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State Space C-Reductions
of Concurrent Systems in Rewriting Logic

    Alberto Lluch, Andrea Vandin              José Meseguer
              IMT Lucca                            UIUC

International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'12)
                      Tallin, March 24-25, 2012
state space explosion

        0 3 8 ... 6

1 binary counter has ...   2 states

1 n-ary counter has ...    n states     (data abstraction)

m n-ary counters           Mn states!   (symmetries,
                                         concurrency, etc.)
running example

$ = transfer of 1$

x$   = account with x$
credit rule


x$                 x+1$
$    $
                        but syntactically different
                         but syntactically different
          0$   0$

     $              $

1$   0$             0$      1$

          1$   1$
symmetries in state space exploration problems
some tools with symmetry reduction

   Murphy [Ip&Dill@FMSD'96];
   Symmetric SPIN [Bosnacki et al.@SPIN'00];
   TopSPIN [Donaldson et al.@AMAST'06];
   Groove [Rensink@GRABATS'06];
   MiHDa [Montanari et al.@FMCO'02];
   PRISM-symm [Ball et a@CAV06];
   Planners, constraint solvers, etc.
some drawbacks

✗ Symmetries denoted with extra primitives;
✗ Limited, fixed symmetry classes;
✗ Rigid “flexibility” vs “guarantees” tradeoff;
✗ Complex changes to model checker;
✗ Unofficial extensions of model checkers;
✗ No support for checking correctness.
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
A Kripke structure is a tuple K = (S , → , L, AP) such that
   S is a set of states;
   → ⊆ S × S is a transition relation;                  $    $    p

   AP are atomic propositions;                          0$   0$
    L: S → 2AP maps states into AP subsets.
                                                  $    p,q             $         p,q

                                            1$    0$                   0$   1$

       p = there is some empty account

       q = there are one or less dollars around
                                                         1$   1$
A bisimulation between two Kripke structures K and H
is a binary relation ∼ ⊆ SK × SH such that s∼s' implies
   LK(s) = LH(s');
   s →K r implies s' →H r' and r∼r' for some r';             s →K r
                                                              ≀     ≀
   vice versa.                                              s' →H r'
                                         p                                        p
                               $    $                                   $    $

                               0$   0$                                  0$   0$

           p,q        $                      $         p,q              $

                 1$   0$                     0$   1$                    0$   1$

                           q                                                          q
                               1$   1$                                  1$   1$
A ∼-canonizer for
   – a Kripke structure K
   – and an equivalence (bisimilation) relation ∼ ⊆ S × S
is a function c : S → S such that s∼c(s) for all states s.

                $           c          $

          1$   0$                     0$    1$
A ∼-canonizer is strong if s∼s' implies c(s) = c(s')
      (i.e. if canonical representatives of ∼-equivalence classes are unique)

                                 2$      1$       3$                                                 2$        1$        3$

      1$    3$    2$            c                                                                c
                                                                  1$        3$    2$
            c                                 c
                 1$    2$   3$                                                   1$    2$   3$
                                    2$    3$       1$                                                     2$        3$        1$
3$   1$    2$               c                           3$   1$        2$

                 3$    2$   1$                                                   3$    2$   1$

                                              otherwise we call them weak.
The c-reduction of a Kripke structure
     K = (S , → , L, AP)
                                   $       $
     Kc = (S , →;c , L, AP)        0$ 0$

                              $                $

                           1$ 0$       c       0$ 1$

                                   1$ 1$
Th. If c is a ∼-canonizer then Kc ∼ K.
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
some symmetry reductions captured

   Full symmetries;
   Rotational symmetries;
   Name reuse (garbage collection);
   Name abstraction.
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
What is RL?

A rewrite theory R is a tuple (Σ , E ∪ A , R , ϕ)
    Σ = signature (e.g. syntax);
    E = equations (e.g. functions);     Not all equivalence relations ∼
                                         Not all equivalence relations ∼
                                        are tractable as axioms
    A = axioms (e.g. ACI);               are tractable as axioms
    R = rules (e.g. non deterministic behaviour);
    ϕ = frozennes map (e.g. rewrite strategy).

