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Hands-on Introduction to
the C Programming Language

Vincenzo De Florio
February 2003

Introduction to the C Programming Language © V De Florio


First examples
Fundamental data
Conditional statements
& other instructions
The C preprocessor
Variables again



Standard I/O functions
Derived types
Pointers and arrays
Use of pointers
Type casts &
Bitwise operators
Standard streams, files
Structures, bitfields,
Data hiding
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• C and UNIX : success stories.
• C: developed by Dennis Ritchie to port UNIX from a
PDP-7 to a PDP-11
• System programming language
• Most of the UNIX system is in C

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• C is simple:
A small number of simple and powerful
…dealing with characters, numbers, addresses
No language facilities for handling complex
objects (strings, lists...)
No language facilities for the I/O, for memory
…though those facilities are available as
standard (or user-defined) libraries of functions

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• C is small:
Easy to describe, easy to learn
The C compiler is considerably simple, compactsized, and easy to write
The C data types and control structures often
have a direct equivalent in the machine language
of many computers. This happens because C
was modelled after the machine language of the
PDP 11
Hence, while in general the translation from a
high level language instruction to machine
language is in general one-to-many, the
translation from C to machine language is oneto-few
A very simple run-time system: for instance
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• C is portable…
..though, to achieve this, we need to follow some
“rules of portability”
Types have no well-defined size
In OCCAM we have, e.g., int32,
On the contrary, in C we don’t have an a-priori
knowledge of the size of an integer

One can use symbolic constants for this
So called “#define” statements

A large set of standard (-> ported!) libraries exists
for I/O, string manipulation, memory allocation...

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• C provides:

the basic control-flow statements
statement grouping
selective statements
iterative statements
pointers + address arithmetic

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

Function with
no arguments
Function name

starts here...

main ( )
Print string
“hello” and
character ‘n’

...and ends
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

• Log into the system
 login name
 password

• Type in the hello program in file first.c
 Activate an editor, e.g., xedit, pico, or vi
 for instance xedit first.c
 save the file at the end

• Compile the program
 cc -o first first.c (or gcc –o first first.c)

• Execute the program
 ./first

• Modify the program so that
 it prints another string / two strings / …
 jump to “Compile the program”
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First Examples

by “(“

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples


main() { int inf, sup, step;
float fahr, celsius;
inf = 0; sup = 300;
Integer and
step = 20;
real numbers
fahr = inf;
while (fahr <= sup) {
celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
printf("%4.0f %6.1fn", fahr, celsius);
fahr = fahr + step;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples


Type in the conversion program in file second.c
Compile the program
Execute the program
Modify the program:
 Change the format strings
 Change steps
 Downto vs. To
 (5 / 9.0)
 (5 / 9)
 fahr - 32 vs. fahr - 32.0
 fahr += fahr
 jump to “Compile the program”

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Definition of Variables (1)

• To define a variable or a list of variables, one has to

• For instance:
int a, b_b, c2, A;
double f, F=1.3, dimX;
• With LIST one can also initialize variables, like it has
been done for F in the above example
• One can define variables only at the beginning of a
compound instruction such as

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

main() { int inf, sup, step;
float fahr, celsius;
inf = 0; sup = 300;
step = 20;


fahr = inf;
while (fahr <= sup) {
celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
printf("%4.0f %6.1fn", fahr, celsius);
fahr = fahr + step;

for (fahr = inf; fahr <= sup; fahr += step) {...
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

• Fahr += step
Fahr = Fahr + step
Fahr = Fahr + 1
• Compound statements in C:
 { s1; s2; …; sn; }
 s1, s2, …, sn;
• Relational operators
 <=, <, !=, ==, >, >= ...
 Return 0 when false, 1 when true
• “test” is any operation
• 0 = false, non-0 = true
• Both these statements are valid:
while ( x == y ) { …
while ( x = y ) { …
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

1. Let a be 0
2. Repeat
the loop
“a = 0”
is “true”
3. So the
while loop
is simply
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

1. Let a be 1
(returns 1)
2. Repeat
the loop
“a = 1”
returns “true”
3. So the
while loop
never ends!

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
First examples

The initial
value of a
is undefined!
Here is -85899…

Here is 0 (cygwin)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Fundamental data types

• Four types of integers:
char, short, int, long
• Two types of floating point numbers:
float, double
• Corresponding formats:
%c, %d, %d, %ld
%f, %lf
• Sizes:
sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <=
sizeof(float) <= sizeof(double)
• Practically speaking:
char==1, short==2, int==2 or 4, long==4
float==4, double==8
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Fundamental data types

• Check the actual size of type on your workstations
with function sizeof()

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Fundamental data types

Same result on:
Linux / gcc
SunOS / (g)cc
HP-UX / cc
Win / ms visual c
But this is not
100% guaranteed
on all systems!
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type “char”

• A char in C is just an integer
• The only difference between a char and, e.g., an int
lies in the number of bytes that are used
• In C, we can write, e.g.
int i;
char c;
i = ‘A’;
c = 65;
if ( i != c ) printf(“not an “);
printf(“ASCII systemn”);
• A char is a small number that, when sent, e.g.,
to the screen, corresponds to a character
• In C there is no difference between
A character
The code of character
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type “char”

• Symbols such as ‘A’ are just symbolic constants
• Think of them as a #define statement:



• Every time you encounter a
you are dealing with a symbolic constant that
defines a small integer, that when printed can be
interpreted as a character

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type “char”

• Example
• A = 66;
printf(“ As a number, A is t%dn”, A);
printf(“ As a character, A is t%cn”, A);

%c ==
“print as a

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

%d ==
“print as
an integer”
Types: some formatting characters

• %d : print as an integer
%c : print as a character
%ld : print as a long
%f : print as a float
%lf : print as a double

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Types: some formatting characters

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Types: some formatting characters

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Types: an interpretation of a same
“substance” – bytes!

(To be explained later on)

The first four bytes of
A are interpreted in
different ways
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C

While loops: while ( op1 ) op2;
• No initialisation

• Both op1 and op2 are operations
returning integers
• while op1 is non zero, do op2
• op2 can be a compound instruction, e.g.,
{ op21; op22; … ; op2N }
• relational operations return an integer!
• a <= b is 1 when a<=b and 0
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C

• Which of these loops are correct? And what do they
 while ( -25 ) a++ ;
 while ( read_next_character ( ) ) car = car + 1;
 while ( a + 1 ) { a = a + 1; b = 0; }
 while ( a ) a = b, b = tmp, tmp = a;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C

While loops: do op2 while ( op1 );
• No initialisation

• Both op1 and op2 are operations
returning integers
• Do op2; then, while op1 is not zero, do
op2 again
• op2 can again be a compound
instruction, e.g.,
{ op21; op22; … ; op2N }
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C


For loops: for ( op1; op2; op3 ) op4;
Operation op1 is the initialisation
Operation op2 is the condition
Operation op3 is the conclusive part
Operation op4 is the body of the loop,
Both op1 and op3 can be compound (commabased!) instructions
• Usually used for iterations, e.g.
for (i=0; i<n; i++) { do_that(); }

• Exercise: modify second.c so to change the
while into a for.
• Exercise: modify the previous example so to
print the table in inverse order.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C

• Which of these loops are correct? And what do they
 for (;;) a++;
 for (; a<5; a++) ;
 for ( i=0; i<n; { i++; n--; } ) … /* do something */
 for ( i=0, j=n; i<n; i++, j-- ) … /* do sthg */

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loops in C

• Loops are an important source of performance for
the compiler and for optimizers
• Some computer architectures and compilers can
exploit them to achieve a very high speed-up
• This is called
“loop level parallelism (LLP) exploitation”

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Conditional statements

• Statement “if”:
 if (condition) action1; else action2;
• “?:”
 (condition)? action1 : action2;
• Statement “switch”:
 switch(integer expression) {
case value1: op1; break;
case value2: op2; break;
case valuen: opn; break;
default: opn+1;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Other instructions

• break;
• continue;
• goto label;

goto y;
while (a < b) {
break; continue;
goto x;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The C Preprocessor

• The C compiler was originally composed of four
 cpp | cc | as | ld
 .c -> .i -> .s -> .o

• Component cpp is the C preprocessor
 cpp looks for preprocessor commands (#cmd’s)
#cmd’s start with “#” on column 1
 cpp converts a text file f into a text file f’
 All the valid “#”-statements are removed and
substituted with C strings or text files

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The C Preprocessor


#define BEGIN
#define END
#define IF
#define THEN
#define INT32
#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B)? (A):(B))
#define SQR(x) x * x

• IF SQR(x) == x THEN printf(“x==1n”);
is translated into
if( x * x ==x ) printf(“x==1n”);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The C Preprocessor


Inclusion of external files
#include <stdio.h>
#include “assoc.h”
#ifdef … [ #else … ] #endif
#ifndef … [ #else … ] #endif


Differences between 1. and 2.
Use of 3. and 4.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The C Preprocessor


#include <stdio.h> is equivalent to
#include “prefix/stdio.h”
On many UNIX systems, prefix == /usr/include


/usr/include contains the header files of the C
standard library
 stdio.h, string.h, time.h, ctype.h, math.h, …
A header file is the user interface of a library or a
part of a library
stdio.h defines the interface to a subset of the C
standard library
stdio.h interfaces the standard I/O functions and
defines symbols thereof


Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Functions are names that points to some memory
location where code has been stored by the
• They take arguments and return a value of some
 E.g., double cos(double a);
 This is a function prototype, with which we declare a
function, called cos, that expects and returns a double

• To call a function, we just name it and pass an
argument to it
 cos (3.1415); /* cos (pi) */

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• The name of a function is just a number – its
address in the code segment

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Functions can be
 Declared
 Defined

• A prototype declares a function
 “There’s a function that looks like that and that…”

• Defining a function means specifying what the
function shall do
 “The function does this and this…”
 Memory is allocated in the code segment

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• To define a function one has to supply the
compound instruction that it has to execute:

double addd (double a, double b);
double addd (double a, double b)
return a + b;

Prototype (declaration)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Recursion is allowed
• C supports a single-level of functions that
can be compiled separately

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• return closes the function and returns an output
value (default: integer) to the caller.
• Arguments are passed by value: this means that the
arguments are copied in temporary variables.
• The only way to let a function modify an argument is
by passing the address of the object to be modified.
• Operator & returns the address of a variable.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Functions have the following structure:
• [ type ] name ( [ args ] ) {
[ declarations ] [ instructions ]
• int main() {
int i; int power (int, int);
for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
printf("%d %dn", i, power(2,i));
int power (int x, int n) { int i, p;
for (i = p = 1; i <= n; ++i)
return (p);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Again, on Variables

• Two classes of variables
 Dynamically allocated
 Statically allocated

• A variable is dynamically allocated when it is local to
a function or a compound instruction and is not
declared as “static”
• Examples
main () {
int i;
(hold undefined
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
int j;
j = i * i;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Again, on Variables

• If the variable is an automatic one, then the
initialisation is done each time the variable is
allocated (each time the function in which the
variable resides is called and the corresponding
compound instruction is executed).

