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 The subconscius mind is a composite of
evrything we see, hear, smell and any
information the mind collects.
 The conscious mind cannot always
absorb random information, so the
subconscious mind stores this
information where it is locked up and
only provided to the conscious mind
when needed.
 There are two general levels that most
people are aware of objective and
subjective mind-
1) The conscious level of awareness is what
we obviously know, think or intend to act
on at any given moment.
2) The subconscious contains many years of
experience, memories, habits and
The mind can be divided into
two coexisting parts
Concious mind subconcious mind
The totally of mentally processes of
which we are not aware. This is the part
of conciousness that is normally not in
 Subconscious and the conscious mind is
bidirectional. Everytime when you have an
idea, or an emotion, a memory or an image
from the past, this is the subconscious mind
communicating to your conscious mind .The
communication in the other way is not so trivial
and is achieved using the principle of auto-
 For example, when you meditate and you start
controlling your breath , you get the control
from the subconscious mind and give it to your
conscious mind. You start breathing deep and
with your stomach. Then you stop to control it
and your subconscious starts doing it. You dont
have to think about it anymore. Your breathing
will be continue to relaxed until another
stimulus changes it (for example stress).
Everything is controlled in the back of your
 Throughout your life , you have
programmed your subconscious with
thoughts that you have repeated to
yourself to become habits.
 The subconscious mind stores information
and it stores the information for later
retrieval when “recalled” by the conscious
mind.The subconscious mind is like the
software that will obey any command you
give it.
 The conscious mind is the programmer.Its
the thinking mind, the creative mind.
However… the conscious mind is influenced
by filters that your predominant thoughts
have created and stored in the
 The subconcious mind, does not judge or
discriminate between what can and
cannot be achieved or obtained.
• Both hemispheres are covered by a thick layer
called cortex. The cortex is the conscious part
(responsible for logical thinking) of the brain.
• Another small part of our brain lies between the
two hemispheres and connects them. This little
part is called the limbic system.The limbic
system is involved in regulating emotions, fight
or flight responses, motivations and habits.
• The limbic system is what we call our
subconscious mind (responsible for our
Every conscious action or experience produces an impression on
the subconscious. The subconcious
mind uses this impression to produce a reaction
which is expressed in personality. Everything
impressed on the subconscious. These
expressed through the personality was first
impressions act as seeds – good or bad.
YOU talk to your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND all the
time but are usually unaware that this is
even taking place. But what if you could
bring some AWARENESS to these deep
conventions and start crafting some
intentional outcomes in your life??
Your subconscious mind is 30,000
times more powerful than your
conscious mind.
• INFINITE REACHES are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and behold the
treasure house of infinity within you.
• There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life
gloriously, joyously , and abundantly.
• Many are sound asleep because they don’t know about this gold mine of infinite intelligence
and boundless love within themselves .
• Whatever you want, you can draw forth. A magnetized piece of steel will lift about twelve
times its own weight, and if you demagnetize this same piece of steel , it will not even lift a
• Similarly, there are two types of men. There is magnetize men who is full of confidence and
faith. He knows that he is born to win and to succeed.
• Then there is the type of man who is demagnetized. He is full of fears and doubts.
• Opportunities come, and he says,” I might fail; people will laught at me”. This type of man
will not get very far in life because, if he is afraid to go forward, he will simply stay where
he is.
• Become a magnetized man and discover the master secret of ages.
o The power of our subconscious is enormous.
o It inspires you, guides you , and it reveals to you names, facts and scenes from storehouse of memory.
o Your subconscious started your heartbeat, controls the circulation of your blood, regulates your
digestion, assimilation and elimination.
o When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind translates it into tissue, muscle, bone and blood.
o This process is beyond the key of the wisest men who walks the earth.
o Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes and functions of your body and knows the
answer to all problems.
o Your subconscious mind never sleeps and never rests. It is always on a job.
o You can discover miracle working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious
prior to sleep that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished.
o You will be delighted to discover that forces within you will be “released” , leading to desired result.
o Here, then, is a source of power and wisdom, which place you in touch with omnipotence or power that
moves the world, guides the planet in their course and causes sun to shine.
• You receive answers to prayer because of mental acceptance about what you
• Your subconscious mind has the answer to all your problems- You don’t need to
go looking outside for the answers you seek..You can look inside, and pose
questions to your subconcious. The anwers may no t come immediately, but
your mind is always working on problems you submit to it even when you are
doing other things, and it will eventually present to you a workable solution.
