adri jovin sri ramakrishna institute of technology information technology artificial intelligence computer science security computer engineering cryptography soft computing department of information technology database under graduate genetic algorithm fuzzy logic neural networks information security heartbleed bug cybersecurity nist security models technology networks blockchains privacy search algortihms anna university animation color models computer graphics coimbatore anna university coimbatore stxaviers catholic college of engineering cv neural network creativity academic publishing open source licensing creative commons image security securing images digital image processing visual cryptography ethereum bitcoin consensus chennai amet workshop distributed systems risk management risk exploit vulnerability threat asset management breaches best practices fips cia model block cipher modes of operation advanced encryption standard web security video conferencing zoom secure key exchange variants of elliptic curve elliptic curves elliptic curve arithmetic elliptic curve cryptography network key exchange elgamal cryptosystem standard basis of modern encryption encryption des variants double des triple des data encryption standard playfair cipher hill cipher railfence ciphers transposition ciphers shift ciphers steganography caeser cipher vigenere cipher vernam cipher block cipher stream cipher feistel cipher classical cryptography euler's theorem modular arithmetic extended euclidean algorithm euclidean algorithm fermat's theorem theorems divisibility number theory mathematics access control security architecture cia rfc 2828 x.800 security services osi security architecture security mechanisms security attacks adrijovin network security basics advances engineering augustine babu security tools teaching learning practice flipped classroom teaching web faculty programming microsoft azure ge8151 jupyter notebooks python graph theory np problems spanning trees cliques vertex cover graph network flow theoretical computer science chess min-max alpha-beta pruning breadth first search best first search depth first search production systems control strategies search algorithms problem description problem formulation cs6659 disadvantages alan turing clipping nvidia rotation visualization seminar opengl 3d representation 3d graphics processing unit translation transformation time frame keywords in animation computer vision and graphics rgb computer graphics and vision hsv print colors cmyk desktop ooad anna university of technology alibahrami project c wild life conservation exit getpid fork linux c program adr
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