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      An apron memory isn’t a scholarly dissertation
      mired in dusty facts and details. It is a story of fam-
      ily life, a personal history that engages and catches
      you up in the telling and listening.

      The Apron Chronicles
      EllynAnne Geisel

                 o you remember where you were when        blissfully lived my girlhood dream. For 24 years
                 you heard that Harriet Nelson had         I happily performed the domestic routines of
                 died? Probably not, but I do, because     old-fashioned housewifery and childrearing.
      Harriet Nelson was my idol growing up. She               But for all the joys of this domestic bliss, my
      was everything I wanted to be—a wife, mother         career choice as a full-time homemaker came to
      and homemaker. Watching The Adventures of            an end with the departure of our youngest for
      Ozzie and Harriet every week on television, I        college. With his leave-taking, I dared imagine
      reverently noted Harriet’s clever way with her       a second career as a writer. My first article, I
      husband and sons, how she dressed up each day        decided, would be about the ultimate symbol
      to stay at home taking care of her family. I loved   of domesticity: the humble apron.
      how they worshipped her. And, most of all, I             I visited several thrift stores before finding
      coveted her apron.                                   an inspirational apron in decent condition, its
          My own mother was an enigma in our clas-         skirt of sunny yellow cotton with a wide peri-
      sically Fifties neighborhood. Long before it was     winkle-blue waistband, and four evenly spaced
      the norm, she had a college degree, worked full      narrow bands of colored bias tape. I didn’t real-
      time and raised a family. She enjoyed her career     ize it at the time, but, for only 25 cents, this
      and was successful. But the job I wanted was         apron would change my life.
      Harriet’s. So in 1966, I entered the University          Following a thorough laundering, it was
      of Southern Hospitality with the goal of acquir-     while pressing the apron I experienced a surge of
      ing my “Mrs.” degree. A tad sidetracked by boys      emotion of such visceral intensity that I initially
      in bell-bottoms and rock-and-roll, I nonetheless     thought I’d been electrocuted by the iron. Tying
      remained vigilant in pursuit of my girlhood          on the apron intensified a sense of spiritual con-
      goal of marrying my Ozzie and becoming a             nection to the homemaker who had selected the
      full-time homemaker and mother. Exchanging           cloth, sewed the pattern and worn the apron as
      vows in 1975 and soon after twice a mother, I        a part of her daily routine. I was replicating her
                                                           actions, and in doing so, I sensed her trying to
      EllynAnne Geisel is the empress of apronology        get through to me, to make me hear her voice.
      to a worldwide community of apronistas (www.         Fingering the fabric, I wondered what she might                                  be trying to tell me, what she had been like, what

      60       The AmericAn inTeresT
Hand-sewn tafetta
we might have had in common. Whether
                                                              holiday apron
she’d been happily married; if her children
had driven her to distraction; if she had
preferred dogs or cats; and what had
been her favorite holiday, friend,
book, recipe, laundry
tip or beauty secret.
I wondered whether
her family still main-
tained the rituals she
had performed for her
family’s comfort and
security, or whether
in today’s hectic home
life her ways are deemed
    I queried fifty friends and
family about whether they won-
dered the same things. My request                   complicated times, a scent, a hug, a confidence,
prompted a shockingly scant response, and sev-      the nurturing love between mother and child.
eral of an unanticipated personal critique that         The first apron I ever acquired through the
amounted to: “You have too much time on your        mail was from New Mexico, a hand-sewn taf-
hands.” Did I? I had been so deeply affected by     feta holiday apron wrapped in pink tissue. In an
an apron, and why was no one else?                  accompanying letter, the sender wrote that she
    Perhaps, I thought, the apron I had chosen      was a neighbor to the apron’s seamstress, a Mrs.
was invested with transcendent qualities. Per-      Dyer, who had died several years before. She’d
haps it was one of very few, or the only apron in   heard through the grapevine that I “took in
the world, capable of affecting me so powerfully.   aprons.” She asked that I add Mrs. Dyer’s apron
To test this hypothesis, I did the obvious thing:   to my collection because no one from the family
I returned to the thrift stores with an old woven   was alive to inherit it. I’d never been a guardian
laundry basket that soon overflowed with all        of anything before, and suddenly I was charged
the various aprons I collected. I disconfirmed      with the care of an heirloom and the memory of
my hypothesis: All the aprons were magical.         the woman who had worn it. Other aprons soon
    For the next four years, I toted that laundry   arrived in like manner, with stories of their own.
basket everywhere I went: the bank, grocery, li-    As my collection grew, I felt a responsibility to
brary, hardware store, movie theatre, ballpark,     learn about the history of this quotidian icon.
concert, ladies’ restroom line and homes to
which we were invited. Even when vacationing,
I toted a smaller basket of aprons. The colorful-
ly arrayed basket proved a magnet. Upon see-
                                                    I  t turns out that the history of the apron goes
                                                       back quite a ways. Lore has it that Adam
                                                    and Eve fashioned the first kind of apron out
ing and touching the aprons, men and women          of fig leaves, according to the third chapter
alike would enthusiastically share recollections    of Genesis, to hide their nakedness from one
of homemakers in their lives. The aprons served     another. However aprons came to be, almost
as memory triggers, sparking heartfelt stories of   every culture, as it turns out, has something
a long-ago relationship with a beloved mother,      resembling one. Many Indian tribes fabricat-
grandmother or aunt—a guardian of the hearth        ed similar garments, which were worn by men
who tied on an apron as domestic armor to care,     as well as women. Immigrants brought aprons
cook, nurture, manage and sacrifice for her         to America; they were a key part of a sensible
family. The aprons called them back to special      woman’s wardrobe. Early American women
cakes baked for birthdays, ironing tips, dough      had only a few dresses, and aprons—almost
recipes, values and traditions from gentler, less   ankle-length and of rugged cloth—allowed

