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Table of Contents
A short history of the AVKO Foundation ........................................................4
Beliefs shared by most AVKO members........................................................4
Origin of The Patterns of English Spelling .....................................................5
Other materials developed from The Patterns of English Spelling.................6
Using The Patterns of English Spelling as a source for homework exercises7
Special notations concerning the FORMAT...................................................9
Dolch Words .........................................................................................9
Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00............................................9
Spelling Demons.................................................................................10
Related families ..................................................................................10
Homophones ......................................................................................10
Homographs .......................................................................................10
Heteronyms ........................................................................................10
Word selection .............................................................................................11
British Spellings ...........................................................................................11
Pronunciation ...............................................................................................11
Definitions ....................................................................................................11
Grade Levels................................................................................................11
Challenging the GIFTED children ................................................................11
Page numbering of the volumes ..................................................................11
Questions to be answered by curriculum designers ....................................11
Index of Basic Phonic Patterns by Vowel Types..........................................12
The 214 Easiest Words to Learn in Exact Statistical Order .........................14
Roots (Latin & Greek) ..................................................................................15
Essential Phonic Patterns Rarely Systematically Taught.............................16
Using the Alphabetic Index of Words as a teaching tool..............................21
Using the Alphabetic Index of Words as a rhyming dictionary.....................22
Alphabetic Index of Words .....................................................................23-98
Prefixes and Suffixes ........................................................Volume 10, p. 1001
A Short History of the AVKO Foundation
AVKO is a non-profit tax-exempt membership organization founded in 1974.
AVKO is subsidized by donations and grants and is open to membership to anyone interested in
helping others learn to read and write.
AVKO is run by a board of directors elected by the membership.
AVKO’s daily operations are handled by volunteers.
AVKO hopes to spread the concept that ordinary adults can be trained in adult community
education courses to become successful tutors of their children (or spouses) who have
reading/spelling problems.
AVKO provides newsletters and economical opportunities for members to pursue individual
research projects and to take part in large scale cooperative research projects that have
immediate practical applications.
AVKO is attempting to accomplish these goals primarily through the profits generated by the sale
of services and special materials developed for the special needs of students, parents, and
Beliefs Shared by Most AVKO Members
1. The natural way of learning is immediate self-correction of mistakes.
2. Every child can learn to read at least as well as the child can speak.
3. We should use common sense when it comes to following frequency word counts so that we can
teach related words together. For example, when we teach the word nice we should teach
ice, lice, slice, rice, price, dice, mice, etc.
4. Creating sequences based on frequency counts leads to such nonsense as the following:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 & up
pink ................
smile............... ....................... .......................mile
table................ .......................
yellow ............ ....................... .......................yell .................low
still ................. ....................... ....................... .......................ill
black............... ....................... ....................... .......................lack
5. Although there isn’t just one correct way of teaching reading and/or spelling, both teachers and
students are helped by a systematic approach.
Origin of
The Patterns of English Spelling
(Earlier editions were called Word Families)
In the fall of 1968 I was teaching reading at Northwestern High School in Flint, Michigan. My
favorite technique to help students unlock words was by what we now call chunking. For example,
if a student couldn’t read the word advice, I would have him write the “chunk” ice and then keep
changing ice to words such as rice, lice, slice, vice, and finally the word advice.
ice ice
ice rice
ice price
ice lice
ice slice
ice vice
ice advice
One day, a student asked me for help on reading the word technique. My mind went blank. I
couldn’t think of a single -ique word. Now, I don’t like to be embarrassed. But, I was lucky. I was
saved by the bell ending the class and the school day. I rushed down to see Wilton Slocum, the
Assistant Principal for Instruction. I explained to him my problem. I just had to have a book in
which I could just look up any word family that I needed. Since the concept of word families is
ancient, there just had to be a reference work that contained them all. He agreed. He also agreed to
find one and purchase it for me. However, he never got the book for me because no such book had
ever been written. In the process of complaining about my problem in the teachers’ lounge, one of
the teachers said, “McCabe, you’re a linguist. You have a whole summer off. Why don’t you write
one yourself?”
You might say that The Patterns of English Spelling came about as a result of a combination of
ignorance and stubbornness. I was ignorant enough to think that I could do it in a summer’s time. I
was stubborn enough to keep working at it for almost 30 years. The way I started was by first
creating a periodic table of English phonograms so I could go about it systematically.
I first laid out the fourteen1
vowel phonemes across the top of a sheet of paper using my own
notation. Then I began laying out all the consonant endings in alphabetical order to form a matrix.
Long Vowels out law Roy cook2
Short Vowels
b Abe plebe tribe robe tube --- daub --- --- cab web rib rob rub b
bee baby Phoebe --- Toby ruby --- --- --- --- cabby Debby Libby Bobby chubby bee
bul table feeble Bible noble ruble --- --- foible --- babble --- dribble bobble bubble bul
bur caber --- --- --- goober --- --- --- --- jabber webber --- bobber lubber bur
Then it was just a matter of filling in the matrix with sample words, making cards, filing cards, ad
nauseum. But making the map convinced me that English has an amazing regularity in its patterns.
Linguists do not agree among themselves as to what constitutes a vowel, how many there are, or how best to represent
them. So I devised a system I thought most teachers could understand without having to take a course in linguistics.
We call the four middle vowels the Outlaw Roy Cook vowels for OW AW OY and uu.
Other Materials Developed from
The Patterns of English Spelling
Sequential Spelling
This is the only spelling program ever designed in which teachers have nothing to correct and
students have nothing to study! And it works! But don’t take AVKO’s word for it. You can try it
yourself using the first six days of Sequential Spelling below. Ask your class to spell the word
beginning as in: Let’s start at the beginning. Collect their papers. Then, on the 5th day, compare
their spellings of the word beginning which they never studied with their spelling of the word
beginning on the first day.
Give the following tests on separate but consecutive class days. You say the word. Use it in a
sentence. Give the word again. Each student must attempt to spell the word. After each student has
tried and BEFORE going to the next word, give the correct spelling and have each student correct
his own spelling.
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day
1. in in thin thins thinned thinning
2. pin pins pinned pinning thinner thinnest
3. sin sins sinned sinning sinner sinners
4. spin spins an inn spinning spinner spinners
5. kin shin shins chin chins chinned
6. skin skins skinned skinning Mr. Skinner Mrs. Skinner
7. win wins winning winner winners tin
8. twin twins inner bees bee be
9. tin be inning innings inn inns
10. fin fins begin begins beginning beginnings
There are 7 levels of Sequential Spelling with 180 daily tests for each level.
Let’s Write Right (Manuscript & Cursive)
Individualized Keyboarding for Personal Use with Computers
Starting at Square One
From Speech to Spelling
The Reading Teacher’s List of Over 5,500 Basic Spelling Words
If it is to be, it is up to me to do it (Family Literacy Set)
To Teach a Dyslexic
The Teaching of Reading & Spelling: a Continuum from Kindergarten
through College
For descriptive catalog write to AVKO Foundation, 3084 Willard Rd, Birch Run MI, 48415
The Patterns of English Spelling as Homework
Teachers can make homework assignments using words containing specific patterns (rimes that
rhyme). For example, Alfred E. Neumann on his dictation exercise misspelled the word robbed as
robed. So the teacher referred him to page 104 of this book. Following the teacher’s direction of
only copying words he knows, he copied:
bob bobs bobbed bobbing
cob cobs
gob gobs
slob slobs
blob blobs
mob mobs
snob snobs
sob sobs sobbed sobbing
Alfred didn’t copy the words formed from lob, fob, knob, and throb because he wasn’t sure of
the meanings. When Alfred went home at night, he took the list with him. Right after supper, he set
the timer for fifteen minutes and began writing.
Bob I like Bob. I like Bob’s car better.
bob I don’t like to bob for apples.
bobs His Adam’s apple bobs up and down when he talks.
bobbing I hate bobbing for apples.
cob I love corn on the cob.
gobs I wish I had gobs and gobs of money.
Alfred couldn’t put all the words into sentences. He didn’t have time to. The assignment was to
write as many sentences as he can in fifteen minutes. Each night he is to try to write a little more.
Now, these sentence-writing exercises are not going to teach Alfred how to write paragraphs, short
stories, poems, term papers, etc. However, he will learn how to write sentences and usually it is
rather difficult to write good paragraphs, short stories, and term papers if you have never learned to
write sentences. We believe in first things, first.
These sentences will tend to be original—not something copied from a book or magazine. It also
has the effect of helping students discriminate between words such as hop, hops, hopped, and
hopping as well as hope, hopes, hoped, and hoping. They must learn to use the third person singular
whether or not they have the vaguest idea of the differences between first, second and third person
singular or plural. The past tense has to be used, and they will use it.
We recommend that the homework be daily, if only for 15 minutes. Now, it is true that Alfred
may cheat and only write for ten minutes instead of fifteen. But ten minutes a day writing is better
than none. And the point is to have the students write as much as possible as often as possible. The
idea is quantity not quality in a limited time span.
The reason for quantity over quality is that this technique frees up the student’s computer-brain
so that the student can spill words onto paper nearly as fast as he can spill words from his mouth.
Once students have achieved mastery over sentence fluency, then they will be ready to begin the
more complicated compositional skills. But if students can’t write simple sentences, they can’t write
paragraphs or themes.
Another advantage of sentence assignments based on words the students are studying is that it
gives the students an extra opportunity to use the words they are learning. It also makes it extremely
easy for the teacher to check.
Notice—I said check, not correct. There is no need to correct the sentences. Check the paper by
writing the date in big letters with a felt marker as it is handed in. This prevents the con artist from
trying to keep handing in the same paper over and over again. If you have the students keep their
homework papers in their folders, you will eventually have the opportunity to review these papers
with the students individually at their desks and be able to show them their progress (or lack
thereof) and to work with them on their individual problems.
The reason for this is simple. Most students never learn a thing from papers that are handed back
days or weeks later. Most students learn when they are watching their teacher correct their paper.
This also affords them the opportunity right there and then to either challenge your correction or be
taught how to avoid the mistake that they made.
But enough. You are the teacher. You know your students. You know what they need to learn.
The Patterns of English Spelling will allow you to find whatever word list you want for whatever
reason you want to use it. You don’t have to use all the words in any of these lists. Use just those
words you want to use.
Special Notations Concerning the Format
At the bottom of almost all the pages that contain word lists, there will occur most of the following:
• Dolch Words
• Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00:
• Spelling Demons:
• Homophones:
• Heteronyms:
• Related Families
• Other Related Words
Dolch Words: These words are those found by E. W. Dolch1
to comprise the most basic of all sight
vocabularies. The validity of these words as a basic list has withstood the test of time. However, as most
of these words contain phonically regular patterns, we believe that they should not be taught in isolation
but rather with words of similar patterns.
Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00: The levels are based upon an analysis of The New Iowa
Spelling Scale2
In this study, a total of 5,507 key words were given in spelling tests to over 230,000
students in 645 school systems scattered across the country in November, 1953. They study listed the
percentages of the students in grades 2 through 8 who could correctly spell the words. For example,
Percent AVKO
correctly 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Difficulty
spelling Level
grab 05 17 38 52 67 77 78 07.05
grabbed 01 10 16 30 39 52 14.15
grace 01 19 48 65 84 88 92 04.55
gracious 02 12 21 38 58 14.55
Because percentage figures can be misleading and often serve as the target to reach rather than to
surpass, we converted the average of the 5th through 8th grade percentages to a 20 point scale having
1.00 being the easiest—that is, known by over 99.50% of middle school students. The theoretical 0%
was set at 21.00. This one scale becomes applicable to all types of schools and all types of students. No
matter what the percentage of students in expensive private school X correctly spell the words seat
(3.70), scatter (9.50), electricity (13.45), or initial (17.45), as compared to a college freshman English
class or a ghetto public school, the relative rankings of these words will remain the same. That is, the
word seat will be the easiest and the word initial the hardest of the four example words. As to the grade
level of any particular word, our rule of thumb is to divide the difficulty level by two and the result is
approximately the grade level.
Spelling Demons: These are words that appeared on one or more of four separate lists entitled “Spelling
Demons.” One list was that of Edward Fry’s3
. Another was the list found in the Random House
Dictionary of the English Language. Yet another was a secretarial list published by Quali-dex and the
last was George W. Feinstein’s list used for his college text, Programmed Spelling Demons. The total
number of demons came up to over 2,000 because there is very little agreement among the experts as to
Dolch, E. W. Teaching Primary Reading, pp. 205-227, Chicago, IL: Garrard Press, 1941.
Greene, Harry A. The New Iowa Spelling Scale. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 1954.
Fry, Edward. The New Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1988.
which words are demons. We listed them mainly so that teachers, if they desired, could give special
emphasis to these words.
Homophones: These are words that are pronounced the same as each other but which differ in meaning
and/or spelling as in heir, air, and sometimes err. We also extend the meaning to include words that
have two spellings such as color (American) and colour (British). Se British Spellings below. Because
in our language we may have two or more words pronounced the same but spelled differently, we have
elected to present the homophones for any member of any family so that a teacher may —if she/he
chooses to—teach the homophone. If a teacher elects to call homophones, homonyms, we do not object.
Homophones is the term of choice in a technical context which we consider this book to be. Homonyms
is more frequently the term of choice in a non-technical context such as an elementary school spelling
Homographs: These are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and different origins.
For example, the word bat (a club) and bat (a flying mouse) are homographs as are batter (the man with
the bat in baseball), batter (as in cake or pancake dough before it is cooked), or batter (as in to beat up a
person). To save space we ignore them—inasmuch as we assume a good teacher will point out how
words change in meaning according to the context they are in.
Heteronyms: These are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations. Common
examples are lead and lead. One rhymes with seed and the other with bed
Related Families: We list only the very nearest relatives. For example, for the AB CAB family we only
listed the EB WEB, IB FIB, OB BOB, and UB RUB families. Close cousins would be listed as other
related families. See below.
Other Related Families: These are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en, -ment,
-tion, -ive, etc. For example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER BATTER,
Censorship: We freely admit to having censored some words, especially those found on bathroom walls.
We also left out words that we feel are extremely arcane or archaic such as araucaria or argal but left in
a useless word such as anhungry just because it’s one of the three words in English that end -gry.
(Angry and hungry are the other two.)
British Spellings: Whenever possible, we indicate where American spellings and British spellings part
company. For example, color is American but colour is British. Encyclopedia is American.
Encylopaedia is British. If we have inadvertently omitted making the distinctions on some words—
please inform us. We like to hear from those who use our materials. And we do want to correct the
mistakes that are in this edition. And we know that despite spell check and proofreaders. There will be
Pronunciation: Out of the myriad methods of denoting pronunciation we chose to use the method used by
most writers when they write dialect or try to make sure that the reader correctly pronounces a word.
Whenever we had any doubt as to a word’s pronunciation, we chose to use The Random House
Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Unabridged as our arbiter. We gave the
pronunciations not because we felt that teachers need to know how to pronounced the word families—
but so that they would have at their disposal a method of making spelling exercises and/or word cards
using the pronunciations given as a guide. For example, using these pronunciation guides, a teacher
could construct exercises such as the following:
“RAP’t” The man ________________ three times on the door. Correct response: rapped.
“PRESH shus” Little children are ____________________ . Correct response: precious.
Other Related Families: These are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en, -ment,
-tion, -ive, etc. For example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER BATTER,
Word Selection
Finding words that belong to families is not easy. You can’t just look them up in a dictionary unless
you can find a dictionary that lists all the words in reverse alphabetical order. The closest to that is
The English Word Speculum compiled by J. L. Dolby and H. L. Resnikoff and published by Mouton
& Company, The Hague, Paris in 1964. Unfortunately, this work is hopelessly flawed. However, we
did find that it had some words we didn’t have in our first few editions. We found many that we had
that they didn’t. Basically, we went through the dictionary sorting the words by families, but
omitting those we felt were too arcane or archaic or politically incorrect.
Grade Levels
Word families (or rimes, if you insist on using the latest jargon) don’t come in grade levels. This
series of volumes is constructed so that teachers in any grade from kindergarten to university can
easily find examples of words that follow whatever linguistic principle is being taught in their
particular textbook. There is nothing to prevent a third grade teacher from teaching some of the pre-
words in Volume 10, words such as prevent, pretend, and even predict.
Challenging the “Gifted” Children
Certainly the gifted children may be challenged by the “difficulty” of learning the meanings of
some of the words in the books such as eschew obfuscation. They also may be challenged by
learning how to correctly spell words that they only think they know how to spell. For example—
the two italicized words are misspelled in the following phrase: Eat your vittles or I’ll sing the scale,
do re me fa so la ti do! The correct spellings: victuals and sol. See the last part of Volume 5 with its
listing of insane words.
Contents of the Volumes
Volume First
Number Patterns Examples Page
1 Short Vowels CVC dad get tin 101
2 Short Vowels CVCC band went itch 201
3 Long Vowels CV, VCe go nice tube 301
4 Long Vowels CVVC raid seem roam 401
5 -R & W- Controls tar/war for/word wad/ward 501
6 Basic Suffixes batter battle dreadful 601
7 The Ending Y’s destiny simplify tricky/trickiest 701
8 Power Suffixes precious partial permission 801
9 Advanced Patters techniques chauvinism fiancée 901
9 Prefixes/Roots/Suffixes psychology photographic synthesizer 1001
Questions to be answered by Curriculum Designers
Does your K-2 curriculum cover all the concepts in volumes 1-6?
Does your 3-8 curriculum cover the concepts in volumes 7-10?
From our analyses of curricula used by over 90% of public schools, the concepts in volumes 7-10
are conspicuous by their absence not only in our schools but our universities as well.
Use this index to locate
additional word
families (or rimes) that
illustrate phonic
principles taught in any
reading series.
