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Real Food for Real People 
 What is the Paleo Diet All About by Charles C. Armstrong p 3 
 The Paleo Way by Conrad Paul Heyns p 
 The Paleo Recipe Book Review by Zeeshan Naveed Bari p 10 
 Switch to the Paleo Diet for a Better and Healthier Life by Sheila R D. Opulencia p 
 Choose A Paleo Diet - Eat Fat, Keep Trim And Be Healthy by Guy Lawrence p 18 
 Practical Paleo Book Review by Wendy Bottrell p 
 Paleo Diet: Three Big Reasons Why Going Native Makes Sense by Pete A. Turner p 
 How Often Can I Eat on the Paleo Diet by Tony G. Elam p 33 
 Paleo Granola - Feel Free to Eat It by Reachard Jhonson p 35 2
 Paleo diet history 
 Today, I'm going to give brief overview of what many refer to as "The Caveman Diet." The basic 
concept behind the Paleolithic Diet is to mimic the diet of our pre agriculture hunter-gatherer 
ancestors. Dr. Loren Cordain, author of the Paleo Diet maintains that the foods consumed by our 
pre-agriculture ancestors, and current modern hunter-gather cultures are more conducive to the 
genetic makeup of our bodies. By reducing the amount of processed foods, complex 
carbohydrates and high glycemic foods, and replacing them with lean meats, sea food, and fresh 
vegetables and fruits, we can restore our bodies to optimum health and combat many of the 
health problems that plague modern day people. 
 Critics of this eating lifestyle are quick to point out that the average lifespan of our hunter-gatherer 
ancestors was relatively short. Your average caveman was luck to live to 30 years of 
age. Though that is undoubtedly true, cavemen also lived very strenuous lives, did not have 
access to traditional medicine, and the infant mortality rate was very high. And detractors often 
fail to consider that nearly 20% of ancient hunter-gathers lived to the ripe old age of 60. So many 
of the early humans that survived infancy and early childhood, avoided sickness and injury in 
adolescent and adult life, could possibly live five or even six decades. How do we know this? 
Human skeletal remains. And the findings also suggest that ancient man was free of many of the 
illness' that afflict modern western society. Diabetes? Cancer? Heart attacks? Not very common. 
An ancient cave man was more likely to die of blunt force trauma or pneumonia than a diet-related 
 Health benefits 
 The greatest thing about the Paleo Diet is that it really is great for your body and overall health 
and well being. Because you eliminate all processed foods and stick to natural food choices, you 
will enjoy greater health and vitality. Eliminating processed foods, hi-glycemic carbohydrates, 
and trans-fatty acids also has the added benefit of helping you to lose weight. Many people will 
even tell you that their results confound and amaze their Doctor when they get their lab results 
back. Many people find they are no longer a slave to prescription medications because their diet, 
which is in accord with the humans digestive system, not only eliminates the symptoms, but 
naturally heals the affliction. Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, and creator of the 
primal lifestyle Blog, Mark's Daily Apple, provides many documented success stories from his 
readers. They all attest to amazing results after adopting a cave man inspired way of life. Mark's 
blog is also loaded with amazing recipes that transform calorie-bomb favorites into paleo-friendly 
meals that even the fussiest kid will enjoy. The diet works for so many people because it 
includes delicious, nutritious, and affordable food choices that humans should eat, while omitting 
man-made, addictive, and potentially dangerous processed foods that we all know we probably 
shouldn't eat. Kinda' simple, really. 
 What can you eat? 
 Once you understand how and why the Paleo Diet works, the next step is to determine 
what you can eat. It sounds very simple to say that you shouldn't eat anything processed, 
but it's a little more complicated than that. The diet is based on the foods that could be 
hunted, fished, and gathered during the Paleolithic era (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree 
nuts, vegetables, roots, fruits, and berries). One of the biggest challenges faced by many 
that follow the diet is going gluten free. That means the avoidance of grains. What? I can't 
eat grains? Yep, unfortunately that means no bread. No Spaghetti. No Donuts. Admittedly, 
it is a shock at first. But once you understand how harmful wheat and processed grains 
can be to your digestive system, it's easy to understand why many of the modern era 
diseases we suffer with today are a direct result of ingesting domesticated grains. 
 Grains, especially refined grains containing gluten such as wheat, barley and rye, are gut 
irritants. Gut lining irritation keeps us from properly digesting our food and can lead to 
inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is the root cause of many of our diseases of 
civilization and eating processed foods alters our hormone levels in detrimental ways. And 
LDL cholesterol (you know, the "bad" cholesterol) increases when the body is in a state of 
inflammation. Dr. William Davis, a board-certified cardiologist, and author of Wheat Belly, 
advocates the elimination of wheat as the first step toward reversing many of today's 
modern era diseases like heart disease. So a board certified heart doctor says that bread 
is worse for you than steak. You gotta be kidding me, right? Think about that for a 
second... A heart doctor that advocates the elimination of wheat. Why? 
 Inflammation is the root cause of many of our diseases of civilization and eating processed 
foods alters our hormone levels in detrimental ways. And LDL cholesterol is a by-product 
of inflammation. See the connection? 
 Today, modern man eats a huge amount of grains. But our cavemen ancestors did not 
consume them. This is because the agricultural revolution didn't start until about 10,000 
years ago. That may sound like a long time ago, but from the perspective of human 
evolution it is merely a flash. Let me give you a visual example. If a 100 yard football field 
represented the entire time line of humans on earth, our ancestors went 999 yards without 
ever eating grains. Think about that. The last inch of the football field represents the 
minuscule span of time grains have been part of the human diet. When you eat processed 
foods like bread, cakes, Twinkies, pasta, and pizza, you are putting yourself at a much 
higher risk for modern day diseases that didn't afflict cave men. 
 Getting Started 
 Many people read about the Paleo Diet and think, "Oh man, I could never do that." or, "I could 
never live without bread." Yes, it is true that it is not the easiest diet to strictly follow, particularly 
when eating out at a restaurant. However, there are many restaurants that cater to health-conscious 
customers, and many will alter their menu to fit your requests. Want a hamburger 
without the bun? No worries. Want an extra helping of broccoli instead of the rice. Sure, they can 
do that. 
 So where do you start? Just start. Even baby steps can be a major improvement. Try one meal a 
week without grains. Then try for two. Switching to Grass-Fed beef the next time you fire up a 
burger on the grill. You don't have to go hard core to be Paleo. In fact, taking it slow is probably 
the best approach. And if you are like me, you might have a few setbacks. Nobody's perfect. We 
all make mistakes and missteps. I can't tell you how many times I ate a slice of pizza or had a 
bagel at work only to feel emotionally and physically awful afterward. But I keep going. I get back 
on track, and I try to make my next food choice better than the last. 
 Final Thoughts 
 In the end, it is all about feeling great and making the choices that sustain that feeling of well-being. 
And weather you have the willpower to make better choices when it comes to what you 
put in your mouth. The heath benefits are clear. And bounty of delicious foods you do get to eat 
absolutely makes the Paleo Diet worth it. I definitely think you should give it a try. What do you 
have to lose besides some unwanted weight? Go for it. 
 Article Source: 
 Paleo diet history 
 The Paleo diet's primary concern is the quality of our 'modern day' diets and is based upon the 
essence of what our prehistoric cavemen generally consumed on a daily basis, mostly 
composed of high-protein, high vitamins and minerals - seeds and nuts, fresh vegetables, fresh 
fruits, and fresh meats and fish. 
 A crucial part of this regime is total avoidance of all food items which are packaged as well as 
 Consumption of whole grains and whole wheat is forbidden as well. Sugar is against the rules 
 Given that horticulture as well as the growing of crops similar to wheat just have existed for 
approximately 10,000 years, our physical framework has never quite adapted to correctly 
decompose these kinds of food solutions. It takes a lot longer time for human beings to evolve 
their metabolic rate along with body structure to several routines. Human beings have never had 
sufficient time to alter our genetic blueprints to incorporate the seemingly more complex 
processes of ingesting legumes, dairy productss, and grains which explains why more and more 
people are afflicted with numerous digestion problems, with the standard eating habits of today's 
modern society. 
 The Paleo philosophy embraces eating naturally, preservative-free, thereby strengthening our 
 And, for those with food allergies, the Paleo diet is totally free of allergens. 
 As a matter-of-fact, the paleo way is very similar to the low carb diets. 
 Following the Paleo diet is about restoring that balance which nature has bestowed upon us, 
regaining the agility, fitness and overall health which was the quintessence of our ancient 
families. As you can see, this not only requires a new mindset, but a total revolution in the way 
we think about what we eat. 
 So, before you embark on a Paleo program, you have to rethink the whole concept of nutrition 
and exercise. 
 Choosing to follow the Paleo diet is an ideal choice for everyone who would like to shed weight 
or who merely would like to improve their general health and adding a Paleo recipe book will 
assist you with achieving your goals. 
 By following a recipe book you'll be amazed at the variety of meals that you and your family will 
enjoy. You can not only introduce them to how you're losing weight, but also show them what 
you're eating - everything being served is healthy. 
 Start regaining your health today. 
 Article Source: 
 If you were looking for a complete, honest and unbiased Paleo Recipe Book review, then you 
have come to the right place. By now, you have probably heard a lot about the Paleo diet. Over 
the past few years, this diet has become rather popular. However the guidelines you have to 
follow are quite strict and you can't have most traditional foods on this diet; this is why you need 
a cookbook. So if you are a Paleo dieter and you are considering buying this book, then you 
should read this review first. 
 What is included in the Paleo Recipe Book? 
