 9 AI-Jaber
BRA : 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 15 Zé Roberto; 8 Flavio Conceiçáo,
16 César Sampaio, 18 Denilson; 10 Leonardo, 11 Romano, 9 Ronaldo
2 12.12.9719:00 Riyadh 15,000
MEX: 1 Sánchez; 2 Suárez, 6 Lara, 3 Gabriel; 8 Luna ; 14 Terrazas, 7 Ramirez,
13 Pardo; 11 Blanco, 9 Chávez, 20 Abundis
AUS: 20 Kalac; 14 Vidmar T., 2 Horvat, 3 Lazaridis; 7 Slater, 6 Zelic, 8 Foster,
5 Tobin, 10 Vidmar A.; 18 Aloisi, 9 Viduka
Scorers: 0-1 65' César Sampaio (16), 0-2 73' Romario (11), Scorers: 0-1 45' Viduka (9), 0-2 59' Aloisi (18);
0-3 80' Romario (11) 1-2 (Pen .) 80' Hernandez (15); 1-3 90' Mori (17)
Referee : Nikolai Levnikov (RUS) Referee: Pirom Un Prasert (THA)
AssistantRefs: Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Fred Lencie (VAN) Assistant Refs: Ahmed AI-Musawi (OMN), Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND)
Substitutions: KSA: 44' out Crivairan (10), in AI-Temawi (8) Substitutions: MEX: 46' out Chavez (9), in Garcia (10)
63' out Mehalel (11), in AI-Shahrani (7) 63' out Gabriel (3), in Hernandez (15)
BRA: 72' out Leonardo (10), in Juninho (19) 66' out Terrazas (14), in Carmona (18)
73' out Denilson (18), in Rivaldo (20) AUS: 46' out VidmarA. (10), in Hooker (13)
75' out Cafu (2), in Zé Maria (13) 73' outViduka (9), in Mori (17)
78' out Slater (7), in Tapai (19)
Cautions: KSA: 28' Zubromawi
BRA : 72' Cafu Cautions: MEX: -
AUS: 64' Zelic, 77' Slater, 80' Kalac
Expulsions : KSA: 64' Zubromawi (second yellow)
KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 12 AI-Dosan, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 4 Zubromawi, 13 Sulimani ;
10 Owairan, 16 AI-Dossary K., 6 AI-Harbi, 14 AI-Muwallid; 9 AI-Jaber, 11 Mehalel.
AUS: 1 Bosnich; 2 Horvat, 4 Ivanovic, 5 Tobin; 7 Slater, 8 Foster, 6 Zelic, 15 Skoko,
3 Lazaridis; 18 Aloisi, 17 Mori .
BRA: 1 Dida; 13 Zé Maria, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos ; 18 Denilson,
8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 5 Dunga, 19 Juninho; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romario.
MEX: 12 Perez; 13 Pardo, 2 Suárez, 3 Gabriel, 5 Davino; 11 Blanco, 18 Carmona,
8 Luna, 6 Lara ; 15 Hernandez, 17 Palencia.
Scorers: 1-0 40' AI-Khilaiwi (3) Scorers: 1-0 (Pen .) 41' Romario (11); 1-1 51' Blanco (11),
2-1 61' Denilson (18), 3-1 66' Junior Baiano (4);
Referee: Javier Castrilli (ARG) 3-2 90' Ramirez (7)
Assistant Refs: Alberto Barrientos (ARC), Oscar Soria (BOL) Referee: Ian McLeod (RSA)-injured 41'/ Pirom Un Prasert (THA)
United Arab Emirates vs Uruguay 0-2(0-1)
Assistant Refs: Vladimir Fernandez Alvaro (SLV), Paul Smith (NZL)
Cautions :
UAE: 73' out Mohammed Ali (15), in Altalyani (10)
73' out Yaser(11), in Khamis (14)
84' Anbar Yumaa (13), in Munther (3)
URU: 54' out Recoba (20), in Silva (11)
75' out Olivera (10), in Pacheco (19)
89' out Vespa (8), in Hemandez (13)
UAE: 28' Adel
URU: -
United Arab Emirates vs South Africa 1-0(1-0)
7 15.12.97 17:50 Riyadh 11,000
UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 16 H. Saeed, 19 Ali Hassan,
15 Mohammed Ali, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel ; 11 Yaser, 10 Altalyani.
RSA: 1 Arendse; 2 Motaung, 5 Fish, 9 Tovey, 4 Jackson; 18 Moeti, 11 Mkhalele,
8 Ngobe, 10 Moshoeu; 12 Augustine, 6 Masinga.
Scorers: 1-01' 5 Suhail
Referee: Rene Ortube (BOL)
Assistant Refs: Oscar Soria (BOL), Alberto Barrientos (ARG)
United Arab Emirates vs Czech Republic 1-6 (0-4)
Assistant Refs: Paul Smith (NZL), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV)
Substitutions: UAE: 46' out Yaser (11), in Khamis (14)
46' out Obaid (20), in Anbar Jumaa (13)
58' out Adel (8), in Munther (3)
65' out Hornak (5), in Lasota (15)
75' out Smicer (17), in Ulich (2)
82' out Siegl (10), in Lokvenc (16)
Cautions: UAE : 8' Adel, 23' Ismail, 84' Munther
CZE: 21' Nemec
Expulsions :
South Africa vs Czech Republic
Assistant Refs: Alberto Barrientos (ARG), Oscar Soria (BOL)
Substitutions: RSA
Cautions: RSA:
Expulsions: CZE:
37' out Khumalo (15), in Ngobe (8)
74' out Augustine (12), in Williams (14)
83' out Smicer (17), in Poborsky (8)
92'+ out Kuka (9), in Sloncik (14)
47'+ Masinga
9' Vlcek, 75' Nemec
82' Nemec (second yellow)
Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-2(0-1)
8 15.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 9,000
CZE: 1 Srnicek; 6 Svoboda; 5 Homak, 13 Vlcek, 12 Rada; 8 Poborsky, 11 Bejbl,
4 Nedved, 15 Lasota ; 9 Kuka, 17 Smicer.
URU: 12 Flores; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 3 Montero, 6 Adinolfi; 7 Garcia, 5 De Ios
Santos, 10 Olivera, 8 Vespa; 17 Coelho, 9 Zalayeta .
Assistant Refs : Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND), Mohamed A. AI Musawi (OMN)
0-126' Olivera (10), 0-2 88' Zalayeta (9); 1-2 89' Siegl (10)
Saad Kamel Manei (KUW)
Uruguay vs South Africa 4-3(2-1)
Assistant Refs : Fred Lencie (VAN), Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND)
Substitutions: URU:
69' out Lopez (2), in De Ios Santos (5)
79' out Coelho (17), in Garcia (7)
79' out Pacheco (19), in Vespa (8)
46' out Motaung (2), in Jackson (4)
70' out Williams (14), in Ndlanya (13)
77' out Moshoeu (10), in Mnguni (17)
Cautions : URU: -
RSA: 20' Moeti, 54' Tinkler
11 17.12.97 17:50 Riyadh 8,000
UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 19 Ali Hassan, 16 H. Saeed,
15 Mohammed Ali, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel; 11 Yaser, 10 Altalyani.
CZE: 1 Srnicek; 13 Vlcek, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada, 4 Nedved; 5 Homak, 7 Nemec,
11 Bejbl; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 10 Siegl.
URU: 1
13 Hernandez,
RSA: 16
20 Tinkler,
17.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 8,000
Nicola ; .15 Diaz, 2 Lopez, 18 Rivas, 16 Pellegrin; 17 Coelho,
14 Callejas; 20 Recoba, 11 Silva, 19 Pacheco.
Baloyi; 3 Nyathi, 5 Fish, 19 Radebe, 2 Motaung; 18 Moeti, 10 Moshoeu,
11 Mkhalele ; 6 Masinga, 14 Williams.
Scorers: 0-1 11' own goal, 0-2 22' Nedved (4), 0-3 31' Nedved, Scorers: 0-1 11' Radebe (19); 1-1 12' Silva (11), 2-1 42' Recoba (20),
0-4 42' Smicer (17), 0-5 68' Smicer, 0-6 71' Smicer; 3-166' Silva (11); 3-2 69' Mkhalele (11), 3-3 77' Ndlanya ( 13);
1-6 78' Altalyani (10) 4-3 90' Callejas (14)
Referee: Rene Ortube (BOL) Referee: Ramesh Ramdhan (TTO)
Substitutions: UAE: 70' out Mohammed Ali (15), in Anbar Jumaa (13)
70' outAltalyani (10), in Khamis (14)
81' outAli Hassan (19), in Munther(3)
RSA: 46' out Jackson (4), in Nyathi (3)
75' out Augustine (12), in Williams (14)
82' out Moeti (18), in Ndlanya (13)
Substitutions: CZE: 46' out Lasota (15), in Frydek (19)
60' out Kuka (9), in Siegl (10)
70' out Hornak (5), in Kozel (3)
URU: 65' out Olivera (10), in Recoba (20)
77' out Silva (11), in Callejas (14)
87' out Vespa (8), in Hemandez (13)
Cautions: UAE: 44' Obaid, 81' Muhsin Cautions : CZE: 19' Hornak, 43' Rada, 72' Svoboda, 88' Nedved
RSA: - URU: 22' Montero, 45' Mendez, 49' De Ios Santos, 54' Adinolfi,
69' Zalayeta, 69' Silva
Expulsions :
Expulsions: CZE: 40' Poborsky
3 13.12.9717:50 Riyadh 13,000
UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 13 Anbar Jumaa,16 H. Saeed,
19 Ali Hassan, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel; 11 Yaser, 15 Mohammed Ali.
URU: 12 Flores; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 5 De Ios Santos, 3 Montero; 8 Vespa,
7 Garcia, 6 Adinolfi; 10 Olivera, 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba .
4 13.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 7,500
RSA: 1 Arendse; 4 Jackson, 9 Tovey, 5 Fish; 2 Motaung, 15 Khumalo, 18 Moeti,
10 Moshoeu, 11 Mkhalele ; 6 Masinga, 12 Augustine.
CZE : 1 Srnicek; 5 Hornak, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada, 13 Vlcek; 11 Bejbl, 7 Nemec,
15 Lasota ; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 4 Nedved .
Scorers: 0-1 47' Olivera (10), 0-2 92' Pacheco (19) Scorers: 0-1 19' Smicer (17), 1-1 39' Augustine (12), 1-2 40' Smicer,
2-2 86' Mkhalele
Referee: Ramesh Ramdhan (TTO)
Referee : Javier CastriIIi (ARG)
Standings after Group Matches
Total goals scored after 12 matches: 42 (av. 3,5 goals)
Brazil vs Czech Republic 2-0(0-0)
13 19.12.97 15:15 Riyadh 28,000
BRA: 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos; 19 Juninho,
8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 5 Dunga, 10 Leonardo; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romano .
CZE: 1 Srnicek; 13 Vlcek, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada; 5 Hornak, 11 Bejbl, 7 Nemec,
15 Lasota; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 4 Nedved .
Scorers: 1-0 54' Romano (11), 2-0 83' Ronaldo (9)
Referee: Lucien Bouchardeau (NIG)
Assistant Refs : Paul Smith (NZL), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV)
Substitutions: BRA: 46' out Leonardo (10), in Denilson (18)
70' out Junior Baiano (4), in Gonçalves (14)
87' out Flavio Conceiçáo (8), in Cesar Sampaio (16)
Cautions :
Expulsions :
Uruguay vs Australia 0-1 a.e.t. (golden goal)
14 19.12.9719:00 Riyadh 22,000
URU: 12 Nicola; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 3 Montero, 6 Adinolvi ; 8 Vespa, 5 De Ios
Santos, 7 Garcia; 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba, 10 Olivera.
AUS: 1 Bosnich; 4 Ivanovic; 21 Muscat, 5 Tobin, 14 Vidmar T.; 8 Foster, 6 Zelic,
10 Vidmar A., 3 Lazaridis; 11 Kewell, 9 Viduka .
Assistant Refs:
0-1 (golden goal 92') Kewell (11)
Nikolai Levnikov (RUS)
Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Mohamed A. AI-Musawi (OMN)
URU: 81' out Recoba (20), in Silva (11)
AUS: 80' out Vidmar A. (10), in Skoko (15)
URU: 4' Zalayeta, 5' Mendez
AUS: 28' Muscat
Group A Group B
1 . Brazil 3 2 1 0 6:2 7 1 . Uruguay 3 3 0 0 8:4 9
2. Australia 3 1 1 1 3:2 4 2 . Czech Republic 3 1 1 1 9:5 4
3 . Mexico 3 1 0 2 8:6 3 3 . UAE 3 1 0 2 2:8 3
4. Saudi Arabia 3 1 0 2 1 :8 3 4 . South Africa 3 0 1 2 5:7 1
Goals scored: 18 Goals scored : 24
Yellow cards: 19 Yellow cards : 23
Yellow/red cards: 1 Yellow/red cards : 1
Red cards : 0 Red cards: 1
CZE: 73' out Nedved (4), in Ulich (2) Cautions:
82' out Homak (5), in Poborsky (8)
89' out Bejbl (11), in Kozel (3)
BRA: 20' Junior Baiano, 24' Cafu, 35' Aldair, 77' Dunga
CZE: 7' Nedved, 64' Vlcek, 68' Nemec
Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0)
15 21 .12.9717:50 Riyadh 27,000
CZE: 1 Srnicek; 18 Fukal, 6 Svoboda, 13 Vlcek, 12 Rada; 17 Smicer, 7 Nemec,
11 Bejbl, 4 Nedved; 16 Lokvenc, 9 Kuka .
URU: 12 Flores ; 6 Adinolfi, 3 Montero, 2 Lopez, 4 Mendez ; 8 Vespa, 5 De Ios
Santos, 7 Garcia, 10 Olivera ; 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba .
Scorers ; 1-0 63' Lasota (15)
Referee : Lucien Bouchardeau (NIG)
Assistant Refs: Fred Lencie (VAN), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV)
Substitutions: CZE: 58' out Bejbl (11), in Lasota (15)
78' out Smicer (17), in Poborsky (8)
88' out Lokvenc (16), in Homak (5)
URU : 46' out De los Santos (5), in Callejas (14)
67' out Lopez (2), in Hernandez (13)
79' out Vespa (8), in Silva (11)
Cautions: CZE: 29' Svoboda, 34' Nemec, 78' Fukal, 83' Poborsky, 90' Silva
URU: 30' De Ios Santos, 35' Olivera
Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0)
16 21.12.97 21 :00 Riyadh 65,000
BRA: 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos; 18 Denison,
5 Dunga, 10 Leonardo, 19 Juninho; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romano .
AUS: 1 Bosnich ; 4 Ivanovic; 14 Vidmar T ., 5 Tobin, 2 Horvat, 3 Lazarids;
10 Vidmar A ., 8 Foster, 6 Zelic ; 9 Viduka, 11 Kewell .
Scorers: 1-0 15' Ronaldo (9), 2-0 27' Ronaldo, 3-0 38' Romario (11),
4-0 53' Romano, 5-0 59' Ronaldo, 6-0 (Pen .) 75' Romario
Referee: Pirom Un Prasert (THA)
Assistant Refs : Mohamed A . AI Musawi (OMN), Jacques Poudevigne (FRA)
Substitutions: BRA: -
AUS : 31' out Vidmar T . (14), in Muscat (21)
31' out Vidmar A. (10), in Aloisi (18)
55' out Horvat (2), in Bingley (12)
Cautions : BRA: 72' Ronaldo
AUS: -
Expulsions: AUS: 24' Viduka
No. Match Min.
01 Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 64'12
02 Mexico vs Australia 68'10
03 UAE vs Uruguay 60'50
04 South Africa vs Czech Republic 64'20
05 Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 67'11
06 Australia vs Brazil 57'50
07 UAE vs South Africa 64'15
08 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 63'10
09 Saudi Arabia vs Australia 69'00
10 Brazil vs Mexico 63'18
11 UAE vs Czech Republic 62'20
12 Uruguay vs South Africa 63'10
13 Brazil vs Czech Republic 64'09
14 UruguayvsAustralia 63'+1'20
15 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 67'10
16 Brazil vs Australia 66'20
Average actual time: 64'20
Yellow cards:
- Group matches:
- Second stage:
All matches played at King Fahd Stadium, Riyadh
Group matches:
It- 1 match day (12.12.1997) 65,000
Red cards (second yellow): - 2nd match day (13.12.1997) 20,500
- Group matches: 12 - 3rd match day (14.12.1997) 15,000
- Second stage: 12 '- 411 match day (15.12.1997) 20,000
Red cards:
- 511 match day (16.12.1997) 30,000
- Group matches : 1
- 6th match day (17.12.1997) 15,000
- Second stage: 1
Total first stage (12 matches) 151,500
Recapitulation: Final Round:
- Yellow cards: 66 - 1ST Semifinal (19.12.1997) 28,000
- Red cards (second yellow): 2 - 2nd Semifinal (19.12.1997) 22,000
- Red cards: 2 - Match for third place (21 .12.1997) 27,000
- Final (19.12.1997) 65,000
Total second stage (4 matches) 142,000
Overall total: 293,500
Average per match 18,344
List of goalscorers 98
Who scored which goal 98
How the goals were scored 98
From whom the goals were scored 99
When the goals were scored 99
From what distance the goals were scored 99
Leading goalscorers and assists 99
Goals scored by players who came on as substitutes 100
List of penalties 100
Goalkeeper statistics 100
Number of goals scored:
Average per match
Number of wins:
Number of draws:
Number of wins
by golden goal:
Number of decisions
by penalty-kicks:
Number of penalties awarded:
Highest score:
Number of goals scored
by substitutes :
Number of wins after
conceding 1 STgoal
3 .25
(BRA vs AUS)
Player Goals Augustine (RSA, 12) 1 RSA-CZE 1-1
1 Romario (BRA, 11) 7 Callejas (URU, 14) 1 URU-RSA 4-3
2 Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16) 1 KSA-BRA 0-1
3 Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4
Denilson (BRA, 18) 1 BRA-MEX 2-1
4 Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 MEX-AUS 1-2 (Pen .)
5 Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 BRA-MEX 3-1
Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 KewelI (AUS, 11) 1 URU-AUS 0-1 (golden goal)
Olivera (URU, 10) 2 Lasota (CZE, 15) 1 CZE-URU (Final) 1-0
Palencia (MEX, 17) 2
Silva (URU, 11) 2 Luna (MEX, 8) 1 KSA-MEX 0-4
10 AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 Mori (AUS, 17) 1 MEX-AUS 1-3
Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1 URU-RSA 3-3
Altalyani (UAE, 10)
Augustine (RSA, 12)
1 Pacheco (URU, 19) 1 UAE-URU 0-2
Callejas (URU, 14) 1 Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 URU-RSA 0-1
Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16) 1 Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1 BRA-MEX 3-2
Denilson (BRA, 18) 1
Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 Recoba (URU, 20) 1 URU-RSA 2-1
Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 Siegl (CZE, 10) 1 CZE-URU 1-2
Kewel I (AUS, 11)
Lasota (CZE, 15)
Suhail (UAE, 5) 1 UAE-RSA 1-0
Luna (MEX, 8) 1 Zalayeta (URU, 9) 1 CZE-URU 0-2
Mori (AUS, 17) 1 Own goals 1
Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1
Pacheco (URU, 19) 1
Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 Number of goals scored : 52
Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1
Recoba (URU, 20) 1
Siegl (CZE, 10) 1
Suhail (UAE, 5) 1
Viduka (AUS, 9) 1
Own goals 1
Total 52
Total goals scored: 52 (3.25 per match)
average per match: 3.25 Comparison USA'94: (2.58 per match)
KSA '97 USA '94
52 100%
WHO SCORED WHICH GOAL From the run of play: 44 84.62% 67.40%
- Passing run through
Player No. the middle 20 45.45 % 40%
of goals Goals scored
Passing run or breakthrough
Romario (BRA, 11) 7 KSA-BRA 2-0,3-0; BRA-MEX 1-0 on the wings 18 40.91 % 44.20%
(Pen.), BRA-CZE 1-0; BRA-AUS - left side: 10 55.56
3-0, 4-0, 6-0 (Pen.) - right side: 8 44.44%
Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 RSA-CZE 0-1, 1-2; UAE-CZE Solo performance 4 9.09% 15.80%
0-3, 0-5, 0-6
From standard situations : 7 13.46% 32.60%
Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4 BRA-CZE 2-0; BRA-AUS 1-0, After a
2-0,5-0 - corner-kick: 1 14.29% 15.20%
Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 KSA-MEX 0-3, 0,5; BRA-MEX - free-kick: 2 28.57% 17.40%
1-1 - throw-in: 0 2.20%
Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 RSA-CZE 2-2; URU-RSA 3-2 From a
Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 UAE-CZE 0-2, 0-4 - penalty: 3 42.86% 32.60%
- free-kick: 1 14.29 %
Olivera (URU, 10) 2 UAE-URU 0-1, CZE-URU 0-1
Shots 43 82.69% 70.90%
Palencia (MEX, 17) 2 KSA-MEX 0-1, 0-2
Silva (URU, 11) 2 URU-RSA 1-1, 3-1
Headers 5 9.62% 17.70%
AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 KSA-AUS 1-0 Penalties 3 5.77% 10.60%
Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 MEX-AUS 0-2 Own goals 1 1 .92% 0.80%
KSA '97 USA '94
(Goal scored : 3 points, assist: 1 point)
Player Goals Assists Total
Goals scored 52 100 1 Romano (BRA, 11) 7 0 21
Strikers: 36 69.23% 65.60% 2 Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 0 15
Midfielders: 10 19.23% 25.80% 3 Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4 3 15
Defenders: 5 9.62% 7.50% 4 Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 0 9
Owngoals: 1 1 .92% 1 .10% 5 Silva (URU, 11) 2 2 8
6 Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 1 7
7 Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 0 6
Olivera (URU, 10) 2 0 6
Palencia (MEX, 17 2 0 6
10 Denilson (BRA, 18) 1 2 5
Lasota (CZE, 15) 1 2 5
Total goals scored: 52 (3.25 per match)
12 Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 1 4
Comparison USA'94: (2.58 per match) Pacheco (URU, 19) 1 1 4
Zalayeta (URU, 9) 1 1 4
15 AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 0 3
KSA '97 USA '94 Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 0 3
Altalyani (UAE, 10) 1 0 3
Group matches: 52 100% Augustine (RSA, 12) 1 0 3
Callejas (URU, 14) 1 0 3
Between Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16 1 0 3
1 51 and 1511 minute 6 11 .5% 14.0% Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 0 3
1611 and 3011 minute 5 9.6% 11 .9% Kewell (AUS, 11) 1 0 3
31ST and 45th minute 9 17.3% 21 .5% Luna (MEX, 8) 1 0 3
after 4511 minute Mori (AUS, 17) 1 0 3
(injury time) 1 1 .9% Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1 0 3
4611 and 6011 minute 6 11 .5% 20 .4% Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 0 3
61ST and 7511 minute 12 23.1 % 16.1 % Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1 0 3
76th and 9011 minute 12 23.1 % 16.1 % Recoba (URU, 20 1 0 3
after 9011 minute Siegl (CZE, 10) 1 0 3
(injury time) 1 1 .9% Suhail (UAE, 5) 1 0 3
First half-time 20 38.5% 47.4%
Viduka (AUS, 9) 1 0 3
32 Hernandez (MEX, 15 0 3 3
Second half-time 30 57.7% 52.6% Dunga (BRA, 5) 0 2 2
in injury time 1 1 .9% Foster (AUS, 8) 0 2 2
Juninho (BRA, 19 0 2 2
in extra-time (golden goal) 1 1 .9% Kuka (CZE, 9) 0 2 2
own goal (11 ') 37 AI-faber (KSA, 9) 0 1 1
Bebeto (BRA, 7) 0 1 1
Cafu (BRA, 2) 0 1 1
Chavez (MEX, 9) 0 1 1
Jackson (RSA, 4) 0 1 1
Lopez (MEX, 16 0 1 1
WERE SCORED Masinga (RSA, 6) 0 1 1
Mohammed Ali (UAE, 15) 0 1 1
KSA '97 USA '94 Montero (URU, 3) 0 1 1
Group matches: 47 Moshoeu (RSA, 10) 0 1 1
Inside goal area: 15 28.85% 14.3 0/. Owngoals 1
Between goal area
and penalty spot: 20 38 .46% 47.5% Total 52 35
Between penalty spot
and edge
of the penalty area: 6 12% 19.1 %
Outside penalty box: 8 15.38% 19.1%
Penalties 3 5.77%
Keepers who played one match or less:
No. Match Player came scored
2 MEX-AUS Hernandez (MEX, 15) 63' 75' (1-2)
Mori (AUS, 17) 73' 90' (1-3)
3 UAE-URU Pacheco (URU, 19) 75' 92' (0-2)
8 CZE-URU Siegl (CZE, 20) 60' 89' (1-2)
10 BRA-MEX Ramirez (MEX, 7) 46' 90' (3-2)
15 CZE-URU Lasota (CZE,15) 58' 63' (1-0)
Goalkeeper No. of min.