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
pay ay ay 301
pain ai ain 419
sail ai ail 411
claim ai aim 417
paint ai aint 253
wait ai ait 426
praise ai aise 360
afraid ai aid 401
eight eigh eight 426
range a--e ange 367
table a--e able 610
hating a-e ate 347
cake a-e ake 328
made a-e ade 321
save a-e ave 324
place a-e ace 343
blaze a-e aze 360
stale a-e ale 330
tape a-e ape 341
page a-e age 327
game a-e ame 332
safe a-e afe 324
we e e 304
key ey ey 306
see ee ee 305
sleep ee eep 424
need ee eed 402
peel ee eel 412
peek ee eek 408
sheet ee eet 427
speech ee eech 437
green ee een 420
teeth ee eeth 278
sea ea ea 305
seat ea eat 427
meal ea eal 412
weak ea eak 408
teach ea each 437
cheap ea eap 424
clean ea ean 420
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
feast ea east 438
beneath ea eath 275
sneeze ee-e eeze 435
sleeve ee-e eeve 441
believe ie-e ieve 406
piece ie-e iece 432
please ea-e ease 435
leave ea-e eave 441
try y y 308
buy uy uy 308
tie ie ie 308
high igh igh 308
light igh ight 428
kind i ind 229
wild i ild 240
size i-e ize 361
hide i-e ide 322
white i-e ite 357
line i-e ine 337
pipe i-e ipe 341
time i-e ime 333
mice i-e ice 344
tribe i-e ibe 320
smile i-e ile 330
drive i-e ive 325
like i-e ike 329
life i-e ife 325
Einstein ei ein 442
go o o 309
toe oe oe 311
slow ow ow 310
bold o old 241
roll o oll 153
bolt o olt 248
most o ost 235
both o oth 277
won’t o ont 249
road oa oad 403
coat oa oat 429
loan oa oan 421
boast oa oast 438
soak oa oak 409
loam oa oam 418
coax oa oax 268
loaf oa oaf 407
goal oa oal 413
grown ow own 421
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
bowl ow owl 415
stone o-e one 339
more o-e ore 526
note o-e ote 358
nose o-e ose 364
coke o-e oke 329
hope o-e ope 342
code o-e ode 323
dose o-e ose 364
robe o-e obe 320
stove o-e ove 326
hole o-e ole 331
home o-e ome 333
froze o-e oze 364
dew ew ew 316
do o o 312
igloo oo oo 312
you ou ou 317
true ue ue 314
spoon oo oon 422
loop oo oop 425
loot oo oot 429
cool oo ool 414
room oo oom 418
proof oo oof 407
pooch oo ooch 437
food oo ood 404
boost oo oost 438
goose oo-e oose 435
groove oo-e oove 435
snooze oo-e ooze 435
move o-e ove 326
lose o-e ose 365
use u-e use 346
rule u-e ule 331
tune u-e une 340
tube u-e ube 320
truce u-e uce 346
include u-e ude 323
truth u uth 278
OW (“OW!”)
cow ow ow 318
crowd ow owd 403
proud ou oud 403
town ow own 421
prowl ow owl 415
shout ou out 431
ground ou ound 231
count ou ount 252
m OW (“OW!”) Continued
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
ouse ou ouse 433
uch ou ouch 437
mouth ou outh 277
AW (“AW”)
draw aw aw 319
crawl aw awl 319
lawn aw awn 423
hawk aw awk 410
talk al alk 410
tall al all 147
haunt au aunt 252
cloth o oth 276
long o ong 219
boss o oss 159
dog o og 114
lost o ost 235
honk o onk 222
soft o oft 232
OY (“OY”)
boy oy oy 303
boil oi oil 415
join oi oin 423
joint oi oint 253
avoid oi oid 403
moist oi oist 438
noise oi-e oise 438
Short uu (“uu”)
cook oo ook 409
wood oo ood 404
foot oo oot 429
would oul ould 241
pull u ull 155
put u ut 211
black a ack 204
flag a ag 111
trap a ap 126
cash a ash 209
land a and 227
flat a at 131
bank a ank 220
scratch a atch 201
jam a am 116
dance a ance 257
cab a ab 101
stamp a amp 269
plan a an 121
slant a ant 249
bad a ad 106
class a ass 156
rang a ang 217
fast a ast 233
bath a ath 275
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
mask a ask 271
pal a al 146
ranch a anch 206
badge ae adge 212
Sample Vowel Word
Word Pattern Family Page
send e end 228
let e et 132
tell e ell 149
mess e ess 157
best e est 234
went e ent 250
red e ed 107
French e ench 206
wreck e eck 215
pledge e edge 212
stretch e etch 202
leg e eg 112
felt e elt 247
hex e ex 266
held e eld 240
step e ep 127
them e em 117
kept e ept 238
web e eb 102
fresh e esh 209
letter e etter 637
left e eft 232
help e elp 246
shelf e elf 243
fence e ence 257
men e en 122
next e ext 266
bread ea ead 402
sweat ea eat 277
death ea eath 275
trip i ip 128
sit i it 133
hill i ill 151
thin i in 123
sick i ick 215
wish i ish 210
think i ink 221
sing i ing 218
print i int 251
list i ist 235
gift i ift 232
hid i id 108
big i ig 113
him i im 118
stiff i iff 143
limp i imp 270
crisp i isp 273
since i ince 257
mix i ix 267
fib i ib 103
frisk i isk 271
bridge i idge 212
miss i iss 158
fizz i izz 138
with i ith 276
live i-e ive 325
not o ot 134
clock o ock 216
Bob o ob 104
rod o od 109
Don o on 124
stomp o omp 269
notch o otch 204
blond o ond 230
dodge o odge 212
doll o oll 153
box o ox 268
Tom o om 119
calm al alm 246
tub u ub 105
bump u ump 270
stuff u uff 145
rush u ush 211
luck u uck 216
sun u un 125
bug u ug 115
trunk u unk 222
bum u um 120
must u ust 236
but u ut 135
bunch u unch 207
dull u ull 155
budge u udge 212
hunt u unt 230
fuss u uss 160
mud u ud 110
cup u up 130
fuzz u uzz 140
refund u und 230
bus u us 160
dunce u unce 257
from o om 828
won o on 832
front o ont 249
monk o onk 222
once o once 257
flood oo ood 404
touch ou ouch 205
come o-e ome 333
love o-e ove 325
The 225 Easiest English Spellilng Words in Rank Order
I ............... 308
a .............. 368
is.............. 138
in.............. 123
you........... 317
he ............ 304
out ........... 431
good ........ 404
it............... 133
me ........... 304
old............ 241
one .......... 340
see........... 305
she........... 304
time.......... 333
ten ........... 122
up ............ 130
book......... 409
come........ 334
get ........... 132
go ............ 309
love.......... 326
time.......... 333
we............ 304
car ........... 501
day........... 301
the ........... 304
that .......... 131
have......... 324
into........... 312
today........ 301
yes........... 157
all............. 147
dog .......... 114
hat ........... 131
like........... 329
and .......... 227
big............ 113
ice............ 344
look.......... 409
year ......... 531
boy........... 303
but ........... 135
air ............ 531
how.......... 318
over ......... 670
can........... 121
did............ 108
looking ..... 409
men ......... 122
red ........... 107
at ............. 131
home ....... 333
may.......... 301
her ........... 511
was.......... 140
are ........... 501
be ............ 304
going........ 309
land.......... 227
long.......... 219
man ......... 121
my............ 307
play.......... 301
saw.......... 319
toy............ 303
work......... 503
if............... 143
add .......... 106
away........ 301
back......... 214
call........... 147
cowboy .... 303
room ........ 191
cat............ 131
new.......... 316
them ........ 117
bad .......... 106
came........ 332
end .......... 228
fat ............ 131
hand ........ 227
his............ 138
mother ..... 646
on ............ 124
read ......... 402
this........... 158
sun........... 125
fun ........... 125
cars.......... 501
food ......... 186
had .......... 106
hot ........... 134
part .......... 510
run ........... 125
same........ 332
school ...... 414
show........ 310
week........ 408
cow.......... 318
five........... 325
give.......... 325
got ........... 134
him........... 118
house....... 433
little.......... 604
most......... 235
oil............. 415
put ........... 135
tea ........... 305
way.......... 301
night......... 428
box........... 268
bed .......... 107
down........ 421
ago .......... 309
eat ........... 427
feet .......... 427
line........... 337
times........ 333
about ....... 431
ball........... 147
gave......... 324
hard ......... 505
ran ........... 121
will ........... 151
bell........... 149
do ............ 312
has........... 136
May.......... 301
milk.......... 245
say........... 301
stop.......... 129
face.......... 343
from ......... 119
moon ....... 422
pay........... 301
when........ 122
bank......... 220
books....... 409
mail.......... 411
thing......... 218
top ........... 129
town......... 421
wood........ 404
cap........... 126
letter ........ 637
more ........ 526
nut ........... 135
page ........ 327
sat............ 131
save......... 324
ship.......... 128
so............. 309
two........... 312
dear ......... 531
fish........... 210
tree .......... 305
age .......... 327
bee .......... 305
June......... 237
law........... 319
side.......... 322
stay.......... 301
stone........ 339
game ....... 332
hope ........ 342
low........... 310
pie............ 308
six............ 222
tell............ 149
black........ 214
class ........ 156
hill............ 151
kiss .......... 158
last........... 233
let............. 132
must......... 236
not ........... 134
sand......... 227
sea........... 305
state......... 347
what......... 504
with.......... 275
am ........... 116
art ............ 510
became.... 332
boat ......... 429
corn ......... 517
drive......... 325
gun .......... 125
hay........... 301
off ............ 144
park ......... 508
post.......... 235
well .......... 149
went......... 250
card ......... 505
pet ........... 132
nest.......... 234
best.......... 234
cup........... 130
fishing ...... 210
report....... 519
sing.......... 218
after ......... 649
become.... 334
comes...... 334
fast........... 233
fire ........... 525
foot .......... 427
green ....... 420
head ........ 402
hen .......... 122
three ........ 305
cut............ 135
lake.......... 328
pig............ 113
as............. 136
fall............ 147
hall........... 147
name ....... 332
some........ 334
song......... 219
without ..... 431
Common Latin and Greek Roots
Root Means as in
act do action
acu sharpen acumen
agri field agriculture
alt high altitude
alter other alternate
ambul walk ambulate
amo love amorous
ami love amiable
anima life animated
ann/enn year annual
apt/ept suitable aptitude
aqua water aquatic
art skill artist
aud hear auditorium
belli war belligerant
brev short brief
cad/cas fall cadaver
cal hot calorie
calc stone calculate
cam field camp
cand glow candle
cap head decapitate
cede go proceed
ceed go concede
ceive take receive
cept take reception
centr middle center
cert sure certain
cess go recess
cide cut suicide
cise cut concise
claim shout exclaim
clam shout clamor
clar clear clarity
cline lean incline
clud shut exclude
cogn know recognize
commun common communion
cord heart cordial
corp body corpse
cred believe credible
cur run incur
dent tooth dentist
dict say dictate
div cut apart divide
doc teach doctrine
domin master dominate
don give donate
duc lead induce
duct lead conductor
enn/ann year biennial
ept/apt suitable inept
fac make/do factory
fer carry ferry
fic make/do fiction
fide faith confide
fig form figure
Root Means as in
firm fixed confirm
flect/flex bend genuflect
form shape reform
fract break fracture
frag break fragment
frater brother fraternity
fric rub friction
fug flee fugitive
funct do function
grad step grade
gress step regress
grat please gratitude
greg herd gregarious
hab/hib hold habit/inhibit
homo man homicide
homo same homogenize
hosp stranger hospitality
host stranger hosts
imag likeness image
init begin initial
integ whole integral
ject throw reject
jud law judge
junct join junction
jur law jury
lab work labor
laps slip collapse
lat carry collateral
liber free liberty
loc place locate
luc light lucid
lud/lus play lusty
lum light illumine
luna moon lunatic
lust shine luster
mand order demand
manus hand manual
mar sea submarine
mater mother maternity
max greatest maximum
mem mindful remember
ment mind mental
merge dive submerge
migr move migrate
mim same mimeograph
min small minimum
minist serve minister
miss send missionary
mit send remit
mobile move mobility
mon warn remonstrate
mort death mortal
mot move motor
mov pass move
mut change mutation
narr tell narrate
nat birth native
Root Means as in
nav ship navy
neg no negative
not mark note
noun say pronounce
nunc say pronunciation
nov new novel
numer number numeral
ocu eye oculist
opt best optimist
ord row order
orig begin original
pater father paternal
ped foot pedal
pel drive propel
pend hand pending
plic/plex fold complex
plur more plural
pop people popular
port carry support
rupt break rupture
sign mark signature
spec see spectator
tract pull tractor
trib give contribute
trud/trus push intrude
turb bother disturbance
vac empty vacuum
vag wander vagrant
var different vary
ven come convention
ver truth veritable
vert turn convert
vers turn reverse
vict/vinc beat victory
vid see video
vis see vision
viv/vit live vivid/vital
voc call vocal
vok call revoke
void empty devoid
vol wish volunteer
volv roll revolver
vor eat voracious
Root Means as in
aero wind aeronautics
aesth feel anaesthetic
esth feel aesthetics
andr man android
anthr man anthropology
arch chief archbishop
archae old archaeology
ast star asterisk
baro weight barometer
biblio book bibliography
bio life biology
Root Means as in
cardi heart cardiologist
chron time chronicles
cine move cinema
kine move kinesthetic
cosm world cosmos
crat rule democratic
cracy rule aristocracy
cycl ring cyclical
dem people democracy
dogma opinion dogmatic
dont tooth orthodontist
dox belief orthodox
gam wed bigamy
gen birth genetics
geo earth geography
gnos know agnostic
gon bend octagon
gram letter telegram
graph write telegraph
gyn woman gynecologist
hydr water hydrant
iatr care for psychiatrist
kine move kinescope
klept take kleptomaniac
lith stone lithograph
log word monologue
lys break paralysis
mech thing do mechanical
meter reckon parameters
morph shape morpheme
neo new neologism
onym name synonym
opt eye optical
ortho straight orthodontist
mania madness pyromania
ortho straight orthodox
paleo old paleolithic
path feel empathy
ped/aed child pediatrician
phil love philosophy
phob fear xenophobia
phon sound phonograph
photo light photograph
phys body physical
pod foot podiatrist
poli town politics
psych mind psychology
scop see telescope
theo god theology
therm heat thermal
For Prefixes see p. 1001
For Suffixes see pp. 1057-70
For Index of Latin and Greek
Roots with word lists using the
roots, see pp. 1071-1075
A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught
Pattern Sample Words Containing Pattern Page
un (“un”) suffixes
-on = un apron pardon person reckon summon common ................832-851
-an = un urban human African pagan veteran Canadian..................852-856
-en = un leaden rotten deaden lengthen listen soften fasten ...........857-860
-in = un robin Franklin assassin toxin bulletin insulin cabin ............861-862
-ion = yun opinion union onions rebellion batallion .............................837/935
-ian = yun Italian civilian Sicilian guardian Indian ...............................853/936
-ain = un mountain certain chieftain fountain bargain ..............................419
“shun” suffixes (See also ti, ci, si, ssi, xi = sh)
-tion = shun probation gratification communication appreciation ...........844-863
-tian = shun Dalmatian Venetian Egyptian Tahitian Haitian..........................868
-cian = shun magician electrician statistician pediatrician musician ..............865
-sian = shun Caucasian Asian artesian Persian Eurasian Indonesian...........917
-cion = shun suspicion coercion.....................................................................843
-sion = shun compulsion pension tension apprehension expulsion...............842
-ssion = shun compassion repression aggression concussion.................839-840
-ssian = shun Russian Prussian Hessian ........................................................916
“chun” suffixes (See also t & ti = ch)
tune = chun fortune misfortune .....................................................................924
tian = chun Christian Sebastian ...................................................................868
tion = chun question digestion indigestion congestion suggestion ..............863
“zhun” suffixes
sion = zhun decision occasion confusion explosion conversion............841-842
“jun” suffixes
geon = jun surgeon dungeon bludgeon pigeon...........................................920
gion = jun religion region legion contagion regional...................................920
A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught
unt (“unt”) & un-ss (“un”-ss) suffixes
-ant = unt elegant ignorant significant applicant occupant........................ 254
-geant = junt sergeant pageant insurgeant pageantry................................... 920
-ent = unt convenient innocent confident resident president .................... 255
-tient = shunt patient impatient quotient sentient insentient ........................... 914
-cient = shunt efficient deficient sufficient ancient coefficient.......................... 912
-ance = un-ss ambulance attendance entrance inheritance defiance............. 258
-ence = un-ss violence coincidence experience evidence obedience............. 260
und (“und”) suffixes
-and = und Ireland Scotland Holland Maryland Portland England .............. 281
ur (“ur”) suffixes
-or = ur labor neighbor harbor rigor valor color .................... 675-681
-our = ur labour neighbour harbour rigour valour colour ......................... 682
-ar = ur muscular cedar scholar popular particular peculiar........... 673-674
-ir = ur nadir elixir astir tapir kaffir bestir............................................... 675
-ssure = shur pressure assure fissure reassure ............................................. 915
-sure = zhur treasure pleasure measure leisure exposure ........................... 919
-ture = chur venture fracture picture culture furniture creature ............. 923-924
ul (“ul”) suffixes
al = ul verbal mental medal decimal criminal trial rival ................. 818-827
cial = shul racial commercial special social crucial artificial....................... 818
tial = shul partial initial credentials essential sequential..................... 825/914
el = ul label angel camel panel chapel barrel weasel................... 624-627
il = ul peril stencil vigil evil devil civil April fossil tonsils pupil ............. 628
ol = ul symbol pistol idol capitol carol bristol gambol petrol................. 628
ul = ul handful thankful respectful mogul consul delightful........... 629-631
able = bul probable readable noticeable available variable ............... 613-621
ible = bul possible edible credible compatible irresistible.................. 621-623
ical = kul chemical technical historical mathematical cubical ........... 802-816
acal = kul maniacal kleptomaniacal xenomanical pyromaniacal............... 801
A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught
/k/ suffixes
-ac = ak maniac zodiac shellac cognac almanac kleptomaniac..............801
-ec = ek Aztec Alec kopec.......................................................................801
-ic = ik cubic Nordic terrific tragic psychic frolic cosmic .................802-816
u tee suffixes
ality = al u tee personality legality nationality fatality hospitality ................731-733
ility = il u tee probabiity possibility facility hostility futility senility.............733-734
ety = u tee variety society piety anxiety figety notoriety .............................729
ity = u tee commodity humidity humanity equality cavity ....................730-738
-ous (“us”) suffixes
-ous = us tremendous fabulous ridiculous poisonous ........................884-891
-ious = EE us envious previous dubious amphibious tedious...................886-887
-eous = EE us hideous miscellaneous simultaneous courteous.......................886
-cious = shus audacious judicious malicious ferocious luscious .....................885
-tious = shus infectious ambitious nutritious fictitious repetitious ...................887
-xious = shus anxious noxious obnoxious innoxious fluxious..........................888
-geous = jus courageous gorgeous outrageous advantageous.....................920
-gious = just religious contagious egregious prodigious prestigious..............920
Sh-h-h Look at all the spellings of sh-h-h!
ti = “sh”digraph combines with -a, -al, -an, -o, -on, -ent, -ous
-tia = shuh militia inertia Portia Nova Scotia dementia................................914
-tio = shoh ratio Horatio...............................................................................914
ci = “sh” digraph combines with -a, -al, -an, -on, -ent, -ous
-cia = shuh Marcia Patricia Felicia Alicia......................................................912
ssi = “sh”digraph combines with -on (see ssion = shun p. 16)..............................842
si = “sh” digraph combines with -on (see sion = shun p. 16).................................842
ch = “sh” chef chute cache mastache creche charades....................909-910
sch = “sh” Schick Schmidt schuss Schneider schlimazel schlep ...............911
A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught
kay-key-kee-kee riminies & How do we get “k” from qu & ch?
qu = k technique plaque antique mosque cheques ...................... 901-904
ch = k chaos ache anchor character stomach Christianity ........... 905-908
sch = sk school scholar scheme scholastic Schenectady....................... 908
gi digraph combines with -on and -ous (see gion = jun / gious = jus)
ge digraph combines with -on and -ous (see geon = jun / geous = jus)
gu digraph (hard g) often precedes the vowel i
gu- = g guild guitar guilt guilty guard guardian ..................................... 921
-gue = g fatigue morgue vague league plague intrigue........................... 921
t =ch when it combines with ue, ure, ual, and une
-tue = choo virtue statue habitué statuesque virtuous ................................. 923
-ture = chur fracture miniature structure culture vulture feature ................... 923
-tual = choo ul virtual actual ineffectual intellectual spiritual mutual ................. 829
-tune = chun fortune unfortunate misfortune ................................................. 924
ti = ch when it combines with -an, on.
