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“Great salespeople are relationship
builders who provide value and help
their customer’s win.”
“Approach each customer with the idea
of helping him solve a problem or
achieve a goal, not of selling a product
or service.”
“It’s not about selling. It’s about
creating value for your audience.”
“Don’t find customers for your
products, find products for your
1. Who are successful
2. Build relationships.
3. Steps in closing a sale.
4. 10 commandments of
creating a sale.
5. Selling secrets.
6. Successful sales habits.
7. 7 sales sins.
8. Why do salespeople fail?
9. 50 tips to increase your
I respect you for picking up this book. You
have decided to live your life by choice
rather than by chance. And for doing so, I
appreciate you.
Let me tell you how I got this idea
of writing this book. I will tell you honestly
that I am not any online guru or an expert
coach, I am a simple human being who
loves reading and writing books. Recently I
am going through a 100 day challenge of
reading 1 book per day. These are the self
help and non-fiction books. So, as I reading
those books I am writing summaries and
main points from those books and this is an
awesome knowledge and very helpful. Then
an idea come to mind that this knowledge
could help other millions of people who
don’t have much time to read 100 books, so
I decided to write a short and accurate book
of some top knowledge which I learnt after
reading 100 books. It excites me so much
that I am thinking about it again and again. I
finally decide to write a short and accurate
book on various life topics to help needed
peoples who wants to become successful
and live a happy life. In this I have put my
heart and soul to give you the best content
which will change your life when you
implement it in your life. I hope all of you
will enjoy it. Let’s dive in without wasting
your precious time. In this book we will
discuss about how to become a great
Some of the same
characteristics that describe
successful entrepreneurs also
describe good sales people:
energetic, friendly,
motivated, persistent,
knowledgeable of product,
good communicators, and
problem solvers. Some of the
most essential qualities of
successful sales people
• Expect positive results
• Believe in the business, product and one’s
• Quick thinking
• Effective manager of self and time
• Respectable appearance
• Able to handle rejection
• Problem-solver
• Courageous (ask for the sale)
• Determined
• Good listener
• Self-starter
Personal and caring attitudes are
effective tools in increasing the chance
for successful selling.
Employment, state that having a
serious business attitude is essential
for being taken seriously as a home-
based business. A marginal business
attitude hampers the owner’s ability to
sell himself or herself as a really viable
business. They cite five signals
that indicate an owner may have a
marginal business attitude:
• Working only when the owner wants to, if
at all.
• Claiming lack of money as reason
for not doing what needs to be done
to make the business successful.
• De-valuing the products and services sold
by charging too little.
• Disliking the challenge of sole ownership.
• Trying to be everything to everyone.
Take yourself and your business
seriously. Remember that even the
best product cannot make up for a
poor business attitude.
Relationships with customers play a
critical role in successful salesmanship.
Ruth and Wysoki suggest the
relationship between customer and
owner should be the focus of
business rather than the sales. To build
customer relations and the potential
for sales, ask questions, observe
customers, and respond to their wants
and needs. The skilled salesperson
listens to the meaning of what people
are saying and is alert to cues that
signal the chance to close a sale. Take a
keen interest in your customer to build
A relaxed communication style in
sales can create a welcoming
image in the mind of a
prospective buyer. This style
establishes credibility, conveys
competence and instills a sense
of trustworthiness. Though
communication style cannot
predict sales success, it can
contribute to a positive
relationship with the customer
and greater potential for sales.
Good business communication
brings in customers by
communicating a favorable and
accurate image of your business.
The home-based business owner
must be prepared to do more
than produce a product or
service. They must believe in
their product or service and be
willing to convince potential
customers to do the same.
According to Ken Blanchard, co-
author of Raving Fans, it is
necessary to go a step
beyond your competitors by
“taking care of your customers
to the point they become raving
fans and want to brag about
you.” Salesmanship is more
than closing the final sale; it is
everything you do on behalf of
the business, including
opportunities to network with
potential clients, competitors,
vendors, and resources for your
Selling is everything you do on behalf of the
Salesmanship implies you make sales
and earn profit. A poorly handled
transaction can destroy sales.
Customers remember negative
transactions and uneasy sales people.
Though you may be uncomfortable
selling, you can sell regardless of your
personality. Skills of selling can be
There are seven steps to the
selling process: prospecting,
approaching, presentation,
dealing with objections, closing
the sale, and follow-up.
1. Prospecting is the step of
developing lists of customers. These
are generated from contacts, direct
efforts of advertising, or through
networking to meet potential
2. Preparation is the attempt to gain
as much information about potential
customers as possible.
3. The sales approach is the initial
opportunity to make a positive
impression. Relationships often begin
with this stage.
4. Sales presentation is
intended to hold the
attention of the customer. It
should be a persuasive
presentation on the benefits
of the product or service.
Every attempt should
be made to maintain focus on
the customer, involving the
customer and conveying
enthusiasm for the business
and the product. A good sales
presentation will enable a
customer to identify with
your product.
5. Dealing with objections or rejection is
often difficult for the novice salesperson.
Be prepared to analyze customer
objections. Objections tend to fall into five
categories: no need, no hurry to buy, no
trust, no money to buy, and no desire to
buy. Anticipate your reaction to those
objections; role-play how to respond to
customers. Maintaining composure and
anticipating objections without raising them
is desirable. Other techniques for
overcoming objections include asking the
customer questions, giving the customer
confidence that his interest is well directed,
or directing the customer to other features
or benefits that may be more appealing.
Experts in sales training indicate it takes
three questions to get customers to get to
the real (and usually emotional) reason for
considering a purchase.
No need may mean you have
not offered the potential
customer a reason to buy
from you. It’s up to you to
create that need. If the
customer indicates he is in no
hurry to buy the product, then
it is up to you to provide an
incentive to make the
purchase. It may be a matter of
providing an extra service that
makes the product more
Customers who state they just
don’t have any money right now
may actually not be willing to
spend as much money as you
are asking. Consider different
payment methods or ways to
add value to your product.
