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Sr. no. Contents
A Success Fundas
B Step To Achieve Desire Success
1 What Is Success?
2 The 4 Major Secrets of Successful People
3 What Differentiate Successful Person From Unsuccessful Person
4 How To Have Success In Different Areas?
5 What Do You Think Is Holding You Back From Being More Successful?
6 Why Success Is So Important In One‘s Life?
7 Health A Major Conscious Which Paves The Way For Success
8 Starters
9 Maincourse
10 Desserts
11 11 Approaches of Successful Person
12 Conclusion
Putting Your 100% on Decided Burning Desire: When you are truly 100%
committed to reaching your goals, you move from hoping to knowing. If you want
something badly enough, then quitting is simply not an option. You either find a
way or make one.
2 science/ formulas of success: 1. The right Attiutde, 2. Strengthen your will power
Starters: Start is the significant step to achieve desired success
Affirmations: Every time you use positive affirmations for success, it sends a
positive message to your subconscious mind. A good set of positive affirmations
for success can help invite wealth, good health and upgraded status in your life
Self is super happy: Happiness leads to success. According to the study‘s findings,
happy people seek out and undertake new goals that reinforce their happiness and
other positive emotions.
Living life: Living life to the fullest means you are in tune with yourself. This
allows you to make conscious decisions that directly affect you. When you're just
going through the motions, you aren't always doing whats best for you. You are
likely doing all of the things you think you have to do.
Maincourse: The successful execution of your dream/desire/goal.
1. Burning desire: ―where there is a will there is a way‖
2. 100% faith : Faith plays an important role in being successful. There are
people who dream about what they want and then there are those who take
action. Though it takes time, having faith in what you do and taking action
will eventually get you what you want.
3. Auto suggestion: Auto suggestion is the simplest and arguably, the most
powerful of the mind programming tools. It is one of those simple mind
power techniques that is easy, always accessible, can be done anywhere any
time (even while driving), and requires no special skill or training.
4. Specialized knowledge: A tactic of success which is a bit more tangible is
Specialized Knowledge. One obtains specialized knowledge by being
persistent in learning as much as you can in any field.
5. Imagination: The successful execution of any dream, desire or event relies
on planning and planning requires an active imagination.
6. Organized planning: Organized planning is a major subject in the book
Think and Grow Rich. It is said that large, especially financial, goals need
organized planning, sound planning.
7. Decision: Decision leads to action and until a decision is made nothing
happens. Success in life is the result of bold and courageous decisions taken
at the right time. Do not let others to take your decision and guide your life
8. Persistence: persistence is the key to the success. Persistence allows you to
keep taking action even when you don't feel motivated to do so, and
therefore you keep accumulating results.
9. Master mind: A mastermind is a brilliant thinker with original ideas.
10.Enthusiasm: yet another key to success. Achieving your goals and dreams
requires that we take action every day. Enthusiasm is the fuel for consistent
action. Those who work only when they feel like working will never get
very far. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ―Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.‖
11.Subconscious mind: reprogramming your subconscious mind by
visualizing the success you desire may be another important step to achieve
12.Brain: success gets into your head and changes it
13.Sixth sense: You need to keep working on that instinct, polishing it and
honing it to make sure it‘s always sharp.
14.Desserts: living the dream, achieved goals is no less than having great
15.Helping others: Never let a goal become more important than helping
people. Help others generously, abundantly. Help others without expectation
of a return favor. Serving others will turn you into a mentor yourself. And
you will always find more joy in helping others succeed than in achieving
your own success.
16.Ever grateful to supreme power: gratitude is the key factor in achieving
ultimate success and happiness
17.Grateful to everyone in the universe: Gratitude helps people feel more
positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with
adversity, and build strong relationships. People feel and express gratitude in
multiple ways.
18.Few allied techniques: techniques management is the ultimate habit one
need to posses for a desired success
19.Mind mapping : The Mind Map technique has been proven to help
someone remember/memorize information easier, recognize key/important
information, make decisions, and plan. In addition, the Mind Map technique
can increase creativity.
20.Investing in self: Investing in yourself can yield rewards that last a lifetime.
The key is to be conscious about taking time each day to lay the groundwork
— both for the person you want to become and the things you want to
21.Hobbies: Hobbies give you an opportunity to enhance your life. Hobbies
allow you to destress yourself while remaining mentally productive.
22.New courses: one should never quit the habbit of leaning new everyday, for
that is the one quality which keeps you going and will never go wasted
23.Developing new friends: developing new contact via new friends will bring
you opportunities to learn from their shared experiences, which ultimately
going to help in some point of your future.
24.Working as if you exist no more: It means simply living a truly great day
that's in line with everything you want out of life, and that includes health,
financial stability, good relationships, and everything else. Go out there and
live for today.
25.Approach of successful persons
26.Conclusion – Adding Vanilla scoop to your success.
Success is the sheer intensity of life i.e Intensity of purpose and commitment.
Success always depends on the Second Letter of the term SUCCESS. As
Bhagavad-Gita, our Vedic Book, where Lord Krishna states that ―one has the right
to claim on the work and not the results, and also further guides that for
achieving success, one has to put a stop on one's doubting nature and have faith in
himself, in his capabilities, and always feel assured that his actions will bear
positive results. It exhorts us to acquire deep knowledge in our field of activities.‖
Success doesn‘t depends upon the IQs, people with lower IQs are found to be more
successful, because they believe in achieving through smartness, persistence, focus
and various strategies to achieve the goal Eg. Chess-Player. Success is the way of
understanding and analyzing the difference between need and want. It is the key of
believing in yourself that you can do it.
―You decide your own success‖, whatever gives the utmost level of fulfillment
becomes your own success story. One should never have a fear of failure. Failure
should never overtake you if you have a strong determination to succeed. As
Success starts with failure and failure is only key of learning and improving
yourself which motivates you to create solutions, even when the difficult barriers
Another major step of Success is ―Finding a Mentor who will hold you
accountable‖. It is well said that ―If you want to go fast walk alone, If you want to
go far, go together‖. Thus accomplishment of success without other people is not
possible. For Instance, if you want to be a successful CEO, you need to find at one
person to be your mentor and accountability partner. As the mentor is the one who
will allow you to learn from experiences and someone who has gone through many
of the same struggles you are dealing with and is succeeding at levels that one
hope‘s to achieve.
Success is a never ending process i.e Success after Success. As it is rightly quoted
by Dr. A.P.J. Kalam that never take rest after your first victory because if you fail
in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck‖. So
neither Success is final and nor failure is a fatal. Thus one must treat Success as a
beautiful journey and not a final destination of the life.
The Formula of Success is ―Goal + Habits‖ which must be in consistent with
perseverance and patience. One must keep on trying and never quit in the mid of
the journey. It is statistically proved that 81% of them maintain a to-do-list and
80% focus on accomplishing a specific goal.
Vision: The successful person will always have a clear vision and this vision is
transformed in to reality. They have a clear and clarified vision. Whether such
vision can be termed as a brand identity , goals or mission statement, it doesn‘t
matter as a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Honest: As Bennis wrote, ―Leaders never lie to themselves, especially about
themselves. You are your own raw material.‖ Successful people never lie to
themselves and especially about themselves. In other words, taking responsibility
for our mistakes and admitting when we‘re wrong isn‘t just relationally smart—it‘s
financially savvy. Another study, conducted by the Corporate Executive Board,
found companies that ―rated highly in the area of open communication‖ and
encouraged honest feedback among their staff delivered a ―10-year total
shareholder return that was 270 percent more than other companies.‖ And what‘s
true for companies is just as true for us.
Gratitude: We tend to think of gratitude as a spontaneous emotion, something that
just happens to us in moments of triumph or success. In reality, though, gratitude is
something we develop. Without gratitude, you aren‘t being mindful or totally
thankful of the good things in life—and your perspective is probably skewed to the
negative as a result.
Adaptive: Thomas Edison‘s famous quote about inventing the light bulb: ―I have
not failed. I‘ve just found 10,000 ways that won‘t work.‖ Thus one has to be
adaptive in every circumstance. All this means is that instead of hiding from
failure, insanely successful people anticipate and integrate failure into their lives in
ways that transform it from an end into a means.
Acronymn of SUCCESS
S- See your goals.
U- Understand the obstacles.
C- Create a positive mental picture.
C- Clear your mind of self – doubt.
E- Embrace the challenge.
S- Stay on track.
S- Show the world you can do it.
Successful individuals do compliment; unsuccessful individuals do destructive
Successful individuals look for positive aspects in others because they understand
the importance of trust and growth cultivation.
Feeling the need to criticize in a way that is not constructively serving another is
showing a feeling of disunity, disallowing the flow of creative energy and stalling
success along the way.
Successful people learn to forgive; unsuccessful people hold on to grudges.
The art of forgiveness is the art of letting go. Successful individuals learn to
forgive; unsuccessful individuals hold on to grudges. Successful individuals
understand that forgiving does not mean condoning what someone has done, but
for their own peace of mind, releasing the negative emotion around it.
Unsuccessful people tend to hold on to grudges, causing the negative situation and
energy to fester away and inevitably affect their success.
Successful people accept responsibility; unsuccessful people blame others.
To be successful, you have to accept that you‘re responsible for your actions, your
reactions and ultimately your success and failures. This creates a mindset of
empowerment and control.
Good outcomes are easy to take responsibility for, but when you realize the bad
outcomes are also down to you, you can swiftly redirect to a better path and grow
from the experience.
Unsuccessful people throw the blame onto others when things don‘t go to plan. By
doing this, they are not identifying with their own power and fall into victim mode
resulting in the inability to see the opportunities for creating personal growth and
therefore creating more success.
Successful people follow through with their habits; unsuccessful people say they
do but in reality don‘t.
Success is down to consistent habits and successful people know this and stick to
them. They create a positive morning routine, they may meditate, they may take
time to journal or plan out goals. They do this every day.
Unsuccessful people also know the importance of positive habits but they just
don‘t stick to them in a consistent way. They don‘t make them a priority, create a
lack of dedication, or just simply believe they‘ll be successful without them.
Successful people want others to succeed; unsuccessful people want others to fail.
Highly successful people know that other people‘s success doesn‘t diminish their
own. They look at people‘s achievements and celebrate them because it‘s about
focusing on the element of thriving which ultimately benefits everyone.
Sometimes people don‘t outwardly say they want someone to fail and may even
seem to celebrate another‘s success. But deep-down there is an element of jealousy
or hope for failure. This comes from a lack mentality, triggering self-limiting
beliefs about their ability to succeed and playing the comparison game.
Successful people keep a ‗to-be‘ list; unsuccessful people don‘t know what they
want to be.
Successful people focus, not just on what they want to do, but also how they want
to be. This stems from knowing the importance of personal growth within the
journey to success and becoming a person capable of achieving that success.
Unsuccessful people tend to focus on the end goal without giving much thought to
the person they want to become to get there. Dismissing this crucial part of success
can be one of the major downfalls as working on yourself is paramount to creating
a successful life.
Successful people focus on themselves; unsuccessful people focus on others.
While successful people focus on their personal growth and concentrate on their
responsibility for success, unsuccessful people spend much of their time focusing
on what others are doing.
They compare themselves to others in a detrimental way and use it to create the
energy of lack and low self-worth within themselves.
Successful people set goals; unsuccessful people just go with the flow.
Everyone knows that to be successful, you have to set yourself goals. Thinking big
and believing you can achieve them gives you something to strive for. It creates
structure and it creates a game plan no matter how small the goals are.
Unsuccessful people don‘t set goals, which means, they may have a great idea but
constantly feel lost trying to achieve them and causing them to give up more easily.
Successful people focus on the positive; unsuccessful people focus on the negative.
It‘s really simple; a positive mindset sends you on the direction of success and
a negative mindset can only steer you towards failure.
When you‘re in a positive state (even when facing a particular challenge), you
attract more positive opportunities. When you only see the negative, you literally
blind yourself from seeing answers to problems because you‘re usually so fixated
on the problems.
Successful people embrace change; unsuccessful people fear change.
Everything is temporary and change is inevitable. Successful people realize this
and know that change is a necessary part of success. And so they‘re willing
to embrace change.
Unsuccessful people want change but fear it happening or find it hard to embrace
the change that inevitably needs to happen. This just slows it all down and makes
the process harder than it needs to be.
Successful people share information; unsuccessful people horde information.
Sharing is a concept that successful people understand and implement. It comes
from an abundance mindset and the want to help others succeed around you.
Keeping information to yourself when you know it‘ll benefit others comes from a
lackful and fearful mindset. When you feel you have to act in order to benefit
yourself and no one else, it will only take your success so far.
Successful people read every day; unsuccessful people watch TV every day.
This tie in with having consistent positive habits. When they have downtime,
successful people will fill their mind with motivational books and know the
benefits of focusing the mind to read.
When your relaxation time consists of sitting on the sofa and binge watching TV,
while it‘s okay to a point, it‘s choosing a less stimulating path and dodging a more
productive way to use your spare time.
Successful people use this time wisely and implement it into their desire to
Successful people show gratitude; unsuccessful people show entitlement.
The attitude of gratitude is the secret weapon for every successful person.
Whether it‘s gratitude for where they are no matter what stage they‘re at, for the
people around them and even the challenges they face, appreciation for everything
brings more things to be grateful for (and therefore success) into their lives.
Many of us experience some degree of success in our lives, but struggle to achieve
success in all areas of our lives. For example, some people consider their
professional lives to be a great success, yet their personal lives not so
successful. This can also be true for many people that consider their personal lives
to be very successful and yet, financially, they may have struggles. While many
people do experience success in one or more areas of their lives, the majorities of
us are yet to experience and enjoy success in all areas of our lives. We firmly
believe that success can be achieved in every area of your life. How to be
successful in every area of your life will show you how to identify, challenge and
overcome your self-limiting beliefs. This will pave the way for you to finally
experience and enjoy a life of unlimited success. That is, unlimited success in
every area of your life. It will teach you how to reach your true potential, realize
your worth and experience unlimited success. Learn how to have everything
you‘ve ever wanted, including, health, wealth and happiness.
Some of the areas where success been achieved in different areas:
Success in Relationships
This is an area of our lives that can often be overlooked when we are striving for
success. But there are many reasons we should consider investing in the
relationships that are important to us. The key relationships that exist in our lives
are a huge part of our lives, so it is important that when we think of success, we
also apply success to these key relationships.
Successful Relationships with our Spouse
As a global nation, we spend billions of dollars in the search for a life partner,
kindred spirit, and soul mate, that special person we wish to share all that is
meaningful, important, and special to us. Learn how to experience the most joy,
rewards and contentment from this special bond.
Key takeaways to achieve successful bonds with our Spouse
Learn to be empathy in each other‘s life rather getting into arguments.
Always be outspoken with respect to your emotions and feelings.
Learn to forgive and understand that it‘s okay to disagree.
Develop mutual trust.
Tell your spouse that you are thankful for having him or her in your life.
Plan for some personal time.
Successful Relationships with our Families
As with all relationships, they all come with their own challenges and family
relationships are no different. This lecture is concerned with getting the balance
right, between family members we are close with and those that we prefer to keep
some distance with. As our families can be a great source of support, learn how to
successfully maintain relations with all your family members.
Key takeaways for successful relationships with our family
Be genuine when strengthening family connections.
Encourage participation from parents.
Communicate Often and in Various Forms
Make a Positive Phone Call when you are far away from your Parents.
Listen to them attentively rather being arrogant and debating.
Be very specific and apt while conveying any messages or making any decisions.
Share every success and failure to them.
Be thankful in each and every situations.
Successful Relationships with our Friends
Our closest friendships are our chosen family, but like any relationship they will
require nourishing from time to time. It is very important that we treat and are
treated as equals. We should never take or be taken advantage of. Relationships
like this can easily exist if we are friends with people for the wrong reason.
Key takeaways for successful relationships with our friends
Be honest and trustworthy.
Make time and Show Appreciation
Provide a helping hand in any difficult situation.
Alter the Expectations and avoid making Assumptions.
Make a contact regularly, but it must be worthwhile.
Celebrate their important moments in a special way.
Successful Relationships with our colleagues
Working relationships require attention. We do not choose relationships with the
people we work with, but yet we spend a lot of time with them. Because of this,
many people working so close will often fall out or just never get along. Learn
how to have successful relationships with your work colleagues, bringing harmony
and making you more productive.
Key takeaways for successful Relationships with our colleagues:
Have an open and honest communications.
Improve your interpersonal skills by supporting other people's work.
Ask others to become involved in your projects or activities. ...
Show Appreciations.
Initiate conversations by asking questions.
Be an Active Listener and always be Positive.
Be clear about your needs and commitments.
Respecting their values and ideas.
Successful Relationships with clients.
Gaining new clients for your business is one thing. But retaining them can prove
just as challenging. If you're not careful, all the money and effort you put into
landing that killer client could go to waste if you don't learn to properly manage
your new relationship. With sound relationship management, you can establish
successful partnerships that last for many years, creating a win-win situation for
everyone involved.
Key takeaways for successful relationships with clients.
Involve your client in the goal-setting process.
Don't allow the client to come to you with questions.
Pick up the phone and make an actual phone call.
Be transparent, even when it's not a good look.
Maintain a Positive Attitude
Success in Academics.
Knowledge can help give you the basic values, beliefs, and skills that you need to
achieve these goals. Learning how to learn more efficiently and effectively can
help you in all your pursuits of a better life, because it can help you gain the
knowledge you need to be successful. Academic success includes high learning,
high grades, and high achievement of degree objectives, but it also includes
becoming the kind of person that can make a contribution to others and to society,
and can lead a healthy, happy life.
