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How	far	are	the	Nordic	countries	in	using	ICT	to	teach	children	in	
primary	and	lower	secondary	school	21st	Century	Skills?	
Ole	Sejer	Iversen	&	Mikkel	Ask	Rasmussen	
Aarhus	University,	Denmark	
January	2016
How	far	are	the	Nordic	countries	in	using	ICT	to	teach	children	in	
primary	and	lower	secondary	school	21st	Century	Skills?	
September	–	December	2015	
Desk	Research	+	QuesGonnaire	Study	+	Expert	Interviews
What	do	we	talk	about	when	we	talk	about	21st	Century	Skills?
A	Working	DefiniGon	of	21st	Century	Skills	from	OECD	
Those	skills	and	competencies	young	people	will	be	
required	to	have	in	order	to	be	effec:ve	workers	and	
ci:zens	in	the	knowledge	society	of	the	21st	century.	
Source:	OECD	CERI	(2009)	21st	century	skills	and	competences	in	OECD	countries	(ppt),	available	from:
Okay,	so	what	skills	and	competencies	are	required	to	be	effecGve	workers	and	
ciGzens	in	the	21st	century?
There	does	not	seem	to	be	one	single,	agreed	upon	definiGon	of	21st	Century	
Skills	–	several	frameworks	exist	and	mulGple	voices	shape	the	conversaGon.
Documentation: Overview
5	of	the	Frameworks	and	DefiniGons	that	Shape	the	ConversaGon	
Several	defini,ons	and	frameworks	exist,	here	are	5	of	the	frameworks	and	defini,ons	that	shape	the	conversa,on	
The	KSAVE	(Knowledge-Skills-AYtudes-Values-Ethics)	Model	
Developed	and	proposed	by	Assessment	and	Teaching	of	21st	Century	Skills,	a	research	project	focused	on	defining	21st	century	skills	and	developing	ways	to	
measure	them	driven	by	the	University	of	Melbourne	and	funded/sponsored	by	Cisco,	Intel	and	MicrosoW.	
The	6C’s		
Developed	and	proposed	by	Michael	Fullan,	a	very	acYve	Canadian	educaYonal	researcher	and	reformist	(and	adapted	an	promoted	by	several	organizaYons	(ex.	
New	Pedagogies	for	Deep	Learning	–	A	Global	Partnership)	and	in	various	publicaYons	by	Michael	Fullan	and	others).	
ISTE	Standards	Students	
Authors:	Developed	and	proposed	by	InternaYonal	Society	for	Technology	in	EducaYon	(ISTE),	a	nonprofit	membership	organizaYon	serving	educators	and	
educaYon	leaders	commiaed	to	empowering	learners	in	a	connected	world,	sponsored	by	MicrosoW,	Samsung	Business,	SMART	Technologies	etc.	
P21	Framework	for	21st	Century	Skills	(including	The	4Cs)	
Developed	and	proposed	by	Partnership	for	21st	Century	Skills	(P21),	a	naYonal	(US)	nonprofit	organizaYon	with	the	mission	to	serve	as	a	catalyst	to	posiYon	at	the	
center	of	US	K-12	educaYon;	partners	and	members	include	+16	state	partners	and	companies	like	Adope	Systems	Inc.,	Apple,	Cisco,	LEGO,	MicrosoW,	Pearson,	
Walt	Disney	Company	and	many	more.	
6	Rubrics	of	21st	Century	Learning	
Developed	by	SRI	InternaYonal	for	(or	in)	InnovaYve	Teaching	and	Learning	(ITL)	Research,	a	research	program	designed	to	invesYgate	the	factors	that	promote	the	
transformaYon	of	teaching	pracYces	and	the	impact	those	changes	have	on	students’	learning	outcomes,	sponsored	by	MicrosoW	Partners	in	Learning.
