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planning using
life insurance
Presented by:
Patrick E. Uzan, BA, CA, TEP
National Estate and Tax Planning Consultant
Prairie Regional Marketing Centre
Important information
The information provided is based on current tax legislation
and interpretations for Canadian residents and is accurate to
the best of our knowledge as of the date of publication. Future
changes to tax legislation and interpretations may affect this
information. This information is general in nature, and is not
intended to be legal or tax advice. For specific situations, you
should consult the appropriate legal, accounting or tax advisor.
Information for advisors. This material is not intended for use
with clients.
January, 2013
To gain a better understanding of how
corporately held life insurance can be
used by the estate of a shareholder
as a tax-minimization tool.
Some concepts to understand
• ACB - Adjusted cost base (as it applies to shares):
generally, the cost of acquiring the shares
• Looked at from the point of view of the current owner of
the shares
• PUC - Paid up capital: generally, the price or value at which
the shares were subscribed for
• Looked at from the point of view of the corporation
Example: ACB and PUC
• Mr. A forms a new corporation and subscribes for
common shares at a subscription price of $10
• Mr. A holds shares with an ACB and PUC of $10
• Twenty years later, Mr. A sells his shares to Mr. B
for $1 million
• ACB of the shares to Mr. B is $1 million
• PUC of the shares is still $10
Capital dividend account (CDA)
• The CDA is a notional account that keeps track of various
tax-free surpluses accumulated by a private corporation
• If a private corporation has a balance in its capital dividend
account at a point in time, it has the ability to elect to pay
tax-free dividends out of its capital dividend account
(i.e. capital dividends)
• When a corporation is the owner and beneficiary of a life
insurance policy, its CDA gets credited by an amount equal
to net proceeds of a life insurance policy less the adjusted
cost basis of the policy
The capital dividend account
Tax-free amounts from
sale of eligible capital
Tax-free amounts from
sale of eligible capital
Non-taxable portion of
capital gains net of
non-allowable portion
of capital losses
Non-taxable portion of
capital gains net of
non-allowable portion
of capital losses
Capital dividends
received from other
Canadian private
corporations or trusts
resident in Canada
Capital dividends
received from other
Canadian private
corporations or trusts
resident in Canada
Life insurance death
benefits less ACB of
the policy to the
Life insurance death
benefits less ACB of
the policy to the
Capital dividend account (CDA)Capital dividend account (CDA) -
CDA balance (if any)CDA balance (if any)
+ ++ +
dividends to
dividends to
Understanding the deemed disposition at death
• Deemed disposition rules in the Income Tax Act
generally state that a taxpayer’s capital property is
deemed disposed of, for its fair market value immediately
before death
• Private company shares are one type of capital property
• The deemed sale triggers realization of accrued capital
gains, which in turn triggers a tax liability
• Capital gain/loss = proceeds, or deemed proceeds,
minus adjusted cost base (ACB)
OH 2-2
Example of capital gains on death
• Steve is 65 years old, divorced, and has two adult
children (both will be successors to the business)
• Steve owns all of the preferred shares of Steveco, which
carries on an active business, and his two children own
the common shares
• Steve dies suddenly due to an unfortunate accident
• His preferred shares are worth $2,000,010 at the time of
his death
• The adjusted cost base and paid-up capital of the shares
is $10
• The shares are not “qualified small business corporation
shares” for purposes of the capital gains exemption
Capital gains on death
• Steve is deemed to dispose of his shares of Steveco
immediately before death for proceeds of $2,000,010
• Capital gain: $2,000,010 - $10 = $2,000,000
• At the current highest marginal tax rate for an individual
resident in Alberta, tax on the capital gain will be $390,000
(i.e. 19.5%)
• Important point: the rules also indicate that the estate,
or any person who has acquired the property as a
result of Steve’s death, is deemed to acquire the
shares at their FMV at time of death
Pop quiz
• What is the ACB of the shares to the estate?
• What is the PUC of the shares to the estate?