Key takeaways for achieving Success in Academics:
Manage Your Time.
Set Goals and focus on it.
Read Textbooks and Course Readings thoroughly and consistently.
Attend Your Lectures.
Avoid Last Minute Studies.
Success in Professions:
Once you graduate from college and land a job, your next immediate concern is
how to succeed in your career. Because the world has become so competitive,
doing well in your job and moving forward with your career is more important
now than ever. Career advancement and recognition are on every professional's list
of goals. But what sets the exceptional professionals apart? The answer is simply
willingness and a strong desire to perform well. Once you have the willingness and
the right mindset, you can begin climbing the ladder.
Key takeaways for success in Professions:
Be ready to learn. No matter what your age is, always be in a learning mode and
update your skills.
Set goals to achieve.
Build a Profession Resume that create an identity for yourself.
Don‘t just say, rather do it in actions.
Gain trust and loyalty.
Analyze your strengths and overcome your weakness.
Brand Yourself, Always raise your standards with dignity.
Have a healthy social network.
Success in business:
To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and
organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they‘ll turn on
their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that
making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought. You can
avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the
necessary steps you need to achieve success.
Key takeaways to achieve success in business:
Starting a business requires analytical thinking, determined organization, and
detailed record-keeping.
It‘s important to be aware of your competition and either appropriate or improve
upon their successful tactics.
You‘ll almost certainly end up working harder for yourself than you would for
someone else, so prepare to make sacrifices in your personal life when establishing
your business.
Providing good service to your customers is crucial to gaining their loyalty and
retaining their business.
Success in Sports.
There is a range of physical and mental components that contribute to successful
performance in sports. Each sport and activity requires a specific set of these skills.
Being successful in one sport does not necessarily make you successful in another,
as success requires a whole range of factors to come together and interact in the
right way.
Key takeaways for achieving success in Sports:
Choose and maintain a positive attitude.
Maintain a high level of self-motivation.
Set high, realistic goals.
Deal effectively with people.
Use positive self-talk.
Use positive mental imagery.
Manage anxiety effectively.
Manage their emotions effectively.
Success for Peaceful Life
How about your mental baggage? If you have only two days left to finish all the
important projects in your life, would you be able to do it? One of the worst things
in life is always trying to meet somebody‘s expectations.
If you are always trying to reach the approval of others then you will never be able
to live peacefully. None of us is perfect in the eyes of the others. he only way that
we can be successful and perfect is if we set our own standards and follow our own
road in life.
Of course, hold on to some social norms and politeness and also consider the
feelings and wellbeing of the people you love. Being authentic and true to yourself
doesn‘t mean becoming selfish or thoughtless.
Key takeaways to achieve success for Peaceful Life
Live in the Present situation.
Try to remain in Solitude.
Don‘t let your technology ruin your routine life.
Avoid doing multi-tasking creating disinterest.
Slow down and enjoy doing every task and minute of work.
Decide what is important and essential for current scenario rather overthinking.
Analyze your Commitments.
Stay Calm and Mediate.
Accessibility Help & Statement
Success looks and feels different for everyone. However, one thing that can be
very similar between people is the type of roadblocks that we put in our way to
stop us from getting that success. Unfortunately, we tend to be our own worst
enemy and not even realize that we are to blame for sabotaging our own success.
However, you can consciously change that direction by considering these common
behaviors that block success and learn how you can avoid or alter them.
You‘re not taking enough risks
While it may be prudent to avoid extreme risk, there‘s a time and a place for
stepping outside your comfort zone in order to generate the change that is
necessary to achieve your goals. If you‘re typically a risk-adverse person and
haven‘t been achieving much success, now may be the time to put yourself out
You don‘t necessarily need to take huge risks; if you‘ve been taking the safe route
for a while, even small risks can be enough to help propel you in the right
direction. Consider volunteering to take on the lead role on a project at work or
step outside of your role and help in a different department. Start a side company
as the precursor to become a full-time entrepreneur in the near future. Wherever
you think you can push yourself farther, it‘s time to take the leap.↵ENTERSkip to
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You‘re playing the victim
You may not consciously think of yourself as a victim. However, if you often find
yourself thinking, ―He made me do this‖ or ―I had no choice but to…,‖ you may be
giving up more of your power than you should.
While there will always be situations in life where you have little or no control,
you shouldn‘t consistently find yourself feeling ganged up on, taken advantage of,
or unable to change your circumstances. In order to stop playing the victim card,
you first have to realize that you are focusing on others‘ behavior rather than your
own as well as what you can‘t do rather than what you still have the power to
achieve. If you still truly feel that others are wiping their feet on you, then you
need to learn a different strategy for standing up for yourself so you take that
power back. If you need to, ask someone else for pointers on the best strategy.
You try to do everything yourself
It doesn‘t matter how smart, educated, or experienced you are, no one can do
everything well. If anything, the more you try to do yourself, the more you will
actually fail at most of it.
Successful people know they can‘t do it all and are willing to delegate to those
around them. As a business owner, this might mean letting go of control and
outsourcing certain tasks that aren‘t in your wheelhouse. In your personal life, it
could involve consulting with an expert in the fields of fitness, health or
You aren‘t able to self-regulate
Research shows that kids who are able to self-regulate their behavioral and
emotional impulses have greater success in school. Although we often talk about
self-regulation in relation to kids, the concept still applies for garnering success as
an adult.
Our ability to regulate our emotions and behaviors is what allows us to act in our
own best interest even when our impulses are in the background, trying to push us
to do something else. One of the most effective ways we can achieve greater self-
regulation is through consistently delaying gratification, focusing on our values
and long-term goals, creating a plan that keeps us on track and rewarding ourselves
along the way for staying the course.
You let yourself get too distracted
Distractions can eat up a ton of time — more time, in fact, than you might think.
Whether you are sitting in a cubicle or working from home, there are always things
around us that grab that time – social media, phone calls and texts, and those
YouTube videos.
When you‘re distracted from a task, you aren‘t just losing the time it takes to
switch to your secondary (often less-important) task. Research has suggested that it
takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on task after being
interrupted. This often leads to lower productivity and ultimately means it takes
longer to reach your goals.
Whenever possible, block off dedicated time in your schedule to focus on
important tasks as well as allocate limited blocks for those diversions. This will not
only keep others from disrupting you, but it will also help you avoid straying from
your work and provide essential mental and physical breaks that can help recharge
your energy and productivity.
You‘re too afraid of failure
The prospect of failure can turn you into a deer in the headlights. However, in your
attempt to avoid the possibility of failing, you may be missing out on opportunities
that will actually allow you to be successful.
The fact is that failure is inevitable. As 19th century English historian James A.
Froude said, ―Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes.‖ You will
undoubtedly experience failure on the path to success, but don‘t let it dissuade you
from making things happen that might not have otherwise if you were still frozen
in fear.
You don‘t value your time
As you attain some degree of success, you can count on people coming out of the
wood work who want free advice. These encounters can seriously eat into the time
you need to work toward your own goals.
Don‘t be afraid to turn down these types of requests when necessary or even
suggest a nominal consulting fee. It‘s okay to be generous with your knowledge
and expertise, but don‘t feel bad about protecting your own time. Create your own
success first and then you will be able to pay it forward and help others work
toward theirs.
You expect someone else to make you successful
We‘ve all heard stories of overnight success where a story gets picked up by a
well-known publication or a product gets mentioned by a celebrity and a business
achieves sudden success.
In reality, these cases few and far between. Success takes work, struggle, and
determination. And, nine times out of ten, it‘s your hard work, struggle, and
determination that does it. While others may provide good advice, serve as
connectors, or provide funding, it‘s still on you to generate your own success.
You‘re not confident enough
Some research has concluded that people who are overconfident may achieve
greater success even though that success may not be merited. Researcher Cameron
Anderson explained, ―Our studies found that overconfidence helped people attain
social status. People who believed they were better than others, even when they
weren‘t, were given a higher place in the social ladder.‖
While you don‘t need to be overconfident to succeed you can become more
knowledgeable or skillful in your business segment or industry. With that
enhanced knowledge and sharpened skill set comes greater confidence. In return,
you are likely to earn more respect and prominence at work or with your
You‘re comfortable with the status quo
When life is going relatively well, many of us tend to sit back and just enjoy. It‘s
good to reflect and celebrate how great your life is going, but it can also block
those future opportunities for success.
If you‘re not willing to step outside the status quo every once in a while, your
business or personal life eventually will stagnate. Albert Einstein once said that the
definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results. The same goes for success: if you want to achieve the next level
of success, then you‘re eventually going to need to disrupt the status quo and start
implementing different strategies. In work, this might involve tackling a new
project or trying a new way to market to customers. In life, this could involve
adopting a new hobby, traveling somewhere new, or joining a social club to meet
new people who share similar interests.
Imposter syndrome is holding you back
I don‘t think there‘s a single person who would deny Maya Angelou‘s success.
Yet, even she suffered from ―imposter syndrome.‖ She once said, ―I have written
eleven books, but each time I think, ‗Uh oh, they‘re going to find out now. I‘ve run
a game on everybody and they‘re going to find me out.‘‖
It‘s natural to occasionally feel undeserving of your current job, relationship, or
other successes. Remind yourself that nearly everyone has felt the same way. What
if someone like Maya Angelou had let her imposter syndrome hold her back? We
wouldn‘t have all those literary treasures.
The same goes with you. If you give into the idea that you don‘t deserve what you
have, then you will not use it to its full advantage, missing out on many future
successes as well as inhibiting others from benefiting from what you created or
You don‘t know what success looks like for you
Too many people moan about how they‘ll never achieve success. Yet, from what
others observe, many of these same people appear to ―have it all.‖ They have great
jobs, profitable businesses, healthy lifestyles and happy relationships. However,
they may not define success by these criteria or they still don‘t have a clear picture
of what it means to them.
In order to know what success looks like for you, there must be some planning,
reflection, and discussion. You need to determine what you define as success by
figuring out what‘s really important. While you can work with a coach or mentor
to shape this definition of success, it‘s still on you to draw that final picture.
You‘re not tracking your progress
It‘s one thing to set goals, but if you‘re not consistently tracking your progress
toward those goals, you may find it easier to just give up – even when you‘re on
the cusp of success.
Progress on goals can be tracked many ways. Whether it‘s using a time
tracking app to log every hour and track it against tasks for gauging progress or
maintaining a spreadsheet of monthly goals and updates, you need to hold yourself
As you see progress, remind yourself how far you‘ve come. Make adjustments as
necessary if you feel as though more needs to be done, but never stray too far from
your original goal.
You‘re not surrounding yourself with people who motivate you
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, ―You are the average of the five people you
spend the most time with.‖ Are you spending time with people who are on their
own path to success? Are they willing to make sacrifices in the short-term in order
to reach their goals? Do you have people around you who are positive and going
somewhere themselves like friends with goals?
If not, it may be time to make a change. You don‘t necessarily need to be in a
formal mentoring relationship to receive this motivation. However, you do need to
surround yourself with people who can provide some guidance along the path to
success. This motivational circle can be formed with colleagues, friends and family
members, teachers and even your own children.
You don‘t believe in yourself
If you don‘t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? This holds
true in business and your personal life.
To believe in yourself, you must first trust yourself. While making decisions, stop
relying on everyone around you to tell you what to do or waiting for them to
reassure you that you‘ve made the best choice. Instead, try listening to your
intuition (―going with your gut‖). You may be surprised to discover you‘re actually
more insightful than you thought! Remember how many times you may have
already said to yourself that you should have listened to that little voice? That‘s
your intuition and it already believes in you.
Your Goals Are Unrealistic
Yes, it is possible to set unrealistic goals that‘ll backfire on your productivity.
These types of goals are nearly impossible to complete and will only result in
discouragement when you fail to reach them. Some include…
―I want to lose 50 kgs in two weeks‖
―My goal is to become a millionaire in a day with this new program I found on the
―I am going to build a massive business in a month‖
Sure, it might be possible to become a millionaire in a day with a lottery win, build
a substantial business in a month with some viral product, or lose weight extremely
fast (if you are on a vigorous weight loss program). However, if you expect a
miracle and don‘t get it, then your discouragement can result in you giving up early
for not seeing the results you expected.
You Are Afraid of Failure
One of the reasons people fail to tackle their goals is the fear of failure.
Will people judge me if I fail? Why waste my time on something I‘ll never
accomplish? What if I am not good enough?
This is one of the most popular things that‘s holding people back from tackling
their goals.
You can overcome this fear by realizing that perfection is rarely attainable in
anything we do. There‘s almost always something we can improve upon. Even the
most successful people in the world make mistakes. Embrace your mistakes and
learn from them.
You may fear the guilt you‘ll encounter if you fail, but you need to understand that
there are a lot of uncontrollable factors at play in our lives. Maybe a painter failed
to complete his goal because the paint shop was closed, the marketer did not reach
a monetary goal because the market crashed, or the local business owner had to
close because a massive chain store moved in.
One last thing is to not hold any regrets. What you fear trying today could be
something you regret not trying tomorrow. Don‘t let your life be overcome by fear.
Go out there and do what you want (within reason) and chase your dreams!
You are afraid of your age:
When, at the age of 50, John Fenn joined the faculty at Yale, he was old by
academic standards. But then again, he was an inveterate late starter. He published
his first research paper at 32, a decade after leaving graduate school. He was 35
when he got his first academic appointment, at Princeton, where he started working
with atomic and molecular beams, research that he continued to pursue at Yale.
Though Fenn was hard-working and diligent, he was largely a low-impact
scientist. When It Comes to Success, Age Really Is Just a Number
Keeping productivity equal, the scientists were as likely to score a hit at age 50 as
at age 25. The distribution was random; choosing the right project to pursue at the
right time was a matter of luck. ―The bottom line is: Brother, never give up. When
you give up, that‘s when your creativity ends,‖
You procrastinate too often
Procrastination often gets the best of us. Why focus on a boring task such as
writing an article when we could be out partying or playing video
games? Overcoming procrastination is not that difficult with a plan of action. You
can fix procrastination by setting up goals and changing your habits.
You Focus on the Wrong Things
Instead of focusing on things like entertainment, drinking, partying, and TV,
switch your focus to the things you really want to accomplish in life. You may
have to cut some things you enjoy, but success is not without some hardships. By
doing this, you‘ll likely find that you are more productive than you thought you
You are not committed
You have a few goals here and there, but perhaps you haven‘t decided to commit
yourself to any of them. Make it your goal, today, to finally make the decision to
pursue them! Ways you can go about doing this include…
Finding an accountability partner
Announcing it on your blog or social media account
Writing it on a piece of paper and putting it on the wall
Letting your friends and family know about your new goal (s)
Taking action today
You are not using the Right Tools
There are a slew of tools available to aid us in achieving our goals. They can make
the process of goal-setting easier. They include notepads, timers, calendars, and
reminder notification apps. Make the use of these tools; they are here for
a purpose.
You consume more Content than you create
We‘re all guilty of this. The media world is built for consumption, and we are
taking the bait. Instead of consuming large amounts of other people‘s content,
focus on creating more content than you consume. This tip is particularly useful for
blog owners who need to create content in order to bring visitors to their websites.
You spend too much time consuming media
We now consume over 8 hours of media each day. This is half of our lives being
wasted on what could have been accomplishing our goals and getting things done.
Make it your goal this year to reduce your time spent consuming media and pursue
your goals. It is not that hard if you are willing to make a few changes in your life.
You do not learn from Your Mistakes
Mistakes are a part of life. When you first learned to walk, did you quit the first
time you fell. Of course not! You are only walking today because you learned from
your past mistakes.
If you never could learn from your mistakes, then you would continue to make the
same mistakes and not learn how to fix them.
It is like building a business. Even if a business owner fails to bring in any
customers with a new advertisement, the advertisement still isn‘t a complete
failure. The owner would now have data of things that don‘t work. Eventually,
after rigorous testing, this person will finally find the ad that converts.
Virtually every success story follows the pattern of my example above. Everyone
who has reached success has failed big at least once in his or her lifetime. Failure is
nothing to worry about; it is just another thing to use for helping accomplish your
You Are Not Accomplishing your Goals Because You Are Lazy
For some of us, admitting that we are lazy can be challenging and a harm to our
ego. That is fine; I understand. However, if you are lazy and never admit this to
yourself, how do you expect to change?
Acknowledging a problem is a step you must take before fixing that problem. Once
you realize that you are lazy, grab a sheet of paper and write down all the
unproductive things you do. This could be a big eye-opener to help you figure out
what‘s holding you back.
Once you are finished writing those things down, make it your goal to either limit
or eliminate them completely.
Success is very important in every person‘s life. It is something that we achieve
after having made certain effort. The meaning of success has changed and evolved
over time. Today people connect it mainly with abundance of money and luxurious
possessions. However, recent researches have shown that money has little to do
with success. I know that the winner of the Nobel Prize can be considered
successful, although he doesn‘t get lots of money for it. The person who makes an
effort to save endangered animals can be considered successful, although he‘s been
only spending money, not earning them. There are people who create masterpieces
in the fields of art, music or literature. They can stay unknown during their life and
earn little money. However, when their work gets wide recognition, they become
successful. According to the latest research success is connected with genes. Some
people are more successful than others because they are born in happier families.
Other than that, spouses often get more successful than single people. Friends and
family are very important for gaining success. Good relations with close people
lead to success and happiness. Being attractive is rather important for reaching
success. Helping others and being involved in some socially useful work is also a
way to success. Psychologists state that those who have interesting hobbies have
more chances to become successful.
