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Welcome to the first edition of Exopolitics
magazine, a magazine dedicated to the study
of UFOs and the progression of Ufology.
Within these pages you will find articles on
some of the topics and themes that will come under
the lens at the Annual British Exopolitics Expo and
the Extraterrestrial Communication Conference in
the summer of 2014.
The term “Exopolitics”, meaning the politics of our
interactions with others not of this planet, brings
with it the challenge of framing it within what
is now nearly seven decades of UFO sightings,
intrigue, misinformation, disinformation, media spin,
propaganda and even psychological operations.
This challenge means that the data presented
at the Exopolitics Expo is not always necessarily
“exopolitical”, nor is it necessarily old-school
“ufological”. It is presented however to allow a
broader and clearer cognisance of our own place in
this world.
This is a necessary prerequisite for understanding
– or rather – comprehending our interactions with,
or the influence of, any “others” terrestrial or other-
That “others” exist is evidenced by the meticulous
work of researchers, stretching over the last seven
decades; work that leads people to consider various
points of origin for what is inarguably intelligently
caused phenomena; this includes the
extraterrestrial hypothesis but also other
explanations such as interdimensional, time
travel and also spiritual explanations.
The evidence for this goes back far into recorded
history. What we are experiencing collectively may
not be new. Throughout history the ruling paradigm
of the time – enforced for political or theological
purposes – has always come to be challenged and
undermined, not necessarily by the beliefs and
practices of percieved heretics to othodoxy, but by
the very nature of reality itself.
If we are in similar times, albeit placed into our
civilizations circumstances, then we should not be
too surprised when the end result of deception is
ultimately revelation.
UFO disclosure is often expressed in terms of the
authority that an official body has to disclose it.
While politics (and indeed exo-politics) describes
the policies of instruments and institutions of our
society – rarely do people consider that it relates to
the intent of being of the individual aswell.
Whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon
is, we, as sentient and sovereign human beings, are
all the authority that UFO disclosure needs.
Therefore, in that sense, this is disclosure.
Anthony Beckett — May 10th, 2014
Expand Your Reality!	 5
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication	 10
Looking back at ‘Contact’	 21
Upcoming Conferences	 23
Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space	 25
Belief or Proof? 	 29
The John Lennon UFO Story	 34
Porn, Scorn and Evolutionary Apex Points	 38
Book Review: ‘Encounter in Rendlesham Forest’	 43
Open Letters: An exopolitical walk down memory lane	 46
“Is there anybody out there?”	 63
Speaker Profile: Richard Dolan	 67 3
Thinking of UFO’s and ET’s
The UFO/ET subject is hugely complicated and filled
with contradictions, puzzles and challenges. For all
those people that explore this field and whose cu-
riosity or experiences propel them past the study of
“lights in the sky,” they will start to encounter some-
thing more profound.
Their understanding of the universe will most likely
change – perhaps gradually, or even quite suddenly.
They may therefore experience a huge shift in their
consciousness. Similarly, for people like me who have
“an itch” and start to “scratch through” the veneer of
reality, a change in consciousness often occurs – we
see a larger reality, with more distant and stranger
horizons. These new perspectives make us think and
even behave in new ways.
In many cases, things that once seemed important to
us become less and less significant. The age old ques-
tions of “What am I doing here? Where did I come
from? Is there a creator?” can take on a new dimen-
sion – as we begin to consider the possibility that we
are part of a larger, grand “Cosmic Plan.”
By listening to and in some cases, vicariously re-living
the experiences of contactees such as Travis Walton,
Leah Haley and others, we are challenged to realise
and accept that we are indeed “not alone.” Non-hu-
man beings have been interacting with us – even ma-
nipulating us – for centuries. This is just one aspect
of how our consciousness can be changed, but there
are many other examples of things we can study that
can force us into a new understanding of our true
nature and our place within the universe.
What Wilbert Smith Learned ... over 50
years ago!
In talking about the UFO/ET subject and conscious-
Wilbert Smith, the Canadian Radio Engineer, inventor
and contactee.
Through the work of Grant
Cameron and others, I
learned of Smith’s writings
about “The Boys Topside,”
as well as his realisation
that metaphysics and a
study of consciousness
were of huge importance
UFO/ET phenomenon. (I hope that Grant Cameron
will also be addressing this in his own presentation at
Exopolitics 2014.)
Smith realised that we have to consider ourselves in
a much larger “scheme of things.” Smith said that he
was told by his contacts that all of us have come here
“to experience a sequence of events” and that some
things in this sequence “must not be changed.”
Expand Your Reality!
by Andrew Johnson
“Religion, which is the relationship of a being to its Creator. Here we have a
hodge-podge of superstition dressed up in pageantry giving lip service to some-
thing in which very few people actually believe, and practically no one knows
anything about. Every great religion says ‘Love Thy God’ but how many under-
stand what this means?”
– Wilbert Brockhouse Smith 5
Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
A number of people have spoken
about “finding a path” during their
search for the truth – as if they
have become aware that there is,
indeed, a “sequence of events”
they need to experience or “align
with” in some way.
In my presentation at the Exo-
politics 2014 conference, I hope
to share a few of the pieces of
evidence I have come across which
have shaped my thinking and my
understanding of consciousness.
I hope that a presentation of this
evidence will give people a better
appreciation of some facets of the
ET/UFO phenomenon and how it
can fit in to a “larger view of us.”
UFO Religion?
Ironically, “UFOlogy” is classed by
some people as a kind of “religion”
– as if it is something that is based
on belief or faith only, with no hard
evidence and/or not something
you can have personal experience
of. This classification is all too often
made by those in the mainstream
who have a “reductionist” view of
the world and who will reject any
evidence that proves, or strongly
indicates, that human beings are
not just a collection of water and
other chemicals that have self-or-
ganised over billions of years to
become some type of “sophisti-
cated organic robot.”
Like others, I have in the past,
arguedthatevidencewhich proves
that ET’s have been interacting
with mankind is quickly “shut out”
by those who cannot let go of
their own beliefs about what they
think is the nature of the universe.
That is, it is the naysayers and re-
ductionists who are the victims of
a belief system, not those who are
witnesses, experiencers and con-
Organised religion has shaped
human culture, civilisation and
thinking for thousands of years.
For millions of people even today,
following a religion dictates many
of their daily routines - from cradle
to grave. Only a small percent-
age of them will stop to consider
“where their religion came from”.
Christians, for example, may not
stop to consider there are over
30,000 branches or denomina-
tions of their religion. For most,
they will have never heard of
the connection of Christianity to
I had never even heard of Gnosti-
cism until about 5 or 10 years ago.
My interpretation of it is that it is
based around an “inner knowing”
(gnosis) and understanding that
we are indeed not just “physical
beings”. In an essay, author John
Lamb Lash suggests “Gnosis is
intuitive knowing of the heart
that liberates us from social con-
ditioning and ego-fixation.” The
fundamental point here is one of
knowing, not believing – Gnosti-
cism encourages the development
of inner knowledge – not faith or
Separately, in Lash’s work, he
refers to the Archons – a group
who came to the earth and began
to “mess with” humans – in an
attempt to control them, it seems.
“other beings” play some role in
our history (angels, demons etc.)
and books have been written de-
scribing, in some cases, how these
appear to be ET’s or aliens of some
kind. However, these stories so
often seem to be over-simplified
in scripture and other religious
writings and these writings often
seem to lack important details.
I have heard it said that the one
thing that is common to all reli-
gions are writings about or recog-
nition of the Mystical Experience
– an experience which alters one’s
view of the world and the universe
– through some kind of connec-
tion to a “larger reality.” This could
be described as “talking to god” or
undergoing an out-of-body experi-
ence, where you may zoom away
from yourself and get a sensation
of what it is like to have another
form of being.
Transcendental Experiences
from Fungi and Plants
John Lash also discusses the
role of psychoactive mushrooms
(and plants) in shamanic practic-
es which, it would seem, are all
about changing our self-aware-
ness and interacting with “other
realms.” In Western Cultures (such
as our own), experimentation
with these sorts of substances is
frowned upon and, in the main,
discouraged. Also, possession of
some substances having psycho-
active effects is legislated against
in our culture. Is someone or some
group worried that experiencing
these “other realms” can catalyse
the acquisition of profound new
knowledge which would result in a
new understanding of ourselves?
Another “substance” that has
received more attention in recent
years is Ayahuasca – a “brew” of
plants which is made by Shaman in
of ingesting DMT (di-methyl-trypt-
amine) – a substance which has a
profound effect on a person’s con-
scious experience. When a person 6
Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
is under the influence of DMT, they
report various unusual effects –
such as coming into contact with
intelligent but distinctly non-hu-
man entities. Some people seem
to be able to communicate with
their “spirit guide” or even with an
entity known in Gnostic teachings
as “Sophia” – a “fallen goddess”
who now inhabits the earth. (This
is explored in more depth on John
Lash’s website.)
UFO/alien contactee/abductees
often report that they have had
some type of psychic, transcen-
dental or mystical experience
– either before their abduction
or even as a result of it – so it
seems clear that considerations
of altered or expanded conscious-
ness are one of the central issues
in the contactee/abduction phe-
nomenon (and this has been
written about by several authors,
including Dr Karla Turner).
Near Death Experiences’s
Often written off by the medical
profession as an aberration in
the brain’s operation caused by
hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), Near
Death Experiences (NDE’s), I have
concluded, also offer us import-
ant and potentially transformative
knowledge about ourselves.
How is it possible for people to
gain specific information when
they are “clinically dead,” uncon-
scious and even “flat-line”?
How can that information be accu-
rately transferred to their memory,
so that they can describe to people
what was happening to them – or
what was happening a few metres
away, behind walls and/or closed
doors, when they were “deaf and
blind” in unconsciousness?
There are now hundreds or maybe
even thousands of documented
cases where it can be proved these
people had no access to informa-
tion nor could they have actually
witnessed what they reported
when they recovered.
Despite sceptics’ and reduc-
tionists’ attempts to explain the
evidence, I can only, rationally,
come to conclusions similar to
those that figures such as Dr Peter
Fenwick, Dr Michael Sabom and
Dr Jeffery Long have documented
and written about. I have no doubt
that in many documented NDE
cases; the person’s conscious-
ness became separated from their
physical body and then, at a later
point, returned. This is a profound
conclusion – yet it is not taught in
any school subject and is not accu-
rately described and characterised
in any religious writings that I am
aware of.
Wingmakers and the Lyricus
Some years ago now, I was told
about an unusual Website called
“Wingmakers” (
Thought by some to be an “Elabo-
rate Marketing Scheme”, this site
offers some detailed information
and distinctive and provocative
graphics and music. It talks about
a “mythology” and “a central race”
that is here to help us discover the
“grand portal” – of consciousness.
It is a complex and detailed site –
therefore dissimilar to other sites
which just want to make money
or start a “pyramid” scheme).
Personally I think, the skill of pre-
sentation of the material, and the
depth and eloquence therein is
“a level above” what I have seen
elsewhere. Wingmakers is linked
to another site called Lyricus.
According to the bibliotecapleya- website:
WingMakers is part of the
mythological expression of
Lyricus that typically accompa-
nies its first exterial expression
within a species. It is the “call-
ing card”, announcing its initial
approach as it treads softly
among the species to which
it serves. WingMakers is the
mythological expression of the
underlying structure of the Lyr-
icus Teaching Order. It is sym-
bolic of how Lyricus is brought
to the planet.
The associated Lyricus Website
( contains
another section of “FAQs” (fre-
quently asked questions) – one of
which is, “What is the definition
of the soul?” Part of the answer is
given below:
The soul is literally a God Frag-
ment that is composed of a
hierarchy of capabilities and
functionality that permit it to
be simultaneously individuated
and whole. As it enters the soul
carrier at or near the physical
birth, it begins to form a ma-
trix of interaction with the soul
Whether it is just because this defi-
nition “fits” with the way I think
from an engineer’s perspective, I
don’t know, but nowhere else have
I seen this sort of language used
to describe what might loosely 7
Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
be called “spiritual matters” or
“matters pertaining to the nature
of the soul.” Further study of the
FAQ may leave one wondering
what this site is actually for.
A Summary by Bill Hicks
So, in studying the UFO/ET phe-
nomenon honestly, we are soon
confronted with questions about
our “full selves” – and what we are
made of. We must consider ques-
tions of time, evolution, mind,
body, soul and consciousness.
In the 1990’s I became aware of
comedian Bill Hicks – who devel-
oped quite a big following in the
Within some very blue and quite
political stand-up routines, he
would suddenly change the
subject and talk about the true
nature of ourselves and what
we were doing here. He spoke
out against the demonization of
hallucinogenic drugs and in one
such “rant”, about “positive drugs
stories” he read out an example
of a News Story that you would
never hear being broadcast in a
mainstream bulletin.
“Today, a young man on acid
realized that all matter is mere-
ly energy condensed to a slow
vibration – that we are all one
consciousness experiencing
itself subjectively. There’s no
such thing as death, life is only
a dream, and we’re the imag-
ination of ourselves…. Here’s
Tom with the weather.”
I think Bill Hick’s was right…
By Andrew Johnson
May 2014 8
Andrew Johnson, born in 1964 in
Keighley, West Yorkshire, but now
lives near Derby. Having been ed-
ucated at Ermysted’s Grammar
School in Skipton with ‘A’ Levels
in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and
General Studies he went on to
Lancaster University do a degree
in Computer Science (with a minor
module of Physics) and graduated
in 1986.
He worked in Software Engineer-
ing (real-time software process
control and telecommunications)
before developing an interest in
teaching and education and spent
two years as a lecturer on BTEC
National and Higher National Di-
ploma Courses at West Notting-
hamshire College. After moving
back into industry he was offered
software development work based
mainly at home, a short time be-
fore the birth of his daughter. He
now does a range of part time
jobs, earning most of his income
from assessing disabled students
for access to assistive technology
for higher education. He also tu-
tors part time on an Open Univer-
sity course called “Computers and
He began actively campaigning
about 9/11 issues in September
2004 and is an active campaigner
and researcher in other areas in-
cluding Exopolitics & Disclosure,
Evidence for Extra-terrestrial Civ-
ilizations, Chemtrails, and sup-
pressed “Free Energy” Technolo-
About the author
Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
Flying Saucers, Contactees and
Extraterrestrial Communication
By Anthony Beckett
“It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses
of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion.”
- The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12 by Milton William Cooper, 1989
I first heard Bill Cooper’s
voice in 1994. The above
quote, spoken by the con-
troversial ufologist and
whistleblower at a 1989
MUFON lecture, was used
in a piece of music by the
band Eat Static on a track called Abnormal Interfer-
ence on their 1994 album Implant.
It was possibly the first time I’d heard it suggested
that extraterrestrials would seek to influence human
culture through the manipulation of people at such
an all-encompassing level. It was Cooper’s claim that,
not only did the US government know from very
early on that extraterrestrial contact was going on,
but it was interfering with society, and was outside of
the ability of the government to control it. The tone
implied that this was something to be afraid of.
It is of course possible for governments and other
terrestrial organisations to utilise these same facets
of human society for the perversion of reality and the
manipulation of others. So, is there any evidence of
this outside of unverified claims of alleged insiders?
Where could we start our search for signs of it?
Well, the controversial contactees of the 1950’s
come to mind. Their claims of extraterrestrials living
on planet Venus for instance, a planet that later
space exploration showed to be inhospitable and far
from an abode of recognisable life, make those initial
claims seem a little foolish on the surface.
However, before we delve a bit deeper into that, we
will start our story with a step back to a time in recent
history, before the contactee movement began...
Disks, cigars and saucers
On June 24, 1947, American aviator and business-
man Kenneth Arnold from Boise, Idaho witnessed ten
unusual objects in the skies over Washington, USA.
He had been flying his private plane near Mt. Rainier
in western Washington State when he encountered
flying craft that were “half-moon shaped, oval in
front and convex in the rear”. The unusual aircraft he
described as “something like a pie plate that was cut
in half with a sort of a convex triangle in the rear”.
According to Arnold “they flew like a saucer would
if you skipped it across the water”. It is perhaps
ironic that it was the press who, when reporting
his sighting, misquoted Arnold and coined the term
“flying saucer” that would come into widespread
Interestingly, Arnold’s description of the craft in this
case bears a close resemblance to the advanced
aircraft design created by Walter Horton and his
brother Reimar, rather than the widely understood
shape of a flying saucer. German aircraft using the
Horton Flying-wing design flew in the closing stages
of World War II and a similar flying-wing aircraft was 10
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
designed by leading US aircraft
manufacturer the Northrop Cor-
poration. The US design was built
by the Glenn L. Martin Company
in 1944 but technical difficulties
and, not surprisingly, the end of
WWII saw the cancellation of the
operational program. Develop-
ment work however continued
and the first US jet-powered flying
wing, the Northrop YB-49, was
first flown on October 21, 1947,
only a few months after Arnold’s
sighting. While Arnold discrip-
tion of the craft is similar, the
flight characteristics he described
differs; with the “skipped it across
the water” remark impling a char-
acteristic wobbling motion.
There had of course been sight-
ings of anomalous aerial phenom-
ena prior to this; such as the Scan-
dinavian “ghost rockets” of 1946
and the phenomena described as
“balls of fire” that accompanying
planes during World War II that
became known as “foo fighters”.
There had been sightings of ci-
gar-shaped and disk-shaped craft
too; such as the object that was
responsible for the Los Angeles Air
Raid incident of 1942, that saw five
civilians die as an indirect result of
anti-aircraft fire directed against a
flying disk.
An Encounter in Brontë
An early cigar-shape craft sighting
that predates international air
travel was recorded by two Police
Constables who had been on
patrol in the village of Haworth,
West Yorkshire at the turn of the
20th Century. Haworth is only a
couple of miles from where I live
and it would have been as typical
a Yorkshire village as you could get
back in 1901.
Situated at the edge of the high
moorland of the Pennine Hills, it
is famous for being the home of
classic writers, the Brontë sisters,
and was the backdrop to Emily
Brontë’s posthumously published
Wuthering Heights only 16 years
earlier. The same desolate land-
scape that inspired Wuthering
Heights came to find Police Con-
stables Johnson and Clark on
patrol around the winter solstice.
December 21st, 1901 was report-
edly a cold and clear night and, as
Constable Johnson was checking a
bootblack’s (shoe polisher’s) door,
Constable Clark saw a pale green
light engulf them both. Looking
up they saw a cigar-shaped craft
hovering approximately 100 feet
above them. The light was so
bright that several other people
were aroused to witness the spec-
tacle. They watched the object for
approximately 10 minutes after
which time, the green light went
out and the object moved towards
the horizon.
While commercial international
air travel did not exist in 1901 it is
not inconceivable that dirigibles
could have been in responsible for
cigar shaped objects in the skies
during that period. However the
specifics of the sighting do seem
to preclude the notion that the
object was an airship or a blimp.
The Aviation Technology
In the modern era flight was first
achieved with the use of buoyant
vehicles. Airships and blimps are
buoyant due to them being lighter
than air and were invented during
the late 19th century. Aerody-
namic flight using an aerofoil to
generate lift, mirroring the flight
of birds, was first demonstrated
by the Wright Brothers in 1903
and their first fixed wing aircraft
was developed between the years
1905 and 1907. While propulsion
to achieve flight went on to use
chemical rockets, and later ion
drives in spacecraft, these both
use mass displacement to achieve
propulsion to generate lift.
