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Make me believe.

In this session, we’re going to be talking about landing page optimization. I think what I’m
going to be showing you here is one of the most important things that a lot of SEO people
overlook. You can drive a certain amount of traffic to a website and sometimes it’s just
easier to make sure your landing page optimization is done quite well so you can increase
your conversion rate.
A conversion rate going from 1% to 2%, you just have doubled the value of the traffic that
you’re getting. It’s really important to make sure you focus on improving your landing
pages to make sure that they convert as that can sometimes be a lot easier than writing a
whole host of new articles to go after another keyword. So that is what I am going to delve

What is a landing page?
Landing page. What is a landing page first
of all? A landing page is a page anywhere
on your site where a person will land. So
they’ve typed in a keyword and they land on
your web page. No matter where they land,
if it is a deep page or a home page, that is a
landing page. You want to make sure that
you optimize all the pages on your website, and when I talk about optimize, I mean for
usability. When I talk about landing page optimization, I’m talking about usability as
opposed to on page SEO optimization.
You want to make sure that you optimize every page because I think the statistics are that
50% of all traffic ends up on your internal pages, on those deep pages. So just optimizing
your home page isn’t good enough. You need to make sure that those deep pages are

A lot of people will not have that clear outcome that we talked about what it is that the
page needs to be doing or what it is that your objective is for that page. They’ll offer the
user a whole host of different choices. The problem with that is, if you give someone too
many choices, they don’t know what choice to take and then they ultimately choose
nothing. So you do want to have for every page, you want to have one outcome in mind:
you want them to buy, you want them to enter their email details into the opt in form,
whatever the case may be, you just want to make sure you know what that outcome is.
Then also you optimize your landing page based on the traffic source. This is a little bit to
do with both where the traffic is coming from. There are other ways to drive traffic than
just SEO, there is a whole host of paid sources as well and in addition to that, linking a little
bit into what Nick was saying, when we were talking about trying to match the idea of
what is the user’s intention that they had when they first visited your website and meeting
them at that level and giving them what they wanted.
So if they were looking for a particular thing, it doesn’t necessarily need to be super slick or
anything like that, you need to meet them at that level and understand who your searcher
is. It can be really helpful, in fact this is one of the first things that I do when I’m doing
some coaching with different people. I did it with Ben and his company StoryLab.
One of the first things we did is, we mapped out what his perfect client would look like. We
gave them a name, we said how old they were, we wrote down what their frustrations
were, we pretty much mapped out this person so that whenever he wrote any copy for his
website, he would think about that person and write his copy to that person. You’ll find
your landing pages are a lot more effective if you come at it thinking who it is that you’re
writing to.

Proof in what you say
The other thing about landing page optimization and
why it is so important is the biggest hurdle that anyone
has doing business with a company online, is believing
what it is that you have to say. Constantly you’ve got
these questions circling around in your head: can I trust
them? Is this going to work for me? Is this product
going to solve my problem? If it doesn’t solve my
problem, then what do I do? Can I believe this person?

Really that is what landing page optimization is all about: making it so that when they
come there they feel confident and they feel like they can trust you and then that is going
to ultimately cause them to take the action that you want. You say, yes, you can trust me,
here’s what I can offer you and then you’ll tell them what to do next. Because they trust
you and you tell them what you’re going to give them, they’ll take that next action.

All eyes on me
How does it work? When someone actually
hits a landing page, this is thinking a little bit
about your own searching. If you’re looking
around for something on the internet, when
you land on a web page, they’ve done some
different studies and I’ve got some heat map
studies which basically show where people’s
eye goes when they reach a landing page.
The first thing that people do, at least in Western cultures, is their eye will go to the top left
hand corner of the page. That’s where their eyes are going to go first. That’s really
important. Obviously it’s going to depend and vary, based on what the outcome is for the
page. If it’s an opt in page, you probably want to have a headline or something like that up
there and maybe a video, so your eyes are automatically attracted up to that corner of the
It might be different if it is an e commerce website. Usually when people look up in that
top left hand corner, it’s going to be a logo. That is just what you’re familiar with. That’s the
other thing as well. When building a page, you want to give things that people are familiar
with. Don’t make them have to think things, don’t hide the navigation, don’t think you’re
doing something fancy. The user who is visiting your web page, just imagine them as a
little Homer Simpson and we’ll come to that later, they’re super lazy, you want to make
things as easy for them as possible.
First off, they go to the upper left hand corner, then they scan the page just to see where
their eyes are drawn. Typically pictures attract a lot of attention, so your eyes will go
straight to a picture. That’s why you’ll see a lot of my landing pages these days, I have a
video front and centre. There is a picture from the video. My eye goes there and then I go
Play, because there is a big fat Play in the middle of it, my eyes are attracted there.

Your eyes will go to the picture and then also, this is just old school direct response
material. Then their eyes will scan down directly beneath the image so make sure that you
make use of the text underneath an image, because your eyes go to an image and then
they automatically go down.
So you’ll see in some of the landing pages that I’m going to show you, I make use of that.
Also blue underline links, and this comes back to the idea of giving people what it is that
they’re used to. People have been trained over the years, I think the web browser is the
most well known and used piece of software in the history of mankind. People are so
familiar with using this web browser and they’re trained to learn that blue underlined links
means that is a clickable link, something that I should click on.
Depending on what your site is, occasionally you might do something fancy for branding,
but where possible, you want to give them what it is that they’re used to. I try to use that
as an example. You’ll see on Planet 13, I actually changed it to green underlined links, so
sometimes you’ll bend that line, but it’s more to show you that you want to give the user
what it is that they’re used to experiencing, that they have experienced and that they’re
trained to do.

Predator view
You can look at Predator View with the heat
maps. On the left hand side, that’s the Google
search results. When someone goes to
Google, they ran a whole lot of tests on a
whole lot of people. They got them to wear
these special goggles that could match where
the eyes actually went and they logged it.
They made a heat map and it showed the top
left hand corner is where the eye went.
That’s why it is so important, and they don’t have any sponsored listings along the top, it
might actually change if they had listings along the top, but the eye is going to that corner.
You can see as it trails down, a lot fewer people are going down. That’s why it is important
to be in position number one and number two. You’ll see worlds of difference by moving
from position five up to position one or two because people aren’t looking that far down
the page.

I have an example of an e commerce website and I think I got these from Marketing
Sherpa. They did some studies and an analysis of where the eyes go. The eyes go to the
top left hand corner, even though there is no picture, that is where your eyes automatically
go first. So you want to make sure in that top left hand corner, depending on what the
outcome is for the page, if it’s an e commerce site, you want to put something there that
they’re going to be familiar with. It might be a logo or just build those proof elements up
Also by installing Google Analytics so you can view the site overlay, find out what people
are clicking and things that they’re finding the most important, so you can just keep
dragging it up into that top left hand corner because that is where they’re going to go first.
The eye is also attracted to a little laptop screen. It’s not as strong as the other one, but the
eye is attracted there so the text directly beneath that laptop is very important. That’s an e
commerce site, but it just gives you an idea of the way the eyes are going.

I'm lazy
I’m lazy and you want to make everything as
easy as possible and you want to remove
any unnecessary steps. The more steps that
you put in front of a user, that they need to
take, you’re lowering your conversion rate
on that page, basically. The more steps that
they have to take, if they have to scroll
down the page, you’re going to lose people. If the font isn’t quite right because you’ve got
white text on a black background and people aren’t used to that, then you might lose
them. Everything that you do, you want to make it easy to read, you want to make sure it is
big enough, don’t hide things from them.
I hate going to a sales page thinking I want to buy this product, I scroll down and for some
reason they think they’re burying the sale price and that’s going to somehow keep me on
the page? Their idea is, oh, I want them to read all the content first, I’ll let that do the
selling and then once they’re sold, then I’ll mention the price. Sometimes I’ll just visit a
page, I’ll scroll down straight to the price and then I’ll want to see what it is. Don’t hide it
from me, make things as easy as possible. I think a few people can relate to that if you’ve
been doing any internet marketing for a little while now.