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Again, on Variables

• A variable is defined at compile time when
 it is a global variable (I.e., a variable defined outside any
 It is a variable defined as “static”

• Example
int fd;
int open(int tmp) {
int j;
static int first;


Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Again, on Variables

• C is case sensitive: int J; float j; is valid
• The scope of variables is such that a new name
overrides an old one:
int h = 3;
{ int h = 4;
printf(“h == %dn”, h);
printf(“h == %dn”, h);

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)


binary +, -, *, /, %
unary precedences:
(+,-)  (*,/,%)  (-)  (||)
 (&&)  (==, !=)  (> >= < <=)

• Note:pa  opb if opb has higher precedence than opa
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Memory model
• Memory is a long array of cells, each ofsize 1 byte
• When I say
{ int a;
what actually happens is
addr = please-os-allocate(4)
now a==(addr, [addr-addr+3])
• When I say
what actually happens is
• Automaticly!
• AUTOMATIC variables
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Expressions such as:
i < lim && (c=getchar()) != ’n’ && c != EOF
do not require extra parentheses:
=  !=, hence parentheses are required around

• Logic clauses are evaluated left-to-right. Evaluation
stops when the truth value of a logic expression is

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Standard functions for input/output

• Defined in stdio.h
• Require the stdio.h file to be included
• This defines functions such as:
int getchar();
int putchar(int c);
• getchar reads the next character in the standard
input stream or an end-of-file value (EOF)
• getchar returns the character as one byte stored
into a 2-byte or 4-byte integer (an int value)
• Putchar puts on the standard output stream the
character we pass as an argument

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Standard functions for input/output

void main()
{ char c;

c is declared
as a char

c = getchar();
while ( c != EOF ) {
putchar ( c );
c = getchar();

getchar either
returns a
char or EOF


Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Are any
Standard functions for input/output

void main()
{ char c;

c is a char
c = getchar();
an int!
while ( c != EOF ) {
putchar ( c );
This loop
c = getchar();
may never be


Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Standard functions for input/output

void main()
{ int c;



while ( c = ( getchar() != EOF ) ) {
putchar ( c );
Are any
If stdin = ‘h’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’, EOF
what goes to stdout?

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Exercise: the just seen program can be easily
adapted to work, e.g., as a “word counter” (reports
the number of characters, words, and lines in the
input), or as a filter to remove blanks or tabs, and so
• Input and output can be redirected with < and >.
Pipelines of programs can be built by chaining the
programs with |

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
A memory model for didactics

• Memory can be thought as finite, long array of cells,
each of size 1 byte









• Each cell has a label, called address, and
a content, i.e. the byte stored into it
• Think of a chest of drawers, with a label
on each drawer and possibly something
into it

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
A memory model for didactics





Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

A memory model for didactics

• The character * has a special meaning
• It refers to the contents of a cell

• For instance:

*(1) ==

This means we’re inspecting the contents
of a cell (we open a drawer and see what’s in it)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
A memory model for didactics

• The character * has a special meaning
• It refers to the contents of a cell

• For instance:

*(1) =

This means we’re writing new contents
into a cell (we open a drawer and change its contents)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

• The following operators define complex types
derived from the basic types of C:
* operator pointer-to,
[] operator vector-of,
() operator function-pointer-to

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

• char *p; : p is of type “pointer-to-chars”
• float v[10]; : v is a vector, i.e., a pointer to the
beginning of a memory area allocated by the system
and consisting of 10 floats, i.e., v[0], . . . , v[9].
• int getX(); : getX is a pointer to a function
returning an int.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

• Operator [] has higher priority with respect to
operator *. This means that

int *v[10]
means that v is a vector of ten pointers-to-int.
Parentheses are necessary to change the meaning:

int (*v)[10]
means that v is a pointer to a vector of ten integers
• What’s the difference in terms of sizes?

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types – examples


int *pi;
char **argv;
float *(fvp)[5];
long (*fp)(int);

pointer to integer;
pointer to pointer-to-char;
pointer to vectors-of-5-floats
pointer to function reading an
int and returning a long.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

• The address-of (&) operator returns the address of a
char c; char *pc; pc = &c;
• Operator *, applied to a pointer, returns the pointed
char c1 = ’a’; char *p = &c1;
char c2 = *p; /* c2 == ’a’ */
void func(char *s) { printf("bye %sn", s) }
main() { void (*pfunc)(char*) = func;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

void swap (int a, int b) { int t;
t = a; a = b; b = t;

These are
not the same

void main() { int a, b;
a = 5, b = 6;
swap (a, b);
printf(“a = %d, b = %dn”, a, b);

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Are any
Derived types


Var Address Contents

int a, b;
a = 5,



b = 6;

swap(a, b)
int a, int b
int t;
t = a;a = b;b = t












Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Derived types

• Pointers solve the problem of the lack of “call-byreference” in C functions. For instance, in order to
realize a function that swaps its argument, one may
use the following strategy:
int swap(int *a, int *b) { int t;
t = *a, *a = *b, *b = t;
• The caller then needs to specify the addresses of
the operands it wants to swap, as in
swap(&i, &j).

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

void swap (int* a, int* b) { int t;
t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t;
void main() { int a, b;
a = 5, b = 6;
swap (&a, &b);
printf(“a = %d, b = %dn”, a, b);

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Derived types

a = 5,

Var Address Contents
b = 6;



swap(&a, &b)
int *a, int *b
int t;











Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Working with the debugger

#include <stdio.h>

Big, big mistake…

char *p = NULL;

printf("dereferencing a NULL pointer!n");
*p = 'A';

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Working with the debugger

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
A useful tool!

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Working with the debugger

Where did the fault take place?

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Working with the debugger

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)




display var)

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Command “print”

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Command “print”

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Working with the debugger

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)


Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays

• Note: declaring an array means
1. declaring a pointer
2. allocating memory for the pointed objects.
• The name of the array is indeed a pointer to the first
element of the array. In C lingo, this is
written as vect == &vect[0].
• Exercise: write a program, called report, that reports
the occurrences of each digit char in the input
stream. Use an array of ten elements corresponding
to the ten decimal digits. Produce a histogram at

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays

• Exercise: use two programs,
one that outputs the ten integer numbers that
count the occurrences of each digit char in the
input stream,
the other one that creates a histogram of its input
• Then use a pipeline to hook the two programs:
report2 | histogram

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays

• Arrays and pointers are strictly related to each
other: In particular, if int a[10]; then
a == &a[0], a+1 == &a[1], … and so forth.
• In other words, *(a+i) == a[i]
• Any indexed array is equivalent to a pointer plus
some offset, and vice-versa
• Big difference: the array is a constant, i.e., it can
never appear on the left of the = sign, as in
a = pa;

or in
a ++;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays

• When passing an array to a function we are indeed
passing the address of its first element; this address
is copied (call-by-value) in a temporary variable.
This variable may be a pointer.
• Example:
char s[7] = "hello!"; /* s is an array */
int i = strlen(s);
int strlen (char *x) { /* x is a pointer */
int n;
for (n=0; *x; x++) /* hence, can be modified */
return (n);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays

• If p is a pointer, p++ lets p point to the next item. It is
the language that takes care of moving p of the right
amount of memory.
• For instance (let us assume an int is 2 bytes and a
double is 8 bytes):
int *p;
p == 1222
p+1 == 1224
double *p; p == 5644
p+1 == 5660
and so forth
• In other words: if p is a pointer to an object of type t,
then p+n points n objects further and p-n points n
objects before.
• The actual size of the object doesn’t matter.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers to chars

• Strings are available in C as arrays of characters.
Any sentence enclosed between two quotes (“) is an
array of characters ending with character ’0’
• For instance, "hello" means ’h’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’, 0
• A very common mistake when learning C:
char s1[10] = "Hello ";
char s2[10] = "World";
s1=s2; /* ERROR */

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers to chars

• As strings are arrays, we can easily pass a string to
a function by passing its name, which points to its
char a[] = “Kennedy";
printf("Vote %s for president.n", a);
/* a = &a[0] */
• Variables defined within a function cannot be “seen”
from other functions.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers to functions

• Exercise: write a program that uses an array of
Input char == number I -> call array[I]

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Function strcpy(char *a, char *b);
• Assumption: NULL-terminated strings. Note that
NULL is (int)0, i.e., “false”
• Function strcmp(char *s, char *t): returns a negative
number if s < t, 0 if s == t, a positive number if s > t:
strcmp(char *s, char *t) {
for ( ; *s == *t; s++, t++)
if (*s == ’0’) return (0);
return (*s - *t);

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Is this #define OK?
• #define STRCPY(a,b) while (*a++ = *b++) ;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• To declare multidimensional arrays one declares
arrays of arrays. For instance,

static int day_of_month[2][13] = {
{ 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
{ 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
int day_of_year(int day, int month, int year) {
int i, leap =
year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0;
for (i=1; i<month; i++)
day += day_in_month[leap][i];
return (day);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• int v[i][j] vs. int v[i,j]
• Entries are stored “by row”: the rightmost index is
the one that varies the most when entries are
referenced in the order they are stored.
• Initialisation: using curly brackets.
• When passing a bidimensional array to a function, it
is mandatory that the number of columns be
specified. For instance:
f(int day_in_month[2][13]), or
f(int day_in_month[][13]), or
f(int (*day_in_month)[13]),
• i.e., pointer to array-of-13 integer entries.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• “Entries are stored by rows” means that, e.g.,
int v[100][200];
• is allocated the same way as a
int v[100 × 200];
i.e., as if it were a mono-dimensional array of
20000 int’s.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Fortran stores objects the opposite way with respect
to C:
for (i..) for (j..) a[i][j]
• is equivalent to
DO I.. DO J.. A(J,I)
• Accessing element (i, j) in a n × m matrix means
accessing element k = i × m + j in the associated
mono-dimensional array.
• The same applies for N-dimensional
matrices, N > 2.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Note how, in order to compute value k for an N
dimensional matrix whose dimensions are
(d1, d2, . . . , dN), it is necessary to know the values
d2, . . . , dN:
k = f(d2, . . . , dN).
• Note also that when we need to access sequentially
all the elements of a multidimensional matrix, it is
preferable to use a pointer initialised to the first
entry of the matrix.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• #define N 500
#define M 500
main() { int a[N][M];
int i, j, c;
int *pa = & (a[0][0]);
int *pl = & (a[N-1][M-1]);

while (pa < pl) {
*pa = 0;
c = *pa + 1;
*pa = c;

for (i=0; i<N; i++)
for (j=0; j<M; j++)
{ a[i][j] = 0;
c = a[i][j] +1;
a[i][j] = c;

HP9K 0.7–0.8s

1.2–1.3 s

SUN3 1.1 s

2.4 s

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Even when the access is not sequential, it is
possible to exploit specific access patterns (e.g.,
constant stride access).
• An interesting alternative with respect to
multidimensional arrays is by using pointers. For
instance, the computational cost to access
entry (i, j) in a n × m matrix is the one for computing
multiplication (i * m) and addition (i * m + j).

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• If we change from
int a[100][100];
int** a;
and if we properly allocate the 100 pointers in the
row and, for each of them, the memory required for
storing 100 int’s, then
accessing entry (i, j) means executing *((*(a+i)+j))
that has a computational cost of only two additions.
• Furthermore, no dimension information is required
anymore to access any element of the array.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Array of pointers – an example
• char *name_of_month (int n) {
static char *names[] = {
return ((n < 1 || n > 12)? names[0] : names[n] ;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Argc and argv: a mechanism that allows a program
to inspect the strings on the command
• line.
• For instance, command echo:
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
while (--argc > 0)
printf("%s%c", *++argv, (argc>1)?’ ’:’n’ );
• Exercise: compute 2 3 4 + * (in inverse Polish
• Exercise: write a function that associates user
functions to the command options.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Pointers and arrays (2)

• Exercise: write a function that sorts the entries of an
array of integers. Modify the function so that it
requires a pointer-to-function,
int (*confr)(int,int),
to realize sortings in increasing vs. decreasing
• Exercise: “opaque” function, working with pointers to
object of unknown size.
• Exercise (array of functions): design a scanner of a
simple grammar. Tokens must correspond to the
entries in an array of functions.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

• Using pointers in C may be described as a
connection-oriented service
• One has to open a connection to the memory
service, then use the service (read/write mode),
then disconnect (close) the service
• Example:
int *pi;
pi = malloc(4); /* open:memory-alloc:4 bytes */
*pi = 5; /* use:write-memory:store-in(p,5) */
j = 1 + *pi; /* use:read-memory:get-from(p) */
free(pi); /* close:free-memory-referred-in(p) */
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

1) Definition of a pointer
int *pi;
Note: by doing so, one allocates memory for the
pointer, not for the pointed
2) Memory allocation
pi = malloc(4); or better malloc(sizeof(int));
Note: this is a request for memory allocation.
malloc returns NULL (def:stdio.h) when the
request cannot be fulfilled, a value different from
NULL when the request can be fulfilled
3) Memory access
*pi = …
… = … *pi …
Note: the valid address returned by malloc points to
some memory location where the requested
memory resides
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

4) Memory release
Note: the memory pointed to by pi is freed
Note: pi is not “erased”! Still it holds the stale
reference (be careful…)

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

• A common mistake:
char *p;
*p = …
• This is faulty (use-before-connect fault)
• Weird consequences…

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

• A common mistake:
*p = *p + 1;
• This is faulty (use-after-disconnect fault)
• Weird consequences…

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Using pointers

void main() {
int *a, *b;
int c[10], d[10];

No check
on return

a = malloc(10*sizeof(int));
The area
b = calloc(10, sizeof(int));
pointed by
a = b;
a is lost
a = c;
d = a;
arrays are

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Berna Ors

• Commenting a
real life code
• What does this
excerpt do?