There are so many definitions of success, as obviously ‗success‘ means different
things to different people. And furthermore, success in one field doesn‘t
necessarily negate complete failures in others. If you are a successful business
person yet your family doesn‘t know you and your relationships are cold and
distant – are you truly a success? And one key myth about success is that once you
find it you‘ll be happy. (Ultimately isn‘t that why we all want to be successful?)
Often success driven people are driven by goals but I have personally learnt that
much of life‘s happiness, much of our feelings of fulfilment come from the
realization that we are ‗walking the path‘ rather than reaching our destination.
Success must be found each day, in the small accomplishments. We must find
success in the little prizes of keeping our word and developing positive habits, of
getting past our own self-imposed limitations and mile-stones. That feeling of
success is 90 – 95% of our success.
Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, the ability to
contribute at a greater level, hope and leadership. Without success, you, the group,
your company, your goals, dreams and even entire civilizations cease to survive.
Without continued success, the company, dream, even entire races will cease to
exist, as was the case with the Vikings, Romans, Greeks, American Indians and
then an endless list of companies and products. Success is important in that it is
required in order to continue on!
Success is a skill, and it‘s something you can learn.
Success leaves footprints.
This means that whatever you want to be successful in, there‘s an extremely high
chance that somebody has already found success in that field. And truly successful
people have an innate need to share and help others do the same. Even if you have
no one to teach you, often if you simply model your actions after your idol
(following their footsteps) you will be half way there.
However, a word of warning. Simply following a person‘s footsteps does not
guarantee you of success; rather it just provides your actions with a scaffold to
build upon. Just like you cannot be your idol and vice versa, ultimately, you must
follow your own way and define success on your terms.
Becoming successful is not a matter of blind luck or occasional chance.
Success is a skill, and it‘s a skill anyone can learn. If you desire to be successful
you have no choice but to learn the skills of positive habits and internal motivation,
you must develop the skill of productive actions and you must develop the skill of
creating powerful habits. All of these aspects should and must be learnt if you want
to find true success.
By learning and mastering the skill of becoming successful you will achieve
several wonderful side benefits:
You will grow in confidence. Confidence is the secret sauce of all successful
You will inspire others to follow their dreams. By simply following and steadily
realizing your dreams you give people implicit permission to follow theirs.
You will become an interesting person attracting other interesting person which
provides your life with richness as well as purpose meaning and direction.
You will feel like you have control over your life.
You will be able to achieve any goal you want simply through the confidence and
belief of achieving previous goals.
You will be able to design a life rather than just live one.
You will have the power to let go of past negative experience and destructive
Regardless of what goals you are trying to attain, success is important. Quit
succeeding, and you quit winning; quit winning long enough, and you will quit! Do
your kids benefit when they see mom and daddy losing? Does anyone benefit when
you can't get your art sold, or you can't get that great book published, or you have
some great idea that will improve the world, but can't succeed in bringing it to the
Success isn't just important; it is vital, and should never be reduced to anything less
than vital. Success is valuable, important and necessary for survival. Value of time
is also very important to achieve success. It is said that time is money. Loss of time
means loss of opportunity. By having a properly structured classification, it can
help to get things done faster. Apart from hard work, a successful person knows
how to manage time. Life is short and one must not waste time. There is much to
be done and one must make the best use of time. It is also important to have a
direction in life and to know our goal. We should choose our career very carefully.
Instead of doing what others want us to do, we should see in what interests us and
what we are good at. It is important to choose a path and concentrate all our
energies in the direction we have chosen. It does not help to run after many things
at the same time.
Sometimes, even if one is not very talented, one can succeed through
determination and hard work. We have no control over luck or circumstances. But
we certainly have control over how much hard work we can put in. We should do
our best in every situation and not worry about the result. Usually, that takes care
of itself.
Some of the reasons why success are very important in our life
Link to The Past
Humanity has a collective memory of past events and though we may not always
be aware of it, those memories are what drive us to do certain things. They drive us
to feel a certain way about a certain thing. Tens of thousands of years ago, humans
lived in small hunting groups and there were only two options- succeed (find food)
or die. Fast forward to today, our brains still take success and failure as life or
death and that is one major factor why it is so important to us as a species.
Hopes and Dreams
We all see ourselves somewhere in the distant future; we all have goals, dreams
and aspirations. Success means achieving those goals; it means that you can get
what you've always wanted. And in a way, being successful is realizing your goals
and aspirations; that's why it is so important.
Possible Outcomes
Success is so important for us because we are opened up to new paths possibilities.
Success is so important to us because it drives progress; being successful makes
you want to do more, to progress more, and therefore, the world progresses as well.
Fear of Failure
Success plays a major role in each of our lives because the other option, failure, is
always a looming threat. We always want to be successful because failure is such a
scary thing. Failure could lead to losing reputation among others, it could lead to
missed opportunities, it could lead to so much more as well. So it is only logical
that we want to avoid it all costs and therefore, it makes success much more
important to us.
It Feels Good
When you succeed, your brain triggers a surge of dopamine, the pleasure
chemicals of the body; this makes you feel warm, happy and ready to face
whatever challenges life is about to throw at you. We want to succeed because of
the rush that it brings to us, the joy of being noticed and adored, the feeling of
euphoria when your name is engraved on a plaque as millions cheer you on.
Success makes us feel happy, and achieving happiness is the ultimate goal of our
Success is a matter of how hard you work, or in some cases, how lucky you are. It
drives athletes to go beyond their own limits, it drives scientists to spend countless
hours on an experiment, it drives businessmen to come up with something fresh
and innovative. Success is what moves us all forward; it is a common fuel of
humanity. Success was important to us in the past, it is important to us now, and it
will be important to us all for a long time in the foreseeable future.
Your health determines your performance and the more you perform, the greater
your chances of success. You are the owner of your body and mind and should be
able to feel when you are on the right track mentally and physically.
As WHO states that ―Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‖.
Life is a gift given to us by God, it has many Phases which we can enjoy the rest of
our lives but only if we are healthy and fully fit. Name, fame, and money are not as
important as the health because if your health is not good then all money and fame
have no use of them. That‘s why there is a saying that ―Health is Wealth‖.
Peak performance is very important in today‘s competitive world. Only a healthy
body and mind can achieve something big in life. When our health is ok we can
push ourselves to do more. That‘s why connection between your health and
success is so important.
Maintaining Equal balance with Physical and Mental Health.
Your physical health is crucial in understanding your overall health and how it
affects your success. Physical health means being in good condition, being active
and eating the right nutritious foods. Think of your body as your most important
asset in your life. Having a good, balanced diet will improve your performance by
fueling your body with the right ingredients. Your body functions like a car. Think
of your body as a Ferrari. If you do not fuel your car with the right oils and gas
your car will not function at its full potential. Be the best version of yourself and
strive for the best at everything you do.
Mental Health
Another type of health is mental health. It is feeling happy and always being
motivated to be your better self.
―To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to
keep our mind strong and clear‖ (Buddha)
How you act and what you want to achieve comes from the most powerful part of
your body; your mind. Being in a good mental state will definitely affect your
overall performance, which is another step towards success. Socioeconomic status,
education, relationships and appearance all have an effect on the mind. Sometimes
you cannot control the situation and the environment you live in but being
optimistic has a self-fulfilling effect and you will see greater results in the long run.
―A healthy attitude is contagious but don‘t wait to catch it from others. Be a
carrier‖ Tom Stoppard.
Achieving success is not easy; we have to give our best day and day out for many
years to become a successful person. If we do not take care of our health then life
is not going to be easy for us. We have to balance our physical, mental and
emotional body. Better health means better performance in every area of your
Unfortunately due to the modern world‘s advancements like mobile, car, airplane
and other automation we all went into our comfort zone. Where our mind is still
working but we forgot our physical body. That‘s where all problems arise these
days and people are suffering. Diseases are increasing with such speed human
never have imagined or experienced before.
If you do not take cares your health right now then it is time to think back. Think
twice about the side effects of not taking care of your health. Disease, lack of
energy and enthusiasm, stress and unhappiness, waste of time and money, laziness
and depression all can come if you are not take cares of your health.
Health is utmost important, you should exercise daily, do yoga and meditation, eat
the right food and taking 8 hours sleep. These all factors are very important to
maintain a balance between your physical mental and emotional state. You deserve
to have the best mind and best body possible in order to achieve success in life.
Everyone has a different meaning of success to them, but health is common to
Tips on how to be overall healthy:
1. Follow a balanced exercise program: go to a local gym and get expert advice
2. Spend time with people you like and love, create relationships
3. Eat more frequently: every two hours if possible but smaller portions
4. Water is essential for good mental and physical health: drink a minimum of a
gallon a day
5. Try to avoid tobacco, drugs,the and other non-natural substances
6. Eat breakfast with nutritious foods: fruits, complex carbohydrates, and protein
7. Cook healthily: with less fattening oils
8. Try to get enough sleep and wake up earlier to get more things done throughout
your day (8-9 hours is recommended)
9. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day
10. Try finding an activity you enjoy, it will diminish your stress
11. Know yourself and how you are feeling at all times
12. Be optimistic and make the best of your situations.
Try your maximum to be physically and mentally healthy, you will become a
leader by example and more people will admire your actions. You don‘t have to be
a leader of a company to be the carrier. You can apply this attitude to any job.
Optimism is key in reaching your goal. If you are always willing to give a hundred
percent to your actions and try your best, people will subliminally do the same. Try
showing up to work with the right mindset that will not only benefit you but others
around you, Get to work!
Affirmations: Positive Thinking leading to Success.
Take the risk, never let the unknown stop you from progressing!
Achievement starts with an idea, a perspective, a point of view, or even just an
attitude. (Ideas, perspectives, and points of view like these, for starters.)
How can we change our way of thinking in order to change our world? Many
people practice an affirmation - a statement or a declaration asserting that
something is true. They use it as a way of trying to change their circumstances in
life because it offers emotional support and encouragement, but for many, it
doesn‘t work. At least not by itself.
Anyone who studies the importance of positive thinking comes to realise that the
more positive our thoughts the more positive our life will be. Some see this as the
practical outworking of psychological principles: It is almost impossible for
someone to allow into their life something they feel they don't really deserve - they
will find a way to sabotage themselves if they ever do attract that thing into their
Others see it as a "Law of the Universe", and that we are all affected by the "Law
of Attraction", or the "Law of Vibration". Many consider the effects of the Power
of the Subconscious Mind and how a person's unconscious beliefs affect their life
and their ability to achieve their goals.
Amongst these varieties of approach to Positive Thinking there is the underlying
idea that our thoughts and feelings need to be "positive" in order to create more
positive experiences in our life
The reason it doesn't work comes down to the way the brain operates with
conscious and unconscious perspective - the neurological patterns and networks
that is formed within our physiology, our brain, and our nervous system.
You could tell yourself over and over that ―money comes easily to me‖, but since
that is a conscious mind statement, your unconscious mind wouldn‘t be in
agreement if it has a different set of beliefs.
Here the certain things mentioned below which make you to think positive in any
Don‘t let negative connotations take charge
An affirmation is just a set of words. Many people think that by writing out a
statement they want to believe is true daily, or saying it regularly, it will eventually
become true for them. But, if you're repeating a set of words that really have no
meaning to you, your feelings, emotions and physiology won‘t be aligned with the
statement. Put simply, there needs to be alignment in order for it to be able to make
any difference to your beliefs.
If the affirmation is the opposite to our past experience, it will also stop it from
becoming true for us. For example, if your experiences with money have been
negative, where you‘ve experienced poverty or difficulty in making money, that
will be ingrained in your memory. Your habituated thinking and nervous system
will trigger those negative connotations whatever the context.
An affirmation can be poetic and beautiful to listen to, but it needs to change at the
unconscious level to have an effect. So, it is imperative to practise affirming
language with conviction, the correlating physiology, tone of voice, emotion and
gestures so the deeper story can begin to change to become a part of us.
Leave the past in the past
If you want affirmations to be able to change your beliefs and therefore your life,
you need to understand the way you think.
What do you say or think when you have bills to pay? Or something breaks within
your business and needs to be fixed or replaced? Do you feel frustrated,
exasperated, fearful or dubious, or are you accepting of it and feel okay? Whatever
your predominant thoughts and feelings are will dictate whether the statement you
are declaring to be true or want to be true will actually make a difference over
It‘s important to remember, though, that your personal history and culture don‘t
need to be a part of your current world. More often than not, those negative
circumstances don‘t exist in our lives anymore; it‘s part of a past story. If they do
still exist, you need to take a look at your environment and the way you live and
decide what strategies you need to put in place to be able to change it, both
externally and internally.
The way to do this is to tidy up your history so you can write a new one; you need
to physically change the world around you to have the tools to build a new
experience. You also need to change your inner thinking patterns and beliefs to
align with your new world to avoid an internal clash.
It is quite easy to identify and clear up limiting beliefs and patterns that you may
have been carrying for some time and to start to create new perspectives but it
needs precise skills to do this.
Face the world with an adult mind
As Alice in Wonderland says, "I sometimes believe six impossible things before
breakfast." You don't rise to the level of your ability, you actually fall to the level
of your belief structure. While affirmations may be useful, by themselves, they are
just meaningless words.
Being more mature and facing the world with an adult mind means you‘ll be able
to recognise if you‘re facing an obstacle or difficulty in life. You‘ll be well
equipped to adapt and move around the obstacle to get to where you want to be.
You don't need to keep or hold onto the pain or the doubts of that obstacle as you
work your way through it; you can just learn from it and move on.
As children, we didn‘t have the skills to be able to do that but by learning the
skills, like we teach at Mind Matters, you can be resilient and skillful in your
thinking so you can let go of ideas and thoughts that don‘t serve you.
Forming new habits is possible. When we move into internal agreement with our
affirmations, a whole world of possibilities opens up.
Certain positive statements that even lead to greater success:
―I can‘t do everything today, but I can take one small step.‖
You have plans. You have goals. You have ideas. Who cares? You have nothing
until you actually do something.
Every day, we let hesitation and uncertainty stop us from acting on our ideas. Pick
one plan, one goal, or one idea. And get started. Take one small step. (For
example, here ‗show.)
―I will do what no one else is willing to do.‖
Often the easiest way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.
So pick one thing other people won‘t do. It can be simple. It can be small. It
doesn‘t matter. Whatever it is, do it. You‘ll instantly be a little different from the
rest of the pack.
Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to
After a week, you‘ll be uncommon. After a month, you‘ll be special. After a year,
you‘ll be incredible, and you definitely won‘t be like anyone else. (And, in the
process, you will develop remarkable determination and willpower.)
―I will listen 10 times more than I speak.‖
Genuinely confident people (here‘s how to tell if you‘re one of them) don‘t feel the
need to talk. While I hate when it happens, I still sometimes realize I‘m not talking
because the other person is interested in what I have to say but because I‘m
interested in what I have to say.
Never speak just to please yourself. When you do, you please no one. And nor
please any one which holds your positivity.
―I will not care what other people think.‖
Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think — but not if it
stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live.
If you really want to start a business — which you can do in just a few hours, mind
you — but you‘re worried that people might say you‘re crazy, do it anyway. Pick
one thing you haven‘t tried because you‘re concerned about what other people
would think or say and just go do it.
―I will answer the question that wasn‘t asked.‖
Sometimes people are hesitant. Sometimes they‘re insecure. Sometimes they‘re
shy. Whatever the reason, sometimes people will ask a different question than the
one they really want you to answer.
One employee might ask whether you think he should take a few college courses.
What he really wants to know is whether you see him as able to grow in your
organization; he hopes you‘ll say you do and he hopes you‘ll share the reasons
Your husband might ask if you thought the woman at the party was flirting with
him. What he really wants to know is if you still think he‘s flirt-worthy and
attractive; he hopes you‘ll say you do, and he‘ll love when you share the reasons
Behind many questions is an unasked question.
Pay attention so you can answer that question too — because that is the answer the
other person doesn‘t just want but needs.
―I will be OK with less than perfect.‖
Yes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Yes, perfection is the
only acceptable outcome. Unfortunately, no product or service is ever perfect, and
no project or initiative is perfectly planned. In fact, the quest for perfection can
often be your worst enemy.
Work hard, do great work, do your best, and let it go. Your customers and
colleagues will tell you what needs to be improved, and that means you‘ll get to
make improvements that actually matter to people.
You can‘t accomplish anything until you let go. Do your best, let go, and then trust
that you‘ll work hard to overcome any shortcomings.
―I will try to do better.‖
We‘ve all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words.
Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.
Successful people don‘t expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be
So think back on yesterday. Think about what went well. Then think about what
didn‘t go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility.
And promise yourself that today you will do a lot better.
―The one thing I can always do is outwork them.‖
Like Jimmy Spithill, skipper of America‘s Cup-winning Oracle Team USA, said,
―Rarely have I seen a situation where doing less than the other guy is a good
You may not be as experienced, as well funded, as well connected, as talented, but
you can always outthink, out hustle, and outwork everyone else. The extra mile is a
vast, unpopulated wasteland — everyone talks about the extra mile, but few people
go there.
Even when everything else seems stacked against you, effort and persistence can
still be your competitive advantages — and they may be the only advantages you
truly need.
Self is Super Happy- Motto of Success
―To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only
end of life.‖ — Robert Louis Stevenson
In a busy world, it is very easy to feel as if you are unhappy or in need of self-
fulfillment. Maybe you feel as if you do not have enough money, or your
relationships are not where you want them to be. You may easily catch yourself
wondering, ―I just had this or that, I would be happy‖.
The truth is, self-fulfillment cannot always come from material things.
