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+                                                                  Programming
                                                               LEGO ® Mindstorms
                                                                        with Java
                                                                        Javier González Sánchez
                                                                 Maria Elena Chávez Echeagaray

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
OOPSLA 2008, October 19–23, 2008, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
ACM 978-1-60558-220-7/08/10.
Goal                                                          +

 Learn how to use and program a LEGO ® using LeJOS,
 Java and additional tools.

  Going step by step. From basis to complex.

  Learning techniques to control LEGO ® Mindstorms ® robots

Agenda                                           +




Agenda – First part                                 +

      Goals of the tutorial
      Why using Lego as an education tool?
         HW: Learning about LEGO ® Technology
         SW: Setting everything up (installation)

   LEGO ® Hello World! and Basics

      Example: Walking and Talking (Using Pilot)
      Pros and cons

   Behavior and Arbitrators

Agenda – Second part                                          +

   Communication via Bluetooth
      SW: iCommand (installation)
      Example: Sending and Getting data to and from the NXT

      SW: Java Media Framework (installation)
      Example: Regions and actions

      SW: FreeTTS (installation)
      Example: HelloWorldSpeech, Speech + Vision, Speech +
      Vision + Action

Control LEGO ® Mindstorms ®   +

electronics   senses

computing     decision

mechanics     actions

+                 LEGO ®
    as an educational tool
Cool & Integrated Tech                                                      +

              Electronic (electricity) and mechanical (components
              movement) device (somthing that makes somthing)

                                                  Set of instructions to control
                                                  a device.
creating    intelligence with programing

Capabiity to take decisions according wiht the environment

                      senses:: percepiton:: get information from the
We can create intelligence                 +


     Stop                             111100
    Sensor                              011

                  text       011001

How to create intelligence?               +

  Forward                              111100
   Stop                                  011
             text             011001


Intelligence is …              +




+   Setting everything up
What do we need?                   +

                        LEGO USB




Installation                                                     +

 Java SE JRE version 5 or later (jre-6u7-windows-i568-p-s.exe)
 Unzip and install Mindstorms NXT Driver v1.02 (
 and restart
 LeJOS on your PC (
   Install it on C:ProgramFileslejos_nxj (with no blanks)
   Set up System variables on Control Panel
     LEJOS_HOME     C:ProgramFileslejos_nxj
     PATH  ;C:ProgramFileslejos_nxjbin

 LeJOS on the Brick (USB)
   We did it for you!

Installation                                                                                  +

 Unzip Eclipse file (
   Create a Java Project              File | New | Java Project

   Define project as LeJOS Project     Properties | Java Buid Path and
   Libraries | Add External JARs : C:ProgramFileslejos_nxjlib

   Java Compiler            Properties | Java compiler. Level 1.3

   Downloading programs to the NXT brick                        Run menu | External Tools |
   External Tools Configuration.
      Program | New Icon.
      Set a name: LeJOS Download. At Main tab browse C:lejos_nxjbinlejosdl.bat.
      Working directory field type {project_loc}bin.
      Argument section filled type ${java_type_name}

   Creating a shorcut
      Click on the drop list on the little green icon with the red toolbox
      Organize Favorites | Add button.
      Check leJOS Download option.

Now we have …              +

                LEGO USB

HelloWorld!                                                              +

1.      Create the new class HelloWorld. Project | New | Class
import lejos.nxt.LCD;                                    Add
public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        LCD.drawString("Hello World!", 1, 2);


        while(true) {}

    }                                                  Speak using LCD

2. Upload this class to you NXT, using your LeJOS Download tool.

LEGO ® HW              +






Learning about LeJOS         +



Learning about LeJOS                                    +


Example: Motors and Buttons                                     +

import lejos.nxt.*;

public class WalkingTalking {

    public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception{
      LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1);
      LCD.drawString("Walking", 2, 0);
      LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4);

Sensors and Listeners                                   +
 (Java intrefaces)

LigthtSensor                             LigthtSensorListener

SoundSensor                             SoundSensorListener

TouchSensor                             TouchSensorListener

UltrasonicSenor                      UltrasonicSensorListener
Example: Sensor and Listeners                                   +

import lejos.nxt.*;

public class Hearing implements SensorPortListener
   SoundSensor sound = new SoundSensor(SensorPort.S2);
   int count = 0;

   public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception {
     Hearing listen = new Hearing();;
     LCD.drawString("Im hearing", 2, 0);
     LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4);

Example: Sensor and Listeners                                                                                  +

public void stateChanged(SensorPort port, int value, int oldValue)
      if (port == SensorPort.S2 && sound.readValue() > 50)
                  if (count%2==0){
                               LCD.drawString("Walking", 0, 1);
                  else {
                                                                     public void run() throws InterruptedException
}                                                                      SensorPort.S2.addSensorPortListener(this);

Example: Speaker                                                           +

import lejos.nxt.*;

class PlaySound {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {




Practice                                       +

       Do a ring

                      Stay behind the line
Navigation                                                           +

                                       Navigation is one of the main concepts
                                       talking about robots.