• Faith is the only universal healing principle operating through everybody-
illness, physical ailments, and even traumatic experiences can be healed by
repeatedly submitting thoughts of healing to our subconscious mind.
• What goes in your mind determines your world- What goes into your mind is
hugely important. If you choose poorly, you will assimilates bad attitudes,
behaviours, and thoughts. If you choose well, you will begin to see positive
changes within yourself.
 It makes up around 95% of your brain
power and handles everything your body
needs to function properly, from eating
and breathing to digesting and making
 The subconscious mind isnt creative,it
doesn’t understand jokes, and it can
remember everything you have ever
done, said or witnessed.
 The remaining 5% of your brain , the
conscious mind, as the sole purpose of
interacting with the physical world.
 When your subconscious and your
conscious mind is working together to
achieve a common goal, you can believe
that it will happen.
1.Visualise your success
2.Practice getting in touch with your mind
3.Start developing your writing skills
4.Set goals
5.Look after yourself
 While you are awake or sound asleep the ceaseless,
tireless action of your subconcious mind controls all
vital functions of your body without the help of your
conscious mind.
 For example- heart beats, inhalation, exhalation, hair
grow and whether you are asleep or awake.
 When we experience a stressful event, it gets recorded
and creates a shock.
 Stress signals are sent to brain, the body goes into
defense mode and endocrine system releases adrenaline
and cortisol.
 As those levels increase , the immune system
 The accumulation of stressful memories overstress the
nervous system and weakens our immune system.
 You need to heal your mind and body by accessing the
subconscious mind and its self healing power.
 1)Many disease originates in mind – nothing appears
on the body unless there is a mental pattern correlating
to it.
 2)The law of life is the law of belief. Dont say or believe
in things that will harm or hurt you. Instead use your
thoughts to inspire yourself and others and heal your
 3)Your subconscious mind controls all the vital
processes of your body.
 4)The law of action and reaction is universal: Your
thought is action and the reaction is the automatic
response of your subconscious mind to your thought.
 5)Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request for healing
to your subconscious mind and watch what happens.
 6)Imagine the solution to your problems and visualize
the outcome. What you feel will be accepted by your
subconscious mind and it will bring it to pass.
 7) Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind
is expressed as conditions, experiences, and events.
Never tell yourself you are sick or that you will get
well. Your subconscious will faithfully bring your
predictions to pass.
 8)You can interfere with normal rhythm of your heart
and other organs by worry, anxiety and fear. Feed your
subconscious mind with thoughts instead with
harmony, health , love and peace and all the functions
of your body will harmonize.
 9)Keep your conscious mind busy with expecting
health and healing and your subconscious mind
faithfully reproduce what you are habitually thinking.
Tell yousrelf, “I am strong, I am healthy, I will overcome
adversity” instead of repeating negative thoughts.
 10)Faith is like a seed planted in the ground…Plant the
seed of good thoughts with faith and expectancy and it
will manifest in your life.
o Remember that your subconscious mind is absorbing
information constantly and drawing conclusions and
forming beliefs based on that information.
o If your daily environment is filled with negativity and
strife, imagine what kinds of messages are being
absorbed into your mind.
o Instead, seek out positive information to read and watch,
and spend most of your time with positive, successful
o Your subconscious mind respond well to pictures.
Visualization is a great way to program your mind with
positive, empowering images.
o Try spending 10-15 minutes a day visualizing positive
scenes that features you and your life experiences.
o To boost the power of visualization even further, be
sure to emit strong, positive emotions while you picture
these wonderful things in your mind.
o Affirmations are another effective way to install positive
messages into your subconscious. They work best if you
follow a few simple rules
o Say “ I am confident and successful “ rather than “ I will
be confident and successful” because focusing on a
future condition doesn’t compute with your
subconscious mind. Also use positive statements.
o Repeat, repeat, repeat. Affirmation don’t work if you say
them just once or twice. Recite them many times
throughout the day for best results. The good thing
about this is that you can say affirmations to yourself, so
they can fit seamlessly into your routine.
o Another popular method is the use of audio recordings
that deliberately alter the frequency of your brainwaves.
o “Binaural beats” result when two tones are playing at
differing frequencies, triggering your brainwaves to
follow a different pattern. For example, if you wanted
to shift from stressed to relaxed you would listen to an
audio that triggers the alpha state.
