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Regexes and
Performance Testing
Doug Hellmann
PyATL May 2015
def mask_password(message, secret="***"):
"""Replace password with 'secret' in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
message = six.text_type(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS):
return message
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>'
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
return message
> 3000 times faster
def mask_password(message, secret="***"):
"""Replace password with 'secret' in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
message = six.text_type(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS):
return message
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>'
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
return message
_SANITIZE_KEYS = ['adminPass', 'admin_pass', 'password', 'admin_password',
'auth_token', 'new_pass', 'auth_password', 'secret_uuid']
# NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of
# _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key
# to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions
# for XML and JSON automatically.
# NOTE(amrith): Some regular expressions have only one parameter, some
# have two parameters. Use different lists of patterns here.
_FORMAT_PATTERNS_1 = [r'(%(key)ss*[=]s*)[^s^'^"]+']
_FORMAT_PATTERNS_2 = [r'(%(key)ss*[=]s*["']).*?(["'])',
for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL)
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL)
def mask_password(message, secret="***"):
"""Replace password with 'secret' in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
message = six.text_type(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS):
return message
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>'
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
return message
class timeit.Timer(stmt='pass', setup='pass', timer=<timer function>)
t = timeit.Timer(
stmt="re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)",
import re
payload = '''%s'''
pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''')
""" % (input_str, pattern.pattern))
result = t.timeit(1)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import timeit
import strutils
# A moderately sized input (~50K) string
infile = 'sample.json'
with open(infile, 'r') as f:
input_str =
print('payload has %d bytes' % len(input_str))
times = []
for pattern in strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2:
print('ntesting %s' % pattern.pattern)
t = timeit.Timer(
"re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)",
import re
payload = '''%s'''
pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''')
""" % (input_str, pattern.pattern))
result = t.timeit(1)
times.append((result, pattern.pattern))
print('nslowest to fastest:')
times = reversed(sorted(times))
for t in times:
print(‘%s - %s’ % t)
print('ntesting all patterns')
t = timeit.Timer(
"strutils.mask_password('''" + input_str + "''')",
"import strutils",
$ python
payload has 50000 bytes
testing (adminPasss*[=]s*["']).*?(["'])
testing (adminPasss+["']).*?(["'])
testing ([-]{2}adminPasss+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*)
testing (<adminPass>).*?(</adminPass>)
testing (["']adminPass["']s*:s*["']).*?(["'])
testing (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
testing (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
testing (adminPasss*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*)
testing (admin_passs*[=]s*["']).*?(["'])
testing (admin_passs+["']).*?(["'])
1.38247299194 - (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.36443901062 - (['"].*?auth_password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.36225605011 - (['"].*?auth_token['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35945916176 - (['"].*?admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.358741045 - (['"].*?admin_password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?
1.35629177094 - (['"].*?admin_password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35611796379 - (['"].*?new_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35091495514 - (['"].*?auth_password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?
1.34805893898 - (['"].*?new_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.34525895119 - (['"].*?admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.3426618576 - (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.33739089966 - (['"].*?secret_uuid['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.31182909012 - (['"].*?secret_uuid['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.30403113365 - (['"].*?auth_token['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.29068493843 - (['"].*?password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.28651189804 - (['"].*?password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
0.00123500823975 - (["']password["']s*:s*["']).*?(["'])
0.00123286247253 - (["']adminPass["']s*:s*["']).*?(["'])
$ cat results
1.38247299194 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.36443901062 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.36225605011 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35945916176 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.358741045 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35629177094 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35611796379 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.35091495514 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.34805893898 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.34525895119 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.3426618576 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.33739089966 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.31182909012 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.30403113365 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.29068493843 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
1.28651189804 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
$ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g'
$ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g’ | sort
$ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g’ | sort -u
“admin_pass”: “super secret”
“admin_pass”: “***”
( start group
[’”] quote
.*? anything
KEY literal key
[’”] quote
s*:s* colon, maybe with whitespace
u? optional literal u
[’”] quote
) end group
.*? anything
([’"]) group with quote
group 1: “admin_pass”: “
group 2: “
“admin_pass”: “super secret”
“admin_pass”: “***”
( start group
[’”] quote
.*? anything
KEY literal key
[’”] quote
s*:s* colon, maybe with whitespace
u? optional literal u
[’”] quote
) end group
.*? anything
([’"]) group with quote
group 1: “admin_pass”: “
group 2: “
“super secret”
“super s
“super se
“super sec
“super secr
“super secret
“super secret
“super secret”
“super secret”
“super secret”
“super secret
“super secret”
Change 1:
Be Specific In Patterns
testing all patterns
testing all patterns
22.28 / 0.0565
= 394.3
def mask_password(message, secret="***"):
"""Replace password with 'secret' in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
message = six.text_type(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS):
return message
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>'
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
substitute = r'g<1>' + secret
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message)
return message
8 keys * 10 templates
= 80 patterns
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import timeit
infile = 'sample.json'
with open(infile, 'r') as f:
input_str =
t = timeit.Timer(
"re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)",
import re
payload = '''%s'''
pattern = re.compile(r'admin_pass')
""" % input_str)
print('regex : %10.10f' % t.timeit(5))
t = timeit.Timer(
"'admin_pass' in payload",
"payload = '''%s'''" % input_str,
print('literal: %10.10f' % t.timeit(5))
$ python
regex : 0.0003869534
literal: 0.0001130104
Change 2:
Look at Fewer Patterns
def mask_password(message, secret="***"):
"""Replace password with 'secret' in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
message = six.text_type(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
substitute1 = r'g<1>' + secret
substitute2 = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>'
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
if key in message:
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[key]:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute2, message)
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1[key]:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute1, message)