Navigation techniques help us
to direct the course of a robot

                                              Techniques include
                                              localization, map making,
The set of motors acts as unit. This          path finding and mission
works with differential steering.             planning.
Navigation                 +

 Movement point to point

 Move certain distance

 Tracking position

 Tracking distance

 Tracking angle

Example: Navigation                                                                     +

import lejos.navigation.*;
import lejos.nxt.*;

public class WTPilot {

    static final float DIAM_WHEEL = 5.6F;
    static final float TRAC_WHEEL = 13F;
    Pilot robot = new Pilot(DIAM_WHEEL, TRAC_WHEEL, Motor.A, Motor.B);

    public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception{
      LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1);
      WTPilot s = new WTPilot();;
      LCD.drawString("Walking", 2, 0);
      LCD.refresh();                                              public void run(){
      Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease();                       robot.forward();
      LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4);                               }
      s.stop();                                                   public void stop(){
    }                                                               robot.stop();
Practice                   +

           Do a ring

Behavior                                                      +

                                 A Behaviors is a pair of formed by a
                                 condition and a action.

So, I can have a sensor
monitoring the environment, if
this sensor is stimulated it
triggers a reaction.

                                 I can not performed two (or more)
                                 behaviors at once, so my behaviors
                                 should be prioritized.
Behavior Interface                                  +

A behavior must define three

  The condition that triggered
  this behavior and make it to      takeControl()
  seize control of the robot. For
  example, the sound sensor
  hears a sound.

  The action to perform when
  this conditions becomes true.     action()
  For example, walk or stop.

  The action to perform when a
  higher level behaviors takes      suppress()
  control of the robot.

Behavior and Arbitrator                                            +

                               If I want to perform many behaviors they
                               are stored in an array. I’ll need an

Arbitrator decides when each
behavior takes the control
according with a priority.

                               Priority is defined by the index of the
                               behavior in the array of behaviors

Example: Behavior                                       +

 We want that our robot drive forward until it sees a
 black line. When it sees a black line it should stop
 and rotate. We have a robot with two behaviors:

  1.   Drive forward
  2.   If a black line, stop and rotate.

Example: Behavior                                                                                +

import lejos.nxt.*;                        import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.subsumption.*;
import lejos.subsumption.*;                   import lejos.navigation.*;
import lejos.navigation.*;
                                           public class BehaviorBlackLine implements
                                              Behavior {
public class BehaviorDriveFwd implements      LightSensor ls; Pilot robot;
   Behavior {
   Pilot robot;                                public BehaviorBlackLine (LightSensor ls, Pilot
                                         = ls;
    public BehaviorDriveFwd(Pilot p){             this.robot = p;
      this.robot = p;                          }
    }                                          public boolean takeControl() {
    public boolean takeControl(){                 int color = ls.readNormalizedValue();
                                                  return (color <= 500);
      return true;
    }                                          public void action() {
    public void action(){                         robot.stop();
      robot.forward();                            robot.rotate(180);
    }                                          }
                                               public void suppress() {
    public void suppress(){
      this.robot.stop();                       }
    }                                      }
Example: Behavior                                                            +

public class BlackLineAvoider {
   static final float DIAM_WHEEL = 5.6F;
   static final float TRAC_WHEEL = 13F;

    public static void main(String [] args){

        LightSensor ls = new LightSensor (SensorPort.S1, true);
        Pilot robot = new Pilot(DIAM_WHEEL, TRAC_WHEEL, Motor.A, Motor.B);

        LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1);


        Behavior b1 = new BehaviorDriveFwd(robot);
        Behavior b2 = new BehaviorBlackLine(ls,robot);
        Behavior [] bArray = {b1, b2};
        Arbitrator arby = new Arbitrator(bArray);

Practice:                              +

                                      Avoid obstacles

       Clapp if you hear something   Stay behind the line
Communication                                                +

                               Besides USB connection we can use
                               Bluetooth technology to have a
                               wireless communication.

