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Heart Healthy
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10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Good health is a gift to be treasured and
nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares
these keys to helping you experience
: the 10 Essentials of physical,
emotional and spiritual health.	
	 1.	Breathe Deeply	
Let your lungs fill deep down, hold,
then exhale toxins and stress.
	 2.	Drink Water	
Nature’s best beverage not only answers
thirst, but also enhances energy.
	 3.	Sleep Peacefully	
Every body needs the rest and repair
that comes with a regular sleep routine.
	 4.	Eat Nutritiously	
Feed both body and mind with
healthy, nourishing food for life.
	 5.	Enjoy Activity	
Let an active lifestyle move you to
improved health and wellness in all ways.
	 6.	Give and Receive Love	
Offer and accept the greatest gift, and
you can enhance your immune system.
	 7.	Be Forgiving	
When you let go of old grudges, your
hands are open to accept feelings of peace.
	 8.	Practice Gratitude	
A thankful heart releases stress, making
room for greater happiness and health.
	 9.	Develop Acceptance	
If you can’t change it, accept it and move
on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow.
10.	Develop a Relationship with God	
Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life
to achieve complete well-being.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
A healthy heart, a healthy life
by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita, Inc.
A healthy heart is the reflection of a healthy life. Many times when we
think of a healthy life we rightfully think of a lifestyle that is balanced
with a good diet, exercise and sleep. But seldom do you hear about the
role relationships play in a healthy life. Medical science is learning
more and more about the link between relationships and heart health.
In his new book, Love and Survival, the Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, Dr. Dean
Ornish M.D. has much to say about the importance of relationships and their profound effects
on our health.
Mounting evidence suggests people without close, durable ties to family and friends are at high risk
of everything from cancer and heart disease to ulcers and infections. In one California study, 4,700
people were followed for 10 years and the people with the least amount of social contact died at
three times the rate as the others.
Heart attack victims living alone die at twice the rate as those who live with others who care about
their well-being. We know behavior and attitude are greatly influenced by the community of people
we interact with, and without community, we are subject to depression and lack of motivation.
When people are lonely, they are much more inclined to depression, which leads to lack of exercise
and poor eating habits. It also creates an environment of stress and worry.
When stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) are released, they actually turn on the red
emergency light in the body, equipping it to fight or flee. In most modern individuals, neither of the
events happen, and the excess of strong stress hormones creates a chemical imbalance and weakens
the organs, especially the heart.
A relationship each of us can have is a spiritual relationship with God. He is a friend that stays
closer than a brother. That is why in our wellness essentials, we encourage everyone to develop
a relationship with God.
There are other ways to create a companion relationship if a person is alone or lonely much of the
time. One of them is to live with a pet. My wife, Susan and I have been empty nesters for many
years since our sons became adults, so we added a pet to our household. I travel frequently, so Susan
now has a constant home companion. The joy a dog can bring is almost indescribable. It makes
little sense, but we know that anytime we enter our home – whether away for a day or an hour –
Pepper will greet us with whimpers of joy and a wagging tail. There are many ways to enhance
the relationships in life, and I encourage you to do so as it is good for your heart and your life.
We print the 10 Essentials in every VitaJournal and catalog not because we need to fill space, but
to remind us that wellness is not a destination you arrive at by treatment; it is a journey to be
embraced and enhanced through practicing the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. They may
seem simple and basic, but when practiced daily, they are profound in their importance and impact.
Obviously we know that diet and proper nutrients play a significant role in our heart health and
also a healthy life. I have found a very simple rule to help me when I think about food – as food
is a powerful force for good or for bad. Scott Conard, M.D., teaches that the power of food is like a
There are many ways to enhance the relationships in life, and
I encourage you to do so as it is good for your heart and your life.
4 C-Reactive Protein: the Final
Alarm for Heart Disease
Stop fanning the fires
of inflammation.
8 Take up the Torch of Wellness
with the Nopalea™ Wellness
A championship opportunity
to be pain-free.
9 More Incredible Nopalea
Wellness Challenge Stories
Take the Challenge and
inspire others.
11 Pump Up Your Knowledge
About Circulation
How your heart and blood
vessels help keep you healthy.
13 Healthy Weight =
Healthy Heart
Just losing a few pounds
can make a big difference.
16 One Fuchsia Bottle
Dramatically Changed
Melissa’s Life
Thanks to Nopalea,
her chronic skin condition
is finally under control.
25 Christine’s C-Reactive
Protein Levels Have
She credits Nopalea for this
dramatic turnaround.
30 It’s Easier than Ever
to Become an Affiliate
Share your product
experience for big rewards.
Everywhere you look this month,
you’ve probably seen red hearts,
red roses and candy – actually you
may even have started seeing Valentine’s Day
paraphernalia as early as December! It also
won’t take you long to figure out that heart
health is the focus of this month’s VitaJournal.
That’s why you’ll want to take advantage of the
featured heart healthy products this month.
Look for the heart icon for special savings.
We are fortunate to have Dr. Farouk
Mookadam, a diagnostic cardiologist
from Mayo Clinic to help educate us on
C-Reactive Protein and the importance of
measuring the levels to determine how much
runaway inflammation is in the body. You
can read his informative article on pages 4-5.
There are so many things we can do to
protect our hearts through our lifestyle, diet,
exercise and supplementation. Just before
we launched our breakthrough wellness
drink, Sonoran Bloom™
, there
were several employees who had blood work
done that tested for C-Reactive Protein
levels. They did this BEFORE and then
again AFTER taking high loading doses of
Nopalea. The results were phenomenal, and
several employees saw their inflammatory
markers (CRP levels) go down significantly
and their kidney function improve.
As Editor of TriVita publications, I hear
countless stories daily from our valued
Members and Affiliate Members about how
Nopalea has improved the quality of their
lives and why they can’t wait to share their
amazing experiences and get others to take
the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Please
continue to share those stories, as yours could
be the one that helps change someone else’s
life! (Send your story to
Just as important as the physical side of heart
health is securing emotional and spiritual
heart health. You’ve probably heard the
phrase “guard your heart” in the spiritual
On My Mind is continued on page 21...
The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right
to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice.
Get your heart pumping
February	2010  l  3
CoQ-10 and Statins
Stop fanning the fires of inflammation starting today
By Farouk Mookadam, M.D., M.B., Ch.B
cause of death
during the
hurricane season is
that many people
ignore advance
hurricane warnings.
The same goes for people who ignore
a building fire alarm when it goes off.
A common cause of death among
people in North America is that they
ignore the disease alarms our body
sends us until it is too late. What are
the warning signs a body uses to
communicate its distress? They are
very common… and you may be
experiencing them right now.
The dangers of high CRP
Often, the “final straw” in the process of
heart disease leading to death is runaway
inflammation. We measure inflammation in the
blood vessels by a simple test called Cardio-CRP
or High Sensitivity CRP. C-Reactive Protein is a
marker for inflammation in our body – especially
in our blood vessels. We always have a little
CRP in our bloodstream because we always have
a little inflammation.
A high level of C-Reactive Protein tells us that
the fire in the arteries is blazing out of control. It
also lets us know that we are in danger of losing
our lives if we do not take immediate action.
We must not ignore high CRP in our blood test
because it means we are in imminent danger.
If we want to live, we simply must take steps to
reduce our level of inflammation.
Don’t ignore early warnings
Many people ignore the warning signs
of inflammation for many years before a
heart attack or stroke. It often begins with
increased body weight and reduced HDL
“good” cholesterol. These are both ominous
signs because they indicate that we are in a
losing battle with inflammation. Further, the
triglyceride levels in our blood may increase
along with higher amounts of glucose (blood
sugar). Cholesterol and blood pressure often
rise together, and our stomach keeps getting
bigger and bigger.
Obesity is an inflammatory process. It may
begin with simply eating too much – especially
too much sugar. Overeating causes blood sugar
levels to spike; high blood sugar demands high
levels of insulin in response. This occurs over a
period of time and not just as a result of a single
meal. High levels of insulin trigger inflammation
which in turn causes damage and your body
releases CRP. This is the final warning that your
body is unable to cope any longer. What often
results is a heart attack or stroke. It’s a high
price to pay for ignoring the early warning signs
of inflammation: higher body weight and
lower HDL.
Metabolic syndrome
The process I just described is a simplified look
into a disorder called metabolic syndrome. We
have been gathering knowledge of this emerging
pattern of symptoms for decades now. Metabolic
syndrome ends in heart attack, stroke, cancer
and other deadly disorders of inflammation. But
it begins in simply making bad choices and then
practicing bad habits until they destroy us.
One cause of metabolic syndrome is stress.
This is the process where our energy reserves
do not meet our energy demands. The energy
deficit triggers an emergency fight-or-flight
response and adrenaline is released. The rush
Dr. Farouk Mookadam
VitaJournal Exclusive!
of adrenaline requires the liver to release sugars
and the pancreas to release insulin. High levels
of insulin trigger inflammation, which causes
damage and your body releases CRP.
Another trigger for metabolic syndrome is too
little sleep. During sleep, your body releases
important hormones that help you heal from
the wear and tear of the day. Two important
hormones released when we sleep are leptin
and ghrelin. Leptin reduces our appetite and
increases our metabolism. Ghrelin increases our
appetite and reduces our metabolism.
Leptin is released when we sleep. Ghrelin is
released when we are awake. Both are governed
by sleep; but only Leptin is released during
sleep. More sleep equals more Leptin which can
result in higher metabolism and lower appetite.
Less sleep equals more ghrelin, which results
in increased appetite, reduced metabolism and
higher CRP.
exercise helps
Another preventable cause of inflammation
from the metabolic syndrome is a sedentary
lifestyle. Our body is made to move. Medical
science tells us that people with good exercise
habits have lower levels of CRP and lower
disease risk. Most experts recommend 30
minutes of aerobic activity every day. Cultures
that move more weigh less and have a lower
risk of disease.
For example, the Pima people of the Sonoran
Desert spend more than two hours daily in
some form of activity requiring movement:
walking, running, lifting and carrying heavy
weight. They have a very low incidence of
inflammatory disease and a very long,
healthy life.
easy methods to lower CRP
Benjamin Franklin once said that “an ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” With
two-thirds of the people in North America
being overweight or obese, it is now time
for both protection and wellness. Obesity
is an early warning sign of inflammation.
Inflammation damages our blood vessels and
they release CRP in response. High levels of
CRP in the blood mean that we’ve been given
the final warning: If we are to survive we must
take steps to help reduce inflammation now!
Eating an abundance of fresh fruits and
vegetables can significantly reduce CRP. The
bioflavonoids Quercetin and Kaempferol from
apples, onions and prickly pear fruits from the
Nopal cactus also reduce CRP. Prickly pear
fruits reduce inflammation and stickiness in the
blood vessels as well. Omega-3 essential fatty
acids, Co-Enzyme Q-10 and dark chocolate
all contribute to increased HDL “good”
cholesterol and reduced CRP.
Heed the warning: Keep strict watch on your
weight, blood pressure, HDL and blood glucose
levels. These are the early warning signs.
Practice one or more of the proven strategies to
keep your CRP low. By reducing inflammation
you will reduce your chances for disease and
increase your chances for a long, healthy life.
Dr. Mookadam is currently a diagnostic cardiologist and
Associate Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in
Scottsdale, Arizona. He is a fellow of the American College
of Cardiology and has made many professional cardiac
care presentations throughout the world.
Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare
antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients.
A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body:
Non-Member	$49.99
Member $39.99
4 bottle pack
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• Lessen inflammation
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• Promote optimal health
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Drink it and thrive!
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How	to	lower	homocysteine	–
and your disease risk
Brazos Minshew
TriVita’s Chief Science Offi  cer
omocysteine (HCY) has been
studied in medicine “behind
the scenes” for more than 40
years. Here is what we have found:
Excessive levels of HCY have been
linked to many serious conditions,
from heart attacks and stroke, to
osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.
We know that low homocysteine
equals a low risk of disease. We also
know that TriVita’s HCY Guard may
help your body reduce homocysteine
35% in just six weeks for most people.
How does this affect you?
Prevention is the key
First, I’d like for you to think about the Titanic,
a cruise liner that sank after hitting an iceberg
in 1912. Imagine what would have happened
if the captain of that ship changed his course
the day before the icebergs appeared in their
path. Would the outcome have been different?
Imagine if he had changed his course two days
before the disaster. Would the outcome have
been even better?
My point is this: The earlier you change your
course with respect to your health, the better
your chances for a healthy life! If you reduce
your HCY levels earlier in life you also may
reduce your chances of getting a homocysteine-
related disease.
According to a very famous medical study
called “NHANES,” the risk of disease went up
as the HCY levels went up. Diet and lifestyle
efforts were able to keep HCY and disease risk
low in most people.
Another very famous study of HCY called
“VISP” added the nutrients found in TriVita’s
HCY Guard to a lifestyle program and found
that nutrient supplements could help people
avoid illness if they started taking them early
in life and consistently over time.
Other studies have shown, however, that if you
adhere to a healthy lifestyle, even after a heart
attack or stroke you may improve your condition.
However, long-term health benefits accrue only
to those who start a healthy life-course early
and remain consistent. Sadly, many people with
advanced heart disease wait until they are “too
close to the iceberg.” For them, it is often too
little, too late.
Still, 40 years of medical research tells us that
changing the course of our health journey
earlier (before a serious health crisis occurs)
will result in a healthier life.
How HCy kills
Homocysteine is a fraction of protein like a
sliver of broken glass. When it gets into your
bloodstream in high concentrations it slices
the delicate lining of your blood vessels.
When the tissues supplied by these blood
vessels lose circulation, they will die. If this
happens in your heart it is called a heart attack.
If it happens in your brain it is called a
stroke – some doctors even prefer the term
“brain attack.”
By Brazos Minshew
HCY Guard Update
“We know that low homocysteine
equals a low risk of disease. We also
know that TriVita’s HCY Guard may
help your body reduce homocysteine.”
Call toll-free to order
• HCY Guard has been clinically
proven to lower dangerous
homocysteine levels 30-40%
in just 42 days.
• Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures
that you continue to maintain
healthy homocysteine levels.
• HCY Guard has an exclusive blend
of nutrients, specifically chosen
for their ability to protect against
homocysteine escaping into your
HCY Guard®
Non-Member	$29.99
Member $3.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints
Buy one
HCY Guard
get second one
50% OFF
good through 2-28-10
“I have done very well on the HCY Guard and like the way it makes me feel.”
“I first started taking B-12 in the 1980s but switched to TriVita’s Sublingual B-12. However, due to
a genetic condition which causes me to have holes in my heart, I decided to switch over to TriVita’s
HCY Guard. I had whiplash from two car accidents, I have arthritis and I really want to do all I can to
help protect against a stroke, so that is why I felt this product was right for me. Heart problems run
in my family, and my husband also has heart problems. I take one every morning and a second one
in the afternoon. I have done very well on the HCY Guard and like the way it makes me feel.
In addition, I’m also taking Adaptogen 10 Plus which really helps with stress; both products combined
seem to calm down my heartbeat and give me a good night’s sleep. I’m 79 years old and do not
take any prescription medications; I only take supplements. I just signed up to be an Affiliate Member
in order to help others. In fact, my son and daughter are taking TriVita supplements, and I just sent
a variety of TriVita products to my granddaughter and her husband.”
NORMA S., affiliate MeMBer – cheroKee Village, ga
Arteries damaged by homocysteine may spasm
under stress. This happens even without high
cholesterol. In fact, fully half of all men and
women who suffer strokes and heart attacks
have normal cholesterol levels!
How TriVita’s HCy Guard helps
Basic nutrients from a healthy diet improve
HCY levels in the bloodstream. TriVita’s
HCY Guard contains specific nutrients, such as
Vitamin B-12, B-6, folic acid and biotin, which
further help to reduce HCY levels and the
destruction HCY causes to your bones, blood
vessels and heart, as well as your delicate
brain cells.
Additional nutrients in HCY Guard such
as Choline, Inositol, CoEnzyme Q-10 and
Dimethylglycine keep the HCY levels down
over time. The protein Methionine promotes
a healthy HCY cycle, and other proteins
such as Lysine, Taurine and Cysteine remove
roadblocks to healthy HCY elimination.
These roadblocks may include lead, mercury
and other toxins.
In 2004 we undertook a study of HCY Guard,
a supplement for aggressively reducing
homocysteine. Our research partner in this
study was Mark Mattie, MD, PhD of Bridgeport
University and Yale University. The results
of our study demonstrated that the complete
ingredients found in HCY Guard helped the
body reduce homocysteine an incredible 35%!
Imagine what this means for your health.
A 35% reduction in high homocysteine is
unprecedented in medical literature. With
this kind of reduction in HCY, we hope to see
many people saved from the devastation of
stroke, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and
Alzheimer’s disease.
What is the ideal HCy level?
The importance of healthy living
But remember, HCY Guard is protection, not
treatment. Health only comes from healthy
living. As captain of your ship, you simply
cannot afford to wait until you “see icebergs”
to change the course of your health.
Have your homocysteine levels tested
frequently. If they are low, keep them low with
TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 (see back cover). If
they are too high, help reduce them by taking
HCY Guard, the only supplement proven in
university studies to help reduce HCY
by 35%!
Heart Healthy
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  7
Take up the torch of wellness with
the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge
hile the Olympic torch
blazes over the Vancouver
2010 Winter Games this
month, you can take up your own
torch of wellness with the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge.
Nopalea is the astonishing wellness
drink that has helped so many get
relief from the damaging effects
of chronic inflammation. If you
haven’t tried it yet, consider these
important questions:
• Do you deal with pain on a constant basis?
• Does anyone in your family or group
of friends complain of chronic pain?
• Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy-
related breathing problems?
• Are you concerned about premature aging?
• Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on your body?
These symptoms can all be linked to chronic
inflammation – precisely the problem that
Nopalea was developed to help address.
Put out the “fire”
of inflammation
If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself,
now is the perfect time. The Nopalea Wellness
Challenge was created to show the power of
Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic
inflammation quickly. One of the most exciting
ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains, a rare and
potent class of natural antioxidants. They’re
found in only a few of the world’s plants,
including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal fruit,
from which Nopalea is made, contains one of the
highest amounts of Betalains in all of nature.
That’s why taking a “Nopalea Loading Dose”
can help put out the “fire” of inflammation in
our bodies. Here’s how the Challenge works:
• Take 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every
day, until your bottle is empty.
• Fill out the Nopalea Challenge
Form, which will be included in
your order, to track your progress
during the Challenge.
• Read The Secret Killer Health
Alert, which will be included
in your shipment.
• Experience wellness®
for yourself.
That’s it! In just four easy steps, you could take
advantage of a championship opportunity to
enjoy better health. BONUS: After you’ve taken
the Challenge, you can receive a free $25 TriVita
Gift Card plus a Nopalea T-shirt (a $14.99
value), just for sharing your success story with
TriVita. Just call 1-800-693-4083 to tell us your
story or email us at
Called The Secret Killer
for a reason
When you start your Challenge, be sure to
read The Secret Killer Health Alert. You’ll
find out about chronic inflammation – what
happens when our bodies get “stuck” in
defense mode against injury or infection
– and how this kind of inflammation is on
the increase. The Secret Killer details the sad
results: chronic pain, discomfort and poor
health that may lead to serious disease.