                                                                 spring (mArch/April) 2011         61

                                                  continued to make aprons and display their
                                                  handiwork on whatever cloth was available,
                                                  whether muslin, feed sack or recycled. By the
                                                  1940s, aprons and dresses were tighter fitting
                                                  to conserve fabric, which reflected women’s
                                                  support for the war effort and their commit-
                                                  ment to “Make Do Without.” The postwar
                                                  era was a time of abundance, and so aprons
                                                  received upgrades in vibrant, bold colors. New
                                                  household appliances gave the homemaker
                                                  something previously unknown: free time.
                                                  This let women sew as never before, with
                                                  aprons often being the zenith of their avenues
                                                  for creative expression. Also, for the first time,
                                                  men donned aprons specific to their newfound
                                                  past-time: backyard barbequing.
                                                      With the women’s liberation movement of
                                                  the 1960s, however, untold thousands of Ameri-
                                                  can women cast off their aprons and entered
                                                  the workforce, seeking fulfillment outside the
                                                  home. Liberated from ties now redefined to be
for those dresses to be worn many times be-       suffocating instead of nurturing, some women
tween launderings.                                went so far as to throw away their aprons. In that
    For female pioneers in the 1800s, rugged      gesture of freedom from the past, these women
and stalwart by necessity, aprons remained a      unknowingly did away with a symbol that tied
wardrobe mainstay. Homesteading alongside         us to the women of preceding generations, and
men, they tucked their dresses and aprons into    to each other.
waistbands as they cleared and plowed fields.         Many aprons went undetected, however,
Then, unfurling both, they used aprons to         and thus managed to survive the feminist
carry grain to chickens and vegetables from the   purge. These were often discovered decades
garden, gather eggs, shoo flies from the table,   later by other women, usually adult daughters,
remove a pan of biscuits from the oven, dry a     nieces or younger cousins who sifted through
child’s tears, wipe sweat from their brows and    their elders’ possessions in childhood homes.
flour from their hands. Aprons could also ward    And with the same abandon and negative as-
off a chill, or even conceal a rifle.             sociation of the women of the Sixties, these
    The women who didn’t board a Calis-           women very frequently stuffed those aprons
toga wagon, but stayed put,
mainly wore the protective,                           An apron that was purged
all-purpose apron of a domes-                          during the feminist era
tic, nurse, factory laborer or
seamstress. The well-heeled
among them sported aprons
as a stylish clothing accessory,
often embellished as a domestic
art in tiny, immaculate embroidery
stitches, delicate crochet and other
needlecrafts, which testified to
their feminine skills.
    During the Depression years
delicate cotton was scarce or
unaffordable, but women

62      The AmericAn inTeresT

    John Lester Trezise’s family in 1905. The little girl is Jeannette Evelyn, the “apron baby.”