-tian = chun Christian Sebastian Christianity ............................................... 854
-tion = chun question suggestion combustion exhaustion digestion ............. 851
Vowels often sound differently in “big” words
e = AY debut fiancée fiancé suede cliché rendezvous...................939-940
et = AY buffet cabaret Chevrolet croquet bouquet valet.........................940
er = “AIR” merit cherub inherit perish Sheraton therapist....................941-944
eu = OO euchre Reuben neutral deuce sleuth leukemia .........................957
ou = OO tourists goulash routine rouge cougar rendezvous....................950
ou = uh courage double cousin journey trouble......................................952
i = EE macaroni pinochle debris technique fatigue Rita................946-948
y = YH cycle analyze psychopath dynamite ..........................................961
y = i gym dyslexia physical physician gypsy...............................953-956
i = y onion union junior savior behavior.................................... 935--936
au = OH chauffeur chauvinist gauche mauve ..........................................949
eau = OH beau bureau plateau trousseau chateau Rousseau..................949
ot = OH depot potpourri Bardot argot escargot tricot ..............................949
en = AW’n ensemble détente entrepreneur ennui rendezvous...................961
oi = WAH moi reservoir boudoir repertoire memoirs voila.........................938
u = W suite suede cuisine suave linguistic persuasion........................937
Using the Alphabetic Index as a Teaching Tool
The very first thing that impresses most people about the index is its size. Over 70 pages,
four columns to a page all in fine (8 pt) print. And it only represents about 1% of all the
words that a well-educated person can read! Phonics advocates should be quick to use this
just to point out the impossibility of teaching a person to read using the look-say method if
each word has to be taught separately. But that, of course, will not convince a dyed-in-the-
wool whole language enthusiast that phonics need ever be taught. They “know” that they
learned to read without phonics. They have taught children and maybe even adults to read
without phonics. And so it goes. Arguments rarely, if ever, change a person’s mind. But
perhaps, both sides will agree that upon inspection of the index and the patterns as they are
laid out in this book, that the English language has patterns that the good reader has learned
perhaps without even being taught. Poor readers, on the other hand, find it difficult to read
words that contain patterns that they haven’t been taught.
To demonstrate this concept, have both good readers and poor readers read the following
passage and then have them read the two word lists that follow. Good readers will correctly
read all the words and will understand the passage. Poor readers (below 6.0 but above 3.0)
will have difficulty reading and understanding the passage. They will read the words in list A
which contain regular phonic patterns usually taught and easily learned. The second list has
words that contain phonic patterns rarely taught and not easily learned by many students
without special help.
Sh-h-h is spelled sh in fisherman but not in the word crucial
Washington was no fisherman but he was in a boat. He led his militia to a
smashing victory over all the king’s men. It was atrocious the way his
physicians finished him off. He was so weak at the end, he initialed his orders
rather than signing them. It certainly was crucial to the war effort for his
shipping to get through.
LIST A Washington fisherman smashing finished shipping
LIST B militia atrocious physicians initialed crucial
Supposing a student can’t read any of the words in List A, should you test on list B? Not
unless you believe in torturing students. Supposing a student misses only the word smashing
in List A but misses all the words in List B, what should you do? What can you do? Well,
you can look smashing up in the index. It refers you to page 209. It has 25 words with the -
ash pattern from ashes to smasher. In the power vocabulary section it has an additional 63
words from brash to old-fashioned. You don’t have to teach him all these words. Teach
whatever words and however many words you feel is right and use the methods you are most
comfortable with. The patterns are there. They can be taught specifically or they can be
discovered by the students themselves by inspection or usage.
As far as teaching the words in List B is concerned, I would teach the patterns first. I
would start with the -ous words such as nervous, tremendous, stupendous, etc. They are
found from pages 884-891. You might want to show your students how many there are, but
don’t ever try to teach them all. Just teach the common everyday -ous words from humorous
to jealous. Then I would teach the ci digraph and show how it combines with -al to form the
shul sound in racial, special, commercial, etc. Then show how it combines with -ous to form
“shus” words such as delicious, vicious, gracious, ferocious, and malicious. Then I would
teach the ti digraph which they intuitively know because they know all about the shun words
spelled -tion. What they never realized is that the sh sound of -tion was ti and the un sound
was on. Now, when they add al to ti to get -tial they know it’s “shul” as in partial, martial,
initial etc. Then the relationship between ambitious and ambitions is more apparent, even
though the initial appearance of the two words is almost identical. The word ambitious has
the ti + ous pattern, while the word ambitions has the tion pattern plus s.
Using the Alphabetic Index as a Rhyming Dictionary
Play at poet, I know it. Rimes for the times and rhymes that are crimes. Jingles for singles.
Whys for the wise are all writing, spelling, and even thinking activities that lead students into
enjoying the learning of language and the playing with words. You can take any word, look it
up in the index and find words that share the same pattern. You will also find reference to
other pages where there is a different spelling pattern for the same sound—hence it functions
as a rhyming dictionary. Look up the word past and you will find a reference to the page
where you can find the -assed family. At last we were passed past the guard.
Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
aardvark 507
abandon 227 13.80
abandonment 882
abbey 306
abbot 690
abbreviate 350
abbreviation 847
abdicate 347
abdication 844
abdomen 875
abduct 226
abduction 861
abet * 132
abetted 132
abilities 733
ability 733 12.15
able 610 3.30
abnormal 822
abnormalities 732
abnormality 732
abnormally 749
aboard * 533
abolish 1060
abolishes 1060
abolition 858
abolitionist 272
abominable 616
abomination 850
aboriginal 822
aborigine 304
abort 519
abortion 863
about * 431 1.80
above 326 3.45
abrasion 841
abrasive 892
abreast * 438
abridged 212
abroad 403 8.70
abrupt 239
abscess 157
abscond 230
absence 256 13.95
absent 250 5.90
absent-minded 229
absentee 305
absenteeism 272
absolute 359 14.25
absolutely 748 17.45
absolution 859
absorb 516
absorbent 260
abstain 419
abstention 862
abstinence 256
abstract 223 11.95
abstraction 860
absurd 520
absurdities 731
absurdity 731
absurdly 747
abundance 258
abundant 254
abuse ** 346/365 8.80
abuses ** 346/365
abusing 365
abusive 893
abyss 955
academic 806
academies 716
academy 716
accede 321
acceding 321
accelerate 352
acceleration 851
accelerator 679
accent 250
accentuate 353
accentuating 353
accept 238 11.85
acceptable 619 15.35
acceptance 259 16.70
accepted 238 12.85
accepting 238 15.25
access 157
accessible 623
accessories 726
accessory 726
accident 260 10.95
accidental 826
accidentally 749
accidents 260 12.25
acclaim * 417
acclaimed 417
acclamation 849
accommodate 348 18.80
accommodating 348
accommodations 846 19.40
accompanied 718 16.30
accompaniment 882
accompanist 272
accompany * 718 14.20
accompanying 718
accomplish 210 13.65
accomplished 210 14.05
accomplishment 881
accord * 516 12.60
accordance 258 15.30
according 516 10.85
accordingly 748 13.95
account 252 9.40
accountant 254
accounting 252 11.40
accredit 689
accreditation 853
accredited 689
accrual 829
accrue * 314
accumulate 350
accumulating 350
accumulation 848
accumulative 894
accuracy 709
accurate 354 15.15
accurately 747
accusation 853
accuse 365 14.10
accuser 666
accusing 365
accustom 832 15.85
accustomed 832 17.55
ace 343
acetic acid 813
acetone 339
ache 905 11.30
achieve 441
achievement 881 17.70
achieving 441
Achilles heel 905
aching 905
acid 108 12.90
acknowledge 212 16.10
acknowledged 212 17.15
acknowledging 212 17.60
acknowledgment 880 18.55
acme 304
acne 304
acorn 517
acoustical 950
acoustics 817
acquaint 253 18.35
acquaintance 253 19.25
acquainted 253 18.35
acquiesce 157
acquire * 525 17.20
acquiring * 525
acquit 133
acquittal 827
acquitted 133
acre 683 9.85
acreage 327
acres 683 11.00
acrobat 131
acrobatic 811
acronym 1074
across 159 4.20
acrostic * 817
act 223 3.60
acted 223 5.40
acting 223 4.75
action 860 6.30
actions 860 8.00
activate 353
activating 353
active 895 6.45
activism 272
activist 817
activities 737 15.00
activity 737 13.05
actor 679
actress 1064
actresses 1064
acts * 223 6.50
actual 829 12.40
actually 749 14.05
acumen 875
acupuncture 923
acute * 359
acutely 748
ad * 106
adage 327
Adam 831
adamant 254
adapt 238
adaptation 854
adapter 650
adapting 238
add 106 1.55
added 106 3.15
adder 632
addict ** 225
addicted 225
addiction 861
addictive 895
addicts ** 225
adding 106 2.80
addition 858 8.90
additional 823 13.60
additives 896
address *(**) 157 5.15
addressed ** 157 9.35
addresses ** 157 7.30
addressing ** 157 8.95
adds * 106
adept 238
adequate 354 18.90
adequately 747
adhere 524
adherent 256
adhering 524
adhesion 841
adhesive 892
adieu * 957
adjacent 255
adjective 895
adjoining 423
adjourn 952
adjourned 952 16.45
adjournment 882
adjudicated 347
adjudication 844
adjure 527
adjust 236 9.85
adjustable 620
adjusted 236 11.45
adjuster 653
adjustment 883 10.40
ad lib 103
ad-libbed 103
administer 653
administration 852 15.65
administrative 894
administrator 679
admirable 617
admiral 825
admiralty 757
admiration 852 14.70
admire 525 8.25
admired 525 9.35
admiring 525
admission 840 12.80
admissive 893
admit 133 9.55
admittance 259
admitted 133 12.10
admonish 1060
admonishes 1060
admonition 858
ado * 312
adobe 939
adolescence * 255
adolescents * 255
adopt 239 10.50
adopted 239 10.10
adoption 863
adoptive 897
adorable 617 11.05
adoration 852
adore * 526 7.50
adoring 526
adorn 517
advance 257 7.00
advanced 257 10.30
advantage 327 10.75
advantages 327 12.20
advice 344
advise 363
advising 344
advisor 677
advisory 723
afflict 225
afflicted 225
affluence 256
affluent 256
afford * 516 12.00
affordable 613
affront * 249
affronted 249
Afghan 960
Afghanistan 960
aflame * 332
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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auld lang syne 535
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aunty * 755
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aurora borealis 1069
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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Beijing 218
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Bethel 625
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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Bo's * 309
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Bob 104
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Bolivia 372
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bollix 267
bologna * 375
Bolshevik 540
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Boone * 422
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Bostonian 866
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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brag 111
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Brahms ! 543
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Braille 411
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Brazil 628
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broad-minded 229
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Broadway 302
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Bronx 267
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Brooklyn 409
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brothel 625
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brotherhood 404
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Bruce 346
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buckskin 123
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Buddha 369
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buddy 701
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Buenos Aires ! 540
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Bufferin 879
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buoys * (**) ! 303
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bureaucrat 131
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Burgandy 741
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burger * 520
burgh * 520
burgher * 520
burglar 673
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burial 821
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burlesque 902
burly 521
Burma 374
Burmese 360
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burner 521
burnt 521 8.80
burp 521
burr * 520
burro 309
Burroughs * 313
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busybody 711
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Butch 205
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butt * 135
butte * ! 1068
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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Cain * 419
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calculus 160
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California 371
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cam 116
Cambodia 370
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cameo !! 309/5??
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Cana 375
Canaan 864
Canada 368
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capacitor 680
capacity 730 16.85
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caper 511
capillaries 720
capillary 720
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capitalism 272
capitalist 816
capitalistic 816
Capitol 152 14.35
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capitulation 350
capped 126
caprice 344
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caption 862
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cardinal 822
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carelessness 1067
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caress 157
carfare 523
cargo 309
Caribbean ** 864
caribou 317
caricature 529
caries * 720
Carl * 508
carload 403 5.00
Carlton 838
Carmen 875
carmine 338
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Carol's * 152
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Cary's 720
Casanova 377
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caseworker 503
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cashier 660 12.80
casino 309
cask * 271
casket 685
Casper 649
Caspian Sea 867
Cass River 156
casserole 331
cassette 688
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castanets 687
castaway 302
caste * 274
caster * 652
castigate 349
Castile 330
castle 609 9.55
castor * oil 680
castrate 352
castration 352
Castro 309
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casually 749
casualties 757
casualty 757
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catalogs 114 12.95
catalogue 922
catalpa tree 376
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catapult 248
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catastrophe 304
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catch-up * 201
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category 723
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catheter 667
catholic 805
Catholic 805
Catholicism 272
catnap 126
catnip 128
cats 131 2.45
cattails 411
cattle 603 3.30
Caucasian 867
caucus 160
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cauldron 836
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cavity 737
caw 319
c'est moi ! * 938
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Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD
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celestial 828
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cello ! 309
cellophane 335
cellular 674
celluloid 403
cellulose 345
Celt ** 247
Celtic ** 814
Celtics ** 814
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cemetery 723
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centerfold 241
centerpiece 442
centipede 321
central 825 8.45
centralization 855
centralized 361
centre * (Br.) 683
centrifugal 1012
centrifuge 1012
centripetal 826
cents * 250 3.70
centuries 727
century 727 10.70
ceramic 806
cereal * 412
cerebellum 834
cerebral 824
ceremonial 821
ceremonies 717
ceremony 717
certain 419 9.95
certainly 749 11.80
certificate 354 15.40
certificates 354 16.60
certification 845
certified 712 14.40
certify 712
certitude 323
cessation 853
cesspool 414
Chablis 962
Chad 106
chafe 324
chaff 141
chafing dish 210
chain 419 6.35
chair 530 3.85
chairman 870 7.90
chairmen 870
chairperson 837
chairs 530 5.35
chairwoman 870
chairwomen 870
chaise longue ! * 909
chaise * 909
chalet 940
chalk 244 9.30
challenge 213 15.50
challenger 643
chamber 639 8.25
chambermaid 401
chameleon 835
chamois ! 909
champ 269
champagne 909
champion 843
championship 128
chance * 257 5.60
chancellor 676
chances 257 7.85
chandelier 909
change 367 3.65
changeable 614
changed 213 5.50
changes 367 4.95
changing 213 5.45
channel 625 12.50
Chanukah 378
chanson 909
chant 249
chants * 249
chaos 814
chaotic 814
chap 126
chapeau 949
chapeau’s 949
chapeaux 949
chapel 625 11.25
chaperon * 909
chaperone * 339
chaplain 419
chapped 126
chappie 304
chapter 650 5.40
char 501
character 649 15.55
characteristic 816 18.15
characteristically 749
characterization 857
characterize 362
characters 649 16.15
charades 321
charcoal 413
chargé d'affaires 939
charge 507 4.25
charged 507 5.85
charger 507
charges 507 5.55
charging 507 6.55
chariot 690
charisma 905
charismatic 811
charitable 619
charities 736
charity 736 12.30
charivari * 946
charlatan 909
Charlemagne 909
Charles 508
Charleston 837
charm 508 4.75
charmer 508
charming 508 5.75
charred * 501
chart 510 3.95
charter 657
Chartreuse 910
chary * 720
chase 343 6.05
chased * 343 8.25
chaser 666
chasing 343 7.90
chasm 272
chassis ! 946/962
chaste * 274
chastise 354
chastity 737
chat 131 6.10
chateau 949
Chateauguay 949
chateau’s 949
chateaux 949
chattel 626
chatter 637
chauffeur 910
Chautauqua 910 19.45
chauvinism 272
chauvinist 816
chauvinistic 816
cheap * 424 5.60
cheapen 876
cheaper 424 6.50
cheapest 424
cheapskate 347
check * 215 4.50
checked 215 7.00
checkers 647 9.30
checkerboard 533
checking 215 6.10
checkmate 350
checkout 431
checkpoint 253
checkroom 418
checkup 130
checks * 215 6.65
cheddar 673
cheek 408 9.10
cheep * 424
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cheerful 630 7.10
cheerfully 749
cheering 531 6.75
cheerleader 658
cheerleading 402
cheery 723
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cheetah 378
chef * 910
chemical 806/905
chemist 272/905
chemistry 755/905 14.85
chenille 330
chequers * 902
cheques *(Br.)215/902
Cher 941
cherie * 939
cherish 210
Cherokee 941
cherries 706
cherry 706 5.85
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cherubim 941
Chesapeake 408
chess 157
chest 234 5.70
Chester 652
Chesterfield 652
chest of drawers 671
chestnuts 135
chevron 124
Chevrolet 940
Chevy 738
chew 316
chews * 316
chez * 940
Chianti 905
chic * 910
Chicago 910
chicanery 910
Chicano 910
chichi 910
chick 215
chickadee 305
Chickasaw 319
chicken 874 5.00
chicken pox 268 13.30
chickens 215 6.65
chicks 215 5.90
chicory 726
chide 322
chief 406 7.50
chiefly 747 10.10
chiffon 910
chigger 633
Chihuahua !! 377
child 240 2.80
childbirth 515
childhood 404
childish 1061 9.40
childlike 329
childproof 407
children 875 4.80
children's 875 13.80
Chile 945
chili * 945
chill 151 7.20
chilly * 703
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chimney 306 11.15
chimpanzee 305
chin 123
china 375 5.65
China 375
chinchilla 373
Chinese 360
chink 221
Chinook 910
chintzy 758
chip 128
chipmunk 222
chipper 636
chirp 515
chisel 624
chiseled * 624
chiselled * (Br.) 624
chiseler * 624
chiseller * (Br.) 624
chit 133
chitchat 131
chitterlings ! * 638
chivalry 755
chivaree ! * 305
chivari ! * 945
chlorine 336
chloroform 517
chlorophyll 955
chock 216
chockfull * 631
chock-full * 631
chocolate 354 14.25
Choctaw 319
choice 433 10.15
choir * 905 14.60
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choker 662
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choleric 809/905
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choose * 435 10.50
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chop suey 306
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chosen 873 7.70
chow mein 442
chow * 318
chowder 659
Chris 907
Christ 234 960
christen 877
christening 877
Christian * 868 15.40
Christianity * 735
Christine 336
Christmas 234 9.10
Christopher 644
chrome 908
chronic 808
chronically 748
chronicle 611
chronological 803
chronology 714
chrysanthemums 834
chub 105
chubby 701
chuck 216
chuckle 604
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Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
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Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
Sample 100-index-patterns-english-spelling-volumes-1-10
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  • 1. 3 Table of Contents A short history of the AVKO Foundation ........................................................4 Beliefs shared by most AVKO members........................................................4 Origin of The Patterns of English Spelling .....................................................5 Other materials developed from The Patterns of English Spelling.................6 Using The Patterns of English Spelling as a source for homework exercises7 Special notations concerning the FORMAT...................................................9 Dolch Words .........................................................................................9 Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00............................................9 Spelling Demons.................................................................................10 Related families ..................................................................................10 Homophones ......................................................................................10 Homographs .......................................................................................10 Heteronyms ........................................................................................10 Word selection .............................................................................................11 Censorship...................................................................................................11 British Spellings ...........................................................................................11 Pronunciation ...............................................................................................11 Definitions ....................................................................................................11 Grade Levels................................................................................................11 Challenging the GIFTED children ................................................................11 Page numbering of the volumes ..................................................................11 Questions to be answered by curriculum designers ....................................11 Index of Basic Phonic Patterns by Vowel Types..........................................12 The 214 Easiest Words to Learn in Exact Statistical Order .........................14 Roots (Latin & Greek) ..................................................................................15 Essential Phonic Patterns Rarely Systematically Taught.............................16 Using the Alphabetic Index of Words as a teaching tool..............................21 Using the Alphabetic Index of Words as a rhyming dictionary.....................22 Alphabetic Index of Words .....................................................................23-98 Prefixes and Suffixes ........................................................Volume 10, p. 1001
  • 2. 4 A Short History of the AVKO Foundation AVKO is a non-profit tax-exempt membership organization founded in 1974. AVKO is subsidized by donations and grants and is open to membership to anyone interested in helping others learn to read and write. AVKO is run by a board of directors elected by the membership. AVKO’s daily operations are handled by volunteers. AVKO hopes to spread the concept that ordinary adults can be trained in adult community education courses to become successful tutors of their children (or spouses) who have reading/spelling problems. AVKO provides newsletters and economical opportunities for members to pursue individual research projects and to take part in large scale cooperative research projects that have immediate practical applications. AVKO is attempting to accomplish these goals primarily through the profits generated by the sale of services and special materials developed for the special needs of students, parents, and adults. Beliefs Shared by Most AVKO Members 1. The natural way of learning is immediate self-correction of mistakes. 2. Every child can learn to read at least as well as the child can speak. 3. We should use common sense when it comes to following frequency word counts so that we can teach related words together. For example, when we teach the word nice we should teach ice, lice, slice, rice, price, dice, mice, etc. 4. Creating sequences based on frequency counts leads to such nonsense as the following: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 & up away...............way nice................. pink ................ smile............... ....................... .......................mile table................ ....................... yellow ............ ....................... .......................yell .................low still ................. ....................... ....................... .......................ill black............... ....................... ....................... .......................lack 5. Although there isn’t just one correct way of teaching reading and/or spelling, both teachers and students are helped by a systematic approach.