 Sébastien Noël is the author of this book, which is an extensive three part book set that includes: 
 - The book: Contains more than 370 easy to cook Paleo recipes 
- Paleo Meal Plan: Contains complete dietary process for 8 weeks 
- Herbs and spice guide: Contains bonus information about nutritional and medical properties of 
herbs and spices 
- Paleo Sweets: A free cookbook containing Paleo dessert recipes 
- Cooking charts, guides and reference sheets 10
 This cookbook contains recipes that include ingredients such as fish, pork, red meat, seafood, 
and shellfish. This recipe also contains separate recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, 
desserts, and a lot more. The good thing is that Sébastien Noël kept people from around the 
world in mind when writing this book. This means that Paleo dieters with diverse food choices 
and backgrounds will be able to take advantage of the recipes in this book. 
 Does the Paleo Recipe Book really help? 
 Today, the Paleo diet is touted as the healthiest way to eat. It is claimed that this bare essentials 
diet can help you an average of 10 lbs of weight in the first 10 weeks without any exercises. 
However, since the guidelines of this diet are strict and the food choices are limited, having this 
book can prove to be really helpful. What sets this Paleo cookbook apart from other similar 
books is that it has been written to help dieters bring an exceptional change in their Paleo diet 
plan. With this book, you will learn new ways of cooking and you won't have to spend too much 
time in the kitchen. 
 What are the Pros and Cons of the Paleo Recipe Book? 
 Nothing in this world is perfect, so although there are a lot of great things about the this book, 
there are also things that this book lacks. 
 Paleo Recipe Book Pros: 
 - Affordable pricing 
- Good information 
- Excellent recipes 
- 60-day 100% money-back guarantee 
 Paleo Recipe Book Cons: 
 - Not enough photos 
- Some cooking experience is required 
 The Paleo Recipe Book Review Conclusion 
 The Paleo Recipe Book is definitely a good value and is well worth buying. Now that you have 
read this review, there is no harm is having a look at this book, especially because it comes with 
a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. So if you make the wise decision and buy this book now, 
you will also get a FREE meal plan! 
 Article Source: 
 Click 
Here! 12
 What is the Paleo Diet? 
 In the Paleolithic era, people were considered to be hunters and gathers. This meant, whatever 
they ate was either hunted or gathered. None of what they ate was cultured, genetically grown, 
processed, and of course, man-made. They lived on what was available at the time. In short, 
their diet composed of food that was rich in natural vitamins and minerals. 
 Paleolithic people were carnivorous by nature. They hunted animals for meat and fished for 
seafood. These provided for the fat, protein, and carbohydrate needs of their bodies. They 
gathered fresh fruits and vegetables from the forest to compliment their meats and that provided 
them with vitamins and minerals. 
 In general, the Paleo Diet is all about eating the right kinds of food to prevent the development of 
life threatening diseases. This diet is all about only eating food that existed pre-agriculture. That 
means dairy products and other food types that contain additives are strictly prohibited. Some 
doctors believe that prescribing this diet to those already suffering from such disease will greatly 
improve their condition when practiced religiously. 
 A Short History on the Paleo Diet 
 The Paleolithic or Paleo diet is one of the most controversial diet regimens today. Dr. Walter L. 
Voegtlin, one of first to popularize this diet, stated that if people who lived in the Paleolithic era 
had longer life spans and didn't suffer from diseases of civilization, the health of people today 
would greatly improve if they ate the same way. Being a gastroenterologist, he supported his 
theory by prescribing treatment plans based on what he believed to be the diet of people in the 
Paleolithic era. 
 In 1989, the Kitava Study was initiated by Dr. Staffan Lindeberg. This study involved surveying 
the population of Kitava, Papua New Guinea. These surveys showed that the people living in 
Kitava did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and the main reason was their diet, which 
consists mainly of food that existed before the invention of agriculture. By the 1990s, many 
medical practitioners have been advising their patients to practice a healthier diet and that 
means going back to what people in the Paleolithic era ate. 
 Why the Paleo Diet Works 
 The Paleo Diet is a high-protein diet that consists mainly of lean meats, seafood, and fresh fruits 
and vegetables. Since the idea is to eat like the very first humans, everything that is assumed to 
have not been available during that era is off limits. That includes dairy products, condiments 
such as salt and pepper, and food grown through agriculture. This can be a problem especially 
for people who are used to having pasta, rice, and breads in their meals because the ingredients 
of these all came post-agriculture. 
 However, there are a lot of benefits to going on the Paleo diet chief of which is the prevention of 
life threatening diseases. Most food types that are available today have undergone some sort of 
chemical enhancement. Commercially sold fruits and vegetables are usually grown in a 
controlled environment where they are fed fertilizers so they can be available even when it is off 
season. The same can be said for most meats and seafood being sold in supermarkets because 
animals are fed with vitamin supplements and growth enhancers. What most consumers don't 
know is that these chemicals affect the quality and nutritional value of the meats and produce. 
 Aside from that, consumers are also subjected to these chemicals when they eat these types of 
food and that leads to the development of life threatening diseases. When one goes on the 
Paleo diet, it is important that these types of food are avoided and the best way to do that is to 
buy organically grown meats and produce. They may be a little more expensive that regular 
types of meats and produce but their nutritional benefits are unmatched. Furthermore, a lot of 
money can be saved from future medical bills that can be incurred when life threatening 
diseases start to manifest. 15
 How to Start on the Paleo Diet? 
 The choice to live healthier can be life changing and this is especially true when one decides to 
start on the Paleo Diet. You see, it does not only affect one's diet but also his way of life. For this 
reason, it is important to first seek medical advice before pushing ahead because there are 
individuals that are not suitable for high-protein diets. Aside from that, sudden changes in one's 
diet may cause the body to react negative thus making it important to have one's overall health 
status checked so a proper diet plan can be drawn up. 
 Perhaps one of the things that intimidate people about the Paleo Diet is the fact that meals are 
prepared without any condiments thus they can be assumed to be bland. The truth is, organically 
grown meats and produce are generally better tasting thus eliminating the need for taste 
enhancers. Meats for example, are cooked without adding oil because the fat present on the 
slabs will be enough. Since the taste is not altered by cooking oil, one can enjoy the full flavor of 
the meat. 
 Aside from that, there are hundreds of recipes available online for those under the Paleo Diet. 
One does not have to worry about being food deprived because there are a lot of ways to enjoy 
the different types of food allowed on this diet. However, one would have to be ready to give up 
cakes and pastries completely and learn how to enjoy fresh fruits for dessert. This goes for vices 
such as smoking and drinking as well. 
 What to Expect 
 Those considering on going on the Paleo Diet need to understand that people in the Paleolithic 
era were extremely active. They were always on the move, hunting and gathering food to eat. 
This allowed their bodies to burn off calories and prevent the accumulation of fat. For this 
reason, people of today have to keep in mind that they would also need to complement their diet 
with the right exercise if they want to see positive results. It is recommended to work with a 
fitness trainer that is familiar with the Paleo diet so a right workout plan can be devised. 
 Article Source: 
 "Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, 
until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm". - Donella Meadows 
 THIS IS SIMPLY MY OPINION. Admittedly I am somewhat passionate about the topic, having 
worked as a Personal Trainer for 6 years and now running a company that deals directly with 
this topic, but still it is simply my opinion. I say this because I encourage anyone and everyone to 
check out the facts for themselves. As far as I'm concerned, there is vail that covers the 
whole food industry and it's up to the individual to lift it up and take a look behind. 
 When I first heard the term 'paleo diet' I thought here we go again. Another marketing ploy 
created with financially driven motives in mind. I understand why it's so easy to dismiss anything 
new we hear in the media. It's much easier as human beings to stick to what we know and tell 
ourselves that what we eat is right, I mean... as human beings we are always right... right? 
But what if we are getting it wrong? What then? 
 I've always been curious, I continually poke around and ask questions regarding the health & 
fitness industry, it's in my DNA. As part of a company dedicated to nutrition you get to interact 
with many other experts in the industry too. Naturopaths, nutritionists, some extremely fit 
athletes and CrossFit owners/clients. Then we get those at the other end of the scale with weight 
issues and more serious health concerns. 
 After years of this poking around to see what really fits, the trail kept leading me back to the way 
I've been eating for years (and I feel pretty good!). What I didn't realise it is that it's termed the 
paleo diet. I have learned that there are different versions of the paleo diet, but in a nutshell that 
is how I do things and why we have embraced the paleo diet at 180 Nutrition. 
 Sadly, most of the industry is driven by money with profit and the bottom dollar in mind. 
There are no real concerns for health, if there were then why are we getting fatter as a nation 
each year? Why is there so much confusion? If the stats continue to grow annually, 100% of us 
will be obese by 2030! Can this be right? 
 Seriously think about the next question for a moment. 
 If you know your daily food intake needs improving and you woke up in the morning completely 
inspired, what's the first thing you would eliminate from your diet? What would you start buying 
and eating more of? 
 People tell me they eat a healthy diet all the time, but when you start to break it down, the foods 
they eat are anything but! 
 Take a look at the list below. Does your daily diet consist of the these foods? 
 *Soy milk 
*Low fat yoghurt 
*Breakfast cereal 
*Gluten free muffins, cakes etc. 
*99% fat-free products 
*Corn fed or processed meat 
*Homogenised milk 
*Organic packaged products 
 These foods make an appearance in many people's overall daily diet. Take a closer look and you 
will find that they are not very nutritious at all. All I see is a lot of sugar, carbs that are mainly 
processed (this will have the same effect on the body as sugar), processed fats (my belief is that 
these are very damaging) and some preservatives and flavourings etc thrown in for good 
measure. Oh and organic... a buzz word that is heavily marketed but doesn't stand up to 
 You can have an organic cardboard box, but that doesn't mean it's a healthy option if you 
eat it. 
 So where are all the nutrients? 