Fulfillment is a mindset, and happiness is found when you can reflect and find
contentment. Fulfillment comes from witnessing your own growth. When you're
able to hit the pause button and reflect on the substantial changes in your life, you
feel a sense of meaning and purpose. Practicing gratitude for these changes propels
you with the motivation to continue striving for success, and makes all of your
sacrifices worthwhile.
The difference between success and self-fulfillment is that in self-fulfillment you
are looking at a wider spectrum of your life. It is not quite the tunnel vision that
may be in just trying to accomplish success. Being successful is something that is
always looked upon as being very positive, but there are different ways to get
there. Success on its own as the end goal can be very empty. When focusing
instead on being fulfilled, your world opens up and your point of view
encompasses all aspects. You look at the entire self, mind, body, and spirit. Then
you can explore at what not only drives you from a business/career perspective, but
also other interests and passions you may have; who you want to be and how you
want to go about designing your life. Knowing yourself is extremely important. If
you know yourself, you will pave your path and will not let others do it for you. So
you may end up being successful. Then again you may not, but if you are fulfilled,
then you can live a more rounded, balanced and satisfying life. Nothing pays you
back like fulfillment. And when you add fulfillment to your game, you expand
your realm of potential rewards, including your intrinsic rewards.
Living Life to the fullest – AIM of Success
The majority of people are like drones, nowadays. Routines that give them the
sensation of stability in an unstable and ever-changing world. There is no variety
other than the regularly changing television program, new computer and console
games or the newest scandals of celebrities and politicians. People have no time
anymore to call their friends and to spend time with them, but waste hours of their
valuable time online, on Facebook – checking status messages, addictively playing
games, chatting with random strangers or watching videos on YouTube. You can
hear people mumble, ―I‘m in a rush‖ or ―Haven‘t got any time‖ while they rush
from their workplaces to their entertainment stations, called home. That‘s the
burden of being a sleepwalker – you won‘t reach true fulfillment and
consciousness; to put it simply: you aren‘t able to fill the emptiness within
yourself. All it takes to live your life to the fullest is courage – nothing more and
nothing less. This sounds rather minimalist and easy to cope with – but a lack of
courage is a key factor that prevents most people from living their lives to the
fullest. These people aren‘t necessarily cowards or scared-chicken – not at all – as
they are simply being stuck with their quite comfortable everyday routines. To
express it metaphorically: there are some dreams that you do not want to end.
Courage is a crucial factor – as you cannot live your life to the fullest if you don‘t
dare to do it or shy the risks that could come with it.
Whenever you have taken yourself some time to reflect on your life, it is essential
that you are completely honest towards yourself. Ask yourself the question, if you
are living – in this moment – the life you have always dreamt of, the life you
envisioned as a little child, the dream that has evolved throughout your whole life
and became more and more detailed with every day you were alive. Ask yourself if
you are happy with your personality, your job and the way you live in general. Are
you the creator of your life, do you take control over your life, are responsible for
your actions or have you switched to your role as a victim and the one who only
reacts towards other people‘s actions? Are you living your life with excitement and
amazement, curious to discover the deepest depths of life, or do you rely on
television to stimulate and entertain you for a given period? Is your life a routine or
a daily changing adventure?
SUCCESS- Never to be postponed!
You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again
-Benjamin Franklin
KBBBBBDD— Benjamin Franklin
All successful people have struggled with procrastination at some point.
Surprisingly, procrastination is sometimes a good thing when it prevents you from
expending energy on unimportant stuff. At other times, you can get a bunch of
smaller jobs done while avoiding a bigger task. But more often, procrastination
gets in the way of achieving your professional and personal goals and traps you in
a vicious cycle of failure and self-hate.
When you blame circumstances or people for your situation, it is an excuse not to
find solutions. Hold yourself responsible for whatever is happening, even if it is
not true. By holding yourself accountable, you will soon come up with ideas and
People who write down their goals achieve more than people who don‘t. Write
down your current goal and list 20-25 actions that will get you moving towards it.
Put up the goal sheet on your computer wallpaper. The reminder will get you
moving towards your target.
Thirteen Lucrative Steps fetching for success.
Burning Desire
When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional
bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single
word, ―Drive!‖ All great success ultimately begins with an idea, but what makes
ideas become reality is the fuel of human desire. An idea by itself can give you a
temporary feeling of inspiration, but burning desire is what gets you through all the
perspiration necessary to overcome the inevitable obstacles along the way.
If you want to succeed at something, you need a burning desire to achieve that
You can‘t just want it. You have to want it so badly that you‘re willing to do
whatever it takes to get it. You literally take action as if there was a fire lit under
Most people don‘t succeed to the level they aspire to because they have desires, but
they are not burning ones. We think we want something, but our actions do not
back it up.
The ability to set a desire on fire is available to all of us. We watch people every
day moving with a sense of purpose and urgency trying to make their burning
desire a reality. That could be you if you decide that‘s the way you want to live
your life. There‘s always a choice.
You may or may not actually achieve your ultimate goal; success is fickle like that.
But wouldn‘t you rather be someone playing the game than sitting on the sidelines?
b.100% faith – crucial step for success
Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself
that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming
incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall
surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Success requires that you believe in yourself 110 percent, 25 hours of every day.
For some, this belief comes naturally. For others, it must be learned and can take
years of practice. Here‘s how these billionaires, icons and world-class performers
accelerated the process of developing an unshakeable self-belief.
Most people start off with little or low self-confidence, but as a result of their own
efforts, they become bold and brave and outgoing. And we‘ve discovered that if
you do the same things that other self-confident men and women do, you, too, will
experience the same feelings and get the same results.
The key is to be true to yourself, to be true to the very best that is in you, and to
live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations. This is the only
way to truly learn how to believe in yourself.
Take some time to think about who you are and what you believe in and what is
important to you.
If you want to change your life by becoming an author, believe that you can do it.
The hardest step in that journey is finding the confidence to learn how to write a
book. Once you get a hold of a proven system to plan, produce, and publish your
work, the larger goal becomes easier to attain.
Why it is significant in believe in yourself
You recognize your ability to accomplish goals.
Deep down inside, you know you can do anything
You are optimistic about the future while you set goals and achieve them.
You treat yourself kindly.
You have faith, no matter what.
You are motivated to get the things done.
Others feel attracted to you.
You feel uplifted and more satisfied with life.
Auto – Suggestion : The powerful Success mantra
Auto-suggestion can be a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious
mind, especially for success and abundance. The principal of auto-suggestion can
work for you, and all you need to unlock your potential is understanding and
practice of the skill.
Auto-suggestion or self-suggestion is communication between your conscious and
subconscious mind. Autosuggestion works by changing our thoughts that we
repeatedly hold in the subconscious mind by shifting our perspective and
behavioral to achieve better results.
The problem is most of us using auto-suggestion to focus on negative things rather
than positive ones. For e.g. we say, ―I am tired‖, ―I am useless‖, and then wonder
why we actually feel that way.
Delete Negative Thoughts:
Start paying attention to your self-talk. Whenever you catch yourself in negative
self-talk, especially internal dialogue that expresses fear, doubt, or self-loathing,
delete or erase it. Then replace it with more encouraging positive words.
Use affirmation: Positive affirmations are so much more than just feel good quotes
and positive statements.
Use repetition: Use boring repetitive tasks as an opportunity for programming
yourself with auto-suggestion. A lot of people like to use affirmations in the
shower, while driving, at the bus stop, or on a bus, plane, or train.
Specialized knowledge – Unique method for achieving success
―Unfortunately for those who do not find riches in abundance, speacialized
knowledge is more abundant, and more easily acquired than ideas‖
Napoleon Hill
Specialized knowledge is where not all founders are created equal and is the reason
why people assemble a board of advisors or mentors. You are not expected to
know everything; you are expected to identify people who do have the knowledge
you need. What are examples of specialized knowledge?
General knowledge is useless unless you intend to compete on Jeopardy and other
knowledge-based gameshows. Instead, you must develop specialized knowledge to
achieve success.
KNOWLEDGE will not attract money and success, unless it is organized, and
intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE
END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the
source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that ―knowledge is
power.‖ It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes
power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed
to a definite end.
Many people feel inferior that have not gotten an education. Today there are many
people with multiple degrees that have not applied themselves effectively in the
working world to be a success. I‘m sure you can think of a few. Why?
Thomas A. Edison had only three months of ―schooling‖ during his entire life. He
did not lack education, neither did he die poor.
Henry Ford had less than a sixth grade ―schooling‖ but he has managed to do
pretty well by himself, financially.
SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE is among the most plentiful, and the cheapest
forms of service which may be had!
Bill Gates was a dropout in his sophomore year at Harvard University. Yet many
do not realize that he had a love for programming computers that started in 8th
grade in 1968. He would beg, borrow and steal to get his hands on a crude
computer from the money raised by parents at the local computer club to
Washington University which was in walking distance from his house. Seven days
a week, at 8+ hours a day he would program on the computer.
By the time Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard he had amassed 10,000+ hours
Malcolm talks about, the magical number of hours of preparation that separates
your knowledge and skill from the rest of the pack.
Imagination- Creation for Success
―Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As
you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.‖
― Henry David Thoreau
Your imagination is one of the keys to living life on a new level. You will never go
to any place without first seeing it within your mind. By imagining yourself living
life on your terms where you currently reside, will motivate you to take action in
order to move in the direction of your dreams. Learn to use your imagination to
raise your thinking to a higher level.
Inventions, buildings, cars, shopping malls, and any kind of business, started as an
idea, and then as a mental image in the mind of their creators. Successful people
build mental images of their goals. A clear mental image of what they want to
achieve, helps them see their goal, and the way toward it, clearly and with detail.
This helps them know what steps they need to take.
A mental image is a road map. With this map you plan your direction, and the
actions to take on the way.We use our imagination in everything we do. It is not
limited, only to the achievement of success, but we use it extensively in all areas of
Just watch yourself planning a vacation, where to eat, what to cook or what to
wear, and you might be surprised to discover that you are using your imagination
in all these plannings.
Organized Planning : Ladder for Success
Organization planning constitutes of all the activities which are utilized to set
priorities, focus energy, resources and assets, reinforce tasks, guarantee that
employees and different stakeholders are moving in the direction of a common
objective, set up agreement around expected results, and evaluate plus modify the
organization‘s path with respect to the changing environment.
When you‘ve organized and planned well, you‘re in a position to make better
decisions. Organizing and planning also help you anticipate needs and problems
and identify available choices.
It helps you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly mistakes.
Organizing your work and planning ahead helps you be more efficient and
Being well-organized and developing effective plans also allows you to achieve
important goals and objectives.
Organizational planning helps a company uncover approaches to enhance
performance. It can, for instance, show the insights about how to restructure your
organization with the goal that it can achieve its maximum capacity. Developing
new products, expanding operations- an all-around strategic plan manages how you
react to circumstances and challenges of every color, shape, and size.
You might have heard it before, the best-laid plans won‘t guarantee success, but
having no plan at all will certainly guarantee failure- or for that matter, at least fall
short of your goals.
Decision : Firm thinking for achieving goals
Your days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Some decisions are minor,
like what to eat, which route to drive to work, or in what order to tackle tasks.
Others are more difficult, like deciding between two job offers, whether to move to
a new city for someone you love, or whether to cut a toxic person out of your life.
With so many decisions taking up each day, learning to prioritize them and make
them effectively is essential to your success and happiness.
Decision-making works like a muscle: as you use it over the course of the day, it
gets too exhausted to function effectively. One of the best strategies successful
people use to work around their decision fatigue is to eliminate smaller decisions
by turning them into routines. Doing so frees up mental resources for more
complex decisions.
Anybody who is involved in managing talent needs to have an understanding of the
work of The Writer in self and others. Smart decision makers understand that The
Writer in us writes scripts about people, situations, ideas and icons and fills in
information gaps by using past associations and random facts to create a story
which might or might not be true. They will tune in to the stories being written in
their own minds and proactively check out these stories against the evidence and
use these stories not as an end in themselves but as a basis to ask deeper questions.
The same survey also highlighted that only a quarter of the companies reported that
L&D strategy is extremely aligned with the needs of the business which means that
75 per cent of responding companies reported significant discrepancies. A
shocking 15 per cent of companies in manufacturing and productions even reported
that they are not at all aligned. The question to ask is why is it so difficult to
change the culture so that we are more aligned to business values? Some propose
that poor leadership hinders alignment, others point to changing priorities or lack
of internal consensus on strategy.
Barack Obama, who said, "You'll see I wear only gray or blue suits. I'm trying to
pare down decisions. I don't want to make decisions about what I'm eating or
wearing, because I have too many other decisions to make." And Make Big
Decisions In The Morning….
Persistence – Never Give Up
Perseverance separates the winners from the losers. Those who persevere
understand that luck is something only failures believe in. Perseverance has other
names — persistence, determination, a can-do attitude. Success in life depends on
your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed.
As U.S. President Calvin Coolidge said: "Nothing in the world can take the place
of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people
with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will
not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are
Resolve to: Never give up so long as you know you are right. Believe all things
will work out if you hang on until the end. Remain courageous and confident when
the odds turn against you. Never permit anyone to intimidate you or shake your
belief in yourself. Fight to overcome any physical handicaps and setbacks.
Try again and again, and yet again, to reach your dreams.
Courageous persistence is the one quality more than any other that can guarantee
success. And success is something we all want, isn‘t it? But to be successful takes
persistence. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, get an A in a class, or any
goal that you want to succeed in, you need to be persistent. It is the difference
between a successful outcome and a failed one due to giving up.
Mastermind : Acceleration for success
Two Heads are better than One!
If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down
that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re
not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of
thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group.
The concept of a mastermind is based on harnessing the power of a collective,
where a small group of complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis
to find solutions and offer advice on how to handle various life and work
situations. Mastermind group members often find that this peer support and insight
is the catalyst needed to take their careers to the next level.
There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in
2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group
decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently
better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as
quickly as individuals
If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down
that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re
not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of
thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group. The concept of a mastermind
is based on harnessing the power of a collective, where a small group of
complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis to find solutions and
offer advice on how to handle various life and work situations. Mastermind group
members often find that this peer support and insight is the catalyst needed to take
their careers to the next level.
There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in
2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group
decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently
better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as
quickly as individuals
Enthusiasm : Boost for Success
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down
that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re
not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of
thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group.
The concept of a mastermind is based on harnessing the power of a collective,
where a small group of complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis
to find solutions and offer advice on how to handle various life and work
situations. Mastermind group members often find that this peer support and insight
is the catalyst needed to take their careers to the next level.
There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in
2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group
decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently
better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as
quickly as individuals
Here is some additional wisdom from Coach Wooden concerning enthusiasm:
―The more concerned we become over the things we can‘t control, the less we will
do with the things we can control.‖
―People are usually as happy as they make up their mind to be.‖
―Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.‖
Coach Wooden made it clear that he felt that an enthusiastic, positive, optimistic
attitude is an absolute requirement of leadership.
In your quest for success, enthusiasm means that you believe deeply in what the
company is doing. You also believe that your job is important and contributes to
the cause. It means that you're willing to work your butt off to achieve the
company's goals.
Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day
with gusto. You have zeal for the work you do and the people you work with. This
pushes you to improve and become a better person.
Power of Subconscious Mind to Achieve Success
Sub consciousness paves the way to success!!
We all know that we have a subconscious mind within us. Your subconscious mind
is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain
power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating
and breathing to digesting and making memories. It‘s a very strange being when
you think about. The subconscious mind isn‘t creative, it doesn‘t understand jokes,
and it can remember everything you have ever done, said or witnessed and the
remaining 5% of your brain, the conscious mind, as the sole purpose of interacting
with the physical world.
However, by taking control of your subconscious mind, by becoming aware and in
sync with it, you can be sure to take back control of your life and basically achieve
anything you want to. This is because when your subconscious mind and your
conscious mind is working together to achieve a common goal, you can believe
that it will happen.
This subconscious mind is powerful; it can be wasted too; even worse is that much
of its power can destroy everything.
The most important thing that you must know is that it is always open source, i.e.,
it is active day and night. And you know what? The power of subconscious mind is
that it can control your whole body.
In your career journey, the subconscious mind can lead you to a bigger space
where you will able to accomplish anything you want, but the matter is that you
need to take care of your sub consciousness. Pick a thing that you love doing! Like,
for example, if you are good at sports, choose your favorite game; or you have
some other genres of specialization, such as painting, writing, or any other extra-
curricular activities, opt for your zone of interest and go ahead in it without any
fear of lagging behind!
Do you have a fear of failure? Do you constantly think of losses you may incur and
try to prepare yourself in advance to face them? Do you fear losing your project to
your competitor? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are you might be
going through a rough patch in your business. Did you again nod your head in
agreement? What if we tell you that the devil causing all these failures lies within
you? Your demons—in this case, your negative thoughts are making you incur all
your losses.
If you are an entrepreneur, you might be obsessed with making your business
succeed. Maybe your dream of financial freedom will help you achieve your goals,
but when it comes to facing challenges, you may find yourself feeling exhausted
and drained out. It could be in terms of your health, your negative thoughts due to
trying circumstances or simply your fear of rejection. Whatever the case, your
negativity holds you back. This reflects in everything you do, from making wrong
business decisions to trusting the wrong people. Your thoughts define you. No
matter how much you say you want success, if you are always surrounded by the
fears of loss, vulnerability, shame and embarrassment, you will NOT be able to do
what it takes to succeed. Your subconscious mind not only controls the functions
of your vital organs, but it also has the ability to solve problems, like it did for the
famous German organic chemist, Friedrich von Stradonitz. In the book The Power
of Your Subconscious Mind, author Joseph Murphy explains: ―He worked
laboriously for many years trying to rearrange the six carbons and six atoms of the
Benzine formula but was unable to find the right structure to solve the matter.