• This is the key to understanding the double-taxation issue
that arises on death of a shareholder
OH 2-3
Understanding the double-taxation issue
Terminal tax return for Steve
Taxable capital gain
(50% of actual gain) $1,000,000
Highest marginal rate (Alberta) 39%
Tax $ 390,000
Understanding the double-taxation issue
• What if subsequently, the estate or the beneficiaries want
to draw on the underlying assets of the corporation?
• Intuitively, we would think the fair result is that this can be
done free of tax since the value of the shares, represented
by the underlying value of the assets, is now tax paid
• However, if this value is extracted by way of a dividend, it
will be taxed again as a dividend
• If this value is extracted by redeeming the shares, the rules
specify that a deemed dividend arises, equal to the
redemption proceeds less the PUC of the shares
Understanding the double-taxation issue
Steve’s estate tax return
Proceeds on redemption of shares $2,000,010
Less: PUC 10
Deemed dividend 2,000,000
Tax rate 27.71%
Tax $ 554,200
Total tax: $390,000 + $554,200 = $944,200 (47.21%)
(If assets with accrued gains exist in the corporation, may be still another level of
corporate tax depending on whether those assets are distributed on redemption)
Solving the double-taxation issue
Something else happens for tax purposes in the estate
• A redemption of shares is also considered a
disposition of those shares
• When there is a disposition, we have to perform a
capital gain or loss calculation (i.e. proceeds less
• However, the rules say that when a deemed dividend
is also triggered on a disposition of shares, the
calculation of proceeds is adjusted downward by the
deemed dividend
Solving the double-taxation issue
Steve’s estate tax return – calculating the capital loss
Actual proceeds of disposition of shares
on redemption $2,000,010
Less: previously recognized deemed dividend (2,000,000)
Deemed proceeds 10
Less: ACB (2,000,010)
Capital loss $(2,000,000)
Allowable capital loss (50% of actual loss) $(1,000,000)
Solving the double-taxation issue
• Capital losses, generally, can only be used against
capital gains
• The capital loss in this case is reported on the estate
return, but the capital gain is reported on Steve’s
terminal return – how can one offset the other?
• Answer: the rules recognize the double-tax issue and ss.
164(6) of the Income Tax Act allows for a transfer of the
loss in the estate return to the terminal return, provided
the loss is triggered (i.e. in this case through a
redemption) within 1 year after death
Solving the double-taxation issue
Result of solving the double-tax issue:
Steve’s terminal return
Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000
Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred
under ss. 164(6) (1,000,000)
Net taxable capital gain $ 0
Tax $ 0
Steve’s estate return (first year after death)
Redemption proceeds $2,000,010
Less: PUC 10
Deemed dividend $2,000,000
Tax $ 554,200
Total tax: $0 + $554,200 = $554,200 (27.71%)
Solving the double-taxation issue
- the “pipeline” strategy
• In the previous example, we see that the post-mortem
redemption strategy solves the double-taxation issue, with
the ultimate result being tax payable at the dividend tax rate
• However, another post-mortem strategy, the “pipeline”
strategy, may be effective in solving the double-taxation
issue with the ultimate result being tax payable at the
capital gains tax rate
• The pipeline strategy is more complex and costly to
One example of the pipeline strategy
Promissory note = $2,000,010
Step 1: Estate forms
Newco, subscribes for
shares for a nominal price
Step 2: Estate transfers
the Steveco shares to
Newco in exchange for a
promissory note
Step 3: Newco and
Steveco are amalgamated
Step 4: Promissory note is
settled with assets in
End result: Only tax on the capital gain in
the terminal return
Pipeline planning
• CRA has issued rulings in the past that indicated that a
particular subsection of the Income Tax Act [i.e., ss. 84(2)]
may apply to impose dividend taxation to the estate when a
pipeline strategy is implemented if the business is
liquidated within a year and does not continue its business
for at least a year following death
• Comments made in obiter by the Court in the recent Tax
Court case, MacDonald v. R., expressed the view that
CRA’s views are untenable
• “The clearly arbitrary conditions imposed [by CRA] are
not invited by the express language in subsection
• But the case was appealed to the FCA and CRA was
Pipeline planning (cont’d)
• Status of pipeline planning uncertain depending on the
situation and questions remain
• When does a distribution from a corporation, however
circuitous, occur on the “winding-up of its business”?