If conventional thinkers are to be
believed, human ingenuity has
not progressed beyond these
basic three methods of maintain-
ing flight; buoyant vehicles, the
aerodynamic aerofoil and mass
displacement using rockets and
jets etc. Technological advances
are thus seen to be limited to ad-
vancing these particular modes
of flight. However, evidence
of another leap forward in our
ability to achieve flight, overcom-
ing gravity, came shortly after the
Wright Brothers took to the skies.
Anti-gravity Aircraft
In 1921 Thomas Townsend Brown
discovered a physical phenome-
non that became known as the
Biefield-Brown effect; joint credit
is given to his mentor from Califor-
nia Institute of Technology, Dr. Paul
Biefeld. This discovery kick-start-
ed his work towards developing
electrogravitic propulsion and at-
taining flight by controlling gravity
using electrical means.
By 1945, Brown had demon-
strated his method of countering
gravity using tethered flying disks 11
1942 photo of the LA Air Raid flying disk
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
to various scientists and military
officials such as top military officer
Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the
commander-in-chief for the U.S.
Pacific Fleet.
By some accounts various com-
panies were investigating the use
of anti-gravity platforms up until
the early 1950’s. Indeed John Lear
claims that his father Bill Lear, the
founder of the Lear Jet Corpora-
tion and inventor of the Lear jet,
worked on such a program in the
1950’s; only to lose his position
because, according to his son, he
“couldn’t keep his mouth shut”.
Over a century after Townsend
Brown felt the kick of his Coolidge
X-ray tube, and wondered how a
solid state device with no moving
parts could “kick” at all, we have
not seen the harnessing of that
potential fourth generation of
aviation in the open – or, have we?
Aviation Journalist Nick Cook in his
book “Hunt for Zero Point” details
the point at which he believes re-
porting of this kind of technologi-
cal development ceased being dis-
cussed in the open.
In 1954 it would seem, some-
thing had changed, and open (ac-
knowledged) development of this
technology stopped all together.
A cursory look at this raises the
simple question: did the open de-
velopment of antigravity aviation
stop in 1954 because the technol-
ogy didn’t work? — Or did it stop
because it did work?
Townsend Brown would go on to
found the civilian unidentified
flying object research group NICAP
(National Investigations Commit-
tee on Aerial Phenomena) in 1956.
Still in the early 1950’s, reports
of unusual disk shaped and cigar
shaped aircraft would continue.
The “UFO” Problem
Central to the widely held ufolog-
ical view is the premise that flying
disks, cigars and saucers, objects
that the US Air Force would
rename as UFOB -- “Unidentified
Flying OBjects” in 1953, are extra-
terrestrial in origin.
However, the term UFO, or
originally “UFOB”, was stated as
“any airborne object which
by performance, aerodynam-
ic characteristics, or unusual
features, does not conform to
any presently known aircraft
or missile type, or which can-
not be positively identified as a
familiar object.”
There is clearly a recorded history
of a terrestrial origin for early
“flying saucer” development in
the United States; and claims
that even more advanced devel-
opments were under way under
the Third Reich. This technology
is seen to have ended up in the
hands of the United States and
the Soviet Union after WWII. The
researcher Joseph Farrell even
postulates that the technology
may have stayed in Nazi-hands
post-war and could perhaps have
been flown out of Argentina under
the Perón government - although
not necessarily under the control
of it - perhaps as an extra-territo-
rial Nazi state.
It is against this technological
backdrop, two years after the
non-specific term “UFO” was
invented by the US Air Force, and
around the same time that the de-
velopment of antigravity platforms
by terrestrial corporations ceased
being discussed in the open, that
we find one of the more contro-
versial areas in the UFO arena.
“Flying Saucers Have
George Adamski was a polish born
American occultist who, while
not the first, is arguably the most
famous, or perhaps infamous, of
the contactees who claim to have
met the occupants of the saucers.
This contactee movement sprang
up in the early 1950’s and would
change the cultural lens through
which “flying saucers”, now called
“unidentified flying objects”
would be seen.
Adamski claimed to have met an
extraterrestrial in the California
desert in 1954 in a meeting wit-
nessed from a distance by several
close friends. The extraterrestrial,
calling himself Orthon, claimed to
be from the planet Venus. Tales of
Adamski’s extraterrestrial encoun-
ters and the teachings imparted to
him by Orthon were published in
the 1953 blockbuster book “Flying
Saucers Have Landed” which was
co-authored by the British writer
Desmond Leslie.
At the time of his encounters
Adamski lived and worked at a
ranch near California’s Palomar
Mountain where he flipped
burgers in the Palomar Gardens
Café. His first encounter with
what we can regard as a UFO was
on October 9th, 1946, when he
and a number of friends claimed
to have witnessed a huge cigar-
shaped object they described as a
“mother-ship” while observing the
Orionid meteor shower.
In 1947 he witnessed another
huge cigar-shaped object that he
was able to photograph. After
another sighting in 1950 it was late
autumn of 1952 when, accord-
ing to Adamski and his friends, it
seems that the flying saucers had
landed. 12
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
“A Human Being from
another World!”
On November 20th, 1952 George
Adamski set out into the Mojave
Desert, with his secretary and
the owner of the café where he
worked, on a sky-watch looking for
flying saucers.
At 8am that morning they met
with a number of friends, includ-
ing George Hunt Williamson who
would later become a well-known
contactee himself, and together
they drove towards the town of
Desert Center, California before
heading northeast to the town
of Parker in Arizona, where they
stopped for a meal before begin-
ning their skywatch.
It was then that, according to
“riding high and without
sound, there was a gigantic
cigar-shaped silvery ship”
At which point Williamson asked
“is that a spaceship?” Adamski
yelled “Someone take me down
the road, quick! That ship has
come looking for me and I don’t
want to keep them waiting!”
Jumping in a car with two of his
intrepid sky-watchers they drove
half a mile down the road and,
with the object shadowing them,
Adamski told the driver to turn off
the road. The car pulled up and
Adamski exited the vehicle telling
his companions to join the rest of
the group half a mile away from a
safe vantage point.
The first craft was chased away by
interceptor jets, however another
“beautiful small craft” arrived
and landed behind the crest of a
mountain about half a mile away.
Adamski shortly saw a figure wave
to him and he walked towards it.
The Venusian
“His hair was long, reaching to
his shoulders, and was blow-
ing in the wind ... He took four
steps towards me, bringing
us into arm’s length of each
other. Now, for the first time I
fully realised that I was in the
presence of a man from space
-- a human being from anoth-
er world!... The beauty of his
form surpassed anything I had
ever seen. And the pleasant-
ness of his face freed me of
all thoughts of personal self. I
felt like a child in the presence
of one with great wisdom and
much love, and I became very
humble within myself ... for
from him was radiating a feel-
ing of infinite understanding
and kindness, with supreme
humility ...
“[He had] calm, grey green
eyes, slightly aslant at the cor-
ners; with slightly higher cheek
bones than an Occidental, but
not so high as an Indian or
an Oriental; a finely chiselled
nose, not conspicuously large;
and an average size of mouth
with beautiful white teeth that
shone when he smiles and
spoke. As nearly as I can de-
scribe his skin, the colouring
would be an even, medium-co-
loured suntan”
The “being from another world”
told Adamski that his name was
Orthon and that he was from
Venus. After warning him of the
dangers of atomic weapons and
wars, Orthon apparently refused
to allow Adamski to take a photo-
graph of him, before he returned
to his craft and departed. Adamski
then called his companions over
and Williamson, who had had the
foresight to bring plaster-of-paris
on the trip, proceeded to make
casts of Orthon’s footprints.
In his writings and lectures
Adamski always went out of his
way to make sure his followers
understood that the being he en-
countered was an actual physical
Space Brothers
In common with other contact-
ees, Adamski claimed that in his
one-to-one meetings with be-
nevolent aliens he was imparted
with messages to be shared with
humanity. The beings, often
referred to as “Space Brothers”
in contactee literature, would
give contactees stern warnings
about humanities new technolo-
gies — such as the use of atomic
weapons. However, they would
also present an offer of a fraternal
assistance towards our moral and
technological improvement as a
As the proclamations of Orthon
via Adamski unfold we hear that
Orthon himself was not strictly an
extraterrestrial in absolute origin,
but had been born originally on
the planet Earth and had become
ascended spiritual adept that, at
the time of Adamski’s meeting
with him, had already passed over
to the higher plane on the planet
Theosophy Revisited
George Adamski was a follower
of the beliefs of the Theosophical
Society of the late 19th and early
20th century. In this belief system,
ascended masters, often referred
to as simply ‘brothers’, would
offer teachings and assistance
much like that offered by the 20th
century’s contactee’s liaisons –
who would often be referred to as
‘space brothers’.
According to Madame Blavatsky,
the founder of the Theosophical
Society, the central theosophi- 13
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
cal teachings of the society were
the result of her instruction in
an ‘ancient wisdom’ which, she
claimed, was the source of the
spiritual themes and ethical ideals
of all the world’s religions.
Throughout history, according
to Blavatsky, ‘ascended masters’
taught humanity theosophical
truths, and she claims that her
own instructions were presented
to her by a similar ‘hidden adept’
or ‘ascended master’ — of which
such figures as Buddha and Jesus
were included. While the masters
were usually considered to reside
in Tibet, it was Blavatsky’s belief
that certain masters, including
those she was in contact with,
resided on Venus.
It was Blavatsky’s belief that the
true founders of the society were
two ascended masters called Koot
Hoomi (Kuthumi) and Morya, and
that the society’s very existence
was as an instrument to carry
out the work of these ‘ascended
masters’. The teachings of these
masters were conveyed through
two Anglo-Indian Theosophists,
A. P. Sinnett and A. O. Hume, and
were compiled in a document
known as The Mahatma Letters.
The mission of the society was
therefore to communicate these
contribute to the moral and spir-
itual evolution of the species.
These ascended masters were
living, breathing, human beings
whom had evolved through many
reincarnations and had acquired
and become a custodian of an
‘ancient wisdom’.
They now sought to impart that
wisdom to humanity in order to
lead it into a new age of spiritual
and global community.
A Contactee Doctrine
While there are some differences
between the theosophical masters
and the early accounts of aliens
given by many contactees such
as Adamski, these differences are
quite superficial when compared
to the similarities.
Both the ascended masters and
the aliens are seen to be highly
spiritually evolved and more
technologically advanced. They
are both apparently benevolent
beings with a deep concern for
humanity’s salvation and its
disregard for the planet Earth.
The principal religious themes
of the Theosophical Society, de-
scribed by Madame Blavatsky in
her book The Secret Doctrine,
bear many close similarities to the
beliefs and intentions of Orthon
and also extraterrestrials who
visited other contactees. The prin-
ciples of Theosophical Society as
described by Blavatsky are:
1.	 To form a Universal Broth-
erhood of Humanity without
the distinction of race, colour
or creed.
2.	 To promote the study of
Aryan and other Scriptures, of
the world’s religion and scienc-
es, and to vindicate the impor-
tance of old Asiatic literature,
namely, of the Brahmanical,
Buddhist, and Zoroastrian
3.	 To investigate the hidden
mysteries of nature under ev-
ery aspect possible, and the
psychic and spiritual powers
latent in man especially.
The ‘ascended masters’ hold a
deep concern for the welfare of
humanity and operate essential-
ly as supreme moral and spiritual
In addition to the spiritual aspect
there is a notable physical aspect
to them; they are considered to
have a better understanding of the
physical nature of the cosmos (a
natural philosophy perhaps) and
also utilise this wisdom in their
superior science and technology.
It would appear therefore that
George Adamski’s claims regard-
ing his Venusian contact was, at
one level, a re-interpretation of a
pre-existing philosophy of Theoso-
phy — in which ascended masters
of the Venusian variety — came to
be called the “Space Brothers”.
Alleged Military Figures
Influence on Adamski
Back in the Palomar café in 1946,
according to Adamski, it was a
chance meeting with six military
officers that first suggested to him
the idea that the flying saucers and
cigar shaped craft that were being
witnessed were of extra-terrestri-
al in origin. Prior to this meeting
Adamski claims that he had con-
cluded that such craft must have
been some secret military project.
While conversing with diners on
the subject of the sighting of a ci-
gar-shaped craft over San Diego
several weeks earlier, Adamski
notes that:
“Six military officers who were
sitting at another table listened
intently to all points brought
up. Then one of them spoke up
and said, ‘It is not as fantastic
as it sounds. We know some-
thing about this.’ I immediate-
ly asked what knowledge they
had, but they would not reveal
it. Yet they assured us that the
ship we had seen and were dis-
cussing was not of this world.” 14
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
Adamski also claims to have been
asked by people working for the
military to attempt to take photo-
graphs of flying saucers:
“Then late in 1949 four men
came into the café at Palomar
in before and we had talked a
little about the flying saucers.
This day it was around noon,
and raining -- really pouring.
They ordered some lunch and
we began talking about flying
saucers again. One of these
men was Mr J. P. Maxfield, and
another his partner, Mr G. L.
Bloom, both from Point Loma,
Navy Electronics Laboratory
near San Diego. The other two
men were from a similar setup
in Pasadena. One was in offi-
cers’ uniform...
“They asked me if I could co-
operate with them in trying
to get photographs of strange
craft moving through space,
since I had smaller instruments
than those at the big Observa-
tory. I could manoeuvre mine
more easily than those on top
could be moved, especially my
6-incher, which was without a
dome. I could point it as much
as pointing a gun at ducks...
“I asked them where I should
look to be the most likely to
see the strange objects which
they were asking me to try to
photograph. We discussed the
pros and cons of the possibility
of bases being on the moon for
interplanetary craft. And final-
ly the moon was decided upon
as a good spot for careful ob-
Researcher Joseph Farrell points
out that it is unlikely that the
military would be in such need
to ask an amateur astronomer
and photographer to photograph
these elusive craft “unless it was
trying to manipulate him”.
Post-NICAP UFO Reports
The aforementioned inventor,
Townsend Brown had founded the
civilian unidentified flying object
research group NICAP in 1956 –
the first such organisation that
would be a model for later groups
such as MUFON.
After leaving the organisation
Brown would continue to assess
UFO reports. To help her father,
Brown’s daughter Linda would
read through these reports to help
organise them. She recalls that her
father would often use the term
“Adamski Scout Craft” in reference
to certain descriptions. She also
handled a model of one that he
kept on his desk – only to be told
that it was one of the most expen-
sive paperweights in the world.
She would read through many of
his documents that came through
from Townsend’s colleagues at
NICAP even after he had officially
left the organisation:
“Material was being sent to
him by Rose Hacket, his for-
mer secretary at NICAP. She
had stayed on with NICAP after
Dad left for Florida but it was
obvious that she was still work-
ing for him and I always looked
forward to these stacks of re-
ports that she sent us. [It was]
always interesting reading the
reports of saucer sightings
around the world. And it was
then that he handed me those
reports and told me to concen-
trate on the ‘saucers that wob-
bled.’ ‘Those are ours’ he said.
“I used to get into terrible fights
with my classmates at school
because they all thought Fly-
ing Saucers (this is the fifties
remember) were either ridic-
ulous fantasies or were dan-
gerous and needed to be shot
full of holes… I just thought
they were being silly to not see
something that I recognized
as obviously real… and the
shape of the ‘saucers’ which
were ‘wobbling’ were gener-
ally reported in those years as
... what Dad referred to as ‘the
Adamski Scout Ship’ style.”
Thomas Townsend Brown’s
Flying Capacitors
Townsend Brown had continued
to work on the development of
technology using the phenome-
non that he discovered in 1918
while a student at California In-
stitute of Technology. This early
work led to a career on classified
military projects and he is linked
to work on the Philadelphia Ex-
periment for U.S. Navy. While the
detail of his work for the military
is uncertain, what is known of his
work comes after he re-joined
civilian life.
In 1957 Brown met Agnew Bahson,
funded laboratory in Windson-
Salem. Bahson was experimenting
with electrodynamics and
gravitation with the objective
of revolutionising the science of
aeronautics. Together with Brown
they worked towards harnessing
the lift and trust potential of the
Biefield-Brown effect; refining
Brown’s earlier disk shaped
Inspired by a visit by Physicist
Bryce DeWitt and his wife Cécile
DeWitt-Morette, both professors
at the University of North Carolina,
Bahson and Brown shifted their
focus to “parabolic canopy” design
as these proved more successful
than the earlier “condenser” type 15
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
disks. In film footage of the lab, the
pair, along with J Frank King Jr. and
Beth Ball, can be seen celebrating
achieving 100% counterbary
by drinking champagne out of
laboratory beakers.
Brown’s “Adamski Scout
In addition to the “condenser” and
the “parabolic canopy” models
tested by Bahson and Brown, they
also tested experimental models
that resembled an “Adamski Scout
This design, rather than being a
classic saucer shape, is still circular
and could be described as half an
oyster shell, hollowed out with
three spherical nodes extending
slightly below the skirt of the shell.
More remarkably is the cylindri-
cal dome shape compartment,
situated above the disk complete
with portholes.
Although it is not known if
Townsend Browns path ever
crossed with that of George
Adamski, it is known that Adamski
visited the Bahson labs on Sep-
tember 12th 1960, after Brown
had parted company with Bahson.
The Photographs
At his initial encounter with
Orthon, Adamski’s request to
take photographs was apparent-
ly refused. However, he claims to
have photographed his Venusian
Scout Craft on multiple occasions
and even to have taken movie film
of the object in the 1960’s. These
photographs have been the source
of controversy for decades with
some prominent UFO researchers
referring to them as being “obvi-
ously faked”.
It is here that we find another
anomalous coincidence with the
style of the alleged Venusian Scout
Craft. This distinctive style can be
seen in the photograph taken by
Stephen Darbishire in Coniston in
Cumbria, England in the 1950’s.
Stephen eventually declared the
photograph to be a hoax, however
in letters to UFO researcher
Timothy Good in the 1990’s,
Stephen informed Good that
the photographs were indeed
authentic; he claimed to have
only recanted his initial claim of
authenticity after the pressure of
unwanted publicity got too much.
Another Time and Place
Like the DeLorean car in the 1984
Spielberg movie “Back To The
Future”, kitted out by a fiction-
al inventor (Dr. Brown) with its
famous “flux capacitor”, Adams-
ki’s 1950’s depiction of an alien
spacecraft looks dated and a
symbol of its time.
Image (above left) - Townsend Brown’s model of
the Adamski Scout Craft in a testing chamber at
in the Bahson Laboratory. Experiments would be
performed in a vaccuum chamber and in an oil
chamber to eliminate “ion-wind” as being the
cause of the levitation of the device.
Image (above right) - Stephen Darbishire’s photo
of an object he and a friend witnessed in the Lake
District, England on February 15th, 1954.
