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S-Core Cloud Computing Lab
          Data Solution Part
                2013. 2. 18.

I.   Scala란?
II. Scala는 간결하다.
III. Scala는 객체지향 언어이다.
IV. Scala는 함수형 언어이다.
V. Scala는 동적 언어이다.
VI. Scala는 정적으로 타입화된 언어이다.
VII. Scala는 많은 좋은 기능이 있다.
VIII.Scala를 어떻게 공부하지?
Scala 란?
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)
Scala 정의

          Scala [skah-lah]
         = scalable language
    The language is so named because it was designed to grow
    with the demands of its users.
                                   -Programming In Scala, p39

    Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language
    designed to express common programming patterns in a
    concise, elegant, and type-safe way.
Scala에 대한 의견들
   If I were to pick a language to use on the JVM today other
   than Java, it would be Scala.
                                     -James Gosling, creater of Java

   My tip thought for the long term replacement of javac is Scala.
   I’m very impressed with it! I can honestly say if someone had
   shown me the Programming in Scala book […] back in 2003.
    I’d probably have never created Groovy.
                                  -James Strachan, creator of Groovy

   Scala, it must be stated, is the current heir apparent to the Java
   throne. No other language on the JVM seems as capable of
   being a “replacement for Java” as Scala, and the momentum
   behind Scala is now uniquestionable.
                                         - Charlies Nutter, JRuby lead

Scalability in Programming Language

     어플리케이션이 사용자의 요구에 맞추기 위해 크기나 용량을 변
     경해도, 그 기능이 계속하여 잘 동작 할 수 있는 능력

     문제 영역의 크기나 복잡도가 증가하여도 유사한 방법으로 문제
     해결이 가능한 것.

     - 빌딩 블록의 수가 증가하면  추상화 / 축약
     - 언어의 지원 / 라이브러리 / 프레임 워크

언어 확장의 예시 – 분수 (Rational)

                (a, b) 단, b != 0
                (a, b) + (c, d) = (ad+bc, bd)
                (a, b) * (c, d) = (ac, bd)

    - Big Integer
    - Complex number
    - Vector
    - Matrix …

BigInteger vs. BigInt
         public BigInteger factorial(BigInteger x) {                  유사하지 않음
           if ( x == BigInteger.ZERO )
             return BigInteger.ONE;
             return x.multiply(
                factorial (x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)));


         def factorial(x: BigInt):BigInt =
           if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x-1)

출처:               7
Google Trends

출처:,%20clojure,%20groovy   8
Job Trends

출처:   9
Scala Today

출처:   10
Scala Best Practices

         – Kestrel: queuing
         – FlockDB(and Gizzard): social graph store
         – Hawkwind: people search
         – Hosebird: streaming API
         – Scalding: MapReduce Wrapper (build on top of Cascading)

      Guardian: Open Platform
         – 2009.11:          java + guice + guice servlets + apache solr
         – 2010.01:          Integration tests with ScalaTest / maven scala plugin
         – 2010.03:          scala + guice + guice servlets + apache solr
         – 2010.06:          maven -> sbt
         – 2011.06:          scala + lift + apache solr ( 5k loc -> 3.5k)
출처:                   11
Scala 언어 가계도
   Lisp                              objects               Prolog
     programming       syntax


Scala를 멀리서 보기

      함수형                   객체 지향                   동적
     프로그래밍                  프로그래밍                  프로그래밍

                      강화된 타입 시스템

  ※동적 프로그래밍: 스칼라는 엄밀히 말하자면 동적 언어는 아니지만, 동적 언어에서 제공하는 많은 특징을 가지고 있다.
   (간결함(Concise), REPL, 고수준함수, Duck Typing 등)
Scala 특징 1/3

 Scala는 함수형과 객체지향형의 성격을 다
  가지고 있다.
  –Method를 포함한 모든 함수 (function)은 값(value)이다.
  –모든 값(value)는 객체(object)이다.

 Scala는 정적 타입시스템이다.
  – 강력한 타입 추론 시스템:
    in Java 1.5:
    Pair p = new Pair<Integer, String>(1, "Scala");

   in Scala:
   val p = new MyPair(1, "scala");

Scala 특징 2/3
  가벼운 문법(lightweight syntax)
  – Anonymous functions
  – Higher-order functions
  – Nested Functions
  – Currying
  ML-style의 Pattern Matching
  XML과 통합
  – Scala 프로그램에서 XML을 직접 쓸 수 있다.
  – Scala 클래스 정의로 XML DTD로 변환할 수 있다.
  정규식 패턴
  DSLs
  Concurrency via actors

Scala 특징 3/3 – Scala는 실용적이다.

 Java를 대체해서 사용이 가능함
   Java와 Scala를 혼합한 프로젝트가 가능

 기존 Java 라이브러리를 활용가능

 기존 Java 툴(Ant, Maven, Junit, etc…)을 활용가능

 기존 IDE 환경을 지원 (Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ)

Scala compared to Java
                            Scala adds                                    Scala removes

     + a pure object system                                 - static members

     + operator overloading                                 - primitive Types

     + closures                                             - break, continue

     + mixin composition with traits                        - special treatment of interfaces

     + existential types                                    - wildcards

     + abstract types                                       - raw types

     + pattern matching                                     - enums

     Modeled in libiaries:
     assert, enums, properties, events, actors, using, queries, …

출처:                                       17
Scala는 간결하다.
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)
Type Interface

 val sum = 1 + 2 + 3
 >sum: Int = 6

 val nums = List(1, 2, 3)
 >nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

 val map = Map("abc" -> List(1,2,3))
   ng.String,List[Int]] = Map(abc ->
   List(1, 2, 3))

Explicit Types

 val sum: Int = 1 + 2 + 3

 val nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

 val map: Map[String, List[Int]] = ...

Higher Level
 // Java – Check if string has uppercase character
 boolean hasUpperCase = false;
 for(int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
     if(Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) {
         hasUpperCase = true;

 // Scala
 val hasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpperCase)

Less Boilerplate
                  Java                                    Scala
  public class Person {                     class Person(var name: String,
    private String name;                                 var age: Int)
    private int age;
    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
       this.age = age;                      class Person(var name: String,
    }                                                    private var _age: Int){
    public String getName() {
                                              def age = _age           // Getter
      return name;
                                              def age_=(newAge:Int) { // Setter
    public int getAge() {                       _age = newAge
      return age;                             }
    }                                       }
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public void setAge(int age) {
      this.age = age;
Variables and Values

 // variable
 var foo = "foo"
 foo = "bar" // okay

 // value
 val bar = "bar"
 bar = "foo" // nope

Scala는 객체지향 언어이다.
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)
Class Hierarchy

출처:   25
Pure O.O.
  // Every value is an object

  // Every operation is a method call
  1 + 2 + 3  (1).+(2).+(3)

  // Can omit . and ( )
  "abc" charAt 1  "abc".charAt(1)


 // Classes (and abstract classes) like Java
 abstract class Language(val name:String) {
   override def toString = name

 // Example implementations
 class Scala extends Language("Scala")