  • 3. 5 Origin of The Patterns of English Spelling (Earlier editions were called Word Families) In the fall of 1968 I was teaching reading at Northwestern High School in Flint, Michigan. My favorite technique to help students unlock words was by what we now call chunking. For example, if a student couldn’t read the word advice, I would have him write the “chunk” ice and then keep changing ice to words such as rice, lice, slice, vice, and finally the word advice. ice ice ice rice ice price ice lice ice slice ice vice ice advice One day, a student asked me for help on reading the word technique. My mind went blank. I couldn’t think of a single -ique word. Now, I don’t like to be embarrassed. But, I was lucky. I was saved by the bell ending the class and the school day. I rushed down to see Wilton Slocum, the Assistant Principal for Instruction. I explained to him my problem. I just had to have a book in which I could just look up any word family that I needed. Since the concept of word families is ancient, there just had to be a reference work that contained them all. He agreed. He also agreed to find one and purchase it for me. However, he never got the book for me because no such book had ever been written. In the process of complaining about my problem in the teachers’ lounge, one of the teachers said, “McCabe, you’re a linguist. You have a whole summer off. Why don’t you write one yourself?” You might say that The Patterns of English Spelling came about as a result of a combination of ignorance and stubbornness. I was ignorant enough to think that I could do it in a summer’s time. I was stubborn enough to keep working at it for almost 30 years. The way I started was by first creating a periodic table of English phonograms so I could go about it systematically. I first laid out the fourteen1 vowel phonemes across the top of a sheet of paper using my own notation. Then I began laying out all the consonant endings in alphabetical order to form a matrix. Long Vowels out law Roy cook2 Short Vowels AY EE YH OH OO OW AW OY uu A E I AH U (UH) b Abe plebe tribe robe tube --- daub --- --- cab web rib rob rub b bee baby Phoebe --- Toby ruby --- --- --- --- cabby Debby Libby Bobby chubby bee bul table feeble Bible noble ruble --- --- foible --- babble --- dribble bobble bubble bul bur caber --- --- --- goober --- --- --- --- jabber webber --- bobber lubber bur Then it was just a matter of filling in the matrix with sample words, making cards, filing cards, ad nauseum. But making the map convinced me that English has an amazing regularity in its patterns. 1 Linguists do not agree among themselves as to what constitutes a vowel, how many there are, or how best to represent them. So I devised a system I thought most teachers could understand without having to take a course in linguistics. 2 We call the four middle vowels the Outlaw Roy Cook vowels for OW AW OY and uu.
  • 4. 6 Other Materials Developed from The Patterns of English Spelling Sequential Spelling This is the only spelling program ever designed in which teachers have nothing to correct and students have nothing to study! And it works! But don’t take AVKO’s word for it. You can try it yourself using the first six days of Sequential Spelling below. Ask your class to spell the word beginning as in: Let’s start at the beginning. Collect their papers. Then, on the 5th day, compare their spellings of the word beginning which they never studied with their spelling of the word beginning on the first day. Give the following tests on separate but consecutive class days. You say the word. Use it in a sentence. Give the word again. Each student must attempt to spell the word. After each student has tried and BEFORE going to the next word, give the correct spelling and have each student correct his own spelling. 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day 1. in in thin thins thinned thinning 2. pin pins pinned pinning thinner thinnest 3. sin sins sinned sinning sinner sinners 4. spin spins an inn spinning spinner spinners 5. kin shin shins chin chins chinned 6. skin skins skinned skinning Mr. Skinner Mrs. Skinner 7. win wins winning winner winners tin 8. twin twins inner bees bee be 9. tin be inning innings inn inns 10. fin fins begin begins beginning beginnings There are 7 levels of Sequential Spelling with 180 daily tests for each level. Let’s Write Right (Manuscript & Cursive) Individualized Keyboarding for Personal Use with Computers Starting at Square One From Speech to Spelling The Reading Teacher’s List of Over 5,500 Basic Spelling Words If it is to be, it is up to me to do it (Family Literacy Set) To Teach a Dyslexic The Teaching of Reading & Spelling: a Continuum from Kindergarten through College For descriptive catalog write to AVKO Foundation, 3084 Willard Rd, Birch Run MI, 48415
  • 5. 7 The Patterns of English Spelling as Homework Teachers can make homework assignments using words containing specific patterns (rimes that rhyme). For example, Alfred E. Neumann on his dictation exercise misspelled the word robbed as robed. So the teacher referred him to page 104 of this book. Following the teacher’s direction of only copying words he knows, he copied: Bob bob bobs bobbed bobbing cob cobs gob gobs slob slobs blob blobs mob mobs snob snobs sob sobs sobbed sobbing Alfred didn’t copy the words formed from lob, fob, knob, and throb because he wasn’t sure of the meanings. When Alfred went home at night, he took the list with him. Right after supper, he set the timer for fifteen minutes and began writing. Bob I like Bob. I like Bob’s car better. bob I don’t like to bob for apples. bobs His Adam’s apple bobs up and down when he talks. bobbed bobbing I hate bobbing for apples. cob I love corn on the cob. cobs gob gobs I wish I had gobs and gobs of money. Alfred couldn’t put all the words into sentences. He didn’t have time to. The assignment was to write as many sentences as he can in fifteen minutes. Each night he is to try to write a little more. Now, these sentence-writing exercises are not going to teach Alfred how to write paragraphs, short stories, poems, term papers, etc. However, he will learn how to write sentences and usually it is rather difficult to write good paragraphs, short stories, and term papers if you have never learned to write sentences. We believe in first things, first.
  • 6. 8 These sentences will tend to be original—not something copied from a book or magazine. It also has the effect of helping students discriminate between words such as hop, hops, hopped, and hopping as well as hope, hopes, hoped, and hoping. They must learn to use the third person singular whether or not they have the vaguest idea of the differences between first, second and third person singular or plural. The past tense has to be used, and they will use it. We recommend that the homework be daily, if only for 15 minutes. Now, it is true that Alfred may cheat and only write for ten minutes instead of fifteen. But ten minutes a day writing is better than none. And the point is to have the students write as much as possible as often as possible. The idea is quantity not quality in a limited time span. The reason for quantity over quality is that this technique frees up the student’s computer-brain so that the student can spill words onto paper nearly as fast as he can spill words from his mouth. Once students have achieved mastery over sentence fluency, then they will be ready to begin the more complicated compositional skills. But if students can’t write simple sentences, they can’t write paragraphs or themes. Another advantage of sentence assignments based on words the students are studying is that it gives the students an extra opportunity to use the words they are learning. It also makes it extremely easy for the teacher to check. Notice—I said check, not correct. There is no need to correct the sentences. Check the paper by writing the date in big letters with a felt marker as it is handed in. This prevents the con artist from trying to keep handing in the same paper over and over again. If you have the students keep their homework papers in their folders, you will eventually have the opportunity to review these papers with the students individually at their desks and be able to show them their progress (or lack thereof) and to work with them on their individual problems. The reason for this is simple. Most students never learn a thing from papers that are handed back days or weeks later. Most students learn when they are watching their teacher correct their paper. This also affords them the opportunity right there and then to either challenge your correction or be taught how to avoid the mistake that they made. But enough. You are the teacher. You know your students. You know what they need to learn. The Patterns of English Spelling will allow you to find whatever word list you want for whatever reason you want to use it. You don’t have to use all the words in any of these lists. Use just those words you want to use.
  • 7. 9 Special Notations Concerning the Format At the bottom of almost all the pages that contain word lists, there will occur most of the following: • Dolch Words • Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00: • Spelling Demons: • Homophones: • Heteronyms: • Related Families • Other Related Words Dolch Words: These words are those found by E. W. Dolch1 to comprise the most basic of all sight vocabularies. The validity of these words as a basic list has withstood the test of time. However, as most of these words contain phonically regular patterns, we believe that they should not be taught in isolation but rather with words of similar patterns. Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00: The levels are based upon an analysis of The New Iowa Spelling Scale2 In this study, a total of 5,507 key words were given in spelling tests to over 230,000 students in 645 school systems scattered across the country in November, 1953. They study listed the percentages of the students in grades 2 through 8 who could correctly spell the words. For example, Percent AVKO correctly 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Difficulty spelling Level grab 05 17 38 52 67 77 78 07.05 grabbed 01 10 16 30 39 52 14.15 grace 01 19 48 65 84 88 92 04.55 gracious 02 12 21 38 58 14.55 Because percentage figures can be misleading and often serve as the target to reach rather than to surpass, we converted the average of the 5th through 8th grade percentages to a 20 point scale having 1.00 being the easiest—that is, known by over 99.50% of middle school students. The theoretical 0% was set at 21.00. This one scale becomes applicable to all types of schools and all types of students. No matter what the percentage of students in expensive private school X correctly spell the words seat (3.70), scatter (9.50), electricity (13.45), or initial (17.45), as compared to a college freshman English class or a ghetto public school, the relative rankings of these words will remain the same. That is, the word seat will be the easiest and the word initial the hardest of the four example words. As to the grade level of any particular word, our rule of thumb is to divide the difficulty level by two and the result is approximately the grade level. Spelling Demons: These are words that appeared on one or more of four separate lists entitled “Spelling Demons.” One list was that of Edward Fry’s3 . Another was the list found in the Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Yet another was a secretarial list published by Quali-dex and the last was George W. Feinstein’s list used for his college text, Programmed Spelling Demons. The total number of demons came up to over 2,000 because there is very little agreement among the experts as to 1 Dolch, E. W. Teaching Primary Reading, pp. 205-227, Chicago, IL: Garrard Press, 1941. 2 Greene, Harry A. The New Iowa Spelling Scale. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 1954. 3 Fry, Edward. The New Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1988.
  • 8. 10 which words are demons. We listed them mainly so that teachers, if they desired, could give special emphasis to these words. Homophones: These are words that are pronounced the same as each other but which differ in meaning and/or spelling as in heir, air, and sometimes err. We also extend the meaning to include words that have two spellings such as color (American) and colour (British). Se British Spellings below. Because in our language we may have two or more words pronounced the same but spelled differently, we have elected to present the homophones for any member of any family so that a teacher may —if she/he chooses to—teach the homophone. If a teacher elects to call homophones, homonyms, we do not object. Homophones is the term of choice in a technical context which we consider this book to be. Homonyms is more frequently the term of choice in a non-technical context such as an elementary school spelling text. Homographs: These are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and different origins. For example, the word bat (a club) and bat (a flying mouse) are homographs as are batter (the man with the bat in baseball), batter (as in cake or pancake dough before it is cooked), or batter (as in to beat up a person). To save space we ignore them—inasmuch as we assume a good teacher will point out how words change in meaning according to the context they are in. Heteronyms: These are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations. Common examples are lead and lead. One rhymes with seed and the other with bed Related Families: We list only the very nearest relatives. For example, for the AB CAB family we only listed the EB WEB, IB FIB, OB BOB, and UB RUB families. Close cousins would be listed as other related families. See below. Other Related Families: These are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en, -ment, -tion, -ive, etc. For example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER BATTER, -ATTLE BATTLE, -ATTY BATTY and -ATTEN BATTEN families. Censorship: We freely admit to having censored some words, especially those found on bathroom walls. We also left out words that we feel are extremely arcane or archaic such as araucaria or argal but left in a useless word such as anhungry just because it’s one of the three words in English that end -gry. (Angry and hungry are the other two.) British Spellings: Whenever possible, we indicate where American spellings and British spellings part company. For example, color is American but colour is British. Encyclopedia is American. Encylopaedia is British. If we have inadvertently omitted making the distinctions on some words— please inform us. We like to hear from those who use our materials. And we do want to correct the mistakes that are in this edition. And we know that despite spell check and proofreaders. There will be errors. Pronunciation: Out of the myriad methods of denoting pronunciation we chose to use the method used by most writers when they write dialect or try to make sure that the reader correctly pronounces a word. Whenever we had any doubt as to a word’s pronunciation, we chose to use The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Unabridged as our arbiter. We gave the pronunciations not because we felt that teachers need to know how to pronounced the word families— but so that they would have at their disposal a method of making spelling exercises and/or word cards using the pronunciations given as a guide. For example, using these pronunciation guides, a teacher could construct exercises such as the following: “RAP’t” The man ________________ three times on the door. Correct response: rapped. “PRESH shus” Little children are ____________________ . Correct response: precious.
  • 9. 11 Other Related Families: These are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en, -ment, -tion, -ive, etc. For example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER BATTER, -ATTLE BATTLE, -ATTY BATTY and -ATTEN BATTEN families. Word Selection Finding words that belong to families is not easy. You can’t just look them up in a dictionary unless you can find a dictionary that lists all the words in reverse alphabetical order. The closest to that is The English Word Speculum compiled by J. L. Dolby and H. L. Resnikoff and published by Mouton & Company, The Hague, Paris in 1964. Unfortunately, this work is hopelessly flawed. However, we did find that it had some words we didn’t have in our first few editions. We found many that we had that they didn’t. Basically, we went through the dictionary sorting the words by families, but omitting those we felt were too arcane or archaic or politically incorrect. Grade Levels Word families (or rimes, if you insist on using the latest jargon) don’t come in grade levels. This series of volumes is constructed so that teachers in any grade from kindergarten to university can easily find examples of words that follow whatever linguistic principle is being taught in their particular textbook. There is nothing to prevent a third grade teacher from teaching some of the pre- words in Volume 10, words such as prevent, pretend, and even predict. Challenging the “Gifted” Children Certainly the gifted children may be challenged by the “difficulty” of learning the meanings of some of the words in the books such as eschew obfuscation. They also may be challenged by learning how to correctly spell words that they only think they know how to spell. For example— the two italicized words are misspelled in the following phrase: Eat your vittles or I’ll sing the scale, do re me fa so la ti do! The correct spellings: victuals and sol. See the last part of Volume 5 with its listing of insane words. Contents of the Volumes Volume First Number Patterns Examples Page 1 Short Vowels CVC dad get tin 101 2 Short Vowels CVCC band went itch 201 3 Long Vowels CV, VCe go nice tube 301 4 Long Vowels CVVC raid seem roam 401 5 -R & W- Controls tar/war for/word wad/ward 501 6 Basic Suffixes batter battle dreadful 601 7 The Ending Y’s destiny simplify tricky/trickiest 701 8 Power Suffixes precious partial permission 801 9 Advanced Patters techniques chauvinism fiancée 901 9 Prefixes/Roots/Suffixes psychology photographic synthesizer 1001 Questions to be answered by Curriculum Designers Does your K-2 curriculum cover all the concepts in volumes 1-6? Does your 3-8 curriculum cover the concepts in volumes 7-10? From our analyses of curricula used by over 90% of public schools, the concepts in volumes 7-10 are conspicuous by their absence not only in our schools but our universities as well.