Source:	ILT	Research	–	MicrosoW	Partners	in	Learning	(2012)	21st	Century	Learning	Design	AcYvity	Rubrics,	available:	www.itlresearch,com		
ITL	Research:	6	Rubrics	that	Represents	Important	Skills	for	Student	to	Develop	
A	Working	Defini,on	for	the	Purpose	of	this	Presenta,on	
This	guide	describes	six	rubrics,	each	of	which	represents	important	skills	for	students	to	develop:	
•  CollaboraGon	
•  Knowledge	ConstrucGon	
•  Self-RegulaGon		
•  Real-World	Problem-Solving	and	InnovaGon	
•  The	Use	of	ICT	for	Learning		
•  Skilled	CommunicaGon		
Source:	ILT	Research	–	MicrosoW	Partners	in	Learning	(2012)	21st	Century	Learning	Design	AcYvity	Rubrics,	available:	www.itlresearch,com
Is	ICT	available?
The	Nordic	countries	compete	(with	each	other)	to	be	best	in	class	in	the	EU	
when	it	comes	to	provision	of	ICT	infrastructure	in	schools	–	the	technological	
infrastructure	seems	to	be	in	place.	
Source:	European	Schoolnet	(2013)	Survey	of	Schools:	ICT	in	EducaYon	–	Benchmarking	Access,	Use	and	Aitudes	to	Technology	in	Europe’s	Schools
The	Digitally	Equipped	School	
Survey	of	Schools:	ICT	in	EducaYon,	SecYon	1:	Infrastructure	Provision	
Source:	European	Schoolnet	(2013)	Survey	of	Schools:	ICT	in	EducaYon	–	Benchmarking	Access,	Use	and	Aitudes	to	Technology	in	Europe’s	Schools
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.1	NaYonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy.	
Question 2.1: Questionnaire Study
Does	your	country	have	a	21st	Century	Skills	in	educaGon	policy	for	primary	and	
lower	secondary	school	(yes/no)?
Skills	and	objecGves	associated	with	21st	Century	Skills	can	be	found	in	naGonal	
policy	regulaGons	and	guidelines	in	all	the	Nordic	countries,	though	they	are	not	
named	21st	Century	Skills.	
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.1	NaYonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy.
Nordic@BETT,	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.1	NaYonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy	
Denmark	 Finland	 Norway	 Sweden	
Insert:	Answer:	QuesYon	2.2:	
Den	danske	folkeskolelov	opererer	
ikke	med	begrebet	21st	Century	Skills	
(21st	CS).	Men	i	tre	tværgående	
emner	’It	og	medier’,	'InnovaYon	og	
entreprenørskab'	og	'Elevernes	alsi-
dige	udvikling'	som	skal	integreres	i	
alle	fag	på	alle	klassetrin	er	der	flere	
elementer	fra	21st	CS.	Fx	i	det	
tværgående	emne	”It	og	medier”	
fremhæves,	at	en	elev	i	løbet	af	et	
undervisningsforløb	skal	kunne	
indtage	forskellige	posiYoner.	Disse	
benævnes	som:	
•  Eleven	som	kriYsk	undersøger		
•  Eleven	som	analyserende	
•  Eleven	som	målreaet	og	kreaYv	
•  Eleven	som	ansvarlig	deltager.	
På	denne	side	er	en	nærmere	
beskrivelse	af	hver	af	de	fire	
elevposiYoner	(see	link).	Ud	fra	
beskrivelserne	af	elevposiYonerne	i	
vejledningen	er	det	nærliggende	at	
koble	dem	Yl	disse	21st	CS	
Yes.	This	requires	a	small	introducYon	
in	our	educaYon	system:	
The	overall	distribuYon	of	lesson	
hours	for	basic	educaYon	and	the	
minimum	number	of	lessons	for	core	
subjects	during	basic	educaYon	are	
decided	by	the	Government.	The	
distribuYon	of	lesson	hours	sYpulate	
such	maaers	as	the	core	subjects	
taught	to	all	pupils,	and	the	
distribuYon	of	teaching	hours	
between	various	subjects.	