If you’re not sure whether Nopalea could
improve the quality of your life, just review
these questions, and see if you recognize
your own health issues, or those of family
or friends:
Does this sound like you?
• Do you suffer from chronic pain anywhere
in your body? Has it been going on for weeks,
months or even years?
• Do you routinely get low on energy during
any part of the day?
• Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
• Do you have allergy-related
breathing problems?
• Do you fear not doing enough to protect
your body against all the toxins in today’s
world (air, food, water, etc.)?
If you answered “yes” to any of these
questions, you need to take the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge, and give yourself the
benefits that have helped so many others.
To order Nopalea, see page 5.
One Million
Nopalea Wellness
Help one million people take
up the torch of wellness!
That’s TriVita’s goal and we need
your help. Take the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge yourself… and encourage
others to do so, too. Imagine what an
impact we’ll have together, touching
the lives of one million people! We’re so
confident in what we’re hearing from
people who have taken the Challenge
that we’re raising the bar: we want to
touch not just hundreds of thousands
of lives, but one million! We believe
that we can achieve this important
goal together.
Stories pour in to TriVita daily of those
who have taken the Challenge and
are now pain-free or experiencing
other wonderful benefits from this
life-changing product. Please continue
to share these stories. Send them to or call
1-800-991-7116	 February 2010  l  
“Since Nopalea my C-Reactive
Protein level has gone down to just
barely over zero – one full point.”
“I am in my late 40s and am
trying to take better care
of my health. I had a very
stiff neck that caused a lot
of pain and affected my
range of motion. Within five
days of starting the Nopalea
Challenge, I noticed that
my range of motion was improving. I also suffer
from seasonal allergies, which cause puffiness
around my eyes and my face. After a short time on
Nopalea, people commented on how healthy my
skin looked. This delicious drink also helped with
my allergy symptoms. I had blood work done as
part of my regular physical and, as usual, I always
get a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test. Last time it
was 1.3, but since Nopalea my CRP level has gone
down to just barely over zero – one full point.
By drinking Nopalea, I know I am helping my
body reduce inflammation.”
Paige C., Affiliate Member – Belleair Bluffs, FL
“Thanks to Nopalea for these
fantastic results.”
“After taking Nopalea, I got my cholesterol test
back. My doctor was thrilled by the results. It’s all
due to Nopalea because I haven’t done anything
different but take 3-4 ounces of Nopalea per day.
My HDL (good cholesterol) went from 88 to 126.
My LDL (bad cholesterol) went down from 166 to
138. My ratio improved from 1.9 to 1.1. Also, my
blood pressure is down from 125 over 85 to 115
over 70. Again, thanks to TriVita and Nopalea for
these fantastic results.”
Linda W., Affiliate Member – Charlotte, NC
“I am over 80 years old, and I feel
good and have lots of energy
thanks to Nopalea.”
“After a lifetime of normal blood pressure, it started
going crazy around April 2008. My doctor took
my blood pressure and sent me directly to the
Emergency Room. I was shocked by this sudden
development. They kept me overnight and took
tests but couldn’t find anything specifically wrong. I
went to a specialist who put me on lots of different
blood pressure medications. They did nothing
but make me sick. My doctor put me on another
medication that didn’t make me sick, but also
didn’t help with my blood pressure. Then, in June
2009 I started taking Nopalea. The last time I visited
my doctor he took my blood pressure and he said
it looked real good. All I’ve done differently is take
the Nopalea. I am over 80 years old, and I feel good
and have lots of energy thanks to Nopalea.*”
Catherine J., Affiliate Member – Phoenix, AZ
“Better yet, her high blood pressure
came down significantly.”
“My mom has chronic pain
and arthritis and I told her
she should try Nopalea. She
has had two surgeries on her
spine and a plate put in her
neck. My mom’s condition
was so severe that she was
taking morphine and other
very strong pain killers. After drinking Nopalea for
a couple of weeks, I asked my mom how she was
doing. She said she was feeling good and the pain
had gone from her legs, enabling her to sleep all
night long. A few weeks later she told me that she
had a boost in energy and felt great because she
was sleeping all night long. She also noticed that
Nopalea helped her body reduce inflammation
and pain. Better yet, her high blood pressure came
down significantly. She was also excited to tell me
that the age spots on her face were fading, which
was very important to her. So now mom has been
drinking Nopalea for about three months and has
significantly reduced her pain medication. Her
energy level is the best it has been in 15 years.*”
James S., Affiliate Member – Des Moines, IA
We invite you to take the Challenge –
and write your own story to inspire others
*You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting with your healthcare provider.
TriVita retains exclusive rights to submitted stories,
including the right to edit as needed.
Send your own Nopalea
ellness Challenge story to
call 1-800-693-4083.
Get your heart pumping!
Aerobic exercise for a healthy heart
Aerobic exercise is defined as any activity that
increases your need for oxygen. It strengthens
your heart by increasing your heart rate and
forcing your body to breathe harder (which
oxygenates the blood being pumped out of
your heart). Aerobic exercise can also help:
• The heart work more efficiently
• Lower blood pressure
• Reduce triglyceride levels
• Boost healthy cholesterol
• Reduce resting heart rate
• Improve circulation
• Build endurance
Additionally, it can help lower your risk of:
• Early death
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Type 2 diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Metabolic syndrome
How much should you do?
The U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services’ 2008 Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans lists the following
recommendations for adults:
• If you choose activities at a moderate
level, do at least 2.5 hours a week.
• If you choose vigorous activities, do at
least 1.25 hours a week.
These are minimum recommendations; it
is suggested you aim for twice the amount
of exercise listed above. You will want to
gradually increase your activity, but don’t
overdo it! And remember, before beginning
any exercise program, be sure to consult your
healthcare provider.
How hard should you work?
Forget the old adage, “no pain, no gain.” Pain
is actually your body’s way of telling you to
take it easy. One way to determine the proper
exertion level is your target heart rate. To
calculate your target heart rate:
1. Find your maximum heart rate:
220 – ______=_____beats per minute (bpm)
(your age)
2. Choose your intensity level:
• Moderate intensity: 50 to 70% of your
maximum heart rate
• Vigorous intensity: 70 to 85% of your
maximum heart rate
3. determine your target heart rate by
multiplying your maximum heart rate by your
desired intensity level. The calculations below
reflect the target heart rates for a 50-year-old.
220 – 50= 170 bpm
50% level: 170 x 0.50=85 bpm
70% level: 170 x 0.70=119 bpm
85% level: 170 x 0.85=144.5 bpm
However, if you ever feel like you’re
overexerting yourself, take it down a notch.
What should you do?
Don’t know which exercises fall under
moderate versus vigorous? Try any of the
following exercises recommended by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services:
Moderate Activities
• Ballroom and line dancing
• Biking on level ground or with few hills
• Canoeing
• General gardening
(raking, trimming shrubs)
• Sports where you catch and throw
(baseball, softball, volleyball)
• Tennis (doubles)
• Walking briskly
• Water aerobics
Vigorous Activities
• Aerobic dance
• Biking faster than 10 miles per hour
• Fast dancing
• Heavy gardening (digging, hoeing)
• Hiking uphill
• Jumping rope
• Martial arts
• Race walking, jogging or running
• Sports with a lot of running
(basketball, hockey, soccer)
Benefits you can feel
Although you may not necessarily feel the
benefits to your heart, after a while you will
notice that you can go up that flight of stairs
and not be out of breath at the top. You’ll
have more energy and feel less tired at the
end of the day. The more you do, the more
energy you will have. And that means you’ll
be better equipped to enjoy life. So, get your
heart pumping today!
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Heart Healthy
1-800-991-7116	 February 2010  l  11
EducationHow your heart and blood vessels
help keep you pumping
This special feature is part of the VitaJournal’s
multi-part series on the major systems of the body.
Body Systems 101–Part1
ur life’s blood is exactly
that: vital to our lives,
and certainly to our
health. Keeping that blood
circulating throughout our bodies
is the important work done by
the circulation system. It needs
nutrients and nourishment to
keep it going.
First, a look at just what’s
involved in this amazing body
system ruled by the heart and the
blood vessels.
The heart. This remarkable organ beats for
an entire lifetime without stopping for a break.
With every heart beat, about a third of a cup of
oxygen-rich blood is pumped out to your body.
The human body contains about five quarts of
blood that is circulated and re-circulated over
and over. Every day, your heart pumps some
2,000 gallons of blood to supply oxygen and
nutrients, remove waste and fight infection.
Arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry
blood away from your heart. Healthy arteries
are strong and elastic. They become narrow
between beats of the heart, and they help keep
your blood pressure consistent. This helps
blood circulate efficiently through your body.
Arteries branch into smaller blood vessels called
arterioles (ar-TEER-e-ols). Arteries and arterioles
have strong, flexible walls that allow them to
adjust the amount and rate of blood flowing
to various parts of your body.
Veins. Veins, like the pulmonary veins in your
lungs, are blood vessels that carry blood to your
heart. Veins have thinner walls than arteries.
Veins can widen as the amount of blood passing
through them increases.
Capillaries. Capillaries are very small blood
vessels that connect arteries and veins. This is
where oxygen, nutrients, and waste pass between
your blood and parts of your body. Unlike arteries
and veins, capillary walls are thin enough that
oxygen and nutrients in your blood can pass
through the walls to the parts of your body that
need them to work normally. And, waste like
carbon dioxide can pass from organs and tissues
to the blood, where it’s taken away to your lungs.
Pulmonary circulation. This is the move-
ment of blood from the heart to the lungs and
back to the heart again. Pulmonary circulation
includes both artery and vein circulation.
Guard against inflammation,
supplement wisely. Good health requires
good circulation, and that means doing all you
can to support your circulatory system.
Many nutrients protect your heart and
circulatory system. Some, like CoEnzyme Q-10,
are specific for heart health. CoQ-10 provides
energy so your heart can beat efficiently without
struggling. It works well with plants like
turmeric and vitamins like B-12 to help your
body reduce inflammation in your heart.
Inflammation in the heart causes high levels of
C-Reactive Protein, or CRP (see story on pages
4-5 for more details on this important health
issue). Reducing inflammation, of course, was
one of the major reasons that TriVita developed
Nopalea™, the astonishing wellness drink that
is helping so many people. See page 5 for details
on how Nopalea might benefit you, too.
Another important factor for heart health is
Vitamin B-12: your heart needs this and other
special nutrients to help your body reduce
homocysteine, a toxic protein that shreds the
inside of your blood vessels.
Finally, healthy lipids (good fats) are also key
to a healthy heart. These include Vitamin E,
Omega-3 fatty acids, and plants such as garlic.
With so much of life depending on a healthy
heart and circulation system, be sure to
give them all the support you can: eat right,
enjoy physical activity, and take quality
TriVita supplements.
The Ever-Changing Stir-FryEasy Quinoa with Veggie or
Chicken Soup
Tasty, easy and fast:
mealideastoloveBy Christa Orecchio, Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor
Chickpea Salad over Leafy Greens
Take ½ can organic garbanzo beans (or white,
navy, black beans, etc.) and mix with a few
tablespoons of salsa (the flavored ones are
great, too) and apple cider vinegar. Add salt
and pepper to taste. Add in chopped celery,
carrots and string beans if you have them.
Serve over fresh spinach/kale/chard/collard
greens (rip leaves off the stems). Put the
leaves in a steamer or pot with ½ inch water
and steam for a few minutes until color turns
brighter. Season greens with lemon pepper
and salt. You can serve with a side of brown
rice pasta.
Tips to remember:
•	 When you have a good variety of sauces,
salsas, dips, salad dressings and spices on
hand, any simple food can come to life
over and over again in new tasty ways.
Thekey is to always have these things stocked.
•	 Tomato/pasta sauce makes everything
taste good.
•	 Don’t combine too much. Simplicity
will keep you feeling lighter and optimize
digestion throughout the night.
•	 How will you have your veggies? Decide
if you want to keep fresh or frozen in the
house and always have them around.	
f you love
but don’t love
hunting down
ingredients, try
these easy recipe
ideas. Each one can be ready in
less than 15 minutes – when you
keep some basic ingredients on
hand from your local grocery store.
Even better: these meals are healthy and low in
calories. To cut more calories, keep the proportion
of veggies to any other ingredient to half-half. And
to cut prep time, you can use frozen food choices
(but remember that fresh is always best.)
The “extras” sections are special ingredients that you
may not have on hand as part of your basic stocked
kitchen, but why not start keeping them on hand
for extra taste and interest? To keep things quick
and easy, I haven’t specified quantities for many
ingredients: improvise!
Christa Orecchio
Extras: Chicken, chicken sausage
(organic free range), shrimp (wild)
Place a combo of any of the following
in a skillet with 1 tablespoon coconut oil:
•	 Thawed frozen veggies like corn/
pea/carrot mixes, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, Asian
stir fry blends (or use fresh)
•	 Fresh onions, chopped
•	 Chopped garlic from a jar
(or chop your own, if you have time)
•	 Chicken, chicken sausage or shrimp
•	 Canned water chestnuts
•	 Fresh baby bok choy (white and green parts)
On medium-high heat, heat up garlic and
onions until they are translucent. Next add
chicken/shrimp for about 5 minutes before
adding other veggies. Once all is cooked,
flavor with sauces or spices below to taste.
My favorites:
•	 Tamari or shoyu
(healthier versions of soy sauce)
•	 Bottled salad dressings like miso-ginger,
carrot, yogurt-dill, sesame-mushroom
•	 Bottled teriyaki sauce
(without added sugar)
•	 Chinese 5 spice with jarred pickled ginger
•	 Salt, pepper, garlic flakes and onion powder
•	 Tomato sauce with lots of dried basil
Serve over a fist-sized portion of brown rice
(Ask your local grocer if they sell already
cooked brown rice)
Extras: Hard-shelled blue corn tacos, guacamole
Take a hard-shelled blue corn taco and layer the
bottom with organic canned black beans mixed
with salsa. Then layer with chopped romaine
lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Top with guacamole
(store bought or homemade), more salsa and 1
teaspoon 2% Greek yogurt (inplaceofsourcream).
Pair with a large green salad.
Fiesta Tacos
Quinoa is a nutty and nutritious grain that
cooks in about 12 minutes. Cook it using two
cups of water to one cup of grain, and then
season with spices/sauces of choice. For a
simple and delicious flavor, sauté some onions
in a skillet for a few minutes with a touch of
olive oil. For extra sweetness add 1 tablespoon
dark agave nectar or honey; add to quinoa.
For the soup, open a container of organic
veggie or free-range chicken broth and put in
a pot. Add in whatever fresh veggies you have
on hand. Add salt, pepper, garlic and a soup
bouillon cube (no msg!). Bring to a boil and
then simmer. Add leftover canned beans if
you have them. You can also put the quinoa
right in there to make a one-pot meal.
Lose the Weight You
Want – in 3 Easy Steps!
Fat burning capsules for
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Bag of
hese days, most people
know that carrying extra
weight can spell trouble for
heart health. Add the continuing
increase in overweight and obesity,
and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
According to recent statistics
in Circulation, the journal of
the American Heart Association,
fewer than 8% of Americans are
considered at low risk for heart
disease! So how can you help
yourself be in the low risk category?
First things first:
how much is too much?
Two common guidelines of overweight and
obesity are waist circumference and body mass
index (BMI). A waist larger than 40 inches for
men and larger than 35 inches for women is
considered high-risk.
BMI takes your height and weight into
consideration to determine if you are
underweight, normal, overweight or obese.
Check the chart below to see where you stand.
If you are in the overweight or obese category,
you may want to consider making some
lifestyle changes. The bottom line is this:
carry around too much weight, and you carry
around some serious risks to your heart health.
10 pounds can make
a difference
It may sound hard to believe but it’s true: Losing
as little as 10 extra pounds can cut your risk of
disease – even death. With so much at stake,
why not take action today for lasting weight loss?
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
offers these key reasons and recommendations
for reaching a healthy weight:
• To lower elevated blood pressure.
• To lower elevated levels of total
cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and
triglycerides, and to raise low levels of
HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
• To lower elevated blood glucose levels.
• Weight loss should be about one to two
pounds per week for a period of six months;
after that, base a weight loss plan on the
amount of weight lost.
• The combination of a reduced calorie
diet and increased physical activity is
recommended since it produces weight
loss that may also result in decreases
in abdominal fat and increases in
cardiorespiratory fitness.
This may also be the perfect time to try
Leanology, the Smart Weight Loss System.
Leanology Weight Loss Capsules can help
you “lose the bulge,” the delicious Nutritional
Shakes are perfect as a low-calorie meal
substitution, and the Leanology Appetite
Control Chews are a great snack substitute at
only 25 calories per chew.
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  13
Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart
BMI is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight. The BMI chart
is simply a guide and may be inaccurate for athletes or individuals with above
average muscle mass.
Underweight below18.5
Normal 18.5–24.9
Overweight 25–29.5
Obese above30
BMI = __________x 703 ÷ __________÷ __________= __________
YourWeight(pounds) YourHeight(inches) YourHeight(inches) YourBMI
Remember, a healthy weight equals a healthy heart!
Consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.
Black History Month
lack History Month is an
annual remembrance of
important people and events
in the history of the African-
American people. Both the
United States and Canada observe
this holiday during the month
of February. The remembrance
originated in 1926 by historian
Carter G. Woodson who chose
the second week of February
because it marked the birthdays
of two Americans who greatly
influenced the lives and social
condition of African Americans:
former President Abraham Lincoln
and abolitionist and former slave
Frederick Douglass.
In addition to honoring achievements, Black
History Month is also an apt time to look
at some of the healthcare challenges that
face African-Americans specifically. With
awareness and preventive measures, these
challenges can be better faced in the years
to come. Happily, the rates for heart disease,
breast cancer, infant mortality and teenage
pregnancy are down for this group. However,
African-Americans are still more likely to
develop cancer than other racial or ethnic
groups and AIDS and kidney disease remain
major killers.
It’s true for African-Americans and for
all people: “An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.” Seeing your
healthcare provider regularly and getting
proper screenings reduce the health risks
for people of all ethnic backgrounds.
At risk for several illnesses
Several diseases and health issues continue
to challenge African-Americans specifically:
• African-Americans have a 50% higher
prevalence of hypertension (high blood
pressure) than the overall population.
• The diabetes-related death rate has
increased for the total population and
even more so, for African-Americans.
• African-Americans develop kidney
failure about four times more frequently
than Caucasians. Both high blood pressure
and diabetes are the major culprits.
• The elderly African-American population
still lags behind the total elderly population
in immunization rates.
• The rate of coronary artery disease among
African-Americans has decreased in recent
years. However, because this group has
higher blood pressure than other ethnic
groups, the risk of coronary heart disease
remains higher.
