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 Pelajari keterampilan dasar dan pengetahuan untuk
menangani panggilan telepon
 Belajarlah untuk citra merek hotel yang konsisten dalam
 Belajarlah untuk memaksimalkan interaksi dalam
bertelepon untuk membangun loyalitas
 Belajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas INTERAKSI internal
dalam bertelepon
an Masalah
Smile & Greet √
Answer &
√ √ √
Service (Good
to Great)
Talk & Listen √ √ √ √ √
Own It √ √ √
√ √
Never Say
No (Solve It)
√ √
Phone Activity
Santika Ring
an Masalah
Smile &
Great √
Answer &
√ √ √
Never Say
No (Solve It) √ √ √
Talk &
Listen √ √ √ √ √
Impress √
Never Say
No (Solve It) √ √
Phone Activity
Santika Ring
Cara Membuat Interaksi
bertelepon itu adalah Penting
Apakah panggilan telepon secara efektif dan
efisien adalah penting untuk Santika,
 Pengalaman buruk Anda tinggalkan, mari kita
membuat pengalaman besar ke depan!
Menjawab panggilan telepon tidak masalah
tetapi merupakan PELUANG !
 Meningkatkan Bisnis
 Buat Kesan Positif
 Membantu Seseorang
 Latihan Layanan Pemulihan
 Buat Loyalitas Pelanggan
 Tampilkan Anda Peduli kepada orang lain
 Peluang apa yang dapat anda pikirkan?
82% dari responden mengatakan bahwa
cara panggilan telepon dijawab
mempengaruhi pendapat mereka tentang
perusahaan secara signifikan
 Pikirkan! Kami memiliki pesaing hotel yang ketat
 Kesan pertama membuat Imej hotel kami cerah
 Bisnis kami akan lambat laun menurun
Mari kita bicarakannya!
Pengalaman yang baik telepon
Pengalaman buruk telepon
Apa yang terjadi?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda?
Apa kesan Anda dari perusahaan?
Apa yang Anda lakukan setelah itu panggilan
Kesalahan Yang Sering Muncul Persentase
Mendapatkan pesan yang salah
atau informasi dari tamu
Kesalahan pada saat transfer 40%
Tidak menanyakan informasi 30%
Tidak mengikuti standar 30%
 Kadang-kadang kita menggantung sebelum
tamu melakukan
 Mengganggu
 Memberikan informasi yang salah
 Tidak meminta dalam menjawab telepon
Dasar Keterampilan
Berkomunikasi dalam Bertelepon
Santika Hotel
 Pengenalan Ketrampilan Dasar dari Tata Cara
bertelepon di Hotel Santika
 Pilihan kata-kata, Nada suara, Kesopanan
Keseluruhan, Kehangatan dan Kepedulian
 Balik ke Awal
 Beberapa hal yang harus di ingat
 Nada Suara
 Pilihan Kata-kata yang tepat
Ketrampilan Dasar
 Dampak dari Pembicaraan
7% Kata-kata
38% Nada Suara
55% Bahasa Tubuh
 Lawan Bicara tidak melihat bahasa Tubuh
 Nada suara dan Kata-kata menjadi sangat penting
melalui telepon
 Kami masih berurusan dengan seseorang
 Apa yang kita tidak melihat hal-hal
 Orang dapat merasakan emosi Anda
 Tunjukkan bahwa kita menghargai orang lain
 Kita perlu bekerja lebih keras pada
berinteraksi dalam bertelepon
 Mereka adalah manusia
 Bukan hanya sebuah suara
 Perlakukan orang dengan hati-hati dan
 Meskipun pemanggil tidak bisa melihat kita secara
fisik, mereka "melihat" dan "merasakan" kita
melalui suara kita
 Postur duduk positif dan ekspresi wajah yang
 Penelepon dapat merasakan emosi kita melalui
misalnya telepon senang, sedih dll, frustrasi
 Menciptakan energi positif dengan suara
 Kita tunjukan kepada tamu maupun rekan kerja
bahwa mereka berarti dan penuh rasa hormat
 Tunjukkan bahwa mereka berarti dan penuh rasa
 Berkomunikasi melalui telepon sedikit lebih sudah
dibanding komunikasi secara langsung
 Berusaha untuk sabar dan empati pada saat
komunikasi melalui telepon.
Nada suara menyampaikan
banyak tentang pesan kita.
Study by Dr. Mehrabian of UCLA
• Selalu tersenyum
• Pompa Energi Anda
• Atur Kecepatan
• Nada
• Artikulasi
• Ketepatan
• Senyum Anda dapat dirasakan oleh lawan bicara.
• Konsisten dengan Senyum dan Sapa
• Hal ini membuat Anda terus bahagia
• Tuangkan energi dalam suaramu
• Dengan energi, suara yang keluar terkesan positif
dan antusias
• Kita akan merasa lebih baik
• Jangan terlalu cepat dan juga jangan terlalu
• Bicara terlalu cepat akan terkesan sulit dimengerti
dan di cerna
• Bicara terlalu lambat akan terkesan kita tidak
antusias dalam melakukan pembicaraan
• Gunakan nada suaramu lebih beragam.
• Secara konsisten menggunakan nada suara tinggi
dan nada suara rendah sangatlah tidak efektif.
• Berhati-hati dengan nada suara kita jangan
sampai membuat orang lain tersinggung.
• Ucapkan kata demi kata dengan jelas.
• Berbicara dengan jelas.
• Berhati-hati berbicara dengan orang asing
(terkadang akses berbicara kita sulit dimengerti oleh
• Ketepatan dalam menggunakan nada suara
merupakan soal hal yang sangat penting
• Sesuaikan pembicaraan di situasi yang tepat.
• Gunakan ketepatan dalam menggunakan Nada
Suara sesuai dengan situasi yang sesuai
Empat hal yang penting yang harus diingat
dalam menggunakan kata-kata dengan efektif
• Sapa
• Gunakan Nama
• Hindari jadi pemicu
• Jadilah Penenang
• Seperti pada saat kita ketemu orang secara
langsung, selalu sapa nama orang
• Tunjukan bahwa kita PEDULI
• Jadilah lawan bicara yang hangat dan bersahaja
• Konsisten dengan “Senyum dan Sapa”
• Selalu sapa dengan Nama
• Cari tahu apabila kita belum tahu
• Tunjukkan bahwa anda RESPEK
• Konsisten dengan “Senyum dan Sapa”
• PEMICU: kata-kata yang dapat ditangkap kurang baik
oleh lawan bicara
• Selalu menghindari jadi PEMICU
• Contoh: Kebijakan, tak dapat, tidak tahu, yeah, ok, tapi,
mungkin, etc
Turn to your workbook. Discuss the following.
What others Triggers can you think of? What are the
effects on the caller?
