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By: David Cook, Anne D’Alonzo, Angela
McCoy, Carla Oden, Kim Ross, Brandi Young,
Summary of Presentation
     Summary of Chapter 13: Experimental

     Vocabulary Quiz/ Flash Cards

     Article 20: Summary and Discussion

     Class Experiment and Discussion
Essential Characteristics

    One of most powerful methodologies

    Establish cause–and–effect among variables

    Not always Easy to conduct

    Powers and Problems in conducting experiments

    ONLY type of research that directly attempts to
    influence a particular variable
    When applied properly – BEST type for testing
    hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships
    Researchers MANIPULATE the independent variable

    Consist of 2 Basic Conditions:
        2 or more conditions or methods are compared
        The independent variable is directly Manipulated
Comparison of 2 Groups of

    Experimental Group receives a treatment

    Control Group receives no treatment

    Comparison Group receives a different

    treatment (ed.)
Manipulation of the Independent
     Researcher actively manipulates the

     independent variables and decides which
     group will get the form, when, where, and how.
     Ex. Transparencies vs. no transparencies in a
     statistics class.
Randomization (assignment &
selection similar, not identical)
    Random Assignment: every individual has an equal chance to be
    assigned to any of the experimental or control conditions. Each
    member is given an arbitrary number and a table of random
    numbers is used to select the members of the experimental and
    control groups.
    Takes place BEFORE the experiment begins

    Process of assigning individuals to groups, not a result of the
    The researcher formed groups that at the beginning of the study are
    equivalent; they differ only in chance. This is intended to eliminate
    the threats of EXTRANEOUS or additional variables – those which
    researchers are BOTH aware and unaware that might affect the
    outcome of the study.
    No guarantee of equivalent groups unless both groups are
    sufficiently large (most researchers want no fewer than 40 subjects
    in each group).
    Random Selection: every member of a population has an equal
    chance of being selected to be a member of the sample.
Control of Extraneous Variables

    Researchers must control any and all subject characteristics by
    ensuring that the 2 groups are as equivalent as possible on all
    variables except the one(s) being studied (the independent

    Holding certain variables constant. Ex., eliminate one gender –
    drawback is reduced generalizability.
    Building the variable into the design. Ex., include both genders and
    analyze the effects.
    Matching. Ex., match by age and assign 1 member of each pair to
    each of the comparison groups.
    Using subjects as their own controls. Ex., same students taught
    algebra 1st by inquiry method than by lecture method.
    Using analysis of covariance. Equate groups statistically on the
    basis of a pretest or other variable. Posttest scores are adjusted
Group Designs in Experimental
                   WEAK Experimental Designs:
Design can
                   The One-Shot Case Study. Remedy: a comparison
take a
                   could be made with another group. Seldom used.
variety of
                   Treatment … Observation
                   2. The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. A single
                   group is measured after being exposed as well as
                   before. Remedy: a comparison group to be added.
control many
                   Pretest … Treatment … Posttest
of the
threats to         3. The Static-Group Comparison Design or
                   Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Two already
                   existing groups or static groups are used. NOT
                   randomly assigned.
                   4. The Static-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Only
                   difference is that a pretest is given to both groups.
                   Pretest score is subtracted from posttest score.
TRUE Experimental Designs:
                        * Subjects are randomly assigned to treatment
Please Note this
                        groups. This controls the subject characteristics
                        threat to internal validity.
Selection and
                        1. The Randomized Posttest-Only Control
Assignment differ
                        Group Design. Two groups by random
in purpose.
                        assignment. One group gets experimental
Selection is to
                        treatment, other group does not. Both groups
provide a
                        are posttested on the dependent variable.
sample. It may or
                        Note: the threat of subject
may not be
accompanied by
                        characteristics, maturation, and statistical
the random
assignment of
                        regression are well controlled. None of subjects
subjects to
                        are measured twice, so testing is not a threat.
groups. Random
Assignment is
                        BEST of all designs, provided there are at least
intended to
                        40 subjects in each group. Mortality is a threat.
groups, and often
is not
                        Hawthorne (attitudinal) threat is possible.
accompanied by
random selection.
TRUE Experimental
Designs, cont.
    2. The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control