into giveaway bags. Those are the aprons that             In 1899 my father was six years old, and his
today show up in thrift stores, to be rescued as          mother was pregnant with her sixth child.
priceless keepsakes intrinsic to the history of           My grandmother went into labor at home
women and vehicles of feminine expression.                on their farm. The five children were sent
To me, aprons celebrate the spirit of women.              across the field to stay at the neighbor’s. As
They are oracles of simple truths of home and             they crossed the field, the neighbor lady was
heart. That’s why it’s more than a pleasure to            coming to their house to be the midwife for
“tie one on”; it’s a statement.                           their pregnant mother. As she walked past
                                                          the children, she had her arms wrapped in

I  n the decade since I became a textile guardian
   of these touchstones of earlier generations, I
have listened to and read hundreds of stories. I
                                                          her kitchen apron.
                                                             When the six-year-old, my father, re-
                                                          turned home later in the day, he had a brand
have learned that an apron memory isn’t a schol-          new baby sister. And he was forever convinced
arly dissertation mired in dusty facts and details.       that the baby was brought to their home in
It is a story of family life, a personal history that     the apron of the neighbor lady.
engages and catches you up in the telling and
the listening. Without the stories, aprons are              Junior high school during the 1950s re-
just so much fabric. It’s the memories they evoke       quired girls to take a home economics class,
that make them so powerful. Three examples in           and the first sewing project was always an
particular come to mind.                                apron. Bennie Swanson was one of the first
     With the publication in 2006 of The Apron          46 people to come upon me and my basket
Book, many readers were moved to share their            of aprons, and hers is one of the apron stories
apron memories with me. This story was typed            that comprise my traveling exhibit, “Apron
on a postcard. It remains one of my favorites,          Chronicles: A Patchwork of American Recol-
for the precious innocence of a child at the            lections.” Our paths crossed in 2002, the year
turn of the century. La Veta Trezise, who to-           her mother, Neva Carrico, died. Bennie’s sad-
day is 91 and still lives independently in her          ness was still fresh, and she told me that she
own home, says her father, John Lester Trezise,         and her mom “…will always be connected by
loved to tell this story.                               loving apron strings.”

                                                                     spring (mArch/April) 2011             63

  When Dad died at 38, Mother had
  to raise four young daughters by
  herself. She kept our family go-
  ing by working in a bakery,
  scrubbing floors and cases.
  After a long day, she’d re-
  turn home and still have
  the energy to run the
  house, sew our clothes
  and sing. Her favor-
  ite song was “Sunny
  side of the Street.”
  If she had fears, we
  never knew them,
  because she al-
  ways had a song
  to brighten a cloudy
  day. Even when she was
  diagnosed with Parkinson’s,
  she kept looking at the bright side              Bennie Swanson’s 1959 home economics
  of things. Asked how she was doing, she                project—a gingham apron
  always smiled and said, “I can’t complain.”
      As I was going through her things, I spot-
  ted a familiar fabric in the back of a kitchen     my gift was a little pink apron trimmed in
  drawer. It was the apron I’d made in seventh       white rickrack. I loved it and showed it to
  grade home-ec class back in 1959. Such won-        everyone. It meant so much to me, I wore it
  derful memories are woven into the lavender        until it was falling apart.
  checked cloth: going to Duckwall’s together to        That little apron was such a sacrifice for
  purchase the fabric, my excitement at learning     my parents. I can’t imagine what they did
  to sew, the thrill of presenting the completed     without so I might not be disappointed on
  apron to her, how special I felt when she wore     Christmas morning.
  it to fix dinner, and most of all, her uncon-         It was my best Christmas present ever.
  ditional love and how her face lit up when I
  walked into the room. I miss my mom.

    Mrs. Martha Marie Pugh wrote her story
                                                   W        hen I look back at all the projects I’ve
                                                            begun and abandoned over the past
                                                   half century, I have to wonder why I perse-
in elegant cursive. When I mentioned her ex-       vere on this apron journey. The answer is, I’ve
quisite handwriting to Drucilla, Mrs. Pugh’s       decided, that I could spend a lifetime travel-
daughter-in-law, she said such grace was ex-       ing this great country with a laundry basket
traordinary, given the tremendous starkness        of vintage aprons and collecting the most in-
of her mother-in-law’s young life in Pawnee,       teresting stories told by the dearest people—
Oklahoma. Even more exceptional is that            all through the conduit of an old-fashioned,
from such a hardscrabble world, Martha Ma-         nearly forgotten domestic icon. That such
rie Barnes would later travel the world, visit     a mundane object can conjure such distant
England and be presented to the Queen.             memories, evoke such strong emotions and
                                                   prompt so many new friendships, all celebrat-
  I was born in 1931, during the Great Depres-     ing the lives of women past and present, never
  sion. Santa did not show up at our house with    ceases to amaze me. This journey provides me
  a big bag of gifts; my parents, however, did     endless inspiration. Wherever it leads, I know
  see that we got at least one gift.               I will always hear a new voice, for aprons don’t
      The Christmas when I was 4 years old,        hold us back, they take us back.

