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Index No Index No
HTML5 - Introduction 01 Canvas 16
Why HTML5 ? 02 SVG 17
What is new in HTML5? 03 Drag & Drop 18
HTML5 Doctype 04 Form Elements - email 19
Article 05 Form Elements - number 20
Header 06 Form Elements - url 21
Footer 07 Form Elements - tel 22
Nav 08 Form Elements - search 23
Main 09 Form Elements - color 24
Aside 10 Form Elements - range 25
Details & Summary 11 Form Elements - datetime 26
Figure & Figcaption 12 Form Elements – datetime-local 27
Audio 13 Form Elements - date 28
Video 14 Form Elements - time 29
Embed 15 Form Elements - week 30
Index No Index No
Form Elements - month 31 Application Cache – Manifest File 46
Form Attributes - Pattern 32 Web SQL 47
Form Attributes - Required 33 Web SQL – Open database 48
Form Attributes - min, max, step 34 Web SQL – Transaction 49
Form Attributes - maxlength 35 Web SQL – Queries 50
Form Attributes - Pattern 36 Geolocation 51
Form Attributes - novalidate 37 Web workers 52
Form Attributes - datalist 38 Web Sockets 53
Form Attributes - multiple 39 CSS3 - Introduction 54
Form Attributes - output 40 Vendor Prefixes 55
Form Attributes - autocomplete 41 Color Formats 56
Form Attributes - autofocus 42 Gradient 57
Form Attributes - placeholder 43 Linear Gradient 58
Web storage 44 Radial Gradient 59
Application Cache 45 Web fonts 60
Index No Index No
Text Shadows 61 Align Items 76
Word Wrapping 62 Align Contents 77
Multi Column Text 63 Order 78
Border Radius 64 Flex Grow 79
Border Images 65 Flex Shrink 80
Box Shadows 66 Flex Basis 81
Background size 67 Flex 82
Multiple Background Images 68 Align Self 83
Background Origin 69 Transition 84
Clip Background 70 Transform 85
Flex Container 71 Animation 86
Flex Direction 72 Selectors 87
Flex Wrap 73 Media Queries 88
Flex Flow 74
Justify Content 75
HTML5 - Introduction
 HTML5 is the latest version of HTML
 HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
 It is still in development phase
 But has amazingly broad browser support
 First draft was announced in the year 2008
 HTML5 is most widely used currently
 It eases the web development with the inclusion of support for many new features
Why HTML5 ?
 HTML5 is an evolution of HTML over XHTML
 Previous specifications left error handling up to user agents
 XHTML did not offer backward compatibility
 With the strict error handling XHTML would stop rendering millions of older web pages
 Whereas HTML5 specifies rules for error handling
 Offers backward compatibility thereby provides support for older versions of HTML
 Has support for several new elements
 Reduces the need for third party plugins by supporting those features directly in the browser
What is new in HTML5?
 HTML5 has several new elements such as:
 Article, section, header, footer, nav, menu, main, details, summary, command, figure, figcaption…
 Several attributes have been included too
 Web forms 2.0 is now included in HTML5
 Date picker, color picker controls and numeric stepper controls are added
 Input fields such as date, url, email, number, etc are included
 Supports autocomplete and validation
 Supports APIs
 Audio, video, offline apps, drag and drop, geolocation, web storage, web workers, etc
HTML5 Doctype
 HTML5 doctype has been simplified
 HTML5 does not need reference to DTD as it is not based on SGML
 <!doctype html>
 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a standard for how to specify a document
markup language or tag set. Such a specification is itself a document type definition (DTD). SGML is
not in itself a document language, but a description of how to specify one.
Syntax <article></article>
Description Used to define independent content in a page Can have a header tag and
can enclose para, span or other tags
Illustration <article>
<h2>Paragraph Examples</h2>
<p>Web designers who haven't kept up with the development of HTML
standards (tut-tut) will find this to be the biggest difference between
Notes Can have multiple article tags in a web page
Syntax <header></header>
Description  Used to specify a header for a document or section
 Used as a container for introductory content or set of navigational links
Illustration <header>
<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Categories</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
Notes  Cannot be placed within a <footer> or another <header> element.
 Can be used more than once in a document
Syntax <footer></footer>
Description  Used to define the FOOTER area of the page
 Used to contain information such as who wrote it, links to related
documents, copyright data, and the like.
Illustration <footer class="footer" >
@Copyright Reserved to RSolutions
<a href="#">Html </a>
<a href="#">CSS </a>
<a href="#">Sql </a>
<a href="#">JavaScript </a>
Syntax <nav></nav>
Description  Used to create navigational links such as menu
 Can be included within the header, footer, side menu, etc
Illustration <nav>
<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Categories</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
Notes  Do not enclose all links within nav tags
Syntax <main></main>
Description Indicates where the main content begins
Illustration <main>
<article >
<h1> Heading h1 Example</h1>
<h2> Heading h2 Example</h2>
<h3> Heading h3 Example</h3>
Notes  Should be used only once in a web page
Syntax <aside></aside>
Description  Used to define independent content in a page
 Can have a header tag and can enclose para, span or other tags
Illustration <aside>
<h3>RSolutions Group Companies</h3>
<a href="">Rsolutions Global</a><br/>
<a href=""> Rsolutions Products</a><br/>
Notes  Can have multiple aside tags in a web page
Details & Summary
Syntax <details><summary></summary></details>
Description  Used to implement show and hide functionality
 Details is the wrapper for all the content we want to show and hide
 Summary contains the text that is clickable to view the hidden content
Illustration <details>
<summary>Technologies: </summary>
<p> Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, XML</br>
DOTNET: C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC</br> Database: SQL.</p>
Notes  Can have multiple details tag in a web page
 Summary tag is optional
Figure & Figcaption
Syntax <figure><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
Description  Used to call an image file inside the fixed container
 It has its fix container properties which is relevant to the remaining
 It automatically adjust the paragraph text and figure alignment
Illustration <figure>
<img src="/Rsolutions-Logo.jpg" alt=“Rsolutions Logo">
<figcaption>Tulip Garden</figcaption>
Notes  Can also contain code blocks, charts, etc
Syntax <audio></audio>
Description Used to play audio file in the browser with full user control support
Illustration <audio controls preload loop autoplay muted>
<source src="04-Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'>
<p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p>
Notes  Prior to HTML5 additional plugins were required to play audio files in
Syntax <video></video>
Description Used to play a movie or video clip on the website
Illustration <video id="videotag" preload muted loop controls autoplay
poster="" >
Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Video element. <source
src="movie.mp4#t=0,30" type="video/mp4">
Notes  Earlier to add video to web pages we had to use the object and embed
element and lengthy scripts
Syntax <embed></embed>
Description  Used to call a media file in browser
 A browser plugin may be require to play the media files
 Specially used for calling a flash movie
Illustration <embed src="Car-speakers-590x90.swf" </embed
Syntax <canvas></canvas>
Description  Represents a rectangular area on an HTML page
 Has been built specially for graphical representation
 It is incomplete without writing the JavaScript along with it.
