social media community building coundco referat florian wieser online werbung kampagne campaigning likers conference konferenz c36daily the relevent collective community the relevent zürich lithium travel hochschule luzern community strategy tesla social business solution rene algesheimer dach study studie twitter iphone facebook mobile business travel social networks ipad apps university of zurich digital transformation digital digitization racoon framework kti framework beziehung forschung research ikmupdate hslu ikm customer life cycle peter kruse customer relationship management volvo humanize thermomix jeep shitstorm crisis box network europe employee centric customer centric mindset co-creation user centric suisse emex österreich schweiz deutschland social marketing jan biller kristin hentschel strategy sergio mare social care strategie clemens eckstein cortal consors swisscom universität zürich migros storytelling advertising werbung mobile kampagne goldbach mobile mobile challenge adello herausforderer speech digicomp emil frey auto learningz xing werte change management iab haltung social enterprise executive lounge social führungskräfte schweizr likers rolle der marke markendialog ermöglicher wolfgang disch g.e.m. markenführung markenwesen berlin christopher mller design webformulare stefano vannotti erlebniskette best practice css3 aiciti interaction design html5 ux user centered design user experience ergonomen usability formulare zhdk ebusiness kongress internet briefing social media konferenz zrich kongresshaus swiss design institute for finance and banking sdfb mint mobile banking bank lending kantonal bank zopa e-banking vanilla finanzieren post finance ubs banking coverstor credit suisse online banking sparen travelbrain vdr rss flipboard push notification newsroom journalismus journalism montreux ttw reisen location based social plugins management applications trends mobile websites mobile applications hotel augmented reality social media storytelling referat coundco keynote
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