Some assumptions:
    R has good executability properties;
    Topmost rules for a designated [State] kind.
--- The main module defining the signature and one initial state

fmod BANK is


  sorts Object Message Configuration State .

  subsort Message Object < Configuration .

  op <_|_> : Nat Nat -> Object [ctor] .

  op credit : Nat -> Message [ctor] .

  op __ : Configuration Configuration -> Configuration [ctor assoc comm] .

  op none : -> Configuration [ctor] .

  op {_} : Configuration -> State [ctor frozen] .

  --- A simple initial state                                       $    $

  op init : -> Configuration .
                                                                   0$   0$
  eq init =    < 0 | 0 >   < 1 | 0 > credit(0) credit(1) .

--- The behavioural rules of the example

  inc BANK .

  vars i x : Nat .
                                    x$         x+1$
  vars c1 : Configuration .

  --- A simple rule for crediting an account
  rl [credit] :
         { < i | x    > credit(i)   c1 }
       => { < i | s(x) >            c1 } .

search without reduction                                    $   $

                                                                           0$ 0$
Maude> search in BANK-RULES : {init} =>* s:State .
                                                                       $           $

Solution 1 (state 0)                                            1$ 0$              0$ 1$

s:State --> {credit(0) credit(1) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 0 >}

Solution 2 (state 1)                                                       1$ 1$

s:State --> {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >}

                                                         symmetric states
Solution 3 (state 2)

s:State --> {credit(0) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 1 >}

Solution 4 (state 3)

s:State --> {< 0 | 1 > < 1 | 1 >}

No more solutions.

states: 4   rewrites: 6 in 0ms cpu (2ms real) (9523 rewrites/second)

The c-extension of a rewrite theory
      R = (Σ, E ∪ A , R, ϕ)
      Rc = (Σ ⊎ Σc, E ∪ Gc ∪ A , R , ϕc)
i.e. a correct extension of R with the definition of c.
module architecture


                            BANK-C (Rc)
c-extension (example of canonizer)
--- The c-extension of BANK that defines the c-canonizer for object permutations

mod BANK-C is


  op c : State -> [State] .

  vars i j x y : Nat .

  vars c1 : Configuration .

  ceq    c( {                 < i | x > < j | y > c1   } )

        = c( { [[ i <-> j ]]( < i | x > < j | y > c1 ) } )

        if [[ i <-> j ]]( < i | x > < j | y > c1 )

           <# < i | x > < j | y > c1 .

  eq c({c1}) = {c1} [ owise ] .

module architecture



                            BANK-C (Rc)
c-extension (example of transpositions)
--- Implementation of object permutations



  op [[_<->_]] _ : Nat Nat Configuration -> Configuration [frozen] .

  op [[_<->_]] _ : Nat Nat Nat -> Nat .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](none) = none .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](obj1 c1) = ([[ i <-> j ]](obj1)) ([[ i <-> j ]](c1)) .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](msg1 c1) = ([[ i <-> j ]](msg1)) ([[ i <-> j ]](c1)) .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](< k | x >) = < [[ i <-> j ]](k) | x > .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](credit(k)) = credit([[ i <-> j ]] k) .

 eq [[ i <-> j ]](i) = j .

  eq [[ i <-> j ]](j) = i .

 ceq [[ i <-> j ]](k) = k if (i != k) / (j != k) .

Identification of symmetric states

Maude> red c( {credit(0) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 1 >}) .
result State: {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >}
                                                   0$ 1$

                                                   1$ 0$
The c-reduction of a rewrite theory
     R = (Σ, E ∪ A , R , ϕ )
     Rc = (Σ ⊎ Σc, E ∪ Gc ∪ A , Rc , ϕc)

where Rc is made of rules      K(Rcc)= K (R)
                               K(R ) =     K (R)
     l => c(r) if cond
for each rule of R
     l => r          if cond
module architecture


                              BANK-C (Rc)

                        BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
c-reduction (example)
--- The c-reduction of BANK-RULES

  inc BANK-C .

  rl [credit] :
            { < i | x     > credit(i) c1 }
       => c({ < i | s(x) >           c1 }) .

search in c-reduced state space
Maude> search in BANK-C-REDUCTION : {init} =>* s:State .

search in BANK-C-REDUCTION : {init} =>* s:State .