Turn to your workbook. Discuss the following.
What others Calmers can you think of? What are the
effects on the caller?
• PENENANG : kata-kata yang dapat menciptakan suatu
tanggapan yang sangat positif dalam pembicaraan
melalui telepon.
• Gantikan Pemicu dengan Penenang
• Konsisten dalam “ Berbicara dan Mendengar”
• Contoh: Ada yang bisa saya bantu, Saya coba cari
tahu, Nanti saya cek dulu, dll
“Berikan kesan mereka melalui layanan
telepon, suatu saat nanti mereka dapat
berikan kita pujian maupun bisnis”
Ketrampilan dan Standar
didalam Situasi yang berbeda
• Memperkenalkan ketrampilan dan standar dasar
dalam interaksi bertelepon
• Melihat seluru aktivitas mulai dari membuka
pembicaraan sampai menutup pembicaraan
• Beberapa cara dalam menangani masalah
dalam berinteraksi bertelepon
• Membangun terus imej dari hotel kepada tamu
• Mengangkat Telepon
• Mentransfer
• Menahan Panggilan
• Mengambil Pesan
• Perbaikan
• Memulai Panggilan
• Menutup Panggilan
• Angkat telepon dalam dering ke 3 (tiga)
• Senyum dan Sapa
• Sebutkan nama hotel
• Sebutkan Nama Anda
• Tawarkan bantuan
• Selalu mengangkat telepon sebelum dering ketiga
• Penelpon selalu di sabar untuk menunggu terlalu
• Akan membuat kesab “tidak efisien” jika telepon
terlalu lama di angkat
• Senyumanmu dapat dirasakan
• Sapa penelpon dengan “Selamat
pagi/siang/malam !
• Sebutkan nama hotel Anda”Hotel Santika Palu”
• Sebutkan dengan jelas
• Jangan terburu-buru
• Sebutkan nama anda “Dengan Destin”
• Katakan dengan jelas
• Penelepon akan mengetahui dengan siapa dia
• Menunjukkan anda percaya pada saat menerima
• Tawarkan bantuan. “Ada yang bisa saya bantu ?
• Menunjukkan bahwa kita peduli
“Selamat Siang , Hotel Santika Palu,
dengan Destin, Ada yang bisa saya
• Angkat telepon dalam dering ke 3 (tiga)
• Senyum dan Sapa
• Sebutkan Nama Departemen
• Sebutkan Nama Anda
• Tawarkan Bantuan
Remember to show your fellow associates care too!
“Selamat sore! Reservation, dengan
Novi, Ada yang bisa saya bantu?”
• Sebagian besar orang tidak suka
menyambungkan panggilan telepon ke telepon
• Beberapa pengalaman buruk tentang
mentransfer panggilan telepon :
1. Harus mengulangi cerita ke orang berikut
2. Salah menyambungkan telepon
3. Akhirnya semua di selesaikan melalui mesin
penjawab telepon
4. Lebih baik ditutup saja daripada repot
• Melihat dari sudut pandang kita
• Lebih mengerti akan pengalaman apabila
penelpon sering disambungkan ke salah alamat
• Menghindari salah salah sambung telepon
• Katakan penelepon bahwa orang /departemen yang di
sambungkan merupakan yang benar.
Contoh “Mohon ditunggu pak Edi, saya sambungkan Anda dengan
pak Atmaji ”
• Pada saat tersambungkan :
• Katakan pada penerima telepon nama dan tujuan dari menelpon
Apa saja cara-cara terbaik dalam
menginformasikan penelpon dalam
menyambungkan telepon?
• Berbicara dan mendengarkan dengan seksama
• Selalu klarifikasi apabila kurang jelas
• Penerima telepon hati-hati
• Jangan lagi menawarkan bantuan
• Kerahasiaan
• Selalu menjaga kerahasiaan tamu
Apa yang menjadi standar
tentang keamanan dan privasi
 Ask for permission
E.g. “Mrs. Tini, may I put on hold as I transfer your call?” or
Mr. Rino, may I put on hold as I look for the information
 Callers dislike being put on hold
 Putting international callers on hold can be
costly and annoying to them
 Never do the “Please hold”<click><music>
 Taking message is a very important task
 You are facilitating information flow between a
caller and the intended receiver
 The message you take can be a very important
piece of information to the caller and receiver
 Invite the caller to leave a message
 Write down the message
 Repeat the message
 Pass on the message immediately
 Say “Allow me to take a message.”
 Many callers do not have the habit to leave
 Invitation prompts caller to leave message
 Write clearly
 A message that cannot be read is not useful
 Have the receiver in mind when writing
 Repeat message to caller to check for accuracy
 It gives the caller a chance to correct any
 We don’t know the urgency of a message
 Treat every message on an urgent basis
 Pass it on immediately
 It is common to get telephone calls when there is
a service breakdown
 Guests can get emotional, irrational, unreasonable
 As service provider we have to manage the
Take Control
 Do the Opposite
 What are your body reactions when you become
emotional (angry, frightened, etc)
 When you are getting angry:
 Do you breathe faster?
 Do your jaws clench or does heart beat faster?
 Do you feel warmer?
 These are signals your body sends you when you
are becoming emotional.
 Take control of yourself by first acknowledging the
 Remind yourself to cool down
 Act to Soothe the signals (body reactions)
 Do the Opposite to counter it
Signal Opposite
Muscles/jaw tense Shake/stretch to loosen your
Breathe/heart beats faster Take deep breathe and
counting to 5 to exhaling
Feel warm Turn on the air-con or fan
Sweaty palms Wipe your hands
 S.T.O.P. Technique does not come naturally
 You need to practice it
 Once you internalizes it, you will feel comfortable
using it
 A Service Recovery done well can create
customer loyalty
1. Handling Emotion
2. Active Listening/Apologize and Empathize
3. Clarifying the situation
4. Own, Solve and follow-through
Guest calls:
 Angry
 Frustrated
 Annoyed, etc
Associate uses S.T.O.P.
 Signals
 Take Control
 Do Opposite
 Practise
Guest speaks:
 Tells his bad
experience in a fast
unclear manner
Associate says:
 I’m truly sorry,
<Mr./Mrs/Ms/ Mdm
 “We are sorry…”
 On behalf of the
hotel, I
Guest talks:
 Give details of
problem and his
Associate uses Active
 Avoid interruption
 Understand and
 Take notes
 Empathize
Guest Finishes:
 After talking about
the problem, some
information is
unclear or missing
Associate Clarifies
 Ask for more
information about the
 Paraphrase to check
for understanding
Guest gets:
 Problem solved
 Update of the
 Own
 Solve
 Follow Through
 We make telephone calls everyday
 To the person we call, we represent our hotel
 Project a professional image and create a good
 Have a Goal
 Prepare your speech
 Prepare to leave a message
 Be clear on what you want to achieve
 Is this a sales call? Just to keep in touch?
