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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 55, NO. 7 (JULY 1990); P. 902-913, I1 FlGS
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic
or elastic earth
Arthur B. Weglein* and Bruce G. Secrest$
A new and general wave theoretical wavelet estima-
tion method is derived. Knowing the seismic wavelet
is important both for processingseismic data and for
modeling the seismicresponse.To obtain the wavelet,
both statistical (e.g., Wiener-Levinson) and determin-
istic (matching surface seismicto well-log data) meth-
ods are generally used. In the marine case, a far-field
signature is often obtained with a deep-towed hydro-
phone. The statistical methodsdo not allow obtaining
the phase of the wavelet, whereas the deterministic
method obviously requires data from a well. The
deep-towed hydrophone requires that the water be
deep enough for the hydrophone to be in the far field
and in addition that the reflections from the water
bottom and structure do not corrupt the measured
wavelet. None of the methods address the source
array pattern, which is important for amplitude-ver-
sus-offset(AVO) studies.
This paper presentsa methodof calculating the total
wavelet, including the phaseand source-arraypattern.
When the source locations are specified, the method
predicts the source spectrum. When the source is
completely unknown (discrete and/or continuously
distributed) the method predicts the wavefield due to
this source. The method is in principle exact and yet
no information about the properties of the earth is
required. In addition, the theory allows either an
acousticwavelet (marine) or an elastic wavelet (land),
sothe wavelet is consistentwith the earth model to be
used in processingthe data. To accomplish this, the
method requires a new data collection procedure. It
requires that the field and its normal derivative be
measured on a surface. The procedure allows the
multidimensional earth properties to be arbitrary and
acts like a filter to eliminate the scatteredenergy from
the wavelet calculation. The elastic wavelet estimation
theory applied in this method may allow a true land
wavelet to be obtained. Along with the derivation of
the procedure, we present analytic and synthetic ex-
INTRODUCTION tic migration) an acoustic wavelet would be appropriate,
I . . . whereasan elastic wavelet would be appropriate for elastic
wave-equation data processing.In seismic exploration a man-made source ot energy
producesa wave which propagatesinto the subsurface.The
reflection data recorded on the surface depend on (1) the
properties of the earth’s structure (2) the energy sourceand
recording system.
The purpose of seismic exploration is to extract informa-
tion about the subsurfacefrom these data. Consequently, it
is important to attempt to identify and remove the effectsof
the source characteristics from this reflected energy. We
suggestthat a wavelet estimation method be applied which is
theoretically consistentwith the processto be applied to the
reflection data. That is, for acousticprocessing(e.g., acous-
It has been shown [Loveridge et al. (1984)] that for
amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) studies, the source array
pattern can be important. We show a method of obtaining
this array pattern.
The recently published one-dimensional (1-D) acoustic
wavelet estimation method of Loewenthal et al. (1985)
assumes(1) that the medium above the receivers is known
and (2) that both the field and the normal derivative are
measured. Our method makes analogous assumptions for
multidimensional acoustic and elastic media. In a related
Manuscript received by the Editor March 6, 1989;revised manuscriptreceived December4, 1989.
*Formerly BP Exploration, 5151SanFelipe, P.O. Box 4587,Houston,TX; presentlyARC0 Oil and GasCompany, 2300West PlanoParkway,
Plano, TX 75075.
SBPExploration, 5151San Felipe, P.O. Box 4587, Houston, TX.
0 1990Society of Exploration Geophysicists.All rightsreserved.
Wavelet Estimation 903
paper, Sonneland et al. (1986) use the 1-D acoustic wave “2 w2
equationwith two independentvertical measurementsof the
pressure to perform a combined designature-dereverbera- ( )V2 + 2 P = 2 09 + A(w)s(r - r,). (2)
tion. Hargreaves(1984) has presenteda wave-field extrapo-
lation method for source signatureidentification. Although
his method producedfavorable results in some cases,e.g.,
deep water, he statesa problem resulting from corruption
due to the scatteredfield. The methodin this paperdirectly
addressesthis problem, automatically filtering the scattered
field from the wavelet calculation.
Our purposeis to presenta new generalmethodof source
signature identification which also requires two separate
field measurements.It is applicablefor an arbitrary inhomo-
geneousmultidimensional acousticor elasticearth. Further-
more, no information about the propertiesof the subsurface
is required. Each shotrecordproducesan effectiveacoustic
or elastic wavelet for that particular shotrecord. The effec-
tive wavelet can vary from one shotrecordto the next. The
wavelet obtained is the source wavelet or driving function
being imparted to the medium. In the second section, we
We now proceedto derive two integral equationsfor p. One
isthe Lippmann-Schwingerintegral equationandthe otheris
derived from Green’s secondidentity. These two equations
will leadto the desiredrelationshipbetween the soughtafter
A(w) and the measurementsof p on the surfacez = 0.
Formally inverting the operatorV2 + w2/ci = La = Cc’
in equation (2), we have the operatorrelationship
lo* _ _
or, equivalently,
P(r, rs9 01 = AblG~(r, rs, 4
presentthe generalwavelet estimation procedureand show
G&, r’, w) _r a(r’)P(r’, rs, O) dr’, (3)
that the methodrelies only on the incident wave, effectively
filteringthe scatteredenergyfrom the integral. We illustrate where
this procedurewith an analytic example. The marine explo-
ration environment is treated next. We showan application
to a distributed source and the source array pattern, fol- G&, r’, w) = S(r - r’)
lowed by an application of the method for a multidimen-
sionalelasticproblem. Finally, we give numerical examples with outgoingwave-boundary conditions.
which addressthe issuesof time and spatialsampling,finite Equation (3) is the Lippmann-Schwingerintegral equation
aperture, approximationsto the field derivative, and finding and is valid for all r.
the sourcearray pattern. A secondintegral equation for P is derived from Green’s
The procedure (for either the acoustic or elastic model) secondidentity:
derivesand from a comparisonof the Lippmann-Schwinger
equation and Green’s theorem. The former originates in
scatteringtheory and the latter in boundary-value problems.
