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IDP Cambodia


      * The Australia Awards
*   Th e           Au          **      Th e         Au     : 2012-02-15 :         2 :
2 0 1 2 - 0 4                           1 2 - 0 4           : 2012-02-15 :         2 :
2012-02-15 2 0 1 2 - 0 :
:         2         2 - 0 2                      * monday - friday

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                                                    The Application Process
- Online application (preferred format): to apply online please do so at
- Hardcopy application, for those having difficulties accessing Internet facilities,
are downloadable from IDP website at or can be
collected from the three Australian Centre for Education (ACE) campuses (Siem
Reap, Phnom Penh). Completed hardcopy applications are to be submitted at the
Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh.

Eligibility Criteria for the Australia Awards
- Cambodian citizen and resident
- Not be current serving military personnel
- Non-resident of Australia or New Zealand
- Not married to/or defacto of, or engaged to, Australian or New Zealand citizen
or resident
- Not hold or have held an Australian Government-funded scholarship in the
preceding 12 months at time of application
- not have obtained an academic qualification outside their home country in the
24 months preceding the application closing date, calculated from the date of
arrival back in the home country
- not be applying for another long-term AusAID scholarship unless they have
returned to their home country and resided there for twice the length of the total
time that they were in Australia (for example, a previous AusAID Scholar who
has been on AusAID scholarship/s in Australia for two years will not be eligible
to apply for another AusAID scholarship until they have been home for four
- Not already be studying at an Australian institution at the time of application
- Possess a Bachelors degree considered equivalent to an Australian Bachelors
- Masters level applicants must possess advanced English skills (IELTS results
of 5.5 with no band below 4.5 subject to testing which can be undertaken after
applications have been submitted)
- PhD applicants must possess IELTS of 6.5 with no band below 6.0 at the time
of application
- PhD applicants must provide an Unconditional Letter of Offer from the
intended university of study OR provide documentation demonstrating
communication with a potential supervisor and have received that supervisor’s
in- principal agreement to the research proposal and their capacity to supervise
the applicant
For ADS Public sector category applicants:
- Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) officials, at time of application, have
at least two years full-time experience with, and be a current full-time employee
- Not a RGC official, but at time of application, have at least five years full-time
experience with, and be currently employed on a full-time basis by, a
government authority, agency or institution established by Royal Decree or
Subdecree. Employment tenure may be on a term-contract basis
- If selected, must commit to return to work for the relevant Ministry/Agency for
a minimum period of two years on completion of studies

For ADS Open category applicants:
- At time of application, have three years full-time work experience* in a
relevant field
- If selected, commit to return to work in a position that utilises skills for a
minimum period of two years on completion of studies

(NOTE) Applicants must provide evidence of employment duration. If an
applicant has been employed at more than one workplace during the relevant
experience period, evidence from each employer during that period is required.
Any significant “gaps” in employment must be explained or the application may
face the possibility of being ruled ineligible. Some applicants may be required to
sit an IELTS test following interview in order to demonstrate English
Scholarship Conditions
Applicants who are offered an award will be asked to sign a statement declaring
that they will comply with the conditions of the scholarship. The conditions
ensure that AusAID, the awardee’s workplace and the student gain the
maximum benefit from the scholarship.
- Awardees must commence the scholarship in the year for which it is awarded.
The awards cannot be deferred
- Awardees must be enrolled on a full-time basis and make satisfactory
academic progress
- All visa conditions and university regulations must be satisfied
- Awardees must leave Australia, preferably returning to Cambodia, for a
minimum of two years at the completion of their scholarship in Australia
- The award does not provide funds to support accompanying dependants/family
- Awardees are not permitted to hold any other Australian Government-
sponsored scholarship for the duration of the award
- Awardees must fully cooperate with AusAID’s monitoring and evaluation of
the Australia Awards, including participation in activities such as surveys and
tracer studies both whilst on award and after return to Cambodia

Awardees who do not honour these conditions will be required to leave
Australia, and may be required to repay the value of the scholarship.

  u s t r a l i a ,
   u s t r a l i             * Australia Awards
The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring
ties between Australia, Cambodia and the global community.

Development awards have been an important component of the Australian
Government’s overseas aid program since the Colombo Plan in the 1950s,
supporting its aim to help Cambodia to reduce poverty and achieve
sustainable development.