 Having a goal makes your calls more effective and
 You do not get distracted by side conversations
 Think through what you want to say before calling
 How are you going to introduce yourself?
 How to describe the purpose of your call clearly?
 What have you to offer?
 Be prepare to leave a message if the other person is not
there so that they can return your call
 Leave a message with someone or on the voice mail
 Speak slowly and clearly
 Keep it short and to the point
 Leave your name
 Leave your telephone number and repeat it
 The end of the call is as important as the
 End all calls with a positive impression just like
you have started
 Summarize
 Ask caller if there is anything else
 Thank caller
 Wait for caller to hang up first
 Go over the important points of the conversation
◦ E.g. “Mr. Smith, as promise I will ask the sales manager
to give you a call regarding the changes in your ballroom
 To make sure that she does not miss anything
 To show caller that you care
 To show that you are not rushing her off
 E.g. “Very well, is there anything else that I can
help in?”
 Thank the caller
 Mention name of caller
 End with a good wish
 E.g. “Thank you Ms Mei for calling Hotel Santika
Palu and have a nice day.”
 Let caller hang up first
 Caller might perceive us impatient or insincere if
we hang up too quickly
 You are important and you make a difference
 There are many pleasant callers
 Each call is a fresh call. Do not let the last one weigh you
down on the next one.
 You are helping someone when you answer a call
 You are providing a service when you attend to a call
 Many associates and guests depend on you to handle the
telephone calls efficiently
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

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Semelhante a Reservation management training

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Reservation management training

  • 2. 2  Pelajari keterampilan dasar dan pengetahuan untuk menangani panggilan telepon  Belajarlah untuk citra merek hotel yang konsisten dalam bertelepon  Belajarlah untuk memaksimalkan interaksi dalam bertelepon untuk membangun loyalitas  Belajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas INTERAKSI internal dalam bertelepon
  • 3. 3 Jawaba n Butuh Klarifikas i Respon Kepada Kebutuhan Penyelesai an Masalah Situasi Khusus Penutup Pembicaraan Melakukan Pembicaraa n Smile & Greet √ Transfer Take Message √ √ √ Answer & Anticipate √ √ √ √ X’traordinary Service (Good to Great) √ √ Talk & Listen √ √ √ √ √ Own It √ √ √ Recovery Emergenc y √ √ Never Say No (Solve It) √ √ √ Phone Activity Santika Ring Standard
  • 4. 4 Jawaba n Butuh Klarifikas i Respon Kepada Kebutuhan Penyelesai an Masalah Situasi Khusus Penutup Pembicaraan Melakukan Pembicaraa n Smile & Great √ Transfer Take Message √ √ √ Answer & Anticipate √ √ √ √ Never Say No (Solve It) √ √ √ Talk & Listen √ √ √ √ √ Impress √ Never Say No (Solve It) √ √ √ Phone Activity Santika Ring Standard
  • 6. 6 Apakah panggilan telepon secara efektif dan efisien adalah penting untuk Santika, MENGAPA?
  • 7. 7  Pengalaman buruk Anda tinggalkan, mari kita membuat pengalaman besar ke depan! Menjawab panggilan telepon tidak masalah tetapi merupakan PELUANG !
  • 8. 8  Meningkatkan Bisnis  Buat Kesan Positif  Membantu Seseorang  Latihan Layanan Pemulihan  Buat Loyalitas Pelanggan  Tampilkan Anda Peduli kepada orang lain  Peluang apa yang dapat anda pikirkan?
  • 9. 9 82% dari responden mengatakan bahwa cara panggilan telepon dijawab mempengaruhi pendapat mereka tentang perusahaan secara signifikan
  • 10. 10  Pikirkan! Kami memiliki pesaing hotel yang ketat  Kesan pertama membuat Imej hotel kami cerah  Bisnis kami akan lambat laun menurun
  • 11. 11 Mari kita bicarakannya! Pengalaman yang baik telepon Pengalaman buruk telepon Apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana perasaan Anda? Apa kesan Anda dari perusahaan? Apa yang Anda lakukan setelah itu panggilan telepon?
  • 12. 12 Hasil: Kesalahan Yang Sering Muncul Persentase Mendapatkan pesan yang salah atau informasi dari tamu 50% Kesalahan pada saat transfer 40% Tidak menanyakan informasi 30% Tidak mengikuti standar 30%
  • 13. 13  Kadang-kadang kita menggantung sebelum tamu melakukan  Mengganggu  Memberikan informasi yang salah  Tidak meminta dalam menjawab telepon
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 Dasar Keterampilan Berkomunikasi dalam Bertelepon Santika Hotel
  • 16. 16  Pengenalan Ketrampilan Dasar dari Tata Cara bertelepon di Hotel Santika  Pilihan kata-kata, Nada suara, Kesopanan Keseluruhan, Kehangatan dan Kepedulian
  • 17. 17  Balik ke Awal  Beberapa hal yang harus di ingat  Nada Suara  Pilihan Kata-kata yang tepat Ketrampilan Dasar
  • 18. 18  Dampak dari Pembicaraan 7% Kata-kata 38% Nada Suara 55% Bahasa Tubuh  Lawan Bicara tidak melihat bahasa Tubuh  Nada suara dan Kata-kata menjadi sangat penting melalui telepon
  • 19. 19  Kami masih berurusan dengan seseorang  Apa yang kita tidak melihat hal-hal  Orang dapat merasakan emosi Anda  Tunjukkan bahwa kita menghargai orang lain  Kita perlu bekerja lebih keras pada berinteraksi dalam bertelepon
  • 20. 20  Mereka adalah manusia  Bukan hanya sebuah suara  Perlakukan orang dengan hati-hati dan menghormati
  • 21. 21  Meskipun pemanggil tidak bisa melihat kita secara fisik, mereka "melihat" dan "merasakan" kita melalui suara kita  Postur duduk positif dan ekspresi wajah yang penting
  • 22. 22  Penelepon dapat merasakan emosi kita melalui misalnya telepon senang, sedih dll, frustrasi  Menciptakan energi positif dengan suara positif
  • 23. 23  Kita tunjukan kepada tamu maupun rekan kerja bahwa mereka berarti dan penuh rasa hormat  Tunjukkan bahwa mereka berarti dan penuh rasa respek.
  • 24. 24  Berkomunikasi melalui telepon sedikit lebih sudah dibanding komunikasi secara langsung  Berusaha untuk sabar dan empati pada saat komunikasi melalui telepon.