                                                                spring (mArch/April) 2011            65

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The American Interest ( March/April 2011 issue The Apron Chronicles by EllynAnne Geisel

  • 1. FA B R I C S O F A M E R I C A N L I F E An apron memory isn’t a scholarly dissertation mired in dusty facts and details. It is a story of fam- ily life, a personal history that engages and catches you up in the telling and listening. The Apron Chronicles EllynAnne Geisel D o you remember where you were when blissfully lived my girlhood dream. For 24 years you heard that Harriet Nelson had I happily performed the domestic routines of died? Probably not, but I do, because old-fashioned housewifery and childrearing. Harriet Nelson was my idol growing up. She But for all the joys of this domestic bliss, my was everything I wanted to be—a wife, mother career choice as a full-time homemaker came to and homemaker. Watching The Adventures of an end with the departure of our youngest for Ozzie and Harriet every week on television, I college. With his leave-taking, I dared imagine reverently noted Harriet’s clever way with her a second career as a writer. My first article, I husband and sons, how she dressed up each day decided, would be about the ultimate symbol to stay at home taking care of her family. I loved of domesticity: the humble apron. how they worshipped her. And, most of all, I I visited several thrift stores before finding coveted her apron. an inspirational apron in decent condition, its My own mother was an enigma in our clas- skirt of sunny yellow cotton with a wide peri- sically Fifties neighborhood. Long before it was winkle-blue waistband, and four evenly spaced the norm, she had a college degree, worked full narrow bands of colored bias tape. I didn’t real- time and raised a family. She enjoyed her career ize it at the time, but, for only 25 cents, this and was successful. But the job I wanted was apron would change my life. Harriet’s. So in 1966, I entered the University Following a thorough laundering, it was of Southern Hospitality with the goal of acquir- while pressing the apron I experienced a surge of ing my “Mrs.” degree. A tad sidetracked by boys emotion of such visceral intensity that I initially in bell-bottoms and rock-and-roll, I nonetheless thought I’d been electrocuted by the iron. Tying remained vigilant in pursuit of my girlhood on the apron intensified a sense of spiritual con- goal of marrying my Ozzie and becoming a nection to the homemaker who had selected the full-time homemaker and mother. Exchanging cloth, sewed the pattern and worn the apron as vows in 1975 and soon after twice a mother, I a part of her daily routine. I was replicating her actions, and in doing so, I sensed her trying to EllynAnne Geisel is the empress of apronology get through to me, to make me hear her voice. to a worldwide community of apronistas (www. Fingering the fabric, I wondered what she might be trying to tell me, what she had been like, what 60 The AmericAn inTeresT
  • 2. Hand-sewn tafetta we might have had in common. Whether holiday apron she’d been happily married; if her children had driven her to distraction; if she had preferred dogs or cats; and what had been her favorite holiday, friend, book, recipe, laundry tip or beauty secret. I wondered whether her family still main- tained the rituals she had performed for her family’s comfort and security, or whether in today’s hectic home life her ways are deemed obsolete. I queried fifty friends and family about whether they won- dered the same things. My request complicated times, a scent, a hug, a confidence, prompted a shockingly scant response, and sev- the nurturing love between mother and child. eral of an unanticipated personal critique that The first apron I ever acquired through the amounted to: “You have too much time on your mail was from New Mexico, a hand-sewn taf- hands.” Did I? I had been so deeply affected by feta holiday apron wrapped in pink tissue. In an an apron, and why was no one else? accompanying letter, the sender wrote that she Perhaps, I thought, the apron I had chosen was a neighbor to the apron’s seamstress, a Mrs. was invested with transcendent qualities. Per- Dyer, who had died several years before. She’d haps it was one of very few, or the only apron in heard through the grapevine that I “took in the world, capable of affecting me so powerfully. aprons.” She asked that I add Mrs. Dyer’s apron To test this hypothesis, I did the obvious thing: to my collection because no one from the family I returned to the thrift stores with an old woven was alive to inherit it. I’d never been a guardian laundry basket that soon overflowed with all of anything before, and suddenly I was charged the various aprons I collected. I disconfirmed with the care of an heirloom and the memory of my hypothesis: All the aprons were magical. the woman who had worn it. Other aprons soon For