Illustration <canvas id="Canvas_Gradient"></canvas><br/>
<script> function Canvas_Gradient(){ var canvas =
document.getElementById('Canvas_Gradient'); var ctx =
canvas.getContext('2d'); var lingrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,150);
lingrad.addColorStop(0, '#00ABEB'); lingrad.addColorStop(1, '#fff');
ctx.fillStyle = lingrad; ctx.fillRect(10,10,130,130);}
Syntax <svg></svg>
Description  Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
 Also used to draw the graphical representation
 It defines the Vector based graphics
 The script of SVG is in XML format
 Quality is maintained even when scaled up
 Every independent element can be animated
Illustration <svg id="svgelem" height="200" >
<circle id="redcircle" cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="red" />
Drag & Drop
Syntax Draggable = “true”
Description We can move an object from one place to another place It involves
Illustration <div id="boxC" draggable="true" ondragstart="return dragStart(event)">
<p>User 3</p>
<div id="boxB" ondrop="return dragDrop(event)" ondragover="return
List of Absentees
Notes  ondragover event specifies where the dragged data can be dropped
 To allow a drop, we must prevent the default handling of the element
using event. preventDefault() method
Form Elements - email
Syntax <input type = “email”>
Description Used to enter email addresses
Illustration <input type="email" name="user_email" >
Notes  By default it allows only one email id to be entered
 By setting the multiple attribute, a comma separated list of email
addresses can be entered
Form Elements - number
Syntax <input type = “number”>
Description Used to enter numerical values
Illustration <input type="number" name="age" >
Notes  Allows only numbers
Form Elements - url
Syntax <input type = “url”>
Description  Used to enter URL
Illustration <input type="url" name="website" >
Form Elements - tel
Syntax <input type = “tel”>
Description Used to add contact number
Illustration <input type=“tel" name="contact" >
Notes  It does not enforce a particular format
Form Elements - search
Syntax <input type = “search”>
Description  Used to implement search field
Illustration <input type="search" name="searchfield" >
Form Elements - color
Syntax <input type = “color”>
Description  Used to add color picker
Illustration <input type="color" name="favColor" >
Form Elements - range
Syntax <input type = “range”>
Description  Used to enter number input using a range control
Illustration <input type="range" name="maxprice" >
Form Elements - datetime
Syntax <input type = “datetime”>
Description Used to enter a date and time value where the time zone is provided as
Illustration <input type="datetime" name="dob" >
Notes  Not supported in any browsers
Form Elements – datetime-local
Syntax <input type = “datetime-local”>
Description  Used to enter a date and time value where the time zone is the local time
Illustration <input type="datetime-local" name="dob" >
Form Elements - date
Syntax <input type = “date”>
Description  Used to enter date alone without time
Illustration <input type="date" name="dob" >
Form Elements - time
Syntax <input type = “time”>
Description  Used to enter time
Illustration <input type="time" name="batchtime" >
Form Elements - week
Syntax <input type = “week”>
Description  Used to enter week
Illustration <input type="week" name="currentweek" >
Form Elements - month
Syntax <input type = “month”>
Description  Used to enter month
Illustration <input type="month" name="currentmonth" >
Form Attributes - Pattern
Syntax pattern = <Reg_Exp>
Description  Used to specify a regular expression to validate the input
Illustration <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]" >
Form Attributes - Required
Syntax required
Description  Used to specify that the input field must contain a value before the form
can be submitted
Illustration <input type="text" required >
Form Attributes - min, max, step
Syntax min = val
max = val
step = val
Description  Used to specify range and the increment for number and range input
Illustration <input type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1">
Form Attributes - maxlength
Syntax maxlength = val
Description  Used to specify the maximum length of an input field
Illustration <input type="text" maxlength="10">
Form Attributes - Pattern
Syntax pattern = <Reg_Exp>
Description  Used to specify a regular expression to validate the input
Illustration <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]" >
Form Attributes - novalidate
Syntax <form novalidate>
Description  Used to indicate not to validate the form on submission
Illustration <form name=“login” novalidate>
Form Attributes - datalist
Syntax <datalist><options/></datalist>
Description  Used to suggest input values to the associated form field
 Suggests autocomplete option as the user types data
Illustration <input type="text" id="location" list="cities">
<datalist id="cities">
<option value="Bangalore" />
<option value="Chennai" />
<option value="Mumbai" />
Form Attributes - multiple
Syntax multiple
Description  Used to allow entering multiple values in a single input field Value": on/off
Illustration <input type="email" multiple>
Form Attributes - output
Syntax <output></output>
Description  Used to display the result of a calculation
Illustration <form oninput ="x.value = parseInt(a.value) > parseInt(b.value) ? True : false">
<input type="number" id="a" value="100"> >
<input type="number" id="b" value="50">= <output name="x" for="a
Form Attributes - autocomplete
Syntax autocomplete = val
Description  Used to enable or disable autocomplete for entire form or for individual
input fields Value": on/off
Illustration <input type="text" autocomplete="off">
Form Attributes - autofocus
Syntax autofocus
Description  Used to set the focus on an input field
 Can be useful when you want the user to start using the form
Illustration <input type="text" autofocus>
Form Attributes - placeholder
Syntax placeholder = “value”
Description  Used to provide a hint to the user to specify what is expected to be
Illustration <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name">
Web storage
Syntax localStorage & sessionStorage
Description  Web storage can be used to store data locally within the user's
 It can replace cookies which was earlier used for similar purpose
 Web Storage is more secure and faster
 Used to store large amounts of data, without affecting the website's
 Data is not included with every server request, but used ONLY when
asked for The data is stored in name/value pairs, and is accessible by
the web page that stored the data
Illustration if (typeof(Storage) != "undefined") {
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML =
localStorage.getItem("lastname"); }
Notes  sessionStorage is similar to localStorage, but the data is deleted when
the web page is closed
Application Cache
Syntax manifest = filename
Description Used to cache web application and makes web pages accessible without
internet connection Advantages:
 Offline browsing - users can use the application when they're offline
 Speed - cached resources load faster
 Reduced server load - browser will only download updated/changed
resources from the server
Illustration <html manifest="demo.appcache">
Notes  Uses a manifest file to specify the files that need to be cached
Application Cache – Manifest File
Description It is a simple text file which tells the browser what to cache (and what to
never cache).