  • 25. 25
  • 26. 26 Nada suara menyampaikan banyak tentang pesan kita. Study by Dr. Mehrabian of UCLA
  • 27. 27 • Selalu tersenyum • Pompa Energi Anda • Atur Kecepatan • Nada • Artikulasi • Ketepatan
  • 28. 28 • Senyum Anda dapat dirasakan oleh lawan bicara. • Konsisten dengan Senyum dan Sapa • Hal ini membuat Anda terus bahagia
  • 29. 29 • Tuangkan energi dalam suaramu • Dengan energi, suara yang keluar terkesan positif dan antusias • Kita akan merasa lebih baik
  • 30. 30 • Jangan terlalu cepat dan juga jangan terlalu lambat. • Bicara terlalu cepat akan terkesan sulit dimengerti dan di cerna • Bicara terlalu lambat akan terkesan kita tidak antusias dalam melakukan pembicaraan
  • 31. 31 • Gunakan nada suaramu lebih beragam. • Secara konsisten menggunakan nada suara tinggi dan nada suara rendah sangatlah tidak efektif. • Berhati-hati dengan nada suara kita jangan sampai membuat orang lain tersinggung.
  • 32. 32 • Ucapkan kata demi kata dengan jelas. • Berbicara dengan jelas. • Berhati-hati berbicara dengan orang asing (terkadang akses berbicara kita sulit dimengerti oleh mereka)
  • 33. 33 • Ketepatan dalam menggunakan nada suara merupakan soal hal yang sangat penting • Sesuaikan pembicaraan di situasi yang tepat. • Gunakan ketepatan dalam menggunakan Nada Suara sesuai dengan situasi yang sesuai
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35 Empat hal yang penting yang harus diingat dalam menggunakan kata-kata dengan efektif • Sapa • Gunakan Nama • Hindari jadi pemicu • Jadilah Penenang
  • 36. 36 • Seperti pada saat kita ketemu orang secara langsung, selalu sapa nama orang • Tunjukan bahwa kita PEDULI • Jadilah lawan bicara yang hangat dan bersahaja • Konsisten dengan “Senyum dan Sapa”
  • 37. 37 • Selalu sapa dengan Nama • Cari tahu apabila kita belum tahu • Tunjukkan bahwa anda RESPEK • Konsisten dengan “Senyum dan Sapa”
  • 38. 38 • PEMICU: kata-kata yang dapat ditangkap kurang baik oleh lawan bicara • Selalu menghindari jadi PEMICU • Contoh: Kebijakan, tak dapat, tidak tahu, yeah, ok, tapi, mungkin, etc Exercise Turn to your workbook. Discuss the following. What others Triggers can you think of? What are the effects on the caller?
  • 39. 39 Exercise Turn to your workbook. Discuss the following. What others Calmers can you think of? What are the effects on the caller? • PENENANG : kata-kata yang dapat menciptakan suatu tanggapan yang sangat positif dalam pembicaraan melalui telepon. • Gantikan Pemicu dengan Penenang • Konsisten dalam “ Berbicara dan Mendengar” • Contoh: Ada yang bisa saya bantu, Saya coba cari tahu, Nanti saya cek dulu, dll
  • 40. 40 “Berikan kesan mereka melalui layanan telepon, suatu saat nanti mereka dapat berikan kita pujian maupun bisnis”
  • 41. 41 Ketrampilan dan Standar didalam Situasi yang berbeda
  • 42. 42 • Memperkenalkan ketrampilan dan standar dasar dalam interaksi bertelepon • Melihat seluru aktivitas mulai dari membuka pembicaraan sampai menutup pembicaraan • Beberapa cara dalam menangani masalah dalam berinteraksi bertelepon • Membangun terus imej dari hotel kepada tamu
  • 43. 43 • Mengangkat Telepon • Mentransfer panggilan • Menahan Panggilan • Mengambil Pesan • Perbaikan • Memulai Panggilan • Menutup Panggilan
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45 • Angkat telepon dalam dering ke 3 (tiga) • Senyum dan Sapa • Sebutkan nama hotel • Sebutkan Nama Anda • Tawarkan bantuan
  • 46. 46 • Selalu mengangkat telepon sebelum dering ketiga • Penelpon selalu di sabar untuk menunggu terlalu lama • Akan membuat kesab “tidak efisien” jika telepon terlalu lama di angkat
  • 47. 47 • Senyumanmu dapat dirasakan • Sapa penelpon dengan “Selamat pagi/siang/malam !
  • 48. 48 • Sebutkan nama hotel Anda”Hotel Santika Palu” • Sebutkan dengan jelas • Jangan terburu-buru
  • 49. 49 • Sebutkan nama anda “Dengan Destin” • Katakan dengan jelas • Penelepon akan mengetahui dengan siapa dia berbicara • Menunjukkan anda percaya pada saat menerima telepon
  • 50. 50 • Tawarkan bantuan. “Ada yang bisa saya bantu ? • Menunjukkan bahwa kita peduli
  • 51. 51 “Selamat Siang , Hotel Santika Palu, dengan Destin, Ada yang bisa saya bantu?”
  • 52. 52 • Angkat telepon dalam dering ke 3 (tiga) • Senyum dan Sapa • Sebutkan Nama Departemen • Sebutkan Nama Anda • Tawarkan Bantuan Remember to show your fellow associates care too!
  • 53. 53 “Selamat sore! Reservation, dengan Novi, Ada yang bisa saya bantu?”
  • 54. 54
  • 55. 55 • Sebagian besar orang tidak suka menyambungkan panggilan telepon ke telepon lain • Beberapa pengalaman buruk tentang mentransfer panggilan telepon : 1. Harus mengulangi cerita ke orang berikut 2. Salah menyambungkan telepon 3. Akhirnya semua di selesaikan melalui mesin penjawab telepon 4. Lebih baik ditutup saja daripada repot
  • 56. 56 • Melihat dari sudut pandang kita • Lebih mengerti akan pengalaman apabila penelpon sering disambungkan ke salah alamat • Menghindari salah salah sambung telepon
  • 57. 57 • Katakan penelepon bahwa orang /departemen yang di sambungkan merupakan yang benar. Contoh “Mohon ditunggu pak Edi, saya sambungkan Anda dengan pak Atmaji ” • Pada saat tersambungkan : • Katakan pada penerima telepon nama dan tujuan dari menelpon
  • 58. 58 Apa saja cara-cara terbaik dalam menginformasikan penelpon dalam menyambungkan telepon?
  • 59. 59 • Berbicara dan mendengarkan dengan seksama • Selalu klarifikasi apabila kurang jelas • Penerima telepon hati-hati • Jangan lagi menawarkan bantuan • Kerahasiaan • Selalu menjaga kerahasiaan tamu
  • 60. 60 Apa yang menjadi standar tentang keamanan dan privasi tamu?