o Hypnosis can be effective in much the same way as
brain entrainment programs, except without the use of
brainwave altering- frequencies.
o Instead, the hypnotist gradually talks you into a more
relaxed and receptive state and delievers empowering,
positive messages to your subconscious mind.
o Self hypnosis is another popular option; you simply use
pre-recorded audio programs instead of a live
hypnosis session.
o Its important to give this reprogramming process time
to work. Dont expect to see immediate changes.
o Be very consistent and persistent with methods you
choose to install more positive messages into your
subconscious mind.
o As soon as these transformations become apparent, you
will feel ; motivated to keep moving forward.
o You begin feeling stronger, more confident and happier.
o You find yourself more willing to take risks and face
o Your goals and dreams don’t seem overwhelming
anymore- just exciting.
o You feel deeper sense of inner peace, as if inner conflicts
are dissolving.
o You attract more opportunities to expand and grow in
every area of your life.
 The subconscious mind dreams.
 The subconscious mind controls 95 % of
your life.
 The subconscious mind is always awake.
 The subconscious mind takes everything
 The subconscious mind is present- based.
 The subconscious mind is like a computer
 The subconscious mind is primal.
 The subconscious mind is a multi tasker.
 It is more powerful than the conscious
 It is not logical but it is not emotional.
 Hypnosis is a purely natural state that allows direct access to the subconscious mind, where our
learned behaviour pattern making systems reside.
 It is like a mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration and
 The hypnosis state is identical to state of full consciousness with 3 exceptions
1)Concentration will be focused completely (without the normal distractions of reasoning, walking
conscious mode)
2)Every muscle will be relaxed
3)There is an increase in acuity of senses- hearing, touch and smell.
• Anyone can be hypnotised if they choose to. No one can be forced to participate if they refuse.
• Infact it is essential to build rapport and remove anxieties and misconceptions first- such as
fears about losing control of your mind to the power of the hypnotist, or saying something against
your will.
• All state of hypnotic trance are effective, although a medium and deep state are most effective.
• Most of the problems that affect human beings are “unconscious”, and unfortunately it is
difficult to control unconscious behaviour through conscious effort alone, even if we want
• The conscious and unconscious (subconscious) minds have two completely different
functions. While conscious mind is rational part and is seat of our wishes, desires and
aspirations, the unconscious/ subconscious mind is full of wanted and unwanted programs
from early life until now, that play over and over again automatically.
• Hypnosis is more about direct communication with subconscious mind with clients
permission, and implementing special strategies.
• It is a very powerful tool in making positive changes in destructive patterns and beliefs at
subconscious level.
• If you have had enough of anxiety, negative thinking and constant worries about past
intruding in your life and preventing you from moving forward.
• You have only your anxieties to lose and everything positive to gain.
• It is a type of talk therapy that helps people bring their unconscious (hidden) feelings to the surface.
• This form of therapy helps to understand and eventually manage the unconscious feelings that can
influence daily lives.
• This type of therapy is based on assumption that feelings held in unconscious mind are often too painful
or uncomfortable to be realised. For that reasons, people develop defense mechanism to protect
themselves from actually knowing about , dealing with, or confronting these feelings.
• The therapist should have an attitude of unconditional acceptance towards the person. This means that
person is respected as an individual and not judged or criticized, regardless of problem.
• As a trusting relationship develops, the therapist uses their knowledge and experience to help person
understand what is going on in unconscious mind.
• It is used to treat variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic disorder, post traumatic stress
disorder, and personality disorders.
Patience, kindness, love, good will, joy,
happiness, wisdom, and under
standing are qualities, which never
grow old. Cultivate them and express
them, and remain young in mind
and body.
Keep your thoughts positive bcoz they
become your words. Keep your words
positive and they become your
behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive,
it becomes your habit. Keep your habits
positive, they become your values.
Keep your values positive, they become
your destiny. Change your thoughts and you
can change your destiny.
 Greatest man is the who believes in moderation. Excess of everything is
 Let your life rule your heart, not your heart rule your life and your life is
about living healthier, but no longer.
 Learn ‘Art of living’. The purpose of life is not to die one day, but it may be
terminal point of life. On the other hand, the terrorist learn the ‘Art of
 Have firm believe, that there is always a power with you which is greater
than all.