The other thing as well, is making sure you have a good website scent. What I mean by this
is, it’s almost like you want to lead your user when they visit the web page. It’s almost like
you drop some breadcrumbs and get them to follow those breadcrumbs deeper into your
site. There is something for them to follow in. A user is happy to take steps, especially on
an e commerce website, a user will take steps as long as by taking each step it feels like
they’re getting closer and closer to their end goal.
This is more from an e commerce point of view. You might start off broad. They click on
their category, I want band t-shirts. Ok, that is my first step, I’ve narrowed my search. The
next step, now I’ve clicked on Metallica, I’ve narrowed my search even more. Now I’m left
with the final step which is a range of t-shirts for me to choose. It’s that idea, a user wants
to feel like they’re making progress. If they don’t feel like they’re making progress, that’s
another way that you will lose them. That applies more so to e commerce than it does to
some of the other things.

The not-so-secret secret formula
Here’s the not-so-secret secret formula, which
is just classic, if you’ve been doing any sort of
copywriting work: Attention, Interest, Desire
and Action (AIDA). Copywriting is one of those
things you should learn. It’s important to learn
how to write words that sell on your website,
so in part of the book there is a whole lot of
headlines in there, a headline template which will help you. You can take those, model
them, use them for your title tags, use them for headlines that you’re writing. I’ll talk you
through this briefly.

Get my attention
Get my attention. The first thing you
want to do to get my attention is my eye
is going to get attracted to a picture
when I visit this p[age. I’m talking about
‘I’ so you guys recognize that I’m your
user. If I’m visiting your website, imagine
you’re looking through my eyes as I’m
visiting your website. The first thing I’m going to look for is some sort of picture. I’m going
to look in that top left hand corner and my eye is going to go to a picture. So make sure
that you use videos and also photos because that is where the eye is going to go.
Also headlines are important up the top. I put video front and centre. If you’re not going to
have video, the next thing important thing is to have a headline. You want something that
hooks me. Don’t be cute, don’t be ambiguous, tell me straight out, here’s what I’m going to
get from reading this page. You’ve got about eight seconds to win me over before I go
surfing onto some other page, so you better hook me really quickly.
So you’ll have the headline up the front. This comes from some of the NLP type work. You
want to interrupt their pattern. Everybody is in their regular rhythms of what it is that
they’re doing, their daily life and all that sort of thing. You want to try and do things and
put things in place that break people’s patterns which are going to be in your video. When
they start watching that video, something that immediately hooks them and gets their
attention and that’s what headlines are supposed to do as well, something to get them to
stick around.
Question: You may have just covered it, but the newer websites where you land on the
landing page and there is a video, you get the black screen and you get the little thing
going around in the centre. What have you got to suggest, the eight second thing, to
hold them on that page while they’re waiting for it to load?
Answer: The way I’m approaching video now and it does depend on the types of sites that
I’m building, a lot of what I’m now marketing is to first world people, Australia, the US and
a lot of those guys have got pretty quick internet so I don’t have to worry about it as much.
I think people are used to at least sticking round for a little bit when it comes to video.
People are still educated that things take time to buffer.
Question: Do you use, instead of having the video there starting, a clickable image that is
there and will be congruent for the click? Rather start and face is urghhh.

Answer: What I’m going to do is load up a few landing pages for you to show you. Again
there are different styles of pages, so it depends on what your outcome is.
Question: I suppose the question is, would you put an image there that would be more
congruent for a click than to click through to the video?
Answer: Do you mean with the video you can choose what image will display?
Question: Yes.
Answer: Yes, Ben does that. I think when you upload a video onto YouTube you have the
ability to select which image. It’s always a good idea. People used to do those sneaky
things where, because YouTube would select the exact middle moment in a video as the
image that was displayed on the video. What people would do is, they would splice in a
picture of a sexy girl at the exact centre moment, so that way when Google would display
it, it would have the sexy girl and then the chances of getting a higher click through rate
because it had the sexy girl when really you would watch it.
That’s the type of thing where if I’d watched that, I would feel cheated because I would say,
I was expecting a sexy girl and now I’ve got some fat, middle aged, balding guy telling me
that I need to buy an e book on hemorrhoids. I haven’t met that client actually. I think
that’s important though, you want to make sure that you pick the right picture.
Here are a couple of different landing pages. Here’s my website and when someone
comes, it is very clear what I want them to do. Watch the
video. You land here and that tells them. This is more of
an information based site. I’m not really looking to sell as
much here. I want them to engage with the content, share
it with their friends, it’s a little bit of a link bait type of thing and also I do have some ways
to do some opt in and there’s a little slide up that happens at the start. This is very soft sell.

Then we’ve got something a little bit more aggressive.
This is my Trading Secrets Revealed. They land on the
website, the eye goes to the top corner. I tried to make
it a little web 2.0 because I didn’t want to look like
another one of those dodgy ClickBank products and
then I confront straight here. I should have a picture
right there and that is something that we will definitely look at. That’s a video so it tells
them exactly what to do when they get here. Then I’m also using this. This is building that
proof that I was talking about. This proves that I’m not some random dude, I’ve been
featured in a few different places.
This is another landing page. They hit right, bang, the
eye will go to the front corner, this is a better layout. In
the top left hand corner you have a headline here and
then go to start building my proof elements straight
away. The eye is going to get drawn to that image and
then I’m trying to hook them into whatever the
content is.
This is an opt in page where I’m trying to get
someone to enter in their details. Depending on the
size of your screen, you want to try and reduce the
amount that people have to scroll. On this particular
page, if you’re viewing it on a larger screen, you’ll
actually see the free sign up, it all fits above the line,
‘above the fold’ they call it. It’s quite a small screen so
you do have to scroll down a little bit.
So headline, watch a video, hey, my eye gets attracted to the image. I’m going to make use
of the space underneath. Hey, I’m a Metastock expert. I’m trying to build that credibility
from early on and then getting them to sign up. I’ve got a few more elements that I’ll go
through, so I’ll head back to the presentation. Obviously e commerce is a different ball
game as well. It does depend on what the outcome is for that particular page. If you follow
these guidelines, make sure you get someone’s attention first, and then the next thing you
want to do, is keep my interest.

Keep my interest
I used to do very long form sales copy where
I would write these massive long sales letters
and I think everybody is getting tired of
them now. That’s why we start to try and
embed video a lot more. I’m going for a lot
shorter copy and I’m using the video to sell.
The long form sales copy, there is big long sales pages where I’m trying to sell something;
that content is still there but it is now in video format. Then I have a much more
compressed version of the content itself.
If you have a look at Trading Secrets Revealed again,
this still is a very long page you can see, but the copy,
video, proof building, mini sales letter, you’ll find my
book. Hey, my eye gets attracted to the book,
automatically beneath, click here to buy. That’s all by
design because the eye is going to go there, and hey,
click here for an instant download. Of course I want
an instant download.
Then we have some extra bonuses and add to cart. This relative to some of my older pages,
and this is selling an information based type product, is very much shorter. The remaining
two thirds of the page are testimonials, testimonials. That’s what I’m doing now. A lot
shorter copy and trying to be a lot heavier on testimonials which I probably need to
reassess given the whole FTC recent changes but I haven’t quite got that far yet.
You want to minimize the distractions so when people actually get to the page, if you
know what the outcome is for that person to take, minimize the distractions. If you’re an e
commerce website, don’t put AdSense all over it because you think you’re going to make
$2 or $3 extra from AdSense earnings. You’re sending the person off to your competitor.

