history cuny china french revolution united states political economy vassar college donald trump iraq france economic history vietnam war democratic party labor movement germany french history flushing cold war planetcnc classical liberalism taiwan bill clinton barack obama labor maoist simon leys cultural revolution david harvey austerity greece bernie sanders french republic coursera monarchy capitalism social science nytwa new york taxi workers alliance neoliberalism economic sociology imperialism vietnam world war ii anticommunism soviet union chinese main street world journal holocaust brotherhood of nod soviet command & conquer israeli apartheid republican party the new york times saddam hussein israel george w. bush ronald reagan united states of america russia kyle kulinski culture joe biden hillary clinton nacla berlin tehran iran society workfare university of california business military long island new york el salvador immigrant osama bin laden al-qaeda politics organizing vladimir lenin working conditions media fundamentalists nazis nazi working class karl marx people's republic of china maoism red guards william hinton pierre ryckmans mao tse-tung bill hoynes bourgeois-democratic revolution socialism crisis spain jeremy corbyn immigration and nationality act democracy republicanism professor ian thomas macdonald sovereign debt crisis financial crisis import-substitution us history advocacy taxi driver protection act violence on the job legislation research survey taxi drivers collective bargaining class relations unions workplace brazil primitive accumulation farmers mexico north american free trade agreement peasantry truth cambodia richard nixon henry kissinger religion tiberian war red alert great world war ii stalingrad infantry armor military base scenario surrealism right-wing timelines atrocities siberia concentration camp system executions tortures actions government violations human rights joseph stalin union of soviet socialist republics alexander kerensky • provisional government • leninism • totalitarian • das kapital • communist manifesto • communism • socialism • friedrich engels • karl marx • union of soviet socialist republics • united states of america • new york • long island • right-wing • anticommunism • cold war • franchise • command & conquer • planetcnc • real estate mou lan college point boulevard chinese-language mainland chinatown. route 678 1964/1965 new york world’s fair grounds queens botanical garden kenny liu rego park kane’s deli flushing diner kane’s flushing diner sakha venice parís turkey radio free europe deutsche welle british broadcasting corporation echo of moscow tv rain dozhd swabian liberal conservative libertarian moritz gathmann ciceró imperial taiwanese gourmet class dimensions working people wealthy waterfront development commercial district upscale luxury developments transnational capital working-class neighborhood small business right to the city gentrification sarah ngu the guardian tony blair us-mexico-canada agreement central america free trade act trans-pacific partnership tennessee valley authority civilian conservation corps works progress administration great depression franklin delano roosevelt wall street michael tomasky steven rattner queens borough asian biostatistics 116th street new york university school of global public health covid-19 dr. melody s. goodman masks pandemic new york times staten island st. george far rockaway brownsville harlem rockaway beach u.s. constitution nat hentoff christopher hitchens 1848 monarchies aristocracies lords and vassals dynasties feudalism bourgeois-democratic revolutionary bourgeois nation-state classical republicanism gaza reciprocity agreement guomindang kuomintang united arab emirates abraham accord protective edge cast lead likud party republic of china benjamin netanyahu omer caspi colonialism jerusalem jewish cabal conspiracy dehumanization jews kristallnacht warsaw ghetto uprising resistance elie wiesel shoah literature murray baumgarten peter kenez santa cruz director art film michelangelo antonioni mario monicelli luchino visconti italian neorealism kurds kurdish cinema kurd anfnews luqman guldivê interview yeni özgür politika golakani kirkuk fariborz kamkari united nations red alert tiberium tiberian global defense initiative exodus blitzkrieg kane allies mod allied gaming computer game real-time strategy super tuesday newsday secular talk insurgent notes new york times barack obama segregationists democratic people's republic of korea islamic republic of iran dixiecrats confederates radical republicans ilhan omar ayana pressley alexandra ocasio-cortez ro khanna personality cult lebanon libya syria saudi arabia religious fundamentalism paul krugman iraqi war hezbollah hamas far right arab spring afghanistan korea cuba trotskyist russian social democratic labour party golden dawn grexit russiagate boris johnson the people's government for the many not the few labour party conservative party brexit united kingdom affordable care act heritage foundation nicaragua guatemala occupy wall street conditions feminist civil rights abolitionist central america movement olympics corporate free enterprise general public bailout privatization deregulation balanced budgets free markets international monetary fund greg grandin world cup secular talk single-payer healthcare celebrity white house commercial status michael bloomberg free market deceit revolutionary apocrypha social sciences humanities george orwell september 11 santiago salvador allende protest north american congress on latin america military dictatorship marxist human