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The 2nd GWPN Assembly

A Global Women‟s Peace

      WFWP International
Inauguration of WFWP
1992. 04. 12/ Seoul, Korea
Founder Hak Ja Han Moon‟s World Speech Tour
            1993. 09 / UNHQ, New York
International Service Projects

                Build & run schools
                Foster parents
                Literacy education
                Youth education
International Service Projects

 Vocational schools
 Skills training
 Micro-credit
4th World Conference on Women & NGO Forum,
               1995, Beijing
ROK-Japan Sisterhood Ceremonies (Total 38)
               1994, Seoul

USA-Japan Sisterhood Ceremony
  1995-1996 / Washington DC, USA
WFWP UN Forums on Poverty Eradication

           First Forum(2000/ UNHQ, NY )
WFWP UN Forums on Poverty Eradication

     Awards to Volunteers (2000/ UNHQ, NY)
World Peace Conference
    Taiwan, Aug. 2001
           5 Nobelists attended in

  5 Nobelists attended in Taipei
WFWP UN Forums on Poverty Eradication

         Third Forum(Dec. 2003 / UNHQ, NY )
WFWP UN Forums on Poverty Eradication

          Fourth Forum(Sep. 2004 / UNHQ, NY)
Women of Peace March
  Jerusalem, May 2004
Goodwill Exchange for World Peace
        Aug. 2005 / Beijing
Oct. 2006 / UN ESCAP Hall, Bangkok
Oct. 2006 / UN ESCAP Hall, Bangkok
Friendship Conference for
       Reconciliation & Peace in the Pacific
                      Aug. 2005 / Palau

First Lady of Palau
WFWPI Annual Leaders Workshop
       Oct. 2005/ Moscow, Russia
Women‟s Conference of the Americas
                 April 2006 / Montevideo, Uruguay
                   2006년 04월 / 우루과이, 몬테비데오

First Lady of Uruguay
Visit with Former President George Bush
          (2006 / Houston)
Innovation Fair UN / NGO Activities Display
          2007 / Geneva, UN European HQ

          Mr. Ban stops by WFWP Booth
WFWP Forum at the UN
  Nov. 2008 / UNHQ, NY
UN Deputy SG Rose Migiro as Speaker at
Korean National Women‟s Organization Conference
With UN SG Ban Ki Moon
UN Association ROK, 2008 / Seoul, Korea
14th Middle East Women‟s Conference
            May 2010 / Cyprus

4th WFWP Europe Leaders
     May 2010/ Dresden, Germany

5th WFWP Europe Leaders Workshop
      May 2011 / Madrid, Spain

The 55th UN CSW, WFWP Luncheon Meeting
           2011 / UNHQ, New York

                                     Guest Speaker:
                                   Mr. Andrei Abramov,
                                   Chief of NGO Branch,
                                         UN DESA

WFWP Conference of Women Leaders
        of the Americas
     2011/ San Jose, Costa Rica

Women‟s Conference of the Americas
       Jan. 2011 / San Jose, Costa Rica

          Former and Current First Ladies
          북.중.남미 여성지도자 150명 참석              세계평화여성연합
1% Love Share Project Walkathon
     May 2004 / Olympic Park, Seoul

북한사랑 걷기대회
김정숙사진 인천항
The 8th WFWPI Leaders Workshop, 2007
              Cheongpyeong, Korea
  2007 WFWP 세계여성대회(금강산)
             2007년 10월 30일 ~ 11월 2일
2007 WFWPI Leaders Convention
 Oct. 30-Nov. 2 Mt. Kumgang, North Korea
2007 WFWPI Leaders Convention
Oct. 30-Nov. 2 Mt. Kumgang, North Korea
2007 WFWPI Leaders Convention
 Oct. 30-Nov. 2 Mt. Kumgang, North Korea
2007 WFWPI Leaders Convention
Oct. 30-Nov. 2 Mt. Kumgang, North Korea

      With North Korean Women leaders
GWPN Assembly Aims
1. Realizing the need to empower
2. Recognizing the women‟s role
   in realizing world peace
3. Forming a global women‟s
   network linked to concrete
   activities in the field.