 // Anonymous class
 val scala = new Language("Scala") { /* empty */ }

Case Classes
 case class Person(firstName: String = "Jamie", lastName: String = "Allen")
 val jamieDoe = Person(lastName = "Doe") // Person(Jamie,Doe)

 abstract class Tree
 case class Sum(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree
 case class Var(n: String) extends Tree
 case class Const(v: Int) extends Tree
 type Environment = String => Int
 def eval(t: Tree, env: Environment): Int = t match {
   case Sum(l, r) => eval(l, env) + eval(r, env)
   case Var(n) => env(n)
   case Const(v) => v

    Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) done right
    By default, class arguments are immutable & public
    Should never be extended
    Provide equals(), copy(), hashCode() and toString() implementations
    Don’t have to use new keyword to create instances
    Named Parameters and Default arguments give us Builder pattern semantics
  // Like interfaces in Java
  trait Language {

      val name:String

      // But allow implementation
      override def toString = name

trait JVM {
  override def toString = super.toString+" runs on JVM"     }
trait Static {
  override def toString = super.toString+" is Static"   }

// Traits are stackable
class Scala extends Language with JVM with Static {
  val name = "Scala"

println(new Scala)  "Scala runs on JVM is Static"

  object Bootstrapper extends App { Person.createJamieAllen }

  object Person {
    def createJamieAllen = new Person("Jamie", "Allen")
    def createJamieDoe = new Person("Jamie", "Doe")
    val aConstantValue = "A constant value”

  class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)

  Singletons within a JVM process
  No private constructor histrionics
  Companion Objects, used for factories and constants

  def getNameAndAge: Tuple2[String, Int] = {
    val name = “Steve”
    val age = 30
    (name, age)

  val (name, age) = getNameAndAge
  println(“Name: “+ name)   // Name: Steve
  println(“Age: “ + age)    // Age: 30

  val scalet = (“Scalet”, 27, “Seoul”)    // scalet: (String, Int, String) = (“Scalet”, 27, “Seoul”)
  println(“Address: “ + scalet._3)       // Address: Seoul

  Tuple is a generalization of that: a collection of two,
   three, four, and more values
  Tuple can hold objects with different types but they
   are also immutable
Scala는 함수형 언어이다.
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)

Imperative Style vs. Functional Style
                Characteristic                              Imperative                  Functional

                                                                                What information is
                                                   How to perform tasks
                                                                                desired and what
     Programmer focus                              (algorithms) and how to
                                                                                transformations are
                                                   track changes in state.

     State Changes                                 Important.                   Non-existent.

     Order of execution                            Important.                   Low importance.

                                                   Loops, conditionals, and     Function calls, including
     Primary flow control
                                                   function (method) calls      recursion.

                                                                                Functions as first-class
                                                   Instances of structures or
     Primary manipulation unit                                                  objects and data

출처:                                                   35
Function Type + Function Literal

 // Type
 (Int, Int)=>Int

 // Literal
 (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y

First Class Functions
      // Lightweight anonymous functions
      (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y

      // Calling the anonymous function
      val add = (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y
       Function name                 Argument List      Function expression

      val add : (Int, Int) => Int = (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y
      val add : (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
      val add = new Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
        def apply(x:Int, y:Int):Int = x + y
                                                        어떤 함수가 다음 조건을 만족하면 일급 함수로 간주한다.

      add(5,1)  6                                      1.   변수나 데이터 구조안에 담을 수 있다.
      add.apply(5,1)  6                                2.
                                                             파라미터로 전달 할 수 있다.
                                                             반환값(return value)으로 사용할 수 있다.
                                                        4.   할당에 사용된 이름과 관계없이 고유한 구별이 가능하다.
출처:                                         37
 // plusFoo can reference any values/variables in scope
 var foo = 1
 val plusFoo = (x:Int) => x + foo

 plusFoo(5)    6

 // Changing foo changes the return value of plusFoo
 foo = 5
 plusFoo(5)  10

Pattern Matching
 def what(any:Any) = any match {
   case i:Int => "It's an Int"
   case s:String => "It's a String"
   case _ => "I don't know what it is"

 what(123)        "It's an Int"
 what("hello")    "It's a String"
 what(false)      "I don't know what it is"

Pattern Matching
 val nums = List(1,2,3)

 // Pattern matching to create 3 vals
 val List(a,b,c) = nums

 a    1
 b    2
 c    3

Immutable Types
 // Immutable types by default
 var nums = Set(1,2,3)
 nums += 4  nums = nums.+(4)

 // Mutable types available
 import scala.collection.mutable._

 val nums = Set(1,2,3)
 nums += 4  nums.+=(4)

Referential Transparency
 // Transparent
 val example1 = "jamie".reverse
 val example2 = example1.reverse
 println(example1 + example2) // eimajjamie

 // Opaque
 val example1 = new StringBuffer("Jamie").reverse
 val example2 = example1.reverse
 println(example1 append example2) // jamiejamie

   An expression is transparent if it can be replaced by its
    VALUE without changing the behavior of the program
   In math, all functions are referentially transparent

Scala Collections

 val   myMap = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three")
 val   mySet = Set(1, 4, 2, 8)
 val   myList = List(1, 2, 8, 3, 3, 4)
 val   myVector = Vector(1, 2, 3...)

  You have the choice of mutable or immutable
   collection instances, immutable by default
  Rich implementations, extremely flexible

Rich Collection Functionality

 val numbers = 1 to 20 // Range(1, 2, 3, ... 20)

 numbers.head           //   Int = 1
 numbers.tail           //   Range(2, 3, 4, ... 20)
 numbers.take(5)        //   Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
 numbers.drop(5)        //   Range(6, 7, 8, ... 20)

  There are many methods available to you in the
   Scala collections library
  Spend 5 minutes every day going over the
   ScalaDoc for one collection class




Or Use Existing Java Collections
 Apache Commons Collections
 Google Collections

 scala.collection.JavaConversion available to convert to
  and from java.util Interfaces

Higher Order Functions
 val plusOne = (x:Int) => x + 1
 val nums = List(1,2,3)

 // map takes a function: Int => T        List(2,3,4)

 // Inline Anonymous => x + 1)  List(2,3,4)

 // Short form + 1)        List(2,3,4)

Higher Order Functions
 val nums = List(1,2,3,4)
 // A few more examples for List class
 nums.exists(_ == 2)        true
 nums.find(_ == 2)          Some(2)
 nums.indexWhere(_ == 2)  1
 nums.reduceLeft(_ + _)     10
 nums.foldLeft(100)(_ + _)  110
 nums.filter(_ % 2 == 0)  List(2,4)

 // Many more in collections library
 flatMap, flatten, zip, fold, foldRight, reduce, reduceRight, groupBy
 partition, slice, take, takeRight, takeWhile, drop, dropRight, dropWhile, splitAt
 sortBy, sortWith, startsWith, endsWith, product, sum …

Higher Order Functions

 // functions as parameters
 def call(f: Int => Int) = f(1)

 call(plusOne)     2
 call(x => x + 1)  2
 call(_ + 1)     2

Higher Order Functions
 // functions as parameters
 def each(xs: List[Int], fun: Int => Unit) {
   if(!xs.isEmpty) {
     each(xs.tail, fun)

 each(List(1,2,3), println)
     1
     2
     3
Higher Order Functions
  class List[+A] … {
    def head: A
    def tail: List[A]
 // More complex example with generics & pattern matching
 def each[T](xs: List[T], fun: T => Unit): Unit = xs match {
   case Nil =>
   case head :: tail => fun(head); each(tail, fun)
 each(List(1,2), println)
     1
     2
 each(List("foo", "bar"), println)
     foo
     bar

Parallel Collections
 scala> 1 to 1000000
 res0: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3,...

 scala> res0.par
 res1: s.c.parallel.immutable.ParRange = ParRange(1, 2, 3,...

 scala> res1 map(_ + 1)
 res2: s.c.parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Int] = ParVector(2, 3, 4,...

 scala> res2.seq
 res3: s.c.immutable.Range = Range(2, 3, 4,...