  • 10. 12 Use this index to locate additional word families (or rimes) that illustrate phonic principles taught in any reading series. LONG A (“AY”) Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page pay ay ay 301 pain ai ain 419 sail ai ail 411 claim ai aim 417 paint ai aint 253 wait ai ait 426 praise ai aise 360 afraid ai aid 401 eight eigh eight 426 range a--e ange 367 table a--e able 610 hating a-e ate 347 cake a-e ake 328 made a-e ade 321 save a-e ave 324 place a-e ace 343 blaze a-e aze 360 stale a-e ale 330 tape a-e ape 341 page a-e age 327 game a-e ame 332 safe a-e afe 324 LONG E (“EE”) we e e 304 key ey ey 306 see ee ee 305 sleep ee eep 424 need ee eed 402 peel ee eel 412 peek ee eek 408 sheet ee eet 427 speech ee eech 437 green ee een 420 teeth ee eeth 278 sea ea ea 305 seat ea eat 427 meal ea eal 412 weak ea eak 408 teach ea each 437 cheap ea eap 424 clean ea ean 420 Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page feast ea east 438 beneath ea eath 275 sneeze ee-e eeze 435 sleeve ee-e eeve 441 believe ie-e ieve 406 piece ie-e iece 432 please ea-e ease 435 leave ea-e eave 441 LONG I (“YH”) try y y 308 buy uy uy 308 tie ie ie 308 high igh igh 308 light igh ight 428 kind i ind 229 wild i ild 240 size i-e ize 361 hide i-e ide 322 white i-e ite 357 line i-e ine 337 pipe i-e ipe 341 time i-e ime 333 mice i-e ice 344 tribe i-e ibe 320 smile i-e ile 330 drive i-e ive 325 like i-e ike 329 life i-e ife 325 Einstein ei ein 442 LONG O (“OH”) go o o 309 toe oe oe 311 slow ow ow 310 bold o old 241 roll o oll 153 bolt o olt 248 most o ost 235 both o oth 277 won’t o ont 249 road oa oad 403 coat oa oat 429 loan oa oan 421 boast oa oast 438 soak oa oak 409 loam oa oam 418 coax oa oax 268 LONG O (“OH”) loaf oa oaf 407 goal oa oal 413 grown ow own 421 Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page bowl ow owl 415 stone o-e one 339 more o-e ore 526 note o-e ote 358 nose o-e ose 364 coke o-e oke 329 hope o-e ope 342 code o-e ode 323 dose o-e ose 364 robe o-e obe 320 stove o-e ove 326 hole o-e ole 331 home o-e ome 333 froze o-e oze 364 LONG OOH (“OO”) dew ew ew 316 do o o 312 igloo oo oo 312 you ou ou 317 true ue ue 314 spoon oo oon 422 loop oo oop 425 loot oo oot 429 cool oo ool 414 room oo oom 418 proof oo oof 407 pooch oo ooch 437 food oo ood 404 boost oo oost 438 goose oo-e oose 435 groove oo-e oove 435 snooze oo-e ooze 435 move o-e ove 326 lose o-e ose 365 use u-e use 346 rule u-e ule 331 tune u-e une 340 tube u-e ube 320 truce u-e uce 346 include u-e ude 323 truth u uth 278 OW (“OW!”) cow ow ow 318 crowd ow owd 403 proud ou oud 403 town ow own 421 prowl ow owl 415 shout ou out 431 ground ou ound 231 count ou ount 252
  • 11. 13 m OW (“OW!”) Continued Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page ouse ou ouse 433 uch ou ouch 437 mouth ou outh 277 AW (“AW”) draw aw aw 319 crawl aw awl 319 lawn aw awn 423 hawk aw awk 410 talk al alk 410 tall al all 147 haunt au aunt 252 cloth o oth 276 long o ong 219 boss o oss 159 dog o og 114 lost o ost 235 honk o onk 222 soft o oft 232 OY (“OY”) boy oy oy 303 boil oi oil 415 join oi oin 423 joint oi oint 253 avoid oi oid 403 moist oi oist 438 noise oi-e oise 438 Short uu (“uu”) cook oo ook 409 wood oo ood 404 foot oo oot 429 would oul ould 241 pull u ull 155 put u ut 211 SHORT A black a ack 204 flag a ag 111 trap a ap 126 cash a ash 209 land a and 227 flat a at 131 bank a ank 220 scratch a atch 201 jam a am 116 dance a ance 257 cab a ab 101 stamp a amp 269 plan a an 121 slant a ant 249 bad a ad 106 class a ass 156 rang a ang 217 fast a ast 233 bath a ath 275 Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page mask a ask 271 pal a al 146 ranch a anch 206 badge ae adge 212 SHORT E Sample Vowel Word Word Pattern Family Page send e end 228 let e et 132 tell e ell 149 mess e ess 157 best e est 234 went e ent 250 red e ed 107 French e ench 206 wreck e eck 215 pledge e edge 212 stretch e etch 202 leg e eg 112 felt e elt 247 hex e ex 266 held e eld 240 step e ep 127 them e em 117 kept e ept 238 web e eb 102 fresh e esh 209 letter e etter 637 left e eft 232 help e elp 246 shelf e elf 243 fence e ence 257 men e en 122 next e ext 266 bread ea ead 402 sweat ea eat 277 death ea eath 275 SHORT I trip i ip 128 sit i it 133 hill i ill 151 thin i in 123 sick i ick 215 wish i ish 210 think i ink 221 sing i ing 218 print i int 251 list i ist 235 gift i ift 232 hid i id 108 big i ig 113 him i im 118 stiff i iff 143 limp i imp 270 crisp i isp 273 since i ince 257 mix i ix 267 fib i ib 103 frisk i isk 271 bridge i idge 212 miss i iss 158 fizz i izz 138 with i ith 276 live i-e ive 325 SHORT O (“AH”) not o ot 134 clock o ock 216 Bob o ob 104 rod o od 109 Don o on 124 stomp o omp 269 notch o otch 204 blond o ond 230 dodge o odge 212 doll o oll 153 box o ox 268 Tom o om 119 calm al alm 246 SHORT U (“UH”) tub u ub 105 bump u ump 270 stuff u uff 145 rush u ush 211 luck u uck 216 sun u un 125 bug u ug 115 trunk u unk 222 bum u um 120 must u ust 236 but u ut 135 bunch u unch 207 dull u ull 155 budge u udge 212 hunt u unt 230 fuss u uss 160 mud u ud 110 cup u up 130 fuzz u uzz 140 refund u und 230 bus u us 160 dunce u unce 257 from o om 828 won o on 832 front o ont 249 monk o onk 222 once o once 257 flood oo ood 404 touch ou ouch 205 come o-e ome 333 love o-e ove 325
  • 12. 14 The 225 Easiest English Spellilng Words in Rank Order Word......Page I ............... 308 a .............. 368 is.............. 138 in.............. 123 you........... 317 he ............ 304 out ........... 431 good ........ 404 it............... 133 me ........... 304 old............ 241 one .......... 340 see........... 305 she........... 304 time.......... 333 ten ........... 122 up ............ 130 book......... 409 come........ 334 get ........... 132 go ............ 309 love.......... 326 time.......... 333 we............ 304 car ........... 501 day........... 301 the ........... 304 that .......... 131 have......... 324 into........... 312 today........ 301 yes........... 157 all............. 147 dog .......... 114 hat ........... 131 like........... 329 and .......... 227 big............ 113 ice............ 344 look.......... 409 year ......... 531 boy........... 303 but ........... 135 air ............ 531 how.......... 318 Word......Page over ......... 670 can........... 121 did............ 108 looking ..... 409 men ......... 122 red ........... 107 at ............. 131 home ....... 333 may.......... 301 her ........... 511 was.......... 140 are ........... 501 be ............ 304 going........ 309 land.......... 227 long.......... 219 man ......... 121 my............ 307 play.......... 301 saw.......... 319 toy............ 303 work......... 503 if............... 143 add .......... 106 away........ 301 back......... 214 call........... 147 cowboy .... 303 room ........ 191 cat............ 131 new.......... 316 them ........ 117 bad .......... 106 came........ 332 end .......... 228 fat ............ 131 hand ........ 227 his............ 138 mother ..... 646 on ............ 124 read ......... 402 this........... 158 sun........... 125 fun ........... 125 cars.......... 501 Word......Page food ......... 186 had .......... 106 hot ........... 134 part .......... 510 run ........... 125 same........ 332 school ...... 414 show........ 310 week........ 408 cow.......... 318 five........... 325 give.......... 325 got ........... 134 him........... 118 house....... 433 little.......... 604 most......... 235 oil............. 415 put ........... 135 tea ........... 305 way.......... 301 night......... 428 box........... 268 bed .......... 107 down........ 421 ago .......... 309 eat ........... 427 feet .......... 427 line........... 337 times........ 333 about ....... 431 ball........... 147 gave......... 324 hard ......... 505 ran ........... 121 will ........... 151 bell........... 149 do ............ 312 has........... 136 May.......... 301 milk.......... 245 say........... 301 stop.......... 129 face.......... 343 from ......... 119 Word......Page moon ....... 422 pay........... 301 when........ 122 bank......... 220 books....... 409 mail.......... 411 thing......... 218 top ........... 129 town......... 421 wood........ 404 cap........... 126 letter ........ 637 more ........ 526 nut ........... 135 page ........ 327 sat............ 131 save......... 324 ship.......... 128 so............. 309 two........... 312 dear ......... 531 fish........... 210 tree .......... 305 age .......... 327 bee .......... 305 June......... 237 law........... 319 side.......... 322 stay.......... 301 stone........ 339 game ....... 332 hope ........ 342 low........... 310 pie............ 308 six............ 222 tell............ 149 black........ 214 class ........ 156 hill............ 151 kiss .......... 158 last........... 233 let............. 132 must......... 236 not ........... 134 sand......... 227 Word......Page sea........... 305 state......... 347 what......... 504 with.......... 275 am ........... 116 art ............ 510 became.... 332 boat ......... 429 corn ......... 517 drive......... 325 gun .......... 125 hay........... 301 off ............ 144 park ......... 508 post.......... 235 well .......... 149 went......... 250 card ......... 505 pet ........... 132 nest.......... 234 best.......... 234 cup........... 130 fishing ...... 210 report....... 519 sing.......... 218 after ......... 649 become.... 334 comes...... 334 fast........... 233 fire ........... 525 foot .......... 427 green ....... 420 head ........ 402 hen .......... 122 three ........ 305 cut............ 135 lake.......... 328 pig............ 113 as............. 136 fall............ 147 hall........... 147 name ....... 332 some........ 334 song......... 219 without ..... 431
  • 13. 15 Common Latin and Greek Roots Latin Root Means as in act do action acu sharpen acumen agri field agriculture alt high altitude alter other alternate ambul walk ambulate amo love amorous ami love amiable anima life animated ann/enn year annual apt/ept suitable aptitude aqua water aquatic art skill artist aud hear auditorium belli war belligerant brev short brief cad/cas fall cadaver cal hot calorie calc stone calculate cam field camp cand glow candle cap head decapitate cede go proceed ceed go concede ceive take receive cept take reception centr middle center cert sure certain cess go recess cide cut suicide cise cut concise claim shout exclaim clam shout clamor clar clear clarity cline lean incline clud shut exclude cogn know recognize commun common communion cord heart cordial corp body corpse cred believe credible cur run incur dent tooth dentist dict say dictate div cut apart divide doc teach doctrine domin master dominate don give donate duc lead induce duct lead conductor enn/ann year biennial ept/apt suitable inept fac make/do factory fer carry ferry fic make/do fiction fide faith confide fig form figure Latin Root Means as in firm fixed confirm flect/flex bend genuflect form shape reform fract break fracture frag break fragment frater brother fraternity fric rub friction fug flee fugitive funct do function grad step grade gress step regress grat please gratitude greg herd gregarious hab/hib hold habit/inhibit homo man homicide homo same homogenize hosp stranger hospitality host stranger hosts imag likeness image init begin initial integ whole integral ject throw reject jud law judge junct join junction jur law jury lab work labor laps slip collapse lat carry collateral liber free liberty loc place locate luc light lucid lud/lus play lusty lum light illumine luna moon lunatic lust shine luster mand order demand manus hand manual mar sea submarine mater mother maternity max greatest maximum mem mindful remember ment mind mental merge dive submerge migr move migrate mim same mimeograph min small minimum minist serve minister miss send missionary mit send remit mobile move mobility mon warn remonstrate mort death mortal mot move motor mov pass move mut change mutation narr tell narrate nat birth native Latin Root Means as in nav ship navy neg no negative not mark note noun say pronounce nunc say pronunciation nov new novel numer number numeral ocu eye oculist opt best optimist ord row order orig begin original pater father paternal ped foot pedal pel drive propel pend hand pending plic/plex fold complex plur more plural pop people popular port carry support rupt break rupture sign mark signature spec see spectator tract pull tractor trib give contribute trud/trus push intrude turb bother disturbance vac empty vacuum vag wander vagrant var different vary ven come convention ver truth veritable vert turn convert vers turn reverse vict/vinc beat victory vid see video vis see vision viv/vit live vivid/vital voc call vocal vok call revoke void empty devoid vol wish volunteer volv roll revolver vor eat voracious GREEK Root Means as in aero wind aeronautics aesth feel anaesthetic esth feel aesthetics andr man android anthr man anthropology arch chief archbishop archae old archaeology ast star asterisk baro weight barometer biblio book bibliography bio life biology GREEK Root Means as in cardi heart cardiologist chron time chronicles cine move cinema kine move kinesthetic cosm world cosmos crat rule democratic cracy rule aristocracy cycl ring cyclical dem people democracy dogma opinion dogmatic dont tooth orthodontist dox belief orthodox gam wed bigamy gen birth genetics geo earth geography gnos know agnostic gon bend octagon gram letter telegram graph write telegraph gyn woman gynecologist hydr water hydrant iatr care for psychiatrist kine move kinescope klept take kleptomaniac lith stone lithograph log word monologue lys break paralysis mech thing do mechanical meter reckon parameters morph shape morpheme neo new neologism onym name synonym opt eye optical ortho straight orthodontist mania madness pyromania ortho straight orthodox paleo old paleolithic path feel empathy ped/aed child pediatrician phil love philosophy phob fear xenophobia phon sound phonograph photo light photograph phys body physical pod foot podiatrist poli town politics psych mind psychology scop see telescope theo god theology therm heat thermal For Prefixes see p. 1001 For Suffixes see pp. 1057-70 For Index of Latin and Greek Roots with word lists using the roots, see pp. 1071-1075
  • 14. 16 A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught Pattern Sample Words Containing Pattern Page un (“un”) suffixes -on = un apron pardon person reckon summon common ................832-851 -an = un urban human African pagan veteran Canadian..................852-856 -en = un leaden rotten deaden lengthen listen soften fasten ...........857-860 -in = un robin Franklin assassin toxin bulletin insulin cabin ............861-862 -ion = yun opinion union onions rebellion batallion .............................837/935 -ian = yun Italian civilian Sicilian guardian Indian ...............................853/936 -ain = un mountain certain chieftain fountain bargain ..............................419 “shun” suffixes (See also ti, ci, si, ssi, xi = sh) -tion = shun probation gratification communication appreciation ...........844-863 -tian = shun Dalmatian Venetian Egyptian Tahitian Haitian..........................868 -cian = shun magician electrician statistician pediatrician musician ..............865 -sian = shun Caucasian Asian artesian Persian Eurasian Indonesian...........917 -cion = shun suspicion coercion.....................................................................843 -sion = shun compulsion pension tension apprehension expulsion...............842 -ssion = shun compassion repression aggression concussion.................839-840 -ssian = shun Russian Prussian Hessian ........................................................916 “chun” suffixes (See also t & ti = ch) tune = chun fortune misfortune .....................................................................924 tian = chun Christian Sebastian ...................................................................868 tion = chun question digestion indigestion congestion suggestion ..............863 “zhun” suffixes sion = zhun decision occasion confusion explosion conversion............841-842 “jun” suffixes geon = jun surgeon dungeon bludgeon pigeon...........................................920 gion = jun religion region legion contagion regional...................................920
  • 15. 17 A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught unt (“unt”) & un-ss (“un”-ss) suffixes -ant = unt elegant ignorant significant applicant occupant........................ 254 -geant = junt sergeant pageant insurgeant pageantry................................... 920 -ent = unt convenient innocent confident resident president .................... 255 -tient = shunt patient impatient quotient sentient insentient ........................... 914 -cient = shunt efficient deficient sufficient ancient coefficient.......................... 912 -ance = un-ss ambulance attendance entrance inheritance defiance............. 258 -ence = un-ss violence coincidence experience evidence obedience............. 260 und (“und”) suffixes -and = und Ireland Scotland Holland Maryland Portland England .............. 281 ur (“ur”) suffixes -or = ur labor neighbor harbor rigor valor color .................... 675-681 -our = ur labour neighbour harbour rigour valour colour ......................... 682 -ar = ur muscular cedar scholar popular particular peculiar........... 673-674 -ir = ur nadir elixir astir tapir kaffir bestir............................................... 675 -ssure = shur pressure assure fissure reassure ............................................. 915 -sure = zhur treasure pleasure measure leisure exposure ........................... 919 -ture = chur venture fracture picture culture furniture creature ............. 923-924 ul (“ul”) suffixes al = ul verbal mental medal decimal criminal trial rival ................. 818-827 cial = shul racial commercial special social crucial artificial....................... 818 tial = shul partial initial credentials essential sequential..................... 825/914 el = ul label angel camel panel chapel barrel weasel................... 624-627 il = ul peril stencil vigil evil devil civil April fossil tonsils pupil ............. 628 ol = ul symbol pistol idol capitol carol bristol gambol petrol................. 628 ul = ul handful thankful respectful mogul consul delightful........... 629-631 able = bul probable readable noticeable available variable ............... 613-621 ible = bul possible edible credible compatible irresistible.................. 621-623 ical = kul chemical technical historical mathematical cubical ........... 802-816 acal = kul maniacal kleptomaniacal xenomanical pyromaniacal............... 801
  • 16. 18 A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught /k/ suffixes -ac = ak maniac zodiac shellac cognac almanac kleptomaniac..............801 -ec = ek Aztec Alec kopec.......................................................................801 -ic = ik cubic Nordic terrific tragic psychic frolic cosmic .................802-816 u tee suffixes ality = al u tee personality legality nationality fatality hospitality ................731-733 ility = il u tee probabiity possibility facility hostility futility senility.............733-734 ety = u tee variety society piety anxiety figety notoriety .............................729 ity = u tee commodity humidity humanity equality cavity ....................730-738 -ous (“us”) suffixes -ous = us tremendous fabulous ridiculous poisonous ........................884-891 -ious = EE us envious previous dubious amphibious tedious...................886-887 -eous = EE us hideous miscellaneous simultaneous courteous.......................886 -cious = shus audacious judicious malicious ferocious luscious .....................885 -tious = shus infectious ambitious nutritious fictitious repetitious ...................887 -xious = shus anxious noxious obnoxious innoxious fluxious..........................888 -geous = jus courageous gorgeous outrageous advantageous.....................920 -gious = just religious contagious egregious prodigious prestigious..............920 Sh-h-h Look at all the spellings of sh-h-h! ti = “sh”digraph combines with -a, -al, -an, -o, -on, -ent, -ous -tia = shuh militia inertia Portia Nova Scotia dementia................................914 -tio = shoh ratio Horatio...............................................................................914 ci = “sh” digraph combines with -a, -al, -an, -on, -ent, -ous -cia = shuh Marcia Patricia Felicia Alicia......................................................912 ssi = “sh”digraph combines with -on (see ssion = shun p. 16)..............................842 si = “sh” digraph combines with -on (see sion = shun p. 16).................................842 ch = “sh” chef chute cache mastache creche charades....................909-910 sch = “sh” Schick Schmidt schuss Schneider schlimazel schlep ...............911
  • 17. 19 A List of Essential Phonic Patterns Seldom Systematically Taught kay-key-kee-kee riminies & How do we get “k” from qu & ch? qu = k technique plaque antique mosque cheques ...................... 901-904 ch = k chaos ache anchor character stomach Christianity ........... 905-908 sch = sk school scholar scheme scholastic Schenectady....................... 908 gi digraph combines with -on and -ous (see gion = jun / gious = jus) ge digraph combines with -on and -ous (see geon = jun / geous = jus) gu digraph (hard g) often precedes the vowel i gu- = g guild guitar guilt guilty guard guardian ..................................... 921 -gue = g fatigue morgue vague league plague intrigue........................... 921 t =ch when it combines with ue, ure, ual, and une -tue = choo virtue statue habitué statuesque virtuous ................................. 923 -ture = chur fracture miniature structure culture vulture feature ................... 923 -tual = choo ul virtual actual ineffectual intellectual spiritual mutual ................. 829 -tune = chun fortune unfortunate misfortune ................................................. 924 ti = ch when it combines with -an, on. -tian = chun Christian Sebastian Christianity ............................................... 854 -tion = chun question suggestion combustion exhaustion digestion ............. 851
  • 18. 20 Vowels often sound differently in “big” words e = AY debut fiancée fiancé suede cliché rendezvous...................939-940 et = AY buffet cabaret Chevrolet croquet bouquet valet.........................940 er = “AIR” merit cherub inherit perish Sheraton therapist....................941-944 eu = OO euchre Reuben neutral deuce sleuth leukemia .........................957 ou = OO tourists goulash routine rouge cougar rendezvous....................950 ou = uh courage double cousin journey trouble......................................952 i = EE macaroni pinochle debris technique fatigue Rita................946-948 y = YH cycle analyze psychopath dynamite ..........................................961 y = i gym dyslexia physical physician gypsy...............................953-956 i = y onion union junior savior behavior.................................... 935--936 au = OH chauffeur chauvinist gauche mauve ..........................................949 eau = OH beau bureau plateau trousseau chateau Rousseau..................949 ot = OH depot potpourri Bardot argot escargot tricot ..............................949 en = AW’n ensemble détente entrepreneur ennui rendezvous...................961 oi = WAH moi reservoir boudoir repertoire memoirs voila.........................938 u = W suite suede cuisine suave linguistic persuasion........................937
  • 19. 21 Using the Alphabetic Index as a Teaching Tool The very first thing that impresses most people about the index is its size. Over 70 pages, four columns to a page all in fine (8 pt) print. And it only represents about 1% of all the words that a well-educated person can read! Phonics advocates should be quick to use this just to point out the impossibility of teaching a person to read using the look-say method if each word has to be taught separately. But that, of course, will not convince a dyed-in-the- wool whole language enthusiast that phonics need ever be taught. They “know” that they learned to read without phonics. They have taught children and maybe even adults to read without phonics. And so it goes. Arguments rarely, if ever, change a person’s mind. But perhaps, both sides will agree that upon inspection of the index and the patterns as they are laid out in this book, that the English language has patterns that the good reader has learned perhaps without even being taught. Poor readers, on the other hand, find it difficult to read words that contain patterns that they haven’t been taught. To demonstrate this concept, have both good readers and poor readers read the following passage and then have them read the two word lists that follow. Good readers will correctly read all the words and will understand the passage. Poor readers (below 6.0 but above 3.0) will have difficulty reading and understanding the passage. They will read the words in list A which contain regular phonic patterns usually taught and easily learned. The second list has words that contain phonic patterns rarely taught and not easily learned by many students without special help. Sh-h-h is spelled sh in fisherman but not in the word crucial Washington was no fisherman but he was in a boat. He led his militia to a smashing victory over all the king’s men. It was atrocious the way his physicians finished him off. He was so weak at the end, he initialed his orders rather than signing them. It certainly was crucial to the war effort for his shipping to get through. LIST A Washington fisherman smashing finished shipping LIST B militia atrocious physicians initialed crucial Supposing a student can’t read any of the words in List A, should you test on list B? Not unless you believe in torturing students. Supposing a student misses only the word smashing in List A but misses all the words in List B, what should you do? What can you do? Well, you can look smashing up in the index. It refers you to page 209. It has 25 words with the - ash pattern from ashes to smasher. In the power vocabulary section it has an additional 63 words from brash to old-fashioned. You don’t have to teach him all these words. Teach whatever words and however many words you feel is right and use the methods you are most comfortable with. The patterns are there. They can be taught specifically or they can be discovered by the students themselves by inspection or usage. As far as teaching the words in List B is concerned, I would teach the patterns first. I would start with the -ous words such as nervous, tremendous, stupendous, etc. They are found from pages 884-891. You might want to show your students how many there are, but
  • 20. 22 don’t ever try to teach them all. Just teach the common everyday -ous words from humorous to jealous. Then I would teach the ci digraph and show how it combines with -al to form the shul sound in racial, special, commercial, etc. Then show how it combines with -ous to form “shus” words such as delicious, vicious, gracious, ferocious, and malicious. Then I would teach the ti digraph which they intuitively know because they know all about the shun words spelled -tion. What they never realized is that the sh sound of -tion was ti and the un sound was on. Now, when they add al to ti to get -tial they know it’s “shul” as in partial, martial, initial etc. Then the relationship between ambitious and ambitions is more apparent, even though the initial appearance of the two words is almost identical. The word ambitious has the ti + ous pattern, while the word ambitions has the tion pattern plus s. Using the Alphabetic Index as a Rhyming Dictionary Play at poet, I know it. Rimes for the times and rhymes that are crimes. Jingles for singles. Whys for the wise are all writing, spelling, and even thinking activities that lead students into enjoying the learning of language and the playing with words. You can take any word, look it up in the index and find words that share the same pattern. You will also find reference to other pages where there is a different spelling pattern for the same sound—hence it functions as a rhyming dictionary. Look up the word past and you will find a reference to the page where you can find the -assed family. At last we were passed past the guard.