CACHE MANIFEST - Files under this will be cached after they are
downloaded for the first time
NETWORK - Files under this header will never be cached and require a
connection to the server
FALLBACK - used to specify fall-back page if a page is inaccessible
/html/ /offline.html
Notes  Application cache is available till the time:
 The user clears the browser's cache
 The manifest file is modified
 The application cache is programmatically updated
Description Introduces a set of APIs to manipulate client-side databases using SQL
openDatabase: creates database object either using existing database or
creating new one
transaction: gives the ability to control a transaction and performing either
commit or rollback based on the situation
executeSql: used to execute actual SQL query
Web SQL – Open database
Syntax openDatabase
Description Takes care of opening a database if it already exists
This method will create it if it does not exist
Database name
Version number
Text description
Size of database
Creation callback
Illustration openDatabase(‘logsdb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
Web SQL – Transaction
Syntax transaction()
Description This function needs a single argument, which is a function that takes care of
actually executing the query as follows
Illustration db.transaction(function (tx) {
Web SQL – Queries
Syntax executeSql()
Description This function needs a single argument, which is a function that takes care of
actually executing the query as follows:
Illustration tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LOGS (id unique, log)');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO LOGS (id, log) VALUES (1, “start")');
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM LOGS', [], function (tx, results) { var len =
Syntax navigator.geolocation
Description  Used to locate the position of current internet user
 Not only gives the latitude but can also view the digital map
 Can be used on browser, but best suited for smartphones
Illustration function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
} }
function showPosition(position) {
var latlon = position.coords.latitude+","+position.coords.longitude;
Web workers
Syntax worker()
Description  Used to run JavaScripts in the background, independently of other scripts
It runs without affecting the performance of the page
Illustration if(typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") {
if(typeof(w) == "undefined") {
w = new Worker("demo_workers.js");
Web Sockets
Syntax websocket
Description  Web Sockets is a next-generation bidirectional communication
 It operates over a single socket and exposed via JavaScript interface
 You can send data by calling send() method
 Data is received by an onmessageevent handler
Illustration if ("WebSocket" in window) {
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onopen = function() {
ws.send("Message to send");
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
var received_msg =; };
Notes  The socket starts out as a HTTP connection and then upgrades to a TCP
socket after a HTTP handshak
Web Sockets
Syntax websocket
Description  Web Sockets is a next-generation bidirectional communication
 It operates over a single socket and exposed via JavaScript interface
 You can send data by calling send() method
 Data is received by an onmessageevent handler
Illustration if ("WebSocket" in window) {
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onopen = function() {
ws.send("Message to send");
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
var received_msg =; };
Notes  The socket starts out as a HTTP connection and then upgrades to a TCP
socket after a HTTP handshak
CSS3 - Introduction
 CSS3 is the latest version of Cascading Style Sheet language
 Work on CSS3 began in the year 1998 and the working draft was released in 2001
 CSS3 is still under development
 CSS3 is divided into different modules
 CSS3 offers backward compatibility
 Some of the CSS3 modules are:
 Background
 Box
 Font
 Layout
 Color
 Selectors
 Media queries
Vendor Prefixes
Syntax Ios, chrome, & safari: -webkit-
Firefox: -moz-
Internet explorer: -ms-
Opera: -o-
Description  CSS vendor prefixes or CSS browser prefixes are a way to add support
for new CSS features in a sort of testing and experimentation period
Illustration -moz-border-radius: 10px 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px 5px;
Border-radius: 10px 5px;
Notes  Vendor prefixes are temporary
Color Formats
Syntax HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)
HSLA (Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha)
RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
Description  The CSS3 Color module introduces several new, more convenient ways
to specify colors and transparency
Illustration background-color: hsla(190, 30%, 94%, 1);
Syntax linear-gradient
Description  CSS3 gradients let you display smooth transitions between two or
more specified colors 2 types: Linear gradient & Radial gradient
Illustration background: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, blue);
Notes  Earlier images were used for such effects.
 CSS3 gradients reduce download time and bandwidth usage
 Gradients look better when zoomed, because the gradient is generated
by the browser
Linear Gradient
Syntax gradient
Description  Defined by the direction – down, up, right, left, diagonal
Illustration background: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, blue);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, white, blue);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom right, white, blue);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, white, blue);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(blue, white, blue);
background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 20%);
Radial Gradient
Syntax gradient
Description A radial gradient is defined by its center You can specify the gradient's
center, shape (circle or ellipse) as well as its size. By default, center is
center, shape is ellipse, and size is farthest-corner.
