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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
There are generally nine recognized subsets of depression: Major depression results in extreme
sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, changes in sleep or eating
habits, feelings of guilt, physical pain, and suicidal thoughts. Dysthymia depression is just an overall
low–feeling mood over a long period of time. People can function with Dysthymia depression but it
is difficult and in no way ideal. Some symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and
changes in sleep habits, and appetite. Postpartum depression is characterized by feelings of extreme
sadness, fatigue, loneliness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of disconnect from a child
after a woman gives birth. This is usually found ... Show more content on ...
It is most likely due to a decrease in sunlight, and can be treated with light therapy. Some symptoms
include anxiety, increased irritability, daytime fatigue, and weight gain. Atypical depression
commonly includes a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs, like a form of paralysis, in addition to
oversleeping and overeating. People with this condition may also gain weight, become very irritable,
and may even experience relationship issues. Psychotic depression is a mental state characterized by
delusions and hallucinations. About twenty percent of people with depression have episodes so
severe that they see or hear things that are not there. Bipolar Disorder, also called manic depressive
disorder, consists of periods of extreme lows followed by periods of extreme highs. Premenstrual
Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a type of depression that affects women during the second half of
their menstrual cycles and is more severe than PMS. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and
extreme mood swings. Situational depression is usually triggered by a stressful or life–changing
event, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, severe trauma or even a bad breakup. Situational
depression tends to clear up over time on its own, but can turn into major
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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( Pmdd ) Is A Severe Form...
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Jennifer R. Goehring
Psychology 612B
National University
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Overview of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a
severe form of premenstrual syndrome. It can cause impairment with social activities, relationships,
and occupational duties. PMDD is thought to be brought on by an altered sensitivity to normal
fluctuation in hormones from the menstrual cycle (Hantsoo & Epperson, 2015). Other possible
etiologies include genetic factors, stress, being overweight or obese, or a past history of depression,
trauma, or sexual abuse. A comprehensive review of symptoms is necessary to determine if the
severity warrants a diagnosis of PMDD. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders–5, in most menstrual cycles a minimum of five symptoms must be present the
week prior to the start of menses; the symptoms must begin to decrease within a few days after the
start of menses, and they must become slight or absent in the week following menses (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). At least one of the symptoms must be an affective symptom such as
depressed mood, marked irritability/anger, or marked anxiety. One of the following must also be
present for a total of five symptoms: decreased interest in normal routine, difficulty concentrating,
fatigue, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, feeling overwhelmed, and physical symptoms
including breast tenderness or
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A Short Note On The Russian 's Theory
nterpretations: Validity Ms. Russian's validity profile indicates the possibility of symptom
exaggeration. However, Ms. Russian's high level of reported psychological distress and her
endorsement of psychotic experiences could also lead to these validity profile scores. Therefore, it is
likely that Ms. Russian's MMPI–2 results are a valid representation of her personality
characteristics, although they should be interpreted with some caution as they may be slightly
exaggerated. Anxiety Ms. Russian's responses indicate that she experiences high levels of anxiety,
worry, and agitation. These findings are consistent with her self–reports of general anxiety and
excessive worry about schoolwork and household chores, worries that led her to ... Show more
content on ...
This is consistent with her history of somatic complaints, from fainting (for which neurological
causes were ruled out), to intensely uncomfortable premenstrual periods, to recurrent migraines.
Additionally, Panic Disorder itself is characterized by an oversensitivity to physiological sensations
and an interpretation that those sensations are life–threatening (Hawks, Blumenthal, Feldner, Leen–
Feldner & Jones, 2011). Ms. Russian's reports of experiencing frequent panic attacks lends credence
to the hypothesis that she may have an oversensitivity to physiological sensations. Depression Ms.
Russian's responses indicate that she experiences a depressed mood characterized by feelings of
unhappiness, apathy, and low self–esteem. This is consistent with her reports of recurring depressive
symptoms, beginning with her experience of depression in middle school that primarily manifested
as a lack of interest in life. Although she is currently prescribed antidepressant medication, these
apathetic and anhedonic feelings continue to be a concern for her. Additionally, she reports sleep
disturbances (including hypersomnia and hypersomnia) which are consistent with depressive
disorders. Finally, she experiences recurring suicidal ideation and has attempted suicide on one
occasion. Unusual Experiences Ms. Russian's responses indicate that she has
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Major Depressive Disorders Paper
Depression is defined as "an alteration in mood that is expressed by feelings of sadness, despair, or
pessimism" (Neeb's, 397). There are seven types of depressive disorders which are major depressive
disorder, dysthymic disorder, postpartum depression, major depressive disorder with seasonal
pattern, substance–induced depressive disorder, depressive disorder associated with another medical
condition, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Each type of depression has it's own criteria for a
patient to be diagnosed under. Depression often goes hand in hand with anxiety disorders, psychotic
disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders (ATI, 97). "Depressive
disorders are complex and may have multiple etiologies." ... Show more content on
Postpartum blues are common and natural for women to experience. Postpartum depression,
however, "is a serious disorder that occurs in about ten percent of births" (Neeb's, 324). Signs and
symptoms of postpartum depression include anxiety, irritability, loss of interest in new baby,
withdrawn, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, poor concentration, and irrational guilt (Neeb's,
325). Factors that contribute to postpartum depression are hormone fluctuations, family history of
depression, stressful relationship with partner, pregnancy under age 20, or lack of social support
(Neeb's, 325). It is important to encourage the new mother to ask for help if she is experiencing any
symptoms of postpartum
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Physical And Emotional Effects Of Child Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is one type of abuse that is common and often not reported. While "child sexual abuse
is reported up to 80,000 times a year, the number of unreported instances is far greater..." (Children's
advocacy, n.d.) "Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making
threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent" ("Sexual abuse", 2015).This paper
will look at the physical, mental, emotional, and social/behavioral effects sexual abuse has on the
victims. The scope of this paper is academic journals or peer reviewed articles from within the past
11 years. Sexual abuse may occur when the victim is a child, but may also occur when the victim is
an adult. This paper does not specify the ... Show more content on ...
Some people who have experienced sexual abuse have a hard time recognizing harmful outcomes of
situations or decisions. Because of this difficulty, individuals who experienced sexual abuse as a
child are more prone to partake in at–risk behavior while they are adults, especially college–aged.
At–risk behaviors for college students could include unprotected sex and self medication with drugs
and alcohol (Morrill, 2014).
Emotional Effects The emotional effects sexually abused individuals experience are numerous.
Some common effects include low self–esteem, maladaptive coping strategies, difficulty regulating
emotions, dissociation, self–blame and shame. Many people have studied how these effects are
related to sexual abuse. Low self–esteem. Low self–esteem is one emotion that victims of sexual
abuse will have to cope with. Self–esteem is affected particularly in victims who are students in
college. The number of occurrences of sexual abuse, especially among siblings, directly affects self–
esteem levels. The more times an individual has been abused, the lower his or her self–esteem will
be (Morrill,
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Major Types Of Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which a person experiences low mood, loss of
interest, and diminished self–esteem. Symptoms of depression take over every part of a person. It
can hinder emotions, bodily utilities, behaviors, and thoughts. Depression is a common mood
disorder and can affect any age group. Depression occurs when a person experiences a loss of self–
esteem. Such as doing badly in a class, the loss of a loved one, or losing a career. Mild symptoms
may go unnoticed and will not affect everyday life. More severe symptoms can become enervating
and can last for extended periods of time. Identification or diagnosis of the disease depends on the
harshness and extent of the symptoms. ... Show more content on ...
To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the person must experience depressed mood or loss
of interest and at least four other indicators for a period of two weeks or more. These symptoms
must be so severe that they interfere with the person's ability to function on a daily basis. In extreme
cases, depression can lead to self–harm and suicide. More than 70 percent of individuals diagnosed
with major depressive disorder will correspondingly have an additional psychological disorder at
some point in their lives. The DSM–5 recognizes several different forms that the disorder can
manifest as (subtypes.) These subtypes include depression along with: anxious distress, mixed
features, melancholic features, psychotic features, catatonic features, atypical features, seasonal
pattern, and peripartum onset. (Nolen–Hoeksema, 2014) Anxiety is exceedingly common in
depression. (Watson, 2009) Mixed features has the presence of at least three symptoms of mania, but
do not meet the criteria for a manic episode. Melancholic features include the inability to experience
pleasure and in which the other physiological symptoms of depression are mainly noticeable.
Phsychotic features include delusions or hallucinations. Catatonic features people have bizarre
actions known as catatonia. These behaviors may include not reacting to their environment or
excited agitation. Atypical features may include positive mood reaction to some events, significant
weight gain, or hypersomnia.
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Depression And Depressive Disorders: A Case Study
Depression or depressive disorders (unipolar depression) are mental illnesses characterized by a
profound and persistent feeling of sadness or despair and/or a loss of interest in things that once
were pleasurable (Ford, Anne, & Odle, 2015). A major depressive episode is a change in several
different aspects of a person's life or emotional state consistently for a minimum of 14 days. A major
depressive disorder may consist of a single episode or be recurrent at various points in life.
Anhedonia, a state where a person no longer feels pleasure from activities that previously invoked
joy, usually accompanies a major depressive disorder (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2013). Signs of
depression include: changes in appetite (increased or decreased cravings), ... Show more content on ...
Depression typically drains your energy, and you lose motivation. The first step in moving forward
is becoming focused again. The next step is rebuilding or creating new friendships and relationships.
Emotional support will have the patient feeling loved, hopeful, cared for, and important to others.
Exercise is one of the hardest things to get out of bed and become motivated to do, but it is the most
beneficial thing anyone could do. Evidence suggests that physical activity triggers new cell growth
in the brain, increases mood–enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and
relieves muscle tension. Achieving small accomplishments will also start to become motivating and
trigger more positive thinking versus the negative thoughts that often occur with depression.
Another small task one can accomplish is not skipping meals. By taking a few minutes each day to
plan out your meal or scheduled meal times, you'll be less likely to skip a meal which will in turn
make you irritable and tired (Houghton, Curran, & Ekers,
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What's Eating Gilbert Grape Essay
In this paper I will be explaining the different aspects of abnormal psychology and how it is
frequently portrayed in the media. The movie I will be basing this off of is What's Eating Gilbert
Grape. It shows the life of a depressed, morbidly obese woman and one of her children who has a
mental disability. There are many different ideas as to what is considered normal versus abnormal
especially when it comes to the understanding of different disorders and their approaches to
treatment. One of the main disorders I will be talking about is Depression. Depression is a clinical
disorder that results in severe dejection. Some symptoms include: Absence of motivation and drive,
disinterest in life, fatigue, and lack of social interaction. People with depression hold extremely
negative views about themselves and feel that they aren't worth anything. Not only are there mental
symptoms, but depression entails multiple physical symptoms too. Some physical symptoms would
involve headaches, dizziness, and indigestion. Although, most commonly, depression results in a
lack of sleep and appetite. Treatment of depression first starts with the ... Show more content on ...
This movie is about the Grape family, which consists of four children and their mother, Bonnie.
After her husband's death and years of depression, Bonnie became morbidly obese and the laughing
stock of their town Endora. Because of his mother's condition, the oldest child, Gilbert, looks after
his brother Arnie who has a mental disability. This can be a difficult task because when left
unsupervised for a certain period of time, Arnie runs away and attempts to climb to the top of the
water tower. Meanwhile, the whole town cheers as his family and multiple police officers try to get
him down. At one point, this had caused him to get arrested. Then, while doing this, Gilbert also
works at the local grocery store hoping to be able to help provide for his
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Differences Between Depression And Bipolar Disorder
Depression and Bipolar Disorder Depression is defined in the DSM V as Depression (major
depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe
symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or
working. Symptoms of depression include  Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as
indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feeling sad, empty, hopeless) or observation made by
others (e.g., appears tearful). (Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood.)  Markedly
diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as
indicated by either subjective account or observation.)  Significant ... Show more content on ...
Less severe manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes.  Bipolar I Disorder– defined by
manic episodes that last at least 7 days, or by manic symptoms that are so severe that the person
needs immediate hospital care. Usually, depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least 2
weeks. Episodes of depression with mixed features (having depression and manic symptoms at the
same time) are also possible.  Bipolar II Disorder– defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and
hypomanic episodes, but not the full–blown manic episodes described above.  Cyclothymic
Disorder (also called cyclothymia)– defined by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms as well
numerous periods of depressive symptoms lasting for at least 2 years (1 year in children and
adolescents). However, the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirements for a hypomanic
episode and a depressive episode.  Other Specified and Unspecified Bipolar and Related
Disorders– defined by bipolar disorder symptoms that do not match the three categories listed
above. Treatment When they're depressed, for some people it can feel like they'll never get out from
under a dark shadow. However, even the most severe depression is treatable. So, if depression
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Premenstrual Syndrome Essay
Introduction Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects about half of women who are of reproductive
age, and the global prevalence for PMS is roughly 47.8% with percentages of women affected
varying by country1. Symptoms of PMS are cyclic, occur during the luteal phase, and diminish with
the onset of the menses2. There are more than 200 symptoms that have been associated with PMS,
but the most common symptoms can be categorized into 3 groups: behavioral, psychological, and
physical symptoms. Behavioral symptoms include fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, change in sexual
interest, food cravings, and/or overeating2. Psychological symptoms include irritability, anger,
depressed mood, crying, anxiety, tension, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, ... Show more
content on ...