The overarching goals of Australia's development awards are:
- to develop capacity and leadership skills so that individuals can contribute to
development in Cambodia
- to build people-to-people linkages at the individual, institutional and country
The Australia Awards will be offering 50 Australian Development Scholarships
(ADS) and further scholarships
will be awarded for Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) in the 2012
selection round. Master or
PhD qualifications are now offered under both awards. 20 scholarships are
allocated for officials of the Royal Government of Cambodia (Public Sector

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
ADS are a highly valued form of development cooperation between Australia
and partner countries with which Australia has a bilateral agreement.
Master or PhD qualifications are now offered under ADS. These long-term
awards provide support for people to obtain tertiary qualifications at
participating Australian institutions in specific areas that will address the jointly
agreed key priority areas for development.
ADS are administered by the Australian Agency for International Development
(AusAID). ADS provide
opportunities to people from many developing countries to study in Australia.
The purpose of the scholarships is for people to gain knowledge and skills that
will contribute to the long-term development of their country. The scholarships
are available to those employed in government and non-government sectors.
The ADS were introduced to Cambodia in 1994 under an agreement with the
Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) as part of Australia’s diverse
bilateral development-cooperation program.

Australian Leadership Awards (ALA)
ALA are no longer stand-alone scholarships but are now being administered as
supplementary awards to the ADS. The ALA are aimed at enhancing leadership
and building partnerships and links with developing countries to address priority
areas for development.

Up to 200 ALA are available globally on an annual basis for high achievers who
intend to undertake
postgraduate studies and who demonstrate the best potential to influence
development outcomes in their home
Scholarship applicants may indicate their interest in being considered for an
ALA on the Scholarship Application form. Selection panels may also identify
and recommend candidates for the ALA, generally from the pool of ADS
applicants. A high level interdepartmental selection panel in Canberra makes
the final decision and there is no specific allocation for each country or region.
In addition to receiving the ADS entitlements, the selected ALA scholars will
undertake a Leadership for
Development Program while they are in Australia. The purpose of this Program
is to enhance the ability and confidence of participating scholars to lead action
on development reform in their own country. ALA Scholars are provided with
further opportunities and activities, beyond their postgraduate studies, to
enhance their
leadership knowledge and extend their networks through a national Leadership
for Development Conference and other tailored activities.
ALA applicants must have an IELTS of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 at time of
application submission and will be required to commence their study program at
the beginning of 2013.

Fields of Study
The Australia Awards are only open to study programs related to the AusAID
priority areas of:
- Agricultural and Rural Development
- Health
- Infrastructure
- Law and Justice
- Mining (the extracting of natural resources, such as minerals, oil, petroleum, or

Selection Criteria
Eligible applicants are measured against the following selection criteria:
1. Demonstrated employment and contribution in at least one of the following
AusAID priority areas:
- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Health
- Infrastructure
- Law and Justice
- Mining (the extracting of natural resources, such as minerals, oil, petroleum, or
(Consideration will also be given to applicants with relevant experience in the
cross-cutting priority areas of: Public Financial Management, Gender Equality,
Aid Effectiveness, Social Policy, Disability and Child Protection)
2. Alignment of employment and anticipated study with the specific focus of the
Australia Cambodia Country Program Strategy
3. Demonstrated academic merit during previous university studies
4. Relevance of academic background to proposed study in Australia
5. Relevance of work background to proposed study in Australia
6. Demonstrated awareness of issues related to the development of Cambodia
7. Stated personal commitment and potential contribution to development in

Note: Applicants who are employed by the RGC or associated agencies may
apply for either Public or Open category. The Open category is open to all
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed with questions related to the
Selection Criteria above. The interviews probe each candidate in depth to
determine the final list of awardees. A candidate’s English may be tested again
to confirm eligibility. For public sector category awardees, final selection must
be approved by the relevant RGC Ministry/Agency.

