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public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable
// Private Instance Variables
private double[] data;
private int manyItems;
private int currentIndex;
//Constructor Methods
* Initialize an empty sequence with an initial capacity of 10.
public DoubleArraySeq()
//Set a default capacity for new DoubleArraySeq's.
//Set each instance variable to its initial value.
data = new double[INITAL_CAPACITY];
manyItems = 0;
currentIndex = 0;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new
}//end catch
}//end DoubleArraySeq() method
* Initialize an empty sequence with a specified initial capacity. Note that the addAfter and
addBefore methods work
* efficiently (without needing more memory) until this capacity is reached.
public DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity)
//Set each instance variable to its initial value.
data = new double[initialCapacity];
currentIndex = 0;
manyItems = 0;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence
of capacity " + initialCapacity + "!");
}//end catch
}//end DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) method
// Accessor Methods
public boolean isCurrent()
return (currentIndex < manyItems);
}//end isCurrent() method
* Accessor method to get the current element of this sequence.
public double getCurrent()
//Confirm that there is a current element first.
if (isCurrent())
return data[currentIndex];
throw new IllegalStateException("There is no current element! Please specify a current
element first.");
}//end getCurrent() method
* Accessor method to get the current capacity of this sequence.
public int getCapacity()
//Returns the number of indexes in the array.
return data.length;
}//end getCapacity() method
* Accessor method to get the available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence.
* The available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence.
public int getAvailCapacity()
//Returns the number of empty indexes in the array.
return data.length - manyItems;
}//end getAvailCapacity() method
public int size()
//Returns the number of elements in the sequence.
return manyItems;
}//end size() method
// Setter Methods
* A method to move forward, so the current element is now the next element in this sequence.
public void advance()
if (isCurrent())
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element! Advance may not be
}//end advance() method
* A method to set the current element at the front of this sequence.
public void start()
if (manyItems > 0)
currentIndex = 0;
throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!");
}//end start() method
* A method that makes the last element of the sequence the current element.
public void setCurrentLast()
if (manyItems > 0)
currentIndex = manyItems - 1;
throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!");
}//end setCurrentLast() method
public double setCurrent(int n)
//'n' must range from 1 to manyItems and the DoubleArraySeq may not be empty.
if (manyItems > 0 && n > 0 && n <= manyItems){
currentIndex = n-1;
return data[currentIndex];
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is either empty or 'n' is greater than
the sequence size (or less than 1)!");
}//end setCurrent(int n) method
* A method that and makes the selected element the current element and returns what nth
number of the sequence that element is.
public int getElement(double element)
//Verify that the sequence is not empty.
if (manyItems < 1)
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is empty!");
//Search for the element in the sequence and return what nth number of the sequence that
element is, if found.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < manyItems; i++){
if (data[i] == element){
currentIndex = i;
return currentIndex + 1;
}//end if
}//end for
if (i == manyItems)
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence does not contain the element " +
element + "!");
return 0;
}//end getElement(double element) method
// Size Management Methods
* A method to change the current capacity of this sequence.
public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity)
if (getCapacity() < minimumCapacity){
//Create a new array of size minimumCapacity.
double[] expandData = new double[minimumCapacity];
//Copy all elements from data into the new array.
System.arraycopy(data, 0, expandData, 0, manyItems);
//Change data's reference to expandData.
data = expandData;
}//end if
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("This sequence capacity is too large! There is not
enough memory to store a sequence of capacity " + minimumCapacity + "! "
+ "Note: The add methods double the sequence capacity if maximum
capacity has already been reached. "
+ "If necessary, try manually ensuring a smaller capacity before adding
more elements to this sequence.");
}//end catch
}//end ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) method
* A method to reduce the current capacity of this sequence to its actual size (i.e., the number
of elements it contains).
public void trimToSize()
if (data.length > manyItems){
//Create a new double[] of size manyItems that data will point to after running this
double[] trimmedArray = new double[manyItems];
//Copy the information from data to trimmedArray. Then assign data to trimmedArray.
System.arraycopy(data, 0, trimmedArray, 0, manyItems);
data = trimmedArray;
}//end if
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory left to alter the capacity
of this sequence!");
}//end catch
}//end trimToSize() method
// Add Element Methods
* A method to add a new element to this sequence, after the current element.
public void addAfter(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
if (isCurrent()){
//Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending
at the index after currentIndex.
for (int i = manyItems; i > (currentIndex + 1); i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element after the current element.
data[currentIndex] = element;
}//end if
//If there is no current element, add the element to the end of the sequence.
currentIndex = manyItems;
data[currentIndex] = element;
}//end else
}//end addAfter(double element) method
* A method to add a new element to this sequence, before the current element.
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the sequence
to fail with an arithmetic overflow.
public void addBefore(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
if (isCurrent()){
//Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending
at currentIndex.
for (int i = manyItems; i > currentIndex; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element before the current element (in the current element's old index).