rights violations heidi tinsman dictatorship democratic civil protest chile augusto pinochet angela vergara allende 1973 embargo timbuktu international criminal court human rights watch united nations geneva convention madeline albright hague convention for the protection of cultural pr carol bellamy qassem soleimani washington german-foreign-policy.com baghdad sanctions heiko maas exchange division translation anniversary unemployment poverty insurance labor market grand coalition bundestag katja kipping federal republic of germany left party die linke hartz iv taxpayers unemployed civilization economy advertisers dr. robert lustig marionettes nature darwin merchants economists corporations profit-making profits big business alai amlatina jorge majfud german vargas lleras radical change party cambio radical middle class alvaro uribe ediciones desde abajo dirección de impuestos y aduanas nacionales dinámica de las desigualdades en colombia national directorate of tax and customs diana moure diego cortés nodal el chapín jorge espitia luis jorge garay colombia tax reform taxation tax canal ricardo arias calderón guillermo david endara galimany torrijos-carter accords panamanian public forces panama defense forces manuel antonio noriega george herbert walker bush empire oligarchy panamá commando invasion nodall carlos pérez morales phil ramos center for puerto rican studies pilgrim state hospital entenmann’s bakery american dream spanish el diario salvadoran puerto rican puerto rico working families party population latinx socialist euskadi ta askatasuma the economist morocco basque separatists baltasar garzon popular party jose maría aznar josé luis rodríguez zapatero mariano rajoy spanish socialist workers' party middle east madrid bombings chinese communist party modernization great leap forward cultural diffusion labor unions deng xiaoping chinese economy japanese economy chiang kai-shek japan far east nationalist party sonshi tariff act legal writing legal analysis policy purpose propulsion self-propelled vehicle interweaving of case facts with the relevant law interweaving of facts with the law rules issue conclusion cirip supreme court of the united states new york state court of appeals circuit court of appeals for the 10th circuit ny state court of appeals national motor vehicle theft act mcboyle v. united states hover board hovercraft motor vehicle a-rod constitutional monarchy terror king louis xvi reign of terror new deal franklin roosevelt clinton lyndon johnson new democrat political parties labor organizing electoral politics third party new labor forum adolph reed bob master business unionism friedrich engels steve martinot capitalist class wage labor direct democracy wage theft living wage sakhela buhlungu south africa michael yates richard dwyer brandworkers international brandworkers labor law labor studies william robinson bretton woods reagan thatcher keynesianism welfare state william k. tabb beverly silver edna bonacich globalization ha-joon chang bill fletcher jr. lance compa fernando gapasin hugo radice rome moral reflections pasquier quesnel gallican articles cardinal de noailles unigenitus papal bull papal jansenist nouvelles ecclesiastiques roman catholic church church roman catholic catholic jesuit jansenism capital hours wages fordist social contract newspaper shift change social contract samuel gompers afl-cio bhairavi desai public relations antifascist national democratic party grey wolves fascism fascist thilo sarrazin pierre vogel right-wing populism right-wing populist populist populism fundamentalist fundamentalism neo-nazis antifa left forum charles bettelheim monthly review press marxism-leninism valorization value theories of surplus value grundrisse martin nicolaus proletariat bourgeoisie prison notebooks gramsci antonio gramsci william hoynes jeffrey goldfarb janet zandy post-marixm marxism marx stalinism leftism leftist orville schell mao zedong third worldism fanshen new left slavoj zizek the left tony judt killer coke social democracy angela merkel ireland syriza european union yanis varoufakis owen jones democratic socialism global financial crisis portugal alexis tsipras bill mckibben genetic engineering immigration law india immigration reform and control act us legal history legal history immigration to the united states of america immigration european history economic political revolution composition jacobin social essay rights citizenry professor peter mcphee professor frances fox piven irish republicanism loyalist gerry adams research proposal mock proposal unionist the troubles methodology research methods irish republican army ira provisional irish republican army northern ireland agriculture 20th century professor leonard nevarez 19th century professor pinar batur historical sociology economic crisis public sphere john law republic of letters economic development ancien regime finance old regime credit gilded age general law of capitalist accumulation rich-poor gap us labor history murplhy institute capital accumulation journal entries journal diary negotiations workers economic relations social relations organized labor peasants capitalist development landless workers landlessness economic policy nafta countryside war bernard fall industrialization ho chi minh characters grains of truth mandarin chinese chinese language myths generalizations sociology higher education institutional history thesis commercialization social history commodification institutions anti-imperialism national liberation front land reform vassar "americanization"
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