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The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate
Flag Part I
“You know, the Confederate flag represented slavery in a way – that’s my
abstract take on what I know about it,” he said, according to People. “So I
made the song ‘New Slaves.’ So I took the Confederate flag and made it my
flag. It’s my flag. Now what are you going to do?”– Kanye West
Due to the length, depth, and cultural variations on what I am presenting, I am
leaving the background research to you the audience. I have to simplify the
information for interest and brevity so that I can reach as wide an audience as
possible. I will introduce us into symbols in part I, and progress to the meanings
in part II. The affiliation of the flag to racism, and the relation to the civil war is
another discussion because associations with particular groups, and the true
source of white supremacy and wars have to be established.
We must break this down for our understanding so that truths become
established rather than continue generations of hearsay. We MUST be about our
business of progression and increased consciousness. Uncovering the true
knowledge of this flag will assist us in doing so.
There are variations of the meanings of the symbols, but in your research you
will find that the ancient truths converge. I wish you well in your studies Family,
this is mind-opening info, and I know it will transform you. It has been hidden
from us, and is long overdue for our discovery.
When using the search engines to look up keywords and terms, I suggest using
at least three of the words together to pull up the deeper pages from the web, or
when using databases to look for pdf articles or books. I will leave some of my
references in the bibliography below the article, and feel free to comment with
any questions. The information presented is based on academic, peer-reviewed
sources, and sources of esoteric/occult (hidden) knowledge from sacred texts.
With that said, let’s delve into the esoteric symbolism BEHIND the Confederate
Battle flag.
What Are Symbols?
Every frequency resonates to a certain number, color and sound. Some
frequencies, represented by numbers, colors and sounds, are particularly
powerful. Symbols also represent frequencies and they affect the subconscious
without the person realizing it is happening. This is another reason why certain
symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising
and so on.” -David Icke
Confucius said: “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” Science
has proven to us that everything in existence are simply atoms held together
through vibrations which can be measured in frequencies. So what we perceive
through our five senses, are actually our bodies perceiving vibrations like large
antennae. When we view a symbol, the colors, shapes and their orientation to
one another create a vibration. This vibration can be low, high, neutral, or
measured somewhere in between.
Our own experiences reveal to us how vibrations affect us. With music
vibrations, some songs make us want to run, cry, rejoice, or reminisce. Some
visuals influence us to feel anger, sadness, hate, joy. The visual of a burger on
TV, aligned with the symbol of the restaurant suggest to us that we want a
burger, and we may be moved to get one in response. These are all psychological
and physiological responses to the vibrations generated by sound and sight. So
we can understand that symbols affect us whether we are consciously aware or
When you see the Confederate flag, what kind of responses are evoked in you?
Picture yourself a native of a remote island in the South Pacific. You have never
seen a flag before, and a visitor to your land steps off of a boat with this
particular flag. You may be curious about what this person is holding, but it
likely will evoke no response in you because you have no history with the flag.
Let us imagine that this visitor stays on your island for a period of time.
Whatever experiences with this flag you and the other natives have with it, will
determine your responses to the flag over time.
The natives will pass on their experiences with the visitor and this flag over
generations until the meaning of the flag becomes established even in those
without the original experience. 3rd and 4th generations removed, the people
will respond to the frequencies of the symbols on the flag, related to the story
told. We are generations removed from the design and institution of the flag, yet
the symbolism affects us today. This is the power of the symbol. Let us consider
how powerful an entity can become having the knowledge of symbolic power
over those with no awareness or knowledge.
How Did the Symbols Become Hidden?
“Symbols are images that are worth thousands of words, containing wisdom
accumulated, pregnant with meaning yet to be given birth.” By this we can
understand that symbols are means of communication. If they are forms of
communication, then we know that there are people who can speak the
languages of the symbols. They are able to receive and interpret the frequencies
based on orientation of colors, visuals, sounds, etc, and translate it into useful
The adoption and use of a symbol by organizations over time often shrouds the
original and true meaning, leaving observers without the occult (hidden)
meaning to share wrong information concerning the symbol. The symbolism of
what is known as the “Confederate Flag” is one such symbol of our times that
has layers of meaning that must be unraveled. The importance of gaining
knowledge about symbols we are not familiar with is so that the symbols lose
their power to affect our subconscious and conscious behavior.
The flag “speaks” SEVERAL languages because it has been given several
meanings and connotations without the original explanations. Using our remote
island analogy, low or neutral frequency is generated because there is no applied
meaning. To the child or adult raised with the flag relative to their Southern
heritage, there is a frequency received that evokes emotions likely related to
pride or joy, maybe even guilt or anger. To the black man and woman who have
experienced mistreatment relative to the flag, there will be negative frequencies
But to the persons learned of the symbols on the flag, there are frequencies that
we have yet to experience based on lack of knowledge. Those with knowledge
can use the flag now to control various emotions and responses, using the
ultimate transmitter of symbolism, the media.
So we know now that the different frequencies that are generated can trigger
emotions in us, creating energy that is useless unless we know the reasoning
behind the evocation of the emotions. If we knew the ORIGINAL meanings of
the symbols, our frequency response would be different than the ones we have.
So we have to ask ourselves, why would there be a need to evoke responses in
people who are not knowledgeable about the symbols? A very rhetorical
question, but for the times we will apply meaning. Why was Kanye West donning
the symbol? Why are corporations and government institutions distancing
themselves from the symbol? What is the frequency response by people taught
that the flag is about their heritage to it being removed? We will tackle these
questions in part II.
The Confederate Flag Symbolism is About Death and Resurrection
Are you surprised? Probably not. If you have been with Urban Intellectuals for
some time, you know that we go to great lengths to find origins of knowledge to
present to you.
In part III, Iv? I will go into depth of each symbol: pentagrams, X, colors,
orientation of the symbols, and the origin and use of the symbols. Most
importantly we will uncover and attempt to tie it all together for the current
events and all of human history. It is heavy knowledge, but the times call for our
receptiveness to higher levels of insight. The Dark Ages are over, and with
knowledge we will know what it means to be Illuminated.
The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate
Flag Part II
So much info, so little space Fam. This may require a part III to get all of this in, because I
want us to KNOW. We discussed how symbols generate frequencies, how they provoke a
response psychologically and physically, how they are a language of themselves, and
questioned why the truth of them would be hidden from us. When I use the term ignorance,
please do not take offense to the term. It is simply lack of knowing, which we have all been
held to, not knowing and kept in ignorance.