I, as a smart competitor, what I would do if you were an e commerce site and you were
running ads, I would come to your website, and I would say, right, they are obviously going
to be attracting my perfect target market. You go into the Google AdWords and you can
do content placement targeting so you can target your ads to appear on certain pages and
I would write something like, Buy your better band t-shirts here. Don’t buy from this
website. or whatever and then I’d have my URL. I can speak
right to that user because you can very much target those ads. So don’t put anything that
can distract the user and just make sure that’s really clearly focused.

Build my desire
So first step is get my attention. Second step
keep my interest by having the video to
engage me, shorter copy, minimizing the
distractions, tell me what it is that I’m going
to get from it. Then you want to build my
desire. The way that you build my desire is
by giving me bullets. Again these really long
form sales letters don’t work quite the way that they used to. You want to put little
nuggets of what it is that I’m going to get out of subscribing to your service, opting in. The
use of bullets which speaks very much to the user and you want to do it in a benefits
versus features.
Let’s say that you’ve got a product and you’ve got an e commerce website and underneath
you’ve got the little description that explains what it is. Let’s say that you’re selling tyres.
Rather than telling me that you’ve got these metal reinforced tyres, you need to then
follow that up with what the benefit is. You’ll get these metal reinforced tyres which means
you stop quicker in the wet and save your child’s life. That’s more important and more
powerful to me than, hey, I’ve got metal reinforced tyres. What’s in it for me, WIIFM?
You want to make sure that you target to make sure that the person gets out of it
whatever they most want. Then as part of building the desire, show me proof. I want to see
a demonstration of your product, I want to see testimonials on your website. I want to see
different logos on your website. How do you build proof? Logos like you saw on my
website ‘as featured in’. All of that are things that you can’t fake.

Basically what I try and do when I build proof, that’s why I put so many things on my
website like, this is more about, but I‘ve got a section, my ‘About Us’
page. I’ll tell my story on the About Us page and if anyone’s actually read it, you read it and
say, you can’t fake that sort of thing. I’m being so open, so transparent and I’m trying to
prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I know what I’m talking about.

Lights, camera, action!
The final part is, lights, camera, action. The
final piece of the puzzle is you’ve got my
attention, you’ve got my interest, you’ve
now built the desire. The final thing that you
need to do is to get people to take action.
People are quietly sitting there waiting for
you to tell them what to do. A lot of people
just don’t know what to do. You need to explicitly tell them. You say, after they’ve read all
this and they’ve got down to the bottom, you’re next step is, provide them a call to action,
a reason to act. ‘You need to go ahead and click here to buy now.’ ‘You need to enter your
details below and download the free report.’ Tell them exactly what to do.
Make me a guarantee as well. This depends on what the niche is. If it’s info products, you
definitely should do something like 100% money back guarantee. This comes back to what
I talked about very early on at the start of the day, is making sure that you’re providing a
good value quality product that you can stand behind. Don’t promote rubbish. If you don’t
believe in it, then you shouldn’t be selling it. You should be confident and comfortable to
offer a guarantee. I know my material is good, so everything I stand behind. If you don’t
like it, that’s fine, I’ll give you your money back because I know that material is good
So you want to make sure you offer something as bold as that to someone. Sometimes you
can even be a little bit outrageous to get someone’s attention. On my Trading Secrets
Revealed site, before we updated, I used to have 200% guarantee. It’s a digital product and
the way I justified it, in hindsight I changed it because I wasn’t too sure if I felt comfortable
doing it, but I said 200%. You can download the product and I’ll refund your money and
you can keep the product afterwards because it is a downloadable product. That was my
200% guarantee that they got to keep the product. Most likely they were going to keep it

Just make me a real bold guarantee. This comes from copywriting material and studying
Dan Kennedy and all those guys. Some of them get even more outrageous, like if you are
going to set up weddings or things like that, you put together a fantastic guarantee where
you say, we guarantee to give you the best wedding, the best shoot or whatever, you end
up delivering them and we’ll hand you the DVD at the end and you’ll be so happy and
overjoyed. If you’re not then we’ll refund your money completely.
Sure you’ll get one or two people who will ask for the refund, but it will be offset by the
increased number of people who will take action based on the reason that they were
sitting on the edge and they were tossing up between one or two other websites and you
said, if you’re not happy, then you can ask for a money back guarantee. Then you’ve got a
page with a hundred different testimonials saying how awesome you are.
As I mentioned, the final thing you want to do is tell them what to do. That is really key and
it needs to be in all your communication methods and Ben hinted at that as well. At the
end of a video, tell them what to do. Do you want to watch the rest of this video? Head
over to…. In an email, at the end of an email, you will always find, here’s what to do next,
bang, and I’ll tell the person what it is that they need to do to take that next action.

Head tag tips
Now headline tags and tips. This is to do
with landing page optimization, so we’ll talk
a little bit about now writing from a
conversion point of view. We talked all
about SEO and that’s all well and good and
we can incorporate that, but your titles also
need to capture someone’s attention.
Typically I’ll go between three to six words long and you want to make sure that it really
hits and speaks to the person. You’ll put yourself in the shoes of the searcher, look through
their eyes, imagine what it is they’re thinking as they’re typing it in and speak to that
person. I’ve got some suggestions on that.
For example ‘Looking for the Best Mortgage?’ ‘Download your Free Trading Systems Here’,
‘Health Insurance: Get Expert Advice.’ So the keywords there are, for the first one it’s best
mortgage. What am I doing? I’m speaking right to the person here. They’ve typed in ‘best
mortgage’. Looking for a Best Mortgage? Why yes, I am, that’s why I wrote it into the
search engine. That talks straight to me.

‘Download Your Free Trading Systems Here’, someone has typed in ‘trading systems’. I get
the opportunity to download it? Ok, right here, right now, click, go visit. ‘Health Insurance’,
of course if I want health insurance, I want expert advice. Copywriting is one of those
things that you can spend a lifetime trying to learn. It is constantly evolving, people do, so I
gave you that swipe file to help get you started.
Just remember as well, they’ll appear in the search engine results page, so you just want to
make sure that because they’re appearing there, that title tag for your page will appear in
the search results, so it’s really important that you make sure that it will convert. When
people get there, they’ll read it and they’ll want to click through. That’s really key. You can
be in position number 3 and still out pull position number 1 because you talked straight to
the user. Once you start to combine the things of position number 1 and well written,
forget about it.

Head tag tips – part 2
Then we’ve got the head tag information
again. The head tag information is just the
information that




scenes. Pass this onto your web guy and he
will be able to help you if you’re not sure.
The meta description, the description
should be selling. A lot of people don’t
optimize their description, but that meta description is what is going to appear in your
search results underneath the title. I usually like to ask a question in my title and then
answer that question in the description.
So. ‘Looking for the Best Mortgages?...X Mortgages can Provide the Best Mortgages You’re
looking for’ Basically you want to have the question up the top and then try and answer it
underneath. That’s a good way to do it. There are plenty of different ways to skin a cat
though. Here’s an example for one of the ones I use for my Metastock website. Someone
types in ‘metastock formula’ which is the niche where I first got started in Metastock. Next
to the Metastock website, we’re pretty much the definitive place for that particular niche.
‘Metastock formula can help you identify profitable trading opportunities if you know how
to use it. Grab free practical Metastock professional tips and tricks. Click here’.