• Comment
on the

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Check out this
• Check what is
clear and what
is not
• Try to figure
out the
meaning of “?”
and “%”
• What does
mp_add do?

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Real-life experiences

• Check out this code
• Check what is clear and what is not
• Try to figure out the meaning of the program

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• scientific notation, e.g., 1.5e3 -> double
• postfix notation, e.g., 145L -> long
• prefix notation:
’0x44’ -> unsigned int, hexadecimal,
’044’ -> unsigned int, octal
• constant char: ’x’ = character x -> char
• special constants, e.g., n, t, 0, , " -> char
• “bit patterns”: ddd, ddd being an octal number.
• string constants, e.g., "string" or "".

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type casts and conversions

• Implicit type casts occur when, in expressions,
operands belong to different types.
• Conversions obey the following rules:
char and short  int , float  double
if an operand is double , the other becomes
double and the result is double
otherwise, if an operand is long , the other
becomes long and the result is a long
otherwise, if an operand is unsigned, the other
one becomes unsigned and the result is
otherwise, operands and result are int .

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type casts and conversions

• Converting a string of digits into a number, and viceversa, requires specific support. Functions are
available for this, e.g., atoi():
int atoi(char s[]) { int i, n;
n = 0;
for (i=0; s[i]>=’0’ && s[i]<=’9’; ++i)
n=10*n + s[i] -’0’;
return (n);

• Note how expression s[i] - ’0’ converts numeric
character s[i] into the digit it represents.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type casts and conversions

• The following function can be used to convert an
uppercase character into its lowercase counterpart
int lower( int c)
if (c >=’A’ && c <= ’Z’)
return (c + ’a’ - ’A’);
return (c);
• Note: this program only works for code tables in
which ’a’ follows ’A’. This is true with ASCII and
false with, e.g., EBCDIC.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Type casts and conversions

• Explicit cast:
• The cast operator changes the type of an object.
For instance, the following expression:
celsius = ( (double)5 /9) * (fahr-32.0);
is equivalent to
celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
• Casting is invoked by specifying a type between

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Increment/decrement operators

• IN C:

int i = 0;

in Assembly:
DATA segment
i DB 0
• Operators such as ++ or -- may have a direct
counterpart in the machine language.
• Operator ++ increments the contents of a variable.
x = n++ is not equivalent to x = ++n.
• Operator -- decrements the contents of a variable.
x = n-- is not equivalent to x = --n.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Exercise: function purge(char s[], int c) removes all
occurrences of c from s[].
• Exercise: functions strcpy() and strcat().

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• int strlen (char *p) { int i=0;
while (*p++) i++;
return i;
• *p returns the char pointed to by p. *p++ does the
same, but increments the pointer afterwards.
• When does the while loop ends?
• This is an alternative way to write function strlen:
int strlen (char *p) { char *q = p;
while (*p++) ;
return q - p - 1;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitwise operators

• The following six operands can be applied to any
integer expression:
& : bitwise AND
| : bitwise OR
ˆ : bitwise exclusive OR
<< : left shift
>> : right shift
˜ : unary complement.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitwise operators

• Bitwise AND can be used to set up “masks”, e.g.,
c = n & 0177;
which zeroes all the bits from bit 8 onward.
• Bitwise OR sets bits:
x = x | MASK
sets to 1 the bits that are set in MASK.
• << and >> are respectively arithmetical shifts to the
left and to the right (multiplication re: division by 2).
• Operator ˜ turns each 1 into 0 and vice-versa; it is
used in expressions like, e.g.,
x & ~ 077,
which zeroes the last bits of x. Note that this is
independent of the actual size of x, and hence it is
“more portable” than, e.g., x & 0177700.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitwise operators

• Let’s consider the following function:
unsigned int
MIDbit (unsigned x, unsigned start, unsigned num)
return((x >> (start+1-num)) & ~(~0 << num));
• For instance, MIDbit(x, 4, 3) returns the three bits at
position 4, 3, and 2.
• x >> (p+1-n) shifts the bits of interest on the
rightmost position in the word.
• ~ 0 is 11...1;
n zeroes
• n shifts to left lead to 11...1 00..0
n ones
• complementing this value we reach 00...0 11..1
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitwise operators

• Binary operators
+ . / % << >> & ˆ and |
can use notation
e1 op= e2
instead of
e1 = (e1) op (e2).
• Note that x *= y+1 is equivalent to x = x*(y+1).
• An example based on botwise operators follows:
int bitcount(unsigned n) { int b;
for (b=0; n != 0; n >>= 1)
if (n & 01)
return (b);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The FILE class

• Using files in C may be described as a connectionoriented service
• One has to open a connection to the file service,
then use the service (read/write mode), then
disconnect (close) the service
• Example:
FILE *pf;
pf = fopen(“readme”, “r”); /* openfile:(readme,rm) */
fprintf(pf, “hin”); /* usefile:store-chars(pf,”hin”) */
fread(buffer,1,1,pf); /*usefile:read-chars(pf,1,buf) */
fclose (pf); /* closefile(pf) */
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Keyword struct defines a “record.” An example
struct cd {
char author[30];
int year;
char producer[20];
• This is a declaration of a type: no element of this
type has been defined so far. No memory has been
• It is now possible to declare objects of type struct cd
struct cd x, y, z;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• The members of a struct can be accessed via the
“dot-operator” (“.”). For instance,

struct cd d;
leap = d.year%4 == 0 &&
d.year%100 != 0 ||
d.year%400 == 0;
• Nesting of structures is allowed:
struct a { struct disco c; } d;
• Access: d.c.year.
• Typedefs.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• A pointer to a structure can be declared, e.g., as
struct disco *a;
• Access:
• a->year is equivalent to (*a).year

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• What does, e.g., this statement do?
float complex[2];
• Consider now
typedef float complex[2];
• We have defined a new type
• Example:
complex a;
a[0] = 0.0, a[1] = 1.0;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• General rule:
consider the definition of a complex object, called x

“typedef x”

Now x is no more an identifier. It’s a type

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Example:
int func_t (int, int, float);
This defines func_t, a pointer-to-function
typedef int func_t (int, int, float);

This defines a new type, called func_t. Now
func_t myF;

is equivalent to
int myF(int int, float);
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• There are two valid reasons for encouraging the use
of typedef:
parametrizing a program with its types may turn
into semplifying the solution of portability
problems: for instance,
typedef short integer;
Moving the code to a machine where the role of
short is played by int we only need to change
one line of code:
typedef int integer;
enhancing a program’s readability: a type called
LENGTH brings with its name also a hint at its
usage and meaning within the program.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Arrays of structures:
• struct key {
char *keyword;
int keycount;
} keytab[100];
• Or
typedef struct key { … } key_t;
and then
key_t keytab[100];

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• key_t keytab[100];
• Initialisation:
key_t Keywords[] = {
"break", 0,
"case", 0,
"char", 0,
"while", 0
• Exercise: Write a program that writes a static arrays
of struct’s to be used as look-up table for another
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Structures can reference themselves:
struct tnode {
char *word; int count;
struct tnode *left;
struct tnode *right;
• Another example:
struct nlist {
char *name; char *def;
struct nlist *next;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Exercise:
Write a set of functions dealing with linked lists
Structure the set of functions as a service
Open a connection to the file service, then use
the service (read/write/delete…), then disconnect
(close) the service

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitfield structures

• Flag registers:
#define KEYWORD 01
#define EXTERN 02
#define STATIC 04
#define AUTOMT 010
flags |= EXTERN | STATIC;
if ( flags & (EXTERN | STATIC) ) ...
• It is possible to store in a same variable, flags, a
series of conditions that can be “turned on” through
a bitwise OR (|) and can be tested via the bitwise
AND (&).
• Clearly the definitions must be powers of 2. Octal
implies unsigned.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitfield structures

• Structures can be used to specify ag registers via
so-called “bitfields”:
struct {
unsigned is_keyword : 1;
unsigned is_extern : 1;
unsigned is_static : 1;
unsigned is_regist : 1;
} flags;
• Accessing a field: standard way (“.” operator). For
instance: flags.is_extern.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitfield structures

• Bitfields can be used as lvalues and rvalues as any
other integer variable.
• This means that bitwise OR’s and AND’s are not
necessary: extern = 0
if ( extern == 0) ...

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Bitfield structures


Bitfields can only be unsigned or int
Asking the address of a bitfield is illegal
Bitfields can also be “unnamed,” e.g., for padding
The standard doesn’t specify if MSB-first or LSBfirst is used.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• An union is a variable having many identifiers
associated to it.
• These identifiers may be of different type and hence
different sizeof’s. Each identifier refer to the same
amount of memory, i.e., as many bytes as the
“largest” type requires. For instance:

union point_x {
char *pc;
float *pf;
double *pd;
long regarded_as_an_int;
} object;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Variable object has many “aliases”: it can be
regarded as a pointer-to-char, if referred to as
object.pc, or as pointer-to-double (object.pd), or as
a long (object.regarded as an int).
• The amount of memory is always the same, the one
that is enough in order to store the “largest” among
a (char*), a (float*), a (double*), or a (long).

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Typical use of unions:
struct {
int its_type;
union {
int ival;
float fval;
char *pval;
} uval;
} symbol_table[500];

• If we store in symbol table[i].its type a code that
represents the type of object i, then we can set up,
e.g., arrays of objects of different types, or linked
lists of different objects, and so forth.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• A switch on its type is the typical way to execute
diverse actions depending on the nature of the
current object, as it’s done in the following example:
for (i=0;i<500;++i)
switch(symbol_table[i].its_type) {
case ’i’: printf("%d",

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Standard libraries

• In C many functions are defined in the so-called
“standard library”, libc.a. A set of headers refer to
the functions and definitions in the standard library.
The header file stdio.h contains the basic functions
and definitions for I/O:
#include <stdio.h>

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Standard streams

• C and UNIX define three standard I/O streams:
stdin, i.e., the standard input stream, normally
given by the characters typed at the keyboard.
As in DOS, the redirection character < allows to
specify an alternative standard input stream as
prog < inputfile
stdout, the standard output stream, normally
given by the characters typed onto our display.
Character > redirects stdout on an other file, as
prog > outputfile.
stderr, the standard error stream, is again by
default our display. Is the stream where the
programmer does (should) send the error
messages. Can be redirected via 2 >, e.g.,
prog 2> /dev/null.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Besides the stream redirection facilities, UNIX
provides the concept of pipe: if we type

prog1 | prog2
the stdout of prog1 becomes the stdin of prog2.

