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Most used AIX commands
These are my most used AIX 4.3.3 commands. (I'm working with the Korn shell)
acledit "file" for changing the ACL(access control list) of a file
aclget "file"
aclget "input file" | aclput
"output file"
aclget -o "output file"
"input file"
shows the ACL of a file
for copying an ACL
writes an ACL to an ACL temporary file
aclput -i "input file"
"output file"
writes an ACL from an ACL temporary file
alog -
f /var/adm/ras/bootlog -o
alog -t boot -o
for viewing the boot logs
for viewing the boot logs
alt_disk_install -d "tape
device" "physical volume"
alt_disk_install -d "tape
device" -B "physical
alt_disk_install -C -b
update_all -l "cdrom
device" "physical volume"
alt_disk_install -X
installs an alternate rootvg on the physical volume
installs an alternate rootvg and does not change the bootlist
creates a cloned rootvg with another AIX level on a physical
removes a cloned rootvg
anacheck -ap error analysing for Escala E + T
arp -a
shows the connection of the Ethernet number with the MAC
at -l
echo ""command"" | at
echo ""command"" | at
2300 friday
lists up all jobs you have sent to be run later
runs a command at 6 o'clock on the same day
runs a command at 23 o'clock on the next friday
audit start
audit stop
audit query
audit off
audit on
for starting auditing
for stopping auditing
for displaying the audit status
for suspending auditing
for restarting auditing
auditpr -v < "auditing log
to read the system audit tail file with default header titles and
auditstream | auditpr -v
> /dev/console &
for displaying all audit records on the console
shows the architecture of your hardware
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bootinfo -p
bootinfo -z
bootinfo -b
indicates if your system is a uniprocessor model or not (output
= 1 indicates a multiprocessor model)
returns the last boot device
bootlist -m normal cd0
bootlist -m normal -o
bootlist -m service -o
bootlist -m service "first
boot device" "second boot
for booting the system next time from a CD-drive
for viewing the normal bootlist
for viewing the service bootlist
for changing the service bootlist
bosboot -a
bosboot -ad "disk"
to create a boot image on the default boot logical volume on
the fixed disk from which the system is booted
for fixing a corrupted boot logical volume (BLV) on the
specified disk
bsh starts a born shell
cancel "print job number" for killing a print job
cat "file"
cat "file" | grep -c "^$"
cat "file" > "print device"
cat "file" | rsh "host" "qprt -
P "queue""
for viewing a file
counts the number of empty lines in a file
for sending a file directly to the printer without using a queue
for printing a file on a remote host
cd "directory"
cd ~"user"
cd ..
cd ../..
for changing the actual directory
for changing to the your home directory
for changing to the home directory of the specified user
for changing to the parent directory of the current directory
moves you two directories up in the tree
cfgmgr -v
cfgmgr -i
cfgmgr -s
shows the devices as they are configured
attempts to install device software support for each new
detected device
executes the second boot phase (normal boot) configuration
executes the second boot phase (normal boot) configuration
chfn "user"
for changing the gecos(general user information stored
in /etc/passwd) information of the current user
for changing the gecos information of a user
chdev -l sys0 -a
chdev -l "tape device" -a
chdev -l "tape device" -a
for activating the automatically reboot after a system crash
for changing the block size of a tape drive to 512
for reading a tape from that you don't know the block size
chfs -a size="new size"
"file system"
chfs -a size=+"size" "file
for changing the size of a file system
for increasing the size of a file system
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chgrp "group" "file" changes the group of a file
chitab "inittab statement" for disabling a statement of the /etc/inittab
chmod 0777 "file"
gives everybody the right to read, write and execute the
specified file
chown "user" "file" changes the owner of a file
chpv -va "physical
chpv -vr "physical volume"
defines the disk as active
brings the disk into the removed state
chsec -
f /etc/security/prolog -
s /dev/tty0 -a locktime=0
to unlock a locked tty
chtcb on "file"
chtcb off "file"
chtcb query "file"
marks a file for being trusted
marks a file for being not trusted
checks if a file is trusted
chvg -u "volume group"
chvg -B "volume group"
chvg -Qn "volume group"
for unlocking an ODM-locked volume group
changes a volume group to a big volume group
disables the quorum functionality of a volume group
cmp "first file" "second
cmp -s "first file" "second
to determine whether two files are identical
silent compare, returns a 0 if the files are identical
compress -v "file" compresses a file
cp "file" "destination"
cp -p "file" "destination"
copies a file to the destination
copies a file without changing the attributes (date, owner...) of
cpio -itv <"storage device"
ls * | cpio -ov >"storage
find . -cpio "storage
device" -print
find . -print | cpio -pd
"target directory"
find . -print | cpio -pdl
"target directory"
to list up all copied files on a storage medium
to copy all files in the current directory onto a storage device
to copy all files in the current directory including
to copy all files in the current directory including
subdirectories to another directory
to copy all files in the current directory including
subdirectories to another directory and uses links if possible
cplv copies a logical volume (no mirroring)
crfs for creating a file system
csh starts a c shell
crash "dump file or dump
device" "kernel"
for analyzing a dump
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crontab -l
crontab -e
lists up your crontab
for editing your crontab
date gives out the date and time
dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31
seek=1 if=/dev/hd4
dd if="input file"
of="output file"
to copy the superblock of the root file system from block 31
to block 1
to convert the input file from ASCII to EBCDIC
df -k
df -tk "file system"
shows the usage of the file systems in 512-byte blocks
shows the usage of the file systems in kB
shows the usage of a file system in kB (without inode usage)
diag starts the diagnostic operating instructions
diff "first file" "second
diff -w "first file" "second
diff -r "first directory"
"second directory"
compares the contens of two text files
to compare two files while ignoring differences in the amount
of white space
to compare two directories
dircmp "first directory"
"second directory"
dircmp -s "first directory"
"second directory"
for comparing two directories
for comparing two directories and suppressing information
about identical files
to find out the domain you belong to
for setting your NIS domain
du "file"
du -ak "directory"
du -sk
du -sk "directory"
displays the blocks (512 Byte) each file uses
displays the blocks a file uses
shows the usage of a directory for each file and for total in kB
displays the total disk usage in kB
displays the usage of a directory in kB
dumpfs "file system"
shows the superblock, i-node map, and disk map information
of a file system
echo "variable"
echo *
shows the contents of a variable
shows all files of the current directory excluding all that begin
with a point
enable "print queue" for enabling a print queue
env shows the environment variables
errclear 0
errclear -d S 0
deletes all entries of the error log
deletes all entries of the error log classified as Software errors
errlogger "message" writes an error message to the error log
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errpt -a
errpt -d H
errpt -a -d S
errpt -c > /dev/console
processes a summary report of logged errors
does a detailed error report
does a summary report of all hardware errors
processes a detailed error report of all software errors
for real time error logging
export "variable"="value"
export DISPLAY="local
for exporting a environment variable
for redirecting Xapplications on a remote host to the local
exportfs -a
exportfs "directory"
exportfs -u "directory"
exportfs -v
exportfs -i "directory"
exportfs access="group"
"directory" -o
to export all directories in the /etc/exports file
to export a single directory
to unexport a single directory
for viewing the actual exports (like cat /etc/xtab)
to export a directory that isn't specified in the /etc/exports file
to export a directory and give group members access
exportvg "volume group" for removing a complete volume group from the ODM
extendvg "volume group"
"physical volume"
adds a new disk to a volume group
file "file" shows the type of a file
uses the trace facility to monitor the activity of the AIX file
find / -user "user"
find / -user "user" -exec rm
-r {} ;