We need additional software:
iCommand and RXTX in
order to communicate the PC
with the NXT.

Communication   +


Installation                                                                                      +

 Download and unzip iCommand ( and in Eclipse
   Create a new project.
   Select Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Add External Jars and browse to
   icommand.jar in the icommand main folder.

 Download and unzip RXTX ( and in Eclipse
   Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Add External Jars and browse to RXTXcomm.jar in
   the main folder of RXTX.
   Expand RXTXcomm.jar by clicking the (+) symbol.
   Select Native library location click on the Edit button | External Folder and browse to RXTX
   subdirectory Windowsi368-mingw32.
   Copy those two files into the folder of your Java JDK.
   Browse for file at the dist folder of iCommand.
   Set the value of the nxtcomm to the value of the port to comunicate via BT.
   Uncomment the nxtcomm.type = rxtx line
   Copy the file into your home directory and working directory.

Now we have …   +


Example: Sending data                                                                                           +

import icommand.nxt.Sound;
import icommand.nxt.comm.*;

public class Beep {
   private static final short[] note = { 2349, 115, 0, 5, 1760, 165, 0, 35, 1760, 28, 0, 13, 1976, 23, 0, 18,
                            1760, 18, 0, 23, 1568, 15, 0, 25, 1480, 103, 0, 18, 1175, 180, 0,
                                   20, 1760, 18, 0, 23, 1976, 20, 0, 20, 1760, 15, 0, 25, 1568, 15, 0,
                                   25, 2217, 98, 0, 23, 1760, 88, 0, 33, 1760, 75, 0, 5, 1760, 20, 0,
                                   20, 1760, 20, 0, 20, 1976, 18, 0, 23, 1760, 18, 0, 23, 2217, 225,
                                   0, 15, 2217, 218 };
   public static void main(String[] args) {;
      for (int i = 0; i < note.length; i += 2) {
                   final short w = note[i + 1];
                   final int n = note[i];
                   if (n != 0)
                                   Sound.playTone(n, w * 10);
                                   try { Thread.sleep(w * 10);
                                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Example: Getting data                                                                                           +

import icommand.nxt.comm.NXTCommand;
import icommand.nxt.*;

public class GetInfo {

 public static void main (String [] args)throws FileNotFoundException{;
   String toFile;
   PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter ("outfile.txt");

   LightSensor ls = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S1);
   toFile = "Light sensor: " + ls.getLightValue() + "n";
   TouchSensor ts = new TouchSensor (SensorPort.S3);                             for (int i=0; i<20;i++)
   String tsStatus;                                                                if (i%2==0)
   if (ts.isPressed()) tsStatus ="Pressed";                                        else
   else tsStatus="Not pressed";                                                       Motor.C.rotate(-20);

   toFile = toFile + "Touch sensor: " + tsStatus;                                System.out.println (toFile);

Practice: Behavior + iCommand                                  +

                                        1. Drive Forward

                                        2. When you reach a line
                                           print the value of your
                                           sensors in a file.

                 Stay behind the line

Vision                                                            +

                               With Vision, I get the ability to obtain
                               information of the environment such as
                               images, photos, and sounds.

We need do some
configuration adjustments at

Vision         +


Installation                                                                  +

 Download Java Media Framework “JMF” (jmf-2_1_1e-windows-568.exe)

 Plug in and turn the camera on, then install JMF.

 Create the and save it at the working directory.
      video-device-name=vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0
      sound-device-name=JavaSound audio capture

 Test camera. Open JMStudio. File | Capture.

 In the new window review that the listed camera is your camera.

 Check the option Use video device and uncheck the option Use audio device.

 Change Video Size to 160 x 120.

Installation                                                      +

In Eclipse:

  Select Project | Properties | Java Build Path and Add
  External JARs, browse to jmf.jar inside the JMF main folder.

  Expand the jmf.jar and edit native library. Edit … | External
  Folder and browse for C:Windowssystem32 directory.