• If not, how long a period would the business need to
• Has the FCA applied too broad an approach to
interpreting ss. 84(2)?
• Will have to see if the taxpayer requests leave to appeal to
the Supreme Court of Canada and whether the Supreme
Court will grant leave to appeal
Summary of results
Quick comparisons so far:
Tax with no insurance in place and no
post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem redemption $554,200 27.71%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5%
Introducing…life insurance
• A post-mortem insured redemption strategy is done by
carrying out the same type of strategy as described in the
first example, except that corporately-owned insurance is in
• The benefit of the corporately-owned insurance is that the
deemed dividend triggered on redemption of shares may
be designated as a tax-free capital dividend to the estate
• Let’s keep the same example, but assume Steveco held a
universal life insurance policy
• Assume the death benefit paid out is $2,000,000 and the
ACB of the policy is nil (i.e. CDA credit of $2,000,000)
Insured redemption
Steve’s estate return again
Deemed dividend calculation:
Proceeds on redemption of shares $2,000,010
Less: PUC (10)
Deemed dividend
(elect as a capital dividend) $2,000,000
Tax rate 0%
Tax $ 0
Insured redemption
Steve’s estate tax return – calculating the capital loss
Actual proceeds of disposition of shares
on redemption $2,000,010
Less: previously recognized deemed dividend (2,000,000)
Deemed proceeds 10
Less: ACB (2,000,010)
Capital loss $(2,000,000)
Allowable capital loss (50% of actual loss) $(1,000,000)
Stop-loss rule: loss realized by estate
• If certain grandfathering rules do not apply, then under the
estate stop-loss rule, the loss to the estate is reduced by
the amount by which the lesser of:
• Capital dividends received on the shares, and
• The amount of the loss otherwise determined minus
taxable dividends received on the shares
Exceeds 50% of the lesser of:
• The amount of the loss otherwise determined, and
• The deceased’s capital gain from the disposition of the
shares on the terminal return
• In our example, the loss reduction is [$2 million – (50% of
$2 million)] = $1,000,000. (i.e. $500,000 allowable)
Stop-loss rule
Steve’s estate tax return – effect of stop-loss rule
Capital loss otherwise computed $(2,000,000)
Reduction due to stop-loss rule 1,000,000
Adjusted loss $(1,000,000)
Allowable capital loss (50% of adjusted loss) $(500,000)
Stop-loss rule
Result of the stop-loss rule:
Steve’s terminal return
Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000
Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred
under ss. 164(6) (500,000)
Net taxable capital gain $ 500,000
Tax (39%) $ 195,000
Steve’s estate return (first year after death)
Redemption proceeds $2,000,010
Less: PUC 10
Deemed dividend (elect as capital dividend) $2,000,000
Tax $ 0
Total tax: $195,000 + $0 = $195,000 (9.75%)
Summary of results
Quick comparisons so far:
Tax with no insurance in place and no
post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem redemption $554,200 27.71%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5%
Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem
redemption $195,000 9.75%
Can we do better?
• Using the insured redemption strategy where all of the
deemed dividend is declared as a capital dividend will
deplete the capital dividend account
• Question: would it make sense to reduce the amount of
deemed dividend in Steve’s estate that is tax-free in order
to preserve some of the capital dividend account for
surviving shareholders (i.e. his two children)?