find / -name "file"
find / -size +2048 -mtime
+30 -exec ls -l {} ;
find / -type f -perm -2000 -
o -perm -4000
find . -ctime 1
find / ( -name a.out -o -
name '*.o' ) -atime +7 ! -
fstype nfs -exec  rm {} ;
searches for all files of the specified user
removes all files of the specified user
searches everywhere for the specified file
searches for all files greater than one MB and that haven't
been changed for a month
searches for all files that have set the SUID- or SGID-mode
to list all files in the current directory that have been changed
during the current 24-hour period
to remove all files named a.out or *.o that have not been
accessed for a week and that are not mounted using nfs
finger @"host"
finger "user"@"host"
shows the users of a system
shows information about the specified user
format for formating a floppy disk
fsck -p "file system"
fsck -y "file system"
fsck -f "file system"
for checking all default file systems
for fixing minor problems with the specified file system
for fixing severely damaged file systems (auto response YES)
for doing a fast check of a file system
ftp starts an ftp-client
fuser -u "file system" shows if a file system is currently in use
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getlvcb -AT "logical
queries a LVCB (logical volume control block)
| grep "string"
for searching a string in the input of the standard output of the
previous command
groups "user"
shows the current group membership
shows the group membership of the specified user
grpck -t ALL
grpck -t "group"
searching for inconsistencies in the /etc/security/group
searching for inconsistencies of a single group in
the /etc/security/group
gunzip -f "file" unzips a file
head "file" to display the first ten lines of a file
help gives out a basic command help screen
host "host"
host "IP"
for getting the IP of a host
for getting the host name of an IP
hostname shows the actual hostname
id shows extended information about the current user
ifconfig "network
shows the status of a network interface
importvg -y "volume
group" "physical volume"
importvg -L "volume
group" "physical volume"
imports a volume group by creating new ODM objects
for reimporting a volume group (learn about possible
info -s "command"
starts the InfoExplorer
starts the InfoExplorer wiht topics of the specified command
init 2
init s
for initialising the multi user mode
for initialising the single user mode
installp -u "fileset" uninstalls the specified fileset and any of its installed updates
iostat 10 2
iostat -d "physical volume"
shows status information about io
shows io information two times with break of two seconds
to display a continuous disk report at two second intervals for
the specified disk
jobs -l
lists up background processes of the environment
lists up background processes and gives a detailed output
set -x
starts a korn shell
for changing to the debug mode
kill "process id"
kill -2 "process id of the
kill -9 -1
for terminating a process
for making a dump of the active DNS-database
to stop all processes that you own
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kill -kill 0 to stop all processes that you own and log yourself off
killall stops all background processes
last shows the logins /var/adm/wtmp in the reverse sequence
ll shows the contents of a directory including access controls
ln "destination" "link"
ln -s "destination" link"
creates a hard link
creates a soft link
lock for locking a terminal
logform "logging logical
for formating, fixing or reinitializing a logging logical volume
lpr -#3 "file1" "file2"
lpr -P "queue" "file"
to print three copies of the file1 and file2
to print the file on the queue
lpstat shows the status of the print queues
lqueryvg -p "physical
volume" -At
shows an extract from the VGDA (volume group descriptor
area) on physical volume
ls "directory"
ls -a
ls -l
ls -l "file"
ls -l /dev
ls -le "file"
shows the contents of the current directory
shows the contents of the specified directory
shows the contents of the current directory ordered by name
shows the contents of a directory including extended
shows extended information of a file
show the devices
shows if a file is trusted (indicated by a +)
lsattr -El sys0
lsattr -HE -l sys0 -a
shows the system attributes
gives out the physical memory size
lscfg -v
shows the current device configuration
shows more information about the current device
writes the name of the current console device to standard
lsdev -C -c "physical
volume" -H
lsdev -PH
lsdev -CH
lsdev -Cc "device class"
lsdev -Cs "device subclass"
shows information about a specific hard disk
shows the predefined devices
shows the customized devices
shows all customized devices of a class
shows all customized devices of a subclass
lsdisp lists the displays currently available on the system
lsfs -q
lsfs -v jfs
shows the file systems
with superblock informations
shows all file systems of type jfs
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lsgroup ALL
lsgroup "group"
lists all groups
shows information about a specific group
lsitab -a
lsitab "name of the
shows the /etc/inittab
shows the specified line of the /etc/inittab
lslpp -l "fileset"
lslpp -h "fileset"
lslpp -f "fileset "
lslpp -w "file"
checks if the specified fileset is installed
checks the installation history of a fileset
lists up all file names of the specified fileset
gives out the owning fileset of a file
lslv "logical volume"
lslv -p "physical volume"
lslv -m "logical volume"
shows information about a logical volume
shows the logical volume allocation map of a physical volume
identifies the physical partitions that have been assigned to
your logical partitions
lsps -a shows information about the paging space
lspv "physical volume"
lspv -l "physical volume"
lspv -p "physical volume"
lists up the physical volumes
shows the contens of a physical volume
lists up the logical volumes of a physical volume
lists up the physical partions of physical volume
lssec -
f /etc/security/login.cfg -s
"tty device" -a logintimes
lssec -f /etc/security/lastlog
-s root -a
displays the times logins are allowed on a terminal
lists the number of unsuccessful login attemps for root since
the last successful login
lssrc -a for showing information about the sub systems
lsuser ALL
lsuser "user"
lists all users
shows information about a specific user
lsvg -o
lsvg -o | lsvg -i -l
lsvg "volume group"
lsvg -p "volume group"
lsvg -l "volume group"
shows the volume groups of a system
shows the activated volume groups of a system
shows all logical volumes of a volume group
gives status information about a volume group
gives information about the physical volumes of a volume
gives information about the logical volumes of a volume
makedbm for generating a NIS map
man "command" shows information about a command
migratepv "source physical
volume" "destination
physical volume"
migratepv -l "logical
volume" "source physical
volume" "destination
moves the physical partitions from one disk to another
moves all physical partitions of a logical volume from one
disk to another
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physical volume"
mkboot -cd "boot device" for clearing the boot record of a disk (leaves the PVID)
mkdir "directory"
mkdir -m 755 "directory"
mkdir -p
generates a dircetory
generates a directory with the access restriction rwxr-xr-x
for generating a directory directly under not existing
mkgroup "group" generates a new group
mkitab "inittab statement" for adding a statement to the /etc/inittab
mklv -y "logical volume"
mklv -t jfslog -y "logging
logical volume" "volume
group" "number of logical
for creating a logical volume
for creating a JFS logging device on a newly created volume
mklvcopy "logical volume"
2 "physical volume"
for adding a mirrored copy of the logical volume to a volume
mkps -a -n -s4 "volume
to create a paging space in a volume group that has four
logical partitions and is activated immediately and at all
subsequent system restarts
mksysb "tape device"
mksysb -i "tape device"
generates a bootable system backup on a tape
generates a bootable system backup and ignores an existing file
mkszfile -X
generates the (used for mksysb) file in the root
increases the /tmp if it is necessarily for the operation
mkuser "user" generates a user called "user"
mkvg -s 2 -y "volume
group" "physical volume"
mkvg -B -t 16 -y "volume
group" "physical volume"
creates a volume group with 2MB partition size
creates a big volume group with a maximum number of 16256
partitions on a disk
mkvgdata "volume group"
generates the /tmp/vgdata/"volume group"/"volume
group".data file (like mkszfile)
mount "file system"
mount all
mount -o log="log device"
"logical volume" "mount
mount -rv cdrfs "cdrom
device" "mount point"
shows information about the mounts
for mounting a file system