 My belief is that these food types are contributing to our health problems. From lack of nutrients 
to over production of insulin. Throw in a hectic working week with stress levels through the roof, 
add a sedentary lifestyle and you are asking for trouble. 
 But the good news is with a little planning and creativity, you can control what you eat. Like I 
always say, don't count calories, make what goes in your mouth count! 
 If there's only one thing you take away from this post, just remember this and own it: 
"Carbohydrates controls insulin; insulin controls fat storage.“ 
 I hear a lot of confusion around this topic, especially when it comes to weight loss. And even 
more so - FAT. Not your love handles kind of fat but the fat that we eat. 
 If you could make simple dietary and physical changes to your daily life that would greatly 
improve your overall health over time would you do it? You'd certainly like to thinks so. But I 
often hear resistance to change when it comes to the food we eat, and especially when it comes 
to fat. So, consider the next quote below. 
 'All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, 
it is accepted as being self-evident.' - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher 
 So what do you consider to be healthy now? I've outlined below what I usually eat in a typical 
day and what I see as a typical daily diet for many people: 
 Typical Breakfast 
*Slice of multigrain toast & Jam 
 My Breakfast 
*Cod liver oil capsules & Krill oil capsules on rising (Giving me a range of essential fatty acids) 
*3 egg omelet with veggies, mushrooms, Parmesan & spices 
*3-4 dessert spoons of 180 Protein SuperFood, 2 organic eggs, some coconut milk, ice, a few 
berries and a little water. Blend. (Sometimes I use 1/2 avocado or frozen spinach. Whatever’s in 
the fridge) 
 Typical Lunch 
Salad & meat sandwich (bread like focaccia) 
 My Lunch 
*Large Chicken salad with olive oil 
 Typical afternoon snack 
*99% fat free muffin 
 My afternoon snack 
*Half avocado with chopped cherry tomatoes and ricotta. Sea salt & pepper. 
Typical Dinner 
*Pesto chicken pasta 
 My Dinner 
*Grass fed steak (palm of my hand size) cooked rare in coconut oil and cajun with veggies. 
 Are you eating the typical daily diet that is perceived to be healthy? If you are, why? Is it going to 
effect your health long term? Can you see a difference in the meals? 
 From my years of experience, I feel that natural fat is not the culprit. I personally don't mind 
how much natural fat I eat (this includes cholesterol from organic eggs and grass fed meat) and I 
make sure I get a broad range of fatty acids (omega 3′s especially - big fan of krill oil). I have 
moderate protein and most of my carbs come in the form of vegetables and a little fruit. I've cut 
all sugar.I stop eating when I'm full and I don't eat until I'm hungry. I exercise most days and 
always look for a good nights sleep. Pretty simple really. 
 I find most people struggle getting their head around eating fat (NOTE: I'm talking about natural 
occurring fat and fat from naturally grass fed animals. Not corn fed!! Or fats that have been 
homogenised or hydrogenated. I do my up most to avoid any kind of processed fat) and 
understandably so. We are taught a low fat diet is healthy. If you eat any other way then you 
must belong to some cult! 
 But what I encourage you to do is investigate and be open. Back in 2007 I heard about a small 
organisation that where helping people with chronic diseases and cancer. They were supportive 
through natural remedies including diligent nutrition (think dedication of an Olympic athlete), 
weight training and creating a supporting community for each other. 
 I knew no one with cancer personally, I didn't have cancer either but I was hearing stories of 
remarkable results. And I was hearing high fat diet with low carb. All this was going against the 
very things I've been taught (& I work in the health & fitness industry). But I was curious, in fact 
so curious I rang them up and a week later I was flying up there. It would have been very easy to 
dismiss but I needed to know more. 
 I met over 20 people who had different forms of cancer on that weekend. This wasn't about 
miracle cures or false claims, but simply giving the best possible chance for the body to 
heal itself through nutrition and environment. Many people had been in ketogenesis (when 
the body has no free carbohydrates available, fat must be broken down into acetyl-CoA in 
order to get energy, not to be confused with Ketoacidosis) for over 12 months and were 
doing really well. 
 So what were these guys eating? A natural high fat diet, moderate protein along with lots of 
veggies and minimal carbs. What was even more interesting was that most of these people 
(because of their illness) where being monitored by their local doctor. It's common to find 
many problematic health issues occurring at the same time along with chronic diseases like 
cancer. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, gut problems, depression etc. So they would 
report back to get check ups for many of these. If they stuck diligently to their new lifestyle 
of eating and weight training (100% commitment like Olympic athlete, remember!), then a 
lot of these symptoms where starting to improve. 
 Was this enough for me to start to digging further and question what we are taught to eat? 
For me, absolutely! Is it the right way to eat? It is for me that's for sure. I treat it all like an 
adventure and continue to learn as I always look to try and fit the pieces together. 
 What's right for you? Only you can truly answer that. But I certainly encourage everyone to 
be curious, open and to try new things. 
 So the question is; are you eating a healthy diet? 
 Do you really question what you eat? 
 Are you in good health? If not, why? 
 If you could do one thing right now that would be a positive step to improving your health, what 
would it be? 
 By Guy Lawrence of 180 Nutrition 
 Article Source: 
 When I began my own gluten free-living journey, I was looking for a resource that would make it 
very easy to learn and make the necessary changes to a gluten free lifestyle. I had been doing 
quite a bit of reading of the paleo lifestyle and it seemed this would be a very easy way of living 
for me to get started with. 
 As I was looking at the few options for books, Practical Paleo, by Diane Sanfilippo jumped out 
because I liked the way the author came to the paleo lifestyle. Although our life stories are not 
identical, I could definitely relate to the challenges she had gone through. Therefore, she takes 
us on the journey of how she came to live the practical paleo lifestyle and how her health 
improved. Eighteen months ago, that is exactly what I was looking for, improved health and 
weight loss. 
 I also appreciate how the author explains that the practical paleo is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. 
When living wheat, grains and gluten free because of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease you 
realize how very important it is to make changes for good health first and foremost. Any other 
benefits of those changes are simply a bonus. 
 Therefore, if like me you are ready for a healthy change, yet want and need an easy to use 
guidebook then Practical Paleo may be a resource for you. 
 What you will learn inside the Practical Paleo book: 
 Section 1 - The Why - Food & Your Body - this section is essential to understanding why paleo 
might be a solution for good health. The author explains, "What paleo is" and how to make it 
work for you day to day. She then goes on to help in the getting started with the basics - I found 
this section to be most useful because of the tear out guides -Invaluable when starting. 
Recommendations - very powerful and you may be surprised. Going out socially can be a 
challenge when living gluten free and the section on Eating out is awesome. You will not want to 
miss this section. We are learning more and more about the importance of good digestion for our 
health. The digestion section is very thorough and will help if you are having health problems 
because of poor digestion. 
 Section 2 - 30 Day Meal Plans 
I think this is one of the most important sections because she provides different Meal plans for 
different health challenges that include, Autoimmune Conditions, Blood Sugar Regulation, 
Digestive Health - Celiac Disease, Thyroid Health, Neurological Health, Heart Health, Cancer 
Recovery, Athletic Performance, Fat Loss, Squeaky Clean Paleo. 
 Section 3 - Recipes - 
This is my most favorite section because Dianne has provided some delicious, easy to make 
recipes. My favorites so far are the Pumpkin Pancakes (can I just say Yummy) and the Spaghetti 
Squash Bolognese. 
 So there you have it. For me the reason I use the practical paleo approach is that it is simple and 
easy. Yet no matter if you are gluten sensitive, celiac or not there is some very good information 
to help you learn why the paleo lifestyle may benefit you and your family, some very delicious 
recipes as well as the tear out guides that provide the resource when shopping, cooking and 
going out to eat. 
 I would highly suggest getting this book and having it in your health library. 
 Wendy Bottrell 
Gluten Free Living 
 Article Source: 
Preview Practical Paleo now at = 
 Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle 
 There is a lot of buzz lately about the Paleo Diet and for good reason, it just makes sense! 
Eating like our cavemen ancestors did maybe the next big break though in maximizing our 
health and disease prevention. Here are three big reasons why going "native" is the right thing to 
 First a quick definition: The Paleo Diet eliminates sugar, wheat, dairy, progressed foods and 
focuses on the foods that were available to early man. Foods such as eggs, meat, fish, fruits, 
nuts and veggies made up the bulk of this lifestyle. Here are three points to consider. 
 It's only been a few thousand years since humans have cultivated wheat and raised cows for 
milk and cheese. 
 It has only been a hundred years since we in the Western World have had processed food. 
 Only since World War Two that the bulk of our diet is heavily processed foods with artificial color, 
taste, preservatives and ingredients that we cannot pronounce or even know what they are. 
Worst more and more foods are being genetically altered. 
 A few thousand years and or a couple of decades are not enough time for our bodies to adjust to 
these changes in man's diet. This diet of caveman or Paleo diet has fed humans for eons and 
our bodies are basically the same as it was ten thousand years ago. 
 Many of the diseases we have today: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity are a 
direct result of our heavily laden diet of sugar, Trans fat and chemicals. Those of us that adhere 
to a Paleo Lifestyle believe that eliminating these "foods" from our diet will heal our bodies and 
now science is beginning to agree. 
 Here are three big reasons why going native makes sense. 
 The normal western diet is laden with preservatives and additives. We ingest these toxins a daily 
basis causing inflammation within the body resulting in a breakdown of our immune system. 
 Eating a low carb, lean protein natural diet can reverse many diseases that in the past were 
considered incurable. 
 It has been proven that a low carb, lean protein diets rich in vegetables and fruits causes 
sustained weight lost. 