     WFWP International
1st Global Women‟s Peace Network
  (GWPN) International Inaugural
 -March 25-27, 2012
 -Korea Muchangpo Resort
 -600attendees, 33 countries

           WFWP International
WFWP 창립 20주년 기념식
1st GWPN Korea Inaugural Assembly

     Keynote; Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder
WFWPst GWPN Inaugural Assembly
   1 창립 20주년 기념식
WFWP st GWPN Inaugural Assembly
   1 창립 20주년 기념식

      Outstanding Regions; Korea, Japan, UN Office
WFWP st GWPN Inaugural Assembly
   1 창립 20주년 기념식

          Eight Chapters Awarded
1st GWPN Inaugural Assembly
1st GWPN Inaugural Assembly

SESSION 1: 다양한 관점에서 바라본 21C 여성리더쉽
1st GWPN Inaugural Assembly

   SESSION2: 한반도 통일과 세계평화
세계 여성GWPN Inaugural Assembly
   1stst 평화 네트워크 총회(GWPN)
    1 GWPN Inaugural Assembly

    SESSION 1: 다양한 관점에서 바라본 21C 여성리더쉽
1st GWPN Korea Inaugural Assembly
세계 여성 평화 네트워크 총회(GWPN) 폐회식

           Congratulatory Perfomance
세계 여성 평화 네트워크 총회(GWPN) 폐회식
   1st GWPN Korea Inaugural Assembly

          Nanta by WFWP Korea Leaders
GWPN Inaugural Statement
세계 여성 평화 네트워크 총회(GWPN) : 선언문
세계 여성 평화 Korea Inaugural Assembly
   1st GWPN네트워크 총회(GWPN) 폐회식

       천기3년 3월 5일~6일/ 무창포 비체펠리스

            With WFWPI Officers
‘GWPN UN’ Inaugural Assembly

       Keynote Address
‘GWPN UN’ Inaugural Assembly
아벨 여성 UN 창설대회

      194 countries representatives, participants
‘GWPN UN’ Inaugural Assembly

‘Abel Women UN’ Inauguration declared
‘GWPN UN’ Inaugural Assembly
Middle East - Global Women's Peace
     Network (GWPN) Assembly

-June 26-29, 2012
-UN Geneva
-200 attendees, 17 countries

           WFWP International
중동 - Global Women's Peace
WFWP NorthEast - Global Global Women's Peace
   Middle East Region - Women's Peace
       Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly

        Opening Remarks; Dr. Lan Young Moon
중동 - Global Women's Peace
WFWP NorthEast - Global Global Women's Peace
   Middle East Region - Women's Peace
       Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly
중동 - Global Women's Peace
WFWP NorthEast - Global Global Women's Peace
   Middle East Region - Women's Peace
       Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly
USA - Global Women‟s Peace Network
         (GWPN) Assembly
       “The Turning Point”

   -Oct. 25-27, 2012
   -Las Vegas, USA
   -1,600 attendees

        WFWP International
The WFWP USA Women‟s Peace Network
 USA - Global 20th Anniversary & the Global
 Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
          (GWPN) Assembly

   Keynote; Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
Global Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
   USA - Global Women‟s Peace Network
            (GWPN) Assembly
Global Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
   USA - Global Women‟s Peace Network
            (GWPN) Assembly
Global Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
   USA - Global Women‟s Peace Network
            (GWPN) Assembly
Global Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
   USA - Global Women‟s Peace Network
            (GWPN) Assembly
The WFWP USA Women‟s Peace Network
 USA - Global 20th Anniversary & the Global
 Women‟s Peace Network Assembly (GWPN)
          (GWPN) Assembly
Visit to UN Secretary General Ban Ki

 -Nov. 5, 2012
 -New York, UNSG Residence

         WFWP International
Visit to UN SG Ban
유엔대표부 김숙대사 예방                Ki Moon
       Nov. 5, 2012 / UNHQ, New York