for mounting all file systems
for mounting a file system with the specified log device on a
specified mount point
for mounting a cdrom file system
mt fsf 2
mt -f "tape device" rewind
for winding two files forward on the default tape
for rewinding a tape
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mv "file" "destination" moves a file to the specified location
ncheck -i "inode number"
for finding a file name from the inode number
netstat -rn
netstat -in
shows the active connections
shows the routing table
for displaying the information about an internet interface
nfsstat -c
nfsstat -s
nfsstat -z
dispays statistics about NFS and RPC calls sent and rejected
by the client
dispays statistics about NFS and RPC calls sent and rejected
by the server
resets all call-related information to zero on the client and the
nice -n 10 "command"
nice -n -10 "command"
runs a command with a ten point higher nice value as normal
(low priority)
runs a command with a ten point lower nice value as normal
(high priority)
no -a
no -o ipforwarding
no -o ipforwarding=0
no -o ipforwarding=1
displays network options
displays if ipforwarding is activated
disables ipforwarding
enables ipforwarding
nslookup -query=hinfo -
queries internet domain name servers
for changing the default query type to host information and
the initial time-out to 10 seconds
od "file"
od -x "file"
shows an octal dump of the specified file
shows an hexadecimal dump of a file
odmadd "file" for adding the file input to the ODM
odmchange -o "class" -q
"criteria" "file"
for replacing a selected part of an ODM class with the file
odmcreate "class" for creating a ODM class
odmdelete -o "class" -q
for deleting a selected part of an ODM class
odmdrop -o for deleting an entire class
odmget "class"
odmget -q "criteria" "class"
for viewing an ODM class
for viewing a selected part of an ODM class
odmshow for viewing the structure of an ODM class
on -d "host" "command" does a command on a remote system
oslevel -l "level"
for getting the current operating system version
compares the system oslevel with the specified level
passwd "user" changes the password of the user
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for configuring PDT (Performance Diagnostic Tool), located
in /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool
penable -a enables all normal ports that are listed in /etc/inittab
perfpmr 3600
for generating a performance analysis (for 1 hour) that could
be send to IBM, the output is written to /var/perf/tmp
pg for viewing the contens of a file in page size
ping "host"
ping -R "host"
for showing if a host is contactable(echo) on the OSI layer 2
for tracing the route of the ping
printenv shows the environment variables
ps -f
ps -afe
ps aux
ps -elf
shows information about the running tasks
shows extended information about the running tasks
shows extended information about the tasks and daemons
shows the usage of the CPU's for each process
shows the processes ordered after it's priority and nice value
pwd shows the current directory
pwdadm "user" changes the password of any user
pwdck -t ALL
pwdck -t "user"
searching for inconsistencies in the /etc/security/passwd
searching for inconsistencies of a single user in
the /etc/security/passwd
qadm -D "print queue"
qadm -U "print queue"
for stopping a print queue
for starting a print queue
qchk shows the status of the print queue
qprt "file"
qprt -c "file"
qprt -P "queue" "file"
prints the specified file on the first available printer
configured for the default print queue (Queueing)
prints a copy of the specified file on the first available printer
configured for the default print queue (Spooling)
sends the specified file to the specified queue
rcp "user"@"host":"file"
"user"@"host":"target file"
rcp -r
copies a file from one host to another
copies a directory from one host to another
reboot -l
for rebooting the system
to reboot the system without logging it
reducevg "volume group"
"physical volume"
reducevg "volume group"
reducevg -d "volume
group" "physical volume"
removes a disk from a volume group
removes a disk from a volume group
removes a disk from a volume group and deletes
automatically all logical volume data
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refresh -s "daemon" for sending a subsystem refresh request to the SRC
renice -n -10 "PID"
renice -n 10 "PID"
decreases the nice value of a running process to 10 (high
increases the nice value of a running process to 10 (low
restore -Tq
restore -rvqf "tape device"
restore -s4 -Tqvf "tape
device".1 > "file"
restore -s2 -xqvf "tape
device" ./
to list names of files in either a file-name or file-system
archive on the diskette drive /dev/rfd0
restores a backup from a tape
for verifying the data from a mksysb-tape
for restoring the file from a mksysb-tape
restvg -f "tape device"
"physical volume"
for restoring a volume group from a tape
rexec "host" "command"
rexec -n "host" "command"
executes a command on the remote host
executes a command on the remote host and ignores the
rlogin "host"
rlogin "host" -l "user"
for login in a remote system
for login in a remote system with the specified user
rm "file"
rm -r "directory"
deletes a file
deletes a directory including the subdirectories
rmdev -l "physical volume"
removes a disk from the ODM
rmfs removing a file system
rmitab "inittab statement" for deleting a statement of the /etc/inittab
rmlvcopy "logical volume"
reduces the number of copies to 1
rmss -c 30 changes the memory size to 30MB
route add -net default
"router IP"
route add -host "target host
IP" "router IP"
route add -net "target net
IP" "router IP"
for setting the default route
for generating a host route
for generating a net route
rpcinfo -p "host"
gets from the portmap-daemon of the specified host all RPC
rsh "host" "command" executes a command on the remote host
Rsh starts a restricted shell
rup -h shows the state of all hosts on the net
shows the uptime of all systems where the rwhod has been
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rusers -h "host" shows the state of all user on a remote host
shows the current users of all systems where the rwhod has
been started
sar -u
sar -u 60 30
shows the CPU usage
shows the CPU usage thirthy times with an interval of 60
savevg -i -f "tape device"
"volume group"
savevg -f "tape device"
"volume group"
for saving a volume group on tape
for saving a volume group on tape by using the
prepared /tmp/vgdata/"volume group"/"volume group".data
set -o
set -o vi
for viewing the current option settings
to activate vi behavior in command line
sh "file"
sh "shell script" > "file"
starts a sh-shell
for running a shell script that hasn't got the executable flag
for running a shell skript and piping the error_out and
user_out in the specified file
showmount -e
showmount -e "host"
showmount -a "host"
showmount -d "host"
to list up the exported directories
to list up the exported directories on a host
to list up all remote directories mounted by a host
to list up the directories mounted by a client on the host
shutdown +5 "user
shutdown -m
shutdown -Fm
shutdown -Fr
shuts down the system in 5 minutes and shows user the
chosen information
changes to single user mode
changes fast to single user mode
for a fast shutdown including a reboot
the system administration tool, for the fast path you can
choose of the followings:
alog alt_clone alt_mksysb analysis at backsys cfgdials cfgpty
chcons chdials chdisp chfont chgated chgkbd chgprt chgpty
chgsys chhostent chif chinet chinetd chinetdconf chkbd
chlicense chnamed chnfsmnt chpq chprtcom chservices
chsyslogd chtimed chtz chtz_date chypdom clientnet controls
crfs date dce dcecdsadmin dcesecadmin dce_to_tcpip dev
dfsadmin diag dials display display_pm_select dtconfig
dtsadmin dump dump_link easy_install_bundle errclear
errdemon errpt error extendlv filemgr fs fshrttbl font gated
group ftpusers hostent hostname hosts hostsequiv hosts.equiv
inet inetd inetdconf inetd.conf inetdsubsys input install
install_all install_latest install_selectable_all jfs jobs
keyboard keymap lft logs lppchk lsdials lsdisp lsdprt lsfont
lsftpusers lsgated lshostent lshostname lshostsequiv lshostslpd
lsinet lsinetd lsinetdconf lskbd lsnamed lsnamerslv lsservices
lssprt lssyslogd lsroute lstimed lv lvm makdials makprt
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smit "fast path"
ESC + 3
maktty mkcd mkdce mkdceregister mkdomain mkfont
mkftpusers mkgroup mkhostent mkhostname mkhostsequiv
mkhostlpd mkinet mkinetca mkinetd mkinetdconf
mkinetd_boot mkinetd_both mkinetd_now mkineten mkinetet
mkinetfi mkinetsl mkinetso mkinettr mkitab_lpd mkkeyserv
mklv mknamerslv mknfsexp mknfsmnt mkpq mksball
mkservices mksysb mkroute mkwacom mk6093 mlang
monitors mouse movprt named namerslv netinterface newkey
