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Br t you by: Elizabeth Martinho
  ought o
                  A in M gsig
                   ust a
                  R ndyDyer
                  Kev J mes
                      in a
   卐 UST
  Ad o l f
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Ho w ab o u t h i s
         M her
No w W at i f yo u we r e
              f ac e d
A s i t u at i o n W h r e yo u we r e
                   wh e
          I    ORD ERED
          L      to
       s o me ONE
L oWh i ke I @ ME
   e x p l ai n
  Po i n t
Ranme n ty
Go ve r n
 f und i ng
         A t
in Ca ofL E nger , R pe orIncest
     ses ife nda ment a
Th e
Hyd e Ame n d me n t .

                   All of the red
The ones
  t hatFUND
Pl an n e d
Par e n t h o fo
              ri c
     d             a
Fat her
Ri ght s
I n f o r mi n g
           t nh n g t h e
D e t e r mi i
    f at h e r s
   pre f e re nce

I f h e h as an
e q u al vo i c e
 S h o u l d h e h ave
   “ Ve t o Po we r ”
Par e n t
Ri g h t s
Par ent s have no r i ght s
          Paent ha e t r t be not
            r s v he ight o     ified

    Pr ences need t be consider
      efer        o            ed
   Par e n t s h ave an e q u al vo i c e

Parents should be the Ultimate
       decision maker.
Aus t i n Mags i g
       Mt e
       A t
Shoul t e be al on howma a t a
    d her     imit       ny borions
            w n ca ha e?
             oma n v
          S o me b e l i e ve t h at p u t t i n g a l i mi t o n t h e amo u n
         o f ab o r t i o n s a wo man c an h ave i s an i n f r i n g e me n
                               o n a wo man ’ s r i g h t .

                                                Some ague t tt e is acera
                                                      r ha her          t in
                                                ext ofr
                                                  ent esponsibil yt tneeds
                                                                  it ha
                                                       t be consider
                                                       o            ed.
Ha inga a t is a ual sa foraw n t n chil t T e isn’t
  v n borion ct ly fer               oma ha dbirh. her
 much evidence pera t t a
                  t ining o he mountofa t aw n ca ha e.
                                       borions oma n v
 How er being pr ntsev a t in one l ime a s heat a
     ev ,        egna er l imes          ifet ffect lh nd
              feril ydow t r d in aw n’s l
                 t it n he oa          oma ife.

  ega borions
               w n r ing pr
                oma eceiv ofessiona
  l la t exper a compl t
                  ience ny
 a ert oper t Somet w ca get
  ft he aion.         imes omen n
infect w ca be t eaed w h a ibiot
     ions hich n r t it nt ics.
 V yr r ydo a t r tin r ur or
   er ael borions esul upt ing
 hemorha oft ut us orcer ix. L t n
      r ging he er         v ess ha
     1% cha t go int cadia ar .
           nce o     o r c rest
A ding t t Aa G t cherInst ut
           ccor o he l n utma      it e,
“r y
  oughl   HAL F OF AL L pregnancies
               in t U.Sae unpl nned. “
                  he    r a
Ques t i on:

   W is itahuma W is ITent l t huma r s?Some peopl ague t tITis
    hen         n? hen     ited o    n ight        e r ha
         due huma r s ba on t st ges ofbiol ldev opment
                 n ight sed he a          ogica el    .
Co n c e p t i o n

      Some bel e t tITis due huma r s a t pointofconcept
               iev ha             n ight t he          ion.
          T is t v ymomentw t sper ent s t egg. If
           his he er            hen he m er he
      concept is t pointa w huma r s ae due, t feril
             ion he       t hich       n ight r  he t ized
        egg w d be seen a ha ing t r t dev op l a ot
             oul         s v he ight o el ike ny her
         ta    ti o
    l an
  mp This is whenthe fertilized eggattaches tothe innerliningofthe uterus. People argue
              t tma t eggs ae feril bysper butae oft expeled fr t body
              ha ny imes         r t ized        m r en          l om he
                t ough menstuaion befor t egg impl nt it fin t l oft ut us.
                hr         r t         e he       a s sel he ining he er
               Peopl t t tt unbor chil is due r s onl ift egg is a e t impl nt
                   e hink ha he       n d        ight y he        bl o a
                                   it fin t l oft w
                                    sel he ining he omb
Ot h e r Po i n t s i n t h e Pr e g n an c y

1. T ee w offet ldev opment heat br in, spina cor a ga r est lta begin t fr
    hr eeks a el          : r, a             l d, nd stoint ina r ct   o om.