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end if
else{ //currentIndex is beyond the last element or the DoubleArraySeq is empty.
//Move all elements in the sequence up an index (only if currentIndex is beyond the last
for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence.
currentIndex = 0;
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end else
}//end addBefore(double element) method
* A method to add a new element at the front of the sequence and make it the current element.
public void addFront(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
//Move all elements in the sequence up an index.
for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence.
currentIndex = 0;
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end addFront(double element) method
* A method to add a new element at the end of the sequence and make it the current element.
public void addEnd(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
//Add the new element to the end of the sequence.
data[manyItems] = element;
currentIndex = manyItems;
}//end addEnd(double element) method
* A method to place the contents of another sequence at the end of this sequence.
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic
overflow that will cause the sequence to fail.
public void addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add the other DoubleArraySeq.
ensureCapacity(manyItems + addend.manyItems);
//Copy the addend sequence to the end of the invoked sequence.
System.arraycopy(, 0, data, manyItems, addend.manyItems);
manyItems += addend.manyItems;
}//end addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) method
* A method to create a new sequence that contains all the elements from one sequence
followed by another.
public static DoubleArraySeq concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2)
//Create a new DoubleArraySeq large enough to store the s1 and s2 DoubleArraySeq's.
DoubleArraySeq newSequence = new DoubleArraySeq(s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems);
//Copy DoubleArraySeq s1 and s2 to the new DoubleArraySeq, newSequence.
System.arraycopy(, 0,, 0, s1.manyItems);
System.arraycopy(, 0,, s1.manyItems, s2.manyItems);
newSequence.manyItems = (s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems);
newSequence.currentIndex = newSequence.manyItems;
return newSequence;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("The sequences are too large! There is not enough
memory to concatenate these sequences!");
}//end catch
}//end concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) method
// Remove Element Methods
* A method to remove the current element from this sequence.
* Indicates that there is no current element, so removeCurrent may not be called.
public void removeCurrent()
if (isCurrent()){
//Move each element down an index, starting with the element after the currentIndex.
for (int i = currentIndex; i < manyItems; i++){
data[i] = data[i + 1];
}//end for loop
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element!");
}//end removeCurrent() method
* A method to remove the first element of the sequence.
* Indicates that the sequence is empty.
public void removeFront()
if (manyItems > 0){
currentIndex = 0;
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("The sequence is empty!");
}//end removeFront() method
// Overridden Java Methods -- clone(), equals(Object obj), toString()
* A method to generate an independent copy (clone) of this sequence.
* Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone.
public DoubleArraySeq clone()
//Create a new DoubleArraySeq that will be returned as the clone of the invoked
DoubleArraySeq answer;
//Clone the instance variables of the invoked DoubleArraySeq and assign them to the
answer DoubleArraySeq.
answer = (DoubleArraySeq) super.clone( );
}//end try
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
// This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably indicate a
programming error that made super.clone unavailable.
// The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable" clause at the
start of this class.
throw new RuntimeException ("This class does not implement Cloneable");
}//end catch
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory available to clone this
}//end catch
//Copy the information in the data instance variable (double[]) from the invoked
DoubleArraySeq to its clone. = data.clone( );
return answer;
}//end DoubleArraySeq clone() method
* A method to compare two DoubleArraySeq objects and determine if they are equivalent.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
boolean areEqual = false;
//Verify 1) That obj is a DoubleArraySeq.
if (obj instanceof DoubleArraySeq){
DoubleArraySeq candidate = (DoubleArraySeq) obj;
//Verify 2) That candidate has the same number of elements as the invoked
if (this.manyItems == candidate.manyItems){
//Verify 3) That the elements in candidate and the invoked DoubleArraySeq are the
same elements, in the same order.
boolean isEqual = true;
for (int i = 0; i < manyItems && isEqual; i++){
if ([i] !=[i])
isEqual = false;
}//end for loop
if (isEqual)
areEqual = true;
}//end if
}//end if
return areEqual;
}//end equals(Object obj)
* A method to print all elements of the sequence in order, separated by a space.
public String toString()
//Make a String containing all the elements of this sequence in order.
StringBuilder dataString = new StringBuilder("");
if (manyItems > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < manyItems; i++)
dataString.append(data[i] + " ");
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is nothing in this sequence!");
return dataString.toString();
}//end toString() method
}//end DoubleArraySeq class
public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable
// Private Instance Variables
private double[] data;
private int manyItems;
private int currentIndex;
//Constructor Methods
* Initialize an empty sequence with an initial capacity of 10.
public DoubleArraySeq()
//Set a default capacity for new DoubleArraySeq's.