No. of goals
Av. no of goals
per match
Dida (BRA) 442' 1 0.20
Flores (URU) 362' 3 0.75
Smicek (CZE) 450' 7 1 .40
Bosnich (AUS) 362' 7 1 .75
Rogerio (BRA) 8' 1
Kalac (AUS) 90' 1
Pérez (MEX) 90' 3
Nicola (URU) 90' 3
Baloyi (RSA) 90' 4
Date Match
12.12. MEX vs AUS Hernandez (MEX,15) scored (1-2)
16.12. BRA vs MEX Romario (BRA,11) scored (1-0)
21 .12. BRA vs AUS Romario (BRA,11) scored (6-0)
Australia 102
Brazil 104
Czech Republic 106
Mexico 108
Saudi Arabia 110
South Africa 112
United Arab Emirates 114
Uruguay 116
Average age of the teams 118
Number of players fielded per team 118
Use of three substitutes 118
Team Coach: Tent' Venables
12.12.97 Australia vs Mexico 3-1(1-0) .~..
14.12.97 Australia vs Brazil 0-0
16.12.97 Australia vs Saudi Arabia 0-1 (0-1)
19.12.97 Australia vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0) 4 fVANOVK
(golden goal 92
21 .12.97 Australia vs Brazil 0-6(0-3) 14Y T .
V 1 W
(1 RI) (1 Aí.01:11
Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal Final Total
No. Name Pos. Date Club MEX BRA KSA URU BRA
of Birth 3-1 0-0 0-1 1-0 0-6_
1 BOSNICH Mark GK 13.01 .72 Aston Villa (ENG) __ R__ 90 90 92 90 362
2 HORVAT Steven DF 14.03.71 Hajduk Split (HRV) 90 90 __ 90 susp_ 55 325
3 LAZARIDIS Stan MF 16.08.72 West Ham United (ENG) 90 90 90 92 90-_-i 452
4 IVANOVIC Milan DF 21 .12.60 Adelaide City R 90 90_____92_ 90 362
5 TOBIN Alexander (C) DF 03.11 .65 Adelaide City 90 90 90 92 90 ^ 452
6 ZELIC Ned MF 04.07.71 Auxerre (FRA) 90 _90 90 92 90 452
7 SLATER Robbie MF 22.11 .64 Southampton (ENG) 78 R 90 R R 168
8 FOSTER Craig MF 15.04.69 Portsmouth (ENG) 90 90 90 92 90 452
9 VIDUKA Mark FW 09.10.75 Croatia Zagreb (HRV) 73 89 24 92 exp. 24 302
10 VIDMAR Aurelio FW 03.02.67 Tenerife (ESP) 45 60 16 80 31 232
11 KEWELL Harry FW 22.09.78 Leeds United (ENG) - - 24 92 90 206
12 BINGLEY Matthew FW 16.08.71 Vissel Kobe (JPN) R 1 R R 35 _' 36
13 HOOKER Robert DF 06.03.67 Sydney United 45 90 R R R 135
14 VIDMAR Tony DF 04.07.70 Glasgow Rangers (SCO) 90 R R 31 211
15 SKOKO Josip MF 10.12.75 Hajduk Split (HRV) R R 74
12 R 86
16 TRIMBOLI Paolo FW 25.02.69 South Melbourne R R _ R R R 0
17 MORI Damien FW 30.09.70 Adelaide City 17 _2_0 _ 66 R R 103
18 ALOISI John FW 05.02.76 Portsmouth (ENG) 90__ _ 70 66 R 59 285
19 TAPAI Ernest MF 14.02.67 Perth Glory 12 30 _ - - - 42
20 KALAC Zeljko GK 16.12.72 Sydney United 90 R R R R 90
21 MUSCAT Kevin MF 07.08.73 Crystal Palace R R R 92 59 151
From left to right, back row:
Viduka, Tobin, ivanovic,
Horvat, Zelic, Bosnich;
front row: Vidmar T.,
Lazaridis, Foster, Aloisi,
Vidmar A.
Playing system : 5-3-2 very defensive, sometimes even 4-4-2, based on counter-attacks.
Strengths: Very good goalkeeper as an organiser and in positional play;
Physically strong, tackling, good organization in the defence
Weaknesses : Lack of movement in attack, insufficient release of forwards, no playoff the ball .
Prominent players: Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (goalkeeper)
Système de jeu: 5-3-2 très défensif, parfois même 4-4-2, axé sur la contre-attaque.
Points forts : Très bon gardien de but, comme organisateur de la défense et dans son
positionnement ;
Equipe athlétique, forte dans les duels, bonne organisation de la défense
Points faibles : Manque de mobilité dans les offensives, démarquage insuffisant des
attaquants, jeu sans ballon inexistant.
Joueurs remarqués : Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (gardien de but)
Sistema dejuego: 5-3-2 muy ofensivo, a veces incluso 4-4-2, basado en contraataques;
Puntos positivos: muy buen guardameta, como organizador y en el juego de colocación;
jugadores robustos, firmes en el mano a mano, buena organización de la
Puntos negativos: ofensiva lenta, delanteros incapaces de desmarcarse, no hubo juego sin balón.
Jugadores destacados : Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (portero)
Spielsystem : 5-3-2 sehr defensiv, manchmal sogar 4-4-2, auf Konterattacken aufgebaut.
Stärken: Sehr guter Torhüter, als Organisator und im Stellungsspiel;
Physisch stark, Zweikampf, gute Organisation in der Verteidigung
Schwächen: Offensiv bewegungsarm, ungenügendes Freistellen der Stürmer, kein Spiel
ohne Ball .
Herausragende Spieler: Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (Torhüter)
Average age of the team
26 years 10 months
Number of players who play
abroad 14
Aloisi 1
Kewell 1
Mori 1
Viduka 1
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 9
Yellow/red cards: 1
Red cards: 1
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking (November 1997) 32°d
Charlie CARUSO, Head of Delegation
Joe PAWLIKOWSKI, Head of Administration
David HILL, Chairman Soccer Australia
Terry VENABLES, Coach
Raul BLANCO, Assistant Coach
Leslie Paul SCHEINFLUG, Assistant Coach
Ron CORRY, Goalkeeper Coach
Peter GEORGILOPOULOS, Physiotherapist
Andrew JOWETT, Doctor
Nelson Alberto DELASIO Gear Steward
Team Coach: Mario Jorge Lobo Zagallo
RUSSO Ricardo Soares Florencio DF 18.06.76
A. Portuguesa
No. Name Pos. Date
of Birth
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
1 DIDA Nelson de Jesus Silva GK 07.10.73 Cruzeiro 90 90 82 90 90 442
2 CAFU Marcos Evangelista de Morais DF 07.06.70 A.S. Roma (ITA) 75 R_ R 90 90 255
3 ALDAIR Nacimento Santos DF 30.11 .65 A.S. Roma (ITA) 90 90 90 90 90 i 450
4 JUNIOR BAIANO Raimundo Ferreira Ramos DF 14.03.70 Flamengo 90 90 90 70 90 430
5 DUNGA Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri MF 31 .10.63 Jubilo Iwata (JPN) 90 90 90 1 270
6 ROBERTO CARLOS da Silva DF 10.04.73 Real Madrid (ESP) R 90 90_ __90_ __9 360
7 BEBETO José Roberto Gama de Oliveira FW 16.02.64 Cruzeiro R 90 45 R R 135
8 FLAVIO CONCEIÇAO MF 12.06.74 Dep. La Coruña (ESP) 90 90 90 _ 87 -- 357
9 RONALDO luiz Naz6rio de Lima FW 22.09.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 90 90 45 90 90 ~ 405
10 LEONARDO Nascimento deAraújo (C) MF 05.09.69 A.C. Milan (ITA) 72 90 R 45 R 207
11 ROMARIO de Souza Faria FW 29.01 .66 Valencia (ESP) 90 R 90 90 90 360
12 ROGÉRIOCeni GK 22.01 .73 Sáo Paulo F.C. R 8 1 R R 8
13 ZÉ MARIA José Marcelo Ferreira DF 25.07.73 A.C. Parma (ITA) 15 90 90 R R 195
14 GONgALVES Marcelo Costa L6pes DF 22.02.66 Cruzeiro R R R 20 R 20
15 ZÉ ROBERTO José Roberto da Silva Junior D/M 06.07.74 Real Madrid (ESP) 90 R R R R 90
16 CÉSAR SAMPAIO Carlos Sampaio Campos MF 31 .03.68 Ana Sato Kogyo FC (JPN) 90 88 - 3 90 181
17 DORIVA Dorival Guidoni Junior MF 28.05.72 Atlético Mineiro R 2 __' R - - 2
18 DENILSON de Oliveira MF 24.08.77 Sáo Paulo 73 26 ,
90 1 45 90 324
19 JUNINHO Oswaldo Giroldo Junior MF 22.02.73 Atlético Madrid (ESP) 18 R ]_-90 90 90 288
20 RIVALDO Victor Borba Ferreira M/F 19.04.72 F.C. Barcelona (ESP) 17 64 R R R 81
12.12.97 Brazil vs Saudi Arabia 3-0(0-0)
14.12.97 Brazil vs Australia 0-0
16.12.97 Brazil vs Mexico 3-2(1-0)
19.12.97 Brazil vs Czech Republic 2-0(0-0)
21 .12.97 Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0)
From left to right, back row:
Junior ßaiano, César
Sampaio, Dida, Aldair,
Roberto Carlos, Cafu;
front row: Ronaldo,
Denilson, Juninho,
Romario, Dunga
Playing system: 4-4-2 throughout with two central defenders alternating at the back, attacking
central defenders on both sides, moving down the wings;
Strengths: Technically and tactically superior change of rhythm in every zone;
Defence particularly strong in the tackle and in the air. Good coverage of
space, dangerous crosses, flat and powerful, mostly from the left flank;
Weaknesses : Too little movement in play off the ball, initial acclimatisation problems
(tiredness); wayward, hasty long-range shots.
Prominent players: Dunga, Denilson, Junior Baiano, in the final matches Romario and Ronaldo were
outstanding .
Système dejeu : 4-4-2 en permanence, avec deux défenseurs centraux alternant en retrait, deux
défenseurs latéraux offensifs débordant sur les ailes ;
Points forts : Supériorité technique et tactique, changement de rythme dans chaque
compartiment ;
Equipe particulièrement solide en défense, dans les duels et dans lejeu aérien ;
Bonne répartition sur le terrain, centres dangereux, à ras de terre et puissants, la
plupart du temps du côté gauche ;
Points faibles : Mobilité insuffisante dans lejeu sans ballon, problème d'adaptation au climat
(fatigue initiale) ; Tirs à distance imprécis et précipités .
Joueurs remarqués : Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano, Romario und Ronaldo exceptionnels dans le
deuxième tour.
Sistema dejuego: Siempre 4-4-2 con dos marcadores centrales atrasados que se alternaban en
sus funciones .
Centrocampistas medios ofensivos, veloces desbordamientos por los flancos;
Puntos positivos: buena técnica, hábiles cambios de ritmo en todas las zonas; defensores
robustos en el mano a mano, dominio del juego aéreo;
Puntos negativos: poco juego sin balón; problemas de aclimatación iniciales (fatiga); remates de
distancia imprecisos y precipitados.
Jugadores destacados: Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano; en los partidos finales, destacaron igualmente
Romario y Ronaldo.
Spielsystem : 4-4-2 durchgehend mit zwei nach hinten alternierenden Mittelverteidigern,
beidseits offensive Mittelverteidiger, über die Flanken vorstossend ;
Stärken: Technisch und spielerisch überlegen Rythmuswechsel injeder Zone;
In der Verteidigung insbesondere Kopfball- und Zweikampfstark
Gute Spielraum-Aufteilung, Gefährliche Flanken, flach und scharf, meist von der
linken Seite her;
Schwächen: Zu wenig Bewegung im Spiel ohne Ball, vorerst Akklimatisierungs-Probleme
(Müdigkeit); Unpräzise, überhastete Distanzschüsse .
Herausragende Spieler: Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano, in den Finalspielen Romario und Ronaldo
hervorragend .
Average age of the team
25 years 11 months
Number of players who play
abroad 13
Romano 7
Ronaldo 4
Cesar Sampaio 1
Denilson 1
Junior Baiao 1
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 9
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: -
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking (November 1997)
José Luiz ROLIM, Head of Delegation
FARIA Junior AMERICO da Costa,
Head of Administration
Mario Jorge Lobo ZAGALLO, Coach
Carlos Alberto DA LUZ, Administrator
Carlos PRIMA LUIZ Pereira, Physical Trainer
Teixeira MARCOS MOURA, Physical Trainer
LIDIO TOLEDO De Araújo, Doctor
Joaquim Maximiano DA MATA, Doctor
Goalkeeper Trainer
Media Officer
Luiz Carlos DA SILVA Luizäo, Masseur
Antonio DE ASSIS SILVA, Clothes Keeper
Paulo Cezar DA COSTA Paulinho, Masseur
Clothes Keeper
Team Coach: Dusan Min
13 .12.97 Czech Republic vs South Africa 2-2(2-1)
15 .12.97 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-2(0-1)
17.12.97 Czech Republic vs UAE 6-1(4-0)
19.12.97 Czech Republic vs Brazil 0-2(0-0) 45ü DA
21 .12.97 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0)
i :YtCfá , iQRADA
4 HEO'41)
5+t tNt 7t MPC
w($ ~ 116 1 .
(i5lA5 TA!
! ,i75M 1 9fl' lEGt
Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal 3rd pI. Total
No. Name Pos. Date Club RSA URU UAE BRA URU
of Birth 2-2 1-2 6-1 0-2 1-0
1 SRNICEK Pavel GK 10.03.68 Newcastle United (ENG) 90 90 90 90 90 450
2 ULICH No MF 05.09.74 Slavia Praha R R 15 ll 17 - R 32
3 KOZEL Lubos DF 16.03.71 Slavia Praha R 20 R 1 R 21
4 NEDVED Pavel MF 30.08.72 Lazio Roma (ITA) 90 90 90 73 90 433
5 HORNAK Michal DF 28.04.70 Sparta Praha 90 70 65 82 I 2 ! 309
6 SVOBODA Zdenek DF 20.05.72 Sparta Praha 90 90 90 90 90 450
7 NEMEC Jiri (C) MF 15.05.66 Schalke 04 (GER) exp. 82' susp. 90 90 90 352
8 POBORSKY Karel MF 30.03.72 Manchester United (ENG) 7 exp. 40 susp. 8 12 67
9 KUKA Pavel FW 19.07.68 Kaiserslautern (GER) 88 60 90 90 90 418
10 SIEGL Horst FW 15.02.69 Sparta Praha R 30 82 R R 112
11 BEJBL Radek MF 29.08.72 Atletico Madrid (ESP) 90 90 90 89 Í 58 417
12 RADA Karel DF 02.03.71 Trabzonspor (TUR) 90 90 90 90 90 450
13 VLCEK Petr DF 18.10.73 Slavia Praha 90 90 90 90 90 450
14 SLONCIK Radek MF 29.05.73 Banik Ostrava 2 R R _' R R 2
15 LASOTA Edvard MF 07.03.71 Slavia Praha 90 45 '25 9 32 282
16 LOKVENC Vratislav FW 27.09.73 Sparta Praha R R 8 R 88 96
17 SMICER Vladimir FW 24.05.73 Racing Lens (FRA) 83 90 75 -_ X90._ 78 416
18 FUKAL Milan DF 16.05.75 Jablonec R R R R 90 90
19 FRYDEK Martin MF 09.03.69 Bayer Leverkusen (GER) R 45 R R R 45
20 MAIER Ladislav GK 04.01 .66 WSK Liberec R R R R R 0
From left to right, back row:
Poborsky, Lasota, Ylcek,
Rada, Homak, Srnicek;
front row: Svoboda, Smicer,
Bejbl, Nedved, Kuka
Playing system: 4-3-3 as a basic system, evolving towards a 3-4-3 system when the opposing
team lined up with only two forwards, then in the semi-final (2nd half) against
Brazil a change to the 4-4-2 system in which zonal marking replaced manmarking.
Strengths: In 4-4-3 and 3-4-3 good player integration (each player in position with a
clearly defined task); quick passes, good movement of the whole team,
dangerous forwards with considerable penetration.
Weaknesses : Change of system in order to adapt to opposition; exhausted players in the
group matches. Too defensive in attitude when leading; stifled by pressure,
thus losing clear concept
Prominent players: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17)
Système de jeu : 4-3-3 comme système de base, évoluant vers un système 3-4-3 quand l'équipe
adverse n'alignait que deuxattaquants, puis en demi-finale (2e période) contre le
Brésil adoptant un système 4-4-2, passant du marquage individuel à la zone.
Points forts : En 4-3-3 et 3-4-3 bonne répartition du jeu (chacun à sa place avec une mission
précise) ; passes rapides, bonne mobilité de toute l'équipe, attaquants
dangereux avec une grande force de pénétration.
Points faibles : Changement de système pour s'adapter à l'adversaire ; joueurs épuisés au
terme des matchs de groupe. Comportement trop défensif de l'équipe quand
elle mène à la marque ; elle se laissa étoufferet perdit sa ligne de conduite.
Joueurs remarqués : Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17)
Sistema de juego: Sistema básico: 4-3-3; cuando el adversario atacaba con dos puntas, cambio a
un 3-4-3 flexible y, en la semifinal contra Brasil (2° tiempo) un 4-4-2, como el
rival. Cambio de marcación directa del hombre a marcación por zona;
Puntos positivos: con los sistemas 4-3-3 y 3-4-3 clara repartición de funciones (cada jugador en
su respectiva posición, cumpliendo exactamente las instrucciones); rápidos
pases y maniobras, mucho movimiento en todo el equipo; delanteros muy
peligrosos con infiltraciones desequilibrantes .
Puntos negativos: cambio de sistema para adaptarse al rival. Agotados en los partidos de grupo.
Muy defensivos cuando iban ganando; fueron arrollados por los rivales y
perdieron completamente la visión dejuego.
Jugadores destacados: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17).
Spielsystem: 4-3-3 als Grundsystem, bei nur zwei gegnerischen Sturmspitzen übergehend
zu einem flexiblen 3-4-3, dann im Halbfinal (zweite Halbzeit) gegen Brasilien
wie der Gegner in einem 4-4-2, von Manndeckung wechselnd auf
Stärken: Im 4-3-3 + 3-4-3 klare Spielaufteilung (jeder an seinem Platz mit klaren
Anweisungen); schnelle Zuspiele, viel Bewegung im ganzen Team, gefährliche
Sturmspitzen mit gefährlichen Infiltrationen
Schwächen : System-Wechsel, um sich seinem Gegner anzupassen; in den Gruppenspielen
ausgelaugt . Im Vorsprung zu defensives Verhalten; liess sich erdrücken und
verlor klare Linie
Herausragende Spieler: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17)
Average age of the team
26 years 3 months
Number of players who play
abroad 9
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards:
Yellow/red cards:
Red cards:
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking November 1997) 4m
Frantisek CHVAL
Jaroslav DUDL, H
Dusan UHRIN, Coach
Miroslav PELTA, T
No VIKTOR, Assis
Werner LICKA, As
Petr KREJCI, Doct
Ladislav KRABEC, Masseur
Karel MALIS, Mas
Jaroslav KOLAR, P
Jiri SIMA, Kitman
Jaroslav JOHN, Kitman
Joseph GOLIS, C
VSKY, Head of Delegation
ad ofAdministration
eam Director
tant Coach
sistant Coach
ress Officer
Smicer 5
Nedved 2
Lasota 1
Siegl 1
Team Coach: Manuel Lapuente
12.12.97 Mexico vs Australia 1-3(0-1) I
14.12.97 Mexico vs Saudi Arabia 5-00-0)
F116.12.97 Mexico vs Brazil 2-3(0-1)
11 BLAIC0 (7
(13 PAWO)
- Y~ 1 ALENC~A
Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal Final Total
No. Name Pos. Date Club AUS KSA BRA
of Birth 1-3 5-0 2-3 - -
1 SANCHEZOswaldo GK 21 .09.73 America 90 90 R 180
2 SUAREZClaudio (C) DF 17.12.68 Guadalajara 90 90 90 _ 270
3 GABRIEL José DF 05 .06.71 Santos Laguna 63 R 61_ 124
4 VILLA Germán MF 02.04.73 America R 90 R _ 90
5 DAVINO Duilio DF 21 .03.76 America R 90 _90__ 180
6 LARA Raúl MF 28.02.73 America 90 56 90 236
7 RAMIREZ Jesus MF 05 .12.69 Guadalajara 90 R 45 135
8 LUNA Braulio MF 08.09.74 U.N.A.M. 90 45 45 180
9 CHAVEZ Paulo FW 07.01 .76 Guadalajara 45 90 R 135
10 GARCIA Luis FW 01 .06.69 Atlante 45 R 29_ 74
11 BLANCO Cuauhtemoc FW 17.01 .73 Necaxa 90 90 90 270
12 PÉREZ Oscar GK 01 .02.73 Cruz Azul R R 90_ 90
13 PARDO Pavel DF 26.07.76 Atlas 90 90 90- 1 270
14 TERRAZAS Isaac . DF 23.01 .73 America R R 14
15 HERNANDEZ Luis FW 22.12.68 Boca Juniors (ARG) 27 45 90 162
16 LOPEZ Markus MF 17.06.72 Guadalajara R _3_4 R 34
17 PALENCIA Francisco FW 28.04.73 Cruz Azul R 90 90 180
18 CARMONA Salvador DF 22.08.75 Toluca 66 90 90 246
19 ZARATE Noe DF 11 .05.73 Guadalajara R R R 0
20 ABUNDIS José Manuel FW 11 .06.73 Toluca 90 R R 90
From left to right, back row:
Luna, Gabriel, Sanchez,
Chavez, Abundis, Suarez;
front row: Blanco, Ramirez,
Pardo, Terrazas, Lara
Playing system: Rigorously-applied 4-3-3 according to opposition; but also 4-4-2 when
Strengths: Organisation, teamwork, effort
The midfield was in full support both in attack and defence; lost possession
often quickly regained.