Images taken by George
Adamski; (below) taken
in 1952, and (right) a
frame from a movie
film taken in 1965 of a
“Venusian Scout Craft”. 16
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
It is Joseph Farrell’s premise that
the craft that George Adamski
witnessed — if he witnessed
anything at all — was a terrestrial-
ly built “flying saucer”. This would
perhaps account for the “retro”
appearance of the craft; whose
style indicates a hint of the limita-
tions of the technological age of
the 1950’s.
It has been noted by other
researchers that the UFO
phenomenon appears to go
through phases where significant
aspects of UFO sightings can
dominate the phenomenon only
to disappear over a period of
time. It is interesting to consider
that rather than the phenomenon
itself being the driving force of
this change, it is possible that the
change is indeed driven by our
own society.
This need not necessarily be due
to terrestrial UFO vehicles and oc-
cupants following human societal
trends. If consciousness is indeed
a factor, and the UFO phenom-
enon somehow draws from our
own consciousness as suggested
by some researchers, that could
perhaps manifest as significant
trends in the phenomenon; either
driven by our expectation of it or
by drawing from the witness in its
manifestation. However this is just
Another Dimension
What we do know, is that George
Adamski made it his mission to
continue an established tradition
of contact with “others” specif-
ically through channelled com-
munications with the “ascended
masters” of theosophy.
this aspect of Adamski’s contacts
and that of other contactees lies.
George Hunt Williamson, who was
with Adamski immediately prior
to his initial contact with Orthon,
claimed to have had contact expe-
rience himself; however this was
limited to channelling. The British
contactee George King chan-
nelled and claimed to “meet” with
Venusian masters. Unlike Adamski
however, neither King nor William-
son attempted to claim that these
“masters” where entirely physical
This view has more commonality
with contactees such as Barbara
Marciniak and her channelled
contact with the Pleiadians. Ac-
cording to their imparted infor-
mation, the Pleiadians are from
the constellation Pleiades; a star
cluster that, in our cosmology is
deemed too young to be have
given rise to an extraterrestrial
civilisation, being only about 70
million years old. However, ac-
cording to the Pleiadians commu-
nique, they not only convey their
messages over space but over
time too, emanating from a future
civilisation in that location.
Comparative Mythology
British researcher Pierre Sabak
suggests that the meaning of the
term Venus in theosophy, and thus
the related contactee doctrine,
may be different from being
simply a reference to an ascended
abode on the second planet from
our Sun. According to Sabak, his
study into comparative linguistics
indicates that Venus, the name of
the Roman goddess, may actually
be a covert reference to Sirius –
the Dog Star.
Sirius is in the constellation Canis
Major and is the brightest star in
the night sky. There is also a sym-
bolism reference linking Venus
and Sirius. The Dogon tribe of Mali
and the Serer of the Senegal and
Gambia, West Africa, are among
the cultures that worship Sirius
and whose symbol for it is a five
pointed star – in common to other
symbols of Venus.
Transmission of spiritual
The Aetherius Society is an
organisation established by
contactee George King and named
after an ascended master named
Aetherius. A central tenet of the
society is that its followers actively
engage in transmission of spiritual
energy; a concept in common with
‘shaktipat’ (sending energy) in
the both the Hindu and Buddhist
According to the Theosophical
writers, Alice Bailey and Benjamin
Crème, the Seven Stars of the
Pleiades are believed to be the
source of transmission of spiritu-
al energy; part of a transmission
that is collectively called the Seven
Rays. According to Theosophy, an
ascended master who resides at
the Galactic Centre transmits this
spiritual energy to the Seven Stars
of the Great Bear, then on to Sirius.
From Sirius, so theosophists tell
us, it travels to our Sun and then
on to the ascended master Sanat
Kumara (referred to as the god
of Earth) and finally through the
seven Masters of the Seven Rays
(traditionally Tibetan masters) to
the human race.
An Intelligence Problem
The veracity of claims of chan-
nelled information and transfer-
ence of spiritual energy aside for
a moment; the main thing that
strikes home is that contact with
extraterrestrials, as claimed by
the spiritualist contactees such
George Adamski, is not a phenom-
enon solely of the 1950’s era. It is
a system of alleged communica-
tion and influence that, as we can 17
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
see with the Theosophical Society,
has a lineage that goes back much
With regards to the veracity of
the information, is it something
we can prove? Science deals with
natural things only and thus it
cannot describe the big picture for
the simple reason that channelled
information — regardless of its
actual origin — is born of intelli-
gence, an artefact of a conscious
mind, and therefore it can only be
dealt with from that perspective.
Here, UFO researcher Jacques
Vallee explains this problem in the
context of a conversation with an
acquaintance, whom has a back-
ground in US Military Intelligence.
Vallee gives him the pseudonym
Major Murphy:
“Now the UFO phenomenon
could be controlled by alien
beings. ‘If it is,’ added the Ma-
jor, ‘then the study of it doesn’t
belong in science. It belongs in
intelligence’. Meaning counter-
espionage. And that, he point-
ed out was his domain.
“‘In the field of counterespio-
nage the rules are completely
different.’ ‘You are a scientist.
In science there is no concept
of ‘price’ of information. Sup-
pose I gave you 95 per cent
of the data concerning a phe-
nomenon. You’re happy be-
cause you know 95 per cent
of the phenomenon. Not so in
intelligence. If I get 95 percent
of the data I know this is the
‘cheap’ part of the informa-
tion. I still need the other 5%,
but I will have to pay a higher
price to get it. You see, Hilter
had 95 per cent of the informa-
tion about the landing in Nor-
mandy. But he had the wrong
95 per cent!’”
So what of Bill Coopers claim that
the U.S. Government and military
had “learned that the aliens had
been and were then manipulating
masses of people through secret
societies, witchcraft, magic, the
occult, and religion”?
We have seen that according to
these contactees and the spiritu-
alists it seems that, yes, from their
beliefs perspective at least, there
is a history of communication with
our galactic neighbours going back
centuries if not millennia; a history
that permeates through in the tra-
ditions of many aboriginal peoples
on this planet.
It is of course possible that this
communication and influence
is extraterrestrial contact by its
nature and, if so, Bill Cooper’s
claim may indeed have merit. The
question of proof here is moot in a
certain sense because, if it isn’t ex-
traterrestrials – then exactly who
is it that has had such a fundamen-
tal influence on many thousands
if not millions of people through-
out the ages in propagating these
In this limited and, in many ways
simplistic look at extraterrestri-
al communication, we have seen
that communication is on the
whole seen as positive and indic-
ative of benevolent beings looking
out for humanity. In the rational-
isation that can be found in the
literature of UFO religious belief
systems there are subtle contra-
dictions regarding extraterrestrial
benevolence however.
While on the one hand they claim
that aliens are our benevolent kin,
the Aetherius Society perspective
for example, has it is that, because
of our backward evolution here on
Earth, the Earth has been open to
frequent attack from evil forces
from other parts of the universe,
attacks that the “masters” have
apparently sought to repel.
So surely bad aliens must there-
fore be responsible for that?
Maybe not…
It would seem though, that, as
with the so called Law of Attrac-
tion, as a species, the terrestri-
al human race brings it on itself.
Whatever it wants, it gets. While
most people engaging in contact
may choose to access (commune
with) positive benevolent forces,
we should ask if there are those in
our society who would choose to
seek out these negative energies
alluded to by these spiritualist
groups? 18
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
Anthony Beckett was born in 1975
in and lives near Keighley, West
Yorkshire. After graduating in
Chemistry at Loughborough Uni-
versity with honours in 1997 and
gaining a Masters degree in Ana-
lytical Chemistry from the Univer-
sity of Huddersfield in 1998, he
went on to work as a Pharmaceu-
tical Development Scientist until
leaving the profession 2006 hav-
ing become disillusioned with the
industries unethical profiteering.
He is now a Software Engineer by
profession and a freelance Web
Anthony’s interest in UFOs started
at an early age with newspaper
reports of sightings in the Keigh-
ley area during his childhood. He
continues to research the subject
of UFOs, Extraterrestrial Life, Exo-
politcs, Free Energy Technologies
and various other subjects. Antho-
ny organises lectures and speaking
tours around the UK and organ-
ised the first European Exopolitics
conference in 2009 and founded
Exopolitics Great Britain. He is the
creator and editor of Exopolitics
About the author
On the side of all this, there is the
— shall we say, coincidence — of
the development of terrestrial
antigravity platforms around the
began in the 1950’s.
While the contactees revitalised
the occult theosophical beliefs
in the era of the flying saucers,
it seems the terrestrial secret
keepers, whose work would have
been expected to bring about a
revolutionary technological leap
in aviation, took that technology
underground, into the black world
— and literally made it occult —
secret — in the process.
The space program that the world
is familiar with is seen by many as
a symbol of the height of human
technological achievement. How-
ever, in the context that a secret
space program exists utilising
advanced, yet secret, technology
— NASA is seen as a distraction
masquerading as the pinnacle of
our technical achievement. Many
authors have reported on the
occult influences at play in NASA
and this can been seen going back
even before NASA’s inception.
The infamous occultist and
rocket scientist, Jack Parsons, for
instance, a key figure in the for-
mation of NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory is also said to have met
a “Spiritual Being”. A being that
Parsons himself considered to be a
Venusian. Coincidentally, this was
in the same locale where eight
years later George Adamski would
meet with his own Venusian.
By Anthony Beckett
May 2014 19
Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
Looking back at ‘Contact’
By Robbie Graham
In a time when the idea of alien visitation is becoming inseparable from Trans-
formers and Battleships, the 1997 movie Contact seems more rare and precious
than ever...
Based on the novel by famed astronomer Carl Sagan, the 1997
movie Contact has become a firm favourite in the UFO commu-
nity. Sagan, of course, was a vehement UFO sceptic, and so it is
ironic that Contact connects so profoundly with so many in the
UFO field; ironic, but perhaps not surprising considering the
movie lends itself freely to UFOlogical readings.
In the movie, SETI scientist Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) – whose
character is inspired by real-life former SETI director Jill Tarter –
discovers an alien signal beamed from Vega, a star in the con-
stellation of Lyra, some 25 light years from Earth. Her discovery
and its subsequent public disclosure by President Clinton consti-
tutes proof that we are not alone in the universe and captures
the imagination of the entire planet, sparking fervent scientific,
political and religious debate. Soon, Ellie and her
team realize the signal is actually a complex schemat-
ic for a transport pod designed to carry one person
to a destination unknown. That destination, it tran-
spires, is Vega itself, and is to be reached via multiple
wormholes. Naturally, it is Ellie who takes the cosmic
voyage, and, at the end of her epic journey, she finds
herself in an elaborate simulacrum of a childhood
memory: a warm beach in Pensacola, Florida. It is
here that she speaks face-to-face with an alien in-
telligence which has assumed the form of her dead
father, whom she lost as a child: “We thought this
might make things easier for you,” he says, smiling
gently. No little green or Grey men for Ellie, then; no
flying saucers, no motherships or gleaming alien city-
scapes, only a mirage of Earthly forms created for her
personal comfort. “You’re an interesting species, an
interesting mix,” he tells her. “You’re capable of such
beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You
feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you’re not. See,
in all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that
makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.” She
longs to learn more before being sent home, but
is told “This was just a first step. In time you’ll take
another… this is the way it’s been done for billions
of years. Small moves, Ellie, small moves.” And so an
individual is selected for contact and provided with
philosophical nuggets but zero physical evidence of
their alien encounter, before being left to tell their
story to whomsoever will listen. Ellie, it seems, has
much in common with the contactees of UFO lore.
“I can’t prove it”
Back on Earth, during a government inquiry into her
claims, Ellie is reminded by a panel member that
she has “no evidence, no record, no artifacts. Only
a story that, to put it mildly, strains credibility.” Ellie
is asked: “why don’t you simply withdraw your testi-
mony, and concede that this ‘journey to the center of
the galaxy,’ in fact, never took place?” She responds:
“Because I can’t. I... had an experience... I can’t
prove it, I can’t even explain it, but everything that
I know as a human being, everything that I am tells
me that it was real! I was given something wonder-
ful, something that changed me forever... A vision of
the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and
insignificant and how rare and precious we all are! A 21
Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
vision that tells us that we belong
to something that is greater than
ourselves, that we are not, that
none of us, are alone! I wish I could
share that. I wish that everyone, if
only for one moment, could feel
that awe, and humility, and hope.
But... That continues to be my
Ellie is visibly frustrated. She has
experienced direct contact with an
so in a manner that flies in the face
of our preconceived notions (a
saucer on the White House lawn,
for example – a notion, which,
ironically, was borne of cinema),
and thus her claims are dismissed
by official culture.
As Ellie leaves her hearing, the
hardheaded atheist realizes that
her contact experience was, in
essence, a spiritual awakening not
so different from those claimed
by religious disciples. Indeed, the
throngs of worshippers who greet
her outside with placards hailing
her discovery of “the new world”
confirm her new status as a reli-
gious icon. Like many a contact-
ee, Ellie has attracted followers
with her stories of otherworldly
communion. Certain elements of
society see fit to believe her, while
most do not. Either way her story
is out there.
Although Carl Sagan was UFO
sceptic, the screenwriter for
Contact, James V. Hart, is a
self-proclaimed UFO believer. Not
that this seems to have had much
bearing on the film. Any UFOlog-
ical readings we might ascribe to
Contact the movie are also iden-
tifiable in the book. Intentionally
or not, the idea of ‘missing time’
features prominently as Ellie
assumes her hyperspatial voyage
has lasted hours or even days,
when to the eyes of outside ob-
servers her transport pod trav-
elled nowhere at all. It is implied
that her experience occurred in
the space between spaces. Cer-
tainly it was beyond her limited
comprehension and of those she
would seek to convince of its ac-
tuality – something UFO witnesses
can relate to.
Contact and Clinton
An intriguing UFOlogical side-note
on Contact relates to President Bill
Clinton. When in the movie the
President announces the discov-
ery of the alien signal, the Clinton
we see and hear is the real Clinton
– which is to say his image and
words have not been manipulat-
ed by the filmmakers, as could so
easily have been done through
digital trickery. The President says,
in part:
“...If this discovery is confirmed,
it will surely be one of the most
stunning insights into our universe
that science has ever uncov-
ered. Its implications are as far
reaching and awe inspiring as can
be imagined. Even as it promises
answers to some of our oldest
questions, it poses still others
even more fundamental. We will
continue to listen closely to what
it has to say as we continue the
search for answers and for knowl-
edge that is as old as humanity
itself but essential to our people’s
However, these words, although
actually spoken by Clinton, were
presented out of context in the
movie. While in the scene in
question it certainly sounds like
Clinton is delivering a cautious dis-
closure of contact with an alien in-
telligence, in reality his comments
were delivered in August 1996
and referred to the possible dis-
covery of fossilized microbial life
in a Martian meteorite. Director
Robert Zemeckis simply lifted
this part of Clinton’s speech and
used it to heighten the believabil-
ity of his fictional movie. It was a
decision that landed the director
in hot water with the White
House, which issued a complaint
to the film’s producers citing un-
authorized use of the President’s
image. In truth, Clinton was
probably delighted to be seen on
the big screen announcing alien
contact. By his own public admis-
sion, the Democratic President
was and is fascinated by the idea
not only of extraterrestrial life,
but of UFO visitation; he has even
spoken publicly of his frustration
at being stonewalled on the issue.
At a speech in Belfast in 1995, the
President made a point of bringing
up the famous Roswell Incident
of 1947: “If the United States Air
Force did recover alien bodies,
they didn’t tell me about it, either,
and I want to know.” He was even
more direct in a question and
answer session following a speech
in Hong Kong in 2005. When asked
about Roswell, the President
replied: “I did attempt to find out
if there were any secret govern-
ment documents that revealed
things. If there were, they were
concealed from me too. And, if
there were, well I wouldn’t be
the first American President that
underlings have lied to, or that
career bureaucrats have waited
out. But there may be some career
person sitting around somewhere,
hiding these dark secrets, even
from elected presidents. But if so,
they successfully eluded me.”
A contemplative film calling to
mind the likes of Close Encounters
of the Third Kind and even 2001: A
Space Odyssey, Contact is a spec-
tacular sci-fi that milked every
penny of its $90 million budget
to gross in excess of $171 million
worldwide. 17 years on from its 22
Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
release Contact remains distinct
from most all other movies to have
explored the idea of human/alien
interactions. It belongs to that
lonely group of films which has
dared to dream that life beyond
the stars might one day extend
to us a peaceful hand. Although
from a screenwriting perspective
it is arguably more challenging to
explore the positive implications
of otherworldly contact than the
negative – explosions being easier
to pen than profound socio-polit-
ical or spiritual debate – Contact
is testament to the fact that the
challenge can be met with gusto,
and to both critical and commer-
cial success. Here’s hoping that,
in the years to come, Hollywood
will be more inclined to shake ET’s
hand rather than to blow it off
with a bazooka and a one-liner.
by Robbie Graham
March 2014 23
Upcoming Conferences
Extraterrestrial Communication Conference
Saturday June 28th, 2014
In 2014 we have two major events
in the British Ufology calendar. The
first sees the return of our Extra-
terrestrial Communication Confer-
ence on Saturday June 28th, 2014.
The first event features lectures
by experiencers and researchers
into anomalous phenomena and
extraterrestrial contact and com-
From the USA, abduction ex-
periencer and researcher Mike
Clelland will take a deep look into
the meaning of his own alien ex-
periences and those of others.
Mike Clelland is a talented illus-
trator and an avid outdoorsman,
and many of his experiences
have occurred while in the great
outdoors. In his UFO research he
has written extensively on the
subject of alien abductions, syn-
chronicities, high strangeness and
owls, as well as his own personal
experiences. He has had a lifetime
of unusual events that seem
directly intertwined with the UFO
reality and in his talk at the Extra-
terrestrial Communication Con-
ference he will take the audience
on a journey through that world
of high strangeness and present
some fascinating insights into the
true nature of his experiences.
Ellis Taylor, is an experiencer who
first inspired the leading ET ab-
duction therapist Mary Rodwell to
About the author
Robbie Graham is the author of
Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact
from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO
Movies, which is due for publica-
tion in September 2014 through
White Crow Books.
Robbie has been interviewed
about UFOs and the politics of
Hollywood for BBC Radio, Coast
to Coast AM, Canal+ TV and Van-
ity Fair, among others. His articles
have appeared in a variety of pub-
lications including The Guardian,
New Statesman, Filmfax, Forte-
an Times, and the peer-reviewed
journal of North American Stud-
ies, 49th Parallel.
He holds an MA with Distinction
in Cinema Studies from the
University of Bristol. As a
professional educator, Robbie has
designed and delivered Film and
Media courses at multiple learning
levels at Stafford College and the
University of Bristol. Robbie is the
editor of
Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
look at the alien abduction phe-
nomenon. Ellis Taylor is a genuine
and first hand experiencer of what
really does lie in the ‘beyond’.
Born in Bridgetown, Western Aus-
tralia, he now resides in the UK, he
has been described as “a shaman
of the modern world”.
Lorraine Flaherty is a Past-lives
therapist who has come across
many cases where her subjects
have described lives of oth-
er-worlds, and even described
abduction scenarios in past-lives
as well as in the present. Lorraine
will present cases where her re-
gression thearapy has uncovered
bizarre tales of past lives on other
planets and alien civilisations.