(AV2B - BV’A) d3r = (AVB - BVA) . n ds,
Thesetwo equationswere compared,for a differentpurpose, V I s
in Weglein and Silvia (1981) and Silvia and Weglein (1981).
where S is the surface which enclosesthe volume V. Let
A = P and B = Go in Green’s secondidentity:
Consider a point source at the spatial position r,. The
constant-density acoustic wave equation for the pressure s[h-‘, rs, w)V’*Go(r’, r, W)
field P due to a sourceA(t) at r,?is
- Go(r’, r, w)Vt2p(r’, rs, w)] dr’
P(r, rsr t) = A(t)G(r - r,).
Taking the Fourier transform in time gives
= [f%‘, rs, w)V’Go(r’, r, w)
( >V2 + - P(r, rs, w) = A(w)s(r - r,). (1)
- Go(r’, r, o)V’P(r’, rs, w)] - n ds, (4)
whereS is the surfaceillustratedin Figure 1. rs is locatedon
In this context the wavelet estimation problem is to deter- or abovethe z = 0 boundaryof the surfaceS. We choosethe
mine A(w). Characterize the velocity configuration c(r) in convention for the delta function to be
termsof a referencevalue cn and a variation in the index of
refraction (Y:
6(r - a)f(r) dr =f(i),
1 I
- = - [I - ff(r)].
c’(rj ci where P is strictly within the volume. For amoutside the
volume, or on the boundary, this integral vanishes.
Equation (1) can then be rewritten as Substitutingthe equations
904 Weglein and Secrest
V’ ‘P(rl, r,5 ,
0) = -1 P(r’, r,s, 0)
+ 1 a(r’)P(r’, r,, , 0) + A(w)S(r’ - r,)
Vf2Go(r’, r, w) = -q Go(r’, r, w) + S(r’ - r)
into equation (4) and taking r within the volume, we obtain
P(r, rs, 0) = Go(r, r’, co) ” a(r’)B(r’, r,, , o) dr’
v co’
+ [%-‘, rs, o)V’Go(r’, r, 01
- G”(r’, r, w)V’P(r’, rr, o)] *n ds. (5)
Thus, for r within the volume we have two expressions for
p. These two integral equations [equations (3) and (5)] were
studied in by Weglein and Silvia (1981).
If the support of a is within the volume V, then
Go(r, r’, w) ” a(r’)&‘, rs, O) dr’
= Go(r, r’, co) 1 a(r’)P(r’, r,, , w) dr’.
m C6
For points r within the volume and the support of (Ywithin
the volume V, equations (3) and (5) give two expressions for
the field in the reference medium. From these we obtain
- Go(r’, r, o)V’&, r,r, w)] . n ds
FIG. 1. Subsurface volume V.
A(w) = Go(r, rs, co)
*I [I%-‘, r,, w)V’Go(r’. r, w)
- COW. r, w)V’p(r’, r,, co)] *n ds. (6)
The upper boundary of the volume V is defined by the
measurement surface z = 0. Therefore the support of (Y
within V means that the reference medium must only agree
with the actual medium above the receiver plane. The
numerator and denominator can be evaluated at any point
inside the volume. In principle, one evaluation point will
suffice to determine /i(w). However, in practice N such
evaluations of the numerator and denominator will give N
independent estimates of A(w) for each source location. A
statistical weighting of these estimates could then be used to
evaluate the wavelet optimally. Consequently, in practice
the method would involve a combination of deterministic
and statistical procedures. We show later that this redun-
dancy can be used to solve for the source array pattern.
The total field P and its normal derivative V’P . n depend
on both the wavelet and the subsurface properties. How-
ever. we have shown that
[f%‘Go - GoV’P] - n ds
depends only on the wavelet. The major conclusion is that
measurement of ls and VP . n on the surface of the earth is
sufficient to determine the source wavelet without requiring
any information about the subsurface properties. We now
show that the above integral depends only on the incident
field by showing that the integral for the scattered wave is
zero. Thus, since
Go(r, r’, w) = 6(r - r’)
FIG. 2. The marine exploration geometry.
Fto. 3. Background medium for marine case.
Wavelet Estimation 905
 Gj Cci
we have, by substituting into Green’s second identity,
[P,V’G,, - GuV’P,] - n ds
= p, - Go 7 a(r’)P dr’ = p,, - P, = 0,
V C’iJ
and thus the only contribution to the integral in equation (6)
is the incident wave.
We illustrate this method with 1-D and multidimensional
We now demonstrate the method with the analytic exam-
ple of a point scatterer. Numerical examples of the method
will be given later.
One-dimensional example-Localized inhomogeneity
We illustrate this method for the I-D model
- = _!-[l - h6(x -X0)],
c’(r) co’
i.e., (Y= hS(x - x0).
We evaluate equation (6) as
[pV’GO - GOV’P] - n ds.
The Green’s function Go is given by
Go = _ eikix 1’1
and satisfies
dx2 + k2Go = 6(x -x’),
where k = o/co and cg is the reference velocity.
For an impulsive source at x,, the incident field is
2ik .
FIG. 4. Shot gather: point source, incident wave.
The total wave field P satisfies
Weglein and Secrest
and P(.u, x,, O) from equation (1la) becomes
---Q + k2(1 - oi)P = A(o)S(x- - X,). (9)
The problem is to determine the wavelet A(w) from the
boundary measurements of P. The Lippmann-Schwinger
equation, valid for all x, is
(~‘k’“~.“ik’a(x’)P(x’. x,~, w) dx’.
For the localized scatterer, (Y= hF(x - x0), the total wave
field is
To find P(n-,,,x,, w), set x = x0 in the last equation:
&I, x,s,w) =
ikh ’
A A(w)P -xti
4 ikX
(I lb)
The total wave field p(x, x,, w) is a function of the wavelet
A(w) and the medium.
The secondintegral representation, derived from Green’s
secondidentity, is
where a < x,) < h. Using the differential equations(8) and (9)
in the left-hand side of equation (12) leads to
d'G,, d"P
Go -dx2
Ih[P(x’, x,, , w)S(x - x’)
- k2a(x’)P(x’, x,~, o)Go(x, x’, co)
- Go(x, x’, w)&o)S(x’ - x,~)]dx'
I(_dGo di,
For CI< x < b and x,~< a, this last expressionis
= 1; (+G,, g), (12)
FIG. 5. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gather in Figure 4
with analytic derivative.