//Set each instance variable to its initial value.
data = new double[INITAL_CAPACITY];
manyItems = 0;
currentIndex = 0;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new
}//end catch
}//end DoubleArraySeq() method
* Initialize an empty sequence with a specified initial capacity. Note that the addAfter and
addBefore methods work
* efficiently (without needing more memory) until this capacity is reached.
public DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity)
//Set each instance variable to its initial value.
data = new double[initialCapacity];
currentIndex = 0;
manyItems = 0;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence
of capacity " + initialCapacity + "!");
}//end catch
}//end DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) method
// Accessor Methods
public boolean isCurrent()
return (currentIndex < manyItems);
}//end isCurrent() method
* Accessor method to get the current element of this sequence.
public double getCurrent()
//Confirm that there is a current element first.
if (isCurrent())
return data[currentIndex];
throw new IllegalStateException("There is no current element! Please specify a current
element first.");
}//end getCurrent() method
* Accessor method to get the current capacity of this sequence.
public int getCapacity()
//Returns the number of indexes in the array.
return data.length;
}//end getCapacity() method
* Accessor method to get the available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence.
* The available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence.
public int getAvailCapacity()
//Returns the number of empty indexes in the array.
return data.length - manyItems;
}//end getAvailCapacity() method
public int size()
//Returns the number of elements in the sequence.
return manyItems;
}//end size() method
// Setter Methods
* A method to move forward, so the current element is now the next element in this sequence.
public void advance()
if (isCurrent())
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element! Advance may not be
}//end advance() method
* A method to set the current element at the front of this sequence.
public void start()
if (manyItems > 0)
currentIndex = 0;
throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!");
}//end start() method
* A method that makes the last element of the sequence the current element.
public void setCurrentLast()
if (manyItems > 0)
currentIndex = manyItems - 1;
throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!");
}//end setCurrentLast() method
public double setCurrent(int n)
//'n' must range from 1 to manyItems and the DoubleArraySeq may not be empty.
if (manyItems > 0 && n > 0 && n <= manyItems){
currentIndex = n-1;
return data[currentIndex];
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is either empty or 'n' is greater than
the sequence size (or less than 1)!");
}//end setCurrent(int n) method
* A method that and makes the selected element the current element and returns what nth
number of the sequence that element is.
public int getElement(double element)
//Verify that the sequence is not empty.
if (manyItems < 1)
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is empty!");
//Search for the element in the sequence and return what nth number of the sequence that
element is, if found.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < manyItems; i++){
if (data[i] == element){
currentIndex = i;
return currentIndex + 1;
}//end if
}//end for
if (i == manyItems)
throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence does not contain the element " +
element + "!");
return 0;
}//end getElement(double element) method
// Size Management Methods
* A method to change the current capacity of this sequence.
public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity)
if (getCapacity() < minimumCapacity){
//Create a new array of size minimumCapacity.
double[] expandData = new double[minimumCapacity];
//Copy all elements from data into the new array.
System.arraycopy(data, 0, expandData, 0, manyItems);
//Change data's reference to expandData.
data = expandData;
}//end if
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("This sequence capacity is too large! There is not
enough memory to store a sequence of capacity " + minimumCapacity + "! "
+ "Note: The add methods double the sequence capacity if maximum
capacity has already been reached. "
+ "If necessary, try manually ensuring a smaller capacity before adding
more elements to this sequence.");
}//end catch
}//end ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) method
* A method to reduce the current capacity of this sequence to its actual size (i.e., the number
of elements it contains).
public void trimToSize()
if (data.length > manyItems){
//Create a new double[] of size manyItems that data will point to after running this
double[] trimmedArray = new double[manyItems];
//Copy the information from data to trimmedArray. Then assign data to trimmedArray.
System.arraycopy(data, 0, trimmedArray, 0, manyItems);
data = trimmedArray;
}//end if
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory left to alter the capacity
of this sequence!");
}//end catch
}//end trimToSize() method
// Add Element Methods
* A method to add a new element to this sequence, after the current element.
public void addAfter(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
if (isCurrent()){
//Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending
at the index after currentIndex.
for (int i = manyItems; i > (currentIndex + 1); i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element after the current element.
data[currentIndex] = element;
}//end if
//If there is no current element, add the element to the end of the sequence.
currentIndex = manyItems;
data[currentIndex] = element;
}//end else
}//end addAfter(double element) method
* A method to add a new element to this sequence, before the current element.
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the sequence
to fail with an arithmetic overflow.
public void addBefore(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
if (isCurrent()){
//Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending
at currentIndex.
for (int i = manyItems; i > currentIndex; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element before the current element (in the current element's old index).
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end if
else{ //currentIndex is beyond the last element or the DoubleArraySeq is empty.
//Move all elements in the sequence up an index (only if currentIndex is beyond the last
for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence.
currentIndex = 0;
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end else
}//end addBefore(double element) method
* A method to add a new element at the front of the sequence and make it the current element.
public void addFront(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
//Move all elements in the sequence up an index.
for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--)
data[i] = data[i-1];
//Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence.
currentIndex = 0;
data[currentIndex] = element;
manyItems ++;
}//end addFront(double element) method
* A method to add a new element at the end of the sequence and make it the current element.
public void addEnd(double element)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
if (data.length == manyItems)
ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
//Add the new element to the end of the sequence.
data[manyItems] = element;
currentIndex = manyItems;
}//end addEnd(double element) method
* A method to place the contents of another sequence at the end of this sequence.