    Group Design. This has a pretest. Two groups
    of subjects are used and both groups are
    measured twice. The use of a pretest raises
    the possibility of a pretest treatment interaction
    threat since it may “alert” members of the
    experimental group. The pretest does check
    whether the groups are really similar.
TRUE Experimental
Designs, cont.
    3. The Randomized Solomon Four-Group

    Design. Designed to eliminate the possible
    effect of a pretest. It is random assignment of
    subjects to 4 groups, with 2 of the groups
    being pretested and 2 not. One pretested
    group and one unpretested group is exposed
    to the experimental treatment. All 4 groups are
    posttested. This is the BEST control of threats
    to internal validity. Requires a large sample
    and much work.
TRUE Experimental
Designs, cont.
    4. Random Assignment with Matching. Pairs

    of individuals may be matched on certain
    variables. The members of each matched pair
    are then assigned to the experimental and
    control groups at random. Matching may be
    done mechanically or statistically – both
    require a score for each subject on each
Mechanical Matching:
    Pairing 2 persons whose scores on a particular
    variable are similar. After the matching is
    completed for the entire sample, a check should
    be made with a frequency polygon to ensure that
    the 2 groups are equivalent on each matching
    variable. TWO Problems: 1) Difficult to match on
    more than 2 or 3 variables, making it necessary to
    have a very large sample. 2) Some subjects will
    need to be eliminated because there are no
    matches for them, samples are no longer random.
    1 member of each matched pair is randomly
    assigned to experimental group, the other the
    control group.
Statistical Matching:
    Not perfect, however recommended over mechanical. Does
    NOT lose subjects, nor does it limit the number of matching
    variables. The sample is divided randomly at the beginning
    and the statistical adjustments are made after the data have
    been collected. Each subject is given a predicted score on
    the dependent variable, based on the correlation between the
    dependent variable and the variable(s) on which the subjects
    are being matched. The difference between the predicted and
    actual scores for each individual is used to compare
    experimental and control groups. When pretest is matching
    variable, the difference between the predicted and actual
    score is called regressed gain score. This score is preferable
    to the straightforward gain scores (posttest minus pretest
    score for each individual) because it is more reliable.
    *Need random assignment on all variables with above 2.
Quasi-Experimental Designs
    Do not include

    the use of random assignment

    Other techniques

    control threats to internal validity
The Matching-Only Design
    Random assignment is not used

    Matches subject in experimental and control groups

    No assurance matches are equivalent

    This design offers an alternative to random
    assignment when 10 or more groups are available for
    a method study
    Groups can be randomly assigned to different
    Individuals are matched with individuals receiving
    other treatments
    Matching is never a substitute for random assignment

    The correlation between matching variables and the
    dependent variable should be substantial
Counterbalanced Designs
                       In different orders all groups are exposed to all
This design            Counterbalanced designs represent another technique for
controls threats
                       equating experimental and comparison groups
to internal
                       Many different treatments may be involved
validity           

                       A Three-Treatments Counterbalance Design involves
                       three groups
                       Group 1: treatment 1+posttesting
observed           
differences on
                          treatment 2+ posttesting
the dependent
                          treatment 3+posttesting
variable are       
directly related
                       Group 2: treatment 2+posttesting
to the
                                     treatment 3+posttesting
independent        
variable and
                                     treatment 1+posttesesting
not due to
                       Group 3: treatment 3+postest
some other         
                                     treatment 1+posttest
                                     treatment 2+postesting

                       Group treatments are in random order

                       By comparing the average scores for all groups
                       researchers determine the effectiveness of various
Time-Series Designs
    Involves repeated measurements or

    Involves observations over time

    Both before and after treatments

    Extensive amount of data collected

    The Researcher has more confidence if the group
    pretests and posttests cause improvement with
    multiple tests.
    Threats to internal validity endanger this design for
    example history
    Effectiveness is by analyzing pattern

    Time-series design is a strong design, although it is
    vulnerable to history
Factorial Designs
    Extend the number of relationships that may

    be examined in an experimental study
    Researchers may study interactions of an

    independent variable
    Moderator variables may be either treatment
    variables or subject characteristic
    Factorial Designs are an efficient way to study

    several relationships
Control of Threats to Internal
Validity: A Summary
    Time series design suffer from instrument

    decay and data collector bias
    Unconscious bias on the part of data collectors

    is not controlled by any of these designs
    Implementers or data collectors can
    unintentionally distort the results of a study
    Regression is not likely to be a problem except

    in the one-group pretest-posttest design
Evaluating the Likelihood of a
Threat to
Internal Validity
    Consider the likelihood of threats in an
    experimental study
    A number of possible threats to internal validity
    may exist
    Researchers must question possible threats to a
    study by using the following procedures:
     Question factors related to the study affecting
    dependent variables
    Question comparison groups differing the same
    Evaluate the threats and plan to control them
Threats to Internal Validity:





    Attitude of Subject


Subject Characteristics
    to affect critical thinking ability

    1. Initial critical thinking ability

    2. Gender

    Location and data could affect scores

    Group numbers should be verified

    Have an effect unless controlled: moderate

    Data collection and location differing for two

    groups could affect posttreatment scores
    Threats may differ for groups in different

    Likelihood of having an effect: moderate to
     Instrument decay
    May affect any outcome

    Could differ for groups

    Unless controlled could have an effect

    Data collector characteristics

    Might affect critical thinking test scores

    Use same data collectors to avoid decay

    Likely to have an effect unless controlled

    Data collector bias

    Affects scores on critical thinking

    Controlled by training implementers

    Unless controlled likely to have an effect

    Extraneous events

    Affect both groups

    Likely to have an effect unless controlled
    Affect outcome scores since critical thinking is

    related to individual growth
    No threat if instructors teach over same time

    Likely to have an effect unless controlled
Attitude of Subject

    Affect posttest scores

    Perceived special attention could be a threat

    Low moderate threat unless controlled

    Will affect scores if subjects are selected on

    the basis of extreme scores
    Treatment unlikely to affect groups differently

    The likelihood of having an effect is low

    Instructor characteristics are likely to affect

    posttreatment scores
    Different instructors teach different methods

    control by monitoring instruction
    The likelihood of having an effect is high
Identify threats to internal validity

               Control of Experimental Treatments
Think of
                Improve internal validity of
                 experimental study
- Decide if
                Researcher control well constructed
these things
would affect
                Researcher controls the treatment
based on the
                 5’ws + how

                Researcher controls testing
- Threats
need to be
                Researchers seldom have total
                 control: problems must be faced……
An Example of Experimental
Research Study
                   Purpose/justification: explicit implications
                   Definitions: clearly defined context
typical        
                   Prior research: previous work connected
and permit
constructive       Hypotheses: stated, implied, appropriate
                   Sample: target population indicated

                   Instrumentation: adequately described
Hold               Procedures/internal validity: evident
                   Data analysis: are statistics correct

                   Results: clearly presented
Be reported
                   Discussion/interpretations: limitations
                   recognized with regard to population
The Effects of a Computer Simulation Activity Versus a
    Hands-on Activity on Product Creativity in Technology

    Purpose/Justification: Study the effect of computer simulation

    Definitions: The dependent variable, product creativity; is
    confused by the discussion of creativity
    Prior Research: The brief summaries of two studies on
    outcomes of computer graphics and word processors are well
    done, but we must assume they are the only ones
    Hypotheses: Clearly stated

    Sample: A convenience sample was used

    Instrumentation: Product creativity was measured, validity is not
    adequately addressed
    Procedures/Internal Validity: Internal validity was
    controlled, mortality did not occur
    Data Analysis/Results: Lack of random selection

    Discussion/Interpretation: Results do not support “the use of
    computer simulation to enhance product creativity.”
Article Summary
    Influence of Social Context on Reported

    Attitudes of Nondisabled Students Towards
    Students with Disabilities
     Article   20, page 149

    Helpful research worksheet on iLearn
Research Question and
    Question: Would the mere presence of a
    student with a disability affect the responses of
    nondisabled students to a survey that assessed
    their attitudes toward people with disabilities?

    Hypothesis: Individuals would report a) a more
    tolerant attitude toward persons with disabilities
    and b) less discomfort in a social setting when
    paired with a similar rather than dissimilar
Operational Definitions and Variables

    Persons with disabilities: An individual who

    uses a wheelchair to perform any daily living

    Independent variable:The presence of a
    disabled person or non-disabled person.