When you are selling a product
or service through the mail, the
Web, or other remote method,
the customer needs to know
that you and your product are
to be trusted. You may need to
provide some evidence, such as
references from other pleased
customers, your resume, or
samples of your product or
The final objection, no
desire, is difficult to
overcome. You may have
to listen more carefully
to learn of other
objections, offer other
alternatives, or ask more
questions. If that
customer truly has no
desire to purchase, then
ask for referrals to other
potential customers.
6. Closing the sale can occur any time
during the objection phase. Make positive
suggestions; assume the sale is complete.
Offer an incentive to make the purchase.
Summarize benefits that appeal to the
customer, remembering the emotional
motivation. Stress your desire for the
customer to be satisfied. Finally, do not
overlook asking the customer for an order.
Many sales have been lost by
the inexperienced owner
because he talks too much.
There comes a time in selling
that you just have to quit
talking. Recognition of that time
arrives when the customer
himself indicates he is ready to
close the deal, either verbally or
non verbally. Some of these
situations present themselves
in clear messages: the person
takes out a credit card or
checkbook, or actually states,
“I’ll take it.” If the cues are less
clear, ask for the sale. Sum up
the benefits and features of
your product or service. The
salesperson must be an astute
listener and analyst and be
prepared to offer alternative
solutions to negative selling
The most overlooked part of
salesmanship is that the
salesperson forgets the “ask.”
It does not matter how well
you learn the client or how
well you can overcome the
objections. If you do not ask
for the sale, it probably will
not happen.
Just remember that salesmanship is
more than just making one sale. The
home and micro business, like any
business, depends on regular sales,
typically to ongoing customers, to
stay in business. Therefore, it is
important to spend time getting to
know the customer, his or her needs,
and how you can be an important
element in the business.
Good salesmanship requires
knowledge of one’s self, knowledge of
the product and service being sold,
and knowledge of customers.
Salesmanship demands attention to
relationships, planning to maximize
networking opportunities, and
communicating so others
can understand you.
7. Lastly, do not forget to follow up with the
customer after a sale is made.
1. A customer ... Is the most important
person in any business
2. A customer... Does not
depend on the business; the
business depends on the
3. A customer... Is not an
interruption to work; he is the
purpose of it.
4. A customer... Is part of the business, not
an outsider.
5. A customer... Does the business
a favor when he calls. The
business is not doing him a favor
by being there.
6. A customer... Is a real person
with feelings very much like my
7. A customer... Does not want to
argue or match wits with me.
8. A customer... Is a person who
brings his wants—it is the job of
the business to fill them
9. A customer... Deserves the
best and most courteous service
the business can give.
10. A customer... Is the one who
makes it possible for the business
to exist.
• Be completely familiar with the
• Have a strong desire to sell.
• Be neat and well groomed.
• Be familiar with customers’ needs and
• Show enthusiasm, energy, imagination,
and initiative.
• Listen to customers; show interest.
• Practice role playing to anticipate
• Ask your customer questions, and listen
to the answers.
Behavioural specialists tell us it takes 21 days of
consistently using a new behaviour for it
to become a habit. Here are some sales
habits you could try that could increase
your closing rate significantly.
Sell only to those who want to buy
Become a quick discerner of people who
really want to buy from you, and people
who just aren’t interested. Spend more
time on the people who want what you’re
selling, and less time trying to convince
people who don’t, that they do.
Know your product inside and out
There should be no question about your
product or service you cannot answer to
your customer’s satisfaction. Knowledge
inspires confidence, and if your buyer has
confidence in you, your sales pitch will be
more effective.
Ask for referrals
Without being pushy, determine never to
let a sales opportunity go by without
asking your prospect or customer if they
know anyone else who might be
interested in what you have to sell.
Follow up and do what you say you’re
going to do
Credibility is key for a salesperson. If you
say you will follow up and don’t, if you
promise something and don’t deliver you
can’t recapture that credibility. Not only
will you lose it with this customer, but
with everyone he or she talks to about
Take responsibility for things that go
Nothing frustrates people more
than someone who denies responsibility
for something that is their fault, or who
casts blame on others for it. Fess up if
you’ve made a mistake, promise to make it
right, and then follow through.
Ask and you shall receive
Ask for the sale. Be aware of the different
social styles of the people you are selling
to and use that knowledge to ask for a
sale. Many a salesperson has walked away
from people who were willing to buy, but
were never asked.
Speak well of your competitors
This shows integrity. People who are
willing to trash talk their competitors
might be just as willing to do so about their
customers. They are seen
as untrustworthy. There is always
something kind you can say.
Don’t fake it
Some people will do anything to avoid
losing a sale, including making promises
about things they really can’t do and
then scrambling to try to get it done.
Focus on what you do well, and if you
get questions about something that is
beyond your expertise or specialty,
refer them to someone who can do a
good job for them. Doing this guarantees
they will come back to you the next
time they need your service.
Practice these new habits and watch your
sales increase.
We all make mistakes, but some mistakes
are more costly than others. In the area of
sales, in a small business, a mistake can
mean the difference between meeting your
cash flow requirements for that month, or
not. It can mean the difference between
gaining a new, loyal customer who will
bring cash into your business for years to
come, or losing that potential income
source. Here’s a list of seven mistakes to
avoid when making sales.
Selling Without Knowing Your
Customers want to buy from someone who
is not only knowledgeable about the
product they are selling, but also about the
industry in general, and about their needs
specifically. Would you sell the same way to
a young one-income family with four kids
struggling to make ends meet as you would
to a two-income couple with professional
jobs and large disposable incomes? If you
take the time to listen to your customers
and ask appropriate questions, they will tell
you what you need to know. Knowing your
industry is important. Knowing your
product is essential. Knowing
your customer is paramount to making
Avoiding Dissatisfied Customers
If you avoid the people who aren’t happy
with you, you’re losing the opportunity to
build loyalty in those customers.
Look at
n as your
to go above
and beyond.
Do everythin
g you can do
to make it
right with
those custom
ers and you’ll
loyalty that
will stay with
you for years.
Ignoring Small Orders
Every customer is an important customer.