Here’s how you can take control of your
healthcare destiny – regardless of your
ethnic background:
• Make sure your healthcare provider discusses
your health with you and that you form a
partnership to maintain your good health.
• Looking for a healthcare provider? Studies
show that healthcare providers with racial
and ethnic background similar to their
patients are more likely to have a partnering
relationship with their patients.
• Don’t be passive. If you don’t understand
or agree with your healthcare provider’s
recommendations, then don’t be afraid
to ask questions.
• Follow the 10 Essentials for Health
and Wellness – found on page 2 of the
VitaJournal. These rules for building health
allow every one of us to take advantage of
our genetic strengths.
We all require the same things for health and
happiness, no matter where our ancestors came
from. The “10 Essentials” are universal. These
cherished guidelines apply to men and women
everywhere in the world, regardless of their
ethnic origin.
A special time for African-Americans,
a great time to address health challenges
African-Americans have a 50% higher
prevalence of hypertension (high blood
pressure) than the overall population.
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  15
elf-esteem is an important
part of total health and
vibrant living, and helps
us function fully. If you’d like to
be healthier and more confident
mentally as well as physically,
there are things you can do every
day to raise and maintain a strong,
positive self-image.
If your self-esteem could use a little work,
mental health experts suggest the following
ways to nurture yourself every day. You may be
practicing some of these techniques already, but
there are certainly some new ones you can try.
10 ways to be good to yourself
Do something you enjoy. Make a list of
things you enjoy doing, such as playing
an instrument, working on a craft project
or tending to plants. Then do something
from that list every day. Add to the list
anything new that you discover you
enjoy doing.
Get something done that you’ve been
putting off. Clean out that drawer. Wash
that window. Pay that bill.
Do things that use your special talents and
abilities. Have a flair for baking, or singing,
or fixing things? Then make yourself a pie,
join a choir, or repair something for
a friend.
Wear clothes that make you feel good
about yourself. If money for new clothes is
tight, scour the thrift shops, or get out the
sewing machine and maybe discover
a special talent.
Reward yourself. Go ahead: take time
to listen to a CD, or take a bubble bath,
or enjoy a walk. You deserve it.
Be with “up” people who treat you well,
around whom you feel good about yourself.
Avoid those who treat you badly. Make
your home a reflection of you. Whether
you live in a single room or a large home,
make it comfortable and attractive for you.
If you share your home with others, reserve
some space that is just for you – a place
that you can decorate any way you choose.
Display items that appeal to you or that
remind you of your achievements or of
special times or people in your life.
Make meals a special time. Turn off the
TV and the computer. Set the table, even
if you are eating alone. Light a candle or
put some flowers in the center of the table.
Learn something new. Take a class or
go to a seminar. Many adult education
programs are free or very inexpensive.
Show kindness to someone. Smile at
a person who looks sad. Chat a bit
with a store cashier. Take a meal to
a friend who is sick. Volunteer for a
worthy organization.
Make it a point to treat yourself well every
day. Before you go to bed each night, write
about how you treated yourself well during
the day.
Boosting your self-esteem means
taking care of your physical self,
too. So along with the “daily dozen”
techniques on this page, practice
these body basics, as well:
• eat healthy. Avoid junk foods
(foods containing a lot of sugar,
salt or fat). Eat lots of fresh fruits
and vegetables, whole grains
and lean meats, drink plenty of
water, and be sure to use quality
nutritional supplements.
• exercise. Physical activity is
one of the most positive things
you can do for yourself. A daily
walk, bike ride, playing a sport,
dancing… what do you like to
do? Be sure to check with your
healthcare professional before
beginning or changing your
exercise habits.
• Take time to groom yourself.
Sometimes, the little things can
do a lot to improve outlook and
self-image. So, make sure that
along with your daily bath or
shower, you wash and comb
your hair, trim your nails, brush
and floss your teeth.
Healthy ways to build your
Because you’re
worth it!
Thanks to Sonoran
Bloom™ Nopalea™,
Melissa’s chronic skin
condition is finally
under control
One fuchsia bottle dramatically
improved Melissa’s health
rom the depths of despair, Melissa M. has finally found renewed joy in life. This Prescott,
Arizona native has suffered for many years from a severe skin condition causing itchy and sore
patches of red skin. “I had it all over my body,” she explains. “It hurt and itched horribly and
I was miserable with the pain and suffering.” This condition was especially bad on her scalp
and she was afraid she would eventually lose all her hair. There were times when
it was difficult to lay her back on anything hard because it would hurt so bad, and
her skin would actually crack and bleed. Even something as simple as hand
washing became a painful ritual for Melissa.
However, even worse than the physical pain was the emotional pain caused
by thoughtless people. Melissa works in the food service industry and is
very much in the public eye. “It made me feel very self-conscious about my
appearance,” Melissa recalls. “Although this skin condition is completely
non-contagious, people thought I was diseased and some even asked what
was wrong with me. They often made very cruel comments, or asked if
I had been burned or in an accident. One lady gave me a very disgusted
look and acted like she was afraid to touch her food because she was
going to get whatever I had. I can’t begin to explain how distressing
those looks and comments were.” On the outside, people still saw Melissa’s
bubbly, vivacious personality, but on the inside, she was really hurting.
1-800-991-7116	 February 2010  l  17
Failed treatments led to heartbreak
Melissa tried just about everything to get rid
of her problem. She took steroids from age
12 with little success. Plus, Melissa and her
doctors were concerned about the long-term
side effects from these steroids. “They thin and
age your skin,” Melissa notes. “They’re also bad
for your inner health if you use too much. Yet,
if I stopped using the steroids, the condition
would come back with a vengeance.”
She also unsuccessfully tried a variety of
over-the-counter treatments. Melissa would
continually put on different ointments and
creams during the day, but nothing eased
the pain and unsightly spots. “I spent a lot of
money for nothing,” Melissa remembers. “I
felt like I was running out of options and that
there was no hope on the horizon.”
A chance meeting led to near
miraculous results
Just when it seemed like Melissa would have to
resign herself to a misery-filled life, good fortune
struck. One of the “regulars” at the restaurant
she worked at was Cody, a TriVita Affiliate
Member. He could clearly see that Melissa
was suffering and gently suggested that she try
Nopalea for her skin condition. Naturally, after
all the failed “remedies,” she was skeptical. “I
had nothing to lose and everything to gain by
trying Nopalea,” Melissa says. So, she took the
first bottle, but only used it occasionally. The
results were inconclusive, so Cody gave her a
second bottle of Nopalea and strongly suggested
that she take the loading dose of three to six
ounces every day for the entire bottle.
This time Melissa closely followed Cody’s
recommendation and was thrilled by the results.
“It’s been working great and I am so excited
by how much it’s helped improve my skin,” she
exclaims. “I’ve been taking it continuously for
about two to three months and it’s changed my
whole body. My skin is getting so much better,
my scalp is almost all cleared up and many of
the lesions all over my body have gone away.
Nopalea also gives me more energy during the
day and I sleep better at night.”
Now that she’s been taking Nopalea steadily for
several months, Melissa’s condition continues
to improve and her hopes for a healthy future
seem better than ever. “I’m so grateful that
Cody introduced me to TriVita and Nopalea.
It’s dramatically changed my health and
appearance, and I now have a much better
outlook on life.
“I’ll be drinking Nopalea every day for the rest
of my life,” she adds, “and so will my family.
We love it and it tastes fantastic. Even kids
love it, and you know if they don’t like the way
something tastes, they’ll let you know. I would
highly recommend Nopalea to anyone who has
inflammation; it’s worked for me, it’s worked for
others and it can work for you too.”
Melissa has also added Sublingual B-12 and
Energy Now!®
to her nutritional regimen. “Both
products give me a lot more energy and focus,”
she says. “They’re also a lot healthier than soda
or coffee.”
Profiting from her love of Nopalea
No one is more “sold” on Nopalea than Melissa.
That’s why she’s decided to become an Affiliate
Member. The whole idea of TriVita’s Program
is so exciting to her because it helps pay for her
product purchases and ultimately will lead to
greater financial independence. “I know so many
people who can benefit from Nopalea because
it’s worked so well for me,” she states. “All they
need to do is look at me to see the difference it
has made in my own life. This is one product
I can enthusiastically recommend. I also look
forward to earning extra money to fulfill my life
purposes. Now that I have my skin condition
under control, I’m so excited about my future.”
You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting with your healthcare provider.
“I know so many
people who suffer
from a variety of
health issues who
can benefit from
this is one product
I can get behind.”
Melissa enjoying time with friends and family
Exercise your brain, delay memory loss
Bronx, New York
People who do crossword puzzles, play card games and take part in other “brain” activities may help delay the
onset of rapid memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, according to a study in the August
2009 journal Neurology.
The study followed 488 healthy people (age 75 to 85), who had enrolled in the Bronx Aging Study between
1980 and 1983. At the beginning of the study, participants reported how often they participated in six
activities: reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, having group discussions
and playing music.
Researchers found that each additional day of activity delayed memory loss by .18 years, roughly 1 to 2 months.
“The point of accelerated decline was delayed by 1.29 years for the person who participated in 11 activities per
week compared to the person who participated in only 4 activities per week,” said study author Charles B. Hall,
Ph.D., of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.
Live near a noisy road? It could be bad for your heart
Lund, Sweden
Those who live near noisy roads could be at increased risk for high blood pressure, say researchers from Lund
University in Sweden.
The study, from a public survey of 24,238 Swedish adults between the ages of 18 and 80, showed that people between
the ages of 40 and 59 who were exposed to constant noise over 64 decibels were twice as likely to report high blood
pressure as others. Younger adults also reported hypertension but the elderly experienced negligible effects.
The results were published in the online journal Environmental Health. Researchers said that the study doesn’t
prove the noise caused the blood pressure increases, but still could have played a part in it. 
Poor physical fitness increases death risk
Indianapolis, Indiana
Physically unfit people have twice the mortality risk of even those in slightly better shape, according to a recent
study in Medicine  Science in Sports and Exercise.
Researchers followed 4,300 people over a period of 20 years, assessing fitness and physical activity through
treadmill tests and questionnaires, and tracking mortality rates.
The least fit of the subjects had a mortality rate twice that of the group only in slightly better shape and a
mortality rate four times that of the most-fit group.
“Given the considerable survival benefit associated with improving fitness in the least-fit group, increasing fitness
through regular physical activity should be a priority in unfit individuals,” said Sandra Mandic, Ph.D., a member
of the research team. “Health professionals should consider a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness as treatable and
major risk factors.”
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  19
What is CoQ-10?
CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) is a vitamin-like
substance found throughout the body, including
the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. Many experts
believe that CoQ-10 is the key nutrient for
generating 95% of the total energy required by
your body. It can also act as an antioxidant.
Additionally, CoQ-10 has been used in Japan
as a treatment for congestive heart failure since
1974. And one study found that CoQ-10 helped
slow functional decline in Parkinson’s
disease patients.
So, CoQ-10 at its most basic level keeps you
healthy, active and alive. Most people’s bodies
produce approximately 500 mg of CoQ-10 every
day until about age 21. Between ages 21 and 30,
levels of CoQ-10 start to drop. This causes cells
to break down, which may contribute to many
age-related diseases and conditions.
After age 50, you are basically “running on
empty” when it comes to CoQ-10. You can’t
get CoQ-10 from food or anything other than
supplements. That’s why CoQ-10 supplementa-
tion is a must for anyone 50 or older.
Studies show that CoQ-10 may beef up your
defenses against the following:
• Stroke
• Cardiovascular Disease
• High blood pressure
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Kidney Disease
• Asthma
In addition, CoQ-10 may help in:
• Migraine headaches
• Promoting youthful skin
• Improving glucose control in type 2 diabetics
Statins and CoQ-10
Several studies have confirmed that many statin
drugs interfere with CoQ-10 production, causing
blood levels of CoQ-10 to drop. Those with
high cholesterol already have reduced levels
of CoQ-10, so statins can cause further reduced
blood levels of the nutrient. There are now a
high amount of children taking statin drugs.
If you take statins, talk to your healthcare
provider to find out if you’re a good candidate
for CoQ-10 supplementation. Your continued
good health may depend on it.
Nourish your heart and brain!
CoQ-10 provides essential fuel for your body
•Soft gels are fat-soluble and easily absorbed
•Helps your body protect against a wide
variety of illnesses and enhances heart health
•Creates the perfect nutritional balance
for your body’s daily needs
Soft gel capsules offer up to 10 times the absorption rate!
TRY IT TODAY! CALL 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at
CoQ-10  StatinsCholesterol-lowering drugs can deplete your body
of this vital nutrient
CoQ-10 might help
If you suffer from migraine headaches, you
know how debilitating they can be. The severity
of the headaches can vary, but many people are
completely incapacitated – sometimes for several
days at a time. Migraines can be preceded by
pulses of light, blind spots or tingling in the
arms or legs. They can be accompanied by
nausea and vomiting. Migraines can affect your
home life, as well as your job.
Now there’s good news from researchers in
Switzerland: Taking CoQ-10 daily may help
your body reduce migraines.
In the study, participants were given 100 mg
of CoQ-10 three times a day for three months.
Nearly half of those taking CoQ-10 saw a
reduction in migraine frequency. The CoQ-10
also helped reduce the length of headaches and
accompanying nausea.
CoEnzyme Q-10
Non-Member	$19.99
Member $15.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints
What’s the best CoQ-10
supplement for you?
There are many CoQ-10 supplements on
the market, but they are not all made alike.
Remember: it’s not how much CoQ-10 you
swallow – but how much you absorb – that counts.
That’s what makes TriVita’s CoQ-10 so effective.
TriVita’s CoQ-10 is similar to the kind of
CoQ-10 the body produces on its own. It is
formulated to be in perfect balance for your
body’s nutritional needs.
TriVita’s CoQ-10 is fat soluble and is more
easily absorbed when taken in TriVita’s oil-based
soft gel capsule. Studies show TriVita’s CoQ-10
has up to 10 times better absorption with soft
gel caps than the lower quality dry form found
on many drugstore shelves. Delivering these
greater amounts is vital: scientific studies show
that higher CoQ-10 blood levels produce much
greater benefits. This high absorption rate means
that TriVita’s CoQ-10 goes directly to the areas
where your body needs it most – heart, brain,
muscles, bones, teeth and gums.
CoQ-10 nourishes your heart and brain and
provides power to your entire body. If you want
greater stamina, if you are over 50, if you have
dental issues or any of the health concerns
listed above, or if you are taking a statin drug,*
you owe it to yourself to see how CoQ-10 can
change your life.
*If you take statins, consult with your health care professional to find
out whether you’re a good candidate for CoQ-10 supplementation.
Do you recognize your co-workers
or employees’ contributions? Do
you encourage your children on a
daily basis?
A little encouragement can go a long
way. At home or at work, you can
foster feelings of accomplishment
in those around you. So go ahead:
accentuate the positive!
encouragement at the workplace
Think about this: You work hard and long on
a work project and when you finish it, you hear
nothing. Not from your boss, your client, or even
from your co-workers. How does that make you
feel? Underappreciated? Like nothing you do
means anything?
Lack of recognition and encouragement
can lower morale, increase turnover rates
and reduce productivity. The Gallup poll
organization estimates that more than 22
million American workers are extremely
negative or “actively disengaged.”
Conversely, when efforts are recognized and
appreciated, the opposite is true. According to
a Gallup survey, workers who receive regular
recognition and praise:
• Increase their personal productivity
• Stay at their jobs longer
• Have fewer accidents on the job
• Increase engagement with their
Make a difference
You don’t have to wait around for your boss
to encourage or appreciate you. You can be the
bearer of encouragement each and every day.
• Recognize your colleagues’ efforts
and talents.
• Encourage co-workers when they face
a setback or something goes wrong.
• Be a positive influence; don’t be a
“Negative Nelly.”
• Look for special ways to encourage
co-workers: a hand-written note, email
message or even a quick phone call.
If you’re an employer, apply the same principles.
Let your employees know that you value and
appreciate them. In these unsettling economic
times, it can help reduce uncertainty and fear.
encouragement at home
Children need encouragement in order to:
• Develop confidence and feelings
of self-worth
• Build up the courage to try new things
and take risks
• Feel appreciated and noticed
You can encourage your family by writing notes
and slipping them into their lunches, backpacks,
briefcases, under their door, etc. These can be
love notes, notes of encouragement or thanks,
or even just something fun and silly. Although
some people may not say it (especially
teenagers), these notes will help them feel
secure and loved.
The dark side of praise:
praise effort, not ability
Beginning in the 1980s, parents were told that
they needed to praise their children in order
to build their self-esteem. But researchers have
discovered that this parental advice may be
backfiring. It seems that we have a praise-happy
society that is actually contributing to lower
Researchers at Columbia University found that
children who were praised for their intellect
were more likely to worry about failure and thus
avoided taking risks. When allowed to choose
an activity, they chose tasks they knew they
would do well on, while children praised for
their efforts chose tasks that would require them
to work harder.
The rewards of encouragement
Through encouragement, children can learn to
take risks, accept and learn from setbacks, and
develop self-sufficiency and independence.
As you go to work, or spend time with
your family, remember: one small word of
encouragement can go a long way.
Do you build people up
– or tear them down?
Encouragement at work and at home: it pays
Day Fun
♥ Over 192 million Valentine’s Day
cards are exchanged each year.
♥ More flowers are sent for
Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day
than for any other holiday.
♥ Men buy most of the candy
and flowers purchased for
Valentine’s Day.
♥ It’s considered lucky to be woken
by a kiss on Valentine’s Day.
♥ The oldest known love note
was written around 3500 B.C.
on a clay tablet.
♥ Valentine’s Day is celebrated in
the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom,
Italy, Mexico, Denmark, France
and Australia.
♥ More than 36 million heart-shaped
boxes of chocolates will be sold
in the U.S.
For your Valentines, say “I love you”
in a different language!
♥ Spanish: Te quiero
♥ Italian: Ti amo
♥ German: Ich liebe dich
♥ French: Je t’aime
Article from Michael Ellison
continued from page 2...
sense or even as it pertains to relationships. Dr. Judy shares
her many years of professional experience on the subject of
mending a broken heart on page 22.
At TriVita we care for your overall wellness – physically,
emotionally and spiritually. It’s important to us to provide not
only high quality supplements, but credible information that
will help you live a life of purpose.
Here’s to a healthy heart!
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered
to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families:
• Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have
access to pure, fresh water.
• Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas.
• Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life.
• With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving
the gift of life.
Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new
wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year,
we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more!
Want to make a difference?
Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take
your tax-deductible donation along with your order.
you can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
Suite 950
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
you can make a
Your contribution will touch countless lives
drug. It satiates, medicates and stimulates emotionally. So the rule
to help me is to eat the fuel my body needs to optimize my health
rather than to console my emotions and satisfy my appetites. It is
a simple rule (not necessarily simple to practice) but very effective
over time.
You can easily research the nutrient values of foods and how they
optimize the functions of particular body systems. It can be fun to
apply this knowledge and experiment with different recipes in the
kitchen. Why not try eating foods that are heart healthy?
A healthy heart is reflective of a healthy life.