My main disclaimer is that there are a plethora of sources for this information, and although
most of them converge into united truths, there is the possibility of variations due to
misinformation or desire for continued secrecy. The key to getting closest to truth is to
triangulate, using at minimum 3 to a wide array of sources before arriving at probabilities.
Let’s dig deeper.
“By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which
transcend the limitations of language….. the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more
ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a
symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise, the subject of the symbol is obvious,
while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret
doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which
might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.” –
Manly P. Hall
I use the quotes of Western philosophers on what is called Mystery Teachings for insight, but
as always, we have to go to the source of this ancient knowledge, Africa. Before we examine
the symbol meanings, we have to break down why the ancestors used mythology and
Archetypes, Mythology and Symbols of Egypt
What we were not taught in school is that ancient civilizations ingeniously discovered a format
to give us a glimpse into how the energies and forces of the universe operate. In order for
humans to be able to see these invisible energies, they had to be made visible through the use
of symbols or images we call “Archetypes” .
“Archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our souls/psyches as
reflections of “higher existence” or “powers, forces, patterns.
The only way that we as human beings can “see” these invisible energies… is via an
“intermediary image” and or symbol.”
Some of these “archetypes” are readily understood while others bring subliminal messages
that are there to help you trigger your memory of why you are here and the truth behind the
illusion of our physical reality. History records for us in various ancient religions larger than
life “historical” and or “mythical figures” that are symbolic of these “invisible energies” that
operate in the Cosmos”. -C.M. Lyons
So based on what we are seeking to uncover about the Confederate flag, can you see how the
language of the flag symbolism is speaking to “invisible energies”? That there are subliminal
messages triggering something in us which we are not quite sure of, but sense is being stirred
up? The flag is the intermediary image between the emotional response when we see the flag
and the knowledge of the unseen powers, forces, and patterns- the TRUTH.
We can all agree that there are unseen forces in our reality, like gravity, or unseen energies
like electricity. Science has told us that they exist because the forces and energies can be felt
and measured. We do not float off into space because gravity from the orbit of the earth keeps
us grounded. That is the simple explanation, although the deeper reasoning for how gravity
works is more complex. The ancient scientists simplified for us the complexity through
mythological stories.
“Egyptians understood this invisible realm of our existence and developed an entire system of
symbols to communicate the science of the unseen world over generations. These symbols are
imprinted into our minds and DNA, and transmitted as knowledge through our lineage. “Thus
the real is in the invisible realm of the Spirit which is but a shadow reflected upon the wall of
fleshly-earthly existence” – C.M. Lyons
How does this matter to us in the present? The takeaway is that there are adepts, or students
among us in society who have attained this knowledge. There are those who have taken the
path of personal study, or those who have affiliated with groups such as the Freemasons.
These people work within every industry, come from all backgrounds, and are generally
committed to lifelong learning and application of these principles. Some use the knowledge to
better their lives, or make life worse for society. This is why we say unequivocally
Every one of us has the capacity to take on this path of seeking to understand the real world,
which is the unseen. The physical reality which we live, has been proven very clearly by the
Egyptians, and great thinkers since, that we are living in the shadow of what it real. Studying
the archetypes through whatever means, either Western or Eastern knowledge, will lead a
student to truly begin to LIVE. Then what? is usually the following question. You continue to
learn, teach another, put the knowledge to use in your daily life, and contribute to bringing the
unseen reality into manifestation so that we can build the life we dream of.
Why Egyptians Used Mythology, Archetypes, and Symbols
These archetypes are representations of how our reality is governed by laws of the
universe. “The ‘same laws’ that operate and energize the sun affect secondarily all of nature
during the year. Living vegetation responds to these laws in an eternal and unending cycle of
“birth, live, death, and rebirth” -C.M. Lyons. Each archetype was meticulously developed with
specific characteristics. Religion will call these the attributes of “God” or creation. A mother,
or a father is an archetype, so when we think of a mother, we can apply our ideas of
“mothering” to not only people, but to animals or a cartoon character.
Symbols are attached to the archetypes, and the most important function is that the original
meanings rarely if ever change over time when guarded by students of the knowledge. We can
fully understand this knowledge IF and ONLY if we learn the language. Consider that an
apple, in the English language has been an apple since it was first named. It will be an apple
likely for all time. The word ‘apple’ is symbolic of the actual fruit. When we see the word, we
picture an apple. When we see an apple, we can picture the word. An apple can also stand for
something else; in the esoteric system it is symbolic of ‘knowledge’. The Egyptians understood
this aspect of how the mind works.
Thus, a symbol can be exchanged for words or even stand in representing an idea; recall that it
generates frequencies and responses. So when we see an apple, it will trigger basic responses
in the physical or psychological level. A student of esoteric knowledge will see an apple and it
will also trigger on a higher level of ‘knowing’ or consciousness, that it means‘knowledge’ .
This particular flag, along with the various versions of the American flag hold ancient
knowledge within their symbols, and represents several archetypes. We can conclude then
that these flags trigger frequencies, and are meant to evoke specific responses. Skeptical? How
were you taught about the American flag? You were indoctrinated to pledge allegiance to it
and to stand and salute it during an anthem. You were given little, or surface knowledge of the
symbols and likely asked no questions beyond what you were told. As an adult, you may have
a triggered response in your body or your mind when the anthem is played or you see a flag
half-mast. Frequencies. And so we can understand why such a volatile response is being
invoked in persons indoctrinated to the Confederate flag with the same surface information,
taught to pledge allegiance.
Who Are the Students of The Knowledge?
WE ARE! However, there have been persons who have taken oaths to gain this knowledge.
There are groups who took charge to guard the knowledge to protect the truth of the symbols.
There are groups who were given the knowledge and used it to enslave society by keeping the
knowledge from it. You may have heard the biblical scripture of not “casting pearls before
swine”; this is to say that knowledge in the hands of those who don’t respect it, will not value
it. There are groups that feel we are not worthy of the knowledge. And more importantly,
there are groups that fear what we will become if we gain this knowledge.
My hope is that anyone reading this will value the knowledge and understand that it has been
hidden so that it would not lose its truth. We are in the time of a great global awakening, and
those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will seek to know what the symbols in the world
around them mean. We were likely not mature or open to understanding the symbols, but to
not know is enslavement. Our ancestors discovered and encapsulated knowledge that would
not only set us free, but would make it so we could never be enslaved. This knowledge has
been fed to us little by little through media and religion, and apparently the time has come for
us to decipher it.