2. F t fiv w offet ldev opment eyes a eas st r t for Heatbeas a r a r hm a bl begins t fl
    our o e eeks a el        :       nd r at o m. r t t egul r hyt nd ood            o ow
t ough v s. Ams a l begin t gr .
 hr      essel r nd egs    o ow

3 Six t Sev w offet ldev opment t ams a l ae cl ryv e, ha a feetha e digit l begin t
  . o en eeks a el            : he r nd egs r eal isibl nds nd    v      s, ungs   o

4 Nine t t el e w offet ldev opment fet ha w lfor fa itca ma afist ha genit l a a 12 w ca
 .      o w v eeks a el           : us s el- med ce, n ke , s aia nd t eeks n
suck it t
      s humb.

5. T t t sixt w offet ldev opment fet is neal 6inches l a ma a iv mov s.
    hireen o een eeks a el      : us        ry        ong nd kes ct e ement
Co n t i n u i n g
                     Ot h e r Po i n t s i n t h e Pr e g n an c y
                                                               By:               El i z ab e t h

6. T ent t t ent four w offet ldev opment: R y11 inches, t fet lnowha aheat ta t mot ca feel
    w y o w y-         eeks a el            oughl        he a        s    rbea nd he her n
t mov
 he ementoft chil
               he d.

2. T ent fiv t t ent eightw offet ldev opment W
    w y- e o w y-          eeks a el        : eighing a 2 t 3pound t fet is nowr pidl dev oping
                                                       bout o      he us        a y el

3 t ent nine t t t t o w offet ldev opment T fet is nowa 15 inchs in size w
 . w y- o hiry-w eeks a el                 : he us      bout               eighing a a 5 pounds. T
                                                                                    t bout        he
ba is nowa e t contolit ow bodyt
  by       bl o r ’s n          emper t e.

4 t t sev t fory-w w offet ldev opment fet is consider t be ful t m now
 . hiry- en o t t o eeks a el        : us             ed o    l er     .

                PREPARE FOR DELI VERY…
Vi abi l i t y

         What i s i t ?
               Viability is basically described as
          hat i s i t ?
          hat i s i t ?
at what point can the fetus live without the need of the mothe
               E A PA Y
                 By: Ke vi n
                   Jame s

Th e s c o p e o f a h u man b e i n g ' s
           f r ame o f mi n d .
t needed t be ment lyca bl ofbeingahuma being:
hings    o       al pa e               n
Co n s c i o u s n e s s : T ca cit t ha e st t ofa aeness, such a st t oft
                                    he pa y o v aes w r                   s aes hinking orfeel

                  S e l f - c o n s c i o u s n e s s : T a it ofbeing a ae on one's sel
                                                         he bil y       wr             f.

                  S e n t i e n c e : T a it oft ha e cera kinds ofconscious exper .
                                       he bil y o v t in                          iences

    Cap ac i t y t o c o mmu n i c at e : T a it t use v ba a non- er lmodes ofcommunicaion.
                                           he bil y o er l nd v ba                      t

      Re as o n i n g : T a it offor aing goas a ident
                         he bil y mul t      l nd    ifying beha ior t tae needed t a e t
                                                                v s ha r          o chiev hem.

          S o c i al vi s i b i l i t y:  T a it ofbeing a e t t ke patin al r socia gr
                                           he bil y       bl o a r         ager l oup.

Cap ac i t y f o r s e l f - mo t i vat e d ac t i vi t y:  Abeing t tis aiv a ca bl ofsel dir e
                                                                   ha l e, nd pa e       f- ect
                                             mov .

