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Colleagues Responses
Colleagues responses
Assignment 4 8080 Part 2
. Interact with 3 colleagues and respond to them by sharing
additional insights, comparing experiences, and posing
questions that further promote dialogue. (Post to each colleague
in 150 words.)
Colleague 1 response:
Posted by DeQuanda Cummings
Optimizing Brain Development
The first few years of a child’s life are critical for
healthy brain development. Brain development begins during
the prenatal period and continues through early childhood.
Although the brain continues to develop into adulthood, the first
eight years builds the foundation for learning and success
(CDC, 2021). Brain development depends on many factors such
as, prenatal care, experiences, and exposures to toxins and
infections. “Nurturing and responsive care for the child’s body
and mind is the key to supporting healthy brain development”
(CDC, 2021). Positive and negative experiences help shape a
child’s brain.
How the brain grows is highly affected by the child’/
s experiences with people and the world. Children depend on
interactions with parents and their caregivers to be responsive
to their needs. Children thrive in environments where they can
explore and play in a safe environment. Their needs ought to be
met and not neglected. They do not need to be exposed to stress.
As a parent and/or caregiver to support healthy brain
development you can constantly talk to the child, read to your
child, meet their needs, and offer them a safe place to explore
and play. Speaking and reading to children increase their
language and communication skills. “Nurturing a child by
understanding their needs and responding sensitively helps to
protect children’s brains from stress” (CDC, 2021). Exposure to
stress can negatively affect brain development. When children
are at risk, it can cause them a delay in accomplishing
developmental milestones. They will distrust people if their
needs are not constantly being met.
This topic is important to me because in the school
that I work at we have a high population of students who needs
are not being met. When they get into the classroom, before I
can teach them anything I have to meet their needs whether it be
feeding them or giving them extra attention. I have even gone as
far to buy clothes and shoes for students. This affected the
students’ learning. They were usually the ones that were below
grade level in the classroom. When having conversations with
the parents, they want better for their children but did have the
resources or just did not know.
I will need support from pediatricians, early
childhood educators, and counselors to help inform parents and
caregivers about the importance of brain development and
optimizing brain development.
CDC. (2021, February 22). Early Brain Development and
Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Colleague 2 response:
Posted by Lua Shanks
Blog Post- Understanding Brain Development
Optimizing Brain Development
Infancy research within the last two decades indicates drastic
transformations in how developmental psychologists descri be
the initial stages of cognitive development. The infant is
currently seen as having complex cognitive skills and complex
conceptions that direct knowledge acquisition. Cognitive
development defines the growth and change in mental
capabilities like reasoning, thinking, and understanding (Bauer,
2007). Generally, it involves knowledge gaining and
consolidation. In addition, infants deduce on language, socio-
emotional, perceptual, and motor experiences and abilities of
cognitive development. This implies that infants are accustomed
to interactions between aspects of actions, objects, and the
physical setting but most importantly, are accustomed to people
(Bauer, 2007). Therefore, parents, friends, family members,
caregivers, and teachers play are significant in supporting the
cognitive development of infants by offering the healthy social -
emotional or interpersonal background that unfolds cognitive
Parents, family members, caregivers, friends, and early
childhood professionals need to recognize that loving and
approachable adults offer the basis from which infants entirely
engage in interactions and behaviors to encourage learning. The
adults are the primary source of imitation for children and
supportive of positive social change. They have a crucial role in
determining children's experience, managing emotions,
expression, and the capability to establish rewarding and
positive relationships with others (Messinger & Fogel, 2007).
Optimizing children's cognitive development through providing
positive experiences and behaviors enables infants to express,
experience, and perceive emotions and actions and attempts to
understand them (Messinger & Fogel, 2007). They build skills
that bond them with family, teachers, peers, and the community.
They develop emotionally and can identify and understand their
feelings and those of others in a constructive way. At this
point, infants can regulate their behavior, develop compassion
for others, establish and sustain relationships. These
development abilities help children become capable of
negotiating sophisticated complex social interactions. They can
contribute efficiently in relationships and group actions, reaping
social support benefits requisite to healthy human development
and functioning.
This kind of social support is particularly important as
responsive care giving supports children in developing a sense
of predictability, responsiveness, and safety and regulating their
emotions in their social environments. Early relationships are
vital in developing infants as research shows that stable,
consistent, and nurturing relationships are important to healthy
growth, development, and learning (Lagattuta & Thompson R,
2007). Research about the brain reveals that cognition and
emotion are intensely interconnected processes. This concept is
justified by recent cognitive neuroscience findings suggesting
that the neural mechanisms that underlie emotion regulation are
similar to those that underlie cognitive processes (Bell &
Wolfe, 2004). Hence, their cognitive and emotional processes
jointly inform the children's impression of situations and
behavior influences. The main psych scripts for each child's life
are grounded on the rich interpenetrations of cognitions and
emotions. They influence a child's capability to carry on goal-
oriented action, ask for help when necessary, and partake in and
realize the benefits of relationships.
The facts surrounding the entire issue of optimizing brain
development calls for early childhood professionals to support
cognitive development and positive social change among
toddlers and infants. They can create childcare settings that
foster social-emotional development by interacting with the
young ones daily and communicating with their families.
Equally, they can arrange the physical space in the childcare
environment in a constructive manner that allows children to
socialize with others and learn. Early childhood professionals
have a task to plan and develop a curriculum that fosters social -
emotional relationships in early childcare settings. The
curriculum should adjust for healthy emotional and social
interactions that promote healthy development and functioning
in children. Children brought up in such settings are more likely
to demonstrate healthy emotional, social, and behavioral
modification and have excellent academic performance in
elementary school. Hence, early childhood programs can
optimize toddlers' brain development by promoting healthy
social, emotional development that leads to positive learning
Bauer, P. (2007). Recall in Infancy: A Neurodevelopmental
Account. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16 (3),
Bell, M., & Wolfe, W. C. (2004). Emotion and Cognition: An
Intricately Bound Developmental Process. Child
Development, 75 (2), 366-370.