return message
# NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of
# _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key
# to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions
# for XML and JSON automatically.
# NOTE(dhellmann): Keep a separate list of patterns by key so we only
# need to apply the substitutions for keys we find using a quick "in"
# test.
for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL)
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL)
>>> import strutils
>>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2
{'admin_pass': [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf4361d9b0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern
object at 0x7fbf43620660>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43621200>,
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43621ac0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at
0x7fbf43627e70>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43629a30>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern
object at 0x7fbf4362a3f0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43629fc0>],
'auth_password': [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf436322d0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern
object at 0x7fbf436324a0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43632640>,
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43632800>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at
0x7fbf43631d60>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43633200>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern
object at 0x7fbf43633690>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43633e90>], …}
>>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2.keys()
['admin_pass', 'auth_password', 'adminPass', 'auth_token', 'secret_uuid',
'admin_password', 'new_pass', ‘password']
>>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[‘admin_pass’]
[<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf4361d9b0>, …]
times = []
for pattern in strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2['admin_pass']:
print('ntesting %s' % pattern.pattern)
t = timeit.Timer(
"re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)",
import re
payload = '''%s'''
pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''')
""" % (input_str, pattern.pattern))
result = t.timeit(1)
times.append((result, pattern.pattern))
print('nslowest to fastest:')
times = reversed(sorted(times))
for t in times:
print('%s - %s ' % t)
print('ntesting all patterns')
t = timeit.Timer(
"strutils.mask_password('''" + input_str + "''')",
"import strutils",
$ python ./
payload has 50000 bytes
testing (admin_passs*[=]s*["'])[^"']*(["'])
testing (admin_passs+["'])[^"']*(["'])
testing ([-]{2}admin_passs+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*)
testing (<admin_pass>)[^<]*(</admin_pass>)
testing (["']admin_pass["']s*:s*["'])[^"']*(["'])
testing (['"][^"']*admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"])[^"']*(['"])
testing (['"][^'"]*admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"])
testing (admin_passs*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*)
slowest to fastest:
0.00194191932678 - (['"][^"']*admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"])[^"']*(['"])
0.00175809860229 - (['"][^'"]*admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?
0.00141596794128 - (["']admin_pass["']s*:s*["'])[^"']*(["'])
0.00097393989563 - ([-]{2}admin_passs+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*)
0.00052809715271 - (<admin_pass>)[^<]*(</admin_pass>)
0.000396966934204 - (admin_passs*[=]s*["'])[^"']*(["'])
0.000360012054443 - (admin_passs+["'])[^"']*(["'])
0.000356912612915 - (admin_passs*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*)
testing all patterns
22.28 / 0.0073 = 3052
• Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E.F. Friedl

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Regexes and-performance-testing

  • 1. Regexes and Performance Testing Doug Hellmann PyATL May 2015
  • 2. def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. """ try: message = six.text_type(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a # byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo. pass # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS): return message substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>' for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) substitute = r'g<1>' + secret for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) return message
  • 3. > 3000 times faster
  • 4. def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. """ try: message = six.text_type(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a # byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo. pass # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS): return message substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>' for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) substitute = r'g<1>' + secret for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) return message
  • 5. _SANITIZE_KEYS = ['adminPass', 'admin_pass', 'password', 'admin_password', 'auth_token', 'new_pass', 'auth_password', 'secret_uuid'] # NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of # _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key # to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions # for XML and JSON automatically. _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2 = [] _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1 = [] # NOTE(amrith): Some regular expressions have only one parameter, some # have two parameters. Use different lists of patterns here. _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1 = [r'(%(key)ss*[=]s*)[^s^'^"]+'] _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2 = [r'(%(key)ss*[=]s*["']).*?(["'])', r'(%(key)ss+["']).*?(["'])', r'([-]{2}%(key)ss+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*)', r'(<%(key)s>).*?(</%(key)s>)', r'(["']%(key)s["']s*:s*["']).*?(["'])', r'(['"].*?%(key)s['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])', r'(['"].*?%(key)s['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?' '['"]).*?(['"])', r'(%(key)ss*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*)'] for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS: for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2: reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL) _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2.append(reg_ex) for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1: reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL) _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1.append(reg_ex)