 There are many more reasons but let's look in depth at these three. I don't think anyone can 
disagree that the average person consumes huge amounts of artificial ingredients. Things like 
red dye #2, 3 and so on; sugars, diet sodas, preservatives and flavor enhancers are mainly 
created in the lab and not on the farm. What is this consumption of all these chemicals really 
doing to our bodies? 
 The people who live long and vigorous lives from Sardinia to Okinawa, the so-called blue zone 
people eat local foods from yogurt to fish, fruits and vegetables. They don't have words in their 
language for cancer or heart disease. Recently a study published in the American Journal of 
Clinical Nutrition reported that native people who have reverted back to a traditional diet report 
significant weight lost and reduced cholesterol and low blood pressure. Even more amazing 
researchers have found that switching to such a diet can actually reverse type 2 diabetes, a 
disease that once was believed incurable. 
 One of the common denominator in most of the weight lost diet plans from Jenny Craig to the 
South Beach Diet is low carb, lean protein and lots of veggies. These diets work because they 
eliminated the carbs like potatoes, soda, sugar, white flour and other foods that cause a spike in 
your insulin and cause weight gain. The Paleo diet consists of these healthy weight reduction 
 So what does that mean to you and me? Well for me it is obvious; a diet similar to a diet 
consumed by our early ancestors is the right way to go. There is a lot of hype about the Paleo 
Diet but really it is very simple eating meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies that are 
ideally grown and organic is a healthy and disease preventive diet that anyone can follow. True 
you have to give up some foods, but a lot less than say a vegan and certainly less than a raw 
food diet. I know for me it has made a great difference in my health. Hopefully these three big 
reasons will convince you to "go native" and try the Paleo Diet 
 Coach Pete Turner believes you deserve to live a vibrant and pain free life. He has overcome 
back injury, pain and surgery and at sixty-six years old is strong, healthy and fit. Find out how he 
did it and how you can too by Clicking Here 
 Article Source: 
 The simple answer is to eat when you are hungry. If you are following the paleo diet, then you 
are eating more satiating foods and are less likely to over indulge, if you are eating high quality, 
whole foods. 
 I doubt you ever heard anyone say "I just couldn't stop eating that bag of broccoli", or "I just ate 6 
grass fed steaks without knowing what happened.‘ 
 The point is that once you stop eating highly processed foods, including foods with high salt and 
processed sugars, your instinctual hung pangs will come back. It may take some time to learn to 
listen to them, but they will come back. 
 So when do I eat? 
 In general I would stick to 3- 4 meals a day, but this really depends on your goals and activity 
level. It also depends on you mix of carbohydrates and how well your body is adapted to burning 
 Eating within the first 30 minutes of the day may be effective for burning fat. Also cutting your 
meals off a few hours before bedtime may be healthy as well. 
 If you are trying to wean you self off of sugar you may eat every 2 to 3 hours as you control the 
carbs to 150 on the day. You may find that once you are getting your primary carb source from 
sweet potatoes, vegetables, and fruit that you are able to control you cravings a little better. 
 Post Workout 
 The best time to eat carbohydrates for many would be after a workout. Your body will make the 
best use of a piece of fruit or a sweet potato if you eat it within 30 minutes post workout. 
 Do I need Snacks? 
 If you are eating regular meals you really shouldn't need snacks, but you might find that you 
want one anyway, or your hunger might sneak up on you if you get busy at work. It's a good idea 
to keep some high quality Paleo Snacks on hand like a handful of almonds, and a piece of dark 
 Fasting 
 There is some debate of the value on intermittent fasting, but you find that the benefit may not be 
worth the sacrifice. You will find that it is easier to skip meals due to the lack of sugar spikes. 
This makes it easier to make better choices in the occasional case you are not prepared to eat at 
your normal time. 
 I hope this helps but, overall I think the best advice is to eat whole foods, and eat when your 
body needs it. 
 Have a good day! 
 Article Source: 
 Snacking is often considered as unhealthy, but it is a kind of a tiny meal that can control the 
hunger pangs at the oddest times of the day. Most of us like to eat snacks when hungry. 
Certainly, it makes a person feel better. There are several reasons for the people to be a part of 
the unhealthy snacking phenomenon. The main reasons are: 
 • Most of the packaged snacks are ready to eat and can be consumed as soon as a person feels 
• Undoubtedly, these tiny little meals taste awesome. 
• Easy availability of the snacks in the market makes it a tempting thing to store at home. 
• Snacking is considered as one of the best pastimes. 
• It's easy to store packaged snack in bags to carry for outdoor activities like picnic, camping or 
• Indulging in a tea time snack is a long-lived tradition. 
• It keeps a person satisfied in between the meals. 
 The Paleo diet is gaining popularity worldwide, as it promotes a nutritious diet that is rich in nuts, 
fruits, eggs, berries, vegetables, seeds, meat, sea foods and eliminates grains, dairy products, 
legumes, processed foods, sugar, oil and spices that are strong and hard to digest. It even 
excludes preservatives, additives, gluten and other hazardous chemicals from its dictionary of 
 The concept of the Paleo diet is to avoid unhealthy food and encourage people to indulge 
themselves into tastier and healthier meal. The world of Paleo snacks encourages people to 
enjoy a healthy luncheon in between the meals. We are so used to eating chips, candies, jellies, 
baked food, bars, grained products, burgers, pizzas and granolas for snacks that we hardly 
realize the kind of unhealthy nibble we are offering our body. If you love eating snacks, feel free 
to opt for a Paleo snack that ensures good health and is free from any sort of additives and 
 Granola is a popular American snack and most of the people either eat it for their breakfast or 
eat it as a midday refreshment. Traditionally, people use to cook it at home, but it is not difficult to 
find it in the market these days. People love to eat it with yoghurt, honey or milk. As there is a lot 
of competition in the food industry these days, opting for a granola bar that is made of natural 
food should be the aim of every person concerned about its health. 
 Snacking is a Universal phenomenon and there is nothing wrong about it, until and unless you 
stick to a healthy morsel. Especially when granola is your favorite bite to eat, you can easily find 
a packaged one that follows the norms of the Paleo diet. Just feel free to eat it and enjoy its taste 
in different flavors available in the market. 
 Whether you are fond of a delectable chocolate flavor, pineapple flavor, apple pie, pumpkin pie or maple 
pancake, you will find every flavor in the market that your tongue is fond of. So, why to resist your 
favorite flavor, when granola manufacturers are offering you a healthier snacking alternative. 
 Paleonola is a grain free granola that is free from preservatives and is a healthy example of Paleo 
snacks. It is free from cheap fillers and preservatives and is designed to promote healthier lifestyle in 
 Article Source: 
 For paleo snack recipes and more… 
 Click Here! 37
 All diet programs tend to stir up ardent supporters as well as vehement detractors. The Paleo 
Diet is no different in this respect. The thing to understand about the Paleo Diet though is that it 
is more accurately described as a way of life as opposed to a "diet". As such, the Paleo 
approach to burning fat or losing weight continues to attract a lot of attention in the media and on 
the internet. 
 If this is your first time reading about the Paleo Diet, it can briefly be described like this: lean, 
healthy bodies are achieved through eating like paleolithic human beings. Eat only meat, poultry, 
fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and eggs. Avoid whole grain products, dairy, legumes(beans), and 
processed foods. 
 Any person who begins a new diet or lifestyle change should look at it with a discerning eye and 
thoroughly contemplate both the advantages and disadvantages. Consulting with a physician or 
healthcare professional is never a bad idea either. Then, once you decide to proceed, remain up 
to date with evolving information. 
 With the objective approach in mind, here are a few typical reactions to the Paleo lifestyle: 
 Paleolithic human beings didn't live very long. Therefore, the Paleo Diet isn't a very good 
lifestyle choice. 
 This is usually the first objection that people have toward the Paleo Diet once they grasp that it is 
about mimicking the eating habits of Stone Age humans. Believers in the Paleo Diet ask that you 
look at all the information in total before jumping to this conclusion. 
 Obviously, cavemen didn't have access to the same medical techniques that we do today. This 
factor, more than diet, contributed to the decreased longevity of Stone Age people. Some 
anthropologists believe that the conditions we see at high rates today in young people, such as 
diabetes, celiac's disease, or acne, were virtually nonexistent in Paleo era people thanks to their 
natural diet. 
 The short answer then to the caveman lifespan question is that Paleolithic people would have 
lived just as long as modern humans or even longer had they had access to the same medical 
solutions we have today and that their overall health was better over the span of their life due to 
the absence of the diet induced diseases of modern humans. 
 The Paleo Diet lacks adequate fiber intake: 
 At first glance, many of us assume that the Paleo Diet is devoid of fiber since whole grains are 
not allowed on this diet plan. Everyone from doctors to food manufacturers constantly push the 
idea that we must intake fiber for health and that the best way to get it is through oatmeal or 
whole grain cereals. 
 Fiber is indeed very important however there are plenty of foods on the Paleo Diet plan that have just as 
much fiber content as whole grains. A typical serving of whole grain cereal has 4 grams of dietary fiber. 
Here is a very short list of foods that have just as much or more fiber per serving: 
 Raspberries = 8 grams of fiber 
 Apple = 4.4 grams 
 Pear = 5.5 grams 
 Broccoli = 5.1 grams 
 Artichoke = 10.3 grams 
 Broccoli = 5.1 grams 
 In other words, fiber does not exist in whole grains alone. 
 But bread and dairy are my favorite foods! 
 Yes, you do have to sacrifice something. On the Paleo Diet, you don't have to count calories, portion 
sizes are not a major concern, and you don't have to avoid foods with a high fat content. You can eat 
plenty of prime rib and ground chuck on the Paleo Diet. To lose that stubborn belly fat though, you've 
got to eliminate dairy and grain based products from your diet. 