   Cap ac i t y f o r mo r al ag e n c y:  Abeing t tca a
                                                  ha n ssume t mor lr
                                                             he a esponsibil yt ads ot s.
                                                                           it ow r her
     TE NT I

                 T is t a it ofl
                  his he bil y ookinga w tafet ca become,
                                      t ha us n

               j t biol lst ges ofdev opment"IT ha a ed.
               ust he ogica a        el        " s chiev
I n or der t o c om t o a c onc l us i on, t he
i nc ons i s t enc i es have t o be addr es s ed i n
           t he pr oc eedi ng di s c us s i ons ;
       s pec i f i c al l y, w  hen does s oc i et y
                      c ons i der t hat
       has t he s am r i ght s , AND w
                          e                   hen
i s c ons i der ed t o be a hum bei ng. Som
                                       an            e
of t hes e i nc ons i s t enc i es c an be s een i n
    c er t ai n l aw t hat ar e on t he books .

A w h t discussions ofr ce r aions, t deah penat a
  s it he                  a el t he t              ly s
  w la G BT mat s, w
    el s L 's ter omen's issues ha it pl ce a t
                                          s s a t he
 t bl ofheaed a pol r t
  ae          t nd aizing opics; E CIAL w t
                                       SPE L Y hen he
subj s ofconta iv a a t comes up. T issue is
    ect         r cept es nd borion             his
 so emot lychaged a pol r t titdiv amost
         ional r nd aizing ha                 ides l
ev yfa ic ofA ica l T subj ofa t ha aso
  er br          mer n ife. he ect borion s l
   beca asw issue, t t pointw e pol icia ae
        me ing            o he        her it ns r
  el ed ba on howt feelon t subj . M eov ,
     ect sed             hey         he ect or er
  t e ae l w ha e been pa ORae in t pr of
   her r a s v               ssed, r he ocess
  being intoduced w e itpol r t t ev furher
            r        her       aizes he opic en t
ba on r igious pr ence, et a per lmor l t
  sed el             efer       hics nd sona as, he
 U.SConst ut in r r t per lfr
           it ion egads o sona eedom, a curent nd r
                     heat r l w
                        lhcae a s.
I n t e r e s t i n g F ac t s

             G ORXA
              E TG S
                 E IA

             NEF OR
               BR SKA

             AAGM .
              LIR INIA
              VBA A

              KA BA A
               L S

              M HO

An y
Qu e s t i o n s ?