                                                              $        $

Solution 1 (state 0)
                                                              0$       0$
s:State --> {credit(0) credit(1) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 0 >}

                                                         $                  $
Solution 2 (state 1)                                               c

s:State --> {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >}         1$   0$                 0$   1$

Solution 3 (state 2)

s:State --> {< 0 | 1 > < 1 | 1 >}
                                                              1$       1$

No more solutions.

states: 3   rewrites: 25 in 0ms cpu (2ms real) (53648 rewrites/second)
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
Does c provide a correct c-reduction?
Th 1. “K(Rc) is bisimilar to K(R)” (desiderata)

Lemma 0. “Relation ∼ is an equivalence relation”
  (i) Check that the action of the group is correct.

Lemma 1. “Relation∼ is a bisimulation”                 Proof plan for
  (ii) Check that ∼ strongly respects AP;              group-theoretic
 (iii) Check that ∼ and R “commute”.                   reductions

Lemma 2. “Function c is a ∼-canonizer”
 (iv) Check that c is a ∼-canonizer.
modules and checks
                  BANK                    check (i)

                 BANK-AP   BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼)

                                          check (iv)
check (iii)
check (ii)                       BANK-C (Rc)

                           BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
group theoretic equivalence relations

The action ⟦∙⟧ of a group G on S defines an equivalence relation:

       s∼s' iff ⟦ f ⟧(s) = s' for some f ∈ G.
modules and checks
                  BANK                    check (i)

                 BANK-AP   BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼)

                                 BANK-C (Rc)

                           BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
(i) Checking group actions

Implement the action ⟦∙⟧ of G on S as
       [[_]]_ : G State ->State .
… but we just need to implement the action of the generators.

Check that the we actually have a group action by showing:
      ⟦g⟧⟦g-1⟧(s) = s for each generator g of G.
      HINT: induction on S (structure of states).

For example, in the case of permutations one has to show
      [[ i <-> j]] ([[ i <-> j]] (s)) = s
(i) Checking group actions

Implement the action ⟦∙⟧ of G on S as
          [[_]]_ : G State ->State .
… but we just need to implement the action of the generators.

Check that the we actually have a group action by showing:
   ⟦e⟧(s) = s, for e the identity of G;
   ⟦g ∘ g'⟧(s) = ⟦g⟧(⟦g'⟧(s)) for each pair of generators g, g' of G;
   ⟦g⟧⟦g-1⟧(s) = s for each generator g of G.
HINT: induction on G (generators ) and S (structure of states).
modules and checks

                 BANK-AP   BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼)

check (ii)                       BANK-C (Rc)

                           BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
(ii) Checking that ∼ strongly preserves AP

IDEA: Define a rewrite theory R∼ to “move” inside orbits:

      R∼ = (Σ ⊎ Σ∼, E ∪ E∼ ∪ A , R∼ , ϕ)
where R∼ = { s => [[g]](s) }

Theorem: ∼ strongly preserves AP if AP is stable in R∼.
Can we check such stability automatically?
Yes, with InvA (under some conditions)
fmod BANK-AP is

  eq [two-dollars-eq] : two-dollars({ < i | s(s(x)) > c1 }) = true .



  rl [transposition] :    {                 < i | x > < j | y > c1    }

                         => { [[ i <-> j ]] ( < i | x > < j | y > c1) } .


Maude> (analyze-stable two-dollars(s:State) in BANK-AP BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES .)

rewrites: 15571 in 16ms cpu (19ms real) (918643 rewrites/second)

Checking BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES ||- two-dollars => O two-dollars ...

Proof obligations generated:    2
                                         For non discharged proof obligations
Proof obligations discharged: 2           For non discharged proof obligations
                                         one can use the Maude ITP tool
                                          one can use the Maude ITP tool
modules and checks

                 BANK-AP   BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼)

check (iii)
                                 BANK-C (Rc)

                           BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
(iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute

                         u                                 v

                        u'                                 v'
For all equivalent states u, u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
(iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute

                        u                                v

                     R∼                                      R∼
                      *                            R         *
                        u'                               v'
For all R∼reachable pairs of states u->u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
(iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute

                         u                                  v
                     R∼                                          R∼
                                                    R            *
                        u1'                                v1'
                     R∼                                          R∼
                        u2'                                v2'

                        u'                                 v'
For all R∼-transitions u->u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
                    Each R-rules from l => r
                    Each R∼-rules l' => r'

θ'(l') ≡A θ(l)                 θ(r)

                           R        *
θ'(r')                          w
(iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute
              R                For all R∼-transitions u → u' and
 u                 v
                        R∼     for all R-transitions from u to v.
 u'                v'
θ(l)              θ(r)
                               For all R∼-rules l' => r' and
                               for all R-rules from l => r.