The	naYonal	core	curriculum	is	
determined	by	the	Finnish	NaYonal	
Board	of	EducaYon.	It	includes	the	
objecYves	and	core	contents	of	
different	subjects,	as	well	as	the	
principles	of	pupil	assessment,	
special-needs	educaYon,	pupil	welfare	
and	educaYonal	guidance.	The	
principles	of	a	good	learning	
environment,	working	approaches	as	
well	as	the	concept	of	learning	are	
also	addressed	in	the	core	curriculum.	
The	present	naYonal	core	curriculum	
for	basic	educaYon	was	confirmed	in	
January	2004	and	it	was	introduced	in	
schools	in	August	2006.	The	new	
distribuYon	of	lesson	hours	was	
confirmed	in	2012	and	the	new	core	
curriculum	in	December	2014.	
No,	21st	Century	Skills	is	not	an	
explicit	part	of	the	educaYon	policy	in	
Norway.	You	can	sYll	find	parallel	
objecYves,	and	you	can	find	aspects	
of	the	21st	Century	Skills	in	the	
Norwegian	educaYon	policy.	Though	
they	will	not	be	named	as	21st	Century	
It	is	important	to	noYce	that	having	
21st	Century	Skills	as	a	part	of	
Norwegian	educaYon	policy	would	be	
difficult	under	the	current	curriculum	
reform.	The	current	reform	(see	link)	
focuses	on	outcome-based	objecYves.	
These	state	clearly	the	competence	
the	students	should	acquire.	It	says	
liale	about	the	learning	processes	
that	leads	to	the	student	acquiring	
that	competence.	The	current	laws	
and	regulaYons	give	the	schools	and	
local	government	the	authority	to	
choose	how	they	teach	their	students.	
As	21st	Century	Skills	also	says	a	lot	of	
how	schools	should	teach	their	
students,	it	would	go	against	the	
current	autonomy	of	the	schools	and	
local	government	to	implement	21st	
Century	Skills	on	a	naYonal	level.	On	
the	other	hand	it	also	makes	it	
possible	for	local	authoriYes	and	
school	to	teach	21st	Century	Skills	if	
they	choose.	There	are	447	local	
authoriYes,	and	we	do	not	know	if	
No,	the	concept	of	21st	Century	Skills	
is	not	used	in	naYonal	policy	
(steering)	documents	but	as	you	can	
see	most	of	them	are	addressed	in	
the	above	cited	part	from	the	naYonal	
curriculum	and	in	other	parts	of	the	
same	document.	Everybody	student	
should	be	able	to	use	modern	
technology	as	a	tool	in	the	search	for	
knowledge,	communicaYon,	creaYvity	
and	learning,	
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.1	NaYonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy,	Norway	and	Sweden.	
Word	count	in	the	curriculum:	
CreaGvity	(26)	and	InnovaGon	(1)	
CriGcal	(28)	Thinking	
Problems	Solving	(8)	and	Decision	Making	(17)	
Learning-To-Learn	(0)and	MetacogniGon	(0)	
However	lifelong	learning	and	equivalents	are	menGon,	as	reflecGon	about	individual	learning	
CommunicaGon	(154)	and	CollaboraGon	(expressed	but	using	different	vocabulary)	
InformaGon	(276)	and	ICT	Literacy	(term	not	used)	
Local	and	Global	CiGzenship	(3)	
Personal	and	Social	Responsibility	(35	but	from	very	different	perspecGves)	
The	parts	of	the	21st	Century	Skills	that	are	implemented	in	the	curriculum,	are	
implemented	as	the	5	basic	skills	and	the	core	curriculum	(…)	Though	it	will	
oGen	be	a	maHer	for	interpreta:on,	as	they	are	a	part	of/hidden	in	the	
outcome-based	objec:ves.		
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.1	NaYonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy,	Norway	and	Sweden.	