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62  Ask for permission E.g. “Mrs. Tini, may I put on hold as I transfer your call?” or Mr. Rino, may I put on hold as I look for the information  Callers dislike being put on hold  Putting international callers on hold can be costly and annoying to them  Never do the “Please hold”<click><music>
  • 63. 63
  • 64. 64  Taking message is a very important task  You are facilitating information flow between a caller and the intended receiver  The message you take can be a very important piece of information to the caller and receiver
  • 65. 65  Invite the caller to leave a message  Write down the message  Repeat the message  Pass on the message immediately
  • 66. 66  Say “Allow me to take a message.”  Many callers do not have the habit to leave message  Invitation prompts caller to leave message
  • 67. 67  Write clearly  A message that cannot be read is not useful  Have the receiver in mind when writing
  • 68. 68  Repeat message to caller to check for accuracy  It gives the caller a chance to correct any misunderstanding
  • 69. 69  We don’t know the urgency of a message  Treat every message on an urgent basis  Pass it on immediately
  • 70. 70
  • 71. 71  It is common to get telephone calls when there is a service breakdown  Guests can get emotional, irrational, unreasonable etc  As service provider we have to manage the situation
  • 72. 72 Signals Take Control  Do the Opposite Practise
  • 73. 73  What are your body reactions when you become emotional (angry, frightened, etc)  When you are getting angry:  Do you breathe faster?  Do your jaws clench or does heart beat faster?  Do you feel warmer?  These are signals your body sends you when you are becoming emotional.
  • 74. 74  Take control of yourself by first acknowledging the change  Remind yourself to cool down
  • 75. 75  Act to Soothe the signals (body reactions)  Do the Opposite to counter it Signal Opposite Muscles/jaw tense Shake/stretch to loosen your muscle Breathe/heart beats faster Take deep breathe and counting to 5 to exhaling Feel warm Turn on the air-con or fan Sweaty palms Wipe your hands
  • 76. 76  S.T.O.P. Technique does not come naturally  You need to practice it  Once you internalizes it, you will feel comfortable using it
  • 77. 77  A Service Recovery done well can create customer loyalty
  • 78. 78 1. Handling Emotion 2. Active Listening/Apologize and Empathize 3. Clarifying the situation 4. Own, Solve and follow-through
  • 79. 79 Guest calls:  Angry  Frustrated  Annoyed, etc Associate uses S.T.O.P.  Signals  Take Control  Do Opposite  Practise
  • 80. 80 Guest speaks:  Tells his bad experience in a fast unclear manner Associate says:  I’m truly sorry, <Mr./Mrs/Ms/ Mdm name>  “We are sorry…”  On behalf of the hotel, I apologize…
  • 81. 81 Guest talks:  Give details of problem and his expectations Associate uses Active Listening:  Avoid interruption  Understand and encourage  Take notes  Empathize
  • 82. 82 Guest Finishes:  After talking about the problem, some information is unclear or missing Associate Clarifies  Ask for more information about the problem  Paraphrase to check for understanding
  • 83. 83 Guest gets:  Problem solved  Update of the status Associate  Own  Solve  Follow Through
  • 84. 84
  • 85. 85  We make telephone calls everyday  To the person we call, we represent our hotel  Project a professional image and create a good impression
  • 86. 86  Have a Goal  Prepare your speech  Prepare to leave a message
  • 87. 87  Be clear on what you want to achieve  Is this a sales call? Just to keep in touch?  Having a goal makes your calls more effective and efficient  You do not get distracted by side conversations
  • 88. 88  Think through what you want to say before calling  How are you going to introduce yourself?  How to describe the purpose of your call clearly?  What have you to offer?
  • 89. 89  Be prepare to leave a message if the other person is not there so that they can return your call  Leave a message with someone or on the voice mail  Speak slowly and clearly  Keep it short and to the point  Leave your name  Leave your telephone number and repeat it
  • 90. 90
  • 91. 91  The end of the call is as important as the beginning.  End all calls with a positive impression just like you have started
  • 92. 92  Summarize  Ask caller if there is anything else  Thank caller  Wait for caller to hang up first
  • 93. 93  Go over the important points of the conversation ◦ E.g. “Mr. Smith, as promise I will ask the sales manager to give you a call regarding the changes in your ballroom booking.”
  • 94. 94  To make sure that she does not miss anything  To show caller that you care  To show that you are not rushing her off  E.g. “Very well, is there anything else that I can help in?”
  • 95. 95  Thank the caller  Mention name of caller  End with a good wish  E.g. “Thank you Ms Mei for calling Hotel Santika Palu and have a nice day.”
  • 96. 96  Let caller hang up first  Caller might perceive us impatient or insincere if we hang up too quickly
  • 97. 97  You are important and you make a difference  There are many pleasant callers  Each call is a fresh call. Do not let the last one weigh you down on the next one.  You are helping someone when you answer a call  You are providing a service when you attend to a call  Many associates and guests depend on you to handle the telephone calls efficiently
  • 99. 99

Notas do Editor

  1. Notes to facilitator This program is designed to have a largely self-explanatory participant workbook. So, the main function of the facilitator is not just to explain the points, the facilitator is depended on the help the participants to Realize the importance of each standard or skill Understand the reasons behind the standards Understand the important role of the telephone in the overall Santika initiative Improve the skills on the job through the post-session coaching. Overview of the The Santika-Ring Program. The Santika-Ring is short for CAring Response with Every RING. The title of the program is specially chosen to emphasize the important of the telephone in showing our care for the guests AND associates. We must remember to uphold our level of service in all situations including when we are on the telephone. The Santika-Ring is Part of Phase Three of The Santika Way Service Culture. The Phase Three of The Santika Way Service Culture is about Enhancing Customer Loyalty
  2. Objectives of the session: To give participants an understanding of the objectives of the program Fundamental skills and knowledge: how to use tone of voice, use words effectively, answering calls according to standards, transferring calls according to standards etc Consistent brand image: comes from our consistent use of the standards in all properties under the same brand Practise The Santika Way Service Culture and build loyalty over the telephone by following standards Remind ourselves that Associates are important, treat them as you will treat a guest.
  3. A table to show how the Santika. Service Standard is relevant in the various telephone activities.
  4. A table to show how the Santika. Service Standard is relevant in the various telephone activities.
  5. Notes to facilitator This program is designed to have a largely self-explanatory participant workbook. So, the main function of the facilitator is not just to explain the points, the facilitator is depended on the help the participants to Realize the importance of each standard or skill Understand the reasons behind the standards Understand the important role of the telephone in the overall Santika Way initiative Improve the skills on the job through the post-session coaching.
  6. Part One addresses the question why The Santika-Ring program is important. We will look at how important it is to handle telephone professionally and how it is an integral part of the overall The Santika Way Service Culture initiative.