 So, you've got to decide what you want more of: to eat bread and cheese or to look and feel healthy 
again? Some people who have found success with the Paleo Diet allow themselves to indulge in a 
cheeseburger every now and again. Others who swear by the it find that they don't even enjoy fattening 
foods anymore. Either way, anything worthwhile does require a certain measure of discipline, even the 
Paleo Diet. 
 All the best in Health and Happiness, 
 Richard Neil 
 Article Source: 
 Click Here! 
 And don’t forget to sign up for our FREE newsletter! 

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Paleo Diet Guide

  • 1. Real Food for Real People THE PALEO DIET GUIDE
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS  What is the Paleo Diet All About by Charles C. Armstrong p 3  The Paleo Way by Conrad Paul Heyns p 8  The Paleo Recipe Book Review by Zeeshan Naveed Bari p 10  Switch to the Paleo Diet for a Better and Healthier Life by Sheila R D. Opulencia p 13  Choose A Paleo Diet - Eat Fat, Keep Trim And Be Healthy by Guy Lawrence p 18  Practical Paleo Book Review by Wendy Bottrell p 26  Paleo Diet: Three Big Reasons Why Going Native Makes Sense by Pete A. Turner p 29  How Often Can I Eat on the Paleo Diet by Tony G. Elam p 33  Paleo Granola - Feel Free to Eat It by Reachard Jhonson p 35 2
  • 3. WHAT IS THE PALEO DIET ALL ABOUT? - AN OVERVIEW OF THE CAVEMAN DIET BY CHARLES C ARMSTRONG  Paleo diet history  Today, I'm going to give brief overview of what many refer to as "The Caveman Diet." The basic concept behind the Paleolithic Diet is to mimic the diet of our pre agriculture hunter-gatherer ancestors. Dr. Loren Cordain, author of the Paleo Diet maintains that the foods consumed by our pre-agriculture ancestors, and current modern hunter-gather cultures are more conducive to the genetic makeup of our bodies. By reducing the amount of processed foods, complex carbohydrates and high glycemic foods, and replacing them with lean meats, sea food, and fresh vegetables and fruits, we can restore our bodies to optimum health and combat many of the health problems that plague modern day people.  Critics of this eating lifestyle are quick to point out that the average lifespan of our hunter-gatherer ancestors was relatively short. Your average caveman was luck to live to 30 years of age. Though that is undoubtedly true, cavemen also lived very strenuous lives, did not have access to traditional medicine, and the infant mortality rate was very high. And detractors often fail to consider that nearly 20% of ancient hunter-gathers lived to the ripe old age of 60. So many of the early humans that survived infancy and early childhood, avoided sickness and injury in adolescent and adult life, could possibly live five or even six decades. How do we know this? Human skeletal remains. And the findings also suggest that ancient man was free of many of the illness' that afflict modern western society. Diabetes? Cancer? Heart attacks? Not very common. An ancient cave man was more likely to die of blunt force trauma or pneumonia than a diet-related disease. 3
  • 4.  Health benefits  The greatest thing about the Paleo Diet is that it really is great for your body and overall health and well being. Because you eliminate all processed foods and stick to natural food choices, you will enjoy greater health and vitality. Eliminating processed foods, hi-glycemic carbohydrates, and trans-fatty acids also has the added benefit of helping you to lose weight. Many people will even tell you that their results confound and amaze their Doctor when they get their lab results back. Many people find they are no longer a slave to prescription medications because their diet, which is in accord with the humans digestive system, not only eliminates the symptoms, but naturally heals the affliction. Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, and creator of the primal lifestyle Blog, Mark's Daily Apple, provides many documented success stories from his readers. They all attest to amazing results after adopting a cave man inspired way of life. Mark's blog is also loaded with amazing recipes that transform calorie-bomb favorites into paleo-friendly meals that even the fussiest kid will enjoy. The diet works for so many people because it includes delicious, nutritious, and affordable food choices that humans should eat, while omitting man-made, addictive, and potentially dangerous processed foods that we all know we probably shouldn't eat. Kinda' simple, really. 4
  • 5.  What can you eat?  Once you understand how and why the Paleo Diet works, the next step is to determine what you can eat. It sounds very simple to say that you shouldn't eat anything processed, but it's a little more complicated than that. The diet is based on the foods that could be hunted, fished, and gathered during the Paleolithic era (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruits, and berries). One of the biggest challenges faced by many that follow the diet is going gluten free. That means the avoidance of grains. What? I can't eat grains? Yep, unfortunately that means no bread. No Spaghetti. No Donuts. Admittedly, it is a shock at first. But once you understand how harmful wheat and processed grains can be to your digestive system, it's easy to understand why many of the modern era diseases we suffer with today are a direct result of ingesting domesticated grains.  Grains, especially refined grains containing gluten such as wheat, barley and rye, are gut irritants. Gut lining irritation keeps us from properly digesting our food and can lead to inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is the root cause of many of our diseases of civilization and eating processed foods alters our hormone levels in detrimental ways. And LDL cholesterol (you know, the "bad" cholesterol) increases when the body is in a state of inflammation. Dr. William Davis, a board-certified cardiologist, and author of Wheat Belly, advocates the elimination of wheat as the first step toward reversing many of today's modern era diseases like heart disease. So a board certified heart doctor says that bread is worse for you than steak. You gotta be kidding me, right? Think about that for a second... A heart doctor that advocates the elimination of wheat. Why?  Inflammation is the root cause of many of our diseases of civilization and eating processed foods alters our hormone levels in detrimental ways. And LDL cholesterol is a by-product of inflammation. See the connection? 5
  • 6.  Today, modern man eats a huge amount of grains. But our cavemen ancestors did not consume them. This is because the agricultural revolution didn't start until about 10,000 years ago. That may sound like a long time ago, but from the perspective of human evolution it is merely a flash. Let me give you a visual example. If a 100 yard football field represented the entire time line of humans on earth, our ancestors went 999 yards without ever eating grains. Think about that. The last inch of the football field represents the minuscule span of time grains have been part of the human diet. When you eat processed foods like bread, cakes, Twinkies, pasta, and pizza, you are putting yourself at a much higher risk for modern day diseases that didn't afflict cave men. 6
  • 7.  Getting Started  Many people read about the Paleo Diet and think, "Oh man, I could never do that." or, "I could never live without bread." Yes, it is true that it is not the easiest diet to strictly follow, particularly when eating out at a restaurant. However, there are many restaurants that cater to health-conscious customers, and many will alter their menu to fit your requests. Want a hamburger without the bun? No worries. Want an extra helping of broccoli instead of the rice. Sure, they can do that.  So where do you start? Just start. Even baby steps can be a major improvement. Try one meal a week without grains. Then try for two. Switching to Grass-Fed beef the next time you fire up a burger on the grill. You don't have to go hard core to be Paleo. In fact, taking it slow is probably the best approach. And if you are like me, you might have a few setbacks. Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes and missteps. I can't tell you how many times I ate a slice of pizza or had a bagel at work only to feel emotionally and physically awful afterward. But I keep going. I get back on track, and I try to make my next food choice better than the last.  Final Thoughts  In the end, it is all about feeling great and making the choices that sustain that feeling of well-being. And weather you have the willpower to make better choices when it comes to what you put in your mouth. The heath benefits are clear. And bounty of delicious foods you do get to eat absolutely makes the Paleo Diet worth it. I definitely think you should give it a try. What do you have to lose besides some unwanted weight? Go for it.  Article Source: 7
  • 8. THE PALEO WAY BY CONRAD PAUL HEYNS  Paleo diet history  The Paleo diet's primary concern is the quality of our 'modern day' diets and is based upon the essence of what our prehistoric cavemen generally consumed on a daily basis, mostly composed of high-protein, high vitamins and minerals - seeds and nuts, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fresh meats and fish.  A crucial part of this regime is total avoidance of all food items which are packaged as well as refined.  Consumption of whole grains and whole wheat is forbidden as well. Sugar is against the rules too.  Given that horticulture as well as the growing of crops similar to wheat just have existed for approximately 10,000 years, our physical framework has never quite adapted to correctly decompose these kinds of food solutions. It takes a lot longer time for human beings to evolve their metabolic rate along with body structure to several routines. Human beings have never had sufficient time to alter our genetic blueprints to incorporate the seemingly more complex processes of ingesting legumes, dairy productss, and grains which explains why more and more people are afflicted with numerous digestion problems, with the standard eating habits of today's modern society.  The Paleo philosophy embraces eating naturally, preservative-free, thereby strengthening our 8
  • 9.  And, for those with food allergies, the Paleo diet is totally free of allergens.  As a matter-of-fact, the paleo way is very similar to the low carb diets.  Following the Paleo diet is about restoring that balance which nature has bestowed upon us, regaining the agility, fitness and overall health which was the quintessence of our ancient families. As you can see, this not only requires a new mindset, but a total revolution in the way we think about what we eat.  So, before you embark on a Paleo program, you have to rethink the whole concept of nutrition and exercise.  Choosing to follow the Paleo diet is an ideal choice for everyone who would like to shed weight or who merely would like to improve their general health and adding a Paleo recipe book will assist you with achieving your goals.  By following a recipe book you'll be amazed at the variety of meals that you and your family will enjoy. You can not only introduce them to how you're losing weight, but also show them what you're eating - everything being served is healthy.  Start regaining your health today.  Article Source: 9
  • 10. THE PALEO RECIPE BOOK REVIEW - INCLUDE SOME VARIETY TO YOUR PALEO DIET WITH OVER 370 RECIPES BY ZEESHAN NAVEED BARI  If you were looking for a complete, honest and unbiased Paleo Recipe Book review, then you have come to the right place. By now, you have probably heard a lot about the Paleo diet. Over the past few years, this diet has become rather popular. However the guidelines you have to follow are quite strict and you can't have most traditional foods on this diet; this is why you need a cookbook. So if you are a Paleo dieter and you are considering buying this book, then you should read this review first.  What is included in the Paleo Recipe Book?  Sébastien Noël is the author of this book, which is an extensive three part book set that includes:  - The book: Contains more than 370 easy to cook Paleo recipes  - Paleo Meal Plan: Contains complete dietary process for 8 weeks  - Herbs and spice guide: Contains bonus information about nutritional and medical properties of herbs and spices  - Paleo Sweets: A free cookbook containing Paleo dessert recipes  - Cooking charts, guides and reference sheets 10