Lagattuta, K. H., & Thompson, R. A. (2007). The Development
of Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and Research. Edited by J.
L. Tracy, R. W. Robins, and J. P. Tangney. New York: Guilford
Messenger, D., & Fogel, A. (2007). "The Interactive
Development of Social Smiling" in Advances in Child
Development and Behavior (Vol. 35). Edited by R. V. Kail.
Burlington, MA: Elsevier.
Colleague 3 response:
Posted by Temitope Egoh
Research-based overview:
Magic (2007) illuminates that as soon as conception occurs, the
fetus already has the biological capacity to interact, be
influenced, and be influenced by the environment, and for this
reason prenatal care is important. The experiences of the fetus
do not only have an impact on its current state but also
influence the future of the baby. Contrary to previous research,
that a mother’s mental health only affects the baby after birth,
recent research finds that a mother’s poor emotional health
during pregnancy can have a great adverse effect on the baby.
According to Jyoti (2019) during pregnancy, the fetus is
affected by the emotional state of the mother, and this is
evidenced by increased heart rate in response to the mothers
feeling and reaction to her environment. Close monitoring of
the depressed mothers highlighted a disconnect between two
regions of the brain the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. The
amygdala region of the brain is responsible for regulating
emotions while the prefrontal cortex controls behavior Speech
and reasoning. A disconnection between these two regions of
the brain implies less cognitive control over their emotion thus
influencing the neurological and behavioral development of the
child adversely. Future consequences include high anxiety or
ADHD which may impair the learning and development of the
Caring for a mother’s mental health and emotional well-being is
caring for the healthy development of a child and its future
outcome. As an early childhood professional, I advocate that the
mental health of mothers be made a priority. I will suggest that
antenatal care does not only focus on the physical well -being of
the mother and child but must focus on the emotional well-being
and mental health of the mother. This entails caring for the
mother’s mental well-being and taking into consideration the
external factors that may affect her mental health and emotional
wellbeing and intervene promptly when necessary.
Importance of Topic:
This topic is vital because before now, including myself there
was very little information on how vital the mental and
emotional well-being of a pregnant woman is to the future of
her child. This information is not only vital to the expectant
mother but also those around her daily in including family and
friends because their actions and support affect the mental well -
being of the mother.
Call for support:
The early year's sector will have to call for the support of
various agencies including health officials, housing department,
early help, and local authorities to take the mental and
emotional wellbeing of expectant mothers seriously. By working
together, we can explain better to the community the connection
between the mother’s mental health and the child’s brain
development and future outcomes. Together we can offer
support such as counseling and financial help for women and
families with the emphasis on single mothers and families going
through financial difficulties and homelessness.
Music, G. (2017). Nurturing Natures: attachments and
children’s emotional, sociocultural and brain
development (2nd ed). Routledge.
Madhusoodanan, J. (2019). How maternal mood shapes the
developing brain. Knowledge Magazine.
Remember to submit your work following the file naming
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Start by reading and following these instructions:
1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the
assignment rubric to help you focus.
2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any
additional recommended resources. Some answers may require
you to do additional research on the Internet or in other
reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from
4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your
sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.
Answer these essay questions:
1. The DRK Corporation recently developed a dividend
reinvestment plan (DRIP). The plan allows investors to reinvest
cash dividends automatically in DRK in exchange for new
shares of stock. Over time, investors in DRK will be able to
build their holdings by reinvesting dividends to purchase
additional shares of the company. Over 1,000 companies offer
dividend reinvestment plans. Most companies with DRIPs
charge no brokerage or service fees. In fact, the shares of DRK
will be purchased at a 10 percent discount from the market
price. A consultant for DRK estimates that about 75 percent of
DRK's shareholders will take part in this plan. This is somewhat
higher than the average. Evaluate DRK's dividend reinvestment
plan. Will it increase shareholder wealth? Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages involved here.
Robert Stephenson founded Stephenson Real Estate Company
years ago and is its current CEO. The company purchases real
estate, including land and buildings, and rents the property to
tenants. The company has shown a profit every year for the past
18 years, and the shareholders are satisfied with the company's
management. Prior to founding Stephenson Real Estate, Robert
was the founder and CEO of a failed alpaca farming operation.
The resulting bankruptcy made him extremely averse to debt
financing. As a result, the company is entirely equity financed,
with 9 million shares of common stock outstanding. The stock
currently trades at $42.50 per share. Stephenson is evaluating a
plan to purchase a huge tract of land in the southeastern United
States for $50 million. The land will subsequently be leased to
tenant farmers. This purchase is expected to increase
Stephenson's annual pretax earnings by $12 million in
perpetuity. Kim Weyand, the company's new CFO, has been put
in charge of the project. Kim has determined that the company's
current cost of capital is 12.5 percent. She feels that the
company would be more valuable if it included debt in its
capital structure, so she is evaluating whether the company
should issue debt to entirely finance the project. Based on some
conversations with investment banks, she thinks that the
company can issue bonds at par value with an 8 percent coupon
rate. From her analysis, she also believes that a capital structure
in the range of 70 percent equity/30 percent debt would be
optimal. If the company goes beyond 30 percent debt, its bonds
would carry a lower rating and a much higher coupon because
the possibility of financial distress and the associated costs
would rise sharply. Stephenson has a 40 percent corporate tax
rate (state and federal).
a. If Stephenson wishes to maximize its total market value,
would you recommend that it issue debt or equity to finance the
land purchase? Explain.
b. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet before it
announces the purchase.
c. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue equity to finance the
i. What is the net present value of the project?
ii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after it
announces that the firm will finance the purchase using equity.