Example: Vision                                                                                               +

import*;                           public void motionDetected(int region) {
                                                       if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000)
public class VisionAlarm implements                      {
   MotionListener, ColorListener, LightListener {         lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                                          if (region == 1) System.out.println("Región 1");
 long lastPlay = 0;                                       else System.out.println("Región 2");
 private final int WHITE = 0xFFFFFF;                      Vision.playSound("blip.wav");
                                                       } }
 public static void main(String [] args) {           public void colorDetected(int region, int color) {
     (new VisionAlarm()).run();                         if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) >
 }                                                       1000) {
                                                          lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
private void run() {                                       if (region == 3) System.out.println("Región 3");
   Vision.setImageSize(320, 240);                          Vision.playSound("quack.wav");
   Vision.flipHorizontal(false);                           Vision.stopViewer();
   Vision.addRectRegion(1, 30, 50, 50, 100);               System.exit(0);
   Vision.addMotionListener(1, this);                   } }
   Vision.addRectRegion(2, 130, 50, 50, 100);        public void lightDetected (int region) {
   Vision.addMotionListener(2, this);                   if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) >
   Vision.addRectRegion(3, 230, 50, 50, 100);            1000) {
   Vision.addColorListener(3, this, WHITE);                lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
   Vision.addRectRegion(4, 30, 180, 250, 50);              if (region == 4) System.out.println("Región 4");
   Vision.addLightListener(4, this);                       Vision.playSound("quack.wav");
   Vision.startViewer("Alarm");                       } } }
Practice: Vision + iCommand                           +

                                        Play sound

                              Motion                  Color
                              Sensor                 Sensor
                               Clapp       Read       Quit

Speech                                                           +

                                Speech ability includes talk (some how)
                                and understand what a person says.

This is other way to interact
with the environment.

Speech        +


Installation                                                                  +

  Download and unzip the FreeTTS file. (

In Eclipse
   Project | Properties | Add External JARs, browse for freetts.jar file at
   the lib directory.

  Set up Java Speech API. Run the jsapi.exe at the lib directory.
  Browse file. Copy this file in your user and
  working directories.

Example: Speech                                                                                 +

import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager;

public class HelloWorldSpeech {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String voiceName = "kevin16";
    System.out.println("Using voice: " + voiceName);

    VoiceManager voiceManager = VoiceManager.getInstance();
    Voice helloVoice = voiceManager.getVoice(voiceName);

    if (helloVoice == null) {
          "Cannot find a voice named "
          + voiceName + ". Please specify a different voice.");
        System.exit(1);                                           helloVoice.speak("Hi Educator Symposium
    }                                                             Attendees");
    helloVoice.allocate();                                             helloVoice.deallocate();

Practice: Speech + Vision                                                             +

 * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager;

public class SpeechVision implements MotionListener, ColorListener, LightListener {
  long lastPlay = 0;
  private final int WHITE = 0xFFFFFF;

  public static void main(String [] args) {
    (new SpeechVision()).run();

Practice: Speech + Vision                                                                    +

public void speak (String m) {             private void run() {
                                           Vision.setImageSize(320, 240);
       String voiceName = "kevin16";       Vision.flipHorizontal(false);
                                           Vision.addRectRegion(1, 30, 50, 50, 100);
    System.out.println();                  Vision.addMotionListener(1, this);
    System.out.println("Using voice: " +   Vision.addRectRegion(2, 130, 50, 50, 100);
   voiceName);                             Vision.addMotionListener(2, this);
                                           Vision.addRectRegion(3, 230, 50, 50, 100);
    VoiceManager voiceManager =            Vision.addColorListener(3, this, WHITE);
   VoiceManager.getInstance();             Vision.addRectRegion(4, 30, 180, 250, 50);
    Voice helloVoice =                     Vision.addLightListener(4, this);
   voiceManager.getVoice(voiceName);         Vision.startViewer("Alarm");
                                           public void motionDetected(int region) {
       helloVoice.speak(m);                  if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) >
       helloVoice.deallocate();            1000) {
   }                                           lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                               if (region == 1) System.out.println("Región
                                               else System.out.println("Región 2");
Practice: Speech + Vision                                     +

 public void colorDetected(int region, int color) {
   if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) {
     lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
     if (region == 3) System.out.println("Región 3");
     this.speak("Bye!, thanks for stopping by");

    public void lightDetected (int region) {
      if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) {
        lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (region == 4) System.out.println("Región 4");
           this.speak("Hi OOPSLA 2008 attendees.");

Example: Speech + Vision + Action                           +

public void lightDetected (int region) {

    if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) {
         lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if (region == 4) {
                System.out.println("Región 4");
                this.speak("Hi OOPSLA 2008 attendees.");

              for (int i=0; i<20;i++)
                  if (i%2==0)


    for stopping by!!!