Weaknesses : Somewhat naive, certain players had too little experience in playing against
stronger opposition. Physically inferior .
Prominent players: Suarez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17)
Système de jeu : Selon l'adversaire un système 4-3-3 appliqué avec rigueur, mais aussi un 4-4-2.
Points forts : Organisation, esprit d équipe, engagement.
Le milieu de terrain apporte inlassablement son soutien en défense comme en
attaque ; récupération régulière des ballons perdus.
Points faibles : Equipe un peu naïve ; certains joueurs n'ont pas assez d expérience pour
affrontrer de grands adversaires. Infériorité athlétique.
Joueurs remarqués : Suarez (2), luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17)
Sistema de juego: Según el rival, un 4-3-3- muy consecuente o un 4-4-2;
Puntos positivos: organización, juego colectivo, garra;
la línea media ayudó constantemente a la defensa y al ataque; tesón en la
lucha por la recuperación del balón;
Puntos negativos: ingenuidad y falta de experiencia internacional de algunos jugadores;
inferioridad física.
Jugadores destacados: Suárez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernández (15), Palencia (17).
Spielsystem : Je nach Gegner 4-3-3 sehr konsequent angewandt, aber ebenfalls 4-4-2.
Stärken: Organisation, Teamwork, Einsatzwillen
Das Mittelfeld unterstützt hinten und vorne unermüdlich; verlorene Bälle
werden wieder erkämpft.
Schwächen: Etwas naiv, einige Spieler verfügten über zu wenig Erfahrung gegen grosse
Gegner zu spielen. Körperliche Unterlegenheit .
Herausragende Spieler: Suarez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17)
Average age of the team
24 years 5 months
Number of players who play
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 3
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: -
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking (November 1997)
Alejandro ORVAÑANOS, Head of Delegation
Ricardo MENDEZ, Head of Administration
Manuel LAPUENTE,Coach
Mario CARRILLO, Assistant Coach
Carlos DE LOS COBOS, Assistant Coach
Hector GONZALEZ, Physical Preparator
José Luis GARCIA, Doctor
Juan MARQUEZ, Masseur
Humberto MACIAS, Masseur
Gonzalo SALDAÑA, Equipment Officer
Isaac ESTRADA, Equipment Officer
Ricardo MARTINEZ, Head of Press
Luis GONZALEZ, Photographer
abroad 1
Blanco 3
Palencia 2
Hernandez 1
Luna 1
Ramirez 1
Team Coach: Otto tester
T~~'~ OiIp,~ °`~g~ ,,~tIMANI
No. Name Pos. Date
of Birth
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
1 AL-DEAYEAMohammed GK 02.08.72 AI-Tae 90 90 90 270
2 AL-JAHANI Mohammed DF 28.09.75 AI-Ahli ~ 90 90 R - -~ 180
3 AL-KHILAIWI Mohammed DF 1971 AI-Ittihad i 90 90 90 270
4 ZUBROMAWI Abdullah DF 15 .11 .73 AI-Ahli 64' exp. susp. 90 154
5 MADANI Ahmed DF 0601 .70 AI-Ittihad R R R
6 AL-HARBIIbrahim MF 10.07.75 AI-Nassr _90 90 90 270
7 AL-SHAHRANIIbrahim MF 21 .07.74 AI-Ahli 27_1T -
8 AL-TEMAWI Khalid FW 19.04.69 AI-Hilal
_25 13
9 AL-JABER Sami FW 11 .12.72 AI-Halal 90 90 90 270
10 OWAIRAN Saeed MF 19.08.67 AI-Shabab ~44 65 _90__ 199
11 MEHALEL Fahad FW 11 .11 .70 AI-Shabab 63 90 1 67 218
12 AL-DOSARI Ahmed DF 25.10.76 AI-Halal R R 90
13 SULIMANI Hussain DF 23.01 .77 AI-Ahli 90 90 90 270
14 AL-MUWALLID Khalid (C) MF 23.11 .71 AI-Ahli 90 90 77 257
15 AL-SADIG Hussain GK 15.10.73 AI-Qadissiyah R R R
16 AL-DOSSARY Khamis MF 08.09.73 AI-Halal 90 90 90 270
17 AL-SAHAFI Mohammed DF 02.10.75 AI-Ittihad R 90 R
18 AL-ZAHRANI Khamees MF 03.08.76 AI-Ittihad R R R
19 AL-DOSSARY Obeid FW 02.10.75 AI-Wehda R - 23
20 SALEH Hamzah MF 19.04.67 AI-Ahli R R R
21 AL-DOSSARI Mhaisen FW - R R
22 AL-AWAD Turki Saleh GK - R -
23 AL-SHUWAYE Ibrahim DF - -
(tßAl-t)OSARI) (11AL-SAHAfI) (15 AL-SADIG)
1ó A1-D055ARY K. ó AL-HARBI
(15 AL , ADIG)
Appearances ~
12.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 0-3 (0-0)
14.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 0-5 (0-1)
16.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Australia 1-0 (1-0)
From left to right, back row:
AI-Muwallid, AI-Sahafi,
AI-Deayea, AI-Khilaiwi,
Owairan, AI-Dossary;
front row: AI-Jahani,
AI-Jaber, Mehalel, AI-Harbi,
Playing system: 4-4-2 with an alternating libero Average age of the team
Strengths: Goalkeeper with quick reflexes, relatively good cooperation between the 24 years 5 months
micifiled and defence.
Weaknesses : Too much individual play, no clear system, too many technical mistakes,
Number of players who play
non-existent involvement abroad 0
Prominent players: M. Aldeayea (Goalkeeper), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3) Goalscorers
AI-Khilaiwi 1
Disciplinary measures
Système de jeu : 4-4-2 avec un libero alternant . Yellow cards: 4
Points forts : Gardien de but aux excellents réflexes, relativement bonne coopération Yellow/red cards: 1
entre le milieu de terrain et la défense . Red cards: -
Points faibles : Jeu trop personnel, sans système clair, nombreuses fautes techniques,
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
engagement inexistant
World Ranking (November 1997) 34th
Joueurs remarqués : M. Aldeayea (1er gardien de but), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3)
His Royal Highness
Sistema dejuego: 4-4-2 con un líbero alternando; Vice President of Youth Welfare
Puntos positivos: portero muy hábil; colaboración relativamente buena entre la defensa y la Fahad Nasser AL-DÁMESH,
línea media; Head of Administration
Puntos negativos: demasiadas acciones individuales, sin un sistema claro; muchas faltas
Otto PFISTER, Coach
Ahmed Eid AL-HARBI, Official
técnicas; falta de garra.
Radwan A.MANDILI, Official
Jugadores destacados: M. Aldeayea (portero), M. Al-Khilaiwi (3). Ibrahim N.AL-DAHMASH, Official
Abdullah AAL-SHAYE, Official
Mohammed A. AI-KHARASHI, Official
Ahmed SHAKER, Official
Spielsystem : 4-4-2 mit Libero alternierend. Luis C.DE SILVA, Official
Stärken: Reflexschneller Torhüter, relativ gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wilson QUIQUETO, Official
Verteidigung und Mittelfeld Ismael RAGHEB, Official
Schwächen wird zu individuell gespielt, ohne klares System, viele technische Fehler, Mustafa ZAIN, Official
fehlender Einsatz
Mohammed SADEG, Official
Jan SENZAK Abdullah M, Official
Herausragende Spieler M. Aldeayea (Torhüter), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3) AL-GHLAIMISH., Official
Abdul-Fatah AABDULLAH, Official
13.12.97 South Africa vs Czech Republic
15.12.97 South Africa vs UAE
17.12.97 South Africa vs Uruguay
Team Coach : Clive Barker
No. Name Pos. Date
of Birth
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
1 ARENDSE Andre GK 27.06.67 Fulham (ENG) 90 90 R 180
2 MOTAUNG Sizwe (C DF 07.01 .70 Kaizer Chiefs 90 90 45 225
3 NYATHI David DF 02.03.69 St. Gallen (SUI) R 45 90 135
4 JACKSON Willem DF 26.03.72 Orlando Pirates 90 45 45 180
5 FISH Mark . DF 14.03.74 Bolton Wanderers (ENG) 90 90 90 270
6 MASINGA Philemon FW 28.06.69 Bari (ITA) 90 90 90 270
7 LARSEN Clinton MF 17.02.71 Manning Rangers R R _R 0
8 NGOBE Dumisa MF 05.03.73 Orlando Pirates 53 90 R 143
9 TOVEY Neil DF 02.07.62 Kaizer Chiefs
90 90 R 180
10 MOSHOEUJohn MF 18.12.65 Kocaelispor(TUR) 90 90 77 257
11 MKHALELE Helman MF 20.10.69 Kayserispor (TUR) 90 90 90 270
12 AUGUSTINE Brendan FW 26.10.71 Lask Linz (AUT) 74 59 R 133
13 NDLANYA Pollen FW 22.05.70 Bursaspor (TUR) R 8 20 28
14 WILLIAMS Mark FW 11 .08.66 Kaizer Chiefs 16 31 70 117
15 KHUMALO Doctor MF 26.06.67 Kaizer Chiefs 37 R R 37
16 BALOYI Brian GK 16.03.74 Kaizer Chiefs R R 90 90
17 MNGUNI Jabulani MF 09.12.72 Vaal Professional R R 13 13
18 MOETI John MF 30.08.66 Orlando Pirates 90 82 _ 90 262
19 RADEBE Lucas (C) DF 12.04.69 Leeds United (ENG) R R 90 90
20 I TINKLER Eric i MFT30.07.70 Barnsley (ENG) R R 90 90
From left to right, back row:
Motaung, Masinga, Fish,
Baloyi, Williams, Moshoeu;
front row: Radebe, Nyathi,
Tinkler, Mkhalele, Moeti.
Playing system: 4-4-2 with an alternating libero Average age of the team
Strengths: Team spirit, physical presence 27 years 5 months
Weaknesses : Players too long in possession of ball, insufficient understanding between
the blocks.
Number of players who play
abroad 10
Système dejeu : 4-4-2 avec un libero alternant . Mkhalele 2
Points forts : Esprit d'équipe, présence athlétique.
Augustine 1
Nadlanya 1
Points faibles : Joueurs trop longtemps en possession du ballon, compréhension Radebe 1
insuffisante entre les blocs.
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 3
Yellow/red cards: -
Sistema de juego: 4-4-2 con un líbero alternando; Red cards: -
Puntos positivos: espíritu de equipo, potencia física;
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
Puntos negativos: demasiadas acciones individuales; falta de engranaje entre las diferentes World Ranking (November 1997) 35th
líneas de formación .
Molefi OLIPHANT, Head of Delegation
Danny JORDAAN, Head of Administration
Spielsystem : 4-4-2 mit Libero alternierend Clive BARKER, Coach
Stärken: Teamgeist, physische Stärke Irvin KHOZA, Head of Protocol,
Schwächen: Individuell zu lang im Ballbesitz, mangelhafte Interpretation zwischen Dick NKUNA, Team Manager
den Linien. Dave BECKER, Physiotherapist
Victor RAMATHESELE, Medical Doctor
Phil SETSHEDI, Assistant Coach
Augusto PALACIOS, Assistant Coach
Yusef MODISANE, Kit Manager
Mandla NDLOVU, Assistant Kit Manager
No. Name Pos. Date
of Birth
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
1 YOUSIFJUMA GK 02.09.74 AI-Shabab R R R 0
2 ESSA ABDULLA DF 06.05.77 AI-Wasel R R R 0
3 ABDULLAMUNTHER DF 12.01 .75 AI-Wasel 6 9 ~ 32 I 47
4 AL HADAD Abdel Rahman DF 10.11 .66 AI-Sharjah R_ R R 0
5 MUBARAK Hassan SUHAII DF 13.04.68 AI-Naser 73 40 _~ 90 253
6 RASHED ISMAIl DF 27.10.72 AI-Wasel 90 90 ~ 90 270
7 SAAD BAKHIT MF 15.10.70 AI-Shabab ' 90 90 90 270
8 AHMED ADEL MF 05.11 .74 Kalba 90 90 58 238
9 KHAMIS NASSER MF 04.04.65 AI-Wasel R R ~ R 0
10 ALTALYANI Adnan (C) FW 01 .03.64 AI-Shaab 17 70 90 177
11 SALEM YASER FW 1977 AI-Wahda ~ 73 90 45 208
12 YAQOUT MUBARAK GK 16.07.74 AI-Naser R R R 0
13 ALJUNAIBI A. ANEAR JUMAA MF 23.05.77 AI-Wahda 84 I 20 45 149
14 SAAD KHAMIS FW 04.10.70 AI-Shabab 17_ 20 45 82
15 Mohammed ALI MF 20.10.72 AI-Naser 73 70 90_ 233
16 AHMED Hassan H. SAEED MF 15.11 .73 Kalba 90 i 90 90 270
17 FARAJ MUHSIN (C) GK 1964 AI-Sharjah 90 90 90 I 270
18 ALI AHMED MF 15.11 .70 AI-Sharjah R R R ~ 0
19 GHOLAM ALI HASSAN MF 03.09.74 AI-Wasel 90 ~ _8_ 0 261
20 OBAID Mohamed DF 01 .08.67 AI-Ain 90 45 225
13.12.97 UAE vs Uruguay 0-2 (0-1)
15.12.97 UAE vs South Africa 1-0 (1-0)
17.12.97 UAE vs Czech Republic 1-6 (0-4)
£~ LI
0 J.
From left to right, back row:
Adel, Bakhit, Yaser,
Ismail, Muhsin, Altalyani
front row: Obaid, Ali Hassan,
H. Saeed, Suhail,
Playing system: 3-5-2
Strengths: Always on the attack at beginning of matches, good technical level on the ball.
Weaknesses: Too lengthy possession of ball, insufficient play off the ball, unbalanced team
in terms of fighting spirit and physical presence
Prominent players: Bakhit Saad (7)
Système de jeu : 3-5-2
Points forts : Débuts des matchs toujours offensifs, bonne technicité des joueurs.
Points faibles
Joueurs remarqués : Bakhit Saad (7)
Sistema de juego: 3-5-2
Joueurs trop longtemps en possession du ballon, jeu sans ballon insuffisant,
équipe inégale au plan de la combativité et de la présence athlétique.
Puntos positivos: buen inicio ofensivo; gran dominio del balón;
Puntos negativos: conservaron demasiado el balón; juego sin balón insuficiente; gran
desequilibrio físico y combativo entre los integrantes del equipo.
Jugadores destacados: Bakhit Saad (7)
Spielsystem: 3-5-2
Stärken: Jeweils offensiver Beginn, technisch ansprechende Ballbehandlung
Schwächen: zu lange Ball halten, Spiel ohne Ball mangelhaft, kämpferisch und physisch
Herausragende Spieler: Bakhit Saad (7)
Average age of the team
25 years 10 months
Number of players who play
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 7
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: -
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking (November 1997)
Saqur GOBASH, Head of Delegation
YasserSAMIR, Head of Administration
Milan MACALA, Coach
Yousuf ALSERKAL, Official
Abdul Mohsin AL-DOSARI, Official
Mohamed OBEID, Official
Abdul-Wahaab ABDULLA, Official
Jalal AL-GHALI, Official
Mohamed BEDAIWI, Official
Almir DA SILVA, Official
Gotelio DA SILVA, Official
Kilany MOHAMED, Official
abroad 0
Altalyani 1
Suhail 1
Team Coach: Victor Pua
No. Name Pos. Date
of Birth
Match 1
Club UAE
Match 2
Match 3
3rd pl.
1 NICOLACarlos GK 03.01 .73 Nacional R R 90 R R 90
2 LOPEZ Luis DF 22.08.74 Racing de Santander (ESP) 90 90 _68_ 92 67 407
3 MONTERO Paolo (C) DF 03.09.71 Juventus (ITA) 90 90 R 92 90 362
4 MENDEZ Gustavo DF 03.02.71 Vicenza (ITA) 90 90 R 92 90 362
5 DE LOS SANTOS Gonzalo MF 19.07.76 Merida (ESP) 90 90 22 92 45 339
6 ADINOLFI Edgardo DF 27.03.74 Peñarol 90 90 R 92 90 362
7 GARCIA Pablo MF 11 .05 .77 Atlético Madrid (ESP) 90 90 12 92 90 374
8 VESPA Liber MF 18.10.71 Argentinos Juniors (ARG) ' 89 87 12 _ 92 79 1 359
9 ZALAYETA Marcelo FW 05.12.78 Valencia (ESP) 90 90 R 92 90 ; 362
10 OLIVERA Nicol6s MF 30.05 .78 Valencia (ESP) 75 65 R 92 90 322
11 SILVA Dario FW 02.11 .72 Cagliari (ITA) 36 77 90 12 11 226
12 FLORES Claudio GK 10.05.76 Peñarol 90 90 R __92 90 362
13 HERNANDEZ Pablo DF 02.05.75 Defensor Sporting 1
3 90 R 23 117
14 CALLEJAS Christian MF 17.05.78 Danubio R 13 90 R 45 148
15 DIAZ Carlos DF 04.02.79 Defensor Sporting R R 90 ' R R 90
16 PELLEGRIN César DF 05.03.79 Juventus (ITA) R R ! 90 R R 90
17 COELHO Walter MF 20.01.77 Nacional R R 78 R R 78
18 RIVAS Martin DF 17.02.77 Inter Milan (ITA) R R 90 R R . 90
19 PACHECO Antonio MF 11 .04.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 15 R 78 R R 93
20 RECOBA Alvaro MFmxr 17.03.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 54 25 90 80 90 339
13.12.97 Uruguay vs UAE 2-0(1-0)
15.12.97 Uruguay vs Czech Republic 2-1(1-0)
17.12.97 Uruguay vs South Africa 4-3(2-1)
19.12.97 Uruguay vs Australia 0-1(0-0)
(golden goal 92
21 .12.97 Uruguay vs Czech Republic 0-1(0-0)
From left to right, back row:
Flores, De los Santos,
Zalayeta, Lopez,
Montero, Mendez,
front row: Vespa, Olivera,
Adinolfi, Garcia, Recoba.
Playing system : 4-3-3 with an alternating libero
Strengths: Individually high techical level, mobility, quick
Weaknesses :
Prominent players: Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9)
Système dejeu : 4-3-3 avec un libero alternant.
Little experience (7-8 players U-20), young team, thus somewhat naive, too
individually-minded (except Olivera and Montero);
Points forts : Niveau technique élevé individuellement, mobilité, rapidité .
Points faibles : Manque d*expérience (7 à 8 joueurs U-20), équipe jeune, doù sa naïveté, jeu
trop personnel (sauf Olivera et Montero).
Joueurs remarqués : Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta(9)
Sistema de juego:
Puntos positivos:
Puntos negativos:
Jugadores destacados :
4-3-3 con un líbero alternando;
buen nivel técnico individual; movilidad, velocidad;
poca experiencia (7-8 jugadores sub-20); equipo joven, por lo tanto, algo
ingenuo; demasiado individualistas (excepto Olivera y Montero).
01 ¡vera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9).
Spielsystem: 4-3-3 mit Libero alternierend
Stärken: individuell hohes technisches Niveau, beweglich, schnell
Schwächen: Wenig Erfahrung (7-8 Spieler U-20), junge Mannschaft, daher etwas naiv,
individuell (ausser Olivera und Montero);
Herausragende Spieler: Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9)
Average age of the team
21 years 8 months
Number of players who play
Disciplinary measures
Yellow cards: 13
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: -
International FIFA/Coca-Cola
World Ranking (November 1997) 43rd
Eugenio FIGUEREDO, President A.U.F
Daniel PASTORINI, Head of Delegation
Raúl AGUERREBERE, Head of Administration
Daniel BARREIRO, Delegate
Víctor PUA, Coach
Jorge FRANCO, Physical Preparator
Pedro LARROQUE, Doctor
Marcelo RUIZ, Physiotherapist
Edgardo DIMAYO, Equipment Officer
Jorge SALHON, Delegate
Víctor DELLA VALLE, Delegate
José Carlos MOLINARI, Delegate
Juan DAMIANI, Delegate
Jorge SALHON, Delegate
Raúl MOLLER, Delegate
abroad 13
Olivera 2
Silva 2
Callejas 1
Pacheco 1
Recoba 1
Zalayeta 1
Average age of all teams
Youngest player
Oldest player
Czech Republic
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
(no of matches played)
Czech Republic
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
27 (26 years/10 months)
26 (25/11)
26 (26/3)
24 (24/5)
24 (24/5)
27 (27/5)
26 (25/10)
22 (21/8)
25 (25/3)
César Pellegrin (Uruguay)
18 years (5.3.79)
Ivan Ivanovic (Australia)
37 years (21 .12.60)
Number of players fielded
20 out of 21
20 out of 22
19 out of 20
19 out of 20
16 out of 23
19 out of 20
14 out of 20
20 out of 20
No. of matches in which
three substitutes were used
4 out of 5 matches = 80 %
2 out of 5 matches = 40 %
4 out of 5 matches = 80 %
1 out of 3 matches = 33 %
0 out of 3 matches = 0 %
2 out of 3 matches = 66 %
3 out of 3 matches = 100 %
4 out of 5 matches = 80 %
KALAC Zeljko
MORI Damien
VIDMAR Aurelio
BLANCO Cuauhtemoc
PALENCIA Francisco
SUAREZ Claudio
VILLA Germán
AL-HARBI Ibrahim
AL-JAHANI Mohammed
AL-SADIG Hussain
UAE AL-HADAD Abdel Rahman
DIAZ Carlos
GARCIA Pablo Gabriel
RIVAS Martin
WYC 91, OFT 92
U17 87, OFT 96
WYC 97
U17 95
OFT 92
WYC 93, OFT 96
WYC 93, 95, OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 92
OFT 92
WC 94, OFT 96
WC 94
WYC 83, OFT 88, 96, WC 90, 94
WYC 95
WYC 93, OFT 96
WYC 83, OFT 84, WC 94
OFT 96
OFT 96
WC 94
OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 88, WC 90, 94
OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 96, WYC 97
OFT 96
WYC 93, OFT 96
U16 85, WC 94, OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 96
WYC 93, OFT 96
WC 94, OFT 96
OFT 96
WC 94
WYC 93, OFT 96
WC 94
WYC 93, OFT 96
OFT 96
OFT 96
WC 94, OFT 96
WYC 87, WC 94,
WYC 91, 93, OFT 96, WC 94
WYC 93, OFT 96
WYC 87, 89, WC 94
WYC 89, WC 94
WC 94
OFT 96
OFT 96
WC 90
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
WYC 97
Referees and Assistant Referees 120
FIFA Fair Play Award 121
Special Trophies 121
MasterCard All Star Team 122
Average age of the referees: 39 years 11 months Average age of the assistant referees: 37 years 2 months
* selected for France '98
Nikolai Levnikov* Russia 15 .05 .56 Jacques Poudevigne* France 03.10.56
Mohamed AI-Musawi* Oman 01 .01 .59
Saad Kamel Manei Kuwait 06.01 .63 Sankar Komaleeswaran India 10.06.63
Pirom Un Prasert* Thailand 16.11 .53
Oscar Soria Bolivia 29.09.60
Lucien Bouchardeau* Niger 18.12.61
Ian McLeod South Africa 05.03.54
CONCACAF Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro El Salvador 19.04.61
Alberto Barrientos Argentina 29.09.58
Ramesh Ramdhan* Trinidad and Tobago 25.07.60
Paul Smith New Zealand 25 .05.57
Javier CastriIIi* Argentina 22.05.57 Fred Lencie* Vanuatu 21 .03 .68
René M. Ortube Bolivia 26.12.64
Winners: South Africa
(best player of the tournament)
The Golden Ball is awarded by adidas to the player voted by
the media and the Technical Study Group as the outstanding
+ individual player of the tournament. As with the Shoe, there are
also Silver and Bronze trophies.