Additionally, quality supplements like TriVita’s OmegaPrime®
Vital C, HCY Guard®
and Nopalea™
are great products that
can help enhance your heart health. I depend on these products
to greatly contribute to my heart health. They are outstanding
products that I simply would not live without.
In this VitaJournal there are many outstanding recommendations
to help you live with a healthy heart and a healthy life. At TriVita,
we believe that each person has important life purposes to fulfill
while they are here on earth. Health and wellness are a crucial part
of our ability to fulfill them.
May you pursue wellness with purpose and passion.
Michael R. Ellison
ON MY MIND continued from page 3...
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  1
You could earn a
when you share your wellness story!
Send your product success story to or call us at
1-800-693-4083. If we use it, we will
send you a $25 TriVita Gift Card as a thank you.
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor,
c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden
Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
eople say
you can’t
die from a
broken heart, but
when you are suffering
from one, it sure
doesn’t feel that way.
You may be wondering how long it
will be before you can get through a day
without feeling the wrenching pain in the
heart, the knot in the pit of your stomach,
and the tears ready to spill down your cheek
at any moment. How long will the mind keep
ruminating over what went wrong? If these
are some of the questions you are asking
yourself, you are not alone.
Here’s the reality of it: broken hearts hurt – a
lot. You may feel like you’ve lost the meaning
in your life or that you may never get over
this pain. The good news is that I can tell you
that you will heal. Not because time heals the
wounds, but because you can actively heal
your own wounds. That’s right, you don’t have
to wait for time to heal your heartache if you
do the work.
you can’t run away from a broken
heart. The way out of the pain is
through it.
I discovered out of my work with clients who
were suffering the loss of a significant relation-
ship that there are five stages they generally go
through in their grief recovery: shock, anger,
depression, the work, and acceptance.
When a significant relationship ends, we each
have work to do if we want to get our life back
on track in the quickest and healthiest way
possible. Here are a few suggestions:
• Develop and repeat a helpful saying to get you
through the initial shock and pain, such as
“This too shall pass” or “I will survive.”
• Reach out to a friend or family member who
will just listen. It’s important to share your
thoughts with someone you can trust.
• Cry when you need to. It’s OK to cry over a
loss. Don’t hold back, let the tears roll, just do
it in a private and safe place. The purpose of
tears is to cleanse you of your pain.
• Begin the work by journaling. Go into your
pain and feel your emotions. Understand they
are just feelings, not necessarily facts. So
write, write, write.
• Develop a spiritual relationship that will help
you to forgive, accept and move on.
Remember that healing is a process. Expect
waves of sadness, anger, guilt or fear even after
you think you are over it. Give your heart time
to heal.
you will survive
According to North Carolina therapist Alan
Konell, MSW, in his book Partnership Tools:
Transforming the Way We Live Together, there
are generally two responses after having gone
through a broken heart. The first is, “Oh, I’ll
never go through that again.” The second is,
“I survived that so I can relax... I know I can
survive it again.”
I recommend the second response. By doing the
work, your broken heart will mend and you will
enjoy life again.
Mending a broken
heart – dealing with
emotional pain,
heartache and grief
by Dr. Judy
Judy ellison, Ph.D.
“The good news is that you will heal…
you can actively heal your
own wounds.”
“Tears are the safety valve of the
heart when too much pressure is
laid on.” – Albert Smit
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and
motivational speaker. She has inspired people around
the world to reach within and find their passionate
purpose to live a more meaningful life.
Gene Henderson
“…if you have faith as
small as a mustard
seed, you can say to
this mountain, ‘Move
from here to there’
and it will move.”—
Matthew 17:20
Have you moved any mountains lately? I haven’t,
but my faith has moved mountains in my life.
Over the years, I’ve seen time and again the
power of faith when we trust in God to fulfill
our life’s purpose.
But let me be clear: I’m not talking about a
silent, passive faith that sits in the corner and
waits for a miracle. I’m talking about active,
demonstrated faith. Our part of the bargain
is to live our faith… to act as if our dreams,
our purpose, are already unfolding. Here’s a
personal example:
Early in my work life, when I was married with
young children and little money, I yearned for a
car. Financially, that was out of reach, but the
company I worked for had an incentive program
for salesmen like me: If I sold enough
merchandise, I could win a yellow Ford station
wagon with wood trim and a tan interior. The
image of that car is as fresh as yesterday; I can
still smell the upholstery.
I announced at a sales meeting that I would win
the car. I put up a picture of that yellow beauty
on my wall, and also in my samples case. I told
everyone in the company I was going to get that
car. Once a week, I even went to the dealership
to sit in it. That car was very real to me, and
so was my knowledge that I needed to act
accordingly: I sold like crazy and yes, I won
the car.
Living the “Law of expression”
Positive thinking can take us only so far. We
need to act, and that’s just what TriVita CEO
Michael Ellison writes about in his book
The 10 Keys to Wealth and Wellness. Michael
talks about “the Law of Expression” and its
simple formula:
Think it, speak it and act on it correspondingly.
That’s so powerful. As Michael writes, “If you
can think it, speak it and then act on it, you will
have tapped into the creative process that brings
forth the visible from the invisible.” To put it in
very mundane terms, you can think about
getting a loaf of bread all day long, but if you
don’t let people know you need bread, and you
don’t get away from the TV and down to the
store, God’s not going to provide that loaf.
Getting back to our mustard seed, the question
isn’t whether or not it will grow, or how much it
will grow. It’s knowing that the seed will grow
and flourish, possibly into something quite large.
A farmer doesn’t dig up the soil every day and
look at his seeds, wondering, “Did they grow
yet?” He knows they’ll grow if he takes the right
actions about water, soil and time of year.
Walking the walk
It’s one thing to have an idea, to talk about it
clearly and consistently with others. But it’s quite
another to take the final step that really affirms
what you know in your heart: God will provide,
all will unfold according to His will, and what
He has planned is prosperity and purpose.
Michael puts it well in his book: “How many
people do you know who can talk a good talk but
don’t walk the walk? They don’t put action to
their rhetoric, so their words ring hollow… What
is voiced from the invisible does not become
visible if there are no consistent and clear actions
related to what is spoken and thought.”
In Michael’s case, walking the walk led to the
creation of TriVita, and to spreading the message
of wellness far and wide. That’s faith in action,
like seeds sprouting into giant trees.
What will grow from the seeds of your faith?
Putting faith into action:
think it, speak it, act on it
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
“If you can think it, speak it
and then act on it, you will
have tapped into the creative
process that brings forth the
visible from the invisible.”
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  3
“…nothing has worked like
Adaptogen 10 Plus.”
“Wow! Adaptogen	10	Plus has
been a great complement to my
TriVita regimen each day. I have
had hypertension for several years.
My blood pressure shoots up even more when
I go to the doctor. The doctor calls it ‘white coat
syndrome.’ After adding Adaptogen 10 Plus daily,
my blood pressure has normalized and the ‘white
coat syndrome’ is gone. I have tried many different
supplements to keep my blood pressure balanced
and nothing has worked like Adaptogen 10 Plus. My
stress and anxiety from my job has also subsided. I
even give a shot of Adaptogen 10 Plus to others at
work when they are having a stressful day. I usually
take 1 oz in the morning and 1 oz after lunch. I am
on automatic order for a case. I am just thrilled
with it.”
JacKie M., affiliate MeMBer – saiNt Peters, Mo
“Sublingual B-12 has given
me an immediate boost
in energy, clear focus and
completely removed my
brain fog!”
“I would whole-heartedly
recommend Sublingual Vitamin B-12 to any younger
woman. I was experiencing very low energy,
brain fog and having difficulty focusing on tasks.
Sublingual B-12 has given me a quick boost in
energy, clear focus and completely removed my
brain fog. I also have had great success with Super	
Sublingual	B-12!”
JeaN s., MeMBer – gleNDale, aZ
“I now recommend
Nopalea with complete
“You cannot imagine how pleased
I was when the doctor told me
my blood pressure was 128/64.
Nopalea has made all the difference. Eight months
ago and for several years, my blood pressure was
from 160-180 over 90-105. I have been on several
prescriptions for this, and had adverse reactions to a
couple of them.* High blood pressure is deadly and
truly a ‘silent killer’.
In addition, my husband had elevated blood sugar
levels and had been on prescription drugs for a few
months. I asked if he would give Nopalea a chance
and see what happened. He agreed, and one month
later he came home very happy and said his blood
sugar levels were well within normal, and they’ve
stayed that way ever since he started on Nopalea.
So I am thrilled and very thankful. I now
recommend Nopalea with complete confidence,
knowing I am spreading the word about a wellness
product that can truly make a difference in quality of
life for so many.”
laura M., affiliate MeMBer – loNe Butte, Bc
“I began taking TriVita
Super Sublingual B-12,
and within several weeks
I started to notice a
“For years I have struggled with
extremely low energy. I always felt as though I was
dragging myself around, and people would often
comment to me about how tired and exhausted I
looked. My energy issue became an even greater
problem over the past four years, and in February
2007, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Have
you ever been so tired that it was all you could
do to pull yourself out of bed? Some days I was in
tears when I woke up because of how exhausted
I felt. Living life with a lack of energy damages
your spirit. In January 2009 I began taking TriVita
Super	Sublingual	B-12, and within several
weeks I started to notice a difference.
I now get through my days with great energy and
feel like I have a new lease on life. I recently
saw my doctor, and she asked me what I was
doing because I looked so different. This is
something I have been hearing more of, and I
have to say it feels great!”
gloria c., affiliate MeMBer – coQuitlaM, Bc
“…my total cholesterol was
under 200…”
“When I saw my doctor, he said
my cholesterol was a little high
and that he wanted me to take
prescription medicines. I did, and
after 30-40 days I went in for a follow-up test. My
total cholesterol did go down, but so did the good
cholesterol, and my triglycerides didn’t change at
all. So I stopped taking the medicine. When it was
time for my next test, I found that my cholesterol
went back up, and that my triglycerides were up
over 300. That’s when I tried OmegaPrime. I took
it religiously for 30-40 days before my follow-up
test. When I got my results back, I learned that
my total cholesterol was under 200, my good
cholesterol was over 80 and my triglycerides were
cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so
was my doctor.*”
alice h., MeMBer – DeNtoN, tX
“Leanology helped me lose 34 pounds in
three months.”
“I’ve tried different weight loss products for so long.
They would work for a week or so and then quit. I
had bypass surgery and started Leanology	shortly
after I got out of the hospital. I also needed both of
my knees replaced, so I had good reasons to get the
weight off. I didn’t realize before how lethargic I felt
until after Leanology helped me lose 34 pounds in
three months. I found I had more energy and I felt
better about myself.
The weight loss shakes really helped me. I enjoyed
the taste and wasn’t hungry after drinking one. If I
had it in the morning I’d drink just the shake, but I’d
add fruit to it if it was my evening meal. Sometimes
I’d even drink two a day. It was just easier. Chocolate
is my favorite flavor!
I’ve implemented some of the 10 Essentials. I have
the energy to be active, but I’ll be able to do more
when my knees are better. However, I do watch
closely what I eat, and I cut out sugar and flour. It’s
what works for me.
I didn’t hit a plateau with my weight loss. It really
went smoothly; I was very impressed! I’m excited to
get started again on the program and give you an
update. I have 50 more pounds to lose!”
JeaN s., affiliate MeMBer – raytoWN, Mo
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita®
Real Storiesfrom real people
1-800-991-7116	 February	2010  l  5
eptember 17, 2009 was an
especially momentous day
for Christine S. That’s when
she attended her first Nopalea
presentation at the invitation of
TriVita’s retired co-founder, Barry
Borthistle. This White Rock, British
Columbia real estate agent walked
into the meeting feeling dispirited
and very low on energy. “I had lots of
aches and pains,” Christine recalls. “I
was also feeling sorry for myself and
knew that I should be feeling a whole
lot better.”
Christine’s fantastic timing
Only weeks before, she had her blood tested and
the news wasn’t good. Christine was alarmed
to find that she had allowed inflammation to
get out of control and her C-reactive protein
(CRP) level was extremely high. CRP is a
common measure of cardiovascular risk. So,
she was pleasantly surprised to find out that
the guest speaker at this meeting explained the
connection between Nopalea and lower
CRP levels.
“I sat there in amazement as I heard him relate
story after story of people who had helped
their body reduce their CRP levels with this
wonderful product called Nopalea,” Christine
says. “I knew right then that I was at the right
place at the right time and that God was looking
after me. I left that meeting with hope in my
heart that maybe, just maybe, this wellness
drink would be an answer to the inflammation
problem that had plagued me for many years.”
Her CRP levels nose-dived
After the meeting, Christine signed on to
become a TriVita Affiliate Member, and ordered
her first case of Nopalea. She was excited about
beginning her Nopalea wellness journey and
immediately put Nopalea to the test by not
taking any other products that would influence
her CRP levels. Just four weeks later, after taking
the loading dose of Nopalea every day, she
went in for another blood test. “I was overjoyed
with the results,” Christine exclaims. “Most
importantly, my CRP levels had plunged from 13
to 6.7. I was getting close to the ideal level. The
blood test also showed that other key areas had
stabilized, especially my uric acid levels. I was
just thrilled by these improved readings.”
She received another pleasant surprise with her
improved blood pressure readings. They used
to be consistently high, even on medications.
After taking Nopalea, Christine’s blood pressure
was much improved and her doctor commented
favorably about that and asked what she was
doing differently. She was happy to relate her
Nopalea experience and he was curious to find
out more about the product.
A natural energy boost
Now that Christine takes Nopalea regularly, she
can actually feel the difference if she misses a
daily dose. However, there were some additional
health issues she wanted to address with the
help of TriVita products. Christine suffers from
joint problems and recently started taking
TriVita Joint Complex to keep her joints strong.
She also enjoys a nice, smooth energy boost
with the help of Sublingual B-12, B-6  Folic
Acid and Energy Now!®
Christine’s next health
project is to lose 40-50 pounds with the help of
weight loss products.
“I now feel so much better and so grateful to
TriVita for such wonderful products,” Christine
says. “Every morning as I drink my heavenly
nectar, as I call it, I am so grateful for what
Nopalea and the good Lord have done for me
and my health. I am feeling so much better
and have great faith in this wonderful
wellness drink.”
She doesn’t hesitate to share her “before and
after” CRP and blood pressure readings with
people who are considering purchasing Nopalea.
“My improved health makes a powerful case
for Nopalea,” Christine remarks. “Now, I’m a
TriVita Affiliate Member who’s on a mission
of wellness to share my fantastic Nopalea
experience with others.”
Christine’s C-reactive
protein levels have shown
tremendous improvement
She credits Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™
for this
dramatic turnaround
Member Spotlight
– Christine S., Affiliate Member
taking any other products that would influence
her CRP levels. Just four weeks later, after taking
tremendous improvement
eel a little too tired to
brush your teeth some
nights? Whatever you
do, don’t skip this important
part of oral hygiene – and
heart health. That’s right;
it has been well-established
that poor dental health,
specifically gum disease, is
linked to heart disease.
Inflammation –
it’s a vicious cycle
The problems with gum health start
with inflammation. Where does
inflammation begin? It mostly stems
from any of these four areas: (1) trauma,
(2) toxins, (3) stress, and (4) nutrient deficiency.
Once inflammation begins, it feeds upon itself
in a vicious cycle:
1. Inflammation causes the release of a protein
(histamine), which causes potential allergic
reactions and even more inflammation.
2. More inflammation kills off gum and bone
cells prematurely. These dead cells feed
bacteria, which start an infection, and cause
even more inflammation.
3. To try to overcome this growing problem,
your immune system sends white blood cells
to the site. But the chemicals secreted by
the white blood cells to kill infection are
themselves inflammatory and continue the
inflammation cycle.
Treat the cycle and treat the cause
Once inflammation begins, you have to break
its cycle to reverse the process. TriVita’s Nopalea
was developed to help address the problem of
inflammation. Learn more on page 8.
You can also treat dental inflammation’s causes
to help keep them from even starting.
• Trauma – This could be caused by bruxism,
an abnormal grinding of your teeth, especially
during your sleep.
• Toxins – These may come from such things
as tobacco use and foods that stick to your
dental surfaces, such as hard candy.
• Stress – The roots of your teeth need a rich
blood supply to remain healthy. But stress
steals blood circulation destined for the gums
and teeth and diverts it to other body systems.
Prolonged stress literally starves your teeth
of food and oxygen.
• Nutrient deficiencies – There are
two categories:
• Vitamin C serves as the foundation for
collagen. Without healthy collagen, your
teeth become loose and your gums may bleed
when brushing. A Vitamin C deficiency can
negatively affect your heart, your brain, your
immune system and your skin.
• CoEnzyme Q-10 is the key element of life in
every cell. When CoQ-10 levels drop in your
cells, you begin to age, and the faster it drops,
the faster you age. This is seen primarily in
your gums, so your gum health is the most
obvious sign of how fast you are aging. But
taking CoQ-10 can help your body slow down
the aging process in your gums and in your
whole body. (Learn more about CoQ-10
on page 19.)
If your dental health is less than perfect, your
heart health may also be less than perfect. And
vice versa. So, add the oral hygiene suggestions
below to your list of healthy-heart lifestyle
choices (balanced diet, exercise, not smoking):
• Brush at least twice a day
• Floss daily
• Limit between-meal snacks
• Schedule dental check-ups twice a year
Improve your heart health today!
BrushuponyourhearthealthThe link between gum disease and heart disease
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Vancouver 2010
• Over 80 countries will be sending athletes
to Vancouver.
• The Vancouver Games will be the third
hosted by Canada: Montreal Summer
Olympics in 1976 and Calgary Winter
Olympics in 1988.
• The 2010 Games will cost an estimated
$1.76 billion.
• Approximately 2,500 athletes will compete
in 15 sports with over 86 events (the first
Winter Olympics in 1924 saw 16 countries,
258 athletes and 16 events).
events in the 2010
Vancouver Olympics
• Alpine skiing
• Biathlon – combines cross-country skiing
with shooting. It was demonstrated at the
1948 games and made its Olympic debut
in 1960. Women’s biathlon debuted at the
1992 games.
• Bobsleigh – invented by the Swiss in the
1860s. Held at the first Olympics as a 4-man
event; 2-man bobsleigh debuted at the 1932
games. Women did not compete in Olympic
bobsleigh until the 2002 Olympics.
• Cross-country skiing
• Curling – the first known curling stones date
from Scotland in 1511. The sport has come
and gone through Olympic history, added
back in for medal status in 1998.
• Figure skating
• Freestyle skiing
• Hockey – debuted at the 1920 Antwerp
Summer Games but was transferred to the
Winter Games in 1924. Canada ruled the
sport until 1956, when the Soviet Union
began its domination. In a stunning upset,
the United States beat the Soviets at the
1980 Lake Placid Games, going on to beat
the Finnish team and take the gold.
• Luge – debuted at the 1964 Innsbruck Games.
Average speed: 140 mph. Brake status: none.
• Nordic combined – combines cross-country
skiing with ski jumping.