Freemasonry, Kemet, and Flag Symbolism
We will be building in part III from the foundational knowledge that the establishment of
“America” was completely a Western Freemasonic endeavor (Mitch Horowitz, “Occult
America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation”). “In Freemasonry is
embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number,
metaphor and symbol.” (Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters
of Wisdom”. This is key to knowing why the symbols around us have such prevalence and
“Our common source for all of the signs and symbols of ancient and modern Freemasonry are
rooted in Kemet (Egypt), by way of Cush (Abyssinia or Ethiopia) – Manly P. Hall “The original
Arabians and creators of ancient civilization are the Cushite race, who began to establish
monarchies in Egypt in about 3000 to 3500 B.C.” -Drusilla Houston; “Wonderful Ethiopians
of the Ancient Cushite Empire”.
Freemasonry is one path of study and ritual to uncover universal truths. The Freemason is
likened to a traveling man, who uses the mathematical tool of a compass which guides and
gives direction back to morality. The moral compass moves the Mason from the North East
Corner, symbolizing a temporary place of darkness, physical and spiritual death, to the East
where warmth and enlightenment originates, symbolizing knowledge and truth (Allen
Roberts; “The Craft and Its Symbols”). “Masonry conveys its belief system through symbols
and allegory. The symbol is the lesson. Even words become symbols in Freemasonry” (Tony
Brown, “Empower the People”).
For the sake of space, I will leave the research of the Kemetic origins of Freemasonry, and
adoption by Western adepts to you, for now. Fahim Knight-El suggests the works of Ashra
Kwesi, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef Ben A.A. Jochannan, Dr. Molefi Asante, Dr.
Anthony Browder, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen,
Chancellor Williams, John G. Jackson, etc- noting that “this will require a complete
ideological overhaul from changing the words, tokens, signs, symbols, etc., to reflecting the
language of the Metu-Neter (Egyptian hieroglyphs) and totally debunking the precepts of
Western Freemasonry.”
The key take away is to understand that it is by way of Freemasonry that the symbols were
instituted in America. The flags speak knowledge of Egyptian/Kemet archetypes, and
universal truths, which I will break down in part III.
Bibliography THE NETERU:
Secret Teachings of All Ages- Manly P. Hall
Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom”.
The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate
Flag Part III
This is the proposed version of the Confederate flag displaying the Eye of Ra.
Let’s dig into the symbolism Family. I will present the simplified meaning, and then in a final
analysis we will tie it all together with the cosmology, mythology, archetypes and literal
interpretations so we can know what to do with the knowledge. There are varied meanings
and applications of the symbols across cultures, but I am sticking as close to the
Kamitic/Kemetic/Egyptian interpretations as possible. There are also layers and levels of
meanings that cannot all be covered, so keep that in mind. I will also give examples of their
use. Since the symbolism appears both on the Confederate and American flags, I will be
presenting on both.
Confederate and American Flag Symbolism and the Star System Sirius
The Sirius star system was astronomically, the foundation of the entire Egyptian and
subsequently Dogon religious systems. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian
calendar. Its heliacal rising marked the beginning of the Egyptian year and roughly coincided
with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius is a first-magnitude star that is 40 times brighter than the
Sun, and is considered by the ancients as the star that rules all African people.
For 70 days from May to midsummer, Sirius cannot be viewed. Astronomically, it is between
July 2-5 that Sirius aligns directly with the sun and earth. Sirius is considered the “Sun behind
the sun”. It and the sun are in conjunction such that the sun’s brighter light blocks the
visibility of Sirius. When the star and sun are separated for the first time in 70 days, Sirius can
be seen on the horizon before dawn, hence the title as the “Eastern star”. The ancients also
believed that the brain can receive more etheric energy than at any other point in the
revolution of the earth on July 4th.
Is it coincidental that America was “founded” on the date July 4th 1776? ‘Novus Ordo
Seclorum-New World Order-the statement found on our money, refers to the destruction of
the Carbon-Based World Order through white supremacist imperialist conquest beginning in
1776, based on the ‘Suns of Light Bavarian Illuminati’. The goal appearing to be a world based
on technological dominance rather than indigenous knowledge and stewardship.
During the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the star Sirius was aligned
with the sun and it was also in this same alignment during the laying of the cornerstone of the
Washington Monument. Members of the Moorish Nation or the NOI may be familiar that
Master Fard Muhammad announced the Independence of Black people as a Nation on July
4th, 1930 based on his knowledge of the Sirius Mystery Teachings to wake us up to the system
that had hijacked our knowledge and liberty.
New World Order – found on U.S. Currency
The Number 13: Stars and Stripes
In the occult science of numerology it is said that, “He who understands the number 13 will be
given power and dominion. It is a number of upheaval and destruction; a symbol of power
which, if wrongly used, will wreak havoc and destruction upon itself.”
The phrase “July the Fourth” contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of
the U.S. (July 4, 1776), which leads us to the real reason why the Masonic “founding fathers”
chose this date as the official birth date of the United States:
Solomon’s Seal has 13 Stripes, 13 olive branches, 13 leaves, 13 feathers, 13 arrows and 13
colonies. The number 13 represents the ‘Light of Knowledge’ for the resurrection to be born
again. The word Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one) has 13 letters (the space included).
There are actually 13 constellations and not 12. The Greeks chose to remove one of the original
thirteen constellations from the Zodiac in order to accomplish their desire to have each sign
rule for an even 30º of sky, clearly to cover the true knowledge and control time and history,
so they selected Ophiuchus/Orion to be eliminated. There were 13 months in the lunar
calendar year but that changed with the introduction to the Gregorian calendar of the Roman
Empire. The story about Osiris/Asar being cut into 14 pieces and 1 piece not being found is a
story with hidden astronomical/astrological meaning dealing with the movement of the sun
through the 13 zodiac signs and cycles of the solstice through a Great year (26,000 yrs). I will
explain more and relate this to Sirius in the analysis.
The 13 Constellations of the Zodiac
On July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in the Heavens, and as stated previously, on
this date the Sun conjoins the great star Sirius, whose longitude is 13° Cancer.
The Red, White, and Blue
The red, white, and blue in the U.S. and Confederate flags represents the colors emitted by the
stars Sirius A, B, and C as they are in varied stages of evolution from white dwarfs giving off
whitish-blue light, and red appearance as noted by astronomers.(The colors also correspond
to the 3 colors of our blood cells white/blue/red).