Illustration background: -webkit-radial-gradient(red, green, blue);
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, red, yellow, green);
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(60% 55%, closest-side, blue, green,
yellow, black);
background: -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 15%);
Web fonts
Syntax @font-face
Description Used to add fonts that are not installed on the user’s system Allows you to
use any font which will be downloaded to the user’s system and used
Illustration @font-face {
font-family: newFont;
src: url(sansation_light.woff);
p {
font-family: newFont;
Text Shadows
Syntax text-shadow
Description  Used to apply shadows to text
 You can specify horizontal shadow, vertical shadow, blur distance and the
color of the shadow
Illustration text-shadow:10px 10px 5px #FF0000;
Word Wrapping
Syntax word-wrap
Description  Used to break long words and wrap onto the next line
Illustration word-wrap: break-word;
Multi Column Text
Syntax column-count, column-gap & column-rule
Description Used to display text in multiple columns, like in newspapers Properties:
 column-count
 column-gap
 column-rule
Illustration -webkit-column-count: 4; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-webkit-column-gap: 10px; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-webkit-column-rule:1px outset #ff00ff; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
Border Radius
Syntax border-radius
Description Used to specify rounded borders
Illustration border: 2px solid red;
border-radius: 5px;
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-right-bottom-radius: 12px;
Border Images
Syntax border-image
Description Used to add image as a border
Illustration border-image: url(border.png) 30 30 round;
border-image: url(border.png) 30 30 stretch;
Box Shadows
Syntax box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur color
Description Used to add shadows to divs
Illustration box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;
Background size
Syntax background-size
Description Used to specify the size of the background image
Illustration background: url(“pattern.png");
background-size: 100px 50px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Multiple Background Images
Syntax background
Description Used to add multiple background images
Illustration background: url(pattern.png), url(gradient.png);
Background Origin
Syntax Background-origin
Description  Used to specify the position of the background image
 Values: border-box, content-box and padding-box
Illustration background-origin: content-box
Clip Background
Syntax background-clip
Description  Used to specify the area to which background has to be applied
 Values: border-box, content-box and padding-box
Illustration background-clip: content-box;
Flex Container
Syntax display: flex;
Description  Used to create a flex container, either inline or block
 Applied only to the direct children
Illustration display: flex
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
Flex Direction
Syntax flex-direction: value;
Description  Used to define in direction in which the flex items should be placed in
the flex container
 Values: row, column, row-reverse, column-reverse
Illustration flex-direction: column;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
Flex Wrap
Syntax flex-wrap: value;
Description  Used to allow the items to wrap within the flex container
 By default items in a flex container will fit onto one line
 Flex-wrap changes this default behavior
 Values: wrap, nowrap, wrap-reverse
Illustration flex-wrap: wrap;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
 This property also depends on the direction of the flex items
Flex Flow
Syntax flex-flow: value;
Description  This is a shorthand property for flex-direction and flex-wrap
 Values: <flex-direction> <flex-wrap>
Illustration flex-flow: row wrap;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
Justify Content
Syntax justify-content: value;
Description  Used to distribute the excess space between the flex items
 Excess space could be either due to inflexible items or flexible but have
reached their maximum size.
 Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around
Illustration justify-content:flex-start;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
Align Items
Syntax align-items: values;
Description  Used to define how to align the flex items along the cross axis
 Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch and baseline
Illustration align-items: flex-start;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
Align Contents
Syntax align-content: values;
Description  Used to align extra spaces in the cross-axis
 Similar to justify-content, but in the perpendicular direction
 Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, space-between, space-
Illustration align-content: flex-start;
Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
 This property has no effect when there is only one line of flex items
Syntax order: value;
Description  Used to control the order in which the flex item appear in a flex
container By default they are laid out in the order they are defined in
 Values: integer value
Illustration order: 1
Notes  This should be applied to the child elements
Flex Grow
Syntax flex-grow: value;
Description  Used to define the amount of space a flex item should take up within
the flex container This servers as a proportion
 Values: integer value
Illustration flex-grow: 2
Notes  This should be applied to the child element
 Default value is zero
Flex Shrink
Syntax flex-shrink: value;
Description  Allows a flex item to shrink if required
 Values: integer value
Illustration flex-shrink: 2
Notes  This should be applied to the child element
 Default value is zero
Flex Basis
Syntax flex-basis: value;
Description  Defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is
 Values: length, auto
Illustration flex-basis: 200px
Notes  This should be applied to the child element
Syntax flex: value;
Description  Shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis Flex-shrink and flex-
basis parameters are optional and defaults to 0 auto
 Values: <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis>
Illustration flex: 1 1 200px;
Notes  This should be applied to the child element
 Ensures all items are of the same length irrespective of the content
Align Self
Syntax align-self: value;
Description  Used to override default alignment for individual flex items
 Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, baseline
Illustration align-self: flex-end
Notes  This should be applied to the child element
Syntax transition: <property> <delay> <duration> <timing>
Description Used to add effects while changing styles of elements
Can replace flash or JavaScript to add effects
Property: name of the CSS property the transition effect is for
Delay: specifies the time frame after which the transition starts
Duration: time frame for the animation to complete
Timing: specifies the speed of the transition.
Values: ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out
Illustration div{
width: 200px;
transition: width 2s;
width: 500px;
Syntax transform: <transform function>
Description Used to add 2D and 3D transformation to an element
Can be used to rotate, scale, move, skew
Some of the transform functions:
 translate(x,y), translateX(x), scale(x,y), scaleX(x), rotate(angle),
rotate(angle), skew(x-angle, yangle), skewX(angle)
Illustration div {
transform: scale(50px, 100px);
Syntax @keyframes <name>
animation: <name> <duration> <timing-function> <delay> <iteration>
Description  Used to create animations by changing CSS properties
 Can specify when the change will take place using percentage(0%,
100%) or keywords(from, to)
Illustration @keyframes myanimation{
0%{ width: 100px; }
100%{ width: 500px;}
animation: myanimation 2s;
Description  Many new selectors are added and implemented in CSS3
 Some of the new selectors are:
 Structural: root, nth-child(n), nth-last-child(n), last-child, empty, target,
 UI element: enabled, disabled, checked, selection
 Negation: not(s)
Illustration p:nth-child(2) {
Media Queries
Syntax @media
Description  Used to write styles for different screen sizes, multiple devices
Illustration @media screen and (max-device-width: 320px) { }
/* smartphones (portrait) */
@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { }
/* smartphones (landscape) */
@media screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) { }
/* tablet */
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (max-device-
width: 480px)" href="small-device.css" />
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Web Development Course - HTML5 & CSS3 by RSOLUTIONS

  • 1. Your Requirement. Our Commitment.