nfs nfsconfigure otherserv performance pgsp pm pqmanage
pqtools print printer printerinst problem pty pv qprt rds
restartdce restvg resolvconf resolv.conf rmdce rmdceregister
rmdials rmdomain rmfs rmftpusers rmhostent rmhostsequiv
rmhostslpd rminet rminetd rminetdconf rminetd_boot
rminetd_both rminetd_now rmitab_lpd rmkeyserv rmlvcopy
rmnamerslv rmnfsexp rmnfsmnt rmpq rmsball rmroute
rmservices rmtaccess rmvpty rmwacom rm6093 route routed
rpc rpc_maint rprint ruser rwhod savevg security server
servernet setbootup_option shinet shinetdconf shservices
shutdown spaceball spgated spgated_boot spgated_both
spgated_now spnamed spnamed_boot spnamed_both
spnamed_now spnamerslv spooler spsyslogd spsyslogd_boot
spsyslogd_both spsyslogd_now sprwhod sprwhod_boot
sprwhod_both sprwhod_now sptimed sptimed_boot
sptimed_both sptimed_now statlpd stgated stgated_boot
stgated_both stgated_now stnamed stnamed_boot
stnamed_both stnamed_now stnamerslv stnamerslv1
stnamerslv2 stopdce storage strouted strouted_boot
strouted_both strouted_now strwhod strwhod_boot
strwhod_both strwhod_now stsyslogd stsyslogd_boot
stsyslogd_both stsyslogd_now sttimed sttimed_boot
sttimed_both sttimed_now syslogd system tablet timed tpty
trace trace_link trcrpt trcstart trcstop tty user vg wacom_tablet
wall yp ypconfigure ypmaps ypstartstop 6093_tablet _nfs
for getting out of a frozen smit
smitty "fast path"
ESC + 3
the ASCII version of the smit, for the fast paths look in the
section of smit
for getting out of a frozen smitty
snap -a
snap -a -o "tape device"
snap -a -c
snap -f
snap -g
snap -k
snap -D
gathers all system configuration information and writes it to
the /tmp/ibmsupt directory
gathers all system configuration information and writes it on
generates a compressed tar image snap.tar.Z in
the /tmp/ibmsupt
gathers file system information
gathers general information
gathers kernel information
gathers dump and /unix information
spray "host" -c 1200 -d 2 -l sends all 2 microseconds 1200 pakets of 2000 byte size to the
Page 14 of 18
Tenir's brain
2000 specified host
startsrc -s "daemon"
startsrc -g "daemon"
startsrc -t "subserver"
startsrc -s "daemon" -a "-d"
for starting a subsystem
for starting all daemons of a subsystem
for starting a subserver of a subsystem
for starting a subsystem and providing debug information
stopsrc -s "daemon"
stopsrc -g "daemon"
stopsrc -t "subserver"
for stopping a subsystem
for stopping all daemons of a subsystem
for stopping a subserver of a subsystem
strings "file" shows the printble strings of a binary file or an object
stty -echo
stty echo
CTRL+j stty sane CTRL+j
lists up a short description of your tty settings
makes the user input invisible
makes the user input visible
resets the tty confirguration
su -
for switching the user
for switching the user with setting the environment
for switching back to the original user
captures and analyzes information about virtual-memory
swapon -a
swapon "swapping device"
activates all paging spaces
activates a swapping device
syncvg -v "volume group" synchronizes the physical partitions from a volume group
sysdumpdev -l
sysdumpdev -L
sysdumpdev -p "dump
sysdumpdev -P -p "dump
sysdumpdev -
p /dev/sysdumpnull
sysdumpdev -P -s "dump
sysdumpdev -e
sysdumpdev -z
sysdumpdev -K
to reset the current dump device settings, when worked with
temporary settings
to display the current dump device settings
to display information from the previous dumps
for changing the primary dump device
for changing the primary dump device permanently
for deactivating the dump device
for changing the secondary dump device permanently
estimates the dump size
writes down the dump size and the location, if a new one is
reset button will force a dump, for machines without a key
sysdumpstart -p
sysdumpstart -s
starts a kernel dump to the primary dump device
starts a kernel dump to the secondary dump device
tail "file"
tail -f "file"
shows the last ten lines of a file
for monitoring the last ten lines of growing file
tar -tvf "file"
tar -xfv "file"
tar -cvf "tape device" "file"
for viewing the structure of a tar-file
for extracting a tar-file
for creating an archive
Page 15 of 18
Tenir's brain
tcbck -n ALL
tcbck -p tree
tcbck -t "file"
tcbck -y "file"
tcbck -a "file"
tcbck -d "file"
tcbck -l "device name"
checks all files listed in sysck.cfg and reports faults but
doesn't fixes them
checks all files and fixes the faults but doesn't report them
checks a file, reports a fault and asks the user for fixinig it
checks a file, reports a fault and fixes it
adds a file to the sysck.cfg under the specified class
deletes an entry ot the sysck.cfg
for adding a device, for example /dev/led, to the sysck.cfg
tcpdump host "host" prints all packets arriving or departing from the specified host
tctl -f "tape device" rewind for rewinding a tape
time "command"
displays the elapsed execution time and the user and system
processing time attributed to a command
tn "host"
tn "host" "port number"
starts a telnet session to the specified host
starts a telnet session to an host on the specified port
lists up all processes orderer after it's CPU usage and updates
itself periodical
touch "file"
this sets the last access and modification times of the specified
file to the current date and time, if the file does not exist, the
touch command creates an empty file with that name
trace -a; sleep 10; trcstop for tracing the system for a period of 10 seconds
traceroute "IP-number" prints the route that IP packets take to a network host
for starting a trusted shell, that only executes commands that
are marked as being trusted
umount "file system"
umount allr
unmounts a file systems
unmounts all remote file systems
uname -a
uname -m
uname -M
gives out system information (operating system name,
gives out the system serial number
gives out the system typ (not for MCA)
uncompress "file" for uncompressing a file
updatelv "logical volume"
"volume group"
updates the LVCB of a logical volume
users lists up the names of the users who are working on the system
usrck -t ALL
usrck -t "user"
searching for inconsistencies in the /usr/security/user
searching for inconsistencies of a single user in
the /etc/security/user
varyoffvg "volume group" for deactivating a volume group
varyonvg "volume group"
varyonvg -f "volume
for activating a volume group
allows a volume group to be made active that does not
Page 16 of 18
Tenir's brain
group" currently have a quorum of available disks
vi "file"
for starting the vi-editor
for editing a file
vmstat 5
shows statistics about the virtual memory
shows a summery report about the virtual memory each five
w shows the current users with login time and more
wall ""message""
writes a message to all users logged in a system
also for writting a message to all users (finishing with Ctrl+D)
who -
a /etc/security/failedlogin
who -a /etc/adm/wtmp
who -r
who -b
shows the failed logins
shows the successfull logins
shows the current run-level and when it has been started
shows the current users
shows when the last boot did occur
who am i
shows the current user
shows the login user
xhost +"host"
xhost -"host"
adds an host to the access control list of an Xserver
removes an host to the access control list of an Xserver
xlock for locking a Xwindows session
ypbind enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server
ypcat prints out an NIS map
ypinit sets up NIS maps on a NIS server
yppasswd changes your network password in NIS
displays the order number of the NIS map currently in use on
the server
yppush propmts the NIS slave servers to copy updated NIS maps
ypserv looks up information in local NIS maps
ypset "IP" for changing the IP of a NIS server on the client
identifies either an NIS server or the server that is the master
for a given map
ypxfr transfers an NIS map from a NIS server to a local host
| tee "file"
| tee -a "file"
for piping the output of a command to the standard output and
a new file
for piping the output of a command to the standard output and
a existing file
"command" & for running a command in the background
Page 17 of 18
Tenir's brain
> "file" for cleaning the contents of a file
Page 18 of 18
Tenir's brain

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Aix commands