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  • 1. ABORTI ON Br t you by: Elizabeth Martinho ought o A in M gsig ust a R ndyDyer a Kev J mes in a
  • 2. F I RS T F I RS T
  • 5. WOUL D YOU? KI LL Ad o l f
  • 6.
  • 7. . . Ho w ab o u t h i s . ? M her ot
  • 8. No w W at i f yo u we r e h f ac e d A s i t u at i o n W h r e yo u we r e it wh e K I ORD ERED L to L s o me ONE
  • 9. W ? ? OUL D YOU
  • 10. L oWh i ke I @ ME ol e x p l ai n my Po i n t
  • 11. Ranme n ty Go ve r n d f und i ng
  • 12. at Th s at St e Fund A t borions in Ca ofL E nger , R pe orIncest ses ife nda ment a
  • 13. Th e Hyd e Ame n d me n t . All of the red Highlighted ones.
  • 14. ALL The ones t hatFUND
  • 15.
  • 16. Pl an n e d Par e n t h o fo o Ame ri c d a
  • 18. I n f o r mi n g t nh n g t h e D e t e r mi i e f at h e r s pre f e re nce I f h e h as an e q u al vo i c e OR S h o u l d h e h ave “ Ve t o Po we r ”
  • 19. Par e n t Ri g h t s
  • 20. Par ent s have no r i ght s Paent ha e t r t be not r s v he ight o ified Pr ences need t be consider efer o ed Par e n t s h ave an e q u al vo i c e Parents should be the Ultimate decision maker.
  • 21. Aus t i n Mags i g Mt e ulipl A t borions
  • 22. Shoul t e be al on howma a t a d her imit ny borions w n ca ha e? oma n v S o me b e l i e ve t h at p u t t i n g a l i mi t o n t h e amo u n o f ab o r t i o n s a wo man c an h ave i s an i n f r i n g e me n o n a wo man ’ s r i g h t . Some ague t tt e is acera r ha her t in ext ofr ent esponsibil yt tneeds it ha t be consider o ed.
  • 23. Ha inga a t is a ual sa foraw n t n chil t T e isn’t v n borion ct ly fer oma ha dbirh. her much evidence pera t t a t ining o he mountofa t aw n ca ha e. borions oma n v How er being pr ntsev a t in one l ime a s heat a ev , egna er l imes ifet ffect lh nd feril ydow t r d in aw n’s l t it n he oa oma ife.
  • 24. <of Than ega borions 1% w n r ing pr oma eceiv ofessiona l la t exper a compl t ience ny l icaions a ert oper t Somet w ca get ft he aion. imes omen n infect w ca be t eaed w h a ibiot ions hich n r t it nt ics. V yr r ydo a t r tin r ur or er ael borions esul upt ing hemorha oft ut us orcer ix. L t n r ging he er v ess ha 1% cha t go int cadia ar . nce o o r c rest
  • 25. A ding t t Aa G t cherInst ut ccor o he l n utma it e, “r y oughl HAL F OF AL L pregnancies in t U.Sae unpl nned. “ he r a
  • 26. Ques t i on: W is itahuma W is ITent l t huma r s?Some peopl ague t tITis hen n? hen ited o n ight e r ha due huma r s ba on t st ges ofbiol ldev opment n ight sed he a ogica el .
  • 27. Co n c e p t i o n Some bel e t tITis due huma r s a t pointofconcept iev ha n ight t he ion. T is t v ymomentw t sper ent s t egg. If his he er hen he m er he concept is t pointa w huma r s ae due, t feril ion he t hich n ight r he t ized egg w d be seen a ha ing t r t dev op l a ot oul s v he ight o el ike ny her person.
  • 28. n: ta ti o l an mp This is whenthe fertilized eggattaches tothe innerliningofthe uterus. People argue I t tma t eggs ae feril bysper butae oft expeled fr t body ha ny imes r t ized m r en l om he t ough menstuaion befor t egg impl nt it fin t l oft ut us. hr r t e he a s sel he ining he er Peopl t t tt unbor chil is due r s onl ift egg is a e t impl nt e hink ha he n d ight y he bl o a it fin t l oft w sel he ining he omb
  • 29. Ot h e r Po i n t s i n t h e Pr e g n an c y 1. T ee w offet ldev opment heat br in, spina cor a ga r est lta begin t fr hr eeks a el : r, a l d, nd stoint ina r ct o om. 2. F t fiv w offet ldev opment eyes a eas st r t for Heatbeas a r a r hm a bl begins t fl our o e eeks a el : nd r at o m. r t t egul r hyt nd ood o ow t ough v s. Ams a l begin t gr . hr essel r nd egs o ow 3 Six t Sev w offet ldev opment t ams a l ae cl ryv e, ha a feetha e digit l begin t . o en eeks a el : he r nd egs r eal isibl nds nd v s, ungs o form. 4 Nine t t el e w offet ldev opment fet ha w lfor fa itca ma afist ha genit l a a 12 w ca . o w v eeks a el : us s el- med ce, n ke , s aia nd t eeks n suck it t s humb. 5. T t t sixt w offet ldev opment fet is neal 6inches l a ma a iv mov s. hireen o een eeks a el : us ry ong nd kes ct e ement