  7. Objective of this session: To encourage participants to see a telephone call as an opportunity and not a chore. Some people are afraid of the telephone. They do not know what a ringing telephone can bring. Their experience tells them that on the other end of the line it could be a guest that is going to give them more work or an angry guest to pacify or a foreigner they cannot understand, etc. Having such “frightening” thoughts will not help us achieve service excellence. Such thoughts will also not help us grow professionally. It may also affect our confidence and enthusiasm to answer calls sincerely and effectively. Remember: Answering telephone call is not a chore but an opportunity!
  8. Some potential opportunities that can come with a call. The participants can be a part of these opportunity by looking at telephone calls with a new mindset: Telephone calls are opportunities! There are so many positive outcomes that can result from a telephone call. Start looking at a telephone call as an opportunity to: Increase business Create a positive impression Help someone Exercise service recovery Create customer loyalty Show CARE to others
  9. A research that shows how important it is to answer telephone calls well. Communication Briefing is a publishing group. This research was carried out by them.
  10. Objective of this session: To get participants to relate their own experience to the main theme we are addressing in this program Give participants time to think through Invite them to share Stress on what they did after the experience e.g. good telephone experience :feel good, happy, satisfied etc; patronize more, speak well of the company to friends and relatives, more tolerant of their mistakes in the future etc e.g. bad telephone experience:feel angry, cheated, frustrated etc; Stop patronizing them, wrote complaint letters, told friends and relatives about bad experiences, told participants of The Santika-Ring the bad experience, etc Stress that our hotel guests would have done the same as them, if they experienced bad service over the telephone.
  11. Objective of the session: To highlight some common telephone challenges we have in Bandung so that we will pay more attention to improve them This is not about “finding fault”. This survey was done with the intention of understanding from the various properties what kinds of challenges they face on the telephone so that we can pay more attention on these areas and improve. Explanation on the Percentage: “Getting the wrong message or information from guests 50%” means that when respondents were asked “What are the usual mistakes associates made on the telephone?”, 5 out of 10 of them mentioned “Getting the wrong message or information from guests”. Each respondent has named more than one “common” mistakes.
  12. Here are some other “mistakes” that also need attention though they did turn up to be high on the “common mistakes” list Hanging up before the guest does - gives a sense of impatience, lack of respect and insincerity. Interrupting - creates the impression that we are not listening, we will miss out important information, irritate the guests Giving wrong information - if the wrong information is about small things like the opening time of the gym or the discount rate of an outlet, it may not cause serious damage but it will still create annoyance. If the misinformation is about important things, it will create huge problem. Someone might miss a flight, someone might not get medical help soon enough etc. Not prompt in answering - gives an impression of inefficiency
  13. Stress the point!
  14. Objective of the session: Remind the participants of things that we can forget easily when we are using the telephone The next few slides are elaboration.
  15. Part Two introduces the foundation of the The Santika-Ring Program. It looks at the importance of our choice of words and tone of voice over the telephone and the overall courtesy, warmth and care. We will learn how to use our choice of words and tone of voice effectively.
  16. Objective of this session: To give a quick overview of what’s in Part Two. Go over quickly as more details will be available in each session.
  17. Objective of the session: Remind the participants of things that we can forget easily when we are using the telephone The next few slides are elaboration.
  18. It is important to remember that on the other end of the telephone line is a person, a human being. It is easy to forget that as we do not see the other person, we only hear a voice. Remind yourself constantly to treat the other person as a person. We still need to have all the good The Santika Way Service Culture Service Standards when we are on the telephone.
  19. We have to remember that even though people cannot see us on the telephone, it is still very important to be discipline and practise the standards. The callers cannot see us on the telephone. However, what they cannot see often matters even in a telephone conversation. If we smile when we talk on the telephone, the tone of voice will sound friendlier and happier. And, the caller can feel that in our voice. So, though the caller cannot see our smile, it matters. The same is true with our sitting posture. If we sit upright, we will sound more energetic.
  20. We must remember that the caller can feel our emotions over the telephone. From our voice the callers can feel whether we are happy, sad, frustrated etc. So, be mindful always and not to let our voice create negative feelings in the caller.
  21. The way to show that we value the caller is to treat them with respect. We could show respect by asking for her/his name. We want to show that the caller is important to us by not rushing through an interaction. We could compliment, the caller when appropriate. Similarly, we should extend the same level of respect to our associates. Showing that we value one another will help us build a better team and create a better working environment.
  22. We need to remind ourselves to try our utmost best to help a caller over the telephone. Communicating over the telephone is far harder than communicating face-to-face. For example, it is easier to give direction to someone in person. You can draw a map, point with you hand or even accompany the person. You cannot do those over the telephone. It is almost like helping a person who cannot see. You need to exercise more patience and empathy when serving someone on the telephone.
  23. The first foundational skill: Tone of voice Objective of the session: To have participants realize that managing the tone of voice is very important in a telephone conversation and learn the various aspects under tone of voice We know that our tone of voice conveys a lot to others about our message. Research has shown that our tone of voice has a huge impact on how others understand our message*. A flat tone makes people think you are bored or uninterested. So, we need to remember to manage our tone when we are talking on the telephone. * Study by Dr. Mehrabian at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  24. The various things to work on under the Tone of Voice session The following slides are elaboration.
  25. Tell participant that others can feel their smile in their voice. Ask them to keep a straight face and say “good morning”. Ask how did that sound. It did not sound cheerful. Now, smile and then say “good morning”. What the difference? This time it sounds cheerful. When you smile, you feel happier yourself too. Though the caller cannot see your smile, having a smile on your face makes your tone pleasant immediately. Try it! Smiling is a standard in “Smile and Greet” of the Santika. Service Standards. So, smile on the telephone and practise the Santika. Service Standards! (Tip: put a mirror in front of you to remind yourself to smile)
  26. Putting energy in your voice makes you sound positive and enthusiastic. People generally like energetic and enthusiastic people. Be that energetic person callers love to talk with!
  27. Be moderate in the pace of your speech. The pace refers to how fast or slow you speak. Speaking fast does not impress others. Instead, it frustrates the listener as she does not understand what you are saying. Use a comfortable pace so that others can understand what you say. You may want to ask an associate to give you feedback on your pace.
  28. Do vary your tone i.e. use a higher and a lower pitch when appropriate. A high pitch voice is uncomfortable on the ears and gives a sense of anxiousness. Too low a pitch can make your spoken words unclear. If your natural voice has a very high pitch, you should try to lower it. If your natural voice has a very low pitch, you should try to bring it up. Speak from higher up on your throat to bring up the pitch; speaking from the lower part of your throat will lower the pitch.
  29. Pronounce your words clearly. Say the words in a clear manner. We need to take extra care when the caller is a foreigner, she might have difficulty in understanding our accent. So, pronounce each word clearly.