1 . Denilson (Brazil) golden ball
` 2. Romario (Brazil) silver ball
3. Vladimir Smicer (Czech Rep.) bronze ball
(leading goalscorer)
The adidas Golden Shoe is awarded to the leading goalscorer in
the tournament. The ranking is based on the list of goalscorers.
1 . Romario (Brazil) 7 goals golden shoe
2. Vladimir Smicer (Czech Rep.) 5 goals silver shoe
3. Ronaldo (Brazil) 4 goals bronze shoe
Bosnich (AUS)
Montero (URU)
Denilson (BRA)
* Number of different teams which have participated for the relevant confederation so far
All-time ranking
3 points for a win 1992 1995 1997
1 Brazil 5 4 1 0 1
2 Argentina 5 3 1 1
3 Uruguay 5 3 0 2
4 Mexico 6 2 2 2 12 :8
5 Denmark 3 2 1 0 5
6 Australia 5 2 1 2 4 :8
7 Saud Arabia 7 2 1 4 5 :15
_8 C~ech Republic 5 2 1 2 10 :7
9 f -~ zria 3 1 2 0 4 :1
10 11 - -~ 2 1 0 1 5 5
i 1 UAE 3 1 0 2
12 South Africa 3 0 1 2
13 Côte d'Ivoire 2 0 0 2 2 : 9 0 4
14 Japan 2 0 0 2 1 :8 0 - 6
Matches Wins Draws Losses Goals Points
CAF (3 teams)* 8 1 3 4 11 -17 6
AFC (3 teams)* 12 3 1 8 8-31 10
CONCACAF (2 teams)* 8 3 2 3 17-13 11
CONMEBOL (3 teams)* 15 10 2 3 34-2 32
UEFA (2 teams)* 8 4 2 2 15-8 14
OFC (1 teams)* 5 2 1 2 4-8 7
TOTAL 56 23 11 22 89-89 80
1992 2. 4. 3 . 1 . - -
1995 5. 4. 3 . 2. - 1 .
1997 7 . 8. 5 . 1 . 2. 3.
6 . 4.
Tournament Final Result Referee
1992 1 51 Intercontinental Champions Cup Saudi Arabia vs Argentina 1-3(0-2) Lim Kee Chong (MUS)
1995 2nd Intercontinental Champions Cup Argentina vs Denmark 0-2(0-1) Bujsaim (UAE)
1997 FIFA/Confederations' Cup Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0) Un Prasert (THA)
FIFA Delegation
Dr. Joáo Havelange,
FIFA President (Brazil)
Joseph S. Blatter,
FIFA General Secretary
Organising Committee
for the FIFA/
Confederations Cup
Abdullah AI-Dabal,
Chairman (Saudi Arabia)
Per Ravn Omdal,
Deputy Chairman (Norway)
(Trinidad Tobago)
Ram Ruhee (Mauritius)
Charles Dempsey
(New Zealand)
Worawi Makudi (Thailand)
Abdullah AI-Athel
(Saudi Arabia)
Walter Gagg,
Project Manager (FIFA)
Printed May 1998 in Switzerland
Léon Walker with the assistance of the
members of the Technical Study Group
Saudi Arabia '97
JGrg Hager
Robert Zoller
C. John Hurst, Dominique Janin,
Thomas von Ubrizsy
Agence Temp Sport
Repro Studio B, Zurich
SäntisPrint AG, Urnäsch
Lennart Johansson,
UEFA President (Sweden)
Issa Hayatou,
CAF President (Cameroon)
HRH Sultan Ahmed Shah,
AFC President (Malaysia)
Eugenio Figueredo,
CONMEBOL Vice President
Mustapha Fahmy,
CAF General Secretary(Egypt)
Chuck Blazer, CONCACAF
General Secretary (USA)
Peter Velappan, AFC General
Secretary (Malaysia)
Gerhard Aigner,
UEFA General Secretary
Josephine King, OFC General
Secretary (New Zealand)
Referees' Committee
General Farouk Bouzo (Syria)
Farah Addo (Somalia)
Michel Vautrot(France)
The Technical Study Group, Cl.t.r.: Khaled Albadr, Walter Gagg,
bkon Walker, Dr Khalifa T. Behbehani, Jürg Hager.
Disciplinary Committee
Alameh Rahif (Lebanon)
Technical Study Group
Léon Walker (Switzerland)
Dr Khalifa T. Behbehani
JGrg Hager,
Coordination (FIFA)
General Co-ordinators
Hisham Azmy (Egypt)
Javier Otero (and finances)
Media Service
Keith Cooper (FI FA)
Marius Schneider (FIFA)
FIFA General Secretariat
Doris Valasek,
competition secretariat (FIFA)
José Ibarra
protocol and disciplinary
matters (FIFA)
Urs Kneubuehler,
event co-ordinator
and transport (FIFA)
JGrg Neuenschwander,
travel (FIFA)
Nicolas Virlis, logistics (FIFA)
6 .1998 5000 BU/SP

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FIFA Confederations Cup 1997 - Saudi Arabia

  • 1. SAUDI ARABIA'97 The game began with both teams looking nervous and cautious. A number of the players looked as if they would be happy with just a moderate tempo, especially the Czechs who had put out too much in their earlier matches and were clearly tired; they only had a spo- radic influence on the game. The best Czech player until then, Smicer, looked listless and seemed to hide away in midfield . The Czech team used clever counter-attacking tactics while Uruguay relied too much on individual ef- forts. On the whole the Czechs were more danger- ous and they created some good chances . The differ- ence was simple: team play versus individual efforts . There were lots of fouls (25 to the Czechs' account, 12 to Uruguay). When the goal did come it was the result of a deceptive shot that the Uru- guayan goalkeeper allowed to bounce back into play where it was gratefully ac- cepted by no. 15 Lasota who pushed it into the net without much trouble. This was one of theveryfew goalkeeping errors in the whole tournament. Le match commença de- vant 27 000 spectateurs, avec beaucoup de nervosité et de retenue. Les Tchèques, qui s'étaient trop dépensés au cours des matchs précédents et étaient mani- festement fatigués, adoptèrent un rythme plutôt lent et ne prirent le cours du match en main que par brèves périodes. Le Tchèque Smicer, qui s'était distingué jusqu'ici, resta insipide : il se cachait au milieu de terrain. La Tchéquie opérait habile- ment par des contre-atta- ques, tandis que l'Uruguay cherchait trop souvent le succès à travers des actions individuelles . MATCH COMMENTARIES Play-off for third place Czech Republic vs Uruguay: Result: 1-0 (0-0) Attendance: 27,000 84 Les Tchèques se créèrent de bonnes occasions de but, et sur l'ensemble du match, ils se montrèrent plus dangereux que l'adversaire . L'Uruguay se distingua principalement par ses individualités, tandis que les Tchèques opéraient collec- tivement. Trop de fautes côté tchèque (25 contre 12). L'unique but fut marqué à la suite d'un tir vicieux d'un Tchèque que le gardien ne put que repousser devant lui. .. dans les pieds du N° 15 Lasota, qui n'eut aucun mal à conclure. Ce fut l'une des rares fautes commises parun gardien de but pendantce tournoi. Although Uruguay's youngsters made a good impression, the experience of the older Czech players proved to be the deciding factor. Here Kuka (no. 9) goes by Montero and seems likely to get past Lopez as well. Bien que les jeunes talents de l'Uruguay se fussent honorablement tirés d'affaire, l'expérience tchèque due à l'ancienneté des joueurs pesa plus lourd. Ici, Kuka (N° 9) déborde le capitaine Montero, et s'apprête à déborder également Lopez. Apesar de que losjóvenes uruguayos dieran muestras de gran habilidad, al final triunfó la experiencia de losjugadores checos más maduros. En la imagen vemos a Kuka (n° 9) eludiendo al capitán Montero y luego a López. Obwohl Uruguays Youngsters sich gut aus der Affäre zogen, überwog schliesslich die Erfahrung der älteren tschechischen Spieler. Hier zieht Kuka (Nr. 9) an Captain Montero vorbei und wird bestimmt auch gleich Lopez überlaufen .
  • 2. U nos 27'000 espectadores vieron un desenlace ner- vioso, cauteloso; una lucha Ilena de desprolijidades y fricciones, de donde jamás salió una pelota administrada correctamente. Faltó frescura a ambas escuadras, los juga- dores estaban aparentemen- te fatigados y desganados. MATCH FOR THIRD PLACE Los checos se limitaron a contraatacar, mientras que los uruguayos buscaron el triunfo mediante acciones in- dividuales . El encuentro estu- The award ceremony after the play-off match, with FIFA General Secretary, Joseph S. Blatter, and Organising Committee Chairman and FIFA Executive Committee member, Abdullah Al-Dabal (Saudi Arabia). Remise des médailles, au terme de la « petite finale », effectuée par le Secrétaire Général Joseph S. Blatter et le Président du Comité Organisateur, Abdullah AI-Dabal (Arabie Saoudite), également membre du Comité Exécutif de la FIFA. Entrega de las medallas después de la pequeña final por el Secretario General Joseph S. Blattery el Presidente de la Comisión Organizadora y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la FIFA, Abdullah Al-Daba¡ (Arabia Saudita). Medaillenübergabe nach dem kleinen Final, vorgenommen durch Generalsekretär Joseph S. Blatter und dem Vorsitzenden der Organisationskommission und FIFA-Exekutivkomitee-Mitglied Abdullah AI-Daba¡ (Saudiarabien) . 85 _,,1NqkIZ,9 1 ~°- vo plagado de infracciones y acciones antideportivas y el único gol del partido fue producto de un potente re- mate que rebotó del guarda- meta y que fue cómodamen- te introducido en las redes uruguayas por Lasota. Fue uno de los pocos errores de portero en todo el torneo . or 27'000 Zuschauern begann dieses Spiel ner- vös und vorsichtig. Gemächli- ches Tempo von einigen Spielern, v.a . Tschechen, die sich in den vorangegangenen Spielen zu sehr verausgabt hatten und offensichtlich müde waren; sie konnten nur noch phasenweise in das Ge- schehen eingreifen. Der bis- her beste Tscheche, Smicer blieb blass und versteckte sich im Mittelfeld. Die Tsche- chen operierten geschickt mit Konterattacken, Uruguayver- suchte alllzu oft mit Einzelak- tionen zum Erfolg zu kommen. Gute Torchancen der Tschechen, die im ganzen Spiel eindeutig gefährlicher waren. Unterschied: Uruguay vor allem Einzelspieler, die Tschechen eine Mannschaft. Zu viele Fouls seitens der Tschechen (25 gegen 12). Das einzigeTor entstand nach einem perfiden Schuss eines Tschechen, der Torhüter liess den Ball nach vorne abprallen und die Nr.15 Lasota konnte ohne Mühe einschieben. Es war einer der wenigen Torhü- ter-Fehlerwährend dieses Turniers.
  • 3. SAUDI ARABIA'97 Semifinals Brazil vs Czech Republic: Result: 2-0 (0-0) Attendance: 28,000 Uruguay vs Australia: Result: 0-1 (a.e.t. - golden goal) Attendance: 22,000 In the match between Brazil and the Czech Republic, the ball skills of the South Americans won the day against the more workmanlike efforts of the European team. This is Leonardo elegantly passing Bejbl. Le match Brésil-République Tchèque fut remporté par les artis- tes du ballon d'Amérique du Sud sur les représentants « rusti- ques » de l'Europe de l'Est. Ici, Leonardo sur le point de débor- der élégamment Bejbl. En el partido entre Brasil y la Rep. Checa predominó la habilidad técnica sudamericana frente al estilo artesanal de los euro- peos orientales. En la imagen, Leonardo elude elegantemente a Be:. Im Spiel Brasilien gegen die Tschechische Republik gewannen die Ballkünstler aus Brasilien gegen die handwerklich agierenden Vertreter Osteuropas. Hier wird Leonardo gleich elegant an Bejbl vorbeiziehen. Brazil vs Czech Republic T his was a meeting of two attacking sides, and based on their earlier performances it would have been a worthy fi- nal . Playing quite different styles of football, both teams began at a moderate pace, and Brazil missed some early chances, several of them in a verywasteful manner. The second half started with Bra- zil putting more effort into their game and the introduc- tion of Denislon speeded up their rhythm, especially in at- tack. A decisive factor in Bra- zil's getting the upper hand was the Czech decision to al- ter their formation so that it became the same as the Bra- ziIisns - 4-4-2. This gave the South American ball artists the space they needed. Once they got an attack MATCH COMMENTARIES 86 started they were now very hard to stop, using their ball skills, their quick passing and their sudden changes of pace to full advantage. The game became very lively towards the end . The Brazilians were now combin- ing well from the back, using long and short passes and it was no surprise that they got the two goals that settled the outcome of the match . Environ 28'000 spectateurs ont assisté au match de deux équipes portées vers l'offensive, un affrontement que l'on aurait pu aussi imagi- ner en finale en raison des performances qu'elles avaient accomplies jusque là . Les deux formations ont abordé le match sur un rythme tranquille et sur la base de deux systèmes tota- lement différents . Le Brésil se créa au début plusieurs occa- sions de but, mais qui furent lamentablement gâchées. La seconde période fut abor- dée avec plus d'engagement, côté brésilien, où l'arrivée de Denilson permit d'accélérer lejeu offensif. Mais la supé- riorité des Brésiliens qui s'en- suivit découla de façon plus décisive du changement du système dejeu opéré par les Tchèques : ils adoptèrent le 4-4-2 des Brésiliens . Ce chan- gement ouvrit aux joueurs très techniques du Brésil les espa- ces leur permettant de tirer parti de leurs atouts. Une fois lancés, ils ne pouvaient plus être arrêtés par les Tchèques tant leur qualités techniques était evidentes . Le football joué par le Brésil s'appuyait justement sur la technique, les passes rapides et les changements de rythme. Les deux buts inscrits dans cette rencontre, qui fut très vive et pleine de revirements vers la fin, furent le fruit de combinaisons venues de l'ar- rière, de passes en profon- deur et des une-deux. Este cotejo ante 28'000 espectadores -y que era más bien el emparejamiento que se esperaba para la final- presentó a dos equipos total- mente ofensivos con dos concepciones de juego dia- metralmente opuestas. El partido arrancó con la cautela propia de los primeros minu- tos y de conjuntos que con- fían en sus respectivos siste- mas. Poco antes de la pausa, Brasil resolvió apretar el pie sobre el acelerador tras la en- trada de Den¡ ¡son y el incompresible cambio de sistema dejuego de los checos. Los jugadores brasi- leños pudieron sacar mayor ventaja de su brillante habili- dad técnica después de que los checos aflojaran la marcación y les ofrecieran más espacio para desenvol- verse. La escuadra sudameri- cana comenzó a lanzar un ataque desequilibrante tras otro con inagotables desplie- gues de escurridiza movili- dad y toques a los vacíos, y las magníficas combinacio- nes se rubricaron finalmente en dos espléndidos golazos.
  • 4. Vor 28'000 Zuschauern sah man zwei offensiv einge- stellte Mannschaften, eine Paarung, die man aufgrund der vorher gebotenen Lei- stungen sich auch im End- spiel hätte vorstellen können. Mit zwei grundverschiede- nen Systemen begannen bei- de Mannschaften in gemäch- lichem Tempo. Brasilien hatte zu Beginn einige Torchancen, die aber z.T. kläglich verge- ben wurden. Die zweite Halbzeit begannen die Brasi- lianer mit mehr Einsatz, mit dem Einwechseln von Denilson wurde ihr Spiel vor allem im Angriff beschleu- nigt. Entscheidend aber zur nun folgenden Überlegenheit der Brasilianer hat der Wech- sel im Spielsystem der Tsche- chen beigetragen; sie wech- selten zum selben 4-4-2 wie die Brasilianer. Nun hatten die brasilianischen Super- techniker den Spielraum, um gross aufzutrumpfen. Einmal lanciert konnten sie, dank ih- rer ausgefeilten Technik, von den Tschechen nicht mehr gebremst werden . Brasilien spielte einen Fussball basiert auf Technik, raschem Zuspiel und vielen Rhythmus- wechseln. Die beiden Tore in dieser zum Schluss lebhaften und abwechslungsreichen Partie fielen nach Kombinationen aus der Tiefe, Stei I- sowie nach Dopppelpässen. -T- ,-qk111, 13- Aduel between Muscat and Garcia. The Australian demonstrates the solid defensive play that paid off for his team in this tournament. Duel entre Muscat et Garcia. L'Australien illustre l'intransigeance de la défense de son équipe. Duelo entre Muscat y García. El australiano demuestra la forma consecuente de marcar de la se- lección de Oceanía. Zweikampf Muscat gegen Garcia. Der Australier demonstriert die konsequente Art der Verteidi- gung der Australier. Uruguay vs Australia This game brought together the two surprise teams of the tournament. Australia had shown strong defensive per- formances in their group matches and they stuck with this concept for the semi-fi- nal. The effect was that there was not much flowing play in the first half. The Australians made space so tight at their end of the pitch that even the individually strong Uruguay- ans could not make any headway. Both teams used the ball carefully coming out of de- fence, and attacks were usu- ally down the middle or on the left flank; very little hap- pened on the right and there were no changes of pace. There was a lot of nervous- ness among the players and a number of fouls were com- 87 mitted, some of them hidden and quite nasty. Both sets of forwards had adjusted their sights poorly for this game and both used mainly coun- ter-attacking tactics, Uruguay largely through individual ac- tions, Australia mainlyvia team efforts. It was not an in- tensive game and extra time looked very likely. Yet when it came, the game was over within two minutes as Kewell finished off a surprise attack with a superb golden goal from 17 meters. Les deux équipes surprises du tournoi s'affrontèrent devant les 22 000 spectateurs de cette demi-finale. L'Australie, qui avait brillé avec de bonnes prestations en défense au cours des matchs précédents, tenta d'appliquer la même recette dans cette rencontre. C'est ainsi qu'en première mi- temps, le cours du jeu resta décousu . La défense austra- lienne verrouillait si bien les espaces que même les Uruguayens, qui étaient de fortes individualités, ne par- venaient pas à passer. De part et d'autre, le ballon remontait de l'arrière. Les attaques s'effectuaient la plupart du temps dans l'axe ou sur le côté gauche, rarement sur la droite. Pas de changements de rythme. Le ballon circulait sans progres- ser, Beaucoup de nervosité, d'où de nombreuses fautes, plus ou moins graves, plus ou moins cachées et malveillan- tes. Des deux côtés, les attaquants cadraient mal leurs tirs. Un jeu plutôt axé sur la contre-attaque . Un match peu intense, où on attendait la prolongation. Apeine eut- elle commencé que l'Austra-
  • 5. lien Kewell ajusta un tir au but, à la deuxième minute de la prolongation, et marqua, au terme d'une action surprise, à 17 mètres du but, un magnifique « but en or » . a segunda semifinal fue disputada por los dos equipos sorpresa ante la pre- sencia de 22,000 espectado- res . El inicio fue lento, pausa- do, mostrando Australia un juego más colectivo, achi- cando espacios y neutrali- zando las escasas acciones individuales de los urugua- yos. Ambos conjuntos ope- raban desde la defensa, ar- mando su juego generalmen- te por el medio o por el flan- co izquierdo. Faltaron com- pletamente los cambios de ritmo de juego y las acciones sorpresivas. Reinó mucha ten- sión, se cometieron numero- sas infracciones -algunas in- cluso alevosas- y la mira de los delanteros estuvo exenta de precisión. Fue un partido de contraataques, con un Uruguay técnicamente supe- rior y una Australia más ma- dura y con mayor sentido co- lectivo . Ambas escuadras buscaban el gol fortuito, oportunidad que llegó ins- tantes después de comenza- MATCH COMMENTARIES 88 do el tiempo suplementario. En el primer minuto de este período, Kewell, n° 11 de Australia, se fue solo con la pelota y marcó el gol de oro decisivo con un remate des- de 17 metros. Vor 22'000 Zuschauern trafen die beiden Überraschungsmannschaften des Turniers in diesem Halb- final aufeinander. Australien, das in den vorangegangenen Partien mit einer starken Ver- teidigung geglänzt hatte, ver- suchte es auch in diesem Spiel mit dem bewährtem Adinolfi versus Kewell; it was the young Australian who scored the Golden Goal that earned the Oceania team their surprise place in the final. Adinolfi contre Kewell. Ce dernier inscrivit le « but en or » de l'Australie, au bout d'une minute et demie en pro- longation, qui scella, à la sur- prise générale, l'accession en finale de l'équipe de l'Océanie. Adinolfi contra Kewell, quien marcó el gol de oro para Aus- tralia en el primer minuto del alargue, clasificando así sorprendentemente a su cua- dro para la final. Adinolfi gegen Kewell, der nach eineinhalb Minuten Ver- längerung das Golden Goal für Australien erzielte und da- mit überraschend die Mann- schaft aus Ozeanien ins End- spiel brachte. Rezept; so konnte in der er- sten Halbzeit kein richtiger Spielfluss aufkommen. Zu klein wurden die Räume in der australischen Abwehr ge- macht, so dass auch die indi- viduell starken Uruguayer kein Durchkommen kannten . Beidseitig liess man den Ball von hinten führen und spielen . Die Angriffe wurden meist durch die Mitte oder über die linke Seite ausgelöst, sehr wenig von rechts . Kein Rhythmuswechsel; Ball eher hin und her schiebend . Viel Nervosität, daher beiderseits viele kleine und grobe Fouls, z.T. versteckt und bösartig . Beidseitig hatten die Stürmer ihr Visier schlecht eingestellt. Ein Spiel eher auf Konter auf- gebaut, Uruguayvermehrt in- dividuell, Australien vermehrt als Mannschaft. Kein intensi- ves Spiel, man wartete auf die Verlängerung. Kaum hatte diese begonnen, schoss in der 2.Minute der Verlänge- rung der Australier Kewell, nach einer Überraschungs- Aktion aus 17 Metern ein herr- liches Golden-Goal .