It may be tempting not to bother with
orders that are small or on which you
won’t make much of a profit, but you
never know what that customer might
purchase in the future. You also don’t
know how many people that person can
refer to you if they are treated well, or
how many people they will steer away
from you if they aren’t.
Using the Same Old Pitch
Coming back to the same customers with
the same old pitch is a big mistake. People
want to know you are innovative, creative,
and on the cutting edge of your industry.
Make sure that you revitalize your sales
presentation often. Use different examples,
different approaches, appeal to different
behavioural styles and offer different
incentives. Being creative is one of the keys
to making sales.
Not Taking Advantage of
Sales Training
You may think you’re the best salesperson
on your team (and in fact you may be), but
the best sales people never stop learning
new ways to improve. Take advantage of
every sales training opportunity you can
find. You will never lose if you choose to
keep on learning. Even if you don’t hear
anything new from the instructor, you can
learn from the experiences of others in the
room, or be a resource to others who
aren’t as experienced as you are. Make
lifelong learning part of your sales
Being a Cheapskate
Everything you do makes an impression on
your customer. Are you willing to take a
client to lunch every few months to let
him know you appreciate his business? Do
you pick up the tab if you’ve met for
coffee with a prospect?
Do you acknowledge others who give
you free advice or referrals by sending a
note or a gift? These may be small things
but they make a big impression.
Going for the Popular Vote Rather than
the Respect Vote
Always show integrity in your dealings with
other people. It may feel good to put your
competition down so you can convince
your prospects of how much better you
are, but in the long run it won’t benefit
you. People may like you in the moment,
especially if you have charisma and the
power of persuasion, but once you walk
away they’ll think about the things you said
– both about yourself and about others –
and they won’t trust you. Integrity always
wins in the end. A tip for dealing with
competitors without trashing them is to
study their strengths and weaknesses.
Then, promote your strengths as they
relate to the weaknesses of your
competition. In this way you expose
their weaknesses and demonstrate why
you are better, all without mentioning
them once.
Avoid these seven sales mistakes and
incorporate these principles into your
sales approach, and you’ll not only
increase your sales, but also find that your
customers will notice and appreciate your
business integrity.
Here are the 10 main reasons why
salespeople fail to achieve the success
they deserve:
1. They have unclear objectives
2. They don’t have a working sales plan
3. They find it hard to prioritise
4. Prospecting is not given a high
enough priority
5. They find it hard to deal with
assertive buyers
6. They don’t structure their sales calls
and find it hard to be in control
7. They don’t ask enough questions
8. They fail to listen effectively
9. They don’t close because they worry
about rejection
10. They avoid negotiation wherever
possible and side with the customer
1. Begin with your attitude. The best
salespeople think positively. Beware of
negative thoughts. Thoughts like, "I could
never do that" and "What if I fail?" can
seriously impact the way you behave
2. When top salespeople catch themselves
thinking a pessimistic thought about their
situation they evaluate the evidence. What
are the facts--not the fears--but the facts?
3. The best salespeople are aware of the
importance of the image they present to
clients. Invest in the way you look. You
don’t want to be perceived as just another
4. Read a serious newspaper at least once
a week. Be aware of current affairs so you
can have a sensible conversation on any
topic. This was one of the best bits of
advice I was given as a young salesperson
5. Use the internet. Find out about your
clients future plans. Keep up with
technology. It’s the way the world is
6. Don’t use high pressure selling
techniques on your customers. They
don’t work. Treat your customers as you
would want to be treated
7. Develop a style of selling that is
relaxed and friendly, while still being
8. Never sell anything to a customer that
they don’t need, or can’t afford
9. Set yourself goals. The most successful
salespeople have clear goals and can tell
you what they are
10. Set SMART goals. Specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and
time bound
11. Read books on selling. Invest in
your own long term development
12. Put together a sales plan
13. Discuss your sales plan with your
manager. Use your manager as a
14. Find out the long term aims and goals
of your company. Where do you
see yourself going in the next 3, 5 10
years? Set yourself a career plan
15. Find a mentor. This is someone who is
already successful, either in your
organisation, or elsewhere. This is
someone you can talk to and who can
give you the benefit of their experience
16. Solve problems in your own
organisation. Most people just sit back
and complain. Come up with solutions.
You never know, they may promote
17. Get the right balance between work
and the rest of your life. Take care of
your health and fitness
18. Learn new skills that may not directly
contribute to your job. Learn a language,
or attend a night class. The brain is a
muscle that needs to be kept active
19. Network. There are lots of
organisations that business people join to
do well and to meet similar people from
different industries. Do a Google search
for UK business networking sites, or speak
with your local Chamber of Commerce, or
Round Table
20. Think. Set aside some thinking time to
review progress and the direction you are
going in. Most people say they are too
busy, but it is a useful exercise
21. Find someone who is already successful
and mirror what they do
22. Plan to hit your target. Break your
overall target down so that is becomes
more achievable. If you have a target of
£250,000 a year this makes no sense. If,
by breaking it down you estimate you
need to make 10 sales visits a week, this
becomes more achievable
23. Manage your pipeline. We only convert
a percentage of potential customers into
actual customers. Plan prospecting activity
into your schedule. Keep topping up the
24. Analyse your customer profile. Who
buys from me? Where are they based?
What is the best way to identify and
contact potential customers?
25. What is happening in your market? Set
yourself short, medium and long term
goals that reflect the way the market is
26. Prospecting. Put together your hit list
of prospective customers; targeted at
people most likely to buy your products or
services. Keep the list manageable. If you
are going to contact 50 people a week
every 4 weeks, you need 200 prospects.
Quality is better than quantity
27. Keep targeting them. Most people
don’t buy first time, especially if you
are selling the idea of an appointment to
meet you.
28. Set aside time for prospecting. It
works best if it is, say, every Monday
morning, or whatever day you prefer. The
key is making it every week without fail.
This is what the top salespeople do
29. If you are phoning your prospects
write yourself a script and practise it with
colleagues. When preparing a script
always follow a statement with a
question. This keeps you in control. “We
specialise in sales and management
training. Is this something you have
purchased in the past?”