• Let’s look at what we call the 50% solution, but only at a
very high level – we won’t focus on the mechanics of how
both taxable and non-taxable deemed dividends are
generated in the estate
The 50% solution
• As we saw, the result of not using the 50% solution is that
some tax will be payable on the capital gain reported on the
terminal return; no tax is payable on the deemed dividend in
the estate; and the CDA is fully depleted
• The 50% solution implement steps to trigger both a taxable
dividend and a non-taxable capital dividend in the estate, so
the operation of the stop-loss calculation does not restrict any
of the loss
• Therefore, under the 50% solution, some tax will be paid in
the estate on the taxable deemed dividend; no net capital
gain on the terminal return; but 50% of the CDA will be
available to surviving shareholders, instead of depleting it all
50% solution
• Applying the loss reduction formula when using the 50%
solution in our example:
• Capital dividends received on the shares ($1,000,000),
• The amount of the loss otherwise determined minus
taxable dividends received on the shares ($1,000,000)
Exceeds 50% of the lesser of:
• The amount of the loss otherwise determined
($2,000,000), and
• The deceased’s capital gain from the disposition of the
shares on the terminal return ($2,000,000)
• Result – loss reduction is nil
50% solution
Result of the 50% solution:
Steve’s terminal return
Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000
Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred
under ss. 164(6) (1,000,000)
Net taxable capital gain $ 0
Tax $ 0
Steve’s estate return (first year after death)
Taxable deemed dividend $1,000,000
Tax rate 27.71%
Tax $ 277,100
Total tax: $0 + $277,100 = $277,100 (13.855%),
What about the benefit of $1 million CDA left over?
50% solution
• The 50% solution yields $82,100 more in tax on that estate
return than a full non-taxable redemption:
($277,100 - $195,000 = $82,100)
• However, we have only used $1,000,000 of the CDA,
leaving $1,000,000 available to Steve’s two children as
surviving shareholders
• In absolute dollars, the value of $1,000,000 of CDA can be
$277,100 (the tax cost of otherwise extracting $1 million of
retained or future profits as taxable dividends, rather than
non-taxable dividends)
• Thus, in certain situations the overall benefit of the CDA
preservation may be viewed as offsetting the tax to the
Summary of results
Quick comparisons so far:
Tax with no insurance in place and no
post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem redemption $554,200 27.71%
Tax with no insurance in place and post-
mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5%
Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem
redemption $195,000 9.75%
Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem
redemption using 50% solution $0* 0%*
Roll and Redeem Strategy: Surviving spouse
• We have seen that proper post-mortem planning when
corporately-owned life insurance is in place can
significantly reduce taxation on death
• The “roll-and-redeem” strategy also has the potential for a
zero tax result on death of a shareholder
• The right circumstances must be in place:
• corporately-owned life insurance coverage; and
• a surviving spouse
Roll and redeem (cont’d)
• The steps are:
• The private corporation purchases and funds the
premiums for a policy on the life of the shareholder of
which it is the owner and beneficiary
• The private corporation shares are bequeathed to the
spouse in the shareholder’s Will
• The tax rules allow for a tax-free rollover of the shares
to a surviving spouse upon the death of the shareholder
• A tax-free redemption of the shares now held by the
surviving spouse can be funded from the life insurance
proceeds received by corporation
Example: Roll and redeem
(life insurance)
Freeze shares
using CDA
Freeze shares
Roll and redeem (cont’d)
• It is extremely important that the shareholders’ agreement
provide the proper provisions for the roll and redeem to be
• Notably, the shareholders’ agreement buy-sell provisions
must not thwart the requirement that the deceased’s shares
must “vest indefeasibly” in the spouse
Revisiting the pipeline strategy
• If a post-mortem share redemption appears to be more tax-
effective in the case of corporately-owned insurance, when
is pipeline planning relevant?
• It is relevant when the insurance coverage is less than the
amount required to redeem the shares
• In such a case, capital gains tax rates can apply, rather
than dividend tax rates, to the portion of the share value not
“covered” by insurance through pipeline planning
Possible “hybrid” post-mortem planning
$2,000,000 (share value)
$700,000 (insurance coverage)
Pipeline planning
planning (9.75%),
or with 50%
solution or roll
and redeem (0%)
• Post-mortem planning options can be varied and complex
• Corporately-held life insurance used in conjunction with
post-mortem planning can be used to reduce the
testamentary tax liability and preserve more estate value

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Estate planning - corporations

  • 1. Post-mortem planning using life insurance Presented by: Patrick E. Uzan, BA, CA, TEP National Estate and Tax Planning Consultant Prairie Regional Marketing Centre
  • 2. Important information The information provided is based on current tax legislation and interpretations for Canadian residents and is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date of publication. Future changes to tax legislation and interpretations may affect this information. This information is general in nature, and is not intended to be legal or tax advice. For specific situations, you should consult the appropriate legal, accounting or tax advisor. Information for advisors. This material is not intended for use with clients. January, 2013
  • 3. Objective To gain a better understanding of how corporately held life insurance can be used by the estate of a shareholder as a tax-minimization tool.