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• pipe() creates an I/O mechanism called “pipe” and returns
two file descriptors, fildes[0] and fildes[1]. The files
associated with fildes[0] and fildes[1] are streams and
are both opened for reading and writing.
• A read from pipeline[0] accesses the data written to
pipeline[1] and a read from pipeline[1] accesses the data
written to pipeline[0] (both on a FIFO basis.)
int pipeline[2];
pipein = pipeline[STDIN], pipeout = pipeline[STDOUT];


pip e







pi p
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)


• dup2() duplicates an open file descriptor
• dup2(int fildes, int fildes2)
• The dup2() function causes the file descriptor fildes2 to
refer to the same file as fildes. The fildes argument is a
file descriptor referring to an open file.

void main() {
fprintf(stderr, “ worldn”);
$ ./a.out
hello world
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• STDOUT == 1, STDIN ==0
• Task 1’s stdout is redirected to task 2’s stdin
dup2(pipeout, STDOUT);




h e l l o 0

e ou

p ip e







dup2(pipein, STDIN);

gets(msg); // msg is “hello”
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Pipes are also available as FILE*: for instance,
FILE *popen(char *command, const char *type);
int pclose (FILE *stream);
• the popen() function creates a pipe between the
calling program and the command to be executed.
command consists of a shell command line. type is
an I/O mode, either r for reading or w for writing
• The value returned is a stream pointer such that one
can write to the standard input of the command, if
the I/O mode is w, by writing to the file stream; and
one can read from the standard output of the
command, if the I/O mode is r, by reading from the
file stream.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

1. FILE *f = popen(”date”, ”r”);
2. FILE *g=popen(”/bin/sort”, ”w”);
1. with the first one we can, e.g., read the output of
command date.
2. The second one connects to service /bin/sort so to
ask that external service (in this case, to sort a

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
The UNIX man

• The UNIX command “man” is an important tool
• If you don’t remember how a certain functions is to
be invoked, or what is does, just type
man function
• Try for instance
 man printf
 man putc
 man strcpy
 man tolower

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• A makefile is a script that tells how to compile an
• It specifies the dependencies among a number of
resources (header and C files)
• An example follows:


myfile.exe: myfile.o myobj.o
cc –o myfile.exe myfile.o

myfile.c common.h
cc –c myfile.c
myobj.o: myobj.c common.h myobj.h
cc –c myobj.c
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Main instruction

128 bit

Instruction Cache
128 bit

Instruction Register
32 bit each




256 decoded bits each




Register file

32 bit each; 8 read ports, 4 write ports

32 bit each; 2 read ports, 1 write port


32 bit;
1 bi-directional port

Main data
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Properties
 Multiple Execution Units: multiple instructions issued in one
clock cycle
 Every EU requires 2 operands and delivers one result
every clock cycle: high data memory bandwidth needed

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Properties
 Every EU requires an instruction every clock cycle
 Waste of memory and performance when not enough parallel
instructions are available to keep all EUs concurrently busy
 Many instruction slots will contain a NOP

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Properties
 Compiler should determine which instructions can be
issued in a single cycle without control dependency conflict
nor data dependency conflict
 Deterministic utilization of parallelism: good for hard-real-time
 Compile-time analysis of source code: worst case analysis
instead of actual case
 Very sophisticated compilers, especially when the EUs are
pipelined! Perform well since early 2000

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Properties
 Compiler should determine which instructions can be
issued in a single cycle without control dependency conflict
nor data dependency conflict
 Very difficult to write assembly:

programmer should resolve all control flow conflicts
all data flow conflicts
all pipelining conflicts
and at the same time fit data accesses into the available data
memory bandwidth
 and all program accesses into the available program memory
 e.g. 2 weeks for a sum-of-products (3 lines of C-code)

 All high end DSP processors since 1999 are VLIW
processors (examples: Philips Trimedia -- high end TV, TI
TMS320C6x -- GSM base stations and ISP modem arrays)

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

We assume to work with a simple loop such as
for (I=1; I<=1000; I++)
x[I] = X[I] + s;

Note: each iteration is independent of the others
Very simple case
We can “unroll the loop”
This provides the compiler with more chances to fill
in more slots and execute more instructions in the
same cycle!

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop unrolling: dependencies

• Dealing with data dependencies
• Two classes of methods:
1. Keeping the dependence though avoiding the
hazard (via scheduling)
2. Eliminating a dependence by transforming the code

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop unrolling: 1. dependencies

• Class 2 implies more work
• These are optimization methods used by the
• Detecting dependencies when only using registers
is easy; the difficulties come from detecting
dependencies in memory:
• For instance 100(R4) and 20(R6) may point to the
same memory location
• Also the opposite situation may take place:
LD 20(R4), R2
ADD R3, R1, 20(R4)
• If R4 changes, this is no dependency
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• Let us consider the following loop:
for (I=1; I<=100; I++) {
A[I+1] = A[I] + C[I]; /* S1 */
B[I+1] = B[I] + A[I+1]; /* S2 */ }
• S1 is a loop-carried dependency (LCD):
iteration I+1 is dependent on iteration I:
A’ = f(A)
• S2 is
B’ = f(B,A’)
• If a loop has only non-LCD’s, then it is possible to
execute more than one loop iteration in parallel – as
long as the dependencies within each iteration are
not violated

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• What to do in the presence of LCD’s?
• Loop transformations. Example:
for (I=1; I<=100; I++) {
A[I+1] = A[I] + B[I]; /* S1 */
B[I+1] = C[I] + D[I]; /* S2 */ }
A’ = f(A, B)
B’ = f(C, D)
• Note: no dependencies except LCD’s
Instructions can be swapped!

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• What to do in the presence of LCD’s?
• Loop transformations. Example:
for (I=1; I<=100; I++) {
A[I+1] = A[I] + B[I]; /* S1 */
B[I+1] = C[I] + D[I]; /* S2 */ }
• Note: the flow, i.e.,
A0 B0
A0 B0
C0 D0
C0 D0
A1 B1 can be
A1 B1
C1 D1 changed
C1 D1
A2 B2
A2 B2
C2 D2
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

for (i=1; i <= 100; i=i+1) {
A[i] = A[i] + B[i]; /* S1 */
B[i+1] = C[i] + D[i];
/* S2 */

A[1] = A[1] + B[1];
for (i=1; i <= 99; i=i+1) {
B[i+1] = C[i] + D[i];
A[i+1] = A[i+1] + B[i+1];
B[101] = C[100] + D[100];

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelim

• A’ = f(A, B)
B’ = f(C, D)
B’ = f(C, D)
A’ = f(A’, B’)
• Now we have dependencies but no more LCD’s!
It is possible to execute more than one loop iteration
in parallel – as long as the dependencies within
each iteration are not violated

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• The original code:
for (x=GB; x<=N-1-GB; ++x)
for (y=GB; y<=M-1-GB; ++y) {
for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k)
gauss_x_compute[x][y][GB+k+1] =
gauss_x_compute[x][y][GB+k] +
gauss_x_image[x][y] =
is transformed in 3 intermediate substeps.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• for (x=0; x<N; ++x)
for (y=0; y<M; ++y)
if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB &&
y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) {
for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ...
• In version 1, the loop bounds of the second loop
nest with the horizontal filtering are modified to
match the bounds of the initialisation loop preceding

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• In version 2, the initialisation loop is split into two
pieces to match the condition of the second loop
nest with the horizontal filter.
for (x=0; x<N; ++x)
for (y=0; y<M; ++y)
if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB)
for (x=0; x<N; ++x)
for (y=0; y<M; ++y)
if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) {
for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ...
gauss_x_image[x][y]= gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot;
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Loop Level Parallelism

• In version 3, the initialisation loop is then fully merged with the
second loop nest:
for (x=0; x<N; ++x)
for (y=0; y<M; ++y)
if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) {
for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ...
gauss_x_image[x][y]= gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot;
• This gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; statement can then be
worked into the k loop to remove it fully.
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Performance issues

• How much can the choice of a data structure
influence a property such as locality in sequential
data accesses? In order to evaluate this we run a
simple experiment on a Win2000/Pentium3 PC

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
Performance issues

• Experiment: the following structure:
typedef struct {
int a;
char b[STRIDE];
} stru_t;
and the following access scheme:
for (i=0; i<itera-1; i++)
v[i].a = v[i+1].a +
are compared with the following two data structures:
typedef int stru_ta;
typedef char stru_tb[STRIDE];
and access scheme:
for (i=0; i<itera-1; i++)

a[i] = a[i+1] + 1;

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Parameters: STRIDE, itera, optimisation level (compiler:
cygwin/gcc 2.95.3-5)
• The following script is used, where itera goes from 100000 to
2000000 by 100000, and the actual value is an average of 10
run per value of itera:
• gcc -DSTRU –O3 stru.c # -O1, -O2, -O3
• #gcc -DSTRU stru.c
# or no optimisation at all
• for i in 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000
700000 800000 900000 1000000 1100000 1200000 1300000
1400000 1500000 1600000 1700000 1800000 1900000 2000000
• do
rm -f $i.stru
for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
( a.exe $i ) >> stru/$i.stru 2>&1
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

STRIDE == 4 (y axis: usecs; x axis: (x+1)*100000)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

STRIDE == 8 (y axis: usecs; x axis: (x+1)*100000)
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

STRIDE == 12
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

STRIDE == 16
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

The following pictures plot vertical that
represent the gain in performance between the best “-O3”
cases for different values of STRIDE:

Stride = 4

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Stride = 16
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Stride = 32

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Stride = 64
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

Stride = 128
Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

• Kernighan & Ritchie,The C programming Language,

Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)

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Hands-on Introduction to the C Programming Language