2.1	NaGonal/Regional	21st	Century	Skills	Policy	
Does	your	country	have	a	21st	Century	Skills	in	educaYon	policy	for	primary	and	lower	secondary	school	(yes/no)?	If	so,	please	provide	a	brief	introducYon	
indicaYng	the	objecYves,	Ymeframe	and	strategies	for	implementaYon.
Question 3.3 : Questionnaire Study
What	targets	are	set	for	students’	21st	Century	Skills?	
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	3.1	21st	Century	Skills	in	the	Curriculum,	QuesYon	3.3	Students’	21st	Century	Skills,	and	QuesYon	3.4	Assessment	of	21st	Century	Skills	
Question 3.1: Questionnaire Study
How	are	21st	Century	Skills	integrated	into	the	curriculum	for	primary	and	lower	
secondary	school	in	your	country?	
Question 3.4: Questionnaire Study
How	are	students’	21st	Century	Skills	currently	being	assessed	in	primary	and	
lower	secondary	school?
In	the	Nordic	countries,	21st	Century	Skills	are	integrated	in	a	cross-curricular	
way,	however,	there	seems	to	be	differences	in	how	it’s	done.	
DocumentaYon:	Nordic@BETT	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	3.1	21st	Century	Skills	in	the	Curriculum,	QuesYon	3.3	Students’	21st	Century	Skills,	and	QuesYon	3.4	Assessment	of	21st	Century	Skills	
The	naGonal	curricula	in	the	Nordic	countries	are	goal-based.	Targets	for	
students’	21st	Century	Skills	are	set	and	defined	as	part	of	the	goals	for	each	
21st	Century	Skills	are	assessed	by	the	teachers	as	part	of	the	subject-based	
VersaGle	Competencies	
K1	 Capacity	to	think	and	learn	
K2	 Cultural	and	CommunicaYve	Competence	
K3	 Everyday	Competence	
K4	 MulY	Literacy	
K5	 Digital	Competence	
K6	 Work-Life	Competence	and	Entrepreneurship	
K7	 Capacity	to	ParYcipate	in	,	Influence	and	Contribute	to	a	Sustainable	Future	
Source.	Utbildningsstyrelsen	(2014)	Grunderna	För	läroplanen	för	den	grundläggende	utbildningen,	p.20-25,	p.	375,	and	p.	395,.	
Mångsidig	Kompetens	as	goals	of	educaGon	in	Finland	
Versa,le	Competencies	in	our	transla,on	
Goals:	MathemaGcs:	Year	7-9	
Goals	of	Teaching:	 Content:	 Competence:	
M4:	 encourage	the	student	to	get	experience	in	expressing	him-/herself	accurately	and	
mathemaYcally	both	verbally	and	in	wriYng	
11-16	 K1,	K2,	K4,	K5	
Goals:	Chemistry:	Year	7-9	
Goals	of	Teaching:	 Content:	 Competence:	
M8:	 guide	the	student	to	perceive	how	chemistry	is	used	in	technology	and	to	parYcipate	in	creat-
ing,	planning,	developing	and	applying	soluYons	that	includes	use	of	chemistry	in	collaboraYon	
with	others	
11-16	 K2,	K3,	K5
Question: Questionnaire Study
How	are	responsibiliGes	for	21st	Century	Skills	in	educaGon	in	primary	and	lower	
secondary	school	shared	in	your	country?	Who	are	the	main	actors	and	what	
are	their	responsibiliGes?	
DocumentaYon:	Country	Reports	on	ICT	in	EdcuaYon	(2015)	(2011)	published	by	European	Schoolnet,	SecYon	2.2	ResponsibiliYes	
DocumentaYon:	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.3	ResponsibiliYes	for	21st	Century	Skills,	QuesYon	2.5	ResponsibiliYes	for	ICT	for	21st	Century	Skills
In	the	Nordic	countries,	the	responsibiliGes	for	21st	Century	Skills	in	primary	and	
lower	secondary	school	are	shared	between	state,	municipaliGes,	schools	and	
teachers.	The	autonomy	of	municipaliGes,	schools	and	teachers	is	emphasized.	