• Short track speed skating
• Skeleton – solo head-first sledding that
appeared in the 1928 and 1948 Olympics.
It made it back to Olympic status in 2002.
Early sleds resembled skeletons, thus the
name. American John Heaton won the silver
in 1928 and again in 1948 at the age of 39.
(His brother Jennison Heaton won the gold
in 1928.)
• Ski jumping
• Snowboarding – made its Olympic debut
at Nagano in 1998.
• Speed skating
By the numbers
• Norwegian cross-country skier Bjorn Daehlie
holds the record for the most Winter Olympic
medals: 12.
• Eric Heiden of the United States was the
first person to win five gold medals at a single
Olympics: 5 speed skating gold medals at the
1980 Lake Placid games.
• Speed skater Bonnie Blair of the United
States is the most decorated American
Winter Olympian, with six medals from three
different Olympics: 2 gold in Lillehammer,
2 gold in Albertville, and 1 gold, 1 bronze
in Calgary.
• American women figure skaters have medaled
in every Winter Olympics except 1948 and
1964, taking gold in 1956, 1960, 1968 (Peggy
Fleming), 1976 (Dorothy Hamill), 1992,
1998 and 2002. American men took the
gold in 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1984 (Scott
Hamilton) and 1988 (Brian Boitano).
• Norway has won the most Winter Olympics
medals: 98 gold, 98 silver and 84 bronze. Tied
for second are the Soviet Union and United
States, although the Soviets won 87 gold
versus the United States’ 78.
Olympics held
• Turin 2006
• Salt Lake City 2002
• Nagano 1998
• Lillehammer 1994
• Albertville 1992
• Calgary 1988
• Sarajevo 1984
• Lake Placid 1980
• Innsbruck 1976
• Sapporo 1972
• Grenoble 1968
• Innsbruck 1964
• Squaw Valley 1960
• Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956
• Oslo 1952
• St. Moritz 1948
• Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936
• Lake Placid 1932
• St. Moritz 1928
• Chamonix 1924
TriVita wishes all the
outstanding athletes
good luck, and joins
the world in celebrating
Canada’s special place
in the spotlight.
as the world turns its eyes on the Olympians in Vancouver
this month, it seems appropriate to take a look at some
Olympic history, trivia and shining moments.
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  • 2. 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness™ : the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Let your lungs fill deep down, hold, then exhale toxins and stress. 2. Drink Water Nature’s best beverage not only answers thirst, but also enhances energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Every body needs the rest and repair that comes with a regular sleep routine. 4. Eat Nutritiously Feed both body and mind with healthy, nourishing food for life. 5. Enjoy Activity Let an active lifestyle move you to improved health and wellness in all ways. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you can enhance your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving When you let go of old grudges, your hands are open to accept feelings of peace. 8. Practice Gratitude A thankful heart releases stress, making room for greater happiness and health. 9. Develop Acceptance If you can’t change it, accept it and move on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life to achieve complete well-being. Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... A healthy heart, a healthy life by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita, Inc. A healthy heart is the reflection of a healthy life. Many times when we think of a healthy life we rightfully think of a lifestyle that is balanced with a good diet, exercise and sleep. But seldom do you hear about the role relationships play in a healthy life. Medical science is learning more and more about the link between relationships and heart health. In his new book, Love and Survival, the Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, Dr. Dean Ornish M.D. has much to say about the importance of relationships and their profound effects on our health. Mounting evidence suggests people without close, durable ties to family and friends are at high risk of everything from cancer and heart disease to ulcers and infections. In one California study, 4,700 people were followed for 10 years and the people with the least amount of social contact died at three times the rate as the others. Heart attack victims living alone die at twice the rate as those who live with others who care about their well-being. We know behavior and attitude are greatly influenced by the community of people we interact with, and without community, we are subject to depression and lack of motivation. When people are lonely, they are much more inclined to depression, which leads to lack of exercise and poor eating habits. It also creates an environment of stress and worry. When stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) are released, they actually turn on the red emergency light in the body, equipping it to fight or flee. In most modern individuals, neither of the events happen, and the excess of strong stress hormones creates a chemical imbalance and weakens the organs, especially the heart. A relationship each of us can have is a spiritual relationship with God. He is a friend that stays closer than a brother. That is why in our wellness essentials, we encourage everyone to develop a relationship with God. There are other ways to create a companion relationship if a person is alone or lonely much of the time. One of them is to live with a pet. My wife, Susan and I have been empty nesters for many years since our sons became adults, so we added a pet to our household. I travel frequently, so Susan now has a constant home companion. The joy a dog can bring is almost indescribable. It makes little sense, but we know that anytime we enter our home – whether away for a day or an hour – Pepper will greet us with whimpers of joy and a wagging tail. There are many ways to enhance the relationships in life, and I encourage you to do so as it is good for your heart and your life. We print the 10 Essentials in every VitaJournal and catalog not because we need to fill space, but to remind us that wellness is not a destination you arrive at by treatment; it is a journey to be embraced and enhanced through practicing the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. They may seem simple and basic, but when practiced daily, they are profound in their importance and impact. Obviously we know that diet and proper nutrients play a significant role in our heart health and also a healthy life. I have found a very simple rule to help me when I think about food – as food is a powerful force for good or for bad. Scott Conard, M.D., teaches that the power of food is like a There are many ways to enhance the relationships in life, and I encourage you to do so as it is good for your heart and your life.   l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 3. 4 C-Reactive Protein: the Final Alarm for Heart Disease Stop fanning the fires of inflammation. 8 Take up the Torch of Wellness with the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge A championship opportunity to be pain-free. 9 More Incredible Nopalea Wellness Challenge Stories Take the Challenge and inspire others. 11 Pump Up Your Knowledge About Circulation How your heart and blood vessels help keep you healthy. 13 Healthy Weight = Healthy Heart Just losing a few pounds can make a big difference. FEBRUARY2010 Inside 16 One Fuchsia Bottle Dramatically Changed Melissa’s Life Thanks to Nopalea, her chronic skin condition is finally under control. 25 Christine’s C-Reactive Protein Levels Have Nosedived She credits Nopalea for this dramatic turnaround. 30 It’s Easier than Ever to Become an Affiliate Member Share your product experience for big rewards. ON MY MIND EDITOR’S NOTE Everywhere you look this month, you’ve probably seen red hearts, red roses and candy – actually you may even have started seeing Valentine’s Day paraphernalia as early as December! It also won’t take you long to figure out that heart health is the focus of this month’s VitaJournal. That’s why you’ll want to take advantage of the featured heart healthy products this month. Look for the heart icon for special savings. We are fortunate to have Dr. Farouk Mookadam, a diagnostic cardiologist from Mayo Clinic to help educate us on C-Reactive Protein and the importance of measuring the levels to determine how much runaway inflammation is in the body. You can read his informative article on pages 4-5. There are so many things we can do to protect our hearts through our lifestyle, diet, exercise and supplementation. Just before we launched our breakthrough wellness drink, Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ , there were several employees who had blood work done that tested for C-Reactive Protein levels. They did this BEFORE and then again AFTER taking high loading doses of Nopalea. The results were phenomenal, and several employees saw their inflammatory markers (CRP levels) go down significantly and their kidney function improve. As Editor of TriVita publications, I hear countless stories daily from our valued Members and Affiliate Members about how Nopalea has improved the quality of their lives and why they can’t wait to share their amazing experiences and get others to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Please continue to share those stories, as yours could be the one that helps change someone else’s life! (Send your story to Just as important as the physical side of heart health is securing emotional and spiritual heart health. You’ve probably heard the phrase “guard your heart” in the spiritual On My Mind is continued on page 21... The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Get your heart pumping 10 February 2010  l  3 Theconnectionbetween CoQ-10 and Statins 19
  • 4. Stop fanning the fires of inflammation starting today By Farouk Mookadam, M.D., M.B., Ch.B A common cause of death during the hurricane season is that many people ignore advance hurricane warnings. The same goes for people who ignore a building fire alarm when it goes off. A common cause of death among people in North America is that they ignore the disease alarms our body sends us until it is too late. What are the warning signs a body uses to communicate its distress? They are very common… and you may be experiencing them right now. The dangers of high CRP Often, the “final straw” in the process of heart disease leading to death is runaway inflammation. We measure inflammation in the blood vessels by a simple test called Cardio-CRP or High Sensitivity CRP. C-Reactive Protein is a marker for inflammation in our body – especially in our blood vessels. We always have a little CRP in our bloodstream because we always have a little inflammation. A high level of C-Reactive Protein tells us that the fire in the arteries is blazing out of control. It also lets us know that we are in danger of losing our lives if we do not take immediate action. We must not ignore high CRP in our blood test because it means we are in imminent danger. If we want to live, we simply must take steps to reduce our level of inflammation. Don’t ignore early warnings Many people ignore the warning signs of inflammation for many years before a heart attack or stroke. It often begins with increased body weight and reduced HDL “good” cholesterol. These are both ominous signs because they indicate that we are in a losing battle with inflammation. Further, the triglyceride levels in our blood may increase along with higher amounts of glucose (blood sugar). Cholesterol and blood pressure often rise together, and our stomach keeps getting bigger and bigger. Obesity is an inflammatory process. It may begin with simply eating too much – especially too much sugar. Overeating causes blood sugar levels to spike; high blood sugar demands high levels of insulin in response. This occurs over a period of time and not just as a result of a single meal. High levels of insulin trigger inflammation which in turn causes damage and your body releases CRP. This is the final warning that your body is unable to cope any longer. What often results is a heart attack or stroke. It’s a high price to pay for ignoring the early warning signs of inflammation: higher body weight and lower HDL. Metabolic syndrome The process I just described is a simplified look into a disorder called metabolic syndrome. We have been gathering knowledge of this emerging pattern of symptoms for decades now. Metabolic syndrome ends in heart attack, stroke, cancer and other deadly disorders of inflammation. But it begins in simply making bad choices and then practicing bad habits until they destroy us. One cause of metabolic syndrome is stress. This is the process where our energy reserves do not meet our energy demands. The energy deficit triggers an emergency fight-or-flight response and adrenaline is released. The rush Dr. Farouk Mookadam C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (CRP): OFTEN THE “FINAL ALARM” FOR HEART DISEASE VitaJournal Exclusive! 4  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 5. of adrenaline requires the liver to release sugars and the pancreas to release insulin. High levels of insulin trigger inflammation, which causes damage and your body releases CRP. Another trigger for metabolic syndrome is too little sleep. During sleep, your body releases important hormones that help you heal from the wear and tear of the day. Two important hormones released when we sleep are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin reduces our appetite and increases our metabolism. Ghrelin increases our appetite and reduces our metabolism. Leptin is released when we sleep. Ghrelin is released when we are awake. Both are governed by sleep; but only Leptin is released during sleep. More sleep equals more Leptin which can result in higher metabolism and lower appetite. Less sleep equals more ghrelin, which results in increased appetite, reduced metabolism and higher CRP. exercise helps Another preventable cause of inflammation from the metabolic syndrome is a sedentary lifestyle. Our body is made to move. Medical science tells us that people with good exercise habits have lower levels of CRP and lower disease risk. Most experts recommend 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. Cultures that move more weigh less and have a lower risk of disease. For example, the Pima people of the Sonoran Desert spend more than two hours daily in some form of activity requiring movement: walking, running, lifting and carrying heavy weight. They have a very low incidence of inflammatory disease and a very long, healthy life. easy methods to lower CRP Benjamin Franklin once said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” With two-thirds of the people in North America being overweight or obese, it is now time for both protection and wellness. Obesity is an early warning sign of inflammation. Inflammation damages our blood vessels and they release CRP in response. High levels of CRP in the blood mean that we’ve been given the final warning: If we are to survive we must take steps to help reduce inflammation now! Eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce CRP. The bioflavonoids Quercetin and Kaempferol from apples, onions and prickly pear fruits from the Nopal cactus also reduce CRP. Prickly pear fruits reduce inflammation and stickiness in the blood vessels as well. Omega-3 essential fatty acids, Co-Enzyme Q-10 and dark chocolate all contribute to increased HDL “good” cholesterol and reduced CRP. Heed the warning: Keep strict watch on your weight, blood pressure, HDL and blood glucose levels. These are the early warning signs. Practice one or more of the proven strategies to keep your CRP low. By reducing inflammation you will reduce your chances for disease and increase your chances for a long, healthy life. Dr. Mookadam is currently a diagnostic cardiologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology and has made many professional cardiac care presentations throughout the world. Nopalea,abreakthroughinwellnessdrinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4 bottle pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 • Lessen inflammation which causes pain • Cleanse itself of daily toxins • Promote optimal health right down to your cells • Protect against premature aging Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
  • 6. 6  l  VITAJOURNAL How to lower homocysteine – and your disease risk Brazos Minshew TriVita’s Chief Science Offi  cer H omocysteine (HCY) has been studied in medicine “behind the scenes” for more than 40 years. Here is what we have found: Excessive levels of HCY have been linked to many serious conditions, from heart attacks and stroke, to osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. We know that low homocysteine equals a low risk of disease. We also know that TriVita’s HCY Guard may help your body reduce homocysteine 35% in just six weeks for most people. How does this affect you? Prevention is the key First, I’d like for you to think about the Titanic, a cruise liner that sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912. Imagine what would have happened if the captain of that ship changed his course the day before the icebergs appeared in their path. Would the outcome have been different? Imagine if he had changed his course two days before the disaster. Would the outcome have been even better? My point is this: The earlier you change your course with respect to your health, the better your chances for a healthy life! If you reduce your HCY levels earlier in life you also may reduce your chances of getting a homocysteine- related disease. According to a very famous medical study called “NHANES,” the risk of disease went up as the HCY levels went up. Diet and lifestyle efforts were able to keep HCY and disease risk low in most people. Another very famous study of HCY called “VISP” added the nutrients found in TriVita’s HCY Guard to a lifestyle program and found that nutrient supplements could help people avoid illness if they started taking them early in life and consistently over time. Other studies have shown, however, that if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, even after a heart attack or stroke you may improve your condition. However, long-term health benefits accrue only to those who start a healthy life-course early and remain consistent. Sadly, many people with advanced heart disease wait until they are “too close to the iceberg.” For them, it is often too little, too late. Still, 40 years of medical research tells us that changing the course of our health journey earlier (before a serious health crisis occurs) will result in a healthier life. How HCy kills Homocysteine is a fraction of protein like a sliver of broken glass. When it gets into your bloodstream in high concentrations it slices the delicate lining of your blood vessels. When the tissues supplied by these blood vessels lose circulation, they will die. If this happens in your heart it is called a heart attack. If it happens in your brain it is called a stroke – some doctors even prefer the term “brain attack.” By Brazos Minshew HCY Guard Update “We know that low homocysteine equals a low risk of disease. We also know that TriVita’s HCY Guard may help your body reduce homocysteine.”
  • 7. Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. • HCY Guard has been clinically proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels 30-40% in just 42 days. • Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures that you continue to maintain healthy homocysteine levels. • HCY Guard has an exclusive blend of nutrients, specifically chosen for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into your bloodstream. HCY Guard® #30460 Non-Member $29.99 Member $3.99 Redeem with 240 VitaPoints Buy one HCY Guard get second one 50% OFF good through 2-28-10 “I have done very well on the HCY Guard and like the way it makes me feel.” “I first started taking B-12 in the 1980s but switched to TriVita’s Sublingual B-12. However, due to a genetic condition which causes me to have holes in my heart, I decided to switch over to TriVita’s HCY Guard. I had whiplash from two car accidents, I have arthritis and I really want to do all I can to help protect against a stroke, so that is why I felt this product was right for me. Heart problems run in my family, and my husband also has heart problems. I take one every morning and a second one in the afternoon. I have done very well on the HCY Guard and like the way it makes me feel. In addition, I’m also taking Adaptogen 10 Plus which really helps with stress; both products combined seem to calm down my heartbeat and give me a good night’s sleep. I’m 79 years old and do not take any prescription medications; I only take supplements. I just signed up to be an Affiliate Member in order to help others. In fact, my son and daughter are taking TriVita supplements, and I just sent a variety of TriVita products to my granddaughter and her husband.” NORMA S., affiliate MeMBer – cheroKee Village, ga Arteries damaged by homocysteine may spasm under stress. This happens even without high cholesterol. In fact, fully half of all men and women who suffer strokes and heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels! How TriVita’s HCy Guard helps Basic nutrients from a healthy diet improve HCY levels in the bloodstream. TriVita’s HCY Guard contains specific nutrients, such as Vitamin B-12, B-6, folic acid and biotin, which further help to reduce HCY levels and the destruction HCY causes to your bones, blood vessels and heart, as well as your delicate brain cells. Additional nutrients in HCY Guard such as Choline, Inositol, CoEnzyme Q-10 and Dimethylglycine keep the HCY levels down over time. The protein Methionine promotes a healthy HCY cycle, and other proteins such as Lysine, Taurine and Cysteine remove roadblocks to healthy HCY elimination. These roadblocks may include lead, mercury and other toxins. In 2004 we undertook a study of HCY Guard, a supplement for aggressively reducing homocysteine. Our research partner in this study was Mark Mattie, MD, PhD of Bridgeport University and Yale University. The results of our study demonstrated that the complete ingredients found in HCY Guard helped the body reduce homocysteine an incredible 35%! Imagine what this means for your health. A 35% reduction in high homocysteine is unprecedented in medical literature. With this kind of reduction in HCY, we hope to see many people saved from the devastation of stroke, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. What is the ideal HCy level? The importance of healthy living But remember, HCY Guard is protection, not treatment. Health only comes from healthy living. As captain of your ship, you simply cannot afford to wait until you “see icebergs” to change the course of your health. Have your homocysteine levels tested frequently. If they are low, keep them low with TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 (see back cover). If they are too high, help reduce them by taking HCY Guard, the only supplement proven in university studies to help reduce HCY by 35%! SUCCESS STORIES Heart Healthy Savings! Helpreducetherisk ofdegenerative diseasesbytaking HCYGuarddaily 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  7
  • 8. 8  l  VITAJOURNAL Take up the torch of wellness with the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge W hile the Olympic torch blazes over the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games this month, you can take up your own torch of wellness with the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Nopalea is the astonishing wellness drink that has helped so many get relief from the damaging effects of chronic inflammation. If you haven’t tried it yet, consider these important questions: • Do you deal with pain on a constant basis? • Does anyone in your family or group of friends complain of chronic pain? • Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy- related breathing problems? • Are you concerned about premature aging? • Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on your body? These symptoms can all be linked to chronic inflammation – precisely the problem that Nopalea was developed to help address. Put out the “fire” of inflammation If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself, now is the perfect time. The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflammation quickly. One of the most exciting ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains, a rare and potent class of natural antioxidants. They’re found in only a few of the world’s plants, including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal fruit, from which Nopalea is made, contains one of the highest amounts of Betalains in all of nature. That’s why taking a “Nopalea Loading Dose” can help put out the “fire” of inflammation in our bodies. Here’s how the Challenge works: • Take 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every day, until your bottle is empty. • Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form, which will be included in your order, to track your progress during the Challenge. • Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, which will be included in your shipment. • Experience wellness® for yourself. That’s it! In just four easy steps, you could take advantage of a championship opportunity to enjoy better health. BONUS: After you’ve taken the Challenge, you can receive a free $25 TriVita Gift Card plus a Nopalea T-shirt (a $14.99 value), just for sharing your success story with TriVita. Just call 1-800-693-4083 to tell us your story or email us at Called The Secret Killer for a reason When you start your Challenge, be sure to read The Secret Killer Health Alert. You’ll find out about chronic inflammation – what happens when our bodies get “stuck” in defense mode against injury or infection – and how this kind of inflammation is on the increase. The Secret Killer details the sad results: chronic pain, discomfort and poor health that may lead to serious disease. If you’re not sure whether Nopalea could improve the quality of your life, just review these questions, and see if you recognize your own health issues, or those of family or friends: Does this sound like you? • Do you suffer from chronic pain anywhere in your body? Has it been going on for weeks, months or even years? • Do you routinely get low on energy during any part of the day? • Do you have trouble sleeping at night? • Do you have allergy-related breathing problems? • Do you fear not doing enough to protect your body against all the toxins in today’s world (air, food, water, etc.)? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, and give yourself the benefits that have helped so many others. To order Nopalea, see page 5. Achampionshipopportunitytobepain-free One Million Nopalea Wellness Challenge Help one million people take up the torch of wellness! That’s TriVita’s goal and we need your help. Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge yourself… and encourage others to do so, too. Imagine what an impact we’ll have together, touching the lives of one million people! We’re so confident in what we’re hearing from people who have taken the Challenge that we’re raising the bar: we want to touch not just hundreds of thousands of lives, but one million! We believe that we can achieve this important goal together. Stories pour in to TriVita daily of those who have taken the Challenge and are now pain-free or experiencing other wonderful benefits from this life-changing product. Please continue to share these stories. Send them to or call 1-800-693-4083.