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic
overflow that will cause the sequence to fail.
public void addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend)
//Make sure there is enough capacity to add the other DoubleArraySeq.
ensureCapacity(manyItems + addend.manyItems);
//Copy the addend sequence to the end of the invoked sequence.
System.arraycopy(, 0, data, manyItems, addend.manyItems);
manyItems += addend.manyItems;
}//end addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) method
* A method to create a new sequence that contains all the elements from one sequence
followed by another.
public static DoubleArraySeq concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2)
//Create a new DoubleArraySeq large enough to store the s1 and s2 DoubleArraySeq's.
DoubleArraySeq newSequence = new DoubleArraySeq(s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems);
//Copy DoubleArraySeq s1 and s2 to the new DoubleArraySeq, newSequence.
System.arraycopy(, 0,, 0, s1.manyItems);
System.arraycopy(, 0,, s1.manyItems, s2.manyItems);
newSequence.manyItems = (s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems);
newSequence.currentIndex = newSequence.manyItems;
return newSequence;
}//end try
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("The sequences are too large! There is not enough
memory to concatenate these sequences!");
}//end catch
}//end concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) method
// Remove Element Methods
* A method to remove the current element from this sequence.
* Indicates that there is no current element, so removeCurrent may not be called.
public void removeCurrent()
if (isCurrent()){
//Move each element down an index, starting with the element after the currentIndex.
for (int i = currentIndex; i < manyItems; i++){
data[i] = data[i + 1];
}//end for loop
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element!");
}//end removeCurrent() method
* A method to remove the first element of the sequence.
* Indicates that the sequence is empty.
public void removeFront()
if (manyItems > 0){
currentIndex = 0;
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("The sequence is empty!");
}//end removeFront() method
// Overridden Java Methods -- clone(), equals(Object obj), toString()
* A method to generate an independent copy (clone) of this sequence.
* Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone.
public DoubleArraySeq clone()
//Create a new DoubleArraySeq that will be returned as the clone of the invoked
DoubleArraySeq answer;
//Clone the instance variables of the invoked DoubleArraySeq and assign them to the
answer DoubleArraySeq.
answer = (DoubleArraySeq) super.clone( );
}//end try
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
// This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably indicate a
programming error that made super.clone unavailable.
// The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable" clause at the
start of this class.
throw new RuntimeException ("This class does not implement Cloneable");
}//end catch
catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory available to clone this
}//end catch
//Copy the information in the data instance variable (double[]) from the invoked
DoubleArraySeq to its clone. = data.clone( );
return answer;
}//end DoubleArraySeq clone() method
* A method to compare two DoubleArraySeq objects and determine if they are equivalent.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
boolean areEqual = false;
//Verify 1) That obj is a DoubleArraySeq.
if (obj instanceof DoubleArraySeq){
DoubleArraySeq candidate = (DoubleArraySeq) obj;
//Verify 2) That candidate has the same number of elements as the invoked
if (this.manyItems == candidate.manyItems){
//Verify 3) That the elements in candidate and the invoked DoubleArraySeq are the
same elements, in the same order.
boolean isEqual = true;
for (int i = 0; i < manyItems && isEqual; i++){
if ([i] !=[i])
isEqual = false;
}//end for loop
if (isEqual)
areEqual = true;
}//end if
}//end if
return areEqual;
}//end equals(Object obj)
* A method to print all elements of the sequence in order, separated by a space.
public String toString()
//Make a String containing all the elements of this sequence in order.