You know what that ‘Click here’ is right here at the end? That is a call to action. I’m telling
them what to do. The last thing after they read that is left in their mind. ‘Click here’. I’m
telling them what to do. Always make sure you tell the user what it is that they should be
doing next. Obviously you want to interweave your keywords and so on into the

On site copy
The next thing we’re going to talk about is
on site copy. Make sure that you keep your
paragraphs short and very much to the
point. People don’t like reading those big
long blocks of copy. You just get lost in the
copy. So you want to make sure that you
break it up into these little sections. If you break it up into little sections, it will be much
easier to digest. Be simple, clear, direct, no ambiguities, no mixed meanings.
When it comes to writing copy on a website, you want to write it to an eighth grade level
because you want to make sure that the user can understand it. Don’t assume things. Don’t
think, oh, they should know this, or they should have heard of that analogy or they should
have this. It’s not about you, it’s about your user, so always think through their eyes and
make it as easy as you can for them.
The ambiguity, is something like, at the end of an article, you might write ‘How did you
find this website?’ because you’re encouraging someone to the go ahead and post a
comment on your blog. ‘How did you find it? Did you like it? Post it over to your friends.’
The ambiguity there is, or mixed meaning is, do you mean how did I enjoy it, or how did I
locate it? Did I enjoy it? Ok, well I found it on Google. That was just trying to give you an
example of those ambiguities.
Where you can, you want to be as clear as possible and not have any room for confusion.
Any time there is any room for confusion, that’s when you .lose people. You need to be
clear, direct, to the point. Look, my time is valuable, I’m going to move on and let you win
me in eight seconds and tell me what it is that I want to achieve. It’s never about you, it’s
always about the user.

Dave's secret
Dave’s secret for writing headlines. If you’re not a
headline guru, here’s the hot tip. Head over to Look at headlines and bullets. This
is the easiest way for you to start to become a
copywriting whiz overnight. I can’t remember
where I learnt this one, but I rarely hear it spoken
Let’s just say you’ve got a website about golf. Go to Amazon, Zappos,
eBay and a whole lot of different websites that are leaders in their field are testing fanatics.
If you go over there, copy what they’re doing and you will be well on your way because
they’re doing all the testing for you and you can just copy and paste it. If you’re building an
e commerce site, you should head over to Zappos and model what it is that they’re doing
for your own niche.
When it comes to writing copy, these guys, Amazon is
only looking to display the most relevant information
to the user when they type it in. So they know what
books are selling, and books are a fantastic way for
testing of a headline. Here’s someone’s book: ‘Zen Golf:
Mastering the Mental Game.’ That right there could be
a fantastic title because Amazon is telling me that out
of all of the books on Amazon, this is probably their top selling book. They’re only going to
rank the top selling things at the top. People have voted with their dollars.
So this is a fantastic research tool and look at the copy here. ‘A revolutionary method
proved for the weekend golfer to significantly improve your distance and accuracy from
day one.’ That right there is just a gold nugget. You can take that, that could be
incorporated into your website. That could be part of the descriptions that you write for
your YouTube things. It can help you write title tags for your videos, for your own website.
It can help you do bullets.

Then you can dig even deeper. Amazon is nice enough to display the back cover of the
book. A lot of books have the bullet points on the back. These book companies are out
there spending millions of dollars with their copywriters to research. It’s known, you
shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but most people judge a book by its cover. So what
book sellers do is, they want to make sure that they hook you on looking at the book.
You look at the front cover, it needs to grab your
attention. That title tag will grab your attention. Then
on the back cover they will try and draw you in with
their bullet points and then hopefully you’ll go and
buy it. If you’re writing copy for your landing page,
here are some ideas to kick start you writing copy.
‘Focus on changes that most positively affect results.’
Then there is a little bit of a blurb. Some books you will see on the back of them they’ve
got a whole lot of bullet points. These are things that these book companies have
researched, to find here are the most important bits of copy. This is a very easy way.
You can take that copy, rework it and you know what’s most important to the market.
Question: You can also use that if you use the Table of Contents
for keyword research as well.
Answer: Brilliant, so that is a really good tip. So you can then look at the Table of Contents
because they’ll include that in those pages. Let’s say you’re creating a book or something
like that as well, it tells you the most important component that you should be including in
your book. Someone’s out there and has done all this work for you and they’ve already
done the research. So, excellent tip there.
Start building your list from day one, that’s another hot
tip. A lot of people don’t build from day one. You
should be building a data base. Get yourself AWeber,
get some sort of name capture form. It’s important that
you start to build the list from day one because then
you can continue to market them. Head over to
Melbourne SEO Services, the top right hand corner, it
says ‘Download you free e book.’ Click. On the home page, there is video at the top, there
are bullet points to hook them and draw them in. Underneath that then I tell them what to
do. ‘Enter your name and details to download the free report.’ I’m building a list and I did
that from day one.

No matter what it is that you’re doing, if you can build a list, that is a really good idea.
Think about how to attract someone into build that list though. We were doing some work
with Ryan, Ryan’s got a site that he’s working on and it was to do with Bright, Victoria and
the high country.
We decided that we were going to try and build a list right from day one. At first, we
thought, hey, should we build a newsletter? The idea was to get tips on where to stay and
what to eat and what to do when you’re in Bright. Then we thought, no, thinking about
that user, what is the user doing? The chances of someone going to visit Bright, it’s not like
they want weekly updates on what it is that you’re doing. Ryan might really like Bright, but
a lot of other people might not necessarily want to be doing that. They’re visiting for the
weekend and they want a quick fix, solve it now kind of situation.
We changed it to make it five places or five walking tracks that you must visit when you’re
in Bright. That’s like that instant talking to the person rather than going for that tips and
tricks. So start building a list from day one and proof in what you say. That’s why I do on, I’ve got the story on the About Us page. I do a lot of testimonials and a
lot of logos where I can.

Copycat success. Head over to Trading Secrets
Revealed, Planet 13 or really go to the big boys
because I’m just taking a lot of the things I get
from them. Head over to Amazon, head over
to Zappos, head over to eBay, see what they’re
doing, they’re doing the testing and then you
just go and replicate that.

Tracking, tracking, tracking
Tracking, tracking, you can’t improve what
you don’t measure so just make sure that
you install Google Analytics early from day
one. Set goals, monitor conversion rates and
always be split testing. Some of this I
already talked about. So you just want to
make sure from the get go that you install
Google Analytics. It just makes things a whole lot easier. You can then start to analyze what
your users are doing when they get to the website. The main things that I look at when I’m
looking at Google Analytics is, I’ll look at how many users are coming to the web page and
I’ll also look at where they’re coming from and the bounce rate.
Forty per cent plus is ok, I thought I’d give you some ideas. Some people when they see
their bounce rate they say, oh it is at 40% or 50%, that can get pretty scary as a web person
if you build the website, because you’re sitting there thinking, half the people who come
to my website just go, straight away. That’s just the way it is. If you think about the way
you search, how many pages do you just land on and then almost instantaneously leave?
We’ve got time on page as well. I usually get about one to two minutes.
Conversion rates it will depend. I try to target 18%-20% for opt in if I’m trying to drive
someone specific to a landing page to get them to enter their details. If it’s something like
a long form sales copy and I’m selling an info product, I try to get it up to 1% - 2%,
somewhere around that. Then if it is an e commerce site, our one doesn’t convert as highly
as it should but ½%, 1% is somewhere that you would look at for there.