30. Disqualify poor quality prospects. This
keeps your prospect list fresh and full of
the kind of people that you really should
be doing business with
31. Understand that prospecting is a
numbers game. Set yourself targets for
the number of people you contact each
week and stick to it
32. E-mail is a great way of prospecting. It
takes less time and can be very effective.
Send information, or free stuff which will
add value even if they don’t buy. When
they are ready to buy you will be at the
top of their list
33. Keep accurate records of your
prospecting. This is what the top
salespeople do
34. When you write your sales plan begin
by defining your objectives. What do you
want to achieve over a defined period.
Write your objectives down and make sure
they are SMART
35. Remember the Pareto Principle. 80% of
our business comes from 20% of our
customer base. Focus first on existing
business. How to keep it and grow it?
Most lost business happens as a result of
neglect. Build into your plan a strategy for
your existing customers
36. Key ratios are another issue. This is
about using historical data to
plan forward. Measure everything. If your
target is to book 5 appointments and you
know that, historically, you have had to
make an average of 6 telephone calls to
get an appointment in the past, you need
to prepare 30 prospects. The ratios don’t
always work every time, but do work
over time
37. Top salespeople measure
everything. If it can’t be measured it
can’t be managed.
38. Lead times. Understand that sales
activity today will generally lead to results
in weeks or even months ahead. Even
when you are doing well you need to be
planning for future results. If you want
more information on lead times send
me an e-mail and I will send you a more
detailed analysis
39. Keep reviewing your market. What is
changing? What will the market look like
in 3 years time? What can you are doing
now to stay ahead of the game?
40. What resources are available to you to
help you sell more? This could be anything
from a lap top computer, to an
opportunity to receive some training, or a
sales manager who has lots of experience
that you can tap into. Seek out
opportunities to help you sell more
41. If you are booking appointments by
phone, begin by putting together a good
telephone script.
42. If you are cold calling, why not try a 3
stage process that professional
telemarketing companies use. Phone call-
mailshot-phone call.This approach pre
warns the potential customer they are
about to receive information and checks
out that they are the right contact.
Information is then sent out with a follow
up phone call to book the appointment
43. When you call someone for the first
time think about how you are going to
introduce yourself. I like to give my first
name then my full name. “Hello this is
Sean. Sean McPheat from the Sales
Training Consultancy.How can I help
44. Speak slower. We say our names
3 times faster than other bits of
information. If you sound relaxed it
will relax your customer
45. Sell the appointment. Don’t say that
you are in the area next week and would
like to pop in for half an hour. These
people are busy. What have you got to talk
about? Is it worth 30 minutes of their
valuable time? What’s in it for them?
46. People will naturally try to say no,
unless you have struck lucky and rung at
exactly the right time. Give them time to
explore the issues you want to discuss.
Minimise the risk of agreeing to an
appointment, but sell the benefits to
them. “I feel confident that if you are able
to give me 20 minutes of your time you
will be much better informed about the
changes in legislation that will be taking
place over the next 6 months”
47. Deal with objections in a positive may.
Most people will say no. That’s a fact.
Look for the longer term. Send
information. Agree a call back. Don’t beat
them up in order to gain a short term
advantage. If they want to think, that’s
okay. Just make sure you agree the next
steps once they have done their thinking
48. Practise dealing with the most
common objections with your colleagues.
There are relatively few objections. Two
things to remember Don’t interrupt
and don’t attack your customer’s belief
50. If you are sending out information
don’t leave it too long before following it
up. First class post takes no more than 2 to
3 days. A fax or e-mail arrives very quickly.
Follow up once you feel they have had a
chance to read the information. Don’t
leave it 3 weeks!
51. When asking for the appointment, ask
for a specific time and day. This way you
are in control of your diary. Go for an
early appointment. This frees up time in
your diary for later in the day
52. Confirm the appointment by e-mail.
Remind them about the reason for the
appointment and send an agenda for the
meeting if appropriate
53. Once you have confirmed the
appointment begin your planning and
preparation for the meeting. Things you
need to consider are your objectives, your
agenda, the questions you need to ask,
visual aids and finally your attitude.
54. Set objectives for the meeting that is
ambitious, but realistic. Have more than
one objective. “If I don’t make a sale, what
else could I achieve from the meeting?”
55. Prepare your questions in advance.
Areas you need to cover, especially at a
first meeting are: contact (the person I am
meeting with), organisation (their
business), decision making processes (how
they make decisions, who gets involved
and their timescales), current suppliers
(who they buy from at the moment),
competition (who else are they talking
to?), problems (what issues are they
facing at the moment?), needs (what are
they looking for from us?) finance (what
financial issues are appropriate?)
1. Your thoughts define your
2. Live your life as a master
3. You have already
everything to become
successful in true
4. Your outside prosperity is
directly proportionate to
your inner prosperity.
5. Relationship is everything.
6. Your awareness about life
is the measure of your
7. You cannot change people
but you can definitely
change yourself.
8. Don’t think people are
poor due to lack of money
but in reality they are poor
in deciding what actually
they want in life.
9. Find some real reasons
why you should be
10. You can only change
those things about which
you have awareness of.
11. Change Is always good &
provides opportunities for
12. Start your journey of
success from the situations
and conditions you
currently have.
13. Love Is everything.
14. Don’t blame others for
your life.
15. Your interaction skills
with people is the most
valuable asset you possess
for success.
16. Don’t hesitate; simply ask
about what you don’t
17. Make friends from every
field because that will
increase your interest &
enjoyment in life.
18. Make your own library of
real & positive books.
19. Only go to experts for
important suggestions.
20. Your life is your own
responsibility and it’s you
who matters most in your
1. They are clear in what they
2. They are passionate
3. They are perfect
4. They have a friend circle of
extraordinary people.
5. They always look for new
ideas and are ready to
learn them.
6. They love people and help
others to grow.
7. They use everything what
they have.
8. They think and talk of
9. They are perfect speakers
and presenter of things.
10. They love feedback and
use it for improvement.
Hello every one, thanks for giving your
precious time to reading this book. I tried to
give my best to share most accurate and
useful knowledge I learnt from reading over
100 plus books. Please leave us a comment
and review as a feedback for us.