Level and Length of Study
The Australia Awards enable candidates to undertake study at Masters
(coursework only) or Doctorate (PhD)
level in Australia with the exception of those Masters courses that require the
completion of a Graduate Diploma as part of the Masters degree. Length of
study is dependent on the chosen study path. However it is generally up to 2
years for Masters degrees and up to 4 years for Doctorate degrees.
Candidates may be required to successfully complete pre-departure English for
Academic Purposes training for 6-12 months in Phnom Penh before studying in
Australia. Those awardees who do not reach the required level of English at the
end of their pre-departure training, as assessed by IELTS testing and pre-
departure training requirements, will not be permitted to take up the scholarship
in Australia.

     n       Au s t r a l
   n    Au                         For further detailed information please
contact IDP Education:
# 657, Kampuchea Krom Boulevard, Teuk Laak I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: (855) 23 881 017 / 23 881 018
Fax: (855) 23 881 020
Email: /


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    .Copyright © 2009 - 2012 by National Employment Agency                                .. .. ..            |
     . Co p y r i g                 ||       Co p                                                 |
The New Heart Disease Therapy!
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Effectively prevent strokes and heart disease

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ood Clots & Life Threatening Clogg
  Without The Dangers of Bypass Surgery, Angioplas
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on Symptoms Of Illness Caused By Blood Clots & Clogged Arteries...
Heart Attacks                                         Strokes

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Shortness Of Breathe                                  Cold Hand & Feet

Loss of balance when walking                            Brain fog

Leg Pain and cramps                                    Extreme tiredness & constant fatigue

ow sex drive & unable to maintain erection              Headache, nausea and vomitting

Adam Woods
nt, California
ay, February 29, 2012

hat To Do When Your Heart Is In Trouble?
aving one or more of the above symptoms and are looking for a safe and natural way to...

ve the Dangerous Blood Clots & Arterial Plaques That Could Trigger A SERIOUS HEART & BR

OVE BLOOD FLOW & REVERSE Your Health Problems

AWAY from emergency room, surgery room, nursing home or wheelchair

Taking Lipitot, Plavix or Aspirin For The Rest Of Your Life
 I BELIEVE this could be the most important letter you've ever read!
Stroke & Heart Attacks...Can be Stopped NATURALLY!
  don't know we have it and sadly, many of us will find out too late... after they' already have a heart a

cret that many people think that they're in perfect health and not giving heart disease a second thoug
 getting ready to strike us any moment, then in a single instant, everything changes forever.... For ma
dustry and modern medicine have little to no answers at all concerning strokes & heart attacks.
es, it's one medical procedure after another with little hope for answers. Angioplasty and By-Pass are
d or recommended for clogged arteries. Exercise is recommended, managing hypertension is recomm
g Lipitor for cholesterol -- among so many drugs -- are recommended. It is one thing after another for
 h heart disease.
natural heart therapies such as herbs are being crushed before they reach the public because the me
ment can't charge big bucks for them. If these inexpensive natural treatments happen to slip though, t
basted and debunked by mainstream doctors who are more worried about their job security than your
  proceed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six he
 hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life...

                   Six Heart Treatment Hoaxes You Must Know!
                     The Real Culprit Behind Clogged Arteries!
                                          Click To Play Video

  proceed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six he
 hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life...

                         The Main Ingredients in AnginaRex™
                        Ingredients # 1 : Lumbrokinase Extract
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                                   Ingredients # 2 : EDTA

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           Other Proprietary Blend of Herbs In AnginaRex™
                   Ingredients # 3 : Panax Ginseng Root Extract
Panax Ginseng is an important herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine owing to its ablilities to
 eliminate blood stasis, reduce swellings and pain, and stop bleeding. It is widely used in the
 treatment of traumatic injuries, various kinds of bleeding and in many emergencies.

 Hence, Tianqi has come to be known as Jinbu huan, translated as "cannot be exchanged for
 gold", due to its precious value. The famous anti-inflammation and pain formula known as
 "Pien-Zi-Huang" has Tianqi as one of its main ingredients.

 Being one of the earliest herbs researched, Tianqi has been scientifically shown to be very
 effective in the treatment of heart diseases, particulary helpful in the problem of the narrowing
 of the arteries. It is also effective in lowering cholesterol and fat

               ients # 4 : Bromelain Extract
Bromelain, an extract from pineapple stem, has demonstrated antithrombotic and
anticoagulant activities in vivo. Bromelain reduced the adhesion of bound, thrombin
stimulated, fluorescent labeled platelets to bovine aorta endothelial cells, and was shown to
be as effective as the proteases papain and trypsin, on the basis of mass concentrations.
Heart researchers found that intravenous application at 30 mg/kg was slightly more active in
reducing thrombus formation in arterioles (13%) and venoles (5%), which suggests that orally
applied bromelain is biologically active. These results may help to explain some of the clinical
effects observed after bromelain treatment in patients with thrombosis and related diseases

                 Ingredients # 5 : Selenium
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is widely regarded in scientific communities as a
potentially powerful antioxidant. Studies suggest that it may protect against cardiovascular
disease and certain forms of cancer. As an antioxidant, it helps to slow the aging process, and
protects against a number of degenerative disorders. In one ten-year study, men who took
200 mg of selenium daily had 50% less risk of developing cancer compared to the norm.