What would be the new price per share of the firm's stock? How
many shares will Stephenson need to issue to finance the
iii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after the
equity issue but before the purchase has been made. How many
shares of common stock does Stephenson have outstanding?
What is the price per share of the firm's stock?
d. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after the
purchase has been made.
e. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue debt to finance the
i. What will the market value of the Stephenson Company be if
the purchase is financed with debt?
ii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after both
the debt issue and the land purchase. What is the price per share
of the firm's stock?
f. Which method of financing maximizes the per-share stock
price of Stephenson's equity?
Hubbard Computer, Inc. (HCI) has recently hired you in its
relatively new treasury management department. HCI was
founded eight years ago by Bob Hubbard and currently operates
74 stores in the Southeast. HCI is privately owned by Bob and
his family, and had sales of $97 million last year. HCI primarily
sells to in-store customers who come to the store and talk with a
sales representative. The sales representative assists the
customer in determining the type of computer and peripherals
that are necessary for the individual customer's computing
needs. After the order is taken, the customer pays for the order
immediately, and the computer is made to fill the order.
Delivery of the computer averages 15 days, and it is guaranteed
in 30 days.
HCI's growth to date has been financed by its profits. When the
company had sufficient capital, it would open a new store.
Other than scouting locations, relatively little formal analysis
has been used in its capital budgeting process. Bob has just read
about capital budgeting techniques and has come to you for
help. For starters, the company has never attempted to
determine its cost of capital, and Bob would like you to perform
the analysis. Since the company is privately owned, it is
difficult to determine the cost of equity for the company. Bob
wants you to use the pure play approach to estimating the cost
of capital for HCI, and he has chosen Dell as a representative
company. The following steps will allow you to calculate this
a. Most publicly traded corporations are required to submit
quarterly (10Q) and annual reports (10K) to the SEC detailing
the financial operations of the company over the past quarter or
year, respectively. These corporate filings are available on the
SEC website at Go to the SEC website and search
for SEC filings made by Dell. Find the most recent 10Q or 10K
and download the form. Look on the balance sheet to find the
book value of debt and the book value of equity. If you look
further down the report, you should find a section titled "Long-
term Debt and Interest Rate Risk Management" that will provide
a breakdown of Dell's long-term debt.
b. To estimate the cost of equity for Dell, go to and enter the ticker symbol DELL. Follow
the various links to answer the following questions: What is the
most recent stock price listed for Dell? What is the market value
of equity, or market capitalization? How many shares of stock
does Dell have outstanding? What is the most recent annual
dividend? Can you use the dividend discount model in this case?
What is the beta for Dell? Now go back to
and find the "Bonds" link. What is the yield on 3-month
Treasury bills? Using the historical market risk premium, what
is the cost of equity for Dell using the CAPM?
c. You now need to calculate the cost of debt for Dell. The
following table provides the yield to maturity for each of Dell's
bonds. What is the weighted aver-age cost of debt for Dell using
the book value weights and the market value weights? Does it
make a difference in this case if you use book value weights or
market value weights?
d. You now have all the necessary information to calculate the
weighted average cost of capital for Dell. Calculate the
weighted average cost of cap-ital for Dell using book value
weights and market value weights. Assume Dell has a 35
percent marginal tax rate. Which cost of capital number is more
e. You used Dell as a pure play company to estimate the cost of
capital for HCI. Are there any potential problems with this
approach in this situation?
4. What was the largest IPO? Go to and find
out. In what country was the company located? What was the
largest IPO in the United States?
(Module 2 Assignment 4: Blog: Sharing Your Thoughts
An important part of your professional development is
collaboration with your colleagues and developing thriving
communities of practice in which people and resources support
and inspire, inform and challenge, and bring unique talents and
perspectives that add to your own.
Over the past 3 weeks, course Discussions have provided you
with an opportunity to explore healthy prenatal development,
the strengths-based perspective, and brain development. Each of
these topics can be cast as pressing advocacy issues within the
field, where powerful messages can impact intended audiences
and ripple out, supporting child and family development in new
and exciting ways.
Review the Learning Resources on how to create an effective
advocacy message.
Assignment Task Instructions By Day 3 of Week 5
Post to your blog:
Select one of the three Discussion posts you developed during
this module. (Discussion selected below)
Create an advocacy message designed to inform and educate
other early childhood educators about the importance of the
issue. Your blog post should include the following:
· A brief, research-based overview of the issue you selected
(healthy prenatal development, adopting a strengths-based
perspective, optimizing brain development)
· A related advocacy message that you feel is essential for early
childhood professionals and supportive of positive social
· Why this topic/message is of particular importance to you
· Questions or calls for support from your colleagues
Discussion 1: Healthy Prenatal Development
An analysis of the scenario highlighted in the Discussion
introduction that provokes a research-based discussion of the
· What you believe are the most critical factors related to
healthy prenatal development identified within the scenario,
including a research-based rationale for why you identified
these factors
· An explanation of how you would support both the mother in
the scenario as well as work with her to help her develop a
healthy context for her developing fetus based on program and
community resources
· Identification of how the information you targeted as critical
within the scenario can be meaningfully extended to pregnant
mothers beyond the presented scenario
· How the information presented within the scenario could be
most effectively utilized within the early childhood field as well
as other fields that directly support young children and their
Discussion 1: Healthy Prenatal Development (Response)
For healthy Prenatal development, there is a need to eliminate
all the potential risks that may affect the unborn child. Most
mothers try to improve their nutrition and eliminate high-risk
behaviors during pregnancy (Radin et al., 2018). For instance,
Maria is four months pregnant, and she is trying to get rid of the
risks for the unborn child. The most important factors to healthy
Prenatal Development are a healthy diet, visiting the clinic
regularly, quit smoking, and giving the baby proper stimuli. The
baby must endure appropriate stimuli to enhance brain
development (Music, 2016). Therefore, all the factors should be
considered for healthy prenatal development.