  • 11.  This cookbook contains recipes that include ingredients such as fish, pork, red meat, seafood, and shellfish. This recipe also contains separate recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, desserts, and a lot more. The good thing is that Sébastien Noël kept people from around the world in mind when writing this book. This means that Paleo dieters with diverse food choices and backgrounds will be able to take advantage of the recipes in this book.  Does the Paleo Recipe Book really help?  Today, the Paleo diet is touted as the healthiest way to eat. It is claimed that this bare essentials diet can help you an average of 10 lbs of weight in the first 10 weeks without any exercises. However, since the guidelines of this diet are strict and the food choices are limited, having this book can prove to be really helpful. What sets this Paleo cookbook apart from other similar books is that it has been written to help dieters bring an exceptional change in their Paleo diet plan. With this book, you will learn new ways of cooking and you won't have to spend too much time in the kitchen.  What are the Pros and Cons of the Paleo Recipe Book?  Nothing in this world is perfect, so although there are a lot of great things about the this book, there are also things that this book lacks.  Paleo Recipe Book Pros:  - Affordable pricing - Good information - Excellent recipes - 60-day 100% money-back guarantee 11
  • 12.  Paleo Recipe Book Cons:  - Not enough photos - Some cooking experience is required  The Paleo Recipe Book Review Conclusion  The Paleo Recipe Book is definitely a good value and is well worth buying. Now that you have read this review, there is no harm is having a look at this book, especially because it comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. So if you make the wise decision and buy this book now, you will also get a FREE meal plan!  Article Source:   Click Here! 12
  • 13. SWITCH TO THE PALEO DIET FOR A BETTER AND HEALTHIER LIFE BY SHEILA RAE D. OPULENCIA  What is the Paleo Diet?  In the Paleolithic era, people were considered to be hunters and gathers. This meant, whatever they ate was either hunted or gathered. None of what they ate was cultured, genetically grown, processed, and of course, man-made. They lived on what was available at the time. In short, their diet composed of food that was rich in natural vitamins and minerals.  Paleolithic people were carnivorous by nature. They hunted animals for meat and fished for seafood. These provided for the fat, protein, and carbohydrate needs of their bodies. They gathered fresh fruits and vegetables from the forest to compliment their meats and that provided them with vitamins and minerals.  In general, the Paleo Diet is all about eating the right kinds of food to prevent the development of life threatening diseases. This diet is all about only eating food that existed pre-agriculture. That means dairy products and other food types that contain additives are strictly prohibited. Some doctors believe that prescribing this diet to those already suffering from such disease will greatly improve their condition when practiced religiously. 13
  • 14.  A Short History on the Paleo Diet  The Paleolithic or Paleo diet is one of the most controversial diet regimens today. Dr. Walter L. Voegtlin, one of first to popularize this diet, stated that if people who lived in the Paleolithic era had longer life spans and didn't suffer from diseases of civilization, the health of people today would greatly improve if they ate the same way. Being a gastroenterologist, he supported his theory by prescribing treatment plans based on what he believed to be the diet of people in the Paleolithic era.  In 1989, the Kitava Study was initiated by Dr. Staffan Lindeberg. This study involved surveying the population of Kitava, Papua New Guinea. These surveys showed that the people living in Kitava did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and the main reason was their diet, which consists mainly of food that existed before the invention of agriculture. By the 1990s, many medical practitioners have been advising their patients to practice a healthier diet and that means going back to what people in the Paleolithic era ate. 14
  • 15.  Why the Paleo Diet Works  The Paleo Diet is a high-protein diet that consists mainly of lean meats, seafood, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Since the idea is to eat like the very first humans, everything that is assumed to have not been available during that era is off limits. That includes dairy products, condiments such as salt and pepper, and food grown through agriculture. This can be a problem especially for people who are used to having pasta, rice, and breads in their meals because the ingredients of these all came post-agriculture.  However, there are a lot of benefits to going on the Paleo diet chief of which is the prevention of life threatening diseases. Most food types that are available today have undergone some sort of chemical enhancement. Commercially sold fruits and vegetables are usually grown in a controlled environment where they are fed fertilizers so they can be available even when it is off season. The same can be said for most meats and seafood being sold in supermarkets because animals are fed with vitamin supplements and growth enhancers. What most consumers don't know is that these chemicals affect the quality and nutritional value of the meats and produce. value.  Aside from that, consumers are also subjected to these chemicals when they eat these types of food and that leads to the development of life threatening diseases. When one goes on the Paleo diet, it is important that these types of food are avoided and the best way to do that is to buy organically grown meats and produce. They may be a little more expensive that regular types of meats and produce but their nutritional benefits are unmatched. Furthermore, a lot of money can be saved from future medical bills that can be incurred when life threatening diseases start to manifest. 15
  • 16.  How to Start on the Paleo Diet?  The choice to live healthier can be life changing and this is especially true when one decides to start on the Paleo Diet. You see, it does not only affect one's diet but also his way of life. For this reason, it is important to first seek medical advice before pushing ahead because there are individuals that are not suitable for high-protein diets. Aside from that, sudden changes in one's diet may cause the body to react negative thus making it important to have one's overall health status checked so a proper diet plan can be drawn up.  Perhaps one of the things that intimidate people about the Paleo Diet is the fact that meals are prepared without any condiments thus they can be assumed to be bland. The truth is, organically grown meats and produce are generally better tasting thus eliminating the need for taste enhancers. Meats for example, are cooked without adding oil because the fat present on the slabs will be enough. Since the taste is not altered by cooking oil, one can enjoy the full flavor of the meat.  Aside from that, there are hundreds of recipes available online for those under the Paleo Diet. One does not have to worry about being food deprived because there are a lot of ways to enjoy the different types of food allowed on this diet. However, one would have to be ready to give up cakes and pastries completely and learn how to enjoy fresh fruits for dessert. This goes for vices such as smoking and drinking as well. 16
  • 17.  What to Expect  Those considering on going on the Paleo Diet need to understand that people in the Paleolithic era were extremely active. They were always on the move, hunting and gathering food to eat. This allowed their bodies to burn off calories and prevent the accumulation of fat. For this reason, people of today have to keep in mind that they would also need to complement their diet with the right exercise if they want to see positive results. It is recommended to work with a fitness trainer that is familiar with the Paleo diet so a right workout plan can be devised.  Article Source: 17
  • 18. CHOOSE A PALEO DIET - EAT FAT, KEEP TRIM AND BE HEALTHY BY GUY LAWRENCE  "Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm". - Donella Meadows  THIS IS SIMPLY MY OPINION. Admittedly I am somewhat passionate about the topic, having worked as a Personal Trainer for 6 years and now running a company that deals directly with this topic, but still it is simply my opinion. I say this because I encourage anyone and everyone to check out the facts for themselves. As far as I'm concerned, there is vail that covers the whole food industry and it's up to the individual to lift it up and take a look behind.  When I first heard the term 'paleo diet' I thought here we go again. Another marketing ploy created with financially driven motives in mind. I understand why it's so easy to dismiss anything new we hear in the media. It's much easier as human beings to stick to what we know and tell ourselves that what we eat is right, I mean... as human beings we are always right... right? But what if we are getting it wrong? What then?  I've always been curious, I continually poke around and ask questions regarding the health & fitness industry, it's in my DNA. As part of a company dedicated to nutrition you get to interact with many other experts in the industry too. Naturopaths, nutritionists, some extremely fit athletes and CrossFit owners/clients. Then we get those at the other end of the scale with weight issues and more serious health concerns. 18
  • 19.  After years of this poking around to see what really fits, the trail kept leading me back to the way I've been eating for years (and I feel pretty good!). What I didn't realise it is that it's termed the paleo diet. I have learned that there are different versions of the paleo diet, but in a nutshell that is how I do things and why we have embraced the paleo diet at 180 Nutrition.  Sadly, most of the industry is driven by money with profit and the bottom dollar in mind. There are no real concerns for health, if there were then why are we getting fatter as a nation each year? Why is there so much confusion? If the stats continue to grow annually, 100% of us will be obese by 2030! Can this be right?  DO YOU HAVE THESE FOODS ON A DAILY BASIS?  Seriously think about the next question for a moment.  If you know your daily food intake needs improving and you woke up in the morning completely inspired, what's the first thing you would eliminate from your diet? What would you start buying and eating more of?  People tell me they eat a healthy diet all the time, but when you start to break it down, the foods they eat are anything but! 19
  • 20.  Take a look at the list below. Does your daily diet consist of the these foods?  *Soy milk *Low fat yoghurt *Breakfast cereal *Bread *Rice *Pasta *Gluten free muffins, cakes etc. *99% fat-free products *Corn fed or processed meat *Homogenised milk *Organic packaged products  These foods make an appearance in many people's overall daily diet. Take a closer look and you will find that they are not very nutritious at all. All I see is a lot of sugar, carbs that are mainly processed (this will have the same effect on the body as sugar), processed fats (my belief is that these are very damaging) and some preservatives and flavourings etc thrown in for good measure. Oh and organic... a buzz word that is heavily marketed but doesn't stand up to scrutiny.  You can have an organic cardboard box, but that doesn't mean it's a healthy option if you eat it. 20