In cases where oxidative stress appears to be the cause of rheumatoid arthritis or blood
vessel damage leading to heart disease, low blood levels of selenium have been found to be
a contributing factor

                  ents # 6 :Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it's sometimes spelled as) increases metabolism by
immediately influencing the venous structure. It is nothing short of amazing with its effects on
the circulatory system as it feeds the vital elements into the cell structure of capillaries, veins,
arteries and helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels.

Yes, cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is certainly one of its core uses, but cayenne
cleans the arteries as well, helping to rid the body of the bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
Considering that heart disease is the number one killer in America, this is significant.

                 ients # 7 : Hawthorn Berry
Hawthorn Berry helps to promote the health of the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood
                    pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and has been found to strengthen
                    the heart. Hawthorn is widely regarded in Europe as a safe and effective treatment for the earl
                    stages of heart disease and has been used for a number of ailments including angina,
                    myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, nervous conditions like insomnia, and diarrhea.
                    It has also been indicated for strengthening blood vessels, vascular insufficiency and blood
                    clots, restoring the heart muscle wall, lowering cholesterol and to aid digestion.

ed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six heart trea
 at could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life...

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ess of Breath,Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Forever, Have Healthier H
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ou have tried treatments or other products with some of the same ingredients I urge you to give Angin
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ortness of breath                                         •   Cold hand & feet
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w sex drive & unable to maintain erection                 •   Headache, nausea and vomitting