   You can easily parallelize the application of a function literal to your collection by
    calling the par() method on a collection instance
   Uses JSR166 under the covers to fork/join for you
   Use the seq() method on the parallel collection to return to a non-parallel

Partial Functions
 val sample = 1 to 10
 val isEven: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
   case x if x % 2 == 0 => x+" is even"
 val isEven= new PartialFunction[Int, String] {
   override def apply(x:Int):String = x+" is even"
   override def isDefinedAt(x:Int):Boolean = x % 2 == 0
 // the method collect can use isDefinedAt to select which members to collect
 val evenNumbers = sample collect isEven
 > evenNumbers = Vector(2 is even, 4 is even, 6 is even, 8 is even, 10 is even)

 val isOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
   case x if x % 2 == 1 => x+" is odd"
 // the method orElse allows chaining another partial function to handle
 // input outside the declared domain
 val numbers = sample map (isEven orElse isOdd)
 > numbers = Vector(1 is odd, 2 is even, 3 is odd, 4 is even, 5 is odd, 6 is even, 7 is o
 dd, 8 is even, 9 is odd, 10 is even)
 // multiple arguments
 def add(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y
 add(1, 2) // 3
 add(7, 3) // 10

 // after currying, single arguments
 def add(x:Int) = (y:Int) => x + y
 def add(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y
 add(1)(2) // 3
 add(7)(3) // 10
   In computer science, currying, invented by Moses Schönfinkel and
    Gottlob Frege, is the technique of transforming a function that takes
    multiple arguments into a function that takes a single argument (the
    other arguments having been specified by the curry).

Partially Applied Functions
 def justSum(a:Int,b:Int,c:Int) = a+b+c
 val partial1 = justSum _
 val partial2 = justSum(1, _:Int, 8)

 def curriedSum(a:Int)(b:Int)(c:Int) = a+b+c

 println("Partial 1: "+partial1(5,6,7))   // Partial 1: 18
 println("Partial 2: "+partial2(4))       // Partial 2: 13

(엄밀히 말하자면 동적 언어는 아니지만, 동적 언어에서
         제공하는 많은 특징을 가지고 있다.)

   Scala는 동적 언어이다.
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)

 // HelloWorld.scala
 println("Hello World")

 bash$ scala HelloWorld.scala
 Hello World

 bash$ scala -e 'println("Hello World")'
 Hello World

Read-Eval-Print Loop
 bash$ scala
 Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,
  Java 1.6.0_22).
 Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
 Type :help for more information.

 scala> class Foo { def bar = "baz" }
 defined class Foo

 scala> val f = new Foo
 f: Foo = Foo@51707653

 res2: java.lang.String = baz

Structural Typing – Type safe Duck Typing
     // Duck Typing (other language)
     def test(o)
      log o.getName # Let's hope this will work

     // Type safe Duck Typing
     def doTalk(any:{def talk:String}) {
     class Duck { def talk = "Quack" }
     class Dog { def talk = "Bark" }

     doTalk(new Duck)                             "Quack"
     doTalk(new Dog)                              "Bark"

출처:   61
Implicit Conversions
 // Extend existing classes in a type safe way

 // Goal: Add isBlank method to String class
 class RichString(s:String) {
   def isBlank = null == s || "" == s.trim

 implicit def toRichString(s:String) = new RichString(s)

 // Our isBlank method is now available on Strings
 " ".isBlank     true
 "foo".isBlank  false

Implicit Conversions
 // Does not type check

 // Search in-scope implicits defs that take a
 // String & return a type with an isBlank method
 implicit def toRichString(s:String):RichString

 // Resulting code that type checks
 new RichString("abc").isBlank

method_missing (Scala 2.9 Feature)
 // Dynamic is a marker trait used by the compiler
 class Foo extends Dynamic {
   def typed[T] = error("not implemented")

     def applyDynamic(name:String)(args:Any*) = {
       println("called: "+name+"("+args.mkString(",")+")")


 val f = new Foo
 f.helloWorld          called: helloWorld()
 f.hello("world")      called: hello(world),2,3)          called: bar(1,2,3)

Scala는 정적으로 타입화된 언어이다.
  object Hello {
    def main(args:Array[String]) {
       println(“Hello, World”)
Generic Classes
     class Stack[T] {
       var elems: List[T] = Nil
       def push(x: T) { elems = x :: elems }
       def top: T = elems.head
       def pop() { elems = elems.tail }
     object GenericsTest extends Application {
       val stack = new Stack[Int]
       println( // 97
       println( // 1

출처:           66
             구분               Scala         Java                                          Description

        Covariant              +T        ? extends T   Covariant subclassing. E.g., List[Tsub] is a subtype of List[T].

      Contravariant            -T         ? super T    Contravariant subclassing. E.g., X[Tsup] is a subtype of X[T].

         Invariant              T            T         Invariant subclassing. E.g., Can’t substitute Y[Tsup]or Y[Tsub] for Y[T].

     class   Animal
     class   Dog extends Animal
     class   Vector[+T] { … }
     class   Contravariant[-T] {…}
     class   Array[T] {…}

     val aCovariantVector: Vector[Animal] = Vector.empty[Animal]      // ok
     val aCovariantVector: Vector[Animal] = Vector.empty[Dog]         // ok
     val aCovariantVector: Vector[Dog] = Vector.empty[Animal]         // not ok

     val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Animal] = new Contravariant[Animal] // ok
     val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Dog] = new Contravariant[Animal]    // ok
     val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Animal] = new Contravariant[Dog]    // not ok

     val anInvariantArray: Array[Animal] = Array.empty[Animal]     // ok
     val anInvariantArray: Array[Animal] = Array.empty[Dog]        // not ok
     val anInvariantArray: Array[Dog] = Array.empty[Animal]        // not ok

출처:                                                                                             67
Type Bounds (Upper, Lower)
                구분                       Scala                   Java                                     Description

          Upper Bounds                   A <: B              A extends B                          A must be a subtype of B

          Lower Bounds                   A >: B                    -                             A must be a supertype of B

     object Array {
       def apply[A <: AnyRef](xs: A*): Array[A] = {            // A must be a subtype of AnyRef
           val array = new Array[A](xs.length)
           var i = 0
           for (x <- xs.elements) { array(i) = x; i += 1 }
     class List[+A] {                                          // A is covariant, List[+A] is subtype of List[A]
       def ::[B >: A](x : B) : List[B] = new scala.::(x, this)  // B must be a supertype of A
     val languages = List("Scala", "Java", "Ruby", "C#", "C++", "Python") // languages:List[String] = List(…)
     val list = 3.14 :: languages                                              // list:List[Any] = List (…)
     println(list)                                                             // List(3.14, “Scala”, “Java”, “Ruby”, “C#”, “C++”, “Python”)

출처:                                                                                                         68
     Implicit parameters and methods can also define implicit conversions called views.
     The term view conveys the sense of having a view from one type (A) to another type (B).

