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    Paul Jensen
    Principal, Object Computing Inc.
Spring Overview
   “Lightweight Container”
       Very loosely coupled
       Components widely reusable and separately
   Created by Rod Johnson
       Based on “Expert one-on-one J2EE Design and
       Currently on version 1.1.1
Why Use Spring?
   Wiring of components (Dependency Injection)
       Promotes/simplifies decoupling, design to interfaces, TDD
   Declarative programming without J2EE
       Easily configured aspects, esp. transaction support
   Simplify use of popular technologies
       Abstractions insulate application from specifics, eliminate
        redundant code, and handle common error conditions
       Underlying technology specifics still accessible (closures)
Why Use Spring?
   Conversion of checked exceptions to
       (Or is this a reason not to use it?)
   Not an all-or-nothing solution
       Extremely modular and flexible
   Well designed
       Easy to extend
       Many reusable classes
Spring Framework
Spring Application
Spring Dependency Injection
   Inversion of Control (IoC)
   “Hollywood Principle”
       Don't call me, I'll call you
   “Container” resolves (injects) dependencies of
    components by setting implementation object (push)
   As opposed to component instantiating or Service
    Locator pattern where component locates
    implementation (pull)
   Martin Fowler calls Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection Variants
   Variations on dependency injection
       Interface based (Avalon)
       Constructor-based (PicoContainer, Spring)
       Setter-based (Spring)
   BeanFactory provides configuration framework to
    initialize and “wire” JavaBeans
       org.springframework.beans and
   Typically use the XmlBeanFactory, employing XML
    configuration files
Dependency Injection (cont'd)
   BeanFactory configured components need have
    no Spring dependencies
       Simple JavaBeans
   Beans are singletons by default
   Properties may be simple values or references to
    other beans
   Built-in support for defining Lists, Maps, Sets,
    and Properties collection types.
      Custom PropertyEditors may be defined to
        convert string values to other, arbitrary types.
XmlBeanFactory Example
   Property and constructor based IoC
<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean">
  <property name="beanOne"><ref bean="anotherExampleBean"/></property>
  <property name="beanTwo"><ref bean="yetAnotherBean"/></property>
  <property name="integerProperty">1</property>

<bean id="anotherExampleBean" class="examples.AnotherBean"/>
<bean id="yetAnotherBean" class="examples.YetAnotherBean"/>

<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean">
  <constructor-arg><ref bean="anotherExampleBean"/></constructor-arg>
  <constructor-arg><ref bean="yetAnotherBean"/></constructor-arg>

<bean id="anotherExampleBean" class="examples.AnotherBean"/>
<bean id="yetAnotherBean" class="examples.YetAnotherBean"/>
Bean Creation
   Direct instantiation
        <bean id=“beanId” class=“className”>
   BeanFactory instantiation
        Same syntax but class is subclass of BeanFactory
        getObject() called to obtain Bean
   Static Factory
        <bean id=“beanId” class=“className" factory-method="
   Instance Factory Method
        <bean id=“beanId” factory-bean=“existingBeanId" factory-
Bean Creation
   Beans may be singletons or “prototypes”
       Attribute singleton=“false” causes instantiation
        with each getBean() lookup
       Singleton is default
   XmlBeanFactory pre-instantiates singletons
       May be overridden on per-instance basis by lazy-
   Beans may also be marked abstract, allowing
    reuse of attribute values through inheritance
Autowiring Properties
   Beans may be auto-wired (rather than using <ref>)
       Per-bean attribute autowire
       Explicit settings override
   autowire=“name”
       Bean identifier matches property name
   autowire=“type”
       Type matches other defined bean
   autowire=”constructor”
       Match constructor argument types
   autowire=”autodetect”
       Attempt by constructor, otherwise “type”
Dependency Checking
   Ensures properties are defined
      Per-bean attribute dependency-check
      None required by default
      Verifies autowiring succeeded
   “simple”
      all but collaborators
   “object”
      collaborators only
   “all”
      Collaborators, primitive types, and collections
Lifecycle Customization
   Can define init method called after properties set
       init-method=”<method-name>”
   Can define destroy method as shutdown hook
       destroy-method=”<method-name>”
   May alternatively implement InitializingBean
    and/or DisposableBean
       At cost of Spring dependency
BeanFactory Miscellany
   BeanFactoryAware interface provides BeanFactory for
       setBeanFactory(BeanFactory)
   BeanNameAware interface provides bean name
       setBeanName(String)
   FactoryBean for beans which are themselves factories
       Object getObject()
       Boolean isSingleton()
       Class getObjectType()
BeanFactory Usage