R∼                R∼        Similar functionalities (e.g. critical pair generation)
                              Similar functionalities (e.g. critical pair generation)
                            are already available in some Maude tools
             R          *     are already available in some Maude tools
θ'(r')             v'       (e.g. in the Coherence Checker).
                              (e.g. in the Coherence Checker).
(iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute

IDEA: Show joinability of critical pairs (R rules vs R∼)

Theorem: If all such pairs are joinable, ∼ is a bisimulation
modules and checks

                 BANK-AP   BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼)

                                          check (iv)

                                 BANK-C (Rc)

                           BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
(iv) checking that c is a ∼-canonizer

IDEA: Exploit the form of typical reduction strategies:
     Local strategies
     c({t}) = c([[g]]({t})) if [[g]]({t})<{t}
     c({t}) = {t} [owise]

     Enumeration strategies
     c({t}) = min{[[f]]({t})}
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
typical space reduction
                                 no reduction
                                 strong reduction
                                 weak reduction

                                size of the
typical time reduction

                                   no reduction
                                   strong reduction
                                   weak reduction

                               size of the
will we have the same in Maude?

  Full symmetries in Maude [D.Rodriguez@WRLA'08]
will we have the same in Maude?

Q1. Overhead of meta-level based c-reductions?
Q2. Similar performance gains as model checkers?
Q3. Performance for c-reductions not based
     on full permutations (e.g. rotations)?
Q1. meta-level vs ad-hoc?






 20                                        ad-hoc

      1   2     3   4   5   6   7      8

                                    size of the system
                                    (instance parameter)
Q2. Maude vs SymmSPIN?
relative time
reduction factor
                                     no reduction
                                     strong c-reduction
                                     weak c-reduction


                                      size of the system
          2          3           4
                                      (instance parameter)

Q3. space reduction in dining philosophers?
Dining philosophers (rotational symmetries)

            ~              ~
                     = philosopher eating
                     = philosopher resting
Dining philosophers (msg. id's)

1      2          3         4           4   3

        msg id reuse            ~
                             msg id

                       msg id abstraction
Q3. space reduction in dining philosophers
                                     msg id reuse
                                     msg abstraction
                                     msg id reuse & permutations
                                     msg abstraction + philosopher rotation





                                                 size of the system
    2            3   4   5   6   7   8       9   (instance parameter)
Q3. time reduction in dining philosophers
      states           msg reuse&permutation
                       msg abstraction
      explored         msg abstraction + philosopher rotation

  7              8                         9
                                    size of the system
                                    (instance parameter)
Q1. Overhead of meta-level based c-reductions?
  ✔ Significant improvement
           when not resorting to the meta-level.

Q2.Performance against model checkers?
  ✔ Similar in space reduction;
  ✔ Comparable time reduction.

Q3. Performance for c-reductions not based
         on full permutations (e.g. Rotations)?
  ✔ Significant space gains in rotational.
Can we use rewriting logic to...

 (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques?
   ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure;

   ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions.

(ii) provide some advantages?
   ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine);

   ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology.

(iii) provide a faster state space exploration?
   ✔ Many experiments.
Related work (Maude)

   Full symmetries in Maude [D.Rodriguez@WRLA'08]
    ✔ Full object permutations, meta-representation order;
    ✭ More symmetries and examples, no meta-representation order,
       verification methodology.

   Equational abstractions [Palomino et al.@JLAP'10]
    ✔ Identify states to reduce state space;
    ✭ Bisimulation, reduction application control.
Related work (ii)
   SymmSPIN et al. [Bosnacki et al.@SPIN'01]
    ✔ Heuristics for canonizers;
    ✭ No extension needed, object references allowed, formal checks;
   Groove [Rensink@GRABATS'06]
    ✔ Up-to-isomorphism GTS;
    ✭ Programmable reductions, not just iso.

   HD-automata [Montanari et al.@TCS'05]
    ✔ Name reuse techniques;
    ✭ On-the-fly reduction, algebraic state structure.
Current and Future Work
   Better integration in Maude
       Conciliate with other state space reduction techniques
        (equational abstractions, partial order reduction);
       Tool support and its integration in MFE.