     A view is applied in two circumstances.
      When a type A is used in a context where another type B is expected and there is a view in scope that can convert A to B.
      When a non-existent member m of a type A is referenced, but there is an in-scope view that can convert A to a B that has
       the m member.

     def m [A <% B](arglist): R = ...
     def m [A](arglist)(implicit viewAB: A => B): R = ...

     class Container[A <% Int] { def addIt(x: A) = 123 + x }
     (new Container[String]).addIt("123")    // ok, 246
     (new Container[Int]).addIt(123)        // ok, 246
     (new Container[Float]).addIt(123.2F) // not ok

                구분                        Scala                Java                             Description

           View Bounds                   A <% B                 -                   A can be converted to B using a view

출처:                                                                                             69
Inner Classes
      class Graph {                                                                                     Use Companion Objects
        class Node {
          var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil                                        object Graph {
          def connectTo(node: Node) {                                                   class Node {
            if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) {                                var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil
              connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes                                      def connectTo(node: Node) {
            }                                                                                if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) {
          }                                                                                    connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes
        }                                                                                    }
        var nodes: List[Node] = Nil                                                        }
        def newNode: Node = {                                                            }
          val res = new Node                                                          }
          nodes = res :: nodes                                                        class Graph {
          res                                                                            var nodes: List[Graph.Node] = Nil
        }                                                                                def newNode: Node = {
      }                                                                                    val res = new Node
                                                                                           nodes = res :: nodes
      object IllegalGraphTest extends Application {                                        res
        val g: Graph = new Graph                                                         }
        val n1: g.Node = g.newNode                                                    }
        val n2: g.Node = g.newNode
        n1.connectTo(n2)     // legal
        val h: Graph = new Graph
        val n3: h.Node = h.newNode                                                                         Use Type Projection
        n1.connectTo(n3)     // illegal!                                              class Graph {
      }                                                                                 class Node {
                                                                                          var connectedNodes: List[Graph#Node] = Nil
                                                                                          def connectTo(node: Graph#Node) {
                                                                                            if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) {
                                                                                              connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes
      1. Use Companion Objects: object Graph for class Graph                            …
      2. Use Type Projection: Graph#Node is “a Node of any Graph”                     }

출처:,              70
Abstract Types
     abstract class Buffer[+T] {
       val element: T

     abstract class SeqBuffer[U, +T <: Seq[U]] extends Buffer[T] {
       def length = element.length

     object AbstractTypeTest2 extends Application {
      def newIntSeqBuf(e1: Int, e2: Int): SeqBuffer[Int, Seq[Int]] =
        new SeqBuffer[Int, List[Int]] {
          val element = List(e1, e2)

         val buf = newIntSeqBuf(7, 8)
         println("length = " + buf.length)     // length = 2
         println("content = " + buf.element)   // content = List(7, 8)

출처:                                   71
Explicitly Typed Self References
     abstract class SubjectObserver {
      type S <: Subject                                                  // S must be a subtype of Subject
      type O <: Observer                                                 // O must be a subtype of Observer

         trait Subject {
           self: S =>                                                      // #1.   val self: SubjectObserver.this.S
           private var observers = List[O]()
           def addObserver(observer: O) = observers ::= observer
           def notifyObservers = observers foreach (_.receiveUpdate(self)) // #2

         trait Observer {
           def receiveUpdate(subject: S)

     - Comment #1 shows the self-type annotation, self: S =>. We can now use self as an alias for this, but whenever it appears, the
        type will be assumed to be S, not Subject.

     - Comment #2 shows that we pass self instead of this to receiveUpdate.

출처:                                                                                                 72
Polymorphic Methods
     object PolyTest extends Application {
       def dup[T](x: T, n: Int): List[T] =
        if (n == 0) Nil
        else x :: dup(x, n - 1)
       println(dup[Int](3, 4))      // required parameters
       println(dup("three", 3)) // not required to give actual type parameters explicitly

     Method dup in object PolyTest is parameterized with type T and with the value parameters x:
     T and n: Int

출처:                                                             73
Scala는 많은 좋은 기능이 있다.
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)
Default Parameter Values

 def hello(foo:Int = 0, bar:Int = 0) {
   println("foo: "+foo+" bar: "+bar)

 hello()             foo: 0   bar: 0
 hello(1)            foo: 1   bar: 0
 hello(1,2)          foo: 1   bar: 2

Named Parameters

 def hello(foo:Int = 0, bar:Int = 0) {
   println("foo: "+foo+" bar: "+bar)

 hello(bar=6)          foo: 0   bar: 6
 hello(foo=7)          foo: 7   bar: 0
 hello(foo=8,bar=9)    foo: 8   bar: 9

Everything Returns a Value
 val a = if(true) "yes" else "no"

 val b = try{
 } catch {
   case _ => "error"

 val c = {
Lazy Definitions
  // initialized on first access
  lazy val foo = {

  foo      init
  foo   
  foo   

Nested Functions
 // Can nest multiple levels of functions
 def outer() {
     var msg = "foo"
     def one() {
         def two() {
             def three() {

By-Name Parameters
 // msg parameter automatically wrapped in closure
 def log(doLog:Boolean, msg: => String) {
   if(doLog) {
     msg // evaluates msg
     msg // evaluates msg again!

 def foo:String = {
   println("in foo"); "Foo"

 log(true, foo+" Bar")    // foo called twice
      in foo
      in foo

 log(false, foo+" Bar")   // foo never called

Many More Features
  Annotations  @foo def hello = "world"
  Option
  Actors
  DSL
  For Comprehensions  for(i <- 1 to 5 if i % 2 == 0) yield i
  Implicit Conversion
  XML Literals  val node = <hello>world</hello>
  Reflections
  Macros (2.10)
  etc…

Scala를 어떻게 공부하지?
object Hello {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
     println(“Hello, World”)
Scala 공부의 정석

Martin Ordersky 저자 강의



Scala 공부관련 참고자료
  스칼라 입문자료
  – Scala API Reference
  – A Tour of Scala : 스칼라 공식 블로그에 올라온 스칼라 강좌
  – Scala By Example : 마틴 오더스키가 작성한 100페이지짜리 스칼라 문서
  – Scala School : 트위터가 작성한 스칼라 강좌
  – Progammin in Scala 1st Edition : Programmin in Scala의 1st Edition은 온라인에서 무료로 볼
    수 있음.
  – Effective Scala : 트위터의 Marius Eriksen가 만든 스칼라 강좌

  스칼라 서적(영문)
  – Programming in Scala : 마틴 오더스키가 참여한 스칼라 서적. 강추!!, Scala 2.8 기준.
  – Programming Scala : 오렐리에서 나옴. 읽어본 사람 없어서 내용은 잘 모름.
  – Programming Scala : Pragmatic에서 나온 스칼라 서적. 읽어볼 만은 하지만 빠진 내용이 많아
    서 많이 추천하지는 않음.
  – Scala in Depth : 매닝에서 나온 서적. 읽어본 사람이 없어서 내용은 잘 모름.