  • 7. def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. """ try: message = six.text_type(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a # byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo. pass # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS): return message substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>' for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) substitute = r'g<1>' + secret for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) return message
  • 8. class timeit.Timer(stmt='pass', setup='pass', timer=<timer function>) timeit(number=1000000) t = timeit.Timer( stmt="re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)", setup=""" import re payload = '''%s''' pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''') """ % (input_str, pattern.pattern)) result = t.timeit(1)
  • 9. #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import timeit import strutils # A moderately sized input (~50K) string # infile = 'sample.json' with open(infile, 'r') as f: input_str = print('payload has %d bytes' % len(input_str))
  • 10. times = [] for pattern in strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2: print('ntesting %s' % pattern.pattern) t = timeit.Timer( "re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)", """ import re payload = '''%s''' pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''') """ % (input_str, pattern.pattern)) result = t.timeit(1) print(result) times.append((result, pattern.pattern)) print('nslowest to fastest:') times = reversed(sorted(times)) for t in times: print(‘%s - %s’ % t) print('ntesting all patterns') t = timeit.Timer( "strutils.mask_password('''" + input_str + "''')", "import strutils", ) print(t.timeit(1))
  • 11. $ python payload has 50000 bytes testing (adminPasss*[=]s*["']).*?(["']) 0.000424146652222 testing (adminPasss+["']).*?(["']) 0.000438928604126 testing ([-]{2}adminPasss+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*) 0.000957012176514 testing (<adminPass>).*?(</adminPass>) 0.000320911407471 testing (["']adminPass["']s*:s*["']).*?(["']) 0.000932931900024 testing (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.39579486847 testing (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.38312697411 testing (adminPasss*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*) 0.000363111495972 testing (admin_passs*[=]s*["']).*?(["']) 0.000358819961548 testing (admin_passs+["']).*?(["']) 0.000358104705811
  • 12. 1.38247299194 - (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.36443901062 - (['"].*?auth_password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.36225605011 - (['"].*?auth_token['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35945916176 - (['"].*?admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.358741045 - (['"].*?admin_password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*? (['"]) 1.35629177094 - (['"].*?admin_password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35611796379 - (['"].*?new_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35091495514 - (['"].*?auth_password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*? (['"]) 1.34805893898 - (['"].*?new_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.34525895119 - (['"].*?admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.3426618576 - (['"].*?adminPass['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.33739089966 - (['"].*?secret_uuid['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.31182909012 - (['"].*?secret_uuid['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.30403113365 - (['"].*?auth_token['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.29068493843 - (['"].*?password['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.28651189804 - (['"].*?password['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 0.00123500823975 - (["']password["']s*:s*["']).*?(["']) 0.00123286247253 - (["']adminPass["']s*:s*["']).*?(["'])
  • 13. $ cat results 1.38247299194 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.36443901062 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.36225605011 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35945916176 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.358741045 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35629177094 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35611796379 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.35091495514 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.34805893898 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.34525895119 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.3426618576 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.33739089966 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.31182909012 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.30403113365 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.29068493843 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) 1.28651189804 - (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
  • 14. $ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g' (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
  • 15. $ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g’ | sort (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
  • 16. $ cat results | sed -E 's/^.{16}/ /g’ | sort -u (['"].*?KEY['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) (['"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"])
  • 17. ([’"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) “admin_pass”: “super secret” “admin_pass”: “***” ( start group [’”] quote .*? anything KEY literal key [’”] quote s*:s* colon, maybe with whitespace u? optional literal u [’”] quote ) end group .*? anything ([’"]) group with quote group 1: “admin_pass”: “ group 2: “
  • 18. ([’"].*?KEY['"]s*:s*u?['"]).*?(['"]) “admin_pass”: “super secret” “admin_pass”: “***” ( start group [’”] quote .*? anything KEY literal key [’”] quote s*:s* colon, maybe with whitespace u? optional literal u [’”] quote ) end group .*? anything ([’"]) group with quote group 1: “admin_pass”: “ group 2: “
  • 19. (”)(.*?)(”) “super secret” “ “s “su “sup “supe “super “super “super s “super se “super sec “super secr “super secret “super secret “super secret” (“)(.*)(”) “super secret” “super secret” “super secret “super secret”
  • 20. Change 1: Be Specific In Patterns
  • 22.
