recent developments iraq saddam hussein era monarchy and republic british mandate ottoman empire mongol invasion islamic caliphates ancient mesopotamia british raj mughal empire medieval period gupta empire maurya empire vedic period indus valley civilization modern germany post-world war ii world wars and division prussian dominance and unifica reformation and renaissance germany history post-soviet russia revolution imperial russia and empire tsardom mongol rule and the rise of m the varangians history of russia world wars and english civil war restoration and the glorious english civil war (1642-1651) tudor dynasty (1485 - 1603) medieval england (1066 - 1485) norman conquest (1066) viking invasions anglo-saxon england (410 - 106 roman britain (55 bc - 410 ad) prehistoric england (before 55 world war ii world war i and interwar perio meiji restoration early modern japan muroma chi period medieval japan (1185 - 1603) heian period nara period kofun period yayoi period ancient japan post-independence era national awakening european colonialism arrival of islam and the sulta early civilizations and kingdo industrialization and progress civil war and reconstruction early republic and westward ex american revolution and indepe european exploration and colon pre-columbian era (before 1492 modern china: imperial china: ancient china history of china modern era and independence islamic rule and the mamluks and roman rule greek persian ancient egypt history of egypt post-colonial africa post-independence challenges trans-saharan trade and empire prehistoric africa: prehistoric africa civilization history old traditional discovery of world world history
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