UFO experiencer and broadcast-
er Tony Topping will be recount-
ing his own personal experiences
of UFO encounters and of agents
that sought to persecute him as a
result of this experience.
Exopolitics Great Britain producer
Anthony Beckett will exploring the
world of the 1950’s contactees,
look at the what lies behind this
facinating and poorly understood
facet of Extraterrestrial Commu-
The event will be held in Leeds,
West Yorkshire at Leeds Metropol-
itan University’s The Rose Bowl at
the city centre campus.
Conference Venue: Leeds Metro-
politan University, The Rose Bowl,
Portland Way, Leeds LS1 3HB.
Reserve your place today! 24
Upcoming Conferences
Dr. George King: Contactee with the
Gods from Space
By Richard Lawrence
“Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.”
– The Master Aetherius, to Dr. George King
“Prepare yourself! You are to
become the voice of Interplanetary
Parliament.” These words, spoken
by an interplanetary intelligence
known as The Master Aetherius,
to Dr. George King on May 8th,
1954 in London, triggered a series
of interplanetary contacts which
would continue regularly until his
passing in 1997. This is one of the
great contactee stories – in my
view the greatest. Controversial
even in UFO circles, his cosmic en-
counters are nevertheless a must-
know for any serious ufologist.
Fusing spirituality and cosmology
with straightforward common-
sense, Dr. King’s legacy continues
unabated through the organi-
sation he started in 1955, The
Aetherius Society, which has head-
quarters, branches and groups in
Europe, North America, Africa and
Australasia, and members in many
parts of the world.
Dr. King was born in 1919 and his
childhood, sandwiched between
two world wars, was spent in the
English countryside, wherever his
father’s work as a village school-
master took the family. The hardy
conditions, especially in North
Yorkshire where he spent several
of his formative years, were not
helped by his poor health, giving
him a practical grounding in the
necessities of life. But even then
his central focus was on spiritual-
ity and the nature of existence. He
was also developing pronounced
healing and psychic powers at an
early age.
As a Quaker he took a principled
stand in the Second World War, as
his father had done in the First, by
playing a non-combatant role in
the fire service, of which he was a
section leader during the London
Blitz. The shocking human suffer-
ing he encountered only furthered
his pursuance of truth through
personal realisation. It was thus,
at the end of the war, that he
turned to the little known practice
in those days of yoga.
Instead of seeking material
advancement through a formal
education and lucrative career,
he turned his attention to
inner development through a
demanding regime of spiritual,
mental and physical yoga
exercises. He practised these for
approximately eight hours a day
for ten years, an extraordinary
commitment for a westerner to
make, especially at that time. To
pay the bills, he worked in a variety
of jobs, particularly as a driver.
Those who question why Dr.
King would be chosen to be the
channel for extraterrestrial intelli-
gences, using trance medium-ship
and telepathy to do so, should
really supply a list of alternative
candidates. Who else in 1954 in
London, or any other city for that
matter, had trained so intensively
and so long in the advanced prac-
tices necessary to become Primary
Terrestrial Mental Channel as the
Gods from Space described him? I
have yet to hear of one.
Most of us, who have written and
spoken in the media and other
public forums about UFOs, are
all too familiar with the closed-
minded disbelief, which can
assail us, especially from the
establishment. Imagine then
declaring the truth about flying
saucers and their interplanetary
controllers in the deferential
world of post-war Britain. When
Dr. King led a public rally for the
truth about UFOs to be revealed
by the government of the day in
Trafalgar Square, the climate was 25
Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
markedly different from that of
today’s disclosure project, which
still receives political resistance.
He was mercilessly ridiculed in
Fleet Street, but his bravery shone
through and he gave regular
demonstrations of his cosmic
medium-ship, often in the Caxton
Hall in Westminster and, on one
occasion, on television for the
The messages he received
revealed the truth about extra-
terrestrial spacecraft and their
reasons for being here, giving
accurate public forecasts of when
and where they would be oper-
ating around the world. As with
certain other claimed contacts of
that period, there were detailed
warnings about the use of nuclear
power. These included one sen-
sational revelation of a nuclear
accident in the Soviet Union which
was published by Dr. King 18 years
before it was confirmed in the
western media. Even The New Sci-
entist admitted in 1978 that they
had been “scooped by a UFO”.
But predominantly these extrater-
restrial communications, known
as cosmic transmissions, were
spiritual in nature. 	
They described the multidimen-
sional life existing throughout the
universe, even on planets which
we might consider to be uninhab-
itable. Perhaps the most conten-
tious of these at the time was Dr.
King’s claim to be a channel for
The Master Jesus who came from
the planet Venus in the so-called
‘Star of Bethlehem’. As controver-
sial – heretical even – as it seemed
to some, the sublime voice and
moving words of The Twelve
Blessings which The Master Jesus
delivered through Dr. King in 1958,
has transformed the lives of thou-
sands around the world and con-
tinues to do so.
Dr. King’s mission as Primary Ter-
restrial Mental Channel expanded
when he was commissioned by the
Cosmic Masters to climb 18 moun-
tains in Europe, North America,
Australia and New Zealand, so
that they could be charged with
powerful spiritual energies. Ad-
ditionally, Mount Kilimanjaro in
Tanzania was charged without re-
quiring his physical presence. Des-
ignated as Operation Starlight, this
demanding and often dangerous
task was completed successfully
in 1961, since when pilgrimag-
es have been conducted to all of
them. Thousands of pilgrims have
travelled to one or more of these –
this year alone, pilgrimages by the
Society have already been sched-
uled in Britain, France, USA and
New Zealand.
Dr. King was instructed to move
his residence to the United States
and unquestioningly did so, even
though he always remained a
citizen of the United Kingdom,
which he visited regularly. He
established the Society in Los
Angeles, and to this day the Soci-
ety’s two headquarters are based
in both countries. In LA he received
a series of Cosmic Transmissions
called The Nine Freedoms from
an elevated Martian Intelligence
which, along with The Twelve
Blessings, forms the centrepiece
of Aetherius Society teaching.
From the challenging skills of
mountaineering in hazardous con-
ditions, Dr. King was now directed
to the arena of seamanship.
Whereas the mountains had been
charged in Operation Starlight
so that spiritual energy could be
sent by pilgrims to heal and uplift
humanity, an even greater consid-
eration now entered the equation:
the well-being of the planet upon
which we live.
Dr. King was a champion of ecology
long before the term became fash-
ionable. His ecology however was
not solely focused on the material
survival of the human race, but
upon the Mother Earth as a living,
compassionate, suffering Being.
He was given the mission Opera-
tion Bluewater, which took place
at sea, off the California coast and
a small crew. This time the energy
was sent by the Cosmic Masters
through the waters directly to the
planet herself.
Ten years on from the initial
Command, he had indisputably
become a UFO contactee with a
difference. His ‘can do’ practical-
ity, coupled with other-worldly
sensibilities, meant that fair-mind-
ed believers and disbelievers
alike had to acknowledge his one
hundred percent commitment to
his mission. He worked tirelessly
seven days a week with the same
single-minded determination he
had shown when he first took up
the practice of yoga. With just a
few helpers and a very limited
budget, he continued regardless
of the noises off, which could be
hostile to say the least.
He revealed that, on July 8th 1964
the Mother Earth, as a living intel-
ligence, was initiated with great 26
Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
spiritual powers by the Gods from
Space and that a quickening of
vibrations upon the surface of
Earth would gradually start to take
place. This would mean increased
also could exacerbate the more
extreme behaviour of fanatics and
extremists. In short, the human
race would embark upon a period
which has been referred to as the
Great Change.
He identified the asteroid belt as
the planet from which the human
race originated, but which had
been destroyed through atomic
warfare. He spoke of the previous
civilisations on this Earth of
Lemuria and Atlantis which had
also been destroyed by nuclear
conflict, and warned of the same
challenge facing us today. He iden-
tified the solution to the environ-
mental and humanitarian crisis
which overshadows our future as
being an outpouring of spiritual
energy to the world as a whole.
Dr. King had now moved beyond
being solely an instrument for the
Gods from Space to also being an
active contributor to their plan for
our world. He invented equipment
and devised missions which were
accepted by the Cosmic Masters
whose authority was always sac-
rosanct to him.
One of these missions, Op-
eration Prayer Power, which
has been featured extensive-
ly in television broadcasts
around the world, is now
performed in the UK, USA
and New Zealand. It enables
attenders to store spiritu-
al energy which has been
invoked through prayer and
mantra in physical containers
known as batteries. This means
that energy, stored by hundreds
of people who have each spent
many hours in prayer or mantra
in the vicinity of the battery, can
be released in conjunction with
the Cosmic Masters in a matter
of minutes. In a disaster situation
caused by an earthquake, hurri-
cane or war, for example, it would
be the equivalent of hundreds
of people gathering at that exact
instant when their prayer would
be most needed and directing it
to the spot instantaneously. The
Society, which has kept logs of the
results of such energy releases,
has recorded significant outcomes
on several occasions.
Most contactees have an out-
standing experience, be it a close
encounter or a so-called abduc-
tion, which they speak and write
about for many years to come.
Some, such as George Adamski
and Dan Fry, claimed to have a
number of these. It is extremely
rare though, if not unprecedent-
ed, for any contactee to have
regular communications over a
forty-three year period, as Dr. King
did up to his passing in 1997.
As a close colleague, friend and
student of Dr. King, who was in
touch with him almost on a daily
basis for the last twenty years of
his life, I can vouch for the fact
that he was always on duty.
He could be contacted by the
Cosmic Masters at any time,
whether convenient to him or
not. He was, as you would expect
from a master of yoga, a highly in-
telligent man who was not prone
to fantasy or wishful thinking. On
the contrary he was, strange as it
may sound, a very down-to-earth
person with a discerning, enquir-
ing mind and an infectious sense
of humour. He did not seek eccen-
tricity for its own sake, but much
preferred tradition and conformity
where possible. He disliked public-
ity but he recognised that he was
obliged to propagate the cosmic
message he had received without
trying to convert, indoctrinate or
recruit anyone against their will.
It is predictable but inaccu-
rate – and very lazy – of some
in the media to describe him
as a cult leader, because he
eschewed the type of be-
haviour for which certain
cults have become known.
To the end of his life he lived
very modestly with his wife,
Monique, who was one of
his leading disciples, split-
ting his time between an
average-sized bungalow in
Santa Barbara, California, a small
apartment at the Society’s head-
quarters in Los Angeles, and an 27
Richard Lawrence with Dr George King
Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
even smaller one when he visited
the European Headquarters in
London. He worked tirelessly in
the last ten years of his life, with
a few advisors, to ensure that the
Society could continue without
his unique abilities as a UFO con-
tactee. None of us were equipped
to replace him, and it would be
delusory for anyone to think
they would be in the foreseeable
future. Despite this, thanks to
him, we are still able to cooperate
directly with the Gods from Space
in no less than five missions on
land and water, without needing
a terrestrial mental channel as he
had been.
As the co-author of the last book
he published in his lifetime,
Contacts With The Gods From
Space, I could easily be described
as biased. Nevertheless I must say
that I believe Dr. George King to be
one of the greatest Masters ever
to visit our world. For the record,
he was also a wonderful man who
is in my thoughts, as he is in those
of many others, every day.
By Richard Lawrence
April 2014
Described by Kindred Spirit mag-
azine as one “of the biggest tal-
ents in MBS (Mind/Body/Spirit)”,
Richard’s books, DVDs and CDs
have been sold in many coun-
tries - translations have included
Dutch, French, German, Italian,
Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and
He has taken part in hundreds
of radio shows around the world
including several appearanc-
es on Coast to Coast AM, which
broadcasts to 475 radio shows
throughout the USA. He regular-
ly appeared as a co-host on Mike
Allen’s weekly show on LBC called
The Phenomena Files.
His TV appearances include GMTV
on topics ranging from UFOs to an-
gels, psychic powers and comple-
mentary medicine. He has also ap-
peared on TV with Esther Rantzen,
Eammon Holmes, Gloria Hunni-
ford, Terry Wogan, Noel Edmonds
and James Whale, and a host of
documentaries and magazine pro-
grammes on all the terrestrial and
many of the satellite channels.
In addition to having had a column
in The Observer, he has written
for the Daily Express, Daily Mail,
The Sun, Woman’s World, Here’s
Health, Health and Fitness, the
USA’s Whole Life Times and Phe-
nome-News, New Zealand’s Life-
style magazine and many other
journals. He has appeared in most
of Britain’s national newspapers,
and many magazines and local pa-
He has lectured in the USA, New
Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Italy,
Switzerland and Nigeria, and for
over 30 years, has been a key-
note speaker at London’s largest
and most prestigious Mind Body
Spirit Festival. He has spoken in-
ternationally at various venues
including churches, synagogues,
Buddhist temples, schools, uni-
versities, business conventions,
charitable meetings and numer-
ous conventions and bookstores,
as well as to an audience of thou-
sands at an open-air pop concert.
Richard is the Executive Secretary
and a Bishop in The Aetherius
Churches. He has devoted his life
to the work of his late master and
personal friend, Dr. George King
(1919-1997), who founded the
About the author 28
Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
Everyone in society today has heard of UFOs and the
possibility that this phenomenon may represent the
arrival on earth of extraterrestrials, advanced spiritu-
al beings, or beings from another dimension.
Everyone inside the UFO research field is also aware
that there is a strong skeptical group of scientists that
are determined to crush any conclusion that UFOs
represent anything outside the random physical
world view.
Their major counter to UFO researchers claims that
UFOs represent something non-local and separate
from the physical world view is usually summed up
with the expression, “There is no conclusive evidence
that proves the UFO claim.”
This sets up a high mountain for Ufology to climb
because the skeptics are dogmatically hard liners in
their religious world view that everything is physical.
They are riveted with fear, like a small child on his bed
in the dark, waiting for the bogeyman man under the
bed to reach out and grab him.
Belief or Proof?
No one will ever prove the UFO non-local argument
to a skeptic because proof itself is illusive and im-
possible to prove to someone who it determined
does not to believe. Moreover, in the end everything
is belief, and proof is an elusive word with no real
Take the example of something that should seem
quite straight forward and considered proved –
people from time to time get a hole-in-one while
golfing. When you look closely, however, this is just
a belief we hold like everything else in life if we have
no direct experience.
To use a golfing analogy — if I tell you I got a hole in
one yesterday, like a UFO sighting I might claim, you
can only believe or disbelieve my story. There is no
proof. You cannot know unless you were a witness,
and even then there still exists the possibility that I,
like a magician, made you think you saw a hole in
The things you base your beliefs on are the same
things that support most beliefs in UFOs.
Someone told you the story of the hole in one or
the UFO and you chose to believe them.
Someone filmed the hole in one or the UFO and
you chose to believe that the film was not altered
or faked.
You assumed that the hole in one or the UFO hap-
pened because so many people have told such
stories and this represents collective reality.
Therefore understanding that only those who have
had direct experience can really know, what is the
best evidence for UFOs that support the belief that
UFOs are real non-local phenomena and probably
not from this physical world?
The Evidence
1) The Canadian government said UFOs are a reality.
There is a formally Top Secret document that is held
in the Canadian government archives that says just
that. The Canadian government does not discount
the document as a fraud. The four page document
was written in November 1950 and was finally de-
classified in 1978.
The document sums up “discrete enquiries” made
in the United States through the Canadian Embassy
Belief or Proof?
Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma
By Grant Cameron
“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no
proof is possible.”
– Stuart Chase 29
Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron
about the subject of flying saucers.
The memo, authored by the head
radio engineer at the Depart-
ment of Transport, stated that the
America officials had revealed five
key facts:
Flying saucers exist.
It is the most highly classified
subject in the United States.
It was even two points high-
er than the hydrogen bomb
which would not be first tested
till two years later.
A small group headed by Dr.
Vannevar Bush, the former sci-
ence advisor to President Roo-
sevelt was trying to figure out
what was going on.
The subject is considered of
tremendous significance to the
American government.
Things such as mental phe-
nomena might be associated
with the flying saucers.
2) A 43 year veteran of the CIA is
on the record that the UFO phe-
nomenon is real and extraterres-
This man, Chase Brandon, came
forward in front of millions of
people to make the statement.
He, had been a covert agent for
the CIA from 1970—1995, and
then became the CIA liaison man
to Hollywood. Brandon described
that period as being “paid for 10
years to be the most overt face
and voice in the CIA, second only
to George Tenet…”
In 2005 Brandon retired but as he
described it:
“No one wants to give it up…
Most of us still like the work
especially if we can help… We
like to contribute… Yes you
stick about and work under
The story Brandon told was that
he was at CIA Langley headquar-
ters in the Historical Intelligence
Collection area which is a vault
containing archive boxes of files.
While waiting for a film crew to
arrive he was looking at all the
labels on the various boxes and
saw one marked Roswell. He
looked inside and,
“It was not a damn weather
balloon — it was what it was
billed as when people first re-
ported it. It was a craft that
clearly did not come from this
planet, it crashed, and I don’t
doubt for a second that the use
of the word ‘remains’ and ‘ca-
davers’ was exactly what peo-
ple were talking about. One
hundred per cent guarantee, in
my heart and soul I say – Ros-
well happened. There was a
craft… absolutely cadavers.”
Asked about this public state-
ment a CIA spokesman did not
call Brandon a liar. They simply
said they could not find the files
Brandon had referred to.
Bill Gates, former CIA Director and
Secretary of Defense was asked
about Brandon claim in February
2013. He defended Brandon and
did not discount the extraterres-
trial claim. “I have a lot of respect
for Chase… So I’m not going to
question Chase. I’m just telling you
what I said.”
3) Many people say that when the
president stand up and says it is
real then they will believe it. It is
therefore important to note that
Ronald Reagan did just that.
The word of the president is very
important because he is the most
powerful person in the world, and
if there is any reality to the UFO
phenomena he should know.
The President is also at the top of
any agency that might be running
a cover-up such as the US military.
The president is the civilian com-
mander of the military which
would make him in charge; if the
intelligence agencies are running
the cover-up they all work for the
president as they provide him in-
formation. That is their main job.
If the government is running the
cover-up the president is the CEO
of the government and therefore
in charge. If someone is dealing
and negotiating with aliens it has
to involve the president who is
constitutionally responsible for
any treaties or negotiations with
foreign entities.
With these points in mind on
June 27th
, 1981 President Ronald
Reagan confirmed publically that
the ET story was real.
The event was the screening of
the movie “ET: The Extraterres-
trial” in the White House theatre
by director Steven Spielberg.
There were 39 people in the room
besides the president.
statement on tape, Reagan stood
up after the film was finished,
“and looked around the room
like he was doing a head-
count... and he said, ‘I wanted
to thank you for bringing E.T. to
the White House. We really en-
joyed your movie,’ and then he
looked around the room and
said, ‘And there are a number
of people in this room who
know that everything on that
screen is absolutely true.’ And 30
Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron
he said it without smiling!”