  • 6.
  • 8. STATISTICS Table of contents The facts and figures contained in this booklet are the official statistical data of the FIFA/Con- federations Cup for the King Fahd Trophy - Saudi Arabia '97 © 1998 by FIFA 90 MATCH SCHEDULE I Basic match data 91 Detailed information 1 st STAGE on the 16 matches based on the ofFicial match and referees' reports; DATE MATCH VENUE TIME GAMES Attendances at the 16 matches FRI 12.12.97 Riyadh 15.45 OPENING CEREMONY 1 Riyadh 16.15 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A2 Brazil II Goals and scorers 97 2 Riyadh 19.00 A3 Mexico v. A4 Australia Information on the 52 goals SAT 13.12.97 3 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B2 Uruguay scored during the tournament; 4 Riyadh 20.00 83 South Africa v. B4 Czech Rep. List of scorers and assisting scorers; SUN 14.12.97 5 Riyadh 17.50 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A3 Mexico 6 Riyadh 20.00 A4 Australia v. A2 Brazil Penalties / Goalkeepers' records MON 15.12.97 7 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B3 South Africa 8 Riyadh 20.00 B4 Czech Rep. v. B2 Uruguay III Team data 101 TUE 16.12.97 9 Riyadh 17.50 A1 Saudi Arabia v. A4 Australia Facts and data on teams' basic 10 Riyadh 20.00 A2 Brazil v. A3 Mexico formations, players' appearances, WED 17.12.97 11 Riyadh 17.50 B1 UAE v. B4 Czech Rep. and other information 12 Riyadh 20.00 B2 Uruguayv. B3 SouthAfrica THU 18.12.97 REST DAY (Departure of 3'd and 4th placed teams IV Officials, Awards 119 from both Aand B groups) The referees and assistant referees Special trophies: FIFA Fair Play competition 2nd STAGE FIFA/adidas awards V All-time rankings 123 SEMI FINALS FRI 19.12.97 13 Riyadh 15.15 1stA v. 2nd B 14 Riyadh 19.00 1stB v. 2nd A SAT20.12.97 REST DAY MATCH FOR RD/4TH PLACE SUN 21.12.97 15 Riyadh 17.50 L13 v. L 14 FINAL SUN 21 .12.97 16 Riyadh 21 .00 W13 v. W 14
  • 9. I BASIC MATCH DATA Group A KSA, BRA, MEX, AUS 92 Group B UAE, URU, RSA, CZE 93 Standings after Group Matches Semifinals, 94 Match for 3rd Place, Final 95 Cautions and Expulsions, Actual Time Played, Attendances 96 Total number of spectators: 293,500 Average per match day: 18,344 Average of actual time played: 64'20 CAUTIONS AND EXPULSIONS Yellow cards : 66 Two yellow cards in one match : 2 Red cards: 2 91
  • 10. I BASIC MATCH DATA GROUP A Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 0-3(0-0) Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 0-5(0-1) 5 14.12.9717:50 Riyadh 15,000 KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 2 AI-Jahani, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 17 AI-Sahafi, 13 Sulimani; 10 Owaran, 6 AI-Harbi, 16 AI-Dossary, 14 AI-Muwallid; 11 Mehalel, 9 AI-Jaber MEX: 1 Sánchez; 2 Suárez, 5 Davino, 13 Pardo, 18 Carmona; 4 Villa, 6 Lara, 8 Luna ; 11 Blanco, 17 Palencia, 9 Chavez Scorers: 0-1 20' Palencia (17), 0-2 62' Palencia (17), 0-3 68' Blanco (11), 0-4 75' Luna (8), 0-5 76' Blanco (11) Referee: Ian McLeod (RSA) Assistant Refs : Fred Lencie (VAN), Paul Smith (NZL) Substitutions: KSA: 65' out Owairan (10), in AI-Temawi (8) MEX. 46' out Luna (9), in Hernandez (15) 56' out Lara (6), in Lopez (16) Cautions: KSA: 48' AI-Dossary K., 51' AI-Mowalad MEX: 79' Villa, 88' Davino Expulsions : Saudi Arabia vs Australia 9 16.12.9717:50 Riyadh Substitutions: KSA: 67' out Mehalel (11), in AI-Dossary O. (19) 77' out AI-Mowalad (14), in AI-Temawi (8) AUS: 66' out Mori (17), in Kewell (11) 66' out Aloisi (18), in Viduka (9) 74' out Skoko (15), in Vidmar A. (10) Cautions: KSA: 50' AI-Khilaiwi AUS: 42' Horvat, 85' Ivanovic Expulsions: 1-0(1-0) 20,000 92 SAUDI ARABIA, BRAZIL, MEXICO, AUSTRALIA Mexico vs Australia 1-3(0-1) Australia vs Brazil 0-0 6 14.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 15,000 AUS: 1 Bosnich; 2 Horvat, 4 Ivanovic, 5 Tobin, 3 Lazaridis; 14 Vidmar T., 6 Zelic, 8 Foster; 10 Vidmar A., 18 Aloisi, 9 Viduka . BRA : 1 Dida; 3 Aldair; 4 Junior Baiano, 16 CesarSampaio, 6 Roberto Carlos; 8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 13 Zé Maria, 20 Rivaldo, 10 Leonardo ; 7 Bebeto, 9 Ronaldo. Scorers: Referee: Assistant Refs: Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV), Jacques Poudevigne (FRA) Substitutions: AUS: 60' out VidmarA. (10), in Tapai (19) 70' out Aloisi (18), in Mori (17) 90' out Viduka (9), in Bingley(12) 64' out Rivaldo (20), in Denilson (18) 88' out César Sampaio (16), in Doriva (17) Cautions : Expulsions: Lucien Bouchardeau(NIG) BRA : AUS: 45' Horvat, 77' Mori BRA : 27 Bebeto, 38' Rivaldo Brazil vs Mexico 10 16.12.97 20:00 Riyadh Assistant Refs: Substitutions : Cautions : Expulsions: Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Mohamed AI-Musawi (OMN) 3-2(1-0) 20,000 Ref : 46' out McLeod (RSA), in Un Prasert (THA) (4th official) BRA : 46' out Ronaldo (9), in Bebeto (7) 82' out Dida (1), in Rogerio (12) MEX: 46' out Luna (8), in Ramirez (7) 61' out Gabriel (3), in Garcia (10) BRA : 45' Dunga MEX . 41' Blanco 1 12.12.97 16:15 Riyadh 50,000 KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 2 AI-Jahani, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 4 Zubromawi, 13 Sulimani; 10 Owairan, 16 AI-Dossary, 6 AI-Harbi, 14 AI-Muwallid; 11 Mehalel, 9 AI-Jaber BRA : 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 15 Zé Roberto; 8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 16 César Sampaio, 18 Denilson; 10 Leonardo, 11 Romano, 9 Ronaldo 2 12.12.9719:00 Riyadh 15,000 MEX: 1 Sánchez; 2 Suárez, 6 Lara, 3 Gabriel; 8 Luna ; 14 Terrazas, 7 Ramirez, 13 Pardo; 11 Blanco, 9 Chávez, 20 Abundis AUS: 20 Kalac; 14 Vidmar T., 2 Horvat, 3 Lazaridis; 7 Slater, 6 Zelic, 8 Foster, 5 Tobin, 10 Vidmar A.; 18 Aloisi, 9 Viduka Scorers: 0-1 65' César Sampaio (16), 0-2 73' Romario (11), Scorers: 0-1 45' Viduka (9), 0-2 59' Aloisi (18); 0-3 80' Romario (11) 1-2 (Pen .) 80' Hernandez (15); 1-3 90' Mori (17) Referee : Nikolai Levnikov (RUS) Referee: Pirom Un Prasert (THA) AssistantRefs: Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Fred Lencie (VAN) Assistant Refs: Ahmed AI-Musawi (OMN), Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND) Substitutions: KSA: 44' out Crivairan (10), in AI-Temawi (8) Substitutions: MEX: 46' out Chavez (9), in Garcia (10) 63' out Mehalel (11), in AI-Shahrani (7) 63' out Gabriel (3), in Hernandez (15) BRA: 72' out Leonardo (10), in Juninho (19) 66' out Terrazas (14), in Carmona (18) 73' out Denilson (18), in Rivaldo (20) AUS: 46' out VidmarA. (10), in Hooker (13) 75' out Cafu (2), in Zé Maria (13) 73' outViduka (9), in Mori (17) 78' out Slater (7), in Tapai (19) Cautions: KSA: 28' Zubromawi BRA : 72' Cafu Cautions: MEX: - AUS: 64' Zelic, 77' Slater, 80' Kalac Expulsions : KSA: 64' Zubromawi (second yellow) Expulsions: KSA: 1 AI-Deayea; 12 AI-Dosan, 3 AI-Khilaiwi, 4 Zubromawi, 13 Sulimani ; 10 Owairan, 16 AI-Dossary K., 6 AI-Harbi, 14 AI-Muwallid; 9 AI-Jaber, 11 Mehalel. AUS: 1 Bosnich; 2 Horvat, 4 Ivanovic, 5 Tobin; 7 Slater, 8 Foster, 6 Zelic, 15 Skoko, 3 Lazaridis; 18 Aloisi, 17 Mori . BRA: 1 Dida; 13 Zé Maria, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos ; 18 Denilson, 8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 5 Dunga, 19 Juninho; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romario. MEX: 12 Perez; 13 Pardo, 2 Suárez, 3 Gabriel, 5 Davino; 11 Blanco, 18 Carmona, 8 Luna, 6 Lara ; 15 Hernandez, 17 Palencia. Scorers: 1-0 40' AI-Khilaiwi (3) Scorers: 1-0 (Pen .) 41' Romario (11); 1-1 51' Blanco (11), 2-1 61' Denilson (18), 3-1 66' Junior Baiano (4); Referee: Javier Castrilli (ARG) 3-2 90' Ramirez (7) Assistant Refs: Alberto Barrientos (ARC), Oscar Soria (BOL) Referee: Ian McLeod (RSA)-injured 41'/ Pirom Un Prasert (THA)
  • 11. GROUP 11 United Arab Emirates vs Uruguay 0-2(0-1) Assistant Refs: Vladimir Fernandez Alvaro (SLV), Paul Smith (NZL) Substitutions: Cautions : Expulsions: UAE: 73' out Mohammed Ali (15), in Altalyani (10) 73' out Yaser(11), in Khamis (14) 84' Anbar Yumaa (13), in Munther (3) URU: 54' out Recoba (20), in Silva (11) 75' out Olivera (10), in Pacheco (19) 89' out Vespa (8), in Hemandez (13) UAE: 28' Adel URU: - United Arab Emirates vs South Africa 1-0(1-0) 7 15.12.97 17:50 Riyadh 11,000 UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 16 H. Saeed, 19 Ali Hassan, 15 Mohammed Ali, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel ; 11 Yaser, 10 Altalyani. RSA: 1 Arendse; 2 Motaung, 5 Fish, 9 Tovey, 4 Jackson; 18 Moeti, 11 Mkhalele, 8 Ngobe, 10 Moshoeu; 12 Augustine, 6 Masinga. Scorers: 1-01' 5 Suhail Referee: Rene Ortube (BOL) Assistant Refs: Oscar Soria (BOL), Alberto Barrientos (ARG) United Arab Emirates vs Czech Republic 1-6 (0-4) Assistant Refs: Paul Smith (NZL), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV) Substitutions: UAE: 46' out Yaser (11), in Khamis (14) 46' out Obaid (20), in Anbar Jumaa (13) 58' out Adel (8), in Munther (3) 65' out Hornak (5), in Lasota (15) 75' out Smicer (17), in Ulich (2) 82' out Siegl (10), in Lokvenc (16) Cautions: UAE : 8' Adel, 23' Ismail, 84' Munther CZE: 21' Nemec Expulsions : CZE: FIRST STAGE - GROUP MATCHES UAE, URUGUAY, SOUTH AFRICA, CZECH REPUBLIC South Africa vs Czech Republic Assistant Refs: Alberto Barrientos (ARG), Oscar Soria (BOL) Substitutions: RSA CZE: Cautions: RSA: CZE: Expulsions: CZE: 37' out Khumalo (15), in Ngobe (8) 74' out Augustine (12), in Williams (14) 83' out Smicer (17), in Poborsky (8) 92'+ out Kuka (9), in Sloncik (14) 47'+ Masinga 9' Vlcek, 75' Nemec 82' Nemec (second yellow) 2-2(1-2) Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-2(0-1) 8 15.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 9,000 CZE: 1 Srnicek; 6 Svoboda; 5 Homak, 13 Vlcek, 12 Rada; 8 Poborsky, 11 Bejbl, 4 Nedved, 15 Lasota ; 9 Kuka, 17 Smicer. URU: 12 Flores; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 3 Montero, 6 Adinolfi; 7 Garcia, 5 De Ios Santos, 10 Olivera, 8 Vespa; 17 Coelho, 9 Zalayeta . Scorers: Referee: Assistant Refs : Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND), Mohamed A. AI Musawi (OMN) 0-126' Olivera (10), 0-2 88' Zalayeta (9); 1-2 89' Siegl (10) Saad Kamel Manei (KUW) Uruguay vs South Africa 4-3(2-1) Assistant Refs : Fred Lencie (VAN), Sankar Komaleeswaran (IND) Substitutions: URU: RSA: 69' out Lopez (2), in De Ios Santos (5) 79' out Coelho (17), in Garcia (7) 79' out Pacheco (19), in Vespa (8) 46' out Motaung (2), in Jackson (4) 70' out Williams (14), in Ndlanya (13) 77' out Moshoeu (10), in Mnguni (17) Cautions : URU: - RSA: 20' Moeti, 54' Tinkler Expulsions: 93 11 17.12.97 17:50 Riyadh 8,000 UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 19 Ali Hassan, 16 H. Saeed, 15 Mohammed Ali, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel; 11 Yaser, 10 Altalyani. CZE: 1 Srnicek; 13 Vlcek, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada, 4 Nedved; 5 Homak, 7 Nemec, 11 Bejbl; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 10 Siegl. 12 URU: 1 13 Hernandez, RSA: 16 20 Tinkler, 17.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 8,000 Nicola ; .15 Diaz, 2 Lopez, 18 Rivas, 16 Pellegrin; 17 Coelho, 14 Callejas; 20 Recoba, 11 Silva, 19 Pacheco. Baloyi; 3 Nyathi, 5 Fish, 19 Radebe, 2 Motaung; 18 Moeti, 10 Moshoeu, 11 Mkhalele ; 6 Masinga, 14 Williams. Scorers: 0-1 11' own goal, 0-2 22' Nedved (4), 0-3 31' Nedved, Scorers: 0-1 11' Radebe (19); 1-1 12' Silva (11), 2-1 42' Recoba (20), 0-4 42' Smicer (17), 0-5 68' Smicer, 0-6 71' Smicer; 3-166' Silva (11); 3-2 69' Mkhalele (11), 3-3 77' Ndlanya ( 13); 1-6 78' Altalyani (10) 4-3 90' Callejas (14) Referee: Rene Ortube (BOL) Referee: Ramesh Ramdhan (TTO) Substitutions: UAE: 70' out Mohammed Ali (15), in Anbar Jumaa (13) 70' outAltalyani (10), in Khamis (14) 81' outAli Hassan (19), in Munther(3) RSA: 46' out Jackson (4), in Nyathi (3) 75' out Augustine (12), in Williams (14) 82' out Moeti (18), in Ndlanya (13) Substitutions: CZE: 46' out Lasota (15), in Frydek (19) 60' out Kuka (9), in Siegl (10) 70' out Hornak (5), in Kozel (3) URU: 65' out Olivera (10), in Recoba (20) 77' out Silva (11), in Callejas (14) 87' out Vespa (8), in Hemandez (13) Cautions: UAE: 44' Obaid, 81' Muhsin Cautions : CZE: 19' Hornak, 43' Rada, 72' Svoboda, 88' Nedved RSA: - URU: 22' Montero, 45' Mendez, 49' De Ios Santos, 54' Adinolfi, 69' Zalayeta, 69' Silva Expulsions : Expulsions: CZE: 40' Poborsky 3 13.12.9717:50 Riyadh 13,000 UAE: 17 Muhsin; 5 Suhail, 20 Obaid, 6 Ismail ; 13 Anbar Jumaa,16 H. Saeed, 19 Ali Hassan, 7 Bakhit, 8 Adel; 11 Yaser, 15 Mohammed Ali. URU: 12 Flores; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 5 De Ios Santos, 3 Montero; 8 Vespa, 7 Garcia, 6 Adinolfi; 10 Olivera, 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba . 4 13.12.97 20:00 Riyadh 7,500 RSA: 1 Arendse; 4 Jackson, 9 Tovey, 5 Fish; 2 Motaung, 15 Khumalo, 18 Moeti, 10 Moshoeu, 11 Mkhalele ; 6 Masinga, 12 Augustine. CZE : 1 Srnicek; 5 Hornak, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada, 13 Vlcek; 11 Bejbl, 7 Nemec, 15 Lasota ; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 4 Nedved . Scorers: 0-1 47' Olivera (10), 0-2 92' Pacheco (19) Scorers: 0-1 19' Smicer (17), 1-1 39' Augustine (12), 1-2 40' Smicer, 2-2 86' Mkhalele Referee: Ramesh Ramdhan (TTO) Referee : Javier CastriIIi (ARG)
  • 12. SECOND STAGE - FINAL ROUND Standings after Group Matches Total goals scored after 12 matches: 42 (av. 3,5 goals) SEMIFINALS Brazil vs Czech Republic 2-0(0-0) 13 19.12.97 15:15 Riyadh 28,000 BRA: 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos; 19 Juninho, 8 Flavio Conceiçáo, 5 Dunga, 10 Leonardo; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romano . CZE: 1 Srnicek; 13 Vlcek, 6 Svoboda, 12 Rada; 5 Hornak, 11 Bejbl, 7 Nemec, 15 Lasota; 17 Smicer, 9 Kuka, 4 Nedved . Scorers: 1-0 54' Romano (11), 2-0 83' Ronaldo (9) Referee: Lucien Bouchardeau (NIG) Assistant Refs : Paul Smith (NZL), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV) Substitutions: BRA: 46' out Leonardo (10), in Denilson (18) 70' out Junior Baiano (4), in Gonçalves (14) 87' out Flavio Conceiçáo (8), in Cesar Sampaio (16) Cautions : Expulsions : 94 Uruguay vs Australia 0-1 a.e.t. (golden goal) 14 19.12.9719:00 Riyadh 22,000 URU: 12 Nicola; 4 Mendez, 2 Lopez, 3 Montero, 6 Adinolvi ; 8 Vespa, 5 De Ios Santos, 7 Garcia; 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba, 10 Olivera. AUS: 1 Bosnich; 4 Ivanovic; 21 Muscat, 5 Tobin, 14 Vidmar T.; 8 Foster, 6 Zelic, 10 Vidmar A., 3 Lazaridis; 11 Kewell, 9 Viduka . Scorers: Referee: Assistant Refs: Substitutions: 0-1 (golden goal 92') Kewell (11) Nikolai Levnikov (RUS) Jacques Poudevigne (FRA), Mohamed A. AI-Musawi (OMN) URU: 81' out Recoba (20), in Silva (11) AUS: 80' out Vidmar A. (10), in Skoko (15) URU: 4' Zalayeta, 5' Mendez AUS: 28' Muscat Group A Group B 1 . Brazil 3 2 1 0 6:2 7 1 . Uruguay 3 3 0 0 8:4 9 2. Australia 3 1 1 1 3:2 4 2 . Czech Republic 3 1 1 1 9:5 4 3 . Mexico 3 1 0 2 8:6 3 3 . UAE 3 1 0 2 2:8 3 4. Saudi Arabia 3 1 0 2 1 :8 3 4 . South Africa 3 0 1 2 5:7 1 Goals scored: 18 Goals scored : 24 Yellow cards: 19 Yellow cards : 23 Yellow/red cards: 1 Yellow/red cards : 1 Red cards : 0 Red cards: 1 CZE: 73' out Nedved (4), in Ulich (2) Cautions: 82' out Homak (5), in Poborsky (8) 89' out Bejbl (11), in Kozel (3) Expulsions: BRA: 20' Junior Baiano, 24' Cafu, 35' Aldair, 77' Dunga CZE: 7' Nedved, 64' Vlcek, 68' Nemec
  • 13. Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0) 15 21 .12.9717:50 Riyadh 27,000 CZE: 1 Srnicek; 18 Fukal, 6 Svoboda, 13 Vlcek, 12 Rada; 17 Smicer, 7 Nemec, 11 Bejbl, 4 Nedved; 16 Lokvenc, 9 Kuka . URU: 12 Flores ; 6 Adinolfi, 3 Montero, 2 Lopez, 4 Mendez ; 8 Vespa, 5 De Ios Santos, 7 Garcia, 10 Olivera ; 9 Zalayeta, 20 Recoba . Scorers ; 1-0 63' Lasota (15) Referee : Lucien Bouchardeau (NIG) Assistant Refs: Fred Lencie (VAN), Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro (SLV) Substitutions: CZE: 58' out Bejbl (11), in Lasota (15) 78' out Smicer (17), in Poborsky (8) 88' out Lokvenc (16), in Homak (5) URU : 46' out De los Santos (5), in Callejas (14) 67' out Lopez (2), in Hernandez (13) 79' out Vespa (8), in Silva (11) Cautions: CZE: 29' Svoboda, 34' Nemec, 78' Fukal, 83' Poborsky, 90' Silva URU: 30' De Ios Santos, 35' Olivera Expulsions: Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0) 16 21.12.97 21 :00 Riyadh 65,000 BRA: 1 Dida; 2 Cafu, 4 Junior Baiano, 3 Aldair, 6 Roberto Carlos; 18 Denison, 5 Dunga, 10 Leonardo, 19 Juninho; 9 Ronaldo, 11 Romano . AUS: 1 Bosnich ; 4 Ivanovic; 14 Vidmar T ., 5 Tobin, 2 Horvat, 3 Lazarids; 10 Vidmar A ., 8 Foster, 6 Zelic ; 9 Viduka, 11 Kewell . Scorers: 1-0 15' Ronaldo (9), 2-0 27' Ronaldo, 3-0 38' Romario (11), 4-0 53' Romano, 5-0 59' Ronaldo, 6-0 (Pen .) 75' Romario Referee: Pirom Un Prasert (THA) Assistant Refs : Mohamed A . AI Musawi (OMN), Jacques Poudevigne (FRA) Substitutions: BRA: - AUS : 31' out Vidmar T . (14), in Muscat (21) 31' out Vidmar A. (10), in Aloisi (18) 55' out Horvat (2), in Bingley (12) Cautions : BRA: 72' Ronaldo AUS: - Expulsions: AUS: 24' Viduka