FK. 6. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gather in Figure 4
with Eulerian approximation to derivative.
Wavelet Estimation 907
Go(x, x’, w)a(x’)li(x’, xs, w) dx’
&‘, x, >0)
dGo(x, x’, 0)
- Go(x,x’, 01
dP(x’, x, >01
dx' Iand, solving for P(x, xS, o),
p(x, xs, CO)= k=
G,,(x, x’, w)a(x’)P(x’, xs, w) dx’
Ii dGo(x, x’, w)
+ &‘, x, 10)
- Gotx, x’, w)
For this example, the support of a(x) is at x0, thus
Go(x, x’, w)k=a(x’)P(x’, x,, o) dx’
= Go(x, x’, o)k*a(x’)P(x’, x,~. w) dx’,
and for x within the interval (a, b), it follows from equations
(lla) and (13) that
P(x’, x,, WI
dGo(x, x’, co)
- Go(x, I’, w)
d&‘, x, , w)
$0) =
P(x’, x,, w) dx’ - Go(x, x’, w)
drj(x’, x5, w)
/gklx x, j (14)
FIG. 7. Shot gather: point source, plane reflector.
908 Weglein and Secrest
This is obviously the 1-D reduction for our wavelet detcrmi-
nation scheme, equation (6); i.e.,
Removing the absolute value signs with a < x < b,
u i x0 < b, andx, < a, we arrive at
@Go - GoVf’) *n ds
sk(o) =
To complete the example, WC show that the right-hand
side of equation (14) just reduces to k(w). Thus we evaluate
the right-hand side of equation (14) for the case of a localized
scatterer. We need the Green’s function.
and its derivative,
&V mx’i
~ SGN (x -x’).
From equation (lib), the wave field is
c”l” --x,1
and its derivative is
SGN (x -x,)
ik SGN (x -x,,)
We now evaluate equation (14) to obtain
which was to be shown. Notice that although P and #Iian
depend on the medium through co, h, and x,,, the integral
is only a function of the source signature.
As stated in the Introduction, it is apparent that the
method for obtaining the wavelet just described will hold for
more general cases, in particular for a spatially variant
reference medium. In a similar manner, an expression for the
wavelet can be derived for the case where the acoustic
velocity is characterized in terms of a spatially variant
reference velocity. This spatially variant reference velocity
will be required for the marine wavelet estimation. As
before, the reference medium must agree with the actual
medium above the receivers.
Special case-Marine wavelet estimation
The marine exploration configuration is illustrated in Fig-
ure 2. The background medium for this application will
consist of two homogeneous half-spaces illustrated in Figure
&‘, xs7 WI
dGo(x, x’, ~1 d&’ ,x.7, ~1
k(w) =
- Go(x, x’, w)
p+ --x.,j
a 2ik
and thus, upon substituting for P, G, and their derivatives,
eikb’ --xs h eiklY’ -rii~elk~il --x5 / eikl-x’/
2ik 4
~ SGN (x’ -x)
~ SGN (x’ -x,~) - ;
2 iti
ik SGN (x’ -x0) .
Wavelet Estimation 909
For this geometry, G,, is given by the equation
and dGo/dz,7is given by
dz, I_: ii&
- k,"SGN (z, - z)
x (-id(,)I-k:)} dk,,
where ct , c2 are the acoustic velocities of water and air,
respectively, and A = (l/c:) - (l/c;).
If the source consists of a sequence of localized point
sources at r,v,, rs,, . . _, r7 , each with same time depen-
dence, then the wavelet A(‘;) is given by
k(w) =
%(r,r’,co) @r’, r,, ~1
-G~(r,r’,w) ds’
where P satisfies the differential equation
V”P(r, I-~, w) + 1 [l - a(r’)]P(r’, r,T, w)
=,4(w) i 6(r - r.5j)
and is th-e total fieldsdue tomthe ;r distributed point sourcesi
However, if the localized point sources are each different,
we can use the fact that r is arbitrary to obtain the system of
J&h, r’, ~1
= B(r’, r,, . . . ry,) , 0)
dP(r’, r,s, . . . rs, , 0)
- GA-,, r’, 0)
ds’, 06)
This system of equations can be solved in a least-squares
sense for the k,(w).
Alternatively, the radiation pattern from a single effective
point source could be determined by assuming that k(o) is
also a function of the radius r, i.e., A(w)6(r - r,?)becomes
the more general k(w, r),
k(o, r’)G,,(r, r’, co)dr’
fib’, r,, w)V’G&‘, r, w)
- G,,(r’, r, o)V’P(r’, rs, co)] *n ds, (17)
and thus the relative strength of the source field can be
obtained by evaluating equation (17) for various r on a
constant radius about the source.
Below WC outline the generalization of the wavelet esti-
mation method for elastic waves. As in the acoustic case, a
comparison of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and
Green’s theorem is used to determine the wavelet.
To derive the Green’s theorem for the elastic case, a rank
two Green’s displacement tensor so is_ defined and in
addition a rank three Green’s stress tensor $ is defined. In an
analogous manner to the scalar case, a Green’s identity is
obtained relating the displacement u(x, t) to a volume
integral involving a body force and an integral over the
enclosing surface which involves the displacement and its
derivatives through the traction t. This Green’s theorem
result [e.g., Pao and Varatharajulu (1976), equation (19)] for
elastic waves is given by
910 Weglein and Secrest
pf(x’) * i&(x, x’) dx’
I {t(x’) *&(x, x’) - u(x’) *[n’ - $(x1x’)]} cf.5
44 XEV
0 x @ v,
where u(x, t) is the displacement vector, t = n .‘f, where t
is the traction on the surface, T is the stress tensor, n is the
unit vector normal to the surface, f is the body force=per
unit mass, CO is the Green’s displacement tensor and 7 is
the third-rank Green’s stress tensor.
Let GO be the response in a homogeneous medium and f
the passive sources (the scattering centers) of the scattered
displacement field originating from the inhomogeneities in
the medium. The physical source is outside the volume V. In
Pao and Varatharajulu, f represents the body force per unit
mass and is inside the volume. They were considering an
active physical source inside the homogeneous medium. We
FIG. 9. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gathers in Figures 7
and 8.