  • 21. 23 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD aardvark 507 abandon 227 13.80 abandonment 882 abbey 306 abbot 690 abbreviate 350 abbreviation 847 abdicate 347 abdication 844 abdomen 875 abduct 226 abduction 861 abet * 132 abetted 132 abilities 733 ability 733 12.15 able 610 3.30 abnormal 822 abnormalities 732 abnormality 732 abnormally 749 aboard * 533 abolish 1060 abolishes 1060 abolition 858 abolitionist 272 abominable 616 abomination 850 aboriginal 822 aborigine 304 abort 519 abortion 863 about * 431 1.80 above 326 3.45 abrasion 841 abrasive 892 abreast * 438 abridged 212 abroad 403 8.70 abrupt 239 abscess 157 abscond 230 absence 256 13.95 absent 250 5.90 absent-minded 229 absentee 305 absenteeism 272 absolute 359 14.25 absolutely 748 17.45 absolution 859 absorb 516 absorbent 260 abstain 419 abstention 862 abstinence 256 abstract 223 11.95 abstraction 860 absurd 520 absurdities 731 absurdity 731 absurdly 747 abundance 258 abundant 254 abuse ** 346/365 8.80 abuses ** 346/365 abusing 365 abusive 893 abyss 955 academic 806 academies 716 academy 716 accede 321 acceding 321 accelerate 352 acceleration 851 accelerator 679 accent 250 accentuate 353 accentuating 353 accept 238 11.85 acceptable 619 15.35 acceptance 259 16.70 accepted 238 12.85 accepting 238 15.25 access 157 accessible 623 accessories 726 accessory 726 accident 260 10.95 accidental 826 accidentally 749 accidents 260 12.25 acclaim * 417 acclaimed 417 acclamation 849 accommodate 348 18.80 accommodating 348 accommodations 846 19.40 accompanied 718 16.30 accompaniment 882 accompanist 272 accompany * 718 14.20 accompanying 718 accomplish 210 13.65 accomplished 210 14.05 accomplishment 881 accord * 516 12.60 accordance 258 15.30 according 516 10.85 accordingly 748 13.95 account 252 9.40 accountant 254 accounting 252 11.40 accredit 689 accreditation 853 accredited 689 accrual 829 accrue * 314 accumulate 350 accumulating 350 accumulation 848 accumulative 894 accuracy 709 accurate 354 15.15 accurately 747 accusation 853 accuse 365 14.10 accuser 666 accusing 365 accustom 832 15.85 accustomed 832 17.55 ace 343 acetic acid 813 acetone 339 ache 905 11.30 achieve 441 achievement 881 17.70 achieving 441 Achilles heel 905 aching 905 acid 108 12.90 acknowledge 212 16.10 acknowledged 212 17.15 acknowledging 212 17.60 acknowledgment 880 18.55 acme 304 acne 304 acorn 517 acoustical 950 acoustics 817 acquaint 253 18.35 acquaintance 253 19.25 acquainted 253 18.35 acquiesce 157 acquire * 525 17.20 acquiring * 525 acquit 133 acquittal 827 acquitted 133 acre 683 9.85 acreage 327 acres 683 11.00 acrobat 131 acrobatic 811 acronym 1074 across 159 4.20 acrostic * 817 act 223 3.60 acted 223 5.40 acting 223 4.75 action 860 6.30 actions 860 8.00 activate 353 activating 353 active 895 6.45 activism 272 activist 817 activities 737 15.00 activity 737 13.05 actor 679 actress 1064 actresses 1064 acts * 223 6.50 actual 829 12.40 actually 749 14.05 acumen 875 acupuncture 923 acute * 359 acutely 748 ad * 106 adage 327 Adam 831 adamant 254 adapt 238 adaptation 854 adapter 650 adapting 238 add 106 1.55 added 106 3.15 adder 632 addict ** 225 addicted 225 addiction 861 addictive 895 addicts ** 225 adding 106 2.80 addition 858 8.90 additional 823 13.60 additives 896 address *(**) 157 5.15 addressed ** 157 9.35 addresses ** 157 7.30 addressing ** 157 8.95 adds * 106 adept 238 adequate 354 18.90 adequately 747 adhere 524 adherent 256 adhering 524 adhesion 841 adhesive 892 adieu * 957 adjacent 255 adjective 895 adjoining 423 adjourn 952 adjourned 952 16.45 adjournment 882 adjudicated 347 adjudication 844 adjure 527 adjust 236 9.85 adjustable 620 adjusted 236 11.45 adjuster 653 adjustment 883 10.40 ad lib 103 ad-libbed 103 administer 653 administration 852 15.65 administrative 894 administrator 679 admirable 617 admiral 825 admiralty 757 admiration 852 14.70 admire 525 8.25 admired 525 9.35 admiring 525 admission 840 12.80 admissive 893 admit 133 9.55 admittance 259 admitted 133 12.10 admonish 1060 admonishes 1060 admonition 858 ado * 312 adobe 939 adolescence * 255 adolescents * 255 adopt 239 10.50 adopted 239 10.10 adoption 863 adoptive 897 adorable 617 11.05 adoration 852 adore * 526 7.50 adoring 526 adorn 517 advance 257 7.00 advanced 257 10.30 advantage 327 10.75 advantages 327 12.20 advice 344 advise 363 advising 344 advisor 677 advisory 723 afflict 225 afflicted 225 affluence 256 affluent 256 afford * 516 12.00 affordable 613 affront * 249 affronted 249 Afghan 960 Afghanistan 960 aflame * 332 afloat * 429 afraid 401 8.35 Africa 368 African 864 Afro 309 after 649 2.05 afternoon 422 3.00 afterthought 430 afterward 506 7.45 afterwards 649 7.25 again 419 4.75 against 419 10.40 agape ** 341 agate 354 age 327 1.90 aged 327 agencies 740 agency 740 13.25 agenda 368 agent 255 6.20 agents 255 8.55 ages 327 3.85 aggravate 353 aggravation 855 aggression 840 aggressive 893 aggressor 678 aghast 960 agile 330 agility 734 aging 327 agitate 353 agitation 853 agitators 353 agnostic 817 agnosticism 272 ago 309 1.75 agonies 718 agonize 362 agony 718 agree 305 5.25 agreeable 613 13.55 agreed 405 7.45 agreement 880 9.10 agricultural 825 17.00 agriculture 529 15.25 ah 378 ahead * 402 3.40 ahem ! * 537 ahoy 303 aid * 401 5.25 aide * 401 aides * 401
  • 22. 24 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD aiding 401 aids * 401 AIDS * 401 ail * 411 ailments 882 ails * 411 aim 417 5.85 aimed 417 ain't 253 air * 530 1.40 air-condition 858 air-conditioned 858 air conditioner 858 air conditioning 858 airbrush 211 airbrushed 211 aircraft 232 airfare 523 airily 715 airing * 530 airlift 232 airlines 337 airmail 411 airplane 335 4.30 airplanes 530 6.60 airport 519 3.05 airs * 530 airsick 215 airstrip 128 airtight 428 airways 302 airy * 722 aisle * 962 aisles 962 18.55 ajar 501 akimbo 309 a la mode 373 alarm 508 5.15 alarming 508 alas * 156 11.00 Alaska 373 Alaskan 868 Albany 718 Albert 513 Alberta 377 album 120 alchemist 272 alchemy 716 alcohol 152 alcoholic 805 alcoholism 272 ale * 330 alert 513 alfalfa 369 13.45 algae !! 375 algebra 376 alias 156 alibi 380 alien 873 alienate 351 alienating 351 align * 959 alignment 882 alike 329 2.85 alimony 717 alive 325 2.65 alkali 380 alkaline 337 all * 147 1.30 allay 301 allege * 366 alleged 366 allegedly 746 allegiance 258 allegorical 809 allegories 723 allegory 723 alleluia * 372 allergic 803 allergies 742 allergy 742 alley 306 9.05 alleyway 302 alliance 258 allied 307 allies 307 alligators 678 16.25 alliteration 851 all-or-nothing 218 allot * 690 allotment 883 all-out 431 allow 318 7.60 allowance 259 14.15 allowed * 318 10.45 allows 318 alloy 303 all ready * 711 5.05 all right 428 14.30 all together * 646 allude 323 alluding 323 allure * 527 alluring 527 allusion * 841 ally 307 alms 960 alma mater 374 almanac 801 almond 960 almost 235 3.80 alms 960 aloft * 232 alone * 339 4.70 along 219 2.35 alongside 322 aloof 407 aloud * 403 7.95 alpha 369 alphabet 132 alphabetic 813 alphabetical 813 alphabetically 749 alphabetize 362 alphabetized 362 Alps 246 already * 711 5.05 also 309 2.95 altar * 674 15.65 alter * 650 9.15 alterations 851 altered 650 alternate ** 351/354 alternatives 894 alternator 679 although 313 8.25 altitude 323 alto 309 altogether 646 9.15 altruism 272 altruist 817 altruistic 817 alum 120 aluminium (Br.) 833 aluminum 834 alumna 375 alumnae 375 alumni 160 alumnus 160 always * 301 3.60 am 116 2.00 amalgam 831 amass * 156 amassed * 156 amateur 957 amateurish 1063 amaze * 360 amazing 360 amazingly 748 Amazon 124 ambassador 675 15.95 amber 639 ambergris 158 ambiance 258 ambidexterity 736 ambidextrous 890 ambiguity 737 ambiguous 891 ambition 857 13.50 ambitious 887 ambivalence 256 ambivalent 256 ambrosia 372 ambulance 258 ambulatory 723 ambush 211 ameba * 368 amen 122 amenable 616 amend 228 amendment 880 14.30 amenities 735 America 368 American 864 7.90 amiable 615 amiably 615 amicable 613 amidships 128 amidst 522 amigo 309 Amish 1063 amiss * 158 ammo 309 ammonia 371 ammunition 858 amnesia 372 amnesty 758 amok * 216 among 219 6.85 amongst 219 amoral * 825 amorous * 890 amorphous 884 amount * 252 5.25 amounting 252 7.05 amounts 252 7.80 amour * (Br.) 532 amourous * (Br.) 890 amperage 327 amperes 524 amphetamines 336 amphibian 865 amphibious 885 amphitheater 683 ample 606 9.19 amplification 844 amplified 712 amplifier 661 amplifies 712 amplify 712 amplifying 712 amplitude 323 amputate 353 amputated 353 amputation 854 amuck * 216 amulet 686 amuse 365 8.10 amused 365 8.10 amusement 881 11.95 amusements 881 14.05 amusing 365 9.15 an * 121 2.50 anachronism 272 anachronistic 272 anaemia * (Br.) 370 anaemic * (Br.) 806 anaesthesia * (Br.)372 anaesthetic *(Br.) 813 anaesthetist *(Br.) 813 anagram 116 anal 822 analogies 714 analogy 714 analyses 1070 analysis 1070 18.55 analyst 1070 analytic 817 analytical 817 analyze * 361 analyzing 361 anarchists 815 anarchy 742 anatomical 806 anatomy 716 ancestor 681 ancestral 825 ancestry 755 anchor 676 13.70 Anchorage 327 anchored 676 ancient 912 14.60 and 227 1.30 andante 939 Andes ! 304 Andre 939 Andrew 316 android 403 anecdotal 827 anecdote 358 anemia * 370 anemic * 806 anesthesia * 372 anesthetic * 813 anesthetist * 813 anew * 316 angel 625 10.90 angelic 805 angels 625 10.75 anger 643 6.00 angered 643 angina 375 angle 605 7.60 angler 605 angles 605 Anglican 864 Anglicize 361 angling 605 Anglo 309 Anglo-Saxon 838 angrier 754 angriest 754 angrily 715 angry 754 8.15 anguish 1060 angular 674 animal 821 6.90 animals 821 7.00 animated 351 animation 849 ankle 605 9.60 ankles 605 anklet 686 annals 822 annex 266 Annie 704 annexation 855 annihilate 350 annihilation 848 anniversaries 724 anniversary 724 anoint 253 annotate 353 announce 257 13.95 announced 257 14.50 announcement 880 15.50 announcer 257 announcing 257 annoy 303 annoying 303 annual 829 15.65 annually 749 annul 155 annulled 155 annulment 882 anomalies 715 anomalous 888 anomaly 715 anon. 537 anonymity 735 anonymous 889 anonymously 751 anorexia 372 anorexic 372 another 646 4.20 answer 671 6.45 answered 958 8.90 answering 958 8.10 answers 958 8.30 ant * 249 3.30 antagonism 272 antagonist 816 antagonistic 816 antagonize 362
  • 23. 25 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD antagonizing 362 Antarctic 812 Antarctica 368 ante * 1008 ante-bellum 834 antecedent 255 antediluvian 868 antelope 342 antenna 375 antennae 375 antennas 375 anterior 676 anthem 831 anthologies 714 anthology 714 Anthony 718 anthropologist 714 anthropology 714 anthropomorphic 804 anti- * 1008 anti-aircraft 232 antibiotics 814 antibodies 711 antibody 711 antic 814 Antichrist 906 anticipate 351 18.30 anticipation 851 18.50 antics 814 antidote 358 antipasto 309 antipathy 744 antipathetic 813 antiperspirant 254 antiquated 353 antique 901 antiquity 737 antlers 607 antonym 1074 ants * 249 3.85 antsy 757 anus 160 anvil 628 anxiety 729 18.80 anxious 888 13.65 anxiously 752 any 717 2.30 any more * 526 4.15 anymore 526 anybody 711 3.80 anyhow 318 4.55 anyone 340 2.45 anyplace 343 anything 218 anytime 333 anyway 301 4.20 anywhere 524 3.85 Apache 304 Apaches 304 apart * 510 3.60 apartheid 442 apartment 883 7.25 apathetic 813 apathy 744 ape 341 3.60 aphids 161 aphorism 272 aphoristic 816 apiece * 432 11.70 aping 341 apocalypse 263 apocrypha 369 apocryphal 820 apologetic 813 apologies 713 apologizing 361 apology 713 18.20 apostles 609 Apostles' Creed 402 apostolic 805 apostrophe 304 Appalachia 369 Appalachian 866 appall 147 appalling 147 apparatus 160 apparel 624 apparent * 256 15.85 apparently 752 15.05 apparition 858 appeal * 412 11.60 appealing 412 appear * 531 9.65 appearance 258 15.60 appeared 531 11.05 appearing 531 10.75 appears 531 9.05 appearance 258 15.60 appeared 531 11.05 appearing 531 10.75 appears 531 9.05 appease 435 appellate 354 append 228 appendage 327 appendectomy 716 appendicitis 1070 appendix 267 appetite 357 16.00 appetizers 672 appetizing 362 applaud 401 applause 436 apple 603 2.70 apples 603 3.95 appliance 258 applicable 613 applicant 254 16.40 application 845 15.25 applications 845 15.45 applied 307 11.35 appliqué 939 apply 307 12.45 applying 307 14.15 appoint 253 11.35 appointed 253 10.20 appointee 305 appointment 883 10.40 appraisal 826 appraised 360 appraiser 666 appreciate 349 15.55 appreciated 349 16.05 appreciation 846 16.45 appreciative 893 apprehend 228 apprehensive 892 apprentice 344 apprenticeship 128 approach 437 13.45 approaches 437 appropriate ** 354/349 appropriately 747 appropriation 847 approval 830 15.85 approve 326 12.10 approved 326 11.35 approximate **351/354 18.30 approximated 351 approximately 747 19.35 approximation 849 apricot 134 April 628 4.40 apron 836 6.80 apt 238 aptitude 323 aptly 753 aqua 377 aquamarine 336 aquarium 833 Aquarius 160 aquatic 812 aqueduct 226 Arab 101 Arabia 369 Arabian 865 Arabic 802 arbitrated 352 arbitration 352 arbitrator 679 arbor 675 arc 507 arcade 321 arch 505 5.85 archaeologist 714 archaeology 714 archaic 802 archangel 625 archbishop 692 archer 644 archery 725 arches 505 Archie 505 architect 224 architectural 825 architecture 529 archives 325 arctic 812 Arctic Ocean 812 ardor * 675 ardour * (Br.) 682 arduous 891 are 523 1.50 area 369 8.80 aren't 134 6.95 Argosy 728 argot 949/963 arguable 620 argue 315 9.25 arguing 315 argument 883 12.65 argumentative 894 arise * 363 7.45 arising 363 aristocracy 710 aristocratic 812 Aristotle 612 arithmetic 813 5.95 Arizona 375 ark * 507 Arkansas ! 535 arm 508 2.55 armadillo 309 Armageddon 835 armament 880 armature 529 armband 227 armchair 530 armed 508 Armenia 371 Armenian 866 armful 629 armies 754 arming 508 armistice 344 armor * 677 10.85 armories 726 armory 726 armour *(Br.) 682 arms 508 3.95 army 754 3.65 aroma 374 aromatic 811 arose * 364 5.55 around * 231 2.75 arouse 436 arousing * 436 arraign * 959 arraignment 882 arrange * 213 11.20 arranged 213 10.85 arrangement 880 12.90 arrangements 880 14.05 arranger 643 arranging 213 12.70 arrears 531 arrest * 234 8.40 arrested 234 arrival 830 14.15 arrive 325 10.70 arrived 325 8.90 arrives 325 9.70 arriving 325 10.45 arrogant 254 arrow 684 4.45 arrowhead 402 arrows 310 5.35 arsenal 822 arsenic 807 arson * 837 arsonist 816 art 510 2.00 arterial 821 arteries 726 artery 726 artesian 372 arthritis 1070 Arthur 510 artichokes 329 article 611 13.85 articles 611 14.60 articulate ** 354/350 articulation 350 artifacts 223 artifice 344 artificial 819 16.95 artillery 726 artist 510 7.65 artistic 816 artistically 748 artistry 755 Aryan 872 as 136 2.10 asbestos 159 ascend 228 ascendant 254 ascension 842 ascent * 250 ascertain 419 18.40 ascertained 419 ascetic 813 asceticism 272 ascot 134 ascribe * 320 asepsis 1070 asexual 829 ash 209 ashamed 332 7.35 ashen 873 ashes 209 6.00 ashore * 526 Asia 372 Asian 372 aside * 322 7.35 ask 271 2.70 askance 257 asked 271 4.40 askew 316 asking 271 2.20 asks 271 11.25 asleep 424 3.80 asp 273 asparagus 160 aspect 224 9.90 asphalt 247 asphyxiated 349 asphyxiation 847 aspirations 852 aspire 525 aspirin 879 aspiring 525 ass 156 assail * 411 assassin 879 assassinate 351 assassination 850 assault * 247 assay 301 assemble 606 12.90 assemblies 606 assembly 746 12.45 assent * 250 assert * 513 assertions 863 assertive 863 assertiveness 1067 asses 156 assess 157 assessment 883 assessor 678 asset 132 assiduous 891 assign * 959 14.25 assignation 849