Iron is also a crucial part of menses, as it is found in blood, and the menstrual cycle can deplete a
woman's stores. While food sources are the recommended vehicles in which to meet the
recommendations for these vitamins and minerals, supplementation is another way a woman could
ensure she is getting the recommended dose of the aforementioned vitamins and minerals.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of vitamin and mineral supplementation on
reducing PMS symptoms in women between the ages of 20 and 30. Half of the female population
suffers from PMS, while others experience significant symptoms that are not severe enough for a
clinical diagnosis, but occur during the luteal phase and affect daily living. This study is important
because PMS affects many women, and if this study successfully found a supplement or nutrition
prescription that reduced symptoms, women could live life regularly again.
Study Aims and Hypothesis One of the aim of this study is to identify if women with PMS have a
nutritional deficiency that could be an underlying factor in the symptoms they are experiencing.
Another aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of different vitamins and minerals on
reducing symptoms of PMS by testing various vitamin and mineral supplements on
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Outline For Depression Research Paper
Depression 1 Depression PSYCH2003 (Fall 2016) (02) Harleigh Madison North Arkansas College
Depression 2 Depression Discussion What is Depression? Depression is a common but very severe
mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you think, feel, and act, such as eating,
sleeping, or working a steady job. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms have to be ...
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Everyone who is depressed doesn't experience every symptom. Some only experience a few
symptoms while others may experience many. Several persistent symptoms in addition to low mood
are required for a diagnosis of major depression, but people with only a few – but unsettling –
symptoms may benefit from treatment of their "subsyndromal" depression. The severity and how
often the symptoms occur and how long they last will vary depending on the individual and his or
her particular illness. Symptoms may also vary depending on the stage of the
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Trichotillomania Onset Pregnancy
Trichotillomania is characterized by recurrent episodes of hair pulling behavior leading to noticeable
loss of hair, increasing tension before hair–pulling or while coping with the urge to pull out hair,
taking pleasure or a sense of relief while pulling out hair, and social, occupational, and functional
Trichotillomania can involve any area in the body; however, the most common areas are the scalp,
followed by the eyebrows and eyelashes in children and in adults2. The seriousness of the pulling
behavior is perceived over time, and the disease exhibits a chronic course and it is resistant to
therapy3. It has been reported that patients with trichotillomania often did not feel pain while pulling
out hair, followed a particular pattern of hair–pulling, and often chose strands with unusual
appearance, and exhibit repetitive behavior such as engaging oral stimulation after hair–pulling4–5.
Some studies have suggested that trichotillomania had many common features with obsessive
compulsive disorder4–5.Here we discuss a patient with trichotillomania onset pregnanacy case.
Case :
KD is a 19–years–old female, married, secondary school graduate who is currently unemployed.
The patient was admitted to the juvenile outpatient clinic accompanied by her parents with the
complaints of anxiety and pulling out eyebrow that lasted for 2 weeks. It was realized that the
patient did not have similar past complaints, or she has not been admitted to the psychiatry
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Psychotic Depression
Psychotic depression, or psychosis, is a mental state of false believes, known as delusions, or false
sights or sounds, known as hallucinations. This type is usually not associated with depression, but
about 20% of people diagnosed with depression have severe episodes where the person can see or
hear things that are not really there. (Lliades, 2015) The symptoms of psychotic depression can
possibly be agitation, anxiety, constipation, hypochondria, insomnia, physical immobility,
intellectual impairment, and delusions or hallucinations. These are the most common symptoms for
people suffering. (Goldberg, 2014, August 21) The cause of this is when a person has a subtype of
major depression that occurs when a severe depressive illness includes another form of psychosis.
The psychosis can be hallucinations, delusions, or some other break from reality. (Goldberg, 2014,
August 21) The diagnosis can be diagnosed by a doctor like all other types of depression. Also,
other illnesses will be ruled out, including the other depression types. Treatment for psychotic
depression is usually recommended by the doctor to be given in the hospital setting. This way the
patient can be closely monitored by the health professions. A variety of medications are used to
stabilize the person's mood. The medications typically include antidepressants along with
antipsychotic medicine. These affect neurotransmitters that allow communication between nerve
cells in the brain that regulate our ability to
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Abc Ethics Case Against Contraception
Since their development, contraceptive techniques and their widespread use have caused some
controversy between groups with different views on the issue. Contraception is defined as the
"deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of
sexual intercourse." The major forms of artificial contraception are barrier methods, of which the
most common is the condom, the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones that
prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized
ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization.
(Source: Jarvis Thomson, Judith. "A Defense of Abortion")
Many reasons have been thrown around on why contraception is wrong, one of them being that it is
unnatural. You could be preventing an act of God by terminating a pregnancy that would of
happened without the contraception. Also it is believed that by terminating what could would have
been a pregnancy you have now crossed the line into anti–life, since this is an act of abortion and it
"prevents people who might benefit humanity from being born".
(Source: BBC– Ethics– Case Against Contraception) ... Show more content on ...
There are those who believe that any technique that could interfere with the potential for conception
is an attempt to "play God" and violates God's Word. At the other end of the spectrum are those who
consider all methods of contraception as viable, even those that could destroy a developing embryo.
Between these two extremes are various positions held by people who believe some, but not all,
birth control methods are acceptable." "Playing God" is a big issue in the Christian community and
like the quote states above for their belief system birth control takes the control out of God's hands
and it now depends on a manmade
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Essay about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD )
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD )
Everyone experiences some unhappiness in his or her lifetime whether it is a specific situation or
not. It becomes more serious when the cause is a form of "depression." It is a fact that women
experience depression about twice as much as men (1). These causes specifically for women can be
complex and so are the solutions (3). A common syndrome affecting an estimated 3% to 8% of
women in their reproductive years is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) (4). PMDD
is specifically known as a mood disorder of severe depression, irritability, and tension with
symptoms worsening a week or so before a woman's menstrual period and usually settling out
afterwards (5). PMDD can be devastating to ... Show more content on ...
These happen to be some symptoms of PMDD. Does this mean that I have PMDD? . As a result
PMDD is not always accurately identified or treated (4).
Diagnosis and treatment choices will depend on the outcome of an evaluation. To diagnose PMDD
and rule out any other problems there should be a complete physical and mental examination that
entails a complete history of current and previous symptoms, which can also raise questions about
illnesses of other family members and about mood, memory and changes in relationships (7). The
treatment for PMDD is similar to that for major depression, which consists of antidepressants and
psychotherapy. A woman suffering from PMDD has to take antidepressants not just during the time
her symptoms occur, but on a regular basis. Psychotherapy helps a woman cope with the harsh
symptoms and other challenges in her life (6). In severe cases hormones that induce premature
menopause may be administered since symptoms for PMDD sufferers disappear with menopause
It is unfortunate that nearly two–thirds of PMDD sufferers do not get the treatment that they need
(2). Some believe that it is just mother nature working and that every woman will experience
symptoms similar to PMDD in her lifetime, so why label it a disorder. "Having a period is no
different than having a bad hair day! So get
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Psychology : Human And Emotional Type Of Disorders
Introduction Psychology is a subject like many subjects and ideas that can be and is connected to
many things in our life, depending on certain aspects and supporting them is what contributes to the
nature of many outcomes and theories of which we are yet to know most or not much off. What we
have come to learn of through this class and subject in particular is in a broad sense the overall topic
of abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology is and can be thought of as like any other
psychology in a way but more specifically it is a psychology that deals with the understanding of
mental and emotional type of disorders. As a psychology major you get to look at psychology
through many forms, this is done with an objective which prepares you so to see which focus you
find or can connect to most, most often for personal or logical base reasons. A subject or topic that
caught my attention and helped me be more interested in the subject of psychology was wanting to
know more about mentality or behavior and what exactly the brain or anything for that fact had
influence in a different or psychological way. Writing this research paper I hope to look at what has
peeked my interested in a different way, by looking at and understanding somewhat more into depth
how exactly certain disorders can affect a person's behavior if any or none, hopefully this will
enlighten my path to which I have yet chosen in the field of psychology. Some other focuses on the
paper will try to be based on
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Yunisleidis Puentes
Florida National University
Author Note
Yunisleidis Puentes, Blackboard Learn, Florida National University.
This research was supported by Florida National University Library and was prepared on August 6,
2015 for Advanced Writing and Research, taught by Professor Sabine Louissaint.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yunisleidis Puentes, Department of
Advanced Writing and Research, Florida National University, 11865 SW 26 St, Miami FL 33175.
Depressive disorders include a group of depressive behaviors characterized by loss of interests in
activities and often coupled with unhappiness. Criteria for diagnosing depressive ... Show more
content on ...
Treatment includes forms of therapy like psychotherapy and drugs depending on the severity of
depression. Family and friends are important in recovery of depressed individuals by offering
support needed to follow prescriptions and support during recovery. Depressive disorders are
diverse, but they all affect the wellbeing of individuals in relation to their work, social relations, and
education needs (NIH, 2015).
Depressive Disorder
Every once in a while an individual experiences sadness and blue moods however they pass after
some time and the person resumes their life. Depressive disorders are characterized by sadness and
loss of interest in things that were once pleasurable (APA, 2013). In contrast to a mood that goes
away a person suffering from depressive disorders experience persistent episodes of sadness.
Depressive disorders in contrast to a bad mood affect the mental and physical functioning of a
person and cause deterioration in those functions. Depressive disorders change the thinking, feelings
and behavior of the affected person and they can become a threat to themselves and others (Olfson
et al. 2005). People snap out of bad moods, but individuals suffering from depressive disorders are
sick and need medical attention. Depressive disorders are common, and they vary from individual to
individual in symptoms and behavior. The symptoms will vary among males, females, young,
elderly and even children. Depressive disorders are
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According to Conrad reading, medicalization is defining a behavior as
a medical problem or illness and mandating or licensing the medical profession to treat it
(McLeod & Wright, 2013, p. 37). An example of a deviant behavior that has been
medicalized in our society is "hyperkinesis" also known as ADHD. Hyperkinesis is
known as Minimal Brain Dysfunction. The typical symptoms are: excess of motor
activities (hyperactivity) very short attention span, and restlessness behavior (McLeod &
Wright, 2013, p. 38). During the 1970's, many of the hyperkinesis symptoms were
deviant behaviors and boys had a higher prevalence than girls. Society did not view this
as a social problem until ADHA became problematic. Clinical and social ... Show more content on ...
In my personal opinion, it
should be listed as a mental disorder. Although PMDD, causes mood swings, tiredness,
and horrible cramps, it can also affect your everyday life.
In the reading, Kleinman and Schulz both focuses on culture. From Kleinman's
book, he asserted that psychiatric diagnoses are culturally based on interpretations of
psychological, social, and biological experiences rather than objective classification of
naturally occurring (McLeod &Wright, 2013, p. 63). In the book, he gives an example of
Mrs. Lin who lives in China. He explains her symptoms have worsened. She sought to
get help from different physicians and from traditional Chinese medicine. For a North
American psychiatrist, Mrs. Lin meets the criteria for a major depressive disorder
(McLeod & Wright, 2013, p. 64). However, the Chinese psychiatrist viewed her disorder
as a physical problem and a physical cause. Cultural can influence our interpretations and
how we viewed them is culturally meaningful. In the Schulz reading, she describes
antidepressant medication in Japan. Pharmaceutical companies introduced idea of mild
depression. Your kokoro is your soul, and the notion that it can catch cold (McLeod
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Trauma Autobiographical Memory
Trauma and autobiographical memory in Child Abuse
Science has examined the possible affection child maltreatment on autobiographical and memory.
Some information has shown that these effect has on a thin peaked in some research, include an old
person who has to survive or leaved with a child abuse within them self. It always leave a permanent
memory for lifetime. In fact, in some science investigator research has proven that when a child or
adult was abuse they remember exactly what happened to them. Their some memories that will
never vanish, especially, abuse memory. for example, they will recalled everything events of trauma
that happen to them from the begin to the end. Some time when this trauma started surfaced the
patient will end–up ... Show more content on ...
The expectation of these study was allowing the neural correlates of memories of childhood abuse to
see if there was any different posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In any case with or without
(PTSD). Indeed, there were a study about 22 woman with a pass history with childhood sexual
abuse. They were monitoring their image of the brain function, while they were exposure to these
agony. They compare these image with the women with sexual abuse and the women without sexual
abuse; the women who suffer CSA has more blood flow into their brain and the women with PTSD.
Women with sexual abuse has lower blood flow in alteration in their medical prefrontal cortex.