   Beyond group theoretic symmetries
       Abstractions that yield bisimulations?
       Exploit axiomatisations of bisimulation for process algebras?

   Beyond bisimulation
       Weak bisimulation?
       Trace equivalence (for LTL)?

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State Space c-Reductions of Concurrent Systems in Rewriting Logic @ ETAPS Workshop WRLA 2013

  • 1. State Space C-Reductions of Concurrent Systems in Rewriting Logic Alberto Lluch, Andrea Vandin José Meseguer IMT Lucca UIUC International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'12) Tallin, March 24-25, 2012
  • 2. state space explosion 0 3 8 ... 6 1 binary counter has ... 2 states 1 n-ary counter has ... n states (data abstraction) m n-ary counters Mn states! (symmetries, concurrency, etc.)
  • 3. running example $ = transfer of 1$ x$ = account with x$
  • 5. $ $ Isomorphic... Isomorphic... but syntactically different but syntactically different 0$ 0$ $ $ 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$ 1$ 1$
  • 6. symmetries in state space exploration problems
  • 7. some tools with symmetry reduction  Murphy [Ip&Dill@FMSD'96];  Symmetric SPIN [Bosnacki et al.@SPIN'00];  TopSPIN [Donaldson et al.@AMAST'06];  Groove [Rensink@GRABATS'06];  MiHDa [Montanari et al.@FMCO'02];  PRISM-symm [Ball et a@CAV06];  Planners, constraint solvers, etc.
  • 8. some drawbacks ✗ Symmetries denoted with extra primitives; ✗ Limited, fixed symmetry classes; ✗ Rigid “flexibility” vs “guarantees” tradeoff; ✗ Complex changes to model checker; ✗ Unofficial extensions of model checkers; ✗ No support for checking correctness.
  • 9. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 10. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 11. A Kripke structure is a tuple K = (S , → , L, AP) such that  S is a set of states;  → ⊆ S × S is a transition relation; $ $ p  AP are atomic propositions; 0$ 0$  L: S → 2AP maps states into AP subsets. $ p,q $ p,q 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$ p = there is some empty account q q = there are one or less dollars around 1$ 1$
  • 12. A bisimulation between two Kripke structures K and H is a binary relation ∼ ⊆ SK × SH such that s∼s' implies  LK(s) = LH(s');  s →K r implies s' →H r' and r∼r' for some r'; s →K r ≀ ≀  vice versa. s' →H r' p p $ $ $ $ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ p,q $ $ p,q $ p,q 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$ 0$ 1$ q q 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$
  • 13. A ∼-canonizer for – a Kripke structure K – and an equivalence (bisimilation) relation ∼ ⊆ S × S is a function c : S → S such that s∼c(s) for all states s. c $ c $ 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$
  • 14. A ∼-canonizer is strong if s∼s' implies c(s) = c(s') (i.e. if canonical representatives of ∼-equivalence classes are unique) 2$ 1$ 3$ 2$ 1$ 3$ 1$ 3$ 2$ c c 1$ 3$ 2$ c c c 1$ 2$ 3$ 1$ 2$ 3$ 2$ 3$ 1$ 2$ 3$ 1$ c 3$ 1$ 2$ c 3$ 1$ 2$ c 3$ 2$ 1$ 3$ 2$ 1$ otherwise we call them weak.
  • 15. The c-reduction of a Kripke structure K = (S , → , L, AP) $ $ is Kc = (S , →;c , L, AP) 0$ 0$ $ $ 1$ 0$ c 0$ 1$ 1$ 1$
  • 16. Th. If c is a ∼-canonizer then Kc ∼ K.
  • 17. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 18. some symmetry reductions captured  Full symmetries;  Rotational symmetries;  Name reuse (garbage collection);  Name abstraction.
  • 19. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 20. What is RL? A rewrite theory R is a tuple (Σ , E ∪ A , R , ϕ)  Σ = signature (e.g. syntax);  E = equations (e.g. functions); Not all equivalence relations ∼ Not all equivalence relations ∼ are tractable as axioms  A = axioms (e.g. ACI); are tractable as axioms  R = rules (e.g. non deterministic behaviour);  ϕ = frozennes map (e.g. rewrite strategy). Some assumptions:  R has good executability properties;  Topmost rules for a designated [State] kind.