  • 2. Index No Index No HTML5 - Introduction 01 Canvas 16 Why HTML5 ? 02 SVG 17 What is new in HTML5? 03 Drag & Drop 18 HTML5 Doctype 04 Form Elements - email 19 Article 05 Form Elements - number 20 Header 06 Form Elements - url 21 Footer 07 Form Elements - tel 22 Nav 08 Form Elements - search 23 Main 09 Form Elements - color 24 Aside 10 Form Elements - range 25 Details & Summary 11 Form Elements - datetime 26 Figure & Figcaption 12 Form Elements – datetime-local 27 Audio 13 Form Elements - date 28 Video 14 Form Elements - time 29 Embed 15 Form Elements - week 30
  • 3. Index No Index No Form Elements - month 31 Application Cache – Manifest File 46 Form Attributes - Pattern 32 Web SQL 47 Form Attributes - Required 33 Web SQL – Open database 48 Form Attributes - min, max, step 34 Web SQL – Transaction 49 Form Attributes - maxlength 35 Web SQL – Queries 50 Form Attributes - Pattern 36 Geolocation 51 Form Attributes - novalidate 37 Web workers 52 Form Attributes - datalist 38 Web Sockets 53 Form Attributes - multiple 39 CSS3 - Introduction 54 Form Attributes - output 40 Vendor Prefixes 55 Form Attributes - autocomplete 41 Color Formats 56 Form Attributes - autofocus 42 Gradient 57 Form Attributes - placeholder 43 Linear Gradient 58 Web storage 44 Radial Gradient 59 Application Cache 45 Web fonts 60
  • 4. Index No Index No Text Shadows 61 Align Items 76 Word Wrapping 62 Align Contents 77 Multi Column Text 63 Order 78 Border Radius 64 Flex Grow 79 Border Images 65 Flex Shrink 80 Box Shadows 66 Flex Basis 81 Background size 67 Flex 82 Multiple Background Images 68 Align Self 83 Background Origin 69 Transition 84 Clip Background 70 Transform 85 Flex Container 71 Animation 86 Flex Direction 72 Selectors 87 Flex Wrap 73 Media Queries 88 Flex Flow 74 Justify Content 75
  • 6. HTML5 - Introduction  HTML5 is the latest version of HTML  HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language  It is still in development phase  But has amazingly broad browser support  First draft was announced in the year 2008  HTML5 is most widely used currently  It eases the web development with the inclusion of support for many new features 01
  • 7. Why HTML5 ? 02  HTML5 is an evolution of HTML over XHTML  Previous specifications left error handling up to user agents  XHTML did not offer backward compatibility  With the strict error handling XHTML would stop rendering millions of older web pages  Whereas HTML5 specifies rules for error handling  Offers backward compatibility thereby provides support for older versions of HTML  Has support for several new elements  Reduces the need for third party plugins by supporting those features directly in the browser
  • 8. What is new in HTML5? 03  HTML5 has several new elements such as:  Article, section, header, footer, nav, menu, main, details, summary, command, figure, figcaption…  Several attributes have been included too  Web forms 2.0 is now included in HTML5  Date picker, color picker controls and numeric stepper controls are added  Input fields such as date, url, email, number, etc are included  Supports autocomplete and validation  Supports APIs  Audio, video, offline apps, drag and drop, geolocation, web storage, web workers, etc
  • 9. HTML5 Doctype 04  HTML5 doctype has been simplified  HTML5 does not need reference to DTD as it is not based on SGML  <!doctype html>  SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a standard for how to specify a document markup language or tag set. Such a specification is itself a document type definition (DTD). SGML is not in itself a document language, but a description of how to specify one.
  • 10. Article 05 Syntax <article></article> Description Used to define independent content in a page Can have a header tag and can enclose para, span or other tags Illustration <article> <h2>Paragraph Examples</h2> <p>Web designers who haven't kept up with the development of HTML standards (tut-tut) will find this to be the biggest difference between HTML</p> </article> Notes Can have multiple article tags in a web page
  • 11. Header 06 Syntax <header></header> Description  Used to specify a header for a document or section  Used as a container for introductory content or set of navigational links Illustration <header> <nav> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> Notes  Cannot be placed within a <footer> or another <header> element.  Can be used more than once in a document
  • 12. Footer 07 Syntax <footer></footer> Description  Used to define the FOOTER area of the page  Used to contain information such as who wrote it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like. Illustration <footer class="footer" > @Copyright Reserved to RSolutions <a href="#">Html </a> <a href="#">CSS </a> <a href="#">Sql </a> <a href="#">JavaScript </a> </footer>
  • 13. Nav 08 Syntax <nav></nav> Description  Used to create navigational links such as menu  Can be included within the header, footer, side menu, etc Illustration <nav> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> Notes  Do not enclose all links within nav tags
  • 14. Main 09 Syntax <main></main> Description Indicates where the main content begins Illustration <main> <section> <article > <h1> Heading h1 Example</h1> <h2> Heading h2 Example</h2> <h3> Heading h3 Example</h3> </article> ………….. ………….. </main> Notes  Should be used only once in a web page
  • 15. Aside 10 Syntax <aside></aside> Description  Used to define independent content in a page  Can have a header tag and can enclose para, span or other tags Illustration <aside> <h3>RSolutions Group Companies</h3> <a href="">Rsolutions Global</a><br/> <a href=""> Rsolutions Products</a><br/> </aside> Notes  Can have multiple aside tags in a web page
  • 16. Details & Summary 11 Syntax <details><summary></summary></details> Description  Used to implement show and hide functionality  Details is the wrapper for all the content we want to show and hide  Summary contains the text that is clickable to view the hidden content Illustration <details> <summary>Technologies: </summary> <p> Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, XML</br> DOTNET: C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC</br> Database: SQL.</p> </details> Notes  Can have multiple details tag in a web page  Summary tag is optional
  • 17. Figure & Figcaption 12 Syntax <figure><figcaption></figcaption></figure> Description  Used to call an image file inside the fixed container  It has its fix container properties which is relevant to the remaining text  It automatically adjust the paragraph text and figure alignment Illustration <figure> <img src="/Rsolutions-Logo.jpg" alt=“Rsolutions Logo"> <figcaption>Tulip Garden</figcaption> </figure Notes  Can also contain code blocks, charts, etc
  • 18. Audio 13 Syntax <audio></audio> Description Used to play audio file in the browser with full user control support Illustration <audio controls preload loop autoplay muted> <source src="04-Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'> <p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p> </audio> Notes  Prior to HTML5 additional plugins were required to play audio files in browsers
  • 19. Video 14 Syntax <video></video> Description Used to play a movie or video clip on the website Illustration <video id="videotag" preload muted loop controls autoplay poster="" > Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Video element. <source src="movie.mp4#t=0,30" type="video/mp4"> </video> Notes  Earlier to add video to web pages we had to use the object and embed element and lengthy scripts
  • 20. Embed 15 Syntax <embed></embed> Description  Used to call a media file in browser  A browser plugin may be require to play the media files  Specially used for calling a flash movie Illustration <embed src="Car-speakers-590x90.swf" </embed