  • 1. Most used AIX commands These are my most used AIX 4.3.3 commands. (I'm working with the Korn shell) acledit "file" for changing the ACL(access control list) of a file aclget "file" aclget "input file" | aclput "output file" aclget -o "output file" "input file" shows the ACL of a file for copying an ACL writes an ACL to an ACL temporary file aclput -i "input file" "output file" writes an ACL from an ACL temporary file alog - f /var/adm/ras/bootlog -o alog -t boot -o for viewing the boot logs for viewing the boot logs alt_disk_install -d "tape device" "physical volume" alt_disk_install -d "tape device" -B "physical volume" alt_disk_install -C -b update_all -l "cdrom device" "physical volume" alt_disk_install -X installs an alternate rootvg on the physical volume installs an alternate rootvg and does not change the bootlist creates a cloned rootvg with another AIX level on a physical volume removes a cloned rootvg anacheck -ap error analysing for Escala E + T arp -a shows the connection of the Ethernet number with the MAC adress at -l echo ""command"" | at 0600 echo ""command"" | at 2300 friday lists up all jobs you have sent to be run later runs a command at 6 o'clock on the same day runs a command at 23 o'clock on the next friday audit start audit stop audit query audit off audit on for starting auditing for stopping auditing for displaying the audit status for suspending auditing for restarting auditing auditpr -v < "auditing log file" to read the system audit tail file with default header titles and fields auditstream | auditpr -v > /dev/console & for displaying all audit records on the console shows the architecture of your hardware Page 1 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 2. bootinfo -p bootinfo -z bootinfo -b indicates if your system is a uniprocessor model or not (output = 1 indicates a multiprocessor model) returns the last boot device bootlist -m normal cd0 bootlist -m normal -o bootlist -m service -o bootlist -m service "first boot device" "second boot device" for booting the system next time from a CD-drive for viewing the normal bootlist for viewing the service bootlist for changing the service bootlist bosboot -a bosboot -ad "disk" to create a boot image on the default boot logical volume on the fixed disk from which the system is booted for fixing a corrupted boot logical volume (BLV) on the specified disk bsh starts a born shell cancel "print job number" for killing a print job cat "file" cat "file" | grep -c "^$" cat "file" > "print device" cat "file" | rsh "host" "qprt - P "queue"" for viewing a file counts the number of empty lines in a file for sending a file directly to the printer without using a queue for printing a file on a remote host cd "directory" cd cd ~"user" cd .. cd ../.. for changing the actual directory for changing to the your home directory for changing to the home directory of the specified user for changing to the parent directory of the current directory moves you two directories up in the tree cfgmgr -v cfgmgr -i cfgmgr -s cfgmgr shows the devices as they are configured attempts to install device software support for each new detected device executes the second boot phase (normal boot) configuration rules executes the second boot phase (normal boot) configuration rules chfn chfn "user" for changing the gecos(general user information stored in /etc/passwd) information of the current user for changing the gecos information of a user chdev -l sys0 -a autorestart=true chdev -l "tape device" -a block_size=512 chdev -l "tape device" -a block_size=0 for activating the automatically reboot after a system crash for changing the block size of a tape drive to 512 for reading a tape from that you don't know the block size chfs -a size="new size" "file system" chfs -a size=+"size" "file for changing the size of a file system for increasing the size of a file system Page 2 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 3. system" chgrp "group" "file" changes the group of a file chitab "inittab statement" for disabling a statement of the /etc/inittab chmod 0777 "file" gives everybody the right to read, write and execute the specified file chown "user" "file" changes the owner of a file chpv -va "physical volume" chpv -vr "physical volume" defines the disk as active brings the disk into the removed state chsec - f /etc/security/prolog - s /dev/tty0 -a locktime=0 to unlock a locked tty chtcb on "file" chtcb off "file" chtcb query "file" marks a file for being trusted marks a file for being not trusted checks if a file is trusted chvg -u "volume group" chvg -B "volume group" chvg -Qn "volume group" for unlocking an ODM-locked volume group changes a volume group to a big volume group disables the quorum functionality of a volume group cmp "first file" "second file" cmp -s "first file" "second file" to determine whether two files are identical silent compare, returns a 0 if the files are identical compress -v "file" compresses a file cp "file" "destination" cp -p "file" "destination" copies a file to the destination copies a file without changing the attributes (date, owner...) of it cpio -itv <"storage device" ls * | cpio -ov >"storage device" find . -cpio "storage device" -print find . -print | cpio -pd "target directory" find . -print | cpio -pdl "target directory" to list up all copied files on a storage medium to copy all files in the current directory onto a storage device to copy all files in the current directory including subdirectories to copy all files in the current directory including subdirectories to another directory to copy all files in the current directory including subdirectories to another directory and uses links if possible cplv copies a logical volume (no mirroring) crfs for creating a file system csh starts a c shell crash "dump file or dump device" "kernel" for analyzing a dump Page 3 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 4. crontab -l crontab -e lists up your crontab for editing your crontab date gives out the date and time dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/hd4 of=/dev/hd4 dd if="input file" of="output file" conv=ebcdic to copy the superblock of the root file system from block 31 to block 1 to convert the input file from ASCII to EBCDIC df df -k df -tk "file system" shows the usage of the file systems in 512-byte blocks shows the usage of the file systems in kB shows the usage of a file system in kB (without inode usage) diag starts the diagnostic operating instructions diff "first file" "second file" diff -w "first file" "second file diff -r "first directory" "second directory" compares the contens of two text files to compare two files while ignoring differences in the amount of white space to compare two directories dircmp "first directory" "second directory" dircmp -s "first directory" "second directory" for comparing two directories for comparing two directories and suppressing information about identical files domainname domainname "domainname" to find out the domain you belong to for setting your NIS domain du du "file" du -ak "directory" du -sk du -sk "directory" displays the blocks (512 Byte) each file uses displays the blocks a file uses shows the usage of a directory for each file and for total in kB displays the total disk usage in kB displays the usage of a directory in kB dumpfs "file system" shows the superblock, i-node map, and disk map information of a file system echo "variable" echo * shows the contents of a variable shows all files of the current directory excluding all that begin with a point enable "print queue" for enabling a print queue env shows the environment variables errclear 0 errclear -d S 0 deletes all entries of the error log deletes all entries of the error log classified as Software errors errlogger "message" writes an error message to the error log Page 4 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 5. errpt errpt -a errpt -d H errpt -a -d S errpt -c > /dev/console processes a summary report of logged errors does a detailed error report does a summary report of all hardware errors processes a detailed error report of all software errors for real time error logging export "variable"="value" export DISPLAY="local host":0 for exporting a environment variable for redirecting Xapplications on a remote host to the local host exportfs -a exportfs "directory" exportfs -u "directory" exportfs -v exportfs -i "directory" exportfs access="group" "directory" -o to export all directories in the /etc/exports file to export a single directory to unexport a single directory for viewing the actual exports (like cat /etc/xtab) to export a directory that isn't specified in the /etc/exports file to export a directory and give group members access permission exportvg "volume group" for removing a complete volume group from the ODM extendvg "volume group" "physical volume" adds a new disk to a volume group file "file" shows the type of a file filemon uses the trace facility to monitor the activity of the AIX file system find / -user "user" find / -user "user" -exec rm -r {} ; find / -name "file" find / -size +2048 -mtime +30 -exec ls -l {} ; find / -type f -perm -2000 - o -perm -4000 find . -ctime 1 find / ( -name a.out -o - name '*.o' ) -atime +7 ! - fstype nfs -exec rm {} ; searches for all files of the specified user removes all files of the specified user searches everywhere for the specified