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Web Programming– PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Pemrograman Web (2010/2011) Teknik Informatika, Universitas Islam Indonesia Follow  Hari Setiaji  on Twitter
Sekilas Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Alur Kerja PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Contoh Penyisipan Script PHP ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],<html> halo 1<br> halo 2<br> halo 3</html> PHP HTML Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Variabel & Konstanta  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Operator ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php echo &quot;<h3>Postincrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 5: &quot; . $a++ . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Preincrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . ++$a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Postdecrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 5: &quot; . $a-- . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Predecrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . --$a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php $a=5; $b=&quot;5&quot;; $hasil = $a==$b; echo &quot;$hasil <br />&quot;; $a=5; $c=5; $hasil = $a===$c; echo &quot;$hasil <br />&quot;; $jenis = ($a % 2 == 0 ? Genap : Ganjil); echo $a.&quot; adalah bilangan $jenis&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Konstruksi dasar program PHP ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php // Konstruksi If $bulan=date(&quot;m&quot;); if ($bulan==4)  echo &quot;Bulan April&quot;; // Konstruksi If .. Else echo &quot;<br />&quot;; $today=date(&quot;w&quot;); if ($today==1)  echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; else  echo &quot;Bukan Hari Senin &quot;; // Konstruksi If .. Elseif.. Else echo &quot;<br />&quot;; $today=date(&quot;w&quot;); if ($today==1)  echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; elseif ($today==2) echo &quot;Hari Selasa&quot;; else  echo &quot;Bukan Hari Senin atau hari selasa &quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php $today=date(&quot;l&quot;); switch ($today) { case &quot;Sunday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Minggu&quot;; break; case &quot;Monday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; break; case &quot;Tuesday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Selasa&quot;; break; case &quot;Wednesday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Rabu&quot;; break; default : echo &quot;Hari Sabtu&quot;; } ?> PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples Hasil While <br /> <?php $bilangan =1; while ($bilangan <= 25) { echo $bilangan.&quot; &quot;; $bilangan++; } echo &quot;<br /><br />&quot;; ?> Hasil Do..While <br /> <?php $a=10; do { echo $a.&quot; &quot;; $a--; }  while ($a > 5); ?> <br /><br /><b>Hasil For</b> <br /> <?php for ($i=1;$i<=6;$i++) { echo &quot;<h&quot;.$i.&quot;>Header $i </h&quot;.$i.&quot;>&quot;; } ?>  Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <b>Penggunaan Continue</b> <br /> <?php for ($i=1;$i<=15;$i++) { if ($i >5 && $i<=11)    continue; echo $i.&quot;<br /> &quot;; } ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Array ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php //Pembuatan Array cara I $mahasiswa = array (&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Andini&quot;,&quot;Sheila&quot;,&quot;Rudi&quot;); //Pembuatan Array cara II $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Dani&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Andini&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Sheila&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Rudi&quot;; //Pembuatan Array dengan indeks yang tidak terurut $musik=array (&quot;Jazz&quot;,5=>&quot;Blues&quot;,&quot;Rock&quot;,10=>&quot;Dankdut&quot;); //Pengaksesan Array mahasiswa echo &quot;Elemen Array mahasiswa pertama adalah : $mahasiswa[0] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array mahasiswa ketiga adalah : $mahasiswa[2] <br />&quot;; //Pengaksesan Array musik echo &quot;Elemen Array musik pertama adalah : $musik[0] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array musik ketiga adalah : $musik[6] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array musik keempat adalah : $musik[10] <br />&quot;; ?> PHP Browser