  • 14. I BASIC MATCH DATA ACTUAL TIME PLAYED Match No. Match Min. 01 Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 64'12 02 Mexico vs Australia 68'10 03 UAE vs Uruguay 60'50 04 South Africa vs Czech Republic 64'20 05 Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 67'11 06 Australia vs Brazil 57'50 07 UAE vs South Africa 64'15 08 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 63'10 09 Saudi Arabia vs Australia 69'00 10 Brazil vs Mexico 63'18 11 UAE vs Czech Republic 62'20 12 Uruguay vs South Africa 63'10 13 Brazil vs Czech Republic 64'09 14 UruguayvsAustralia 63'+1'20 15 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 67'10 16 Brazil vs Australia 66'20 Average actual time: 64'20 CAUTIONS AND EXPULSIONS ATTENDANCES Yellow cards: - Group matches: - Second stage: 42 24 All matches played at King Fahd Stadium, Riyadh Group matches: It- 1 match day (12.12.1997) 65,000 Red cards (second yellow): - 2nd match day (13.12.1997) 20,500 - Group matches: 12 - 3rd match day (14.12.1997) 15,000 - Second stage: 12 '- 411 match day (15.12.1997) 20,000 Red cards: - 511 match day (16.12.1997) 30,000 - Group matches : 1 - 6th match day (17.12.1997) 15,000 - Second stage: 1 Total first stage (12 matches) 151,500 Recapitulation: Final Round: - Yellow cards: 66 - 1ST Semifinal (19.12.1997) 28,000 - Red cards (second yellow): 2 - 2nd Semifinal (19.12.1997) 22,000 - Red cards: 2 - Match for third place (21 .12.1997) 27,000 - Final (19.12.1997) 65,000 Total second stage (4 matches) 142,000 Overall total: 293,500 Average per match 18,344
  • 15. II GOALS AND SCORERS List of goalscorers 98 Who scored which goal 98 How the goals were scored 98 From whom the goals were scored 99 When the goals were scored 99 From what distance the goals were scored 99 Leading goalscorers and assists 99 Goals scored by players who came on as substitutes 100 List of penalties 100 Goalkeeper statistics 100 Number of goals scored: Average per match Number of wins: Number of draws: Number of wins by golden goal: Number of decisions by penalty-kicks: Number of penalties awarded: Highest score: Number of goals scored by substitutes : Number of wins after conceding 1 STgoal 52 3 .25 13 2 1 1 3 6-0 (BRA vs AUS) 6 97
  • 16. 98 II GOALS AND SCORERS LIST OF GOALSCORERS Altalyani (UAE, 10) 1 UAE-CZE 1-6 Player Goals Augustine (RSA, 12) 1 RSA-CZE 1-1 1 Romario (BRA, 11) 7 Callejas (URU, 14) 1 URU-RSA 4-3 2 Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16) 1 KSA-BRA 0-1 3 Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4 Denilson (BRA, 18) 1 BRA-MEX 2-1 4 Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 MEX-AUS 1-2 (Pen .) 5 Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 BRA-MEX 3-1 Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 KewelI (AUS, 11) 1 URU-AUS 0-1 (golden goal) Olivera (URU, 10) 2 Lasota (CZE, 15) 1 CZE-URU (Final) 1-0 Palencia (MEX, 17) 2 Silva (URU, 11) 2 Luna (MEX, 8) 1 KSA-MEX 0-4 10 AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 Mori (AUS, 17) 1 MEX-AUS 1-3 Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1 URU-RSA 3-3 Altalyani (UAE, 10) Augustine (RSA, 12) 1 1 Pacheco (URU, 19) 1 UAE-URU 0-2 Callejas (URU, 14) 1 Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 URU-RSA 0-1 Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16) 1 Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1 BRA-MEX 3-2 Denilson (BRA, 18) 1 Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 Recoba (URU, 20) 1 URU-RSA 2-1 Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 Siegl (CZE, 10) 1 CZE-URU 1-2 Kewel I (AUS, 11) Lasota (CZE, 15) 1 1 Suhail (UAE, 5) 1 UAE-RSA 1-0 Luna (MEX, 8) 1 Zalayeta (URU, 9) 1 CZE-URU 0-2 Mori (AUS, 17) 1 Own goals 1 Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1 Pacheco (URU, 19) 1 Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 Number of goals scored : 52 Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1 Recoba (URU, 20) 1 Siegl (CZE, 10) 1 Suhail (UAE, 5) 1 Viduka (AUS, 9) 1 HOW THE GOALS WERE SCOREDZalayeta (URU, 9) 1 Own goals 1 Total 52 Total goals scored: 52 (3.25 per match) average per match: 3.25 Comparison USA'94: (2.58 per match) KSA '97 USA '94 52 100% WHO SCORED WHICH GOAL From the run of play: 44 84.62% 67.40% - Passing run through Player No. the middle 20 45.45 % 40% of goals Goals scored Passing run or breakthrough Romario (BRA, 11) 7 KSA-BRA 2-0,3-0; BRA-MEX 1-0 on the wings 18 40.91 % 44.20% (Pen.), BRA-CZE 1-0; BRA-AUS - left side: 10 55.56 3-0, 4-0, 6-0 (Pen.) - right side: 8 44.44% Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 RSA-CZE 0-1, 1-2; UAE-CZE Solo performance 4 9.09% 15.80% 0-3, 0-5, 0-6 From standard situations : 7 13.46% 32.60% Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4 BRA-CZE 2-0; BRA-AUS 1-0, After a 2-0,5-0 - corner-kick: 1 14.29% 15.20% Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 KSA-MEX 0-3, 0,5; BRA-MEX - free-kick: 2 28.57% 17.40% 1-1 - throw-in: 0 2.20% Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 RSA-CZE 2-2; URU-RSA 3-2 From a Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 UAE-CZE 0-2, 0-4 - penalty: 3 42.86% 32.60% - free-kick: 1 14.29 % Olivera (URU, 10) 2 UAE-URU 0-1, CZE-URU 0-1 Shots 43 82.69% 70.90% Palencia (MEX, 17) 2 KSA-MEX 0-1, 0-2 Silva (URU, 11) 2 URU-RSA 1-1, 3-1 Headers 5 9.62% 17.70% AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 KSA-AUS 1-0 Penalties 3 5.77% 10.60% Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 MEX-AUS 0-2 Own goals 1 1 .92% 0.80%
  • 17. FROM WHOM THE GOALS LIST OF GOALSCORERS AND ASSISTS WERE SCORED KSA '97 USA '94 (Goal scored : 3 points, assist: 1 point) Player Goals Assists Total Goals scored 52 100 1 Romano (BRA, 11) 7 0 21 Strikers: 36 69.23% 65.60% 2 Smicer (CZE, 17) 5 0 15 Midfielders: 10 19.23% 25.80% 3 Ronaldo (BRA, 9) 4 3 15 Defenders: 5 9.62% 7.50% 4 Blanco (MEX, 11) 3 0 9 Owngoals: 1 1 .92% 1 .10% 5 Silva (URU, 11) 2 2 8 6 Nedved (CZE, 4) 2 1 7 7 Mkhalele (RSA, 11) 2 0 6 Olivera (URU, 10) 2 0 6 Palencia (MEX, 17 2 0 6 WHEN THE GOALS WERE SCORED 10 Denilson (BRA, 18) 1 2 5 Lasota (CZE, 15) 1 2 5 Total goals scored: 52 (3.25 per match) 12 Hernandez (MEX, 15) 1 1 4 Comparison USA'94: (2.58 per match) Pacheco (URU, 19) 1 1 4 Zalayeta (URU, 9) 1 1 4 15 AI-Khilaiwi (KSA, 3) 1 0 3 KSA '97 USA '94 Aloisi (AUS, 18) 1 0 3 Altalyani (UAE, 10) 1 0 3 Group matches: 52 100% Augustine (RSA, 12) 1 0 3 Callejas (URU, 14) 1 0 3 Between Cesar Sampaio (BRA, 16 1 0 3 1 51 and 1511 minute 6 11 .5% 14.0% Junior Baiao (BRA, 4) 1 0 3 1611 and 3011 minute 5 9.6% 11 .9% Kewell (AUS, 11) 1 0 3 31ST and 45th minute 9 17.3% 21 .5% Luna (MEX, 8) 1 0 3 after 4511 minute Mori (AUS, 17) 1 0 3 (injury time) 1 1 .9% Ndlanya (RSA, 13) 1 0 3 4611 and 6011 minute 6 11 .5% 20 .4% Radebe (RSA, 19) 1 0 3 61ST and 7511 minute 12 23.1 % 16.1 % Ramirez (MEX, 7) 1 0 3 76th and 9011 minute 12 23.1 % 16.1 % Recoba (URU, 20 1 0 3 after 9011 minute Siegl (CZE, 10) 1 0 3 (injury time) 1 1 .9% Suhail (UAE, 5) 1 0 3 First half-time 20 38.5% 47.4% Viduka (AUS, 9) 1 0 3 32 Hernandez (MEX, 15 0 3 3 Second half-time 30 57.7% 52.6% Dunga (BRA, 5) 0 2 2 in injury time 1 1 .9% Foster (AUS, 8) 0 2 2 Juninho (BRA, 19 0 2 2 in extra-time (golden goal) 1 1 .9% Kuka (CZE, 9) 0 2 2 own goal (11 ') 37 AI-faber (KSA, 9) 0 1 1 Bebeto (BRA, 7) 0 1 1 Cafu (BRA, 2) 0 1 1 Chavez (MEX, 9) 0 1 1 Jackson (RSA, 4) 0 1 1 FROM WHAT DISTANCE THE GOALS Leonardo (BRA, 10 0 1 1 Lopez (MEX, 16 0 1 1 WERE SCORED Masinga (RSA, 6) 0 1 1 Mohammed Ali (UAE, 15) 0 1 1 KSA '97 USA '94 Montero (URU, 3) 0 1 1 Group matches: 47 Moshoeu (RSA, 10) 0 1 1 Inside goal area: 15 28.85% 14.3 0/. Owngoals 1 Between goal area and penalty spot: 20 38 .46% 47.5% Total 52 35 Between penalty spot and edge of the penalty area: 6 12% 19.1 % Outside penalty box: 8 15.38% 19.1% Penalties 3 5.77% 99
  • 18. II GOALS AND SCORERS GOALS SCORED BY PLAYERS WHO CAME ON AS SUBSTITUTES GOALKEEPER STATISTICS Keepers who played one match or less: No. Match Player came scored on 2 MEX-AUS Hernandez (MEX, 15) 63' 75' (1-2) Mori (AUS, 17) 73' 90' (1-3) 3 UAE-URU Pacheco (URU, 19) 75' 92' (0-2) 8 CZE-URU Siegl (CZE, 20) 60' 89' (1-2) 10 BRA-MEX Ramirez (MEX, 7) 46' 90' (3-2) 15 CZE-URU Lasota (CZE,15) 58' 63' (1-0) Goalkeeper No. of min. played No. of goals conceded Av. no of goals conceded per match Dida (BRA) 442' 1 0.20 Flores (URU) 362' 3 0.75 Smicek (CZE) 450' 7 1 .40 Bosnich (AUS) 362' 7 1 .75 Rogerio (BRA) 8' 1 Kalac (AUS) 90' 1 Pérez (MEX) 90' 3 Nicola (URU) 90' 3 Baloyi (RSA) 90' 4 PENALTIES Date Match 12.12. MEX vs AUS Hernandez (MEX,15) scored (1-2) 16.12. BRA vs MEX Romario (BRA,11) scored (1-0) 21 .12. BRA vs AUS Romario (BRA,11) scored (6-0)
  • 19. III TEAM DATA Australia 102 Brazil 104 Czech Republic 106 Mexico 108 Saudi Arabia 110 South Africa 112 United Arab Emirates 114 Uruguay 116 Average age of the teams 118 Number of players fielded per team 118 Use of three substitutes 118
  • 20. III TEAM DATA AUSTRALIA Team Coach: Tent' Venables OBTAINED RESULTS 8OSNICH 12.12.97 Australia vs Mexico 3-1(1-0) .~.. 14.12.97 Australia vs Brazil 0-0 16.12.97 Australia vs Saudi Arabia 0-1 (0-1) 19.12.97 Australia vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0) 4 fVANOVK (golden goal 92 21 .12.97 Australia vs Brazil 0-6(0-3) 14Y T . 5TOBIN 2HORVAT 3LAZARIDIS FINAL RANKING: 2° PLACE (21AMAT) 10YItMhARA. 8 FOSTER 6 ZELIC (ISLATER) (14 VIDMAR T.) V 1 W (1 RI) (1 Aí.01:11 Appearances Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal Final Total No. Name Pos. Date Club MEX BRA KSA URU BRA of Birth 3-1 0-0 0-1 1-0 0-6_ 1 BOSNICH Mark GK 13.01 .72 Aston Villa (ENG) __ R__ 90 90 92 90 362 2 HORVAT Steven DF 14.03.71 Hajduk Split (HRV) 90 90 __ 90 susp_ 55 325 3 LAZARIDIS Stan MF 16.08.72 West Ham United (ENG) 90 90 90 92 90-_-i 452 4 IVANOVIC Milan DF 21 .12.60 Adelaide City R 90 90_____92_ 90 362 5 TOBIN Alexander (C) DF 03.11 .65 Adelaide City 90 90 90 92 90 ^ 452 6 ZELIC Ned MF 04.07.71 Auxerre (FRA) 90 _90 90 92 90 452 7 SLATER Robbie MF 22.11 .64 Southampton (ENG) 78 R 90 R R 168 8 FOSTER Craig MF 15.04.69 Portsmouth (ENG) 90 90 90 92 90 452 9 VIDUKA Mark FW 09.10.75 Croatia Zagreb (HRV) 73 89 24 92 exp. 24 302 10 VIDMAR Aurelio FW 03.02.67 Tenerife (ESP) 45 60 16 80 31 232 11 KEWELL Harry FW 22.09.78 Leeds United (ENG) - - 24 92 90 206 12 BINGLEY Matthew FW 16.08.71 Vissel Kobe (JPN) R 1 R R 35 _' 36 13 HOOKER Robert DF 06.03.67 Sydney United 45 90 R R R 135 14 VIDMAR Tony DF 04.07.70 Glasgow Rangers (SCO) 90 R R 31 211 15 SKOKO Josip MF 10.12.75 Hajduk Split (HRV) R R 74 T 12 R 86 16 TRIMBOLI Paolo FW 25.02.69 South Melbourne R R _ R R R 0 17 MORI Damien FW 30.09.70 Adelaide City 17 _2_0 _ 66 R R 103 18 ALOISI John FW 05.02.76 Portsmouth (ENG) 90__ _ 70 66 R 59 285 19 TAPAI Ernest MF 14.02.67 Perth Glory 12 30 _ - - - 42 20 KALAC Zeljko GK 16.12.72 Sydney United 90 R R R R 90 ALTERNATE PLAYERS 21 MUSCAT Kevin MF 07.08.73 Crystal Palace R R R 92 59 151 102
  • 21. From left to right, back row: Viduka, Tobin, ivanovic, Horvat, Zelic, Bosnich; front row: Vidmar T., Lazaridis, Foster, Aloisi, Vidmar A. Playing system : 5-3-2 very defensive, sometimes even 4-4-2, based on counter-attacks. Strengths: Very good goalkeeper as an organiser and in positional play; Physically strong, tackling, good organization in the defence Weaknesses : Lack of movement in attack, insufficient release of forwards, no playoff the ball . Prominent players: Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (goalkeeper) Système de jeu: 5-3-2 très défensif, parfois même 4-4-2, axé sur la contre-attaque. Points forts : Très bon gardien de but, comme organisateur de la défense et dans son positionnement ; Equipe athlétique, forte dans les duels, bonne organisation de la défense Points faibles : Manque de mobilité dans les offensives, démarquage insuffisant des attaquants, jeu sans ballon inexistant. Joueurs remarqués : Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (gardien de but) Sistema dejuego: 5-3-2 muy ofensivo, a veces incluso 4-4-2, basado en contraataques; Puntos positivos: muy buen guardameta, como organizador y en el juego de colocación; jugadores robustos, firmes en el mano a mano, buena organización de la defensa; Puntos negativos: ofensiva lenta, delanteros incapaces de desmarcarse, no hubo juego sin balón. Jugadores destacados : Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (portero) Spielsystem : 5-3-2 sehr defensiv, manchmal sogar 4-4-2, auf Konterattacken aufgebaut. Stärken: Sehr guter Torhüter, als Organisator und im Stellungsspiel; Physisch stark, Zweikampf, gute Organisation in der Verteidigung Schwächen: Offensiv bewegungsarm, ungenügendes Freistellen der Stürmer, kein Spiel ohne Ball . Herausragende Spieler: Zelic (6), Foster (8), Bosnich (Torhüter) AUSTRALIA Average age of the team 26 years 10 months Number of players who play abroad 14 Goalscorers Aloisi 1 Kewell 1 Mori 1 Viduka 1 Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 9 Yellow/red cards: 1 Red cards: 1 International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking (November 1997) 32°d Officials Charlie CARUSO, Head of Delegation Joe PAWLIKOWSKI, Head of Administration David HILL, Chairman Soccer Australia Terry VENABLES, Coach Raul BLANCO, Assistant Coach Leslie Paul SCHEINFLUG, Assistant Coach Ron CORRY, Goalkeeper Coach Peter GEORGILOPOULOS, Physiotherapist Andrew JOWETT, Doctor Nelson Alberto DELASIO Gear Steward 103
  • 22. III TEAM DATA BRAZIL OBTAINED RESULTS FINAL RANKING: 1 1 PLACE Appearances ALTERNATE PLAYERS 21 22 104 Team Coach: Mario Jorge Lobo Zagallo RODRIGO Fabri RUSSO Ricardo Soares Florencio DF 18.06.76 A. Portuguesa Vitôria 0 0 No. Name Pos. Date of Birth Club Match 1 KSA 3-0 Match 2 AUS 0-0 Match 3 MEX 3-2 Semifinal CZE 2-0 Final AUS 6-0 Total 1 DIDA Nelson de Jesus Silva GK 07.10.73 Cruzeiro 90 90 82 90 90 442 2 CAFU Marcos Evangelista de Morais DF 07.06.70 A.S. Roma (ITA) 75 R_ R 90 90 255 3 ALDAIR Nacimento Santos DF 30.11 .65 A.S. Roma (ITA) 90 90 90 90 90 i 450 4 JUNIOR BAIANO Raimundo Ferreira Ramos DF 14.03.70 Flamengo 90 90 90 70 90 430 5 DUNGA Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri MF 31 .10.63 Jubilo Iwata (JPN) 90 90 90 1 270 6 ROBERTO CARLOS da Silva DF 10.04.73 Real Madrid (ESP) R 90 90_ __90_ __9 360 7 BEBETO José Roberto Gama de Oliveira FW 16.02.64 Cruzeiro R 90 45 R R 135 8 FLAVIO CONCEIÇAO MF 12.06.74 Dep. La Coruña (ESP) 90 90 90 _ 87 -- 357 9 RONALDO luiz Naz6rio de Lima FW 22.09.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 90 90 45 90 90 ~ 405 10 LEONARDO Nascimento deAraújo (C) MF 05.09.69 A.C. Milan (ITA) 72 90 R 45 R 207 11 ROMARIO de Souza Faria FW 29.01 .66 Valencia (ESP) 90 R 90 90 90 360 12 ROGÉRIOCeni GK 22.01 .73 Sáo Paulo F.C. R 8 1 R R 8 13 ZÉ MARIA José Marcelo Ferreira DF 25.07.73 A.C. Parma (ITA) 15 90 90 R R 195 14 GONgALVES Marcelo Costa L6pes DF 22.02.66 Cruzeiro R R R 20 R 20 15 ZÉ ROBERTO José Roberto da Silva Junior D/M 06.07.74 Real Madrid (ESP) 90 R R R R 90 16 CÉSAR SAMPAIO Carlos Sampaio Campos MF 31 .03.68 Ana Sato Kogyo FC (JPN) 90 88 - 3 90 181 17 DORIVA Dorival Guidoni Junior MF 28.05.72 Atlético Mineiro R 2 __' R - - 2 18 DENILSON de Oliveira MF 24.08.77 Sáo Paulo 73 26 , _ 90 1 45 90 324 19 JUNINHO Oswaldo Giroldo Junior MF 22.02.73 Atlético Madrid (ESP) 18 R ]_-90 90 90 288 20 RIVALDO Victor Borba Ferreira M/F 19.04.72 F.C. Barcelona (ESP) 17 64 R R R 81 12.12.97 Brazil vs Saudi Arabia 3-0(0-0) 14.12.97 Brazil vs Australia 0-0 16.12.97 Brazil vs Mexico 3-2(1-0) 19.12.97 Brazil vs Czech Republic 2-0(0-0) 21 .12.97 Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0)
  • 23. From left to right, back row: Junior ßaiano, César Sampaio, Dida, Aldair, Roberto Carlos, Cafu; front row: Ronaldo, Denilson, Juninho, Romario, Dunga Playing system: 4-4-2 throughout with two central defenders alternating at the back, attacking central defenders on both sides, moving down the wings; Strengths: Technically and tactically superior change of rhythm in every zone; Defence particularly strong in the tackle and in the air. Good coverage of space, dangerous crosses, flat and powerful, mostly from the left flank; Weaknesses : Too little movement in play off the ball, initial acclimatisation problems (tiredness); wayward, hasty long-range shots. Prominent players: Dunga, Denilson, Junior Baiano, in the final matches Romario and Ronaldo were outstanding . Système dejeu : 4-4-2 en permanence, avec deux défenseurs centraux alternant en retrait, deux défenseurs latéraux offensifs débordant sur les ailes ; Points forts : Supériorité technique et tactique, changement de rythme dans chaque compartiment ; Equipe particulièrement solide en défense, dans les duels et dans lejeu aérien ; Bonne répartition sur le terrain, centres dangereux, à ras de terre et puissants, la plupart du temps du côté gauche ; Points faibles : Mobilité insuffisante dans lejeu sans ballon, problème d'adaptation au climat (fatigue initiale) ; Tirs à distance imprécis et précipités . Joueurs remarqués : Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano, Romario und Ronaldo exceptionnels dans le deuxième tour. Sistema dejuego: Siempre 4-4-2 con dos marcadores centrales atrasados que se alternaban en sus funciones . Centrocampistas medios ofensivos, veloces desbordamientos por los flancos; Puntos positivos: buena técnica, hábiles cambios de ritmo en todas las zonas; defensores robustos en el mano a mano, dominio del juego aéreo; Puntos negativos: poco juego sin balón; problemas de aclimatación iniciales (fatiga); remates de distancia imprecisos y precipitados. Jugadores destacados: Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano; en los partidos finales, destacaron igualmente Romario y Ronaldo. Spielsystem : 4-4-2 durchgehend mit zwei nach hinten alternierenden Mittelverteidigern, beidseits offensive Mittelverteidiger, über die Flanken vorstossend ; Stärken: Technisch und spielerisch überlegen Rythmuswechsel injeder Zone; In der Verteidigung insbesondere Kopfball- und Zweikampfstark Gute Spielraum-Aufteilung, Gefährliche Flanken, flach und scharf, meist von der linken Seite her; Schwächen: Zu wenig Bewegung im Spiel ohne Ball, vorerst Akklimatisierungs-Probleme (Müdigkeit); Unpräzise, überhastete Distanzschüsse . Herausragende Spieler: Dunga, Denilsson, Junior Baiano, in den Finalspielen Romario und Ronaldo hervorragend . BRAZIL Average age of the team 25 years 11 months Number of players who play abroad 13 Goalscorers Romano 7 Ronaldo 4 Cesar Sampaio 1 Denilson 1 Junior Baiao 1 Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 9 Yellow/red cards: - Red cards: - International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking (November 1997) Officials José Luiz ROLIM, Head of Delegation FARIA Junior AMERICO da Costa, Head of Administration Mario Jorge Lobo ZAGALLO, Coach Carlos Alberto DA LUZ, Administrator Carlos PRIMA LUIZ Pereira, Physical Trainer Teixeira MARCOS MOURA, Physical Trainer LIDIO TOLEDO De Araújo, Doctor Joaquim Maximiano DA MATA, Doctor Lucena RAMALHO WENDELL, Goalkeeper Trainer De Freitas JUNIOR NELSON BORGES, Media Officer Luiz Carlos DA SILVA Luizäo, Masseur Antonio DE ASSIS SILVA, Clothes Keeper Paulo Cezar DA COSTA Paulinho, Masseur BARRETO ROGELSON da Silva, Clothes Keeper Do Nascimento CLAUDIONOR DELGADO, Physiotherapist 105