StringBuilder dataString = new StringBuilder("");
if (manyItems > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < manyItems; i++)
dataString.append(data[i] + " ");
}//end if
throw new IllegalStateException ("There is nothing in this sequence!");
return dataString.toString();
}//end toString() method
}//end DoubleArraySeq class

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Semelhante a public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable {    Priva.pdf (20)

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(C++) Change the following program so that it uses a dynamic array i.pdf
So I have this code(StackInAllSocks) and I implemented the method but.pdf
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So I have this code(StackInAllSocks) and I implemented the method but.pdf
Header file for an array-based implementation of the ADT bag. @f.pdf
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Header file for an array-based implementation of the ADT bag. @f.pdf
Getting StartedCreate a class called Lab8. Use the same setup for .pdf
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public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable {    Priva.pdf

  • 1. public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable { // Private Instance Variables private double[] data; private int manyItems; private int currentIndex; //Constructor Methods /** * Initialize an empty sequence with an initial capacity of 10. **/ public DoubleArraySeq() { try{ //Set a default capacity for new DoubleArraySeq's. int INITAL_CAPACITY = 10; //Set each instance variable to its initial value. data = new double[INITAL_CAPACITY]; manyItems = 0; currentIndex = 0; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence!"); }//end catch }//end DoubleArraySeq() method /** * Initialize an empty sequence with a specified initial capacity. Note that the addAfter and addBefore methods work * efficiently (without needing more memory) until this capacity is reached. **/
  • 2. public DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) { try{ //Set each instance variable to its initial value. data = new double[initialCapacity]; currentIndex = 0; manyItems = 0; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence of capacity " + initialCapacity + "!"); }//end catch }//end DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) method // Accessor Methods /** **/ public boolean isCurrent() { return (currentIndex < manyItems); }//end isCurrent() method /** * Accessor method to get the current element of this sequence. **/ public double getCurrent() { //Confirm that there is a current element first. if (isCurrent()) return data[currentIndex]; else throw new IllegalStateException("There is no current element! Please specify a current element first."); }//end getCurrent() method
  • 3. /** * Accessor method to get the current capacity of this sequence. **/ public int getCapacity() { //Returns the number of indexes in the array. return data.length; }//end getCapacity() method /** * Accessor method to get the available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence. * The available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence. **/ public int getAvailCapacity() { //Returns the number of empty indexes in the array. return data.length - manyItems; }//end getAvailCapacity() method /** **/ public int size() { //Returns the number of elements in the sequence. return manyItems; }//end size() method // Setter Methods /** * A method to move forward, so the current element is now the next element in this sequence. **/ public void advance() { if (isCurrent()) currentIndex++; else
  • 4. throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element! Advance may not be called."); }//end advance() method /** * A method to set the current element at the front of this sequence. **/ public void start() { if (manyItems > 0) currentIndex = 0; else throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!"); }//end start() method /** * A method that makes the last element of the sequence the current element. **/ public void setCurrentLast() { if (manyItems > 0) currentIndex = manyItems - 1; else throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!"); }//end setCurrentLast() method /** **/ public double setCurrent(int n) { //'n' must range from 1 to manyItems and the DoubleArraySeq may not be empty. if (manyItems > 0 && n > 0 && n <= manyItems){ currentIndex = n-1; return data[currentIndex]; }//end if else
  • 5. throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is either empty or 'n' is greater than the sequence size (or less than 1)!"); }//end setCurrent(int n) method /** * A method that and makes the selected element the current element and returns what nth number of the sequence that element is. **/ public int getElement(double element) { //Verify that the sequence is not empty. if (manyItems < 1) throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is empty!"); //Search for the element in the sequence and return what nth number of the sequence that element is, if found. int i; for (i = 0; i < manyItems; i++){ if (data[i] == element){ currentIndex = i; return currentIndex + 1; }//end if }//end for if (i == manyItems) throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence does not contain the element " + element + "!"); else return 0; }//end getElement(double element) method // Size Management Methods /** * A method to change the current capacity of this sequence. **/ public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) {
  • 6. try{ if (getCapacity() < minimumCapacity){ //Create a new array of size minimumCapacity. double[] expandData = new double[minimumCapacity]; //Copy all elements from data into the new array. System.arraycopy(data, 0, expandData, 0, manyItems); //Change data's reference to expandData. data = expandData; }//end if }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("This sequence capacity is too large! There is not enough memory to store a sequence of capacity " + minimumCapacity + "! " + "Note: The add methods double the sequence capacity if maximum capacity has already been reached. " + "If necessary, try manually ensuring a smaller capacity before adding more elements to this sequence."); }//end catch }//end ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) method /** * A method to reduce the current capacity of this sequence to its actual size (i.e., the number of elements it contains). **/ public void trimToSize() { try{ if (data.length > manyItems){ //Create a new double[] of size manyItems that data will point to after running this method. double[] trimmedArray = new double[manyItems]; //Copy the information from data to trimmedArray. Then assign data to trimmedArray. System.arraycopy(data, 0, trimmedArray, 0, manyItems); data = trimmedArray; }//end if }//end try
  • 7. catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory left to alter the capacity of this sequence!"); }//end catch }//end trimToSize() method // Add Element Methods /** * A method to add a new element to this sequence, after the current element. **/ public void addAfter(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); if (isCurrent()){ //Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending at the index after currentIndex. for (int i = manyItems; i > (currentIndex + 1); i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element after the current element. currentIndex++; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems++; }//end if else{ //If there is no current element, add the element to the end of the sequence. currentIndex = manyItems; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems++; }//end else }//end addAfter(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element to this sequence, before the current element.
  • 8. * An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the sequence to fail with an arithmetic overflow. **/ public void addBefore(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); if (isCurrent()){ //Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending at currentIndex. for (int i = manyItems; i > currentIndex; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element before the current element (in the current element's old index). data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end if else{ //currentIndex is beyond the last element or the DoubleArraySeq is empty. //Move all elements in the sequence up an index (only if currentIndex is beyond the last element). for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence. currentIndex = 0; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end else }//end addBefore(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element at the front of the sequence and make it the current element. **/ public void addFront(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element.