  • 21. --- The main module defining the signature and one initial state fmod BANK is ... sorts Object Message Configuration State . subsort Message Object < Configuration . op <_|_> : Nat Nat -> Object [ctor] . op credit : Nat -> Message [ctor] . op __ : Configuration Configuration -> Configuration [ctor assoc comm] . op none : -> Configuration [ctor] . op {_} : Configuration -> State [ctor frozen] . --- A simple initial state $ $ op init : -> Configuration . 0$ 0$ eq init = < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 0 > credit(0) credit(1) . endfm
  • 22. --- The behavioural rules of the example mod BANK-RULES is $ inc BANK . vars i x : Nat . x$ x+1$ vars c1 : Configuration . --- A simple rule for crediting an account rl [credit] : { < i | x > credit(i) c1 } => { < i | s(x) > c1 } . endm
  • 23. search without reduction $ $ 0$ 0$ Maude> search in BANK-RULES : {init} =>* s:State . $ $ Solution 1 (state 0) 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$ s:State --> {credit(0) credit(1) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 0 >} Solution 2 (state 1) 1$ 1$ s:State --> {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >} symmetric states Solution 3 (state 2) s:State --> {credit(0) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 1 >} Solution 4 (state 3) s:State --> {< 0 | 1 > < 1 | 1 >} No more solutions. states: 4 rewrites: 6 in 0ms cpu (2ms real) (9523 rewrites/second)
  • 24. c-extension The c-extension of a rewrite theory R = (Σ, E ∪ A , R, ϕ) is Rc = (Σ ⊎ Σc, E ∪ Gc ∪ A , R , ϕc) i.e. a correct extension of R with the definition of c.
  • 25. module architecture BANK BANK-RULES (R) BANK-C (Rc)
  • 26. c-extension (example of canonizer) --- The c-extension of BANK that defines the c-canonizer for object permutations mod BANK-C is ... op c : State -> [State] . vars i j x y : Nat . vars c1 : Configuration . ceq c( { < i | x > < j | y > c1 } ) = c( { [[ i <-> j ]]( < i | x > < j | y > c1 ) } ) if [[ i <-> j ]]( < i | x > < j | y > c1 ) <# < i | x > < j | y > c1 . eq c({c1}) = {c1} [ owise ] . endm
  • 27. module architecture BANK BANK-RULES (R) BANK-PERMUTATION BANK-C (Rc)
  • 28. c-extension (example of transpositions) --- Implementation of object permutations fmod BANK-PERMUTATION is ... op [[_<->_]] _ : Nat Nat Configuration -> Configuration [frozen] . op [[_<->_]] _ : Nat Nat Nat -> Nat . eq [[ i <-> j ]](none) = none . eq [[ i <-> j ]](obj1 c1) = ([[ i <-> j ]](obj1)) ([[ i <-> j ]](c1)) . eq [[ i <-> j ]](msg1 c1) = ([[ i <-> j ]](msg1)) ([[ i <-> j ]](c1)) . eq [[ i <-> j ]](< k | x >) = < [[ i <-> j ]](k) | x > . eq [[ i <-> j ]](credit(k)) = credit([[ i <-> j ]] k) .  eq [[ i <-> j ]](i) = j . eq [[ i <-> j ]](j) = i . ceq [[ i <-> j ]](k) = k if (i != k) / (j != k) . endfm
  • 29. Identification of symmetric states Maude> red c( {credit(0) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 1 >}) . result State: {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >} $ 0$ 1$ c $ 1$ 0$
  • 30. The c-reduction of a rewrite theory R = (Σ, E ∪ A , R , ϕ ) is Rc = (Σ ⊎ Σc, E ∪ Gc ∪ A , Rc , ϕc) cc where Rc is made of rules K(Rcc)= K (R) K(R ) = K (R) l => c(r) if cond for each rule of R l => r if cond
  • 32. c-reduction (example) --- The c-reduction of BANK-RULES mod BANK-C-REDUCTION is inc BANK-C . rl [credit] : { < i | x > credit(i) c1 } => c({ < i | s(x) > c1 }) . endm
  • 33. search in c-reduced state space Maude> search in BANK-C-REDUCTION : {init} =>* s:State . search in BANK-C-REDUCTION : {init} =>* s:State . $ $ Solution 1 (state 0) 0$ 0$ s:State --> {credit(0) credit(1) < 0 | 0 > < 1 | 0 >} $ $ Solution 2 (state 1) c s:State --> {credit(1) < 0 | 1 > < 1 | 0 >} 1$ 0$ 0$ 1$ Solution 3 (state 2) s:State --> {< 0 | 1 > < 1 | 1 >} 1$ 1$ No more solutions. states: 3 rewrites: 25 in 0ms cpu (2ms real) (53648 rewrites/second)