Childhood sexual abuse is in regular to our society and it happen often than we thing it could happen
it 16% of even women and it rarely faded, (Bremner, Narayan, Staib, Southwick, & al, e.
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Depression: A Serious Mood Disorder
Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss,
or anger that interfere with a person's daily activities Depression can lead to a variation of emotional
and physical problems and can decrease a per–son's capacity to function at home and in the
workplace. There are many factors that may in–crease the chance of depression, including, abuse,
certain medication, death, genetics, serious illnesses and substance misuse. Depression can occur at
any age, however, mostly start in adulthood. Depression is now fa–miliar as happening in children
and youths. Changes in hormones can influence someone's mood. For example, a woman may
notice these changes when they are pregnant, during menopause or during ... Show more content on ...
The causes of depression in this peri–od can be complex and are often the result of many factors.
Shortly after giving birth many women have the baby blues, which is a common term, condition
associated with hormonal changes and affects round 80 per cent of women. Depression is longer
lasting and can cause not only the mother but also her relationship with her child, the child
development, the moth–ers relationship with family members and with her partner. The cause of the
seasonal affective disorder is uncertain; however, it's believed to be con–nected to difference in light
exposure in different seasons. It's described mood disturbances that start and end in a season.
Depression, which begins in the winter and becomes less when the season is ends is the most
common. Usually people with SAD depression are more likely to have a lack of energy, sleeping too
much, overeat, gain weight and crave for carbohydrates. The cause of schizophrenia still unclear. It
is more likely to the result of many factors, for ex–ample brain chemistry, genetic, stressful events,
psychological and environmental and losing beloved ones. It has been long understood that
schizophrenia runs in families. People who have a close
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Zoloft Case Model
Rational for Decision–Making/Case Formulation: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is characterized by
the presence of signs and symptoms in the three primary domains: (i) reminders of the exposure
(including flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares); (ii) activation (including hyperarousal,
insomnia, agitation, irritability, impulsivity and anger); and (iii) deactivation (including numbing,
avoidance, withdrawal, confusion, derealization, dissociation, and depression). (Sherin & Nemeroff,
2011). The signs and symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder are persistent, abnormal adaption
of neurolobiological systems to the stress witnessed trauma (Sherin & Nemeroff, 2011). L.S.
reported sexual abuse as a child from age 4 to 8 years old and bullying ... Show more content on ...
L.S. reported that the medication has been effective; will reevaluate the medication during the
follow up visit. Zoloft is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Zoloft has been FDA approved for
use in Major Depressive Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Panic Disorder, Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Stahl, 2014). The
patient will also be started on Trileptal. Trileptal will assist in mood stabilizations and improve
symptoms such as racing thoughts, flashbacks, anxiety, and irritability. A case study involving a 38
year old woman with PTSD and bipolar disorder was treated with oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Within
a month of initiation of treatment, she reported progressive improvement in her PTSD symptoms
(Malek–Ahmadi, 2004). Oxcarbazepine is an analog of carbamazepine, it is theorized that
oxcarbazepine also has efficacy in significantly reducing PTSD symptoms (Malek–Ahmadi, 2004).
The patient also experienced symptoms in the past that could potentially be related to Unspecified
Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. L.S. reported that at times she has
experienced frequent shifts in her mood such as having an abundant amount of energy. When L.S.
experienced this she stated, "I sometimes don't need sleep". L.S. currently denied experiencing these
symptoms and the last time it occurred was 6 months
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Prescribing Profits: Big Pharma's Reign over America's Health
Prescribing Profits: Big Pharma's Reign Over America's Health "The boundaries between academic
medicine – medical schools, teaching hospitals, and their faculty – and the pharmaceutical industry
have been dissolving since the 1980s, and the important differences between their missions are
becoming blurred. Medical research, education, and clinical practice have suffered as a result" –
Marcia Angell, the Boston Review For decades, Americans have willingly sacrificed thousands of
dollars for prescription drugs to help them eat, sleep, focus, relax, lose weight, make friends, have
sex, and pursue happiness. Our culture encourages us to look for "quick fixes" to our problems
rather than getting to the core of the issue. In recent ... Show more content on ...
Overall, the analysis found that 37% of physicians said they sometimes or often agreed to prescribe
a brand–name drug at their patients' request." Consumers rarely think to give their doctor permission
not to prescribe them a drug. The emotional connection and sense of urgency created by
advertisements can make patients develop a sense of dependency on the product before even trying
it. Persuasive marketing has contributed to drug overprescription among healthcare providers, which
is a main factor of the fifth leading cause of death in the United States: adverse drug reactions. An
adverse drug reaction is defined as "an appreciably harmful or unpleasant reaction, resulting from an
intervention related to the use of a medicinal product, which predicts hazard from future
administration and warrants prevention or specific treatment ... or withdrawal of the product"
(Edwards & Aronson). Each year, they cause an estimated 100,000 deaths and 1.5 million
hospitalizations. Many doctors prescribe medication that their patients have requested whether or
not the drug is the most beneficial option for the individual. Without thorough examination of a
patient's medical history, he or she is more likely to experience unpleasant side effects from the
requested drug. The arthritis medication Vioxx, for example, was withdrawn from the market in
2004 after it was discovered to have caused up to 160,000 heart attacks and strokes. Incidentally, the
company had
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Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
The newest edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders again included Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) in the list of Depressive
Disorders (2013). In this paper, I argue from a feminist perspective that the presence of PMDD in
the DSM combines the stigma attached to both menstruation and mental illness, in order to shame
any woman who is not fulfilling the expected role of passive and accepting mother or wife.
Additionally, the DSM's false assertion that PMDD is not culturally tied forces the North American
expectations of womanhood onto people in different parts of the world.
Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder was most recently reviewed and confirmed by a work group
consisting of ten men to a mere four women (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The disorder
consists of both affective (irritability and anxiety) and physical changes (lethargy and hypersomnia)
that a woman experiences during the week before most of her periods of menses (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.172). The DSM provides examples of social impairment that a
woman suffering from PMDD might experience; they pertain to "marital discord" and problems
with children (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.174). One international study of young
women in Poland shows research findings suggesting that women living in large cities are at a
higher risk of acquiring PMDD (Drosdzol,
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders
Depressive disorders include a group of depressive behaviors characterized by loss of interests in
activities and often coupled with unhappiness. Criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders are based
on DSM–5 that gives symptoms and periods for different conditions. The clinical criteria cannot
function alone it is accompanied psychological and physical evaluation to eliminate diseases that
mimic depression. Depressive disorders are caused by a combination of factors including
environmental, genetic, biochemical and psychological factors. The interaction cause depressive
episodes in individuals. The exhibited symptoms vary from individual to individual they include
lack of interest in activities, fatigue, altered sleep patterns, change in appetite, feelings of
worthlessness and also suicidal thoughts. Types of depressive disorders include Major Depressive
Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder among others.
Treatment includes forms of therapy like psychotherapy and drugs depending on the severity of
depression. Family and friends are important in recovery of depressed individuals by offering
support needed to follow prescriptions and support during recovery. Depressive disorders are
diverse, but they all affect the wellbeing of individuals in relation to their work, social relations, and
education needs (NIH, 2015).
Depressive Disorder
Every once in a while an individual experiences sadness and blue moods however
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Third-Leading Cause Of Teen Suicide
Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally because they
think there is no other solution to their problems. Suicide is a relatively rare event and it is difficult
to accurately predict which persons with these risk factors will ultimately commit suicide. Teen
suicide is preventable and is able to be detected.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds and the sixth leading cause of death
for young people age 5 to 14 ("Teen Suicide is preventable" and "Teen Suicide"). Suicide risk
factors vary with age, gender, ethnic group, family dynamics, and stressful life events. More than 90
percent of people who die from suicides have experienced these risk factors. In 2003, about ... Show
more content on ...
Warning signs to look for if a teen is planning to commit suicide or is struggling with depression are
talking about dying, a recent loss of a loved one, change in personality, change in behavior, change
in sleeping patterns, change in eating habits, fear of losing control, low self esteem, and no hope for
the future ("Teen Suicide is preventable"). If a teenager is planning to commit suicide he or she will
put his or her affairs in order like giving away favorite possessions, cleans his or her room, throws
away important belongings, etc. they'll become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression. Have
signs of psychosis, hallucinations or bizarre thoughts ("Teen suicide"). There are nine types of
depression that can cause suicidal thoughts they are Dysthymia Depression, Postpartum Depression,
Seasonal affective disorder or SAD, Atypical depression, Psychosis, Bipolar disorder, Premenstrual
dysphoric disorder or PMDD, Situational depression ("9 different types of
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Essay on Depression: Out of the Shadows
Everyone feels sad here and there, but for many people who experience depression those feelings
can linger for years. Depression is a social disorder characterized by a depressed mood or a loss of
interest or pleasure in daily activities, consistently for a 2 week period. "Depression is an under
umbrella mood disorder that can cause people to feel hopeless, not have enough energy to get up
and do things, it can affect people ability to live a day to day life , ranges from mild– severe or
manic depression," according to Valerie Labanca MFT. A 2003 National Institutes of Health study
estimates that more than 16 percent of Americans, as many as 35 million, suffer from depression
severe enough to warrant treatment.1 ... Show more content on ...
The patient's responses can help the doctor make a diagnosis of depression and judge the severity of
the depression. "More Americans Seeking Help for Depression," Mary Duenwald, June, 18, 2003
There are many types of depression including Major Depression, Minor Depression , Dsythymia
Depression , Postpartum , Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder, and Seasonal Affective Disorder. In
order to have Major Depression, a person has to have at least five of the depression symptoms, and
these symptoms have to last for at least a two week period. Most people who have Major Depression
Disorder suffer from it for at least six months. Minor Depression is different from Major Depression
because you can only have two of the four symptoms. Dysythymia Depression is and extended form
of Minor Depression because it can last for years if not treated. Postpartum Depression is a
depression that only women get after having a baby. Postpartum Depression has some of the same
severe symptoms as some Major Depressive Disorder. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is also
form of depression that only women can get one week before their menstrual period. Seasonal
Affective Disorder is depression that a person tends to get during the winter time due to lack of
sunlight. The exact cause of depression is not known, but there are several factors that play a role in
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Depression : A Psychological Condition
Depression is a psychological condition that changes how you think, feel, and it also affects your
social behavior and sense of physical wellness. Depression is not feeling sad occasionally, it is a
constant feeling of sadness that stays with you. It can distort the way you see yourself, your life and
people around you and see everything in a negative way. The depression is a state of being mentally
disorder. It is caused by overload and it has a limited processing capacity depression effects the
brain activity and it is condition of losing cells connection in brain. The brain is the most important
of our body which controls and coordinates actions and every reactions of everything that we do in
our daily life .People may have rapid change in mood involve persistent feelings of sadness or
periods of feeling overly happy, or fluctuations from extreme happiness to extreme sadness. They
easily lose hope .People who are suffered from depression they feel sad, hopelessness, irritated most
of the times. Women are twice as likely suffered from depression compared to men. Weakness or
failure is also the reason of depression. Sleeping in time and waking up at time is extremely
important for our health and helps to get rid of depression. If not treated it can affect the way you
act, feel, and the way you think. It can also cause you to be more pessimistic towards family
members, or friends. Depression is one of the most common psychological problems. It affects
nearly everyone
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The Success Of Lincoln's Presidency
Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many influential leaders who have helped to
change the course of history for the better. Many of these leaders have faced incredible challenges
and overcome them despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds. On top of the challenges faced,
some leaders have had to overcome physical and mental disabilities. These disabilities, while
seemingly detrimental to a leader, have not always been a hindrance and have even at times been a
significant factor in their success. One of the most notable of these leaders is United States President
Abraham Lincoln. During Lincoln's life he suffered with episodes of severe depression which
continued into his presidency, a presidency that was plagued with perhaps the greatest challenge in
the history of our country, the Civil War. This battle with depression, while challenging, also gave
Lincoln wisdom in decision making and was one of the contributing factors to the success of
Lincoln's presidency. In order to understand the possible ramifications that depression could play in
the president's life we first need to understand mental disorders and what they are. Mental illness
can be defined as a health condition that changes a person's thinking, feelings, or behavior or all
three and that causes the person distress and difficulty in functioning (Sutton 3). These mental
disorders can vary in severity in each individual case from very mild to extremely severe. The
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Zoloft was first introduced to the United States in...
Zoloft was first introduced to the United States in 1980's. Another name for Zoloft is sertraline and
is in a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. At first Zoloft was
made to treat major depressive disorder, but as the drug progressed over time it can now treat panic
disorder, social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Zoloft is the most commonly used antidepressant because it works extremely well, it is safe, and its
side effects are not as serious as other antidepressants. While manufactures say that Zoloft is safe to
take there have been many instances where people using this drug have had fatal side effects.
Starting off with the least serious side ... Show more content on ...