I can help the mother in the case by ensuring that she gets
access to the necessary healthcare needs. I can offer her the
required information to reach for state help regarding food
stamps which can help feed her family. I can also organize so
she can get childcare support for her two-year-old for when she
visits the doctor or when she is at work at a cheaper cost. I can
also organize meetings for her to interact with other families in
the program (McLeish & Redshaw, 2017). It will help her get
the emotional support she requires.
The information can be extended to other pregnant mothers by
formulating pamphlets that can be spread to educate them. The
pamphlets will contain all the necessary information regarding
healthcare during and after pregnancy (Radin et al., 2018). It
will also inform mothers of the essential factors to develop a
healthy baby. Peer support from other families is also necessary
to encourage pregnant women to stay emotionally fit.
The information from the scenario can be utilized within the
early childhood field and other fields by demonstrating a
listening need when the mothers confide in the field. Mothers
with similar situations do not know the way forward when faced
with difficulties. The necessary resources can be developed to
help the mothers and children. It can be used to educate fathers
on the impact they create when they leave their pregnant
partners. Mothers can be educated through peer support to be
emotionally active with their children to help with their mental
development (McLeish & Redshaw, 2017). It will help their
children to get the necessary needs through their early
McLeish, J., & Redshaw, M. (2017). Mothers’ accounts of the
impact on emotional wellbeing of organized peer support in
pregnancy and early parenthood: a qualitative study. BMC
pregnancy and childbirth, 17(1), 1-14.
Music, G. (2016). Nurturing natures: Attachment and children's
emotional, sociocultural and brain development. Psychology
Radin, J. M., Steinhubl, S. R., Su, A. I., Bhargava, H.,
Greenberg, B., Bot, B. M., ... & Topol, E. J. (2018). The healthy
pregnancy research program: transforming pregnancy research
through a ResearchKit app. NPJ digital medicine, 1(1), 1-7.
100 Word Responses to Colleagues:
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in one or
both of the following ways:
· Suggest an additional resource or potential collaboration that
might strengthen supports for pregnant mothers.
· Share a personal/professional experience that highlights
supports related to prenatal development and mothers who are
•A personal/professional experience that highlights supports
related to prenatal development and mothers who are pregnant.
Depression is a major issue in young mothers in these times. I
can remember when I first found out I was pregnant I thought
my world had ended. I had so much going, school and working
2 jobs at the time getting ready to work on my last year at
Mississippi Delta Community College. However, I did fall into
a state of depression after I had my son. I had just lost my job
and then had to depend on my parents for assistance at the time.
I joined a support groups for Teenage mothers that my church
developed. This group was called "SHS" - Sisters Helping
Sisters. This program helped me through the tough times of
being a new mom but, a mom who did not give up. During that
same year I had graduated with my associate degree in Early
Childhood Education and Started working in my field as a
teacher being an After-School Tutor at the church. So, I must
say Good things come to those who WAIT.
Suggest an additional resource or potential collaboration that
might strengthen supports for pregnant mothers.
Government Assisted Programs:
1. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)- This is a
federal funded assistant program to assist with children and
families who are unable to provide care or basic needs. (n.d.)
The program is also built to aid pregnant mothers or single
mothers. TANF funds are given by the state, while helping you
find a job to better assist and support yourself and children
2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- This is
a federal funded program to assist needed families to with their
basic needs during hard times. Each household have eligibility
requirements to follow to receive asstistance (n.d.)
Reference: (n.d.).
Terri Edwards (INSTRUCTOR Response)
Resources are Available for Teachers to Share
Hi Angel, thank you for your reflections here! I believe the
most critical factors related to healthy prenatal development
identified in the scenario is Anya Marie overall health of her
baby and hers as well. Since this is Anya Marie’s second
pregnancy she may feel as though she knows what to expect.
However, no pregnancy is the same. Right now, Anya Marie
would not know if something is concerning, worth looking into,
if the baby healthy, if she healthy, due to not going to the see
the doctor yet. This is not to mention she is 4 months pregnant.
Anya has stopped smoking and drinking, trying to cut down on
working long 12-hour shifts, and stay stress-free all while the
father has left and bills are still due. If you consider all of this
as a pregnant person, it would be a bit overwhelming probably
for anybody. Even though Anya Marie plans on seeing a doctor
soon it is good that she is taking prenatal for her and the baby
and taking the caution steps to stay on a healthy diet. The
biological mother’s emotional health and capacity to process
emotions has a profound effect on the developing fetus,
including via the transmission of stress hormones and more
noxious substances across the placenta (Music, 2017). You
mention developing information and resources; much of these
have already been created and you just need to obtain it and
share it. What specific resources are available in your area of
Music, G. (2017). Nurturing Natures: Attachment and children’s
emotional, sociocultural, and brain development (2nd ed.).
Psychology Press.
Angel Winslow (Response to Instructor)
RE: Resources are Available for Teachers to Share
In my area of MS we have several government assisted
programs to help here with Mothers and needed families. Some
assistance may be financially, nutritional, and or housing
assistance. These programs here in MS are to assist to help
families in getting back on their feet. Here are some listed :
1. TANF- This is a financial assistance program to help provide
financial services for basic needs such as clothes, food, shelter,
and other specific needs. (n.d.)
2. SNAP- This is a nutritional program that offers services to
purchase food for needed low- income families. This is also
known as the Food Stamp Program.(n.d.)