  • 24. 26 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD assigned 959 13.70 assignment 882 13.15 assimilate 350 assimilation 848 assist * 235 12.30 assistance * 254 16.25 assistants * 254 assisting 235 13.65 associate ** 349/354 16.55 associated 349 16.70 associates ** 349/354 association 847 16.45 assorted 519 assortment 883 13.40 assuage 327 assuaging 327 assume 334 15.45 assumed 334 14.90 assuming 334 14.40 assumption 863 assurance 259 15.60 assure 528 12.65 assured 528 12.80 assuring 528 14.45 Assyria 371 Assyrians 867 aster 652 asterisk 271 asteroid 403 asthma 374 asthmatic 811 astigmatism 272 astonish 210 11.15 astonishment 882 astound 231 astounded 231 astray * 301 astride * 322 astrology 714 astronaut 430 astronomer 663 astronomical 806 astronomy 716 at 131 1.45 ate * 347 3.60 atheism 272 atheist 272 atheistic 815 Athens 874 athlete 356 athletic 813 athletically 748 athletics 813 14.15 Atlanta 377 Atlantic 814 Atlantis 1070 atlas 156 atmosphere 524 15.35 atmospheric 809 atom 832 atomic 806 atomizer 672 atone * 339 atonement 881 atrocious 885 atrocities 730 atrocity 730 attach 201 10.80 attaché 939 attached 201 10.35 attachment 881 attack * 214 9.75 attacker 647 attain 419 13.20 attainment 882 attempt 269 12.10 attempted 269 14.40 attempting 269 13.60 attend 228 8.05 attendance * 258 14.55 attendant 254 15.80 attendants * 254 attended 228 10.45 attending 228 9.00 attention 862 10.45 attentive 896 attest * 234 attic 817 Attica 368 attitude 323 15.20 attorney 306 17.20 attorneys 306 17.60 attract * 223 attractive 895 12.55 attractively 747 attribute ** 359 attrition 858 attune * 340 au contraire 530 au courant 949 au gratin 949 au revoir 949 auburn 521 auction 861 auctioneer 531 audacious 885 audacity 730 audible 622 audience 401 14.60 audio 1071 audio-visual 829 audit 689 auditor 680 auditorium 833 15.15 auditory 723 augment 881 august 236 August 236 7.30 Augustine 336 auk 410 auld lang syne 535 aunt * 252 4.45 aunt's 252 13.25 auntie * 755 13.75 aunts 252 7.90 aunty * 755 aura 376 aurora borealis 1069 Auschwitz 654 auspices 344 auspicious 885 austere 524 austerity 736 Australia 370 Australian 866 Austria 371 Austrian 867 authentic 814 authenticate 348 authenticity 730 author 676 10.20 authoritarian 867 authoritative 894 authorities 736 17.75 authority 736 16.10 authorization 857 authorize 362 15.00 authorized 362 14.80 autism 272 autistic 816 auto 309/1071 autobahn 1071 autobiography 927 autocracy 710 autocrat 131 autocratic 812 autograph 927 automate 351 automatic 811 11.55 automatically 748 automation 849 automobile 330 10.25 autonomy 716 autopsies 756 autopsy 756 autos 309 autosuggestion 863 autumn 120 13.25 auxiliary 724 avail 411 12.10 available 615 16.10 avalanche 206 avante garde ! 536 avarice 344 avaricious 885 avenge 213 avenging 213 avenue 314 9.30 average 327 8.15 averse * 512 aversion * 918 aviation 847 aviator 679 13.65 avid 161 avoid 403 10.15 avoidable 613 avoidance 258 await 426 7.35 awaiting 426 7.20 awake * 328 3.25 awaken 876 awakening 876 award * 502 aware * 523 7.60 away * 301 1.55 awe 319 awesome 273 awful 631 10.30 awfully 748 13.20 awhile 330 6.00 awkward 506 awkwardness 1067 awl * 416 awning 423 awoke 329 4.20 awoken 873 awry 307 ax * 265 5.35 axe * 265 axis 1070 axle 627 aye * 308 azalea 369 Azores 526 Aztec 801 azure 528 baa 368 babble 601 babe 320 Babel 625 babes 320 babied 709 babies 709 6.75 baboon 422 baby 709 2.30 babying 709 Bach 908 bachelor 676 back 214 1.55 backache 905 backbone 339 backer 647 backfire 525 backfiring 525 backgammon 836 background 231 6.15 backhand 227 backing 214 backlog 114 backs 214 backspace 343 backstop 129 backward 506 5.80 backyard 505 bacon 835 7.05 bacteria 371 bad 106 1.60 badge 212 badger 645 badgering 645 badges 212 badly 746 4.50 baffle 602 baffling 602 bag 111 2.85 baggage 327 bagged 111 baggy 702 bagpipes 341 bags 111 3.80 bah 369 bail * 411 bailiff 143 bait 426 bake 328 3.20 baked 328 5.45 baker 661 bakeries 723 bakery 723 baking 328 5.00 balance 258 9.45 balanced 258 12.55 balances 258 12.20 balancing 258 balconies 718 balcony 718 bald * 240 bale * 330 baling wire 330 balk 410 ball * 147 1.80 ballad 691 ballast 233 ballerina 375 ballet 940 ballistics 816 balloon 422 13.65 balloonist 274 ballot * 690 ballpark 507 ballplayer 672 ball-point 253 ballroom 418 balls * 147 3.00 balm * 960 balmy 754 baloney * 306 balsa 376 balsam 831 Baltic 814 Bambi 945 bamboo 312 ban 121 banana 375 8.05 bananas 375 11.05 band * 227 2.80 bandage 327 banded 227 bandied 741 bandies 741 banding 227 bandit 689 banditry 755 bands * 227 4.35 bandy 741 bandying 741 bane 335 bang 217 bangles 605 banish 1060 banister 652 banjo 309 bank 220 1.85 banker 648 2.65 banking 220 3.10 bankrupt 239 bankruptcies 740 bankruptcy 740 18.60 banks 220 3.20 banned * 121 banner 635 6.85 banquet 687 12.35 banshee 305 bantam 831 banter 651 Bantu 314 baptism 272 Baptist 272 baptize 362 bar 501 barb 505 barbarian 867 barbaric 809 barbarous 889
  • 25. 27 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD barbecue 315 barbed wire * 525 barbell 149 barber 655 barbiturates 355 bard * 505 bare * 523 7.25 bareback 214 barefoot 429 barely 747 11.80 bares * 523 barf 507 bargain 419 13.20 barge 507 barging 507 baritone 339 barium 833 bark * 507 5.40 barn 508 3.15 barnacles 610 barometer 668 barometric 810 baron * 836 baroness 1067 baroque * 902 barque * 903 barred * 501 barrel 624 9.40 barrels 624 10.30 barrio 309 barrister 653 barroom 418 Barry * 706 bars 501 3.55 bartender 641 barter 657 Bary * 720 basal * 825 base 343 3.10 baseball 147 3.15 based 343 8.25 baseline 337 basement 881 5.25 bases ** 343/1069 bash 209 bashful 630 basic 810 basically 748 basil * 628 basin 879 bassinet 132 basing 343 basis * 1069 14.90 bask * 271 basket 271 4.40 basketball 147 5.35 baskets 685 5.60 Basque * 902 bass ** 156 basses *(**) 156 bastard file 506 baste 274 Bastille 535 bastion 863 bat 131 2.20 batch 201 bateau 949 bath 275 2.60 bathe 279 10.35 bathing 279 4.60 baton 124 Baton Rouge 919 bats 131 3.25 batter 637 battered 637 batteries 727 battery 724 9.35 battle 603 5.60 battlefield 442 battleship 128 battling 603 batty 708 baubles 610 baud * 401 bauxite 357 Bavaria 371 Bavarian 867 bawd * 401 bawdy 711 bay 301 2.35 bayonet 688 bayou 317 bazaar * 501 bazooka 373 be * 304 1.50 beach 437 3.55 beachcomber 639 beaches 437 beachhead 402 beacon 835 bead 402 beads 402 8.25 beagle 612 beak 408 beaker 661 beam 418 5.75 bean 420 3.30 beanbag 111 beans 420 3.70 beanstalk 410 bear * 530 2.55 beard 533 6.35 bearded 533 bearing * 530 13.45 bearings 530 bears * 530 4.25 beast 237 3.85 beastly 753 beat * 427 3.60 beaten 873 8.10 beating 427 5.35 Beatles * 612 beau * 949 beaus * 949 beauties 729 beautiful 630 10.05 beautifully 749 14.30 beauty 729 7.95 beaux * 949 beaver 669 became 332 2.00 because 436 3.05 beck 215 beckon 215 become 334 2.05 becomes 334 3.80 becoming 334 5.70 bed 107 1.75 bedding 107 bedfellows 684 bedlam 831 bedpan 121 bedpost 235 bedridden 873 bedrock 216 bedroom 418 2.15 beds 107 3.10 bedside 322 bedsore 526 bedspread 402 bedsprings 218 bedtime 333 3.15 bedwetting 132 bee * 305 1.95 beech 437 beechnut 135 beef 406 435 beefy 712 beehive 325 been * 420 4.75 beep 424 beeper 424 beer * 531 beet * 427 beetle * 612 befall 147 befell 147/149 befitting 133 before 526 3.50 beforehand 227 befuddled 601 beg 112 5.00 began 121 4.95 beget 132 beggar 673 14.05 begged 112 9.15 begging 112 8.20 begin 123 6.20 beginner 635 beginning 123 12.10 begins 123 7.75 begotten 873 begrudge 212 begun 125 4.95 behalf 243 6.90 behave 324 behavior * 676 behaviour * (Br.) 682 behead 402 behind 229 3.85 behold 241 4.60 behoove 326 beige 919 Beijing 218 being 304 2.85 belabor 675 belated 350 belch 208 Belfast 233 belfries 755 belfry 755 Belgium 833 belief 406 12.70 believe 441 10.35 believed 441 11.95 believing 441 13.50 belittle 603 bell * 149 1.80 bellboy 303 belle * 1068 bellhop 129 bellicose 345 belligerent 256 bellow 684 bells 149 3.60 bellwether 646 bellyache 905 belong 219 2.45 belonged 219 4.90 belonging 219 4.10 belongs 219 4.40 beloved 326 4.65 below 310 3.05 belt 247 3.35 bemused 365 Ben 122 bench 206 5.00 benchmark 507 bend 228 3.70 bends * 228 beneath 275 10.05 benediction 861 benefactor 679 beneficent 260 beneficial 819 beneficiaries 720 beneficiary 720 benefit 689 15.45 benefits 689 15.25 benevolence 261 benevolent 261 benign 959 Benjamin 879 Benny 704 bent 250 3.70 benzene 336 bequeath 275 bequest 234 berate 351 berg * 512 Bering * Sea * 941 Berlin 878 Bermuda 368 berries * 706 6.85 berry * 706 6.10 berserk 512 berth * 513 Bertha 513 beseech 437 beset 132 beside 322 2.25 besides 322 4.45 besiege 442 best 234 2.05 bestial 828 bestiality 732 bestow 310 14.25 bet 132 3.95 Beth 275 Bethel 625 betray 301 6.90 betroth 277 betrothal 827 better 637 2.40 between 420 4.50 bevel 625 beveled * 625 bevelled * (Br.) 625 beverage 327 beware 523 bewildered 640 bewitched 203 beyond 230 8.90 biased 156 Bible 610 8.80 Biblical 805 bibliography 927 bicameral 824 bicentennial 821 biceps 127 bicker 647 bicycle 611 14.10 bid 108 5.65 bidder 632 bidding 108 bide 322 biding 322 bids 108 6.60 bier * 442 bifocals 818 big 113 1.35 bigamist 816 bigamy 716 bigger 113 5.10 biggest 113 7.85 bigot 690 bigotry 755 bigwig 113 bike 329 6.25 biker 662 bile 330 bilge 367 bilingual 829 bilious 886 bilk 245 bill 151 2.30 billed * 151 9.95 billet 686 billfold 241 billiards 506 billing 151 3.25 billion 843 billionaire 530 billow 684 bills 151 3.25 binary 720 bind 229 6.70 binder 641 bindery 725 binding 229 6.40 Bing 218 binge 213 bingo 309 binoculars 674 binomial 820 bio- 1012 biochemistry 755 biodegradable 613 biofeedback 214 biographer 644 biographical 804 biographies 927 biography 927 biological 803
  • 26. 28 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD biologist 714 biology 714 bionic 808 biopsy 756 bipartisan 871 biracial 819 birch 514 bird 514 3.25 bird's-eye-view 317 birds 514 3.80 birth * 515 6.65 birthday 302 4.90 birthmark 507 biscuits 690 bisect 224 bishop 692 11.05 bison 837 bisque 903 bit 133 4.45 bitch 203 bite 357 4.70 bitten 875 bitter 638 5.50 bivouac 801 bizarre * 501 blab 101 blabber 632 blabbermouth 277 black 214 2.00 blackball 147 blackboard 533 7.20 blacked out 431 blacken 876 blackguard ! 535 blackjack 214 blacklist 235 blackmail 411 blackout 431 bladder 632 blade 321 5.55 blahs 378 blame 332 5.30 blanch 206 bland 227 blandishments 881 blank 220 2.95 blanket 685 6.10 blankets 685 7.55 blanks 220 4.65 blare 523 blaring 523 blarney 306 blasé 939 blaspheme 332 blasphemous 889 blasphemy 716 blast 233 5.30 blaze 360 6.90 blazing 360 bleach 437 bleachers 644 bleak 408 bleary 723 bleat 427 bled 107 bleed 402 bleeders 658 bleeding 402 7.50 bleep 424 blemish 1061 blend 228 blender 641 bless 157 4.30 blessed **(*) 157 7.40 blessing 157 6.75 blest * 234 bleu * cheese 957 blew * 316 6.30 blight 428 blimp 270 blind 229 4.40 blinders 641 blindfold 241 blink 221 blinker 648 blintz 251 bliss 158 blissful 631 blister 652 blithe 279 blitz 654 blizzard 506 12.85 bloat 429 blob 104 bloc * 216 block * 216 3.00 blockade 321 blockage 327 blockbuster 653 blocker 647 blockhead 402 blocks 216 4.65 blond * 230 blonde * 230 blondes * 230 Blondie 230 blood 404 3.90 bloodcurdling 520 bloodhound 231 bloodier 711 bloodiest 711 bloody 711 8.15 bloom 418 6.95 bloomers 663 11.35 blooming 418 9.70 bloopers 665 blossom 832 10.90 blossoms 832 10.65 blot 134 blotter 638 blouse 433 7.45 blow 310 2.80 blow-by-blow 310 blow-dried 307 blow-dry 307 blower 671 blowing 310 3.45 blown 421 7.00 blowout 431 blowtorch 516 blubber 632 bludgeoned 839 blue * 314 2.90 bluebells 149 blueberries 706 blue-collar 673 blue-eyed 308 bluegrass 156 blueprint 251 blues 314 5.30 bluing 314 bluff 145 8.70 blunder 642 blunderbuss 160 blunt 249 blur 520 blurb 520 blush 211 7.20 bluster 652 boa 376 Bo's * 309 boar * 532 board * 533 4.80 boarder 655 boarding 533 9.00 boards 533 6.70 boast 438 8.15 boastful 631 boasts 438 boat 429 2.00 boats 429 2.85 boatswain ! 412/535 bob * 104 5.15 Bob 104 bobbed 104 12.25 bobbin 877 bobble 601 bobcat 131 bobolink 221 bobsled 107 bobtailed nag 411 bocci 945 bodacious 885 bode 323 bodice 344 bodies 711 7.75 bodily 715 body 711 2.75 bodyguard 505 Boer * 672 bog 114 bogey 306 bogeyman 306 bogged down 114 bogue 922 Bohemia 370 Bohemian 866 boil 415 5.40 boiler 662 7.85 boisterous 890 bold * 241 bolder * 640 boldest 640 boldface 343 bolero 309 Bolivia 372 Bolivian 868 boll * 153 bollix 267 bologna * 375 Bolshevik 540 bolt 248 6.45 bolts 248 8.10 bomb * 119 bombast 233 bombastic 815 Bombay 302 bombers 639 bombproof 407 bombshell 149 bombsight 428 bona fide 322 bonanza 378 bond 230 4.35 bonds 230 6.65 bone 339 2.80 bonehead 402 boner 339 bones 339 4.60 bonfire 525 bong 219 bongo 309 bonier 717 boniest 717 bonnet 687 bonny 704 bonsai 308 bonus 160 13.45 bon appetite ! 543 bon vivant ! 543 bon voyage ! 919/543 bony 717 boo 312 boob 312 boo-boo 312 booby prize 362 booby trap 126 boodle 611 boogie-woogie 304 boohoo 312 boos * 312 book 409 1.20 bookbinding 229 bookcase 343 booked 409 4.50 bookie 409 bookish 1062 bookkeeping 424 12.45 booklet 686 3.70 booklets 686 5.45 bookmark 507 bookmobile 330 bookrack 214 books 409 1.85 bookshelf 243 bookshelves 243 bookstore 526 bookworm 503 boom 418 boomer 663 boon * 422 boondocks 216 boondoggle 602 Boone * 422 boor 532 boorish 1063 boost 237 booster 653 boot 429 4.05 booth 277 bootie * 729 bootleg 112 bootleggers 633 bootlicker 647 boots 429 4.40 booty * 729 booze * 435 bop 129 borax 265 bordello 309 border * 655 7.85 borderline 337 bore * 526 7.75 bored * 526 12.75 boring 526 born * 517 3.35 borne * 517 Borneo 309 borough 311 borrow 684 8.40 borrowed 684 10.35 borsch * 911 borscht * 911 borsht 911 bo's'n * 419 bosom 832 16.30 boss 159 4.30 bossed 159 bossy 707 Boston 838 Bostonian 866 bosun * 419 both 277 4.05 bother 646 6.25 bothered 646 9.80 bothersome 272 bottle 603 4.15 bottleneck 215 bottom 832 5.15 bottomless 1066 botulism 816 boudoir 938 bouffant 950 bough * 313 16.60 bought 430 4.70 bouillabaisse ! 545 bouillon ! 545 boulder * 640 boulevard 505 bounce 257 bound 231 4.70 boundaries 724 boundary 724 14.65 boundless 1066 bouquet 940 16.15 bourbon 835 bourgeois 938 boutique 901 bovine 337 bow *(**) 318/310 4.65 bowed *(**) 318/310 bowing ** 318/310 bowl * 413 6.85 bowled * 413 bowling 413 bows *(**) 318/310 7.50 bowel movement 881 bowels 627 bower 671 box 268 1.75 boxcar 501 boxers 268 boxes 268 4.75 boy 303 1.35