 Self help is the best help. Nobody can help you except your subconscious
 Don’t think of failures. Success formula : A successful person always think
big and act in small steps.
The power of our subconscious mind

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The power of our subconscious mind

  • 3.  The subconscius mind is a composite of evrything we see, hear, smell and any information the mind collects.  The conscious mind cannot always absorb random information, so the subconscious mind stores this information where it is locked up and only provided to the conscious mind when needed.  There are two general levels that most people are aware of objective and subjective mind- 1) The conscious level of awareness is what we obviously know, think or intend to act on at any given moment. 2) The subconscious contains many years of experience, memories, habits and principles. The mind can be divided into two coexisting parts Concious mind subconcious mind The totally of mentally processes of which we are not aware. This is the part of conciousness that is normally not in focus.
  • 4.  Subconscious and the conscious mind is bidirectional. Everytime when you have an idea, or an emotion, a memory or an image from the past, this is the subconscious mind communicating to your conscious mind .The communication in the other way is not so trivial and is achieved using the principle of auto- suggestion.  For example, when you meditate and you start controlling your breath , you get the control from the subconscious mind and give it to your conscious mind. You start breathing deep and with your stomach. Then you stop to control it and your subconscious starts doing it. You dont have to think about it anymore. Your breathing will be continue to relaxed until another stimulus changes it (for example stress). Everything is controlled in the back of your head.
  • 5.  Throughout your life , you have programmed your subconscious with thoughts that you have repeated to yourself to become habits.  The subconscious mind stores information and it stores the information for later retrieval when “recalled” by the conscious mind.The subconscious mind is like the software that will obey any command you give it.  The conscious mind is the programmer.Its the thinking mind, the creative mind. However… the conscious mind is influenced by filters that your predominant thoughts have created and stored in the subconscious.  The subconcious mind, does not judge or discriminate between what can and cannot be achieved or obtained.
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  • 7. • Both hemispheres are covered by a thick layer called cortex. The cortex is the conscious part (responsible for logical thinking) of the brain. • Another small part of our brain lies between the two hemispheres and connects them. This little part is called the limbic system.The limbic system is involved in regulating emotions, fight or flight responses, motivations and habits. • The limbic system is what we call our subconscious mind (responsible for our feelings).
  • 8. Every conscious action or experience produces an impression on the subconscious. The subconcious mind uses this impression to produce a reaction which is expressed in personality. Everything impressed on the subconscious. These expressed through the personality was first impressions act as seeds – good or bad. YOU talk to your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND all the time but are usually unaware that this is even taking place. But what if you could bring some AWARENESS to these deep conventions and start crafting some intentional outcomes in your life?? DID YOU KNOW?? Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind.
  • 9. • INFINITE REACHES are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. • There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously , and abundantly. • Many are sound asleep because they don’t know about this gold mine of infinite intelligence and boundless love within themselves . • Whatever you want, you can draw forth. A magnetized piece of steel will lift about twelve times its own weight, and if you demagnetize this same piece of steel , it will not even lift a feather. • Similarly, there are two types of men. There is magnetize men who is full of confidence and faith. He knows that he is born to win and to succeed. • Then there is the type of man who is demagnetized. He is full of fears and doubts. • Opportunities come, and he says,” I might fail; people will laught at me”. This type of man will not get very far in life because, if he is afraid to go forward, he will simply stay where he is. • Become a magnetized man and discover the master secret of ages.
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  • 11. o The power of our subconscious is enormous. o It inspires you, guides you , and it reveals to you names, facts and scenes from storehouse of memory. o Your subconscious started your heartbeat, controls the circulation of your blood, regulates your digestion, assimilation and elimination. o When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind translates it into tissue, muscle, bone and blood. o This process is beyond the key of the wisest men who walks the earth. o Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes and functions of your body and knows the answer to all problems. o Your subconscious mind never sleeps and never rests. It is always on a job. o You can discover miracle working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished. o You will be delighted to discover that forces within you will be “released” , leading to desired result. o Here, then, is a source of power and wisdom, which place you in touch with omnipotence or power that moves the world, guides the planet in their course and causes sun to shine.