InputStream is = new FileInputStream("beans.xml");
XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(is);
MyBeanClass bean = (MyBeanClass)factory.getBean(“myBean”);

ApplicationContext ctx = new
MyBeanClass bean = (MyBeanClass)ctx.getBean(“myBean”);
   Extends functionality of BeanFactory
   Pre-instantiates singleton beans
   Detects and registers BeanPostProcessors and
   Supports nesting of contexts
   ApplicationListener and ApplicationEvents
       Initialized and closed predefined
       Custom may be created
   MessageSource provides i18n messaging
       <bean id=”messageSource”
       Contains list of bundle base names
Web Initialization
      Web applications may use
       ContextLoaderListener to initialize Spring
 <param-value>/WEB-INF/daoContext.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml


           Automatically done by Spring DispatcherServlet
Specialized Beans
   MethodInvokingFactoryBean
       Invokes method on registered beans or any static
       Stores return value
   SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and
       Useful for sharing BeanFactories
       Eliminate duplication of beans in multiple similar
        factories or contexts
ApplicationContext customization
   Defined beans inheriting from
    BeanFactoryPostProcessor are detected and invoked
   CustomEditorConfigurer
      Registers custom PropertyEditors for converting
        configuration string values to specific types
   AutoProxyCreators
       Wrap beans in proxies based on various criteria (name,
        metadata, etc)
   PropertyResourceConfigurer
            Sets from property file and/or system properties
ApplicationContext Example
<bean id="propertyConfigurer"
   <property name="location"><value></value></property>

  <bean id="dataSource"
     <property name="driverClassName">
     <property name="url">
Spring AOP
AOP Fundamentals
   Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) provides for
    simplified application of cross-cutting concerns
       Transaction management
       Security
       Logging
       Auditing
       Locking
   AOP sometimes (partially) achieved via Decorators or
       CORBA Portable Interceptors
       Servlet Filters
AOP Fundamentals
   Aspect - Implementation of a cross-cutting concern.
      Spring Advisors or Interceptors
   Joinpoint - Execution point to target
      Typically, methods
   Advice - Action taken at a particular joinpoint.
   Pointcut - A set of joinpoints specifying where advice
    should be applied (e.g. Regular expression)
   Introduction/Mixin - Adding methods or fields to an
    advised class.
   Weaving - Assembling aspects into advised objects.
Spring AOP
   Generally, applies aspects to beans using BeanFactory
      Uses Dynamic Proxies if interface available
        otherwise CGLIB
      CGLIB creates derived class which proxies requests
          Bean class may not be final

   Less capable than AspectJ
      does not have field interception
       only runtime weaving solution is available
       Closer integration with AspectJ anticipated
Spring Pointcuts
   Pointcut applicability to a class may be evaluated
    statically or dynamically
   Spring only creates proxies where necessary
       public interface Pointcut {
         ClassFilter getClassFilter();
         MethodMatcher getMethodMatcher();
       public interface ClassFilter {
         boolean matches(Class clazz);
Pointcuts (cont'd)
     Pointcut may be statically or dynamically
      evaluated based on isRuntime()
     Abstract class StaticMethodMatcherPointcut
      requires override of 1st method only
public interface MethodMatcher {
  boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass);
  boolean isRuntime();
  boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass, Object[] args);
                        Only called if isRuntime() == true
Pointcuts (cont'd)
   Spring predefined pointcuts
       In package
   RegexpMethodPointcut
      Union of multiple regular expressions
      Uses Jakarta ORO package
   ControlFlowPointcut
      Similar to AspectJ cflow
      Applied if call stack includes specific class and, optionally,
   UnionPointcut
      Merges pointcuts
Spring Advice
    Can have per-class or per-instance Advice
    Spring provides several Advice types
    Around Advice
              AOP Alliance compliant
              Must call invocation.proceed() to call target