  • 4. Some concepts to understand • ACB - Adjusted cost base (as it applies to shares): generally, the cost of acquiring the shares • Looked at from the point of view of the current owner of the shares • PUC - Paid up capital: generally, the price or value at which the shares were subscribed for • Looked at from the point of view of the corporation
  • 5. Example: ACB and PUC • Mr. A forms a new corporation and subscribes for common shares at a subscription price of $10 • Mr. A holds shares with an ACB and PUC of $10 • Twenty years later, Mr. A sells his shares to Mr. B for $1 million • ACB of the shares to Mr. B is $1 million • PUC of the shares is still $10
  • 6. Capital dividend account (CDA) • The CDA is a notional account that keeps track of various tax-free surpluses accumulated by a private corporation • If a private corporation has a balance in its capital dividend account at a point in time, it has the ability to elect to pay tax-free dividends out of its capital dividend account (i.e. capital dividends) • When a corporation is the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, its CDA gets credited by an amount equal to net proceeds of a life insurance policy less the adjusted cost basis of the policy
  • 7. The capital dividend account (cont’d) Tax-free amounts from sale of eligible capital property Tax-free amounts from sale of eligible capital property Non-taxable portion of capital gains net of non-allowable portion of capital losses Non-taxable portion of capital gains net of non-allowable portion of capital losses Capital dividends received from other Canadian private corporations or trusts resident in Canada Capital dividends received from other Canadian private corporations or trusts resident in Canada Life insurance death benefits less ACB of the policy to the corporation Life insurance death benefits less ACB of the policy to the corporation Capital dividend account (CDA)Capital dividend account (CDA) - CDA balance (if any)CDA balance (if any) + ++ + Capital dividends to shareholders Capital dividends to shareholders
  • 8. Understanding the deemed disposition at death • Deemed disposition rules in the Income Tax Act generally state that a taxpayer’s capital property is deemed disposed of, for its fair market value immediately before death • Private company shares are one type of capital property • The deemed sale triggers realization of accrued capital gains, which in turn triggers a tax liability • Capital gain/loss = proceeds, or deemed proceeds, minus adjusted cost base (ACB) OH 2-2
  • 9. Example of capital gains on death • Steve is 65 years old, divorced, and has two adult children (both will be successors to the business) • Steve owns all of the preferred shares of Steveco, which carries on an active business, and his two children own the common shares • Steve dies suddenly due to an unfortunate accident • His preferred shares are worth $2,000,010 at the time of his death • The adjusted cost base and paid-up capital of the shares is $10 • The shares are not “qualified small business corporation shares” for purposes of the capital gains exemption
  • 10. Capital gains on death (cont’d) • Steve is deemed to dispose of his shares of Steveco immediately before death for proceeds of $2,000,010 • Capital gain: $2,000,010 - $10 = $2,000,000 • At the current highest marginal tax rate for an individual resident in Alberta, tax on the capital gain will be $390,000 (i.e. 19.5%) • Important point: the rules also indicate that the estate, or any person who has acquired the property as a result of Steve’s death, is deemed to acquire the shares at their FMV at time of death
  • 11. Pop quiz • What is the ACB of the shares to the estate? • What is the PUC of the shares to the estate? • This is the key to understanding the double-taxation issue that arises on death of a shareholder OH 2-3 $2,000,010 $10
  • 12. Understanding the double-taxation issue Terminal tax return for Steve Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000 Highest marginal rate (Alberta) 39% Tax $ 390,000 12
  • 13. Understanding the double-taxation issue (cont’d) • What if subsequently, the estate or the beneficiaries want to draw on the underlying assets of the corporation? • Intuitively, we would think the fair result is that this can be done free of tax since the value of the shares, represented by the underlying value of the assets, is now tax paid • However, if this value is extracted by way of a dividend, it will be taxed again as a dividend • If this value is extracted by redeeming the shares, the rules specify that a deemed dividend arises, equal to the redemption proceeds less the PUC of the shares