  • 24. III TEAM DATA CZECH REPUBLIC Team Coach: Dusan Min OBTAINED RESULTS 13 .12.97 Czech Republic vs South Africa 2-2(2-1) 15 .12.97 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-2(0-1) 17.12.97 Czech Republic vs UAE 6-1(4-0) 19.12.97 Czech Republic vs Brazil 0-2(0-0) 45ü DA 21 .12.97 Czech Republic vs Uruguay 1-0(0-0) i :YtCfá , iQRADA FINAL RANKING: 3R° PLACE _ tiBFilK+kLj 4 HEO'41) 5+t tNt 7t MPC w($ ~ 116 1 . (i5lA5 TA! ! ,i75M 1 9fl' lEGt Appearances Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal 3rd pI. Total No. Name Pos. Date Club RSA URU UAE BRA URU of Birth 2-2 1-2 6-1 0-2 1-0 1 SRNICEK Pavel GK 10.03.68 Newcastle United (ENG) 90 90 90 90 90 450 2 ULICH No MF 05.09.74 Slavia Praha R R 15 ll 17 - R 32 3 KOZEL Lubos DF 16.03.71 Slavia Praha R 20 R 1 R 21 4 NEDVED Pavel MF 30.08.72 Lazio Roma (ITA) 90 90 90 73 90 433 5 HORNAK Michal DF 28.04.70 Sparta Praha 90 70 65 82 I 2 ! 309 6 SVOBODA Zdenek DF 20.05.72 Sparta Praha 90 90 90 90 90 450 7 NEMEC Jiri (C) MF 15.05.66 Schalke 04 (GER) exp. 82' susp. 90 90 90 352 8 POBORSKY Karel MF 30.03.72 Manchester United (ENG) 7 exp. 40 susp. 8 12 67 9 KUKA Pavel FW 19.07.68 Kaiserslautern (GER) 88 60 90 90 90 418 10 SIEGL Horst FW 15.02.69 Sparta Praha R 30 82 R R 112 11 BEJBL Radek MF 29.08.72 Atletico Madrid (ESP) 90 90 90 89 Í 58 417 12 RADA Karel DF 02.03.71 Trabzonspor (TUR) 90 90 90 90 90 450 13 VLCEK Petr DF 18.10.73 Slavia Praha 90 90 90 90 90 450 14 SLONCIK Radek MF 29.05.73 Banik Ostrava 2 R R _' R R 2 15 LASOTA Edvard MF 07.03.71 Slavia Praha 90 45 '25 9 32 282 16 LOKVENC Vratislav FW 27.09.73 Sparta Praha R R 8 R 88 96 17 SMICER Vladimir FW 24.05.73 Racing Lens (FRA) 83 90 75 -_ X90._ 78 416 18 FUKAL Milan DF 16.05.75 Jablonec R R R R 90 90 19 FRYDEK Martin MF 09.03.69 Bayer Leverkusen (GER) R 45 R R R 45 20 MAIER Ladislav GK 04.01 .66 WSK Liberec R R R R R 0 106
  • 25. From left to right, back row: Poborsky, Lasota, Ylcek, Rada, Homak, Srnicek; front row: Svoboda, Smicer, Bejbl, Nedved, Kuka Playing system: 4-3-3 as a basic system, evolving towards a 3-4-3 system when the opposing team lined up with only two forwards, then in the semi-final (2nd half) against Brazil a change to the 4-4-2 system in which zonal marking replaced manmarking. Strengths: In 4-4-3 and 3-4-3 good player integration (each player in position with a clearly defined task); quick passes, good movement of the whole team, dangerous forwards with considerable penetration. Weaknesses : Change of system in order to adapt to opposition; exhausted players in the group matches. Too defensive in attitude when leading; stifled by pressure, thus losing clear concept Prominent players: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17) Système de jeu : 4-3-3 comme système de base, évoluant vers un système 3-4-3 quand l'équipe adverse n'alignait que deuxattaquants, puis en demi-finale (2e période) contre le Brésil adoptant un système 4-4-2, passant du marquage individuel à la zone. Points forts : En 4-3-3 et 3-4-3 bonne répartition du jeu (chacun à sa place avec une mission précise) ; passes rapides, bonne mobilité de toute l'équipe, attaquants dangereux avec une grande force de pénétration. Points faibles : Changement de système pour s'adapter à l'adversaire ; joueurs épuisés au terme des matchs de groupe. Comportement trop défensif de l'équipe quand elle mène à la marque ; elle se laissa étoufferet perdit sa ligne de conduite. Joueurs remarqués : Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17) Sistema de juego: Sistema básico: 4-3-3; cuando el adversario atacaba con dos puntas, cambio a un 3-4-3 flexible y, en la semifinal contra Brasil (2° tiempo) un 4-4-2, como el rival. Cambio de marcación directa del hombre a marcación por zona; Puntos positivos: con los sistemas 4-3-3 y 3-4-3 clara repartición de funciones (cada jugador en su respectiva posición, cumpliendo exactamente las instrucciones); rápidos pases y maniobras, mucho movimiento en todo el equipo; delanteros muy peligrosos con infiltraciones desequilibrantes . Puntos negativos: cambio de sistema para adaptarse al rival. Agotados en los partidos de grupo. Muy defensivos cuando iban ganando; fueron arrollados por los rivales y perdieron completamente la visión dejuego. Jugadores destacados: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17). Spielsystem: 4-3-3 als Grundsystem, bei nur zwei gegnerischen Sturmspitzen übergehend zu einem flexiblen 3-4-3, dann im Halbfinal (zweite Halbzeit) gegen Brasilien wie der Gegner in einem 4-4-2, von Manndeckung wechselnd auf Raumdeckung. Stärken: Im 4-3-3 + 3-4-3 klare Spielaufteilung (jeder an seinem Platz mit klaren Anweisungen); schnelle Zuspiele, viel Bewegung im ganzen Team, gefährliche Sturmspitzen mit gefährlichen Infiltrationen Schwächen : System-Wechsel, um sich seinem Gegner anzupassen; in den Gruppenspielen ausgelaugt . Im Vorsprung zu defensives Verhalten; liess sich erdrücken und verlor klare Linie Herausragende Spieler: Nedved (4), Svoboda (6), Nemec (7), Smicer (17) Average age of the team 26 years 3 months Number of players who play abroad 9 Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: Yellow/red cards: Red cards: International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking November 1997) 4m Officials Frantisek CHVAL Jaroslav DUDL, H Dusan UHRIN, Coach Miroslav PELTA, T No VIKTOR, Assis Werner LICKA, As Petr KREJCI, Doct Ladislav KRABEC, Masseur Karel MALIS, Mas Jaroslav KOLAR, P Jiri SIMA, Kitman Jaroslav JOHN, Kitman Joseph GOLIS, C Oeos VSKY, Head of Delegation ad ofAdministration eam Director tant Coach sistant Coach r eur ress Officer ok CZECH REPUBLIC r 107 Goalscorers Smicer 5 Nedved 2 Lasota 1 Siegl 1
  • 26. III TEAM DATA MEXICO Team Coach: Manuel Lapuente OBTAINED RESULTS ; Q. 12.12.97 Mexico vs Australia 1-3(0-1) I 14.12.97 Mexico vs Saudi Arabia 5-00-0) F116.12.97 Mexico vs Brazil 2-3(0-1) 3GABRIEL FINAL RANKING: 5T PLACE 5DAVINO 18CARMONA (5DAVIN0) 4 6LAPA 11 BLAIC0 (7 R PR) 8 LUNA (14TMAXA$) /1010, (13 PAWO) - Y~ 1 ALENC~A i Appearances Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Semifinal Final Total No. Name Pos. Date Club AUS KSA BRA of Birth 1-3 5-0 2-3 - - 1 SANCHEZOswaldo GK 21 .09.73 America 90 90 R 180 2 SUAREZClaudio (C) DF 17.12.68 Guadalajara 90 90 90 _ 270 3 GABRIEL José DF 05 .06.71 Santos Laguna 63 R 61_ 124 4 VILLA Germán MF 02.04.73 America R 90 R _ 90 5 DAVINO Duilio DF 21 .03.76 America R 90 _90__ 180 6 LARA Raúl MF 28.02.73 America 90 56 90 236 7 RAMIREZ Jesus MF 05 .12.69 Guadalajara 90 R 45 135 8 LUNA Braulio MF 08.09.74 U.N.A.M. 90 45 45 180 9 CHAVEZ Paulo FW 07.01 .76 Guadalajara 45 90 R 135 10 GARCIA Luis FW 01 .06.69 Atlante 45 R 29_ 74 11 BLANCO Cuauhtemoc FW 17.01 .73 Necaxa 90 90 90 270 12 PÉREZ Oscar GK 01 .02.73 Cruz Azul R R 90_ 90 13 PARDO Pavel DF 26.07.76 Atlas 90 90 90- 1 270 14 TERRAZAS Isaac . DF 23.01 .73 America R R 14 15 HERNANDEZ Luis FW 22.12.68 Boca Juniors (ARG) 27 45 90 162 16 LOPEZ Markus MF 17.06.72 Guadalajara R _3_4 R 34 17 PALENCIA Francisco FW 28.04.73 Cruz Azul R 90 90 180 18 CARMONA Salvador DF 22.08.75 Toluca 66 90 90 246 19 ZARATE Noe DF 11 .05.73 Guadalajara R R R 0 20 ABUNDIS José Manuel FW 11 .06.73 Toluca 90 R R 90 108
  • 27. From left to right, back row: Luna, Gabriel, Sanchez, Chavez, Abundis, Suarez; front row: Blanco, Ramirez, Pardo, Terrazas, Lara Playing system: Rigorously-applied 4-3-3 according to opposition; but also 4-4-2 when necessary. Strengths: Organisation, teamwork, effort The midfield was in full support both in attack and defence; lost possession often quickly regained. Weaknesses : Somewhat naive, certain players had too little experience in playing against stronger opposition. Physically inferior . Prominent players: Suarez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17) Système de jeu : Selon l'adversaire un système 4-3-3 appliqué avec rigueur, mais aussi un 4-4-2. Points forts : Organisation, esprit d équipe, engagement. Le milieu de terrain apporte inlassablement son soutien en défense comme en attaque ; récupération régulière des ballons perdus. Points faibles : Equipe un peu naïve ; certains joueurs n'ont pas assez d expérience pour affrontrer de grands adversaires. Infériorité athlétique. Joueurs remarqués : Suarez (2), luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17) Sistema de juego: Según el rival, un 4-3-3- muy consecuente o un 4-4-2; Puntos positivos: organización, juego colectivo, garra; la línea media ayudó constantemente a la defensa y al ataque; tesón en la lucha por la recuperación del balón; Puntos negativos: ingenuidad y falta de experiencia internacional de algunos jugadores; inferioridad física. Jugadores destacados: Suárez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernández (15), Palencia (17). Spielsystem : Je nach Gegner 4-3-3 sehr konsequent angewandt, aber ebenfalls 4-4-2. Stärken: Organisation, Teamwork, Einsatzwillen Das Mittelfeld unterstützt hinten und vorne unermüdlich; verlorene Bälle werden wieder erkämpft. Schwächen: Etwas naiv, einige Spieler verfügten über zu wenig Erfahrung gegen grosse Gegner zu spielen. Körperliche Unterlegenheit . Herausragende Spieler: Suarez (2), Luna (8), Blanco (11), Hernandez (15), Palencia (17) MEXICO Average age of the team 24 years 5 months Number of players who play Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 3 Yellow/red cards: - Red cards: - International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking (November 1997) Officials Alejandro ORVAÑANOS, Head of Delegation Ricardo MENDEZ, Head of Administration Manuel LAPUENTE,Coach Mario CARRILLO, Assistant Coach Carlos DE LOS COBOS, Assistant Coach Hector GONZALEZ, Physical Preparator José Luis GARCIA, Doctor Juan MARQUEZ, Masseur Humberto MACIAS, Masseur Gonzalo SALDAÑA, Equipment Officer Isaac ESTRADA, Equipment Officer Ricardo MARTINEZ, Head of Press Luis GONZALEZ, Photographer 109 abroad 1 Goalscorers Blanco 3 Palencia 2 Hernandez 1 Luna 1 Ramirez 1
  • 28. III TEAM DATA SAUDI Team Coach: Otto tester OBTAINED RESULTS ,~~,~y~ .~~. s 1~ T~~'~ OiIp,~ °`~g~ ,,~tIMANI No. Name Pos. Date of Birth Club Match 1 BRA 0-3 _ Match 2 MEX 0-5 Match 3 AUS 1-0 Semifinal - Final - Total 1 AL-DEAYEAMohammed GK 02.08.72 AI-Tae 90 90 90 270 2 AL-JAHANI Mohammed DF 28.09.75 AI-Ahli ~ 90 90 R - -~ 180 3 AL-KHILAIWI Mohammed DF 1971 AI-Ittihad i 90 90 90 270 4 ZUBROMAWI Abdullah DF 15 .11 .73 AI-Ahli 64' exp. susp. 90 154 5 MADANI Ahmed DF 0601 .70 AI-Ittihad R R R 6 AL-HARBIIbrahim MF 10.07.75 AI-Nassr _90 90 90 270 7 AL-SHAHRANIIbrahim MF 21 .07.74 AI-Ahli 27_1T - 8 AL-TEMAWI Khalid FW 19.04.69 AI-Hilal 4 _25 13 9 AL-JABER Sami FW 11 .12.72 AI-Halal 90 90 90 270 10 OWAIRAN Saeed MF 19.08.67 AI-Shabab ~44 65 _90__ 199 11 MEHALEL Fahad FW 11 .11 .70 AI-Shabab 63 90 1 67 218 12 AL-DOSARI Ahmed DF 25.10.76 AI-Halal R R 90 13 SULIMANI Hussain DF 23.01 .77 AI-Ahli 90 90 90 270 14 AL-MUWALLID Khalid (C) MF 23.11 .71 AI-Ahli 90 90 77 257 15 AL-SADIG Hussain GK 15.10.73 AI-Qadissiyah R R R 16 AL-DOSSARY Khamis MF 08.09.73 AI-Halal 90 90 90 270 17 AL-SAHAFI Mohammed DF 02.10.75 AI-Ittihad R 90 R 18 AL-ZAHRANI Khamees MF 03.08.76 AI-Ittihad R R R 19 AL-DOSSARY Obeid FW 02.10.75 AI-Wehda R - 23 20 SALEH Hamzah MF 19.04.67 AI-Ahli R R R 21 AL-DOSSARI Mhaisen FW - R R 22 AL-AWAD Turki Saleh GK - R - 23 AL-SHUWAYE Ibrahim DF - - (tßAl-t)OSARI) (11AL-SAHAfI) (15 AL-SADIG) 1ó A1-D055ARY K. ó AL-HARBI iQ OalVA1RAN 14 Al-MUWAlLfD 9 AL-1ABEfZ 11 ALLEL (15 AL , ADIG) Appearances ~ r ALTERNATE PLAYERS 110 0 27 84 90 0 90 0 23 0 0 0 0 12.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Brazil 0-3 (0-0) 14.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Mexico 0-5 (0-1) 16.12.97 Saudi Arabia vs Australia 1-0 (1-0) FINAL RANKING : 7T PLACE
  • 29. From left to right, back row: AI-Muwallid, AI-Sahafi, AI-Deayea, AI-Khilaiwi, Owairan, AI-Dossary; front row: AI-Jahani, AI-Jaber, Mehalel, AI-Harbi, Sulimani SAUDI ARABIA Playing system: 4-4-2 with an alternating libero Average age of the team Strengths: Goalkeeper with quick reflexes, relatively good cooperation between the 24 years 5 months micifiled and defence. Weaknesses : Too much individual play, no clear system, too many technical mistakes, Number of players who play non-existent involvement abroad 0 Prominent players: M. Aldeayea (Goalkeeper), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3) Goalscorers AI-Khilaiwi 1 Disciplinary measures Système de jeu : 4-4-2 avec un libero alternant . Yellow cards: 4 Points forts : Gardien de but aux excellents réflexes, relativement bonne coopération Yellow/red cards: 1 entre le milieu de terrain et la défense . Red cards: - Points faibles : Jeu trop personnel, sans système clair, nombreuses fautes techniques, International FIFA/Coca-Cola engagement inexistant World Ranking (November 1997) 34th Joueurs remarqués : M. Aldeayea (1er gardien de but), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3) Officials His Royal Highness SULTAN BIN FAHD BIN ABDUL-AZIZ, Sistema dejuego: 4-4-2 con un líbero alternando; Vice President of Youth Welfare Puntos positivos: portero muy hábil; colaboración relativamente buena entre la defensa y la Fahad Nasser AL-DÁMESH, línea media; Head of Administration Puntos negativos: demasiadas acciones individuales, sin un sistema claro; muchas faltas Otto PFISTER, Coach Ahmed Eid AL-HARBI, Official técnicas; falta de garra. Radwan A.MANDILI, Official Jugadores destacados: M. Aldeayea (portero), M. Al-Khilaiwi (3). Ibrahim N.AL-DAHMASH, Official Abdullah AAL-SHAYE, Official Mohammed A. AI-KHARASHI, Official Ahmed SHAKER, Official Spielsystem : 4-4-2 mit Libero alternierend. Luis C.DE SILVA, Official Stärken: Reflexschneller Torhüter, relativ gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wilson QUIQUETO, Official Verteidigung und Mittelfeld Ismael RAGHEB, Official Schwächen wird zu individuell gespielt, ohne klares System, viele technische Fehler, Mustafa ZAIN, Official fehlender Einsatz Mohammed SADEG, Official Jan SENZAK Abdullah M, Official Herausragende Spieler M. Aldeayea (Torhüter), M. AI-Khilaiwi (3) AL-GHLAIMISH., Official Abdul-Fatah AABDULLAH, Official
  • 30. III TEAM DATA SOUTH AFRICA OBTAINED RESULTS 13.12.97 South Africa vs Czech Republic 15.12.97 South Africa vs UAE 17.12.97 South Africa vs Uruguay FINAL RANKING: 8T PLACE Appearances 2-2(1-2) 0-1(0-1) 3-4(1-2) Team Coach : Clive Barker No. Name Pos. Date of Birth Club Match 1 CZE 2-2 Match 2 UAE 0-1 Match 3 URU 3-4 Semifinal - Final - Total 1 ARENDSE Andre GK 27.06.67 Fulham (ENG) 90 90 R 180 2 MOTAUNG Sizwe (C DF 07.01 .70 Kaizer Chiefs 90 90 45 225 3 NYATHI David DF 02.03.69 St. Gallen (SUI) R 45 90 135 4 JACKSON Willem DF 26.03.72 Orlando Pirates 90 45 45 180 5 FISH Mark . DF 14.03.74 Bolton Wanderers (ENG) 90 90 90 270 6 MASINGA Philemon FW 28.06.69 Bari (ITA) 90 90 90 270 7 LARSEN Clinton MF 17.02.71 Manning Rangers R R _R 0 8 NGOBE Dumisa MF 05.03.73 Orlando Pirates 53 90 R 143 9 TOVEY Neil DF 02.07.62 Kaizer Chiefs _ 90 90 R 180 10 MOSHOEUJohn MF 18.12.65 Kocaelispor(TUR) 90 90 77 257 11 MKHALELE Helman MF 20.10.69 Kayserispor (TUR) 90 90 90 270 12 AUGUSTINE Brendan FW 26.10.71 Lask Linz (AUT) 74 59 R 133 13 NDLANYA Pollen FW 22.05.70 Bursaspor (TUR) R 8 20 28 14 WILLIAMS Mark FW 11 .08.66 Kaizer Chiefs 16 31 70 117 15 KHUMALO Doctor MF 26.06.67 Kaizer Chiefs 37 R R 37 16 BALOYI Brian GK 16.03.74 Kaizer Chiefs R R 90 90 17 MNGUNI Jabulani MF 09.12.72 Vaal Professional R R 13 13 18 MOETI John MF 30.08.66 Orlando Pirates 90 82 _ 90 262 19 RADEBE Lucas (C) DF 12.04.69 Leeds United (ENG) R R 90 90 20 I TINKLER Eric i MFT30.07.70 Barnsley (ENG) R R 90 90