  • 21. Canvas 16 Syntax <canvas></canvas> Description  Represents a rectangular area on an HTML page  Has been built specially for graphical representation  It is incomplete without writing the JavaScript along with it. Illustration <canvas id="Canvas_Gradient"></canvas><br/> <script> function Canvas_Gradient(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('Canvas_Gradient'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var lingrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,150); lingrad.addColorStop(0, '#00ABEB'); lingrad.addColorStop(1, '#fff'); ctx.fillStyle = lingrad; ctx.fillRect(10,10,130,130);} </script>
  • 22. SVG 17 Syntax <svg></svg> Description  Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)  Also used to draw the graphical representation  It defines the Vector based graphics  The script of SVG is in XML format  Quality is maintained even when scaled up  Every independent element can be animated Illustration <svg id="svgelem" height="200" > <circle id="redcircle" cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="red" /> </svg>
  • 23. Drag & Drop 18 Syntax Draggable = “true” Description We can move an object from one place to another place It involves JavaScript Illustration <div id="boxC" draggable="true" ondragstart="return dragStart(event)"> <p>User 3</p> </div> <div id="boxB" ondrop="return dragDrop(event)" ondragover="return dragOver(event)"> List of Absentees </div> Notes  ondragover event specifies where the dragged data can be dropped  To allow a drop, we must prevent the default handling of the element using event. preventDefault() method
  • 24. Form Elements - email 19 Syntax <input type = “email”> Description Used to enter email addresses Illustration <input type="email" name="user_email" > Notes  By default it allows only one email id to be entered  By setting the multiple attribute, a comma separated list of email addresses can be entered
  • 25. Form Elements - number 20 Syntax <input type = “number”> Description Used to enter numerical values Illustration <input type="number" name="age" > Notes  Allows only numbers
  • 26. Form Elements - url 21 Syntax <input type = “url”> Description  Used to enter URL Illustration <input type="url" name="website" >
  • 27. Form Elements - tel 22 Syntax <input type = “tel”> Description Used to add contact number Illustration <input type=“tel" name="contact" > Notes  It does not enforce a particular format
  • 28. Form Elements - search 23 Syntax <input type = “search”> Description  Used to implement search field Illustration <input type="search" name="searchfield" >
  • 29. Form Elements - color 24 Syntax <input type = “color”> Description  Used to add color picker Illustration <input type="color" name="favColor" >
  • 30. Form Elements - range 25 Syntax <input type = “range”> Description  Used to enter number input using a range control Illustration <input type="range" name="maxprice" >
  • 31. Form Elements - datetime 26 Syntax <input type = “datetime”> Description Used to enter a date and time value where the time zone is provided as GMT Illustration <input type="datetime" name="dob" > Notes  Not supported in any browsers
  • 32. Form Elements – datetime-local 27 Syntax <input type = “datetime-local”> Description  Used to enter a date and time value where the time zone is the local time zone Illustration <input type="datetime-local" name="dob" >
  • 33. Form Elements - date 28 Syntax <input type = “date”> Description  Used to enter date alone without time Illustration <input type="date" name="dob" >
  • 34. Form Elements - time 29 Syntax <input type = “time”> Description  Used to enter time Illustration <input type="time" name="batchtime" >
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  • 36. Form Elements - month 31 Syntax <input type = “month”> Description  Used to enter month Illustration <input type="month" name="currentmonth" >
  • 37. Form Attributes - Pattern 32 Syntax pattern = <Reg_Exp> Description  Used to specify a regular expression to validate the input Illustration <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]" >
  • 38. Form Attributes - Required 33 Syntax required Description  Used to specify that the input field must contain a value before the form can be submitted Illustration <input type="text" required >
  • 39. Form Attributes - min, max, step 34 Syntax min = val max = val step = val Description  Used to specify range and the increment for number and range input types Illustration <input type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1">
  • 40. Form Attributes - maxlength 35 Syntax maxlength = val Description  Used to specify the maximum length of an input field Illustration <input type="text" maxlength="10">
  • 41. Form Attributes - Pattern 36 Syntax pattern = <Reg_Exp> Description  Used to specify a regular expression to validate the input Illustration <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]" >
  • 42. Form Attributes - novalidate 37 Syntax <form novalidate> Description  Used to indicate not to validate the form on submission Illustration <form name=“login” novalidate>
  • 43. Form Attributes - datalist 38 Syntax <datalist><options/></datalist> Description  Used to suggest input values to the associated form field  Suggests autocomplete option as the user types data Illustration <input type="text" id="location" list="cities"> <datalist id="cities"> <option value="Bangalore" /> <option value="Chennai" /> <option value="Mumbai" /> </datalist>
  • 44. Form Attributes - multiple 39 Syntax multiple Description  Used to allow entering multiple values in a single input field Value": on/off Illustration <input type="email" multiple>
  • 45. Form Attributes - output 40 Syntax <output></output> Description  Used to display the result of a calculation Illustration <form oninput ="x.value = parseInt(a.value) > parseInt(b.value) ? True : false"> <input type="number" id="a" value="100"> > <input type="number" id="b" value="50">= <output name="x" for="a b">true</output> </form>
  • 46. Form Attributes - autocomplete 41 Syntax autocomplete = val Description  Used to enable or disable autocomplete for entire form or for individual input fields Value": on/off Illustration <input type="text" autocomplete="off">
  • 47. Form Attributes - autofocus 42 Syntax autofocus Description  Used to set the focus on an input field  Can be useful when you want the user to start using the form Illustration <input type="text" autofocus>
  • 48. Form Attributes - placeholder 43 Syntax placeholder = “value” Description  Used to provide a hint to the user to specify what is expected to be entered Illustration <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name">
  • 49. Web storage 44 Syntax localStorage & sessionStorage Description  Web storage can be used to store data locally within the user's browser  It can replace cookies which was earlier used for similar purpose  Web Storage is more secure and faster  Used to store large amounts of data, without affecting the website's performance  Data is not included with every server request, but used ONLY when asked for The data is stored in name/value pairs, and is accessible by the web page that stored the data Illustration if (typeof(Storage) != "undefined") { localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith"); document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("lastname"); } Notes  sessionStorage is similar to localStorage, but the data is deleted when the web page is closed
  • 50. Application Cache 45 Syntax manifest = filename Description Used to cache web application and makes web pages accessible without internet connection Advantages:  Offline browsing - users can use the application when they're offline  Speed - cached resources load faster  Reduced server load - browser will only download updated/changed resources from the server Illustration <html manifest="demo.appcache"> Notes  Uses a manifest file to specify the files that need to be cached
