Design thinking for the digital workplace

James Robertson Há 8 anos

La Group Intranet di Unicredit: una questione di UX | Fabio Delton #IIAS15

Architecta | Società Italiana di Architettura dell'Informazione Há 8 anos

What does it mean to be a Digital Renaissance Communicator?

Digital Workplace Group Há 9 anos

30+ lessons from 12 leading intranet homepages

Digital Workplace Group Há 8 anos

The Science of Happy Design - SXSW 2015

Pamela Pavliscak Há 9 anos

How to create a powerful brief to your agency

Petra Dharma Anderson Há 9 anos

Our Secret Sauce

hashtagnyu Há 10 anos

The shift: UX Designers as Business Consultants

Erin 'Folletto' Casali Há 10 anos

Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others

Jeroen van Geel Há 10 anos

Get People to Open your Emails

Abhishek Shah Há 10 anos

8 Tips for an Awesome Powerpoint Presentation

Slides | Presentation Design Agency Há 10 anos

The Science of Timing

HubSpot Há 13 anos