  • 14. Understanding the double-taxation issue (cont’d) Steve’s estate tax return Proceeds on redemption of shares $2,000,010 Less: PUC 10 Deemed dividend 2,000,000 Tax rate 27.71% Tax $ 554,200 Total tax: $390,000 + $554,200 = $944,200 (47.21%) (If assets with accrued gains exist in the corporation, may be still another level of corporate tax depending on whether those assets are distributed on redemption)
  • 15. Solving the double-taxation issue BUT… Something else happens for tax purposes in the estate • A redemption of shares is also considered a disposition of those shares • When there is a disposition, we have to perform a capital gain or loss calculation (i.e. proceeds less ACB) • However, the rules say that when a deemed dividend is also triggered on a disposition of shares, the calculation of proceeds is adjusted downward by the deemed dividend
  • 16. Solving the double-taxation issue (cont’d) Steve’s estate tax return – calculating the capital loss Actual proceeds of disposition of shares on redemption $2,000,010 Less: previously recognized deemed dividend (2,000,000) Deemed proceeds 10 Less: ACB (2,000,010) Capital loss $(2,000,000) Allowable capital loss (50% of actual loss) $(1,000,000)
  • 17. Solving the double-taxation issue (cont’d) • Capital losses, generally, can only be used against capital gains • The capital loss in this case is reported on the estate return, but the capital gain is reported on Steve’s terminal return – how can one offset the other? • Answer: the rules recognize the double-tax issue and ss. 164(6) of the Income Tax Act allows for a transfer of the loss in the estate return to the terminal return, provided the loss is triggered (i.e. in this case through a redemption) within 1 year after death
  • 18. Solving the double-taxation issue (cont’d) Result of solving the double-tax issue: Steve’s terminal return Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000 Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred under ss. 164(6) (1,000,000) Net taxable capital gain $ 0 Tax $ 0 Steve’s estate return (first year after death) Redemption proceeds $2,000,010 Less: PUC 10 Deemed dividend $2,000,000 Tax $ 554,200 Total tax: $0 + $554,200 = $554,200 (27.71%) 18
  • 19. Solving the double-taxation issue - the “pipeline” strategy • In the previous example, we see that the post-mortem redemption strategy solves the double-taxation issue, with the ultimate result being tax payable at the dividend tax rate • However, another post-mortem strategy, the “pipeline” strategy, may be effective in solving the double-taxation issue with the ultimate result being tax payable at the capital gains tax rate • The pipeline strategy is more complex and costly to implement 19
  • 20. One example of the pipeline strategy Estate Promissory note = $2,000,010 Newco Steveco Step 1: Estate forms Newco, subscribes for shares for a nominal price Step 2: Estate transfers the Steveco shares to Newco in exchange for a promissory note Step 3: Newco and Steveco are amalgamated Step 4: Promissory note is settled with assets in Amalco Amalco End result: Only tax on the capital gain in the terminal return
  • 21. Pipeline planning • CRA has issued rulings in the past that indicated that a particular subsection of the Income Tax Act [i.e., ss. 84(2)] may apply to impose dividend taxation to the estate when a pipeline strategy is implemented if the business is liquidated within a year and does not continue its business for at least a year following death • Comments made in obiter by the Court in the recent Tax Court case, MacDonald v. R., expressed the view that CRA’s views are untenable • “The clearly arbitrary conditions imposed [by CRA] are not invited by the express language in subsection 84(2).” • But the case was appealed to the FCA and CRA was successful
  • 22. Pipeline planning (cont’d) • Status of pipeline planning uncertain depending on the situation and questions remain • When does a distribution from a corporation, however circuitous, occur on the “winding-up of its business”? • If not, how long a period would the business need to continue? • Has the FCA applied too broad an approach to interpreting ss. 84(2)? • Will have to see if the taxpayer requests leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada and whether the Supreme Court will grant leave to appeal