Tired and exhausted, he turned the request to his subconscious mind and was soon
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
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Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
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Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
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Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia
Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia

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Success after success|adv dr rajkumar adukia

  • 2. 2 INDEX Sr. no. Contents A Success Fundas B Step To Achieve Desire Success 1 What Is Success? 2 The 4 Major Secrets of Successful People 3 What Differentiate Successful Person From Unsuccessful Person 4 How To Have Success In Different Areas? 5 What Do You Think Is Holding You Back From Being More Successful? 6 Why Success Is So Important In One‘s Life? 7 Health A Major Conscious Which Paves The Way For Success 8 Starters 9 Maincourse 10 Desserts 11 11 Approaches of Successful Person 12 Conclusion
  • 3. 3 A. SUCCESS FUNDAS: Putting Your 100% on Decided Burning Desire: When you are truly 100% committed to reaching your goals, you move from hoping to knowing. If you want something badly enough, then quitting is simply not an option. You either find a way or make one. 2 science/ formulas of success: 1. The right Attiutde, 2. Strengthen your will power Starters: Start is the significant step to achieve desired success Affirmations: Every time you use positive affirmations for success, it sends a positive message to your subconscious mind. A good set of positive affirmations for success can help invite wealth, good health and upgraded status in your life Self is super happy: Happiness leads to success. According to the study‘s findings, happy people seek out and undertake new goals that reinforce their happiness and other positive emotions. Living life: Living life to the fullest means you are in tune with yourself. This allows you to make conscious decisions that directly affect you. When you're just going through the motions, you aren't always doing whats best for you. You are likely doing all of the things you think you have to do. Maincourse: The successful execution of your dream/desire/goal.
  • 4. 4 B. STEPS TO ACHIEVE DESIRE SUCCESS: 1. Burning desire: ―where there is a will there is a way‖ 2. 100% faith : Faith plays an important role in being successful. There are people who dream about what they want and then there are those who take action. Though it takes time, having faith in what you do and taking action will eventually get you what you want. 3. Auto suggestion: Auto suggestion is the simplest and arguably, the most powerful of the mind programming tools. It is one of those simple mind power techniques that is easy, always accessible, can be done anywhere any time (even while driving), and requires no special skill or training. 4. Specialized knowledge: A tactic of success which is a bit more tangible is Specialized Knowledge. One obtains specialized knowledge by being persistent in learning as much as you can in any field. 5. Imagination: The successful execution of any dream, desire or event relies on planning and planning requires an active imagination. 6. Organized planning: Organized planning is a major subject in the book Think and Grow Rich. It is said that large, especially financial, goals need organized planning, sound planning. 7. Decision: Decision leads to action and until a decision is made nothing happens. Success in life is the result of bold and courageous decisions taken at the right time. Do not let others to take your decision and guide your life 8. Persistence: persistence is the key to the success. Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don't feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results. 9. Master mind: A mastermind is a brilliant thinker with original ideas.
  • 5. 5 10.Enthusiasm: yet another key to success. Achieving your goals and dreams requires that we take action every day. Enthusiasm is the fuel for consistent action. Those who work only when they feel like working will never get very far. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ―Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.‖ 11.Subconscious mind: reprogramming your subconscious mind by visualizing the success you desire may be another important step to achieve success. 12.Brain: success gets into your head and changes it 13.Sixth sense: You need to keep working on that instinct, polishing it and honing it to make sure it‘s always sharp. 14.Desserts: living the dream, achieved goals is no less than having great desserts. 15.Helping others: Never let a goal become more important than helping people. Help others generously, abundantly. Help others without expectation of a return favor. Serving others will turn you into a mentor yourself. And you will always find more joy in helping others succeed than in achieving your own success. 16.Ever grateful to supreme power: gratitude is the key factor in achieving ultimate success and happiness 17.Grateful to everyone in the universe: Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. 18.Few allied techniques: techniques management is the ultimate habit one need to posses for a desired success
  • 6. 6 19.Mind mapping : The Mind Map technique has been proven to help someone remember/memorize information easier, recognize key/important information, make decisions, and plan. In addition, the Mind Map technique can increase creativity. 20.Investing in self: Investing in yourself can yield rewards that last a lifetime. The key is to be conscious about taking time each day to lay the groundwork — both for the person you want to become and the things you want to accomplish. 21.Hobbies: Hobbies give you an opportunity to enhance your life. Hobbies allow you to destress yourself while remaining mentally productive. 22.New courses: one should never quit the habbit of leaning new everyday, for that is the one quality which keeps you going and will never go wasted 23.Developing new friends: developing new contact via new friends will bring you opportunities to learn from their shared experiences, which ultimately going to help in some point of your future. 24.Working as if you exist no more: It means simply living a truly great day that's in line with everything you want out of life, and that includes health, financial stability, good relationships, and everything else. Go out there and live for today. 25.Approach of successful persons 26.Conclusion – Adding Vanilla scoop to your success.
  • 7. 7 CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS SUCCESS? Success is the sheer intensity of life i.e Intensity of purpose and commitment. Success always depends on the Second Letter of the term SUCCESS. As Bhagavad-Gita, our Vedic Book, where Lord Krishna states that ―one has the right to claim on the work and not the results, and also further guides that for achieving success, one has to put a stop on one's doubting nature and have faith in himself, in his capabilities, and always feel assured that his actions will bear positive results. It exhorts us to acquire deep knowledge in our field of activities.‖ Success doesn‘t depends upon the IQs, people with lower IQs are found to be more successful, because they believe in achieving through smartness, persistence, focus and various strategies to achieve the goal Eg. Chess-Player. Success is the way of understanding and analyzing the difference between need and want. It is the key of believing in yourself that you can do it. ―You decide your own success‖, whatever gives the utmost level of fulfillment becomes your own success story. One should never have a fear of failure. Failure should never overtake you if you have a strong determination to succeed. As Success starts with failure and failure is only key of learning and improving yourself which motivates you to create solutions, even when the difficult barriers arises. Another major step of Success is ―Finding a Mentor who will hold you accountable‖. It is well said that ―If you want to go fast walk alone, If you want to go far, go together‖. Thus accomplishment of success without other people is not possible. For Instance, if you want to be a successful CEO, you need to find at one person to be your mentor and accountability partner. As the mentor is the one who
  • 8. 8 will allow you to learn from experiences and someone who has gone through many of the same struggles you are dealing with and is succeeding at levels that one hope‘s to achieve. Success is a never ending process i.e Success after Success. As it is rightly quoted by Dr. A.P.J. Kalam that never take rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck‖. So neither Success is final and nor failure is a fatal. Thus one must treat Success as a beautiful journey and not a final destination of the life. The Formula of Success is ―Goal + Habits‖ which must be in consistent with perseverance and patience. One must keep on trying and never quit in the mid of the journey. It is statistically proved that 81% of them maintain a to-do-list and 80% focus on accomplishing a specific goal.
  • 9. 9 CHAPTER 2 THE 4 MAJOR SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL PERSON Vision: The successful person will always have a clear vision and this vision is transformed in to reality. They have a clear and clarified vision. Whether such vision can be termed as a brand identity , goals or mission statement, it doesn‘t matter as a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Honest: As Bennis wrote, ―Leaders never lie to themselves, especially about themselves. You are your own raw material.‖ Successful people never lie to themselves and especially about themselves. In other words, taking responsibility for our mistakes and admitting when we‘re wrong isn‘t just relationally smart—it‘s financially savvy. Another study, conducted by the Corporate Executive Board, found companies that ―rated highly in the area of open communication‖ and encouraged honest feedback among their staff delivered a ―10-year total
  • 10. 10 shareholder return that was 270 percent more than other companies.‖ And what‘s true for companies is just as true for us. Gratitude: We tend to think of gratitude as a spontaneous emotion, something that just happens to us in moments of triumph or success. In reality, though, gratitude is something we develop. Without gratitude, you aren‘t being mindful or totally thankful of the good things in life—and your perspective is probably skewed to the negative as a result. Adaptive: Thomas Edison‘s famous quote about inventing the light bulb: ―I have not failed. I‘ve just found 10,000 ways that won‘t work.‖ Thus one has to be adaptive in every circumstance. All this means is that instead of hiding from failure, insanely successful people anticipate and integrate failure into their lives in ways that transform it from an end into a means.
  • 11. 11 Acronymn of SUCCESS S- See your goals. U- Understand the obstacles. C- Create a positive mental picture. C- Clear your mind of self – doubt. E- Embrace the challenge. S- Stay on track. S- Show the world you can do it.
  • 12. 12 CHAPTER 3 WHAT DIFFERENTIATE SUCCESSFUL PERSON FROM UNSUCCESSFUL PERSON? Successful individuals do compliment; unsuccessful individuals do destructive criticism Successful individuals look for positive aspects in others because they understand the importance of trust and growth cultivation. Feeling the need to criticize in a way that is not constructively serving another is showing a feeling of disunity, disallowing the flow of creative energy and stalling success along the way. Successful people learn to forgive; unsuccessful people hold on to grudges. The art of forgiveness is the art of letting go. Successful individuals learn to forgive; unsuccessful individuals hold on to grudges. Successful individuals understand that forgiving does not mean condoning what someone has done, but for their own peace of mind, releasing the negative emotion around it. Unsuccessful people tend to hold on to grudges, causing the negative situation and energy to fester away and inevitably affect their success. Successful people accept responsibility; unsuccessful people blame others.
  • 13. 13 To be successful, you have to accept that you‘re responsible for your actions, your reactions and ultimately your success and failures. This creates a mindset of empowerment and control. Good outcomes are easy to take responsibility for, but when you realize the bad outcomes are also down to you, you can swiftly redirect to a better path and grow from the experience. Unsuccessful people throw the blame onto others when things don‘t go to plan. By doing this, they are not identifying with their own power and fall into victim mode resulting in the inability to see the opportunities for creating personal growth and therefore creating more success. Successful people follow through with their habits; unsuccessful people say they do but in reality don‘t. Success is down to consistent habits and successful people know this and stick to them. They create a positive morning routine, they may meditate, they may take time to journal or plan out goals. They do this every day. Unsuccessful people also know the importance of positive habits but they just don‘t stick to them in a consistent way. They don‘t make them a priority, create a lack of dedication, or just simply believe they‘ll be successful without them. Successful people want others to succeed; unsuccessful people want others to fail. Highly successful people know that other people‘s success doesn‘t diminish their own. They look at people‘s achievements and celebrate them because it‘s about focusing on the element of thriving which ultimately benefits everyone.
  • 14. 14 Sometimes people don‘t outwardly say they want someone to fail and may even seem to celebrate another‘s success. But deep-down there is an element of jealousy or hope for failure. This comes from a lack mentality, triggering self-limiting beliefs about their ability to succeed and playing the comparison game. Successful people keep a ‗to-be‘ list; unsuccessful people don‘t know what they want to be. Successful people focus, not just on what they want to do, but also how they want to be. This stems from knowing the importance of personal growth within the journey to success and becoming a person capable of achieving that success. Unsuccessful people tend to focus on the end goal without giving much thought to the person they want to become to get there. Dismissing this crucial part of success can be one of the major downfalls as working on yourself is paramount to creating a successful life. Successful people focus on themselves; unsuccessful people focus on others. While successful people focus on their personal growth and concentrate on their responsibility for success, unsuccessful people spend much of their time focusing on what others are doing. They compare themselves to others in a detrimental way and use it to create the energy of lack and low self-worth within themselves. Successful people set goals; unsuccessful people just go with the flow. Everyone knows that to be successful, you have to set yourself goals. Thinking big and believing you can achieve them gives you something to strive for. It creates structure and it creates a game plan no matter how small the goals are.
  • 15. 15 Unsuccessful people don‘t set goals, which means, they may have a great idea but constantly feel lost trying to achieve them and causing them to give up more easily. Successful people focus on the positive; unsuccessful people focus on the negative. It‘s really simple; a positive mindset sends you on the direction of success and a negative mindset can only steer you towards failure. When you‘re in a positive state (even when facing a particular challenge), you attract more positive opportunities. When you only see the negative, you literally blind yourself from seeing answers to problems because you‘re usually so fixated on the problems.
  • 16. 16 Successful people embrace change; unsuccessful people fear change. Everything is temporary and change is inevitable. Successful people realize this and know that change is a necessary part of success. And so they‘re willing to embrace change. Unsuccessful people want change but fear it happening or find it hard to embrace the change that inevitably needs to happen. This just slows it all down and makes the process harder than it needs to be. Successful people share information; unsuccessful people horde information. Sharing is a concept that successful people understand and implement. It comes from an abundance mindset and the want to help others succeed around you. Keeping information to yourself when you know it‘ll benefit others comes from a lackful and fearful mindset. When you feel you have to act in order to benefit yourself and no one else, it will only take your success so far. Successful people read every day; unsuccessful people watch TV every day. This tie in with having consistent positive habits. When they have downtime, successful people will fill their mind with motivational books and know the benefits of focusing the mind to read. When your relaxation time consists of sitting on the sofa and binge watching TV, while it‘s okay to a point, it‘s choosing a less stimulating path and dodging a more productive way to use your spare time. Successful people use this time wisely and implement it into their desire to succeed. Successful people show gratitude; unsuccessful people show entitlement.
  • 17. 17 The attitude of gratitude is the secret weapon for every successful person. Whether it‘s gratitude for where they are no matter what stage they‘re at, for the people around them and even the challenges they face, appreciation for everything brings more things to be grateful for (and therefore success) into their lives. CHAPTER 4 HOW TO HAVE SUCCESS IN DIFFERENT AREAS ? Many of us experience some degree of success in our lives, but struggle to achieve success in all areas of our lives. For example, some people consider their professional lives to be a great success, yet their personal lives not so successful. This can also be true for many people that consider their personal lives to be very successful and yet, financially, they may have struggles. While many people do experience success in one or more areas of their lives, the majorities of us are yet to experience and enjoy success in all areas of our lives. We firmly believe that success can be achieved in every area of your life. How to be successful in every area of your life will show you how to identify, challenge and overcome your self-limiting beliefs. This will pave the way for you to finally experience and enjoy a life of unlimited success. That is, unlimited success in every area of your life. It will teach you how to reach your true potential, realize your worth and experience unlimited success. Learn how to have everything you‘ve ever wanted, including, health, wealth and happiness. Some of the areas where success been achieved in different areas: Success in Relationships
  • 18. 18 This is an area of our lives that can often be overlooked when we are striving for success. But there are many reasons we should consider investing in the relationships that are important to us. The key relationships that exist in our lives are a huge part of our lives, so it is important that when we think of success, we also apply success to these key relationships. Successful Relationships with our Spouse As a global nation, we spend billions of dollars in the search for a life partner, kindred spirit, and soul mate, that special person we wish to share all that is meaningful, important, and special to us. Learn how to experience the most joy, rewards and contentment from this special bond. Key takeaways to achieve successful bonds with our Spouse Learn to be empathy in each other‘s life rather getting into arguments. Always be outspoken with respect to your emotions and feelings. Learn to forgive and understand that it‘s okay to disagree. Develop mutual trust. Tell your spouse that you are thankful for having him or her in your life. Plan for some personal time. Successful Relationships with our Families As with all relationships, they all come with their own challenges and family relationships are no different. This lecture is concerned with getting the balance right, between family members we are close with and those that we prefer to keep
  • 19. 19 some distance with. As our families can be a great source of support, learn how to successfully maintain relations with all your family members. Key takeaways for successful relationships with our family Be genuine when strengthening family connections. Encourage participation from parents. Communicate Often and in Various Forms Make a Positive Phone Call when you are far away from your Parents. Listen to them attentively rather being arrogant and debating. Be very specific and apt while conveying any messages or making any decisions. Share every success and failure to them. Be thankful in each and every situations. Successful Relationships with our Friends Our closest friendships are our chosen family, but like any relationship they will require nourishing from time to time. It is very important that we treat and are treated as equals. We should never take or be taken advantage of. Relationships like this can easily exist if we are friends with people for the wrong reason. Key takeaways for successful relationships with our friends Be honest and trustworthy. Make time and Show Appreciation
  • 20. 20 Provide a helping hand in any difficult situation. Alter the Expectations and avoid making Assumptions. Make a contact regularly, but it must be worthwhile. Celebrate their important moments in a special way.
  • 21. 21 Successful Relationships with our colleagues Working relationships require attention. We do not choose relationships with the people we work with, but yet we spend a lot of time with them. Because of this, many people working so close will often fall out or just never get along. Learn how to have successful relationships with your work colleagues, bringing harmony and making you more productive. Key takeaways for successful Relationships with our colleagues: Have an open and honest communications. Improve your interpersonal skills by supporting other people's work. Ask others to become involved in your projects or activities. ... Show Appreciations. Initiate conversations by asking questions. Be an Active Listener and always be Positive. Be clear about your needs and commitments. Respecting their values and ideas. Successful Relationships with clients. Gaining new clients for your business is one thing. But retaining them can prove just as challenging. If you're not careful, all the money and effort you put into landing that killer client could go to waste if you don't learn to properly manage your new relationship. With sound relationship management, you can establish successful partnerships that last for many years, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.