the next four years, I toted that laundry arrived in like manner, with stories of their own. basket everywhere I went: the bank, grocery, li- As my collection grew, I felt a responsibility to brary, hardware store, movie theatre, ballpark, learn about the history of this quotidian icon. concert, ladies’ restroom line and homes to which we were invited. Even when vacationing, I toted a smaller basket of aprons. The colorful- ly arrayed basket proved a magnet. Upon see- I t turns out that the history of the apron goes back quite a ways. Lore has it that Adam and Eve fashioned the first kind of apron out ing and touching the aprons, men and women of fig leaves, according to the third chapter alike would enthusiastically share recollections of Genesis, to hide their nakedness from one of homemakers in their lives. The aprons served another. However aprons came to be, almost as memory triggers, sparking heartfelt stories of every culture, as it turns out, has something a long-ago relationship with a beloved mother, resembling one. Many Indian tribes fabricat- grandmother or aunt—a guardian of the hearth ed similar garments, which were worn by men who tied on an apron as domestic armor to care, as well as women. Immigrants brought aprons cook, nurture, manage and sacrifice for her to America; they were a key part of a sensible family. The aprons called them back to special woman’s wardrobe. Early American women cakes baked for birthdays, ironing tips, dough had only a few dresses, and aprons—almost recipes, values and traditions from gentler, less ankle-length and of rugged cloth—allowed spring (mArch/April) 2011 61
  • 3. FABRICS OF AMERICAN LIFE continued to make aprons and display their handiwork on whatever cloth was available, whether muslin, feed sack or recycled. By the 1940s, aprons and dresses were tighter fitting to conserve fabric, which reflected women’s support for the war effort and their commit- ment to “Make Do Without.” The postwar era was a time of abundance, and so aprons received upgrades in vibrant, bold colors. New household appliances gave the homemaker something previously unknown: free time. This let women sew as never before, with aprons often being the zenith of their avenues for creative expression. Also, for the first time, men donned aprons specific to their newfound past-time: backyard barbequing. With the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s, however, untold thousands of Ameri- can women cast off their aprons and entered the workforce, seeking fulfillment outside the home. Liberated from ties now redefined to be for those dresses to be worn many times be- suffocating instead of nurturing, some women tween launderings. went so far as to throw away their aprons. In that For female pioneers in the 1800s, rugged gesture of freedom from the past, these women and stalwart by necessity, aprons remained a unknowingly did away with a symbol that tied wardrobe mainstay. Homesteading alongside us to the women of preceding generations, and men, they tucked their dresses and aprons into to each other. waistbands as they cleared and plowed fields. Many aprons went undetected, however, Then, unfurling both, they used aprons to and thus managed to survive the feminist carry grain to chickens and vegetables from the purge. These were often discovered decades garden, gather eggs, shoo flies from the table, later by other women, usually adult daughters, remove a pan of biscuits from the oven, dry a nieces or younger cousins who sifted through child’s tears, wipe sweat from their brows and their elders’ possessions in childhood homes. flour from their hands. Aprons could also ward And with the same abandon and negative as- off a chill, or even conceal a rifle. sociation of the women of the Sixties, these The women who didn’t board a Calis- women very frequently stuffed those aprons toga wagon, but stayed put, mainly wore the protective, An apron that was purged all-purpose apron of a domes- during the feminist era tic, nurse, factory laborer or seamstress. The well-heeled among them sported aprons as a stylish clothing accessory, often embellished as a domestic art in tiny, immaculate embroidery stitches, delicate crochet and other needlecrafts, which testified to their feminine skills. During the Depression years delicate cotton was scarce or unaffordable, but women 62 The AmericAn inTeresT