    Dependent variable: Amount of comfort and
    attitude towards disabled person
    30 Louisiana State University students

     Ten people in the group have disabilities
     Don’t know how sample was selected or how
      non-disabled participants were assigned to test

    Two confederates (one in wheelchair)
    Demographic questionnaire

    Original Attitudes Toward Disabled People

    Scale (ATDP-O)

    Likert-type scale to measure general ease
    Three experimental conditions
        ND/ND: non-disabled (9 women/1 man; mean age = 22) and non-
        disabled confederate
        D/ND: non-disabled (9 women/1 man; mean age = 22.5) and
        disabled confederate
        D/D: disabled (4 women/6 men; mean age = 30.5) and disabled
    One by one, groups escorted into testing room by the
    same non-disabled experimenter
    Experimenter explained data would be used in a large
    study analyzing the way individuals viewed themselves
    and others
    Participants and confederate completed ATDP-
    O, demographic questionnaire and GME
    Experimenter remained in the room to answer questions
Instrument Validity and Reliability

    We do not know if the instruments were

    reviewed by an expert; only talks about
    previous use of ATDP-O

    Questions raised about scale accuracy

    Researchers administered test only once
Internal Validity

     Subject  characteristics
     Testing / reactivity

     Attitude of subjects


     Instrumentation   / data collector characteristics
     Location
    Nondisabled individuals reported a more
    favorable attitude toward persons with
    disabilities when in the presence of such an

    Habituation between nondisabled and disabled
    people may be a cost-effective way to begin
    modifying negative attitudes

    Interpretations speculative -- study has many
External Validity
    Study can’t be generalized

    Studies only people in wheelchairs and not

    other disabilities

    Sample consists of college students from one

    Southern U.S. college

    Results need replication
Classroom Experiment
Experiment: Tangram Assembly

    Question: Does verbal communication decrease
    the time it takes a group of four individuals
    working in tandem to assemble of specific images
    with tangrams?
    Hypothesis: Since the only thing that will change
    is whether or not people are allowed to talk our
    hypothesis should state that verbal groups should
    be able to complete the images more quickly.
    (However, personally I think our class is full of
    independent thinkers who may have difficulties
    organizing verbally and the quiet teams may
    actually do better.)

    Independent: Ability to use verbal
    communication (Qualitative)
    Dependent: Time to assemble specific
    images with tangrams (Quantitative)
     Both groups are aware of the purpose of the
     Some individuals may be more visual learners
     Some individuals will have had more experience
      using tangrams
     Not enough testing groups