Examples <?php //Pembuatan Array dengan indeks string $hari=array (&quot;Sunday&quot;=>&quot;Minggu&quot;,   &quot;Monday&quot;=>&quot;Senin&quot;,   &quot;Tuesday&quot;=>&quot;Selasa&quot;,   &quot;Wednesday&quot;=>&quot;Rabu&quot;,   &quot;Thursday&quot;=>&quot;Kamis&quot;,   &quot;Friday&quot;=>&quot;Jumat&quot;,   &quot;Saturday&quot;=>&quot;Sabtu&quot;   ); echo &quot;jumlah elemen Array : &quot;.count($hari).&quot;<br />&quot;; $hari_inggris=date(&quot;l&quot;); echo &quot;Hari ini adalah hari $hari[$hari_inggris]&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php //Array Multidimensi $peserta = array ( &quot;PHP&quot; => array(&quot;Anto&quot;,&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Rendra&quot;,&quot;Lani&quot;), &quot;MySQL&quot; => array(&quot;Bayu&quot;,&quot;Lina&quot;,&quot;Diana&quot;,&quot;Rinto&quot;), &quot;Delphi&quot; => array(&quot;Doni&quot;,&quot;Dini&quot;,&quot;Ela&quot;,&quot;Aryo&quot;), &quot;JSP&quot; => array(&quot;Fia&quot;,&quot;Rina&quot;,&quot;Roni&quot;,&quot;Dian&quot;)); //Pengaksesan dengan While while (list($indeks_1, $nilai_1) = each($peserta)) { echo &quot;<b>Peserta $indeks_1 </b>: <br />&quot;; $nomor=1; while (list($indeks_2,$nilai_2) = each($nilai_1)) { echo $nomor.&quot;.&quot;.$nilai_2.&quot;<br />&quot;; $nomor++; } } Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Examples <?php //Array Multidimensi $peserta = array ( &quot;PHP&quot; => array(&quot;Anto&quot;,&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Rendra&quot;,&quot;Lani&quot;), &quot;MySQL&quot; => array(&quot;Bayu&quot;,&quot;Lina&quot;,&quot;Diana&quot;,&quot;Rinto&quot;), &quot;Delphi&quot; => array(&quot;Doni&quot;,&quot;Dini&quot;,&quot;Ela&quot;,&quot;Aryo&quot;), &quot;JSP&quot; => array(&quot;Fia&quot;,&quot;Rina&quot;,&quot;Roni&quot;,&quot;Dian&quot;)); //Pengaksesan dengan Foreach foreach ($peserta as $indeks_1 => $nilai_1) { echo “<b>Peserta $indeks_1 </b>: <br />&quot;; $nomor=1; foreach ($nilai_1 as $indeks_2 => $nilai_2) {   echo $nomor.&quot;.&quot;.$nilai_2.&quot;<br />&quot;;   $nomor++; } } ?> Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
PHP pada pemrograman web ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
PHP pada pemrograman web ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
Input dari Parameter URL ,[object Object],[object Object],<? $aksi =  $_GET [&quot; act &quot;]; $id =  $_GET [&quot; id &quot;]; if ($aksi == &quot;edit&quot;) { //lakukan edit terhadap data dengan ID = $id } else if ($aksi == &quot;Delete&quot;) { //lakukan delete terhadap data dengan ID = $id } ?> <html> 1. Jaket <a href='go.php? id = 1 & act = edit '>Edit</a> <a href='go.php? id = 1 & act = delete '>Delete</a><br> 2. Sepatu <a href='go.php? id = 2 & act = edit '>Edit</a> <a href='go.php? id = 2 & act = delete '>Delete</a> </html> HTML Browser PHP:  go.php
Input dari Form HTML ,[object Object],<? $nama =  $_POST [&quot; nama &quot;];  //berisi string nama $jenis =  $_POST [&quot; jenis &quot;];  //berisi &quot;L&quot; atau &quot;P&quot; //simpan data $nama dan $jenis ?> <html> <form action='save.php' method=' POST '> Nama<br> <input type='text' name=' nama '><br> Jenis<br> <input type='radio' name=' jenis ' value=' L '>Laki-laki<br> <input type='radio' name=' jenis ' value=' P '>Perempuan<br> <input type='submit' value='Simpan'> </form> </html> HTML Browser PHP:  save.php
Input dari Cookie ,[object Object],<html> <form action='login.php' method='POST'> User <input type='text' name=' user '><br> Password <input type=‘password' name='pass'><br> <input type='submit' value='Login'> </form> </html> Browser <? $user =  $_COOKIE [&quot; login &quot;];  //berisi string username if ($user == &quot;&quot;) {  //belum melakukan login header(&quot;Location: login.html&quot;);  //redirect ke halaman login } else { // User sudah login, boleh melakukan sesuatu } ?> PHP:  anypage.php <? $user = $_POST[&quot; user &quot;];  //berisi string username $pass = $_POST[&quot;pass&quot;];  //berisi string password if ( )) { //simpan $user di cookie setcookie (&quot; login &quot;, $user); } ?> PHP:  login.php HTML:  login.html