80/20 rule
The final part of this one, the 80:20, what to
focus on? Some things are really hard to
outsource. Copy is one of them. Writing
copy and writing that sales message. You as
the business owner, when you think of what
it is that you do in your business, you really
understand your market the best. You can
get in the mind of what it is that they’re thinking about so you need to be the one who is
writing that sales message. Each page should have one outcome. Don’t confuse the user,
make it as easy as possible for them. Know what that outcome is and then you can make
them take that action.
Every page is a landing page, so you just want to make sure that you build it as such. Have
that in mind because 50% of all your traffic is going to be going to those deep pages. So
every page should be a landing page. Copycat success and build a list from day one.


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Creating Landing Pages That Convert

  • 1. LANDING PAGE OPTIMIZATION Make me believe. In this session, we’re going to be talking about landing page optimization. I think what I’m going to be showing you here is one of the most important things that a lot of SEO people overlook. You can drive a certain amount of traffic to a website and sometimes it’s just easier to make sure your landing page optimization is done quite well so you can increase your conversion rate. A conversion rate going from 1% to 2%, you just have doubled the value of the traffic that you’re getting. It’s really important to make sure you focus on improving your landing pages to make sure that they convert as that can sometimes be a lot easier than writing a whole host of new articles to go after another keyword. So that is what I am going to delve into. What is a landing page? Landing page. What is a landing page first of all? A landing page is a page anywhere on your site where a person will land. So they’ve typed in a keyword and they land on your web page. No matter where they land, if it is a deep page or a home page, that is a landing page. You want to make sure that you optimize all the pages on your website, and when I talk about optimize, I mean for usability. When I talk about landing page optimization, I’m talking about usability as opposed to on page SEO optimization. You want to make sure that you optimize every page because I think the statistics are that 50% of all traffic ends up on your internal pages, on those deep pages. So just optimizing your home page isn’t good enough. You need to make sure that those deep pages are optimized. 1
  • 2. A lot of people will not have that clear outcome that we talked about what it is that the page needs to be doing or what it is that your objective is for that page. They’ll offer the user a whole host of different choices. The problem with that is, if you give someone too many choices, they don’t know what choice to take and then they ultimately choose nothing. So you do want to have for every page, you want to have one outcome in mind: you want them to buy, you want them to enter their email details into the opt in form, whatever the case may be, you just want to make sure you know what that outcome is. Then also you optimize your landing page based on the traffic source. This is a little bit to do with both where the traffic is coming from. There are other ways to drive traffic than just SEO, there is a whole host of paid sources as well and in addition to that, linking a little bit into what Nick was saying, when we were talking about trying to match the idea of what is the user’s intention that they had when they first visited your website and meeting them at that level and giving them what they wanted. So if they were looking for a particular thing, it doesn’t necessarily need to be super slick or anything like that, you need to meet them at that level and understand who your searcher is. It can be really helpful, in fact this is one of the first things that I do when I’m doing some coaching with different people. I did it with Ben and his company StoryLab. One of the first things we did is, we mapped out what his perfect client would look like. We gave them a name, we said how old they were, we wrote down what their frustrations were, we pretty much mapped out this person so that whenever he wrote any copy for his website, he would think about that person and write his copy to that person. You’ll find your landing pages are a lot more effective if you come at it thinking who it is that you’re writing to. Proof in what you say The other thing about landing page optimization and why it is so important is the biggest hurdle that anyone has doing business with a company online, is believing what it is that you have to say. Constantly you’ve got these questions circling around in your head: can I trust them? Is this going to work for me? Is this product going to solve my problem? If it doesn’t solve my problem, then what do I do? Can I believe this person? 2
  • 3. Really that is what landing page optimization is all about: making it so that when they come there they feel confident and they feel like they can trust you and then that is going to ultimately cause them to take the action that you want. You say, yes, you can trust me, here’s what I can offer you and then you’ll tell them what to do next. Because they trust you and you tell them what you’re going to give them, they’ll take that next action. All eyes on me How does it work? When someone actually hits a landing page, this is thinking a little bit about your own searching. If you’re looking around for something on the internet, when you land on a web page, they’ve done some different studies and I’ve got some heat map studies which basically show where people’s eye goes when they reach a landing page. The first thing that people do, at least in Western cultures, is their eye will go to the top left hand corner of the page. That’s where their eyes are going to go first. That’s really important. Obviously it’s going to depend and vary, based on what the outcome is for the page. If it’s an opt in page, you probably want to have a headline or something like that up there and maybe a video, so your eyes are automatically attracted up to that corner of the page. It might be different if it is an e commerce website. Usually when people look up in that top left hand corner, it’s going to be a logo. That is just what you’re familiar with. That’s the other thing as well. When building a page, you want to give things that people are familiar with. Don’t make them have to think things, don’t hide the navigation, don’t think you’re doing something fancy. The user who is visiting your web page, just imagine them as a little Homer Simpson and we’ll come to that later, they’re super lazy, you want to make things as easy for them as possible. First off, they go to the upper left hand corner, then they scan the page just to see where their eyes are drawn. Typically pictures attract a lot of attention, so your eyes will go straight to a picture. That’s why you’ll see a lot of my landing pages these days, I have a video front and centre. There is a picture from the video. My eye goes there and then I go Play, because there is a big fat Play in the middle of it, my eyes are attracted there. 3
  • 4. Your eyes will go to the picture and then also, this is just old school direct response material. Then their eyes will scan down directly beneath the image so make sure that you make use of the text underneath an image, because your eyes go to an image and then they automatically go down. So you’ll see in some of the landing pages that I’m going to show you, I make use of that. Also blue underline links, and this comes back to the idea of giving people what it is that they’re used to. People have been trained over the years, I think the web browser is the most well known and used piece of software in the history of mankind. People are so familiar with using this web browser and they’re trained to learn that blue underlined links means that is a clickable link, something that I should click on. Depending on what your site is, occasionally you might do something fancy for branding, but where possible, you want to give them what it is that they’re used to. I try to use that as an example. You’ll see on Planet 13, I actually changed it to green underlined links, so sometimes you’ll bend that line, but it’s more to show you that you want to give the user what it is that they’re used to experiencing, that they have experienced and that they’re trained to do. Predator view You can look at Predator View with the heat maps. On the left hand side, that’s the Google search results. When someone goes to Google, they ran a whole lot of tests on a whole lot of people. They got them to wear these special goggles that could match where the eyes actually went and they logged it. They made a heat map and it showed the top left hand corner is where the eye went. That’s why it is so important, and they don’t have any sponsored listings along the top, it might actually change if they had listings along the top, but the eye is going to that corner. You can see as it trails down, a lot fewer people are going down. That’s why it is important to be in position number one and number two. You’ll see worlds of difference by moving from position five up to position one or two because people aren’t looking that far down the page. 4