  그외 참고 자료
  –   Style Guide for Scala : 스칼라 코드 작성에 대한 스타일가이드 발표자료
  –   Scala Puzzlers : 스칼라 문제를 풀어볼 수 있는 사이트
  –   Scala Cheat Sheet : 간단한 스칼라문법을 참고할 수 있는 치트시트
  –   S99 Scala Problems: 99 개의 스칼라 프로그래밍 학습 예제


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Scala overview

  • 1. 민형기 S-Core Cloud Computing Lab Data Solution Part 2013. 2. 18.
  • 2. Contents I. Scala란? II. Scala는 간결하다. III. Scala는 객체지향 언어이다. IV. Scala는 함수형 언어이다. V. Scala는 동적 언어이다. VI. Scala는 정적으로 타입화된 언어이다. VII. Scala는 많은 좋은 기능이 있다. VIII.Scala를 어떻게 공부하지? 1
  • 3. Scala 란? object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 2
  • 4. Scala 정의 Scala [skah-lah] = scalable language The language is so named because it was designed to grow with the demands of its users. -Programming In Scala, p39 Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. 3
  • 5. Scala에 대한 의견들 If I were to pick a language to use on the JVM today other than Java, it would be Scala. -James Gosling, creater of Java My tip thought for the long term replacement of javac is Scala. I’m very impressed with it! I can honestly say if someone had shown me the Programming in Scala book […] back in 2003. I’d probably have never created Groovy. -James Strachan, creator of Groovy Scala, it must be stated, is the current heir apparent to the Java throne. No other language on the JVM seems as capable of being a “replacement for Java” as Scala, and the momentum behind Scala is now uniquestionable. - Charlies Nutter, JRuby lead 4
  • 6. Scalability in Programming Language 어플리케이션이 사용자의 요구에 맞추기 위해 크기나 용량을 변 경해도, 그 기능이 계속하여 잘 동작 할 수 있는 능력 -Terms 문제 영역의 크기나 복잡도가 증가하여도 유사한 방법으로 문제 해결이 가능한 것. - 빌딩 블록의 수가 증가하면  추상화 / 축약 - 언어의 지원 / 라이브러리 / 프레임 워크 5
  • 7. 언어 확장의 예시 – 분수 (Rational) 규칙: (a, b) 단, b != 0 (a, b) + (c, d) = (ad+bc, bd) (a, b) * (c, d) = (ac, bd) *기타 - Big Integer - Complex number - Vector - Matrix … 6
  • 8. BigInteger vs. BigInt Java Integer와 public BigInteger factorial(BigInteger x) { 유사하지 않음 if ( x == BigInteger.ZERO ) return BigInteger.ONE; else return x.multiply( factorial (x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))); } Scala def factorial(x: BigInt):BigInt = if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x-1) 출처: 7
  • 12. Scala Best Practices Twitter – Kestrel: queuing – FlockDB(and Gizzard): social graph store – Hawkwind: people search – Hosebird: streaming API – Scalding: MapReduce Wrapper (build on top of Cascading) Guardian: Open Platform – 2009.11: java + guice + guice servlets + apache solr – 2010.01: Integration tests with ScalaTest / maven scala plugin – 2010.03: scala + guice + guice servlets + apache solr – 2010.06: maven -> sbt – 2011.06: scala + lift + apache solr ( 5k loc -> 3.5k) 출처: 11
  • 13. Scala 언어 가계도 Simula Lisp objects Prolog functional C Smalltalk programming syntax pattern matching ML C++ Erlang Haskell Java Actors Scala 12
  • 14. Scala를 멀리서 보기 함수형 객체 지향 동적 프로그래밍 프로그래밍 프로그래밍 강화된 타입 시스템 JVM/.Net ※동적 프로그래밍: 스칼라는 엄밀히 말하자면 동적 언어는 아니지만, 동적 언어에서 제공하는 많은 특징을 가지고 있다. (간결함(Concise), REPL, 고수준함수, Duck Typing 등) 13
  • 15. Scala 특징 1/3 Scala는 함수형과 객체지향형의 성격을 다 가지고 있다. –Method를 포함한 모든 함수 (function)은 값(value)이다. –모든 값(value)는 객체(object)이다. Scala는 정적 타입시스템이다. – 강력한 타입 추론 시스템: in Java 1.5: Pair p = new Pair<Integer, String>(1, "Scala"); in Scala: val p = new MyPair(1, "scala"); 14
  • 16. Scala 특징 2/3  가벼운 문법(lightweight syntax) – Anonymous functions – Higher-order functions – Nested Functions – Currying  ML-style의 Pattern Matching  XML과 통합 – Scala 프로그램에서 XML을 직접 쓸 수 있다. – Scala 클래스 정의로 XML DTD로 변환할 수 있다.  정규식 패턴  DSLs  Concurrency via actors 15
  • 17. Scala 특징 3/3 – Scala는 실용적이다. Java를 대체해서 사용이 가능함  Java와 Scala를 혼합한 프로젝트가 가능 기존 Java 라이브러리를 활용가능 기존 Java 툴(Ant, Maven, Junit, etc…)을 활용가능 기존 IDE 환경을 지원 (Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ) 16
  • 18. Scala compared to Java Scala adds Scala removes + a pure object system - static members + operator overloading - primitive Types + closures - break, continue + mixin composition with traits - special treatment of interfaces + existential types - wildcards + abstract types - raw types + pattern matching - enums Modeled in libiaries: assert, enums, properties, events, actors, using, queries, … 출처: 17
  • 19. Scala는 간결하다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 18
  • 20. Type Interface val sum = 1 + 2 + 3 >sum: Int = 6 val nums = List(1, 2, 3) >nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) val map = Map("abc" -> List(1,2,3)) >map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[ ng.String,List[Int]] = Map(abc -> List(1, 2, 3)) 19
  • 21. Explicit Types val sum: Int = 1 + 2 + 3 val nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) val map: Map[String, List[Int]] = ... 20
  • 22. Higher Level // Java – Check if string has uppercase character boolean hasUpperCase = false; for(int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { if(Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) { hasUpperCase = true; break; } } // Scala val hasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpperCase) 21
  • 23. Less Boilerplate Java Scala public class Person { class Person(var name: String, private String name; var age: Int) private int age; public Person(String name, int age) { = name; this.age = age; class Person(var name: String, } private var _age: Int){ public String getName() { def age = _age // Getter return name; def age_=(newAge:Int) { // Setter } public int getAge() { _age = newAge return age; } } } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } } 22
  • 24. Variables and Values // variable var foo = "foo" foo = "bar" // okay // value val bar = "bar" bar = "foo" // nope 23
  • 25. Scala는 객체지향 언어이다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 24
  • 27. Pure O.O. // Every value is an object 1.toString // Every operation is a method call 1 + 2 + 3  (1).+(2).+(3) // Can omit . and ( ) "abc" charAt 1  "abc".charAt(1) 26
  • 28. Classes // Classes (and abstract classes) like Java abstract class Language(val name:String) { override def toString = name } // Example implementations class Scala extends Language("Scala") // Anonymous class val scala = new Language("Scala") { /* empty */ } 27