Zoloft can be taken with other drugs and will not have any synergistic effects. Furthermore there are
no antagonistic effects, when you take Zoloft there is no other drug that counteracts it that will make
you depressed. Zoloft is not necessarily an addictive drug if taken properly. If a person takes the
drug more than the prescription says and if taken at random times they can become addicted. Other
than that Zoloft is not an addictive drug, if users listen to their doctor when they say how much to
take mostly likely they will not become addicted. In some cases people who take Zoloft become
reliant on it because if they do not take it anymore they will fall back into depression. When they
become reliant they become addicted and it becomes extremely hard to stop taking it. However
these addictive effects in most cases are not physical but psychological addicting because the drug is
the only reason the user is staying normal. A treatment for Zoloft addiction is that your doctor will
begin to prescribe smaller doses over and long period of time to get the user to become used to
taking less. This process will continue until the patient is no longer reliant on Zoloft. Zoloft is a
great drug to use for patients with depression. Patients must make sure to take the correct dosage
and listen to their doctor to insure they do not get certain side effects. Zoloft is a drug that is
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Depression Disorder And Its Causes
Depression Disorder and Its Causes Miami Dade College Depression Disorder and Its Causes A
depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily
life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care
about him or her. A depressive disorder is not the same as passing blue moon, it is not a sign of a
personal weakness or a condition that can be wished away. People with depressive illness can get
better by "pulling themselves together", without treatment, this disorder can get worse and can last
for weeks, months, or even years. (Tsuang MT, Faraone SV. The genetics of mood disorders.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990) Everybody has low moods on occasion.
Whether you get a bad grade in school, a lower raise than you expected, a fight with a loved one, or
a death of a beloved pet – there are countless reasons why a person will feel sad or for a while
because of something that has happened to him or her. This is often when people say. "I'm
depressed" – and others understand what they mean. But as long as the feeling never interferes with
your ability to function in daily life and goes away within no more than, say, a couple of weeks, it's
not medical depression. The term "situational depression" is sometimes used to describe depression
brought on by a significant event in your life. The death of a loved one, losing your job, a divorce
and similar major life events can
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The Most Common Diagnosed Depression Disorders
It's normal to feel down in the dumps every so often but, if it affects daily life activities you may
have depression. Depression is when a person is excessively sad, anxious, or apathetic for a certain
amount of time. There are other symptoms to classify depression but the main ones would be a
consent feeling of sadness and the thought of suicide or death. When depression is consumed by a
person it may be difficult to revert them without the assistance of treatments such as: Anti–
depressants, Psychotherapy, electric shock, interpersonal, psycho dynamic and cognitive behavioral.
Major depression is one of the most common diagnosed depression disorders. This is led by a
chemical change in the brain due to problems within your genetic ... Show more content on ...
(Psych center, 2014) Bipolar disorder also described as manic depressive illness, in which the brain
causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day to day tasks.
Bipolar disorder comes with manic episodes that bring extreme happiness , extreme irritability,
hyper activity, little to no sleep and racing thoughts. Which create the inability to enjoy normal
pleasurable activities and all lead to the feeling of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. (Grohol,
2014) Seasonal affective disorder is known to be common in the fall and ending in the spring but
worsens in the winter. It usually occurs in response to the decrease of sunlight that is experienced
with winters time change. Because of the lack of light you tend to upset your "Biological clock"
which controls your sleep to wake pattern. Another problem that arises is your brain signals a
hormonal chemical by the name of Serotonin which affects your mood. Even though all disorders
are similar in some cases seasonal affective disorder goes away within the next time change when
the daylight gets longer and comes back when the daylight gets shorter. Psychotic depression
disorder which stems from severe depression with some type of psychosis. Psychosis is a change in
personality, distorted vision or a nonexistent sense towards reality. Similar to psychotic depression,
which causes the constant feeling of delusions and hallucinations. People that
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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder was first mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4th
edition (DSM–IV) as a "depressive disorder not otherwise specified." It was actually a renaming of
a diagnosis that was originally in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 3rd edition (DSM–III). That
diagnosis was the Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder (LLPDD), which had been found to be
false because these symptoms did not always occur during the late luteal phase in the menstrual
cycle (Severino, 2009). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition (DSM–5) officially
recognized PMDD as a diagnosis, placing it under Depressive Disorders. It seems the symptoms of
PMDD very much so mirror those of Major Depressive Disorder (DMM) that appeared ... Show
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They fear that it will be used to make women appear physically and emotionally weak in order to
keep them at an economic and political disadvantage compared to men. Similarly, they are
concerned that PMDD will be wielded in courts and domestically to keep women in a secondary
position to that of men. In reality, even as PMDD has become more recognized, women have been
gaining economic and political power worldwide. PMS has not been used successfully in US courts
in the past, and there is little evidence that PMDD can be used effectively in the
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Essay On How Hormones Can Affect A Woman's Behavior
How Hormones Can Affect A Woman's Moods
Women have a relatively unique hormonal system when compared to men. Men have a relatively
static hormone system with stable levels of pituitary and gonadal hormones throughout their daily
lives, suffering from decreasing levels of testosterone after the age of 30–40. Usually this gradual
change does not markedly affect male mood.
Women, on the other hand, spend much of their reproductive lives with a cyclical pattern of
hormones that change on a day–to–day basis. The cycle repeats itself every month and the
fluctuations alone can contribute to changes in everyday mood.
In the beginning of the cycle, the LH and FSH levels are low. The FSH gradually rises in order to
stimulate an egg to grow and ... Show more content on ...
If the symptoms are relatively mild, she can take vitamins, eat healthy, and exercise in order to
improve many of the mood symptoms. If the symptoms are severe and a woman does not wish to
become pregnant, oral contraceptives can even out the symptoms. Still other women see their doctor
and get prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs like Prozac, Lexapro, or Celexa.
These can reduce many of the emotional symptoms so typical of having PMDD or even milder
premenstrual symptoms.
Hyperthyroid Conditions
Women are at a higher risk of hypothyroid or hyperthyroid conditions when compared to men. This
means they have a higher risk of these hormonally related conditions affecting mood and outlook on
life. Hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism but both syndromes can lead to
mood disorders and mental symptoms.
In hypothyroidism, the main mood symptoms include the following:
Depressive symptoms
Tiredness or fatigue even when getting enough sleep at night.
Difficulty sleeping
If the woman has hyperthyroidism, she likely
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Major Depression Research Paper
The word 'Depression' is defined as "feelings of severe despondency and dejection", but it is much
more than that. Depression is the feeling of losing interest in activities you once loved, such as
sports or playing your favorite instrument. Depression is losing interest in spending time with those
you care for and love. Depression is the cause of why one loses belief in oneself, often giving up on
dreams that have been part of one's life for years. Depression is having to battle with yourself every
morning to find one reason as to why you should get out of bed and continue with your life.
Depression has a way of affecting every aspect of one's life from losing interest in simple things
such as brushing one's teeth to giving up on keeping critically ... Show more content on ...
However, medication and light therapy may always assist those with the disorder. Psychotic
depression is depression with symptoms such as hallucinations and paranoia. Psychotic depression
is one of the most harmful forms of depression which usually ends in those with illness committing
suicide. With paranoia (the belief that others intend on harming you) and hallucinations the victims
of psychotic depression usually end up having mental breakdowns which end in self–harm.
Treatment for psychotic depression includes medication. Postpartum depression occurs only in
females after they have given birth. This usually occurs because once the child is born the mother
has undergone such a trauma and feeling of loss the mother does not know how to cope.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is depression which occurs at the beginning of female periods.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms include mood swings, fatigue, and loss of concentration.
Treatment includes birth control and/or antidepressants. Situational depression is depression that
occurs when one undergoes trauma and/or a difficult time in one's
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also called premenstrual tension (PMT), is a collection of emotional
symptoms, with or without physical condition that exhibits distressing, physical, behavioural and
psychosocial symptoms, in the absence of organic or underlying psychiatric disease, which regularly
recurs during the luteal phase of each menstrual cycle and which disappears or significantly regress
by the end of menstruation (RCOG green–top guideline no 48).Premenstrual disorders, including
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), involve significant
mood changes occurring during the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle, together with by
distress and impairment (Craner, 2014). PMS symptoms are resolved at or soon after the beginning
of the menstrual period. PMS is often misunderstood and difficult to treat. (Ford, 2012)
PMS affects women who of child bearing age. 1–10% of women will suffer from total unbearable
symptoms and 90% will suffer from a cluster of different symptoms. There are for types of PMS,
mild, moderate, severe and PMDD. Mild PMS does not interfere with personal/social and
professional life. Moderate PMS interferes with personal/social and professional life and a person
can still function and interact with others. Severe PMS cause a woman makes it hard for
personal/social and professional interaction (REF)
PMDD refers to a set of negative physiologic, emotional, behavioural and cognitive symptomatic
changes that
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A Research Study On Drug Testing
When Pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop a new drug they begin the process of a
clinical trial. A clinical trial in drug testing is when researchers test a new drug on live participants
and record information such as side effects and results. Recently, pharmaceutical companies are
trying to increase their profits so they have been outsourcing. Outsourcing is when clinical trials go
to a clinical research organization (CRO), which are big businesses. One crucial step in a clinical
trial is informed consent. The participants must know they are part of a research study, the possible
risks, and outcomes. This information should be presented in a manor in which the individual can
understand. However, after watching the videos this crucial step is sometimes overlooked or not
taken seriously during overseas drug testing. Often times testing is done overseas in areas that are
over populated and have a large gap between the wealthy and the poor. When researchers are
conducting the trial they have been known to just completely skip over this step or they give
individuals the information on the clinical trial but the participants are illiterate and unable to
understand any part of it. This is seen as unethical practice. Ethically, all participants are required to
know they are part of a clinical trial and they need to know all risks and outcomes projected before
When government officials were interviewed about the clinical trials they stated that the
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Summary Of The DSM-5
The need for a classification of mental disorders has been clear throughout the history of medicine.
The American Psychiatric Association, the DSM was first published in 1984. The DSM–IV
symptom criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) are somewhat lengthy, many studies
showing that treatment providers have difficulty recalling all nine symptoms (American
Psychological Association, 2010). The symptom inclusion criteria for the diagnosis of major
depressive disorder (MDD) have remained essentially unchanged during the past 35 years. Since
there has been more revision and more research, the criteria for depressive disorders has been
changed to be able to diagnose each individual more appropriately. This is why the DSM–5 was
developed. ... Show more content on ...
Some symptoms that is presented in this category are depressed moods, loss of interest and
enjoyment, and increased fatigability. Depending on the number and severity of the symptoms, a
depressive episode can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. The difference of these
categories depends on the duration, timing or presumed etiology. The categories are disruptive mood
dysregulation disorder, major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder and premenstrual
dysphoric disorder. In order to address concerns about the potential for the over diagnosis and
treatment for bipolar disorder in children, a new diagnosis. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
was added for children with depressive disorder for children up to 12 years of age (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Which is replacing childhood bipolar.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is diagnosed when the mood disturbance continues for at
least 2 years in adults or 1 year in children and it must be before the age of 10 years old. The
intention of the proposed revisions is to create a diagnostic criteria that are developmentally
appropriate for preschool children. Preschool children have been shown in research to have
consistent behavioral changes after trauma, including helplessness and passivity, generalized fear,
heightened arousal, cognitive confusion, nightmares and sleep disturbances, anxieties about death
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Women’S Health Issues Require Separate And Unique Attention
Women's health issues require separate and unique attention from the medical world. Women
represent the transition that society is also facing in regard to economics, health and wellness issues.
'Healthy mind does, indeed produce a healthy body'. While, women are suffering from various
health issues from past. Although, men and women share many health concerns. Women health
issues include conditions that only effect women anatomy such as from child birth, pregnancy,
menstruation till menopause. These issues can cause problems to the next generation as well. This
paper will explore the various health issues to the women by looking specifically at the unique
concerns to the women such as women's mental health, breast cancer and gestational ... Show more
content on ...
Some of these are because of the depression and anxiety that women have to go through with the
start of their puberty stage (Russo, 2008). Women experience symptoms of psychological
discomfort at the time of hormonal change in their body such as prenatal depression. The pregnancy
changes the hormones that affect the chemical level in the women's brain which directly related to
depression and anxiety (Russo, 2008). The symptoms can be persistent sadness, difficulty
concentration, sleeping too less or too much, change in eating habits and many others. These can be
dangerous for both mother and baby (Russo, 2008). The another one is Premenstrual Dysphoric
Disorder (PMDD) which is considered to be the severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
Both of these occur most commonly in the days proceeding the second half of women's menstrual
cycle (Russo, 2008). The symptoms of these disorders could be bloating headaches, joint pains,
fatigue, panic attacks, irritability, trouble sleeping and many others (Russo, 2008). According to the
American college of Obstetricians and gynaecologist estimates that at least 85 percent of
menstruating women have at least one PMS symptom as a part of their monthly cycle (Russo, 2008).
According to WHO "depressive disorders account for close to 41.9 percent of the disability from
neuropsychiatric disorders among compared to 29.3 percent of among men"
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Effect Of N Acetyl Cysteine ( Nac ) On The Cognitive...