The United States, Great Britain, and France flag colors derive from the Egyptians who were
aware thousands of years ago that Sirius flashes red, white, and blue light. The Ankh-Menu,
stolen and corrupted is in Washington, D.C.’s 33rd Degree Grand Sovereign Scottish Rite
Temple called, the ‘Holy of Holies’ and is in red, white and blue.
The colors also signify the unification of upper and lower Kemet/Egypt through spiritual
warfare, as Upper and Lower Kemet were polarities. Is it starting to make sense? The black
and white warfare occurring here in the states? North vs. South? Civil war? Independence
Day? I will show you that the United States was built as a microcosm of Egypt, and humanity
is a reflection of the star system that the Mystery knowledge teaches is its origin.
50 Stars of the U.S flag
The pentagram, pentacle, pentaculum, pentagrammaton, pentageron, etc., is one of
humanities oldest symbols. The five-pointed star is a symbol of creation, and also of the
conscious, thinking man. The number five is also representative of the human being,
constituted by four extremities and the head: Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head. According to Manly
P. Hall, the pentagram is a figure for the “formula of man”. “It is the one rising out of the four-
the human soul rising from the bondage of nature.”
The pentagram representing the five elements that make up man.
The Number 50
Since Sirius B orbits Sirius A in fifty years, it moves more rapidly even than three of our sun’s
planets in our own solar system – Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. 50 is a hieroglyph “nu”,
meaning ‘the wave’. Sirius A and B interloop every 50 years, similar to the DNA spirals
because it too follows the symetric, geometric forms of the cycles of these stars. More on that
in analysis.
The Dogon Tribe’s knowledge of the revolutions of Sirius A and B
The ‘X’ of the Confederate Flag
Finally let’s discuss the meaning of the ‘X’. The ‘X’ is the symbol of Osiris. (Now it will begin to
make sense why Kanye said it’s his flag now?)
Masons depict “Ausar’s X” with a ‘P’ going down its center, representing the penis of Ausar,
the missing 14th body part, called the Caru and is found in Masonic Cemeteries. This is the
Christ monogram representing Resurrection.
Phallic staff of Osiris
The ’13 Stars’ on the ‘X’, represent ‘Transformation and Rebirth’. Combined with with the
symbolism of a pentagram: Transformation and Rebirth of Man. But which man? The
Original Man and Woman have been shut out from this transformation through their mental
and physical enslavement and control. But thank our lucky stars, Sirius, we can still be
transformed. I mentioned the red, blue, and white formats of our blood-this transformation
occurs in our physical bodies down to the DNA in our cells. For those interested in
understanding further, research the ‘evolution of carbon’.
The changing of one’s name such as Malcolm X and Clarence 13X did, denotes transformation
through the knowledge of the original transformer, Osiris. Many of us were introduced to this
transformation through the archetype named Jesus Christ. You may have heard in the news
headlines recently, of politicians stating that the Confederate flag is representative of Jesus
Christ, so they are again, using symbolism to talk around the truth and over our heads. More
on that later.
The New Civil War
In a nutshell, civil war has been used to generate change throughout history. The
term‘Hegelian dialectic’ states that two opposing forces are used to bring about a new
outcome. In the East this is known as “Yin and Yang” referring to two polar energies brought
together in some form of battle, to yield change. Now we can understand why Obama’s
campaign statement was “Change” with a Sirius symbol. Red vs blue, or black vs white, Upper
Kemet vs Lower Kemet. This “climate change”, which was the code word for the current
events, is being orchestrated to bring about a new outcome and direction for the country, yet
to be seen. It is of no coincidence that we were given two polar political parties aligned with
red and blue. White is representative of the outcome. The Egyptians aligned this phenomenon
with the archetypes of Osiris/Ausar, Isis/Auset, and Horus/Heru. Male/Father +
Female/Mother = Child/Outcome, which align to the Sirius star system A, B, C. It is also no
coincidence that the so-called terrorist group is named “ISIS”, established to yield an outcome
through instilling perceived chaos.
The symbols used in mythology were to describe the cyclical interaction of these forces,
energies, stars, humans, systems, etc, and their ultimate evolution and change. Therefore, the
bible and ALL sacred texts preserve the knowledge of these phenomena at the Cosmic and
human level.
The hidden symbolism of the Obama campaigns. Sirian and Osirian Symbols.
As I mentioned in the previous articles, the polar energies are being evoked through
frequencies we are responding to. The flags: American, Confederate, and Gay pride flag are
triggering subconscious responses unbeknownst to us. So if the media airs stories that have
specific frequencies such as through unjust occurrences in Texas, Baltimore, or Missouri, and
elsewhere, guess how we will respond? The Confederate flag gets removed, and the response
will be predictable in those programmed to honor it. None of this is chance or happenstance.
History is presently governed for us, and we simply have been programmed to respond to it,
not to create it ourselves. The universe is very ordered, but it operates on naturally existing
frequencies and patterns. No being controls how the planets orbit, or the evolution of a star
system. It is all governed by mathematically precise movements.
Dance of the Planets. Geometrical pattern of the orbits of Earth and Venus. Universal order.
Self-established “pharaohs” (popes, presidents, councils, etc.) control the behaviors of man on
this planet, and the outcome can be predictable as long as the people go along and yield their
own powers to them. You and I, like our ancestors, would be naturally influenced by the
patterns, frequencies, and forces, influenced by the celestial bodies; instead we have
institutions and corporations.
Speaking of corporations, begin to open your eyes and look around at how many corporate
logos have red and blue in them. The color choices are not random. We are programmed to
that frequency, and initiated business owners know the keys to manipulating energy, with the
outcome of us spending money. It is all around us family, and the time for our wake up to it is
There is a fundamental statement of esoteric teachings, “As Above, So Below; As Within, So
Without”, to explain that what happens in the Cosmos also happens within us. Just as the
stars ‘Sirius’ A and ‘Sirius B’, and the hidden ‘Sirius C’ exchange energies as they revolve every
50 years, they create for the sun and planets of our systems energies that will yield new
outcomes. There is research presenting that even our DNA is evolving as are the stars of Sirius
and every thing that exists. The ancients left this knowledge for us, but it has been hidden
from us until now.
In my final installment, hopefully all of this will come together to see the stolen knowledge,
the rewritten and whitewashed history, and what we can do about our future. We need to use
this knowledge and learn the language necessary to decipher the messages going over our
heads. Remember each symbol is triggering responses, some which can be to our benefit if we
will them to be. We are the lost tribes of Israel written about in the texts, asking Pharaoh to let
the people go. When we see ourselves in the big picture, the answers to liberation will come.