-2700 +2700
0 0000
; 0.300
0 - 500
FIG. 8. Shot gather: point source, partial plane reflector.
Wavelet Estimation 911
are consideringa physical sourceoutsidean inhomogeneous
medium with passive scattering sourcesinside V.
Let umn(x, x’) be the displacement at x in the n-axis
direction due to a source at x’ in the m-axis direction. The
sourceis A,(w)s(x - x’)II where II is the unit dyadic. In a
manner similar to the acoustic case, the wavelet A,(o) can
be determined from the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for
elastic waves by dividing the surfaceterm in equation (20) of
Pao and Varatharajulu (the mnth component),
{(Go - n’)(V’ *u) - (V’ *(&)(u *n’)} ds’
{& - (n’ x V’ x u) + (V’ x Go) - (n’ x u)} ds’
s n
by G,,.
Numerical examplesare now usedto investigatethe effects
of time and spatialsampling,finite aperture,approximationsto
the derivative of the field and the sourcearray pattern. These
examples are provided by solving a 2-D acoustic forward
problem with a free surface, and a point source at xs. The
wavelet estimationequationfor this caseis then
dG~(r', r, ~1 aP
&-‘, r, , 0) - Gob’, r, w); (r’, rs, 0) ds
Go@,rs, ~1
-2700 +2700
0 m000
0. I00
FIG. 10. Shot gather: distributed source, plane reflector.
Wavelet Estimation 913
source distribution. For the latter, no information about the ministicestimationof a wavelet usingimpedancetype technique:
nature of the source was required. Geophys. Prosp., 33, 956-969.
Loveridge. M. M., Parkes, G. E., Hatton, L., and Worthington, M.
H.. 1984. Effects of marine source array directivitv on seismic
data and source signature deconvolutionl First Breik, July,
Pao, Y. H., and Varatharajulu, V., 1976, Huygens’ principle,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS radiation conditions, and integral formulas for the scattering of
elastic waves: J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 59, 1361-1371.
The authors wish to thank BP Exploration for permission
to publish this paper. They would also like to thank ARC0
management for encouraging and supporting this research.
Secrest, B. G.? and MacBain, J. A.. 1990, Source identification in
remote sensmg problems: Proc. of SIAM Conf. on mathematical
and computational issues in geophysical fluid and solid mechan-
its, Houston, to appear.
Silvia, M. T.. and Weglein, A. B., 1981, A method for obtaining a
near-field inverse scattermg solution to the acoustic wave equa-
tion: J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 69, 478-482.
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J., 1986, 2-D deghosting using vertical receiver arrays: 56th Ann.
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elation: Presented at 46th annual EAEG meeting, London.
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Presentation 6 ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate Pr...
Ocheltree & Frizzell (1989) Sound Field for Rectangular Sources
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Flood analysis
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Flood analysis
Atmospheric Chemistry Models
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Atmospheric Chemistry Models
Class lectures on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha Lecture 4
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Climate Extremes Workshop - Extreme Values of Vertical Wind Speed in Doppler ...
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Climate Extremes Workshop - Extreme Values of Vertical Wind Speed in Doppler ...
Lecture 6 ce 1005 Irrigation and flood control by Rabindra Ranjan Saha, PEn...
Lecture 6   ce 1005 Irrigation and flood control by Rabindra Ranjan Saha, PEn...Lecture 6   ce 1005 Irrigation and flood control by Rabindra Ranjan Saha, PEn...
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1 s2.0-002980189090003 o-main
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Calibrating a CFD canopy model with the EC1 vertical profiles of mean wind sp...
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Calibrating a CFD canopy model with the EC1 vertical profiles of mean wind sp...
Reservoir identification
Reservoir identificationReservoir identification
Reservoir identification
Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...
Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...
Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...
Presentation 4 ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate Pr...
Presentation 4 ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate Pr...Presentation 4 ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate Pr...
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Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...
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Presentation 5 r ce 904 on Hydrology by Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng, Associate ...
Updating the curve number method for rainfall runoff estimation
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Destaque (14)

Андрэй Захарэвіч - Як мы ставілі KDE пад FreeBSD
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Md4 assgnmooreh powerpoint
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How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict ?
How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict ?How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict ?
How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict ?
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Longitud 3ero
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Longitud 3ero

Semelhante a Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth- Arthur Weglein & Bruce G. Secrest

Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...
Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...
Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...Arthur Weglein
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical Model
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical ModelGPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical Model
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical ModelLeonid Krinitsky
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jets
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jetsZone of flow establishment in turbulent jets
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jetsChristos Kotsalos
Ravasi_etal_EAGESBGF2014Matteo Ravasi
Ravasi_etal_EAGE2015bMatteo Ravasi
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...JimmyJohanTapiaVsque
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...Arthur Weglein
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Ahmed Ammar Rebai PhD
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...Ahmed Ammar Rebai PhD
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Ahmed Ammar Rebai PhD

Semelhante a Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth- Arthur Weglein & Bruce G. Secrest (20)

Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...
Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...
Obtaining three-dimensional velocity information directly from reflection sei...
2006 34
2006 342006 34
2006 34
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical Model
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical ModelGPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical Model
GPR Probing of Smoothly Layered Subsurface Medium: 3D Analytical Model
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jets
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jetsZone of flow establishment in turbulent jets
Zone of flow establishment in turbulent jets
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...
The determination of the seismic quality factor Q from VSP data--A comparison...
Problem i ph o 26
Problem i ph o 26Problem i ph o 26
Problem i ph o 26
Reflection Data Analysis
Reflection Data AnalysisReflection Data Analysis
Reflection Data Analysis
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...
Reference velocity sensitivity for the marine internal multiple attenuation a...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...
Ill-posedness formulation of the emission source localization in the radio- d...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Towards the identification of the primary particle nature by the radiodetecti...