  • 21.  So where are all the nutrients?  My belief is that these food types are contributing to our health problems. From lack of nutrients to over production of insulin. Throw in a hectic working week with stress levels through the roof, add a sedentary lifestyle and you are asking for trouble.  But the good news is with a little planning and creativity, you can control what you eat. Like I always say, don't count calories, make what goes in your mouth count!  If there's only one thing you take away from this post, just remember this and own it: "Carbohydrates controls insulin; insulin controls fat storage.“  I hear a lot of confusion around this topic, especially when it comes to weight loss. And even more so - FAT. Not your love handles kind of fat but the fat that we eat.  If you could make simple dietary and physical changes to your daily life that would greatly improve your overall health over time would you do it? You'd certainly like to thinks so. But I often hear resistance to change when it comes to the food we eat, and especially when it comes to fat. So, consider the next quote below.  'All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.' - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher 21
  • 22.  So what do you consider to be healthy now? I've outlined below what I usually eat in a typical day and what I see as a typical daily diet for many people:  Typical Breakfast *Slice of multigrain toast & Jam *Museli  My Breakfast *Cod liver oil capsules & Krill oil capsules on rising (Giving me a range of essential fatty acids) *3 egg omelet with veggies, mushrooms, Parmesan & spices or *3-4 dessert spoons of 180 Protein SuperFood, 2 organic eggs, some coconut milk, ice, a few berries and a little water. Blend. (Sometimes I use 1/2 avocado or frozen spinach. Whatever’s in the fridge)  Typical Lunch Salad & meat sandwich (bread like focaccia)  My Lunch *Large Chicken salad with olive oil  Typical afternoon snack *99% fat free muffin  My afternoon snack *Half avocado with chopped cherry tomatoes and ricotta. Sea salt & pepper. Typical Dinner *Pesto chicken pasta  My Dinner *Grass fed steak (palm of my hand size) cooked rare in coconut oil and cajun with veggies. 22
  • 23.  Are you eating the typical daily diet that is perceived to be healthy? If you are, why? Is it going to effect your health long term? Can you see a difference in the meals?  From my years of experience, I feel that natural fat is not the culprit. I personally don't mind how much natural fat I eat (this includes cholesterol from organic eggs and grass fed meat) and I make sure I get a broad range of fatty acids (omega 3′s especially - big fan of krill oil). I have moderate protein and most of my carbs come in the form of vegetables and a little fruit. I've cut all sugar.I stop eating when I'm full and I don't eat until I'm hungry. I exercise most days and always look for a good nights sleep. Pretty simple really.  I find most people struggle getting their head around eating fat (NOTE: I'm talking about natural occurring fat and fat from naturally grass fed animals. Not corn fed!! Or fats that have been homogenised or hydrogenated. I do my up most to avoid any kind of processed fat) and understandably so. We are taught a low fat diet is healthy. If you eat any other way then you must belong to some cult!  But what I encourage you to do is investigate and be open. Back in 2007 I heard about a small organisation that where helping people with chronic diseases and cancer. They were supportive through natural remedies including diligent nutrition (think dedication of an Olympic athlete), weight training and creating a supporting community for each other.  I knew no one with cancer personally, I didn't have cancer either but I was hearing stories of remarkable results. And I was hearing high fat diet with low carb. All this was going against the very things I've been taught (& I work in the health & fitness industry). But I was curious, in fact so curious I rang them up and a week later I was flying up there. It would have been very easy to dismiss but I needed to know more. 23
  • 24.  I met over 20 people who had different forms of cancer on that weekend. This wasn't about miracle cures or false claims, but simply giving the best possible chance for the body to heal itself through nutrition and environment. Many people had been in ketogenesis (when the body has no free carbohydrates available, fat must be broken down into acetyl-CoA in order to get energy, not to be confused with Ketoacidosis) for over 12 months and were doing really well.  So what were these guys eating? A natural high fat diet, moderate protein along with lots of veggies and minimal carbs. What was even more interesting was that most of these people (because of their illness) where being monitored by their local doctor. It's common to find many problematic health issues occurring at the same time along with chronic diseases like cancer. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, gut problems, depression etc. So they would report back to get check ups for many of these. If they stuck diligently to their new lifestyle of eating and weight training (100% commitment like Olympic athlete, remember!), then a lot of these symptoms where starting to improve.  Was this enough for me to start to digging further and question what we are taught to eat? For me, absolutely! Is it the right way to eat? It is for me that's for sure. I treat it all like an adventure and continue to learn as I always look to try and fit the pieces together.  What's right for you? Only you can truly answer that. But I certainly encourage everyone to be curious, open and to try new things. 24
  • 25.  So the question is; are you eating a healthy diet?  Do you really question what you eat?  Are you in good health? If not, why?  If you could do one thing right now that would be a positive step to improving your health, what would it be?  By Guy Lawrence of 180 Nutrition  Article Source: 25
  • 26. PRACTICAL PALEO BOOK REVIEW BY WENDY BOTTRELL  When I began my own gluten free-living journey, I was looking for a resource that would make it very easy to learn and make the necessary changes to a gluten free lifestyle. I had been doing quite a bit of reading of the paleo lifestyle and it seemed this would be a very easy way of living for me to get started with.  As I was looking at the few options for books, Practical Paleo, by Diane Sanfilippo jumped out because I liked the way the author came to the paleo lifestyle. Although our life stories are not identical, I could definitely relate to the challenges she had gone through. Therefore, she takes us on the journey of how she came to live the practical paleo lifestyle and how her health improved. Eighteen months ago, that is exactly what I was looking for, improved health and weight loss.  I also appreciate how the author explains that the practical paleo is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. When living wheat, grains and gluten free because of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease you realize how very important it is to make changes for good health first and foremost. Any other benefits of those changes are simply a bonus.  Therefore, if like me you are ready for a healthy change, yet want and need an easy to use guidebook then Practical Paleo may be a resource for you. 26
  • 27.  What you will learn inside the Practical Paleo book:  Section 1 - The Why - Food & Your Body - this section is essential to understanding why paleo might be a solution for good health. The author explains, "What paleo is" and how to make it work for you day to day. She then goes on to help in the getting started with the basics - I found this section to be most useful because of the tear out guides -Invaluable when starting. Recommendations - very powerful and you may be surprised. Going out socially can be a challenge when living gluten free and the section on Eating out is awesome. You will not want to miss this section. We are learning more and more about the importance of good digestion for our health. The digestion section is very thorough and will help if you are having health problems because of poor digestion.  Section 2 - 30 Day Meal Plans I think this is one of the most important sections because she provides different Meal plans for different health challenges that include, Autoimmune Conditions, Blood Sugar Regulation, Digestive Health - Celiac Disease, Thyroid Health, Neurological Health, Heart Health, Cancer Recovery, Athletic Performance, Fat Loss, Squeaky Clean Paleo.  Section 3 - Recipes - This is my most favorite section because Dianne has provided some delicious, easy to make recipes. My favorites so far are the Pumpkin Pancakes (can I just say Yummy) and the Spaghetti Squash Bolognese. 27
  • 28.  So there you have it. For me the reason I use the practical paleo approach is that it is simple and easy. Yet no matter if you are gluten sensitive, celiac or not there is some very good information to help you learn why the paleo lifestyle may benefit you and your family, some very delicious recipes as well as the tear out guides that provide the resource when shopping, cooking and going out to eat.  I would highly suggest getting this book and having it in your health library.  Wendy Bottrell Gluten Free Living  Article Source: Preview Practical Paleo now at =  Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle 28
  • 29. PALEO DIET: THREE BIG REASONS WHY GOING NATIVE MAKES SENSE BY PETE A TURNER  There is a lot of buzz lately about the Paleo Diet and for good reason, it just makes sense! Eating like our cavemen ancestors did maybe the next big break though in maximizing our health and disease prevention. Here are three big reasons why going "native" is the right thing to do.  First a quick definition: The Paleo Diet eliminates sugar, wheat, dairy, progressed foods and focuses on the foods that were available to early man. Foods such as eggs, meat, fish, fruits, nuts and veggies made up the bulk of this lifestyle. Here are three points to consider.  It's only been a few thousand years since humans have cultivated wheat and raised cows for milk and cheese.  It has only been a hundred years since we in the Western World have had processed food.  Only since World War Two that the bulk of our diet is heavily processed foods with artificial color, taste, preservatives and ingredients that we cannot pronounce or even know what they are. Worst more and more foods are being genetically altered.  A few thousand years and or a couple of decades are not enough time for our bodies to adjust to these changes in man's diet. This diet of caveman or Paleo diet has fed humans for eons and our bodies are basically the same as it was ten thousand years ago. 29
  • 30.  Many of the diseases we have today: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity are a direct result of our heavily laden diet of sugar, Trans fat and chemicals. Those of us that adhere to a Paleo Lifestyle believe that eliminating these "foods" from our diet will heal our bodies and now science is beginning to agree.  Here are three big reasons why going native makes sense.  The normal western diet is laden with preservatives and additives. We ingest these toxins a daily basis causing inflammation within the body resulting in a breakdown of our immune system.  Eating a low carb, lean protein natural diet can reverse many diseases that in the past were considered incurable.  It has been proven that a low carb, lean protein diets rich in vegetables and fruits causes sustained weight lost.  There are many more reasons but let's look in depth at these three. I don't think anyone can disagree that the average person consumes huge amounts of artificial ingredients. Things like red dye #2, 3 and so on; sugars, diet sodas, preservatives and flavor enhancers are mainly created in the lab and not on the farm. What is this consumption of all these chemicals really doing to our bodies? 30