  • 9. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); //Move all elements in the sequence up an index. for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence. currentIndex = 0; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end addFront(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element at the end of the sequence and make it the current element. **/ public void addEnd(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); //Add the new element to the end of the sequence. data[manyItems] = element; currentIndex = manyItems; manyItems++; }//end addEnd(double element) method /** * A method to place the contents of another sequence at the end of this sequence. * An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic overflow that will cause the sequence to fail. **/ public void addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add the other DoubleArraySeq. ensureCapacity(manyItems + addend.manyItems);
  • 10. //Copy the addend sequence to the end of the invoked sequence. System.arraycopy(, 0, data, manyItems, addend.manyItems); manyItems += addend.manyItems; }//end addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) method /** * A method to create a new sequence that contains all the elements from one sequence followed by another. **/ public static DoubleArraySeq concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) { try{ //Create a new DoubleArraySeq large enough to store the s1 and s2 DoubleArraySeq's. DoubleArraySeq newSequence = new DoubleArraySeq(s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems); //Copy DoubleArraySeq s1 and s2 to the new DoubleArraySeq, newSequence. System.arraycopy(, 0,, 0, s1.manyItems); System.arraycopy(, 0,, s1.manyItems, s2.manyItems); newSequence.manyItems = (s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems); newSequence.currentIndex = newSequence.manyItems; return newSequence; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("The sequences are too large! There is not enough memory to concatenate these sequences!"); }//end catch }//end concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) method // Remove Element Methods /** * A method to remove the current element from this sequence. * Indicates that there is no current element, so removeCurrent may not be called. **/ public void removeCurrent()
  • 11. { if (isCurrent()){ //Move each element down an index, starting with the element after the currentIndex. for (int i = currentIndex; i < manyItems; i++){ data[i] = data[i + 1]; }//end for loop manyItems--; }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element!"); }//end removeCurrent() method /** * A method to remove the first element of the sequence. * Indicates that the sequence is empty. **/ public void removeFront() { if (manyItems > 0){ currentIndex = 0; removeCurrent(); }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("The sequence is empty!"); }//end removeFront() method // Overridden Java Methods -- clone(), equals(Object obj), toString() /** * A method to generate an independent copy (clone) of this sequence. * Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone. **/ public DoubleArraySeq clone() { //Create a new DoubleArraySeq that will be returned as the clone of the invoked DoubleArraySeq.
  • 12. DoubleArraySeq answer; try{ //Clone the instance variables of the invoked DoubleArraySeq and assign them to the answer DoubleArraySeq. answer = (DoubleArraySeq) super.clone( ); }//end try catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){ // This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably indicate a programming error that made super.clone unavailable. // The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable" clause at the start of this class. throw new RuntimeException ("This class does not implement Cloneable"); }//end catch catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory available to clone this sequence!"); }//end catch //Copy the information in the data instance variable (double[]) from the invoked DoubleArraySeq to its clone. = data.clone( ); return answer; }//end DoubleArraySeq clone() method /** * A method to compare two DoubleArraySeq objects and determine if they are equivalent. **/ public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean areEqual = false; //Verify 1) That obj is a DoubleArraySeq. if (obj instanceof DoubleArraySeq){ DoubleArraySeq candidate = (DoubleArraySeq) obj; //Verify 2) That candidate has the same number of elements as the invoked DoubleArraySeq.
  • 13. if (this.manyItems == candidate.manyItems){ //Verify 3) That the elements in candidate and the invoked DoubleArraySeq are the same elements, in the same order. boolean isEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < manyItems && isEqual; i++){ if ([i] !=[i]) isEqual = false; }//end for loop if (isEqual) areEqual = true; }//end if }//end if return areEqual; }//end equals(Object obj) /** * A method to print all elements of the sequence in order, separated by a space. **/ public String toString() { //Make a String containing all the elements of this sequence in order. StringBuilder dataString = new StringBuilder(""); if (manyItems > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < manyItems; i++) dataString.append(data[i] + " "); }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("There is nothing in this sequence!"); return dataString.toString(); }//end toString() method }//end DoubleArraySeq class Solution public class DoubleArraySeq implements Cloneable
  • 14. { // Private Instance Variables private double[] data; private int manyItems; private int currentIndex; //Constructor Methods /** * Initialize an empty sequence with an initial capacity of 10. **/ public DoubleArraySeq() { try{ //Set a default capacity for new DoubleArraySeq's. int INITAL_CAPACITY = 10; //Set each instance variable to its initial value. data = new double[INITAL_CAPACITY]; manyItems = 0; currentIndex = 0; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence!"); }//end catch }//end DoubleArraySeq() method /** * Initialize an empty sequence with a specified initial capacity. Note that the addAfter and addBefore methods work * efficiently (without needing more memory) until this capacity is reached. **/ public DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) {
  • 15. try{ //Set each instance variable to its initial value. data = new double[initialCapacity]; currentIndex = 0; manyItems = 0; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory to create a new sequence of capacity " + initialCapacity + "!"); }//end catch }//end DoubleArraySeq(int initialCapacity) method // Accessor Methods /** **/ public boolean isCurrent() { return (currentIndex < manyItems); }//end isCurrent() method /** * Accessor method to get the current element of this sequence. **/ public double getCurrent() { //Confirm that there is a current element first. if (isCurrent()) return data[currentIndex]; else throw new IllegalStateException("There is no current element! Please specify a current element first."); }//end getCurrent() method /** * Accessor method to get the current capacity of this sequence.