  • 1. HJ-82 Ontwerpen voor de optie multimedia en signaalverwerking: seminaries Hands-on Introduction to the C Programming Language Vincenzo De Florio February 2003 V.ppt-1.3 2004-02-10 Introduction to the C Programming Language © V De Florio
  • 2. Structure 2 • • • • • • • • • • Introduction First examples Variables Fundamental data types Loops Conditional statements & other instructions The C preprocessor Functions Variables again Operators • • • • • • • • • • Standard I/O functions Derived types Pointers and arrays Use of pointers Type casts & conversions Bitwise operators Standard streams, files Structures, bitfields, unions LLP Data hiding Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 3. Introduction 3 • C and UNIX : success stories. • C: developed by Dennis Ritchie to port UNIX from a PDP-7 to a PDP-11 • System programming language • Most of the UNIX system is in C Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 4. Introduction 4 • C is simple: A small number of simple and powerful instructions… …dealing with characters, numbers, addresses No language facilities for handling complex objects (strings, lists...) No language facilities for the I/O, for memory allocation... …though those facilities are available as standard (or user-defined) libraries of functions Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 5. Introduction 5 • C is small: Easy to describe, easy to learn The C compiler is considerably simple, compactsized, and easy to write The C data types and control structures often have a direct equivalent in the machine language of many computers. This happens because C was modelled after the machine language of the PDP 11 Hence, while in general the translation from a high level language instruction to machine language is in general one-to-many, the translation from C to machine language is oneto-few A very simple run-time system: for instance (PDP-11) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 6. Introduction 6 • C is portable… ..though, to achieve this, we need to follow some “rules of portability” Types have no well-defined size In OCCAM we have, e.g., int32, On the contrary, in C we don’t have an a-priori knowledge of the size of an integer One can use symbolic constants for this So called “#define” statements A large set of standard (-> ported!) libraries exists for I/O, string manipulation, memory allocation... Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 7. Introduction 7 • C provides:      the basic control-flow statements statement grouping selective statements iterative statements pointers + address arithmetic Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 8. First examples 8 Function with no arguments Function name Program starts here... main ( ) { printf(“hellon”); } Print string “hello” and character ‘n’ ...and ends here Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 9. First examples 9 • Log into the system  login name  password • Type in the hello program in file first.c  Activate an editor, e.g., xedit, pico, or vi  for instance xedit first.c  save the file at the end • Compile the program  cc -o first first.c (or gcc –o first first.c) • Execute the program  ./first • Modify the program so that  it prints another string / two strings / …  jump to “Compile the program” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 11. First examples 11 Loop start, loop end main() { int inf, sup, step; float fahr, celsius; inf = 0; sup = 300; Integer and step = 20; real numbers fahr = inf; while (fahr <= sup) { celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0); printf("%4.0f %6.1fn", fahr, celsius); fahr = fahr + step; Format } string } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 12. First examples 12 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 13. First examples 13 • • • • Type in the conversion program in file second.c Compile the program Execute the program Modify the program:  Change the format strings  Change steps  Downto vs. To  (5 / 9.0)  (5 / 9)  fahr - 32 vs. fahr - 32.0  fahr += fahr  jump to “Compile the program” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 14. Definition of Variables (1) 14 • To define a variable or a list of variables, one has to mention: TYPE LIST ; • For instance: int a, b_b, c2, A; double f, F=1.3, dimX; • With LIST one can also initialize variables, like it has been done for F in the above example • One can define variables only at the beginning of a compound instruction such as  { TYPE LIST; … ; INSTRUCTIONS } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 15. First examples 15 main() { int inf, sup, step; float fahr, celsius; inf = 0; sup = 300; init step = 20; test } fahr = inf; while (fahr <= sup) { celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0); printf("%4.0f %6.1fn", fahr, celsius); fahr = fahr + step; } increment for (fahr = inf; fahr <= sup; fahr += step) {... Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 16. First examples 16 • Fahr += step == Fahr = Fahr + step Fahr++ == Fahr = Fahr + 1 • Compound statements in C:  { s1; s2; …; sn; }  s1, s2, …, sn; • Relational operators  <=, <, !=, ==, >, >= ...  Return 0 when false, 1 when true • “test” is any operation • 0 = false, non-0 = true • Both these statements are valid: while ( x == y ) { … while ( x = y ) { … Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 17. First examples 17 1. Let a be 0 2. Repeat the loop while “a = 0” is “true” 3. So the while loop is simply ignored! Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 18. First examples 18 1. Let a be 1 (returns 1) 2. Repeat the loop while “a = 1” returns “true” 3. So the while loop never ends! Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 19. First examples 19 The initial value of a is undefined! Here is -85899… Here is 0 (cygwin) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 20. Fundamental data types 20 • Four types of integers: char, short, int, long • Two types of floating point numbers: float, double • Corresponding formats: %c, %d, %d, %ld %f, %lf • Sizes: sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) sizeof(float) <= sizeof(double) • Practically speaking: char==1, short==2, int==2 or 4, long==4 float==4, double==8 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 21. Fundamental data types 21 • Check the actual size of type on your workstations with function sizeof() Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 22. Fundamental data types 22 Same result on: Linux / gcc SunOS / (g)cc HP-UX / cc Win / ms visual c But this is not 100% guaranteed on all systems! Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 23. Type “char” 23 • A char in C is just an integer • The only difference between a char and, e.g., an int lies in the number of bytes that are used • In C, we can write, e.g. int i; char c; i = ‘A’; c = 65; if ( i != c ) printf(“not an “); printf(“ASCII systemn”); • A char is a small number that, when sent, e.g., to the screen, corresponds to a character • In C there is no difference between A character The code of character Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 24. Type “char” 24 • Symbols such as ‘A’ are just symbolic constants • Think of them as a #define statement: #define #define ... ‘A’ ‘B’ 65 66 • Every time you encounter a APOSTROPHE CHARACTER APOSTROPHE you are dealing with a symbolic constant that defines a small integer, that when printed can be interpreted as a character Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 25. Type “char” 25 • Example • A = 66; printf(“ As a number, A is t%dn”, A); printf(“ As a character, A is t%cn”, A); %c == “print as a character” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) %d == “print as an integer”
  • 26. Types: some formatting characters 26 • %d : print as an integer %c : print as a character %ld : print as a long %f : print as a float %lf : print as a double Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 27. Types: some formatting characters 27 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 28. Types: some formatting characters 28 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 29. Types: an interpretation of a same “substance” – bytes! 29 (To be explained later on) The first four bytes of A are interpreted in different ways Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 30. Loops in C 30 While loops: while ( op1 ) op2; • No initialisation • Both op1 and op2 are operations returning integers • while op1 is non zero, do op2 • op2 can be a compound instruction, e.g., { op21; op22; … ; op2N } • relational operations return an integer! • a <= b is 1 when a<=b and 0 otherwise Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 31. Loops in C 31 • Which of these loops are correct? And what do they mean?  while ( -25 ) a++ ;  while ( read_next_character ( ) ) car = car + 1;  while ( a + 1 ) { a = a + 1; b = 0; }  while ( a ) a = b, b = tmp, tmp = a; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 32. Loops in C 32 While loops: do op2 while ( op1 ); • No initialisation • Both op1 and op2 are operations returning integers • Do op2; then, while op1 is not zero, do op2 again • op2 can again be a compound instruction, e.g., { op21; op22; … ; op2N } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 33. Loops in C 33 • • • • • • For loops: for ( op1; op2; op3 ) op4; Operation op1 is the initialisation Operation op2 is the condition Operation op3 is the conclusive part Operation op4 is the body of the loop, Both op1 and op3 can be compound (commabased!) instructions • Usually used for iterations, e.g. for (i=0; i<n; i++) { do_that(); } • Exercise: modify second.c so to change the while into a for. • Exercise: modify the previous example so to print the table in inverse order. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 34. Loops in C 34 • Which of these loops are correct? And what do they mean?  for (;;) a++;  for (; a<5; a++) ;  for ( i=0; i<n; { i++; n--; } ) … /* do something */  for ( i=0, j=n; i<n; i++, j-- ) … /* do sthg */ Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 35. Loops in C 35 • Loops are an important source of performance for the compiler and for optimizers • Some computer architectures and compilers can exploit them to achieve a very high speed-up • This is called “loop level parallelism (LLP) exploitation” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 36. Conditional statements 36 • Statement “if”:  if (condition) action1; else action2; • “?:”  (condition)? action1 : action2; • Statement “switch”:  switch(integer expression) { case value1: op1; break; case value2: op2; break; … case valuen: opn; break; default: opn+1; } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 37. Other instructions 37 • break; • continue; • goto label; goto y; y: while (a < b) { a++; … break; continue; b--; } goto x; x: … Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 38. The C Preprocessor 38 • The C compiler was originally composed of four components:  cpp | cc | as | ld  .c -> .i -> .s -> .o • Component cpp is the C preprocessor  cpp looks for preprocessor commands (#cmd’s) #cmd’s start with “#” on column 1  cpp converts a text file f into a text file f’  All the valid “#”-statements are removed and substituted with C strings or text files Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 39. The C Preprocessor 39 • • • • • • • • Examples: #define BEGIN { #define END } Dangerous #define IF if( #define THEN ) #define INT32 long #define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B)? (A):(B)) #define SQR(x) x * x • IF SQR(x) == x THEN printf(“x==1n”); is translated into if( x * x ==x ) printf(“x==1n”); Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 40. The C Preprocessor 40 • 1. 2. 3. 4. Inclusion of external files #include <stdio.h> #include “assoc.h” #ifdef … [ #else … ] #endif #ifndef … [ #else … ] #endif • • Differences between 1. and 2. Use of 3. and 4. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 41. The C Preprocessor 41 • • • #include <stdio.h> is equivalent to #include “prefix/stdio.h” On many UNIX systems, prefix == /usr/include • /usr/include contains the header files of the C standard library  stdio.h, string.h, time.h, ctype.h, math.h, … A header file is the user interface of a library or a part of a library stdio.h defines the interface to a subset of the C standard library stdio.h interfaces the standard I/O functions and defines symbols thereof • • • Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 42. Functions 42 • Functions are names that points to some memory location where code has been stored by the compiler • They take arguments and return a value of some type  E.g., double cos(double a);  This is a function prototype, with which we declare a function, called cos, that expects and returns a double • To call a function, we just name it and pass an argument to it  cos (3.1415); /* cos (pi) */ Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 43. Functions 43 • The name of a function is just a number – its address in the code segment Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 44. Functions 44 • Functions can be  Declared  Defined • A prototype declares a function  “There’s a function that looks like that and that…” • Defining a function means specifying what the function shall do  “The function does this and this…”  Memory is allocated in the code segment Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 45. Functions 45 • To define a function one has to supply the compound instruction that it has to execute: double addd (double a, double b); double addd (double a, double b) { return a + b; } Prototype (declaration) Definition Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 46. Functions 46 • Recursion is allowed • C supports a single-level of functions that can be compiled separately Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 47. Functions 47 • return closes the function and returns an output value (default: integer) to the caller. • Arguments are passed by value: this means that the arguments are copied in temporary variables. • The only way to let a function modify an argument is by passing the address of the object to be modified. • Operator & returns the address of a variable. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 48. Functions 48 • Functions have the following structure: • [ type ] name ( [ args ] ) { [ declarations ] [ instructions ] } • int main() { int i; int power (int, int); for (i=0; i<10; ++i) printf("%d %dn", i, power(2,i)); } int power (int x, int n) { int i, p; for (i = p = 1; i <= n; ++i) p=p*x; return (p); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 49. Again, on Variables 49 • Two classes of variables  Dynamically allocated  Statically allocated • A variable is dynamically allocated when it is local to a function or a compound instruction and is not declared as “static” • Examples Automatic main () { variables int i; (hold undefined for (i=0; i<n; i++) { int j; value) j = i * i; } } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 50. Again, on Variables 50 • If the variable is an automatic one, then the initialisation is done each time the variable is allocated (each time the function in which the variable resides is called and the corresponding compound instruction is executed). Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 51. Again, on Variables 51 • A variable is defined at compile time when  it is a global variable (I.e., a variable defined outside any function)  It is a variable defined as “static” • Example int fd; int open(int tmp) { int j; static int first; } Global Automatic Static Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 52. Again, on Variables 52 • C is case sensitive: int J; float j; is valid • The scope of variables is such that a new name overrides an old one: int h = 3; { int h = 4; printf(“h == %dn”, h); } printf(“h == %dn”, h); Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 53. Operators 53 • • • • binary +, -, *, /, % unary precedences: (+,-)  (*,/,%)  (-)  (||)  (&&)  (==, !=)  (> >= < <=) • Note:pa  opb if opb has higher precedence than opa Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 54. 54 • Memory model • Memory is a long array of cells, each ofsize 1 byte • When I say { int a; what actually happens is addr = please-os-allocate(4) now a==(addr, [addr-addr+3]) • When I say } what actually happens is os-please-free(4,addr) • Automaticly! • AUTOMATIC variables Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 55. Operators 55 • Expressions such as: i < lim && (c=getchar()) != ’n’ && c != EOF do not require extra parentheses: =  !=, hence parentheses are required around c=getchar(). • Logic clauses are evaluated left-to-right. Evaluation stops when the truth value of a logic expression is found. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 56. Standard functions for input/output 56 • Defined in stdio.h • Require the stdio.h file to be included • This defines functions such as: int getchar(); int putchar(int c); • getchar reads the next character in the standard input stream or an end-of-file value (EOF) • getchar returns the character as one byte stored into a 2-byte or 4-byte integer (an int value) • Putchar puts on the standard output stream the character we pass as an argument Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 57. Standard functions for input/output 57 void main() { char c; c is declared as a char c = getchar(); while ( c != EOF ) { putchar ( c ); c = getchar(); } getchar either returns a char or EOF } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) Are any faults present? Which ones?
  • 58. Standard functions for input/output 58 void main() { char c; c is a char getchar returns c = getchar(); an int! while ( c != EOF ) { putchar ( c ); This loop c = getchar(); may never be } verified } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 59. Standard functions for input/output 59 void main() { int c; OK implicit parentheses while ( c = ( getchar() != EOF ) ) { putchar ( c ); } Are any } faults present? If stdin = ‘h’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’, EOF Which what goes to stdout? ones? Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 60. Exercises 60 • Exercise: the just seen program can be easily adapted to work, e.g., as a “word counter” (reports the number of characters, words, and lines in the input), or as a filter to remove blanks or tabs, and so forth • Input and output can be redirected with < and >. Pipelines of programs can be built by chaining the programs with | Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 61. A memory model for didactics 61 • Memory can be thought as finite, long array of cells, each of size 1 byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … • Each cell has a label, called address, and a content, i.e. the byte stored into it • Think of a chest of drawers, with a label on each drawer and possibly something into it Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 62. A memory model for didactics 62 4 Content 3 2 1 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) Address
  • 63. A memory model for didactics 63 • The character * has a special meaning • It refers to the contents of a cell • For instance: *(1) == This means we’re inspecting the contents of a cell (we open a drawer and see what’s in it) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 64. A memory model for didactics 64 • The character * has a special meaning • It refers to the contents of a cell • For instance: *(1) = This means we’re writing new contents into a cell (we open a drawer and change its contents) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 65. Derived types 65 • The following operators define complex types derived from the basic types of C: * operator pointer-to, [] operator vector-of, () operator function-pointer-to Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 66. Derived types 66 • char *p; : p is of type “pointer-to-chars” • float v[10]; : v is a vector, i.e., a pointer to the beginning of a memory area allocated by the system and consisting of 10 floats, i.e., v[0], . . . , v[9]. • int getX(); : getX is a pointer to a function returning an int. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 67. Derived types 67 • Operator [] has higher priority with respect to operator *. This means that int *v[10] means that v is a vector of ten pointers-to-int. Parentheses are necessary to change the meaning: int (*v)[10] means that v is a pointer to a vector of ten integers • What’s the difference in terms of sizes? Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 68. Derived types – examples 68 1. 2. 3. 4. int *pi; char **argv; float *(fvp)[5]; long (*fp)(int); pointer to integer; pointer to pointer-to-char; pointer to vectors-of-5-floats pointer to function reading an int and returning a long. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 69. Derived types 69 • The address-of (&) operator returns the address of a variable char c; char *pc; pc = &c; • Operator *, applied to a pointer, returns the pointed object. char c1 = ’a’; char *p = &c1; char c2 = *p; /* c2 == ’a’ */ void func(char *s) { printf("bye %sn", s) } main() { void (*pfunc)(char*) = func; *(pfunc)("hello"); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 70. Derived types 70 void swap (int a, int b) { int t; t = a; a = b; b = t; } These are not the same variables! void main() { int a, b; a = 5, b = 6; swap (a, b); printf(“a = %d, b = %dn”, a, b); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) Are any faults present? Which ones?
  • 71. Derived types 71 Step Var Address Contents int a, b; a = 5, SP a b a b b = 6; swap(a, b) int a, int b int t; t = a;a = b;b = t 1024 1028 1024 1028 ? ? 5 6 1028 1032 a b t a b t 1032 1036 1040 1032 1036 1040 5 6 ? 6 5 5 1036 1040 1044 } 1032 a b 1024 1028 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) 5 6
  • 72. Derived types 72 • Pointers solve the problem of the lack of “call-byreference” in C functions. For instance, in order to realize a function that swaps its argument, one may use the following strategy: int swap(int *a, int *b) { int t; t = *a, *a = *b, *b = t; } • The caller then needs to specify the addresses of the operands it wants to swap, as in swap(&i, &j). Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 73. Derived types 73 void swap (int* a, int* b) { int t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } void main() { int a, b; a = 5, b = 6; swap (&a, &b); printf(“a = %d, b = %dn”, a, b); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 74. Derived types 74 Step a = 5, Var Address Contents b = 6; SP a b swap(&a, &b) int *a, int *b int t; t=*a;*a=*b;*b=t 1024 1028 5 6 1028 1032 a b t *a *b t 1032 1036 1040 1024 1028 1040 1024 1028 ? 6 5 5 1036 1040 1044 } 1032 a b 1024 1028 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) 6 5
  • 75. Working with the debugger 75 #include <stdio.h> main() Big, big mistake… { char *p = NULL; printf("dereferencing a NULL pointer!n"); *p = 'A'; printf("done.n"); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 76. Working with the debugger 76 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 77. A useful tool! 77 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 78. Working with the debugger 78 Where did the fault take place? Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 79. Working with the debugger 79 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 81. Command “print” 81 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 82. Command “print” 82 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 83. Working with the debugger 83 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 84. 84 Command “set” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 85. Pointers and arrays 85 • Note: declaring an array means 1. declaring a pointer 2. allocating memory for the pointed objects. • The name of the array is indeed a pointer to the first element of the array. In C lingo, this is written as vect == &vect[0]. • Exercise: write a program, called report, that reports the occurrences of each digit char in the input stream. Use an array of ten elements corresponding to the ten decimal digits. Produce a histogram at end-of-input. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 86. Pointers and arrays 86 • Exercise: use two programs, one that outputs the ten integer numbers that count the occurrences of each digit char in the input stream, the other one that creates a histogram of its input values. • Then use a pipeline to hook the two programs: report2 | histogram Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 87. Pointers and arrays 87 • Arrays and pointers are strictly related to each other: In particular, if int a[10]; then a == &a[0], a+1 == &a[1], … and so forth. • In other words, *(a+i) == a[i] • Any indexed array is equivalent to a pointer plus some offset, and vice-versa • Big difference: the array is a constant, i.e., it can never appear on the left of the = sign, as in a = pa; or in a ++; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 88. Pointers and arrays 88 • When passing an array to a function we are indeed passing the address of its first element; this address is copied (call-by-value) in a temporary variable. This variable may be a pointer. • Example: char s[7] = "hello!"; /* s is an array */ int i = strlen(s); int strlen (char *x) { /* x is a pointer */ int n; for (n=0; *x; x++) /* hence, can be modified */ n++; return (n); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 89. Pointers and arrays 89 • If p is a pointer, p++ lets p point to the next item. It is the language that takes care of moving p of the right amount of memory. • For instance (let us assume an int is 2 bytes and a double is 8 bytes): int *p; p == 1222 p+1 == 1224 double *p; p == 5644 p+1 == 5660 and so forth • In other words: if p is a pointer to an object of type t, then p+n points n objects further and p-n points n objects before. • The actual size of the object doesn’t matter. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 90. Pointers to chars 90 • Strings are available in C as arrays of characters. Any sentence enclosed between two quotes (“) is an array of characters ending with character ’0’ (NULL). • For instance, "hello" means ’h’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’, 0 • A very common mistake when learning C: char s1[10] = "Hello "; char s2[10] = "World"; s1=s2; /* ERROR */ Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 91. Pointers to chars 91 • As strings are arrays, we can easily pass a string to a function by passing its name, which points to its characters: char a[] = “Kennedy"; printf("Vote %s for president.n", a); /* a = &a[0] */ • Variables defined within a function cannot be “seen” from other functions. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 92. Pointers to functions 92 • Exercise: write a program that uses an array of pointers-to-function Input char == number I -> call array[I] Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 93. Pointers and arrays (2) 93 • Function strcpy(char *a, char *b); • Assumption: NULL-terminated strings. Note that NULL is (int)0, i.e., “false” • Function strcmp(char *s, char *t): returns a negative number if s < t, 0 if s == t, a positive number if s > t: strcmp(char *s, char *t) { for ( ; *s == *t; s++, t++) if (*s == ’0’) return (0); return (*s - *t); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 94. Pointers and arrays (2) 94 • Is this #define OK? • #define STRCPY(a,b) while (*a++ = *b++) ; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 95. Pointers and arrays (2) 95 • To declare multidimensional arrays one declares arrays of arrays. For instance, static int day_of_month[2][13] = { { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}, { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31} }; int day_of_year(int day, int month, int year) { int i, leap = year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0; for (i=1; i<month; i++) day += day_in_month[leap][i]; return (day); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 96. Pointers and arrays (2) 96 • int v[i][j] vs. int v[i,j] • Entries are stored “by row”: the rightmost index is the one that varies the most when entries are referenced in the order they are stored. • Initialisation: using curly brackets. • When passing a bidimensional array to a function, it is mandatory that the number of columns be specified. For instance: f(int day_in_month[2][13]), or f(int day_in_month[][13]), or f(int (*day_in_month)[13]), • i.e., pointer to array-of-13 integer entries. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 97. Pointers and arrays (2) 97 • “Entries are stored by rows” means that, e.g., int v[100][200]; • is allocated the same way as a int v[100 × 200]; i.e., as if it were a mono-dimensional array of 20000 int’s. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 98. Pointers and arrays (2) 98 • Fortran stores objects the opposite way with respect to C: for (i..) for (j..) a[i][j] • is equivalent to DO I.. DO J.. A(J,I) • Accessing element (i, j) in a n × m matrix means accessing element k = i × m + j in the associated mono-dimensional array. • The same applies for N-dimensional matrices, N > 2. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 99. Pointers and arrays (2) 99 • Note how, in order to compute value k for an N dimensional matrix whose dimensions are (d1, d2, . . . , dN), it is necessary to know the values d2, . . . , dN: k = f(d2, . . . , dN). • Note also that when we need to access sequentially all the elements of a multidimensional matrix, it is preferable to use a pointer initialised to the first entry of the matrix. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 100. Pointers and arrays (2) 100 • #define N 500 #define M 500 main() { int a[N][M]; int i, j, c; int *pa = & (a[0][0]); int *pl = & (a[N-1][M-1]); while (pa < pl) { *pa = 0; c = *pa + 1; *pa = c; pa++; } for (i=0; i<N; i++) for (j=0; j<M; j++) { a[i][j] = 0; c = a[i][j] +1; a[i][j] = c; } HP9K 0.7–0.8s 1.2–1.3 s SUN3 1.1 s 2.4 s Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 101. Pointers and arrays (2) 101 • Even when the access is not sequential, it is possible to exploit specific access patterns (e.g., constant stride access). • An interesting alternative with respect to multidimensional arrays is by using pointers. For instance, the computational cost to access entry (i, j) in a n × m matrix is the one for computing multiplication (i * m) and addition (i * m + j). Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 102. Pointers and arrays (2) 102 • If we change from int a[100][100]; to int** a; and if we properly allocate the 100 pointers in the row and, for each of them, the memory required for storing 100 int’s, then accessing entry (i, j) means executing *((*(a+i)+j)) that has a computational cost of only two additions. • Furthermore, no dimension information is required anymore to access any element of the array. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 103. Pointers and arrays (2) 103 • Array of pointers – an example • char *name_of_month (int n) { static char *names[] = { "illegal", "January", "February", ... "December“ }; return ((n < 1 || n > 12)? names[0] : names[n] ; } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 104. Pointers and arrays (2) 104 • Argc and argv: a mechanism that allows a program to inspect the strings on the command • line. • For instance, command echo: main(int argc, char *argv[]) { while (--argc > 0) printf("%s%c", *++argv, (argc>1)?’ ’:’n’ ); } • Exercise: compute 2 3 4 + * (in inverse Polish notation). • Exercise: write a function that associates user functions to the command options. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 105. Pointers and arrays (2) 105 • Exercise: write a function that sorts the entries of an array of integers. Modify the function so that it requires a pointer-to-function, int (*confr)(int,int), to realize sortings in increasing vs. decreasing order. • Exercise: “opaque” function, working with pointers to object of unknown size. • Exercise (array of functions): design a scanner of a simple grammar. Tokens must correspond to the entries in an array of functions. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 106. Using pointers 106 • Using pointers in C may be described as a connection-oriented service • One has to open a connection to the memory service, then use the service (read/write mode), then disconnect (close) the service • Example: int *pi; pi = malloc(4); /* open:memory-alloc:4 bytes */ *pi = 5; /* use:write-memory:store-in(p,5) */ j = 1 + *pi; /* use:read-memory:get-from(p) */ free(pi); /* close:free-memory-referred-in(p) */ Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 107. Using pointers 107 1) Definition of a pointer int *pi; Note: by doing so, one allocates memory for the pointer, not for the pointed 2) Memory allocation pi = malloc(4); or better malloc(sizeof(int)); Note: this is a request for memory allocation. malloc returns NULL (def:stdio.h) when the request cannot be fulfilled, a value different from NULL when the request can be fulfilled 3) Memory access *pi = … or … = … *pi … Note: the valid address returned by malloc points to some memory location where the requested memory resides Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 108. Using pointers 108 4) Memory release free(pi); Note: the memory pointed to by pi is freed Note: pi is not “erased”! Still it holds the stale reference (be careful…) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 109. Using pointers 109 • A common mistake: char *p; *p = … • This is faulty (use-before-connect fault) • Weird consequences… Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 110. Using pointers 110 • A common mistake: free(p); *p = *p + 1; • This is faulty (use-after-disconnect fault) • Weird consequences… Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 111. Using pointers 111 void main() { int *a, *b; int c[10], d[10]; No check on return values a = malloc(10*sizeof(int)); The area b = calloc(10, sizeof(int)); pointed by a = b; a is lost a = c; Illegal: d = a; arrays are } const Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 112. Real-life experiences 112 Courtesy Siddika Berna Ors (COSIC) • Commenting a real life code • What does this excerpt do? • Comment on the following: Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 113. Real-life experiences 113 • Check out this code • Check what is clear and what is not • Try to figure out the meaning of “?” and “%” • What does mp_add do? Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 114. Real-life experiences 114 • Check out this code • Check what is clear and what is not • Try to figure out the meaning of the program Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 115. Constants 115 • scientific notation, e.g., 1.5e3 -> double • postfix notation, e.g., 145L -> long • prefix notation: ’0x44’ -> unsigned int, hexadecimal, ’044’ -> unsigned int, octal • constant char: ’x’ = character x -> char • special constants, e.g., n, t, 0, , " -> char • “bit patterns”: ddd, ddd being an octal number. • string constants, e.g., "string" or "". Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 116. Type casts and conversions 116 • Implicit type casts occur when, in expressions, operands belong to different types. • Conversions obey the following rules: char and short  int , float  double if an operand is double , the other becomes double and the result is double otherwise, if an operand is long , the other becomes long and the result is a long otherwise, if an operand is unsigned, the other one becomes unsigned and the result is unsigned. otherwise, operands and result are int . Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 117. Type casts and conversions 117 • Converting a string of digits into a number, and viceversa, requires specific support. Functions are available for this, e.g., atoi(): int atoi(char s[]) { int i, n; n = 0; for (i=0; s[i]>=’0’ && s[i]<=’9’; ++i) n=10*n + s[i] -’0’; return (n); } • Note how expression s[i] - ’0’ converts numeric character s[i] into the digit it represents. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 118. Type casts and conversions 118 • The following function can be used to convert an uppercase character into its lowercase counterpart int lower( int c) { if (c >=’A’ && c <= ’Z’) return (c + ’a’ - ’A’); else return (c); } • Note: this program only works for code tables in which ’a’ follows ’A’. This is true with ASCII and false with, e.g., EBCDIC. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 119. Type casts and conversions 119 • Explicit cast: • The cast operator changes the type of an object. For instance, the following expression: celsius = ( (double)5 /9) * (fahr-32.0); is equivalent to celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0); • Casting is invoked by specifying a type between parentheses. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 120. Increment/decrement operators 120 • IN C: int i = 0; i++; in Assembly: DATA segment i DB 0 ... INC i • Operators such as ++ or -- may have a direct counterpart in the machine language. • Operator ++ increments the contents of a variable. x = n++ is not equivalent to x = ++n. • Operator -- decrements the contents of a variable. x = n-- is not equivalent to x = --n. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 121. Exercises 121 • Exercise: function purge(char s[], int c) removes all occurrences of c from s[]. • Exercise: functions strcpy() and strcat(). Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 122. Exercises 122 • int strlen (char *p) { int i=0; while (*p++) i++; return i; } • *p returns the char pointed to by p. *p++ does the same, but increments the pointer afterwards. • When does the while loop ends? • This is an alternative way to write function strlen: int strlen (char *p) { char *q = p; while (*p++) ; return q - p - 1; } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 123. Bitwise operators 123 • The following six operands can be applied to any integer expression: & : bitwise AND | : bitwise OR ˆ : bitwise exclusive OR << : left shift >> : right shift ˜ : unary complement. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 124. Bitwise operators 124 • Bitwise AND can be used to set up “masks”, e.g., c = n & 0177; which zeroes all the bits from bit 8 onward. • Bitwise OR sets bits: x = x | MASK sets to 1 the bits that are set in MASK. • << and >> are respectively arithmetical shifts to the left and to the right (multiplication re: division by 2). • Operator ˜ turns each 1 into 0 and vice-versa; it is used in expressions like, e.g., x & ~ 077, which zeroes the last bits of x. Note that this is independent of the actual size of x, and hence it is “more portable” than, e.g., x & 0177700. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 125. Bitwise operators 125 • Let’s consider the following function: unsigned int MIDbit (unsigned x, unsigned start, unsigned num) { return((x >> (start+1-num)) & ~(~0 << num)); } • For instance, MIDbit(x, 4, 3) returns the three bits at position 4, 3, and 2. • x >> (p+1-n) shifts the bits of interest on the rightmost position in the word. • ~ 0 is 11...1; n zeroes • n shifts to left lead to 11...1 00..0 n ones • complementing this value we reach 00...0 11..1 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 126. Bitwise operators 126 • Binary operators + . / % << >> & ˆ and | can use notation e1 op= e2 instead of e1 = (e1) op (e2). • Note that x *= y+1 is equivalent to x = x*(y+1). • An example based on botwise operators follows: int bitcount(unsigned n) { int b; for (b=0; n != 0; n >>= 1) if (n & 01) b++; return (b); } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 127. The FILE class 127 • Using files in C may be described as a connectionoriented service • One has to open a connection to the file service, then use the service (read/write mode), then disconnect (close) the service • Example: FILE *pf; pf = fopen(“readme”, “r”); /* openfile:(readme,rm) */ fprintf(pf, “hin”); /* usefile:store-chars(pf,”hin”) */ fread(buffer,1,1,pf); /*usefile:read-chars(pf,1,buf) */ fclose (pf); /* closefile(pf) */ Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 128. Structures 128 • Keyword struct defines a “record.” An example follows: struct cd { char author[30]; int year; char producer[20]; }; • This is a declaration of a type: no element of this type has been defined so far. No memory has been allocated. • It is now possible to declare objects of type struct cd struct cd x, y, z; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 129. Structures 129 • The members of a struct can be accessed via the “dot-operator” (“.”). For instance, struct cd d; leap = d.year%4 == 0 && d.year%100 != 0 || d.year%400 == 0; • Nesting of structures is allowed: struct a { struct disco c; } d; • Access: d.c.year. • Typedefs. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 130. Structures 130 • A pointer to a structure can be declared, e.g., as follows: struct disco *a; • Access: (*a).year; • a->year is equivalent to (*a).year Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 131. Typedef 131 • What does, e.g., this statement do? float complex[2]; • Consider now typedef float complex[2]; • We have defined a new type • Example: complex a; a[0] = 0.0, a[1] = 1.0; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 132. Typedef 132 • General rule: consider the definition of a complex object, called x write “typedef x” Now x is no more an identifier. It’s a type Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 133. Typedef 133 • Example: int func_t (int, int, float); This defines func_t, a pointer-to-function typedef int func_t (int, int, float); This defines a new type, called func_t. Now func_t myF; is equivalent to int myF(int int, float); Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 134. Typedef 134 • There are two valid reasons for encouraging the use of typedef: parametrizing a program with its types may turn into semplifying the solution of portability problems: for instance, typedef short integer; Moving the code to a machine where the role of short is played by int we only need to change one line of code: typedef int integer; enhancing a program’s readability: a type called LENGTH brings with its name also a hint at its usage and meaning within the program. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 135. Structures 135 • Arrays of structures: • struct key { char *keyword; int keycount; } keytab[100]; • Or typedef struct key { … } key_t; and then key_t keytab[100]; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 136. Structures 136 • key_t keytab[100]; • Initialisation: key_t Keywords[] = { "break", 0, "case", 0, "char", 0, … "while", 0 }; • Exercise: Write a program that writes a static arrays of struct’s to be used as look-up table for another program. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 137. Structures 137 • Structures can reference themselves: struct tnode { char *word; int count; struct tnode *left; struct tnode *right; }; • Another example: struct nlist { char *name; char *def; struct nlist *next; }; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 138. Structures 138 • Exercise: Write a set of functions dealing with linked lists Structure the set of functions as a service Open a connection to the file service, then use the service (read/write/delete…), then disconnect (close) the service Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 139. Bitfield structures 139 • Flag registers: #define KEYWORD 01 #define EXTERN 02 #define STATIC 04 #define AUTOMT 010 … flags |= EXTERN | STATIC; … if ( flags & (EXTERN | STATIC) ) ... • It is possible to store in a same variable, flags, a series of conditions that can be “turned on” through a bitwise OR (|) and can be tested via the bitwise AND (&). • Clearly the definitions must be powers of 2. Octal implies unsigned. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 140. Bitfield structures 140 • Structures can be used to specify ag registers via so-called “bitfields”: struct { unsigned is_keyword : 1; unsigned is_extern : 1; unsigned is_static : 1; unsigned is_regist : 1; } flags; • Accessing a field: standard way (“.” operator). For instance: flags.is_extern. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 141. Bitfield structures 141 • Bitfields can be used as lvalues and rvalues as any other integer variable. • This means that bitwise OR’s and AND’s are not necessary: extern = 0 if ( extern == 0) ... Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 142. Bitfield structures 142 • • • • Bitfields can only be unsigned or int Asking the address of a bitfield is illegal Bitfields can also be “unnamed,” e.g., for padding The standard doesn’t specify if MSB-first or LSBfirst is used. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 143. Unions 143 • An union is a variable having many identifiers associated to it. • These identifiers may be of different type and hence different sizeof’s. Each identifier refer to the same amount of memory, i.e., as many bytes as the “largest” type requires. For instance: union point_x { char *pc; float *pf; double *pd; long regarded_as_an_int; } object; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 144. Unions 144 • Variable object has many “aliases”: it can be regarded as a pointer-to-char, if referred to as object.pc, or as pointer-to-double (object.pd), or as a long (object.regarded as an int). • The amount of memory is always the same, the one that is enough in order to store the “largest” among a (char*), a (float*), a (double*), or a (long). Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 145. Unions 145 • Typical use of unions: struct { int its_type; union { int ival; float fval; char *pval; } uval; } symbol_table[500]; • If we store in symbol table[i].its type a code that represents the type of object i, then we can set up, e.g., arrays of objects of different types, or linked lists of different objects, and so forth. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 146. Unions 146 • A switch on its type is the typical way to execute diverse actions depending on the nature of the current object, as it’s done in the following example: for (i=0;i<500;++i) switch(symbol_table[i].its_type) { case ’i’: printf("%d", symbol_table[i].uval.ival); break; … } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 147. Standard libraries 147 • In C many functions are defined in the so-called “standard library”, libc.a. A set of headers refer to the functions and definitions in the standard library. The header file stdio.h contains the basic functions and definitions for I/O: #include <stdio.h> Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 148. Standard streams 148 • C and UNIX define three standard I/O streams: stdin, i.e., the standard input stream, normally given by the characters typed at the keyboard. As in DOS, the redirection character < allows to specify an alternative standard input stream as follows: prog < inputfile stdout, the standard output stream, normally given by the characters typed onto our display. Character > redirects stdout on an other file, as in prog > outputfile. stderr, the standard error stream, is again by default our display. Is the stream where the programmer does (should) send the error messages. Can be redirected via 2 >, e.g., prog 2> /dev/null. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 149. Pipes 149 • Besides the stream redirection facilities, UNIX provides the concept of pipe: if we type prog1 | prog2 the stdout of prog1 becomes the stdin of prog2. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 150. Pipes 150 • pipe() creates an I/O mechanism called “pipe” and returns two file descriptors, fildes[0] and fildes[1]. The files associated with fildes[0] and fildes[1] are streams and are both opened for reading and writing. • A read from pipeline[0] accesses the data written to pipeline[1] and a read from pipeline[1] accesses the data written to pipeline[0] (both on a FIFO basis.) int pipeline[2]; pipein = pipeline[STDIN], pipeout = pipeline[STDOUT]; pipe(pipeline); stdin TASK 2 pip e ut TASK 1 stdout eo stdin in pi p Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio) stdout
  • 151. Pipes 151 • dup2() duplicates an open file descriptor • dup2(int fildes, int fildes2) • The dup2() function causes the file descriptor fildes2 to refer to the same file as fildes. The fildes argument is a file descriptor referring to an open file. void main() { dup2(1,2); printf(“hello”); fprintf(stderr, “ worldn”); } $ ./a.out hello world Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 152. Pipes 152 • STDOUT == 1, STDIN ==0 • Task 1’s stdout is redirected to task 2’s stdin dup2(pipeout, STDOUT); TASK 1 stdout stdin pip h e l l o 0 e ou p ip e in puts(”hello”); TASK 2 stdout t stdin dup2(pipein, STDIN); gets(msg); // msg is “hello” Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 153. Pipes 153 • Pipes are also available as FILE*: for instance, FILE *popen(char *command, const char *type); int pclose (FILE *stream); • the popen() function creates a pipe between the calling program and the command to be executed. command consists of a shell command line. type is an I/O mode, either r for reading or w for writing • The value returned is a stream pointer such that one can write to the standard input of the command, if the I/O mode is w, by writing to the file stream; and one can read from the standard output of the command, if the I/O mode is r, by reading from the file stream. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 154. Pipes 154 1. FILE *f = popen(”date”, ”r”); 2. FILE *g=popen(”/bin/sort”, ”w”); 1. with the first one we can, e.g., read the output of command date. 2. The second one connects to service /bin/sort so to ask that external service (in this case, to sort a stream) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 155. The UNIX man 155 • The UNIX command “man” is an important tool • If you don’t remember how a certain functions is to be invoked, or what is does, just type man function • Try for instance  man printf  man putc  man strcpy  man tolower Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 156. Makefiles 156 • A makefile is a script that tells how to compile an application • It specifies the dependencies among a number of resources (header and C files) • An example follows: all: myfile.exe myfile.exe: myfile.o myobj.o cc –o myfile.exe myfile.o myobj.o myfile.o: myfile.c common.h cc –c myfile.c myobj.o: myobj.c common.h myobj.h cc –c myobj.c Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 157. VLIW Main instruction memory 157 128 bit Instruction Cache 128 bit Instruction Register 32 bit each Dec Dec Dec Dec 256 decoded bits each EU EU EU Register file EU 32 bit each; 8 read ports, 4 write ports 32 bit each; 2 read ports, 1 write port Cache/ RAM 32 bit; 1 bi-directional port Main data memory Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 158. VLIW 158 • Properties  Multiple Execution Units: multiple instructions issued in one clock cycle  Every EU requires 2 operands and delivers one result every clock cycle: high data memory bandwidth needed Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 159. VLIW 159 • Properties  Every EU requires an instruction every clock cycle  Waste of memory and performance when not enough parallel instructions are available to keep all EUs concurrently busy  Many instruction slots will contain a NOP Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 160. VLIW 160 • Properties  Compiler should determine which instructions can be issued in a single cycle without control dependency conflict nor data dependency conflict  Deterministic utilization of parallelism: good for hard-real-time  Compile-time analysis of source code: worst case analysis instead of actual case  Very sophisticated compilers, especially when the EUs are pipelined! Perform well since early 2000 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 161. VLIW 161 • Properties  Compiler should determine which instructions can be issued in a single cycle without control dependency conflict nor data dependency conflict  Very difficult to write assembly:     programmer should resolve all control flow conflicts all data flow conflicts all pipelining conflicts and at the same time fit data accesses into the available data memory bandwidth  and all program accesses into the available program memory bandwidth  e.g. 2 weeks for a sum-of-products (3 lines of C-code)  All high end DSP processors since 1999 are VLIW processors (examples: Philips Trimedia -- high end TV, TI TMS320C6x -- GSM base stations and ISP modem arrays) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 162. Loop Level Parallelism 162 We assume to work with a simple loop such as for (I=1; I<=1000; I++) x[I] = X[I] + s; •    Note: each iteration is independent of the others Very simple case We can “unroll the loop” This provides the compiler with more chances to fill in more slots and execute more instructions in the same cycle! Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 163. Loop unrolling: dependencies 163 • Dealing with data dependencies • Two classes of methods: 1. Keeping the dependence though avoiding the hazard (via scheduling) 2. Eliminating a dependence by transforming the code Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 164. Loop unrolling: 1. dependencies 164 • Class 2 implies more work • These are optimization methods used by the compilers • Detecting dependencies when only using registers is easy; the difficulties come from detecting dependencies in memory: • For instance 100(R4) and 20(R6) may point to the same memory location • Also the opposite situation may take place: LD 20(R4), R2 … ADD R3, R1, 20(R4) • If R4 changes, this is no dependency Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 165. Loop Level Parallelism 165 • Let us consider the following loop: for (I=1; I<=100; I++) { A[I+1] = A[I] + C[I]; /* S1 */ B[I+1] = B[I] + A[I+1]; /* S2 */ } • S1 is a loop-carried dependency (LCD): iteration I+1 is dependent on iteration I: A’ = f(A) • S2 is B’ = f(B,A’) • If a loop has only non-LCD’s, then it is possible to execute more than one loop iteration in parallel – as long as the dependencies within each iteration are not violated Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 166. Loop Level Parallelism 166 • What to do in the presence of LCD’s? • Loop transformations. Example: for (I=1; I<=100; I++) { A[I+1] = A[I] + B[I]; /* S1 */ B[I+1] = C[I] + D[I]; /* S2 */ } • A’ = f(A, B) B’ = f(C, D) • Note: no dependencies except LCD’s Instructions can be swapped! Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 167. Loop Level Parallelism 167 • What to do in the presence of LCD’s? • Loop transformations. Example: for (I=1; I<=100; I++) { A[I+1] = A[I] + B[I]; /* S1 */ B[I+1] = C[I] + D[I]; /* S2 */ } • Note: the flow, i.e., A0 B0 A0 B0 C0 D0 C0 D0 A1 B1 can be A1 B1 C1 D1 changed into C1 D1 A2 B2 A2 B2 C2 D2 ... ... Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 168. Loop Level Parallelism 168 for (i=1; i <= 100; i=i+1) { A[i] = A[i] + B[i]; /* S1 */ B[i+1] = C[i] + D[i]; /* S2 */ } becomes A[1] = A[1] + B[1]; for (i=1; i <= 99; i=i+1) { B[i+1] = C[i] + D[i]; A[i+1] = A[i+1] + B[i+1]; } B[101] = C[100] + D[100]; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 169. Loop Level Parallelim 169 • A’ = f(A, B) B’ = f(C, D) B’ = f(C, D) A’ = f(A’, B’) • Now we have dependencies but no more LCD’s! It is possible to execute more than one loop iteration in parallel – as long as the dependencies within each iteration are not violated Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 170. Loop Level Parallelism 170 • The original code: for (x=GB; x<=N-1-GB; ++x) for (y=GB; y<=M-1-GB; ++y) { gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) gauss_x_compute[x][y][GB+k+1] = gauss_x_compute[x][y][GB+k] + image_in[x+k][y]*Gauss[abs(k)]; gauss_x_image[x][y] = gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot; } is transformed in 3 intermediate substeps. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 171. Loop Level Parallelism 171 • for (x=0; x<N; ++x) for (y=0; y<M; ++y) if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) { gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ... gauss_x_image[x][y]= gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot; } • In version 1, the loop bounds of the second loop nest with the horizontal filtering are modified to match the bounds of the initialisation loop preceding it Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 172. Loop Level Parallelism 172 • In version 2, the initialisation loop is split into two pieces to match the condition of the second loop nest with the horizontal filter. for (x=0; x<N; ++x) for (y=0; y<M; ++y) if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) gauss_x_image[x][y]=0; else gauss_x_image[x][y]=0; for (x=0; x<N; ++x) for (y=0; y<M; ++y) if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) { gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ... gauss_x_image[x][y]= gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot; } Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 173. Loop Level Parallelism 173 • In version 3, the initialisation loop is then fully merged with the second loop nest: for (x=0; x<N; ++x) for (y=0; y<M; ++y) if (x>=GB && x<=N-1-GB && y>=GB && y<=M-1-GB) { gauss_x_image[x][y]=0; gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; for (k=-GB; k<=GB; ++k) ... gauss_x_image[x][y]= gauss_x_compute[x][y][(2*GB)+1]/tot; } else gauss_x_image[x][y]=0; } • This gauss_x_compute[x][y][0]=0; statement can then be worked into the k loop to remove it fully. Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 174. Performance issues 174 • How much can the choice of a data structure influence a property such as locality in sequential data accesses? In order to evaluate this we run a simple experiment on a Win2000/Pentium3 PC Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 175. Performance issues 175 • Experiment: the following structure: typedef struct { int a; char b[STRIDE]; } stru_t; and the following access scheme: for (i=0; i<itera-1; i++) v[i].a = v[i+1].a + 1; are compared with the following two data structures: typedef int stru_ta; typedef char stru_tb[STRIDE]; and access scheme: for (i=0; i<itera-1; i++) a[i] = a[i+1] + 1; Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 176. 176 • Parameters: STRIDE, itera, optimisation level (compiler: cygwin/gcc 2.95.3-5) • • The following script is used, where itera goes from 100000 to 2000000 by 100000, and the actual value is an average of 10 run per value of itera: • • gcc -DSTRU –O3 stru.c # -O1, -O2, -O3 • #gcc -DSTRU stru.c # or no optimisation at all • for i in 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 1100000 1200000 1300000 1400000 1500000 1600000 1700000 1800000 1900000 2000000 #i==itera • do • rm -f $i.stru • for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • do • ( a.exe $i ) >> stru/$i.stru 2>&1 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 177. 177 STRIDE == 4 (y axis: usecs; x axis: (x+1)*100000) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 178. 178 STRIDE == 8 (y axis: usecs; x axis: (x+1)*100000) Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 179. 179 STRIDE == 12 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 180. 180 STRIDE == 16 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 181. 181 The following pictures plot vertical that represent the gain in performance between the best “-O3” cases for different values of STRIDE: Stride = 4 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 182. 182 Stride = 16 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 183. 183 Stride = 32 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 184. 184 Stride = 64 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 185. 185 Stride = 128 Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)
  • 186. References 186 • Kernighan & Ritchie,The C programming Language, Addison-Wesley Introduction to the C Programming Language ( V De Florio)