  • 27. 29 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD boycott 134 boy's 303 9.15 boys 303 2.35 boys' 303 14.50 br-r-r * ! 537 brace 343 bracelet 686 12.50 bracket 685 brackish 1062 brag 111 braggart 510 Brahms ! 543 braid * 401 braids 401 Braille 411 brain 419 4.65 brains 419 6.65 brainstorm 517 brainwash 209 brainwashed 209 brainy 717 brake * 328 9.15 braking 328 brambles 606 bran 121 branch 206 4.25 branches 206 6.30 brand 227 3.70 brandy 741 brash 209 brass 156 4.95 brasserie 540 brassiere 524/540 brassy 707 bratwurst 522 bravado 309 brave 324 3.05 bravely 747 bravery 724 brawl 416 brawlers 663 brawn 423 brawny 717 bray 301 brayed * 301 brazen 874 Brazil 628 breach 437 bread 402 2.80 breadth 280 break * 408 8.15 break-even point 253 break-in 408 breakage 327 breakdown 421 breaker 661 breakfast ! 233 6.95 breaking * 408 7.65 breakout 431 breaks * 408 10.10 breakthrough 313 breast 438 8.30 breath 275 5.35 breathe 279 12.25 breather 646 breathless 1066 bred * 107 breech * 437 breeches *(**) 437 breed 402 breeze 435 9.35 breezy 435 brethren 875 brevity 737 brew 316 brewed * 316 brewer 316 brewery 727 brews * 316 bribe 320 bribery 725 brick 215 3.45 bricklayer 672 bricklaying 301 brickyard 505 bridal * 819 bride 322 3.80 bridegroom 418 bridesmaid 401 bridge 212 8.15 bridle * 611 brief 406 11.90 briefcase 343 briefly 748 13.70 brig 113 brigade 321 brigand 281 bright 428 3.65 brighten 877 brighteners 877 brightness 1067 brilliance 258 brilliancy 739 brilliant 254 15.45 brim 118 brimful 629 brimstone 339 brine 337 bring 218 2.50 bringing 218 5.90 brings 218 4.05 brink 221 brisket 687 bristles 609 Bristol 628 Britain 419 British 1063 Brittany 718 brittle 603 broach 437 broad 403 8.65 broad-minded 229 broadcast 233 broadcaster 652 broaden 876 broadside 322 Broadway 302 broccoli 945 brogue 922 broke 329 3.50 broken 873 4.25 broker 662 brokerage 327 bromide 322 Bronx 267 bronze 537 brooch 437 brood * 404 brook 409 Brooklyn 409 broom 418 broth 276 brothel 625 brother 646 4.00 brother-in-law 646 brotherhood 404 brotherly 715 brothers 646 4.80 brougham * ! 535 brought 430 4.90 brouhaha 369 brow 318 brown 421 2.35 brown-nose 364 brownies 421 brownstone 339 brows * 318 browse * 436 browser 666 Bruce 346 bruise * 435 brunch 207 brunet 688 brunette 688 brunt 249 brush 211 4.75 brushes 211 7.60 brusque 903 brutal 827 brutality 733 brutalize 361 brutally 749 brute 359 bub 105 bubble 601 buck 216 bucket 685 6.10 bucketful 629 buckeyes 308 buckle 604 buckskin 123 bud 110 3.45 Buddha 369 buddies 701 buddy 701 budge 212 budget 685 12.70 bueno ! 540 Buenos Aires ! 540 buff 145 buffalo 309 buffer 633 Bufferin 879 buffet ** 940/685 buffeted 685 bug 115 bugger 633 buggies 702 buggy 702 7.95 bugle 612 bugs 115 4.10 build * 240 4.90 builder 640 building 240 4.90 buildings 240 6.45 built 247 5.90 bulb 240 bulge 367 bulk 245 bulky 745 bull 155 4.55 bull's eye 308 bulldog 114 bulldoze 364 bulldozer 364 bullet 686 bulletin 686 16.40 bulletproof 407 bullfight 428 bullfighter 650 bullheaded 402 bullied 703 bullies 703 bully 703 bullying 703 bulwark 507 bum 120 bumble 606 bumblebee 305 bummer 635 bump 270 bumper 649 bumpier 754 bumpkin 878 bumpy 755 bun 125 bunch 207 3.80 bundle 607 7.65 bungalow 310 bungee 305 bungle 605 bunion 843 bunk 222 5.95 bunkers 648 bunnies 704 bunny 704 bunt 249 bunter 651 buoys * (**) ! 303 bur * 520 burden 876 10.80 bureau 949 17.70 bureaucracies 710 bureaucracy 710 bureaucrat 131 bureaucratic 812 bureaus 949 burg * 520 Burgandy 741 burgeon 920 burgeoning 920 burger * 520 burgh * 520 burgher * 520 burglar 673 burglaries 724 burglary 724 burial 821 buried 722 11.15 buries * 722 burlap 126 burlesque 902 burly 521 Burma 374 Burmese 360 burn 521 3.55 burned 521 5.70 burner 521 burnt 521 8.80 burp 521 burr * 520 burro 309 Burroughs * 313 burrow * 310 bursar 674 burst 522 7.90 bury * 722 11.80 bus 160 2.45 busboy 303 bush 211 4.25 bushel 625 7.55 bushes 211 5.25 bushings 211 bushman 869 busier 728 busiest 728 busily 715 business 1067 12.30 businesses 1067 15.75 businessman 870 businessmen 870 businesswoman 870 businesswomen 870 bussed * 160 bust * 236 bustle 609 busy 728 5.90 busybody 711 but 135 1.35 Butch 205 butcher 644 9.30 butler 648 butt * 135 butte * ! 1068 butter 638 2.35 buttercup 130 butterflies 307 butterfly 307 butterscotch 204 buttocks 216 button 838 6.30 buttonhole 331 buttons 838 7.40 buttress 1065 buy * 308 310 buyer 672 7.50 buying 308 4.70 buys 308 9.00 buzz 140 by * 307 3.50 by-play 302 by-product 226 bye * 308 bygones 340 bylaws 319 byline 337 bypass 156 byte * 964 Byzantine 336 cab 101 cabal 819 cabala * 373 cabana 375 cabaret 940
  • 28. 30 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD cabbage 327 8.65 cabin 877 4.50 cabinet 687 12.45 cabinetry 755 cable 610 5.60 caboodle 611 cache * 909 cachet 940 cackle 604 cacophonous 889 cacti 160 cactus 160 cactuses 160 cad 106 cadaver 669 cadaverous 890 caddie 701 cadence 260 cadet 685 cadge 212 cadre * 683 Caesar 674 café 939 cafeteria 371 16.10 caffeine 336 cage 327 2.95 cagey 306 cahoots 429 Cain * 419 Cajun 125 cake 328 2.55 cakes 328 3.00 calcium 833 calculate 350 calculations 350 calculator 678 calculus 160 calendar 673 14.00 calf 243 5.75 caliber 658 calibrate 351 calibration 351 calico 309 California 371 calipers 665 caliph 933 calk * 244 call 147 1.55 called 147 2.40 caller 634 calling 147 2.25 calisthenics 807 callous * 888 calls 147 5.25 callus * 160 calm 119 9.35 calmer 960 calorie 304 Calvary 725 calves 380 11.40 Calvin 879 Calvinism 272 cam 116 Cambodia 370 Cambodian 866 came 332 1.60 camel 625 6.15 camels 625 7.30 cameo !! 309/5?? camouflage 919 camp 269 2.15 campaign 959 17.60 camper 649 campfire 525 camphor 933 camping 269 3.90 campsite 357 campus 160 9.80 can 121 1.40 Cana 375 Canaan 864 Canada 368 Canadian 865 canal 146 8.50 canapé 939 canaries 720 canary 720 10.10 cancel 624 13.40 canceled * 624 15.70 canceling * 624 14.55 cancellation 848 17.85 cancelled * (Br.) 624 cancelling *(Br.) 624 cancer 511 candid 108 candidacy 709 candidate 354 15.15 candied 741 candies 741 candle 607 5.95 candles 607 6.10 candlestick 215 candor 516 candy 741 2.75 cane * 335 4.50 canine 337 canister 652 canker 648 canned 121 10.35 canneries 726 cannery 726 cannibal 816 cannibalism 272 canning 121 6.10 cannon * 836 cannonball 147 cannot 134 4.20 canoe 313 10.25 canoes 313 10.45 canon * 836 canonical 818 canonization 857 canonize 362 canopies 719 canopy 719 cans 121 3.25 cant * 249 can't * 249 2.65 cantaloupe ! 537 canteen 420 canter * 651 Canterbury 722 canton 838 cantor * 680 canvas * 156 11.75 canvass * 156 18.45 canyon 838 8.35 cap 126 1.85 capabilities 734 capability 734 capable 616 11.20 capacious 885 capacitor 680 capacity 730 16.85 cape 341 4.25 caper 511 capillaries 720 capillary 720 capital * 826 11.30 capitalism 272 capitalist 816 capitalistic 816 Capitol 152 14.35 capitulate 350 capitulation 350 capped 126 caprice 344 capricious 885 caps 126 3.00 capsized 362 capsules 331 captain 419 8.05 caption 862 captivating 353 captive 897 captivity 738 capture 529 5.95 captured 924 7.65 car 501 1.20 caramel 523 carat * 691 caravan 121 carbine 336 carbohydrates 351 carbon 835 10.85 carbonated 351 carbonation 351 carburetor 680 carcass 156 carcinoma 374 card 505 2.00 cardiac 801 cardigan 865 cardinal 822 cardiologist 714 cardiology 714 cardiopulmonary 720 cards 505 3.25 care 523 2.35 cared 523 5.00 careen 420 career 531 14.00 careful 630 5.80 carefully 749 7.70 careless 1066 6.90 carelessly 751 carelessness 1067 cares 523 4.30 caress 157 carfare 523 cargo 309 Caribbean ** 864 caribou 317 caricature 529 caries * 720 Carl * 508 carload 403 5.00 Carlton 838 Carmen 875 carmine 338 carnage 327 carnal 824 carnival 830 12.15 carnivorous 890 Carol's * 152 Carolina 375 carols * 152 9.55 carom 832 carouse 436 carousel 148 carp 508 carpenter 651 8.75 carpet 687 5.90 carpool 414 carport 519 carrels * 624 carriage 327 13.75 carried 706 5.90 carrier 660 carries * 706 6.85 carrion 843 carrot * 690 7.90 carrots * 690 8.00 carry 706 4.05 carrying 706 11.05 cars 501 1.65 carsick 215 cart 510 3.05 carte blanche 910 cartel 624 Carter 657 Carthage 327 carton 838 cartoon 422 cartoonist 235/816 cartridges 212 carts 510 4.25 carve 509 carver 509 Cary's 720 Casanova 377 cascade 321 case 343 3.05 casement 881 caseworker 503 cash * 209 3.70 cashed 209 5.85 cashier 660 12.80 casino 309 cask * 271 casket 685 Casper 649 Caspian Sea 867 Cass River 156 casserole 331 cassette 688 cast * 233 4.25 castanets 687 castaway 302 caste * 274 caster * 652 castigate 349 Castile 330 castle 609 9.55 castor * oil 680 castrate 352 castration 352 Castro 309 casual 829 casually 749 casualties 757 casualty 757 cat 131 1.55 catalog 114 10.55 catalogs 114 12.95 catalogue 922 catalpa tree 376 catalyst 956 catalytic 816 catamaran 121 catapult 248 cataracts 223 catastrophe 304 catastrophic 932 catch 201 4.30 catch-22 201 catchall 147 catches 201 6.75 catching 201 6.25 catch-up * 201 catechism 272 categorical 809 categories 723 category 723 cater 667 caterer 666 caterpillar 673 catfish 210 catgut 135 catharsis 1070 cathartic 815 cathedral 824 15.00 catheter 667 catholic 805 Catholic 805 Catholicism 272 catnap 126 catnip 128 cats 131 2.45 cattails 411 cattle 603 3.30 Caucasian 867 caucus 160 caught 430 6.75 cauldron 836 cauliflower 416 caulk * 244 causal 826 causality 733 cause 436 5.10 caused 436 6.35 causes 436 7.40 caustic 816 caution 859 12.05 cavalry * 754 cave 324 2.30 cavern 512 cavernous 889 caviar 501 cavity 737 caw 319 c'est moi ! * 938 cease 432 13.55 ceaseless 1058/1066
  • 29. 31 Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD Word Page LD cedar 673 13.30 cede * 321 ceiling 443 14.05 celebrate 351 12.60 celebrated 351 11.55 celebration 351 celebrities 736 celebrity 736 celery 726 celestial 828 celibacy 709 cell * 149 7.40 cellar * 673 10.45 cello ! 309 cellophane 335 cellular 674 celluloid 403 cellulose 345 Celt ** 247 Celtic ** 814 Celtics ** 814 cement 250 6.75 cemeteries 723 cemetery 723 censer * 666 censor * 677 censorship 128 censure 528 census 160 cent * 250 2.20 centaur 1012 centennial 821 center * 651 4.15 centered 651 centerfold 241 centerpiece 442 centipede 321 central 825 8.45 centralization 855 centralized 361 centre * (Br.) 683 centrifugal 1012 centrifuge 1012 centripetal 826 cents * 250 3.70 centuries 727 century 727 10.70 ceramic 806 cereal * 412 cerebellum 834 cerebral 824 ceremonial 821 ceremonies 717 ceremony 717 certain 419 9.95 certainly 749 11.80 certificate 354 15.40 certificates 354 16.60 certification 845 certified 712 14.40 certify 712 certitude 323 cessation 853 cesspool 414 Chablis 962 Chad 106 chafe 324 chaff 141 chafing dish 210 chain 419 6.35 chair 530 3.85 chairman 870 7.90 chairmen 870 chairperson 837 chairs 530 5.35 chairwoman 870 chairwomen 870 chaise longue ! * 909 chaise * 909 chalet 940 chalk 244 9.30 challenge 213 15.50 challenger 643 chamber 639 8.25 chambermaid 401 chameleon 835 chamois ! 909 champ 269 champagne 909 champion 843 championship 128 chance * 257 5.60 chancellor 676 chances 257 7.85 chandelier 909 change 367 3.65 changeable 614 changed 213 5.50 changes 367 4.95 changing 213 5.45 channel 625 12.50 Chanukah 378 chanson 909 chant 249 chants * 249 chaos 814 chaotic 814 chap 126 chapeau 949 chapeau’s 949 chapeaux 949 chapel 625 11.25 chaperon * 909 chaperone * 339 chaplain 419 chapped 126 chappie 304 chapter 650 5.40 char 501 character 649 15.55 characteristic 816 18.15 characteristically 749 characterization 857 characterize 362 characters 649 16.15 charades 321 charcoal 413 chargé d'affaires 939 charge 507 4.25 charged 507 5.85 charger 507 charges 507 5.55 charging 507 6.55 chariot 690 charisma 905 charismatic 811 charitable 619 charities 736 charity 736 12.30 charivari * 946 charlatan 909 Charlemagne 909 Charles 508 Charleston 837 charm 508 4.75 charmer 508 charming 508 5.75 charred * 501 chart 510 3.95 charter 657 Chartreuse 910 chary * 720 chase 343 6.05 chased * 343 8.25 chaser 666 chasing 343 7.90 chasm 272 chassis ! 946/962 chaste * 274 chastise 354 chastity 737 chat 131 6.10 chateau 949 Chateauguay 949 chateau’s 949 chateaux 949 chattel 626 chatter 637 chauffeur 910 Chautauqua 910 19.45 chauvinism 272 chauvinist 816 chauvinistic 816 cheap * 424 5.60 cheapen 876 cheaper 424 6.50 cheapest 424 cheapskate 347 check * 215 4.50 checked 215 7.00 checkers 647 9.30 checkerboard 533 checking 215 6.10 checkmate 350 checkout 431 checkpoint 253 checkroom 418 checkup 130 checks * 215 6.65 cheddar 673 cheek 408 9.10 cheep * 424 cheer 531 3.80 cheerful 630 7.10 cheerfully 749 cheering 531 6.75 cheerleader 658 cheerleading 402 cheery 723 cheese 435 6.90 cheetah 378 chef * 910 chemical 806/905 chemist 272/905 chemistry 755/905 14.85 chemotherapy719/905 chenille 330 chequers * 902 cheques *(Br.)215/902 Cher 941 cherie * 939 cherish 210 Cherokee 941 cherries 706 cherry 706 5.85 cherub 941 cherubim 941 Chesapeake 408 chess 157 chest 234 5.70 Chester 652 Chesterfield 652 chest of drawers 671 chestnuts 135 chevron 124 Chevrolet 940 Chevy 738 chew 316 chews * 316 chez * 940 Chianti 905 chic * 910 Chicago 910 chicanery 910 Chicano 910 chichi 910 chick 215 chickadee 305 Chickasaw 319 chicken 874 5.00 chicken pox 268 13.30 chickens 215 6.65 chicks 215 5.90 chicory 726 chide 322 chief 406 7.50 chiefly 747 10.10 chiffon 910 chigger 633 Chihuahua !! 377 child 240 2.80 childbirth 515 childhood 404 childish 1061 9.40 childlike 329 childproof 407 children 875 4.80 children's 875 13.80 Chile 945 chili * 945 chill 151 7.20 chilly * 703 chimes 333 chimney 306 11.15 chimpanzee 305 chin 123 china 375 5.65 China 375 chinchilla 373 Chinese 360 chink 221 Chinook 910 chintzy 758 chip 128 chipmunk 222 chipper 636 chirp 515 chisel 624 chiseled * 624 chiselled * (Br.) 624 chiseler * 624 chiseller * (Br.) 624 chit 133 chitchat 131 chitterlings ! * 638 chivalry 755 chivaree ! * 305 chivari ! * 945 chlorine 336 chloroform 517 chlorophyll 955 chock 216 chockfull * 631 chock-full * 631 chocolate 354 14.25 Choctaw 319 choice 433 10.15 choir * 905 14.60 choke 329 choker 662 cholera 376/905 choleric 809/905 cholesterol 152/905 choose * 435 10.50 chop 129 5.15 chop suey 306 chopper 636 choppy 705 chopsticks 215 choral * 825/905 chorale * 905 chord * 516/905 chore 526 choreograph 905/927 choreographer 644 choreography 927 chores 526 8.95 chortle 608 chorus 906 15.25 chose 364 7.65 chosen 873 7.70 chow mein 442 chow * 318 chowder 659 Chris 907 Christ 234 960 christen 877 christening 877 Christian * 868 15.40 Christianity * 735 Christine 336 Christmas 234 9.10 Christopher 644 chrome 908 chronic 808 chronically 748 chronicle 611 chronological 803 chronology 714 chrysanthemums 834 chub 105 chubby 701 chuck 216 chuckle 604