file searches for all files greater than one MB and that haven't been changed for a month searches for all files that have set the SUID- or SGID-mode to list all files in the current directory that have been changed during the current 24-hour period to remove all files named a.out or *.o that have not been accessed for a week and that are not mounted using nfs finger @"host" finger "user"@"host" shows the users of a system shows information about the specified user format for formating a floppy disk fsck fsck -p "file system" fsck -y "file system" fsck -f "file system" for checking all default file systems for fixing minor problems with the specified file system automatically for fixing severely damaged file systems (auto response YES) for doing a fast check of a file system ftp starts an ftp-client fuser -u "file system" shows if a file system is currently in use Page 5 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 6. getlvcb -AT "logical volume" queries a LVCB (logical volume control block) | grep "string" for searching a string in the input of the standard output of the previous command groups groups "user" shows the current group membership shows the group membership of the specified user grpck -t ALL grpck -t "group" searching for inconsistencies in the /etc/security/group searching for inconsistencies of a single group in the /etc/security/group gunzip -f "file" unzips a file head "file" to display the first ten lines of a file help gives out a basic command help screen host "host" host "IP" for getting the IP of a host for getting the host name of an IP hostname shows the actual hostname id shows extended information about the current user ifconfig "network interface" shows the status of a network interface importvg -y "volume group" "physical volume" importvg -L "volume group" "physical volume" imports a volume group by creating new ODM objects for reimporting a volume group (learn about possible changes) info info -s "command" starts the InfoExplorer starts the InfoExplorer wiht topics of the specified command init 2 init s for initialising the multi user mode for initialising the single user mode installp -u "fileset" uninstalls the specified fileset and any of its installed updates iostat iostat 10 2 iostat -d "physical volume" 2 shows status information about io shows io information two times with break of two seconds to display a continuous disk report at two second intervals for the specified disk jobs jobs -l lists up background processes of the environment lists up background processes and gives a detailed output ksh set -x starts a korn shell for changing to the debug mode kill "process id" kill -2 "process id of the named" kill -9 -1 for terminating a process for making a dump of the active DNS-database to stop all processes that you own Page 6 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 7. kill -kill 0 to stop all processes that you own and log yourself off killall stops all background processes last shows the logins /var/adm/wtmp in the reverse sequence ll shows the contents of a directory including access controls ln "destination" "link" ln -s "destination" link" creates a hard link creates a soft link lock for locking a terminal logform "logging logical volume" for formating, fixing or reinitializing a logging logical volume lpr -#3 "file1" "file2" lpr -P "queue" "file" to print three copies of the file1 and file2 to print the file on the queue lpstat shows the status of the print queues lqueryvg -p "physical volume" -At shows an extract from the VGDA (volume group descriptor area) on physical volume ls ls "directory" ls -a ls -l ls -l "file" ls -l /dev ls -le "file" shows the contents of the current directory shows the contents of the specified directory shows the contents of the current directory ordered by name shows the contents of a directory including extended information shows extended information of a file show the devices shows if a file is trusted (indicated by a +) lsattr -El sys0 lsattr -HE -l sys0 -a realmem shows the system attributes gives out the physical memory size lscfg lscfg -v shows the current device configuration shows more information about the current device configuration lscons writes the name of the current console device to standard output lsdev -C -c "physical volume" -H lsdev -PH lsdev -CH lsdev -Cc "device class" lsdev -Cs "device subclass" shows information about a specific hard disk shows the predefined devices shows the customized devices shows all customized devices of a class shows all customized devices of a subclass lsdisp lists the displays currently available on the system lsfs lsfs -q lsfs -v jfs shows the file systems with superblock informations shows all file systems of type jfs Page 7 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 8. lsgroup ALL lsgroup "group" lists all groups shows information about a specific group lsitab -a lsitab "name of the statement" shows the /etc/inittab shows the specified line of the /etc/inittab lslpp -l "fileset" lslpp -h "fileset" lslpp -f "fileset " lslpp -w "file" checks if the specified fileset is installed checks the installation history of a fileset lists up all file names of the specified fileset gives out the owning fileset of a file lslv "logical volume" lslv -p "physical volume" lslv -m "logical volume" shows information about a logical volume shows the logical volume allocation map of a physical volume identifies the physical partitions that have been assigned to your logical partitions lsps -a shows information about the paging space lspv lspv "physical volume" lspv -l "physical volume" lspv -p "physical volume" lists up the physical volumes shows the contens of a physical volume lists up the logical volumes of a physical volume lists up the physical partions of physical volume lssec - f /etc/security/login.cfg -s "tty device" -a logintimes lssec -f /etc/security/lastlog -s root -a unsuccessful_login_count displays the times logins are allowed on a terminal lists the number of unsuccessful login attemps for root since the last successful login lssrc -a for showing information about the sub systems lsuser ALL lsuser "user" lists all users shows information about a specific user lsvg lsvg -o lsvg -o | lsvg -i -l lsvg "volume group" lsvg -p "volume group" lsvg -l "volume group" shows the volume groups of a system shows the activated volume groups of a system shows all logical volumes of a volume group gives status information about a volume group gives information about the physical volumes of a volume group gives information about the logical volumes of a volume group makedbm for generating a NIS map man "command" shows information about a command migratepv "source physical volume" "destination physical volume" migratepv -l "logical volume" "source physical volume" "destination moves the physical partitions from one disk to another moves all physical partitions of a logical volume from one disk to another Page 8 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 9. physical volume" mkboot -cd "boot device" for clearing the boot record of a disk (leaves the PVID) mkdir "directory" mkdir -m 755 "directory" mkdir -p "subdirectories&directory" generates a dircetory generates a directory with the access restriction rwxr-xr-x for generating a directory directly under not existing subdirectories mkgroup "group" generates a new group mkitab "inittab statement" for adding a statement to the /etc/inittab mklv -y "logical volume" mklv -t jfslog -y "logging logical volume" "volume group" "number of logical partitions" for creating a logical volume for creating a JFS logging device on a newly created volume group mklvcopy "logical volume" 2 "physical volume" for adding a mirrored copy of the logical volume to a volume group mkps -a -n -s4 "volume group" to create a paging space in a volume group that has four logical partitions and is activated immediately and at all subsequent system restarts mksysb "tape device" mksysb -i "tape device" generates a bootable system backup on a tape generates a bootable system backup and ignores an existing file mkszfile mkszfile -X generates the (used for mksysb) file in the root directory increases the /tmp if it is necessarily for the operation mkuser "user" generates a user called "user" mkvg -s 2 -y "volume group" "physical volume" mkvg -B -t 16 -y "volume group" "physical volume" creates a volume group with 2MB partition size creates a big volume group with a maximum number of 16256 partitions on a disk mkvgdata "volume group" generates the /tmp/vgdata/"volume group"/"volume group".data file (like mkszfile) mount mount "file system" mount all mount -o log="log device" "logical volume" "mount point" mount -rv cdrfs "cdrom device" "mount point" shows information about the mounts