  • 29. Case Classes case class Person(firstName: String = "Jamie", lastName: String = "Allen") val jamieDoe = Person(lastName = "Doe") // Person(Jamie,Doe) abstract class Tree case class Sum(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree case class Var(n: String) extends Tree case class Const(v: Int) extends Tree … type Environment = String => Int def eval(t: Tree, env: Environment): Int = t match { case Sum(l, r) => eval(l, env) + eval(r, env) case Var(n) => env(n) case Const(v) => v }  Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) done right  By default, class arguments are immutable & public  Should never be extended  Provide equals(), copy(), hashCode() and toString() implementations  Don’t have to use new keyword to create instances  Named Parameters and Default arguments give us Builder pattern semantics 28
  • 30. Traits // Like interfaces in Java trait Language { val name:String // But allow implementation override def toString = name } 29
  • 31. Traits trait JVM { override def toString = super.toString+" runs on JVM" } trait Static { override def toString = super.toString+" is Static" } // Traits are stackable class Scala extends Language with JVM with Static { val name = "Scala" } println(new Scala)  "Scala runs on JVM is Static" 30
  • 32. Objects object Bootstrapper extends App { Person.createJamieAllen } object Person { def createJamieAllen = new Person("Jamie", "Allen") def createJamieDoe = new Person("Jamie", "Doe") val aConstantValue = "A constant value” } class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) Singletons within a JVM process No private constructor histrionics Companion Objects, used for factories and constants 31
  • 33. Tuples def getNameAndAge: Tuple2[String, Int] = { val name = “Steve” val age = 30 (name, age) } val (name, age) = getNameAndAge println(“Name: “+ name) // Name: Steve println(“Age: “ + age) // Age: 30 val scalet = (“Scalet”, 27, “Seoul”) // scalet: (String, Int, String) = (“Scalet”, 27, “Seoul”) println(“Address: “ + scalet._3) // Address: Seoul Tuple is a generalization of that: a collection of two, three, four, and more values Tuple can hold objects with different types but they are also immutable 32
  • 34. Scala는 함수형 언어이다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 33
  • 35. g(f(X)) 34
  • 36. Imperative Style vs. Functional Style Characteristic Imperative Functional What information is How to perform tasks desired and what Programmer focus (algorithms) and how to transformations are track changes in state. required. State Changes Important. Non-existent. Order of execution Important. Low importance. Loops, conditionals, and Function calls, including Primary flow control function (method) calls recursion. Functions as first-class Instances of structures or Primary manipulation unit objects and data classes. collections. 출처: 35
  • 37. Function Type + Function Literal // Type (Int, Int)=>Int // Literal (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y 36
  • 38. First Class Functions // Lightweight anonymous functions (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y // Calling the anonymous function val add = (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y Function name Argument List Function expression val add : (Int, Int) => Int = (x:Int, y:Int) => x + y val add : (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _ val add = new Function2[Int, Int, Int] { def apply(x:Int, y:Int):Int = x + y } 어떤 함수가 다음 조건을 만족하면 일급 함수로 간주한다. add(5,1)  6 1. 변수나 데이터 구조안에 담을 수 있다. add.apply(5,1)  6 2. 3. 파라미터로 전달 할 수 있다. 반환값(return value)으로 사용할 수 있다. 4. 할당에 사용된 이름과 관계없이 고유한 구별이 가능하다. 출처: 37
  • 39. Closures // plusFoo can reference any values/variables in scope var foo = 1 val plusFoo = (x:Int) => x + foo plusFoo(5)  6 // Changing foo changes the return value of plusFoo foo = 5 plusFoo(5)  10 38
  • 40. Pattern Matching def what(any:Any) = any match { case i:Int => "It's an Int" case s:String => "It's a String" case _ => "I don't know what it is" } what(123)  "It's an Int" what("hello")  "It's a String" what(false)  "I don't know what it is" 39
  • 41. Pattern Matching val nums = List(1,2,3) // Pattern matching to create 3 vals val List(a,b,c) = nums a  1 b  2 c  3 40
  • 42. Immutable Types // Immutable types by default var nums = Set(1,2,3) nums += 4  nums = nums.+(4) // Mutable types available import scala.collection.mutable._ val nums = Set(1,2,3) nums += 4  nums.+=(4) 41
  • 43. Referential Transparency // Transparent val example1 = "jamie".reverse val example2 = example1.reverse println(example1 + example2) // eimajjamie // Opaque val example1 = new StringBuffer("Jamie").reverse val example2 = example1.reverse println(example1 append example2) // jamiejamie  An expression is transparent if it can be replaced by its VALUE without changing the behavior of the program  In math, all functions are referentially transparent 42
  • 44. Scala Collections val myMap = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three") val mySet = Set(1, 4, 2, 8) val myList = List(1, 2, 8, 3, 3, 4) val myVector = Vector(1, 2, 3...) You have the choice of mutable or immutable collection instances, immutable by default Rich implementations, extremely flexible 43
  • 45. Rich Collection Functionality val numbers = 1 to 20 // Range(1, 2, 3, ... 20) numbers.head // Int = 1 numbers.tail // Range(2, 3, 4, ... 20) numbers.take(5) // Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) numbers.drop(5) // Range(6, 7, 8, ... 20) There are many methods available to you in the Scala collections library Spend 5 minutes every day going over the ScalaDoc for one collection class 44
  • 49. Or Use Existing Java Collections java.util Apache Commons Collections fastutil Trove Google Collections scala.collection.JavaConversion available to convert to and from java.util Interfaces 48
  • 50. Higher Order Functions val plusOne = (x:Int) => x + 1 val nums = List(1,2,3) // map takes a function: Int => T  List(2,3,4) // Inline Anonymous => x + 1)  List(2,3,4) // Short form + 1)  List(2,3,4) 49
  • 51. Higher Order Functions val nums = List(1,2,3,4) // A few more examples for List class nums.exists(_ == 2)  true nums.find(_ == 2)  Some(2) nums.indexWhere(_ == 2)  1 nums.reduceLeft(_ + _)  10 nums.foldLeft(100)(_ + _)  110 nums.filter(_ % 2 == 0)  List(2,4) // Many more in collections library flatMap, flatten, zip, fold, foldRight, reduce, reduceRight, groupBy partition, slice, take, takeRight, takeWhile, drop, dropRight, dropWhile, splitAt sortBy, sortWith, startsWith, endsWith, product, sum … 50
  • 52. Higher Order Functions // functions as parameters def call(f: Int => Int) = f(1) call(plusOne)  2 call(x => x + 1)  2 call(_ + 1)  2 51
  • 53. Higher Order Functions // functions as parameters def each(xs: List[Int], fun: Int => Unit) { if(!xs.isEmpty) { fun(xs.head) each(xs.tail, fun) } } each(List(1,2,3), println)  1  2  3 52