4) Another president who con-
firmed there was a solid reality to
the UFO phenomena was Jimmy
Carter who had his own UFO
sighting. According to actress
Shirley MacLaine:
“He told me many times that
when I first wrote ‘Out on a
Limb’ that he would support
me – that it was true - there
were occupants. Why should
we be the only people in the
universe? He wanted to shine
the sunshine laws on intelli-
gence to expose it – to see how
the people would react but he
said he didn’t and wouldn’t
and couldn’t as he explained to
This statement by MacLaine is
given further support by Daniel
Sheehan, the former chief counsel
for the Jesuit headquarters in
Washington, D.C., who has testi-
fied publically on many occasions
that he worked on two highly
classified studies on ETs and UFOs
that were prepared for Carter by
Marcia Smith, whose was senior
level specialist in aerospace and
telecommunications policy at the
Congressional Research Service.
As a part of his work Sheehan
was given access to the classified
portion of the USAF Project Blue
Book in May 1977.
As to the two reports Sheehan
“The first report on extrater-
restrial intelligence stated
the Congressional Research
Service of the official United
States Congressional Library,
in its official report to the Pres-
ident, through the House of
Representatives Science and
Technology Committee, con-
cludes that there are from two
to six highly intelligent, high-
ly technologically developed
civilizations in our own galaxy
over and above our own.
“In the second report they had
drawings of different shapes
of UFOs that have been sight-
ed,” continued Sheehan. “They
didn’t cite any particular cases,
but they said that they believed
there was a significant number
of instances where the official
United States Air Force inves-
tigations were unable to dis-
count the possibility that one
or more of these vehicles was
actually from one of these ex-
traterrestrial civilizations. They
put this together, and sent it
over to the president. I ended
up seeing a copy of it.”
5) President Barack Obama also
confirmed reality to the UFO and
ET subjects in statement that he
has made in public.
In a March 2012 speech in Roswell
New Mexico Obama started his
speech by telling a humorous story
about Roswell questions asked
to him by young boys. Following
this he paused before going to the
speech and stated, “We will keep
out secrets here,” thus confirming
that there is a secret about the
Roswell crash that he knows and
which must be kept secret.
In May 2012 during a White
House tour for Men in Black actor
Will Smith and his family, his son
Jaden started to ask a question
about aliens as they touring the
situation room. Anticipating the
question that was coming Obama
stated, “The aliens, right? OK, I
can neither confirm nor deny the
existence of extraterrestrials but I
can tell you if there had been a top
secret meeting and if there would
have had to have been a discus-
sion about it, it would have taken
place in this room.”
6) Edward Ruppelt, who was the
original head of the official gov-
ernment study of UFOs known as
Project Blue Book, wrote in his
1956 book “The Report on Uniden-
tified Flying Objects” stated that
an USAF estimation of the UFO
problem in 1948, just after the
major sightings had started, con-
cluded it was an extraterrestrial
phenomena. The fact that the first
major investigator for the govern-
ment stated that the government
knew it was extraterrestrial almost
from day one has been forgotten
by UFO history. Ruppelt wrote:
“The situation was the UFO’s;
the estimate was that they
were interplanetary! When
the estimate was completed,
typed, and approved it start-
ed up through the channels to
higher command echelons. It
drew considerable comment
but no one stopped it on the
way up.”
7) Senator Barry Goldwater
provided a number of pieces
of evidence that UFOs are real
and that non-human entities
are involved. Goldwater is a key
figure as he held the position of
the Chairman of the Senate intel-
ligence committee which would
have placed him at the top of the
potential members of congress
to be briefed about the classified
aspects of the UFO phenomena.
The strong evidence provide by
Goldwater included: Speaking
of an encounter with powerful
General Curtis LeMay at Wright
Patterson Air Force Base in the
early 1960s while running for
President Goldwater stated:
“I think the government does 31
Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron
Exopolitics Magazine edition 1 by British Exopolitics Expo
Exopolitics Magazine edition 1 by British Exopolitics Expo
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Exopolitics Magazine edition 1 by British Exopolitics Expo

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome to the first edition of Exopolitics magazine, a magazine dedicated to the study of UFOs and the progression of Ufology. Within these pages you will find articles on some of the topics and themes that will come under the lens at the Annual British Exopolitics Expo and the Extraterrestrial Communication Conference in the summer of 2014. The term “Exopolitics”, meaning the politics of our interactions with others not of this planet, brings with it the challenge of framing it within what is now nearly seven decades of UFO sightings, intrigue, misinformation, disinformation, media spin, propaganda and even psychological operations. This challenge means that the data presented at the Exopolitics Expo is not always necessarily “exopolitical”, nor is it necessarily old-school “ufological”. It is presented however to allow a broader and clearer cognisance of our own place in this world. This is a necessary prerequisite for understanding – or rather – comprehending our interactions with, or the influence of, any “others” terrestrial or other- wise. That “others” exist is evidenced by the meticulous work of researchers, stretching over the last seven decades; work that leads people to consider various points of origin for what is inarguably intelligently caused phenomena; this includes the extraterrestrial hypothesis but also other explanations such as interdimensional, time travel and also spiritual explanations. The evidence for this goes back far into recorded history. What we are experiencing collectively may not be new. Throughout history the ruling paradigm of the time – enforced for political or theological purposes – has always come to be challenged and undermined, not necessarily by the beliefs and practices of percieved heretics to othodoxy, but by the very nature of reality itself. If we are in similar times, albeit placed into our civilizations circumstances, then we should not be too surprised when the end result of deception is ultimately revelation. UFO disclosure is often expressed in terms of the authority that an official body has to disclose it. While politics (and indeed exo-politics) describes the policies of instruments and institutions of our society – rarely do people consider that it relates to the intent of being of the individual aswell. Whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon is, we, as sentient and sovereign human beings, are all the authority that UFO disclosure needs. Therefore, in that sense, this is disclosure. Anthony Beckett — May 10th, 2014
  • 3. Contents Expand Your Reality! 5 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication 10 Looking back at ‘Contact’ 21 Upcoming Conferences 23 Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space 25 Belief or Proof? 29 The John Lennon UFO Story 34 Porn, Scorn and Evolutionary Apex Points 38 Book Review: ‘Encounter in Rendlesham Forest’ 43 Open Letters: An exopolitical walk down memory lane 46 “Is there anybody out there?” 63 Speaker Profile: Richard Dolan 67 3 @exopoliticsgb exopoliticsgreatbritain
  • 4.
  • 5. Thinking of UFO’s and ET’s The UFO/ET subject is hugely complicated and filled with contradictions, puzzles and challenges. For all those people that explore this field and whose cu- riosity or experiences propel them past the study of “lights in the sky,” they will start to encounter some- thing more profound. Their understanding of the universe will most likely change – perhaps gradually, or even quite suddenly. They may therefore experience a huge shift in their consciousness. Similarly, for people like me who have “an itch” and start to “scratch through” the veneer of reality, a change in consciousness often occurs – we see a larger reality, with more distant and stranger horizons. These new perspectives make us think and even behave in new ways. In many cases, things that once seemed important to us become less and less significant. The age old ques- tions of “What am I doing here? Where did I come from? Is there a creator?” can take on a new dimen- sion – as we begin to consider the possibility that we are part of a larger, grand “Cosmic Plan.” By listening to and in some cases, vicariously re-living the experiences of contactees such as Travis Walton, Leah Haley and others, we are challenged to realise and accept that we are indeed “not alone.” Non-hu- man beings have been interacting with us – even ma- nipulating us – for centuries. This is just one aspect of how our consciousness can be changed, but there are many other examples of things we can study that can force us into a new understanding of our true nature and our place within the universe. What Wilbert Smith Learned ... over 50 years ago! In talking about the UFO/ET subject and conscious- ness,IfeelIcannotpassonanopportunitytomention Wilbert Smith, the Canadian Radio Engineer, inventor and contactee. Through the work of Grant Cameron and others, I learned of Smith’s writings about “The Boys Topside,” as well as his realisation that metaphysics and a study of consciousness were of huge importance inunderstandingthewhole UFO/ET phenomenon. (I hope that Grant Cameron will also be addressing this in his own presentation at Exopolitics 2014.) Smith realised that we have to consider ourselves in a much larger “scheme of things.” Smith said that he was told by his contacts that all of us have come here “to experience a sequence of events” and that some things in this sequence “must not be changed.” Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson “Religion, which is the relationship of a being to its Creator. Here we have a hodge-podge of superstition dressed up in pageantry giving lip service to some- thing in which very few people actually believe, and practically no one knows anything about. Every great religion says ‘Love Thy God’ but how many under- stand what this means?” – Wilbert Brockhouse Smith 5 Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
  • 6. A number of people have spoken about “finding a path” during their search for the truth – as if they have become aware that there is, indeed, a “sequence of events” they need to experience or “align with” in some way. In my presentation at the Exo- politics 2014 conference, I hope to share a few of the pieces of evidence I have come across which have shaped my thinking and my understanding of consciousness. I hope that a presentation of this evidence will give people a better appreciation of some facets of the ET/UFO phenomenon and how it can fit in to a “larger view of us.” UFO Religion? Ironically, “UFOlogy” is classed by some people as a kind of “religion” – as if it is something that is based on belief or faith only, with no hard evidence and/or not something you can have personal experience of. This classification is all too often made by those in the mainstream who have a “reductionist” view of the world and who will reject any evidence that proves, or strongly indicates, that human beings are not just a collection of water and other chemicals that have self-or- ganised over billions of years to become some type of “sophisti- cated organic robot.” Like others, I have in the past, arguedthatevidencewhich proves that ET’s have been interacting with mankind is quickly “shut out” by those who cannot let go of their own beliefs about what they think is the nature of the universe. That is, it is the naysayers and re- ductionists who are the victims of a belief system, not those who are witnesses, experiencers and con- tactees. Organised religion has shaped human culture, civilisation and thinking for thousands of years. For millions of people even today, following a religion dictates many of their daily routines - from cradle to grave. Only a small percent- age of them will stop to consider “where their religion came from”. Christians, for example, may not stop to consider there are over 30,000 branches or denomina- tions of their religion. For most, they will have never heard of the connection of Christianity to Gnosticism. I had never even heard of Gnosti- cism until about 5 or 10 years ago. My interpretation of it is that it is based around an “inner knowing” (gnosis) and understanding that we are indeed not just “physical beings”. In an essay, author John Lamb Lash suggests “Gnosis is intuitive knowing of the heart that liberates us from social con- ditioning and ego-fixation.” The fundamental point here is one of knowing, not believing – Gnosti- cism encourages the development of inner knowledge – not faith or belief. Separately, in Lash’s work, he refers to the Archons – a group who came to the earth and began to “mess with” humans – in an attempt to control them, it seems. Indeed,mostreligionssuggestthat “other beings” play some role in our history (angels, demons etc.) and books have been written de- scribing, in some cases, how these appear to be ET’s or aliens of some kind. However, these stories so often seem to be over-simplified in scripture and other religious writings and these writings often seem to lack important details. I have heard it said that the one thing that is common to all reli- gions are writings about or recog- nition of the Mystical Experience – an experience which alters one’s view of the world and the universe – through some kind of connec- tion to a “larger reality.” This could be described as “talking to god” or undergoing an out-of-body experi- ence, where you may zoom away from yourself and get a sensation of what it is like to have another form of being. Transcendental Experiences from Fungi and Plants John Lash also discusses the role of psychoactive mushrooms (and plants) in shamanic practic- es which, it would seem, are all about changing our self-aware- ness and interacting with “other realms.” In Western Cultures (such as our own), experimentation with these sorts of substances is frowned upon and, in the main, discouraged. Also, possession of some substances having psycho- active effects is legislated against in our culture. Is someone or some group worried that experiencing these “other realms” can catalyse the acquisition of profound new knowledge which would result in a new understanding of ourselves? Another “substance” that has received more attention in recent years is Ayahuasca – a “brew” of plants which is made by Shaman in Peru.Peoplecandrinkthisasaway of ingesting DMT (di-methyl-trypt- amine) – a substance which has a profound effect on a person’s con- scious experience. When a person 6 Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
  • 7. is under the influence of DMT, they report various unusual effects – such as coming into contact with intelligent but distinctly non-hu- man entities. Some people seem to be able to communicate with their “spirit guide” or even with an entity known in Gnostic teachings as “Sophia” – a “fallen goddess” who now inhabits the earth. (This is explored in more depth on John Lash’s website.) UFO/alien contactee/abductees often report that they have had some type of psychic, transcen- dental or mystical experience – either before their abduction or even as a result of it – so it seems clear that considerations of altered or expanded conscious- ness are one of the central issues in the contactee/abduction phe- nomenon (and this has been written about by several authors, including Dr Karla Turner). Near Death Experiences’s Often written off by the medical profession as an aberration in the brain’s operation caused by hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), I have concluded, also offer us import- ant and potentially transformative knowledge about ourselves. How is it possible for people to gain specific information when they are “clinically dead,” uncon- scious and even “flat-line”? How can that information be accu- rately transferred to their memory, so that they can describe to people what was happening to them – or what was happening a few metres away, behind walls and/or closed doors, when they were “deaf and blind” in unconsciousness? There are now hundreds or maybe even thousands of documented cases where it can be proved these people had no access to informa- tion nor could they have actually witnessed what they reported when they recovered. Despite sceptics’ and reduc- tionists’ attempts to explain the evidence, I can only, rationally, come to conclusions similar to those that figures such as Dr Peter Fenwick, Dr Michael Sabom and Dr Jeffery Long have documented and written about. I have no doubt that in many documented NDE cases; the person’s conscious- ness became separated from their physical body and then, at a later point, returned. This is a profound conclusion – yet it is not taught in any school subject and is not accu- rately described and characterised in any religious writings that I am aware of. Wingmakers and the Lyricus Order Some years ago now, I was told about an unusual Website called “Wingmakers” ( Thought by some to be an “Elabo- rate Marketing Scheme”, this site offers some detailed information and distinctive and provocative graphics and music. It talks about a “mythology” and “a central race” that is here to help us discover the “grand portal” – of consciousness. It is a complex and detailed site – containingthousandsofpages(and therefore dissimilar to other sites which just want to make money or start a “pyramid” scheme). Personally I think, the skill of pre- sentation of the material, and the depth and eloquence therein is “a level above” what I have seen elsewhere. Wingmakers is linked to another site called Lyricus. According to the bibliotecapleya- website: WingMakers is part of the mythological expression of Lyricus that typically accompa- nies its first exterial expression within a species. It is the “call- ing card”, announcing its initial approach as it treads softly among the species to which it serves. WingMakers is the mythological expression of the underlying structure of the Lyr- icus Teaching Order. It is sym- bolic of how Lyricus is brought to the planet. The associated Lyricus Website ( contains another section of “FAQs” (fre- quently asked questions) – one of which is, “What is the definition of the soul?” Part of the answer is given below: The soul is literally a God Frag- ment that is composed of a hierarchy of capabilities and functionality that permit it to be simultaneously individuated and whole. As it enters the soul carrier at or near the physical birth, it begins to form a ma- trix of interaction with the soul carrier… Whether it is just because this defi- nition “fits” with the way I think from an engineer’s perspective, I don’t know, but nowhere else have I seen this sort of language used to describe what might loosely 7 Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
  • 8. be called “spiritual matters” or “matters pertaining to the nature of the soul.” Further study of the FAQ may leave one wondering what this site is actually for. A Summary by Bill Hicks So, in studying the UFO/ET phe- nomenon honestly, we are soon confronted with questions about our “full selves” – and what we are made of. We must consider ques- tions of time, evolution, mind, body, soul and consciousness. In the 1990’s I became aware of comedian Bill Hicks – who devel- oped quite a big following in the UK. Within some very blue and quite political stand-up routines, he would suddenly change the subject and talk about the true nature of ourselves and what we were doing here. He spoke out against the demonization of hallucinogenic drugs and in one such “rant”, about “positive drugs stories” he read out an example of a News Story that you would never hear being broadcast in a mainstream bulletin. “Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is mere- ly energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imag- ination of ourselves…. Here’s Tom with the weather.” I think Bill Hick’s was right… By Andrew Johnson May 2014 8 Andrew Johnson, born in 1964 in Keighley, West Yorkshire, but now lives near Derby. Having been ed- ucated at Ermysted’s Grammar School in Skipton with ‘A’ Levels in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and General Studies he went on to Lancaster University do a degree in Computer Science (with a minor module of Physics) and graduated in 1986. He worked in Software Engineer- ing (real-time software process control and telecommunications) before developing an interest in teaching and education and spent two years as a lecturer on BTEC National and Higher National Di- ploma Courses at West Notting- hamshire College. After moving back into industry he was offered software development work based mainly at home, a short time be- fore the birth of his daughter. He now does a range of part time jobs, earning most of his income from assessing disabled students for access to assistive technology for higher education. He also tu- tors part time on an Open Univer- sity course called “Computers and Processors”. He began actively campaigning about 9/11 issues in September 2004 and is an active campaigner and researcher in other areas in- cluding Exopolitics & Disclosure, Evidence for Extra-terrestrial Civ- ilizations, Chemtrails, and sup- pressed “Free Energy” Technolo- gies. About the author Expand Your Reality! by Andrew Johnson
  • 9.