  • 12. • You receive answers to prayer because of mental acceptance about what you pray. • Your subconscious mind has the answer to all your problems- You don’t need to go looking outside for the answers you seek..You can look inside, and pose questions to your subconcious. The anwers may no t come immediately, but your mind is always working on problems you submit to it even when you are doing other things, and it will eventually present to you a workable solution. • Faith is the only universal healing principle operating through everybody- illness, physical ailments, and even traumatic experiences can be healed by repeatedly submitting thoughts of healing to our subconscious mind. • What goes in your mind determines your world- What goes into your mind is hugely important. If you choose poorly, you will assimilates bad attitudes, behaviours, and thoughts. If you choose well, you will begin to see positive changes within yourself.
  • 13.  It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories.  The subconscious mind isnt creative,it doesn’t understand jokes, and it can remember everything you have ever done, said or witnessed.  The remaining 5% of your brain , the conscious mind, as the sole purpose of interacting with the physical world.  When your subconscious and your conscious mind is working together to achieve a common goal, you can believe that it will happen. 1.Visualise your success 2.Practice getting in touch with your mind 3.Start developing your writing skills 4.Set goals 5.Look after yourself
  • 14.  While you are awake or sound asleep the ceaseless, tireless action of your subconcious mind controls all vital functions of your body without the help of your conscious mind.  For example- heart beats, inhalation, exhalation, hair grow and whether you are asleep or awake.  When we experience a stressful event, it gets recorded and creates a shock.  Stress signals are sent to brain, the body goes into defense mode and endocrine system releases adrenaline and cortisol.  As those levels increase , the immune system deteriorates.  The accumulation of stressful memories overstress the nervous system and weakens our immune system.  You need to heal your mind and body by accessing the subconscious mind and its self healing power.
  • 15. 10 TIPS TO HEAL YOURSELF-  1)Many disease originates in mind – nothing appears on the body unless there is a mental pattern correlating to it.  2)The law of life is the law of belief. Dont say or believe in things that will harm or hurt you. Instead use your thoughts to inspire yourself and others and heal your body.  3)Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body.  4)The law of action and reaction is universal: Your thought is action and the reaction is the automatic response of your subconscious mind to your thought.  5)Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request for healing to your subconscious mind and watch what happens.  6)Imagine the solution to your problems and visualize the outcome. What you feel will be accepted by your subconscious mind and it will bring it to pass.  7) Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed as conditions, experiences, and events. Never tell yourself you are sick or that you will get well. Your subconscious will faithfully bring your predictions to pass.  8)You can interfere with normal rhythm of your heart and other organs by worry, anxiety and fear. Feed your subconscious mind with thoughts instead with harmony, health , love and peace and all the functions of your body will harmonize.  9)Keep your conscious mind busy with expecting health and healing and your subconscious mind faithfully reproduce what you are habitually thinking. Tell yousrelf, “I am strong, I am healthy, I will overcome adversity” instead of repeating negative thoughts.  10)Faith is like a seed planted in the ground…Plant the seed of good thoughts with faith and expectancy and it will manifest in your life.
  • 16.  ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES- o Remember that your subconscious mind is absorbing information constantly and drawing conclusions and forming beliefs based on that information. o If your daily environment is filled with negativity and strife, imagine what kinds of messages are being absorbed into your mind. o Instead, seek out positive information to read and watch, and spend most of your time with positive, successful people.  VISUALIZATION- o Your subconscious mind respond well to pictures. Visualization is a great way to program your mind with positive, empowering images. o Try spending 10-15 minutes a day visualizing positive scenes that features you and your life experiences. o To boost the power of visualization even further, be sure to emit strong, positive emotions while you picture these wonderful things in your mind.  AFFIRMATIONS- o Affirmations are another effective way to install positive messages into your subconscious. They work best if you follow a few simple rules o Say “ I am confident and successful “ rather than “ I will be confident and successful” because focusing on a future condition doesn’t compute with your subconscious mind. Also use positive statements. o Repeat, repeat, repeat. Affirmation don’t work if you say them just once or twice. Recite them many times throughout the day for best results. The good thing about this is that you can say affirmations to yourself, so they can fit seamlessly into your routine.  BEST ENTRAINMENT BINAURAL TESTS- o Another popular method is the use of audio recordings that deliberately alter the frequency of your brainwaves. o “Binaural beats” result when two tones are playing at differing frequencies, triggering your brainwaves to follow a different pattern. For example, if you wanted to shift from stressed to relaxed you would listen to an audio that triggers the alpha state.