Daniel Benest and J. L. Duvent, “Is Sirius a Triple Star?”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol 299, 1995, pp.
The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie- By Fahim A. Knight-El

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The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate Flag

  • 1. The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate Flag Part I “You know, the Confederate flag represented slavery in a way – that’s my abstract take on what I know about it,” he said, according to People. “So I made the song ‘New Slaves.’ So I took the Confederate flag and made it my flag. It’s my flag. Now what are you going to do?”– Kanye West Due to the length, depth, and cultural variations on what I am presenting, I am leaving the background research to you the audience. I have to simplify the information for interest and brevity so that I can reach as wide an audience as possible. I will introduce us into symbols in part I, and progress to the meanings in part II. The affiliation of the flag to racism, and the relation to the civil war is another discussion because associations with particular groups, and the true source of white supremacy and wars have to be established. We must break this down for our understanding so that truths become established rather than continue generations of hearsay. We MUST be about our business of progression and increased consciousness. Uncovering the true
  • 2. knowledge of this flag will assist us in doing so. There are variations of the meanings of the symbols, but in your research you will find that the ancient truths converge. I wish you well in your studies Family, this is mind-opening info, and I know it will transform you. It has been hidden from us, and is long overdue for our discovery. When using the search engines to look up keywords and terms, I suggest using at least three of the words together to pull up the deeper pages from the web, or when using databases to look for pdf articles or books. I will leave some of my references in the bibliography below the article, and feel free to comment with any questions. The information presented is based on academic, peer-reviewed sources, and sources of esoteric/occult (hidden) knowledge from sacred texts. With that said, let’s delve into the esoteric symbolism BEHIND the Confederate Battle flag. What Are Symbols? Every frequency resonates to a certain number, color and sound. Some frequencies, represented by numbers, colors and sounds, are particularly powerful. Symbols also represent frequencies and they affect the subconscious without the person realizing it is happening. This is another reason why certain symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising and so on.” -David Icke Confucius said: “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” Science has proven to us that everything in existence are simply atoms held together through vibrations which can be measured in frequencies. So what we perceive through our five senses, are actually our bodies perceiving vibrations like large antennae. When we view a symbol, the colors, shapes and their orientation to one another create a vibration. This vibration can be low, high, neutral, or measured somewhere in between. Our own experiences reveal to us how vibrations affect us. With music vibrations, some songs make us want to run, cry, rejoice, or reminisce. Some visuals influence us to feel anger, sadness, hate, joy. The visual of a burger on
  • 3. TV, aligned with the symbol of the restaurant suggest to us that we want a burger, and we may be moved to get one in response. These are all psychological and physiological responses to the vibrations generated by sound and sight. So we can understand that symbols affect us whether we are consciously aware or not. When you see the Confederate flag, what kind of responses are evoked in you? Picture yourself a native of a remote island in the South Pacific. You have never seen a flag before, and a visitor to your land steps off of a boat with this particular flag. You may be curious about what this person is holding, but it likely will evoke no response in you because you have no history with the flag. Let us imagine that this visitor stays on your island for a period of time. Whatever experiences with this flag you and the other natives have with it, will determine your responses to the flag over time. The natives will pass on their experiences with the visitor and this flag over generations until the meaning of the flag becomes established even in those without the original experience. 3rd and 4th generations removed, the people will respond to the frequencies of the symbols on the flag, related to the story told. We are generations removed from the design and institution of the flag, yet the symbolism affects us today. This is the power of the symbol. Let us consider how powerful an entity can become having the knowledge of symbolic power over those with no awareness or knowledge. How Did the Symbols Become Hidden? “Symbols are images that are worth thousands of words, containing wisdom accumulated, pregnant with meaning yet to be given birth.” By this we can understand that symbols are means of communication. If they are forms of communication, then we know that there are people who can speak the languages of the symbols. They are able to receive and interpret the frequencies based on orientation of colors, visuals, sounds, etc, and translate it into useful energy. The adoption and use of a symbol by organizations over time often shrouds the
  • 4. original and true meaning, leaving observers without the occult (hidden) meaning to share wrong information concerning the symbol. The symbolism of what is known as the “Confederate Flag” is one such symbol of our times that has layers of meaning that must be unraveled. The importance of gaining knowledge about symbols we are not familiar with is so that the symbols lose their power to affect our subconscious and conscious behavior. The flag “speaks” SEVERAL languages because it has been given several meanings and connotations without the original explanations. Using our remote island analogy, low or neutral frequency is generated because there is no applied meaning. To the child or adult raised with the flag relative to their Southern heritage, there is a frequency received that evokes emotions likely related to pride or joy, maybe even guilt or anger. To the black man and woman who have experienced mistreatment relative to the flag, there will be negative frequencies received. But to the persons learned of the symbols on the flag, there are frequencies that we have yet to experience based on lack of knowledge. Those with knowledge can use the flag now to control various emotions and responses, using the ultimate transmitter of symbolism, the media. So we know now that the different frequencies that are generated can trigger emotions in us, creating energy that is useless unless we know the reasoning behind the evocation of the emotions. If we knew the ORIGINAL meanings of the symbols, our frequency response would be different than the ones we have. So we have to ask ourselves, why would there be a need to evoke responses in people who are not knowledgeable about the symbols? A very rhetorical question, but for the times we will apply meaning. Why was Kanye West donning the symbol? Why are corporations and government institutions distancing themselves from the symbol? What is the frequency response by people taught that the flag is about their heritage to it being removed? We will tackle these questions in part II. The Confederate Flag Symbolism is About Death and Resurrection Are you surprised? Probably not. If you have been with Urban Intellectuals for some time, you know that we go to great lengths to find origins of knowledge to
  • 5. present to you. In part III, Iv? I will go into depth of each symbol: pentagrams, X, colors, orientation of the symbols, and the origin and use of the symbols. Most importantly we will uncover and attempt to tie it all together for the current events and all of human history. It is heavy knowledge, but the times call for our receptiveness to higher levels of insight. The Dark Ages are over, and with knowledge we will know what it means to be Illuminated. The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate Flag Part II So much info, so little space Fam. This may require a part III to get all of this in, because I want us to KNOW. We discussed how symbols generate frequencies, how they provoke a response psychologically and physically, how they are a language of themselves, and questioned why the truth of them would be hidden from us. When I use the term ignorance, please do not take offense to the term. It is simply lack of knowing, which we have all been held to, not knowing and kept in ignorance. My main disclaimer is that there are a plethora of sources for this information, and although most of them converge into united truths, there is the possibility of variations due to misinformation or desire for continued secrecy. The key to getting closest to truth is to triangulate, using at minimum 3 to a wide array of sources before arriving at probabilities. Let’s dig deeper.