  • 22. 22
  • 23. 23 Key takeaways for successful relationships with clients. Involve your client in the goal-setting process. Don't allow the client to come to you with questions. Pick up the phone and make an actual phone call. Be transparent, even when it's not a good look. Maintain a Positive Attitude Success in Academics. Knowledge can help give you the basic values, beliefs, and skills that you need to achieve these goals. Learning how to learn more efficiently and effectively can help you in all your pursuits of a better life, because it can help you gain the knowledge you need to be successful. Academic success includes high learning, high grades, and high achievement of degree objectives, but it also includes becoming the kind of person that can make a contribution to others and to society, and can lead a healthy, happy life. Key takeaways for achieving Success in Academics: Manage Your Time. Set Goals and focus on it. Read Textbooks and Course Readings thoroughly and consistently. Attend Your Lectures.
  • 24. 24 Avoid Last Minute Studies. Success in Professions: Once you graduate from college and land a job, your next immediate concern is how to succeed in your career. Because the world has become so competitive, doing well in your job and moving forward with your career is more important now than ever. Career advancement and recognition are on every professional's list of goals. But what sets the exceptional professionals apart? The answer is simply willingness and a strong desire to perform well. Once you have the willingness and the right mindset, you can begin climbing the ladder. Key takeaways for success in Professions: Be ready to learn. No matter what your age is, always be in a learning mode and update your skills. Set goals to achieve. Build a Profession Resume that create an identity for yourself. Don‘t just say, rather do it in actions. Gain trust and loyalty. Analyze your strengths and overcome your weakness. Brand Yourself, Always raise your standards with dignity. Have a healthy social network.
  • 25. 25 Success in business: To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they‘ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought. You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps you need to achieve success. Key takeaways to achieve success in business: Starting a business requires analytical thinking, determined organization, and detailed record-keeping. It‘s important to be aware of your competition and either appropriate or improve upon their successful tactics. You‘ll almost certainly end up working harder for yourself than you would for someone else, so prepare to make sacrifices in your personal life when establishing your business. Providing good service to your customers is crucial to gaining their loyalty and retaining their business. Success in Sports. There is a range of physical and mental components that contribute to successful performance in sports. Each sport and activity requires a specific set of these skills. Being successful in one sport does not necessarily make you successful in another,
  • 26. 26 as success requires a whole range of factors to come together and interact in the right way. Key takeaways for achieving success in Sports: Choose and maintain a positive attitude. Maintain a high level of self-motivation. Set high, realistic goals. Deal effectively with people. Use positive self-talk. Use positive mental imagery. Manage anxiety effectively. Manage their emotions effectively. Success for Peaceful Life How about your mental baggage? If you have only two days left to finish all the important projects in your life, would you be able to do it? One of the worst things in life is always trying to meet somebody‘s expectations. If you are always trying to reach the approval of others then you will never be able to live peacefully. None of us is perfect in the eyes of the others. he only way that we can be successful and perfect is if we set our own standards and follow our own road in life.
  • 27. 27 Of course, hold on to some social norms and politeness and also consider the feelings and wellbeing of the people you love. Being authentic and true to yourself doesn‘t mean becoming selfish or thoughtless. Key takeaways to achieve success for Peaceful Life Live in the Present situation. Try to remain in Solitude. Don‘t let your technology ruin your routine life. Avoid doing multi-tasking creating disinterest. Slow down and enjoy doing every task and minute of work. Decide what is important and essential for current scenario rather overthinking. Analyze your Commitments. Stay Calm and Mediate.
  • 28. 28 CHAPTER 5 WHAT DO YOU THINK IS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM BEING MORE SUCCESSFUL? Accessibility Help & Statement Success looks and feels different for everyone. However, one thing that can be very similar between people is the type of roadblocks that we put in our way to stop us from getting that success. Unfortunately, we tend to be our own worst enemy and not even realize that we are to blame for sabotaging our own success. However, you can consciously change that direction by considering these common behaviors that block success and learn how you can avoid or alter them. You‘re not taking enough risks While it may be prudent to avoid extreme risk, there‘s a time and a place for stepping outside your comfort zone in order to generate the change that is necessary to achieve your goals. If you‘re typically a risk-adverse person and haven‘t been achieving much success, now may be the time to put yourself out there. You don‘t necessarily need to take huge risks; if you‘ve been taking the safe route for a while, even small risks can be enough to help propel you in the right direction. Consider volunteering to take on the lead role on a project at work or step outside of your role and help in a different department. Start a side company as the precursor to become a full-time entrepreneur in the near future. Wherever you think you can push yourself farther, it‘s time to take the leap.↵ENTERSkip to Content↵ENTERSkip to Menu↵ENTERSkip to Footer↵ENTER You‘re playing the victim
  • 29. 29 You may not consciously think of yourself as a victim. However, if you often find yourself thinking, ―He made me do this‖ or ―I had no choice but to…,‖ you may be giving up more of your power than you should. While there will always be situations in life where you have little or no control, you shouldn‘t consistently find yourself feeling ganged up on, taken advantage of, or unable to change your circumstances. In order to stop playing the victim card, you first have to realize that you are focusing on others‘ behavior rather than your own as well as what you can‘t do rather than what you still have the power to achieve. If you still truly feel that others are wiping their feet on you, then you need to learn a different strategy for standing up for yourself so you take that power back. If you need to, ask someone else for pointers on the best strategy. You try to do everything yourself It doesn‘t matter how smart, educated, or experienced you are, no one can do everything well. If anything, the more you try to do yourself, the more you will actually fail at most of it. Successful people know they can‘t do it all and are willing to delegate to those around them. As a business owner, this might mean letting go of control and outsourcing certain tasks that aren‘t in your wheelhouse. In your personal life, it could involve consulting with an expert in the fields of fitness, health or relationships. You aren‘t able to self-regulate Research shows that kids who are able to self-regulate their behavioral and emotional impulses have greater success in school. Although we often talk about
  • 30. 30 self-regulation in relation to kids, the concept still applies for garnering success as an adult. Our ability to regulate our emotions and behaviors is what allows us to act in our own best interest even when our impulses are in the background, trying to push us to do something else. One of the most effective ways we can achieve greater self- regulation is through consistently delaying gratification, focusing on our values and long-term goals, creating a plan that keeps us on track and rewarding ourselves along the way for staying the course. You let yourself get too distracted Distractions can eat up a ton of time — more time, in fact, than you might think. Whether you are sitting in a cubicle or working from home, there are always things around us that grab that time – social media, phone calls and texts, and those YouTube videos. When you‘re distracted from a task, you aren‘t just losing the time it takes to switch to your secondary (often less-important) task. Research has suggested that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on task after being interrupted. This often leads to lower productivity and ultimately means it takes longer to reach your goals. Whenever possible, block off dedicated time in your schedule to focus on important tasks as well as allocate limited blocks for those diversions. This will not only keep others from disrupting you, but it will also help you avoid straying from your work and provide essential mental and physical breaks that can help recharge your energy and productivity. You‘re too afraid of failure
  • 31. 31 The prospect of failure can turn you into a deer in the headlights. However, in your attempt to avoid the possibility of failing, you may be missing out on opportunities that will actually allow you to be successful. The fact is that failure is inevitable. As 19th century English historian James A. Froude said, ―Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes.‖ You will undoubtedly experience failure on the path to success, but don‘t let it dissuade you from making things happen that might not have otherwise if you were still frozen in fear. You don‘t value your time As you attain some degree of success, you can count on people coming out of the wood work who want free advice. These encounters can seriously eat into the time you need to work toward your own goals. Don‘t be afraid to turn down these types of requests when necessary or even suggest a nominal consulting fee. It‘s okay to be generous with your knowledge and expertise, but don‘t feel bad about protecting your own time. Create your own success first and then you will be able to pay it forward and help others work toward theirs. You expect someone else to make you successful We‘ve all heard stories of overnight success where a story gets picked up by a well-known publication or a product gets mentioned by a celebrity and a business achieves sudden success. In reality, these cases few and far between. Success takes work, struggle, and determination. And, nine times out of ten, it‘s your hard work, struggle, and
  • 32. 32 determination that does it. While others may provide good advice, serve as connectors, or provide funding, it‘s still on you to generate your own success.
  • 33. 33 You‘re not confident enough Some research has concluded that people who are overconfident may achieve greater success even though that success may not be merited. Researcher Cameron Anderson explained, ―Our studies found that overconfidence helped people attain social status. People who believed they were better than others, even when they weren‘t, were given a higher place in the social ladder.‖ While you don‘t need to be overconfident to succeed you can become more knowledgeable or skillful in your business segment or industry. With that enhanced knowledge and sharpened skill set comes greater confidence. In return, you are likely to earn more respect and prominence at work or with your customers. You‘re comfortable with the status quo When life is going relatively well, many of us tend to sit back and just enjoy. It‘s good to reflect and celebrate how great your life is going, but it can also block those future opportunities for success. If you‘re not willing to step outside the status quo every once in a while, your business or personal life eventually will stagnate. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The same goes for success: if you want to achieve the next level of success, then you‘re eventually going to need to disrupt the status quo and start implementing different strategies. In work, this might involve tackling a new project or trying a new way to market to customers. In life, this could involve
  • 34. 34 adopting a new hobby, traveling somewhere new, or joining a social club to meet new people who share similar interests. Imposter syndrome is holding you back I don‘t think there‘s a single person who would deny Maya Angelou‘s success. Yet, even she suffered from ―imposter syndrome.‖ She once said, ―I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‗Uh oh, they‘re going to find out now. I‘ve run a game on everybody and they‘re going to find me out.‘‖ It‘s natural to occasionally feel undeserving of your current job, relationship, or other successes. Remind yourself that nearly everyone has felt the same way. What if someone like Maya Angelou had let her imposter syndrome hold her back? We wouldn‘t have all those literary treasures. The same goes with you. If you give into the idea that you don‘t deserve what you have, then you will not use it to its full advantage, missing out on many future successes as well as inhibiting others from benefiting from what you created or developed. You don‘t know what success looks like for you Too many people moan about how they‘ll never achieve success. Yet, from what others observe, many of these same people appear to ―have it all.‖ They have great jobs, profitable businesses, healthy lifestyles and happy relationships. However, they may not define success by these criteria or they still don‘t have a clear picture of what it means to them. In order to know what success looks like for you, there must be some planning, reflection, and discussion. You need to determine what you define as success by
  • 35. 35 figuring out what‘s really important. While you can work with a coach or mentor to shape this definition of success, it‘s still on you to draw that final picture. You‘re not tracking your progress It‘s one thing to set goals, but if you‘re not consistently tracking your progress toward those goals, you may find it easier to just give up – even when you‘re on the cusp of success. Progress on goals can be tracked many ways. Whether it‘s using a time tracking app to log every hour and track it against tasks for gauging progress or maintaining a spreadsheet of monthly goals and updates, you need to hold yourself accountable. As you see progress, remind yourself how far you‘ve come. Make adjustments as necessary if you feel as though more needs to be done, but never stray too far from your original goal. You‘re not surrounding yourself with people who motivate you Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, ―You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.‖ Are you spending time with people who are on their own path to success? Are they willing to make sacrifices in the short-term in order to reach their goals? Do you have people around you who are positive and going somewhere themselves like friends with goals? If not, it may be time to make a change. You don‘t necessarily need to be in a formal mentoring relationship to receive this motivation. However, you do need to surround yourself with people who can provide some guidance along the path to success. This motivational circle can be formed with colleagues, friends and family members, teachers and even your own children.
  • 36. 36 You don‘t believe in yourself If you don‘t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? This holds true in business and your personal life. To believe in yourself, you must first trust yourself. While making decisions, stop relying on everyone around you to tell you what to do or waiting for them to reassure you that you‘ve made the best choice. Instead, try listening to your intuition (―going with your gut‖). You may be surprised to discover you‘re actually more insightful than you thought! Remember how many times you may have already said to yourself that you should have listened to that little voice? That‘s your intuition and it already believes in you. Your Goals Are Unrealistic Yes, it is possible to set unrealistic goals that‘ll backfire on your productivity. These types of goals are nearly impossible to complete and will only result in discouragement when you fail to reach them. Some include… ―I want to lose 50 kgs in two weeks‖ ―My goal is to become a millionaire in a day with this new program I found on the internet‖ ―I am going to build a massive business in a month‖ Sure, it might be possible to become a millionaire in a day with a lottery win, build a substantial business in a month with some viral product, or lose weight extremely fast (if you are on a vigorous weight loss program). However, if you expect a miracle and don‘t get it, then your discouragement can result in you giving up early for not seeing the results you expected.
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  • 38. 38 You Are Afraid of Failure One of the reasons people fail to tackle their goals is the fear of failure. Will people judge me if I fail? Why waste my time on something I‘ll never accomplish? What if I am not good enough? This is one of the most popular things that‘s holding people back from tackling their goals. You can overcome this fear by realizing that perfection is rarely attainable in anything we do. There‘s almost always something we can improve upon. Even the most successful people in the world make mistakes. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them. You may fear the guilt you‘ll encounter if you fail, but you need to understand that there are a lot of uncontrollable factors at play in our lives. Maybe a painter failed to complete his goal because the paint shop was closed, the marketer did not reach a monetary goal because the market crashed, or the local business owner had to close because a massive chain store moved in. One last thing is to not hold any regrets. What you fear trying today could be something you regret not trying tomorrow. Don‘t let your life be overcome by fear. Go out there and do what you want (within reason) and chase your dreams! You are afraid of your age: When, at the age of 50, John Fenn joined the faculty at Yale, he was old by academic standards. But then again, he was an inveterate late starter. He published his first research paper at 32, a decade after leaving graduate school. He was 35
  • 39. 39 when he got his first academic appointment, at Princeton, where he started working with atomic and molecular beams, research that he continued to pursue at Yale. Though Fenn was hard-working and diligent, he was largely a low-impact scientist. When It Comes to Success, Age Really Is Just a Number Keeping productivity equal, the scientists were as likely to score a hit at age 50 as at age 25. The distribution was random; choosing the right project to pursue at the right time was a matter of luck. ―The bottom line is: Brother, never give up. When you give up, that‘s when your creativity ends,‖ You procrastinate too often Procrastination often gets the best of us. Why focus on a boring task such as writing an article when we could be out partying or playing video games? Overcoming procrastination is not that difficult with a plan of action. You can fix procrastination by setting up goals and changing your habits. You Focus on the Wrong Things Instead of focusing on things like entertainment, drinking, partying, and TV, switch your focus to the things you really want to accomplish in life. You may have to cut some things you enjoy, but success is not without some hardships. By doing this, you‘ll likely find that you are more productive than you thought you were. You are not committed You have a few goals here and there, but perhaps you haven‘t decided to commit yourself to any of them. Make it your goal, today, to finally make the decision to pursue them! Ways you can go about doing this include…
  • 40. 40 Finding an accountability partner Announcing it on your blog or social media account Writing it on a piece of paper and putting it on the wall Letting your friends and family know about your new goal (s) Taking action today
  • 41. 41 You are not using the Right Tools There are a slew of tools available to aid us in achieving our goals. They can make the process of goal-setting easier. They include notepads, timers, calendars, and reminder notification apps. Make the use of these tools; they are here for a purpose. You consume more Content than you create We‘re all guilty of this. The media world is built for consumption, and we are taking the bait. Instead of consuming large amounts of other people‘s content, focus on creating more content than you consume. This tip is particularly useful for blog owners who need to create content in order to bring visitors to their websites. You spend too much time consuming media We now consume over 8 hours of media each day. This is half of our lives being wasted on what could have been accomplishing our goals and getting things done. Make it your goal this year to reduce your time spent consuming media and pursue your goals. It is not that hard if you are willing to make a few changes in your life. You do not learn from Your Mistakes Mistakes are a part of life. When you first learned to walk, did you quit the first time you fell. Of course not! You are only walking today because you learned from your past mistakes. If you never could learn from your mistakes, then you would continue to make the same mistakes and not learn how to fix them.
  • 42. 42 It is like building a business. Even if a business owner fails to bring in any customers with a new advertisement, the advertisement still isn‘t a complete failure. The owner would now have data of things that don‘t work. Eventually, after rigorous testing, this person will finally find the ad that converts. Virtually every success story follows the pattern of my example above. Everyone who has reached success has failed big at least once in his or her lifetime. Failure is nothing to worry about; it is just another thing to use for helping accomplish your goals. You Are Not Accomplishing your Goals Because You Are Lazy For some of us, admitting that we are lazy can be challenging and a harm to our ego. That is fine; I understand. However, if you are lazy and never admit this to yourself, how do you expect to change? Acknowledging a problem is a step you must take before fixing that problem. Once you realize that you are lazy, grab a sheet of paper and write down all the unproductive things you do. This could be a big eye-opener to help you figure out what‘s holding you back. Once you are finished writing those things down, make it your goal to either limit or eliminate them completely.