Ch16 ssm
Ch16 ssmCh16 ssm
Ch16 ssm
Hsu etal-2009
Hsu etal-2009Hsu etal-2009
Hsu etal-2009

Mais de Arthur Weglein

A new OSRP business model
A new OSRP business modelA new OSRP business model
A new OSRP business modelArthur Weglein
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earthWavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earthArthur Weglein
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...Arthur Weglein
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1Arthur Weglein
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...Arthur Weglein
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Arthur Weglein
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...Arthur Weglein
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...Arthur Weglein
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...Arthur Weglein
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Arthur Weglein
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. Weglein
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. WegleinReverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. Weglein
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. WegleinArthur Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. WegleinGreen's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. WegleinArthur Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur WegleinNew Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur WegleinArthur Weglein

Mais de Arthur Weglein (20)

A new OSRP business model
A new OSRP business modelA new OSRP business model
A new OSRP business model
Arthur weglein
Arthur wegleinArthur weglein
Arthur weglein
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earthWavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth
Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...
The inverse scattering series for tasks associated with primaries: direct non...
Coates weglein-1996
Coates weglein-1996Coates weglein-1996
Coates weglein-1996
Fu etal-2010
Fu etal-2010Fu etal-2010
Fu etal-2010
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1
Antidote final tle32101192%2 e1
Ayadi weglein-2013
Ayadi weglein-2013Ayadi weglein-2013
Ayadi weglein-2013
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...
An Extension of Linear Inverse Scattering Methods for Absorptive Media to the...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Araujo etal-1994b
Araujo etal-1994bAraujo etal-1994b
Araujo etal-1994b
Verschuur etal-1999
Verschuur etal-1999Verschuur etal-1999
Verschuur etal-1999
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...
Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from prestack...
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...
Robustnesosf a New Source-Signature Estimation Method Under Realistic Data Co...
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...
Examples of a Nonlinear Inversion Method Based on the T Matrix of ScatteringT...
Chang etal 2012a
Chang etal 2012aChang etal 2012a
Chang etal 2012a
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Inverse scattering series for multiple attenuation: An example with surface a...
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. Weglein
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. WegleinReverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. Weglein
Reverse Time Migration and Green's Theorem- Professor. Arthur B. Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. WegleinGreen's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. Weglein
Green's Theorem Deghostin Algorthm- Dr. Arthur B. Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur WegleinNew Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur Weglein
New Green's Theorem- Dr. Arthur Weglein


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Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth- Arthur Weglein & Bruce G. Secrest

  • 1. GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 55, NO. 7 (JULY 1990); P. 902-913, I1 FlGS Wavelet estimation for a multidimensional acoustic or elastic earth Arthur B. Weglein* and Bruce G. Secrest$ ABSTRACT A new and general wave theoretical wavelet estima- tion method is derived. Knowing the seismic wavelet is important both for processingseismic data and for modeling the seismicresponse.To obtain the wavelet, both statistical (e.g., Wiener-Levinson) and determin- istic (matching surface seismicto well-log data) meth- ods are generally used. In the marine case, a far-field signature is often obtained with a deep-towed hydro- phone. The statistical methodsdo not allow obtaining the phase of the wavelet, whereas the deterministic method obviously requires data from a well. The deep-towed hydrophone requires that the water be deep enough for the hydrophone to be in the far field and in addition that the reflections from the water bottom and structure do not corrupt the measured wavelet. None of the methods address the source array pattern, which is important for amplitude-ver- sus-offset(AVO) studies. This paper presentsa methodof calculating the total wavelet, including the phaseand source-arraypattern. When the source locations are specified, the method predicts the source spectrum. When the source is completely unknown (discrete and/or continuously distributed) the method predicts the wavefield due to this source. The method is in principle exact and yet no information about the properties of the earth is required. In addition, the theory allows either an acousticwavelet (marine) or an elastic wavelet (land), sothe wavelet is consistentwith the earth model to be used in processingthe data. To accomplish this, the method requires a new data collection procedure. It requires that the field and its normal derivative be measured on a surface. The procedure allows the multidimensional earth properties to be arbitrary and acts like a filter to eliminate the scatteredenergy from the wavelet calculation. The elastic wavelet estimation theory applied in this method may allow a true land wavelet to be obtained. Along with the derivation of the procedure, we present analytic and synthetic ex- amples. INTRODUCTION tic migration) an acoustic wavelet would be appropriate, I . . . whereasan elastic wavelet would be appropriate for elastic wave-equation data processing.In seismic exploration a man-made source ot energy producesa wave which propagatesinto the subsurface.The reflection data recorded on the surface depend on (1) the properties of the earth’s structure (2) the energy sourceand recording system. The purpose of seismic exploration is to extract informa- tion about the subsurfacefrom these data. Consequently, it is important to attempt to identify and remove the effectsof the source characteristics from this reflected energy. We suggestthat a wavelet estimation method be applied which is theoretically consistentwith the processto be applied to the reflection data. That is, for acousticprocessing(e.g., acous- It has been shown [Loveridge et al. (1984)] that for amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) studies, the source array pattern can be important. We show a method of obtaining this array pattern. The recently published one-dimensional (1-D) acoustic wavelet estimation method of Loewenthal et al. (1985) assumes(1) that the medium above the receivers is known and (2) that both the field and the normal derivative are measured. Our method makes analogous assumptions for multidimensional acoustic and elastic media. In a related Manuscript received by the Editor March 6, 1989;revised manuscriptreceived December4, 1989. *Formerly BP Exploration, 5151SanFelipe, P.O. Box 4587,Houston,TX; presentlyARC0 Oil and GasCompany, 2300West PlanoParkway, Plano, TX 75075. SBPExploration, 5151San Felipe, P.O. Box 4587, Houston, TX. 0 1990Society of Exploration Geophysicists.All rightsreserved.