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  • 1. CHAPTER 13 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH By: David Cook, Anne D’Alonzo, Angela McCoy, Carla Oden, Kim Ross, Brandi Young,
  • 2. Summary of Presentation Summary of Chapter 13: Experimental 1. Research Vocabulary Quiz/ Flash Cards 2. Article 20: Summary and Discussion 3. Class Experiment and Discussion 4.
  • 3. Essential Characteristics One of most powerful methodologies  Establish cause–and–effect among variables  Not always Easy to conduct  Powers and Problems in conducting experiments  ONLY type of research that directly attempts to  influence a particular variable When applied properly – BEST type for testing  hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships Researchers MANIPULATE the independent variable  Consist of 2 Basic Conditions:  2 or more conditions or methods are compared  The independent variable is directly Manipulated 
  • 4. Comparison of 2 Groups of Subjects Experimental Group receives a treatment  Control Group receives no treatment  (medical/psych.) Comparison Group receives a different  treatment (ed.)
  • 5. Manipulation of the Independent Variable Researcher actively manipulates the  independent variables and decides which group will get the form, when, where, and how. Ex. Transparencies vs. no transparencies in a statistics class.
  • 6. Randomization (assignment & selection similar, not identical) Random Assignment: every individual has an equal chance to be  assigned to any of the experimental or control conditions. Each member is given an arbitrary number and a table of random numbers is used to select the members of the experimental and control groups. Takes place BEFORE the experiment begins  Process of assigning individuals to groups, not a result of the  distribution The researcher formed groups that at the beginning of the study are  equivalent; they differ only in chance. This is intended to eliminate the threats of EXTRANEOUS or additional variables – those which researchers are BOTH aware and unaware that might affect the outcome of the study. No guarantee of equivalent groups unless both groups are  sufficiently large (most researchers want no fewer than 40 subjects in each group). Random Selection: every member of a population has an equal  chance of being selected to be a member of the sample.
  • 7. Control of Extraneous Variables Researchers must control any and all subject characteristics by  ensuring that the 2 groups are as equivalent as possible on all variables except the one(s) being studied (the independent variables). Randomization  Holding certain variables constant. Ex., eliminate one gender –  drawback is reduced generalizability. Building the variable into the design. Ex., include both genders and  analyze the effects. Matching. Ex., match by age and assign 1 member of each pair to  each of the comparison groups. Using subjects as their own controls. Ex., same students taught  algebra 1st by inquiry method than by lecture method. Using analysis of covariance. Equate groups statistically on the  basis of a pretest or other variable. Posttest scores are adjusted accordingly.
  • 8. Group Designs in Experimental Research WEAK Experimental Designs:  Design can The One-Shot Case Study. Remedy: a comparison  take a could be made with another group. Seldom used. variety of Treatment … Observation  forms. 2. The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. A single  GOOD group is measured after being exposed as well as designs before. Remedy: a comparison group to be added. control many Pretest … Treatment … Posttest  of the threats to 3. The Static-Group Comparison Design or  Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Two already internal existing groups or static groups are used. NOT validity. randomly assigned. 4. The Static-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Only  difference is that a pretest is given to both groups. Pretest score is subtracted from posttest score.
  • 9. TRUE Experimental Designs: * Subjects are randomly assigned to treatment  Please Note this groups. This controls the subject characteristics distinction: threat to internal validity. Random Selection and 1. The Randomized Posttest-Only Control  Random Assignment differ Group Design. Two groups by random in purpose. assignment. One group gets experimental Random Selection is to treatment, other group does not. Both groups provide a representative are posttested on the dependent variable. sample. It may or Note: the threat of subject may not be accompanied by characteristics, maturation, and statistical the random assignment of regression are well controlled. None of subjects subjects to are measured twice, so testing is not a threat. groups. Random Assignment is BEST of all designs, provided there are at least intended to equate 40 subjects in each group. Mortality is a threat. groups, and often is not Hawthorne (attitudinal) threat is possible. accompanied by random selection.
  • 10. TRUE Experimental Designs, cont. 2. The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control  Group Design. This has a pretest. Two groups of subjects are used and both groups are measured twice. The use of a pretest raises the possibility of a pretest treatment interaction threat since it may “alert” members of the experimental group. The pretest does check whether the groups are really similar.
  • 11. TRUE Experimental Designs, cont. 3. The Randomized Solomon Four-Group  Design. Designed to eliminate the possible effect of a pretest. It is random assignment of subjects to 4 groups, with 2 of the groups being pretested and 2 not. One pretested group and one unpretested group is exposed to the experimental treatment. All 4 groups are posttested. This is the BEST control of threats to internal validity. Requires a large sample and much work.
  • 12. TRUE Experimental Designs, cont. 4. Random Assignment with Matching. Pairs  of individuals may be matched on certain variables. The members of each matched pair are then assigned to the experimental and control groups at random. Matching may be done mechanically or statistically – both require a score for each subject on each variable