  • 4. THE APRON CHRONICLES John Lester Trezise’s family in 1905. The little girl is Jeannette Evelyn, the “apron baby.” into giveaway bags. Those are the aprons that In 1899 my father was six years old, and his today show up in thrift stores, to be rescued as mother was pregnant with her sixth child. priceless keepsakes intrinsic to the history of My grandmother went into labor at home women and vehicles of feminine expression. on their farm. The five children were sent To me, aprons celebrate the spirit of women. across the field to stay at the neighbor’s. As They are oracles of simple truths of home and they crossed the field, the neighbor lady was heart. That’s why it’s more than a pleasure to coming to their house to be the midwife for “tie one on”; it’s a statement. their pregnant mother. As she walked past the children, she had her arms wrapped in I n the decade since I became a textile guardian of these touchstones of earlier generations, I have listened to and read hundreds of stories. I her kitchen apron. When the six-year-old, my father, re- turned home later in the day, he had a brand have learned that an apron memory isn’t a schol- new baby sister. And he was forever convinced arly dissertation mired in dusty facts and details. that the baby was brought to their home in It is a story of family life, a personal history that the apron of the neighbor lady. engages and catches you up in the telling and the listening. Without the stories, aprons are Junior high school during the 1950s re- just so much fabric. It’s the memories they evoke quired girls to take a home economics class, that make them so powerful. Three examples in and the first sewing project was always an particular come to mind. apron. Bennie Swanson was one of the first With the publication in 2006 of The Apron 46 people to come upon me and my basket Book, many readers were moved to share their of aprons, and hers is one of the apron stories apron memories with me. This story was typed that comprise my traveling exhibit, “Apron on a postcard. It remains one of my favorites, Chronicles: A Patchwork of American Recol- for the precious innocence of a child at the lections.” Our paths crossed in 2002, the year turn of the century. La Veta Trezise, who to- her mother, Neva Carrico, died. Bennie’s sad- day is 91 and still lives independently in her ness was still fresh, and she told me that she own home, says her father, John Lester Trezise, and her mom “…will always be connected by loved to tell this story. loving apron strings.” spring (mArch/April) 2011 63
  • 5. THE APRON CHRONICLES When Dad died at 38, Mother had to raise four young daughters by herself. She kept our family go- ing by working in a bakery, scrubbing floors and cases. After a long day, she’d re- turn home and still have the energy to run the house, sew our clothes and sing. Her favor- ite song was “Sunny side of the Street.” If she had fears, we never knew them, because she al- ways had a song to brighten a cloudy day. Even when she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, she kept looking at the bright side Bennie Swanson’s 1959 home economics of things. Asked how she was doing, she project—a gingham apron always smiled and said, “I can’t complain.” As I was going through her things, I spot- ted a familiar fabric in the back of a kitchen my gift was a little pink apron trimmed in drawer. It was the apron I’d made in seventh white rickrack. I loved it and showed it to grade home-ec class back in 1959. Such won- everyone. It meant so much to me, I wore it derful memories are woven into the lavender until it was falling apart. checked cloth: going to Duckwall’s together to That little apron was such a sacrifice for purchase the fabric, my excitement at learning my parents. I can’t imagine what they did to sew, the thrill of presenting the completed without so I might not be disappointed on apron to her, how special I felt when she wore Christmas morning. it to fix dinner, and most of all, her uncon- It was my best Christmas present ever. ditional love and how her face lit up when I walked into the room. I miss my mom. Mrs. Martha Marie Pugh wrote her story W hen I look back at all the projects I’ve begun and abandoned over the past half century, I have to wonder why I perse- in elegant cursive. When I mentioned her ex- vere on this apron journey. The answer is, I’ve quisite handwriting to Drucilla, Mrs. Pugh’s decided, that I could spend a lifetime travel- daughter-in-law, she said such grace was ex- ing this great country with a laundry basket traordinary, given the tremendous starkness of vintage aprons and collecting the most in- of her mother-in-law’s young life in Pawnee, teresting stories told by the dearest people— Oklahoma. Even more exceptional is that all through the conduit of an old-fashioned, from such a hardscrabble world, Martha Ma- nearly forgotten domestic icon. That such rie Barnes would later travel the world, visit a mundane object can conjure such distant England and be presented to the Queen. memories, evoke such strong emotions and prompt so many new friendships, all celebrat- I was born in 1931, during the Great Depres- ing the lives of women past and present, never sion. Santa did not show up at our house with ceases to amaze me. This journey provides me a big bag of gifts; my parents, however, did endless inspiration. Wherever it leads, I know see that we got at least one gift. I will always hear a new voice, for aprons don’t The Christmas when I was 4 years old, hold us back, they take us back. spring (mArch/April) 2011 65