  • 5. I have an example of an e commerce website and I think I got these from Marketing Sherpa. They did some studies and an analysis of where the eyes go. The eyes go to the top left hand corner, even though there is no picture, that is where your eyes automatically go first. So you want to make sure in that top left hand corner, depending on what the outcome is for the page, if it’s an e commerce site, you want to put something there that they’re going to be familiar with. It might be a logo or just build those proof elements up there. Also by installing Google Analytics so you can view the site overlay, find out what people are clicking and things that they’re finding the most important, so you can just keep dragging it up into that top left hand corner because that is where they’re going to go first. The eye is also attracted to a little laptop screen. It’s not as strong as the other one, but the eye is attracted there so the text directly beneath that laptop is very important. That’s an e commerce site, but it just gives you an idea of the way the eyes are going. I'm lazy I’m lazy and you want to make everything as easy as possible and you want to remove any unnecessary steps. The more steps that you put in front of a user, that they need to take, you’re lowering your conversion rate on that page, basically. The more steps that they have to take, if they have to scroll down the page, you’re going to lose people. If the font isn’t quite right because you’ve got white text on a black background and people aren’t used to that, then you might lose them. Everything that you do, you want to make it easy to read, you want to make sure it is big enough, don’t hide things from them. I hate going to a sales page thinking I want to buy this product, I scroll down and for some reason they think they’re burying the sale price and that’s going to somehow keep me on the page? Their idea is, oh, I want them to read all the content first, I’ll let that do the selling and then once they’re sold, then I’ll mention the price. Sometimes I’ll just visit a page, I’ll scroll down straight to the price and then I’ll want to see what it is. Don’t hide it from me, make things as easy as possible. I think a few people can relate to that if you’ve been doing any internet marketing for a little while now. 5
  • 6. The other thing as well, is making sure you have a good website scent. What I mean by this is, it’s almost like you want to lead your user when they visit the web page. It’s almost like you drop some breadcrumbs and get them to follow those breadcrumbs deeper into your site. There is something for them to follow in. A user is happy to take steps, especially on an e commerce website, a user will take steps as long as by taking each step it feels like they’re getting closer and closer to their end goal. This is more from an e commerce point of view. You might start off broad. They click on their category, I want band t-shirts. Ok, that is my first step, I’ve narrowed my search. The next step, now I’ve clicked on Metallica, I’ve narrowed my search even more. Now I’m left with the final step which is a range of t-shirts for me to choose. It’s that idea, a user wants to feel like they’re making progress. If they don’t feel like they’re making progress, that’s another way that you will lose them. That applies more so to e commerce than it does to some of the other things. The not-so-secret secret formula Here’s the not-so-secret secret formula, which is just classic, if you’ve been doing any sort of copywriting work: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (AIDA). Copywriting is one of those things you should learn. It’s important to learn how to write words that sell on your website, so in part of the book there is a whole lot of headlines in there, a headline template which will help you. You can take those, model them, use them for your title tags, use them for headlines that you’re writing. I’ll talk you through this briefly. 6
  • 7. Get my attention Get my attention. The first thing you want to do to get my attention is my eye is going to get attracted to a picture when I visit this p[age. I’m talking about ‘I’ so you guys recognize that I’m your user. If I’m visiting your website, imagine you’re looking through my eyes as I’m visiting your website. The first thing I’m going to look for is some sort of picture. I’m going to look in that top left hand corner and my eye is going to go to a picture. So make sure that you use videos and also photos because that is where the eye is going to go. Also headlines are important up the top. I put video front and centre. If you’re not going to have video, the next thing important thing is to have a headline. You want something that hooks me. Don’t be cute, don’t be ambiguous, tell me straight out, here’s what I’m going to get from reading this page. You’ve got about eight seconds to win me over before I go surfing onto some other page, so you better hook me really quickly. So you’ll have the headline up the front. This comes from some of the NLP type work. You want to interrupt their pattern. Everybody is in their regular rhythms of what it is that they’re doing, their daily life and all that sort of thing. You want to try and do things and put things in place that break people’s patterns which are going to be in your video. When they start watching that video, something that immediately hooks them and gets their attention and that’s what headlines are supposed to do as well, something to get them to stick around. Question: You may have just covered it, but the newer websites where you land on the landing page and there is a video, you get the black screen and you get the little thing going around in the centre. What have you got to suggest, the eight second thing, to hold them on that page while they’re waiting for it to load? Answer: The way I’m approaching video now and it does depend on the types of sites that I’m building, a lot of what I’m now marketing is to first world people, Australia, the US and a lot of those guys have got pretty quick internet so I don’t have to worry about it as much. I think people are used to at least sticking round for a little bit when it comes to video. People are still educated that things take time to buffer. Question: Do you use, instead of having the video there starting, a clickable image that is there and will be congruent for the click? Rather start and face is urghhh. 7
  • 8. Answer: What I’m going to do is load up a few landing pages for you to show you. Again there are different styles of pages, so it depends on what your outcome is. Question: I suppose the question is, would you put an image there that would be more congruent for a click than to click through to the video? Answer: Do you mean with the video you can choose what image will display? Question: Yes. Answer: Yes, Ben does that. I think when you upload a video onto YouTube you have the ability to select which image. It’s always a good idea. People used to do those sneaky things where, because YouTube would select the exact middle moment in a video as the image that was displayed on the video. What people would do is, they would splice in a picture of a sexy girl at the exact centre moment, so that way when Google would display it, it would have the sexy girl and then the chances of getting a higher click through rate because it had the sexy girl when really you would watch it. That’s the type of thing where if I’d watched that, I would feel cheated because I would say, I was expecting a sexy girl and now I’ve got some fat, middle aged, balding guy telling me that I need to buy an e book on hemorrhoids. I haven’t met that client actually. I think that’s important though, you want to make sure that you pick the right picture. Here are a couple of different landing pages. Here’s my website and when someone comes, it is very clear what I want them to do. Watch the video. You land here and that tells them. This is more of an information based site. I’m not really looking to sell as much here. I want them to engage with the content, share it with their friends, it’s a little bit of a link bait type of thing and also I do have some ways to do some opt in and there’s a little slide up that happens at the start. This is very soft sell. 8
  • 9. Then we’ve got something a little bit more aggressive. This is my Trading Secrets Revealed. They land on the website, the eye goes to the top corner. I tried to make it a little web 2.0 because I didn’t want to look like another one of those dodgy ClickBank products and then I confront straight here. I should have a picture right there and that is something that we will definitely look at. That’s a video so it tells them exactly what to do when they get here. Then I’m also using this. This is building that proof that I was talking about. This proves that I’m not some random dude, I’ve been featured in a few different places. This is another landing page. They hit right, bang, the eye will go to the front corner, this is a better layout. In the top left hand corner you have a headline here and then go to start building my proof elements straight away. The eye is going to get drawn to that image and then I’m trying to hook them into whatever the content is. This is an opt in page where I’m trying to get someone to enter in their details. Depending on the size of your screen, you want to try and reduce the amount that people have to scroll. On this particular page, if you’re viewing it on a larger screen, you’ll actually see the free sign up, it all fits above the line, ‘above the fold’ they call it. It’s quite a small screen so you do have to scroll down a little bit. So headline, watch a video, hey, my eye gets attracted to the image. I’m going to make use of the space underneath. Hey, I’m a Metastock expert. I’m trying to build that credibility from early on and then getting them to sign up. I’ve got a few more elements that I’ll go through, so I’ll head back to the presentation. Obviously e commerce is a different ball game as well. It does depend on what the outcome is for that particular page. If you follow these guidelines, make sure you get someone’s attention first, and then the next thing you want to do, is keep my interest. 9