  • 2. Wavelet Estimation 903 paper, Sonneland et al. (1986) use the 1-D acoustic wave “2 w2 equationwith two independentvertical measurementsof the pressure to perform a combined designature-dereverbera- ( )V2 + 2 P = 2 09 + A(w)s(r - r,). (2) tion. Hargreaves(1984) has presenteda wave-field extrapo- lation method for source signatureidentification. Although his method producedfavorable results in some cases,e.g., deep water, he statesa problem resulting from corruption due to the scatteredfield. The methodin this paperdirectly addressesthis problem, automatically filtering the scattered field from the wavelet calculation. Our purposeis to presenta new generalmethodof source signature identification which also requires two separate field measurements.It is applicablefor an arbitrary inhomo- geneousmultidimensional acousticor elasticearth. Further- more, no information about the propertiesof the subsurface is required. Each shotrecordproducesan effectiveacoustic or elastic wavelet for that particular shotrecord. The effec- tive wavelet can vary from one shotrecordto the next. The wavelet obtained is the source wavelet or driving function being imparted to the medium. In the second section, we We now proceedto derive two integral equationsfor p. One isthe Lippmann-Schwingerintegral equationandthe otheris derived from Green’s secondidentity. These two equations will leadto the desiredrelationshipbetween the soughtafter A(w) and the measurementsof p on the surfacez = 0. Formally inverting the operatorV2 + w2/ci = La = Cc’ in equation (2), we have the operatorrelationship lo* _ _ P=GoTaP+AGo co or, equivalently, P(r, rs9 01 = AblG~(r, rs, 4 co= + presentthe generalwavelet estimation procedureand show G&, r’, w) _r a(r’)P(r’, rs, O) dr’, (3) CO that the methodrelies only on the incident wave, effectively filteringthe scatteredenergyfrom the integral. We illustrate where this procedurewith an analytic example. The marine explo- ration environment is treated next. We showan application to a distributed source and the source array pattern, fol- G&, r’, w) = S(r - r’) lowed by an application of the method for a multidimen- sionalelasticproblem. Finally, we give numerical examples with outgoingwave-boundary conditions. which addressthe issuesof time and spatialsampling,finite Equation (3) is the Lippmann-Schwingerintegral equation aperture, approximationsto the field derivative, and finding and is valid for all r. the sourcearray pattern. A secondintegral equation for P is derived from Green’s The procedure (for either the acoustic or elastic model) secondidentity: derivesand from a comparisonof the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Green’s theorem. The former originates in scatteringtheory and the latter in boundary-value problems. I (AV2B - BV’A) d3r = (AVB - BVA) . n ds, Thesetwo equationswere compared,for a differentpurpose, V I s in Weglein and Silvia (1981) and Silvia and Weglein (1981). where S is the surface which enclosesthe volume V. Let METHODFORACOUSTICWAVELET A = P and B = Go in Green’s secondidentity: Consider a point source at the spatial position r,. The constant-density acoustic wave equation for the pressure s[h-‘, rs, w)V’*Go(r’, r, W) V field P due to a sourceA(t) at r,?is (y&g) - Go(r’, r, w)Vt2p(r’, rs, w)] dr’ P(r, rsr t) = A(t)G(r - r,). Taking the Fourier transform in time gives = [f%‘, rs, w)V’Go(r’, r, w) iJJ2_ ( >V2 + - P(r, rs, w) = A(w)s(r - r,). (1) - Go(r’, r, o)V’P(r’, rs, w)] - n ds, (4) c’(r) whereS is the surfaceillustratedin Figure 1. rs is locatedon In this context the wavelet estimation problem is to deter- or abovethe z = 0 boundaryof the surfaceS. We choosethe mine A(w). Characterize the velocity configuration c(r) in convention for the delta function to be termsof a referencevalue cn and a variation in the index of refraction (Y: / 6(r - a)f(r) dr =f(i), 1 I V - = - [I - ff(r)]. c’(rj ci where P is strictly within the volume. For amoutside the volume, or on the boundary, this integral vanishes. Equation (1) can then be rewritten as Substitutingthe equations
  • 3. 904 Weglein and Secrest V’ ‘P(rl, r,5 , Lo2 0) = -1 P(r’, r,s, 0) (‘0 + 1 a(r’)P(r’, r,, , 0) + A(w)S(r’ - r,) co and 2 Vf2Go(r’, r, w) = -q Go(r’, r, w) + S(r’ - r) co into equation (4) and taking r within the volume, we obtain s 2 P(r, rs, 0) = Go(r, r’, co) ” a(r’)B(r’, r,, , o) dr’ v co’ + [%-‘, rs, o)V’Go(r’, r, 01 - G”(r’, r, w)V’P(r’, rr, o)] *n ds. (5) Thus, for r within the volume we have two expressions for p. These two integral equations [equations (3) and (5)] were studied in by Weglein and Silvia (1981). If the support of a is within the volume V, then 7 Go(r, r’, w) ” a(r’)&‘, rs, O) dr’ c; I w2 = Go(r, r’, co) 1 a(r’)P(r’, r,, , w) dr’. m C6 For points r within the volume and the support of (Ywithin the volume V, equations (3) and (5) give two expressions for the field in the reference medium. From these we obtain - Go(r’, r, o)V’&, r,r, w)] . n ds or FIG. 1. Subsurface volume V. I A(w) = Go(r, rs, co) *I [I%-‘, r,, w)V’Go(r’. r, w) 5 - COW. r, w)V’p(r’, r,, co)] *n ds. (6) The upper boundary of the volume V is defined by the measurement surface z = 0. Therefore the support of (Y within V means that the reference medium must only agree with the actual medium above the receiver plane. The numerator and denominator can be evaluated at any point inside the volume. In principle, one evaluation point will suffice to determine /i(w). However, in practice N such evaluations of the numerator and denominator will give N independent estimates of A(w) for each source location. A statistical weighting of these estimates could then be used to evaluate the wavelet optimally. Consequently, in practice the method would involve a combination of deterministic and statistical procedures. We show later that this redun- dancy can be used to solve for the source array pattern. The total field P and its normal derivative V’P . n depend on both the wavelet and the subsurface properties. How- ever. we have shown that [f%‘Go - GoV’P] - n ds depends only on the wavelet. The major conclusion is that measurement of ls and VP . n on the surface of the earth is sufficient to determine the source wavelet without requiring any information about the subsurface properties. We now show that the above integral depends only on the incident field by showing that the integral for the scattered wave is zero. Thus, since Go(r, r’, w) = 6(r - r’) and EARTH FIG. 2. The marine exploration geometry. AIR WATER Fto. 3. Background medium for marine case.