  • 13. Mechanical Matching: Pairing 2 persons whose scores on a particular  variable are similar. After the matching is completed for the entire sample, a check should be made with a frequency polygon to ensure that the 2 groups are equivalent on each matching variable. TWO Problems: 1) Difficult to match on more than 2 or 3 variables, making it necessary to have a very large sample. 2) Some subjects will need to be eliminated because there are no matches for them, samples are no longer random. 1 member of each matched pair is randomly assigned to experimental group, the other the control group.
  • 14. Statistical Matching: Not perfect, however recommended over mechanical. Does  NOT lose subjects, nor does it limit the number of matching variables. The sample is divided randomly at the beginning and the statistical adjustments are made after the data have been collected. Each subject is given a predicted score on the dependent variable, based on the correlation between the dependent variable and the variable(s) on which the subjects are being matched. The difference between the predicted and actual scores for each individual is used to compare experimental and control groups. When pretest is matching variable, the difference between the predicted and actual score is called regressed gain score. This score is preferable to the straightforward gain scores (posttest minus pretest score for each individual) because it is more reliable. *Need random assignment on all variables with above 2. 
  • 15. Quasi-Experimental Designs Do not include  the use of random assignment  Other techniques  control threats to internal validity 
  • 16. The Matching-Only Design Random assignment is not used  Matches subject in experimental and control groups  No assurance matches are equivalent  This design offers an alternative to random  assignment when 10 or more groups are available for a method study Groups can be randomly assigned to different  treatments Individuals are matched with individuals receiving  other treatments Matching is never a substitute for random assignment  The correlation between matching variables and the  dependent variable should be substantial
  • 17. Counterbalanced Designs In different orders all groups are exposed to all  treatments This design Counterbalanced designs represent another technique for  controls threats equating experimental and comparison groups to internal Many different treatments may be involved validity  A Three-Treatments Counterbalance Design involves  Internal three groups Validity: Group 1: treatment 1+posttesting observed  differences on treatment 2+ posttesting  the dependent treatment 3+posttesting variable are  directly related Group 2: treatment 2+posttesting  to the treatment 3+posttesting independent  variable and treatment 1+posttesesting  not due to Group 3: treatment 3+postest some other  unintended treatment 1+posttest  variable treatment 2+postesting  Group treatments are in random order  By comparing the average scores for all groups  researchers determine the effectiveness of various
  • 18. Time-Series Designs Involves repeated measurements or  Involves observations over time  Both before and after treatments  Extensive amount of data collected  The Researcher has more confidence if the group  pretests and posttests cause improvement with multiple tests. Threats to internal validity endanger this design for  example history Effectiveness is by analyzing pattern  Time-series design is a strong design, although it is  vulnerable to history
  • 19. Factorial Designs Extend the number of relationships that may  be examined in an experimental study Researchers may study interactions of an  independent variable Moderator variables may be either treatment  variables or subject characteristic Factorial Designs are an efficient way to study  several relationships
  • 20. Control of Threats to Internal Validity: A Summary Time series design suffer from instrument  decay and data collector bias Unconscious bias on the part of data collectors  is not controlled by any of these designs Implementers or data collectors can  unintentionally distort the results of a study Regression is not likely to be a problem except  in the one-group pretest-posttest design
  • 21. Evaluating the Likelihood of a Threat to Internal Validity Consider the likelihood of threats in an  experimental study A number of possible threats to internal validity  may exist Researchers must question possible threats to a  study by using the following procedures: Question factors related to the study affecting  dependent variables Question comparison groups differing the same  factors Evaluate the threats and plan to control them 
  • 22. Threats to Internal Validity: Subject  Characteristics Mortality  Location  Instrumentation  History  Maturation  Attitude of Subject  Regression  Implementation 
  • 23. Subject Characteristics to affect critical thinking ability  1. Initial critical thinking ability  2. Gender 
  • 24. Mortality Location and data could affect scores  Group numbers should be verified  Have an effect unless controlled: moderate  high
  • 25. Location Data collection and location differing for two  groups could affect posttreatment scores Threats may differ for groups in different  locations Likelihood of having an effect: moderate to  high
  • 26. Instrumentation Instrument decay May affect any outcome  Could differ for groups  Unless controlled could have an effect  Data collector characteristics  Might affect critical thinking test scores  Use same data collectors to avoid decay  Likely to have an effect unless controlled  Data collector bias  Affects scores on critical thinking  Controlled by training implementers  Unless controlled likely to have an effect 
  • 27. History Extraneous events  Affect both groups  Likely to have an effect unless controlled 
  • 28. Maturation Affect outcome scores since critical thinking is  related to individual growth No threat if instructors teach over same time  period Likely to have an effect unless controlled 
  • 29. Attitude of Subject Affect posttest scores  Perceived special attention could be a threat  Low moderate threat unless controlled 