  • 30. Co n t i n u i n g Ot h e r Po i n t s i n t h e Pr e g n an c y By: El i z ab e t h 6. T ent t t ent four w offet ldev opment: R y11 inches, t fet lnowha aheat ta t mot ca feel w y o w y- eeks a el oughl he a s rbea nd he her n t mov he ementoft chil he d. 2. T ent fiv t t ent eightw offet ldev opment W w y- e o w y- eeks a el : eighing a 2 t 3pound t fet is nowr pidl dev oping bout o he us a y el 3 t ent nine t t t t o w offet ldev opment T fet is nowa 15 inchs in size w . w y- o hiry-w eeks a el : he us bout eighing a a 5 pounds. T t bout he ba is nowa e t contolit ow bodyt by bl o r ’s n emper t e. aur 4 t t sev t fory-w w offet ldev opment fet is consider t be ful t m now . hiry- en o t t o eeks a el : us ed o l er . PREPARE FOR DELI VERY…
  • 31. Vi abi l i t y W W What i s i t ? Viability is basically described as hat i s i t ? hat i s i t ? at what point can the fetus live without the need of the mothe
  • 32. M NT LCA CIT E A PA Y By: Ke vi n Jame s n Definitio Th e s c o p e o f a h u man b e i n g ' s f r ame o f mi n d .
  • 33. t needed t be ment lyca bl ofbeingahuma being: hings o al pa e n
  • 34. Co n s c i o u s n e s s : T ca cit t ha e st t ofa aeness, such a st t oft he pa y o v aes w r s aes hinking orfeel ing. S e l f - c o n s c i o u s n e s s : T a it ofbeing a ae on one's sel he bil y wr f. S e n t i e n c e : T a it oft ha e cera kinds ofconscious exper . he bil y o v t in iences Cap ac i t y t o c o mmu n i c at e : T a it t use v ba a non- er lmodes ofcommunicaion. he bil y o er l nd v ba t Re as o n i n g : T a it offor aing goas a ident he bil y mul t l nd ifying beha ior t tae needed t a e t v s ha r o chiev hem. S o c i al vi s i b i l i t y:  T a it ofbeing a e t t ke patin al r socia gr he bil y bl o a r ager l oup. Cap ac i t y f o r s e l f - mo t i vat e d ac t i vi t y:  Abeing t tis aiv a ca bl ofsel dir e ha l e, nd pa e f- ect mov . ement Cap ac i t y f o r mo r al ag e n c y:  Abeing t tca a ha n ssume t mor lr he a esponsibil yt ads ot s. it ow r her
  • 35. AL I TY TE NT I PO T is t a it ofl his he bil y ookinga w tafet ca become, t ha us n NOT j t biol lst ges ofdev opment"IT ha a ed. ust he ogica a el " s chiev
  • 37. I n or der t o c om t o a c onc l us i on, t he e i nc ons i s t enc i es have t o be addr es s ed i n t he pr oc eedi ng di s c us s i ons ; s pec i f i c al l y, w hen does s oc i et y c ons i der t hat "It" has t he s am r i ght s , AND w e hen "It" i s c ons i der ed t o be a hum bei ng. Som an e of t hes e i nc ons i s t enc i es c an be s een i n c er t ai n l aw t hat ar e on t he books . s
  • 38. CONCL US I ON A w h t discussions ofr ce r aions, t deah penat a s it he a el t he t ly s w la G BT mat s, w el s L 's ter omen's issues ha it pl ce a t s s a t he t bl ofheaed a pol r t ae t nd aizing opics; E CIAL w t SPE L Y hen he subj s ofconta iv a a t comes up. T issue is ect r cept es nd borion his so emot lychaged a pol r t titdiv amost ional r nd aizing ha ides l ev yfa ic ofA ica l T subj ofa t ha aso er br mer n ife. he ect borion s l beca asw issue, t t pointw e pol icia ae me ing o he her it ns r el ed ba on howt feelon t subj . M eov , ect sed hey he ect or er t e ae l w ha e been pa ORae in t pr of her r a s v ssed, r he ocess being intoduced w e itpol r t t ev furher r her aizes he opic en t ba on r igious pr ence, et a per lmor l t sed el efer hics nd sona as, he U.SConst ut in r r t per lfr it ion egads o sona eedom, a curent nd r heat r l w lhcae a s.
  • 40.
  • 41. An y Qu e s t i o n s ?

Notas do Editor

  2. Funds Abortions in Cases of Life Endangerment, Rape or Incest
  3. Funds All or Most Medically Necessary Abortions
  4.   Father have no rights b.      Informing the father c.       Determining the fathers preference d.      The Father has an equal voice e.      The father should have “veto power”
  5.   The Father has an equal voice The father should have “veto power”
  6.  Parent Rights a.       Parents have no rights b.      Parents have the right to be notified c.       Preferences need to be considered d.      Parents have an equal voice e.      Parents should be the Ultimate decision maker.