This article is a study conducted on the effects of N–acetyl cysteine (NAC) on the cognitive
functions in bipolar disorder (BD). This article informs the readers that BD, a disorder characterized
by extreme mood swings of mania and depression. BD is also found to alter cognitive functions. The
use of NAC as a form of treatment is an adjunct therapy for the symptoms of schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder as NAC intake showed an increase in antioxidant and glutathione levels, decrease
inflammatory cytokines, and enhance neurogenesis. The double–blind and placebo–controlled study
mentioned in this article was to determine if 2000 mg per day of NAC intake would improve
cognitive function in a period of six months. The participants were randomly assigned to taking
2000mg/day of NAC or a placebo. After six months, the results of the NAC intake showed that
symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder improved. The functioning and quality of life also
improved, but there was no change in the cognitive functions of a person with bipolar disorder. This
study, however, was not able to support its hypothesis on cognitive improvement, but it emphasized
NAC's effectiveness in bipolar disorder therapy. Several factors limited the findings. The short
timeframe and small sample size provided an unsuccessful result. Experiments and further
investigations with a longer duration and larger sample size should be carried out to confirm the
effects of NAC in bipolar disorder. This article was not
... Get more on ...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • 1. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) There are generally nine recognized subsets of depression: Major depression results in extreme sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, changes in sleep or eating habits, feelings of guilt, physical pain, and suicidal thoughts. Dysthymia depression is just an overall low–feeling mood over a long period of time. People can function with Dysthymia depression but it is difficult and in no way ideal. Some symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and changes in sleep habits, and appetite. Postpartum depression is characterized by feelings of extreme sadness, fatigue, loneliness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of disconnect from a child after a woman gives birth. This is usually found ... Show more content on ... It is most likely due to a decrease in sunlight, and can be treated with light therapy. Some symptoms include anxiety, increased irritability, daytime fatigue, and weight gain. Atypical depression commonly includes a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs, like a form of paralysis, in addition to oversleeping and overeating. People with this condition may also gain weight, become very irritable, and may even experience relationship issues. Psychotic depression is a mental state characterized by delusions and hallucinations. About twenty percent of people with depression have episodes so severe that they see or hear things that are not there. Bipolar Disorder, also called manic depressive disorder, consists of periods of extreme lows followed by periods of extreme highs. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a type of depression that affects women during the second half of their menstrual cycles and is more severe than PMS. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and extreme mood swings. Situational depression is usually triggered by a stressful or life–changing event, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, severe trauma or even a bad breakup. Situational depression tends to clear up over time on its own, but can turn into major ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( Pmdd ) Is A Severe Form... Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Jennifer R. Goehring Psychology 612B National University Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Overview of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. It can cause impairment with social activities, relationships, and occupational duties. PMDD is thought to be brought on by an altered sensitivity to normal fluctuation in hormones from the menstrual cycle (Hantsoo & Epperson, 2015). Other possible etiologies include genetic factors, stress, being overweight or obese, or a past history of depression, trauma, or sexual abuse. A comprehensive review of symptoms is necessary to determine if the severity warrants a diagnosis of PMDD. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–5, in most menstrual cycles a minimum of five symptoms must be present the week prior to the start of menses; the symptoms must begin to decrease within a few days after the start of menses, and they must become slight or absent in the week following menses (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). At least one of the symptoms must be an affective symptom such as depressed mood, marked irritability/anger, or marked anxiety. One of the following must also be present for a total of five symptoms: decreased interest in normal routine, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, feeling overwhelmed, and physical symptoms including breast tenderness or ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. A Short Note On The Russian 's Theory nterpretations: Validity Ms. Russian's validity profile indicates the possibility of symptom exaggeration. However, Ms. Russian's high level of reported psychological distress and her endorsement of psychotic experiences could also lead to these validity profile scores. Therefore, it is likely that Ms. Russian's MMPI–2 results are a valid representation of her personality characteristics, although they should be interpreted with some caution as they may be slightly exaggerated. Anxiety Ms. Russian's responses indicate that she experiences high levels of anxiety, worry, and agitation. These findings are consistent with her self–reports of general anxiety and excessive worry about schoolwork and household chores, worries that led her to ... Show more content on ... This is consistent with her history of somatic complaints, from fainting (for which neurological causes were ruled out), to intensely uncomfortable premenstrual periods, to recurrent migraines. Additionally, Panic Disorder itself is characterized by an oversensitivity to physiological sensations and an interpretation that those sensations are life–threatening (Hawks, Blumenthal, Feldner, Leen– Feldner & Jones, 2011). Ms. Russian's reports of experiencing frequent panic attacks lends credence to the hypothesis that she may have an oversensitivity to physiological sensations. Depression Ms. Russian's responses indicate that she experiences a depressed mood characterized by feelings of unhappiness, apathy, and low self–esteem. This is consistent with her reports of recurring depressive symptoms, beginning with her experience of depression in middle school that primarily manifested as a lack of interest in life. Although she is currently prescribed antidepressant medication, these apathetic and anhedonic feelings continue to be a concern for her. Additionally, she reports sleep disturbances (including hypersomnia and hypersomnia) which are consistent with depressive disorders. Finally, she experiences recurring suicidal ideation and has attempted suicide on one occasion. Unusual Experiences Ms. Russian's responses indicate that she has ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Major Depressive Disorders Paper Depression is defined as "an alteration in mood that is expressed by feelings of sadness, despair, or pessimism" (Neeb's, 397). There are seven types of depressive disorders which are major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, postpartum depression, major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, substance–induced depressive disorder, depressive disorder associated with another medical condition, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Each type of depression has it's own criteria for a patient to be diagnosed under. Depression often goes hand in hand with anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders (ATI, 97). "Depressive disorders are complex and may have multiple etiologies." ... Show more content on ... Postpartum blues are common and natural for women to experience. Postpartum depression, however, "is a serious disorder that occurs in about ten percent of births" (Neeb's, 324). Signs and symptoms of postpartum depression include anxiety, irritability, loss of interest in new baby, withdrawn, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, poor concentration, and irrational guilt (Neeb's, 325). Factors that contribute to postpartum depression are hormone fluctuations, family history of depression, stressful relationship with partner, pregnancy under age 20, or lack of social support (Neeb's, 325). It is important to encourage the new mother to ask for help if she is experiencing any symptoms of postpartum ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Physical And Emotional Effects Of Child Sexual Abuse Introduction Sexual abuse is one type of abuse that is common and often not reported. While "child sexual abuse is reported up to 80,000 times a year, the number of unreported instances is far greater..." (Children's advocacy, n.d.) "Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent" ("Sexual abuse", 2015).This paper will look at the physical, mental, emotional, and social/behavioral effects sexual abuse has on the victims. The scope of this paper is academic journals or peer reviewed articles from within the past 11 years. Sexual abuse may occur when the victim is a child, but may also occur when the victim is an adult. This paper does not specify the ... Show more content on ... Some people who have experienced sexual abuse have a hard time recognizing harmful outcomes of situations or decisions. Because of this difficulty, individuals who experienced sexual abuse as a child are more prone to partake in at–risk behavior while they are adults, especially college–aged. At–risk behaviors for college students could include unprotected sex and self medication with drugs and alcohol (Morrill, 2014). Emotional Effects The emotional effects sexually abused individuals experience are numerous. Some common effects include low self–esteem, maladaptive coping strategies, difficulty regulating emotions, dissociation, self–blame and shame. Many people have studied how these effects are related to sexual abuse. Low self–esteem. Low self–esteem is one emotion that victims of sexual abuse will have to cope with. Self–esteem is affected particularly in victims who are students in college. The number of occurrences of sexual abuse, especially among siblings, directly affects self– esteem levels. The more times an individual has been abused, the lower his or her self–esteem will be (Morrill, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Major Types Of Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which a person experiences low mood, loss of interest, and diminished self–esteem. Symptoms of depression take over every part of a person. It can hinder emotions, bodily utilities, behaviors, and thoughts. Depression is a common mood disorder and can affect any age group. Depression occurs when a person experiences a loss of self– esteem. Such as doing badly in a class, the loss of a loved one, or losing a career. Mild symptoms may go unnoticed and will not affect everyday life. More severe symptoms can become enervating and can last for extended periods of time. Identification or diagnosis of the disease depends on the harshness and extent of the symptoms. ... Show more content on ... To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the person must experience depressed mood or loss of interest and at least four other indicators for a period of two weeks or more. These symptoms must be so severe that they interfere with the person's ability to function on a daily basis. In extreme cases, depression can lead to self–harm and suicide. More than 70 percent of individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder will correspondingly have an additional psychological disorder at some point in their lives. The DSM–5 recognizes several different forms that the disorder can manifest as (subtypes.) These subtypes include depression along with: anxious distress, mixed features, melancholic features, psychotic features, catatonic features, atypical features, seasonal pattern, and peripartum onset. (Nolen–Hoeksema, 2014) Anxiety is exceedingly common in depression. (Watson, 2009) Mixed features has the presence of at least three symptoms of mania, but do not meet the criteria for a manic episode. Melancholic features include the inability to experience pleasure and in which the other physiological symptoms of depression are mainly noticeable. Phsychotic features include delusions or hallucinations. Catatonic features people have bizarre actions known as catatonia. These behaviors may include not reacting to their environment or excited agitation. Atypical features may include positive mood reaction to some events, significant weight gain, or hypersomnia. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Depression And Depressive Disorders: A Case Study Depression or depressive disorders (unipolar depression) are mental illnesses characterized by a profound and persistent feeling of sadness or despair and/or a loss of interest in things that once were pleasurable (Ford, Anne, & Odle, 2015). A major depressive episode is a change in several different aspects of a person's life or emotional state consistently for a minimum of 14 days. A major depressive disorder may consist of a single episode or be recurrent at various points in life. Anhedonia, a state where a person no longer feels pleasure from activities that previously invoked joy, usually accompanies a major depressive disorder (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2013). Signs of depression include: changes in appetite (increased or decreased cravings), ... Show more content on ... Depression typically drains your energy, and you lose motivation. The first step in moving forward is becoming focused again. The next step is rebuilding or creating new friendships and relationships. Emotional support will have the patient feeling loved, hopeful, cared for, and important to others. Exercise is one of the hardest things to get out of bed and become motivated to do, but it is the most beneficial thing anyone could do. Evidence suggests that physical activity triggers new cell growth in the brain, increases mood–enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and relieves muscle tension. Achieving small accomplishments will also start to become motivating and trigger more positive thinking versus the negative thoughts that often occur with depression. Another small task one can accomplish is not skipping meals. By taking a few minutes each day to plan out your meal or scheduled meal times, you'll be less likely to skip a meal which will in turn make you irritable and tired (Houghton, Curran, & Ekers, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. What's Eating Gilbert Grape Essay In this paper I will be explaining the different aspects of abnormal psychology and how it is frequently portrayed in the media. The movie I will be basing this off of is What's Eating Gilbert Grape. It shows the life of a depressed, morbidly obese woman and one of her children who has a mental disability. There are many different ideas as to what is considered normal versus abnormal especially when it comes to the understanding of different disorders and their approaches to treatment. One of the main disorders I will be talking about is Depression. Depression is a clinical disorder that results in severe dejection. Some symptoms include: Absence of motivation and drive, disinterest in life, fatigue, and lack of social interaction. People with depression hold extremely negative views about themselves and feel that they aren't worth anything. Not only are there mental symptoms, but depression entails multiple physical symptoms too. Some physical symptoms would involve headaches, dizziness, and indigestion. Although, most commonly, depression results in a lack of sleep and appetite. Treatment of depression first starts with the ... Show more content on ... This movie is about the Grape family, which consists of four children and their mother, Bonnie. After her husband's death and years of depression, Bonnie became morbidly obese and the laughing stock of their town Endora. Because of his mother's condition, the oldest child, Gilbert, looks after his brother Arnie who has a mental disability. This can be a difficult task because when left unsupervised for a certain period of time, Arnie runs away and attempts to climb to the top of the water tower. Meanwhile, the whole town cheers as his family and multiple police officers try to get him down. At one point, this had caused him to get arrested. Then, while doing this, Gilbert also works at the local grocery store hoping to be able to help provide for his ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Differences Between Depression And Bipolar Disorder Depression and Bipolar Disorder Depression is defined in the DSM V as Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Symptoms of depression include  Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feeling sad, empty, hopeless) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). (Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood.)  Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observation.)  Significant ... Show more content on ... Less severe manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes.  Bipolar I Disorder– defined by manic episodes that last at least 7 days, or by manic symptoms that are so severe that the person needs immediate hospital care. Usually, depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least 2 weeks. Episodes of depression with mixed features (having depression and manic symptoms at the same time) are also possible.  Bipolar II Disorder– defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but not the full–blown manic episodes described above.  Cyclothymic Disorder (also called cyclothymia)– defined by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms as well numerous periods of depressive symptoms lasting for at least 2 years (1 year in children and adolescents). However, the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirements for a hypomanic episode and a depressive episode.  