    public class MyAdvice implements AroundAdvice {
      Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) {
        // change arguments, start transaction, lock, etc.
        // change return value, stop transaction, unlock,etc.
Spring Advice
   MethodBeforeAdvice
       void before(Method m, Object[] args, Object target)
       Cannot alter return type
   ThrowsAdvice
       Marker interface
       Implementors define methods of form:
            afterThrowing([Method], [args], [target], subclassOfThrowable)
   AfterReturningAdvice
       void afterReturning(Object returnValue, Method, m,
        Object[] args, Object target)
       Cannot modify return value
Spring Advice
    IntroductionInterceptor provides ability to define
public class RollbackAdvice extends DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor
                        implements RollbackSupport {
  Map map = new HashMap();

    void rollback(Date date) {
      // rollback to state at given time

    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) {
      // record change and time of change
Injecting Advice
 <bean id=“meetingTarget" class=“ex.DefaultMeeting“
   <property name=“topic">Spring</property>

 <bean id="myAdvisor" class=“ex.RollbackAdvice"

 <bean id="debugInterceptor"
Injecting Advice (cont'd)
<bean id=“meeting"
  <property name="proxyInterfaces">                  All methods
     <value>ex.Meeting</value>                       using CGLib
  </property>                                        if none defined
  <property name="target"><ref local=“meetingTarget"/></property>

  <property name="interceptorNames">
    <list>                                  Advisors applied in order
   Autoproxy bean definitions automatically proxy
    selected beans.
   BeanNameAutoProxyCreator
      Adds listed advisors/interceptors to beans
        with names matching regular expression
   DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator
      Generic autoproxy infrastructure support
      Applies all advisors defined in the context to
        all beans, proxying appropriately
Metadata support
   Spring supports obtaining meta data Object
    attributes at class, method, and field level
       Not yet argument level (as JSR-175)
   Currently supports Jakarta Commons Attributes
   Support for JSR-175 in work
   Metadata support provided via Attributes
       Amenable to mocking unlike JDK reflection and
        Commons static methods
Metadata autoproxying
   Configuration of autoproxying based on metadata
    attributes simplifies configuration
       Define custom attribute class
       Define Advisor with pointcut based on custom attribute
       Add Advisor in ApplicationContext with autoproxy
   Examples
       Transaction Attributes
       Security Attributes
       Pooling
       Mapping of controllers to URLs
AOP Transactions
   Spring provides AOP support for declarative
   Delegates to a PlatformTransactionManager
       DataSourceTransactionManager
       HibernateTransactionManager
       JdoTransactionManager
       JtaTransactionManager
Transaction Configuration
 <bean id="sessionFactory"
         <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property>
         <property name="mappingResources">

 <bean id="transactionManager”
   <property name="sessionFactory">
     <ref bean="sessionFactory"/>
Declarative Transactions
   Declarative transactional support can be added to
    any bean by using TransactionProxyFactoryBean
   Similar to EJB, transaction attributes may be
    defined on a per-method basis
   Also allows definition of pre- and post-
    interceptors (e.g. for security)
Injecting Transaction Support
            Declarative transaction support for single bean

<bean id=“reservationService"
  <property name="transactionManager">
     <ref bean="transactionManager"/>
   <property name="target"><ref local=“reservationServiceTarget"/></property>
   <property name="transactionAttributes">
     <prop key=“reserveRoom*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
     <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop>
Transaction Autoproxy
<bean id="autoproxy"                                  Generic autoproxy
</bean>                                               support