Instructors                                         +

               Javier González Sánchez
     Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara

            Maria Elena Chávez Echeagaray
     Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara



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200810 - Lego Mindstorms NTX with Java

  • 1. + Programming LEGO ® Mindstorms with Java Javier González Sánchez Maria Elena Chávez Echeagaray Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). OOPSLA 2008, October 19–23, 2008, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. ACM 978-1-60558-220-7/08/10.
  • 2. Goal + Learn how to use and program a LEGO ® using LeJOS, Java and additional tools. Going step by step. From basis to complex. Learning techniques to control LEGO ® Mindstorms ® robots 2
  • 3. Agenda + iCommand TTF JMF iCommand JMF TTF 3
  • 4. Agenda – First part + Introduction Goals of the tutorial Why using Lego as an education tool? Lego HW: Learning about LEGO ® Technology SW: Setting everything up (installation) LEGO ® Hello World! and Basics Navigation Example: Walking and Talking (Using Pilot) Pros and cons Behavior and Arbitrators 4
  • 5. Agenda – Second part + Communication via Bluetooth SW: iCommand (installation) Example: Sending and Getting data to and from the NXT Vision SW: Java Media Framework (installation) Example: Regions and actions Speech SW: FreeTTS (installation) Example: HelloWorldSpeech, Speech + Vision, Speech + Vision + Action 5
  • 6. Control LEGO ® Mindstorms ® + electronics senses computing decision mechanics actions 6
  • 7. + LEGO ® as an educational tool
  • 8. Cool & Integrated Tech + Electronic (electricity) and mechanical (components movement) device (somthing that makes somthing) Set of instructions to control a device. Robot: creating intelligence with programing Capabiity to take decisions according wiht the environment senses:: percepiton:: get information from the environment 8
  • 9. We can create intelligence + Motor setPower 010101 Forward 010101 Stop 111100 Sensor 011 Value text 011001 9
  • 10. How to create intelligence? + Motor 010101 setPower 010101 Forward 111100 Stop 011 text 011001 Sensor Value 10
  • 11. Intelligence is … + senses brain memory decision action 11
  • 12. + Setting everything up
  • 13. What do we need? + LEGO USB driver JMF iCommand FreeTTS 13
  • 14. Installation + Java SE JRE version 5 or later (jre-6u7-windows-i568-p-s.exe) Unzip and install Mindstorms NXT Driver v1.02 ( and restart LeJOS on your PC ( Install it on C:ProgramFileslejos_nxj (with no blanks) Set up System variables on Control Panel LEJOS_HOME C:ProgramFileslejos_nxj PATH ;C:ProgramFileslejos_nxjbin LeJOS on the Brick (USB) We did it for you! 14
  • 15. Installation + Unzip Eclipse file ( Create a Java Project File | New | Java Project Define project as LeJOS Project Properties | Java Buid Path and Libraries | Add External JARs : C:ProgramFileslejos_nxjlib Java Compiler Properties | Java compiler. Level 1.3 Downloading programs to the NXT brick Run menu | External Tools | External Tools Configuration. Program | New Icon. Set a name: LeJOS Download. At Main tab browse C:lejos_nxjbinlejosdl.bat. Working directory field type {project_loc}bin. Argument section filled type ${java_type_name} Creating a shorcut Click on the drop list on the little green icon with the red toolbox Organize Favorites | Add button. Check leJOS Download option. 15
  • 16. Now we have … + LEGO USB driver 16
  • 17. HelloWorld! + 1. Create the new class HelloWorld. Project | New | Class import lejos.nxt.LCD; Add public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { LCD.drawString("Hello World!", 1, 2); LCD.refresh(); while(true) {} } Speak using LCD } 2. Upload this class to you NXT, using your LeJOS Download tool. 17
  • 18. LEGO ® HW + ears speak (LCD) eyes (ultrasonic) tact (touch) foot eyes (ligth) hands 18
  • 19. Learning about LeJOS + ears (Sound Sensor) speak (LCD) eyes (Ultrasonic tact Sensor) (Touch Sensor) foot (Motor) hands eyes (Motor) (ligth Sensor) 19
  • 20. Learning about LeJOS + LeJOS API 20
  • 21. Example: Motors and Buttons + import lejos.nxt.*; public class WalkingTalking { public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception{ LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1); LCD.refresh(); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Walking", 2, 0); LCD.refresh(); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); Motor.A.stop(); Motor.B.stop(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4); LCD.refresh(); } } 21
  • 22. Sensors and Listeners + (Java intrefaces) LigthtSensor LigthtSensorListener SoundSensor SoundSensorListener implements TouchSensor TouchSensorListener UltrasonicSenor UltrasonicSensorListener 22