  • 23. Summary of results Quick comparisons so far: Tax with no insurance in place and no post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem redemption $554,200 27.71% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5%
  • 24. Introducing…life insurance • A post-mortem insured redemption strategy is done by carrying out the same type of strategy as described in the first example, except that corporately-owned insurance is in place • The benefit of the corporately-owned insurance is that the deemed dividend triggered on redemption of shares may be designated as a tax-free capital dividend to the estate • Let’s keep the same example, but assume Steveco held a universal life insurance policy • Assume the death benefit paid out is $2,000,000 and the ACB of the policy is nil (i.e. CDA credit of $2,000,000)
  • 25. Insured redemption Steve’s estate return again Deemed dividend calculation: Proceeds on redemption of shares $2,000,010 Less: PUC (10) Deemed dividend (elect as a capital dividend) $2,000,000 Tax rate 0% Tax $ 0
  • 26. Insured redemption (cont’d) Steve’s estate tax return – calculating the capital loss Actual proceeds of disposition of shares on redemption $2,000,010 Less: previously recognized deemed dividend (2,000,000) Deemed proceeds 10 Less: ACB (2,000,010) Capital loss $(2,000,000) Allowable capital loss (50% of actual loss) $(1,000,000)
  • 27. Stop-loss rule: loss realized by estate • If certain grandfathering rules do not apply, then under the estate stop-loss rule, the loss to the estate is reduced by the amount by which the lesser of: • Capital dividends received on the shares, and • The amount of the loss otherwise determined minus taxable dividends received on the shares Exceeds 50% of the lesser of: • The amount of the loss otherwise determined, and • The deceased’s capital gain from the disposition of the shares on the terminal return • In our example, the loss reduction is [$2 million – (50% of $2 million)] = $1,000,000. (i.e. $500,000 allowable)
  • 28. Stop-loss rule (cont’d) Steve’s estate tax return – effect of stop-loss rule Capital loss otherwise computed $(2,000,000) Reduction due to stop-loss rule 1,000,000 Adjusted loss $(1,000,000) Allowable capital loss (50% of adjusted loss) $(500,000)
  • 29. Stop-loss rule (cont’d) Result of the stop-loss rule: Steve’s terminal return Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000 Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred under ss. 164(6) (500,000) Net taxable capital gain $ 500,000 Tax (39%) $ 195,000 Steve’s estate return (first year after death) Redemption proceeds $2,000,010 Less: PUC 10 Deemed dividend (elect as capital dividend) $2,000,000 Tax $ 0 Total tax: $195,000 + $0 = $195,000 (9.75%) 29
  • 30. Summary of results Quick comparisons so far: Tax with no insurance in place and no post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem redemption $554,200 27.71% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5% Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem redemption $195,000 9.75%
  • 31. Can we do better? • Using the insured redemption strategy where all of the deemed dividend is declared as a capital dividend will deplete the capital dividend account • Question: would it make sense to reduce the amount of deemed dividend in Steve’s estate that is tax-free in order to preserve some of the capital dividend account for surviving shareholders (i.e. his two children)? • Let’s look at what we call the 50% solution, but only at a very high level – we won’t focus on the mechanics of how both taxable and non-taxable deemed dividends are generated in the estate
  • 32. The 50% solution • As we saw, the result of not using the 50% solution is that some tax will be payable on the capital gain reported on the terminal return; no tax is payable on the deemed dividend in the estate; and the CDA is fully depleted • The 50% solution implement steps to trigger both a taxable dividend and a non-taxable capital dividend in the estate, so the operation of the stop-loss calculation does not restrict any of the loss • Therefore, under the 50% solution, some tax will be paid in the estate on the taxable deemed dividend; no net capital gain on the terminal return; but 50% of the CDA will be available to surviving shareholders, instead of depleting it all 32