<bean id="transactionAdvisor"
  class="org...TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor"     Invokes interceptor
  autowire="constructor" >                            based on attributes

<bean id="transactionInterceptor"                     Applies transaction
  autowire="byType">                                  using transactionManager

<bean id="transactionAttributeSource"                 Caches metadata
 class="org...AttributesTransactionAttributeSource"   from classes

<bean id="attributes"
Data Access
Data Access
   DAO support provides pluggable framework for
   Currently supports JDBC, Hibernate, JDO, and
   Defines consistent exception hierarchy (based on
   Provides abstract “Support” classes for each
       Template methods define specific queries
Hibernate DAO Example
public class ReservationDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport
   implements ReservationDao {
      public Reservation getReservation (Long orderId) {
     return (Reservation)getHibernateTemplate().load(Reservation .class,

   public void saveReservation (Reservation r) {

   public void remove(Reservation Reservation) {
Hibernate DAO (cont’d)
 public Reservation[] findReservations(Room room) {
   List list = getHibernateTemplate().find(
    "from Reservation reservation “ +
    “ where reservation.resource =? “ +
     “ order by reservation.start",
  return (Reservation[]) list.toArray(new Reservation[list.size()]);
Hibernate DAO (cont’d)
 public Reservation[] findReservations(final DateRange range) {
     final HibernateTemplate template = getHibernateTemplate();
     List list = (List) template.execute(new HibernateCallback() {
       public Object doInHibernate(Session session) {
          Query query = session.createQuery(
            "from Reservation r “ +
             “ where r.start > :rangeStart and r.start < :rangeEnd “);
          query.setDate("rangeStart", range.getStartDate()
          query.setDate("rangeEnd", range.getEndDate())
          return query.list();
     return (Reservation[]) list.toArray(new Reservation[list.size()]);
Hibernate Example
<bean id="sessionFactory"
    <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property>
    <property name="mappingResources">
    <property name="hibernateProperties">
        <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${hibernate.dialect}</prop>
        <prop key="">${}
        <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">${hibernate.show_sql}</prop>

  <bean id=“reservationDao"
    <property name="sessionFactory"><ref bean="sessionFactory"/>
JDBC Support
   JDBCTemplate provides
       Translation of SQLExceptions to more
        meaningful Spring Runtime exceptions
       Integrates thread-specific transactions
   MappingSQLQuery simplifies mapping of
    ResultSets to Java objects
Web Framework
   The DispatcherServlet is the Spring Front
   Initializes WebApplicationContext
   Uses /WEB-INF/[servlet-name]-servlet.xml by
   WebApplicationContext is bound into
DispatcherServlet Configuration
   HandlerMapping
       Routing of requests to handlers
   HandlerAdapter
       Adapts to handler interface. Default utilizes Controllers
   HandlerExceptionResolver
       Maps exceptions to error pages
       Similar to standard Servlet, but more flexible
   ViewResolver
       Maps symbolic name to view
Dispatcher Servlet Configuration
   MultipartResolver
       Handling of file upload
   LocaleResolver
       Default uses HTTP accept header, cookie, or
   Controller interface defines one method
       ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest
        req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception
   ModelAndView consists of a view identifier and
    a Map of model data
Controller Implementations
   CommandControllers bind parameters to data
   AbstractCommandController
   AbstractFormController
   SimpleFormController
   WizardFormController
   Spring’s homepage:
   “Introducing the Spring Framework” by Rod Johnson:
   “Inversion of control containers and dependency injection” by
    Martin Fowler:
   AOP Alliance:

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Spring talk111204

  • 1. Spring Paul Jensen Principal, Object Computing Inc.
  • 2. Spring Overview  “Lightweight Container”  Very loosely coupled  Components widely reusable and separately packaged  Created by Rod Johnson  Based on “Expert one-on-one J2EE Design and Development”  Currently on version 1.1.1
  • 3. Why Use Spring?  Wiring of components (Dependency Injection)  Promotes/simplifies decoupling, design to interfaces, TDD  Declarative programming without J2EE  Easily configured aspects, esp. transaction support  Simplify use of popular technologies  Abstractions insulate application from specifics, eliminate redundant code, and handle common error conditions  Underlying technology specifics still accessible (closures)
  • 4. Why Use Spring?  Conversion of checked exceptions to unchecked  (Or is this a reason not to use it?)  Not an all-or-nothing solution  Extremely modular and flexible  Well designed  Easy to extend  Many reusable classes
  • 7. Spring Dependency Injection  Inversion of Control (IoC)  “Hollywood Principle”  Don't call me, I'll call you  “Container” resolves (injects) dependencies of components by setting implementation object (push)  As opposed to component instantiating or Service Locator pattern where component locates implementation (pull)  Martin Fowler calls Dependency Injection
  • 8. Dependency Injection Variants  Variations on dependency injection  Interface based (Avalon)  Constructor-based (PicoContainer, Spring)  Setter-based (Spring)  BeanFactory provides configuration framework to initialize and “wire” JavaBeans  org.springframework.beans and org.springframework.context  Typically use the XmlBeanFactory, employing XML configuration files
  • 9. Dependency Injection (cont'd)  BeanFactory configured components need have no Spring dependencies  Simple JavaBeans  Beans are singletons by default  Properties may be simple values or references to other beans  Built-in support for defining Lists, Maps, Sets, and Properties collection types.  Custom PropertyEditors may be defined to convert string values to other, arbitrary types.
  • 10. XmlBeanFactory Example  Property and constructor based IoC <bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean"> <property name="beanOne"><ref bean="anotherExampleBean"/></property> <property name="beanTwo"><ref bean="yetAnotherBean"/></property> <property name="integerProperty">1</property> </bean> <bean id="anotherExampleBean" class="examples.AnotherBean"/> <bean id="yetAnotherBean" class="examples.YetAnotherBean"/> <bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean"> <constructor-arg><ref bean="anotherExampleBean"/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg><ref bean="yetAnotherBean"/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg><value>1</value></constructor-arg> </bean> <bean id="anotherExampleBean" class="examples.AnotherBean"/> <bean id="yetAnotherBean" class="examples.YetAnotherBean"/>
  • 11. Bean Creation  Direct instantiation  <bean id=“beanId” class=“className”>  BeanFactory instantiation  Same syntax but class is subclass of BeanFactory  getObject() called to obtain Bean  Static Factory  <bean id=“beanId” class=“className" factory-method=" staticCreationMethod“>  Instance Factory Method  <bean id=“beanId” factory-bean=“existingBeanId" factory- method=“nonStaticCreationMethod">
  • 12. Bean Creation  Beans may be singletons or “prototypes”  Attribute singleton=“false” causes instantiation with each getBean() lookup  Singleton is default  XmlBeanFactory pre-instantiates singletons  May be overridden on per-instance basis by lazy- init=“true”  Beans may also be marked abstract, allowing reuse of attribute values through inheritance
  • 13. Autowiring Properties  Beans may be auto-wired (rather than using <ref>)  Per-bean attribute autowire  Explicit settings override  autowire=“name”  Bean identifier matches property name  autowire=“type”  Type matches other defined bean  autowire=”constructor”  Match constructor argument types  autowire=”autodetect”  Attempt by constructor, otherwise “type”
  • 14. Dependency Checking  Ensures properties are defined  Per-bean attribute dependency-check  None required by default  Verifies autowiring succeeded  “simple”  all but collaborators  “object”  collaborators only  “all”  Collaborators, primitive types, and collections
  • 15. Lifecycle Customization  Can define init method called after properties set  init-method=”<method-name>”  Can define destroy method as shutdown hook  destroy-method=”<method-name>”  May alternatively implement InitializingBean and/or DisposableBean  At cost of Spring dependency