DocumentaYon:	Country	Reports	on	ICT	in	EdcuaYon	(2015)	(2011)	published	by	European	Schoolnet,	SecYon	2.2	ResponsibiliYes	
DocumentaYon:	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.3	ResponsibiliYes	for	21st	Century	Skills,	QuesYon	2.5	ResponsibiliYes	for	ICT	for	21st	Century	Skills
Country	Reports	on	ICT	in	EdcuaYon	(2015)	(2011)	published	by	European	Schoolnet,	SecYon	2.2	ResponsibiliYes	
QuesYonnaire	Study:	Nordic@BETT,		SecYon	2.3	ResponsibiliYes	for	21st	Century	Skills	
Denmark	 Finland	 Norway	 Sweden	
Da	vi	i	folkeskoleloven	ikke	opererer	
med	begrebet	21st	Century	Skills	
følger	ansvarsfordeling	det,	som	alYd	
•  FolkeYnget	vedtager	en	folkesko-
lelov,	hvor	kommunerne	har	an-
svaret	for	at	Ylpasse	de	vejled-
ninger,	der	er	udstedt	af	Ministe-
•  Skolelederen	har	ansvaret	for	at	
de	enkelte	lærere	følger	vejled-
ningerne	i	klassen.		
•  Den	enkelte	faglærer	har	ansvaret	
for	at	it	anvendes	i	undervisningen	
i	overensstemmelse	med	det	
pågældende	fags	mål	og	som	
beskrevet	i	vejledningen	Yl	det	
tværgående	tema	om	it	og	medier.	
QuesYonnaire	Study,	SecYon2.5	
Same	as	above.	ICT	is	not	a	separate	
subject	in	Finnish	basic	educaYon,	but	
transversal	competencies	(including	
ICT	competence)	is	distributed	within	
all	subjects.	
At	naYonal	level:	NaYonal	Board	of	
•  Sets	out	the	NaYonal	Core	
•  Manages	funding	for	teacher	
training	programs,	infrastructure	
projects	and	overall	
implementaYon	of	the	core	
Regional	level:	municipaliYes	(ca.	98	
%	of	pupils),	university	training	
schools	and	private	insYtuYons:	
•  Set	out	local	curriculums	which	
derives	from	the	naYonal	core	
•  Employer	of	teaching	staff	
•  Typically	administers	ICT	
•  Decides	upon	schools	hours	for	
children,	deriving	from	naYonal	
Local:	Schools	and	teachers	
•  School	schedule	allocates	working	
•  Teaching	material	acquisiYons	are	
typically	made	on	school	level	
The	Ministry	of	EducaYon	and	
Research	has	the	overall	responsibility	
for	the	administraYon	of	the	
educaYonal	system	and	for	
implemenYng	naYonal	educaYonal	
The	Directorate	for	EducaYon	and	
Training	is	the	execuYve	organ	of	the	
Ministry	and	is	responsible	for	the	
development	of	primary	and	secon-
dary	educaYon.	
In	each	of	Norway's	19	counYes,	the	
County	Governor	represents	the	
central	government	at	regional	level,	
contribuYng	to	the	implementaYon	of	
naYonal	educaYon	policies	in	schools	
at	all	levels.	The	County	Governor	
ensures	that	appropriate	schooling	is	
provided	for	young	people	in	
compliance	with	regulaYons,	and	also	
ensures	the	provision	of	adequate	
adult	educaYon	faciliYes.		
MunicipaliYes	are	responsible	for	the	
running	and	administraYon	of	primary	
and	lower	secondary	schools,	while	
counYes	are	in	charge	of	upper	
secondary	schools.	This	includes	ICT	
infrastructure,	access	to	digital	
learning	resources	and	local	strategies	
regarding	in-service	training	and	
school	improvement	for	ICT.	Part	of	
Documentation: Questionnaire
2.3	ResponsibiliGes	for	21st	Century	Skills	
How	are	responsibiliYes	for	for	21st	Century	Skills	in	educaYon	in	primary	and	lower	secondary	school	shared	in	your	country?	Who	are	the	main	actors	and	what	
are	their	responsibiliYes?	