  • 54. Higher Order Functions class List[+A] … { def head: A def tail: List[A] … } // More complex example with generics & pattern matching @tailrec def each[T](xs: List[T], fun: T => Unit): Unit = xs match { case Nil => case head :: tail => fun(head); each(tail, fun) } each(List(1,2), println)  1  2 each(List("foo", "bar"), println)  foo  bar 53
  • 55. Parallel Collections scala> 1 to 1000000 res0: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3,... scala> res0.par res1: s.c.parallel.immutable.ParRange = ParRange(1, 2, 3,... scala> res1 map(_ + 1) res2: s.c.parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Int] = ParVector(2, 3, 4,... scala> res2.seq res3: s.c.immutable.Range = Range(2, 3, 4,...  You can easily parallelize the application of a function literal to your collection by calling the par() method on a collection instance  Uses JSR166 under the covers to fork/join for you  Use the seq() method on the parallel collection to return to a non-parallel instance 54
  • 56. Partial Functions val sample = 1 to 10 val isEven: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case x if x % 2 == 0 => x+" is even" } val isEven= new PartialFunction[Int, String] { override def apply(x:Int):String = x+" is even" override def isDefinedAt(x:Int):Boolean = x % 2 == 0 } // the method collect can use isDefinedAt to select which members to collect val evenNumbers = sample collect isEven > evenNumbers = Vector(2 is even, 4 is even, 6 is even, 8 is even, 10 is even) val isOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case x if x % 2 == 1 => x+" is odd" } // the method orElse allows chaining another partial function to handle // input outside the declared domain val numbers = sample map (isEven orElse isOdd) > numbers = Vector(1 is odd, 2 is even, 3 is odd, 4 is even, 5 is odd, 6 is even, 7 is o dd, 8 is even, 9 is odd, 10 is even) 55
  • 57. Currying // multiple arguments def add(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y add(1, 2) // 3 add(7, 3) // 10 // after currying, single arguments def add(x:Int) = (y:Int) => x + y def add(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y add(1)(2) // 3 add(7)(3) // 10  In computer science, currying, invented by Moses Schönfinkel and Gottlob Frege, is the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that takes a single argument (the other arguments having been specified by the curry). 56
  • 58. Partially Applied Functions def justSum(a:Int,b:Int,c:Int) = a+b+c val partial1 = justSum _ val partial2 = justSum(1, _:Int, 8) def curriedSum(a:Int)(b:Int)(c:Int) = a+b+c println("Partial 1: "+partial1(5,6,7)) // Partial 1: 18 println("Partial 2: "+partial2(4)) // Partial 2: 13 57
  • 59. (엄밀히 말하자면 동적 언어는 아니지만, 동적 언어에서 제공하는 많은 특징을 가지고 있다.) Scala는 동적 언어이다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 58
  • 60. Scriptable // HelloWorld.scala println("Hello World") bash$ scala HelloWorld.scala Hello World bash$ scala -e 'println("Hello World")' Hello World 59
  • 61. Read-Eval-Print Loop bash$ scala Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_22). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> class Foo { def bar = "baz" } defined class Foo scala> val f = new Foo f: Foo = Foo@51707653 scala> res2: java.lang.String = baz 60
  • 62. Structural Typing – Type safe Duck Typing // Duck Typing (other language) def test(o) log o.getName # Let's hope this will work end // Type safe Duck Typing def doTalk(any:{def talk:String}) { println( } class Duck { def talk = "Quack" } class Dog { def talk = "Bark" } doTalk(new Duck)  "Quack" doTalk(new Dog)  "Bark" 출처: 61
  • 63. Implicit Conversions // Extend existing classes in a type safe way // Goal: Add isBlank method to String class class RichString(s:String) { def isBlank = null == s || "" == s.trim } implicit def toRichString(s:String) = new RichString(s) // Our isBlank method is now available on Strings " ".isBlank  true "foo".isBlank  false 62
  • 64. Implicit Conversions // Does not type check "abc".isBlank // Search in-scope implicits defs that take a // String & return a type with an isBlank method implicit def toRichString(s:String):RichString // Resulting code that type checks new RichString("abc").isBlank 63
  • 65. method_missing (Scala 2.9 Feature) // Dynamic is a marker trait used by the compiler class Foo extends Dynamic { def typed[T] = error("not implemented") def applyDynamic(name:String)(args:Any*) = { println("called: "+name+"("+args.mkString(",")+")") } } val f = new Foo f.helloWorld  called: helloWorld() f.hello("world")  called: hello(world),2,3)  called: bar(1,2,3) 64
  • 66. Scala는 정적으로 타입화된 언어이다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 65
  • 67. Generic Classes class Stack[T] { var elems: List[T] = Nil def push(x: T) { elems = x :: elems } def top: T = elems.head def pop() { elems = elems.tail } } object GenericsTest extends Application { val stack = new Stack[Int] stack.push(1) stack.push('a') println( // 97 stack.pop() println( // 1 } 출처: 66
  • 68. Variances 구분 Scala Java Description Covariant +T ? extends T Covariant subclassing. E.g., List[Tsub] is a subtype of List[T]. Contravariant -T ? super T Contravariant subclassing. E.g., X[Tsup] is a subtype of X[T]. Invariant T T Invariant subclassing. E.g., Can’t substitute Y[Tsup]or Y[Tsub] for Y[T]. class Animal class Dog extends Animal class Vector[+T] { … } class Contravariant[-T] {…} class Array[T] {…} val aCovariantVector: Vector[Animal] = Vector.empty[Animal] // ok val aCovariantVector: Vector[Animal] = Vector.empty[Dog] // ok val aCovariantVector: Vector[Dog] = Vector.empty[Animal] // not ok val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Animal] = new Contravariant[Animal] // ok val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Dog] = new Contravariant[Animal] // ok val contravariantClass: Contravariant[Animal] = new Contravariant[Dog] // not ok val anInvariantArray: Array[Animal] = Array.empty[Animal] // ok val anInvariantArray: Array[Animal] = Array.empty[Dog] // not ok val anInvariantArray: Array[Dog] = Array.empty[Animal] // not ok 출처: 67
  • 69. Type Bounds (Upper, Lower) 구분 Scala Java Description Upper Bounds A <: B A extends B A must be a subtype of B Lower Bounds A >: B - A must be a supertype of B object Array { ... def apply[A <: AnyRef](xs: A*): Array[A] = { // A must be a subtype of AnyRef val array = new Array[A](xs.length) var i = 0 for (x <- xs.elements) { array(i) = x; i += 1 } array } ... } class List[+A] { // A is covariant, List[+A] is subtype of List[A] ... def ::[B >: A](x : B) : List[B] = new scala.::(x, this) // B must be a supertype of A ... } val languages = List("Scala", "Java", "Ruby", "C#", "C++", "Python") // languages:List[String] = List(…) val list = 3.14 :: languages // list:List[Any] = List (…) println(list) // List(3.14, “Scala”, “Java”, “Ruby”, “C#”, “C++”, “Python”) 출처: 68