  • 51. Application Cache – Manifest File 46 Syntax Description It is a simple text file which tells the browser what to cache (and what to never cache). CACHE MANIFEST - Files under this will be cached after they are downloaded for the first time NETWORK - Files under this header will never be cached and require a connection to the server FALLBACK - used to specify fall-back page if a page is inaccessible Illustration CACHE MANIFEST /logo.gif NETWORK: login.asp FALLBACK: /html/ /offline.html Notes  Application cache is available till the time:  The user clears the browser's cache  The manifest file is modified  The application cache is programmatically updated
  • 52. Web SQL 47 Syntax Description Introduces a set of APIs to manipulate client-side databases using SQL openDatabase: creates database object either using existing database or creating new one transaction: gives the ability to control a transaction and performing either commit or rollback based on the situation executeSql: used to execute actual SQL query Illustration
  • 53. Web SQL – Open database 48 Syntax openDatabase Description Takes care of opening a database if it already exists This method will create it if it does not exist Parameters: Database name Version number Text description Size of database Creation callback Illustration openDatabase(‘logsdb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
  • 54. Web SQL – Transaction 49 Syntax transaction() Description This function needs a single argument, which is a function that takes care of actually executing the query as follows Illustration db.transaction(function (tx) { });
  • 55. Web SQL – Queries 50 Syntax executeSql() Description This function needs a single argument, which is a function that takes care of actually executing the query as follows: Illustration tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LOGS (id unique, log)'); tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO LOGS (id, log) VALUES (1, “start")'); tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM LOGS', [], function (tx, results) { var len = results.rows.length; });
  • 56. Geolocation 51 Syntax navigator.geolocation Description  Used to locate the position of current internet user  Not only gives the latitude but can also view the digital map  Can be used on browser, but best suited for smartphones Illustration function getLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition,showError); } } function showPosition(position) { var latlon = position.coords.latitude+","+position.coords.longitude; alert(latlon);
  • 57. Web workers 52 Syntax worker() Description  Used to run JavaScripts in the background, independently of other scripts It runs without affecting the performance of the page Illustration if(typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") { if(typeof(w) == "undefined") { w = new Worker("demo_workers.js"); }
  • 58. Web Sockets 53 Syntax websocket Description  Web Sockets is a next-generation bidirectional communication technology  It operates over a single socket and exposed via JavaScript interface  You can send data by calling send() method  Data is received by an onmessageevent handler Illustration if ("WebSocket" in window) { var ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send("Message to send"); }; ws.onmessage = function (evt) { var received_msg =; }; } Notes  The socket starts out as a HTTP connection and then upgrades to a TCP socket after a HTTP handshak
  • 59. Web Sockets 54 Syntax websocket Description  Web Sockets is a next-generation bidirectional communication technology  It operates over a single socket and exposed via JavaScript interface  You can send data by calling send() method  Data is received by an onmessageevent handler Illustration if ("WebSocket" in window) { var ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send("Message to send"); }; ws.onmessage = function (evt) { var received_msg =; }; } Notes  The socket starts out as a HTTP connection and then upgrades to a TCP socket after a HTTP handshak
  • 60. CSS3
  • 61. CSS3 - Introduction  CSS3 is the latest version of Cascading Style Sheet language  Work on CSS3 began in the year 1998 and the working draft was released in 2001  CSS3 is still under development  CSS3 is divided into different modules  CSS3 offers backward compatibility  Some of the CSS3 modules are:  Background  Box  Font  Layout  Color  Selectors  Media queries 55
  • 62. Vendor Prefixes 55 Syntax Ios, chrome, & safari: -webkit- Firefox: -moz- Internet explorer: -ms- Opera: -o- Description  CSS vendor prefixes or CSS browser prefixes are a way to add support for new CSS features in a sort of testing and experimentation period Illustration -moz-border-radius: 10px 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px 5px; Border-radius: 10px 5px; Notes  Vendor prefixes are temporary
  • 63. Color Formats 56 Syntax HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) HSLA (Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha) RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) Description  The CSS3 Color module introduces several new, more convenient ways to specify colors and transparency Illustration background-color: hsla(190, 30%, 94%, 1); Notes
  • 64. Gradient 57 Syntax linear-gradient radial-gradient Description  CSS3 gradients let you display smooth transitions between two or more specified colors 2 types: Linear gradient & Radial gradient Illustration background: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, blue); Notes  Earlier images were used for such effects.  CSS3 gradients reduce download time and bandwidth usage  Gradients look better when zoomed, because the gradient is generated by the browser
  • 65. Linear Gradient 58 Syntax gradient Description  Defined by the direction – down, up, right, left, diagonal Illustration background: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, blue); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, white, blue); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom right, white, blue); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, white, blue); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(blue, white, blue); background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 20%);
  • 66. Radial Gradient 59 Syntax gradient Description A radial gradient is defined by its center You can specify the gradient's center, shape (circle or ellipse) as well as its size. By default, center is center, shape is ellipse, and size is farthest-corner. Illustration background: -webkit-radial-gradient(red, green, blue); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, red, yellow, green); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(60% 55%, closest-side, blue, green, yellow, black); background: -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 15%);
  • 67. Web fonts 60 Syntax @font-face Description Used to add fonts that are not installed on the user’s system Allows you to use any font which will be downloaded to the user’s system and used Illustration @font-face { font-family: newFont; src: url(sansation_light.woff); } p { font-family: newFont; }
  • 68. Text Shadows 61 Syntax text-shadow Description  Used to apply shadows to text  You can specify horizontal shadow, vertical shadow, blur distance and the color of the shadow Illustration text-shadow:10px 10px 5px #FF0000;
  • 69. Word Wrapping 62 Syntax word-wrap Description  Used to break long words and wrap onto the next line Illustration word-wrap: break-word;
  • 70. Multi Column Text 63 Syntax column-count, column-gap & column-rule Description Used to display text in multiple columns, like in newspapers Properties:  column-count  column-gap  column-rule Illustration -webkit-column-count: 4; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ -webkit-column-gap: 10px; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ -webkit-column-rule:1px outset #ff00ff; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