Other Specified and Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorders– defined by bipolar disorder symptoms that do not match the three categories listed above. Treatment When they're depressed, for some people it can feel like they'll never get out from under a dark shadow. However, even the most severe depression is treatable. So, if depression ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Premenstrual Syndrome Essay Introduction Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects about half of women who are of reproductive age, and the global prevalence for PMS is roughly 47.8% with percentages of women affected varying by country1. Symptoms of PMS are cyclic, occur during the luteal phase, and diminish with the onset of the menses2. There are more than 200 symptoms that have been associated with PMS, but the most common symptoms can be categorized into 3 groups: behavioral, psychological, and physical symptoms. Behavioral symptoms include fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, change in sexual interest, food cravings, and/or overeating2. Psychological symptoms include irritability, anger, depressed mood, crying, anxiety, tension, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, ... Show more content on ... Iron is also a crucial part of menses, as it is found in blood, and the menstrual cycle can deplete a woman's stores. While food sources are the recommended vehicles in which to meet the recommendations for these vitamins and minerals, supplementation is another way a woman could ensure she is getting the recommended dose of the aforementioned vitamins and minerals. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of vitamin and mineral supplementation on reducing PMS symptoms in women between the ages of 20 and 30. Half of the female population suffers from PMS, while others experience significant symptoms that are not severe enough for a clinical diagnosis, but occur during the luteal phase and affect daily living. This study is important because PMS affects many women, and if this study successfully found a supplement or nutrition prescription that reduced symptoms, women could live life regularly again. Study Aims and Hypothesis One of the aim of this study is to identify if women with PMS have a nutritional deficiency that could be an underlying factor in the symptoms they are experiencing. Another aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of different vitamins and minerals on reducing symptoms of PMS by testing various vitamin and mineral supplements on ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Outline For Depression Research Paper Depression 1 Depression PSYCH2003 (Fall 2016) (02) Harleigh Madison North Arkansas College Depression 2 Depression Discussion What is Depression? Depression is a common but very severe mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you think, feel, and act, such as eating, sleeping, or working a steady job. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms have to be ... Show more content on ... Everyone who is depressed doesn't experience every symptom. Some only experience a few symptoms while others may experience many. Several persistent symptoms in addition to low mood are required for a diagnosis of major depression, but people with only a few – but unsettling – symptoms may benefit from treatment of their "subsyndromal" depression. The severity and how often the symptoms occur and how long they last will vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness. Symptoms may also vary depending on the stage of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Trichotillomania Onset Pregnancy Introduction: Trichotillomania is characterized by recurrent episodes of hair pulling behavior leading to noticeable loss of hair, increasing tension before hair–pulling or while coping with the urge to pull out hair, taking pleasure or a sense of relief while pulling out hair, and social, occupational, and functional impairment1. Trichotillomania can involve any area in the body; however, the most common areas are the scalp, followed by the eyebrows and eyelashes in children and in adults2. The seriousness of the pulling behavior is perceived over time, and the disease exhibits a chronic course and it is resistant to therapy3. It has been reported that patients with trichotillomania often did not feel pain while pulling out hair, followed a particular pattern of hair–pulling, and often chose strands with unusual appearance, and exhibit repetitive behavior such as engaging oral stimulation after hair–pulling4–5. Some studies have suggested that trichotillomania had many common features with obsessive compulsive disorder4–5.Here we discuss a patient with trichotillomania onset pregnanacy case. Case : KD is a 19–years–old female, married, secondary school graduate who is currently unemployed. The patient was admitted to the juvenile outpatient clinic accompanied by her parents with the complaints of anxiety and pulling out eyebrow that lasted for 2 weeks. It was realized that the patient did not have similar past complaints, or she has not been admitted to the psychiatry ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Psychotic Depression Psychotic depression, or psychosis, is a mental state of false believes, known as delusions, or false sights or sounds, known as hallucinations. This type is usually not associated with depression, but about 20% of people diagnosed with depression have severe episodes where the person can see or hear things that are not really there. (Lliades, 2015) The symptoms of psychotic depression can possibly be agitation, anxiety, constipation, hypochondria, insomnia, physical immobility, intellectual impairment, and delusions or hallucinations. These are the most common symptoms for people suffering. (Goldberg, 2014, August 21) The cause of this is when a person has a subtype of major depression that occurs when a severe depressive illness includes another form of psychosis. The psychosis can be hallucinations, delusions, or some other break from reality. (Goldberg, 2014, August 21) The diagnosis can be diagnosed by a doctor like all other types of depression. Also, other illnesses will be ruled out, including the other depression types. Treatment for psychotic depression is usually recommended by the doctor to be given in the hospital setting. This way the patient can be closely monitored by the health professions. A variety of medications are used to stabilize the person's mood. The medications typically include antidepressants along with antipsychotic medicine. These affect neurotransmitters that allow communication between nerve cells in the brain that regulate our ability to ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Abc Ethics Case Against Contraception Since their development, contraceptive techniques and their widespread use have caused some controversy between groups with different views on the issue. Contraception is defined as the "deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse." The major forms of artificial contraception are barrier methods, of which the most common is the condom, the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones that prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization. (Source: Jarvis Thomson, Judith. "A Defense of Abortion") Many reasons have been thrown around on why contraception is wrong, one of them being that it is unnatural. You could be preventing an act of God by terminating a pregnancy that would of happened without the contraception. Also it is believed that by terminating what could would have been a pregnancy you have now crossed the line into anti–life, since this is an act of abortion and it "prevents people who might benefit humanity from being born". (Source: BBC– Ethics– Case Against Contraception) ... Show more content on ... There are those who believe that any technique that could interfere with the potential for conception is an attempt to "play God" and violates God's Word. At the other end of the spectrum are those who consider all methods of contraception as viable, even those that could destroy a developing embryo. Between these two extremes are various positions held by people who believe some, but not all, birth control methods are acceptable." "Playing God" is a big issue in the Christian community and like the quote states above for their belief system birth control takes the control out of God's hands and it now depends on a manmade ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Essay about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD ) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD ) Everyone experiences some unhappiness in his or her lifetime whether it is a specific situation or not. It becomes more serious when the cause is a form of "depression." It is a fact that women experience depression about twice as much as men (1). These causes specifically for women can be complex and so are the solutions (3). A common syndrome affecting an estimated 3% to 8% of women in their reproductive years is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) (4). PMDD is specifically known as a mood disorder of severe depression, irritability, and tension with symptoms worsening a week or so before a woman's menstrual period and usually settling out afterwards (5). PMDD can be devastating to ... Show more content on ... These happen to be some symptoms of PMDD. Does this mean that I have PMDD? . As a result PMDD is not always accurately identified or treated (4). Diagnosis and treatment choices will depend on the outcome of an evaluation. To diagnose PMDD and rule out any other problems there should be a complete physical and mental examination that entails a complete history of current and previous symptoms, which can also raise questions about illnesses of other family members and about mood, memory and changes in relationships (7). The treatment for PMDD is similar to that for major depression, which consists of antidepressants and psychotherapy. A woman suffering from PMDD has to take antidepressants not just during the time her symptoms occur, but on a regular basis. Psychotherapy helps a woman cope with the harsh symptoms and other challenges in her life (6). In severe cases hormones that induce premature menopause may be administered since symptoms for PMDD sufferers disappear with menopause (4). It is unfortunate that nearly two–thirds of PMDD sufferers do not get the treatment that they need (2). Some believe that it is just mother nature working and that every woman will experience symptoms similar to PMDD in her lifetime, so why label it a disorder. "Having a period is no different than having a bad hair day! So get ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Psychology : Human And Emotional Type Of Disorders Introduction Psychology is a subject like many subjects and ideas that can be and is connected to many things in our life, depending on certain aspects and supporting them is what contributes to the nature of many outcomes and theories of which we are yet to know most or not much off. What we have come to learn of through this class and subject in particular is in a broad sense the overall topic of abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology is and can be thought of as like any other psychology in a way but more specifically it is a psychology that deals with the understanding of mental and emotional type of disorders. As a psychology major you get to look at psychology through many forms, this is done with an objective which prepares you so to see which focus you find or can connect to most, most often for personal or logical base reasons. A subject or topic that caught my attention and helped me be more interested in the subject of psychology was wanting to know more about mentality or behavior and what exactly the brain or anything for that fact had influence in a different or psychological way. Writing this research paper I hope to look at what has peeked my interested in a different way, by looking at and understanding somewhat more into depth how exactly certain disorders can affect a person's behavior if any or none, hopefully this will enlighten my path to which I have yet chosen in the field of psychology. Some other focuses on the paper will try to be based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders Depressive Disorders Yunisleidis Puentes Florida National University Author Note Yunisleidis Puentes, Blackboard Learn, Florida National University. This research was supported by Florida National University Library and was prepared on August 6, 2015 for Advanced Writing and Research, taught by Professor Sabine Louissaint. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yunisleidis Puentes, Department of Advanced Writing and Research, Florida National University, 11865 SW 26 St, Miami FL 33175. Contact: Abstract Depressive disorders include a group of depressive behaviors characterized by loss of interests in activities and often coupled with unhappiness. Criteria for diagnosing depressive ... Show more content on ... Treatment includes forms of therapy like psychotherapy and drugs depending on the severity of depression. Family and friends are important in recovery of depressed individuals by offering support needed to follow prescriptions and support during recovery. Depressive disorders are diverse, but they all affect the wellbeing of individuals in relation to their work, social relations, and education needs (NIH, 2015). Depressive Disorder Concept Every once in a while an individual experiences sadness and blue moods however they pass after some time and the person resumes their life. Depressive disorders are characterized by sadness and loss of interest in things that were once pleasurable (APA, 2013). In contrast to a mood that goes away a person suffering from depressive disorders experience persistent episodes of sadness. Depressive disorders in contrast to a bad mood affect the mental and physical functioning of a person and cause deterioration in those functions. Depressive disorders change the thinking, feelings and behavior of the affected person and they can become a threat to themselves and others (Olfson et al. 2005). People snap out of bad moods, but individuals suffering from depressive disorders are sick and need medical attention. Depressive disorders are common, and they vary from individual to individual in symptoms and behavior. The symptoms will vary among males, females, young, elderly and even children. Depressive disorders are
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  • 36. Hyperkinesis According to Conrad reading, medicalization is defining a behavior as a medical problem or illness and mandating or licensing the medical profession to treat it (McLeod & Wright, 2013, p. 37). An example of a deviant behavior that has been medicalized in our society is "hyperkinesis" also known as ADHD. Hyperkinesis is known as Minimal Brain Dysfunction. The typical symptoms are: excess of motor activities (hyperactivity) very short attention span, and restlessness behavior (McLeod & Wright, 2013, p. 38). During the 1970's, many of the hyperkinesis symptoms were deviant behaviors and boys had a higher prevalence than girls. Society did not view this as a social problem until ADHA became problematic. Clinical and social ... Show more content on ... In my personal opinion, it should be listed as a mental disorder. Although PMDD, causes mood swings, tiredness, and horrible cramps, it can also affect your everyday life. In the reading, Kleinman and Schulz both focuses on culture. From Kleinman's book, he asserted that psychiatric diagnoses are culturally based on interpretations of psychological, social, and biological experiences rather than objective classification of naturally occurring (McLeod &Wright, 2013, p. 63). In the book, he gives an example of Mrs. Lin who lives in China. He explains her symptoms have worsened. She sought to get help from different physicians and from traditional Chinese medicine. For a North