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  • 1.
  • 3. “Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customer’s win.” “Approach each customer with the idea of helping him solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” “It’s not about selling. It’s about creating value for your audience.” “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”
  • 4. CONTENTS Preface….. 1. Who are successful salespeople? 2. Build relationships. 3. Steps in closing a sale. 4. 10 commandments of creating a sale. 5. Selling secrets. 6. Successful sales habits. 7. 7 sales sins. 8. Why do salespeople fail?
  • 5. 9. 50 tips to increase your sale. BONUSES:
  • 6. Preface…. I respect you for picking up this book. You have decided to live your life by choice rather than by chance. And for doing so, I appreciate you. Let me tell you how I got this idea of writing this book. I will tell you honestly that I am not any online guru or an expert coach, I am a simple human being who loves reading and writing books. Recently I am going through a 100 day challenge of reading 1 book per day. These are the self help and non-fiction books. So, as I reading those books I am writing summaries and
  • 7. main points from those books and this is an awesome knowledge and very helpful. Then an idea come to mind that this knowledge could help other millions of people who don’t have much time to read 100 books, so I decided to write a short and accurate book of some top knowledge which I learnt after reading 100 books. It excites me so much that I am thinking about it again and again. I finally decide to write a short and accurate book on various life topics to help needed peoples who wants to become successful and live a happy life. In this I have put my heart and soul to give you the best content which will change your life when you implement it in your life. I hope all of you will enjoy it. Let’s dive in without wasting
  • 8. your precious time. In this book we will discuss about how to become a great salesman.
  • 9. 1. WHO ARE SUCCESSFUL SALESPEOPLE? Some of the same characteristics that describe successful entrepreneurs also describe good sales people: energetic, friendly, motivated, persistent, knowledgeable of product, good communicators, and problem solvers. Some of the most essential qualities of successful sales people include: • Expect positive results • Believe in the business, product and one’s self
  • 10. • Quick thinking • Effective manager of self and time • Respectable appearance • Able to handle rejection • Problem-solver • Courageous (ask for the sale) • Determined • Good listener • Self-starter Personal and caring attitudes are effective tools in increasing the chance for successful selling. Employment, state that having a serious business attitude is essential for being taken seriously as a home- based business. A marginal business attitude hampers the owner’s ability to
  • 11. sell himself or herself as a really viable business. They cite five signals that indicate an owner may have a marginal business attitude: • Working only when the owner wants to, if at all. • Claiming lack of money as reason for not doing what needs to be done to make the business successful. • De-valuing the products and services sold by charging too little. • Disliking the challenge of sole ownership. • Trying to be everything to everyone. Take yourself and your business seriously. Remember that even the best product cannot make up for a poor business attitude.
  • 12. 2. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Relationships with customers play a critical role in successful salesmanship. Ruth and Wysoki suggest the relationship between customer and owner should be the focus of business rather than the sales. To build customer relations and the potential for sales, ask questions, observe customers, and respond to their wants and needs. The skilled salesperson listens to the meaning of what people are saying and is alert to cues that signal the chance to close a sale. Take a keen interest in your customer to build trust.
  • 13. A relaxed communication style in sales can create a welcoming image in the mind of a prospective buyer. This style establishes credibility, conveys competence and instills a sense of trustworthiness. Though communication style cannot predict sales success, it can contribute to a positive relationship with the customer and greater potential for sales. Good business communication brings in customers by communicating a favorable and accurate image of your business. The home-based business owner must be prepared to do more than produce a product or service. They must believe in
  • 14. their product or service and be willing to convince potential customers to do the same. According to Ken Blanchard, co- author of Raving Fans, it is necessary to go a step beyond your competitors by “taking care of your customers to the point they become raving fans and want to brag about you.” Salesmanship is more than closing the final sale; it is everything you do on behalf of the business, including opportunities to network with potential clients, competitors, vendors, and resources for your business.
  • 15. Selling is everything you do on behalf of the business. 9
  • 16. 3. STEPS IN CLOSING A SALE Salesmanship implies you make sales and earn profit. A poorly handled transaction can destroy sales. Customers remember negative transactions and uneasy sales people. Though you may be uncomfortable selling, you can sell regardless of your personality. Skills of selling can be learned. There are seven steps to the selling process: prospecting, preparing, approaching, presentation, dealing with objections, closing the sale, and follow-up.
  • 17. 1. Prospecting is the step of developing lists of customers. These are generated from contacts, direct efforts of advertising, or through networking to meet potential customers. 2. Preparation is the attempt to gain as much information about potential customers as possible. 3. The sales approach is the initial opportunity to make a positive impression. Relationships often begin with this stage. 4. Sales presentation is intended to hold the attention of the customer. It should be a persuasive presentation on the benefits
  • 18. of the product or service. Every attempt should be made to maintain focus on the customer, involving the customer and conveying enthusiasm for the business and the product. A good sales presentation will enable a customer to identify with your product. 5. Dealing with objections or rejection is often difficult for the novice salesperson. Be prepared to analyze customer objections. Objections tend to fall into five categories: no need, no hurry to buy, no trust, no money to buy, and no desire to buy. Anticipate your reaction to those objections; role-play how to respond to customers. Maintaining composure and
  • 19. anticipating objections without raising them is desirable. Other techniques for overcoming objections include asking the customer questions, giving the customer confidence that his interest is well directed, or directing the customer to other features or benefits that may be more appealing. Experts in sales training indicate it takes three questions to get customers to get to the real (and usually emotional) reason for considering a purchase. No need may mean you have not offered the potential customer a reason to buy from you. It’s up to you to create that need. If the customer indicates he is in no hurry to buy the product, then it is up to you to provide an
  • 20. incentive to make the purchase. It may be a matter of providing an extra service that makes the product more valuable. Customers who state they just don’t have any money right now may actually not be willing to spend as much money as you are asking. Consider different payment methods or ways to add value to your product. When you are selling a product or service through the mail, the Web, or other remote method, the customer needs to know that you and your product are to be trusted. You may need to provide some evidence, such as
  • 21. references from other pleased customers, your resume, or samples of your product or service. The final objection, no desire, is difficult to overcome. You may have to listen more carefully to learn of other objections, offer other alternatives, or ask more questions. If that customer truly has no desire to purchase, then ask for referrals to other potential customers. 6. Closing the sale can occur any time during the objection phase. Make positive suggestions; assume the sale is complete.