  • 6. “By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language….. the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise, the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.” – Manly P. Hall I use the quotes of Western philosophers on what is called Mystery Teachings for insight, but as always, we have to go to the source of this ancient knowledge, Africa. Before we examine the symbol meanings, we have to break down why the ancestors used mythology and symbolism. Archetypes, Mythology and Symbols of Egypt What we were not taught in school is that ancient civilizations ingeniously discovered a format to give us a glimpse into how the energies and forces of the universe operate. In order for humans to be able to see these invisible energies, they had to be made visible through the use of symbols or images we call “Archetypes” . “Archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our souls/psyches as reflections of “higher existence” or “powers, forces, patterns. The only way that we as human beings can “see” these invisible energies… is via an “intermediary image” and or symbol.”
  • 7. Some of these “archetypes” are readily understood while others bring subliminal messages that are there to help you trigger your memory of why you are here and the truth behind the illusion of our physical reality. History records for us in various ancient religions larger than life “historical” and or “mythical figures” that are symbolic of these “invisible energies” that operate in the Cosmos”. -C.M. Lyons So based on what we are seeking to uncover about the Confederate flag, can you see how the language of the flag symbolism is speaking to “invisible energies”? That there are subliminal messages triggering something in us which we are not quite sure of, but sense is being stirred up? The flag is the intermediary image between the emotional response when we see the flag and the knowledge of the unseen powers, forces, and patterns- the TRUTH. We can all agree that there are unseen forces in our reality, like gravity, or unseen energies like electricity. Science has told us that they exist because the forces and energies can be felt and measured. We do not float off into space because gravity from the orbit of the earth keeps us grounded. That is the simple explanation, although the deeper reasoning for how gravity works is more complex. The ancient scientists simplified for us the complexity through mythological stories. “Egyptians understood this invisible realm of our existence and developed an entire system of symbols to communicate the science of the unseen world over generations. These symbols are imprinted into our minds and DNA, and transmitted as knowledge through our lineage. “Thus the real is in the invisible realm of the Spirit which is but a shadow reflected upon the wall of fleshly-earthly existence” – C.M. Lyons How does this matter to us in the present? The takeaway is that there are adepts, or students among us in society who have attained this knowledge. There are those who have taken the path of personal study, or those who have affiliated with groups such as the Freemasons. These people work within every industry, come from all backgrounds, and are generally committed to lifelong learning and application of these principles. Some use the knowledge to better their lives, or make life worse for society. This is why we say unequivocally that “APPLIED KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” . Every one of us has the capacity to take on this path of seeking to understand the real world, which is the unseen. The physical reality which we live, has been proven very clearly by the Egyptians, and great thinkers since, that we are living in the shadow of what it real. Studying the archetypes through whatever means, either Western or Eastern knowledge, will lead a student to truly begin to LIVE. Then what? is usually the following question. You continue to learn, teach another, put the knowledge to use in your daily life, and contribute to bringing the unseen reality into manifestation so that we can build the life we dream of.
  • 8. Why Egyptians Used Mythology, Archetypes, and Symbols These archetypes are representations of how our reality is governed by laws of the universe. “The ‘same laws’ that operate and energize the sun affect secondarily all of nature during the year. Living vegetation responds to these laws in an eternal and unending cycle of “birth, live, death, and rebirth” -C.M. Lyons. Each archetype was meticulously developed with specific characteristics. Religion will call these the attributes of “God” or creation. A mother, or a father is an archetype, so when we think of a mother, we can apply our ideas of “mothering” to not only people, but to animals or a cartoon character. Symbols are attached to the archetypes, and the most important function is that the original meanings rarely if ever change over time when guarded by students of the knowledge. We can fully understand this knowledge IF and ONLY if we learn the language. Consider that an apple, in the English language has been an apple since it was first named. It will be an apple likely for all time. The word ‘apple’ is symbolic of the actual fruit. When we see the word, we picture an apple. When we see an apple, we can picture the word. An apple can also stand for something else; in the esoteric system it is symbolic of ‘knowledge’. The Egyptians understood this aspect of how the mind works. Thus, a symbol can be exchanged for words or even stand in representing an idea; recall that it generates frequencies and responses. So when we see an apple, it will trigger basic responses in the physical or psychological level. A student of esoteric knowledge will see an apple and it will also trigger on a higher level of ‘knowing’ or consciousness, that it means‘knowledge’ . This particular flag, along with the various versions of the American flag hold ancient knowledge within their symbols, and represents several archetypes. We can conclude then that these flags trigger frequencies, and are meant to evoke specific responses. Skeptical? How were you taught about the American flag? You were indoctrinated to pledge allegiance to it and to stand and salute it during an anthem. You were given little, or surface knowledge of the symbols and likely asked no questions beyond what you were told. As an adult, you may have a triggered response in your body or your mind when the anthem is played or you see a flag half-mast. Frequencies. And so we can understand why such a volatile response is being invoked in persons indoctrinated to the Confederate flag with the same surface information, taught to pledge allegiance. Who Are the Students of The Knowledge? WE ARE! However, there have been persons who have taken oaths to gain this knowledge. There are groups who took charge to guard the knowledge to protect the truth of the symbols. There are groups who were given the knowledge and used it to enslave society by keeping the knowledge from it. You may have heard the biblical scripture of not “casting pearls before swine”; this is to say that knowledge in the hands of those who don’t respect it, will not value it. There are groups that feel we are not worthy of the knowledge. And more importantly,