3. SECTION-8: This is a housing assistance program for low
income families. It offers financial vouchers to individuals who
are unable to properly afford safe and sanitary housing for
themselves and or family. (n.d.)
https://www.usa gov/benefits. (n.d.).
Module 2 Learning Resources for Assignment 4

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Colleagues ResponsesColleagues responsesAssignment 4 8080

  • 1. Colleagues Responses Colleagues responses Assignment 4 8080 Part 2 . Interact with 3 colleagues and respond to them by sharing additional insights, comparing experiences, and posing questions that further promote dialogue. (Post to each colleague in 150 words.) Colleague 1 response: Posted by DeQuanda Cummings Optimizing Brain Development The first few years of a child’s life are critical for healthy brain development. Brain development begins during the prenatal period and continues through early childhood. Although the brain continues to develop into adulthood, the first
  • 2. eight years builds the foundation for learning and success (CDC, 2021). Brain development depends on many factors such as, prenatal care, experiences, and exposures to toxins and infections. “Nurturing and responsive care for the child’s body and mind is the key to supporting healthy brain development” (CDC, 2021). Positive and negative experiences help shape a child’s brain. How the brain grows is highly affected by the child’/ s experiences with people and the world. Children depend on interactions with parents and their caregivers to be responsive to their needs. Children thrive in environments where they can explore and play in a safe environment. Their needs ought to be met and not neglected. They do not need to be exposed to stress. As a parent and/or caregiver to support healthy brain development you can constantly talk to the child, read to your child, meet their needs, and offer them a safe place to explore and play. Speaking and reading to children increase their language and communication skills. “Nurturing a child by understanding their needs and responding sensitively helps to protect children’s brains from stress” (CDC, 2021). Exposure to stress can negatively affect brain development. When children are at risk, it can cause them a delay in accomplishing developmental milestones. They will distrust people if their needs are not constantly being met. This topic is important to me because in the school that I work at we have a high population of students who needs are not being met. When they get into the classroom, before I can teach them anything I have to meet their needs whether it be feeding them or giving them extra attention. I have even gone as far to buy clothes and shoes for students. This affected the students’ learning. They were usually the ones that were below grade level in the classroom. When having conversations with the parents, they want better for their children but did have the resources or just did not know. I will need support from pediatricians, early childhood educators, and counselors to help inform parents and
  • 3. caregivers about the importance of brain development and optimizing brain development. Reference CDC. (2021, February 22). Early Brain Development and Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. development.html. Colleague 2 response: Posted by Lua Shanks Blog Post- Understanding Brain Development Optimizing Brain Development Infancy research within the last two decades indicates drastic transformations in how developmental psychologists descri be the initial stages of cognitive development. The infant is currently seen as having complex cognitive skills and complex conceptions that direct knowledge acquisition. Cognitive development defines the growth and change in mental capabilities like reasoning, thinking, and understanding (Bauer, 2007). Generally, it involves knowledge gaining and consolidation. In addition, infants deduce on language, socio- emotional, perceptual, and motor experiences and abilities of cognitive development. This implies that infants are accustomed to interactions between aspects of actions, objects, and the physical setting but most importantly, are accustomed to people (Bauer, 2007). Therefore, parents, friends, family members, caregivers, and teachers play are significant in supporting the cognitive development of infants by offering the healthy social -
  • 4. emotional or interpersonal background that unfolds cognitive development. Parents, family members, caregivers, friends, and early childhood professionals need to recognize that loving and approachable adults offer the basis from which infants entirely engage in interactions and behaviors to encourage learning. The adults are the primary source of imitation for children and supportive of positive social change. They have a crucial role in determining children's experience, managing emotions, expression, and the capability to establish rewarding and positive relationships with others (Messinger & Fogel, 2007). Optimizing children's cognitive development through providing positive experiences and behaviors enables infants to express, experience, and perceive emotions and actions and attempts to understand them (Messinger & Fogel, 2007). They build skills that bond them with family, teachers, peers, and the community. They develop emotionally and can identify and understand their feelings and those of others in a constructive way. At this point, infants can regulate their behavior, develop compassion for others, establish and sustain relationships. These development abilities help children become capable of negotiating sophisticated complex social interactions. They can contribute efficiently in relationships and group actions, reaping social support benefits requisite to healthy human development and functioning. This kind of social support is particularly important as responsive care giving supports children in developing a sense of predictability, responsiveness, and safety and regulating their emotions in their social environments. Early relationships are vital in developing infants as research shows that stable, consistent, and nurturing relationships are important to healthy growth, development, and learning (Lagattuta & Thompson R, 2007). Research about the brain reveals that cognition and emotion are intensely interconnected processes. This concept is justified by recent cognitive neuroscience findings suggesting that the neural mechanisms that underlie emotion regulation are
  • 5. similar to those that underlie cognitive processes (Bell & Wolfe, 2004). Hence, their cognitive and emotional processes jointly inform the children's impression of situations and behavior influences. The main psych scripts for each child's life are grounded on the rich interpenetrations of cognitions and emotions. They influence a child's capability to carry on goal- oriented action, ask for help when necessary, and partake in and realize the benefits of relationships. The facts surrounding the entire issue of optimizing brain development calls for early childhood professionals to support cognitive development and positive social change among toddlers and infants. They can create childcare settings that foster social-emotional development by interacting with the young ones daily and communicating with their families. Equally, they can arrange the physical space in the childcare environment in a constructive manner that allows children to socialize with others and learn. Early childhood professionals have a task to plan and develop a curriculum that fosters social - emotional relationships in early childcare settings. The curriculum should adjust for healthy emotional and social interactions that promote healthy development and functioning in children. Children brought up in such settings are more likely to demonstrate healthy emotional, social, and behavioral modification and have excellent academic performance in elementary school. Hence, early childhood programs can optimize toddlers' brain development by promoting healthy social, emotional development that leads to positive learning outcomes. References Bauer, P. (2007). Recall in Infancy: A Neurodevelopmental Account. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16 (3), 142-146. Bell, M., & Wolfe, W. C. (2004). Emotion and Cognition: An Intricately Bound Developmental Process. Child Development, 75 (2), 366-370.