  • 10. Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication By Anthony Beckett “It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion.” - The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12 by Milton William Cooper, 1989 I first heard Bill Cooper’s voice in 1994. The above quote, spoken by the con- troversial ufologist and whistleblower at a 1989 MUFON lecture, was used in a piece of music by the band Eat Static on a track called Abnormal Interfer- ence on their 1994 album Implant. It was possibly the first time I’d heard it suggested that extraterrestrials would seek to influence human culture through the manipulation of people at such an all-encompassing level. It was Cooper’s claim that, not only did the US government know from very early on that extraterrestrial contact was going on, but it was interfering with society, and was outside of the ability of the government to control it. The tone implied that this was something to be afraid of. It is of course possible for governments and other terrestrial organisations to utilise these same facets of human society for the perversion of reality and the manipulation of others. So, is there any evidence of this outside of unverified claims of alleged insiders? Where could we start our search for signs of it? Well, the controversial contactees of the 1950’s come to mind. Their claims of extraterrestrials living on planet Venus for instance, a planet that later space exploration showed to be inhospitable and far from an abode of recognisable life, make those initial claims seem a little foolish on the surface. However, before we delve a bit deeper into that, we will start our story with a step back to a time in recent history, before the contactee movement began... Disks, cigars and saucers On June 24, 1947, American aviator and business- man Kenneth Arnold from Boise, Idaho witnessed ten unusual objects in the skies over Washington, USA. He had been flying his private plane near Mt. Rainier in western Washington State when he encountered flying craft that were “half-moon shaped, oval in front and convex in the rear”. The unusual aircraft he described as “something like a pie plate that was cut in half with a sort of a convex triangle in the rear”. According to Arnold “they flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water”. It is perhaps ironic that it was the press who, when reporting his sighting, misquoted Arnold and coined the term “flying saucer” that would come into widespread use. Interestingly, Arnold’s description of the craft in this case bears a close resemblance to the advanced aircraft design created by Walter Horton and his brother Reimar, rather than the widely understood shape of a flying saucer. German aircraft using the Horton Flying-wing design flew in the closing stages of World War II and a similar flying-wing aircraft was 10 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 11. designed by leading US aircraft manufacturer the Northrop Cor- poration. The US design was built by the Glenn L. Martin Company in 1944 but technical difficulties and, not surprisingly, the end of WWII saw the cancellation of the operational program. Develop- ment work however continued and the first US jet-powered flying wing, the Northrop YB-49, was first flown on October 21, 1947, only a few months after Arnold’s sighting. While Arnold discrip- tion of the craft is similar, the flight characteristics he described differs; with the “skipped it across the water” remark impling a char- acteristic wobbling motion. There had of course been sight- ings of anomalous aerial phenom- ena prior to this; such as the Scan- dinavian “ghost rockets” of 1946 and the phenomena described as “balls of fire” that accompanying planes during World War II that became known as “foo fighters”. There had been sightings of ci- gar-shaped and disk-shaped craft too; such as the object that was responsible for the Los Angeles Air Raid incident of 1942, that saw five civilians die as an indirect result of anti-aircraft fire directed against a flying disk. An Encounter in Brontë Country An early cigar-shape craft sighting that predates international air travel was recorded by two Police Constables who had been on patrol in the village of Haworth, West Yorkshire at the turn of the 20th Century. Haworth is only a couple of miles from where I live and it would have been as typical a Yorkshire village as you could get back in 1901. Situated at the edge of the high moorland of the Pennine Hills, it is famous for being the home of classic writers, the Brontë sisters, and was the backdrop to Emily Brontë’s posthumously published Wuthering Heights only 16 years earlier. The same desolate land- scape that inspired Wuthering Heights came to find Police Con- stables Johnson and Clark on patrol around the winter solstice. December 21st, 1901 was report- edly a cold and clear night and, as Constable Johnson was checking a bootblack’s (shoe polisher’s) door, Constable Clark saw a pale green light engulf them both. Looking up they saw a cigar-shaped craft hovering approximately 100 feet above them. The light was so bright that several other people were aroused to witness the spec- tacle. They watched the object for approximately 10 minutes after which time, the green light went out and the object moved towards the horizon. While commercial international air travel did not exist in 1901 it is not inconceivable that dirigibles could have been in responsible for cigar shaped objects in the skies during that period. However the specifics of the sighting do seem to preclude the notion that the object was an airship or a blimp. The Aviation Technology Backdrop In the modern era flight was first achieved with the use of buoyant vehicles. Airships and blimps are buoyant due to them being lighter than air and were invented during the late 19th century. Aerody- namic flight using an aerofoil to generate lift, mirroring the flight of birds, was first demonstrated by the Wright Brothers in 1903 and their first fixed wing aircraft was developed between the years 1905 and 1907. While propulsion to achieve flight went on to use chemical rockets, and later ion drives in spacecraft, these both use mass displacement to achieve propulsion to generate lift. If conventional thinkers are to be believed, human ingenuity has not progressed beyond these basic three methods of maintain- ing flight; buoyant vehicles, the aerodynamic aerofoil and mass displacement using rockets and jets etc. Technological advances are thus seen to be limited to ad- vancing these particular modes of flight. However, evidence of another leap forward in our ability to achieve flight, overcom- ing gravity, came shortly after the Wright Brothers took to the skies. Anti-gravity Aircraft In 1921 Thomas Townsend Brown discovered a physical phenome- non that became known as the Biefield-Brown effect; joint credit is given to his mentor from Califor- nia Institute of Technology, Dr. Paul Biefeld. This discovery kick-start- ed his work towards developing electrogravitic propulsion and at- taining flight by controlling gravity using electrical means. By 1945, Brown had demon- strated his method of countering gravity using tethered flying disks 11 1942 photo of the LA Air Raid flying disk Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 12. to various scientists and military officials such as top military officer Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the commander-in-chief for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. By some accounts various com- panies were investigating the use of anti-gravity platforms up until the early 1950’s. Indeed John Lear claims that his father Bill Lear, the founder of the Lear Jet Corpora- tion and inventor of the Lear jet, worked on such a program in the 1950’s; only to lose his position because, according to his son, he “couldn’t keep his mouth shut”. Over a century after Townsend Brown felt the kick of his Coolidge X-ray tube, and wondered how a solid state device with no moving parts could “kick” at all, we have not seen the harnessing of that potential fourth generation of aviation in the open – or, have we? Aviation Journalist Nick Cook in his book “Hunt for Zero Point” details the point at which he believes re- porting of this kind of technologi- cal development ceased being dis- cussed in the open. In 1954 it would seem, some- thing had changed, and open (ac- knowledged) development of this technology stopped all together. A cursory look at this raises the simple question: did the open de- velopment of antigravity aviation stop in 1954 because the technol- ogy didn’t work? — Or did it stop because it did work? Townsend Brown would go on to found the civilian unidentified flying object research group NICAP (National Investigations Commit- tee on Aerial Phenomena) in 1956. Still in the early 1950’s, reports of unusual disk shaped and cigar shaped aircraft would continue. The “UFO” Problem Central to the widely held ufolog- ical view is the premise that flying disks, cigars and saucers, objects that the US Air Force would rename as UFOB -- “Unidentified Flying OBjects” in 1953, are extra- terrestrial in origin. However, the term UFO, or originally “UFOB”, was stated as being: “any airborne object which by performance, aerodynam- ic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which can- not be positively identified as a familiar object.” There is clearly a recorded history of a terrestrial origin for early “flying saucer” development in the United States; and claims that even more advanced devel- opments were under way under the Third Reich. This technology is seen to have ended up in the hands of the United States and the Soviet Union after WWII. The researcher Joseph Farrell even postulates that the technology may have stayed in Nazi-hands post-war and could perhaps have been flown out of Argentina under the Perón government - although not necessarily under the control of it - perhaps as an extra-territo- rial Nazi state. It is against this technological backdrop, two years after the non-specific term “UFO” was invented by the US Air Force, and around the same time that the de- velopment of antigravity platforms by terrestrial corporations ceased being discussed in the open, that we find one of the more contro- versial areas in the UFO arena. “Flying Saucers Have Landed” George Adamski was a polish born American occultist who, while not the first, is arguably the most famous, or perhaps infamous, of the contactees who claim to have met the occupants of the saucers. This contactee movement sprang up in the early 1950’s and would change the cultural lens through which “flying saucers”, now called “unidentified flying objects” would be seen. Adamski claimed to have met an extraterrestrial in the California desert in 1954 in a meeting wit- nessed from a distance by several close friends. The extraterrestrial, calling himself Orthon, claimed to be from the planet Venus. Tales of Adamski’s extraterrestrial encoun- ters and the teachings imparted to him by Orthon were published in the 1953 blockbuster book “Flying Saucers Have Landed” which was co-authored by the British writer Desmond Leslie. At the time of his encounters Adamski lived and worked at a ranch near California’s Palomar Mountain where he flipped burgers in the Palomar Gardens Café. His first encounter with what we can regard as a UFO was on October 9th, 1946, when he and a number of friends claimed to have witnessed a huge cigar- shaped object they described as a “mother-ship” while observing the Orionid meteor shower. In 1947 he witnessed another huge cigar-shaped object that he was able to photograph. After another sighting in 1950 it was late autumn of 1952 when, accord- ing to Adamski and his friends, it seems that the flying saucers had landed. 12 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 13. “A Human Being from another World!” On November 20th, 1952 George Adamski set out into the Mojave Desert, with his secretary and the owner of the café where he worked, on a sky-watch looking for flying saucers. At 8am that morning they met with a number of friends, includ- ing George Hunt Williamson who would later become a well-known contactee himself, and together they drove towards the town of Desert Center, California before heading northeast to the town of Parker in Arizona, where they stopped for a meal before begin- ning their skywatch. It was then that, according to Adamski: “riding high and without sound, there was a gigantic cigar-shaped silvery ship” At which point Williamson asked “is that a spaceship?” Adamski yelled “Someone take me down the road, quick! That ship has come looking for me and I don’t want to keep them waiting!” Jumping in a car with two of his intrepid sky-watchers they drove half a mile down the road and, with the object shadowing them, Adamski told the driver to turn off the road. The car pulled up and Adamski exited the vehicle telling his companions to join the rest of the group half a mile away from a safe vantage point. The first craft was chased away by interceptor jets, however another “beautiful small craft” arrived and landed behind the crest of a mountain about half a mile away. Adamski shortly saw a figure wave to him and he walked towards it. The Venusian “His hair was long, reaching to his shoulders, and was blow- ing in the wind ... He took four steps towards me, bringing us into arm’s length of each other. Now, for the first time I fully realised that I was in the presence of a man from space -- a human being from anoth- er world!... The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen. And the pleasant- ness of his face freed me of all thoughts of personal self. I felt like a child in the presence of one with great wisdom and much love, and I became very humble within myself ... for from him was radiating a feel- ing of infinite understanding and kindness, with supreme humility ... “[He had] calm, grey green eyes, slightly aslant at the cor- ners; with slightly higher cheek bones than an Occidental, but not so high as an Indian or an Oriental; a finely chiselled nose, not conspicuously large; and an average size of mouth with beautiful white teeth that shone when he smiles and spoke. As nearly as I can de- scribe his skin, the colouring would be an even, medium-co- loured suntan” The “being from another world” told Adamski that his name was Orthon and that he was from Venus. After warning him of the dangers of atomic weapons and wars, Orthon apparently refused to allow Adamski to take a photo- graph of him, before he returned to his craft and departed. Adamski then called his companions over and Williamson, who had had the foresight to bring plaster-of-paris on the trip, proceeded to make casts of Orthon’s footprints. In his writings and lectures Adamski always went out of his way to make sure his followers understood that the being he en- countered was an actual physical entity. Space Brothers In common with other contact- ees, Adamski claimed that in his one-to-one meetings with be- nevolent aliens he was imparted with messages to be shared with humanity. The beings, often referred to as “Space Brothers” in contactee literature, would give contactees stern warnings about humanities new technolo- gies — such as the use of atomic weapons. However, they would also present an offer of a fraternal assistance towards our moral and technological improvement as a species. As the proclamations of Orthon via Adamski unfold we hear that Orthon himself was not strictly an extraterrestrial in absolute origin, but had been born originally on the planet Earth and had become ascended spiritual adept that, at the time of Adamski’s meeting with him, had already passed over to the higher plane on the planet Venus. Theosophy Revisited George Adamski was a follower of the beliefs of the Theosophical Society of the late 19th and early 20th century. In this belief system, ascended masters, often referred to as simply ‘brothers’, would offer teachings and assistance much like that offered by the 20th century’s contactee’s liaisons – who would often be referred to as ‘space brothers’. According to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, the central theosophi- 13 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 14. cal teachings of the society were the result of her instruction in an ‘ancient wisdom’ which, she claimed, was the source of the spiritual themes and ethical ideals of all the world’s religions. Throughout history, according to Blavatsky, ‘ascended masters’ taught humanity theosophical truths, and she claims that her own instructions were presented to her by a similar ‘hidden adept’ or ‘ascended master’ — of which such figures as Buddha and Jesus were included. While the masters were usually considered to reside in Tibet, it was Blavatsky’s belief that certain masters, including those she was in contact with, resided on Venus. It was Blavatsky’s belief that the true founders of the society were two ascended masters called Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi) and Morya, and that the society’s very existence was as an instrument to carry out the work of these ‘ascended masters’. The teachings of these masters were conveyed through two Anglo-Indian Theosophists, A. P. Sinnett and A. O. Hume, and were compiled in a document known as The Mahatma Letters. The mission of the society was therefore to communicate these teachingstohumanityandthereby contribute to the moral and spir- itual evolution of the species. These ascended masters were living, breathing, human beings whom had evolved through many reincarnations and had acquired and become a custodian of an ‘ancient wisdom’. They now sought to impart that wisdom to humanity in order to lead it into a new age of spiritual and global community. A Contactee Doctrine While there are some differences between the theosophical masters and the early accounts of aliens given by many contactees such as Adamski, these differences are quite superficial when compared to the similarities. Both the ascended masters and the aliens are seen to be highly spiritually evolved and more technologically advanced. They are both apparently benevolent beings with a deep concern for humanity’s salvation and its disregard for the planet Earth. The principal religious themes of the Theosophical Society, de- scribed by Madame Blavatsky in her book The Secret Doctrine, bear many close similarities to the beliefs and intentions of Orthon and also extraterrestrials who visited other contactees. The prin- ciples of Theosophical Society as described by Blavatsky are: 1. To form a Universal Broth- erhood of Humanity without the distinction of race, colour or creed. 2. To promote the study of Aryan and other Scriptures, of the world’s religion and scienc- es, and to vindicate the impor- tance of old Asiatic literature, namely, of the Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian philosophies. 3. To investigate the hidden mysteries of nature under ev- ery aspect possible, and the psychic and spiritual powers latent in man especially. The ‘ascended masters’ hold a deep concern for the welfare of humanity and operate essential- ly as supreme moral and spiritual guides. In addition to the spiritual aspect there is a notable physical aspect to them; they are considered to have a better understanding of the physical nature of the cosmos (a natural philosophy perhaps) and also utilise this wisdom in their superior science and technology. It would appear therefore that George Adamski’s claims regard- ing his Venusian contact was, at one level, a re-interpretation of a pre-existing philosophy of Theoso- phy — in which ascended masters of the Venusian variety — came to be called the “Space Brothers”. Alleged Military Figures Influence on Adamski Back in the Palomar café in 1946, according to Adamski, it was a chance meeting with six military officers that first suggested to him the idea that the flying saucers and cigar shaped craft that were being witnessed were of extra-terrestri- al in origin. Prior to this meeting Adamski claims that he had con- cluded that such craft must have been some secret military project. While conversing with diners on the subject of the sighting of a ci- gar-shaped craft over San Diego several weeks earlier, Adamski notes that: “Six military officers who were sitting at another table listened intently to all points brought up. Then one of them spoke up and said, ‘It is not as fantastic as it sounds. We know some- thing about this.’ I immediate- ly asked what knowledge they had, but they would not reveal it. Yet they assured us that the ship we had seen and were dis- cussing was not of this world.” 14 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 15. Adamski also claims to have been asked by people working for the military to attempt to take photo- graphs of flying saucers: “Then late in 1949 four men came into the café at Palomar Gardens.Twoofthemhadbeen in before and we had talked a little about the flying saucers. This day it was around noon, and raining -- really pouring. They ordered some lunch and we began talking about flying saucers again. One of these men was Mr J. P. Maxfield, and another his partner, Mr G. L. Bloom, both from Point Loma, Navy Electronics Laboratory near San Diego. The other two men were from a similar setup in Pasadena. One was in offi- cers’ uniform... “They asked me if I could co- operate with them in trying to get photographs of strange craft moving through space, since I had smaller instruments than those at the big Observa- tory. I could manoeuvre mine more easily than those on top could be moved, especially my 6-incher, which was without a dome. I could point it as much as pointing a gun at ducks... “I asked them where I should look to be the most likely to see the strange objects which they were asking me to try to photograph. We discussed the pros and cons of the possibility of bases being on the moon for interplanetary craft. And final- ly the moon was decided upon as a good spot for careful ob- servation.” Researcher Joseph Farrell points out that it is unlikely that the military would be in such need to ask an amateur astronomer and photographer to photograph these elusive craft “unless it was trying to manipulate him”. Post-NICAP UFO Reports The aforementioned inventor, Townsend Brown had founded the civilian unidentified flying object research group NICAP in 1956 – the first such organisation that would be a model for later groups such as MUFON. After leaving the organisation Brown would continue to assess UFO reports. To help her father, Brown’s daughter Linda would read through these reports to help organise them. She recalls that her father would often use the term “Adamski Scout Craft” in reference to certain descriptions. She also handled a model of one that he kept on his desk – only to be told that it was one of the most expen- sive paperweights in the world. She would read through many of his documents that came through from Townsend’s colleagues at NICAP even after he had officially left the organisation: “Material was being sent to him by Rose Hacket, his for- mer secretary at NICAP. She had stayed on with NICAP after Dad left for Florida but it was obvious that she was still work- ing for him and I always looked forward to these stacks of re- ports that she sent us. [It was] always interesting reading the reports of saucer sightings around the world. And it was then that he handed me those reports and told me to concen- trate on the ‘saucers that wob- bled.’ ‘Those are ours’ he said. “I used to get into terrible fights with my classmates at school because they all thought Fly- ing Saucers (this is the fifties remember) were either ridic- ulous fantasies or were dan- gerous and needed to be shot full of holes… I just thought they were being silly to not see something that I recognized as obviously real… and the shape of the ‘saucers’ which were ‘wobbling’ were gener- ally reported in those years as ... what Dad referred to as ‘the Adamski Scout Ship’ style.” Thomas Townsend Brown’s Flying Capacitors Townsend Brown had continued to work on the development of technology using the phenome- non that he discovered in 1918 while a student at California In- stitute of Technology. This early work led to a career on classified military projects and he is linked to work on the Philadelphia Ex- periment for U.S. Navy. While the detail of his work for the military is uncertain, what is known of his work comes after he re-joined civilian life. In 1957 Brown met Agnew Bahson, apilotwhowasworkingataprivate funded laboratory in Windson- Salem. Bahson was experimenting with electrodynamics and gravitation with the objective of revolutionising the science of aeronautics. Together with Brown they worked towards harnessing the lift and trust potential of the Biefield-Brown effect; refining Brown’s earlier disk shaped “condensors”. Inspired by a visit by Physicist Bryce DeWitt and his wife Cécile DeWitt-Morette, both professors at the University of North Carolina, Bahson and Brown shifted their focus to “parabolic canopy” design as these proved more successful than the earlier “condenser” type 15 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 16. disks. In film footage of the lab, the pair, along with J Frank King Jr. and Beth Ball, can be seen celebrating achieving 100% counterbary by drinking champagne out of laboratory beakers. Brown’s “Adamski Scout Ship” In addition to the “condenser” and the “parabolic canopy” models tested by Bahson and Brown, they also tested experimental models that resembled an “Adamski Scout Ship”. This design, rather than being a classic saucer shape, is still circular and could be described as half an oyster shell, hollowed out with three spherical nodes extending slightly below the skirt of the shell. More remarkably is the cylindri- cal dome shape compartment, situated above the disk complete with portholes. Although it is not known if Townsend Browns path ever crossed with that of George Adamski, it is known that Adamski visited the Bahson labs on Sep- tember 12th 1960, after Brown had parted company with Bahson. The Photographs At his initial encounter with Orthon, Adamski’s request to take photographs was apparent- ly refused. However, he claims to have photographed his Venusian Scout Craft on multiple occasions and even to have taken movie film of the object in the 1960’s. These photographs have been the source of controversy for decades with some prominent UFO researchers referring to them as being “obvi- ously faked”. It is here that we find another anomalous coincidence with the style of the alleged Venusian Scout Craft. This distinctive style can be seen in the photograph taken by Stephen Darbishire in Coniston in Cumbria, England in the 1950’s. Stephen eventually declared the photograph to be a hoax, however in letters to UFO researcher Timothy Good in the 1990’s, Stephen informed Good that the photographs were indeed authentic; he claimed to have only recanted his initial claim of authenticity after the pressure of unwanted publicity got too much. Another Time and Place Like the DeLorean car in the 1984 Spielberg movie “Back To The Future”, kitted out by a fiction- al inventor (Dr. Brown) with its famous “flux capacitor”, Adams- ki’s 1950’s depiction of an alien spacecraft looks dated and a symbol of its time. Image (above left) - Townsend Brown’s model of the Adamski Scout Craft in a testing chamber at in the Bahson Laboratory. Experiments would be performed in a vaccuum chamber and in an oil chamber to eliminate “ion-wind” as being the cause of the levitation of the device. Image (above right) - Stephen Darbishire’s photo of an object he and a friend witnessed in the Lake District, England on February 15th, 1954. Images taken by George Adamski; (below) taken in 1952, and (right) a frame from a movie film taken in 1965 of a “Venusian Scout Craft”. 