  • 10. Keep my interest I used to do very long form sales copy where I would write these massive long sales letters and I think everybody is getting tired of them now. That’s why we start to try and embed video a lot more. I’m going for a lot shorter copy and I’m using the video to sell. The long form sales copy, there is big long sales pages where I’m trying to sell something; that content is still there but it is now in video format. Then I have a much more compressed version of the content itself. If you have a look at Trading Secrets Revealed again, this still is a very long page you can see, but the copy, video, proof building, mini sales letter, you’ll find my book. Hey, my eye gets attracted to the book, automatically beneath, click here to buy. That’s all by design because the eye is going to go there, and hey, click here for an instant download. Of course I want an instant download. Then we have some extra bonuses and add to cart. This relative to some of my older pages, and this is selling an information based type product, is very much shorter. The remaining two thirds of the page are testimonials, testimonials. That’s what I’m doing now. A lot shorter copy and trying to be a lot heavier on testimonials which I probably need to reassess given the whole FTC recent changes but I haven’t quite got that far yet. You want to minimize the distractions so when people actually get to the page, if you know what the outcome is for that person to take, minimize the distractions. If you’re an e commerce website, don’t put AdSense all over it because you think you’re going to make $2 or $3 extra from AdSense earnings. You’re sending the person off to your competitor. 10
  • 11. I, as a smart competitor, what I would do if you were an e commerce site and you were running ads, I would come to your website, and I would say, right, they are obviously going to be attracting my perfect target market. You go into the Google AdWords and you can do content placement targeting so you can target your ads to appear on certain pages and I would write something like, Buy your better band t-shirts here. Don’t buy from this website. or whatever and then I’d have my URL. I can speak right to that user because you can very much target those ads. So don’t put anything that can distract the user and just make sure that’s really clearly focused. Build my desire So first step is get my attention. Second step keep my interest by having the video to engage me, shorter copy, minimizing the distractions, tell me what it is that I’m going to get from it. Then you want to build my desire. The way that you build my desire is by giving me bullets. Again these really long form sales letters don’t work quite the way that they used to. You want to put little nuggets of what it is that I’m going to get out of subscribing to your service, opting in. The use of bullets which speaks very much to the user and you want to do it in a benefits versus features. Let’s say that you’ve got a product and you’ve got an e commerce website and underneath you’ve got the little description that explains what it is. Let’s say that you’re selling tyres. Rather than telling me that you’ve got these metal reinforced tyres, you need to then follow that up with what the benefit is. You’ll get these metal reinforced tyres which means you stop quicker in the wet and save your child’s life. That’s more important and more powerful to me than, hey, I’ve got metal reinforced tyres. What’s in it for me, WIIFM? You want to make sure that you target to make sure that the person gets out of it whatever they most want. Then as part of building the desire, show me proof. I want to see a demonstration of your product, I want to see testimonials on your website. I want to see different logos on your website. How do you build proof? Logos like you saw on my website ‘as featured in’. All of that are things that you can’t fake. 11
  • 12. Basically what I try and do when I build proof, that’s why I put so many things on my website like, this is more about, but I‘ve got a section, my ‘About Us’ page. I’ll tell my story on the About Us page and if anyone’s actually read it, you read it and say, you can’t fake that sort of thing. I’m being so open, so transparent and I’m trying to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I know what I’m talking about. Lights, camera, action! The final part is, lights, camera, action. The final piece of the puzzle is you’ve got my attention, you’ve got my interest, you’ve now built the desire. The final thing that you need to do is to get people to take action. People are quietly sitting there waiting for you to tell them what to do. A lot of people just don’t know what to do. You need to explicitly tell them. You say, after they’ve read all this and they’ve got down to the bottom, you’re next step is, provide them a call to action, a reason to act. ‘You need to go ahead and click here to buy now.’ ‘You need to enter your details below and download the free report.’ Tell them exactly what to do. Make me a guarantee as well. This depends on what the niche is. If it’s info products, you definitely should do something like 100% money back guarantee. This comes back to what I talked about very early on at the start of the day, is making sure that you’re providing a good value quality product that you can stand behind. Don’t promote rubbish. If you don’t believe in it, then you shouldn’t be selling it. You should be confident and comfortable to offer a guarantee. I know my material is good, so everything I stand behind. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, I’ll give you your money back because I know that material is good material. So you want to make sure you offer something as bold as that to someone. Sometimes you can even be a little bit outrageous to get someone’s attention. On my Trading Secrets Revealed site, before we updated, I used to have 200% guarantee. It’s a digital product and the way I justified it, in hindsight I changed it because I wasn’t too sure if I felt comfortable doing it, but I said 200%. You can download the product and I’ll refund your money and you can keep the product afterwards because it is a downloadable product. That was my 200% guarantee that they got to keep the product. Most likely they were going to keep it anyway. 12
  • 13. Just make me a real bold guarantee. This comes from copywriting material and studying Dan Kennedy and all those guys. Some of them get even more outrageous, like if you are going to set up weddings or things like that, you put together a fantastic guarantee where you say, we guarantee to give you the best wedding, the best shoot or whatever, you end up delivering them and we’ll hand you the DVD at the end and you’ll be so happy and overjoyed. If you’re not then we’ll refund your money completely. Sure you’ll get one or two people who will ask for the refund, but it will be offset by the increased number of people who will take action based on the reason that they were sitting on the edge and they were tossing up between one or two other websites and you said, if you’re not happy, then you can ask for a money back guarantee. Then you’ve got a page with a hundred different testimonials saying how awesome you are. As I mentioned, the final thing you want to do is tell them what to do. That is really key and it needs to be in all your communication methods and Ben hinted at that as well. At the end of a video, tell them what to do. Do you want to watch the rest of this video? Head over to…. In an email, at the end of an email, you will always find, here’s what to do next, bang, and I’ll tell the person what it is that they need to do to take that next action. Head tag tips Now headline tags and tips. This is to do with landing page optimization, so we’ll talk a little bit about now writing from a conversion point of view. We talked all about SEO and that’s all well and good and we can incorporate that, but your titles also need to capture someone’s attention. Typically I’ll go between three to six words long and you want to make sure that it really hits and speaks to the person. You’ll put yourself in the shoes of the searcher, look through their eyes, imagine what it is they’re thinking as they’re typing it in and speak to that person. I’ve got some suggestions on that. For example ‘Looking for the Best Mortgage?’ ‘Download your Free Trading Systems Here’, ‘Health Insurance: Get Expert Advice.’ So the keywords there are, for the first one it’s best mortgage. What am I doing? I’m speaking right to the person here. They’ve typed in ‘best mortgage’. Looking for a Best Mortgage? Why yes, I am, that’s why I wrote it into the search engine. That talks straight to me. 13
  • 14. ‘Download Your Free Trading Systems Here’, someone has typed in ‘trading systems’. I get the opportunity to download it? Ok, right here, right now, click, go visit. ‘Health Insurance’, of course if I want health insurance, I want expert advice. Copywriting is one of those things that you can spend a lifetime trying to learn. It is constantly evolving, people do, so I gave you that swipe file to help get you started. Just remember as well, they’ll appear in the search engine results page, so you just want to make sure that because they’re appearing there, that title tag for your page will appear in the search results, so it’s really important that you make sure that it will convert. When people get there, they’ll read it and they’ll want to click through. That’s really key. You can be in position number 3 and still out pull position number 1 because you talked straight to the user. Once you start to combine the things of position number 1 and well written, forget about it. Head tag tips – part 2 Then we’ve got the head tag information again. The head tag information is just the information that happens behind the scenes. Pass this onto your web guy and he will be able to help you if you’re not sure. The meta description, the description should be selling. A lot of people don’t optimize their description, but that meta description is what is going to appear in your search results underneath the title. I usually like to ask a question in my title and then answer that question in the description. So. ‘Looking for the Best Mortgages?...X Mortgages can Provide the Best Mortgages You’re looking for’ Basically you want to have the question up the top and then try and answer it underneath. That’s a good way to do it. There are plenty of different ways to skin a cat though. Here’s an example for one of the ones I use for my Metastock website. Someone types in ‘metastock formula’ which is the niche where I first got started in Metastock. Next to the Metastock website, we’re pretty much the definitive place for that particular niche. ‘Metastock formula can help you identify profitable trading opportunities if you know how to use it. Grab free practical Metastock professional tips and tricks. Click here’. 14