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  • 1. IDP Cambodia _________________________________________ * The Australia Awards * Th e Au ** Th e Au : 2012-02-15 : 2 : 2012-04-30 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 1 2 - 0 4 : 2012-02-15 : 2 : 2012-02-15 2 0 1 2 - 0 : : 2 2 - 0 2 * monday - friday * (( ) ) o // o // o ** o x × G G The Application Process - Online application (preferred format): to apply online please do so at - Hardcopy application, for those having difficulties accessing Internet facilities, are downloadable from IDP website at or can be collected from the three Australian Centre for Education (ACE) campuses (Siem Reap, Phnom Penh). Completed hardcopy applications are to be submitted at the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh. Eligibility Criteria for the Australia Awards - Cambodian citizen and resident - Not be current serving military personnel - Non-resident of Australia or New Zealand - Not married to/or defacto of, or engaged to, Australian or New Zealand citizen or resident - Not hold or have held an Australian Government-funded scholarship in the preceding 12 months at time of application
  • 2. - not have obtained an academic qualification outside their home country in the 24 months preceding the application closing date, calculated from the date of arrival back in the home country - not be applying for another long-term AusAID scholarship unless they have returned to their home country and resided there for twice the length of the total time that they were in Australia (for example, a previous AusAID Scholar who has been on AusAID scholarship/s in Australia for two years will not be eligible to apply for another AusAID scholarship until they have been home for four years) - Not already be studying at an Australian institution at the time of application - Possess a Bachelors degree considered equivalent to an Australian Bachelors degree - Masters level applicants must possess advanced English skills (IELTS results of 5.5 with no band below 4.5 subject to testing which can be undertaken after applications have been submitted) - PhD applicants must possess IELTS of 6.5 with no band below 6.0 at the time of application - PhD applicants must provide an Unconditional Letter of Offer from the intended university of study OR provide documentation demonstrating communication with a potential supervisor and have received that supervisor’s in- principal agreement to the research proposal and their capacity to supervise the applicant For ADS Public sector category applicants: - Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) officials, at time of application, have at least two years full-time experience with, and be a current full-time employee - Not a RGC official, but at time of application, have at least five years full-time experience with, and be currently employed on a full-time basis by, a government authority, agency or institution established by Royal Decree or Subdecree. Employment tenure may be on a term-contract basis - If selected, must commit to return to work for the relevant Ministry/Agency for a minimum period of two years on completion of studies For ADS Open category applicants: - At time of application, have three years full-time work experience* in a relevant field - If selected, commit to return to work in a position that utilises skills for a minimum period of two years on completion of studies (NOTE) Applicants must provide evidence of employment duration. If an applicant has been employed at more than one workplace during the relevant experience period, evidence from each employer during that period is required. Any significant “gaps” in employment must be explained or the application may face the possibility of being ruled ineligible. Some applicants may be required to sit an IELTS test following interview in order to demonstrate English proficiency.
  • 3. Scholarship Conditions Applicants who are offered an award will be asked to sign a statement declaring that they will comply with the conditions of the scholarship. The conditions ensure that AusAID, the awardee’s workplace and the student gain the maximum benefit from the scholarship. - Awardees must commence the scholarship in the year for which it is awarded. The awards cannot be deferred - Awardees must be enrolled on a full-time basis and make satisfactory academic progress - All visa conditions and university regulations must be satisfied - Awardees must leave Australia, preferably returning to Cambodia, for a minimum of two years at the completion of their scholarship in Australia - The award does not provide funds to support accompanying dependants/family members - Awardees are not permitted to hold any other Australian Government- sponsored scholarship for the duration of the award - Awardees must fully cooperate with AusAID’s monitoring and evaluation of the Australia Awards, including participation in activities such as surveys and tracer studies both whilst on award and after return to Cambodia Awardees who do not honour these conditions will be required to leave Australia, and may be required to repay the value of the scholarship. u s t r a l i a , u s t r a l i * Australia Awards The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia, Cambodia and the global community. Development awards have been an important component of the Australian Government’s overseas aid program since the Colombo Plan in the 1950s, supporting its aim to help Cambodia to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. The overarching goals of Australia's development awards are: - to develop capacity and leadership skills so that individuals can contribute to development in Cambodia - to build people-to-people linkages at the individual, institutional and country levels. The Australia Awards will be offering 50 Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) and further scholarships will be awarded for Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) in the 2012 selection round. Master or