  • 9. there are groups that fear what we will become if we gain this knowledge. My hope is that anyone reading this will value the knowledge and understand that it has been hidden so that it would not lose its truth. We are in the time of a great global awakening, and those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will seek to know what the symbols in the world around them mean. We were likely not mature or open to understanding the symbols, but to not know is enslavement. Our ancestors discovered and encapsulated knowledge that would not only set us free, but would make it so we could never be enslaved. This knowledge has been fed to us little by little through media and religion, and apparently the time has come for us to decipher it. Freemasonry, Kemet, and Flag Symbolism We will be building in part III from the foundational knowledge that the establishment of “America” was completely a Western Freemasonic endeavor (Mitch Horowitz, “Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation”). “In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol.” (Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom”. This is key to knowing why the symbols around us have such prevalence and power. “Our common source for all of the signs and symbols of ancient and modern Freemasonry are rooted in Kemet (Egypt), by way of Cush (Abyssinia or Ethiopia) – Manly P. Hall “The original Arabians and creators of ancient civilization are the Cushite race, who began to establish monarchies in Egypt in about 3000 to 3500 B.C.” -Drusilla Houston; “Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire”. Freemasonry is one path of study and ritual to uncover universal truths. The Freemason is likened to a traveling man, who uses the mathematical tool of a compass which guides and gives direction back to morality. The moral compass moves the Mason from the North East Corner, symbolizing a temporary place of darkness, physical and spiritual death, to the East where warmth and enlightenment originates, symbolizing knowledge and truth (Allen Roberts; “The Craft and Its Symbols”). “Masonry conveys its belief system through symbols and allegory. The symbol is the lesson. Even words become symbols in Freemasonry” (Tony Brown, “Empower the People”). For the sake of space, I will leave the research of the Kemetic origins of Freemasonry, and adoption by Western adepts to you, for now. Fahim Knight-El suggests the works of Ashra Kwesi, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef Ben A.A. Jochannan, Dr. Molefi Asante, Dr. Anthony Browder, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen, Chancellor Williams, John G. Jackson, etc- noting that “this will require a complete ideological overhaul from changing the words, tokens, signs, symbols, etc., to reflecting the
  • 10. language of the Metu-Neter (Egyptian hieroglyphs) and totally debunking the precepts of Western Freemasonry.” The key take away is to understand that it is by way of Freemasonry that the symbols were instituted in America. The flags speak knowledge of Egyptian/Kemet archetypes, and universal truths, which I will break down in part III. Bibliography THE NETERU: ARCHETYPES OF GOD’S AGENTS IN CREATION: Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div. Secret Teachings of All Ages- Manly P. Hall Myth-or-Reality Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom”. The Esoteric Symbolism of the Confederate Flag Part III This is the proposed version of the Confederate flag displaying the Eye of Ra. Let’s dig into the symbolism Family. I will present the simplified meaning, and then in a final analysis we will tie it all together with the cosmology, mythology, archetypes and literal interpretations so we can know what to do with the knowledge. There are varied meanings and applications of the symbols across cultures, but I am sticking as close to the Kamitic/Kemetic/Egyptian interpretations as possible. There are also layers and levels of meanings that cannot all be covered, so keep that in mind. I will also give examples of their use. Since the symbolism appears both on the Confederate and American flags, I will be presenting on both. Confederate and American Flag Symbolism and the Star System Sirius
  • 11. The Sirius star system was astronomically, the foundation of the entire Egyptian and subsequently Dogon religious systems. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian calendar. Its heliacal rising marked the beginning of the Egyptian year and roughly coincided with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius is a first-magnitude star that is 40 times brighter than the Sun, and is considered by the ancients as the star that rules all African people. For 70 days from May to midsummer, Sirius cannot be viewed. Astronomically, it is between July 2-5 that Sirius aligns directly with the sun and earth. Sirius is considered the “Sun behind the sun”. It and the sun are in conjunction such that the sun’s brighter light blocks the visibility of Sirius. When the star and sun are separated for the first time in 70 days, Sirius can be seen on the horizon before dawn, hence the title as the “Eastern star”. The ancients also believed that the brain can receive more etheric energy than at any other point in the revolution of the earth on July 4th. Is it coincidental that America was “founded” on the date July 4th 1776? ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum-New World Order-the statement found on our money, refers to the destruction of the Carbon-Based World Order through white supremacist imperialist conquest beginning in 1776, based on the ‘Suns of Light Bavarian Illuminati’. The goal appearing to be a world based on technological dominance rather than indigenous knowledge and stewardship. During the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the star Sirius was aligned with the sun and it was also in this same alignment during the laying of the cornerstone of the Washington Monument. Members of the Moorish Nation or the NOI may be familiar that Master Fard Muhammad announced the Independence of Black people as a Nation on July 4th, 1930 based on his knowledge of the Sirius Mystery Teachings to wake us up to the system that had hijacked our knowledge and liberty.
  • 12. New World Order – found on U.S. Currency The Number 13: Stars and Stripes In the occult science of numerology it is said that, “He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion. It is a number of upheaval and destruction; a symbol of power which, if wrongly used, will wreak havoc and destruction upon itself.” The phrase “July the Fourth” contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of the U.S. (July 4, 1776), which leads us to the real reason why the Masonic “founding fathers” chose this date as the official birth date of the United States: Solomon’s Seal has 13 Stripes, 13 olive branches, 13 leaves, 13 feathers, 13 arrows and 13 colonies. The number 13 represents the ‘Light of Knowledge’ for the resurrection to be born again. The word Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one) has 13 letters (the space included). There are actually 13 constellations and not 12. The Greeks chose to remove one of the original thirteen constellations from the Zodiac in order to accomplish their desire to have each sign rule for an even 30º of sky, clearly to cover the true knowledge and control time and history, so they selected Ophiuchus/Orion to be eliminated. There were 13 months in the lunar calendar year but that changed with the introduction to the Gregorian calendar of the Roman Empire. The story about Osiris/Asar being cut into 14 pieces and 1 piece not being found is a story with hidden astronomical/astrological meaning dealing with the movement of the sun through the 13 zodiac signs and cycles of the solstice through a Great year (26,000 yrs). I will explain more and relate this to Sirius in the analysis. The 13 Constellations of the Zodiac
  • 13. On July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in the Heavens, and as stated previously, on this date the Sun conjoins the great star Sirius, whose longitude is 13° Cancer. The Red, White, and Blue The red, white, and blue in the U.S. and Confederate flags represents the colors emitted by the stars Sirius A, B, and C as they are in varied stages of evolution from white dwarfs giving off whitish-blue light, and red appearance as noted by astronomers.(The colors also correspond to the 3 colors of our blood cells white/blue/red). The United States, Great Britain, and France flag colors derive from the Egyptians who were aware thousands of years ago that Sirius flashes red, white, and blue light. The Ankh-Menu, stolen and corrupted is in Washington, D.C.’s 33rd Degree Grand Sovereign Scottish Rite Temple called, the ‘Holy of Holies’ and is in red, white and blue. The colors also signify the unification of upper and lower Kemet/Egypt through spiritual warfare, as Upper and Lower Kemet were polarities. Is it starting to make sense? The black and white warfare occurring here in the states? North vs. South? Civil war? Independence Day? I will show you that the United States was built as a microcosm of Egypt, and humanity is a reflection of the star system that the Mystery knowledge teaches is its origin. 50 Stars of the U.S flag Pentagram The pentagram, pentacle, pentaculum, pentagrammaton, pentageron, etc., is one of humanities oldest symbols. The five-pointed star is a symbol of creation, and also of the conscious, thinking man. The number five is also representative of the human being, constituted by four extremities and the head: Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head. According to Manly P. Hall, the pentagram is a figure for the “formula of man”. “It is the one rising out of the four- the human soul rising from the bondage of nature.”