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  • 44. 44 CHAPTER 6 WHY SUCCESS IS SO IMPORTANT IN ONE’S LIFE? Success is very important in every person‘s life. It is something that we achieve after having made certain effort. The meaning of success has changed and evolved over time. Today people connect it mainly with abundance of money and luxurious possessions. However, recent researches have shown that money has little to do with success. I know that the winner of the Nobel Prize can be considered successful, although he doesn‘t get lots of money for it. The person who makes an effort to save endangered animals can be considered successful, although he‘s been only spending money, not earning them. There are people who create masterpieces in the fields of art, music or literature. They can stay unknown during their life and earn little money. However, when their work gets wide recognition, they become successful. According to the latest research success is connected with genes. Some people are more successful than others because they are born in happier families. Other than that, spouses often get more successful than single people. Friends and family are very important for gaining success. Good relations with close people lead to success and happiness. Being attractive is rather important for reaching success. Helping others and being involved in some socially useful work is also a way to success. Psychologists state that those who have interesting hobbies have more chances to become successful. There are so many definitions of success, as obviously ‗success‘ means different things to different people. And furthermore, success in one field doesn‘t necessarily negate complete failures in others. If you are a successful business person yet your family doesn‘t know you and your relationships are cold and distant – are you truly a success? And one key myth about success is that once you
  • 45. 45 find it you‘ll be happy. (Ultimately isn‘t that why we all want to be successful?) Often success driven people are driven by goals but I have personally learnt that much of life‘s happiness, much of our feelings of fulfilment come from the realization that we are ‗walking the path‘ rather than reaching our destination. Success must be found each day, in the small accomplishments. We must find success in the little prizes of keeping our word and developing positive habits, of getting past our own self-imposed limitations and mile-stones. That feeling of success is 90 – 95% of our success. Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, the ability to contribute at a greater level, hope and leadership. Without success, you, the group, your company, your goals, dreams and even entire civilizations cease to survive. Without continued success, the company, dream, even entire races will cease to exist, as was the case with the Vikings, Romans, Greeks, American Indians and then an endless list of companies and products. Success is important in that it is required in order to continue on! Success is a skill, and it‘s something you can learn. Success leaves footprints. This means that whatever you want to be successful in, there‘s an extremely high chance that somebody has already found success in that field. And truly successful people have an innate need to share and help others do the same. Even if you have no one to teach you, often if you simply model your actions after your idol (following their footsteps) you will be half way there.
  • 46. 46 However, a word of warning. Simply following a person‘s footsteps does not guarantee you of success; rather it just provides your actions with a scaffold to build upon. Just like you cannot be your idol and vice versa, ultimately, you must follow your own way and define success on your terms. Becoming successful is not a matter of blind luck or occasional chance. Success is a skill, and it‘s a skill anyone can learn. If you desire to be successful you have no choice but to learn the skills of positive habits and internal motivation, you must develop the skill of productive actions and you must develop the skill of creating powerful habits. All of these aspects should and must be learnt if you want to find true success. By learning and mastering the skill of becoming successful you will achieve several wonderful side benefits: You will grow in confidence. Confidence is the secret sauce of all successful people. You will inspire others to follow their dreams. By simply following and steadily realizing your dreams you give people implicit permission to follow theirs. You will become an interesting person attracting other interesting person which provides your life with richness as well as purpose meaning and direction. You will feel like you have control over your life. You will be able to achieve any goal you want simply through the confidence and belief of achieving previous goals. You will be able to design a life rather than just live one.
  • 47. 47 You will have the power to let go of past negative experience and destructive thinking. Regardless of what goals you are trying to attain, success is important. Quit succeeding, and you quit winning; quit winning long enough, and you will quit! Do your kids benefit when they see mom and daddy losing? Does anyone benefit when you can't get your art sold, or you can't get that great book published, or you have some great idea that will improve the world, but can't succeed in bringing it to the world? Success isn't just important; it is vital, and should never be reduced to anything less than vital. Success is valuable, important and necessary for survival. Value of time is also very important to achieve success. It is said that time is money. Loss of time means loss of opportunity. By having a properly structured classification, it can help to get things done faster. Apart from hard work, a successful person knows how to manage time. Life is short and one must not waste time. There is much to be done and one must make the best use of time. It is also important to have a direction in life and to know our goal. We should choose our career very carefully. Instead of doing what others want us to do, we should see in what interests us and what we are good at. It is important to choose a path and concentrate all our energies in the direction we have chosen. It does not help to run after many things at the same time. Sometimes, even if one is not very talented, one can succeed through determination and hard work. We have no control over luck or circumstances. But we certainly have control over how much hard work we can put in. We should do
  • 48. 48 our best in every situation and not worry about the result. Usually, that takes care of itself. Some of the reasons why success are very important in our life Link to The Past Humanity has a collective memory of past events and though we may not always be aware of it, those memories are what drive us to do certain things. They drive us to feel a certain way about a certain thing. Tens of thousands of years ago, humans lived in small hunting groups and there were only two options- succeed (find food) or die. Fast forward to today, our brains still take success and failure as life or death and that is one major factor why it is so important to us as a species. Hopes and Dreams We all see ourselves somewhere in the distant future; we all have goals, dreams and aspirations. Success means achieving those goals; it means that you can get what you've always wanted. And in a way, being successful is realizing your goals and aspirations; that's why it is so important. Possible Outcomes Success is so important for us because we are opened up to new paths possibilities. Success is so important to us because it drives progress; being successful makes you want to do more, to progress more, and therefore, the world progresses as well.
  • 49. 49
  • 50. 50 Fear of Failure Success plays a major role in each of our lives because the other option, failure, is always a looming threat. We always want to be successful because failure is such a scary thing. Failure could lead to losing reputation among others, it could lead to missed opportunities, it could lead to so much more as well. So it is only logical that we want to avoid it all costs and therefore, it makes success much more important to us. It Feels Good When you succeed, your brain triggers a surge of dopamine, the pleasure chemicals of the body; this makes you feel warm, happy and ready to face whatever challenges life is about to throw at you. We want to succeed because of the rush that it brings to us, the joy of being noticed and adored, the feeling of euphoria when your name is engraved on a plaque as millions cheer you on. Success makes us feel happy, and achieving happiness is the ultimate goal of our lives. Success is a matter of how hard you work, or in some cases, how lucky you are. It drives athletes to go beyond their own limits, it drives scientists to spend countless hours on an experiment, it drives businessmen to come up with something fresh and innovative. Success is what moves us all forward; it is a common fuel of humanity. Success was important to us in the past, it is important to us now, and it will be important to us all for a long time in the foreseeable future.
  • 51. 51
  • 52. 52 CHAPTER 7 HEALTH A MAJOR CONSCIOUS WHICH PAVES THE WAY FOR SUCCESS Your health determines your performance and the more you perform, the greater your chances of success. You are the owner of your body and mind and should be able to feel when you are on the right track mentally and physically. As WHO states that ―Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‖. Life is a gift given to us by God, it has many Phases which we can enjoy the rest of our lives but only if we are healthy and fully fit. Name, fame, and money are not as important as the health because if your health is not good then all money and fame have no use of them. That‘s why there is a saying that ―Health is Wealth‖. Peak performance is very important in today‘s competitive world. Only a healthy body and mind can achieve something big in life. When our health is ok we can push ourselves to do more. That‘s why connection between your health and success is so important. Maintaining Equal balance with Physical and Mental Health. Your physical health is crucial in understanding your overall health and how it affects your success. Physical health means being in good condition, being active and eating the right nutritious foods. Think of your body as your most important
  • 53. 53 asset in your life. Having a good, balanced diet will improve your performance by fueling your body with the right ingredients. Your body functions like a car. Think of your body as a Ferrari. If you do not fuel your car with the right oils and gas your car will not function at its full potential. Be the best version of yourself and strive for the best at everything you do. Mental Health Another type of health is mental health. It is feeling happy and always being motivated to be your better self. ―To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear‖ (Buddha) How you act and what you want to achieve comes from the most powerful part of your body; your mind. Being in a good mental state will definitely affect your overall performance, which is another step towards success. Socioeconomic status, education, relationships and appearance all have an effect on the mind. Sometimes you cannot control the situation and the environment you live in but being optimistic has a self-fulfilling effect and you will see greater results in the long run. ―A healthy attitude is contagious but don‘t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier‖ Tom Stoppard. Achieving success is not easy; we have to give our best day and day out for many years to become a successful person. If we do not take care of our health then life is not going to be easy for us. We have to balance our physical, mental and emotional body. Better health means better performance in every area of your life.
  • 54. 54 Unfortunately due to the modern world‘s advancements like mobile, car, airplane and other automation we all went into our comfort zone. Where our mind is still working but we forgot our physical body. That‘s where all problems arise these days and people are suffering. Diseases are increasing with such speed human never have imagined or experienced before. If you do not take cares your health right now then it is time to think back. Think twice about the side effects of not taking care of your health. Disease, lack of energy and enthusiasm, stress and unhappiness, waste of time and money, laziness and depression all can come if you are not take cares of your health. Health is utmost important, you should exercise daily, do yoga and meditation, eat the right food and taking 8 hours sleep. These all factors are very important to maintain a balance between your physical mental and emotional state. You deserve to have the best mind and best body possible in order to achieve success in life. Everyone has a different meaning of success to them, but health is common to everyone. Tips on how to be overall healthy: 1. Follow a balanced exercise program: go to a local gym and get expert advice 2. Spend time with people you like and love, create relationships 3. Eat more frequently: every two hours if possible but smaller portions 4. Water is essential for good mental and physical health: drink a minimum of a gallon a day 5. Try to avoid tobacco, drugs,the and other non-natural substances 6. Eat breakfast with nutritious foods: fruits, complex carbohydrates, and protein
  • 55. 55 7. Cook healthily: with less fattening oils 8. Try to get enough sleep and wake up earlier to get more things done throughout your day (8-9 hours is recommended) 9. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day 10. Try finding an activity you enjoy, it will diminish your stress 11. Know yourself and how you are feeling at all times 12. Be optimistic and make the best of your situations. Try your maximum to be physically and mentally healthy, you will become a leader by example and more people will admire your actions. You don‘t have to be a leader of a company to be the carrier. You can apply this attitude to any job. Optimism is key in reaching your goal. If you are always willing to give a hundred percent to your actions and try your best, people will subliminally do the same. Try showing up to work with the right mindset that will not only benefit you but others around you, Get to work! CHAPTER 8 STARTERS I. AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations: Positive Thinking leading to Success. Take the risk, never let the unknown stop you from progressing!
  • 56. 56 Achievement starts with an idea, a perspective, a point of view, or even just an attitude. (Ideas, perspectives, and points of view like these, for starters.) How can we change our way of thinking in order to change our world? Many people practice an affirmation - a statement or a declaration asserting that something is true. They use it as a way of trying to change their circumstances in life because it offers emotional support and encouragement, but for many, it doesn‘t work. At least not by itself. Anyone who studies the importance of positive thinking comes to realise that the more positive our thoughts the more positive our life will be. Some see this as the practical outworking of psychological principles: It is almost impossible for someone to allow into their life something they feel they don't really deserve - they will find a way to sabotage themselves if they ever do attract that thing into their life. Others see it as a "Law of the Universe", and that we are all affected by the "Law of Attraction", or the "Law of Vibration". Many consider the effects of the Power of the Subconscious Mind and how a person's unconscious beliefs affect their life and their ability to achieve their goals. Amongst these varieties of approach to Positive Thinking there is the underlying idea that our thoughts and feelings need to be "positive" in order to create more positive experiences in our life The reason it doesn't work comes down to the way the brain operates with conscious and unconscious perspective - the neurological patterns and networks that is formed within our physiology, our brain, and our nervous system.
  • 57. 57 You could tell yourself over and over that ―money comes easily to me‖, but since that is a conscious mind statement, your unconscious mind wouldn‘t be in agreement if it has a different set of beliefs. Here the certain things mentioned below which make you to think positive in any scenarios. Don‘t let negative connotations take charge An affirmation is just a set of words. Many people think that by writing out a statement they want to believe is true daily, or saying it regularly, it will eventually become true for them. But, if you're repeating a set of words that really have no meaning to you, your feelings, emotions and physiology won‘t be aligned with the statement. Put simply, there needs to be alignment in order for it to be able to make any difference to your beliefs. If the affirmation is the opposite to our past experience, it will also stop it from becoming true for us. For example, if your experiences with money have been negative, where you‘ve experienced poverty or difficulty in making money, that will be ingrained in your memory. Your habituated thinking and nervous system will trigger those negative connotations whatever the context. An affirmation can be poetic and beautiful to listen to, but it needs to change at the unconscious level to have an effect. So, it is imperative to practise affirming language with conviction, the correlating physiology, tone of voice, emotion and gestures so the deeper story can begin to change to become a part of us. Leave the past in the past If you want affirmations to be able to change your beliefs and therefore your life, you need to understand the way you think.
  • 58. 58 What do you say or think when you have bills to pay? Or something breaks within your business and needs to be fixed or replaced? Do you feel frustrated, exasperated, fearful or dubious, or are you accepting of it and feel okay? Whatever your predominant thoughts and feelings are will dictate whether the statement you are declaring to be true or want to be true will actually make a difference over time, It‘s important to remember, though, that your personal history and culture don‘t need to be a part of your current world. More often than not, those negative circumstances don‘t exist in our lives anymore; it‘s part of a past story. If they do still exist, you need to take a look at your environment and the way you live and decide what strategies you need to put in place to be able to change it, both externally and internally. The way to do this is to tidy up your history so you can write a new one; you need to physically change the world around you to have the tools to build a new experience. You also need to change your inner thinking patterns and beliefs to align with your new world to avoid an internal clash. It is quite easy to identify and clear up limiting beliefs and patterns that you may have been carrying for some time and to start to create new perspectives but it needs precise skills to do this. Face the world with an adult mind As Alice in Wonderland says, "I sometimes believe six impossible things before breakfast." You don't rise to the level of your ability, you actually fall to the level of your belief structure. While affirmations may be useful, by themselves, they are just meaningless words.
  • 59. 59 Being more mature and facing the world with an adult mind means you‘ll be able to recognise if you‘re facing an obstacle or difficulty in life. You‘ll be well equipped to adapt and move around the obstacle to get to where you want to be. You don't need to keep or hold onto the pain or the doubts of that obstacle as you work your way through it; you can just learn from it and move on. As children, we didn‘t have the skills to be able to do that but by learning the skills, like we teach at Mind Matters, you can be resilient and skillful in your thinking so you can let go of ideas and thoughts that don‘t serve you. Forming new habits is possible. When we move into internal agreement with our affirmations, a whole world of possibilities opens up.
  • 60. 60 Certain positive statements that even lead to greater success: ―I can‘t do everything today, but I can take one small step.‖ You have plans. You have goals. You have ideas. Who cares? You have nothing until you actually do something. Every day, we let hesitation and uncertainty stop us from acting on our ideas. Pick one plan, one goal, or one idea. And get started. Take one small step. (For example, here ‗show.) ―I will do what no one else is willing to do.‖ Often the easiest way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do. So pick one thing other people won‘t do. It can be simple. It can be small. It doesn‘t matter. Whatever it is, do it. You‘ll instantly be a little different from the rest of the pack. Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do. After a week, you‘ll be uncommon. After a month, you‘ll be special. After a year, you‘ll be incredible, and you definitely won‘t be like anyone else. (And, in the process, you will develop remarkable determination and willpower.) ―I will listen 10 times more than I speak.‖ Genuinely confident people (here‘s how to tell if you‘re one of them) don‘t feel the need to talk. While I hate when it happens, I still sometimes realize I‘m not talking
  • 61. 61 because the other person is interested in what I have to say but because I‘m interested in what I have to say. Never speak just to please yourself. When you do, you please no one. And nor please any one which holds your positivity. ―I will not care what other people think.‖ Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think — but not if it stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live. If you really want to start a business — which you can do in just a few hours, mind you — but you‘re worried that people might say you‘re crazy, do it anyway. Pick one thing you haven‘t tried because you‘re concerned about what other people would think or say and just go do it.
  • 62. 62 ―I will answer the question that wasn‘t asked.‖ Sometimes people are hesitant. Sometimes they‘re insecure. Sometimes they‘re shy. Whatever the reason, sometimes people will ask a different question than the one they really want you to answer. One employee might ask whether you think he should take a few college courses. What he really wants to know is whether you see him as able to grow in your organization; he hopes you‘ll say you do and he hopes you‘ll share the reasons why. Your husband might ask if you thought the woman at the party was flirting with him. What he really wants to know is if you still think he‘s flirt-worthy and attractive; he hopes you‘ll say you do, and he‘ll love when you share the reasons why. Behind many questions is an unasked question. Pay attention so you can answer that question too — because that is the answer the other person doesn‘t just want but needs. ―I will be OK with less than perfect.‖ Yes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Yes, perfection is the only acceptable outcome. Unfortunately, no product or service is ever perfect, and no project or initiative is perfectly planned. In fact, the quest for perfection can often be your worst enemy.
  • 63. 63 Work hard, do great work, do your best, and let it go. Your customers and colleagues will tell you what needs to be improved, and that means you‘ll get to make improvements that actually matter to people. You can‘t accomplish anything until you let go. Do your best, let go, and then trust that you‘ll work hard to overcome any shortcomings. ―I will try to do better.‖ We‘ve all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive. Successful people don‘t expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better. So think back on yesterday. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn‘t go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility. And promise yourself that today you will do a lot better.
  • 64. 64 ―The one thing I can always do is outwork them.‖ Like Jimmy Spithill, skipper of America‘s Cup-winning Oracle Team USA, said, ―Rarely have I seen a situation where doing less than the other guy is a good strategy.‖ You may not be as experienced, as well funded, as well connected, as talented, but you can always outthink, out hustle, and outwork everyone else. The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland — everyone talks about the extra mile, but few people go there. Even when everything else seems stacked against you, effort and persistence can still be your competitive advantages — and they may be the only advantages you truly need.