  • 15. You know what that ‘Click here’ is right here at the end? That is a call to action. I’m telling them what to do. The last thing after they read that is left in their mind. ‘Click here’. I’m telling them what to do. Always make sure you tell the user what it is that they should be doing next. Obviously you want to interweave your keywords and so on into the description. On site copy The next thing we’re going to talk about is on site copy. Make sure that you keep your paragraphs short and very much to the point. People don’t like reading those big long blocks of copy. You just get lost in the copy. So you want to make sure that you break it up into these little sections. If you break it up into little sections, it will be much easier to digest. Be simple, clear, direct, no ambiguities, no mixed meanings. When it comes to writing copy on a website, you want to write it to an eighth grade level because you want to make sure that the user can understand it. Don’t assume things. Don’t think, oh, they should know this, or they should have heard of that analogy or they should have this. It’s not about you, it’s about your user, so always think through their eyes and make it as easy as you can for them. The ambiguity, is something like, at the end of an article, you might write ‘How did you find this website?’ because you’re encouraging someone to the go ahead and post a comment on your blog. ‘How did you find it? Did you like it? Post it over to your friends.’ The ambiguity there is, or mixed meaning is, do you mean how did I enjoy it, or how did I locate it? Did I enjoy it? Ok, well I found it on Google. That was just trying to give you an example of those ambiguities. Where you can, you want to be as clear as possible and not have any room for confusion. Any time there is any room for confusion, that’s when you .lose people. You need to be clear, direct, to the point. Look, my time is valuable, I’m going to move on and let you win me in eight seconds and tell me what it is that I want to achieve. It’s never about you, it’s always about the user. 15
  • 16. Dave's secret Dave’s secret for writing headlines. If you’re not a headline guru, here’s the hot tip. Head over to Look at headlines and bullets. This is the easiest way for you to start to become a copywriting whiz overnight. I can’t remember where I learnt this one, but I rarely hear it spoken about. Let’s just say you’ve got a website about golf. Go to Amazon, Zappos, eBay and a whole lot of different websites that are leaders in their field are testing fanatics. If you go over there, copy what they’re doing and you will be well on your way because they’re doing all the testing for you and you can just copy and paste it. If you’re building an e commerce site, you should head over to Zappos and model what it is that they’re doing for your own niche. When it comes to writing copy, these guys, Amazon is only looking to display the most relevant information to the user when they type it in. So they know what books are selling, and books are a fantastic way for testing of a headline. Here’s someone’s book: ‘Zen Golf: Mastering the Mental Game.’ That right there could be a fantastic title because Amazon is telling me that out of all of the books on Amazon, this is probably their top selling book. They’re only going to rank the top selling things at the top. People have voted with their dollars. So this is a fantastic research tool and look at the copy here. ‘A revolutionary method proved for the weekend golfer to significantly improve your distance and accuracy from day one.’ That right there is just a gold nugget. You can take that, that could be incorporated into your website. That could be part of the descriptions that you write for your YouTube things. It can help you write title tags for your videos, for your own website. It can help you do bullets. 16
  • 17. Then you can dig even deeper. Amazon is nice enough to display the back cover of the book. A lot of books have the bullet points on the back. These book companies are out there spending millions of dollars with their copywriters to research. It’s known, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but most people judge a book by its cover. So what book sellers do is, they want to make sure that they hook you on looking at the book. You look at the front cover, it needs to grab your attention. That title tag will grab your attention. Then on the back cover they will try and draw you in with their bullet points and then hopefully you’ll go and buy it. If you’re writing copy for your landing page, here are some ideas to kick start you writing copy. ‘Focus on changes that most positively affect results.’ Then there is a little bit of a blurb. Some books you will see on the back of them they’ve got a whole lot of bullet points. These are things that these book companies have researched, to find here are the most important bits of copy. This is a very easy way. You can take that copy, rework it and you know what’s most important to the market. Question: You can also use that if you use the Table of Contents for keyword research as well. Answer: Brilliant, so that is a really good tip. So you can then look at the Table of Contents because they’ll include that in those pages. Let’s say you’re creating a book or something like that as well, it tells you the most important component that you should be including in your book. Someone’s out there and has done all this work for you and they’ve already done the research. So, excellent tip there. Start building your list from day one, that’s another hot tip. A lot of people don’t build from day one. You should be building a data base. Get yourself AWeber, get some sort of name capture form. It’s important that you start to build the list from day one because then you can continue to market them. Head over to Melbourne SEO Services, the top right hand corner, it says ‘Download you free e book.’ Click. On the home page, there is video at the top, there are bullet points to hook them and draw them in. Underneath that then I tell them what to do. ‘Enter your name and details to download the free report.’ I’m building a list and I did that from day one. 17
  • 18. No matter what it is that you’re doing, if you can build a list, that is a really good idea. Think about how to attract someone into build that list though. We were doing some work with Ryan, Ryan’s got a site that he’s working on and it was to do with Bright, Victoria and the high country. We decided that we were going to try and build a list right from day one. At first, we thought, hey, should we build a newsletter? The idea was to get tips on where to stay and what to eat and what to do when you’re in Bright. Then we thought, no, thinking about that user, what is the user doing? The chances of someone going to visit Bright, it’s not like they want weekly updates on what it is that you’re doing. Ryan might really like Bright, but a lot of other people might not necessarily want to be doing that. They’re visiting for the weekend and they want a quick fix, solve it now kind of situation. We changed it to make it five places or five walking tracks that you must visit when you’re in Bright. That’s like that instant talking to the person rather than going for that tips and tricks. So start building a list from day one and proof in what you say. That’s why I do on, I’ve got the story on the About Us page. I do a lot of testimonials and a lot of logos where I can. Copycat Copycat success. Head over to Trading Secrets Revealed, Planet 13 or really go to the big boys because I’m just taking a lot of the things I get from them. Head over to Amazon, head over to Zappos, head over to eBay, see what they’re doing, they’re doing the testing and then you just go and replicate that. 18
  • 19. Tracking, tracking, tracking Tracking, tracking, you can’t improve what you don’t measure so just make sure that you install Google Analytics early from day one. Set goals, monitor conversion rates and always be split testing. Some of this I already talked about. So you just want to make sure from the get go that you install Google Analytics. It just makes things a whole lot easier. You can then start to analyze what your users are doing when they get to the website. The main things that I look at when I’m looking at Google Analytics is, I’ll look at how many users are coming to the web page and I’ll also look at where they’re coming from and the bounce rate. Forty per cent plus is ok, I thought I’d give you some ideas. Some people when they see their bounce rate they say, oh it is at 40% or 50%, that can get pretty scary as a web person if you build the website, because you’re sitting there thinking, half the people who come to my website just go, straight away. That’s just the way it is. If you think about the way you search, how many pages do you just land on and then almost instantaneously leave? We’ve got time on page as well. I usually get about one to two minutes. Conversion rates it will depend. I try to target 18%-20% for opt in if I’m trying to drive someone specific to a landing page to get them to enter their details. If it’s something like a long form sales copy and I’m selling an info product, I try to get it up to 1% - 2%, somewhere around that. Then if it is an e commerce site, our one doesn’t convert as highly as it should but ½%, 1% is somewhere that you would look at for there. 19
  • 20. 80/20 rule The final part of this one, the 80:20, what to focus on? Some things are really hard to outsource. Copy is one of them. Writing copy and writing that sales message. You as the business owner, when you think of what it is that you do in your business, you really understand your market the best. You can get in the mind of what it is that they’re thinking about so you need to be the one who is writing that sales message. Each page should have one outcome. Don’t confuse the user, make it as easy as possible for them. Know what that outcome is and then you can make them take that action. Every page is a landing page, so you just want to make sure that you build it as such. Have that in mind because 50% of all your traffic is going to be going to those deep pages. So every page should be a landing page. Copycat success and build a list from day one. 20