     UN Headquarters, New York
Visit to UN SG Ban Ki Moon
  Nov. 5, 2012 / UNHQ, New York

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon with SG Ban Ki Moon
Visit to UN SG Ban Ki Moon
Nov. 5, 2012 / UNHQ, New York
Visit to UN SG Ban Ki Moon
 Nov. 5, 2012 / UNHQ, New York
Visit to UN SG Ban Ki Moon
 Nov. 5, 2012 / UNHQ, New York
North East Region - Global Women's
 Peace Network (GWPN) Assembly

-Nov. 22-24, 2012
-Alfa Hotel, Moscow, Russia
-200 attendees, 10 countries

         WFWP International
WFWP North Region - Global Women's Peace
North East East Region - Global Women's Peace
        Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly

                            기조연설:문난영 회장
             MC; Olga Vakulinskaya
WFWP North Region - Global Women's Peace
North East East Region - Global Women's Peace
        Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly
WFWP North Region - Global Women's Peace
North East East Region - Global Women's Peace
        Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly

              Presentation of Awards
WFWP North Region - Global Women's Peace
North East East Region - Global Women's Peace
        Network (GWPN)Assembly
         Network (GWPN) Assembly
Europe - Global Women‟s Peace
   Network (GWPN) Assembly

-Nov. 23-26, 2012
-ESH Hotel Roma, Italy
-100 attendees, 20 countries

         WFWP International
Europe - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

                 기조연설:문난영 회장
 Session at the European Parliament, Rome
Europe - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly
Europe - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

   사회: 바쿨린스카야 올가 여성연합 동북대륙회장
          기조연설:문난영 회장
Caribbean - Global Women‟s Peace
         Network (GWPN) Assembly
‘Solidarity of Women for World Peace’

  -Nov. 26, 2012
  -Santo Domingo Intercontinental
   Centenario Hotel, Dominican Republic
  -36 attendees, 3 countries

                WFWP International
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
 Caribbean - Global Women‟s Peace
    Network (GWPN) Assembly
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
 Caribbean - Global Women‟s Peace
    Network (GWPN) Assembly
South America - Global Women‟s
Peace Network (GWPN) Assembly

   -Dec. 16, 2012
   -San Paulo, Brazil
   -600 attendees

       WFWP International
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
South America - Global Women‟s Peace
     Network (GWPN) Assembly
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
South America - Global Women‟s Peace
     Network (GWPN) Assembly

    사회: 바쿨린스카야 올가 여성연합 동북대륙회장
           기조연설:문난영 회장
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
South America - Global Women‟s Peace
     Network (GWPN) Assembly

          Presentation of Awards
남미대륙 –세계여성평화네트워크(GWPN)총회
South America - Global Women‟s Peace
     Network (GWPN) Assembly
Africa-Global Women‟s Peace Network
          (GWPN) Assembly
  „Women Leadership and
   Peace Building in the 21st Century’

     -Nov. 24, 2012
     -300 attendees

          WFWP International
Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

    Founder‟s Speech read by Mrs. Susan
Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly
Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

Brahma Kumaris sisters offer a peace message
Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

         Ambassador for Peace Awards
Africa - Global Women‟s Peace Network
           (GWPN) Assembly

          Fekija Centre children entertaining
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
          (GWPN) Assembly

 - Jan. 11, 2013
 - Manila, Philippines
 - 600 attendees, 30 countries

            WFWP International
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
            (GWPN) Assembly

Congratulatory Remarks; 축사: 호세Lu,베네시아 VP ROC
                        Annette 데 former 필리핀 前국회의장
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
             (GWPN) Assembly

          축사: 아네트 루 前대만부총통
Jose De Venecia, former House Speaker, Philippines
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
          (GWPN) Assembly
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
          (GWPN) Assembly
Asia - Global Women‟s Peace Network
          (GWPN) Assembly
Thank You

 WFWP International

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