  • 34. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 35. Does c provide a correct c-reduction? Th 1. “K(Rc) is bisimilar to K(R)” (desiderata) Lemma 0. “Relation ∼ is an equivalence relation” (i) Check that the action of the group is correct. Lemma 1. “Relation∼ is a bisimulation” Proof plan for (ii) Check that ∼ strongly respects AP; group-theoretic (iii) Check that ∼ and R “commute”. reductions Lemma 2. “Function c is a ∼-canonizer” (iv) Check that c is a ∼-canonizer.
  • 36. modules and checks BANK check (i) BANK-RULES (R) BANK-AP BANK-PERMUTATION (R∼) check (iv) check (iii) check (ii) BANK-C (Rc) BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES (R∼) BANK-C-REDUCTION (Rc)
  • 37. group theoretic equivalence relations The action ⟦∙⟧ of a group G on S defines an equivalence relation: s∼s' iff ⟦ f ⟧(s) = s' for some f ∈ G.
  • 39. (i) Checking group actions Implement the action ⟦∙⟧ of G on S as [[_]]_ : G State ->State . … but we just need to implement the action of the generators. Check that the we actually have a group action by showing: ⟦g⟧⟦g-1⟧(s) = s for each generator g of G. HINT: induction on S (structure of states). For example, in the case of permutations one has to show [[ i <-> j]] ([[ i <-> j]] (s)) = s
  • 40. (i) Checking group actions Implement the action ⟦∙⟧ of G on S as [[_]]_ : G State ->State . … but we just need to implement the action of the generators. Check that the we actually have a group action by showing:  ⟦e⟧(s) = s, for e the identity of G;  ⟦g ∘ g'⟧(s) = ⟦g⟧(⟦g'⟧(s)) for each pair of generators g, g' of G;  ⟦g⟧⟦g-1⟧(s) = s for each generator g of G. HINT: induction on G (generators ) and S (structure of states).
  • 42. (ii) Checking that ∼ strongly preserves AP IDEA: Define a rewrite theory R∼ to “move” inside orbits: R∼ = (Σ ⊎ Σ∼, E ∪ E∼ ∪ A , R∼ , ϕ) where R∼ = { s => [[g]](s) } Theorem: ∼ strongly preserves AP if AP is stable in R∼.
  • 43. Can we check such stability automatically? Yes, with InvA (under some conditions) fmod BANK-AP is eq [two-dollars-eq] : two-dollars({ < i | s(s(x)) > c1 }) = true . endfm fmod BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES is rl [transposition] : { < i | x > < j | y > c1 } => { [[ i <-> j ]] ( < i | x > < j | y > c1) } . endm Maude> (analyze-stable two-dollars(s:State) in BANK-AP BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES .) rewrites: 15571 in 16ms cpu (19ms real) (918643 rewrites/second) Checking BANK-PERMUTATION-RULES ||- two-dollars => O two-dollars ... Proof obligations generated: 2 For non discharged proof obligations Proof obligations discharged: 2 For non discharged proof obligations Success! one can use the Maude ITP tool one can use the Maude ITP tool
  • 45. (iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute R u v R u' v' For all equivalent states u, u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
  • 46. (iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute R u v R∼ R∼ * R * u' v' For all R∼reachable pairs of states u->u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
  • 47. (iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute R u v R∼ R∼ R * u1' v1' R∼ R∼ R * u2' v2' R u' v' For all R∼-transitions u->u' and for all R-transitions from u to v.
  • 48. Consider:  Each R-rules from l => r  Each R∼-rules l' => r' R θ'(l') ≡A θ(l) θ(r) R∼ R∼ R * θ'(r') w
  • 49. (iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute R For all R∼-transitions u → u' and u v R∼ for all R-transitions from u to v. R∼ * R u' v' R θ(l) θ(r) For all R∼-rules l' => r' and for all R-rules from l => r. R∼ R∼ Similar functionalities (e.g. critical pair generation) Similar functionalities (e.g. critical pair generation) are already available in some Maude tools R * are already available in some Maude tools θ'(r') v' (e.g. in the Coherence Checker). (e.g. in the Coherence Checker).
  • 50. (iii) Checking that ∼ and R commute IDEA: Show joinability of critical pairs (R rules vs R∼) Theorem: If all such pairs are joinable, ∼ is a bisimulation