  • 16. **/ public int getCapacity() { //Returns the number of indexes in the array. return data.length; }//end getCapacity() method /** * Accessor method to get the available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence. * The available capacity (number of empty indexes) of this sequence. **/ public int getAvailCapacity() { //Returns the number of empty indexes in the array. return data.length - manyItems; }//end getAvailCapacity() method /** **/ public int size() { //Returns the number of elements in the sequence. return manyItems; }//end size() method // Setter Methods /** * A method to move forward, so the current element is now the next element in this sequence. **/ public void advance() { if (isCurrent()) currentIndex++; else throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element! Advance may not be called.");
  • 17. }//end advance() method /** * A method to set the current element at the front of this sequence. **/ public void start() { if (manyItems > 0) currentIndex = 0; else throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!"); }//end start() method /** * A method that makes the last element of the sequence the current element. **/ public void setCurrentLast() { if (manyItems > 0) currentIndex = manyItems - 1; else throw new IllegalStateException("This sequence is empty!"); }//end setCurrentLast() method /** **/ public double setCurrent(int n) { //'n' must range from 1 to manyItems and the DoubleArraySeq may not be empty. if (manyItems > 0 && n > 0 && n <= manyItems){ currentIndex = n-1; return data[currentIndex]; }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is either empty or 'n' is greater than the sequence size (or less than 1)!");
  • 18. }//end setCurrent(int n) method /** * A method that and makes the selected element the current element and returns what nth number of the sequence that element is. **/ public int getElement(double element) { //Verify that the sequence is not empty. if (manyItems < 1) throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence is empty!"); //Search for the element in the sequence and return what nth number of the sequence that element is, if found. int i; for (i = 0; i < manyItems; i++){ if (data[i] == element){ currentIndex = i; return currentIndex + 1; }//end if }//end for if (i == manyItems) throw new IllegalStateException ("This sequence does not contain the element " + element + "!"); else return 0; }//end getElement(double element) method // Size Management Methods /** * A method to change the current capacity of this sequence. **/ public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) { try{ if (getCapacity() < minimumCapacity){
  • 19. //Create a new array of size minimumCapacity. double[] expandData = new double[minimumCapacity]; //Copy all elements from data into the new array. System.arraycopy(data, 0, expandData, 0, manyItems); //Change data's reference to expandData. data = expandData; }//end if }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("This sequence capacity is too large! There is not enough memory to store a sequence of capacity " + minimumCapacity + "! " + "Note: The add methods double the sequence capacity if maximum capacity has already been reached. " + "If necessary, try manually ensuring a smaller capacity before adding more elements to this sequence."); }//end catch }//end ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) method /** * A method to reduce the current capacity of this sequence to its actual size (i.e., the number of elements it contains). **/ public void trimToSize() { try{ if (data.length > manyItems){ //Create a new double[] of size manyItems that data will point to after running this method. double[] trimmedArray = new double[manyItems]; //Copy the information from data to trimmedArray. Then assign data to trimmedArray. System.arraycopy(data, 0, trimmedArray, 0, manyItems); data = trimmedArray; }//end if }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory left to alter the capacity
  • 20. of this sequence!"); }//end catch }//end trimToSize() method // Add Element Methods /** * A method to add a new element to this sequence, after the current element. **/ public void addAfter(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); if (isCurrent()){ //Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending at the index after currentIndex. for (int i = manyItems; i > (currentIndex + 1); i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element after the current element. currentIndex++; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems++; }//end if else{ //If there is no current element, add the element to the end of the sequence. currentIndex = manyItems; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems++; }//end else }//end addAfter(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element to this sequence, before the current element. * An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the sequence to fail with an arithmetic overflow.