  • 14. The pentagram representing the five elements that make up man. The Number 50 Since Sirius B orbits Sirius A in fifty years, it moves more rapidly even than three of our sun’s planets in our own solar system – Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. 50 is a hieroglyph “nu”, meaning ‘the wave’. Sirius A and B interloop every 50 years, similar to the DNA spirals because it too follows the symetric, geometric forms of the cycles of these stars. More on that in analysis. The Dogon Tribe’s knowledge of the revolutions of Sirius A and B The ‘X’ of the Confederate Flag Finally let’s discuss the meaning of the ‘X’. The ‘X’ is the symbol of Osiris. (Now it will begin to make sense why Kanye said it’s his flag now?) Masons depict “Ausar’s X” with a ‘P’ going down its center, representing the penis of Ausar, the missing 14th body part, called the Caru and is found in Masonic Cemeteries. This is the Christ monogram representing Resurrection.
  • 15. Phallic staff of Osiris The ’13 Stars’ on the ‘X’, represent ‘Transformation and Rebirth’. Combined with with the symbolism of a pentagram: Transformation and Rebirth of Man. But which man? The Original Man and Woman have been shut out from this transformation through their mental and physical enslavement and control. But thank our lucky stars, Sirius, we can still be transformed. I mentioned the red, blue, and white formats of our blood-this transformation occurs in our physical bodies down to the DNA in our cells. For those interested in understanding further, research the ‘evolution of carbon’. The changing of one’s name such as Malcolm X and Clarence 13X did, denotes transformation through the knowledge of the original transformer, Osiris. Many of us were introduced to this transformation through the archetype named Jesus Christ. You may have heard in the news headlines recently, of politicians stating that the Confederate flag is representative of Jesus Christ, so they are again, using symbolism to talk around the truth and over our heads. More on that later. The New Civil War In a nutshell, civil war has been used to generate change throughout history. The term‘Hegelian dialectic’ states that two opposing forces are used to bring about a new outcome. In the East this is known as “Yin and Yang” referring to two polar energies brought together in some form of battle, to yield change. Now we can understand why Obama’s campaign statement was “Change” with a Sirius symbol. Red vs blue, or black vs white, Upper Kemet vs Lower Kemet. This “climate change”, which was the code word for the current events, is being orchestrated to bring about a new outcome and direction for the country, yet to be seen. It is of no coincidence that we were given two polar political parties aligned with red and blue. White is representative of the outcome. The Egyptians aligned this phenomenon
  • 16. with the archetypes of Osiris/Ausar, Isis/Auset, and Horus/Heru. Male/Father + Female/Mother = Child/Outcome, which align to the Sirius star system A, B, C. It is also no coincidence that the so-called terrorist group is named “ISIS”, established to yield an outcome through instilling perceived chaos. The symbols used in mythology were to describe the cyclical interaction of these forces, energies, stars, humans, systems, etc, and their ultimate evolution and change. Therefore, the bible and ALL sacred texts preserve the knowledge of these phenomena at the Cosmic and human level. The hidden symbolism of the Obama campaigns. Sirian and Osirian Symbols. As I mentioned in the previous articles, the polar energies are being evoked through frequencies we are responding to. The flags: American, Confederate, and Gay pride flag are triggering subconscious responses unbeknownst to us. So if the media airs stories that have specific frequencies such as through unjust occurrences in Texas, Baltimore, or Missouri, and elsewhere, guess how we will respond? The Confederate flag gets removed, and the response will be predictable in those programmed to honor it. None of this is chance or happenstance. History is presently governed for us, and we simply have been programmed to respond to it, not to create it ourselves. The universe is very ordered, but it operates on naturally existing frequencies and patterns. No being controls how the planets orbit, or the evolution of a star system. It is all governed by mathematically precise movements.
  • 17. Dance of the Planets. Geometrical pattern of the orbits of Earth and Venus. Universal order. Self-established “pharaohs” (popes, presidents, councils, etc.) control the behaviors of man on this planet, and the outcome can be predictable as long as the people go along and yield their own powers to them. You and I, like our ancestors, would be naturally influenced by the patterns, frequencies, and forces, influenced by the celestial bodies; instead we have institutions and corporations. Speaking of corporations, begin to open your eyes and look around at how many corporate logos have red and blue in them. The color choices are not random. We are programmed to that frequency, and initiated business owners know the keys to manipulating energy, with the outcome of us spending money. It is all around us family, and the time for our wake up to it is NOW. There is a fundamental statement of esoteric teachings, “As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without”, to explain that what happens in the Cosmos also happens within us. Just as the stars ‘Sirius’ A and ‘Sirius B’, and the hidden ‘Sirius C’ exchange energies as they revolve every 50 years, they create for the sun and planets of our systems energies that will yield new outcomes. There is research presenting that even our DNA is evolving as are the stars of Sirius and every thing that exists. The ancients left this knowledge for us, but it has been hidden from us until now. In my final installment, hopefully all of this will come together to see the stolen knowledge, the rewritten and whitewashed history, and what we can do about our future. We need to use this knowledge and learn the language necessary to decipher the messages going over our heads. Remember each symbol is triggering responses, some which can be to our benefit if we will them to be. We are the lost tribes of Israel written about in the texts, asking Pharaoh to let the people go. When we see ourselves in the big picture, the answers to liberation will come.
  • 18. Bibliography Daniel Benest and J. L. Duvent, “Is Sirius a Triple Star?”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol 299, 1995, pp. 621-628. The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie- By Fahim A. Knight-El THE CORRESPONDENCES OF EGYPT A STUDY IN THE THEOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT CHURCH BY C.TH. ODHNER THE ACADEMY BOOK ROOM BRYN ATHYN. PA. 1914