  • 9. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  “Since Nopalea my C-Reactive Protein level has gone down to just barely over zero – one full point.” “I am in my late 40s and am trying to take better care of my health. I had a very stiff neck that caused a lot of pain and affected my range of motion. Within five days of starting the Nopalea Challenge, I noticed that my range of motion was improving. I also suffer from seasonal allergies, which cause puffiness around my eyes and my face. After a short time on Nopalea, people commented on how healthy my skin looked. This delicious drink also helped with my allergy symptoms. I had blood work done as part of my regular physical and, as usual, I always get a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test. Last time it was 1.3, but since Nopalea my CRP level has gone down to just barely over zero – one full point. By drinking Nopalea, I know I am helping my body reduce inflammation.” Paige C., Affiliate Member – Belleair Bluffs, FL “Thanks to Nopalea for these fantastic results.” “After taking Nopalea, I got my cholesterol test back. My doctor was thrilled by the results. It’s all due to Nopalea because I haven’t done anything different but take 3-4 ounces of Nopalea per day. My HDL (good cholesterol) went from 88 to 126. My LDL (bad cholesterol) went down from 166 to 138. My ratio improved from 1.9 to 1.1. Also, my blood pressure is down from 125 over 85 to 115 over 70. Again, thanks to TriVita and Nopalea for these fantastic results.” Linda W., Affiliate Member – Charlotte, NC “I am over 80 years old, and I feel good and have lots of energy thanks to Nopalea.” “After a lifetime of normal blood pressure, it started going crazy around April 2008. My doctor took my blood pressure and sent me directly to the Emergency Room. I was shocked by this sudden development. They kept me overnight and took tests but couldn’t find anything specifically wrong. I went to a specialist who put me on lots of different blood pressure medications. They did nothing but make me sick. My doctor put me on another medication that didn’t make me sick, but also didn’t help with my blood pressure. Then, in June 2009 I started taking Nopalea. The last time I visited my doctor he took my blood pressure and he said it looked real good. All I’ve done differently is take the Nopalea. I am over 80 years old, and I feel good and have lots of energy thanks to Nopalea.*” Catherine J., Affiliate Member – Phoenix, AZ “Better yet, her high blood pressure came down significantly.” “My mom has chronic pain and arthritis and I told her she should try Nopalea. She has had two surgeries on her spine and a plate put in her neck. My mom’s condition was so severe that she was taking morphine and other very strong pain killers. After drinking Nopalea for a couple of weeks, I asked my mom how she was doing. She said she was feeling good and the pain had gone from her legs, enabling her to sleep all night long. A few weeks later she told me that she had a boost in energy and felt great because she was sleeping all night long. She also noticed that Nopalea helped her body reduce inflammation and pain. Better yet, her high blood pressure came down significantly. She was also excited to tell me that the age spots on her face were fading, which was very important to her. So now mom has been drinking Nopalea for about three months and has significantly reduced her pain medication. Her energy level is the best it has been in 15 years.*” James S., Affiliate Member – Des Moines, IA Moreincredible successstoriesfrom theNopaleaWellness Challenge We invite you to take the Challenge – and write your own story to inspire others *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider. TriVita retains exclusive rights to submitted stories, including the right to edit as needed. Send your own Nopalea W ellness Challenge story to or call 1-800-693-4083.
  • 10. 10  l  VITAJOURNAL Get your heart pumping! Aerobic exercise for a healthy heart Aerobic exercise is defined as any activity that increases your need for oxygen. It strengthens your heart by increasing your heart rate and forcing your body to breathe harder (which oxygenates the blood being pumped out of your heart). Aerobic exercise can also help: • The heart work more efficiently • Lower blood pressure • Reduce triglyceride levels • Boost healthy cholesterol • Reduce resting heart rate • Improve circulation • Build endurance Additionally, it can help lower your risk of: • Early death • Heart disease • Stroke • Type 2 diabetes • High blood pressure • Metabolic syndrome How much should you do? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans lists the following recommendations for adults: • If you choose activities at a moderate level, do at least 2.5 hours a week. • If you choose vigorous activities, do at least 1.25 hours a week. These are minimum recommendations; it is suggested you aim for twice the amount of exercise listed above. You will want to gradually increase your activity, but don’t overdo it! And remember, before beginning any exercise program, be sure to consult your healthcare provider. How hard should you work? Forget the old adage, “no pain, no gain.” Pain is actually your body’s way of telling you to take it easy. One way to determine the proper exertion level is your target heart rate. To calculate your target heart rate: 1. Find your maximum heart rate: 220 – ______=_____beats per minute (bpm) (your age) 2. Choose your intensity level: • Moderate intensity: 50 to 70% of your maximum heart rate • Vigorous intensity: 70 to 85% of your maximum heart rate 3. determine your target heart rate by multiplying your maximum heart rate by your desired intensity level. The calculations below reflect the target heart rates for a 50-year-old. 220 – 50= 170 bpm 50% level: 170 x 0.50=85 bpm 70% level: 170 x 0.70=119 bpm 85% level: 170 x 0.85=144.5 bpm However, if you ever feel like you’re overexerting yourself, take it down a notch. What should you do? Don’t know which exercises fall under moderate versus vigorous? Try any of the following exercises recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Moderate Activities • Ballroom and line dancing • Biking on level ground or with few hills • Canoeing • General gardening (raking, trimming shrubs) • Sports where you catch and throw (baseball, softball, volleyball) • Tennis (doubles) • Walking briskly • Water aerobics Vigorous Activities • Aerobic dance • Biking faster than 10 miles per hour • Fast dancing • Heavy gardening (digging, hoeing) • Hiking uphill • Jumping rope • Martial arts • Race walking, jogging or running • Sports with a lot of running (basketball, hockey, soccer) Benefits you can feel Although you may not necessarily feel the benefits to your heart, after a while you will notice that you can go up that flight of stairs and not be out of breath at the top. You’ll have more energy and feel less tired at the end of the day. The more you do, the more energy you will have. And that means you’ll be better equipped to enjoy life. So, get your heart pumping today! Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands with Essential Fatty Acids! OmegaPrime® : Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids Premier blend of Essential Fatty Acids from four sources – fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s Inflammation-fighting formula Mercury/contaminant-free fish oil Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime! OmegaPrime® #30520 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Buy One get second one 50% OFF good through 2-28-10 Heart Healthy Savings!
  • 11. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  11 Circulation EducationHow your heart and blood vessels help keep you pumping This special feature is part of the VitaJournal’s multi-part series on the major systems of the body. Body Systems 101–Part1 O ur life’s blood is exactly that: vital to our lives, and certainly to our health. Keeping that blood circulating throughout our bodies is the important work done by the circulation system. It needs nutrients and nourishment to keep it going. First, a look at just what’s involved in this amazing body system ruled by the heart and the blood vessels. The heart. This remarkable organ beats for an entire lifetime without stopping for a break. With every heart beat, about a third of a cup of oxygen-rich blood is pumped out to your body. The human body contains about five quarts of blood that is circulated and re-circulated over and over. Every day, your heart pumps some 2,000 gallons of blood to supply oxygen and nutrients, remove waste and fight infection. Arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart. Healthy arteries are strong and elastic. They become narrow between beats of the heart, and they help keep your blood pressure consistent. This helps blood circulate efficiently through your body. Arteries branch into smaller blood vessels called arterioles (ar-TEER-e-ols). Arteries and arterioles have strong, flexible walls that allow them to adjust the amount and rate of blood flowing to various parts of your body. Veins. Veins, like the pulmonary veins in your lungs, are blood vessels that carry blood to your heart. Veins have thinner walls than arteries. Veins can widen as the amount of blood passing through them increases. Capillaries. Capillaries are very small blood vessels that connect arteries and veins. This is where oxygen, nutrients, and waste pass between your blood and parts of your body. Unlike arteries and veins, capillary walls are thin enough that oxygen and nutrients in your blood can pass through the walls to the parts of your body that need them to work normally. And, waste like carbon dioxide can pass from organs and tissues to the blood, where it’s taken away to your lungs. Pulmonary circulation. This is the move- ment of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart again. Pulmonary circulation includes both artery and vein circulation. Guard against inflammation, supplement wisely. Good health requires good circulation, and that means doing all you can to support your circulatory system. Many nutrients protect your heart and circulatory system. Some, like CoEnzyme Q-10, are specific for heart health. CoQ-10 provides energy so your heart can beat efficiently without struggling. It works well with plants like turmeric and vitamins like B-12 to help your body reduce inflammation in your heart. Inflammation in the heart causes high levels of C-Reactive Protein, or CRP (see story on pages 4-5 for more details on this important health issue). Reducing inflammation, of course, was one of the major reasons that TriVita developed Nopalea™, the astonishing wellness drink that is helping so many people. See page 5 for details on how Nopalea might benefit you, too. Another important factor for heart health is Vitamin B-12: your heart needs this and other special nutrients to help your body reduce homocysteine, a toxic protein that shreds the inside of your blood vessels. Finally, healthy lipids (good fats) are also key to a healthy heart. These include Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, and plants such as garlic. With so much of life depending on a healthy heart and circulation system, be sure to give them all the support you can: eat right, enjoy physical activity, and take quality TriVita supplements.
  • 12. 12  l  VITAJOURNAL The Ever-Changing Stir-FryEasy Quinoa with Veggie or Chicken Soup Tasty, easy and fast: mealideastoloveBy Christa Orecchio, Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor Chickpea Salad over Leafy Greens Take ½ can organic garbanzo beans (or white, navy, black beans, etc.) and mix with a few tablespoons of salsa (the flavored ones are great, too) and apple cider vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add in chopped celery, carrots and string beans if you have them. Serve over fresh spinach/kale/chard/collard greens (rip leaves off the stems). Put the leaves in a steamer or pot with ½ inch water and steam for a few minutes until color turns brighter. Season greens with lemon pepper and salt. You can serve with a side of brown rice pasta. Tips to remember: • When you have a good variety of sauces, salsas, dips, salad dressings and spices on hand, any simple food can come to life over and over again in new tasty ways. Thekey is to always have these things stocked. • Tomato/pasta sauce makes everything taste good. • Don’t combine too much. Simplicity will keep you feeling lighter and optimize digestion throughout the night. • How will you have your veggies? Decide if you want to keep fresh or frozen in the house and always have them around. I f you love delicious meals, but don’t love hunting down specialty ingredients, try these easy recipe ideas. Each one can be ready in less than 15 minutes – when you keep some basic ingredients on hand from your local grocery store. Even better: these meals are healthy and low in calories. To cut more calories, keep the proportion of veggies to any other ingredient to half-half. And to cut prep time, you can use frozen food choices (but remember that fresh is always best.) The “extras” sections are special ingredients that you may not have on hand as part of your basic stocked kitchen, but why not start keeping them on hand for extra taste and interest? To keep things quick and easy, I haven’t specified quantities for many ingredients: improvise! Christa Orecchio Extras: Chicken, chicken sausage (organic free range), shrimp (wild) Place a combo of any of the following in a skillet with 1 tablespoon coconut oil: • Thawed frozen veggies like corn/ pea/carrot mixes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, Asian stir fry blends (or use fresh) • Fresh onions, chopped • Chopped garlic from a jar (or chop your own, if you have time) • Chicken, chicken sausage or shrimp • Canned water chestnuts • Fresh baby bok choy (white and green parts) On medium-high heat, heat up garlic and onions until they are translucent. Next add chicken/shrimp for about 5 minutes before adding other veggies. Once all is cooked, flavor with sauces or spices below to taste. My favorites: • Tamari or shoyu (healthier versions of soy sauce) • Bottled salad dressings like miso-ginger, carrot, yogurt-dill, sesame-mushroom • Bottled teriyaki sauce (without added sugar) • Chinese 5 spice with jarred pickled ginger • Salt, pepper, garlic flakes and onion powder • Tomato sauce with lots of dried basil Serve over a fist-sized portion of brown rice (Ask your local grocer if they sell already cooked brown rice) Extras: Hard-shelled blue corn tacos, guacamole Take a hard-shelled blue corn taco and layer the bottom with organic canned black beans mixed with salsa. Then layer with chopped romaine lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Top with guacamole (store bought or homemade), more salsa and 1 teaspoon 2% Greek yogurt (inplaceofsourcream). Pair with a large green salad. Fiesta Tacos Quinoa is a nutty and nutritious grain that cooks in about 12 minutes. Cook it using two cups of water to one cup of grain, and then season with spices/sauces of choice. For a simple and delicious flavor, sauté some onions in a skillet for a few minutes with a touch of olive oil. For extra sweetness add 1 tablespoon dark agave nectar or honey; add to quinoa. For the soup, open a container of organic veggie or free-range chicken broth and put in a pot. Add in whatever fresh veggies you have on hand. Add salt, pepper, garlic and a soup bouillon cube (no msg!). Bring to a boil and then simmer. Add leftover canned beans if you have them. You can also put the quinoa right in there to make a one-pot meal.
  • 13. Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps! STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #30615 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $9.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: • 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules • 1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) • 2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One FRee Bag of Chews T hese days, most people know that carrying extra weight can spell trouble for heart health. Add the continuing increase in overweight and obesity, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. According to recent statistics in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association, fewer than 8% of Americans are considered at low risk for heart disease! So how can you help yourself be in the low risk category? First things first: how much is too much? Two common guidelines of overweight and obesity are waist circumference and body mass index (BMI). A waist larger than 40 inches for men and larger than 35 inches for women is considered high-risk. BMI takes your height and weight into consideration to determine if you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese. Check the chart below to see where you stand. If you are in the overweight or obese category, you may want to consider making some lifestyle changes. The bottom line is this: carry around too much weight, and you carry around some serious risks to your heart health. 10 pounds can make a difference It may sound hard to believe but it’s true: Losing as little as 10 extra pounds can cut your risk of disease – even death. With so much at stake, why not take action today for lasting weight loss? The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute offers these key reasons and recommendations for reaching a healthy weight: • To lower elevated blood pressure. • To lower elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and triglycerides, and to raise low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol. • To lower elevated blood glucose levels. • Weight loss should be about one to two pounds per week for a period of six months; after that, base a weight loss plan on the amount of weight lost. • The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity is recommended since it produces weight loss that may also result in decreases in abdominal fat and increases in cardiorespiratory fitness. This may also be the perfect time to try Leanology, the Smart Weight Loss System. Leanology Weight Loss Capsules can help you “lose the bulge,” the delicious Nutritional Shakes are perfect as a low-calorie meal substitution, and the Leanology Appetite Control Chews are a great snack substitute at only 25 calories per chew. HEALTHYWEIGHT =HEALTHY HEART 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  13 Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart BMI is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight. The BMI chart is simply a guide and may be inaccurate for athletes or individuals with above average muscle mass. Result Underweight below18.5 Normal 18.5–24.9 Overweight 25–29.5 Obese above30 BMI = __________x 703 ÷ __________÷ __________= __________ YourWeight(pounds) YourHeight(inches) YourHeight(inches) YourBMI Remember, a healthy weight equals a healthy heart! BMIformulaandchartadaptedfromtheNationalInstitutesofHealth.IfyourBMIputsyouintheoverweightorobesecategory,it’stimeforsomelifestylechanges. Consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.
  • 14. 14  l  VITAJOURNAL Black History Month B lack History Month is an annual remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African- American people. Both the United States and Canada observe this holiday during the month of February. The remembrance originated in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson who chose the second week of February because it marked the birthdays of two Americans who greatly influenced the lives and social condition of African Americans: former President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. In addition to honoring achievements, Black History Month is also an apt time to look at some of the healthcare challenges that face African-Americans specifically. With awareness and preventive measures, these challenges can be better faced in the years to come. Happily, the rates for heart disease, breast cancer, infant mortality and teenage pregnancy are down for this group. However, African-Americans are still more likely to develop cancer than other racial or ethnic groups and AIDS and kidney disease remain major killers. It’s true for African-Americans and for all people: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Seeing your healthcare provider regularly and getting proper screenings reduce the health risks for people of all ethnic backgrounds. At risk for several illnesses Several diseases and health issues continue to challenge African-Americans specifically: • African-Americans have a 50% higher prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure) than the overall population. • The diabetes-related death rate has increased for the total population and even more so, for African-Americans. • African-Americans develop kidney failure about four times more frequently than Caucasians. Both high blood pressure and diabetes are the major culprits. • The elderly African-American population still lags behind the total elderly population in immunization rates. • The rate of coronary artery disease among African-Americans has decreased in recent years. However, because this group has higher blood pressure than other ethnic groups, the risk of coronary heart disease remains higher. Here’s how you can take control of your healthcare destiny – regardless of your ethnic background: • Make sure your healthcare provider discusses your health with you and that you form a partnership to maintain your good health. • Looking for a healthcare provider? Studies show that healthcare providers with racial and ethnic background similar to their patients are more likely to have a partnering relationship with their patients. • Don’t be passive. If you don’t understand or agree with your healthcare provider’s recommendations, then don’t be afraid to ask questions. • Follow the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness – found on page 2 of the VitaJournal. These rules for building health allow every one of us to take advantage of our genetic strengths. We all require the same things for health and happiness, no matter where our ancestors came from. The “10 Essentials” are universal. These cherished guidelines apply to men and women everywhere in the world, regardless of their ethnic origin. A special time for African-Americans, a great time to address health challenges African-Americans have a 50% higher prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure) than the overall population.