  • 21. **/ public void addBefore(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); if (isCurrent()){ //Move all elements up an index, beginning at the end of the DoubleArraySeq and ending at currentIndex. for (int i = manyItems; i > currentIndex; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element before the current element (in the current element's old index). data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end if else{ //currentIndex is beyond the last element or the DoubleArraySeq is empty. //Move all elements in the sequence up an index (only if currentIndex is beyond the last element). for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence. currentIndex = 0; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end else }//end addBefore(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element at the front of the sequence and make it the current element. **/ public void addFront(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1);
  • 22. //Move all elements in the sequence up an index. for (int i = manyItems; i > 0; i--) data[i] = data[i-1]; //Add the new element to the beginning of the sequence. currentIndex = 0; data[currentIndex] = element; manyItems ++; }//end addFront(double element) method /** * A method to add a new element at the end of the sequence and make it the current element. **/ public void addEnd(double element) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add another element. if (data.length == manyItems) ensureCapacity(manyItems*2 + 1); //Add the new element to the end of the sequence. data[manyItems] = element; currentIndex = manyItems; manyItems++; }//end addEnd(double element) method /** * A method to place the contents of another sequence at the end of this sequence. * An attempt to increase the capacity beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic overflow that will cause the sequence to fail. **/ public void addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) { //Make sure there is enough capacity to add the other DoubleArraySeq. ensureCapacity(manyItems + addend.manyItems); //Copy the addend sequence to the end of the invoked sequence.
  • 23. System.arraycopy(, 0, data, manyItems, addend.manyItems); manyItems += addend.manyItems; }//end addAll(DoubleArraySeq addend) method /** * A method to create a new sequence that contains all the elements from one sequence followed by another. **/ public static DoubleArraySeq concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) { try{ //Create a new DoubleArraySeq large enough to store the s1 and s2 DoubleArraySeq's. DoubleArraySeq newSequence = new DoubleArraySeq(s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems); //Copy DoubleArraySeq s1 and s2 to the new DoubleArraySeq, newSequence. System.arraycopy(, 0,, 0, s1.manyItems); System.arraycopy(, 0,, s1.manyItems, s2.manyItems); newSequence.manyItems = (s1.manyItems + s2.manyItems); newSequence.currentIndex = newSequence.manyItems; return newSequence; }//end try catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("The sequences are too large! There is not enough memory to concatenate these sequences!"); }//end catch }//end concatenation(DoubleArraySeq s1, DoubleArraySeq s2) method // Remove Element Methods /** * A method to remove the current element from this sequence. * Indicates that there is no current element, so removeCurrent may not be called. **/ public void removeCurrent() { if (isCurrent()){
  • 24. //Move each element down an index, starting with the element after the currentIndex. for (int i = currentIndex; i < manyItems; i++){ data[i] = data[i + 1]; }//end for loop manyItems--; }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("There is no current element!"); }//end removeCurrent() method /** * A method to remove the first element of the sequence. * Indicates that the sequence is empty. **/ public void removeFront() { if (manyItems > 0){ currentIndex = 0; removeCurrent(); }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("The sequence is empty!"); }//end removeFront() method // Overridden Java Methods -- clone(), equals(Object obj), toString() /** * A method to generate an independent copy (clone) of this sequence. * Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone. **/ public DoubleArraySeq clone() { //Create a new DoubleArraySeq that will be returned as the clone of the invoked DoubleArraySeq. DoubleArraySeq answer;
  • 25. try{ //Clone the instance variables of the invoked DoubleArraySeq and assign them to the answer DoubleArraySeq. answer = (DoubleArraySeq) super.clone( ); }//end try catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){ // This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably indicate a programming error that made super.clone unavailable. // The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable" clause at the start of this class. throw new RuntimeException ("This class does not implement Cloneable"); }//end catch catch (OutOfMemoryError e){ throw new OutOfMemoryError ("There is not enough memory available to clone this sequence!"); }//end catch //Copy the information in the data instance variable (double[]) from the invoked DoubleArraySeq to its clone. = data.clone( ); return answer; }//end DoubleArraySeq clone() method /** * A method to compare two DoubleArraySeq objects and determine if they are equivalent. **/ public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean areEqual = false; //Verify 1) That obj is a DoubleArraySeq. if (obj instanceof DoubleArraySeq){ DoubleArraySeq candidate = (DoubleArraySeq) obj; //Verify 2) That candidate has the same number of elements as the invoked DoubleArraySeq. if (this.manyItems == candidate.manyItems){ //Verify 3) That the elements in candidate and the invoked DoubleArraySeq are the
  • 26. same elements, in the same order. boolean isEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < manyItems && isEqual; i++){ if ([i] !=[i]) isEqual = false; }//end for loop if (isEqual) areEqual = true; }//end if }//end if return areEqual; }//end equals(Object obj) /** * A method to print all elements of the sequence in order, separated by a space. **/ public String toString() { //Make a String containing all the elements of this sequence in order. StringBuilder dataString = new StringBuilder(""); if (manyItems > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < manyItems; i++) dataString.append(data[i] + " "); }//end if else throw new IllegalStateException ("There is nothing in this sequence!"); return dataString.toString(); }//end toString() method }//end DoubleArraySeq class