  • 33. 50% solution (cont’d) • Applying the loss reduction formula when using the 50% solution in our example: • Capital dividends received on the shares ($1,000,000), and • The amount of the loss otherwise determined minus taxable dividends received on the shares ($1,000,000) Exceeds 50% of the lesser of: • The amount of the loss otherwise determined ($2,000,000), and • The deceased’s capital gain from the disposition of the shares on the terminal return ($2,000,000) • Result – loss reduction is nil
  • 34. 50% solution (cont’d) Result of the 50% solution: Steve’s terminal return Taxable capital gain (50% of actual gain) $1,000,000 Less: allowable capital loss in estate transferred under ss. 164(6) (1,000,000) Net taxable capital gain $ 0 Tax $ 0 Steve’s estate return (first year after death) Taxable deemed dividend $1,000,000 Tax rate 27.71% Tax $ 277,100 Total tax: $0 + $277,100 = $277,100 (13.855%), What about the benefit of $1 million CDA left over? 34
  • 35. 50% solution (cont’d) • The 50% solution yields $82,100 more in tax on that estate return than a full non-taxable redemption: ($277,100 - $195,000 = $82,100) • However, we have only used $1,000,000 of the CDA, leaving $1,000,000 available to Steve’s two children as surviving shareholders • In absolute dollars, the value of $1,000,000 of CDA can be $277,100 (the tax cost of otherwise extracting $1 million of retained or future profits as taxable dividends, rather than non-taxable dividends) • Thus, in certain situations the overall benefit of the CDA preservation may be viewed as offsetting the tax to the estate
  • 36. Summary of results Quick comparisons so far: Tax with no insurance in place and no post-mortem planning $944,200 47.21% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem redemption $554,200 27.71% Tax with no insurance in place and post- mortem pipeline planning $390,000 19.5% Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem redemption $195,000 9.75% Tax with insurance in place and post-mortem redemption using 50% solution $0* 0%* *?(potentially)*?
  • 37. Roll and Redeem Strategy: Surviving spouse • We have seen that proper post-mortem planning when corporately-owned life insurance is in place can significantly reduce taxation on death • The “roll-and-redeem” strategy also has the potential for a zero tax result on death of a shareholder • The right circumstances must be in place: • corporately-owned life insurance coverage; and • a surviving spouse
  • 38. Roll and redeem (cont’d) • The steps are: • The private corporation purchases and funds the premiums for a policy on the life of the shareholder of which it is the owner and beneficiary • The private corporation shares are bequeathed to the spouse in the shareholder’s Will • The tax rules allow for a tax-free rollover of the shares to a surviving spouse upon the death of the shareholder • A tax-free redemption of the shares now held by the surviving spouse can be funded from the life insurance proceeds received by corporation
  • 39. Example: Roll and redeem OPCO (life insurance) Freeze shares Founding shareholder Children (successors) Common shares Surviving spouse Tax-free redemption using CDA Freeze shares
  • 40. Roll and redeem (cont’d) • It is extremely important that the shareholders’ agreement provide the proper provisions for the roll and redeem to be effective • Notably, the shareholders’ agreement buy-sell provisions must not thwart the requirement that the deceased’s shares must “vest indefeasibly” in the spouse
  • 41. Revisiting the pipeline strategy • If a post-mortem share redemption appears to be more tax- effective in the case of corporately-owned insurance, when is pipeline planning relevant? • It is relevant when the insurance coverage is less than the amount required to redeem the shares • In such a case, capital gains tax rates can apply, rather than dividend tax rates, to the portion of the share value not “covered” by insurance through pipeline planning
  • 42. Possible “hybrid” post-mortem planning $2,000,000 (share value) $700,000 (insurance coverage) Pipeline planning (19.5%) Insured redemption planning (9.75%), or with 50% solution or roll and redeem (0%)
  • 43. Conclusions • Post-mortem planning options can be varied and complex • Corporately-held life insurance used in conjunction with post-mortem planning can be used to reduce the testamentary tax liability and preserve more estate value