  • 16. BeanFactory Miscellany  BeanFactoryAware interface provides BeanFactory for bean  setBeanFactory(BeanFactory)  BeanNameAware interface provides bean name  setBeanName(String)  FactoryBean for beans which are themselves factories  Object getObject()  Boolean isSingleton()  Class getObjectType()
  • 17. BeanFactory Usage InputStream is = new FileInputStream("beans.xml"); XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(is); MyBeanClass bean = (MyBeanClass)factory.getBean(“myBean”); OR ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml"); MyBeanClass bean = (MyBeanClass)ctx.getBean(“myBean”);
  • 18. ApplicationContext  Extends functionality of BeanFactory  Pre-instantiates singleton beans  Detects and registers BeanPostProcessors and BeanFactoryPostProcessors  Supports nesting of contexts  ApplicationListener and ApplicationEvents  Initialized and closed predefined  Custom may be created  MessageSource provides i18n messaging  <bean id=”messageSource” class=”...ResourceBundleMessageSource”/>  Contains list of bundle base names
  • 19. Web Initialization  Web applications may use ContextLoaderListener to initialize Spring web.xml <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/daoContext.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml </param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> Automatically done by Spring DispatcherServlet
  • 20. Specialized Beans  MethodInvokingFactoryBean  Invokes method on registered beans or any static methods  Stores return value  SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator  Useful for sharing BeanFactories  Eliminate duplication of beans in multiple similar factories or contexts
  • 21. ApplicationContext customization  Defined beans inheriting from BeanFactoryPostProcessor are detected and invoked  CustomEditorConfigurer  Registers custom PropertyEditors for converting configuration string values to specific types  AutoProxyCreators  Wrap beans in proxies based on various criteria (name, metadata, etc)  PropertyResourceConfigurer  Sets from property file and/or system properties
  • 22. ApplicationContext Example <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="location"><value></value></property> </bean> <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName"> <value>${database.connection.driver_class}</value> </property> <property name="url"> <value>${database.connection.url}</value> </property> </bean>
  • 24. AOP Fundamentals  Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) provides for simplified application of cross-cutting concerns  Transaction management  Security  Logging  Auditing  Locking  AOP sometimes (partially) achieved via Decorators or Proxies  CORBA Portable Interceptors  Servlet Filters
  • 25. AOP Fundamentals  Aspect - Implementation of a cross-cutting concern.  Spring Advisors or Interceptors  Joinpoint - Execution point to target  Typically, methods  Advice - Action taken at a particular joinpoint.  Pointcut - A set of joinpoints specifying where advice should be applied (e.g. Regular expression)  Introduction/Mixin - Adding methods or fields to an advised class.  Weaving - Assembling aspects into advised objects.
  • 26. Spring AOP  Generally, applies aspects to beans using BeanFactory  Uses Dynamic Proxies if interface available otherwise CGLIB  CGLIB creates derived class which proxies requests  Bean class may not be final  Less capable than AspectJ  does not have field interception  only runtime weaving solution is available  Closer integration with AspectJ anticipated
  • 27. Spring Pointcuts  Pointcut applicability to a class may be evaluated statically or dynamically  Spring only creates proxies where necessary public interface Pointcut { ClassFilter getClassFilter(); MethodMatcher getMethodMatcher(); } public interface ClassFilter { boolean matches(Class clazz); }
  • 28. Pointcuts (cont'd)  Pointcut may be statically or dynamically evaluated based on isRuntime()  Abstract class StaticMethodMatcherPointcut requires override of 1st method only public interface MethodMatcher { boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass); boolean isRuntime(); boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass, Object[] args); } Only called if isRuntime() == true
  • 29. Pointcuts (cont'd)  Spring predefined pointcuts  In package  RegexpMethodPointcut  Union of multiple regular expressions  Uses Jakarta ORO package  ControlFlowPointcut  Similar to AspectJ cflow  Applied if call stack includes specific class and, optionally, method  UnionPointcut  Merges pointcuts