  • 37. American psychiatrist, Mrs. Lin meets the criteria for a major depressive disorder (McLeod & Wright, 2013, p. 64). However, the Chinese psychiatrist viewed her disorder as a physical problem and a physical cause. Cultural can influence our interpretations and how we viewed them is culturally meaningful. In the Schulz reading, she describes antidepressant medication in Japan. Pharmaceutical companies introduced idea of mild depression. Your kokoro is your soul, and the notion that it can catch cold (McLeod ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Trauma Autobiographical Memory Trauma and autobiographical memory in Child Abuse Science has examined the possible affection child maltreatment on autobiographical and memory. Some information has shown that these effect has on a thin peaked in some research, include an old person who has to survive or leaved with a child abuse within them self. It always leave a permanent memory for lifetime. In fact, in some science investigator research has proven that when a child or adult was abuse they remember exactly what happened to them. Their some memories that will never vanish, especially, abuse memory. for example, they will recalled everything events of trauma that happen to them from the begin to the end. Some time when this trauma started surfaced the patient will end–up ... Show more content on ... The expectation of these study was allowing the neural correlates of memories of childhood abuse to see if there was any different posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In any case with or without (PTSD). Indeed, there were a study about 22 woman with a pass history with childhood sexual abuse. They were monitoring their image of the brain function, while they were exposure to these agony. They compare these image with the women with sexual abuse and the women without sexual abuse; the women who suffer CSA has more blood flow into their brain and the women with PTSD. Women with sexual abuse has lower blood flow in alteration in their medical prefrontal cortex. Childhood sexual abuse is in regular to our society and it happen often than we thing it could happen it 16% of even women and it rarely faded, (Bremner, Narayan, Staib, Southwick, & al, e. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Depression: A Serious Mood Disorder Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person's daily activities Depression can lead to a variation of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a per–son's capacity to function at home and in the workplace. There are many factors that may in–crease the chance of depression, including, abuse, certain medication, death, genetics, serious illnesses and substance misuse. Depression can occur at any age, however, mostly start in adulthood. Depression is now fa–miliar as happening in children and youths. Changes in hormones can influence someone's mood. For example, a woman may notice these changes when they are pregnant, during menopause or during ... Show more content on ... The causes of depression in this peri–od can be complex and are often the result of many factors. Shortly after giving birth many women have the baby blues, which is a common term, condition associated with hormonal changes and affects round 80 per cent of women. Depression is longer lasting and can cause not only the mother but also her relationship with her child, the child development, the moth–ers relationship with family members and with her partner. The cause of the seasonal affective disorder is uncertain; however, it's believed to be con–nected to difference in light exposure in different seasons. It's described mood disturbances that start and end in a season. Depression, which begins in the winter and becomes less when the season is ends is the most common. Usually people with SAD depression are more likely to have a lack of energy, sleeping too much, overeat, gain weight and crave for carbohydrates. The cause of schizophrenia still unclear. It is more likely to the result of many factors, for ex–ample brain chemistry, genetic, stressful events, psychological and environmental and losing beloved ones. It has been long understood that schizophrenia runs in families. People who have a close ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Zoloft Case Model Rational for Decision–Making/Case Formulation: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is characterized by the presence of signs and symptoms in the three primary domains: (i) reminders of the exposure (including flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares); (ii) activation (including hyperarousal, insomnia, agitation, irritability, impulsivity and anger); and (iii) deactivation (including numbing, avoidance, withdrawal, confusion, derealization, dissociation, and depression). (Sherin & Nemeroff, 2011). The signs and symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder are persistent, abnormal adaption of neurolobiological systems to the stress witnessed trauma (Sherin & Nemeroff, 2011). L.S. reported sexual abuse as a child from age 4 to 8 years old and bullying ... Show more content on ... L.S. reported that the medication has been effective; will reevaluate the medication during the follow up visit. Zoloft is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Zoloft has been FDA approved for use in Major Depressive Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Panic Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Stahl, 2014). The patient will also be started on Trileptal. Trileptal will assist in mood stabilizations and improve symptoms such as racing thoughts, flashbacks, anxiety, and irritability. A case study involving a 38 year old woman with PTSD and bipolar disorder was treated with oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Within a month of initiation of treatment, she reported progressive improvement in her PTSD symptoms (Malek–Ahmadi, 2004). Oxcarbazepine is an analog of carbamazepine, it is theorized that oxcarbazepine also has efficacy in significantly reducing PTSD symptoms (Malek–Ahmadi, 2004). The patient also experienced symptoms in the past that could potentially be related to Unspecified Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. L.S. reported that at times she has experienced frequent shifts in her mood such as having an abundant amount of energy. When L.S. experienced this she stated, "I sometimes don't need sleep". L.S. currently denied experiencing these symptoms and the last time it occurred was 6 months ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Prescribing Profits: Big Pharma's Reign over America's Health Prescribing Profits: Big Pharma's Reign Over America's Health "The boundaries between academic medicine – medical schools, teaching hospitals, and their faculty – and the pharmaceutical industry have been dissolving since the 1980s, and the important differences between their missions are becoming blurred. Medical research, education, and clinical practice have suffered as a result" – Marcia Angell, the Boston Review For decades, Americans have willingly sacrificed thousands of dollars for prescription drugs to help them eat, sleep, focus, relax, lose weight, make friends, have sex, and pursue happiness. Our culture encourages us to look for "quick fixes" to our problems rather than getting to the core of the issue. In recent ... Show more content on ... Overall, the analysis found that 37% of physicians said they sometimes or often agreed to prescribe a brand–name drug at their patients' request." Consumers rarely think to give their doctor permission not to prescribe them a drug. The emotional connection and sense of urgency created by advertisements can make patients develop a sense of dependency on the product before even trying it. Persuasive marketing has contributed to drug overprescription among healthcare providers, which is a main factor of the fifth leading cause of death in the United States: adverse drug reactions. An adverse drug reaction is defined as "an appreciably harmful or unpleasant reaction, resulting from an intervention related to the use of a medicinal product, which predicts hazard from future administration and warrants prevention or specific treatment ... or withdrawal of the product" (Edwards & Aronson). Each year, they cause an estimated 100,000 deaths and 1.5 million hospitalizations. Many doctors prescribe medication that their patients have requested whether or not the drug is the most beneficial option for the individual. Without thorough examination of a patient's medical history, he or she is more likely to experience unpleasant side effects from the requested drug. The arthritis medication Vioxx, for example, was withdrawn from the market in 2004 after it was discovered to have caused up to 160,000 heart attacks and strokes. Incidentally, the company had ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder The newest edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders again included Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) in the list of Depressive Disorders (2013). In this paper, I argue from a feminist perspective that the presence of PMDD in the DSM combines the stigma attached to both menstruation and mental illness, in order to shame any woman who is not fulfilling the expected role of passive and accepting mother or wife. Additionally, the DSM's false assertion that PMDD is not culturally tied forces the North American expectations of womanhood onto people in different parts of the world. Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder was most recently reviewed and confirmed by a work group consisting of ten men to a mere four women (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The disorder consists of both affective (irritability and anxiety) and physical changes (lethargy and hypersomnia) that a woman experiences during the week before most of her periods of menses (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.172). The DSM provides examples of social impairment that a woman suffering from PMDD might experience; they pertain to "marital discord" and problems with children (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.174). One international study of young women in Poland shows research findings suggesting that women living in large cities are at a higher risk of acquiring PMDD (Drosdzol, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders Abstract Depressive disorders include a group of depressive behaviors characterized by loss of interests in activities and often coupled with unhappiness. Criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders are based on DSM–5 that gives symptoms and periods for different conditions. The clinical criteria cannot function alone it is accompanied psychological and physical evaluation to eliminate diseases that mimic depression. Depressive disorders are caused by a combination of factors including environmental, genetic, biochemical and psychological factors. The interaction cause depressive episodes in individuals. The exhibited symptoms vary from individual to individual they include lack of interest in activities, fatigue, altered sleep patterns, change in appetite, feelings of worthlessness and also suicidal thoughts. Types of depressive disorders include Major Depressive Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder among others. Treatment includes forms of therapy like psychotherapy and drugs depending on the severity of depression. Family and friends are important in recovery of depressed individuals by offering support needed to follow prescriptions and support during recovery. Depressive disorders are diverse, but they all affect the wellbeing of individuals in relation to their work, social relations, and education needs (NIH, 2015). Depressive Disorder Concept Every once in a while an individual experiences sadness and blue moods however ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Third-Leading Cause Of Teen Suicide Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally because they think there is no other solution to their problems. Suicide is a relatively rare event and it is difficult to accurately predict which persons with these risk factors will ultimately commit suicide. Teen suicide is preventable and is able to be detected. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds and the sixth leading cause of death for young people age 5 to 14 ("Teen Suicide is preventable" and "Teen Suicide"). Suicide risk factors vary with age, gender, ethnic group, family dynamics, and stressful life events. More than 90 percent of people who die from suicides have experienced these risk factors. In 2003, about ... Show more content on ... Warning signs to look for if a teen is planning to commit suicide or is struggling with depression are talking about dying, a recent loss of a loved one, change in personality, change in behavior, change in sleeping patterns, change in eating habits, fear of losing control, low self esteem, and no hope for the future ("Teen Suicide is preventable"). If a teenager is planning to commit suicide he or she will put his or her affairs in order like giving away favorite possessions, cleans his or her room, throws away important belongings, etc. they'll become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression. Have signs of psychosis, hallucinations or bizarre thoughts ("Teen suicide"). There are nine types of depression that can cause suicidal thoughts they are Dysthymia Depression, Postpartum Depression, Seasonal affective disorder or SAD, Atypical depression, Psychosis, Bipolar disorder, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD, Situational depression ("9 different types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on Depression: Out of the Shadows Everyone feels sad here and there, but for many people who experience depression those feelings can linger for years. Depression is a social disorder characterized by a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities, consistently for a 2 week period. "Depression is an under umbrella mood disorder that can cause people to feel hopeless, not have enough energy to get up and do things, it can affect people ability to live a day to day life , ranges from mild– severe or manic depression," according to Valerie Labanca MFT. A 2003 National Institutes of Health study estimates that more than 16 percent of Americans, as many as 35 million, suffer from depression severe enough to warrant treatment.1 ... Show more content on ... The patient's responses can help the doctor make a diagnosis of depression and judge the severity of the depression. "More Americans Seeking Help for Depression," Mary Duenwald, June, 18, 2003 There are many types of depression including Major Depression, Minor Depression , Dsythymia Depression , Postpartum , Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder, and Seasonal Affective Disorder. In order to have Major Depression, a person has to have at least five of the depression symptoms, and these symptoms have to last for at least a two week period. Most people who have Major Depression Disorder suffer from it for at least six months. Minor Depression is different from Major Depression because you can only have two of the four symptoms. Dysythymia Depression is and extended form of Minor Depression because it can last for years if not treated. Postpartum Depression is a depression that only women get after having a baby. Postpartum Depression has some of the same severe symptoms as some Major Depressive Disorder. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is also form of depression that only women can get one week before their menstrual period. Seasonal Affective Disorder is depression that a person tends to get during the winter time due to lack of sunlight. The exact cause of depression is not known, but there are several factors that play a role in depression. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Depression : A Psychological Condition Depression is a psychological condition that changes how you think, feel, and it also affects your social behavior and sense of physical wellness. Depression is not feeling sad occasionally, it is a constant feeling of sadness that stays with you. It can distort the way you see yourself, your life and people around you and see everything in a negative way. The depression is a state of being mentally disorder. It is caused by overload and it has a limited processing capacity depression effects the brain activity and it is condition of losing cells connection in brain. The brain is the most important of our body which controls and coordinates actions and every reactions of everything that we do in our daily life .People may have rapid change in mood involve persistent feelings of sadness or periods of feeling overly happy, or fluctuations from extreme happiness to extreme sadness. They easily lose hope .People who are suffered from depression they feel sad, hopelessness, irritated most of the times. Women are twice as likely suffered from depression compared to men. Weakness or failure is also the reason of depression. Sleeping in time and waking up at time is extremely important for our health and helps to get rid of depression. If not treated it can affect the way you act, feel, and the way you think. It can also cause you to be more pessimistic towards family members, or friends. Depression is one of the most common psychological problems. It affects nearly everyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Success Of Lincoln's Presidency Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many influential leaders who have helped to change the course of history for the better. Many of these leaders have faced incredible challenges and overcome them despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds. On top of the challenges faced, some leaders have had to overcome physical and mental disabilities. These disabilities, while seemingly detrimental to a leader, have not always been a hindrance and have even at times been a significant factor in their success. One of the most notable of these leaders is United States President Abraham Lincoln. During Lincoln's life he suffered with episodes of severe depression which continued into his presidency, a presidency that was plagued with perhaps the greatest challenge in the history of our country, the Civil War. This battle with depression, while challenging, also gave Lincoln wisdom in decision making and was one of the contributing factors to the success of Lincoln's presidency. In order to understand the possible ramifications that depression could play in the president's life we first need to understand mental disorders and what they are. Mental illness can be defined as a health condition that changes a person's thinking, feelings, or behavior or all three and that causes the person distress and difficulty in functioning (Sutton 3). These mental disorders can vary in severity in each individual case from very mild to extremely severe. The important ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Zoloft was first introduced to the United States in... Zoloft was first introduced to the United States in 1980's. Another name for Zoloft is sertraline and is in a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. At first Zoloft was made to treat major depressive disorder, but as the drug progressed over time it can now treat panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Zoloft is the most commonly used antidepressant because it works extremely well, it is safe, and its side effects are not as serious as other antidepressants. While manufactures say that Zoloft is safe to take there have been many instances where people using this drug have had fatal side effects. Starting off with the least serious side ... Show more content on ... Zoloft can be taken with other drugs and will not have any synergistic effects. Furthermore there are no antagonistic effects, when you take Zoloft there is no other drug that counteracts it that will make you depressed. Zoloft is not necessarily an addictive drug if taken properly. If a person takes the drug more than the prescription says and if taken at random times they can become addicted. Other than that Zoloft is not an addictive drug, if users listen to their doctor when they say how much to take mostly likely they will not become addicted. In some cases people who take Zoloft become reliant on it because if they do not take it anymore they will fall back into depression. When they become reliant they become addicted and it becomes extremely hard to stop taking it. However these addictive effects in most cases are not physical but psychological addicting because the drug is the only reason the user is staying normal. A treatment for Zoloft addiction is that your doctor will begin to prescribe smaller doses over and long period of time to get the user to become used to taking less. This process will continue until the patient is no longer reliant on Zoloft. Zoloft is a great drug to use for patients with depression. Patients must make sure to take the correct dosage and listen to their doctor to insure they do not get certain side effects. Zoloft is a drug that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Depression Disorder And Its Causes Depression Disorder and Its Causes Miami Dade College Depression Disorder and Its Causes A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her. A depressive disorder is not the same as passing blue moon, it is not a sign of a personal weakness or a condition that can be wished away. People with depressive illness can get better by "pulling themselves together", without treatment, this disorder can get worse and can last for weeks, months, or even years. (Tsuang MT, Faraone SV. The genetics of mood disorders. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990) Everybody has low moods on occasion. Whether you get a bad grade in school, a lower raise than you expected, a fight with a loved one, or a death of a beloved pet – there are countless reasons why a person will feel sad or for a while because of something that has happened to him or her. This is often when people say. "I'm depressed" – and others understand what they mean. But as long as the feeling never interferes with your ability to function in daily life and goes away within no more than, say, a couple of weeks, it's not medical depression. The term "situational depression" is sometimes used to describe depression brought on by a significant event in your life. The death of a loved one, losing your job, a divorce and similar major life events can ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Most Common Diagnosed Depression Disorders It's normal to feel down in the dumps every so often but, if it affects daily life activities you may have depression. Depression is when a person is excessively sad, anxious, or apathetic for a certain amount of time. There are other symptoms to classify depression but the main ones would be a consent feeling of sadness and the thought of suicide or death. When depression is consumed by a person it may be difficult to revert them without the assistance of treatments such as: Anti– depressants, Psychotherapy, electric shock, interpersonal, psycho dynamic and cognitive behavioral. Major depression is one of the most common diagnosed depression disorders. This is led by a chemical change in the brain due to problems within your genetic ... Show more content on ... (Psych center, 2014) Bipolar disorder also described as manic depressive illness, in which the brain causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day to day tasks. Bipolar disorder comes with manic episodes that bring extreme happiness , extreme irritability, hyper activity, little to no sleep and racing thoughts. Which create the inability to enjoy normal pleasurable activities and all lead to the feeling of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. (Grohol, 2014) Seasonal affective disorder is known to be common in the fall and ending in the spring but worsens in the winter. It usually occurs in response to the decrease of sunlight that is experienced with winters time change. Because of the lack of light you tend to upset your "Biological clock" which controls your sleep to wake pattern. Another problem that arises is your brain signals a hormonal chemical by the name of Serotonin which affects your mood. Even though all disorders are similar in some cases seasonal affective disorder goes away within the next time change when the daylight gets longer and comes back when the daylight gets shorter. Psychotic depression disorder which stems from severe depression with some type of psychosis. Psychosis is a change in personality, distorted vision or a nonexistent sense towards reality. Similar to psychotic depression, which causes the constant feeling of delusions and hallucinations. People that ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder was first mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4th edition (DSM–IV) as a "depressive disorder not otherwise specified." It was actually a renaming of a diagnosis that was originally in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 3rd edition (DSM–III). That diagnosis was the Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder (LLPDD), which had been found to be false because these symptoms did not always occur during the late luteal phase in the menstrual cycle (Severino, 2009). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition (DSM–5) officially recognized PMDD as a diagnosis, placing it under Depressive Disorders. It seems the symptoms of PMDD very much so mirror those of Major Depressive Disorder (DMM) that appeared ... Show more content on ... They fear that it will be used to make women appear physically and emotionally weak in order to keep them at an economic and political disadvantage compared to men. Similarly, they are concerned that PMDD will be wielded in courts and domestically to keep women in a secondary position to that of men. In reality, even as PMDD has become more recognized, women have been gaining economic and political power worldwide. PMS has not been used successfully in US courts in the past, and there is little evidence that PMDD can be used effectively in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Essay On How Hormones Can Affect A Woman's Behavior How Hormones Can Affect A Woman's Moods Women have a relatively unique hormonal system when compared to men. Men have a relatively static hormone system with stable levels of pituitary and gonadal hormones throughout their daily lives, suffering from decreasing levels of testosterone after the age of 30–40. Usually this gradual change does not markedly affect male mood. Women, on the other hand, spend much of their reproductive lives with a cyclical pattern of hormones that change on a day–to–day basis. The cycle repeats itself every month and the fluctuations alone can contribute to changes in everyday mood. In the beginning of the cycle, the LH and FSH levels are low. The FSH gradually rises in order to stimulate an egg to grow and ... Show more content on ... If the symptoms are relatively mild, she can take vitamins, eat healthy, and exercise in order to improve many of the mood symptoms. If the symptoms are severe and a woman does not wish to become pregnant, oral contraceptives can even out the symptoms. Still other women see their doctor and get prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs like Prozac, Lexapro, or Celexa. These can reduce many of the emotional symptoms so typical of having PMDD or even milder premenstrual symptoms. Hyperthyroid Conditions Women are at a higher risk of hypothyroid or hyperthyroid conditions when compared to men. This means they have a higher risk of these hormonally related conditions affecting mood and outlook on life. Hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism but both syndromes can lead to mood disorders and mental symptoms. In hypothyroidism, the main mood symptoms include the following: Depressive symptoms Tiredness or fatigue even when getting enough sleep at night. Difficulty sleeping If the woman has hyperthyroidism, she likely
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  • 70. Major Depression Research Paper The word 'Depression' is defined as "feelings of severe despondency and dejection", but it is much more than that. Depression is the feeling of losing interest in activities you once loved, such as sports or playing your favorite instrument. Depression is losing interest in spending time with those you care for and love. Depression is the cause of why one loses belief in oneself, often giving up on dreams that have been part of one's life for years. Depression is having to battle with yourself every morning to find one reason as to why you should get out of bed and continue with your life. Depression has a way of affecting every aspect of one's life from losing interest in simple things such as brushing one's teeth to giving up on keeping critically ... Show more content on ... However, medication and light therapy may always assist those with the disorder. Psychotic depression is depression with symptoms such as hallucinations and paranoia. Psychotic depression is one of the most harmful forms of depression which usually ends in those with illness committing suicide. With paranoia (the belief that others intend on harming you) and hallucinations the victims of psychotic depression usually end up having mental breakdowns which end in self–harm. Treatment for psychotic depression includes medication. Postpartum depression occurs only in females after they have given birth. This usually occurs because once the child is born the mother has undergone such a trauma and feeling of loss the mother does not know how to cope. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is depression which occurs at the beginning of female periods. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms include mood swings, fatigue, and loss of concentration. Treatment includes birth control and/or antidepressants. Situational depression is depression that occurs when one undergoes trauma and/or a difficult time in one's ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Premenstrual Syndrome Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also called premenstrual tension (PMT), is a collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical condition that exhibits distressing, physical, behavioural and psychosocial symptoms, in the absence of organic or underlying psychiatric disease, which regularly recurs during the luteal phase of each menstrual cycle and which disappears or significantly regress by the end of menstruation (RCOG green–top guideline no 48).Premenstrual disorders, including premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), involve significant mood changes occurring during the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle, together with by distress and impairment (Craner, 2014). PMS symptoms are resolved at or soon after the beginning of the menstrual period. PMS is often misunderstood and difficult to treat. (Ford, 2012) PMS affects women who of child bearing age. 1–10% of women will suffer from total unbearable symptoms and 90% will suffer from a cluster of different symptoms. There are for types of PMS, mild, moderate, severe and PMDD. Mild PMS does not interfere with personal/social and professional life. Moderate PMS interferes with personal/social and professional life and a person can still function and interact with others. Severe PMS cause a woman makes it hard for personal/social and professional interaction (REF) PMDD PMDD refers to a set of negative physiologic, emotional, behavioural and cognitive symptomatic changes that ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. A Research Study On Drug Testing When Pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop a new drug they begin the process of a clinical trial. A clinical trial in drug testing is when researchers test a new drug on live participants and record information such as side effects and results. Recently, pharmaceutical companies are trying to increase their profits so they have been outsourcing. Outsourcing is when clinical trials go to a clinical research organization (CRO), which are big businesses. One crucial step in a clinical trial is informed consent. The participants must know they are part of a research study, the possible risks, and outcomes. This information should be presented in a manor in which the individual can understand. However, after watching the videos this crucial step is sometimes overlooked or not taken seriously during overseas drug testing. Often times testing is done overseas in areas that are over populated and have a large gap between the wealthy and the poor. When researchers are conducting the trial they have been known to just completely skip over this step or they give individuals the information on the clinical trial but the participants are illiterate and unable to understand any part of it. This is seen as unethical practice. Ethically, all participants are required to know they are part of a clinical trial and they need to know all risks and outcomes projected before participating. When government officials were interviewed about the clinical trials they stated that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Summary Of The DSM-5 The need for a classification of mental disorders has been clear throughout the history of medicine. The American Psychiatric Association, the DSM was first published in 1984. The DSM–IV symptom criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) are somewhat lengthy, many studies showing that treatment providers have difficulty recalling all nine symptoms (American Psychological Association, 2010). The symptom inclusion criteria for the diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) have remained essentially unchanged during the past 35 years. Since there has been more revision and more research, the criteria for depressive disorders has been changed to be able to diagnose each individual more appropriately. This is why the DSM–5 was developed. ... Show more content on ... Some symptoms that is presented in this category are depressed moods, loss of interest and enjoyment, and increased fatigability. Depending on the number and severity of the symptoms, a depressive episode can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. The difference of these categories depends on the duration, timing or presumed etiology. The categories are disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In order to address concerns about the potential for the over diagnosis and treatment for bipolar disorder in children, a new diagnosis. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder was added for children with depressive disorder for children up to 12 years of age (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Which is replacing childhood bipolar. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is diagnosed when the mood disturbance continues for at least 2 years in adults or 1 year in children and it must be before the age of 10 years old. The intention of the proposed revisions is to create a diagnostic criteria that are developmentally appropriate for preschool children. Preschool children have been shown in research to have consistent behavioral changes after trauma, including helplessness and passivity, generalized fear, heightened arousal, cognitive confusion, nightmares and sleep disturbances, anxieties about death and ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Women’S Health Issues Require Separate And Unique Attention Women's health issues require separate and unique attention from the medical world. Women represent the transition that society is also facing in regard to economics, health and wellness issues. 'Healthy mind does, indeed produce a healthy body'. While, women are suffering from various health issues from past. Although, men and women share many health concerns. Women health issues include conditions that only effect women anatomy such as from child birth, pregnancy, menstruation till menopause. These issues can cause problems to the next generation as well. This paper will explore the various health issues to the women by looking specifically at the unique concerns to the women such as women's mental health, breast cancer and gestational ... Show more content on ... Some of these are because of the depression and anxiety that women have to go through with the start of their puberty stage (Russo, 2008). Women experience symptoms of psychological discomfort at the time of hormonal change in their body such as prenatal depression. The pregnancy changes the hormones that affect the chemical level in the women's brain which directly related to depression and anxiety (Russo, 2008). The symptoms can be persistent sadness, difficulty concentration, sleeping too less or too much, change in eating habits and many others. These can be dangerous for both mother and baby (Russo, 2008). The another one is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) which is considered to be the severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Both of these occur most commonly in the days proceeding the second half of women's menstrual cycle (Russo, 2008). The symptoms of these disorders could be bloating headaches, joint pains, fatigue, panic attacks, irritability, trouble sleeping and many others (Russo, 2008). According to the American college of Obstetricians and gynaecologist estimates that at least 85 percent of menstruating women have at least one PMS symptom as a part of their monthly cycle (Russo, 2008). According to WHO "depressive disorders account for close to 41.9 percent of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among compared to 29.3 percent of among men" ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Effect Of N Acetyl Cysteine ( Nac ) On The Cognitive... This article is a study conducted on the effects of N–acetyl cysteine (NAC) on the cognitive functions in bipolar disorder (BD). This article informs the readers that BD, a disorder characterized by extreme mood swings of mania and depression. BD is also found to alter cognitive functions. The use of NAC as a form of treatment is an adjunct therapy for the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as NAC intake showed an increase in antioxidant and glutathione levels, decrease inflammatory cytokines, and enhance neurogenesis. The double–blind and placebo–controlled study mentioned in this article was to determine if 2000 mg per day of NAC intake would improve cognitive function in a period of six months. The participants were randomly assigned to taking 2000mg/day of NAC or a placebo. After six months, the results of the NAC intake showed that symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder improved. The functioning and quality of life also improved, but there was no change in the cognitive functions of a person with bipolar disorder. This study, however, was not able to support its hypothesis on cognitive improvement, but it emphasized NAC's effectiveness in bipolar disorder therapy. Several factors limited the findings. The short timeframe and small sample size provided an unsuccessful result. Experiments and further investigations with a longer duration and larger sample size should be carried out to confirm the effects of NAC in bipolar disorder. This article was not ... Get more on ...