physiology renal physiology aiims patna cardiovascular system post graduate heart rate variability autonomic function tests sleep cycle polysomnography sleep haemodynamics cardiorespiratory fitness cardiac physiology nephron biofeedback hrvb clinical physiology aiimspatna brain stimulation vns vagal nerve stimulation major depression akiliinteractive akl-t03 taskforce 1996 ewings battery nerve conduction study pure neuritic leprosy leprosy hansens disease acid base balance abg analysis arterial blood gas analysis electroencephalography eeg sleep medicine sleep study dm seminar dm physiology brain areas wake neurobiology physiology of sleep broca wernickes area aphasia speech aplysia sensitisation habituation operant conditioning classical conditioning memory learning medical college kozhikode covid response mortality reduction india first line treatment centres cftlc kerala government pandemic pandemic response community measures flattening the peak local administration kozhikode kerala covid19 exercise pulmonary function fat free mass index vo2max shear stress inductorium kymograph beneficial effect sherrington starling kymograph du bois reymond inductorium amphibian experiments simple muscle twitch experimental physiology darcy's law hagen poisellue's equation laplace law blood flow queens step test vo2 max histology pharmacology diuretics history of ecg einthoven lead systems electrocardiogram loop of henle postgraduate tubular function
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