  • 15. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  15 S elf-esteem is an important part of total health and vibrant living, and helps us function fully. If you’d like to be healthier and more confident mentally as well as physically, there are things you can do every day to raise and maintain a strong, positive self-image. If your self-esteem could use a little work, mental health experts suggest the following ways to nurture yourself every day. You may be practicing some of these techniques already, but there are certainly some new ones you can try. 10 ways to be good to yourself Do something you enjoy. Make a list of things you enjoy doing, such as playing an instrument, working on a craft project or tending to plants. Then do something from that list every day. Add to the list anything new that you discover you enjoy doing. Get something done that you’ve been putting off. Clean out that drawer. Wash that window. Pay that bill. Do things that use your special talents and abilities. Have a flair for baking, or singing, or fixing things? Then make yourself a pie, join a choir, or repair something for a friend. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. If money for new clothes is tight, scour the thrift shops, or get out the sewing machine and maybe discover a special talent. Reward yourself. Go ahead: take time to listen to a CD, or take a bubble bath, or enjoy a walk. You deserve it. Be with “up” people who treat you well, around whom you feel good about yourself. Avoid those who treat you badly. Make your home a reflection of you. Whether you live in a single room or a large home, make it comfortable and attractive for you. If you share your home with others, reserve some space that is just for you – a place that you can decorate any way you choose. Display items that appeal to you or that remind you of your achievements or of special times or people in your life. Make meals a special time. Turn off the TV and the computer. Set the table, even if you are eating alone. Light a candle or put some flowers in the center of the table. Learn something new. Take a class or go to a seminar. Many adult education programs are free or very inexpensive. Show kindness to someone. Smile at a person who looks sad. Chat a bit with a store cashier. Take a meal to a friend who is sick. Volunteer for a worthy organization. Make it a point to treat yourself well every day. Before you go to bed each night, write about how you treated yourself well during the day. DON’T FORGeT THe BODy BASICS Boosting your self-esteem means taking care of your physical self, too. So along with the “daily dozen” techniques on this page, practice these body basics, as well: • eat healthy. Avoid junk foods (foods containing a lot of sugar, salt or fat). Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, drink plenty of water, and be sure to use quality nutritional supplements. • exercise. Physical activity is one of the most positive things you can do for yourself. A daily walk, bike ride, playing a sport, dancing… what do you like to do? Be sure to check with your healthcare professional before beginning or changing your exercise habits. • Take time to groom yourself. Sometimes, the little things can do a lot to improve outlook and self-image. So, make sure that along with your daily bath or shower, you wash and comb your hair, trim your nails, brush and floss your teeth. 1 2 3 7 8 10 9 4 5 6 Healthy ways to build your self-esteem Because you’re worth it!
  • 16. 16  l  VITAJOURNAL Thanks to Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™, Melissa’s chronic skin condition is finally under control One fuchsia bottle dramatically improved Melissa’s health F rom the depths of despair, Melissa M. has finally found renewed joy in life. This Prescott, Arizona native has suffered for many years from a severe skin condition causing itchy and sore patches of red skin. “I had it all over my body,” she explains. “It hurt and itched horribly and I was miserable with the pain and suffering.” This condition was especially bad on her scalp and she was afraid she would eventually lose all her hair. There were times when it was difficult to lay her back on anything hard because it would hurt so bad, and her skin would actually crack and bleed. Even something as simple as hand washing became a painful ritual for Melissa. However, even worse than the physical pain was the emotional pain caused by thoughtless people. Melissa works in the food service industry and is very much in the public eye. “It made me feel very self-conscious about my appearance,” Melissa recalls. “Although this skin condition is completely non-contagious, people thought I was diseased and some even asked what was wrong with me. They often made very cruel comments, or asked if I had been burned or in an accident. One lady gave me a very disgusted look and acted like she was afraid to touch her food because she was going to get whatever I had. I can’t begin to explain how distressing those looks and comments were.” On the outside, people still saw Melissa’s bubbly, vivacious personality, but on the inside, she was really hurting.
  • 17. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  17 Failed treatments led to heartbreak Melissa tried just about everything to get rid of her problem. She took steroids from age 12 with little success. Plus, Melissa and her doctors were concerned about the long-term side effects from these steroids. “They thin and age your skin,” Melissa notes. “They’re also bad for your inner health if you use too much. Yet, if I stopped using the steroids, the condition would come back with a vengeance.” She also unsuccessfully tried a variety of over-the-counter treatments. Melissa would continually put on different ointments and creams during the day, but nothing eased the pain and unsightly spots. “I spent a lot of money for nothing,” Melissa remembers. “I felt like I was running out of options and that there was no hope on the horizon.” A chance meeting led to near miraculous results Just when it seemed like Melissa would have to resign herself to a misery-filled life, good fortune struck. One of the “regulars” at the restaurant she worked at was Cody, a TriVita Affiliate Member. He could clearly see that Melissa was suffering and gently suggested that she try Nopalea for her skin condition. Naturally, after all the failed “remedies,” she was skeptical. “I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying Nopalea,” Melissa says. So, she took the first bottle, but only used it occasionally. The results were inconclusive, so Cody gave her a second bottle of Nopalea and strongly suggested that she take the loading dose of three to six ounces every day for the entire bottle. This time Melissa closely followed Cody’s recommendation and was thrilled by the results. “It’s been working great and I am so excited by how much it’s helped improve my skin,” she exclaims. “I’ve been taking it continuously for about two to three months and it’s changed my whole body. My skin is getting so much better, my scalp is almost all cleared up and many of the lesions all over my body have gone away. Nopalea also gives me more energy during the day and I sleep better at night.” Now that she’s been taking Nopalea steadily for several months, Melissa’s condition continues to improve and her hopes for a healthy future seem better than ever. “I’m so grateful that Cody introduced me to TriVita and Nopalea. It’s dramatically changed my health and appearance, and I now have a much better outlook on life. “I’ll be drinking Nopalea every day for the rest of my life,” she adds, “and so will my family. We love it and it tastes fantastic. Even kids love it, and you know if they don’t like the way something tastes, they’ll let you know. I would highly recommend Nopalea to anyone who has inflammation; it’s worked for me, it’s worked for others and it can work for you too.” Melissa has also added Sublingual B-12 and Energy Now!® to her nutritional regimen. “Both products give me a lot more energy and focus,” she says. “They’re also a lot healthier than soda or coffee.” Profiting from her love of Nopalea No one is more “sold” on Nopalea than Melissa. That’s why she’s decided to become an Affiliate Member. The whole idea of TriVita’s Program is so exciting to her because it helps pay for her product purchases and ultimately will lead to greater financial independence. “I know so many people who can benefit from Nopalea because it’s worked so well for me,” she states. “All they need to do is look at me to see the difference it has made in my own life. This is one product I can enthusiastically recommend. I also look forward to earning extra money to fulfill my life purposes. Now that I have my skin condition under control, I’m so excited about my future.” You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider. “I know so many people who suffer from a variety of inflammation-related health issues who can benefit from Nopalea… this is one product I can get behind.” Melissa enjoying time with friends and family
  • 18. 18  l  VITAJOURNAL Exercise your brain, delay memory loss Bronx, New York People who do crossword puzzles, play card games and take part in other “brain” activities may help delay the onset of rapid memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, according to a study in the August 2009 journal Neurology. The study followed 488 healthy people (age 75 to 85), who had enrolled in the Bronx Aging Study between 1980 and 1983. At the beginning of the study, participants reported how often they participated in six activities: reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, having group discussions and playing music. Researchers found that each additional day of activity delayed memory loss by .18 years, roughly 1 to 2 months. “The point of accelerated decline was delayed by 1.29 years for the person who participated in 11 activities per week compared to the person who participated in only 4 activities per week,” said study author Charles B. Hall, Ph.D., of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Live near a noisy road? It could be bad for your heart Lund, Sweden Those who live near noisy roads could be at increased risk for high blood pressure, say researchers from Lund University in Sweden. The study, from a public survey of 24,238 Swedish adults between the ages of 18 and 80, showed that people between the ages of 40 and 59 who were exposed to constant noise over 64 decibels were twice as likely to report high blood pressure as others. Younger adults also reported hypertension but the elderly experienced negligible effects. The results were published in the online journal Environmental Health. Researchers said that the study doesn’t prove the noise caused the blood pressure increases, but still could have played a part in it.  Poor physical fitness increases death risk Indianapolis, Indiana Physically unfit people have twice the mortality risk of even those in slightly better shape, according to a recent study in Medicine Science in Sports and Exercise. Researchers followed 4,300 people over a period of 20 years, assessing fitness and physical activity through treadmill tests and questionnaires, and tracking mortality rates. The least fit of the subjects had a mortality rate twice that of the group only in slightly better shape and a mortality rate four times that of the most-fit group. “Given the considerable survival benefit associated with improving fitness in the least-fit group, increasing fitness through regular physical activity should be a priority in unfit individuals,” said Sandra Mandic, Ph.D., a member of the research team. “Health professionals should consider a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness as treatable and major risk factors.” The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 19. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  19 What is CoQ-10? CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) is a vitamin-like substance found throughout the body, including the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. Many experts believe that CoQ-10 is the key nutrient for generating 95% of the total energy required by your body. It can also act as an antioxidant. Additionally, CoQ-10 has been used in Japan as a treatment for congestive heart failure since 1974. And one study found that CoQ-10 helped slow functional decline in Parkinson’s disease patients. So, CoQ-10 at its most basic level keeps you healthy, active and alive. Most people’s bodies produce approximately 500 mg of CoQ-10 every day until about age 21. Between ages 21 and 30, levels of CoQ-10 start to drop. This causes cells to break down, which may contribute to many age-related diseases and conditions. After age 50, you are basically “running on empty” when it comes to CoQ-10. You can’t get CoQ-10 from food or anything other than supplements. That’s why CoQ-10 supplementa- tion is a must for anyone 50 or older. Studies show that CoQ-10 may beef up your defenses against the following: • Stroke • Cardiovascular Disease • High blood pressure • Parkinson’s Disease • Kidney Disease • Asthma In addition, CoQ-10 may help in: • Migraine headaches • Promoting youthful skin • Improving glucose control in type 2 diabetics Statins and CoQ-10 Several studies have confirmed that many statin drugs interfere with CoQ-10 production, causing blood levels of CoQ-10 to drop. Those with high cholesterol already have reduced levels of CoQ-10, so statins can cause further reduced blood levels of the nutrient. There are now a high amount of children taking statin drugs. If you take statins, talk to your healthcare provider to find out if you’re a good candidate for CoQ-10 supplementation. Your continued good health may depend on it. Nourish your heart and brain! CoQ-10 provides essential fuel for your body •Soft gels are fat-soluble and easily absorbed •Helps your body protect against a wide variety of illnesses and enhances heart health •Creates the perfect nutritional balance for your body’s daily needs Soft gel capsules offer up to 10 times the absorption rate! TRY IT TODAY! CALL 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at Theconnectionbetween CoQ-10 StatinsCholesterol-lowering drugs can deplete your body of this vital nutrient HAVe A MIGRAINe? CoQ-10 might help If you suffer from migraine headaches, you know how debilitating they can be. The severity of the headaches can vary, but many people are completely incapacitated – sometimes for several days at a time. Migraines can be preceded by pulses of light, blind spots or tingling in the arms or legs. They can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraines can affect your home life, as well as your job. Now there’s good news from researchers in Switzerland: Taking CoQ-10 daily may help your body reduce migraines. In the study, participants were given 100 mg of CoQ-10 three times a day for three months. Nearly half of those taking CoQ-10 saw a reduction in migraine frequency. The CoQ-10 also helped reduce the length of headaches and accompanying nausea. CoEnzyme Q-10 #31160 Non-Member $19.99 Member $15.99 Redeem with 240 VitaPoints What’s the best CoQ-10 supplement for you? There are many CoQ-10 supplements on the market, but they are not all made alike. Remember: it’s not how much CoQ-10 you swallow – but how much you absorb – that counts. That’s what makes TriVita’s CoQ-10 so effective. TriVita’s CoQ-10 is similar to the kind of CoQ-10 the body produces on its own. It is formulated to be in perfect balance for your body’s nutritional needs. TriVita’s CoQ-10 is fat soluble and is more easily absorbed when taken in TriVita’s oil-based soft gel capsule. Studies show TriVita’s CoQ-10 has up to 10 times better absorption with soft gel caps than the lower quality dry form found on many drugstore shelves. Delivering these greater amounts is vital: scientific studies show that higher CoQ-10 blood levels produce much greater benefits. This high absorption rate means that TriVita’s CoQ-10 goes directly to the areas where your body needs it most – heart, brain, muscles, bones, teeth and gums. CoQ-10 nourishes your heart and brain and provides power to your entire body. If you want greater stamina, if you are over 50, if you have dental issues or any of the health concerns listed above, or if you are taking a statin drug,* you owe it to yourself to see how CoQ-10 can change your life. *If you take statins, consult with your health care professional to find out whether you’re a good candidate for CoQ-10 supplementation.
  • 20. Do you recognize your co-workers or employees’ contributions? Do you encourage your children on a daily basis? A little encouragement can go a long way. At home or at work, you can foster feelings of accomplishment in those around you. So go ahead: accentuate the positive! encouragement at the workplace Think about this: You work hard and long on a work project and when you finish it, you hear nothing. Not from your boss, your client, or even from your co-workers. How does that make you feel? Underappreciated? Like nothing you do means anything? Lack of recognition and encouragement can lower morale, increase turnover rates and reduce productivity. The Gallup poll organization estimates that more than 22 million American workers are extremely negative or “actively disengaged.” Conversely, when efforts are recognized and appreciated, the opposite is true. According to a Gallup survey, workers who receive regular recognition and praise: • Increase their personal productivity • Stay at their jobs longer • Have fewer accidents on the job • Increase engagement with their co-workers Make a difference You don’t have to wait around for your boss to encourage or appreciate you. You can be the bearer of encouragement each and every day. • Recognize your colleagues’ efforts and talents. • Encourage co-workers when they face a setback or something goes wrong. • Be a positive influence; don’t be a “Negative Nelly.” • Look for special ways to encourage co-workers: a hand-written note, email message or even a quick phone call. If you’re an employer, apply the same principles. Let your employees know that you value and appreciate them. In these unsettling economic times, it can help reduce uncertainty and fear. encouragement at home Children need encouragement in order to: • Develop confidence and feelings of self-worth • Build up the courage to try new things and take risks • Feel appreciated and noticed You can encourage your family by writing notes and slipping them into their lunches, backpacks, briefcases, under their door, etc. These can be love notes, notes of encouragement or thanks, or even just something fun and silly. Although some people may not say it (especially teenagers), these notes will help them feel secure and loved. The dark side of praise: praise effort, not ability Beginning in the 1980s, parents were told that they needed to praise their children in order to build their self-esteem. But researchers have discovered that this parental advice may be backfiring. It seems that we have a praise-happy society that is actually contributing to lower self-esteem. Researchers at Columbia University found that children who were praised for their intellect were more likely to worry about failure and thus avoided taking risks. When allowed to choose an activity, they chose tasks they knew they would do well on, while children praised for their efforts chose tasks that would require them to work harder. The rewards of encouragement Through encouragement, children can learn to take risks, accept and learn from setbacks, and develop self-sufficiency and independence. As you go to work, or spend time with your family, remember: one small word of encouragement can go a long way. Do you build people up – or tear them down? Encouragement at work and at home: it pays Valentine’s Day Fun Facts ♥ Over 192 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. ♥ More flowers are sent for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day than for any other holiday. ♥ Men buy most of the candy and flowers purchased for Valentine’s Day. ♥ It’s considered lucky to be woken by a kiss on Valentine’s Day. ♥ The oldest known love note was written around 3500 B.C. on a clay tablet. ♥ Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Mexico, Denmark, France and Australia. ♥ More than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates will be sold in the U.S. For your Valentines, say “I love you” in a different language! ♥ Spanish: Te quiero ♥ Italian: Ti amo ♥ German: Ich liebe dich ♥ French: Je t’aime 0  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 21. Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... sense or even as it pertains to relationships. Dr. Judy shares her many years of professional experience on the subject of mending a broken heart on page 22. At TriVita we care for your overall wellness – physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s important to us to provide not only high quality supplements, but credible information that will help you live a life of purpose. Here’s to a healthy heart! Pam Knox, Editor of Publications TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water. • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas. • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life. • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life. Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. you can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 you can make a LASTING DIFFeReNCe Your contribution will touch countless lives drug. It satiates, medicates and stimulates emotionally. So the rule to help me is to eat the fuel my body needs to optimize my health rather than to console my emotions and satisfy my appetites. It is a simple rule (not necessarily simple to practice) but very effective over time. You can easily research the nutrient values of foods and how they optimize the functions of particular body systems. It can be fun to apply this knowledge and experiment with different recipes in the kitchen. Why not try eating foods that are heart healthy? A healthy heart is reflective of a healthy life. Additionally, quality supplements like TriVita’s OmegaPrime® , Vital C, HCY Guard® and Nopalea™ are great products that can help enhance your heart health. I depend on these products to greatly contribute to my heart health. They are outstanding products that I simply would not live without. In this VitaJournal there are many outstanding recommendations to help you live with a healthy heart and a healthy life. At TriVita, we believe that each person has important life purposes to fulfill while they are here on earth. Health and wellness are a crucial part of our ability to fulfill them. May you pursue wellness with purpose and passion. Michael R. Ellison ON MY MIND continued from page 3... 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  1 You could earn a $25 TRIVITA GIFT CARD when you share your wellness story! Send your product success story to or call us at 1-800-693-4083. If we use it, we will send you a $25 TriVita Gift Card as a thank you. ThisGiftCardisgoodforanyTriVitaproduct.ThisGiftCardisnon-refundableandnot redeemableforcash.Thevalueofthiscardwillnotbereplacedifthecardislostorstolen. ThisGiftCardissubjecttolocal,governmentalandTriVitacurrentterms. $25 TRIVITA GIFT CARD GiftCard $ 25 We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • 22.   l  VITAJOURNAL P eople say you can’t die from a broken heart, but when you are suffering from one, it sure doesn’t feel that way. You may be wondering how long it will be before you can get through a day without feeling the wrenching pain in the heart, the knot in the pit of your stomach, and the tears ready to spill down your cheek at any moment. How long will the mind keep ruminating over what went wrong? If these are some of the questions you are asking yourself, you are not alone. Here’s the reality of it: broken hearts hurt – a lot. You may feel like you’ve lost the meaning in your life or that you may never get over this pain. The good news is that I can tell you that you will heal. Not because time heals the wounds, but because you can actively heal your own wounds. That’s right, you don’t have to wait for time to heal your heartache if you do the work. you can’t run away from a broken heart. The way out of the pain is through it. I discovered out of my work with clients who were suffering the loss of a significant relation- ship that there are five stages they generally go through in their grief recovery: shock, anger, depression, the work, and acceptance. When a significant relationship ends, we each have work to do if we want to get our life back on track in the quickest and healthiest way possible. Here are a few suggestions: • Develop and repeat a helpful saying to get you through the initial shock and pain, such as “This too shall pass” or “I will survive.” • Reach out to a friend or family member who will just listen. It’s important to share your thoughts with someone you can trust. • Cry when you need to. It’s OK to cry over a loss. Don’t hold back, let the tears roll, just do it in a private and safe place. The purpose of tears is to cleanse you of your pain. • Begin the work by journaling. Go into your pain and feel your emotions. Understand they are just feelings, not necessarily facts. So write, write, write. • Develop a spiritual relationship that will help you to forgive, accept and move on. Remember that healing is a process. Expect waves of sadness, anger, guilt or fear even after you think you are over it. Give your heart time to heal. you will survive According to North Carolina therapist Alan Konell, MSW, in his book Partnership Tools: Transforming the Way We Live Together, there are generally two responses after having gone through a broken heart. The first is, “Oh, I’ll never go through that again.” The second is, “I survived that so I can relax... I know I can survive it again.” I recommend the second response. By doing the work, your broken heart will mend and you will enjoy life again. Mending a broken heart – dealing with emotional pain, heartache and grief by Dr. Judy Judy ellison, Ph.D. “The good news is that you will heal… you can actively heal your own wounds.” “Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on.” – Albert Smit Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life.