for mounting a file system for mounting all file systems for mounting a file system with the specified log device on a specified mount point for mounting a cdrom file system mt fsf 2 mt -f "tape device" rewind for winding two files forward on the default tape for rewinding a tape Page 9 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 10. mv "file" "destination" moves a file to the specified location ncheck -i "inode number" "path" for finding a file name from the inode number netstat netstat -rn netstat -in shows the active connections shows the routing table for displaying the information about an internet interface nfsstat -c nfsstat -s nfsstat -z dispays statistics about NFS and RPC calls sent and rejected by the client dispays statistics about NFS and RPC calls sent and rejected by the server resets all call-related information to zero on the client and the server nice -n 10 "command" nice -n -10 "command" runs a command with a ten point higher nice value as normal (low priority) runs a command with a ten point lower nice value as normal (high priority) no -a no -o ipforwarding no -o ipforwarding=0 no -o ipforwarding=1 displays network options displays if ipforwarding is activated disables ipforwarding enables ipforwarding nslookup nslookup -query=hinfo - timeout=10 queries internet domain name servers for changing the default query type to host information and the initial time-out to 10 seconds od "file" od -x "file" shows an octal dump of the specified file shows an hexadecimal dump of a file odmadd "file" for adding the file input to the ODM odmchange -o "class" -q "criteria" "file" for replacing a selected part of an ODM class with the file input odmcreate "class" for creating a ODM class odmdelete -o "class" -q "criteria" for deleting a selected part of an ODM class odmdrop -o for deleting an entire class odmget "class" odmget -q "criteria" "class" for viewing an ODM class for viewing a selected part of an ODM class odmshow for viewing the structure of an ODM class on -d "host" "command" does a command on a remote system oslevel oslevel -l "level" for getting the current operating system version compares the system oslevel with the specified level passwd "user" changes the password of the user Page 10 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 11. pdt_config for configuring PDT (Performance Diagnostic Tool), located in /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool penable -a enables all normal ports that are listed in /etc/inittab perfpmr 3600 for generating a performance analysis (for 1 hour) that could be send to IBM, the output is written to /var/perf/tmp pg for viewing the contens of a file in page size ping "host" ping -R "host" for showing if a host is contactable(echo) on the OSI layer 2 for tracing the route of the ping printenv shows the environment variables ps ps -f ps -afe ps aux ps -elf shows information about the running tasks shows extended information about the running tasks shows extended information about the tasks and daemons shows the usage of the CPU's for each process shows the processes ordered after it's priority and nice value pwd shows the current directory pwdadm "user" changes the password of any user pwdck -t ALL pwdck -t "user" searching for inconsistencies in the /etc/security/passwd searching for inconsistencies of a single user in the /etc/security/passwd qadm -D "print queue" qadm -U "print queue" for stopping a print queue for starting a print queue qchk shows the status of the print queue qprt "file" qprt -c "file" qprt -P "queue" "file" prints the specified file on the first available printer configured for the default print queue (Queueing) prints a copy of the specified file on the first available printer configured for the default print queue (Spooling) sends the specified file to the specified queue rcp "user"@"host":"file" "user"@"host":"target file" rcp -r "user"@"host":"directory" "user"@"host":"target directory" copies a file from one host to another copies a directory from one host to another reboot reboot -l for rebooting the system to reboot the system without logging it reducevg "volume group" "physical volume" reducevg "volume group" "PVID" reducevg -d "volume group" "physical volume" removes a disk from a volume group removes a disk from a volume group removes a disk from a volume group and deletes automatically all logical volume data Page 11 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 12. refresh -s "daemon" for sending a subsystem refresh request to the SRC renice -n -10 "PID" renice -n 10 "PID" decreases the nice value of a running process to 10 (high priority) increases the nice value of a running process to 10 (low priority) restore -Tq restore -rvqf "tape device" restore -s4 -Tqvf "tape device".1 > "file" restore -s2 -xqvf "tape device" ./ to list names of files in either a file-name or file-system archive on the diskette drive /dev/rfd0 restores a backup from a tape for verifying the data from a mksysb-tape for restoring the file from a mksysb-tape restvg -f "tape device" "physical volume" for restoring a volume group from a tape rexec "host" "command" rexec -n "host" "command" executes a command on the remote host executes a command on the remote host and ignores the $HOME/.netrc rlogin "host" rlogin "host" -l "user" for login in a remote system for login in a remote system with the specified user rm "file" rm -r "directory" deletes a file deletes a directory including the subdirectories rmdev -l "physical volume" -d removes a disk from the ODM rmfs removing a file system rmitab "inittab statement" for deleting a statement of the /etc/inittab rmlvcopy "logical volume" 1 reduces the number of copies to 1 rmss -c 30 changes the memory size to 30MB route add -net default "router IP" route add -host "target host IP" "router IP" route add -net "target net IP" "router IP" for setting the default route for generating a host route for generating a net route rpcinfo -p "host" gets from the portmap-daemon of the specified host all RPC services rsh "host" "command" executes a command on the remote host Rsh starts a restricted shell rup -h shows the state of all hosts on the net ruptime shows the uptime of all systems where the rwhod has been Page 12 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 13. started rusers -h "host" shows the state of all user on a remote host rwho shows the current users of all systems where the rwhod has been started sar -u sar -u 60 30 shows the CPU usage shows the CPU usage thirthy times with an interval of 60 seconds savevg -i -f "tape device" "volume group" savevg -f "tape device" "volume group" for saving a volume group on tape for saving a volume group on tape by using the prepared /tmp/vgdata/"volume group"/"volume group".data file set -o set -o vi for viewing the current option settings to activate vi behavior in command line sh sh "file" sh "shell script" > "file" 2>&1 starts a sh-shell for running a shell script that hasn't got the executable flag for running a shell skript and piping the error_out and user_out in the specified file showmount -e showmount -e "host" showmount -a "host" showmount -d "host" to list up the exported directories to list up the exported directories on a host to list up all remote directories mounted by a host to list up the directories mounted by a client on the host shutdown +5 "user information" shutdown -m shutdown -Fm shutdown -Fr shuts down the system in 5 minutes and shows user the chosen information changes to single user mode changes fast to single user mode for a fast shutdown including a reboot the system administration tool, for the fast path you can choose of the followings: alog alt_clone alt_mksysb analysis at backsys cfgdials cfgpty chcons chdials chdisp chfont chgated chgkbd chgprt chgpty chgsys chhostent chif chinet chinetd chinetdconf chkbd chlicense chnamed chnfsmnt chpq chprtcom chservices chsyslogd chtimed chtz chtz_date chypdom clientnet controls crfs date dce dcecdsadmin dcesecadmin dce_to_tcpip dev dfsadmin diag dials display display_pm_select dtconfig dtsadmin dump dump_link easy_install_bundle errclear errdemon errpt error extendlv filemgr fs fshrttbl font gated group ftpusers hostent hostname hosts hostsequiv hosts.equiv inet inetd inetdconf inetd.conf inetdsubsys input install install_all install_latest install_selectable_all jfs jobs keyboard keymap lft logs lppchk lsdials lsdisp lsdprt lsfont lsftpusers lsgated lshostent lshostname lshostsequiv lshostslpd lsinet lsinetd lsinetdconf lskbd lsnamed lsnamerslv lsservices lssprt lssyslogd lsroute lstimed lv lvm makdials makprt Page 13 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 14. smit "fast path" ESC + 3 maktty mkcd mkdce mkdceregister mkdomain mkfont mkftpusers mkgroup mkhostent mkhostname