  • 23. Example: Sensor and Listeners + import lejos.nxt.*; public class Hearing implements SensorPortListener { SoundSensor sound = new SoundSensor(SensorPort.S2); int count = 0; public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception { Hearing listen = new Hearing();; LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Im hearing", 2, 0); LCD.refresh(); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4); LCD.refresh(); } … 23
  • 24. Example: Sensor and Listeners + public void stateChanged(SensorPort port, int value, int oldValue) { if (port == SensorPort.S2 && sound.readValue() > 50) { LCD.clear(); LCD.refresh(); if (count%2==0){ LCD.drawString("Walking", 0, 1); Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); } else { LCD.drawString("Stop",0,1); Motor.A.stop(); Motor.B.stop(); } count++; LCD.refresh(); } } public void run() throws InterruptedException { } SensorPort.S2.addSensorPortListener(this); } 24
  • 25. Example: Speaker + import lejos.nxt.*; class PlaySound { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Sound.playTone(4000,100); Thread.sleep(1500); Sound.systemSound(false,4); Thread.sleep(2000); } } 25
  • 26. Practice + Do a ring Stay behind the line 26
  • 27. Navigation + Navigation is one of the main concepts talking about robots. Navigation techniques help us to direct the course of a robot Techniques include localization, map making, The set of motors acts as unit. This path finding and mission works with differential steering. planning. 27
  • 28. Navigation + Movement point to point Move certain distance Tracking position Tracking distance Tracking angle 28
  • 29. Example: Navigation + import lejos.navigation.*; import lejos.nxt.*; public class WTPilot { static final float DIAM_WHEEL = 5.6F; static final float TRAC_WHEEL = 13F; Pilot robot = new Pilot(DIAM_WHEEL, TRAC_WHEEL, Motor.A, Motor.B); public static void main (String[] aArg) throws Exception{ LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1); LCD.refresh(); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); WTPilot s = new WTPilot();; LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Walking", 2, 0); LCD.refresh(); public void run(){ Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); robot.forward(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("End!", 3, 4); } LCD.refresh(); s.stop(); public void stop(){ } robot.stop(); } } 29
  • 30. Practice + Do a ring 30
  • 31. Behavior + A Behaviors is a pair of formed by a condition and a action. So, I can have a sensor monitoring the environment, if this sensor is stimulated it triggers a reaction. I can not performed two (or more) behaviors at once, so my behaviors should be prioritized. 31
  • 32. Behavior Interface + A behavior must define three things: The condition that triggered this behavior and make it to takeControl() seize control of the robot. For example, the sound sensor hears a sound. The action to perform when this conditions becomes true. action() For example, walk or stop. The action to perform when a higher level behaviors takes suppress() control of the robot. 32
  • 33. Behavior and Arbitrator + If I want to perform many behaviors they are stored in an array. I’ll need an Arbitrator. Arbitrator decides when each behavior takes the control according with a priority. Priority is defined by the index of the behavior in the array of behaviors 33
  • 34. Example: Behavior + We want that our robot drive forward until it sees a black line. When it sees a black line it should stop and rotate. We have a robot with two behaviors: 1. Drive forward 2. If a black line, stop and rotate. 34
  • 35. Example: Behavior + import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.subsumption.*; import lejos.subsumption.*; import lejos.navigation.*; import lejos.navigation.*; public class BehaviorBlackLine implements Behavior { public class BehaviorDriveFwd implements LightSensor ls; Pilot robot; Behavior { Pilot robot; public BehaviorBlackLine (LightSensor ls, Pilot p){ = ls; public BehaviorDriveFwd(Pilot p){ this.robot = p; this.robot = p; } } public boolean takeControl() { public boolean takeControl(){ int color = ls.readNormalizedValue(); return (color <= 500); return true; } } public void action() { public void action(){ robot.stop(); robot.forward(); robot.rotate(180); } } public void suppress() { public void suppress(){ robot.stop(); this.robot.stop(); } } } } 35
  • 36. Example: Behavior + public class BlackLineAvoider { static final float DIAM_WHEEL = 5.6F; static final float TRAC_WHEEL = 13F; public static void main(String [] args){ LightSensor ls = new LightSensor (SensorPort.S1, true); Pilot robot = new Pilot(DIAM_WHEEL, TRAC_WHEEL, Motor.A, Motor.B); robot.setSpeed(500); LCD.drawString("Hi!", 0, 1); LCD.refresh(); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPressAndRelease(); Behavior b1 = new BehaviorDriveFwd(robot); Behavior b2 = new BehaviorBlackLine(ls,robot); Behavior [] bArray = {b1, b2}; Arbitrator arby = new Arbitrator(bArray); arby.start(); } } 36