  • 22. Offer an incentive to make the purchase. Summarize benefits that appeal to the customer, remembering the emotional motivation. Stress your desire for the customer to be satisfied. Finally, do not overlook asking the customer for an order. Many sales have been lost by the inexperienced owner because he talks too much. There comes a time in selling that you just have to quit talking. Recognition of that time arrives when the customer himself indicates he is ready to close the deal, either verbally or non verbally. Some of these situations present themselves in clear messages: the person takes out a credit card or
  • 23. checkbook, or actually states, “I’ll take it.” If the cues are less clear, ask for the sale. Sum up the benefits and features of your product or service. The salesperson must be an astute listener and analyst and be prepared to offer alternative solutions to negative selling situations. The most overlooked part of salesmanship is that the salesperson forgets the “ask.” It does not matter how well you learn the client or how well you can overcome the objections. If you do not ask
  • 24. for the sale, it probably will not happen. Just remember that salesmanship is more than just making one sale. The home and micro business, like any business, depends on regular sales, typically to ongoing customers, to stay in business. Therefore, it is important to spend time getting to know the customer, his or her needs, and how you can be an important element in the business. Good salesmanship requires knowledge of one’s self, knowledge of the product and service being sold, and knowledge of customers. Salesmanship demands attention to relationships, planning to maximize
  • 25. networking opportunities, and communicating so others can understand you. 7. Lastly, do not forget to follow up with the customer after a sale is made.
  • 26. 4. 10 COMMANDMENTS OF CREATING SALES TEN COMMANDMENTS OF CREATING SALES 1. A customer ... Is the most important person in any business 2. A customer... Does not depend on the business; the business depends on the customer 3. A customer... Is not an interruption to work; he is the purpose of it.
  • 27. 4. A customer... Is part of the business, not an outsider. 5. A customer... Does the business a favor when he calls. The business is not doing him a favor by being there. 6. A customer... Is a real person with feelings very much like my own. 7. A customer... Does not want to argue or match wits with me.
  • 28. 8. A customer... Is a person who brings his wants—it is the job of the business to fill them 9. A customer... Deserves the best and most courteous service the business can give. 10. A customer... Is the one who makes it possible for the business to exist.
  • 29. 5. SELLING SECRETS SELLING SECRETS - • Be completely familiar with the product/service. • Have a strong desire to sell. • Be neat and well groomed. • Be familiar with customers’ needs and wants. • Show enthusiasm, energy, imagination, and initiative. • Listen to customers; show interest. • Practice role playing to anticipate situations.
  • 30. • Ask your customer questions, and listen to the answers.
  • 31. 6. SUCCESSFUL SALES HABITS Behavioural specialists tell us it takes 21 days of consistently using a new behaviour for it to become a habit. Here are some sales habits you could try that could increase your closing rate significantly. Sell only to those who want to buy Become a quick discerner of people who really want to buy from you, and people who just aren’t interested. Spend more time on the people who want what you’re
  • 32. selling, and less time trying to convince people who don’t, that they do. Know your product inside and out There should be no question about your product or service you cannot answer to your customer’s satisfaction. Knowledge inspires confidence, and if your buyer has confidence in you, your sales pitch will be more effective. Ask for referrals Without being pushy, determine never to let a sales opportunity go by without asking your prospect or customer if they know anyone else who might be interested in what you have to sell. Follow up and do what you say you’re going to do
  • 33. Credibility is key for a salesperson. If you say you will follow up and don’t, if you promise something and don’t deliver you can’t recapture that credibility. Not only will you lose it with this customer, but with everyone he or she talks to about you. Take responsibility for things that go wrong Nothing frustrates people more than someone who denies responsibility for something that is their fault, or who casts blame on others for it. Fess up if you’ve made a mistake, promise to make it right, and then follow through. Ask and you shall receive Ask for the sale. Be aware of the different social styles of the people you are selling to and use that knowledge to ask for a
  • 34. sale. Many a salesperson has walked away from people who were willing to buy, but were never asked. Speak well of your competitors This shows integrity. People who are willing to trash talk their competitors might be just as willing to do so about their customers. They are seen as untrustworthy. There is always something kind you can say. Don’t fake it Some people will do anything to avoid losing a sale, including making promises about things they really can’t do and then scrambling to try to get it done. Focus on what you do well, and if you get questions about something that is beyond your expertise or specialty, refer them to someone who can do a
  • 35. good job for them. Doing this guarantees they will come back to you the next time they need your service. Practice these new habits and watch your sales increase.
  • 36. 7. 7 SALES SINS We all make mistakes, but some mistakes are more costly than others. In the area of sales, in a small business, a mistake can mean the difference between meeting your cash flow requirements for that month, or not. It can mean the difference between gaining a new, loyal customer who will bring cash into your business for years to come, or losing that potential income source. Here’s a list of seven mistakes to avoid when making sales. Selling Without Knowing Your Customer Customers want to buy from someone who is not only knowledgeable about the
  • 37. product they are selling, but also about the industry in general, and about their needs specifically. Would you sell the same way to a young one-income family with four kids struggling to make ends meet as you would to a two-income couple with professional jobs and large disposable incomes? If you take the time to listen to your customers and ask appropriate questions, they will tell you what you need to know. Knowing your industry is important. Knowing your product is essential. Knowing your customer is paramount to making sales. Avoiding Dissatisfied Customers If you avoid the people who aren’t happy with you, you’re losing the opportunity to build loyalty in those customers.