  • 30. Regression Will affect scores if subjects are selected on  the basis of extreme scores Treatment unlikely to affect groups differently  The likelihood of having an effect is low 
  • 31. Implementation Instructor characteristics are likely to affect  posttreatment scores Different instructors teach different methods  control by monitoring instruction The likelihood of having an effect is high 
  • 32. Identify threats to internal validity Control of Experimental Treatments Think of different  Improve internal validity of variables experimental study - Decide if  Researcher control well constructed these things would affect experiment things differently  Researcher controls the treatment based on the 5’ws + how evidence  Researcher controls testing - Threats need to be  Researchers seldom have total minimized control: problems must be faced……
  • 33. An Example of Experimental Research Study Purpose/justification: explicit implications  Exemplify Definitions: clearly defined context typical  methodology Prior research: previous work connected  and permit constructive Hypotheses: stated, implied, appropriate  criticism Sample: target population indicated  Instrumentation: adequately described  Hold Procedures/internal validity: evident  students threats attention Data analysis: are statistics correct  Results: clearly presented  Be reported Discussion/interpretations: limitations  concisely recognized with regard to population
  • 34. The Effects of a Computer Simulation Activity Versus a Hands-on Activity on Product Creativity in Technology Education Purpose/Justification: Study the effect of computer simulation  Definitions: The dependent variable, product creativity; is  confused by the discussion of creativity Prior Research: The brief summaries of two studies on  outcomes of computer graphics and word processors are well done, but we must assume they are the only ones Hypotheses: Clearly stated  Sample: A convenience sample was used  Instrumentation: Product creativity was measured, validity is not  adequately addressed Procedures/Internal Validity: Internal validity was  controlled, mortality did not occur Data Analysis/Results: Lack of random selection  Discussion/Interpretation: Results do not support “the use of  computer simulation to enhance product creativity.”
  • 35. Article Summary Influence of Social Context on Reported  Attitudes of Nondisabled Students Towards Students with Disabilities  Article 20, page 149 Helpful research worksheet on iLearn 
  • 36. Research Question and Hypothesis Question: Would the mere presence of a  student with a disability affect the responses of nondisabled students to a survey that assessed their attitudes toward people with disabilities? Hypothesis: Individuals would report a) a more  tolerant attitude toward persons with disabilities and b) less discomfort in a social setting when paired with a similar rather than dissimilar individual.
  • 37. Operational Definitions and Variables Persons with disabilities: An individual who  uses a wheelchair to perform any daily living activities Independent variable:The presence of a  disabled person or non-disabled person. Dependent variable: Amount of comfort and  attitude towards disabled person
  • 38. Sampling 30 Louisiana State University students   Ten people in the group have disabilities  Don’t know how sample was selected or how non-disabled participants were assigned to test groups Two confederates (one in wheelchair) 
  • 39. Instruments Demographic questionnaire  Original Attitudes Toward Disabled People  Scale (ATDP-O) Likert-type scale to measure general ease  (GME)
  • 40. Procedure Three experimental conditions  ND/ND: non-disabled (9 women/1 man; mean age = 22) and non-  disabled confederate D/ND: non-disabled (9 women/1 man; mean age = 22.5) and  disabled confederate D/D: disabled (4 women/6 men; mean age = 30.5) and disabled  confederate One by one, groups escorted into testing room by the  same non-disabled experimenter Experimenter explained data would be used in a large  study analyzing the way individuals viewed themselves and others Participants and confederate completed ATDP-  O, demographic questionnaire and GME Experimenter remained in the room to answer questions 
  • 41. Instrument Validity and Reliability We do not know if the instruments were  reviewed by an expert; only talks about previous use of ATDP-O Questions raised about scale accuracy  Researchers administered test only once 
  • 42. Internal Validity Threats   Subject characteristics  Testing / reactivity  Attitude of subjects Controlled   Instrumentation / data collector characteristics  Location
  • 43. Conclusions Nondisabled individuals reported a more  favorable attitude toward persons with disabilities when in the presence of such an individual Habituation between nondisabled and disabled  people may be a cost-effective way to begin modifying negative attitudes Interpretations speculative -- study has many  weaknesses
  • 44. External Validity Study can’t be generalized  Studies only people in wheelchairs and not  other disabilities Sample consists of college students from one  Southern U.S. college Results need replication 
  • 46.
  • 47. Experiment: Tangram Assembly Question: Does verbal communication decrease  the time it takes a group of four individuals working in tandem to assemble of specific images with tangrams? Hypothesis: Since the only thing that will change  is whether or not people are allowed to talk our hypothesis should state that verbal groups should be able to complete the images more quickly. (However, personally I think our class is full of independent thinkers who may have difficulties organizing verbally and the quiet teams may actually do better.)
  • 48. Variables Independent: Ability to use verbal  communication (Qualitative) Dependent: Time to assemble specific  images with tangrams (Quantitative) Extraneous:   Both groups are aware of the purpose of the experiment  Some individuals may be more visual learners  Some individuals will have had more experience using tangrams  Not enough testing groups