breast tuberculosis traumatic fat necrosis risk assessment one stop breast clinic inflammatory breast condition infections of breast mondor's disease intraductal papilloma breast cyst radial scar of breast breast hamartoma duct ectasia mastitis sclerosing adenitis disorders of involution cyclical mastalgia nipple inversion fibroadenoma andi benign breast disease dead donor living donor organ trading organ preservation laws of organ donation persistent vegetative state brainstem reflexes apnea test causes of brain death criteria for brain death principle of transplant organ transplant brain-dead brain death modified well's score anticoagulation surgical thrombectomy caprini risk assessment model thrombo-prophylaxis ivc filters phlegmasia alba dolens phlegmasia cerulea dolens virchow's triad sclerotherapy endoablation technique treatment of varicose veins fegan's test schwartz test modified perthe's test venous hypertension venous disorders dvt varicose veins deep vein thrombosis trauma medicine trauma surgery general surgery disaster management ballistics assessment of injuries trauma center levels trauma team immune response to trauma medical response to trauma metabolic response to trauma blast mechanics blast wave gun shot injuries mechanism of injury triage blast injuries response to trauma trauma
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