  • 65. 65 Self is Super Happy- Motto of Success ―To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.‖ — Robert Louis Stevenson In a busy world, it is very easy to feel as if you are unhappy or in need of self- fulfillment. Maybe you feel as if you do not have enough money, or your relationships are not where you want them to be. You may easily catch yourself wondering, ―I just had this or that, I would be happy‖. The truth is, self-fulfillment cannot always come from material things. Fulfillment is a mindset, and happiness is found when you can reflect and find contentment. Fulfillment comes from witnessing your own growth. When you're able to hit the pause button and reflect on the substantial changes in your life, you feel a sense of meaning and purpose. Practicing gratitude for these changes propels you with the motivation to continue striving for success, and makes all of your sacrifices worthwhile. The difference between success and self-fulfillment is that in self-fulfillment you are looking at a wider spectrum of your life. It is not quite the tunnel vision that may be in just trying to accomplish success. Being successful is something that is always looked upon as being very positive, but there are different ways to get there. Success on its own as the end goal can be very empty. When focusing instead on being fulfilled, your world opens up and your point of view encompasses all aspects. You look at the entire self, mind, body, and spirit. Then you can explore at what not only drives you from a business/career perspective, but
  • 66. 66 also other interests and passions you may have; who you want to be and how you want to go about designing your life. Knowing yourself is extremely important. If you know yourself, you will pave your path and will not let others do it for you. So you may end up being successful. Then again you may not, but if you are fulfilled, then you can live a more rounded, balanced and satisfying life. Nothing pays you back like fulfillment. And when you add fulfillment to your game, you expand your realm of potential rewards, including your intrinsic rewards.
  • 67. 67 Living Life to the fullest – AIM of Success The majority of people are like drones, nowadays. Routines that give them the sensation of stability in an unstable and ever-changing world. There is no variety other than the regularly changing television program, new computer and console games or the newest scandals of celebrities and politicians. People have no time anymore to call their friends and to spend time with them, but waste hours of their valuable time online, on Facebook – checking status messages, addictively playing games, chatting with random strangers or watching videos on YouTube. You can hear people mumble, ―I‘m in a rush‖ or ―Haven‘t got any time‖ while they rush from their workplaces to their entertainment stations, called home. That‘s the burden of being a sleepwalker – you won‘t reach true fulfillment and consciousness; to put it simply: you aren‘t able to fill the emptiness within yourself. All it takes to live your life to the fullest is courage – nothing more and nothing less. This sounds rather minimalist and easy to cope with – but a lack of courage is a key factor that prevents most people from living their lives to the fullest. These people aren‘t necessarily cowards or scared-chicken – not at all – as they are simply being stuck with their quite comfortable everyday routines. To express it metaphorically: there are some dreams that you do not want to end. Courage is a crucial factor – as you cannot live your life to the fullest if you don‘t dare to do it or shy the risks that could come with it. Whenever you have taken yourself some time to reflect on your life, it is essential that you are completely honest towards yourself. Ask yourself the question, if you are living – in this moment – the life you have always dreamt of, the life you envisioned as a little child, the dream that has evolved throughout your whole life and became more and more detailed with every day you were alive. Ask yourself if you are happy with your personality, your job and the way you live in general. Are
  • 68. 68 you the creator of your life, do you take control over your life, are responsible for your actions or have you switched to your role as a victim and the one who only reacts towards other people‘s actions? Are you living your life with excitement and amazement, curious to discover the deepest depths of life, or do you rely on television to stimulate and entertain you for a given period? Is your life a routine or a daily changing adventure?
  • 69. 69 SUCCESS- Never to be postponed! You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again -Benjamin Franklin KBBBBBDD— Benjamin Franklin All successful people have struggled with procrastination at some point. Surprisingly, procrastination is sometimes a good thing when it prevents you from expending energy on unimportant stuff. At other times, you can get a bunch of smaller jobs done while avoiding a bigger task. But more often, procrastination gets in the way of achieving your professional and personal goals and traps you in a vicious cycle of failure and self-hate. When you blame circumstances or people for your situation, it is an excuse not to find solutions. Hold yourself responsible for whatever is happening, even if it is not true. By holding yourself accountable, you will soon come up with ideas and solutions. People who write down their goals achieve more than people who don‘t. Write down your current goal and list 20-25 actions that will get you moving towards it. Put up the goal sheet on your computer wallpaper. The reminder will get you moving towards your target.
  • 70. 70 CHAPTER 9 MAIN COURSE Thirteen Lucrative Steps fetching for success. Burning Desire When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word, ―Drive!‖ All great success ultimately begins with an idea, but what makes ideas become reality is the fuel of human desire. An idea by itself can give you a temporary feeling of inspiration, but burning desire is what gets you through all the perspiration necessary to overcome the inevitable obstacles along the way. If you want to succeed at something, you need a burning desire to achieve that thing. You can‘t just want it. You have to want it so badly that you‘re willing to do whatever it takes to get it. You literally take action as if there was a fire lit under you. Most people don‘t succeed to the level they aspire to because they have desires, but they are not burning ones. We think we want something, but our actions do not back it up.
  • 71. 71 The ability to set a desire on fire is available to all of us. We watch people every day moving with a sense of purpose and urgency trying to make their burning desire a reality. That could be you if you decide that‘s the way you want to live your life. There‘s always a choice. You may or may not actually achieve your ultimate goal; success is fickle like that. But wouldn‘t you rather be someone playing the game than sitting on the sidelines? b.100% faith – crucial step for success Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." - Mahatma Gandhi Success requires that you believe in yourself 110 percent, 25 hours of every day. For some, this belief comes naturally. For others, it must be learned and can take years of practice. Here‘s how these billionaires, icons and world-class performers accelerated the process of developing an unshakeable self-belief. Most people start off with little or low self-confidence, but as a result of their own efforts, they become bold and brave and outgoing. And we‘ve discovered that if you do the same things that other self-confident men and women do, you, too, will experience the same feelings and get the same results.
  • 72. 72 The key is to be true to yourself, to be true to the very best that is in you, and to live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations. This is the only way to truly learn how to believe in yourself. Take some time to think about who you are and what you believe in and what is important to you. If you want to change your life by becoming an author, believe that you can do it. The hardest step in that journey is finding the confidence to learn how to write a book. Once you get a hold of a proven system to plan, produce, and publish your work, the larger goal becomes easier to attain. Why it is significant in believe in yourself You recognize your ability to accomplish goals. Deep down inside, you know you can do anything You are optimistic about the future while you set goals and achieve them. You treat yourself kindly. You have faith, no matter what. You are motivated to get the things done. Others feel attracted to you. You feel uplifted and more satisfied with life.
  • 73. 73 Auto – Suggestion : The powerful Success mantra Auto-suggestion can be a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind, especially for success and abundance. The principal of auto-suggestion can work for you, and all you need to unlock your potential is understanding and practice of the skill. Auto-suggestion or self-suggestion is communication between your conscious and subconscious mind. Autosuggestion works by changing our thoughts that we repeatedly hold in the subconscious mind by shifting our perspective and behavioral to achieve better results. The problem is most of us using auto-suggestion to focus on negative things rather than positive ones. For e.g. we say, ―I am tired‖, ―I am useless‖, and then wonder why we actually feel that way. AUTO-SUGGESTION TECHNIQUES Delete Negative Thoughts: Start paying attention to your self-talk. Whenever you catch yourself in negative self-talk, especially internal dialogue that expresses fear, doubt, or self-loathing, delete or erase it. Then replace it with more encouraging positive words. Use affirmation: Positive affirmations are so much more than just feel good quotes and positive statements. Use repetition: Use boring repetitive tasks as an opportunity for programming yourself with auto-suggestion. A lot of people like to use affirmations in the shower, while driving, at the bus stop, or on a bus, plane, or train.
  • 74. 74 Specialized knowledge – Unique method for achieving success ―Unfortunately for those who do not find riches in abundance, speacialized knowledge is more abundant, and more easily acquired than ideas‖ Napoleon Hill Specialized knowledge is where not all founders are created equal and is the reason why people assemble a board of advisors or mentors. You are not expected to know everything; you are expected to identify people who do have the knowledge you need. What are examples of specialized knowledge? General knowledge is useless unless you intend to compete on Jeopardy and other knowledge-based gameshows. Instead, you must develop specialized knowledge to achieve success. KNOWLEDGE will not attract money and success, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that ―knowledge is power.‖ It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end. Many people feel inferior that have not gotten an education. Today there are many people with multiple degrees that have not applied themselves effectively in the working world to be a success. I‘m sure you can think of a few. Why?
  • 75. 75 Thomas A. Edison had only three months of ―schooling‖ during his entire life. He did not lack education, neither did he die poor. Henry Ford had less than a sixth grade ―schooling‖ but he has managed to do pretty well by himself, financially. SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE is among the most plentiful, and the cheapest forms of service which may be had! Bill Gates was a dropout in his sophomore year at Harvard University. Yet many do not realize that he had a love for programming computers that started in 8th grade in 1968. He would beg, borrow and steal to get his hands on a crude computer from the money raised by parents at the local computer club to Washington University which was in walking distance from his house. Seven days a week, at 8+ hours a day he would program on the computer. By the time Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard he had amassed 10,000+ hours Malcolm talks about, the magical number of hours of preparation that separates your knowledge and skill from the rest of the pack.
  • 76. 76 Imagination- Creation for Success ―Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.‖ ― Henry David Thoreau Your imagination is one of the keys to living life on a new level. You will never go to any place without first seeing it within your mind. By imagining yourself living life on your terms where you currently reside, will motivate you to take action in order to move in the direction of your dreams. Learn to use your imagination to raise your thinking to a higher level. Inventions, buildings, cars, shopping malls, and any kind of business, started as an idea, and then as a mental image in the mind of their creators. Successful people build mental images of their goals. A clear mental image of what they want to achieve, helps them see their goal, and the way toward it, clearly and with detail. This helps them know what steps they need to take. A mental image is a road map. With this map you plan your direction, and the actions to take on the way.We use our imagination in everything we do. It is not limited, only to the achievement of success, but we use it extensively in all areas of life. Just watch yourself planning a vacation, where to eat, what to cook or what to wear, and you might be surprised to discover that you are using your imagination in all these plannings. Organized Planning : Ladder for Success
  • 77. 77 Organization planning constitutes of all the activities which are utilized to set priorities, focus energy, resources and assets, reinforce tasks, guarantee that employees and different stakeholders are moving in the direction of a common objective, set up agreement around expected results, and evaluate plus modify the organization‘s path with respect to the changing environment. When you‘ve organized and planned well, you‘re in a position to make better decisions. Organizing and planning also help you anticipate needs and problems and identify available choices. It helps you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly mistakes. Organizing your work and planning ahead helps you be more efficient and productive. Being well-organized and developing effective plans also allows you to achieve important goals and objectives. Organizational planning helps a company uncover approaches to enhance performance. It can, for instance, show the insights about how to restructure your organization with the goal that it can achieve its maximum capacity. Developing new products, expanding operations- an all-around strategic plan manages how you react to circumstances and challenges of every color, shape, and size. You might have heard it before, the best-laid plans won‘t guarantee success, but having no plan at all will certainly guarantee failure- or for that matter, at least fall short of your goals.
  • 78. 78 Decision : Firm thinking for achieving goals Your days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Some decisions are minor, like what to eat, which route to drive to work, or in what order to tackle tasks. Others are more difficult, like deciding between two job offers, whether to move to a new city for someone you love, or whether to cut a toxic person out of your life. With so many decisions taking up each day, learning to prioritize them and make them effectively is essential to your success and happiness. Decision-making works like a muscle: as you use it over the course of the day, it gets too exhausted to function effectively. One of the best strategies successful people use to work around their decision fatigue is to eliminate smaller decisions by turning them into routines. Doing so frees up mental resources for more complex decisions. Anybody who is involved in managing talent needs to have an understanding of the work of The Writer in self and others. Smart decision makers understand that The Writer in us writes scripts about people, situations, ideas and icons and fills in information gaps by using past associations and random facts to create a story which might or might not be true. They will tune in to the stories being written in their own minds and proactively check out these stories against the evidence and use these stories not as an end in themselves but as a basis to ask deeper questions. The same survey also highlighted that only a quarter of the companies reported that L&D strategy is extremely aligned with the needs of the business which means that 75 per cent of responding companies reported significant discrepancies. A shocking 15 per cent of companies in manufacturing and productions even reported
  • 79. 79 that they are not at all aligned. The question to ask is why is it so difficult to change the culture so that we are more aligned to business values? Some propose that poor leadership hinders alignment, others point to changing priorities or lack of internal consensus on strategy. Barack Obama, who said, "You'll see I wear only gray or blue suits. I'm trying to pare down decisions. I don't want to make decisions about what I'm eating or wearing, because I have too many other decisions to make." And Make Big Decisions In The Morning…. Persistence – Never Give Up Perseverance separates the winners from the losers. Those who persevere understand that luck is something only failures believe in. Perseverance has other names — persistence, determination, a can-do attitude. Success in life depends on your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed. As U.S. President Calvin Coolidge said: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Resolve to: Never give up so long as you know you are right. Believe all things will work out if you hang on until the end. Remain courageous and confident when the odds turn against you. Never permit anyone to intimidate you or shake your belief in yourself. Fight to overcome any physical handicaps and setbacks. Try again and again, and yet again, to reach your dreams.
  • 80. 80 Courageous persistence is the one quality more than any other that can guarantee success. And success is something we all want, isn‘t it? But to be successful takes persistence. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, get an A in a class, or any goal that you want to succeed in, you need to be persistent. It is the difference between a successful outcome and a failed one due to giving up. Mastermind : Acceleration for success Two Heads are better than One! If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group. The concept of a mastermind is based on harnessing the power of a collective, where a small group of complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis to find solutions and offer advice on how to handle various life and work situations. Mastermind group members often find that this peer support and insight is the catalyst needed to take their careers to the next level. There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in 2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as quickly as individuals If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of
  • 81. 81 thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group. The concept of a mastermind is based on harnessing the power of a collective, where a small group of complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis to find solutions and offer advice on how to handle various life and work situations. Mastermind group members often find that this peer support and insight is the catalyst needed to take their careers to the next level. There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in 2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as quickly as individuals
  • 82. 82 Enthusiasm : Boost for Success "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson If having another perspective is better, wouldn‘t it be best to go even further down that line of thought and bring more minds into your business discussions? We‘re not suggesting creating a mob mentality, but rather an exclusive assembly of thinkers that work together in a ―mastermind‖ group. The concept of a mastermind is based on harnessing the power of a collective, where a small group of complimentary businesspeople meet up on a regular basis to find solutions and offer advice on how to handle various life and work situations. Mastermind group members often find that this peer support and insight is the catalyst needed to take their careers to the next level. There‘s a lot to gain from a productive mastermind group. A study conducted in 2000 for the National Bureau of Economic Research looked closely at group decision making. The researchers found that group decisions were consistently better than those made by individuals. And the groups made decisions just as quickly as individuals
  • 83. 83 Here is some additional wisdom from Coach Wooden concerning enthusiasm: ―The more concerned we become over the things we can‘t control, the less we will do with the things we can control.‖ ―People are usually as happy as they make up their mind to be.‖ ―Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.‖ Coach Wooden made it clear that he felt that an enthusiastic, positive, optimistic attitude is an absolute requirement of leadership. In your quest for success, enthusiasm means that you believe deeply in what the company is doing. You also believe that your job is important and contributes to the cause. It means that you're willing to work your butt off to achieve the company's goals. Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with gusto. You have zeal for the work you do and the people you work with. This pushes you to improve and become a better person.
  • 84. 84 Power of Subconscious Mind to Achieve Success Sub consciousness paves the way to success!! We all know that we have a subconscious mind within us. Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories. It‘s a very strange being when you think about. The subconscious mind isn‘t creative, it doesn‘t understand jokes, and it can remember everything you have ever done, said or witnessed and the remaining 5% of your brain, the conscious mind, as the sole purpose of interacting with the physical world. However, by taking control of your subconscious mind, by becoming aware and in sync with it, you can be sure to take back control of your life and basically achieve anything you want to. This is because when your subconscious mind and your conscious mind is working together to achieve a common goal, you can believe that it will happen. This subconscious mind is powerful; it can be wasted too; even worse is that much of its power can destroy everything. The most important thing that you must know is that it is always open source, i.e., it is active day and night. And you know what? The power of subconscious mind is that it can control your whole body. In your career journey, the subconscious mind can lead you to a bigger space where you will able to accomplish anything you want, but the matter is that you need to take care of your sub consciousness. Pick a thing that you love doing! Like, for example, if you are good at sports, choose your favorite game; or you have
  • 85. 85 some other genres of specialization, such as painting, writing, or any other extra- curricular activities, opt for your zone of interest and go ahead in it without any fear of lagging behind! Do you have a fear of failure? Do you constantly think of losses you may incur and try to prepare yourself in advance to face them? Do you fear losing your project to your competitor? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are you might be going through a rough patch in your business. Did you again nod your head in agreement? What if we tell you that the devil causing all these failures lies within you? Your demons—in this case, your negative thoughts are making you incur all your losses. If you are an entrepreneur, you might be obsessed with making your business succeed. Maybe your dream of financial freedom will help you achieve your goals, but when it comes to facing challenges, you may find yourself feeling exhausted and drained out. It could be in terms of your health, your negative thoughts due to trying circumstances or simply your fear of rejection. Whatever the case, your negativity holds you back. This reflects in everything you do, from making wrong business decisions to trusting the wrong people. Your thoughts define you. No matter how much you say you want success, if you are always surrounded by the fears of loss, vulnerability, shame and embarrassment, you will NOT be able to do what it takes to succeed. Your subconscious mind not only controls the functions of your vital organs, but it also has the ability to solve problems, like it did for the famous German organic chemist, Friedrich von Stradonitz. In the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, author Joseph Murphy explains: ―He worked laboriously for many years trying to rearrange the six carbons and six atoms of the Benzine formula but was unable to find the right structure to solve the matter. Tired and exhausted, he turned the request to his subconscious mind and was soon