At	na:onal	level:	Na:onal	Board	of	Educa:on	
•  Sets	out	the	Na:onal	Core	Curriculum	
•  Manages	funding	for	teacher	training	programs,	infrastructure	projects	
and	overall	implementa:on	of	the	core	curriculum	
Regional	level:	municipali:es	(ca.	98	%	of	pupils),	university	training	
schools	and	private	ins:tu:ons:	
•  Set	out	local	curriculums	which	derives	from	the	na:onal	core	curriculum	
•  Employer	of	teaching	staff	
•  Typically	administers	ICT	infrastructure	
•  Decides	upon	schools	hours	for	children,	deriving	from	na:onal	
Local:	Schools	and	teachers	
•  School	schedule	allocates	working	hours		
•  Teaching	material	acquisi:ons	are	typically	made	on	school	level	
•  Teachers	are	very	autonomous	in	deciding	how	to	implement	the	local	
curriculum	and	how	to	organize	assessment	
QuesYonnaire	Study:	Finland	
SecYon2.5,	ResponsibiliYes	for	ICT	for	21st	Century	Skills	
The	Finnish	educa:on	system	
is	completely	decentralized.	
European	Schoolnet	ICT	in	EducaYon	Country	Report	Finland	
SecYon	2.2	ResponsibiliYes	
DocumentaYon:	Country	Reports	on	ICT	in	EdcuaYon	(2015)	(2011)	published	by	European	Schoolnet,	SecYon	2.2	ResponsibiliYes	
DocumentaYon:	QuesYonnaire	Study,	QuesYon	2.3	ResponsibiliYes	for	21st	Century	Skills,	QuesYon	2.5	ResponsibiliYes	for	ICT	for	21st	Century	Skills
Responsibility	for	ICT	and	21st	Century	Skills	in	EducaGon	are	shared	
…between	state,	municipaliYes,	schools	and	teachers.	
Level:	 Authority:	
Parliament	 Adopts	legislaGons	regarding	the	schools	
Ministry	of	EducaGon	 Lays	down	legislaGons	in	execuGve	orders	including	the	overall	educaGonal	goals	
MunicipaliGes	 Adopts	the	financial	framework,	sets	local	goals,	supervises	the	schools,	follow	up	on	
School	Commimee	
Adopts	principles	for	the	acGviGes	of	the	school	and	approves	the	school	budget	
School	 Responsible	for	the	operaGon	of	each	school,	makes	concrete	decisions	for	the	school	
and	regarding	individual	pupils	
Teacher	 EducaGon	is	characterized	by	freedom	in	the	choice	of	method	
Source:	(cut	and	paste)
How	far	are	the	Nordic	countries	in	using	ICT	to	
teach	children	in	primary	and	lower	secondary	
school	21st	Century	Skills?	
•  In	their	naYonal	curricula,	the	Nordic	countries	have	already		
suggested	what	children	should	learn	to	succeed	in	the	21st	
•  The	ICT	infrastructure	seems	to	be	in	place	–	the	Nordic	
countries	are	top	of	class	on	an	EU	scale.		
•  All	the	Nordic	countries	integrate	development	and	assess-
ment	of	21st	Century	skills	in	a	cross	curricular	and	
decentralized	way	leaving	an	opportunity	space	for	each	local	
government,	school	and	teacher	to	unfold	the	regulaYons	and	
guidelines	into	teaching	and	learning.	
•  How	do	we	secure	that	every	child	in	the	decentralized	
educaGonal	systems	of	the	Nordic	countries	have	equal	
opportuniGes	to	develop	21st	Century	Skills?
Ole	Sejer	Iversen	&	Mikkel	Ask	Rasmussen	
Aarhus	University,	Denmark;	
Thank	you!

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