lung cancer rheumatoid arthritis problem based learning (pbl) acute pancreatitis anterior cruciate ligament chronic inflammation inflammation example of acute and chronic inflammation cerebrospinal fluid increase intracranial pressure intracranial pressure anatomy of knee joint teratoma hospital sultanah nora ismail thalassemia deglutition mechanism of swallowing non squamous cell carcinoma carcinoma lung cyst malignant tumors dermatofibroma nail clubbing duodenal ulcer zollinger-ellison syndrome hepatitis c virus chronacute and chronic treatment of acute cruciate ligament injury acute cruciate ligament injury anaphylactic shock hypovolemic shock cardiogenic shock neurogenic shock septic shock circulatory shock fibula patella tibia femur g6pd deficiency median nerve ulnar nerve axillary nerve peripheral nerve of the upper limb musculocutaneous nerve radial nerve brachial plexus pathophysiology anterior cruciate ligament injury anterior cruciate ligament injury symptoms of ligament injuries injured anterior cruciate ligament treatment of injured anterior cruciate ligament factor affecting enzyme -catalyzed reaction reversible inhibitor enzyme -catalyzed reaction energy barrier of reaction continous murmurs diastolic murmurs heart murmur hypertrophy atrophy hyperplasia cellular adaptation dysplasia perforating branches lateral femoral circumflex artery medial femoral circumflex artery blood supply of lower limb acute inflammation acute and chronic waist circumference skinfold thickness body mass index (bmi) classification of obesity waist-to-hip ratio measurement of obesity x-ray rontgen radiation (x-ray) x -radiation rapid breathing tacypnea swan neck boutonniere deformity boggy joint swelling ulnar deviations ulnar drift boutonniere treatment and management of pernicious anaemia pernicious anaemia role of analgesic in headache rheumatoid arthritis management relation of ig e eosinophil & asthma example of food poisoning food poisoning prevention of gastroenteritis pin prick test physical examination of rheumatoid arthritis otitis media diaschisis brain imaging studies • neurological mechanisms pathophysiology of retrogradeamnesia coordination and gait examination cranial nerve examination reflex examination mental status examination motor examination sensory examination neurological examinations meningitis acute pyogenic meningitis type of jaundice jaundice pathophysiology of jaundice crackling sensation crepitus complete blood count pleocytosis cerebrospinal fluid and intracranial pressure glossitis beefy red tongue confirmation test of vitamin b12 b12 deficiency bone marrow test prenicious anemia confirmation test for prenicious anemia anemia tendon quadriceps tendon ligament patellar tendon hamstring tendon chest pain respiratory system problem lumps in axillae management of diabetes ckd stage v hypoglycemia modified morisky medication adherence scale dyslipidaemia hypertension diabetes problem based learning hypersensitivity fit pbl slim obesity dietary diet bone demineralization smoking small cell carcinoma tobacco metered-dose inhaler asthma health patient’s compliance towards antihypertensive drugs insulin pen injection diploma in pharmacy assess patient’s techniques of insulin pen injec salbutamol compliance inhaler
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