  • 30. Spring Advice  Can have per-class or per-instance Advice  Spring provides several Advice types  Around Advice  AOP Alliance compliant  Must call invocation.proceed() to call target public class MyAdvice implements AroundAdvice { Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) { // change arguments, start transaction, lock, etc. invocation.proceed(); // change return value, stop transaction, unlock,etc. } }
  • 31. Spring Advice  MethodBeforeAdvice  void before(Method m, Object[] args, Object target)  Cannot alter return type  ThrowsAdvice  Marker interface  Implementors define methods of form:  afterThrowing([Method], [args], [target], subclassOfThrowable)  AfterReturningAdvice  void afterReturning(Object returnValue, Method, m, Object[] args, Object target)  Cannot modify return value
  • 32. Spring Advice  IntroductionInterceptor provides ability to define mixins public class RollbackAdvice extends DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor implements RollbackSupport { Map map = new HashMap(); void rollback(Date date) { // rollback to state at given time } public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) { // record change and time of change } }
  • 33. Injecting Advice <bean id=“meetingTarget" class=“ex.DefaultMeeting“ singleton=“false”> <property name=“topic">Spring</property> </bean> <bean id="myAdvisor" class=“ex.RollbackAdvice" singleton=”false”> </bean> <bean id="debugInterceptor" class="org.springframework.aop.interceptor.DebugInterceptor"> </bean>
  • 34. Injecting Advice (cont'd) <bean id=“meeting" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean"> <property name="proxyInterfaces"> All methods <value>ex.Meeting</value> using CGLib </property> if none defined <property name="target"><ref local=“meetingTarget"/></property> <property name="interceptorNames"> <list> Advisors applied in order <value>myAdvisor</value> <value>debugInterceptor</value> </list> </property> </bean>
  • 35. Autoproxying  Autoproxy bean definitions automatically proxy selected beans.  BeanNameAutoProxyCreator  Adds listed advisors/interceptors to beans with names matching regular expression  DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator  Generic autoproxy infrastructure support  Applies all advisors defined in the context to all beans, proxying appropriately
  • 36. Metadata support  Spring supports obtaining meta data Object attributes at class, method, and field level  Not yet argument level (as JSR-175)  Currently supports Jakarta Commons Attributes  Support for JSR-175 in work  Metadata support provided via Attributes interface  Amenable to mocking unlike JDK reflection and Commons static methods
  • 37. Metadata autoproxying  Configuration of autoproxying based on metadata attributes simplifies configuration  Define custom attribute class  Define Advisor with pointcut based on custom attribute  Add Advisor in ApplicationContext with autoproxy  Examples  Transaction Attributes  Security Attributes  Pooling  Mapping of controllers to URLs
  • 39. AOP Transactions  Spring provides AOP support for declarative transactions  Delegates to a PlatformTransactionManager instance  DataSourceTransactionManager  HibernateTransactionManager  JdoTransactionManager  JtaTransactionManager
  • 40. Transaction Configuration <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property> <property name="mappingResources"> <list> <value>com/../model/*.hbm.xml</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="transactionManager” class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransactionManager"> <property name="sessionFactory"> <ref bean="sessionFactory"/> </property> </bean>
  • 41. Declarative Transactions  Declarative transactional support can be added to any bean by using TransactionProxyFactoryBean  Similar to EJB, transaction attributes may be defined on a per-method basis  Also allows definition of pre- and post- interceptors (e.g. for security)
  • 42. Injecting Transaction Support Declarative transaction support for single bean <bean id=“reservationService" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean"> <property name="transactionManager"> <ref bean="transactionManager"/> </property> <property name="target"><ref local=“reservationServiceTarget"/></property> <property name="transactionAttributes"> <props> <prop key=“reserveRoom*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop> </props> </property> </bean>