Input dari Session ,[object Object],<html> <form action=‘anypage.php' method='POST'> User <input type='text' name=' user '><br> Password <input type='text' name='pass'><br> <input type='submit' value='Login'> </form> </html> HTML:  login.html Browser <? Include (“login.php”); $user =  $_SESSION [&quot; login &quot;];  //berisi string username if ($user == &quot;&quot;) {  //belum melakukan login header(&quot;Location: login.html&quot;);  //redirect ke halaman login } else { // User sudah login, boleh melakukan sesuatu } ?> PHP:  anypage.php <? $user = $_POST[&quot; user &quot;];  //berisi string username $pass = $_POST[&quot;pass&quot;];  //berisi string password if (cekPass($user, $pass)) { //simpan $user di session session_start(); $_SESSION [&quot; login &quot;] = $user; } ?> PHP:  login.php
Finally Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom

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Web Programming - PHP

  • 1. Web Programming– PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Pemrograman Web (2010/2011) Teknik Informatika, Universitas Islam Indonesia Follow Hari Setiaji on Twitter
  • 2.
  • 3. Alur Kerja PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Examples <?php echo &quot;<h3>Postincrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 5: &quot; . $a++ . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Preincrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . ++$a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 6: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Postdecrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 5: &quot; . $a-- . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;<h3>Predecrement</h3>&quot;; $a = 5; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . --$a . &quot;<br />&quot;; echo &quot;Should be 4: &quot; . $a . &quot;<br />&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 8. Examples <?php $a=5; $b=&quot;5&quot;; $hasil = $a==$b; echo &quot;$hasil <br />&quot;; $a=5; $c=5; $hasil = $a===$c; echo &quot;$hasil <br />&quot;; $jenis = ($a % 2 == 0 ? Genap : Ganjil); echo $a.&quot; adalah bilangan $jenis&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 9.
  • 10. Examples <?php // Konstruksi If $bulan=date(&quot;m&quot;); if ($bulan==4) echo &quot;Bulan April&quot;; // Konstruksi If .. Else echo &quot;<br />&quot;; $today=date(&quot;w&quot;); if ($today==1) echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; else echo &quot;Bukan Hari Senin &quot;; // Konstruksi If .. Elseif.. Else echo &quot;<br />&quot;; $today=date(&quot;w&quot;); if ($today==1) echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; elseif ($today==2) echo &quot;Hari Selasa&quot;; else echo &quot;Bukan Hari Senin atau hari selasa &quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 11. Examples <?php $today=date(&quot;l&quot;); switch ($today) { case &quot;Sunday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Minggu&quot;; break; case &quot;Monday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Senin&quot;; break; case &quot;Tuesday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Selasa&quot;; break; case &quot;Wednesday&quot; : echo &quot;Hari Rabu&quot;; break; default : echo &quot;Hari Sabtu&quot;; } ?> PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 12. Examples Hasil While <br /> <?php $bilangan =1; while ($bilangan <= 25) { echo $bilangan.&quot; &quot;; $bilangan++; } echo &quot;<br /><br />&quot;; ?> Hasil Do..While <br /> <?php $a=10; do { echo $a.&quot; &quot;; $a--; } while ($a > 5); ?> <br /><br /><b>Hasil For</b> <br /> <?php for ($i=1;$i<=6;$i++) { echo &quot;<h&quot;.$i.&quot;>Header $i </h&quot;.$i.&quot;>&quot;; } ?> Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 13. Examples <b>Penggunaan Continue</b> <br /> <?php for ($i=1;$i<=15;$i++) { if ($i >5 && $i<=11) continue; echo $i.&quot;<br /> &quot;; } ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 14.