  • 71. Border Radius 64 Syntax border-radius Description Used to specify rounded borders Illustration border: 2px solid red; border-radius: 5px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-right-bottom-radius: 12px;
  • 72. Border Images 65 Syntax border-image Description Used to add image as a border Illustration border-image: url(border.png) 30 30 round; border-image: url(border.png) 30 30 stretch;
  • 73. Box Shadows 66 Syntax box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur color Description Used to add shadows to divs Illustration box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;
  • 74. Background size 67 Syntax background-size Description Used to specify the size of the background image Illustration background: url(“pattern.png"); background-size: 100px 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat;
  • 75. Multiple Background Images 68 Syntax background Description Used to add multiple background images Illustration background: url(pattern.png), url(gradient.png);
  • 76. Background Origin 69 Syntax Background-origin Description  Used to specify the position of the background image  Values: border-box, content-box and padding-box Illustration background-origin: content-box
  • 77. Clip Background 70 Syntax background-clip Description  Used to specify the area to which background has to be applied  Values: border-box, content-box and padding-box Illustration background-clip: content-box;
  • 78. Flex Container 71 Syntax display: flex; Description  Used to create a flex container, either inline or block  Applied only to the direct children Illustration display: flex Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
  • 79. Flex Direction 72 Syntax flex-direction: value; Description  Used to define in direction in which the flex items should be placed in the flex container  Values: row, column, row-reverse, column-reverse Illustration flex-direction: column; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
  • 80. Flex Wrap 73 Syntax flex-wrap: value; Description  Used to allow the items to wrap within the flex container  By default items in a flex container will fit onto one line  Flex-wrap changes this default behavior  Values: wrap, nowrap, wrap-reverse Illustration flex-wrap: wrap; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element  This property also depends on the direction of the flex items
  • 81. Flex Flow 74 Syntax flex-flow: value; Description  This is a shorthand property for flex-direction and flex-wrap  Values: <flex-direction> <flex-wrap> Illustration flex-flow: row wrap; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
  • 82. Justify Content 75 Syntax justify-content: value; Description  Used to distribute the excess space between the flex items  Excess space could be either due to inflexible items or flexible but have reached their maximum size.  Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around Illustration justify-content:flex-start; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
  • 83. Align Items 76 Syntax align-items: values; Description  Used to define how to align the flex items along the cross axis  Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch and baseline Illustration align-items: flex-start; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element
  • 84. Align Contents 77 Syntax align-content: values; Description  Used to align extra spaces in the cross-axis  Similar to justify-content, but in the perpendicular direction  Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, space-between, space- around Illustration align-content: flex-start; Notes  This should be applied to the parent element  This property has no effect when there is only one line of flex items
  • 85. Order 77 Syntax order: value; Description  Used to control the order in which the flex item appear in a flex container By default they are laid out in the order they are defined in  Values: integer value Illustration order: 1 Notes  This should be applied to the child elements
  • 86. Flex Grow 78 Syntax flex-grow: value; Description  Used to define the amount of space a flex item should take up within the flex container This servers as a proportion  Values: integer value Illustration flex-grow: 2 Notes  This should be applied to the child element  Default value is zero
  • 87. Flex Shrink 79 Syntax flex-shrink: value; Description  Allows a flex item to shrink if required  Values: integer value Illustration flex-shrink: 2 Notes  This should be applied to the child element  Default value is zero
  • 88. Flex Basis 80 Syntax flex-basis: value; Description  Defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is distributed  Values: length, auto Illustration flex-basis: 200px Notes  This should be applied to the child element
  • 89. Flex 81 Syntax flex: value; Description  Shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis Flex-shrink and flex- basis parameters are optional and defaults to 0 auto  Values: <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis> Illustration flex: 1 1 200px; Notes  This should be applied to the child element  Ensures all items are of the same length irrespective of the content
  • 90. Align Self 82 Syntax align-self: value; Description  Used to override default alignment for individual flex items  Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, baseline Illustration align-self: flex-end Notes  This should be applied to the child element
  • 91. Transition 83 Syntax transition: <property> <delay> <duration> <timing> Description Used to add effects while changing styles of elements Can replace flash or JavaScript to add effects Property: name of the CSS property the transition effect is for Delay: specifies the time frame after which the transition starts Duration: time frame for the animation to complete Timing: specifies the speed of the transition. Values: ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out Illustration div{ width: 200px; transition: width 2s; } div:hover{ width: 500px; } Notes
  • 92. Transform 84 Syntax transform: <transform function> Description Used to add 2D and 3D transformation to an element Can be used to rotate, scale, move, skew Some of the transform functions:  translate(x,y), translateX(x), scale(x,y), scaleX(x), rotate(angle), rotate(angle), skew(x-angle, yangle), skewX(angle) Illustration div { transform: scale(50px, 100px); }
  • 93. Animation 85 Syntax @keyframes <name> animation: <name> <duration> <timing-function> <delay> <iteration> <direction> Description  Used to create animations by changing CSS properties  Can specify when the change will take place using percentage(0%, 100%) or keywords(from, to) Illustration @keyframes myanimation{ 0%{ width: 100px; } 100%{ width: 500px;} } div{ animation: myanimation 2s; }
  • 94. Selectors 86 Syntax Description  Many new selectors are added and implemented in CSS3  Some of the new selectors are:  Structural: root, nth-child(n), nth-last-child(n), last-child, empty, target,  UI element: enabled, disabled, checked, selection  Negation: not(s) Illustration p:nth-child(2) { background:#ff0000; }
  • 95. Media Queries 87 Syntax @media Description  Used to write styles for different screen sizes, multiple devices Illustration @media screen and (max-device-width: 320px) { } /* smartphones (portrait) */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { } /* smartphones (landscape) */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) { } /* tablet */ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (max-device- width: 480px)" href="small-device.css" />
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