  • 43. Transaction Autoproxy <bean id="autoproxy" Generic autoproxy class="org...DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator"> </bean> support <bean id="transactionAdvisor" class="org...TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor" Invokes interceptor autowire="constructor" > based on attributes </bean> <bean id="transactionInterceptor" Applies transaction class="org...TransactionInterceptor" autowire="byType"> using transactionManager </bean> <bean id="transactionAttributeSource" Caches metadata class="org...AttributesTransactionAttributeSource" from classes autowire="constructor"> </bean> <bean id="attributes" class="org...CommonsAttributes" />
  • 45. Data Access  DAO support provides pluggable framework for persistence  Currently supports JDBC, Hibernate, JDO, and iBatis  Defines consistent exception hierarchy (based on RuntimeException)  Provides abstract “Support” classes for each technology  Template methods define specific queries
  • 46. Hibernate DAO Example public class ReservationDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements ReservationDao { public Reservation getReservation (Long orderId) { return (Reservation)getHibernateTemplate().load(Reservation .class, orderId); } public void saveReservation (Reservation r) { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(r); } public void remove(Reservation Reservation) { getHibernateTemplate().delete(r); }
  • 47. Hibernate DAO (cont’d) public Reservation[] findReservations(Room room) { List list = getHibernateTemplate().find( "from Reservation reservation “ + “ where reservation.resource =? “ + “ order by reservation.start", instrument); return (Reservation[]) list.toArray(new Reservation[list.size()]);
  • 48. Hibernate DAO (cont’d) public Reservation[] findReservations(final DateRange range) { final HibernateTemplate template = getHibernateTemplate(); List list = (List) template.execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) { Query query = session.createQuery( "from Reservation r “ + “ where r.start > :rangeStart and r.start < :rangeEnd “); query.setDate("rangeStart", range.getStartDate() query.setDate("rangeEnd", range.getEndDate()) return query.list(); } }); return (Reservation[]) list.toArray(new Reservation[list.size()]); } }
  • 49. Hibernate Example <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property> <property name="mappingResources"> <list> <value>com/jensenp/Reservation/Room.hbm.xml</value> <value>com/jensenp/Reservation/Reservation.hbm.xml</value> <value>com/jensenp/Reservation/Resource.hbm.xml</value> </list> </property> <property name="hibernateProperties"> <props> <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${hibernate.dialect}</prop> <prop key="">${} </prop> <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">${hibernate.show_sql}</prop> </props> </property> </bean> <bean id=“reservationDao" class="com.jensenp.Reservation.ReservationDaoImpl"> <property name="sessionFactory"><ref bean="sessionFactory"/> </property> </bean>
  • 50. JDBC Support  JDBCTemplate provides  Translation of SQLExceptions to more meaningful Spring Runtime exceptions  Integrates thread-specific transactions  MappingSQLQuery simplifies mapping of ResultSets to Java objects
  • 52. DispatcherServlet  The DispatcherServlet is the Spring Front Controller  Initializes WebApplicationContext  Uses /WEB-INF/[servlet-name]-servlet.xml by default  WebApplicationContext is bound into ServletContext
  • 53. DispatcherServlet Configuration  HandlerMapping  Routing of requests to handlers  HandlerAdapter  Adapts to handler interface. Default utilizes Controllers  HandlerExceptionResolver  Maps exceptions to error pages  Similar to standard Servlet, but more flexible  ViewResolver  Maps symbolic name to view
  • 54. Dispatcher Servlet Configuration  MultipartResolver  Handling of file upload  LocaleResolver  Default uses HTTP accept header, cookie, or session
  • 55. Controllers  Controller interface defines one method  ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception  ModelAndView consists of a view identifier and a Map of model data
  • 56. Controller Implementations  CommandControllers bind parameters to data objects  AbstractCommandController  AbstractFormController  SimpleFormController  WizardFormController
  • 57. References  Spring’s homepage:  “Introducing the Spring Framework” by Rod Johnson:  “Inversion of control containers and dependency injection” by Martin Fowler:  AOP Alliance:

Notas do Editor

  1. Template closures JDBC support also provided