  • 31. From left to right, back row: Motaung, Masinga, Fish, Baloyi, Williams, Moshoeu; front row: Radebe, Nyathi, Tinkler, Mkhalele, Moeti. SOUTH AFRICA Playing system: 4-4-2 with an alternating libero Average age of the team Strengths: Team spirit, physical presence 27 years 5 months Weaknesses : Players too long in possession of ball, insufficient understanding between the blocks. Number of players who play abroad 10 Goalscorers Système dejeu : 4-4-2 avec un libero alternant . Mkhalele 2 Points forts : Esprit d'équipe, présence athlétique. Augustine 1 Nadlanya 1 Points faibles : Joueurs trop longtemps en possession du ballon, compréhension Radebe 1 insuffisante entre les blocs. Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 3 Yellow/red cards: - Sistema de juego: 4-4-2 con un líbero alternando; Red cards: - Puntos positivos: espíritu de equipo, potencia física; International FIFA/Coca-Cola Puntos negativos: demasiadas acciones individuales; falta de engranaje entre las diferentes World Ranking (November 1997) 35th líneas de formación . Officials Molefi OLIPHANT, Head of Delegation Danny JORDAAN, Head of Administration Spielsystem : 4-4-2 mit Libero alternierend Clive BARKER, Coach Stärken: Teamgeist, physische Stärke Irvin KHOZA, Head of Protocol, Schwächen: Individuell zu lang im Ballbesitz, mangelhafte Interpretation zwischen Dick NKUNA, Team Manager den Linien. Dave BECKER, Physiotherapist Victor RAMATHESELE, Medical Doctor Phil SETSHEDI, Assistant Coach Augusto PALACIOS, Assistant Coach Yusef MODISANE, Kit Manager Mandla NDLOVU, Assistant Kit Manager
  • 32. No. Name Pos. Date of Birth Club Match 1 URU 0-2 Match 2 RSA 1-0 Match 3 CZE 1-6 Semifinal - Final - Total 1 YOUSIFJUMA GK 02.09.74 AI-Shabab R R R 0 2 ESSA ABDULLA DF 06.05.77 AI-Wasel R R R 0 3 ABDULLAMUNTHER DF 12.01 .75 AI-Wasel 6 9 ~ 32 I 47 4 AL HADAD Abdel Rahman DF 10.11 .66 AI-Sharjah R_ R R 0 5 MUBARAK Hassan SUHAII DF 13.04.68 AI-Naser 73 40 _~ 90 253 6 RASHED ISMAIl DF 27.10.72 AI-Wasel 90 90 ~ 90 270 7 SAAD BAKHIT MF 15.10.70 AI-Shabab ' 90 90 90 270 8 AHMED ADEL MF 05.11 .74 Kalba 90 90 58 238 9 KHAMIS NASSER MF 04.04.65 AI-Wasel R R ~ R 0 10 ALTALYANI Adnan (C) FW 01 .03.64 AI-Shaab 17 70 90 177 11 SALEM YASER FW 1977 AI-Wahda ~ 73 90 45 208 12 YAQOUT MUBARAK GK 16.07.74 AI-Naser R R R 0 13 ALJUNAIBI A. ANEAR JUMAA MF 23.05.77 AI-Wahda 84 I 20 45 149 14 SAAD KHAMIS FW 04.10.70 AI-Shabab 17_ 20 45 82 15 Mohammed ALI MF 20.10.72 AI-Naser 73 70 90_ 233 16 AHMED Hassan H. SAEED MF 15.11 .73 Kalba 90 i 90 90 270 17 FARAJ MUHSIN (C) GK 1964 AI-Sharjah 90 90 90 I 270 18 ALI AHMED MF 15.11 .70 AI-Sharjah R R R ~ 0 19 GHOLAM ALI HASSAN MF 03.09.74 AI-Wasel 90 ~ _8_ 0 261 20 OBAID Mohamed DF 01 .08.67 AI-Ain 90 45 225 III TEAM DATA UNITED B EMIR OBTAINED RESULTS 13.12.97 UAE vs Uruguay 0-2 (0-1) 15.12.97 UAE vs South Africa 1-0 (1-0) 17.12.97 UAE vs Czech Republic 1-6 (0-4) FINAL RANKING : 6T PLACE F 5 SUHAIL 6ISMAIL 16 H. SAEED 15 MOHAMMED All a AHMED ADEL 13 ANEAR JUMAA) 19 ALI HASSAN 7 RAKHIT 11 PASE 10 TALYANI M AMM A H £~ LI 0 J. Appearances 114
  • 33. From left to right, back row: Adel, Bakhit, Yaser, Ismail, Muhsin, Altalyani front row: Obaid, Ali Hassan, H. Saeed, Suhail, MohammedAli. Playing system: 3-5-2 Strengths: Always on the attack at beginning of matches, good technical level on the ball. Weaknesses: Too lengthy possession of ball, insufficient play off the ball, unbalanced team in terms of fighting spirit and physical presence Prominent players: Bakhit Saad (7) Système de jeu : 3-5-2 Points forts : Débuts des matchs toujours offensifs, bonne technicité des joueurs. Points faibles Joueurs remarqués : Bakhit Saad (7) Sistema de juego: 3-5-2 Joueurs trop longtemps en possession du ballon, jeu sans ballon insuffisant, équipe inégale au plan de la combativité et de la présence athlétique. Puntos positivos: buen inicio ofensivo; gran dominio del balón; Puntos negativos: conservaron demasiado el balón; juego sin balón insuficiente; gran desequilibrio físico y combativo entre los integrantes del equipo. Jugadores destacados: Bakhit Saad (7) Spielsystem: 3-5-2 Stärken: Jeweils offensiver Beginn, technisch ansprechende Ballbehandlung Schwächen: zu lange Ball halten, Spiel ohne Ball mangelhaft, kämpferisch und physisch unausgeglichen Herausragende Spieler: Bakhit Saad (7) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Average age of the team 25 years 10 months Number of players who play Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 7 Yellow/red cards: - Red cards: - International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking (November 1997) Officials Saqur GOBASH, Head of Delegation YasserSAMIR, Head of Administration Milan MACALA, Coach Yousuf ALSERKAL, Official Abdul Mohsin AL-DOSARI, Official Mohamed OBEID, Official Abdul-Wahaab ABDULLA, Official Jalal AL-GHALI, Official Mohamed BEDAIWI, Official Almir DA SILVA, Official Gotelio DA SILVA, Official Kilany MOHAMED, Official 59th abroad 0 Goalscorers Altalyani 1 Suhail 1
  • 34. III TEAM DATA URUGUAY OBTAINED RESULTS FINAL RANKING: 4T PLACE Appearances Team Coach: Victor Pua No. Name Pos. Date of Birth Match 1 Club UAE 2-0 Match 2 CZE 2-1 Match 3 RSA 4-3 Semifinal AUS 0-1 3rd pl. CZE 0-1 Total 1 NICOLACarlos GK 03.01 .73 Nacional R R 90 R R 90 2 LOPEZ Luis DF 22.08.74 Racing de Santander (ESP) 90 90 _68_ 92 67 407 3 MONTERO Paolo (C) DF 03.09.71 Juventus (ITA) 90 90 R 92 90 362 4 MENDEZ Gustavo DF 03.02.71 Vicenza (ITA) 90 90 R 92 90 362 5 DE LOS SANTOS Gonzalo MF 19.07.76 Merida (ESP) 90 90 22 92 45 339 6 ADINOLFI Edgardo DF 27.03.74 Peñarol 90 90 R 92 90 362 7 GARCIA Pablo MF 11 .05 .77 Atlético Madrid (ESP) 90 90 12 92 90 374 8 VESPA Liber MF 18.10.71 Argentinos Juniors (ARG) ' 89 87 12 _ 92 79 1 359 9 ZALAYETA Marcelo FW 05.12.78 Valencia (ESP) 90 90 R 92 90 ; 362 10 OLIVERA Nicol6s MF 30.05 .78 Valencia (ESP) 75 65 R 92 90 322 11 SILVA Dario FW 02.11 .72 Cagliari (ITA) 36 77 90 12 11 226 12 FLORES Claudio GK 10.05.76 Peñarol 90 90 R __92 90 362 13 HERNANDEZ Pablo DF 02.05.75 Defensor Sporting 1 __ _ 3 90 R 23 117 14 CALLEJAS Christian MF 17.05.78 Danubio R 13 90 R 45 148 15 DIAZ Carlos DF 04.02.79 Defensor Sporting R R 90 ' R R 90 16 PELLEGRIN César DF 05.03.79 Juventus (ITA) R R ! 90 R R 90 17 COELHO Walter MF 20.01.77 Nacional R R 78 R R 78 18 RIVAS Martin DF 17.02.77 Inter Milan (ITA) R R 90 R R . 90 19 PACHECO Antonio MF 11 .04.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 15 R 78 R R 93 20 RECOBA Alvaro MFmxr 17.03.76 Inter Milan (ITA) 54 25 90 80 90 339 13.12.97 Uruguay vs UAE 2-0(1-0) 15.12.97 Uruguay vs Czech Republic 2-1(1-0) 17.12.97 Uruguay vs South Africa 4-3(2-1) 19.12.97 Uruguay vs Australia 0-1(0-0) (golden goal 92 21 .12.97 Uruguay vs Czech Republic 0-1(0-0)
  • 35. From left to right, back row: Flores, De los Santos, Zalayeta, Lopez, Montero, Mendez, front row: Vespa, Olivera, Adinolfi, Garcia, Recoba. Playing system : 4-3-3 with an alternating libero Strengths: Individually high techical level, mobility, quick Weaknesses : Prominent players: Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9) Système dejeu : 4-3-3 avec un libero alternant. Little experience (7-8 players U-20), young team, thus somewhat naive, too individually-minded (except Olivera and Montero); Points forts : Niveau technique élevé individuellement, mobilité, rapidité . Points faibles : Manque d*expérience (7 à 8 joueurs U-20), équipe jeune, doù sa naïveté, jeu trop personnel (sauf Olivera et Montero). Joueurs remarqués : Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta(9) Sistema de juego: Puntos positivos: Puntos negativos: Jugadores destacados : 4-3-3 con un líbero alternando; buen nivel técnico individual; movilidad, velocidad; poca experiencia (7-8 jugadores sub-20); equipo joven, por lo tanto, algo ingenuo; demasiado individualistas (excepto Olivera y Montero). 01 ¡vera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9). Spielsystem: 4-3-3 mit Libero alternierend Stärken: individuell hohes technisches Niveau, beweglich, schnell Schwächen: Wenig Erfahrung (7-8 Spieler U-20), junge Mannschaft, daher etwas naiv, individuell (ausser Olivera und Montero); Herausragende Spieler: Olivera (10), Montero (3), Rivas (18), Recoba (20), Zalayeta (9) zu URUGUAY Average age of the team 21 years 8 months Number of players who play Disciplinary measures Yellow cards: 13 Yellow/red cards: - Red cards: - International FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking (November 1997) 43rd Officials Eugenio FIGUEREDO, President A.U.F Daniel PASTORINI, Head of Delegation Raúl AGUERREBERE, Head of Administration Daniel BARREIRO, Delegate Víctor PUA, Coach Jorge FRANCO, Physical Preparator Pedro LARROQUE, Doctor Marcelo RUIZ, Physiotherapist Edgardo DIMAYO, Equipment Officer Jorge SALHON, Delegate Víctor DELLA VALLE, Delegate José Carlos MOLINARI, Delegate Juan DAMIANI, Delegate Jorge SALHON, Delegate Raúl MOLLER, Delegate abroad 13 Goalscorers Olivera 2 Silva 2 Callejas 1 Pacheco 1 Recoba 1 Zalayeta 1
  • 36. III TEAM DATA AVERAGE AGE OF THE DIFFERENT TEAMS AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CZECH REPUBLIC MEXICO SAUDI ARABIA SOUTH AFRICA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES URUGUAY Average age of all teams Youngest player Oldest player NUMBER OF PLAYERS FIELDED PER TEAM Team Australia Brazil Czech Republic Mexico Saudi Arabia South Africa United Arab Emirates Uruguay USE OF THREE SUBSTITUTES Team (no of matches played) Australia Brazil Czech Republic Mexico Saudi Arabia South Africa United Arab Emirates Uruguay 27 (26 years/10 months) 26 (25/11) 26 (26/3) 24 (24/5) 24 (24/5) 27 (27/5) 26 (25/10) 22 (21/8) 25 (25/3) César Pellegrin (Uruguay) 18 years (5.3.79) Ivan Ivanovic (Australia) 37 years (21 .12.60) Number of players fielded 20 out of 21 20 out of 22 19 out of 20 19 out of 20 16 out of 23 19 out of 20 14 out of 20 20 out of 20 No. of matches in which three substitutes were used 4 out of 5 matches = 80 % 2 out of 5 matches = 40 % 4 out of 5 matches = 80 % 1 out of 3 matches = 33 % 0 out of 3 matches = 0 % 2 out of 3 matches = 66 % 3 out of 3 matches = 100 % 4 out of 5 matches = 80 % PLAYERS WHO HAD PARTICIPATED IN PREVIOUS FIFA COMPETITIONS AUS BOSNICH Mark HORVAT Steven KALAC Zeljko KEWELL Harry MORI Damien MUSCAT Kevin VIDUKA Mark VIDMAR Aurelio VIDMAR Tony ZELIC Ned BRA ALDAIR CAFU BEBETO DENILSON DIDA DUNGA FLAVIO CONCEIÇAO JUNINHO LEONARDO RIVALDO ROBERTO CARLOS ROMARIO RONALDO ZÉ MARIA CZE MEX ABUNDIS José Manuel BLANCO Cuauhtemoc DAVINO Duilio GARCÍA Luis LARA Raúl PALENCIA Francisco PARDO Pavel SANCHEZ Oswaldo SUAREZ Claudio VILLA Germán KSA AL DEAYEA Mohammed AL DOSSARY Obaid ALJABERSami AL-DOSSARY Khamis AL-HARBI Ibrahim AL-JAHANI Mohammed AL-KHILAIWI Mohammed AL-MUWALLID Khalid AL-SADIG Hussain AL-ZAHRANI Khamees MADAM Ahmed MEHALEL Fahad OWAIRAN Saeed SULIMANI Hussain ZUBROMAWI Abdullah RSA UAE AL-HADAD Abdel Rahman URU CALLEJAS Christian COELHO Walter DIAZ Carlos GARCIA Pablo Gabriel OLIVERA Nicolás PELLEGRIN César RIVAS Martin ZALAYETA Marcelo WYC 91, OFT 92 U17 87, OFT 96 WYC 97 U17 95 OFT 92 WYC 93, OFT 96 WYC 93, 95, OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 92 OFT 92 WC 94, OFT 96 WC 94 WYC 83, OFT 88, 96, WC 90, 94 WYC 95 WYC 93, OFT 96 WYC 83, OFT 84, WC 94 OFT 96 OFT 96 WC 94 OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 88, WC 90, 94 OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 96, WYC 97 OFT 96 WYC 93, OFT 96 U16 85, WC 94, OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 96 WYC 93, OFT 96 WC 94, OFT 96 OFT 96 WC 94 WYC 93, OFT 96 WC 94 WYC 93, OFT 96 OFT 96 OFT 96 WC 94, OFT 96 WYC 87, WC 94, WYC 91, 93, OFT 96, WC 94 WYC 93, OFT 96 WYC 87, 89, WC 94 WYC 89, WC 94 WC 94 OFT 96 OFT 96 WC 90 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97 WYC 97
  • 37. IV OFFICIALS, AWARDS Referees and Assistant Referees 120 FIFA Fair Play Award 121 Special Trophies 121 MasterCard All Star Team 122
  • 38. IV OFFICIALS, AWARDS THE OFFICIALS Average age of the referees: 39 years 11 months Average age of the assistant referees: 37 years 2 months * selected for France '98 120 REFEREES ASSISTANT REFEREES UEFA UEFA Nikolai Levnikov* Russia 15 .05 .56 Jacques Poudevigne* France 03.10.56 AFC AFC Mohamed AI-Musawi* Oman 01 .01 .59 Saad Kamel Manei Kuwait 06.01 .63 Sankar Komaleeswaran India 10.06.63 Pirom Un Prasert* Thailand 16.11 .53 CONCACAF CAF Oscar Soria Bolivia 29.09.60 Lucien Bouchardeau* Niger 18.12.61 Ian McLeod South Africa 05.03.54 CONMEBOL CONCACAF Vladimir Fernandez Alfaro El Salvador 19.04.61 Alberto Barrientos Argentina 29.09.58 Ramesh Ramdhan* Trinidad and Tobago 25.07.60 OFC CONMEBOL Paul Smith New Zealand 25 .05.57 Javier CastriIIi* Argentina 22.05.57 Fred Lencie* Vanuatu 21 .03 .68 René M. Ortube Bolivia 26.12.64
  • 39. FAIR PLAY AWARD a,. 1 7 Winners: South Africa FIFA/ADIDAS AWARDS ADIDAS GOLDEN BALL (best player of the tournament) The Golden Ball is awarded by adidas to the player voted by the media and the Technical Study Group as the outstanding + individual player of the tournament. As with the Shoe, there are also Silver and Bronze trophies. 1 . Denilson (Brazil) golden ball ` 2. Romario (Brazil) silver ball 3. Vladimir Smicer (Czech Rep.) bronze ball ADIDAS GOLDEN SHOE (leading goalscorer) The adidas Golden Shoe is awarded to the leading goalscorer in the tournament. The ranking is based on the list of goalscorers. Denilson 121 1 . Romario (Brazil) 7 goals golden shoe 2. Vladimir Smicer (Czech Rep.) 5 goals silver shoe 3. Ronaldo (Brazil) 4 goals bronze shoe
  • 40. IV OFFICIALS, AWARDS MASTER CARD ALL-STAR TEAM 122 Substitutes: Bosnich (AUS) Montero (URU) Denilson (BRA)
  • 41. V ALL-TIME RANKINGS FINAL MATCHES 1992-1997 RANKING OF TEAMS OF THE DIFFERENT CONFEDERATIONS ACTUAL STANDINGS PER CONFEDERATION * Number of different teams which have participated for the relevant confederation so far All-time ranking 3 points for a win 1992 1995 1997 1 Brazil 5 4 1 0 1 2 Argentina 5 3 1 1 3 Uruguay 5 3 0 2 4 Mexico 6 2 2 2 12 :8 5 Denmark 3 2 1 0 5 6 Australia 5 2 1 2 4 :8 7 Saud Arabia 7 2 1 4 5 :15 _8 C~ech Republic 5 2 1 2 10 :7 9 f -~ zria 3 1 2 0 4 :1 10 11 - -~ 2 1 0 1 5 5 i 1 UAE 3 1 0 2 12 South Africa 3 0 1 2 13 Côte d'Ivoire 2 0 0 2 2 : 9 0 4 14 Japan 2 0 0 2 1 :8 0 - 6 123 Matches Wins Draws Losses Goals Points CAF (3 teams)* 8 1 3 4 11 -17 6 AFC (3 teams)* 12 3 1 8 8-31 10 CONCACAF (2 teams)* 8 3 2 3 17-13 11 CONMEBOL (3 teams)* 15 10 2 3 34-2 32 UEFA (2 teams)* 8 4 2 2 15-8 14 OFC (1 teams)* 5 2 1 2 4-8 7 TOTAL 56 23 11 22 89-89 80 AFC CAF CONCACAF CONMEBOL OFC UEFA 1992 2. 4. 3 . 1 . - - 1995 5. 4. 3 . 2. - 1 . 6. 1997 7 . 8. 5 . 1 . 2. 3. 6 . 4. Tournament Final Result Referee 1992 1 51 Intercontinental Champions Cup Saudi Arabia vs Argentina 1-3(0-2) Lim Kee Chong (MUS) 1995 2nd Intercontinental Champions Cup Argentina vs Denmark 0-2(0-1) Bujsaim (UAE) 1997 FIFA/Confederations' Cup Brazil vs Australia 6-0(3-0) Un Prasert (THA)
  • 42. FIFA Delegation Presidency Dr. Joáo Havelange, FIFA President (Brazil) Joseph S. Blatter, FIFA General Secretary (Switzerland) Organising Committee for the FIFA/ Confederations Cup Abdullah AI-Dabal, Chairman (Saudi Arabia) Per Ravn Omdal, Deputy Chairman (Norway) JackWarner (Trinidad Tobago) Ram Ruhee (Mauritius) Charles Dempsey (New Zealand) Worawi Makudi (Thailand) Abdullah AI-Athel (Saudi Arabia) Walter Gagg, Project Manager (FIFA) Editors Production Layout Translations Photos Lithography Printing Printed May 1998 in Switzerland Léon Walker with the assistance of the members of the Technical Study Group Saudi Arabia '97 JGrg Hager Robert Zoller C. John Hurst, Dominique Janin, Thomas von Ubrizsy Agence Temp Sport Repro Studio B, Zurich SäntisPrint AG, Urnäsch 124 Guests Lennart Johansson, UEFA President (Sweden) Issa Hayatou, CAF President (Cameroon) HRH Sultan Ahmed Shah, AFC President (Malaysia) Eugenio Figueredo, CONMEBOL Vice President (Uruguay) Mustapha Fahmy, CAF General Secretary(Egypt) Chuck Blazer, CONCACAF General Secretary (USA) Peter Velappan, AFC General Secretary (Malaysia) Gerhard Aigner, UEFA General Secretary (Germany) Josephine King, OFC General Secretary (New Zealand) Referees' Committee General Farouk Bouzo (Syria) Farah Addo (Somalia) Michel Vautrot(France) FIFA DELEGATION The Technical Study Group, Cl.t.r.: Khaled Albadr, Walter Gagg, bkon Walker, Dr Khalifa T. Behbehani, Jürg Hager. Disciplinary Committee Alameh Rahif (Lebanon) Technical Study Group Léon Walker (Switzerland) Dr Khalifa T. Behbehani (Kuwait) JGrg Hager, Coordination (FIFA) General Co-ordinators Hisham Azmy (Egypt) Javier Otero (and finances) (FIFA) Media Service Keith Cooper (FI FA) Marius Schneider (FIFA) FIFA General Secretariat Doris Valasek, competition secretariat (FIFA) José Ibarra protocol and disciplinary matters (FIFA) Urs Kneubuehler, event co-ordinator and transport (FIFA) JGrg Neuenschwander, travel (FIFA) Nicolas Virlis, logistics (FIFA) 6 .1998 5000 BU/SP