  • 38. Look at dissatisfactio n as your opportunity to go above and beyond. Do everythin g you can do to make it right with those custom ers and you’ll encourage loyalty that will stay with you for years. Ignoring Small Orders Every customer is an important customer. It may be tempting not to bother with
  • 39. orders that are small or on which you won’t make much of a profit, but you never know what that customer might purchase in the future. You also don’t know how many people that person can refer to you if they are treated well, or how many people they will steer away from you if they aren’t. Using the Same Old Pitch Coming back to the same customers with the same old pitch is a big mistake. People want to know you are innovative, creative, and on the cutting edge of your industry. Make sure that you revitalize your sales presentation often. Use different examples, different approaches, appeal to different behavioural styles and offer different
  • 40. incentives. Being creative is one of the keys to making sales. Not Taking Advantage of Sales Training You may think you’re the best salesperson on your team (and in fact you may be), but the best sales people never stop learning new ways to improve. Take advantage of every sales training opportunity you can find. You will never lose if you choose to keep on learning. Even if you don’t hear anything new from the instructor, you can learn from the experiences of others in the room, or be a resource to others who aren’t as experienced as you are. Make lifelong learning part of your sales strategy.
  • 41. Being a Cheapskate Everything you do makes an impression on your customer. Are you willing to take a client to lunch every few months to let him know you appreciate his business? Do you pick up the tab if you’ve met for coffee with a prospect? Do you acknowledge others who give you free advice or referrals by sending a note or a gift? These may be small things but they make a big impression. Going for the Popular Vote Rather than the Respect Vote Always show integrity in your dealings with other people. It may feel good to put your competition down so you can convince your prospects of how much better you
  • 42. are, but in the long run it won’t benefit you. People may like you in the moment, especially if you have charisma and the power of persuasion, but once you walk away they’ll think about the things you said – both about yourself and about others – and they won’t trust you. Integrity always wins in the end. A tip for dealing with competitors without trashing them is to study their strengths and weaknesses. Then, promote your strengths as they relate to the weaknesses of your competition. In this way you expose their weaknesses and demonstrate why you are better, all without mentioning them once. Avoid these seven sales mistakes and incorporate these principles into your sales approach, and you’ll not only
  • 43. increase your sales, but also find that your customers will notice and appreciate your business integrity.
  • 44. 8. WHY DO SALESPEOPLE FAIL? Here are the 10 main reasons why salespeople fail to achieve the success they deserve: 1. They have unclear objectives 2. They don’t have a working sales plan 3. They find it hard to prioritise activities 4. Prospecting is not given a high enough priority 5. They find it hard to deal with assertive buyers 6. They don’t structure their sales calls and find it hard to be in control 7. They don’t ask enough questions
  • 45. 8. They fail to listen effectively 9. They don’t close because they worry about rejection 10. They avoid negotiation wherever possible and side with the customer
  • 46. 9. 50 TIPS TO INCREASE YOUR SALES 1. Begin with your attitude. The best salespeople think positively. Beware of negative thoughts. Thoughts like, "I could never do that" and "What if I fail?" can seriously impact the way you behave 2. When top salespeople catch themselves thinking a pessimistic thought about their situation they evaluate the evidence. What are the facts--not the fears--but the facts? 3. The best salespeople are aware of the importance of the image they present to clients. Invest in the way you look. You
  • 47. don’t want to be perceived as just another rep! 4. Read a serious newspaper at least once a week. Be aware of current affairs so you can have a sensible conversation on any topic. This was one of the best bits of advice I was given as a young salesperson 5. Use the internet. Find out about your clients future plans. Keep up with technology. It’s the way the world is going 6. Don’t use high pressure selling techniques on your customers. They don’t work. Treat your customers as you would want to be treated 7. Develop a style of selling that is relaxed and friendly, while still being professional
  • 48. 8. Never sell anything to a customer that they don’t need, or can’t afford 9. Set yourself goals. The most successful salespeople have clear goals and can tell you what they are 10. Set SMART goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound 11. Read books on selling. Invest in your own long term development 12. Put together a sales plan 13. Discuss your sales plan with your manager. Use your manager as a resource
  • 49. 14. Find out the long term aims and goals of your company. Where do you see yourself going in the next 3, 5 10 years? Set yourself a career plan 15. Find a mentor. This is someone who is already successful, either in your organisation, or elsewhere. This is someone you can talk to and who can give you the benefit of their experience 16. Solve problems in your own organisation. Most people just sit back and complain. Come up with solutions. You never know, they may promote you!! 17. Get the right balance between work and the rest of your life. Take care of your health and fitness
  • 50. 18. Learn new skills that may not directly contribute to your job. Learn a language, or attend a night class. The brain is a muscle that needs to be kept active 19. Network. There are lots of organisations that business people join to do well and to meet similar people from different industries. Do a Google search for UK business networking sites, or speak with your local Chamber of Commerce, or Round Table 20. Think. Set aside some thinking time to review progress and the direction you are going in. Most people say they are too busy, but it is a useful exercise 21. Find someone who is already successful and mirror what they do
  • 51. 22. Plan to hit your target. Break your overall target down so that is becomes more achievable. If you have a target of £250,000 a year this makes no sense. If, by breaking it down you estimate you need to make 10 sales visits a week, this becomes more achievable 23. Manage your pipeline. We only convert a percentage of potential customers into actual customers. Plan prospecting activity into your schedule. Keep topping up the pipeline 24. Analyse your customer profile. Who buys from me? Where are they based? What is the best way to identify and contact potential customers? 25. What is happening in your market? Set yourself short, medium and long term
  • 52. goals that reflect the way the market is changing 26. Prospecting. Put together your hit list of prospective customers; targeted at people most likely to buy your products or services. Keep the list manageable. If you are going to contact 50 people a week every 4 weeks, you need 200 prospects. Quality is better than quantity 27. Keep targeting them. Most people don’t buy first time, especially if you are selling the idea of an appointment to meet you. 28. Set aside time for prospecting. It works best if it is, say, every Monday morning, or whatever day you prefer. The
  • 53. key is making it every week without fail. This is what the top salespeople do 29. If you are phoning your prospects write yourself a script and practise it with colleagues. When preparing a script always follow a statement with a question. This keeps you in control. “We specialise in sales and management training. Is this something you have purchased in the past?” 30. Disqualify poor quality prospects. This keeps your prospect list fresh and full of the kind of people that you really should be doing business with 31. Understand that prospecting is a numbers game. Set yourself targets for the number of people you contact each week and stick to it
  • 54. 32. E-mail is a great way of prospecting. It takes less time and can be very effective. Send information, or free stuff which will add value even if they don’t buy. When they are ready to buy you will be at the top of their list 33. Keep accurate records of your prospecting. This is what the top salespeople do 34. When you write your sales plan begin by defining your objectives. What do you want to achieve over a defined period. Write your objectives down and make sure they are SMART 35. Remember the Pareto Principle. 80% of our business comes from 20% of our customer base. Focus first on existing business. How to keep it and grow it? Most lost business happens as a result of
  • 55. neglect. Build into your plan a strategy for your existing customers 36. Key ratios are another issue. This is about using historical data to plan forward. Measure everything. If your target is to book 5 appointments and you know that, historically, you have had to make an average of 6 telephone calls to get an appointment in the past, you need to prepare 30 prospects. The ratios don’t always work every time, but do work over time 37. Top salespeople measure everything. If it can’t be measured it can’t be managed. 38. Lead times. Understand that sales activity today will generally lead to results in weeks or even months ahead. Even
  • 56. when you are doing well you need to be planning for future results. If you want more information on lead times send me an e-mail and I will send you a more detailed analysis 39. Keep reviewing your market. What is changing? What will the market look like in 3 years time? What can you are doing now to stay ahead of the game? 40. What resources are available to you to help you sell more? This could be anything from a lap top computer, to an opportunity to receive some training, or a sales manager who has lots of experience that you can tap into. Seek out opportunities to help you sell more 41. If you are booking appointments by phone, begin by putting together a good telephone script.