  • 6. 8624.2004.00679.x Lagattuta, K. H., & Thompson, R. A. (2007). The Development of Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and Research. Edited by J. L. Tracy, R. W. Robins, and J. P. Tangney. New York: Guilford Press. Messenger, D., & Fogel, A. (2007). "The Interactive Development of Social Smiling" in Advances in Child Development and Behavior (Vol. 35). Edited by R. V. Kail. Burlington, MA: Elsevier. Colleague 3 response: Posted by Temitope Egoh Research-based overview: Magic (2007) illuminates that as soon as conception occurs, the fetus already has the biological capacity to interact, be influenced, and be influenced by the environment, and for this reason prenatal care is important. The experiences of the fetus do not only have an impact on its current state but also influence the future of the baby. Contrary to previous research, that a mother’s mental health only affects the baby after birth, recent research finds that a mother’s poor emotional health during pregnancy can have a great adverse effect on the baby. According to Jyoti (2019) during pregnancy, the fetus is affected by the emotional state of the mother, and this is evidenced by increased heart rate in response to the mothers feeling and reaction to her environment. Close monitoring of the depressed mothers highlighted a disconnect between two regions of the brain the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. The amygdala region of the brain is responsible for regulating emotions while the prefrontal cortex controls behavior Speech and reasoning. A disconnection between these two regions of the brain implies less cognitive control over their emotion thus influencing the neurological and behavioral development of the child adversely. Future consequences include high anxiety or
  • 7. ADHD which may impair the learning and development of the child. Advocacy: Caring for a mother’s mental health and emotional well-being is caring for the healthy development of a child and its future outcome. As an early childhood professional, I advocate that the mental health of mothers be made a priority. I will suggest that antenatal care does not only focus on the physical well -being of the mother and child but must focus on the emotional well-being and mental health of the mother. This entails caring for the mother’s mental well-being and taking into consideration the external factors that may affect her mental health and emotional wellbeing and intervene promptly when necessary. Importance of Topic: This topic is vital because before now, including myself there was very little information on how vital the mental and emotional well-being of a pregnant woman is to the future of her child. This information is not only vital to the expectant mother but also those around her daily in including family and friends because their actions and support affect the mental well - being of the mother. Call for support: The early year's sector will have to call for the support of various agencies including health officials, housing department, early help, and local authorities to take the mental and emotional wellbeing of expectant mothers seriously. By working together, we can explain better to the community the connection between the mother’s mental health and the child’s brain development and future outcomes. Together we can offer support such as counseling and financial help for women and families with the emphasis on single mothers and families going through financial difficulties and homelessness. References Music, G. (2017). Nurturing Natures: attachments and children’s emotional, sociocultural and brain development (2nd ed). Routledge.
  • 8. Madhusoodanan, J. (2019). How maternal mood shapes the developing brain. Knowledge Magazine. Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: 1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus. 2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully. 3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it. 4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling. Assignment: Answer these essay questions: 1. The DRK Corporation recently developed a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP). The plan allows investors to reinvest cash dividends automatically in DRK in exchange for new shares of stock. Over time, investors in DRK will be able to build their holdings by reinvesting dividends to purchase additional shares of the company. Over 1,000 companies offer dividend reinvestment plans. Most companies with DRIPs charge no brokerage or service fees. In fact, the shares of DRK will be purchased at a 10 percent discount from the market price. A consultant for DRK estimates that about 75 percent of DRK's shareholders will take part in this plan. This is somewhat higher than the average. Evaluate DRK's dividend reinvestment plan. Will it increase shareholder wealth? Discuss the
  • 9. advantages and disadvantages involved here. 2. STEPHENSON REAL ESTATE RECAPITALIZATION Robert Stephenson founded Stephenson Real Estate Company years ago and is its current CEO. The company purchases real estate, including land and buildings, and rents the property to tenants. The company has shown a profit every year for the past 18 years, and the shareholders are satisfied with the company's management. Prior to founding Stephenson Real Estate, Robert was the founder and CEO of a failed alpaca farming operation. The resulting bankruptcy made him extremely averse to debt financing. As a result, the company is entirely equity financed, with 9 million shares of common stock outstanding. The stock currently trades at $42.50 per share. Stephenson is evaluating a plan to purchase a huge tract of land in the southeastern United States for $50 million. The land will subsequently be leased to tenant farmers. This purchase is expected to increase Stephenson's annual pretax earnings by $12 million in perpetuity. Kim Weyand, the company's new CFO, has been put in charge of the project. Kim has determined that the company's current cost of capital is 12.5 percent. She feels that the company would be more valuable if it included debt in its capital structure, so she is evaluating whether the company should issue debt to entirely finance the project. Based on some conversations with investment banks, she thinks that the company can issue bonds at par value with an 8 percent coupon rate. From her analysis, she also believes that a capital structure in the range of 70 percent equity/30 percent debt would be optimal. If the company goes beyond 30 percent debt, its bonds would carry a lower rating and a much higher coupon because the possibility of financial distress and the associated costs would rise sharply. Stephenson has a 40 percent corporate tax rate (state and federal). a. If Stephenson wishes to maximize its total market value, would you recommend that it issue debt or equity to finance the