  30. We must remember that appropriateness is very important when using our tone of voice. For example, when we have an angry guest, we should not smile and should use a serious and flatter tone. In an emergency situation, we should avoid using a high pitch tone of voice that will make everyone feel more anxious.
  31. The second foundational skill: Choice of Words Objective of the session: To have participants understand the importance of their choice of words and learn the various aspects of choice of words. The choice of words on a telephone conversation is also very important in conveying a message. A careless choice of words could create a undesirable outcome. For example: “Who says so!” could cause the caller to think that you are scolding him or trying to imply that he is lying.
  32. When we see our guests or associates, we greet them. It is the same on the telephone, we want to greet them. Greet the caller, always! E.g. “good morning”, “good evening.” Always Smile and Greet on the telephone just like how we practise the Santika. Service Standards in a face-to-face situation!
  33. Use the guest’s name if you know it. If you do not know their names, use “Sir” or “Ma’am” for a start. Try to find out their names as soon as possible. People like to be referred to by their salutation (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Prof. etc) and name. It is a sign of respect for them and a show of your professionalism. Using the guest’s name is what we practise in “Smile and Greet”. Practise the same on the telephone and maintain our consistency in our service!
  34. Trigger are spoken words that can or will create an undesirable reaction from the caller. E.g. a word when spoken that will make the caller to become angrier. Practise so that you do not use Trigger. Examples of Triggers: policy, cannot, I don’t know, yeah…but, it is not my fault etc. Such words normally get a guest upset. Triggers and the possible effect on the caller Triggers create negative effects on the caller. When a caller hears a Trigger, he may react in an undesirable way creating a situation that may be difficult for us to handle. For example, if we say “I cannot give that to you because of our policy…”. The caller gets angry because he thinks that we are not willing to help and now we end up with an angry customer to pacify. What other Triggers can you think of? What are the effects on the caller?
  35. Replace Triggers with Calmers. Calmers are words that can create a positive feeling about the telephone conversation. The caller will also have a positive feeling and impression about you. Practising the use of Calmers on the telephone is in line with the “Talk and Listen” e.g. Here’s what I can do for you, I can do this, let me find out. What other Calmers words can you think of? What are their effects on the caller?
  36. Reinforce the Telephone Credo
  37. Part Three builds on the foundational skills introduced in Part Two. Part Three introduces you to the skills and standards necessary for each telephone activity from answering to closing a business. We will also look at special situations like service breakdown and recovery. Following these service standards will help us to project a consistent brand image to our guests, show guests that we cares and build loyalty.
  38. Go through this quickly as each will be elaborated in the subsequence sessions.
  39. Objective of the session To provide to the participants with a set of standards to follow and provide the reasons behind each step. Many of us receive calls from outside the hotel. A call from outside is a golden opportunity for us to do many things. For example, the call may be an inquiry and if we handle it well we get more sale. Or, we impress the caller so well that we leave a strong positive impression. Remember, answering the telephone is not a chore, but an opportunity! Let’s handle it professionally and benefit from it. Elaboration in the next few slides.
  40. Make it a target for yourself to pick up the call within 3 rings. Most callers will be impatient if the call is not answered within three rings. It gives people the impression that the hotel is not efficient when calls are not pick up within three rings.
  41. Smile! Your smile will be felt. Greet the caller e.g. “Good morning!” It is in line with the Santika. Service Standards. It is also common courtesy to greet.
  42. Say your property’s name so that they know if they have reached the correct hotel e.g. “Santika Surabaya”
  43. Say your name so that the caller knows whom she is talking to e.g. I am Siti
  44. Ask how you may help.e.g. “May I help?”
  45. Answering a call from outside should sound like this: “Thank you for calling The Santika. This Mia. How may I help you?”
  46. The main difference in picking an internal call is that we mentioned our department’s name and not the property’s name. Stress the need to treat our follow associates with the same level of care.
  47. Answering a call from inside the property should sound like this: “Good morning! Room Service. Mala speaking. How may I help you?”
  48. Objective of this session: Have participants see call transfer from the caller’s point of view and provide standards to guide call transfers. Being “transferred” on the telephone is no fun. Many people had bad experiences when they were “transferred” on the telephone. You might have experienced as a caller some of these “pains” when you were “transferred” on the telephone. Here are some of those “pains” that callers experienced when they were “transferred”: They have to repeat to the second person the whole story They get transferred to the wrong department They end up with a recorded message They get cut off and have to call again
  49. Do see it from the caller’s point of view and be more understanding towards the caller. Avoid unnecessary transfers. Being transferred unnecessarily when you have an urgent matter is especially annoying.
  50. Steps in Transferring Calls 1.Tell the caller that you will connect them to the correct person or department e.g. “Please wait a moment Pak Dodi, I will connect you to Mr Edi ” 2.When connected with the appropriate associate, a.Tell him (associates) the name of the caller and the purpose. b.Then tell the caller the name of the associate you are connecting him to. e.g. “Pak Dodi, you are connected to Mr Edi. He will be able to answer your questions.”
  51. Have the participants share. Make known what is acceptable and what is not according to the hotel’s standards
  52. Other important points on transferring call Talk and Listen Always remember to ask to clarify. It is better that you ask and get a good understanding of the caller’s needs rather than passing on a wrong message to your guest and fellow associate. A little time spent on “talk and listen” can prevent a service breakdown situation. For example, when a guest asks for some bread and I send a bed. Over the telephone, “bread” might sound like “bed”. So ask to clarify so that we can minimize unnecessary error. Receivers Beware! If you are the person being connected to, avoid saying “How may I help you?” if you already know what the caller wants. The caller will not be pleased if he feels that he has to repeat everything that he has said just a moment ago. E.g. Say “Good Afternoon Mr Lee, I understand that you want to find out more about our South African Menu.” Confidentiality Sometimes, we have callers who ask for a guest’s room number. And, sometimes, they will use an excuse like “I know her very well.” Do not tell the caller the guest’s room number. By doing that you might be compromising the security and confidentiality of the guest.
  53. Talk about this. Make known the importance of security of our guests and associates. These days with terrorist threats in many place, we cannot be too careful. Maintaining confidentiality and security on the telephone is very important.
  54. Objective of this session: To have participants see from the caller’s point of view about being put on hold and provide standards to guide how to put a caller on hold You may want to give the participants the experience of being “on hold”. Say “Oops! I forgot!” and then walk out of the room. Disappear for about 30 seconds. Come back to the room but say nothing. Look through your stuff and walk out of the room again. Disappear for another 20-30 seconds. Come back and ask them how they feel. Talk about the feeling in relation to being “put on hold”. It is a good practice to ask the caller for permission to put her/him on hold e.g. “Mrs. Satish, may I put you on hold as I transfer your call?” “Mr Yamada, may I put you on hold as I look for the information that you want?” If possible, tell them how long they will have to wait. “Mr. Smith, please wait for a minute while I look for the information.”
