american government anand shastri democracy founding fathers congress elections voting political parties public opinion equality civil rights civil liberties executive federalism constitution legislative amendments american history politics justices supreme court judiciary deregulation bureaucracy cabinet departments civil service executive office presidential communications presidential coalitions the presidency inter-branch relations unilateral powers presidential powers paradoxes of the american presidency presidency labor unions interest groups business interests partisanship how congress works congressional committees party leaders u.s. senate congressional elections u.s. house house districts local politics candidates senate presidential elections electoral college theories elections campaigns general elections political participation voting behavior political campaigns campaign finance 3rd parties party realignments partisan polarization independent candidates economic economic liberals religious right democratic party socio-cultural security hawks national security fiscal conservatives republican party citizen shortcuts polls tracking polls measurement benchmark polls conservative demographics political socialization liberal journalists media gatekeepers priming framing disabilities women lgbt asians blacks latinos 1964 civil rights act right to privacy individualism criminal defendents right to bear arms collectivism freedom of religion freedom of expression bill of rights activism unitary state and local governments separation of powers checks and balances british war security liberalism libertarianism freedom populism conservatism political culture values political
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