  • 10. land purchase? Explain. b. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet before it announces the purchase. c. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue equity to finance the purchase. i. What is the net present value of the project? ii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after it announces that the firm will finance the purchase using equity. What would be the new price per share of the firm's stock? How many shares will Stephenson need to issue to finance the purchase? iii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after the equity issue but before the purchase has been made. How many shares of common stock does Stephenson have outstanding? What is the price per share of the firm's stock? d. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after the purchase has been made. e. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue debt to finance the purchase. i. What will the market value of the Stephenson Company be if the purchase is financed with debt? ii. Construct Stephenson's market value balance sheet after both the debt issue and the land purchase. What is the price per share of the firm's stock? f. Which method of financing maximizes the per-share stock price of Stephenson's equity? 3. COST OF CAPITAL FOR HUBBARD COMPUTER, INC. Hubbard Computer, Inc. (HCI) has recently hired you in its relatively new treasury management department. HCI was founded eight years ago by Bob Hubbard and currently operates 74 stores in the Southeast. HCI is privately owned by Bob and his family, and had sales of $97 million last year. HCI primarily sells to in-store customers who come to the store and talk with a sales representative. The sales representative assists the customer in determining the type of computer and peripherals
  • 11. that are necessary for the individual customer's computing needs. After the order is taken, the customer pays for the order immediately, and the computer is made to fill the order. Delivery of the computer averages 15 days, and it is guaranteed in 30 days. QUESTIONS HCI's growth to date has been financed by its profits. When the company had sufficient capital, it would open a new store. Other than scouting locations, relatively little formal analysis has been used in its capital budgeting process. Bob has just read about capital budgeting techniques and has come to you for help. For starters, the company has never attempted to determine its cost of capital, and Bob would like you to perform the analysis. Since the company is privately owned, it is difficult to determine the cost of equity for the company. Bob wants you to use the pure play approach to estimating the cost of capital for HCI, and he has chosen Dell as a representative company. The following steps will allow you to calculate this estimate. a. Most publicly traded corporations are required to submit quarterly (10Q) and annual reports (10K) to the SEC detailing the financial operations of the company over the past quarter or year, respectively. These corporate filings are available on the SEC website at Go to the SEC website and search for SEC filings made by Dell. Find the most recent 10Q or 10K and download the form. Look on the balance sheet to find the book value of debt and the book value of equity. If you look further down the report, you should find a section titled "Long- term Debt and Interest Rate Risk Management" that will provide a breakdown of Dell's long-term debt. b. To estimate the cost of equity for Dell, go to and enter the ticker symbol DELL. Follow the various links to answer the following questions: What is the most recent stock price listed for Dell? What is the market value
  • 12. of equity, or market capitalization? How many shares of stock does Dell have outstanding? What is the most recent annual dividend? Can you use the dividend discount model in this case? What is the beta for Dell? Now go back to and find the "Bonds" link. What is the yield on 3-month Treasury bills? Using the historical market risk premium, what is the cost of equity for Dell using the CAPM? c. You now need to calculate the cost of debt for Dell. The following table provides the yield to maturity for each of Dell's bonds. What is the weighted aver-age cost of debt for Dell using the book value weights and the market value weights? Does it make a difference in this case if you use book value weights or market value weights? d. You now have all the necessary information to calculate the weighted average cost of capital for Dell. Calculate the weighted average cost of cap-ital for Dell using book value weights and market value weights. Assume Dell has a 35 percent marginal tax rate. Which cost of capital number is more relevant? e. You used Dell as a pure play company to estimate the cost of capital for HCI. Are there any potential problems with this approach in this situation? 4. What was the largest IPO? Go to and find out. In what country was the company located? What was the largest IPO in the United States? (Module 2 Assignment 4: Blog: Sharing Your Thoughts An important part of your professional development is collaboration with your colleagues and developing thriving communities of practice in which people and resources support and inspire, inform and challenge, and bring unique talents and perspectives that add to your own.
  • 13. Over the past 3 weeks, course Discussions have provided you with an opportunity to explore healthy prenatal development, the strengths-based perspective, and brain development. Each of these topics can be cast as pressing advocacy issues within the field, where powerful messages can impact intended audiences and ripple out, supporting child and family development in new and exciting ways. Review the Learning Resources on how to create an effective advocacy message. Assignment Task Instructions By Day 3 of Week 5 Post to your blog: Select one of the three Discussion posts you developed during this module. (Discussion selected below) Create an advocacy message designed to inform and educate other early childhood educators about the importance of the issue. Your blog post should include the following: · A brief, research-based overview of the issue you selected (healthy prenatal development, adopting a strengths-based perspective, optimizing brain development) · A related advocacy message that you feel is essential for early childhood professionals and supportive of positive social change · Why this topic/message is of particular importance to you · Questions or calls for support from your colleagues Discussion 1: Healthy Prenatal Development An analysis of the scenario highlighted in the Discussion introduction that provokes a research-based discussion of the following: · What you believe are the most critical factors related to healthy prenatal development identified within the scenario,
  • 14. including a research-based rationale for why you identified these factors · An explanation of how you would support both the mother in the scenario as well as work with her to help her develop a healthy context for her developing fetus based on program and community resources · Identification of how the information you targeted as critical within the scenario can be meaningfully extended to pregnant mothers beyond the presented scenario · How the information presented within the scenario could be most effectively utilized within the early childhood field as well as other fields that directly support young children and their families Discussion 1: Healthy Prenatal Development (Response) For healthy Prenatal development, there is a need to eliminate all the potential risks that may affect the unborn child. Most mothers try to improve their nutrition and eliminate high-risk behaviors during pregnancy (Radin et al., 2018). For instance, Maria is four months pregnant, and she is trying to get rid of the risks for the unborn child. The most important factors to healthy Prenatal Development are a healthy diet, visiting the clinic regularly, quit smoking, and giving the baby proper stimuli. The baby must endure appropriate stimuli to enhance brain development (Music, 2016). Therefore, all the factors should be considered for healthy prenatal development. I can help the mother in the case by ensuring that she gets access to the necessary healthcare needs. I can offer her the required information to reach for state help regarding food stamps which can help feed her family. I can also organize so she can get childcare support for her two-year-old for when she