  55. Objective of this session: To have participants learn the importance and the steps of taking telephone message When you take a call that is not meant for you, you will probably have to take a message. By taking a message you are performing a very important task. You are facilitating the flow of information from the caller to the receiver. You are also helping the intended receiver not to miss the opportunity of the call. Important: Always keep note pads and pens next to your telephone
  56. Say “Allow me to take a message, please.” Or “May I take a message?”. Many callers do not have the habit of leaving messages. By inviting the caller to leave a message you will prompt him to do so. Remember, the message could be a very important piece of information.
  57. Write clearly so that the reader can understand. A message that cannot be read is not useful. Have the receiver in mind when you are writing.
  58. Repeat the message to caller to check for accuracy. Repeating the message to the caller is a means to check for understanding. Sometimes, we could have recorded a wrong number or a wrong time. So, repeating a message to check is always a good practice.
  59. We never know how urgent a message can be so it is wise to pass on any message on an urgent basis. Imagine, a caller has an emergency family situation and needs to convey an important message to someone who stays at your hotel. So, how fast you pass on the message is critical.
  60. Objective of this session: To have participants learn how to carry out The Santika Service Recovery over the telephone It is very common to receive calls from guests when there is a service breakdown. Service Breakdowns are situations when the guests do not get what they are supposed to get. For example: The room was not ready when the guest checks in, the toilet bowl is leaking, room service order did not arrive after two hours, etc. In a service breakdown, guest may be angry, frustrated, loud, rude etc. Guests are people too, so it is possible that they become emotional and irrational. As service providers we will need to manage the situation well. The first thing to do is to manage our own emotions. When you receive an emotional caller on the telephone, manage your own emotion first.
  61. To manage your emotions, you could use the S.T.O.P. Technique. The S.T.O.P. Technique will help you to be on top of your emotion. Then you will be in a better position to attend to the service breakdown - understand the facts of the breakdown and find solution to the problem. S.T.O.P. stands for: Signals Take Control Do the Opposite Practise
  62. What are your early warning signals that indicate that you are getting angry? Do your muscles tense up? Do you breathe faster? Do your jaws clench or does heart beat faster? Do you suddenly feel warmer or experience sweaty palms? These are your signals your body is sending you when you are getting angry. You may want to look at yourself in the mirror to keep check of your Signals.
  63. Take control of yourself by first acknowledging the change in your body and remind yourself to cool down. This comes with the practice of constantly reminding yourself to be on top of the situation. Remind yourself that you are a professional who is capable of managing your emotions.
  64. Act to soothe the signals. Do the opposite to your signal to counter it.
  65. The S.T.O.P. does not come naturally for most people, practise it regularly to internalize the process. You will be able to use the S.T.O.P. naturally overtime. Being aware of your early warning signals and how to deal with them will not guarantee that you stay calm but it will surely increase the chance of success.
  66. In a service breakdown situation, we will need to make service recovery. If a service recovery is done well it will tend to create customer loyalty. At times, we will have to make service recovery over the telephone. So it is important that we know and practice the STAR Recovery steps on the telephone.
  67. Use the S.T.O.P. Technique and Positive Self-talk
  68. Apologize. Regardless of who caused the breakdown, we still apologize because we want to take charge of the situation and show that we care. Use “I’m truly sorry, &amp;lt;Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mdm name&amp;gt; Or ”We are sorry..” Or “On behalf of the hotel, I apologize…”
  69. Use active listening so that we get to know the problem that the guest is facing. By doing this, we will also help the guest to handle his own emotions. Avoid interruption Interruption will cause the guest to be annoyed We do not get to hear what she has to say Use words to show understanding and encouragement e.g. “yes”, “I see” Be careful not to use too much of this that you end up not hearing what the guest is saying Take notes Write down the information you get from the guest Empathize Show empathy through the words you use e.g. “I can understand why it is so frustrating…” e.g. “It must have been annoying…”
  70. Ask questions to find out what was the breakdown about, when, where and how it happened, and who was involved Paraphrase to check for correctness State what the guest has told you in your own words. Paraphrasing helps you to confirm what the guest has said. If there is any misunderstanding on your part she can correct you immediately.
  71. As much as possible, take charge to provide the solution. In situations where someone else is more appropriate to solve the problem, pass on the message urgently. Make sure that the information is sufficient and clear. If your message is not sufficient and clear, your fellow colleague might end up being “grilled” by the guests for having the wrong information. Follow Through Update guest on the situation no longer than 30 minutes from the time the problem was highlighted Check for satisfaction of the guest about the solution. Provide your contact to guest to assure him that you are always prepared to help.
  72. Objective of the session: Have participants learn the importance and the steps in making effective telephone calls. Very often you need to call someone else for various reasons: to get information, to make an appointment, to check on status of an activity, etc. Making call is a very important day-to-day communication activity. If we do it professionally, we will leave a lasting positive impression; it could strength our professionalism in our guests’ mind. We must remember that we represent our hotel when we make a call to someone. We need to be mindful that we have to project a professional image every time.
  73. Elaborations in the next few slides.
  74. Be clear what you want to achieve before making a call. Is this call to make a sale? Is this a “keep-in-touch” call? etc. Not having a clear goal for a call will cause everyone to lose time.
  75. What are you going to say? How to introduce yourself? How to describe the purpose of your call in a short and clear way? How to ask for what you want from the receiver? What have you to offer?
  76. Be prepared to leave a message if the person you call is not around or the voice mail picks up the line. Speak slowly and clearly. Keep it short and to the point Leave your name and telephone number and repeat it.
  77. Objectives of the session: To have participants learn the importance and the steps in closing a call. The end of the telephone conversation is as important as the beginning. You will not like the caller to end the conversation with a bad impression especially when you have done very well throughout. Here are the steps to help you make a good closing.
  78. Elaborations in the next few slides.
  79. Go over the important points of the conversation. If this part has been done go to the next step. e.g. “Mrs. Jones, as p 32romised I will ask the sales manager to give you a call regarding the changes in your ballroom booking.”
  80. This is a way to help the caller to think about what she has missed out. It also shows that you care and not rushing her off. e.g. “Very well, is there anything else that I can help in?”
  81. Say “thank you” to the caller mentioning his name and end with a good wish. e.g. “Thank you Mr Somchai for calling Hotel Santika Palu and have a nice day.”
  82. A caller might perceive us impatient or insincere if we hang up too quickly, especially before they hang up.
  83. Stress these points. Motivate the participants to do better on the telephone.
  84. Ask them to remember this all the time.
  85. This is the end of the class room session. But what matter most is how each and every one of us carry out the Santika. Service Standards in the real work situation. So, this is really the beginning not the end! The new beginning of us practising The Santika-Ring, Caring Response with Every Ring!