16 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 17. It is Joseph Farrell’s premise that the craft that George Adamski witnessed — if he witnessed anything at all — was a terrestrial- ly built “flying saucer”. This would perhaps account for the “retro” appearance of the craft; whose style indicates a hint of the limita- tions of the technological age of the 1950’s. It has been noted by other researchers that the UFO phenomenon appears to go through phases where significant aspects of UFO sightings can dominate the phenomenon only to disappear over a period of time. It is interesting to consider that rather than the phenomenon itself being the driving force of this change, it is possible that the change is indeed driven by our own society. This need not necessarily be due to terrestrial UFO vehicles and oc- cupants following human societal trends. If consciousness is indeed a factor, and the UFO phenom- enon somehow draws from our own consciousness as suggested by some researchers, that could perhaps manifest as significant trends in the phenomenon; either driven by our expectation of it or by drawing from the witness in its manifestation. However this is just speculation. Another Dimension What we do know, is that George Adamski made it his mission to continue an established tradition of contact with “others” specif- ically through channelled com- munications with the “ascended masters” of theosophy. Itisherethatthesimilaritybetween this aspect of Adamski’s contacts and that of other contactees lies. George Hunt Williamson, who was with Adamski immediately prior to his initial contact with Orthon, claimed to have had contact expe- rience himself; however this was limited to channelling. The British contactee George King chan- nelled and claimed to “meet” with Venusian masters. Unlike Adamski however, neither King nor William- son attempted to claim that these “masters” where entirely physical aliens. This view has more commonality with contactees such as Barbara Marciniak and her channelled contact with the Pleiadians. Ac- cording to their imparted infor- mation, the Pleiadians are from the constellation Pleiades; a star cluster that, in our cosmology is deemed too young to be have given rise to an extraterrestrial civilisation, being only about 70 million years old. However, ac- cording to the Pleiadians commu- nique, they not only convey their messages over space but over time too, emanating from a future civilisation in that location. Comparative Mythology British researcher Pierre Sabak suggests that the meaning of the term Venus in theosophy, and thus the related contactee doctrine, may be different from being simply a reference to an ascended abode on the second planet from our Sun. According to Sabak, his study into comparative linguistics indicates that Venus, the name of the Roman goddess, may actually be a covert reference to Sirius – the Dog Star. Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major and is the brightest star in the night sky. There is also a sym- bolism reference linking Venus and Sirius. The Dogon tribe of Mali and the Serer of the Senegal and Gambia, West Africa, are among the cultures that worship Sirius and whose symbol for it is a five pointed star – in common to other symbols of Venus. Transmission of spiritual energy The Aetherius Society is an organisation established by contactee George King and named after an ascended master named Aetherius. A central tenet of the society is that its followers actively engage in transmission of spiritual energy; a concept in common with ‘shaktipat’ (sending energy) in the both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. According to the Theosophical writers, Alice Bailey and Benjamin Crème, the Seven Stars of the Pleiades are believed to be the source of transmission of spiritu- al energy; part of a transmission that is collectively called the Seven Rays. According to Theosophy, an ascended master who resides at the Galactic Centre transmits this spiritual energy to the Seven Stars of the Great Bear, then on to Sirius. From Sirius, so theosophists tell us, it travels to our Sun and then on to the ascended master Sanat Kumara (referred to as the god of Earth) and finally through the seven Masters of the Seven Rays (traditionally Tibetan masters) to the human race. An Intelligence Problem The veracity of claims of chan- nelled information and transfer- ence of spiritual energy aside for a moment; the main thing that strikes home is that contact with extraterrestrials, as claimed by the spiritualist contactees such George Adamski, is not a phenom- enon solely of the 1950’s era. It is a system of alleged communica- tion and influence that, as we can 17 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 18. see with the Theosophical Society, has a lineage that goes back much further. With regards to the veracity of the information, is it something we can prove? Science deals with natural things only and thus it cannot describe the big picture for the simple reason that channelled information — regardless of its actual origin — is born of intelli- gence, an artefact of a conscious mind, and therefore it can only be dealt with from that perspective. Here, UFO researcher Jacques Vallee explains this problem in the context of a conversation with an acquaintance, whom has a back- ground in US Military Intelligence. Vallee gives him the pseudonym Major Murphy: “Now the UFO phenomenon could be controlled by alien beings. ‘If it is,’ added the Ma- jor, ‘then the study of it doesn’t belong in science. It belongs in intelligence’. Meaning counter- espionage. And that, he point- ed out was his domain. “‘In the field of counterespio- nage the rules are completely different.’ ‘You are a scientist. In science there is no concept of ‘price’ of information. Sup- pose I gave you 95 per cent of the data concerning a phe- nomenon. You’re happy be- cause you know 95 per cent of the phenomenon. Not so in intelligence. If I get 95 percent of the data I know this is the ‘cheap’ part of the informa- tion. I still need the other 5%, but I will have to pay a higher price to get it. You see, Hilter had 95 per cent of the informa- tion about the landing in Nor- mandy. But he had the wrong 95 per cent!’” So what of Bill Coopers claim that the U.S. Government and military had “learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion”? We have seen that according to these contactees and the spiritu- alists it seems that, yes, from their beliefs perspective at least, there is a history of communication with our galactic neighbours going back centuries if not millennia; a history that permeates through in the tra- ditions of many aboriginal peoples on this planet. It is of course possible that this communication and influence is extraterrestrial contact by its nature and, if so, Bill Cooper’s claim may indeed have merit. The question of proof here is moot in a certain sense because, if it isn’t ex- traterrestrials – then exactly who is it that has had such a fundamen- tal influence on many thousands if not millions of people through- out the ages in propagating these beliefs? In this limited and, in many ways simplistic look at extraterrestri- al communication, we have seen that communication is on the whole seen as positive and indic- ative of benevolent beings looking out for humanity. In the rational- isation that can be found in the literature of UFO religious belief systems there are subtle contra- dictions regarding extraterrestrial benevolence however. While on the one hand they claim that aliens are our benevolent kin, the Aetherius Society perspective for example, has it is that, because of our backward evolution here on Earth, the Earth has been open to frequent attack from evil forces from other parts of the universe, attacks that the “masters” have apparently sought to repel. So surely bad aliens must there- fore be responsible for that? Maybe not… It would seem though, that, as with the so called Law of Attrac- tion, as a species, the terrestri- al human race brings it on itself. Whatever it wants, it gets. While most people engaging in contact may choose to access (commune with) positive benevolent forces, we should ask if there are those in our society who would choose to seek out these negative energies alluded to by these spiritualist groups? 18 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 19. Anthony Beckett was born in 1975 in and lives near Keighley, West Yorkshire. After graduating in Chemistry at Loughborough Uni- versity with honours in 1997 and gaining a Masters degree in Ana- lytical Chemistry from the Univer- sity of Huddersfield in 1998, he went on to work as a Pharmaceu- tical Development Scientist until leaving the profession 2006 hav- ing become disillusioned with the industries unethical profiteering. He is now a Software Engineer by profession and a freelance Web Designer. Anthony’s interest in UFOs started at an early age with newspaper reports of sightings in the Keigh- ley area during his childhood. He continues to research the subject of UFOs, Extraterrestrial Life, Exo- politcs, Free Energy Technologies and various other subjects. Antho- ny organises lectures and speaking tours around the UK and organ- ised the first European Exopolitics conference in 2009 and founded Exopolitics Great Britain. He is the creator and editor of Exopolitics Magazine. About the author On the side of all this, there is the — shall we say, coincidence — of the development of terrestrial antigravity platforms around the timethatthecontacteemovement began in the 1950’s. While the contactees revitalised the occult theosophical beliefs in the era of the flying saucers, it seems the terrestrial secret keepers, whose work would have been expected to bring about a revolutionary technological leap in aviation, took that technology underground, into the black world — and literally made it occult — secret — in the process. The space program that the world is familiar with is seen by many as a symbol of the height of human technological achievement. How- ever, in the context that a secret space program exists utilising advanced, yet secret, technology — NASA is seen as a distraction masquerading as the pinnacle of our technical achievement. Many authors have reported on the occult influences at play in NASA and this can been seen going back even before NASA’s inception. The infamous occultist and rocket scientist, Jack Parsons, for instance, a key figure in the for- mation of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is also said to have met a “Spiritual Being”. A being that Parsons himself considered to be a Venusian. Coincidentally, this was in the same locale where eight years later George Adamski would meet with his own Venusian. By Anthony Beckett May 2014 19 Flying Saucers, Contactees and Extraterrestrial Communication by Anthony Beckett
  • 20.
  • 21. Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham In a time when the idea of alien visitation is becoming inseparable from Trans- formers and Battleships, the 1997 movie Contact seems more rare and precious than ever... Based on the novel by famed astronomer Carl Sagan, the 1997 movie Contact has become a firm favourite in the UFO commu- nity. Sagan, of course, was a vehement UFO sceptic, and so it is ironic that Contact connects so profoundly with so many in the UFO field; ironic, but perhaps not surprising considering the movie lends itself freely to UFOlogical readings. In the movie, SETI scientist Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) – whose character is inspired by real-life former SETI director Jill Tarter – discovers an alien signal beamed from Vega, a star in the con- stellation of Lyra, some 25 light years from Earth. Her discovery and its subsequent public disclosure by President Clinton consti- tutes proof that we are not alone in the universe and captures the imagination of the entire planet, sparking fervent scientific, political and religious debate. Soon, Ellie and her team realize the signal is actually a complex schemat- ic for a transport pod designed to carry one person to a destination unknown. That destination, it tran- spires, is Vega itself, and is to be reached via multiple wormholes. Naturally, it is Ellie who takes the cosmic voyage, and, at the end of her epic journey, she finds herself in an elaborate simulacrum of a childhood memory: a warm beach in Pensacola, Florida. It is here that she speaks face-to-face with an alien in- telligence which has assumed the form of her dead father, whom she lost as a child: “We thought this might make things easier for you,” he says, smiling gently. No little green or Grey men for Ellie, then; no flying saucers, no motherships or gleaming alien city- scapes, only a mirage of Earthly forms created for her personal comfort. “You’re an interesting species, an interesting mix,” he tells her. “You’re capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you’re not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.” She longs to learn more before being sent home, but is told “This was just a first step. In time you’ll take another… this is the way it’s been done for billions of years. Small moves, Ellie, small moves.” And so an individual is selected for contact and provided with philosophical nuggets but zero physical evidence of their alien encounter, before being left to tell their story to whomsoever will listen. Ellie, it seems, has much in common with the contactees of UFO lore. “I can’t prove it” Back on Earth, during a government inquiry into her claims, Ellie is reminded by a panel member that she has “no evidence, no record, no artifacts. Only a story that, to put it mildly, strains credibility.” Ellie is asked: “why don’t you simply withdraw your testi- mony, and concede that this ‘journey to the center of the galaxy,’ in fact, never took place?” She responds: “Because I can’t. I... had an experience... I can’t prove it, I can’t even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real! I was given something wonder- ful, something that changed me forever... A vision of the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how rare and precious we all are! A 21 Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
  • 22. vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that we are not, that none of us, are alone! I wish I could share that. I wish that everyone, if only for one moment, could feel that awe, and humility, and hope. But... That continues to be my wish.” Ellie is visibly frustrated. She has experienced direct contact with an alienintelligence,butshehasdone so in a manner that flies in the face of our preconceived notions (a saucer on the White House lawn, for example – a notion, which, ironically, was borne of cinema), and thus her claims are dismissed by official culture. As Ellie leaves her hearing, the hardheaded atheist realizes that her contact experience was, in essence, a spiritual awakening not so different from those claimed by religious disciples. Indeed, the throngs of worshippers who greet her outside with placards hailing her discovery of “the new world” confirm her new status as a reli- gious icon. Like many a contact- ee, Ellie has attracted followers with her stories of otherworldly communion. Certain elements of society see fit to believe her, while most do not. Either way her story is out there. Although Carl Sagan was UFO sceptic, the screenwriter for Contact, James V. Hart, is a self-proclaimed UFO believer. Not that this seems to have had much bearing on the film. Any UFOlog- ical readings we might ascribe to Contact the movie are also iden- tifiable in the book. Intentionally or not, the idea of ‘missing time’ features prominently as Ellie assumes her hyperspatial voyage has lasted hours or even days, when to the eyes of outside ob- servers her transport pod trav- elled nowhere at all. It is implied that her experience occurred in the space between spaces. Cer- tainly it was beyond her limited comprehension and of those she would seek to convince of its ac- tuality – something UFO witnesses can relate to. Contact and Clinton An intriguing UFOlogical side-note on Contact relates to President Bill Clinton. When in the movie the President announces the discov- ery of the alien signal, the Clinton we see and hear is the real Clinton – which is to say his image and words have not been manipulat- ed by the filmmakers, as could so easily have been done through digital trickery. The President says, in part: “...If this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncov- ered. Its implications are as far reaching and awe inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental. We will continue to listen closely to what it has to say as we continue the search for answers and for knowl- edge that is as old as humanity itself but essential to our people’s future...” However, these words, although actually spoken by Clinton, were presented out of context in the movie. While in the scene in question it certainly sounds like Clinton is delivering a cautious dis- closure of contact with an alien in- telligence, in reality his comments were delivered in August 1996 and referred to the possible dis- covery of fossilized microbial life in a Martian meteorite. Director Robert Zemeckis simply lifted this part of Clinton’s speech and used it to heighten the believabil- ity of his fictional movie. It was a decision that landed the director in hot water with the White House, which issued a complaint to the film’s producers citing un- authorized use of the President’s image. In truth, Clinton was probably delighted to be seen on the big screen announcing alien contact. By his own public admis- sion, the Democratic President was and is fascinated by the idea not only of extraterrestrial life, but of UFO visitation; he has even spoken publicly of his frustration at being stonewalled on the issue. At a speech in Belfast in 1995, the President made a point of bringing up the famous Roswell Incident of 1947: “If the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn’t tell me about it, either, and I want to know.” He was even more direct in a question and answer session following a speech in Hong Kong in 2005. When asked about Roswell, the President replied: “I did attempt to find out if there were any secret govern- ment documents that revealed things. If there were, they were concealed from me too. And, if there were, well I wouldn’t be the first American President that underlings have lied to, or that career bureaucrats have waited out. But there may be some career person sitting around somewhere, hiding these dark secrets, even from elected presidents. But if so, they successfully eluded me.” A contemplative film calling to mind the likes of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and even 2001: A Space Odyssey, Contact is a spec- tacular sci-fi that milked every penny of its $90 million budget to gross in excess of $171 million worldwide. 17 years on from its 22 Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
  • 23. release Contact remains distinct from most all other movies to have explored the idea of human/alien interactions. It belongs to that lonely group of films which has dared to dream that life beyond the stars might one day extend to us a peaceful hand. Although from a screenwriting perspective it is arguably more challenging to explore the positive implications of otherworldly contact than the negative – explosions being easier to pen than profound socio-polit- ical or spiritual debate – Contact is testament to the fact that the challenge can be met with gusto, and to both critical and commer- cial success. Here’s hoping that, in the years to come, Hollywood will be more inclined to shake ET’s hand rather than to blow it off with a bazooka and a one-liner. by Robbie Graham March 2014 23 Upcoming Conferences Extraterrestrial Communication Conference Saturday June 28th, 2014 In 2014 we have two major events in the British Ufology calendar. The first sees the return of our Extra- terrestrial Communication Confer- ence on Saturday June 28th, 2014. The first event features lectures by experiencers and researchers into anomalous phenomena and extraterrestrial contact and com- munication. From the USA, abduction ex- periencer and researcher Mike Clelland will take a deep look into the meaning of his own alien ex- periences and those of others. Mike Clelland is a talented illus- trator and an avid outdoorsman, and many of his experiences have occurred while in the great outdoors. In his UFO research he has written extensively on the subject of alien abductions, syn- chronicities, high strangeness and owls, as well as his own personal experiences. He has had a lifetime of unusual events that seem directly intertwined with the UFO reality and in his talk at the Extra- terrestrial Communication Con- ference he will take the audience on a journey through that world of high strangeness and present some fascinating insights into the true nature of his experiences. Ellis Taylor, is an experiencer who first inspired the leading ET ab- duction therapist Mary Rodwell to About the author Robbie Graham is the author of Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies, which is due for publica- tion in September 2014 through White Crow Books. Robbie has been interviewed about UFOs and the politics of Hollywood for BBC Radio, Coast to Coast AM, Canal+ TV and Van- ity Fair, among others. His articles have appeared in a variety of pub- lications including The Guardian, New Statesman, Filmfax, Forte- an Times, and the peer-reviewed journal of North American Stud- ies, 49th Parallel. He holds an MA with Distinction in Cinema Studies from the University of Bristol. As a professional educator, Robbie has designed and delivered Film and Media courses at multiple learning levels at Stafford College and the University of Bristol. Robbie is the editor of Looking back at ‘Contact’ By Robbie Graham
  • 24. look at the alien abduction phe- nomenon. Ellis Taylor is a genuine and first hand experiencer of what really does lie in the ‘beyond’. Born in Bridgetown, Western Aus- tralia, he now resides in the UK, he has been described as “a shaman of the modern world”. Lorraine Flaherty is a Past-lives therapist who has come across many cases where her subjects have described lives of oth- er-worlds, and even described abduction scenarios in past-lives as well as in the present. Lorraine will present cases where her re- gression thearapy has uncovered bizarre tales of past lives on other planets and alien civilisations. UFO experiencer and broadcast- er Tony Topping will be recount- ing his own personal experiences of UFO encounters and of agents that sought to persecute him as a result of this experience. Exopolitics Great Britain producer Anthony Beckett will exploring the world of the 1950’s contactees, look at the what lies behind this facinating and poorly understood facet of Extraterrestrial Commu- nication. The event will be held in Leeds, West Yorkshire at Leeds Metropol- itan University’s The Rose Bowl at the city centre campus. Conference Venue: Leeds Metro- politan University, The Rose Bowl, Portland Way, Leeds LS1 3HB. BOOK NOW! Reserve your place today! 24 Upcoming Conferences