  • 4. PhD qualifications are now offered under both awards. 20 scholarships are allocated for officials of the Royal Government of Cambodia (Public Sector category). Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) ADS are a highly valued form of development cooperation between Australia and partner countries with which Australia has a bilateral agreement. Master or PhD qualifications are now offered under ADS. These long-term awards provide support for people to obtain tertiary qualifications at participating Australian institutions in specific areas that will address the jointly agreed key priority areas for development. ADS are administered by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). ADS provide opportunities to people from many developing countries to study in Australia. The purpose of the scholarships is for people to gain knowledge and skills that will contribute to the long-term development of their country. The scholarships are available to those employed in government and non-government sectors. The ADS were introduced to Cambodia in 1994 under an agreement with the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) as part of Australia’s diverse bilateral development-cooperation program. Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) ALA are no longer stand-alone scholarships but are now being administered as supplementary awards to the ADS. The ALA are aimed at enhancing leadership and building partnerships and links with developing countries to address priority areas for development. Up to 200 ALA are available globally on an annual basis for high achievers who intend to undertake postgraduate studies and who demonstrate the best potential to influence development outcomes in their home country. Scholarship applicants may indicate their interest in being considered for an ALA on the Scholarship Application form. Selection panels may also identify and recommend candidates for the ALA, generally from the pool of ADS applicants. A high level interdepartmental selection panel in Canberra makes the final decision and there is no specific allocation for each country or region. In addition to receiving the ADS entitlements, the selected ALA scholars will undertake a Leadership for Development Program while they are in Australia. The purpose of this Program is to enhance the ability and confidence of participating scholars to lead action on development reform in their own country. ALA Scholars are provided with further opportunities and activities, beyond their postgraduate studies, to enhance their
  • 5. leadership knowledge and extend their networks through a national Leadership for Development Conference and other tailored activities. ALA applicants must have an IELTS of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 at time of application submission and will be required to commence their study program at the beginning of 2013. Fields of Study The Australia Awards are only open to study programs related to the AusAID priority areas of: - Agricultural and Rural Development - Health - Infrastructure - Law and Justice - Mining (the extracting of natural resources, such as minerals, oil, petroleum, or gas) Selection Criteria Eligible applicants are measured against the following selection criteria: 1. Demonstrated employment and contribution in at least one of the following AusAID priority areas: - Agriculture and Rural Development - Health - Infrastructure - Law and Justice - Mining (the extracting of natural resources, such as minerals, oil, petroleum, or gas) (Consideration will also be given to applicants with relevant experience in the cross-cutting priority areas of: Public Financial Management, Gender Equality, Aid Effectiveness, Social Policy, Disability and Child Protection) 2. Alignment of employment and anticipated study with the specific focus of the Australia Cambodia Country Program Strategy 3. Demonstrated academic merit during previous university studies 4. Relevance of academic background to proposed study in Australia 5. Relevance of work background to proposed study in Australia 6. Demonstrated awareness of issues related to the development of Cambodia 7. Stated personal commitment and potential contribution to development in Cambodia Note: Applicants who are employed by the RGC or associated agencies may apply for either Public or Open category. The Open category is open to all Cambodians. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed with questions related to the Selection Criteria above. The interviews probe each candidate in depth to determine the final list of awardees. A candidate’s English may be tested again
  • 6. to confirm eligibility. For public sector category awardees, final selection must be approved by the relevant RGC Ministry/Agency. Level and Length of Study The Australia Awards enable candidates to undertake study at Masters (coursework only) or Doctorate (PhD) level in Australia with the exception of those Masters courses that require the completion of a Graduate Diploma as part of the Masters degree. Length of study is dependent on the chosen study path. However it is generally up to 2 years for Masters degrees and up to 4 years for Doctorate degrees. Candidates may be required to successfully complete pre-departure English for Academic Purposes training for 6-12 months in Phnom Penh before studying in Australia. Those awardees who do not reach the required level of English at the end of their pre-departure training, as assessed by IELTS testing and pre- departure training requirements, will not be permitted to take up the scholarship in Australia. n Au s t r a l n Au For further detailed information please contact IDP Education: # 657, Kampuchea Krom Boulevard, Teuk Laak I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855) 23 881 017 / 23 881 018 Fax: (855) 23 881 020 Email: / _________________________________________ è q / • ± A Î Œ z / • p x / • t x / • { x / • Ð • ç N/A5 / A• ± n o n e _ i d p o n e _ o n e _ .Copyright © 2009 - 2012 by National Employment Agency .. .. .. | . Co p y r i g || Co p |
  • 7. The New Heart Disease Therapy! art Disease Speed Cure in A Capsul ombining Lumbrokinase -The Nature's Most Powerfu nolytic Enzymes That Dissolve Dangerous Blood Clo TA - The Nature's Wonder That Dissolve Atherosclero Plaques... Dissolve dangerous blood clots safely and naturally Remove arterial plaques that accumulated on your es walls Banish poor blood circulation and restore healthy, sm ng blood to you whole body Thin your blood safely and naturally without blood thi as aspirin & plavix Quickly lower high blood pressure with better and other blood flow Safely eliminate root cause of blood clots and stop cl ng Effectively prevent strokes and heart disease posing The Natural Secrets That St art or Brain Disaster & Other Damag
  • 8. omplications Arising From Renegad ood Clots & Life Threatening Clogg Arteries! Without The Dangers of Bypass Surgery, Angioplas Life-Long Prescription Drugs! on Symptoms Of Illness Caused By Blood Clots & Clogged Arteries... Heart Attacks Strokes High Blood Pressure Angina or Chest Pain Shortness Of Breathe Cold Hand & Feet Loss of balance when walking Brain fog Leg Pain and cramps Extreme tiredness & constant fatigue ow sex drive & unable to maintain erection Headache, nausea and vomitting Adam Woods nt, California ay, February 29, 2012 hat To Do When Your Heart Is In Trouble? aving one or more of the above symptoms and are looking for a safe and natural way to... ve the Dangerous Blood Clots & Arterial Plaques That Could Trigger A SERIOUS HEART & BR R! OVE BLOOD FLOW & REVERSE Your Health Problems AWAY from emergency room, surgery room, nursing home or wheelchair Taking Lipitot, Plavix or Aspirin For The Rest Of Your Life I BELIEVE this could be the most important letter you've ever read!