  • 4. Wavelet Estimation 905 Gj Cci we have, by substituting into Green’s second identity, / [P,V’G,, - GuV’P,] - n ds s I W2 = p, - Go 7 a(r’)P dr’ = p,, - P, = 0, V C’iJ and thus the only contribution to the integral in equation (6) is the incident wave. We illustrate this method with 1-D and multidimensional examples. WAVELET ESTIMATION We now demonstrate the method with the analytic exam- ple of a point scatterer. Numerical examples of the method will be given later. One-dimensional example-Localized inhomogeneity We illustrate this method for the I-D model I - = _!-[l - h6(x -X0)], c’(r) co’ i.e., (Y= hS(x - x0). We evaluate equation (6) as [pV’GO - GOV’P] - n ds. The Green’s function Go is given by I Go = _ eikix 1’1 2ik and satisfies d2Go dx2 + k2Go = 6(x -x’), where k = o/co and cg is the reference velocity. For an impulsive source at x,, the incident field is 2ik . (8) OFFSET (FT) FIG. 4. Shot gather: point source, incident wave.
  • 5. 906 The total wave field P satisfies Weglein and Secrest d2P and P(.u, x,, O) from equation (1la) becomes ---Q + k2(1 - oi)P = A(o)S(x- - X,). (9) The problem is to determine the wavelet A(w) from the boundary measurements of P. The Lippmann-Schwinger equation, valid for all x, is or 1 +- 2ik (~‘k’“~.“ik’a(x’)P(x’. x,~, w) dx’. For the localized scatterer, (Y= hF(x - x0), the total wave field is To find P(n-,,,x,, w), set x = x0 in the last equation: or &I, x,s,w) = 2ik ikh ’ l+y (1la) A A(w)P -xti -- 4 ikX I+7 (I lb) The total wave field p(x, x,, w) is a function of the wavelet A(w) and the medium. The secondintegral representation, derived from Green’s secondidentity, is where a < x,) < h. Using the differential equations(8) and (9) in the left-hand side of equation (12) leads to d'G,, d"P p----dx2 Go -dx2 dx Ih[P(x’, x,, , w)S(x - x’) 0 - k2a(x’)P(x’, x,~, o)Go(x, x’, co) - Go(x, x’, w)&o)S(x’ - x,~)]dx' b I(_dGo di, 1 pdx’-G,dx’ u For CI< x < b and x,~< a, this last expressionis = 1; (+G,, g), (12) FIG. 5. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gather in Figure 4 with analytic derivative. FK. 6. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gather in Figure 4 with Eulerian approximation to derivative.
  • 6. Wavelet Estimation 907 -k= b Go(x, x’, w)a(x’)li(x’, xs, w) dx’ b II &‘, x, >0) dGo(x, x’, 0) dx' 0 - Go(x,x’, 01 dP(x’, x, >01 dx' Iand, solving for P(x, xS, o), p(x, xs, CO)= k= b G,,(x, x’, w)a(x’)P(x’, xs, w) dx’ b Ii dGo(x, x’, w) + &‘, x, 10) dx’ u - Gotx, x’, w) For this example, the support of a(x) is at x0, thus (13) I b Go(x, x’, w)k=a(x’)P(x’, x,, o) dx’ a s ^a = Go(x, x’, o)k*a(x’)P(x’, x,~. w) dx’, --53 and for x within the interval (a, b), it follows from equations (lla) and (13) that P(x’, x,, WI dGo(x, x’, co) dx’ - Go(x, I’, w) d&‘, x, , w) dx’ and $0) = dGo P(x’, x,, w) dx’ - Go(x, x’, w) drj(x’, x5, w) dx’ /gklx x, j (14) 2ik OFFSET (FT) FIG. 7. Shot gather: point source, plane reflector.
  • 7. 908 Weglein and Secrest This is obviously the 1-D reduction for our wavelet detcrmi- nation scheme, equation (6); i.e., Removing the absolute value signs with a < x < b, u i x0 < b, andx, < a, we arrive at I @Go - GoVf’) *n ds sk(o) = Cl, To complete the example, WC show that the right-hand side of equation (14) just reduces to k(w). Thus we evaluate the right-hand side of equation (14) for the case of a localized scatterer. We need the Green’s function. and its derivative, dGo &V mx’i -= dx’ ~ SGN (x -x’). 2 From equation (lib), the wave field is c”l” --x,1 and its derivative is SGN (x -x,) ik SGN (x -x,,) We now evaluate equation (14) to obtain 2ik which was to be shown. Notice that although P and #Iian depend on the medium through co, h, and x,,, the integral is only a function of the source signature. WAVELET ESTIMATION IN A SPATIALLY VARIANT REFERENCE MEDIUM As stated in the Introduction, it is apparent that the method for obtaining the wavelet just described will hold for more general cases, in particular for a spatially variant reference medium. In a similar manner, an expression for the wavelet can be derived for the case where the acoustic velocity is characterized in terms of a spatially variant reference velocity. This spatially variant reference velocity will be required for the marine wavelet estimation. As before, the reference medium must agree with the actual medium above the receivers. Special case-Marine wavelet estimation The marine exploration configuration is illustrated in Fig- ure 2. The background medium for this application will consist of two homogeneous half-spaces illustrated in Figure 3. b &‘, xs7 WI dGo(x, x’, ~1 d&’ ,x.7, ~1 k(w) = dx’ - Go(x, x’, w) dx’ p+ --x.,j a 2ik and thus, upon substituting for P, G, and their derivatives, 2ik r eikb’ --xs h eiklY’ -rii~elk~il --x5 / eikl-x’/ ~-- 2ik 4 ~ SGN (x’ -x) 2 -~ 2ik ~ SGN (x’ -x,~) - ; 2 iti ik SGN (x’ -x0) . l+2 II
  • 8. Wavelet Estimation 909 For this geometry, G,, is given by the equation and dGo/dz,7is given by dGo -= dz, I_: ii& - k,"SGN (z, - z) Si(J(;)2-k;(z+z,y)) x (-id(,)I-k:)} dk,, where ct , c2 are the acoustic velocities of water and air, respectively, and A = (l/c:) - (l/c;). DISTRIBUTED SOURCE If the source consists of a sequence of localized point sources at r,v,, rs,, . . _, r7 , each with same time depen- dence, then the wavelet A(‘;) is given by k(w) = &-‘,r,,w) %(r,r’,co) @r’, r,, ~1 an -G~(r,r’,w) ds’ an ? (15) where P satisfies the differential equation V”P(r, I-~, w) + 1 [l - a(r’)]P(r’, r,T, w) Cl) =,4(w) i 6(r - r.5j) ;=I and is th-e total fieldsdue tomthe ;r distributed point sourcesi However, if the localized point sources are each different, we can use the fact that r is arbitrary to obtain the system of equations J&h, r’, ~1 = B(r’, r,, . . . ry,) , 0) an dP(r’, r,s, . . . rs, , 