  • 23. Gene Henderson “…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.”— Matthew 17:20 Have you moved any mountains lately? I haven’t, but my faith has moved mountains in my life. Over the years, I’ve seen time and again the power of faith when we trust in God to fulfill our life’s purpose. But let me be clear: I’m not talking about a silent, passive faith that sits in the corner and waits for a miracle. I’m talking about active, demonstrated faith. Our part of the bargain is to live our faith… to act as if our dreams, our purpose, are already unfolding. Here’s a personal example: Early in my work life, when I was married with young children and little money, I yearned for a car. Financially, that was out of reach, but the company I worked for had an incentive program for salesmen like me: If I sold enough merchandise, I could win a yellow Ford station wagon with wood trim and a tan interior. The image of that car is as fresh as yesterday; I can still smell the upholstery. I announced at a sales meeting that I would win the car. I put up a picture of that yellow beauty on my wall, and also in my samples case. I told everyone in the company I was going to get that car. Once a week, I even went to the dealership to sit in it. That car was very real to me, and so was my knowledge that I needed to act accordingly: I sold like crazy and yes, I won the car. Living the “Law of expression” Positive thinking can take us only so far. We need to act, and that’s just what TriVita CEO Michael Ellison writes about in his book The 10 Keys to Wealth and Wellness. Michael talks about “the Law of Expression” and its simple formula: Think it, speak it and act on it correspondingly. That’s so powerful. As Michael writes, “If you can think it, speak it and then act on it, you will have tapped into the creative process that brings forth the visible from the invisible.” To put it in very mundane terms, you can think about getting a loaf of bread all day long, but if you don’t let people know you need bread, and you don’t get away from the TV and down to the store, God’s not going to provide that loaf. Getting back to our mustard seed, the question isn’t whether or not it will grow, or how much it will grow. It’s knowing that the seed will grow and flourish, possibly into something quite large. A farmer doesn’t dig up the soil every day and look at his seeds, wondering, “Did they grow yet?” He knows they’ll grow if he takes the right actions about water, soil and time of year. Walking the walk It’s one thing to have an idea, to talk about it clearly and consistently with others. But it’s quite another to take the final step that really affirms what you know in your heart: God will provide, all will unfold according to His will, and what He has planned is prosperity and purpose. Michael puts it well in his book: “How many people do you know who can talk a good talk but don’t walk the walk? They don’t put action to their rhetoric, so their words ring hollow… What is voiced from the invisible does not become visible if there are no consistent and clear actions related to what is spoken and thought.” In Michael’s case, walking the walk led to the creation of TriVita, and to spreading the message of wellness far and wide. That’s faith in action, like seeds sprouting into giant trees. What will grow from the seeds of your faith? Putting faith into action: think it, speak it, act on it by Chaplain Gene Henderson your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 “If you can think it, speak it and then act on it, you will have tapped into the creative process that brings forth the visible from the invisible.” 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  3
  • 24. 4  l  VITAJOURNAL “…nothing has worked like Adaptogen 10 Plus.” “Wow! Adaptogen 10 Plus has been a great complement to my TriVita regimen each day. I have had hypertension for several years. My blood pressure shoots up even more when I go to the doctor. The doctor calls it ‘white coat syndrome.’ After adding Adaptogen 10 Plus daily, my blood pressure has normalized and the ‘white coat syndrome’ is gone. I have tried many different supplements to keep my blood pressure balanced and nothing has worked like Adaptogen 10 Plus. My stress and anxiety from my job has also subsided. I even give a shot of Adaptogen 10 Plus to others at work when they are having a stressful day. I usually take 1 oz in the morning and 1 oz after lunch. I am on automatic order for a case. I am just thrilled with it.” JacKie M., affiliate MeMBer – saiNt Peters, Mo “Sublingual B-12 has given me an immediate boost in energy, clear focus and completely removed my brain fog!” “I would whole-heartedly recommend Sublingual Vitamin B-12 to any younger woman. I was experiencing very low energy, brain fog and having difficulty focusing on tasks. Sublingual B-12 has given me a quick boost in energy, clear focus and completely removed my brain fog. I also have had great success with Super Sublingual B-12!” JeaN s., MeMBer – gleNDale, aZ “I now recommend Nopalea with complete confidence.” “You cannot imagine how pleased I was when the doctor told me my blood pressure was 128/64. Nopalea has made all the difference. Eight months ago and for several years, my blood pressure was from 160-180 over 90-105. I have been on several prescriptions for this, and had adverse reactions to a couple of them.* High blood pressure is deadly and truly a ‘silent killer’. In addition, my husband had elevated blood sugar levels and had been on prescription drugs for a few months. I asked if he would give Nopalea a chance and see what happened. He agreed, and one month later he came home very happy and said his blood sugar levels were well within normal, and they’ve stayed that way ever since he started on Nopalea. So I am thrilled and very thankful. I now recommend Nopalea with complete confidence, knowing I am spreading the word about a wellness product that can truly make a difference in quality of life for so many.” laura M., affiliate MeMBer – loNe Butte, Bc “I began taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12, and within several weeks I started to notice a difference.” “For years I have struggled with extremely low energy. I always felt as though I was dragging myself around, and people would often comment to me about how tired and exhausted I looked. My energy issue became an even greater problem over the past four years, and in February 2007, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Have you ever been so tired that it was all you could do to pull yourself out of bed? Some days I was in tears when I woke up because of how exhausted I felt. Living life with a lack of energy damages your spirit. In January 2009 I began taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12, and within several weeks I started to notice a difference. I now get through my days with great energy and feel like I have a new lease on life. I recently saw my doctor, and she asked me what I was doing because I looked so different. This is something I have been hearing more of, and I have to say it feels great!” gloria c., affiliate MeMBer – coQuitlaM, Bc “…my total cholesterol was under 200…” “When I saw my doctor, he said my cholesterol was a little high and that he wanted me to take prescription medicines. I did, and after 30-40 days I went in for a follow-up test. My total cholesterol did go down, but so did the good cholesterol, and my triglycerides didn’t change at all. So I stopped taking the medicine. When it was time for my next test, I found that my cholesterol went back up, and that my triglycerides were up over 300. That’s when I tried OmegaPrime. I took it religiously for 30-40 days before my follow-up test. When I got my results back, I learned that my total cholesterol was under 200, my good cholesterol was over 80 and my triglycerides were cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor.*” alice h., MeMBer – DeNtoN, tX “Leanology helped me lose 34 pounds in three months.” “I’ve tried different weight loss products for so long. They would work for a week or so and then quit. I had bypass surgery and started Leanology shortly after I got out of the hospital. I also needed both of my knees replaced, so I had good reasons to get the weight off. I didn’t realize before how lethargic I felt until after Leanology helped me lose 34 pounds in three months. I found I had more energy and I felt better about myself. The weight loss shakes really helped me. I enjoyed the taste and wasn’t hungry after drinking one. If I had it in the morning I’d drink just the shake, but I’d add fruit to it if it was my evening meal. Sometimes I’d even drink two a day. It was just easier. Chocolate is my favorite flavor! I’ve implemented some of the 10 Essentials. I have the energy to be active, but I’ll be able to do more when my knees are better. However, I do watch closely what I eat, and I cut out sugar and flour. It’s what works for me. I didn’t hit a plateau with my weight loss. It really went smoothly; I was very impressed! I’m excited to get started again on the program and give you an update. I have 50 more pounds to lose!” JeaN s., affiliate MeMBer – raytoWN, Mo Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet, exerciseorsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedicationorif yoususpectyoumighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstoptaking anymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider. See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! Real Storiesfrom real people
  • 25. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  5 S eptember 17, 2009 was an especially momentous day for Christine S. That’s when she attended her first Nopalea presentation at the invitation of TriVita’s retired co-founder, Barry Borthistle. This White Rock, British Columbia real estate agent walked into the meeting feeling dispirited and very low on energy. “I had lots of aches and pains,” Christine recalls. “I was also feeling sorry for myself and knew that I should be feeling a whole lot better.” Christine’s fantastic timing Only weeks before, she had her blood tested and the news wasn’t good. Christine was alarmed to find that she had allowed inflammation to get out of control and her C-reactive protein (CRP) level was extremely high. CRP is a common measure of cardiovascular risk. So, she was pleasantly surprised to find out that the guest speaker at this meeting explained the connection between Nopalea and lower CRP levels. “I sat there in amazement as I heard him relate story after story of people who had helped their body reduce their CRP levels with this wonderful product called Nopalea,” Christine says. “I knew right then that I was at the right place at the right time and that God was looking after me. I left that meeting with hope in my heart that maybe, just maybe, this wellness drink would be an answer to the inflammation problem that had plagued me for many years.” Her CRP levels nose-dived After the meeting, Christine signed on to become a TriVita Affiliate Member, and ordered her first case of Nopalea. She was excited about beginning her Nopalea wellness journey and immediately put Nopalea to the test by not taking any other products that would influence her CRP levels. Just four weeks later, after taking the loading dose of Nopalea every day, she went in for another blood test. “I was overjoyed with the results,” Christine exclaims. “Most importantly, my CRP levels had plunged from 13 to 6.7. I was getting close to the ideal level. The blood test also showed that other key areas had stabilized, especially my uric acid levels. I was just thrilled by these improved readings.” She received another pleasant surprise with her improved blood pressure readings. They used to be consistently high, even on medications. After taking Nopalea, Christine’s blood pressure was much improved and her doctor commented favorably about that and asked what she was doing differently. She was happy to relate her Nopalea experience and he was curious to find out more about the product. A natural energy boost Now that Christine takes Nopalea regularly, she can actually feel the difference if she misses a daily dose. However, there were some additional health issues she wanted to address with the help of TriVita products. Christine suffers from joint problems and recently started taking TriVita Joint Complex to keep her joints strong. She also enjoys a nice, smooth energy boost with the help of Sublingual B-12, B-6 Folic Acid and Energy Now!® Christine’s next health project is to lose 40-50 pounds with the help of Leanology® weight loss products. “I now feel so much better and so grateful to TriVita for such wonderful products,” Christine says. “Every morning as I drink my heavenly nectar, as I call it, I am so grateful for what Nopalea and the good Lord have done for me and my health. I am feeling so much better and have great faith in this wonderful wellness drink.” She doesn’t hesitate to share her “before and after” CRP and blood pressure readings with people who are considering purchasing Nopalea. “My improved health makes a powerful case for Nopalea,” Christine remarks. “Now, I’m a TriVita Affiliate Member who’s on a mission of wellness to share my fantastic Nopalea experience with others.” Christine’s C-reactive protein levels have shown tremendous improvement She credits Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ for this dramatic turnaround Member Spotlight “MyCRPlevelshadplungedfrom13to6.7. Iwasgettingclosetotheideallevel.” – Christine S., Affiliate Member taking any other products that would influence her CRP levels. Just four weeks later, after taking tremendous improvement “MyCRPlevelshadplungedfrom13to6.7.
  • 26. 6  l  VITAJOURNAL F eel a little too tired to brush your teeth some nights? Whatever you do, don’t skip this important part of oral hygiene – and heart health. That’s right; it has been well-established that poor dental health, specifically gum disease, is linked to heart disease. Inflammation – it’s a vicious cycle The problems with gum health start with inflammation. Where does inflammation begin? It mostly stems from any of these four areas: (1) trauma, (2) toxins, (3) stress, and (4) nutrient deficiency. Once inflammation begins, it feeds upon itself in a vicious cycle: 1. Inflammation causes the release of a protein (histamine), which causes potential allergic reactions and even more inflammation. 2. More inflammation kills off gum and bone cells prematurely. These dead cells feed bacteria, which start an infection, and cause even more inflammation. 3. To try to overcome this growing problem, your immune system sends white blood cells to the site. But the chemicals secreted by the white blood cells to kill infection are themselves inflammatory and continue the inflammation cycle. Treat the cycle and treat the cause Once inflammation begins, you have to break its cycle to reverse the process. TriVita’s Nopalea was developed to help address the problem of inflammation. Learn more on page 8. You can also treat dental inflammation’s causes to help keep them from even starting. • Trauma – This could be caused by bruxism, an abnormal grinding of your teeth, especially during your sleep. • Toxins – These may come from such things as tobacco use and foods that stick to your dental surfaces, such as hard candy. • Stress – The roots of your teeth need a rich blood supply to remain healthy. But stress steals blood circulation destined for the gums and teeth and diverts it to other body systems. Prolonged stress literally starves your teeth of food and oxygen. • Nutrient deficiencies – There are two categories: • Vitamin C serves as the foundation for collagen. Without healthy collagen, your teeth become loose and your gums may bleed when brushing. A Vitamin C deficiency can negatively affect your heart, your brain, your immune system and your skin. • CoEnzyme Q-10 is the key element of life in every cell. When CoQ-10 levels drop in your cells, you begin to age, and the faster it drops, the faster you age. This is seen primarily in your gums, so your gum health is the most obvious sign of how fast you are aging. But taking CoQ-10 can help your body slow down the aging process in your gums and in your whole body. (Learn more about CoQ-10 on page 19.) If your dental health is less than perfect, your heart health may also be less than perfect. And vice versa. So, add the oral hygiene suggestions below to your list of healthy-heart lifestyle choices (balanced diet, exercise, not smoking): • Brush at least twice a day • Floss daily • Limit between-meal snacks • Schedule dental check-ups twice a year Improve your heart health today! BrushuponyourhearthealthThe link between gum disease and heart disease Family Health Dr. Libby’s Vital C standsabovetherest! Powerful immune system support and much more! It helps: • Fight free radicals that contribute to illness • Assist in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol • Speed wound recovery and aid in healing • Support production and use of antibodies that fight illness • Detoxify alcohol, pesticides, smoke and pollution Vital C Crystals #30170 Non-Member $31.99 Member $4.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Take Crystal Tablets and Powdered Crystals for 24-hour protection. Vital C Tablets #30230 Non-member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 150 VitaPoints Buy One get second same one at 50% OFF good through 2-28-10 Heart Healthy Savings!
  • 27. 1-800-991-7116 February 2010  l  7 Vancouver 2010 • Over 80 countries will be sending athletes to Vancouver. • The Vancouver Games will be the third hosted by Canada: Montreal Summer Olympics in 1976 and Calgary Winter Olympics in 1988. • The 2010 Games will cost an estimated $1.76 billion. • Approximately 2,500 athletes will compete in 15 sports with over 86 events (the first Winter Olympics in 1924 saw 16 countries, 258 athletes and 16 events). events in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics • Alpine skiing • Biathlon – combines cross-country skiing with shooting. It was demonstrated at the 1948 games and made its Olympic debut in 1960. Women’s biathlon debuted at the 1992 games. • Bobsleigh – invented by the Swiss in the 1860s. Held at the first Olympics as a 4-man event; 2-man bobsleigh debuted at the 1932 games. Women did not compete in Olympic bobsleigh until the 2002 Olympics. • Cross-country skiing • Curling – the first known curling stones date from Scotland in 1511. The sport has come and gone through Olympic history, added back in for medal status in 1998. • Figure skating • Freestyle skiing • Hockey – debuted at the 1920 Antwerp Summer Games but was transferred to the Winter Games in 1924. Canada ruled the sport until 1956, when the Soviet Union began its domination. In a stunning upset, the United States beat the Soviets at the 1980 Lake Placid Games, going on to beat the Finnish team and take the gold. • Luge – debuted at the 1964 Innsbruck Games. Average speed: 140 mph. Brake status: none. • Nordic combined – combines cross-country skiing with ski jumping. • Short track speed skating • Skeleton – solo head-first sledding that appeared in the 1928 and 1948 Olympics. It made it back to Olympic status in 2002. Early sleds resembled skeletons, thus the name. American John Heaton won the silver in 1928 and again in 1948 at the age of 39. (His brother Jennison Heaton won the gold in 1928.) • Ski jumping • Snowboarding – made its Olympic debut at Nagano in 1998. • Speed skating By the numbers • Norwegian cross-country skier Bjorn Daehlie holds the record for the most Winter Olympic medals: 12. • Eric Heiden of the United States was the first person to win five gold medals at a single Olympics: 5 speed skating gold medals at the 1980 Lake Placid games. • Speed skater Bonnie Blair of the United States is the most decorated American Winter Olympian, with six medals from three different Olympics: 2 gold in Lillehammer, 2 gold in Albertville, and 1 gold, 1 bronze in Calgary. • American women figure skaters have medaled in every Winter Olympics except 1948 and 1964, taking gold in 1956, 1960, 1968 (Peggy Fleming), 1976 (Dorothy Hamill), 1992, 1998 and 2002. American men took the gold in 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1984 (Scott Hamilton) and 1988 (Brian Boitano). • Norway has won the most Winter Olympics medals: 98 gold, 98 silver and 84 bronze. Tied for second are the Soviet Union and United States, although the Soviets won 87 gold versus the United States’ 78. Olympics held • Turin 2006 • Salt Lake City 2002 • Nagano 1998 • Lillehammer 1994 • Albertville 1992 • Calgary 1988 • Sarajevo 1984 • Lake Placid 1980 • Innsbruck 1976 • Sapporo 1972 • Grenoble 1968 • Innsbruck 1964 • Squaw Valley 1960 • Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956 • Oslo 1952 • St. Moritz 1948 • Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 • Lake Placid 1932 • St. Moritz 1928 • Chamonix 1924 TriVita wishes all the outstanding athletes good luck, and joins the world in celebrating Canada’s special place in the spotlight. as the world turns its eyes on the Olympians in Vancouver this month, it seems appropriate to take a look at some Olympic history, trivia and shining moments. TheVancouver2010Olympicsarehere!