  • 23. Before: testing all patterns 22.2821819782 After: testing all patterns 0.0565450191498 22.28 / 0.0565 = 394.3
  • 24. def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. """ try: message = six.text_type(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a # byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo. pass # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS): return message substitute = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>' for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) substitute = r'g<1>' + secret for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute, message) return message
  • 25. 8 keys * 10 templates = 80 patterns
  • 26. #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import timeit infile = 'sample.json' with open(infile, 'r') as f: input_str = t = timeit.Timer( "re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)", """ import re payload = '''%s''' pattern = re.compile(r'admin_pass') """ % input_str) print('regex : %10.10f' % t.timeit(5)) t = timeit.Timer( "'admin_pass' in payload", "payload = '''%s'''" % input_str, ) print('literal: %10.10f' % t.timeit(5))
  • 27. $ python regex : 0.0003869534 literal: 0.0001130104
  • 28. Change 2: Look at Fewer Patterns
  • 29. def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. """ try: message = six.text_type(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: # NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a # byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo. pass substitute1 = r'g<1>' + secret substitute2 = r'g<1>' + secret + r'g<2>' # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS: if key in message: for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[key]: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute2, message) for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1[key]: message = re.sub(pattern, substitute1, message) return message
  • 30. # NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of # _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key # to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions # for XML and JSON automatically. _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2 = {} _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1 = {} # NOTE(dhellmann): Keep a separate list of patterns by key so we only # need to apply the substitutions for keys we find using a quick "in" # test. for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS: _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1[key] = [] _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[key] = [] for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2: reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL) _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[key].append(reg_ex) for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1: reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL) _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1[key].append(reg_ex)
  • 31. >>> import strutils >>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2 {'admin_pass': [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf4361d9b0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43620660>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43621200>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43621ac0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43627e70>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43629a30>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf4362a3f0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43629fc0>], 'auth_password': [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf436322d0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf436324a0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43632640>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43632800>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43631d60>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43633200>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43633690>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf43633e90>], …} >>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2.keys() ['admin_pass', 'auth_password', 'adminPass', 'auth_token', 'secret_uuid', 'admin_password', 'new_pass', ‘password'] >>> strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[‘admin_pass’] [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7fbf4361d9b0>, …]
  • 32. times = [] for pattern in strutils._SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2['admin_pass']: print('ntesting %s' % pattern.pattern) t = timeit.Timer( "re.sub(pattern, r'g<1>***g<2>', payload)", """ import re payload = '''%s''' pattern = re.compile(r'''%s''') """ % (input_str, pattern.pattern)) result = t.timeit(1) print(result) times.append((result, pattern.pattern)) print('nslowest to fastest:') times = reversed(sorted(times)) for t in times: print('%s - %s ' % t) print('ntesting all patterns') t = timeit.Timer( "strutils.mask_password('''" + input_str + "''')", "import strutils", ) print(t.timeit(1))
  • 33. $ python ./ payload has 50000 bytes testing (admin_passs*[=]s*["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.000396966934204 testing (admin_passs+["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.000360012054443 testing ([-]{2}admin_passs+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*) 0.00097393989563 testing (<admin_pass>)[^<]*(</admin_pass>) 0.00052809715271 testing (["']admin_pass["']s*:s*["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.00141596794128 testing (['"][^"']*admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"])[^"']*(['"]) 0.00194191932678 testing (['"][^'"]*admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u?['"]) [^"']*(['"]) 0.00175809860229 testing (admin_passs*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*) 0.000356912612915
  • 34. slowest to fastest: 0.00194191932678 - (['"][^"']*admin_pass['"]s*:s*u?['"])[^"']*(['"]) 0.00175809860229 - (['"][^'"]*admin_pass['"]s*,s*'--?[A-z]+'s*,s*u? ['"])[^"']*(['"]) 0.00141596794128 - (["']admin_pass["']s*:s*["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.00097393989563 - ([-]{2}admin_passs+)[^'^"^=^s]+([s]*) 0.00052809715271 - (<admin_pass>)[^<]*(</admin_pass>) 0.000396966934204 - (admin_passs*[=]s*["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.000360012054443 - (admin_passs+["'])[^"']*(["']) 0.000356912612915 - (admin_passs*--?[A-z]+s*)S+(s*) testing all patterns 0.00732088088989
  • 35. 22.28 / 0.0073 = 3052
  • 36. References • • • • • greedy • • Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E.F. Friedl