0) - GA-,, r’, 0) an ds’, 06) i=l,...m. This system of equations can be solved in a least-squares sense for the k,(w). Alternatively, the radiation pattern from a single effective point source could be determined by assuming that k(o) is also a function of the radius r, i.e., A(w)6(r - r,?)becomes the more general k(w, r), I co k(o, r’)G,,(r, r’, co)dr’ --(c ZZ I fib’, r,, w)V’G&‘, r, w) s - G,,(r’, r, o)V’P(r’, rs, co)] *n ds, (17) and thus the relative strength of the source field can be obtained by evaluating equation (17) for various r on a constant radius about the source. ELASTIC WAVELET ESTIMATION METHOD Below WC outline the generalization of the wavelet esti- mation method for elastic waves. As in the acoustic case, a comparison of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Green’s theorem is used to determine the wavelet. To derive the Green’s theorem for the elastic case, a rank two Green’s displacement tensor so is_ defined and in addition a rank three Green’s stress tensor $ is defined. In an analogous manner to the scalar case, a Green’s identity is obtained relating the displacement u(x, t) to a volume integral involving a body force and an integral over the enclosing surface which involves the displacement and its derivatives through the traction t. This Green’s theorem result [e.g., Pao and Varatharajulu (1976), equation (19)] for elastic waves is given by
  • 9. 910 Weglein and Secrest / pf(x’) * i&(x, x’) dx’ V + I {t(x’) *&(x, x’) - u(x’) *[n’ - $(x1x’)]} cf.5 s 44 XEV zz 0 x @ v, where u(x, t) is the displacement vector, t = n .‘f, where t is the traction on the surface, T is the stress tensor, n is the unit vector normal to the surface, f is the body force=per unit mass, CO is the Green’s displacement tensor and 7 is the third-rank Green’s stress tensor. Let GO be the response in a homogeneous medium and f the passive sources (the scattering centers) of the scattered displacement field originating from the inhomogeneities in the medium. The physical source is outside the volume V. In Pao and Varatharajulu, f represents the body force per unit mass and is inside the volume. They were considering an active physical source inside the homogeneous medium. We FIG. 9. Wavelet reconstruction for shot gathers in Figures 7 and 8. OFFSET (FT) -2700 +2700 0 0000 llllllllllllllllllllllIllllll,PilIIllIllllllllllllllllllIIlll 0.100 0.200 ; 0.300 0.400 0 - 500 0.600 FIG. 8. Shot gather: point source, partial plane reflector.
  • 10. Wavelet Estimation 911 are consideringa physical sourceoutsidean inhomogeneous medium with passive scattering sourcesinside V. Let umn(x, x’) be the displacement at x in the n-axis direction due to a source at x’ in the m-axis direction. The sourceis A,(w)s(x - x’)II where II is the unit dyadic. In a manner similar to the acoustic case, the wavelet A,(o) can be determined from the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for elastic waves by dividing the surfaceterm in equation (20) of Pao and Varatharajulu (the mnth component), {(Go - n’)(V’ *u) - (V’ *(&)(u *n’)} ds’ - PCS / {& - (n’ x V’ x u) + (V’ x Go) - (n’ x u)} ds’ s n by G,,. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Numerical examplesare now usedto investigatethe effects of time and spatialsampling,finite aperture,approximationsto the derivative of the field and the sourcearray pattern. These examples are provided by solving a 2-D acoustic forward problem with a free surface, and a point source at xs. The wavelet estimationequationfor this caseis then dG~(r', r, ~1 aP &-‘, r, , 0) - Gob’, r, w); (r’, rs, 0) ds an Go@,rs, ~1 OFFSET (FT) -2700 +2700 0 m000 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllll19llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 0. I00 0.200 0.300 F 0.400 0.500 0.600 FIG. 10. Shot gather: distributed source, plane reflector.
  • 11.
  • 12. Wavelet Estimation 913 source distribution. For the latter, no information about the ministicestimationof a wavelet usingimpedancetype technique: nature of the source was required. Geophys. Prosp., 33, 956-969. Loveridge. M. M., Parkes, G. E., Hatton, L., and Worthington, M. H.. 1984. Effects of marine source array directivitv on seismic data and source signature deconvolutionl First Breik, July, Pao, Y. H., and Varatharajulu, V., 1976, Huygens’ principle, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS radiation conditions, and integral formulas for the scattering of elastic waves: J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 59, 1361-1371. The authors wish to thank BP Exploration for permission to publish this paper. They would also like to thank ARC0 management for encouraging and supporting this research. Secrest, B. G.? and MacBain, J. A.. 1990, Source identification in remote sensmg problems: Proc. of SIAM Conf. on mathematical and computational issues in geophysical fluid and solid mechan- its, Houston, to appear. Silvia, M. T.. and Weglein, A. B., 1981, A method for obtaining a near-field inverse scattermg solution to the acoustic wave equa- tion: J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 69, 478-482. REFERENCES Sonneland. L., Berg, L. E., Haugen, A., Fotland, B., and Vestby, J., 1986, 2-D deghosting using vertical receiver arrays: 56th Ann. Internat. Mtg.. Sot. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 516- 519 Hargreaves, N. D., 1984, Far-field signatures by wavefield extrap- elation: Presented at 46th annual EAEG meeting, London. Loewenthal, D., Lee, S. S., and Gardner, G. H. F., 1985, Deter- I *“-Weglem, A. B., and Silvia, M. T., 1981, A scattering theory approach to the identification of the Helmoltz equation: A near- field solution: J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 69, 483-488.