  • 37. Practice: + Avoid obstacles Clapp if you hear something Stay behind the line 37
  • 38. Communication + Besides USB connection we can use Bluetooth technology to have a wireless communication. We need additional software: iCommand and RXTX in order to communicate the PC with the NXT. 38
  • 39. Communication + iCommand 39
  • 40. Installation + Download and unzip iCommand ( and in Eclipse Create a new project. Select Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Add External Jars and browse to icommand.jar in the icommand main folder. Download and unzip RXTX ( and in Eclipse Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Add External Jars and browse to RXTXcomm.jar in the main folder of RXTX. Expand RXTXcomm.jar by clicking the (+) symbol. Select Native library location click on the Edit button | External Folder and browse to RXTX subdirectory Windowsi368-mingw32. Copy those two files into the folder of your Java JDK. Browse for file at the dist folder of iCommand. Set the value of the nxtcomm to the value of the port to comunicate via BT. Uncomment the nxtcomm.type = rxtx line Copy the file into your home directory and working directory. 40
  • 41. Now we have … + iCommand 41
  • 42. Example: Sending data + import icommand.nxt.Sound; import icommand.nxt.comm.*; public class Beep { private static final short[] note = { 2349, 115, 0, 5, 1760, 165, 0, 35, 1760, 28, 0, 13, 1976, 23, 0, 18, 1760, 18, 0, 23, 1568, 15, 0, 25, 1480, 103, 0, 18, 1175, 180, 0, 20, 1760, 18, 0, 23, 1976, 20, 0, 20, 1760, 15, 0, 25, 1568, 15, 0, 25, 2217, 98, 0, 23, 1760, 88, 0, 33, 1760, 75, 0, 5, 1760, 20, 0, 20, 1760, 20, 0, 20, 1976, 18, 0, 23, 1760, 18, 0, 23, 2217, 225, 0, 15, 2217, 218 }; public static void main(String[] args) {; for (int i = 0; i < note.length; i += 2) { final short w = note[i + 1]; final int n = note[i]; if (n != 0) Sound.playTone(n, w * 10); try { Thread.sleep(w * 10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } NXTCommand.close(); } } 42
  • 43. Example: Getting data + import icommand.nxt.comm.NXTCommand; import icommand.nxt.*; import*; public class GetInfo { public static void main (String [] args)throws FileNotFoundException{; String toFile; PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter ("outfile.txt"); LightSensor ls = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S1); toFile = "Light sensor: " + ls.getLightValue() + "n"; TouchSensor ts = new TouchSensor (SensorPort.S3); for (int i=0; i<20;i++) String tsStatus; if (i%2==0) Motor.C.rotate(20); if (ts.isPressed()) tsStatus ="Pressed"; else else tsStatus="Not pressed"; Motor.C.rotate(-20); toFile = toFile + "Touch sensor: " + tsStatus; System.out.println (toFile); outFile.println(toFile); outFile.close(); NXTCommand.close(); } } 43
  • 44. Practice: Behavior + iCommand + 1. Drive Forward 2. When you reach a line print the value of your sensors in a file. Stay behind the line 44
  • 45. Vision + With Vision, I get the ability to obtain information of the environment such as images, photos, and sounds. We need do some configuration adjustments at iCommand. 45
  • 46. Vision + JMF 46
  • 47. Installation + Download Java Media Framework “JMF” (jmf-2_1_1e-windows-568.exe) Plug in and turn the camera on, then install JMF. Create the and save it at the working directory. video-device-name=vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0 sound-device-name=JavaSound audio capture resolution-x=160 resolution-y=120 colour-depth=24 Test camera. Open JMStudio. File | Capture. In the new window review that the listed camera is your camera. Check the option Use video device and uncheck the option Use audio device. Change Video Size to 160 x 120. 47
  • 48. Installation + In Eclipse: Select Project | Properties | Java Build Path and Add External JARs, browse to jmf.jar inside the JMF main folder. Expand the jmf.jar and edit native library. Edit … | External Folder and browse for C:Windowssystem32 directory. 48