  • 25. Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence “Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.” – The Master Aetherius, to Dr. George King “Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.” These words, spoken by an interplanetary intelligence known as The Master Aetherius, to Dr. George King on May 8th, 1954 in London, triggered a series of interplanetary contacts which would continue regularly until his passing in 1997. This is one of the great contactee stories – in my view the greatest. Controversial even in UFO circles, his cosmic en- counters are nevertheless a must- know for any serious ufologist. Fusing spirituality and cosmology with straightforward common- sense, Dr. King’s legacy continues unabated through the organi- sation he started in 1955, The Aetherius Society, which has head- quarters, branches and groups in Europe, North America, Africa and Australasia, and members in many parts of the world. Dr. King was born in 1919 and his childhood, sandwiched between two world wars, was spent in the English countryside, wherever his father’s work as a village school- master took the family. The hardy conditions, especially in North Yorkshire where he spent several of his formative years, were not helped by his poor health, giving him a practical grounding in the necessities of life. But even then his central focus was on spiritual- ity and the nature of existence. He was also developing pronounced healing and psychic powers at an early age. As a Quaker he took a principled stand in the Second World War, as his father had done in the First, by playing a non-combatant role in the fire service, of which he was a section leader during the London Blitz. The shocking human suffer- ing he encountered only furthered his pursuance of truth through personal realisation. It was thus, at the end of the war, that he turned to the little known practice in those days of yoga. Instead of seeking material advancement through a formal education and lucrative career, he turned his attention to inner development through a demanding regime of spiritual, mental and physical yoga exercises. He practised these for approximately eight hours a day for ten years, an extraordinary commitment for a westerner to make, especially at that time. To pay the bills, he worked in a variety of jobs, particularly as a driver. Those who question why Dr. King would be chosen to be the channel for extraterrestrial intelli- gences, using trance medium-ship and telepathy to do so, should really supply a list of alternative candidates. Who else in 1954 in London, or any other city for that matter, had trained so intensively and so long in the advanced prac- tices necessary to become Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel as the Gods from Space described him? I have yet to hear of one. Most of us, who have written and spoken in the media and other public forums about UFOs, are all too familiar with the closed- minded disbelief, which can assail us, especially from the establishment. Imagine then declaring the truth about flying saucers and their interplanetary controllers in the deferential world of post-war Britain. When Dr. King led a public rally for the truth about UFOs to be revealed by the government of the day in Trafalgar Square, the climate was 25 Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
  • 26. markedly different from that of today’s disclosure project, which still receives political resistance. He was mercilessly ridiculed in Fleet Street, but his bravery shone through and he gave regular demonstrations of his cosmic medium-ship, often in the Caxton Hall in Westminster and, on one occasion, on television for the BBC. The messages he received revealed the truth about extra- terrestrial spacecraft and their reasons for being here, giving accurate public forecasts of when and where they would be oper- ating around the world. As with certain other claimed contacts of that period, there were detailed warnings about the use of nuclear power. These included one sen- sational revelation of a nuclear accident in the Soviet Union which was published by Dr. King 18 years before it was confirmed in the western media. Even The New Sci- entist admitted in 1978 that they had been “scooped by a UFO”. But predominantly these extrater- restrial communications, known as cosmic transmissions, were spiritual in nature. They described the multidimen- sional life existing throughout the universe, even on planets which we might consider to be uninhab- itable. Perhaps the most conten- tious of these at the time was Dr. King’s claim to be a channel for The Master Jesus who came from the planet Venus in the so-called ‘Star of Bethlehem’. As controver- sial – heretical even – as it seemed to some, the sublime voice and moving words of The Twelve Blessings which The Master Jesus delivered through Dr. King in 1958, has transformed the lives of thou- sands around the world and con- tinues to do so. Dr. King’s mission as Primary Ter- restrial Mental Channel expanded when he was commissioned by the Cosmic Masters to climb 18 moun- tains in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, so that they could be charged with powerful spiritual energies. Ad- ditionally, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania was charged without re- quiring his physical presence. Des- ignated as Operation Starlight, this demanding and often dangerous task was completed successfully in 1961, since when pilgrimag- es have been conducted to all of them. Thousands of pilgrims have travelled to one or more of these – this year alone, pilgrimages by the Society have already been sched- uled in Britain, France, USA and New Zealand. Dr. King was instructed to move his residence to the United States and unquestioningly did so, even though he always remained a citizen of the United Kingdom, which he visited regularly. He established the Society in Los Angeles, and to this day the Soci- ety’s two headquarters are based in both countries. In LA he received a series of Cosmic Transmissions called The Nine Freedoms from an elevated Martian Intelligence which, along with The Twelve Blessings, forms the centrepiece of Aetherius Society teaching. From the challenging skills of mountaineering in hazardous con- ditions, Dr. King was now directed to the arena of seamanship. Whereas the mountains had been charged in Operation Starlight so that spiritual energy could be sent by pilgrims to heal and uplift humanity, an even greater consid- eration now entered the equation: the well-being of the planet upon which we live. Dr. King was a champion of ecology long before the term became fash- ionable. His ecology however was not solely focused on the material survival of the human race, but upon the Mother Earth as a living, compassionate, suffering Being. He was given the mission Opera- tion Bluewater, which took place at sea, off the California coast and requiredhimtoskipperaboatwith a small crew. This time the energy was sent by the Cosmic Masters through the waters directly to the planet herself. Ten years on from the initial Command, he had indisputably become a UFO contactee with a difference. His ‘can do’ practical- ity, coupled with other-worldly sensibilities, meant that fair-mind- ed believers and disbelievers alike had to acknowledge his one hundred percent commitment to his mission. He worked tirelessly seven days a week with the same single-minded determination he had shown when he first took up the practice of yoga. With just a few helpers and a very limited budget, he continued regardless of the noises off, which could be hostile to say the least. He revealed that, on July 8th 1964 the Mother Earth, as a living intel- ligence, was initiated with great 26 Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
  • 27. spiritual powers by the Gods from Space and that a quickening of vibrations upon the surface of Earth would gradually start to take place. This would mean increased freedomofspiritualexpressionbut also could exacerbate the more extreme behaviour of fanatics and extremists. In short, the human race would embark upon a period which has been referred to as the Great Change. He identified the asteroid belt as the planet from which the human race originated, but which had been destroyed through atomic warfare. He spoke of the previous civilisations on this Earth of Lemuria and Atlantis which had also been destroyed by nuclear conflict, and warned of the same challenge facing us today. He iden- tified the solution to the environ- mental and humanitarian crisis which overshadows our future as being an outpouring of spiritual energy to the world as a whole. Dr. King had now moved beyond being solely an instrument for the Gods from Space to also being an active contributor to their plan for our world. He invented equipment and devised missions which were accepted by the Cosmic Masters whose authority was always sac- rosanct to him. One of these missions, Op- eration Prayer Power, which has been featured extensive- ly in television broadcasts around the world, is now performed in the UK, USA and New Zealand. It enables attenders to store spiritu- al energy which has been invoked through prayer and mantra in physical containers known as batteries. This means that energy, stored by hundreds of people who have each spent many hours in prayer or mantra in the vicinity of the battery, can be released in conjunction with the Cosmic Masters in a matter of minutes. In a disaster situation caused by an earthquake, hurri- cane or war, for example, it would be the equivalent of hundreds of people gathering at that exact instant when their prayer would be most needed and directing it to the spot instantaneously. The Society, which has kept logs of the results of such energy releases, has recorded significant outcomes on several occasions. Most contactees have an out- standing experience, be it a close encounter or a so-called abduc- tion, which they speak and write about for many years to come. Some, such as George Adamski and Dan Fry, claimed to have a number of these. It is extremely rare though, if not unprecedent- ed, for any contactee to have regular communications over a forty-three year period, as Dr. King did up to his passing in 1997. As a close colleague, friend and student of Dr. King, who was in touch with him almost on a daily basis for the last twenty years of his life, I can vouch for the fact that he was always on duty. He could be contacted by the Cosmic Masters at any time, whether convenient to him or not. He was, as you would expect from a master of yoga, a highly in- telligent man who was not prone to fantasy or wishful thinking. On the contrary he was, strange as it may sound, a very down-to-earth person with a discerning, enquir- ing mind and an infectious sense of humour. He did not seek eccen- tricity for its own sake, but much preferred tradition and conformity where possible. He disliked public- ity but he recognised that he was obliged to propagate the cosmic message he had received without trying to convert, indoctrinate or recruit anyone against their will. It is predictable but inaccu- rate – and very lazy – of some in the media to describe him as a cult leader, because he eschewed the type of be- haviour for which certain cults have become known. To the end of his life he lived very modestly with his wife, Monique, who was one of his leading disciples, split- ting his time between an average-sized bungalow in Santa Barbara, California, a small apartment at the Society’s head- quarters in Los Angeles, and an 27 Richard Lawrence with Dr George King Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
  • 28. even smaller one when he visited the European Headquarters in London. He worked tirelessly in the last ten years of his life, with a few advisors, to ensure that the Society could continue without his unique abilities as a UFO con- tactee. None of us were equipped to replace him, and it would be delusory for anyone to think they would be in the foreseeable future. Despite this, thanks to him, we are still able to cooperate directly with the Gods from Space in no less than five missions on land and water, without needing a terrestrial mental channel as he had been. As the co-author of the last book he published in his lifetime, Contacts With The Gods From Space, I could easily be described as biased. Nevertheless I must say that I believe Dr. George King to be one of the greatest Masters ever to visit our world. For the record, he was also a wonderful man who is in my thoughts, as he is in those of many others, every day. By Richard Lawrence April 2014 Described by Kindred Spirit mag- azine as one “of the biggest tal- ents in MBS (Mind/Body/Spirit)”, Richard’s books, DVDs and CDs have been sold in many coun- tries - translations have included Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. He has taken part in hundreds of radio shows around the world including several appearanc- es on Coast to Coast AM, which broadcasts to 475 radio shows throughout the USA. He regular- ly appeared as a co-host on Mike Allen’s weekly show on LBC called The Phenomena Files. His TV appearances include GMTV on topics ranging from UFOs to an- gels, psychic powers and comple- mentary medicine. He has also ap- peared on TV with Esther Rantzen, Eammon Holmes, Gloria Hunni- ford, Terry Wogan, Noel Edmonds and James Whale, and a host of documentaries and magazine pro- grammes on all the terrestrial and many of the satellite channels. In addition to having had a column in The Observer, he has written for the Daily Express, Daily Mail, The Sun, Woman’s World, Here’s Health, Health and Fitness, the USA’s Whole Life Times and Phe- nome-News, New Zealand’s Life- style magazine and many other journals. He has appeared in most of Britain’s national newspapers, and many magazines and local pa- pers. He has lectured in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Nigeria, and for over 30 years, has been a key- note speaker at London’s largest and most prestigious Mind Body Spirit Festival. He has spoken in- ternationally at various venues including churches, synagogues, Buddhist temples, schools, uni- versities, business conventions, charitable meetings and numer- ous conventions and bookstores, as well as to an audience of thou- sands at an open-air pop concert. Richard is the Executive Secretary ofTheAetheriusSocietyforEurope and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He has devoted his life to the work of his late master and personal friend, Dr. George King (1919-1997), who founded the Society. About the author 28 Dr. George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space By Richard Lawrence
  • 29. Everyone in society today has heard of UFOs and the possibility that this phenomenon may represent the arrival on earth of extraterrestrials, advanced spiritu- al beings, or beings from another dimension. Everyone inside the UFO research field is also aware that there is a strong skeptical group of scientists that are determined to crush any conclusion that UFOs represent anything outside the random physical world view. Their major counter to UFO researchers claims that UFOs represent something non-local and separate from the physical world view is usually summed up with the expression, “There is no conclusive evidence that proves the UFO claim.” This sets up a high mountain for Ufology to climb because the skeptics are dogmatically hard liners in their religious world view that everything is physical. They are riveted with fear, like a small child on his bed in the dark, waiting for the bogeyman man under the bed to reach out and grab him. Belief or Proof? No one will ever prove the UFO non-local argument to a skeptic because proof itself is illusive and im- possible to prove to someone who it determined does not to believe. Moreover, in the end everything is belief, and proof is an elusive word with no real meaning. Take the example of something that should seem quite straight forward and considered proved – people from time to time get a hole-in-one while golfing. When you look closely, however, this is just a belief we hold like everything else in life if we have no direct experience. To use a golfing analogy — if I tell you I got a hole in one yesterday, like a UFO sighting I might claim, you can only believe or disbelieve my story. There is no proof. You cannot know unless you were a witness, and even then there still exists the possibility that I, like a magician, made you think you saw a hole in one. The things you base your beliefs on are the same things that support most beliefs in UFOs. Someone told you the story of the hole in one or the UFO and you chose to believe them. Someone filmed the hole in one or the UFO and you chose to believe that the film was not altered or faked. You assumed that the hole in one or the UFO hap- pened because so many people have told such stories and this represents collective reality. Therefore understanding that only those who have had direct experience can really know, what is the best evidence for UFOs that support the belief that UFOs are real non-local phenomena and probably not from this physical world? The Evidence 1) The Canadian government said UFOs are a reality. There is a formally Top Secret document that is held in the Canadian government archives that says just that. The Canadian government does not discount the document as a fraud. The four page document was written in November 1950 and was finally de- classified in 1978. The document sums up “discrete enquiries” made in the United States through the Canadian Embassy Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.” – Stuart Chase 29 Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron
  • 30. about the subject of flying saucers. The memo, authored by the head radio engineer at the Depart- ment of Transport, stated that the America officials had revealed five key facts: Flying saucers exist. It is the most highly classified subject in the United States. It was even two points high- er than the hydrogen bomb which would not be first tested till two years later. A small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, the former sci- ence advisor to President Roo- sevelt was trying to figure out what was going on. The subject is considered of tremendous significance to the American government. Things such as mental phe- nomena might be associated with the flying saucers. 2) A 43 year veteran of the CIA is on the record that the UFO phe- nomenon is real and extraterres- trial. This man, Chase Brandon, came forward in front of millions of people to make the statement. He, had been a covert agent for the CIA from 1970—1995, and then became the CIA liaison man to Hollywood. Brandon described that period as being “paid for 10 years to be the most overt face and voice in the CIA, second only to George Tenet…” In 2005 Brandon retired but as he described it: “No one wants to give it up… Most of us still like the work especially if we can help… We like to contribute… Yes you stick about and work under contract.” The story Brandon told was that he was at CIA Langley headquar- ters in the Historical Intelligence Collection area which is a vault containing archive boxes of files. While waiting for a film crew to arrive he was looking at all the labels on the various boxes and saw one marked Roswell. He looked inside and, “It was not a damn weather balloon — it was what it was billed as when people first re- ported it. It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed, and I don’t doubt for a second that the use of the word ‘remains’ and ‘ca- davers’ was exactly what peo- ple were talking about. One hundred per cent guarantee, in my heart and soul I say – Ros- well happened. There was a craft… absolutely cadavers.” Asked about this public state- ment a CIA spokesman did not call Brandon a liar. They simply said they could not find the files Brandon had referred to. Bill Gates, former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense was asked about Brandon claim in February 2013. He defended Brandon and did not discount the extraterres- trial claim. “I have a lot of respect for Chase… So I’m not going to question Chase. I’m just telling you what I said.” 3) Many people say that when the president stand up and says it is real then they will believe it. It is therefore important to note that Ronald Reagan did just that. The word of the president is very important because he is the most powerful person in the world, and if there is any reality to the UFO phenomena he should know. The President is also at the top of any agency that might be running a cover-up such as the US military. The president is the civilian com- mander of the military which would make him in charge; if the intelligence agencies are running the cover-up they all work for the president as they provide him in- formation. That is their main job. If the government is running the cover-up the president is the CEO of the government and therefore in charge. If someone is dealing and negotiating with aliens it has to involve the president who is constitutionally responsible for any treaties or negotiations with foreign entities. With these points in mind on June 27th , 1981 President Ronald Reagan confirmed publically that the ET story was real. The event was the screening of the movie “ET: The Extraterres- trial” in the White House theatre by director Steven Spielberg. There were 39 people in the room besides the president. AccordingtoSpielberg,whoputhis statement on tape, Reagan stood up after the film was finished, “and looked around the room like he was doing a head- count... and he said, ‘I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really en- joyed your movie,’ and then he looked around the room and said, ‘And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.’ And 30 Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron
  • 31. he said it without smiling!” 4) Another president who con- firmed there was a solid reality to the UFO phenomena was Jimmy Carter who had his own UFO sighting. According to actress Shirley MacLaine: “He told me many times that when I first wrote ‘Out on a Limb’ that he would support me – that it was true - there were occupants. Why should we be the only people in the universe? He wanted to shine the sunshine laws on intelli- gence to expose it – to see how the people would react but he said he didn’t and wouldn’t and couldn’t as he explained to me.” This statement by MacLaine is given further support by Daniel Sheehan, the former chief counsel for the Jesuit headquarters in Washington, D.C., who has testi- fied publically on many occasions that he worked on two highly classified studies on ETs and UFOs that were prepared for Carter by Marcia Smith, whose was senior level specialist in aerospace and telecommunications policy at the Congressional Research Service. As a part of his work Sheehan was given access to the classified portion of the USAF Project Blue Book in May 1977. As to the two reports Sheehan stated: “The first report on extrater- restrial intelligence stated the Congressional Research Service of the official United States Congressional Library, in its official report to the Pres- ident, through the House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee, con- cludes that there are from two to six highly intelligent, high- ly technologically developed civilizations in our own galaxy over and above our own. “In the second report they had drawings of different shapes of UFOs that have been sight- ed,” continued Sheehan. “They didn’t cite any particular cases, but they said that they believed there was a significant number of instances where the official United States Air Force inves- tigations were unable to dis- count the possibility that one or more of these vehicles was actually from one of these ex- traterrestrial civilizations. They put this together, and sent it over to the president. I ended up seeing a copy of it.” 5) President Barack Obama also confirmed reality to the UFO and ET subjects in statement that he has made in public. In a March 2012 speech in Roswell New Mexico Obama started his speech by telling a humorous story about Roswell questions asked to him by young boys. Following this he paused before going to the speech and stated, “We will keep out secrets here,” thus confirming that there is a secret about the Roswell crash that he knows and which must be kept secret. In May 2012 during a White House tour for Men in Black actor Will Smith and his family, his son Jaden started to ask a question about aliens as they touring the situation room. Anticipating the question that was coming Obama stated, “The aliens, right? OK, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials but I can tell you if there had been a top secret meeting and if there would have had to have been a discus- sion about it, it would have taken place in this room.” 6) Edward Ruppelt, who was the original head of the official gov- ernment study of UFOs known as Project Blue Book, wrote in his 1956 book “The Report on Uniden- tified Flying Objects” stated that an USAF estimation of the UFO problem in 1948, just after the major sightings had started, con- cluded it was an extraterrestrial phenomena. The fact that the first major investigator for the govern- ment stated that the government knew it was extraterrestrial almost from day one has been forgotten by UFO history. Ruppelt wrote: “The situation was the UFO’s; the estimate was that they were interplanetary! When the estimate was completed, typed, and approved it start- ed up through the channels to higher command echelons. It drew considerable comment but no one stopped it on the way up.” 7) Senator Barry Goldwater provided a number of pieces of evidence that UFOs are real and that non-human entities are involved. Goldwater is a key figure as he held the position of the Chairman of the Senate intel- ligence committee which would have placed him at the top of the potential members of congress to be briefed about the classified aspects of the UFO phenomena. The strong evidence provide by Goldwater included: Speaking of an encounter with powerful General Curtis LeMay at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in the early 1960s while running for President Goldwater stated: “I think the government does 31 Belief or Proof? Ufology and the Verificationist’s Dilemma By Grant Cameron