  • 52. (iv) checking that c is a ∼-canonizer IDEA: Exploit the form of typical reduction strategies: Local strategies c({t}) = c([[g]]({t})) if [[g]]({t})<{t} c({t}) = {t} [owise] Enumeration strategies c({t}) = min{[[f]]({t})}
  • 53. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 54. typical space reduction states explored no reduction strong reduction weak reduction size of the system
  • 55. typical time reduction runtime no reduction strong reduction weak reduction size of the system
  • 56. will we have the same in Maude? Full symmetries in Maude [D.Rodriguez@WRLA'08]
  • 57. will we have the same in Maude? Q1. Overhead of meta-level based c-reductions? Q2. Similar performance gains as model checkers? Q3. Performance for c-reductions not based on full permutations (e.g. rotations)?
  • 58. Q1. meta-level vs ad-hoc? runtime (seconds) 90 80 meta-level 70 60 50 40 30 20 ad-hoc 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 size of the system (instance parameter)
  • 59.
  • 60. Q2. Maude vs SymmSPIN? relative time reduction factor 2 no reduction symmSPIN 1.5 strong c-reduction weak c-reduction 1 0.5 0 size of the system 2 3 4 (instance parameter) -0.5 -1
  • 61. Q3. space reduction in dining philosophers?
  • 62. Dining philosophers (rotational symmetries) ~ ~ = philosopher eating = philosopher resting
  • 63. Dining philosophers (msg. id's) 1 2 3 4 4 3 ~ msg id reuse ~ msg id permutation ~ msg id abstraction
  • 64. Q3. space reduction in dining philosophers states msg id reuse explored 600000 msg abstraction msg id reuse & permutations msg abstraction + philosopher rotation 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 size of the system 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (instance parameter)
  • 65. Q3. time reduction in dining philosophers states msg reuse&permutation msg abstraction explored msg abstraction + philosopher rotation 7 8 9 size of the system (instance parameter)
  • 66. Q1. Overhead of meta-level based c-reductions? ✔ Significant improvement when not resorting to the meta-level. Q2.Performance against model checkers? ✔ Similar in space reduction; ✔ Comparable time reduction. Q3. Performance for c-reductions not based on full permutations (e.g. Rotations)? ✔ Significant space gains in rotational.
  • 68. Can we use rewriting logic to... (i) generalize symmetry reduction techniques? ✔ Define the c-reduction of a Kripke structure; ✔ C-reductions subsume typical symmetry reductions. (ii) provide some advantages? ✔ Define c-reductions using equations (not in the engine); ✔ Provide a tool supported verification methodology. (iii) provide a faster state space exploration? ✔ Many experiments.
  • 69. Related work (Maude)  Full symmetries in Maude [D.Rodriguez@WRLA'08] ✔ Full object permutations, meta-representation order; ✭ More symmetries and examples, no meta-representation order, verification methodology.  Equational abstractions [Palomino et al.@JLAP'10] ✔ Identify states to reduce state space; ✭ Bisimulation, reduction application control.
  • 70. Related work (ii)  SymmSPIN et al. [Bosnacki et al.@SPIN'01] ✔ Heuristics for canonizers; ✭ No extension needed, object references allowed, formal checks;  Groove [Rensink@GRABATS'06] ✔ Up-to-isomorphism GTS; ✭ Programmable reductions, not just iso.  HD-automata [Montanari et al.@TCS'05] ✔ Name reuse techniques; ✭ On-the-fly reduction, algebraic state structure.
  • 71. Current and Future Work  Better integration in Maude  Conciliate with other state space reduction techniques (equational abstractions, partial order reduction);  Tool support and its integration in MFE.  Beyond group theoretic symmetries  Abstractions that yield bisimulations?  Exploit axiomatisations of bisimulation for process algebras?  Beyond bisimulation  Weak bisimulation?  Trace equivalence (for LTL)?