  • 49. Example: Vision + import*; public void motionDetected(int region) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) public class VisionAlarm implements { MotionListener, ColorListener, LightListener { lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (region == 1) System.out.println("Región 1"); long lastPlay = 0; else System.out.println("Región 2"); private final int WHITE = 0xFFFFFF; Vision.playSound("blip.wav"); } } public static void main(String [] args) { public void colorDetected(int region, int color) { (new VisionAlarm()).run(); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > } 1000) { lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); private void run() { if (region == 3) System.out.println("Región 3"); Vision.setImageSize(320, 240); Vision.playSound("quack.wav"); Vision.flipHorizontal(false); Vision.stopViewer(); Vision.addRectRegion(1, 30, 50, 50, 100); System.exit(0); Vision.addMotionListener(1, this); } } Vision.addRectRegion(2, 130, 50, 50, 100); public void lightDetected (int region) { Vision.addMotionListener(2, this); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > Vision.addRectRegion(3, 230, 50, 50, 100); 1000) { Vision.addColorListener(3, this, WHITE); lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vision.addRectRegion(4, 30, 180, 250, 50); if (region == 4) System.out.println("Región 4"); Vision.addLightListener(4, this); Vision.playSound("quack.wav"); Vision.startViewer("Alarm"); } } } } 49
  • 50. Practice: Vision + iCommand + LightSensor Play sound Motion Motion Color Sensor Sensor Sensor Clapp Read Quit sensor 50
  • 51. Speech + Speech ability includes talk (some how) and understand what a person says. This is other way to interact with the environment. 51
  • 52. Speech + FreeTTS 52
  • 53. Installation + Download and unzip the FreeTTS file. ( In Eclipse Project | Properties | Add External JARs, browse for freetts.jar file at the lib directory. Set up Java Speech API. Run the jsapi.exe at the lib directory. Browse file. Copy this file in your user and working directories. 53
  • 54. Example: Speech + import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; public class HelloWorldSpeech { public static void main(String[] args) { String voiceName = "kevin16"; System.out.println("Using voice: " + voiceName); VoiceManager voiceManager = VoiceManager.getInstance(); Voice helloVoice = voiceManager.getVoice(voiceName); if (helloVoice == null) { System.err.println( "Cannot find a voice named " + voiceName + ". Please specify a different voice."); System.exit(1); helloVoice.speak("Hi Educator Symposium } Attendees"); helloVoice.allocate(); helloVoice.deallocate(); System.exit(0); } } 54
  • 55. Practice: Speech + Vision + /** * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; import*; public class SpeechVision implements MotionListener, ColorListener, LightListener { long lastPlay = 0; private final int WHITE = 0xFFFFFF; public static void main(String [] args) { (new SpeechVision()).run(); } 55
  • 56. Practice: Speech + Vision + public void speak (String m) { private void run() { Vision.setImageSize(320, 240); String voiceName = "kevin16"; Vision.flipHorizontal(false); Vision.addRectRegion(1, 30, 50, 50, 100); System.out.println(); Vision.addMotionListener(1, this); System.out.println("Using voice: " + Vision.addRectRegion(2, 130, 50, 50, 100); voiceName); Vision.addMotionListener(2, this); Vision.addRectRegion(3, 230, 50, 50, 100); VoiceManager voiceManager = Vision.addColorListener(3, this, WHITE); VoiceManager.getInstance(); Vision.addRectRegion(4, 30, 180, 250, 50); Voice helloVoice = Vision.addLightListener(4, this); voiceManager.getVoice(voiceName); Vision.startViewer("Alarm"); } helloVoice.allocate(); public void motionDetected(int region) { helloVoice.speak(m); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > helloVoice.deallocate(); 1000) { } lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (region == 1) System.out.println("Región 1"); else System.out.println("Región 2"); Vision.playSound("blip.wav"); } } 56
  • 57. Practice: Speech + Vision + public void colorDetected(int region, int color) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) { lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (region == 3) System.out.println("Región 3"); Vision.playSound("quack.wav"); this.speak("Bye!, thanks for stopping by"); Vision.stopViewer(); System.exit(0); } } public void lightDetected (int region) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) { lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (region == 4) System.out.println("Región 4"); this.speak("Hi OOPSLA 2008 attendees."); } } } 57
  • 58. Example: Speech + Vision + Action + public void lightDetected (int region) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlay) > 1000) { lastPlay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (region == 4) { System.out.println("Región 4"); this.speak("Hi OOPSLA 2008 attendees.");; for (int i=0; i<20;i++) if (i%2==0) Motor.C.rotate(20); else Motor.C.rotate(-20); NXTCommand.close(); } } } 58
  • 59. Thanks for stopping by!!! +
  • 60. Instructors + Javier González Sánchez Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara .com/in/javiergs Maria Elena Chávez Echeagaray Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara .com/in/mechavez http:// 60