  • 57. 42. If you are cold calling, why not try a 3 stage process that professional telemarketing companies use. Phone call- mailshot-phone call.This approach pre warns the potential customer they are about to receive information and checks out that they are the right contact. Information is then sent out with a follow up phone call to book the appointment 43. When you call someone for the first time think about how you are going to introduce yourself. I like to give my first name then my full name. “Hello this is Sean. Sean McPheat from the Sales Training Consultancy.How can I help you?” 44. Speak slower. We say our names 3 times faster than other bits of
  • 58. information. If you sound relaxed it will relax your customer 45. Sell the appointment. Don’t say that you are in the area next week and would like to pop in for half an hour. These people are busy. What have you got to talk about? Is it worth 30 minutes of their valuable time? What’s in it for them? 46. People will naturally try to say no, unless you have struck lucky and rung at exactly the right time. Give them time to explore the issues you want to discuss. Minimise the risk of agreeing to an appointment, but sell the benefits to them. “I feel confident that if you are able to give me 20 minutes of your time you will be much better informed about the changes in legislation that will be taking place over the next 6 months”
  • 59. 47. Deal with objections in a positive may. Most people will say no. That’s a fact. Look for the longer term. Send information. Agree a call back. Don’t beat them up in order to gain a short term advantage. If they want to think, that’s okay. Just make sure you agree the next steps once they have done their thinking 48. Practise dealing with the most common objections with your colleagues. There are relatively few objections. Two things to remember Don’t interrupt and don’t attack your customer’s belief system. 50. If you are sending out information don’t leave it too long before following it up. First class post takes no more than 2 to 3 days. A fax or e-mail arrives very quickly. Follow up once you feel they have had a
  • 60. chance to read the information. Don’t leave it 3 weeks! 51. When asking for the appointment, ask for a specific time and day. This way you are in control of your diary. Go for an early appointment. This frees up time in your diary for later in the day 52. Confirm the appointment by e-mail. Remind them about the reason for the appointment and send an agenda for the meeting if appropriate 53. Once you have confirmed the appointment begin your planning and preparation for the meeting. Things you need to consider are your objectives, your agenda, the questions you need to ask, visual aids and finally your attitude.
  • 61. 54. Set objectives for the meeting that is ambitious, but realistic. Have more than one objective. “If I don’t make a sale, what else could I achieve from the meeting?” 55. Prepare your questions in advance. Areas you need to cover, especially at a first meeting are: contact (the person I am meeting with), organisation (their business), decision making processes (how they make decisions, who gets involved and their timescales), current suppliers (who they buy from at the moment), competition (who else are they talking to?), problems (what issues are they facing at the moment?), needs (what are they looking for from us?) finance (what financial issues are appropriate?)
  • 62. BONUSES 20 LIFE CHANGING LESSONS 1. Your thoughts define your reality. 2. Live your life as a master piece. 3. You have already everything to become successful in true meanings.
  • 63. 4. Your outside prosperity is directly proportionate to your inner prosperity. 5. Relationship is everything. 6. Your awareness about life is the measure of your growth. 7. You cannot change people but you can definitely change yourself. 8. Don’t think people are poor due to lack of money
  • 64. but in reality they are poor in deciding what actually they want in life. 9. Find some real reasons why you should be successful. 10. You can only change those things about which you have awareness of. 11. Change Is always good & provides opportunities for growth.
  • 65. 12. Start your journey of success from the situations and conditions you currently have. 13. Love Is everything. 14. Don’t blame others for your life. 15. Your interaction skills with people is the most valuable asset you possess for success.
  • 66. 16. Don’t hesitate; simply ask about what you don’t know. 17. Make friends from every field because that will increase your interest & enjoyment in life. 18. Make your own library of real & positive books. 19. Only go to experts for important suggestions.
  • 67. 20. Your life is your own responsibility and it’s you who matters most in your success.
  • 68. 10 HABITS OF EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE 1. They are clear in what they want. 2. They are passionate dreamers. 3. They are perfect networkers. 4. They have a friend circle of extraordinary people.
  • 69. 5. They always look for new ideas and are ready to learn them. 6. They love people and help others to grow. 7. They use everything what they have. 8. They think and talk of abundance. 9. They are perfect speakers and presenter of things.
  • 70. 10. They love feedback and use it for improvement.
  • 71. THANK YOU NOTE……….. Hello every one, thanks for giving your precious time to reading this book. I tried to give my best to share most accurate and useful knowledge I learnt from reading over 100 plus books. Please leave us a comment and review as a feedback for us.