clinical symptoms surgery internal medicine emergency department ed er emergency causes imaging treatment investigations gastrointestinal scenarios management radiology ct scan pathophysiology meniere's disease evaluation diagnosis physical examination cardiac psychosis mental psychiatry obg gynecology internal medidince indications limitations of pulse oximetry normal values other respiratory lung grades overview clubbing pulse oximetry pulse pediatrics infections hormonal genetic ketosis medicine background prognosis complications dehydration vomiting pregnant pregnancy hyperemesis gravidarum obstetrics x-ray xray ct algorithm stone in the kidney colicky pain stones renal colic urosurgery urology kidney kidneys renal work up differential diagnosis dd history history taking headache aortic aneurysm mesenteric ischemia gi tract volvulus mi case surgical acute abdominal pain acute abdomen causality emergency room signs signs and symptoms anhidrosis heat stroke heat exhaustion syncope heat syncope heat cramps heat edema heat rash spectrum hyperthermia heat related illness heat related disorders mannitol ict increased intracranial tension increased intracranial pressure icp high blood pressure stages of stroke mri hemorrhagic thrombosis embolic ischemic stroke neurosurgery neurology stroke vestibular neuritis otoscopy epley's manoeuvre peripheral vs central vertigo inner ear dizzy ent ear anatomy idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops benign paroxysmal positional vertigo bppv vértigo congenital frontalis muller's muscle levator palpebrae superioris lymphatics vessles muscles nerves layers anatomy of the eyelid ptosis eyelid ophthalmologist ophthalmology ultrasonography us ultrasound progesterone cervical pessary cervical cerclage prom diastolic systolic blood pressure edema jvp findings ecg left heart failure right heart failure chf congestive heart failure cardiology heart heart failure tangentiality non-linear thought pattern circumstantial speech bipolar circumstantiality loosening of association word salad schizophrenia psychology formal thought disorders disorders form of thought difference psychological somatoform disorders malingering factitious disorder clinical decision making preterm labor cervix cervical insufficiency cervical incompetence
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