  • 70. Views Implicit parameters and methods can also define implicit conversions called views. The term view conveys the sense of having a view from one type (A) to another type (B). A view is applied in two circumstances.  When a type A is used in a context where another type B is expected and there is a view in scope that can convert A to B.  When a non-existent member m of a type A is referenced, but there is an in-scope view that can convert A to a B that has the m member. def m [A <% B](arglist): R = ... def m [A](arglist)(implicit viewAB: A => B): R = ... class Container[A <% Int] { def addIt(x: A) = 123 + x } (new Container[String]).addIt("123") // ok, 246 (new Container[Int]).addIt(123) // ok, 246 (new Container[Float]).addIt(123.2F) // not ok 구분 Scala Java Description View Bounds A <% B - A can be converted to B using a view 출처: 69
  • 71. Inner Classes class Graph { Use Companion Objects class Node { var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil object Graph { def connectTo(node: Node) { class Node { if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) { var connectedNodes: List[Node] = Nil connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes def connectTo(node: Node) { } if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) { } connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes } } var nodes: List[Node] = Nil } def newNode: Node = { } val res = new Node } nodes = res :: nodes class Graph { res var nodes: List[Graph.Node] = Nil } def newNode: Node = { } val res = new Node nodes = res :: nodes object IllegalGraphTest extends Application { res val g: Graph = new Graph } val n1: g.Node = g.newNode } val n2: g.Node = g.newNode n1.connectTo(n2) // legal val h: Graph = new Graph val n3: h.Node = h.newNode Use Type Projection n1.connectTo(n3) // illegal! class Graph { } class Node { var connectedNodes: List[Graph#Node] = Nil def connectTo(node: Graph#Node) { if (connectedNodes.find(node.equals).isEmpty) { connectedNodes = node :: connectedNodes } } } 1. Use Companion Objects: object Graph for class Graph … 2. Use Type Projection: Graph#Node is “a Node of any Graph” } 출처:, 70
  • 72. Abstract Types abstract class Buffer[+T] { val element: T } abstract class SeqBuffer[U, +T <: Seq[U]] extends Buffer[T] { def length = element.length } object AbstractTypeTest2 extends Application { def newIntSeqBuf(e1: Int, e2: Int): SeqBuffer[Int, Seq[Int]] = new SeqBuffer[Int, List[Int]] { val element = List(e1, e2) } val buf = newIntSeqBuf(7, 8) println("length = " + buf.length) // length = 2 println("content = " + buf.element) // content = List(7, 8) } 출처: 71
  • 73. Explicitly Typed Self References abstract class SubjectObserver { type S <: Subject // S must be a subtype of Subject type O <: Observer // O must be a subtype of Observer trait Subject { self: S => // #1. val self: SubjectObserver.this.S private var observers = List[O]() def addObserver(observer: O) = observers ::= observer def notifyObservers = observers foreach (_.receiveUpdate(self)) // #2 } trait Observer { def receiveUpdate(subject: S) } } - Comment #1 shows the self-type annotation, self: S =>. We can now use self as an alias for this, but whenever it appears, the type will be assumed to be S, not Subject. - Comment #2 shows that we pass self instead of this to receiveUpdate. 출처: 72
  • 74. Polymorphic Methods object PolyTest extends Application { def dup[T](x: T, n: Int): List[T] = if (n == 0) Nil else x :: dup(x, n - 1) println(dup[Int](3, 4)) // required parameters println(dup("three", 3)) // not required to give actual type parameters explicitly } Method dup in object PolyTest is parameterized with type T and with the value parameters x: T and n: Int 출처: 73
  • 75. Scala는 많은 좋은 기능이 있다. object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 74
  • 76. Default Parameter Values def hello(foo:Int = 0, bar:Int = 0) { println("foo: "+foo+" bar: "+bar) } hello()  foo: 0 bar: 0 hello(1)  foo: 1 bar: 0 hello(1,2)  foo: 1 bar: 2 75
  • 77. Named Parameters def hello(foo:Int = 0, bar:Int = 0) { println("foo: "+foo+" bar: "+bar) } hello(bar=6)  foo: 0 bar: 6 hello(foo=7)  foo: 7 bar: 0 hello(foo=8,bar=9)  foo: 8 bar: 9 76
  • 78. Everything Returns a Value val a = if(true) "yes" else "no" val b = try{ "foo" } catch { case _ => "error" } val c = { println("hello") "foo" } 77
  • 79. Lazy Definitions // initialized on first access lazy val foo = { println("init") "bar" } foo  init foo  foo  78
  • 80. Nested Functions // Can nest multiple levels of functions def outer() { var msg = "foo" def one() { def two() { def three() { println(msg) } three() } two() } one() } 79
  • 81. By-Name Parameters // msg parameter automatically wrapped in closure def log(doLog:Boolean, msg: => String) { if(doLog) { msg // evaluates msg msg // evaluates msg again! } } def foo:String = { println("in foo"); "Foo" } log(true, foo+" Bar") // foo called twice  in foo  in foo log(false, foo+" Bar") // foo never called 80
  • 82. Many More Features  Annotations  @foo def hello = "world"  Option  Actors  DSL  For Comprehensions  for(i <- 1 to 5 if i % 2 == 0) yield i  Implicit Conversion  XML Literals  val node = <hello>world</hello>  Reflections  Macros (2.10)  etc… 81
  • 83. Scala를 어떻게 공부하지? object Hello { def main(args:Array[String]) { println(“Hello, World”) } } 82
  • 85. Martin Ordersky 저자 강의 84
  • 86. Typesafe 85
  • 87. 86
  • 88. Scala 공부관련 참고자료  스칼라 입문자료 – Scala API Reference – A Tour of Scala : 스칼라 공식 블로그에 올라온 스칼라 강좌 – Scala By Example : 마틴 오더스키가 작성한 100페이지짜리 스칼라 문서 – Scala School : 트위터가 작성한 스칼라 강좌 – Progammin in Scala 1st Edition : Programmin in Scala의 1st Edition은 온라인에서 무료로 볼 수 있음. – Effective Scala : 트위터의 Marius Eriksen가 만든 스칼라 강좌  스칼라 서적(영문) – Programming in Scala : 마틴 오더스키가 참여한 스칼라 서적. 강추!!, Scala 2.8 기준. – Programming Scala : 오렐리에서 나옴. 읽어본 사람 없어서 내용은 잘 모름. – Programming Scala : Pragmatic에서 나온 스칼라 서적. 읽어볼 만은 하지만 빠진 내용이 많아 서 많이 추천하지는 않음. – Scala in Depth : 매닝에서 나온 서적. 읽어본 사람이 없어서 내용은 잘 모름.  그외 참고 자료 – Style Guide for Scala : 스칼라 코드 작성에 대한 스타일가이드 발표자료 – Scala Puzzlers : 스칼라 문제를 풀어볼 수 있는 사이트 – Scala Cheat Sheet : 간단한 스칼라문법을 참고할 수 있는 치트시트 – S99 Scala Problems: 99 개의 스칼라 프로그래밍 학습 예제 87