  • 17.  HYPNOSIS- o Hypnosis can be effective in much the same way as brain entrainment programs, except without the use of brainwave altering- frequencies. o Instead, the hypnotist gradually talks you into a more relaxed and receptive state and delievers empowering, positive messages to your subconscious mind. o Self hypnosis is another popular option; you simply use pre-recorded audio programs instead of a live hypnosis session.  CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT REINFORCEMENT- o Its important to give this reprogramming process time to work. Dont expect to see immediate changes. o Be very consistent and persistent with methods you choose to install more positive messages into your subconscious mind. o As soon as these transformations become apparent, you will feel ; motivated to keep moving forward.  HOW TO KNOW YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORKING- o You begin feeling stronger, more confident and happier. o You find yourself more willing to take risks and face challenges. o Your goals and dreams don’t seem overwhelming anymore- just exciting. o You feel deeper sense of inner peace, as if inner conflicts are dissolving. o You attract more opportunities to expand and grow in every area of your life.
  • 18.  The subconscious mind dreams.  The subconscious mind controls 95 % of your life.  The subconscious mind is always awake.  The subconscious mind takes everything literally.  The subconscious mind is present- based.  The subconscious mind is like a computer processor.  The subconscious mind is primal.  The subconscious mind is a multi tasker.  It is more powerful than the conscious mind.  It is not logical but it is not emotional.
  • 19.  Hypnosis is a purely natural state that allows direct access to the subconscious mind, where our learned behaviour pattern making systems reside.  It is like a mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration and suggestibility.  The hypnosis state is identical to state of full consciousness with 3 exceptions 1)Concentration will be focused completely (without the normal distractions of reasoning, walking conscious mode) 2)Every muscle will be relaxed 3)There is an increase in acuity of senses- hearing, touch and smell.  WHO CAN BE HYPNOTISED?? • Anyone can be hypnotised if they choose to. No one can be forced to participate if they refuse. • Infact it is essential to build rapport and remove anxieties and misconceptions first- such as fears about losing control of your mind to the power of the hypnotist, or saying something against your will. • All state of hypnotic trance are effective, although a medium and deep state are most effective.
  • 20.  HOW DOES HYPNOSIS WORK- • Most of the problems that affect human beings are “unconscious”, and unfortunately it is difficult to control unconscious behaviour through conscious effort alone, even if we want to. • The conscious and unconscious (subconscious) minds have two completely different functions. While conscious mind is rational part and is seat of our wishes, desires and aspirations, the unconscious/ subconscious mind is full of wanted and unwanted programs from early life until now, that play over and over again automatically. • Hypnosis is more about direct communication with subconscious mind with clients permission, and implementing special strategies. • It is a very powerful tool in making positive changes in destructive patterns and beliefs at subconscious level. • If you have had enough of anxiety, negative thinking and constant worries about past intruding in your life and preventing you from moving forward. • You have only your anxieties to lose and everything positive to gain.
  • 21. • It is a type of talk therapy that helps people bring their unconscious (hidden) feelings to the surface. • This form of therapy helps to understand and eventually manage the unconscious feelings that can influence daily lives. • This type of therapy is based on assumption that feelings held in unconscious mind are often too painful or uncomfortable to be realised. For that reasons, people develop defense mechanism to protect themselves from actually knowing about , dealing with, or confronting these feelings.  HOW THE THERAPY WORKS- • The therapist should have an attitude of unconditional acceptance towards the person. This means that person is respected as an individual and not judged or criticized, regardless of problem. • As a trusting relationship develops, the therapist uses their knowledge and experience to help person understand what is going on in unconscious mind.  BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS- • It is used to treat variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and personality disorders.
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  • 23. Patience, kindness, love, good will, joy, happiness, wisdom, and under standing are qualities, which never grow old. Cultivate them and express them, and remain young in mind and body. Keep your thoughts positive bcoz they become your words. Keep your words positive and they become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive, it becomes your habit. Keep your habits positive, they become your values. Keep your values positive, they become your destiny. Change your thoughts and you can change your destiny.
  • 24.  Greatest man is the who believes in moderation. Excess of everything is bad.  Let your life rule your heart, not your heart rule your life and your life is about living healthier, but no longer.  Learn ‘Art of living’. The purpose of life is not to die one day, but it may be terminal point of life. On the other hand, the terrorist learn the ‘Art of dying’.  Have firm believe, that there is always a power with you which is greater than all.  Self help is the best help. Nobody can help you except your subconscious mind.  Don’t think of failures. Success formula : A successful person always think big and act in small steps.