  • 15. Examples <?php //Pembuatan Array cara I $mahasiswa = array (&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Andini&quot;,&quot;Sheila&quot;,&quot;Rudi&quot;); //Pembuatan Array cara II $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Dani&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Andini&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Sheila&quot;; $mahasiswa[] = &quot;Rudi&quot;; //Pembuatan Array dengan indeks yang tidak terurut $musik=array (&quot;Jazz&quot;,5=>&quot;Blues&quot;,&quot;Rock&quot;,10=>&quot;Dankdut&quot;); //Pengaksesan Array mahasiswa echo &quot;Elemen Array mahasiswa pertama adalah : $mahasiswa[0] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array mahasiswa ketiga adalah : $mahasiswa[2] <br />&quot;; //Pengaksesan Array musik echo &quot;Elemen Array musik pertama adalah : $musik[0] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array musik ketiga adalah : $musik[6] <br />&quot;; echo &quot;Elemen Array musik keempat adalah : $musik[10] <br />&quot;; ?> PHP Browser
  • 16. Examples <?php //Pembuatan Array dengan indeks string $hari=array (&quot;Sunday&quot;=>&quot;Minggu&quot;, &quot;Monday&quot;=>&quot;Senin&quot;, &quot;Tuesday&quot;=>&quot;Selasa&quot;, &quot;Wednesday&quot;=>&quot;Rabu&quot;, &quot;Thursday&quot;=>&quot;Kamis&quot;, &quot;Friday&quot;=>&quot;Jumat&quot;, &quot;Saturday&quot;=>&quot;Sabtu&quot; ); echo &quot;jumlah elemen Array : &quot;.count($hari).&quot;<br />&quot;; $hari_inggris=date(&quot;l&quot;); echo &quot;Hari ini adalah hari $hari[$hari_inggris]&quot;; ?> PHP Browser Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 17. Examples <?php //Array Multidimensi $peserta = array ( &quot;PHP&quot; => array(&quot;Anto&quot;,&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Rendra&quot;,&quot;Lani&quot;), &quot;MySQL&quot; => array(&quot;Bayu&quot;,&quot;Lina&quot;,&quot;Diana&quot;,&quot;Rinto&quot;), &quot;Delphi&quot; => array(&quot;Doni&quot;,&quot;Dini&quot;,&quot;Ela&quot;,&quot;Aryo&quot;), &quot;JSP&quot; => array(&quot;Fia&quot;,&quot;Rina&quot;,&quot;Roni&quot;,&quot;Dian&quot;)); //Pengaksesan dengan While while (list($indeks_1, $nilai_1) = each($peserta)) { echo &quot;<b>Peserta $indeks_1 </b>: <br />&quot;; $nomor=1; while (list($indeks_2,$nilai_2) = each($nilai_1)) { echo $nomor.&quot;.&quot;.$nilai_2.&quot;<br />&quot;; $nomor++; } } Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 18. Examples <?php //Array Multidimensi $peserta = array ( &quot;PHP&quot; => array(&quot;Anto&quot;,&quot;Dani&quot;,&quot;Rendra&quot;,&quot;Lani&quot;), &quot;MySQL&quot; => array(&quot;Bayu&quot;,&quot;Lina&quot;,&quot;Diana&quot;,&quot;Rinto&quot;), &quot;Delphi&quot; => array(&quot;Doni&quot;,&quot;Dini&quot;,&quot;Ela&quot;,&quot;Aryo&quot;), &quot;JSP&quot; => array(&quot;Fia&quot;,&quot;Rina&quot;,&quot;Roni&quot;,&quot;Dian&quot;)); //Pengaksesan dengan Foreach foreach ($peserta as $indeks_1 => $nilai_1) { echo “<b>Peserta $indeks_1 </b>: <br />&quot;; $nomor=1; foreach ($nilai_1 as $indeks_2 => $nilai_2) { echo $nomor.&quot;.&quot;.$nilai_2.&quot;<br />&quot;; $nomor++; } } ?> Browser PHP Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Finally Pemograman Web (2010/2011) – Hari Setiaji, S.Kom

Notas do Editor

  1. Pemrograman Web