  • 31.  The people who live long and vigorous lives from Sardinia to Okinawa, the so-called blue zone people eat local foods from yogurt to fish, fruits and vegetables. They don't have words in their language for cancer or heart disease. Recently a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that native people who have reverted back to a traditional diet report significant weight lost and reduced cholesterol and low blood pressure. Even more amazing researchers have found that switching to such a diet can actually reverse type 2 diabetes, a disease that once was believed incurable.  One of the common denominator in most of the weight lost diet plans from Jenny Craig to the South Beach Diet is low carb, lean protein and lots of veggies. These diets work because they eliminated the carbs like potatoes, soda, sugar, white flour and other foods that cause a spike in your insulin and cause weight gain. The Paleo diet consists of these healthy weight reduction foods.  So what does that mean to you and me? Well for me it is obvious; a diet similar to a diet consumed by our early ancestors is the right way to go. There is a lot of hype about the Paleo Diet but really it is very simple eating meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies that are ideally grown and organic is a healthy and disease preventive diet that anyone can follow. True you have to give up some foods, but a lot less than say a vegan and certainly less than a raw food diet. I know for me it has made a great difference in my health. Hopefully these three big reasons will convince you to "go native" and try the Paleo Diet 31
  • 32.  Coach Pete Turner believes you deserve to live a vibrant and pain free life. He has overcome back injury, pain and surgery and at sixty-six years old is strong, healthy and fit. Find out how he did it and how you can too by Clicking Here  Article Source: 32
  • 33. HOW OFTEN CAN I EAT ON THE PALEO DIET BY TONY G ELAM  The simple answer is to eat when you are hungry. If you are following the paleo diet, then you are eating more satiating foods and are less likely to over indulge, if you are eating high quality, whole foods.  I doubt you ever heard anyone say "I just couldn't stop eating that bag of broccoli", or "I just ate 6 grass fed steaks without knowing what happened.‘  The point is that once you stop eating highly processed foods, including foods with high salt and processed sugars, your instinctual hung pangs will come back. It may take some time to learn to listen to them, but they will come back.  So when do I eat?  In general I would stick to 3- 4 meals a day, but this really depends on your goals and activity level. It also depends on you mix of carbohydrates and how well your body is adapted to burning fat?  Eating within the first 30 minutes of the day may be effective for burning fat. Also cutting your meals off a few hours before bedtime may be healthy as well. 33
  • 34.  If you are trying to wean you self off of sugar you may eat every 2 to 3 hours as you control the carbs to 150 on the day. You may find that once you are getting your primary carb source from sweet potatoes, vegetables, and fruit that you are able to control you cravings a little better.  Post Workout  The best time to eat carbohydrates for many would be after a workout. Your body will make the best use of a piece of fruit or a sweet potato if you eat it within 30 minutes post workout.  Do I need Snacks?  If you are eating regular meals you really shouldn't need snacks, but you might find that you want one anyway, or your hunger might sneak up on you if you get busy at work. It's a good idea to keep some high quality Paleo Snacks on hand like a handful of almonds, and a piece of dark chocolate.  Fasting  There is some debate of the value on intermittent fasting, but you find that the benefit may not be worth the sacrifice. You will find that it is easier to skip meals due to the lack of sugar spikes. This makes it easier to make better choices in the occasional case you are not prepared to eat at your normal time.  I hope this helps but, overall I think the best advice is to eat whole foods, and eat when your body needs it.  Have a good day!  Article Source: 34
  • 35. PALEO GRANOLA - FEEL FREE TO EAT IT BY REACHARD JHONSON  Snacking is often considered as unhealthy, but it is a kind of a tiny meal that can control the hunger pangs at the oddest times of the day. Most of us like to eat snacks when hungry. Certainly, it makes a person feel better. There are several reasons for the people to be a part of the unhealthy snacking phenomenon. The main reasons are:  • Most of the packaged snacks are ready to eat and can be consumed as soon as a person feels hungry. • Undoubtedly, these tiny little meals taste awesome. • Easy availability of the snacks in the market makes it a tempting thing to store at home. • Snacking is considered as one of the best pastimes. • It's easy to store packaged snack in bags to carry for outdoor activities like picnic, camping or trekking. • Indulging in a tea time snack is a long-lived tradition. • It keeps a person satisfied in between the meals.  The Paleo diet is gaining popularity worldwide, as it promotes a nutritious diet that is rich in nuts, fruits, eggs, berries, vegetables, seeds, meat, sea foods and eliminates grains, dairy products, legumes, processed foods, sugar, oil and spices that are strong and hard to digest. It even excludes preservatives, additives, gluten and other hazardous chemicals from its dictionary of diet. 35
  • 36.  The concept of the Paleo diet is to avoid unhealthy food and encourage people to indulge themselves into tastier and healthier meal. The world of Paleo snacks encourages people to enjoy a healthy luncheon in between the meals. We are so used to eating chips, candies, jellies, baked food, bars, grained products, burgers, pizzas and granolas for snacks that we hardly realize the kind of unhealthy nibble we are offering our body. If you love eating snacks, feel free to opt for a Paleo snack that ensures good health and is free from any sort of additives and preservatives.  Granola is a popular American snack and most of the people either eat it for their breakfast or eat it as a midday refreshment. Traditionally, people use to cook it at home, but it is not difficult to find it in the market these days. People love to eat it with yoghurt, honey or milk. As there is a lot of competition in the food industry these days, opting for a granola bar that is made of natural food should be the aim of every person concerned about its health.  Snacking is a Universal phenomenon and there is nothing wrong about it, until and unless you stick to a healthy morsel. Especially when granola is your favorite bite to eat, you can easily find a packaged one that follows the norms of the Paleo diet. Just feel free to eat it and enjoy its taste in different flavors available in the market. 36
  • 37.  Whether you are fond of a delectable chocolate flavor, pineapple flavor, apple pie, pumpkin pie or maple pancake, you will find every flavor in the market that your tongue is fond of. So, why to resist your favorite flavor, when granola manufacturers are offering you a healthier snacking alternative.  Paleonola is a grain free granola that is free from preservatives and is a healthy example of Paleo snacks. It is free from cheap fillers and preservatives and is designed to promote healthier lifestyle in people.  Article Source:  For paleo snack recipes and more…  Click Here! 37
  • 38. REACTIONS TO THE PALEO DIET BY RICHARD H NEIL  All diet programs tend to stir up ardent supporters as well as vehement detractors. The Paleo Diet is no different in this respect. The thing to understand about the Paleo Diet though is that it is more accurately described as a way of life as opposed to a "diet". As such, the Paleo approach to burning fat or losing weight continues to attract a lot of attention in the media and on the internet.  If this is your first time reading about the Paleo Diet, it can briefly be described like this: lean, healthy bodies are achieved through eating like paleolithic human beings. Eat only meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and eggs. Avoid whole grain products, dairy, legumes(beans), and processed foods.  Any person who begins a new diet or lifestyle change should look at it with a discerning eye and thoroughly contemplate both the advantages and disadvantages. Consulting with a physician or healthcare professional is never a bad idea either. Then, once you decide to proceed, remain up to date with evolving information.  With the objective approach in mind, here are a few typical reactions to the Paleo lifestyle: 38
  • 39.  Paleolithic human beings didn't live very long. Therefore, the Paleo Diet isn't a very good lifestyle choice.  This is usually the first objection that people have toward the Paleo Diet once they grasp that it is about mimicking the eating habits of Stone Age humans. Believers in the Paleo Diet ask that you look at all the information in total before jumping to this conclusion.  Obviously, cavemen didn't have access to the same medical techniques that we do today. This factor, more than diet, contributed to the decreased longevity of Stone Age people. Some anthropologists believe that the conditions we see at high rates today in young people, such as diabetes, celiac's disease, or acne, were virtually nonexistent in Paleo era people thanks to their natural diet.  The short answer then to the caveman lifespan question is that Paleolithic people would have lived just as long as modern humans or even longer had they had access to the same medical solutions we have today and that their overall health was better over the span of their life due to the absence of the diet induced diseases of modern humans.  The Paleo Diet lacks adequate fiber intake:  At first glance, many of us assume that the Paleo Diet is devoid of fiber since whole grains are not allowed on this diet plan. Everyone from doctors to food manufacturers constantly push the idea that we must intake fiber for health and that the best way to get it is through oatmeal or whole grain cereals. 39
  • 40.  Fiber is indeed very important however there are plenty of foods on the Paleo Diet plan that have just as much fiber content as whole grains. A typical serving of whole grain cereal has 4 grams of dietary fiber. Here is a very short list of foods that have just as much or more fiber per serving:  Raspberries = 8 grams of fiber  Apple = 4.4 grams  Pear = 5.5 grams  Broccoli = 5.1 grams  Artichoke = 10.3 grams  Broccoli = 5.1 grams  In other words, fiber does not exist in whole grains alone.  But bread and dairy are my favorite foods!  Yes, you do have to sacrifice something. On the Paleo Diet, you don't have to count calories, portion sizes are not a major concern, and you don't have to avoid foods with a high fat content. You can eat plenty of prime rib and ground chuck on the Paleo Diet. To lose that stubborn belly fat though, you've got to eliminate dairy and grain based products from your diet.  So, you've got to decide what you want more of: to eat bread and cheese or to look and feel healthy again? Some people who have found success with the Paleo Diet allow themselves to indulge in a cheeseburger every now and again. Others who swear by the it find that they don't even enjoy fattening foods anymore. Either way, anything worthwhile does require a certain measure of discipline, even the Paleo Diet.  All the best in Health and Happiness,  Richard Neil  Article Source: 40
  • 41. STILL HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PALEO DIET? “YOUR GUIDE TO PALEO” HAS THE ANSWERS!  Click Here!  And don’t forget to sign up for our FREE newsletter! 41