mkhostsequiv mkhostlpd mkinet mkinetca mkinetd mkinetdconf mkinetd_boot mkinetd_both mkinetd_now mkineten mkinetet mkinetfi mkinetsl mkinetso mkinettr mkitab_lpd mkkeyserv mklv mknamerslv mknfsexp mknfsmnt mkpq mksball mkservices mksysb mkroute mkwacom mk6093 mlang monitors mouse movprt named namerslv netinterface newkey nfs nfsconfigure otherserv performance pgsp pm pqmanage pqtools print printer printerinst problem pty pv qprt rds restartdce restvg resolvconf resolv.conf rmdce rmdceregister rmdials rmdomain rmfs rmftpusers rmhostent rmhostsequiv rmhostslpd rminet rminetd rminetdconf rminetd_boot rminetd_both rminetd_now rmitab_lpd rmkeyserv rmlvcopy rmnamerslv rmnfsexp rmnfsmnt rmpq rmsball rmroute rmservices rmtaccess rmvpty rmwacom rm6093 route routed rpc rpc_maint rprint ruser rwhod savevg security server servernet setbootup_option shinet shinetdconf shservices shutdown spaceball spgated spgated_boot spgated_both spgated_now spnamed spnamed_boot spnamed_both spnamed_now spnamerslv spooler spsyslogd spsyslogd_boot spsyslogd_both spsyslogd_now sprwhod sprwhod_boot sprwhod_both sprwhod_now sptimed sptimed_boot sptimed_both sptimed_now statlpd stgated stgated_boot stgated_both stgated_now stnamed stnamed_boot stnamed_both stnamed_now stnamerslv stnamerslv1 stnamerslv2 stopdce storage strouted strouted_boot strouted_both strouted_now strwhod strwhod_boot strwhod_both strwhod_now stsyslogd stsyslogd_boot stsyslogd_both stsyslogd_now sttimed sttimed_boot sttimed_both sttimed_now syslogd system tablet timed tpty trace trace_link trcrpt trcstart trcstop tty user vg wacom_tablet wall yp ypconfigure ypmaps ypstartstop 6093_tablet _nfs for getting out of a frozen smit smitty "fast path" ESC + 3 the ASCII version of the smit, for the fast paths look in the section of smit for getting out of a frozen smitty snap -a snap -a -o "tape device" snap -a -c snap -f snap -g snap -k snap -D gathers all system configuration information and writes it to the /tmp/ibmsupt directory gathers all system configuration information and writes it on tape generates a compressed tar image snap.tar.Z in the /tmp/ibmsupt gathers file system information gathers general information gathers kernel information gathers dump and /unix information spray "host" -c 1200 -d 2 -l sends all 2 microseconds 1200 pakets of 2000 byte size to the Page 14 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 15. 2000 specified host startsrc -s "daemon" startsrc -g "daemon" startsrc -t "subserver" startsrc -s "daemon" -a "-d" for starting a subsystem for starting all daemons of a subsystem for starting a subserver of a subsystem for starting a subsystem and providing debug information stopsrc -s "daemon" stopsrc -g "daemon" stopsrc -t "subserver" for stopping a subsystem for stopping all daemons of a subsystem for stopping a subserver of a subsystem strings "file" shows the printble strings of a binary file or an object stty stty -echo stty echo CTRL+j stty sane CTRL+j lists up a short description of your tty settings makes the user input invisible makes the user input visible resets the tty confirguration su su - exit for switching the user for switching the user with setting the environment for switching back to the original user svmon captures and analyzes information about virtual-memory usage swapon -a swapon "swapping device" activates all paging spaces activates a swapping device syncvg -v "volume group" synchronizes the physical partitions from a volume group sysdumpdev sysdumpdev -l sysdumpdev -L sysdumpdev -p "dump device" sysdumpdev -P -p "dump device" sysdumpdev - p /dev/sysdumpnull sysdumpdev -P -s "dump device" sysdumpdev -e sysdumpdev -z sysdumpdev -K to reset the current dump device settings, when worked with temporary settings to display the current dump device settings to display information from the previous dumps for changing the primary dump device for changing the primary dump device permanently for deactivating the dump device for changing the secondary dump device permanently estimates the dump size writes down the dump size and the location, if a new one is present reset button will force a dump, for machines without a key sysdumpstart -p sysdumpstart -s starts a kernel dump to the primary dump device starts a kernel dump to the secondary dump device tail "file" tail -f "file" shows the last ten lines of a file for monitoring the last ten lines of growing file tar -tvf "file" tar -xfv "file" tar -cvf "tape device" "file" for viewing the structure of a tar-file for extracting a tar-file for creating an archive Page 15 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 16. tcbck -n ALL tcbck -p tree tcbck -t "file" tcbck -y "file" tcbck -a "file" class="class" tcbck -d "file" tcbck -l "device name" checks all files listed in sysck.cfg and reports faults but doesn't fixes them checks all files and fixes the faults but doesn't report them checks a file, reports a fault and asks the user for fixinig it checks a file, reports a fault and fixes it adds a file to the sysck.cfg under the specified class deletes an entry ot the sysck.cfg for adding a device, for example /dev/led, to the sysck.cfg tcpdump host "host" prints all packets arriving or departing from the specified host tctl -f "tape device" rewind for rewinding a tape time "command" displays the elapsed execution time and the user and system processing time attributed to a command tn "host" tn "host" "port number" starts a telnet session to the specified host starts a telnet session to an host on the specified port top lists up all processes orderer after it's CPU usage and updates itself periodical touch "file" this sets the last access and modification times of the specified file to the current date and time, if the file does not exist, the touch command creates an empty file with that name trace -a; sleep 10; trcstop for tracing the system for a period of 10 seconds traceroute "IP-number" prints the route that IP packets take to a network host tsh for starting a trusted shell, that only executes commands that are marked as being trusted umount "file system" umount allr unmounts a file systems unmounts all remote file systems uname -a uname -m uname -M gives out system information (operating system name, hostname...) gives out the system serial number gives out the system typ (not for MCA) uncompress "file" for uncompressing a file updatelv "logical volume" "volume group" updates the LVCB of a logical volume users lists up the names of the users who are working on the system usrck -t ALL usrck -t "user" searching for inconsistencies in the /usr/security/user searching for inconsistencies of a single user in the /etc/security/user varyoffvg "volume group" for deactivating a volume group varyonvg "volume group" varyonvg -f "volume for activating a volume group allows a volume group to be made active that does not Page 16 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 17. group" currently have a quorum of available disks vi vi "file" for starting the vi-editor for editing a file vmstat vmstat 5 shows statistics about the virtual memory shows a summery report about the virtual memory each five seconds w shows the current users with login time and more wall ""message"" wall writes a message to all users logged in a system also for writting a message to all users (finishing with Ctrl+D) who - a /etc/security/failedlogin who -a /etc/adm/wtmp who -r who who -b shows the failed logins shows the successfull logins shows the current run-level and when it has been started shows the current users shows when the last boot did occur whoami who am i shows the current user shows the login user xhost +"host" xhost -"host" adds an host to the access control list of an Xserver removes an host to the access control list of an Xserver xlock for locking a Xwindows session ypbind enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server ypcat prints out an NIS map ypinit sets up NIS maps on a NIS server yppasswd changes your network password in NIS yppoll displays the order number of the NIS map currently in use on the server yppush propmts the NIS slave servers to copy updated NIS maps ypserv looks up information in local NIS maps ypset "IP" for changing the IP of a NIS server on the client ypwhich identifies either an NIS server or the server that is the master for a given map ypxfr transfers an NIS map from a NIS server to a local host | tee "file" | tee -a "file" for piping the output of a command to the standard output and a new file for piping the output of a command to the standard output and a existing file "command" & for running a command in the background Page 17 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002
  • 18. > "file" for cleaning the contents of a file Page 18 of 18 Tenir's brain 7/6/2002