  • 15. visits the doctor or when she is at work at a cheaper cost. I can also organize meetings for her to interact with other families in the program (McLeish & Redshaw, 2017). It will help her get the emotional support she requires. The information can be extended to other pregnant mothers by formulating pamphlets that can be spread to educate them. The pamphlets will contain all the necessary information regarding healthcare during and after pregnancy (Radin et al., 2018). It will also inform mothers of the essential factors to develop a healthy baby. Peer support from other families is also necessary to encourage pregnant women to stay emotionally fit. The information from the scenario can be utilized within the early childhood field and other fields by demonstrating a listening need when the mothers confide in the field. Mothers with similar situations do not know the way forward when faced with difficulties. The necessary resources can be developed to help the mothers and children. It can be used to educate fathers on the impact they create when they leave their pregnant partners. Mothers can be educated through peer support to be emotionally active with their children to help with their mental development (McLeish & Redshaw, 2017). It will help their children to get the necessary needs through their early development. References McLeish, J., & Redshaw, M. (2017). Mothers’ accounts of the impact on emotional wellbeing of organized peer support in pregnancy and early parenthood: a qualitative study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 17(1), 1-14. Music, G. (2016). Nurturing natures: Attachment and children's emotional, sociocultural and brain development. Psychology Press. Radin, J. M., Steinhubl, S. R., Su, A. I., Bhargava, H.,
  • 16. Greenberg, B., Bot, B. M., ... & Topol, E. J. (2018). The healthy pregnancy research program: transforming pregnancy research through a ResearchKit app. NPJ digital medicine, 1(1), 1-7. 100 Word Responses to Colleagues: Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in one or both of the following ways: · Suggest an additional resource or potential collaboration that might strengthen supports for pregnant mothers. · Share a personal/professional experience that highlights supports related to prenatal development and mothers who are pregnant. •A personal/professional experience that highlights supports related to prenatal development and mothers who are pregnant. Depression is a major issue in young mothers in these times. I can remember when I first found out I was pregnant I thought my world had ended. I had so much going, school and working 2 jobs at the time getting ready to work on my last year at Mississippi Delta Community College. However, I did fall into a state of depression after I had my son. I had just lost my job and then had to depend on my parents for assistance at the time. I joined a support groups for Teenage mothers that my church developed. This group was called "SHS" - Sisters Helping Sisters. This program helped me through the tough times of being a new mom but, a mom who did not give up. During that same year I had graduated with my associate degree in Early Childhood Education and Started working in my field as a teacher being an After-School Tutor at the church. So, I must say Good things come to those who WAIT. Suggest an additional resource or potential collaboration that might strengthen supports for pregnant mothers. Government Assisted Programs: 1. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)- This is a
  • 17. federal funded assistant program to assist with children and families who are unable to provide care or basic needs. (n.d.) The program is also built to aid pregnant mothers or single mothers. TANF funds are given by the state, while helping you find a job to better assist and support yourself and children (n.d.) 2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- This is a federal funded program to assist needed families to with their basic needs during hard times. Each household have eligibility requirements to follow to receive asstistance (n.d.) Reference: (n.d.). Terri Edwards (INSTRUCTOR Response) Resources are Available for Teachers to Share Hi Angel, thank you for your reflections here! I believe the most critical factors related to healthy prenatal development identified in the scenario is Anya Marie overall health of her baby and hers as well. Since this is Anya Marie’s second pregnancy she may feel as though she knows what to expect. However, no pregnancy is the same. Right now, Anya Marie would not know if something is concerning, worth looking into, if the baby healthy, if she healthy, due to not going to the see the doctor yet. This is not to mention she is 4 months pregnant. Anya has stopped smoking and drinking, trying to cut down on working long 12-hour shifts, and stay stress-free all while the father has left and bills are still due. If you consider all of this as a pregnant person, it would be a bit overwhelming probably for anybody. Even though Anya Marie plans on seeing a doctor soon it is good that she is taking prenatal for her and the baby and taking the caution steps to stay on a healthy diet. The biological mother’s emotional health and capacity to process emotions has a profound effect on the developing fetus, including via the transmission of stress hormones and more
  • 18. noxious substances across the placenta (Music, 2017). You mention developing information and resources; much of these have already been created and you just need to obtain it and share it. What specific resources are available in your area of Mississippi? Music, G. (2017). Nurturing Natures: Attachment and children’s emotional, sociocultural, and brain development (2nd ed.). Psychology Press. Angel Winslow (Response to Instructor) RE: Resources are Available for Teachers to Share COLLAPSE In my area of MS we have several government assisted programs to help here with Mothers and needed families. Some assistance may be financially, nutritional, and or housing assistance. These programs here in MS are to assist to help families in getting back on their feet. Here are some listed : 1. TANF- This is a financial assistance program to help provide financial services for basic needs such as clothes, food, shelter, and other specific needs. (n.d.) 2. SNAP- This is a nutritional program that offers services to purchase food for needed low- income families. This is also known as the Food Stamp Program.(n.d.) 3. SECTION-8: This is a housing assistance program for low income families. It offers financial vouchers to individuals who are unable to properly afford safe and sanitary housing for themselves and or family. (n.d.) Reference: https://www.usa gov/benefits. (n.d.).
  • 19. Module 2 Learning Resources for Assignment 4 case_for_early_care_and_education.pdf iles/July-2011-B25-toolkit-FINAL.pdf