  • 9. Stroke & Heart Attacks...Can be Stopped NATURALLY! don't know we have it and sadly, many of us will find out too late... after they' already have a heart a cret that many people think that they're in perfect health and not giving heart disease a second thoug getting ready to strike us any moment, then in a single instant, everything changes forever.... For ma dustry and modern medicine have little to no answers at all concerning strokes & heart attacks. es, it's one medical procedure after another with little hope for answers. Angioplasty and By-Pass are d or recommended for clogged arteries. Exercise is recommended, managing hypertension is recomm g Lipitor for cholesterol -- among so many drugs -- are recommended. It is one thing after another for h heart disease. natural heart therapies such as herbs are being crushed before they reach the public because the me ment can't charge big bucks for them. If these inexpensive natural treatments happen to slip though, t basted and debunked by mainstream doctors who are more worried about their job security than your proceed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six he hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life... Six Heart Treatment Hoaxes You Must Know! The Real Culprit Behind Clogged Arteries! Click To Play Video proceed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six he hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life... The Main Ingredients in AnginaRex™ Ingredients # 1 : Lumbrokinase Extract ick Here To Try AnginaRex™ With 90 Days Money Back Guarantee No Ingredients # 2 : EDTA ick Here To Try AnginaRex™ With 90 Days Money Back Guarantee No Other Proprietary Blend of Herbs In AnginaRex™ Ingredients # 3 : Panax Ginseng Root Extract
  • 10. Panax Ginseng is an important herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine owing to its ablilities to eliminate blood stasis, reduce swellings and pain, and stop bleeding. It is widely used in the treatment of traumatic injuries, various kinds of bleeding and in many emergencies. Hence, Tianqi has come to be known as Jinbu huan, translated as "cannot be exchanged for gold", due to its precious value. The famous anti-inflammation and pain formula known as "Pien-Zi-Huang" has Tianqi as one of its main ingredients. Being one of the earliest herbs researched, Tianqi has been scientifically shown to be very effective in the treatment of heart diseases, particulary helpful in the problem of the narrowing of the arteries. It is also effective in lowering cholesterol and fat ients # 4 : Bromelain Extract Bromelain, an extract from pineapple stem, has demonstrated antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities in vivo. Bromelain reduced the adhesion of bound, thrombin stimulated, fluorescent labeled platelets to bovine aorta endothelial cells, and was shown to be as effective as the proteases papain and trypsin, on the basis of mass concentrations. Heart researchers found that intravenous application at 30 mg/kg was slightly more active in reducing thrombus formation in arterioles (13%) and venoles (5%), which suggests that orally applied bromelain is biologically active. These results may help to explain some of the clinical effects observed after bromelain treatment in patients with thrombosis and related diseases Ingredients # 5 : Selenium Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is widely regarded in scientific communities as a potentially powerful antioxidant. Studies suggest that it may protect against cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer. As an antioxidant, it helps to slow the aging process, and protects against a number of degenerative disorders. In one ten-year study, men who took 200 mg of selenium daily had 50% less risk of developing cancer compared to the norm. In cases where oxidative stress appears to be the cause of rheumatoid arthritis or blood vessel damage leading to heart disease, low blood levels of selenium have been found to be a contributing factor ents # 6 :Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it's sometimes spelled as) increases metabolism by immediately influencing the venous structure. It is nothing short of amazing with its effects on the circulatory system as it feeds the vital elements into the cell structure of capillaries, veins, arteries and helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels. Yes, cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is certainly one of its core uses, but cayenne cleans the arteries as well, helping to rid the body of the bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides Considering that heart disease is the number one killer in America, this is significant. ients # 7 : Hawthorn Berry
  • 11. Hawthorn Berry helps to promote the health of the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and has been found to strengthen the heart. Hawthorn is widely regarded in Europe as a safe and effective treatment for the earl stages of heart disease and has been used for a number of ailments including angina, myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, nervous conditions like insomnia, and diarrhea. It has also been indicated for strengthening blood vessels, vascular insufficiency and blood clots, restoring the heart muscle wall, lowering cholesterol and to aid digestion. ed to talk about how AnginaRex™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six heart trea at could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life... p Strokes & Heart Attacks Forever...Say "Good-bye" To Angina Chest P ess of Breath,Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Forever, Have Healthier H Speed Healing of Heart Disease & Stroke From Clogged Arteries ou have tried treatments or other products with some of the same ingredients I urge you to give Angin had tried to find relief but only after I discovered the unique synergistic formula that I use in Angina I actually find the pain relief and healing that met my high safety and effectiveness standards. If you want safe relief from: art attacks • Strokes h blood pressure • Angina or chest pain ortness of breath • Cold hand & feet s of balance when walking • Brain fog g pain and cramps • Extreme tiredness & constant fatigue w sex drive & unable to maintain erection • Headache, nausea and vomitting n AnginaRex™ can help you stop the deathly strokes & heart attacks Click here to try AnginaRex™ absolutely RISK- FREE Now! Here's what FORMER angina pain sufferers have to say about AnginaRex™!
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