#cfg #cfgac12 cfdg cfgac14 #cfdgit12 cfdg it reporting #cfgit2013 charity commission anne-marie piper fraud friends of the elderly rui domingues nigel davies sorp cfg #barnardos #cass #rnli #rnib big society farrer impact social collaborations mergers gloom bloom samaritans update legal hayes catherine it buzzacott hr consultancy kimberly bradshaw tom beardmore-gray john tranter the girls day school trust national autistic society paul harper grant thornton uk llp bates wells braithwaite lawrence simanowitz jenny brown amanda tilley alan becker nick mayhew price bailey llp john higgs cass business school joseph rank trust jenny harrow mha macintyre hudson chris harris social investment big society capital geetha rabindrakumar premier pensions mira mohideen ian gutteridge mencap bruce gordon scope john graham honorary treasurers forum royal british legion & alice maynard social impact tim willis leyf neil fenton rob george alan sharpe rspb kpis national fraud authority npc #mills@reevesllp #citizensadvice #royalmencapsociety #brutonknowles #londonboroughoftowerhamlets #probonoeconomics #pitmanstrusteeltd #pensions #redochre #grantthornton #visceralbusiness #tenovus #londondiocesanfund #britishredcross #bakertilly #lcp #actiononhearingloss #scoutassociation #unityinsuranceservices #robinachathamltd #britishheartfoundation #sorp #croweclarkwhitehill #russamgms #judithjewell #bmsworldmission #charityfinancegroup #charityinvestorsgroup #scmconsultancy #pwc #andrewhind cfdgit12 #oval group #action fraud #cyber crime #sayer vincent #rspb #reach further #social media #redr marie curie philanthropy marie crie philanthropic sam younger rnib kevin carey southwark council annie shepperd tesco charity clic sargent financial reporting austerity strategy royal opera house pesh framjee legal update bribery act erosion of reputation donors volunteers venturesome caf income streams lesley kragt organisational change vanguard consulting collaborative working civil society sayer vincent gift aid tax maffick belina raffy foster denovo workshop pensions ian bird charities act paul breckell tony farnfield annual conference tina winders philip kirkpatrick tony farnfield farrer & co equality bribery authority national plenary harmony caron lavender yoga peace spiritual northern conference love phil presentation read william heath mydex simon nash margaret manning phil reed paul relf david wilde glenn burton william wilkinson bill mccluggage
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